Grupo Aeronaval Embarcado Virtual

Div. Operaciones => Misiones de Campañas - IL2 => Mensaje iniciado por: GAE_Ceteu en 27 de Mayo de 2013, 05:31:32 PM

Título: Ifni 06 (28/05/1955)
Publicado por: GAE_Ceteu en 27 de Mayo de 2013, 05:31:32 PM
Preparen el equipo y a la sala de Briefing.


Seguimos con las operaciones en Canarias y el hostigamiento de Sidi Ifni.
Título: Re:Ifni 06 (28/05/1955)
Publicado por: GAE_Ceteu en 28 de Mayo de 2013, 02:52:33 PM

Las tareas a realizar hoy son la continuación de las empezadas la misión anterior. Las órdenes de entonces, aún con alguna variante, siguen vigentes.


Destruír toda oposición en la cabeza de playa y cualquier tropa que circule por los caminos tratando de reforzarla, la anulación de la Base Aérea Gando y sus bombarderos y cazas, la defensa del convoy y aprovechar la nueva incursión, esta vez de sur a norte del crucero Brown, y con la ayuda de su radar diezmar las unidades de caza basadas en Sidi Ifni.

Bombardero CASA 2111 volviendo de hundir uno de los transportes


1º Escuadrilla de Ataque.

Aniquilar las tropas presentes en el pueblo lindero de la cabeza de playa elegida para el desembarco. Se sabe que hay un pequeño HQ en una finca al noroeste del pueblo, atacar también.

Recorrer los caminos que llevan a la cabeza de playa y aniquilar cualquier tráfico en ellas.

Brindar cobertura aérea al convoy de tropas e impedir que los partidarios de Granados sigan hundiendo transportes con sus aviones CASA 2111 armados con misiles.

Operarán desde el ARA Independencia


2º Escuadrilla de Caza y Ataque

En su primer vuelo atacarán la base aérea de Gando, en Recife, poniendo particular cuidado en no destruir unos B-25 estacionados al sur-este de la base. Es de recalcar que la base debe sufrir daños de consideración que la incapaciten para operar en el corto tiempo, sus aviones CASA 2111 con misiles ya nos han costado un transporte.

Reiteramos que esos aviones norteamericanos estaban en tránsito a Biafra y los españoles los retienen, pero que no pueden poner en el aire por falta de suministros. Si encuentran alguno en el aire, es blanco válido.

Todo lo demás en la base es blanco valedero. Instalaciones, aviones, vehículos, etc.

Una vez logrado este objetivo, dirigirse a Sidi Ifni y con el apoyo del ARA Brown, barran el sector de oposición de Buchones.

Operarán desde el ARA 25 de Mayo


Fuerza de Tareas

Navegará con rumbo 090º desde AB13 hasta AQ13, donde invertirá rumbo.

Convoy de Tropas

Con rumbo directo a la playa en AF18 desde AI10
Título: Re:Ifni 06 (28/05/1955)
Publicado por: GAE_Pepper en 29 de Mayo de 2013, 01:15:52 AM
1er Vuelo:

F4U5 Corsario - 50% Fuel + tanque - 8xHVAR

Despego como numeral 4 de la escuadra al mando de Chape, nos dirigimos a la base de Recife, llegados al lugar entramos desde el Este descargo mis cohetes pero la antiaérea me avería el motor, de inmediato retorno en dirección a la flota pero a mitad camino cerca de la isla mas al norte me quedo sin fuel, aterrizo pero no logro pararlo en la playa y al tocar el agua capoto, salgo del avión mascullando maldiciones a la AAA.

AGK: 1
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Destruído

2do. Vuelo:

F4U5 Corsario - 50% Fuel + tanque - Default

Despego nuevamente y orbito patrullando el convoy hasta que se me une Chape, nos dirigimos hacia el sur de Ifni donde enganchamos unos enemigos, logro derribar a dos, posteriormente encaro a dos buchones que seguían a Chape pero soy derribado.

AAK: 2
Piloto: Kia
Avión: Destruído
Título: Re:Ifni 06 (28/05/1955)
Publicado por: GAE_Cuervo en 29 de Mayo de 2013, 01:21:40 AM
1er Vuelo:

F4U5 Corsario - 1x154 Central tank - 8 HVAR - 50% jugo

Despego como lider de ataque junto a Charrua y Ceteu. Ponemos rumbo 180 hacia la costa mas norte de la isla donde se estan reunidas las unidades enemigas. Al llegar por el lado oeste observamos un pueblo armado hasta los dientes. Ordeno el ataque con cohetes sobre el mismo. Logramos destruir varios blancos pero desafortunadamente Charrua es impactado en un ala y cae en combate.
Mientras Charrua despegaba nuevamente Ceteu y yo seguiamos destruyendo los objetivos en el area, hasta que yo soy dañado y decido regresar. Le indico a Ceteu que se quede en la zona hasta que Charrua llegue y juntos realizan una expedicion hacia el sur para averiguar el recorrido de las tropas enemigas.

AGK: 4 (237_Static destroyed by Gae_Cuervo
            260_Static destroyed by Gae_Cuervo
            232_Static destroyed by Gae_Cuervo
            264_Static destroyed by Gae_Cuervo)
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Ok - Apontado

2do Vuelo

F4U5 Corsario - 1x154 Central tank - 8 HVAR - 50% jugo

Despego nuevamente como lider de ataque. Charrua sufrio una accidente volando bajo y Ceteu un destino similar, por lo que salimos juntos nuevamente.
Ponemos rumbo hacia la costa y destruimos varios objetivos en el camino. Luego cambiamos rumbo y decidimos proteger a la escolta naval que esta siendo asediada por bombarderos. Logro destruir un avión enemigo pero soy gravemente dañado y caigo al mar.

AGK: 6 (23_Chief5 destroyed by Gae_Cuervo
            23_Chief1 destroyed by Gae_Cuervo
            23_Chief0 destroyed by Gae_Cuervo
            18_Chief0 destroyed by Gae_Cuervo
            17_Chief2 destroyed by Gae_Cuervo
            17_Chief1 destroyed by Gae_Cuervo)
AAK: 1 (He-111H-12 damaged by Gae_Cuervo
            He-111H-12 shot down by landscape)
Piloto: KIA
Avión: KIA

3er Vuelo:

F4U5 Corsario - 1x154 Central tank - 50% jugo

Despegamos nuevamente con la exclusiva tarea de detener el ataque de bombarderos. Ceteu lidera en esta ocasión por tener mas experiencia como caza. Destruimos todas las amenazas presentas y apontamos nuevamente.

