Iniciado por GAE_Popeye, 14 de Agosto de 2011, 09:29:32 PM

Tema anterior - Siguiente tema



Desembarco anfibio para recuperar Islas Orcadas.

19 de Agosto de 1953:

Nubes bajas, turbulencia, visibilidad reducida

posiciones soviéticas en Isla Coronación (La mayor de las Orcadas, al Oeste ----> Isla Laurie al Este está en poder aliado desde el comienzo de la campaña).

AAA, infantería, artillería, lanchas, y cualquier oposición en la costa de la isla.

Varios elementos de Tu-4, desde radiales diferentes, se esperan aproximándose a la FT 38 aliada. No se sabe si para atacarla o para reconocimiento fotográfico. Aún rige la Zona de Exclusión total, por lo que toda aeronave o buque que se aproxime a la FT debe ser destruida.

El GT de desembarco se aproxima desde el NE a 10 km/h. Hay que despejar las playas de las Orcadas antes de que arriben, para reducir sus bajas.

2-PH-412, ARA Mendive


1° Vuelo
Panther - 100% jugo - 2x500lb + 6hvar
Decolo junto al Gu Cuervo con rumbo directo al oste de las orcadas.
Al llegar a la zona logramos divisar artillería, lanchas de desembarco e infantería, por lo que comenzamos nuestro ataque.
En mi segunda pasada logro destruis una AA y en mi segunda no logro recuperar el picado ya que era difícil distinguir tierra por el hielo y la neblina, ter,imo estrellad en el suelo.
AGK= 1
Piloto= kia
Aeronave= destruida

2° Vuelo
Panther - 100% jugo - 2x500lb + 6hvar
Decolo junto al Tn Charru con misma misión y mismo rumbo.
Al llegar comenzamos el ataque, logrando destruir una pieza de artillería y rompiendo otras 3 en mi tercer pasada, pero soy impactado múltiples veces teniendo que retornar con muchas averías y muy poca maniobrabilidad en mi aeronave.
Termino estrellado en popa por no poder corregir rumbo a ultimo momento.
AGK= 4
Piloto= Kia
Aeronave= destruida
Jefe de Div. Infraestructura


1º Vuelo
F9F2 Panther_R - 80% Fuel + 2x154 lbs. Droptanks - Default

Llegado tarde ( again ), despego rápido, pero cuando llego a la altura, la acción termina. Luego de orbitar cubriendo a la Escuadra de Caza mientras aponta y reabastece, decido apontar para reponer combustible y no salir corto del mismo a patrullar con mi elemento. Pesado, calculo mal y el avión desciende un par de metros de más, entrando por los ventanales de popa, algo que no debe ocurrir.

AAK: 0
Piloto: KIA
Avión: Destruído

2º Vuelo

F9F2 Panther_R - 80% Fuel + 2x154 lbs. Droptanks - Default

Despego y me reúno con Pepper y Castor. Se realiza una larga PAC sobre la FT, sin resultados. Retirado el líder, Castor, con Pepper nos acercamos a las Orcadas, sin encontrar contactos. Nos retiramos a la FT, donde apontamos sin novedad.

AAK: 0
Plioto: Ok
Avión: Ok Apontado


1º Vuelo
F9F-2 Panther (R) - 80% Fuel + 2x154 lbs. Droptanks

Despegamos en orden Castor (01) - Chape (02) y Pepper (03) en misión de patrulla sobre la flota. Mientras los de ataque van hacia Orcadas, el radar nos indica contactos provenientes del oeste. Mientras vamos a su interceptación, Ceteu (04) se une al vuelo.
Identificados como Tu-4 dispongo que cada elemento ataque un bombardero.
Hago mi pasada sobre el último a la derecha, y al evadirlo me dicen que caia en llamas.
Mi pasada no fue gratis ya que recibo impactos que complican el manejo de la aeronave.
Obviando mi estado persisto en el ataque y agoto municiones en otro bombardero, el cual lo dejo maltrecho y listo para que 03 lo termine de rematar.
Sin municiones y averiado regreso al V2 donde pude aterrizar.

AAK: 1 Tu-4
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Ok (con daños de combate) (Apontado)

2º Vuelo
F9F-2 Panther (R) - 80% Fuel + 2x154 lbs. Droptanks

Abastecido reasumo la patrulla un buen tiempo sin novedades. A pesar que solo había consumido los droptanks, abandono la formación y me dispongo a aterrizar (no daba más del cansancio), con tal violencia que exploto.