AAK: 1 (He-111H-12 shot down by Gae_Cuervo)
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Ok - Apontado

4to Vuelo:

F4U5 Corsario - 1x154 tank - 8 HVAR - 50% jugo

Despego como N° 2 de la escuadra de ataque liderada por Ceteu. En esta ocacion vamos a dar apoyo a la 2° de caza y ataque sobre Sidi Ifni. El llegar a la zona entramos en combate pero soy derribado rapidamente.

Piloto: KIA
Avión: KIA
Título: Re:Ifni 06 (28/05/1955)
Publicado por: GAE_Ceteu en 29 de Mayo de 2013, 01:30:01 AM
[29.05.2013 3:25:50] Mission: net/dogfight/Ifni1955/Ifni06.mis is Playing
[3:25:50] Mission BEGIN
[3:26:09] GAE_Ceteu:F4U-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 20219.002 123025.69
[3:26:09] GAE_Ceteu:F4U-5 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 80%
[3:26:09] F4U-5 damaged on the ground at 0.0 0.0
[3:26:23] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[3:27:59] Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 21450.24 120316.195
[3:27:59] Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5 loaded weapons '1 x 154gal +8xHVAR5N' fuel 50%
[3:28:15] GAE_Charrua:F4U-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 21687.41 120309.53
[3:28:15] GAE_Charrua:F4U-5 loaded weapons 'Central Tank + 8 x HVAR Rockets' fuel 50%
[3:28:52] Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 22359.615 120314.65
[3:28:55] GAE_Ceteu:F4U-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 22811.885 123024.336
[3:28:55] GAE_Ceteu:F4U-5 loaded weapons 'Central Tank + 8 x HVAR Rockets' fuel 50%
[3:28:55] F4U-5 damaged on the ground at 0.0 0.0
[3:29:00] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[3:29:06] GAE_Ceteu:F4U-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 22489.078 120313.29
[3:29:06] GAE_Ceteu:F4U-5 loaded weapons 'Central Tank + 8 x HVAR Rockets' fuel 50%
[3:29:06] F4U-5 damaged on the ground at 0.0 0.0
[3:29:10] Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5 in flight at 22978.998 120337.66
[3:29:36] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[3:29:47] GAE_Ceteu:F4U-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 23148.74 120311.44
[3:29:47] GAE_Ceteu:F4U-5 loaded weapons 'Central Tank + 8 x HVAR Rockets' fuel 50%
[3:29:47] F4U-5 damaged on the ground at 0.0 0.0
[3:29:50] GAE_Charrua:F4U-5 in flight at 23580.166 120346.46
[3:30:50] GAE_Ceteu:F4U-5 in flight at 24414.98 120320.18
[3:31:28] GAE_Chape:F4U-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 24685.648 120307.13
[3:31:28] GAE_Chape:F4U-5 loaded weapons '1 x 154gal +8xHVAR5N' fuel 50%
[3:32:21] GAE_Chape entered refly menu
[3:32:23] GAE_Chape:F4U-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 26017.59 123022.664
[3:32:23] GAE_Chape:F4U-5 loaded weapons '1 x 154gal +8xHVAR5N' fuel 50%
[3:33:12] GAE_Chape:F4U-5 in flight at 27301.014 123005.27
[3:33:26] GAE_Maci:F4U-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Maci at 26961.207 123022.18
[3:33:26] GAE_Maci:F4U-5 loaded weapons 'Central Tank + 8 x HVAR Rockets' fuel 50%
[3:34:29] GAE_Maci:F4U-5 in flight at 28365.38 123030.72
[3:34:48] GAE_Alma:F4U-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 28233.77 123021.516
[3:34:48] GAE_Alma:F4U-5 loaded weapons '1 x 154gal +8xHVAR5N' fuel 50%
[3:35:48] GAE_Alma entered refly menu
[3:35:49] GAE_Alma:F4U-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 29187.846 123015.016
[3:35:49] GAE_Alma:F4U-5 loaded weapons '1 x 154gal +8xHVAR5N' fuel 50%
[3:36:30] GAE_Pepper:F4U-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 29781.559 123020.71
[3:36:30] GAE_Pepper:F4U-5 loaded weapons 'Central Tank + 8 x HVAR Rockets' fuel 50%
[3:36:44] GAE_Alma:F4U-5 in flight at 30663.516 123119.88
[3:37:33] GAE_Pepper:F4U-5 in flight at 31051.23 123032.125
[3:42:58] 321_Static destroyed by 324_Static at 46518.57 73177.98
[3:43:02] 321_Static destroyed by 324_Static at 46518.57 73177.98
[3:43:02] 321_Static destroyed by 324_Static at 46518.57 73177.98
[3:43:18] 236_Static destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:F4U-5 at 49661.74 73927.25
[3:43:18] 305_Static destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:F4U-5 at 49673.46 73939.96
[3:43:19] 304_Static destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:F4U-5 at 49668.56 73945.68
[3:43:20] 239_Static destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:F4U-5 at 49680.04 73908.91
[3:43:20] 230_Static destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:F4U-5 at 49678.46 73916.01
[3:43:20] GAE_Charrua:F4U-5(0) was killed by 227_Static at 49589.617 73534.375
[3:43:20] GAE_Charrua:F4U-5 shot down by 227_Static at 49589.617 73534.375
[3:43:22] 288_Static destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:F4U-5 at 49822.36 73764.41
[3:43:22] 242_Static destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:F4U-5 at 49854.65 73762.25
[3:43:22] 284_Static destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:F4U-5 at 49845.52 73764.64
[3:44:08] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[3:44:12] GAE_Charrua:F4U-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 36487.504 120274.08
[3:44:12] GAE_Charrua:F4U-5 loaded weapons 'Central Tank + 8 x HVAR Rockets' fuel 50%
[3:45:14] GAE_Charrua:F4U-5 in flight at 37903.836 120219.13
[3:46:55] 237_Static destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5 at 49667.66 73921.32
[3:46:55] 260_Static destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5 at 49666.07 73927.92
[3:46:56] 232_Static destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5 at 49734.99 73875.94
[3:46:56] 264_Static destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5 at 49739.33 73870.6
[3:50:21] 105_Static destroyed by GAE_Chape:F4U-5 at 38899.78 47545.99
[3:50:21] 102_Static destroyed by GAE_Chape:F4U-5 at 38909.84 47546.07
[3:50:22] 10_Static destroyed by GAE_Alma:F4U-5 at 39460.84 47800.81
[3:50:22] 98_Static destroyed by GAE_Alma:F4U-5 at 39377.06 47819.98
[3:50:23] 9_Static destroyed by GAE_Alma:F4U-5 at 39413.39 47801.87
[3:50:40] 139_Static destroyed by GAE_Pepper:F4U-5 at 38955.82 47458.97
[3:52:25] 228_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:F4U-5 at 49793.98 73791.45
[3:52:25] 295_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:F4U-5 at 49762.47 73816.02
[3:52:25] 292_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:F4U-5 at 49761.27 73811.01
[3:52:26] 229_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:F4U-5 at 49771.64 73808.66
[3:52:26] 291_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:F4U-5 at 49788.25 73798.5
[3:52:27] 287_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:F4U-5 at 49841.99 73743.47
[3:54:04] 132_Static destroyed by GAE_Maci:F4U-5 at 38944.22 47503.76
[3:54:29] 20_Chief1 destroyed by GAE_Charrua:F4U-5 at 46060.656 71460.66
[3:54:29] 20_Chief2 destroyed by GAE_Charrua:F4U-5 at 46051.46 71451.46
[3:54:30] 20_Chief3 destroyed by GAE_Charrua:F4U-5 at 46042.168 71442.164
[3:55:16] 117_Static destroyed by GAE_Maci:F4U-5 at 39056.07 47555.26
[3:55:24] 24_Chief5 destroyed by GAE_Charrua:F4U-5 at 46000.9 71400.9
[3:55:24] 24_Chief7 destroyed by GAE_Charrua:F4U-5 at 45984.637 71384.63
[3:55:24] 24_Chief8 destroyed by GAE_Charrua:F4U-5 at 45976.145 71376.15
[3:56:03] Ha_1112_M1L(0) bailed out at 36990.215 47004.285
[3:56:13] Ha_1112_M1L damaged by landscape at 35210.082 47052.555
[3:56:13] Ha_1112_M1L(0) was killed at 35210.082 47052.555
[3:56:13] Ha_1112_M1L shot down by GAE_Alma:F4U-5 at 35210.082 47052.555
[3:56:17] Ha_1112_M1L(0) was wounded at 37388.082 45749.68
[3:56:17] Ha_1112_M1L damaged by GAE_Alma:F4U-5 at 37388.082 45749.68
[3:56:23] Ha_1112_M1L(0) bailed out at 37529.14 45276.875
[3:56:24] 24_Chief2 destroyed by GAE_Charrua:F4U-5 at 46100.0 71810.97
[3:56:25] 24_Chief1 destroyed by GAE_Charrua:F4U-5 at 46100.0 71832.625
[3:56:30] Ha_1112_M1L shot down by GAE_Alma:F4U-5 at 36987.82 45372.688
[3:56:45] Ha_1112_M1L shot down by GAE_Alma:F4U-5 at 37663.49 43428.742
[3:58:21] GAE_Pepper:F4U-5 landed at 42640.293 95687.52
[3:58:21] GAE_Pepper:F4U-5 damaged on the ground at 42640.293 95687.52
[3:58:29] GAE_Pepper:F4U-5(0) bailed out at 42640.086 95687.59
[3:58:29] GAE_Pepper:F4U-5(0) successfully bailed out at 42637.797 95687.74
[3:58:37] GAE_Pepper:F4U-5 shot down by 89_Static at 42639.766 95687.7
[3:58:37] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[3:58:49] 16_Chief3 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:F4U-5 at 47300.21 62625.906
[3:58:50] 15_Chief3 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:F4U-5 at 47299.8 62689.727
[3:58:50] GAE_Ceteu:F4U-5(0) was killed at 47301.51 62607.957
[3:58:50] GAE_Ceteu:F4U-5 shot down by landscape at 47301.51 62607.957
[3:58:50] 16_Chief2 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:F4U-5 at 47300.105 62634.36
[3:58:59] 19_Chief3 destroyed by GAE_Charrua:F4U-5 at 47300.086 62373.31
[3:59:00] 18_Chief3 destroyed by GAE_Charrua:F4U-5 at 47299.977 62472.87
[3:59:00] 18_Chief1 destroyed by GAE_Charrua:F4U-5 at 47300.043 62490.11
[3:59:40] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[3:59:47] GAE_Ceteu:F4U-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 50908.125 120233.68
[3:59:47] GAE_Ceteu:F4U-5 loaded weapons 'Central Tank + 8 x HVAR Rockets' fuel 50%
[3:59:47] F4U-5 damaged on the ground at 0.0 0.0
[4:00:04] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[4:00:36] GAE_Pepper:F4U-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 52137.746 123009.08
[4:00:36] GAE_Pepper:F4U-5 loaded weapons '1 x 154 gal Central Tank' fuel 50%
[4:00:43] 19_Chief1 destroyed by GAE_Charrua:F4U-5 at 47297.492 62474.258
[4:00:48] Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5 landed at 51889.97 120228.0
[4:00:52] Gae_Cuervo entered refly menu
[4:01:00] GAE_Ceteu:F4U-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 52040.207 120230.51
[4:01:00] GAE_Ceteu:F4U-5 loaded weapons 'Central Tank + 8 x HVAR Rockets' fuel 50%
[4:01:00] F4U-5 damaged on the ground at 0.0 0.0
[4:01:06] Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 52115.613 120224.3
[4:01:06] Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5 loaded weapons '1 x 154gal +8xHVAR5N' fuel 50%
[4:01:19] GAE_Pepper:F4U-5 in flight at 53196.793 122951.914
[4:01:25] Ha_1112_M1L(0) successfully bailed out at 36638.758 45303.715
[4:01:32] GAE_Charrua:F4U-5(0) was killed at 47318.965 62653.383
[4:01:32] GAE_Charrua:F4U-5 shot down by landscape at 47318.965 62653.383
[4:02:10] GAE_Ceteu:F4U-5 in flight at 53397.227 120235.78
[4:02:17] Ha_1112_M1L(0) successfully bailed out at 38342.113 43678.09
[4:02:41] Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 53662.375 120226.97
[4:02:56] Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5 in flight at 54144.59 120245.84
[4:05:42] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[4:05:51] 12_Chief destroyed by He-111H-12 at 70206.48 96616.2
[4:05:51] BallisticDamage 12_Chief Hull2 3.577058  damaged by  Escuadron1130  at 70206.49 96616.22
[4:08:24] GAE_Balker has connected
[4:09:10] He-111H-12(0) was killed at 54086.543 93830.77
[4:09:10] He-111H-12(1) was killed at 54086.543 93830.77