Piloto: KIA
Avión: Destruído
C.F. Castor


[20.08.2011 3:15:33] Mission: net/dogfight/1/AS21 (1).mis is Playing
[3:15:33] Mission BEGIN
[3:17:02] GAE_Mano has connected
[3:19:09] GAE_Castor:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 0.0 0.0
[3:19:09] GAE_Castor:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[3:19:15] GAE_Baco has connected
[3:19:16] GAE_Mano:F9F2_Panther(0) seat occupied by GAE_Mano at 0.0 0.0
[3:19:16] GAE_Mano:F9F2_Panther loaded weapons '02x500lbs_Bomb+06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 100%
[3:19:20] GAE_Tucan has disconnected
[3:20:06] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 0.0 0.0
[3:20:06] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x500lbs_Bomb+06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 100%
[3:20:17] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 0.0 0.0
[3:20:17] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[3:20:31] GAE_Castor:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 309895.47 133036.88
[3:21:20] GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 0.0 0.0
[3:21:20] GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[3:21:20] GAE_Chape{GAE_Chape_0;GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R;1} damaged on the ground at 309934.97 133036.12
[3:21:32] GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 310109.38 133035.81
[3:21:32] GAE_Chape entered refly menu
[3:21:34] GAE_Mano:F9F2_Panther in flight at 306049.72 135049.3
[3:21:34] GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 0.0 0.0
[3:21:34] GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[3:21:38] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 310763.6 133056.33
[3:22:08] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 306224.38 134995.5
[3:22:13] GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 0.0 0.0
[3:22:13] GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '08xHVAR+02x1000Lbs_Bomb' fuel 50%
[3:22:33] GAE_Tucan has connected
[3:22:50] GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 312023.88 132966.28
[3:22:58] GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 0.0 0.0
[3:22:58] GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '08xHVAR+02x1000Lbs_Bomb' fuel 50%
[3:22:58] GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario;1} damaged on the ground at 311358.1 136986.19
[3:23:05] GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario removed at 311507.97 136986.3
[3:23:05] GAE_Baco entered refly menu
[3:23:07] GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 0.0 0.0
[3:23:07] GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '08xHVAR+02x1000Lbs_Bomb' fuel 50%
[3:23:50] GAE_Tucan has disconnected
[3:24:11] GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;1} damaged on the ground at 312554.4 136997.7
[3:24:11] GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;1}(0) was killed at 312554.4 136997.7
[3:24:11] GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;1} shot down by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario;1} at 312554.4 136997.7
[3:24:20] GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario;1} damaged on the ground at 312794.84 137003.8
[3:24:29] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[3:24:30] GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario(0) bailed out at 312829.03 137011.11
[3:24:31] ParatrooperLogging 536274(0) touchdown in X: 312835.11162655614 Y: 137006.15836653183 (water) drop by GAE_Baco_0
[3:24:31] GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario(0) successfully bailed out at 312835.28 137006.06
[3:24:43] GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario crashed at 312829.06 137010.44
[3:24:54] GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 0.0 0.0
[3:24:54] GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '08xHVAR+02x1000Lbs_Bomb' fuel 50%
[3:25:15] GAE_Baco has disconnected
[3:27:01] GAE_Ceteu has connected
[3:27:09] GAE_Baco has connected
[3:27:10] GAE_Ceteu has disconnected
[3:27:49] GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 0.0 0.0
[3:27:49] GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '08xHVAR+02x1000Lbs_Bomb' fuel 50%
[3:27:50] GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario;1} damaged on the ground at 315504.53 133031.23
[3:27:50] GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 316064.9 133024.48
[3:28:04] GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario;1}(0) was killed at 317472.2 132922.38
[3:28:04] GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario;1} shot down by landscape at 317472.2 132922.38
[3:28:09] GAE_Ceteu has connected
[3:28:09] GAE_Castor:F9F2_Panther_R turned wingtip smokes on at 307817.03 113168.71
[3:28:19] GAE_Baco entered refly menu
[3:28:20] GAE_Castor:F9F2_Panther_R turned wingtip smokes off at 306882.66 112168.125
[3:28:21] GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 0.0 0.0