[4:09:18] He-111H-12(2) bailed out at 53525.445 93443.11
[4:10:08] He-111H-12 shot down by GAE_Chape:F4U-5 at 53952.07 92794.25
[4:10:32] He-111H-12(2) was wounded at 45231.02 89411.24
[4:10:32] He-111H-12(2) was killed by GAE_Maci:F4U-5 at 45211.555 89402.016
[4:10:32] He-111H-12(0) was killed at 45211.555 89402.016
[4:10:32] He-111H-12(1) was killed at 45211.555 89402.016
[4:10:34] He-111H-12 damaged by GAE_Maci:F4U-5 at 45114.957 89356.234
[4:10:36] GAE_Balker has disconnected
[4:10:39] 23_Chief6 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:F4U-5 at 50720.086 72879.914
[4:10:39] 23_Chief7 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:F4U-5 at 50728.688 72871.516
[4:10:52] 23_Chief5 destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5 at 50653.133 72946.87
[4:10:53] 23_Chief1 destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5 at 50605.8 72994.2
[4:10:53] 23_Chief0 destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5 at 50593.19 73006.81
[4:11:10] GAE_Balker has connected
[4:11:10] He-111H-12 shot down by GAE_Maci:F4U-5 at 42843.387 88967.414
[4:12:34] GAE_Balker has disconnected
[4:12:36] GAE_Balker has connected
[4:13:31] GAE_Balker has disconnected
[4:13:52] 18_Chief0 destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5 at 47300.043 63351.223
[4:14:43] 17_Chief2 destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5 at 47300.242 63539.215
[4:14:43] 17_Chief1 destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5 at 47300.145 63547.84
[4:17:10] He-111H-12(2) successfully bailed out at 51801.43 91754.695
[4:18:31] B-25H-1NA(4) was wounded at 39727.715 127405.086
[4:18:35] B-25H-1NA(4) was killed by GAE_Alma:F4U-5 at 39607.363 127826.09
[4:18:37] B-25H-1NA(5) was killed by GAE_Alma:F4U-5 at 39553.96 128015.945
[4:18:37] B-25H-1NA(3) was wounded at 39539.86 128067.48
[4:18:38] B-25H-1NA(3) was killed by GAE_Alma:F4U-5 at 39538.227 128073.52
[4:19:11] GAE_Chape:F4U-5 landed at 69361.484 123004.516
[4:19:11] GAE_Chape:F4U-5 damaged on the ground at 69361.484 123004.516
[4:19:39] GAE_Chape entered refly menu
[4:20:20] B-25H-1NA damaged by landscape at 39066.99 129230.305
[4:20:20] B-25H-1NA(2) was killed at 39066.99 129230.305
[4:20:20] B-25H-1NA(1) was killed at 39066.99 129230.305
[4:20:20] B-25H-1NA(0) was wounded at 39066.99 129230.305
[4:20:20] B-25H-1NA(0) was killed at 39066.99 129230.305
[4:20:20] B-25H-1NA shot down by GAE_Maci:F4U-5 at 39066.99 129230.305
[4:21:36] 21_Chief0 destroyed by 5_Chief at 49462.11 74060.36
[4:22:07] He-111H-12(0) was wounded at 75096.336 88998.555
[4:22:07] He-111H-12(1) was wounded at 75096.336 88998.555
[4:22:07] He-111H-12(0) was killed by GAE_Ceteu:F4U-5 at 75081.38 89008.445
[4:22:09] GAE_Chape:F4U-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 72078.76 122998.7
[4:22:09] GAE_Chape:F4U-5 loaded weapons '1 x 154 gal Central Tank' fuel 50%
[4:22:14] He-111H-12(1) bailed out at 74659.25 89313.36
[4:22:15] He-111H-12(2) bailed out at 74626.8 89349.04
[4:22:53] 149_Static destroyed by 14_Chief at 177643.81 66723.49
[4:23:07] 227_Static destroyed by 5_Chief at 49652.51 73974.73
[4:23:07] 303_Static destroyed by 5_Chief at 49644.53 73976.25
[4:23:34] He-111H-12 shot down by GAE_Ceteu:F4U-5 at 74714.46 89310.05
[4:23:41] He-111H-12 damaged by Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5 at 69182.17 88237.77
[4:23:41] Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5 damaged by He-111H-12 at 69181.55 88227.24
[4:23:45] He-111H-12(0) bailed out at 69057.01 87961.58
[4:23:46] He-111H-12(1) bailed out at 69020.41 87887.33
[4:23:48] He-111H-12(2) bailed out at 68982.91 87816.414
[4:23:55] GAE_Chape:F4U-5 in flight at 74118.9 123000.91
[4:24:05] Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5(0) was killed at 68308.59 86427.64
[4:24:05] Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5 shot down by He-111H-12 at 68308.59 86427.64
[4:24:10] He-111H-12 shot down by landscape at 68402.44 87132.28
[4:24:43] Gae_Cuervo entered refly menu
[4:24:59] Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 74233.84 120168.34
[4:24:59] Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5 loaded weapons '1 x 154 gal Central Tank' fuel 50%
[4:25:53] Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 75143.67 120166.79
[4:26:08] Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5 in flight at 75684.805 120157.49
[4:26:31] GAE_Alma:F4U-5 landed at 76192.71 122995.43
[4:26:39] GAE_Alma entered refly menu
[4:27:12] 245_Static destroyed by 5_Chief at 49787.64 73826.12
[4:27:12] 246_Static destroyed by 5_Chief at 49797.77 73816.03
[4:27:12] 269_Static destroyed by 5_Chief at 49795.36 73821.12
[4:27:12] 293_Static destroyed by 5_Chief at 49767.05 73803.91
[4:27:12] 294_Static destroyed by 5_Chief at 49773.43 73798.86
[4:27:12] 296_Static destroyed by 5_Chief at 49774.99 73803.5
[4:27:12] 297_Static destroyed by 5_Chief at 49762.53 73804.37
[4:27:12] 22_Chief2 destroyed by 5_Chief at 49727.633 73839.99
[4:27:12] 22_Chief3 destroyed by 5_Chief at 49740.613 73841.336
[4:27:12] 23_Chief4 destroyed by 5_Chief at 49767.766 73836.914
[4:27:51] GAE_Maci:F4U-5 landed at 77379.31 122991.234
[4:27:54] GAE_Alma:F4U-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 77404.6 122995.93
[4:27:54] GAE_Alma:F4U-5 loaded weapons '1 x 154 gal Central Tank' fuel 50%
[4:27:59] GAE_Maci entered refly menu
[4:28:34] GAE_Maci:F4U-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Maci at 78012.95 122995.62
[4:28:34] GAE_Maci:F4U-5 loaded weapons '1 x 154 gal Central Tank' fuel 50%
[4:28:40] GAE_Alma:F4U-5 in flight at 78677.96 123053.42
[4:29:14] He-111H-12(1) successfully bailed out at 68089.92 86593.586
[4:29:14] He-111H-12(1) was captured at 68089.92 86593.586
[4:29:16] GAE_Maci:F4U-5 in flight at 79140.65 123014.38
[4:29:18] He-111H-12(0) successfully bailed out at 68124.67 86605.79
[4:29:18] He-111H-12(0) was captured at 68124.67 86605.79
[4:29:24] He-111H-12(2) successfully bailed out at 68090.66 86616.59
[4:29:24] He-111H-12(2) was captured at 68090.66 86616.59
[4:29:28] He-111H-12(2) successfully bailed out at 73705.46 90362.47
[4:29:28] He-111H-12(2) was captured at 73705.46 90362.47
[4:29:37] He-111H-12(1) successfully bailed out at 73574.984 90398.04
Título: Re:Ifni 06 (28/05/1955)
Publicado por: GAE_Ceteu en 29 de Mayo de 2013, 01:30:09 AM
[4:32:21] 238_Static destroyed by 5_Chief at 49673.31 73915.26
[4:32:21] 261_Static destroyed by 5_Chief at 49671.56 73922.73
[4:33:12] 262_Static destroyed by 5_Chief at 49675.08 73919.73
[4:35:36] 21_Chief2 destroyed by 5_Chief at 49452.867 74051.22
[4:35:51] Ha_1112_M1L(0) was killed by GAE_Alma:F4U-5 at 97013.734 120249.46
[4:36:25] Ha_1112_M1L shot down by GAE_Alma:F4U-5 at 93770.11 120766.77
[4:36:33] He-111H-12 damaged by GAE_Ceteu:F4U-5 at 51976.24 95584.31
[4:36:34] He-111H-12(2) was wounded at 52036.457 95659.24
[4:36:34] He-111H-12(2) was heavily wounded at 52041.406 95665.51
[4:36:38] He-111H-12(0) bailed out at 52265.617 95956.85
[4:36:40] He-111H-12(1) bailed out at 52335.668 96048.72
[4:36:41] He-111H-12(2) bailed out at 52403.85 96140.875
[4:37:07] He-111H-12 shot down by GAE_Ceteu:F4U-5 at 53667.77 97305.875
[4:38:22] He-111H-12(0) was killed at 59155.88 101944.36
[4:38:22] He-111H-12(1) was killed at 59155.88 101944.36
[4:38:23] He-111H-12(2) was killed at 59158.54 101944.87
[4:38:23] He-111H-12 shot down by GAE_Ceteu:F4U-5 at 59158.54 101944.87
[4:38:53] He-111H-12(0) was killed at 61745.402 97417.234
[4:38:53] He-111H-12(1) was killed at 61745.402 97417.234
[4:38:58] He-111H-12(2) was wounded at 61975.484 97126.25
[4:39:00] He-111H-12(2) bailed out at 62024.082 97046.0
[4:39:42] 272_Static destroyed by 5_Chief at 49865.56 73780.4
[4:40:13] 21_Chief1 destroyed by 5_Chief at 49479.75 74042.53
[4:40:13] He-111H-12 shot down by Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5 at 61931.066 96668.77
[4:43:22] He-111H-12(1) successfully bailed out at 53811.27 97770.484
[4:43:22] He-111H-12(1) was captured at 53811.27 97770.484
[4:43:33] He-111H-12(0) successfully bailed out at 53778.215 97654.516
[4:43:33] He-111H-12(0) was captured at 53778.215 97654.516
[4:43:59] He-111H-12(2) successfully bailed out at 53807.484 97726.37
[4:43:59] He-111H-12(2) was captured at 53807.484 97726.37
[4:44:48] 299_Static destroyed by 5_Chief at 49750.38 73822.95
[4:44:48] 22_Chief1 destroyed by 5_Chief at 49730.996 73837.11
[4:44:48] 23_Chief2 destroyed by 5_Chief at 49764.273 73842.65
[4:44:58] 234_Static destroyed by 5_Chief at 49636.56 73954.45
[4:44:58] 302_Static destroyed by 5_Chief at 49657.35 73968.33
[4:44:58] 231_Static destroyed by 5_Chief at 49647.04 73940.97
[4:46:19] He-111H-12(2) successfully bailed out at 62888.16 95862.86
[4:46:52] 21_Chief3 destroyed by 5_Chief at 49479.75 74042.53
[4:47:02] 235_Static destroyed by 5_Chief at 49627.26 73963.09
[4:47:03] 263_Static destroyed by 5_Chief at 49626.72 73955.14
[4:48:27] Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5 landed at 96018.65 120109.77
[4:48:38] Gae_Cuervo entered refly menu
[4:48:45] T6_Texan(0) was wounded at 178920.16 71115.65
[4:48:55] T6_Texan damaged by GAE_Chape:F4U-5 at 178084.53 71470.34
[4:49:00] T6_Texan(0) bailed out at 177877.06 71554.71
[4:49:02] T6_Texan(1) bailed out at 177855.03 71564.56
[4:49:19] T6_Texan shot down by GAE_Chape:F4U-5 at 177785.61 71577.79
[4:49:41] Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 97102.305 120104.28
[4:49:41] Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5 loaded weapons '1 x 154 gal Central Tank' fuel 50%
[4:49:50] Gae_Cuervo entered refly menu
[4:49:51] Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 97724.555 122985.36
[4:49:51] Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5 loaded weapons '1 x 154 gal Central Tank' fuel 50%
[4:50:40] T6_Texan(0) was wounded at 184679.03 71443.73
[4:50:45] T6_Texan(1) successfully bailed out at 177547.77 71777.54
[4:50:50] T6_Texan(0) successfully bailed out at 177497.81 71809.12
[4:51:15] T6_Texan(0) was wounded at 183865.34 71209.72
[4:51:21] GAE_Ceteu:F4U-5 landed at 98682.66 120098.74
[4:51:29] T6_Texan(0) was killed by GAE_Pepper:F4U-5 at 184186.56 72301.5
[4:51:33] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[4:51:35] T6_Texan(1) bailed out at 184439.11 72605.25
[4:51:38] Gae_Cuervo entered refly menu
[4:51:50] GAE_Ceteu:F4U-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 99088.85 120098.72
[4:51:50] GAE_Ceteu:F4U-5 loaded weapons '1 x 154 gal Central Tank' fuel 50%
[4:51:50] F4U-5 damaged on the ground at 0.0 0.0
[4:52:03] T6_Texan shot down by GAE_Pepper:F4U-5 at 184752.23 73111.664
[4:52:35] Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 100248.6 122984.05
[4:52:35] Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5 loaded weapons '1 x 154 gal Central Tank' fuel 50%
[4:52:40] Gae_Cuervo entered refly menu
[4:52:42] Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 99879.01 120090.51
[4:52:42] Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5 loaded weapons '1 x 154 gal Central Tank' fuel 50%
[4:53:38] GAE_Ceteu:F4U-5 in flight at 101191.29 120085.3
[4:53:53] T6_Texan damaged by landscape at 189985.48 74531.8
[4:53:53] T6_Texan(0) was killed at 189985.48 74531.8
[4:53:53] T6_Texan(1) was killed at 189985.48 74531.8
[4:53:53] T6_Texan shot down by GAE_Pepper:F4U-5 at 189985.48 74531.8
[4:53:56] Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 101112.27 120094.05
[4:54:10] Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5 in flight at 101545.43 120110.81
[4:54:32] 266_Static destroyed by 5_Chief at 49790.75 73821.07
[4:54:32] 268_Static destroyed by 5_Chief at 49795.57 73813.85
[4:54:32] 290_Static destroyed by 5_Chief at 49814.38 73771.15
[4:54:32] 23_Chief3 destroyed by 5_Chief at 49747.36 73827.52
[4:54:32] 265_Static destroyed by 5_Chief at 49782.85 73829.78
[4:55:42] GAE_Alma:F4U-5(0) was killed by Ha_1112_M1L at 188074.81 76808.74
[4:55:49] GAE_Maci:F4U-5(0) was wounded at 187949.95 77248.695
[4:56:05] GAE_Alma:F4U-5 shot down by Ha_1112_M1L at 188760.02 77618.17
[4:56:07] GAE_Alma entered refly menu
[4:56:09] GAE_Alma:F4U-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 103556.64 122982.32
[4:56:09] GAE_Alma:F4U-5 loaded weapons '1 x 154 gal Central Tank' fuel 50%
[4:56:19] GAE_Maci:F4U-5(0) bailed out at 186482.52 79330.76
[4:56:35] T6_Texan(1) successfully bailed out at 185514.7 73561.484
[4:56:37] GAE_Alma entered refly menu
[4:56:41] GAE_Alma:F4U-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 104043.84 122982.07
[4:56:41] GAE_Alma:F4U-5 loaded weapons '1 x 154 gal Central Tank' fuel 50%
[4:56:48] GAE_Maci:F4U-5(0) successfully bailed out at 185101.97 80427.55
[4:56:48] GAE_Maci:F4U-5(0) was captured at 185101.97 80427.55
[4:56:48] GAE_Maci:F4U-5 shot down by Ha_1112_M1L at 183989.34 80177.16
[4:56:48] GAE_Maci entered refly menu
[4:57:13] GAE_Maci:F4U-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Maci at 104537.625 122981.81
[4:57:13] GAE_Maci:F4U-5 loaded weapons '1 x 154 gal Central Tank' fuel 50%
[4:57:15] GAE_Alma:F4U-5 in flight at 105165.195 122952.914
[4:57:52] GAE_Maci:F4U-5 in flight at 105573.2 122951.305
[4:58:22] T6_Texan landed at 207574.47 82798.99
[4:58:22] T6_Texan damaged on the ground at 207574.47 82798.99
[4:58:27] T6_Texan(0) bailed out at 207574.47 82798.99
[4:58:28] T6_Texan(1) bailed out at 207574.47 82798.99
[4:58:35] T6_Texan(0) successfully bailed out at 207558.48 82751.125
[4:58:38] T6_Texan(1) successfully bailed out at 207538.3 82750.234
[4:58:56] GAE_Pepper:F4U-5(0) was killed by Ha_1112_M1L at 189166.3 79303.99
[4:59:19] GAE_Pepper:F4U-5 shot down by Ha_1112_M1L at 190027.12 82478.77
[4:59:21] T6_Texan shot down by GAE_Chape:F4U-5 at 207574.47 82798.99
[5:00:11] GAE_Pepper has disconnected
[5:03:24] 259_Static destroyed by 5_Chief at 49719.55 73936.54
[5:03:38] GAE_Maci:F4U-5(0) successfully bailed out at 184343.16 81146.33
[5:03:38] GAE_Maci:F4U-5(0) was captured at 184343.16 81146.33
[5:07:33] GAE_Chape:F4U-5 damaged by Ha_1112_M1L at 162502.19 80548.99
[5:08:06] GAE_Chape:F4U-5(0) was killed at 162446.78 83826.875
[5:08:06] GAE_Chape:F4U-5 shot down by Ha_1112_M1L at 162446.78 83826.875
[5:09:28] GAE_Chape entered refly menu
[5:09:53] GAE_Chape:F4U-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 116264.38 122975.71
[5:09:53] GAE_Chape:F4U-5 loaded weapons '1 x 154 gal Central Tank' fuel 50%
[5:10:03] Ha_1112_M1L(0) was wounded at 169649.5 81991.17
[5:10:05] Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5(0) was killed at 170175.94 78455.484
[5:10:05] Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5 shot down by Ha_1112_M1L at 170175.94 78455.484
[5:10:11] Gae_Cuervo entered refly menu
[5:10:19] Gae_Cuervo has disconnected
[5:10:23] GAE_Chape:F4U-5 in flight at 117173.85 122981.33
[5:10:43] Ha_1112_M1L damaged by landscape at 172183.53 84122.03
[5:10:43] Ha_1112_M1L(0) was killed at 172183.53 84122.03
[5:10:43] Ha_1112_M1L shot down by GAE_Ceteu:F4U-5 at 172183.53 84122.03
[5:14:09] Ha_1112_M1L(0) was heavily wounded at 174581.42 85469.375
[5:14:14] Ha_1112_M1L(0) was killed at 174730.94 85488.98
[5:14:25] Ha_1112_M1L shot down by GAE_Ceteu:F4U-5 at 174731.53 85488.71
[5:14:25] GAE_Ceteu:F4U-5 damaged by Ha_1112_M1L at 175695.69 86665.734
[5:14:25] GAE_Ceteu:F4U-5(0) was killed at 175695.69 86665.734
[5:14:25] GAE_Ceteu:F4U-5 shot down by Ha_1112_M1L at 175695.69 86665.734
[5:14:36] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[5:14:51] GAE_Ceteu:F4U-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 120396.69 120039.03
[5:14:51] GAE_Ceteu:F4U-5 loaded weapons '1 x 154 gal Central Tank' fuel 50%
[5:14:51] F4U-5 damaged on the ground at 0.0 0.0
[5:15:28] GAE_Maci:F4U-5 damaged by landscape at 172891.61 83168.61
[5:15:30] GAE_Maci:F4U-5 landed at 172886.34 83136.88
[5:15:30] GAE_Maci:F4U-5 damaged on the ground at 172886.34 83136.88
[5:15:33] GAE_Maci:F4U-5(0) bailed out at 172886.3 83136.83
[5:15:33] GAE_Maci:F4U-5(0) successfully bailed out at 172884.61 83136.42
[5:15:57] GAE_Chape:F4U-5 damaged by Ha_1112_M1L at 173004.38 88193.05
[5:15:58] GAE_Maci:F4U-5 shot down by landscape at 172885.48 83136.58
[5:16:09] GAE_Chape:F4U-5(0) was killed at 171890.69 87876.65
[5:16:09] GAE_Chape:F4U-5 shot down by Ha_1112_M1L at 171890.69 87876.65
[5:20:35] GAE_Ceteu:F4U-5 removed at 125804.71 120008.03
[5:22:35] GAE_Alma:F4U-5(0) was killed at 171763.66 94993.07
[5:22:35] GAE_Alma:F4U-5 shot down by Ha_1112_M1L at 171763.66 94993.07
[5:22:57] Mission END
Título: Re:Ifni 06 (28/05/1955)
Publicado por: GAE_Ceteu en 29 de Mayo de 2013, 01:45:37 AM
Track Ifni 06
Título: Re:Ifni 06 (28/05/1955)
Publicado por: GAE_Charrua en 29 de Mayo de 2013, 03:16:43 PM
1er Vuelo:

F4U5 Corsario - 1x154 Central tank - 8 HVAR - 50% jugo
Despego como numeral 2 , volamos hasta la isla y nos separamos los blanco, veo una columna de 4 camiones que se dirigen al pueblo, los ataco y fallo, recupero y cuando estoy pasando por el poblado soy alcanzado por una AAA , certero golpe me hace estallar el avion.

Piloto: kia
Avión kia

2do Vuelo

F4U5 Corsario - 1x154 Central tank - 8 HVAR - 50% jugo

Despego nuevamente y me dirijo en solitario hacia la isla , Cuervo se vuelve y Ceteu hace reconocimiento sobre los caminos, me lanzo hacia una barrida al pueblo donde doy con varios blancos, hago una nueva entrada donde descargo mis cohetes nuevamente,
ahora las ordenes son atacar una columna de camiones , hago mis pasadas con cañones donde doy blanco nuevamente, sigo con esta tarea hasta que Ceteu encuentra una columna de soldados que hay que eliminar, voy para ahi hago mis pasadas y reinamos con Ceteu caos generalizado, las tropas se dispersan pero vuelven al camino cual rebaño, otra ves ataco en solitario ya que Ceteu se queda sin municiones, en mi ultima pasada ya con el avion recuperado y haciendo un reconocimiento de los daños a baja altura el suelo desértico me juega una mala pasada y mi hélice toca el suelo esto hace que me precipite con violencia al terreno y explote mi avion.

AGK: 18
Avión kia
Título: Re:Ifni 06 (28/05/1955)
Publicado por: GAE_Ceteu en 29 de Mayo de 2013, 07:10:43 PM
1º Vuelo

F4U-5 Corsario - Central Droptank + 8 x HVAR - Fuel 50%

Salgo como tercer elemento de Ataque.

Priemro atacamos el pueblo de la cabeza de playa en AF18, logrando con los HVAR múltiples objetivos.

Luego hago un recon por los caminos y logro reconocer varios blancos, los que marco a Charrúa para luego atacar con cañones. En una de las pasadas bajo demasiado y tontamente me estrello en el suelo.

AGK: 11
Piloto: KIA
Avión: Destruído

2º Vuelo

F4U-5 Corsario - Central Droptank + 8 x HVAR - Fuel 50%

Sobre el pueblo nuevamente, encontramos a la entrada del mismo una columna que trataba de adentrarse al mismo. Descargo los HVAR sobre la columna y un camión y un tanque son destruídos.

Procedemos luego a relevar a la 2º de Caza que protegía al convoy de un ataque de aviones con misiles antibuque.

En el tiempo que nos toca la cobertura, rechazamos dos oleadas de bombarderos CASA 2111, de los cuales derribo tres, antes que lograran fijar los blancos.

AGK: 2 ( 1 camión + 1 tanque )
AAK: 3 CASA 2111
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Ok Apontado

3º Vuelo

F4U-5 Corsario - Central Droptank  - Fuel 50%

Salimos de apoyo a la 2º de Caza y Ataque que trataba de resentir las defensas sobre Sidi Ifni.

Siguiendo las órdenes de valernos del radar, doy caza a una patrulla de dos Buchones, la que logro seguir desde las seis y a mayor altura.

Aviso en reiteradas ocasiones a la 2º, pero no tengo respuesta, por lo que me apuro a atacar, pero ya los contactos pican sobre ellos.

Sin embargo, los vuelvo a tener a mi alcance cuando toman altura luego del ataque y logro derribar al primero en pocos segundos. Luego al ver un Corsario en apuros pico para auxiliarlo, con lo que me trabo en combate con su perseguidor y lo derribo.

Pero quedo a baja altura y el tercero de la patrulla española pica sobre mí, no lo veo llegar y me hace estallar en una bola de fuego.

AAK: 2 Ha-1112 Buchones
Piloto: KIA
Avión: Destruído
Título: Re:Ifni 06 (28/05/1955)
Publicado por: GAE_Maci en 29 de Mayo de 2013, 10:44:51 PM
1º Vuelo

F4U-5 Corsario - Central Droptank + 8 x HVAR - Fuel 50%

Salgo como segundo elemento de caza liderado por Chape. Una vez formados con Alma y Pepper, ponemos rumbo hacia la base que debiamos desactivar. Me coloco en fila india a las 6 de mi lider, Alma se dirige hacia la AAA para darnos aire en el escape. Le entramos perfectamente a la base ya que en ningun momento estuvieron en peligro los B-25 que no podiamos destruir. Logro destruir 2 bombarderos con mis misiles y metrallas.

Retorno hacia la flota con Alma como lider ya que Chape estaba mas alto dando cobertura y Pepper habia sufrido impacto de AAA en su motor. Camino hacia el V2 divisamos contactos. Le damos caza y logro derribar 2 bombers.
Retorno a la flota donde aponto sin novedad.

AGK: 2
AAK: 2
Piloto: OK

2º Vuelo

F4U-5 Corsario - Central Droptank - Fuel 50%

Salgo como numeral de Alma, tomamos altura y nos dirigimos hacia Ifni. Divisamos contactos varios. En pleno combate mientras le daba cobertura a las 6 de mi lider recibo varios impactos de metralla que me obligan a retirarme y ejectarme.

AAK: 0
Piloto: EJECT

3º Vuelo

F4U-5 Corsario - Central Droptank  - Fuel 50%

Decolo nuevamente junto a Alma y nos dirigimos hacia Ifni donde estaba muy caliente el combate con una superioridad de 2 o 3 a 1 para el enemigo. Como un calco de la mision anterior, diviso un Corsario a baja altura haciendo maniobras pintorescas y de manual para quitarse un Buchon de las 6. Era Ceteu que nuevamente arrastró 2 contactos y se divierte con ellos sobre la cresta de las olas. Pico y me dirijo hacia el para desactivarle 1 Buchon. Cuando inicio mi disparo, nuevamente una rafaga de metralla averia mis controles. Debo escapar planchado al mar y arrastro al menos 1 de los contactos. 

AAK: 0
Piloto: EJECT
Título: Re:Ifni 06 (28/05/1955)
Publicado por: GAE_Chape en 30 de Mayo de 2013, 07:08:59 PM
1º Vuelo

F4U-5/'1 x 154gal +8xHVAR5N'/Jugo 50%

Como líder de Caza decolo desde el V2 hacia GANDO la base de Arrecife, forman detrás de mi los Oficiales Maci Pepper y Alma. Sobre el sector localizamos la base y nos soltamos al Ataque, donde pierdo unos de mis alerones de profundidad por completo.

Dañado formo a los muchachos y nos dirijimos a la búsqueda de unos bomber que acosaban a la flota de desembarco en mi entrada derribo a uno de los elementos de esa formación.

En cercanía de la FT retorno y aponto.

Aeronave=Ok (Apont.)


2º Vuelo

F4U-5/'1 x 154 gal Central Tank'/Jugo 50%

Decolo para reunirme con el Teniente Pepper sobre la Flota de desembarco y luego poner rumbo a SidiIfni, la idea era liberar el sector de aeronaves enemigas, pero no esta nada fácil. Al localizar al primer contacto intentamos alejarlo del sector lo logramos y derribamos, pero cuando intentamos hacer eso un par de veces mas somos emboscados por Buchones y Texan que salían de todas partes.



3º Vuelo

F4U-5/'1 x 154 gal Central Tank'/Jugo 50%

Salgo para dar apoyo en la zona caliente pero el sector estaba que ardia, sin muchas posibilidades vuelvo a ser derribado por un Buchon.

Título: Re:Ifni 06 (28/05/1955)
Publicado por: GAE_Alma en 30 de Mayo de 2013, 07:28:49 PM
1º Vuelo

F4U-5/'1 x 154gal +8xHVAR5N'/Jugo 50%

Salimos con Chape como lider, Pepper, Maci y yo hacia Gando para atacar el aerodromo. Realizo una pasada con cohetes logrando destruir varias AAA, gano altura nuevamente y me encuentro de casualidad con 3 buchones a los que doy caza. Luego me reuno con mis camaradas mientras tratamos de interceptar contactos de radar. Averio un bombardero que termina rematando Maci y retorno a la flota donde aponto sin novedad.

Aeronave=Ok (Apont.)


2º Vuelo

F4U-5/'1 x 154 gal Central Tank'/Jugo 50%

Salgo hacia Sidi Ifni junto a Maci. Mientras estamos en ruta detectamos a un contacto de radar solitario que resuta ser un Buchon al que doy caza. Luego continuamos nuestro camino hacie el objetivo donde Pepper y Chape combatian. Llegamos para asistirlos me pongo detras de un par de buchones pero el lider da una voltereta estratosferica derribandome al instante.



3º Vuelo

F4U-5/'1 x 154 gal Central Tank'/Jugo 50%

Salgo nuevamente y me dirijo a Sidi Ifni. Ya sobre la zona me trenzo en combate con un Buchon quien logra derribame facilmente.