[3:28:21] GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '08xHVAR+02x1000Lbs_Bomb' fuel 50%
[3:28:51] GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 316932.44 136999.84
[3:29:52] GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 317891.34 133080.53
[3:29:59] GAE_Castor:F9F2_Panther_R turned wingtip smokes on at 298159.12 110804.39
[3:30:00] GAE_Castor:F9F2_Panther_R turned wingtip smokes off at 298141.8 110822.04
[3:32:40] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 0.0 0.0
[3:32:40] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[3:33:34] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 319436.88 133031.4
[3:33:38] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[3:33:39] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 0.0 0.0
[3:33:39] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[3:35:27] rb0100{rb01003;Tu-4;2} damaged by GAE_Castor{GAE_Castor_0;GAE_Castor:F9F2_Panther_R;1} at 346056.12 134528.89
[3:35:32] Tu-4(0) bailed out at 346707.47 134535.08
[3:35:34] Tu-4(1) bailed out at 346869.9 134538.16
[3:35:35] Tu-4(2) bailed out at 347028.44 134537.4
[3:35:36] Tu-4(3) bailed out at 347182.88 134531.64
[3:35:38] Tu-4(4) bailed out at 347333.25 134521.3
[3:35:39] Tu-4(5) bailed out at 347479.72 134506.92
[3:35:44] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 322653.4 133033.39
[3:36:13] rb0100{rb01003;Tu-4;2} shot down by GAE_Castor{GAE_Castor_0;GAE_Castor:F9F2_Panther_R;1} at 349596.25 133535.72
[3:37:10] rb0100{rb01000;Tu-4;2} damaged by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R;1} at 357966.06 134787.19
[3:37:14] Tu-4(0) bailed out at 358401.44 134793.38
[3:37:16] Tu-4(1) bailed out at 358518.8 134793.08
[3:37:17] Tu-4(2) bailed out at 358632.47 134792.38
[3:37:18] Tu-4(3) bailed out at 358743.06 134795.44
[3:37:20] Tu-4(4) bailed out at 358849.88 134800.67
[3:37:21] Tu-4(5) bailed out at 358952.72 134809.27
[3:37:50] rb0100{rb01000;Tu-4;2} shot down by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R;1} at 360118.78 135270.48
[3:38:18] Tu-4(0) was wounded at 364462.38 134769.89
[3:38:22] GAE_Chape{GAE_Chape_0;GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R;1} damaged by rb0100{rb01002;Tu-4;2} at 364737.12 134793.95
[3:38:23] GAE_Chape{GAE_Chape_0;GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R;1}(0) was killed at 364737.12 134793.95
[3:38:23] GAE_Chape{GAE_Chape_0;GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R;1} shot down by rb0100{rb01002;Tu-4;2} at 364737.12 134793.95
[3:39:12] 68_Static destroyed by GAE_Mano{GAE_Mano_0;GAE_Mano:F9F2_Panther;1} at 338547.47 79978.7
[3:39:15] GAE_Mano{GAE_Mano_0;GAE_Mano:F9F2_Panther;1}(0) was killed at 338671.5 80163.95
[3:39:15] GAE_Mano{GAE_Mano_0;GAE_Mano:F9F2_Panther;1} shot down by landscape at 338671.5 80163.95
[3:40:44] Tu-4(3) was wounded at 378286.3 134948.0
[3:40:45] rb0100{rb01001;Tu-4;2} damaged by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R;1} at 378387.28 134948.62
[3:40:49] Tu-4(0) bailed out at 378759.2 134954.53
[3:40:51] Tu-4(1) bailed out at 378877.16 134959.45
[3:40:52] Tu-4(2) bailed out at 378993.1 134965.36
[3:40:53] Tu-4(3) bailed out at 379106.22 134973.6
[3:40:55] Tu-4(4) bailed out at 379215.84 134982.58
[3:40:56] Tu-4(5) bailed out at 379320.8 134992.31
[3:41:20] rb0100{rb01001;Tu-4;2} shot down by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R;1} at 380609.1 134756.06
[3:42:05] 129_Static destroyed by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario;1} at 338490.94 79898.19
[3:42:05] 129_Static damaged by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario;1} at 338490.94 79898.19
[3:43:00] 128_Static destroyed by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario;1} at 337950.9 80486.84
[3:43:06] ParatrooperLogging 1652874(0) touchdown in X: 349292.86551543564 Y: 134797.8908960931 (water) drop by
[3:43:06] Tu-4(0) successfully bailed out at 349292.88 134797.89
[3:43:06] Tu-4(0) was captured at 349292.88 134797.89
[3:43:08] ParatrooperLogging 1654764(3) touchdown in X: 349644.4543862133 Y: 133899.0960113839 (water) drop by
[3:43:08] Tu-4(3) successfully bailed out at 349644.47 133899.1
[3:43:08] Tu-4(3) was captured at 349644.47 133899.1
[3:43:12] ParatrooperLogging 1658694(5) touchdown in X: 349862.92043586087 Y: 133621.61829341616 (water) drop by
[3:43:12] Tu-4(5) successfully bailed out at 349862.9 133621.62
[3:43:12] Tu-4(5) was captured at 349862.9 133621.62
[3:43:19] ParatrooperLogging 1665294(4) touchdown in X: 349749.1765775855 Y: 133718.28827248738 (water) drop by
[3:43:19] Tu-4(4) successfully bailed out at 349749.2 133718.28
[3:43:19] Tu-4(4) was captured at 349749.2 133718.28
[3:43:20] ParatrooperLogging 1666254(1) touchdown in X: 349406.4266404473 Y: 134887.6358102311 (water) drop by
[3:43:20] Tu-4(1) successfully bailed out at 349406.44 134887.64
[3:43:20] Tu-4(1) was captured at 349406.44 134887.64
[3:43:23] 67_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;1} at 338325.66 80530.94
[3:43:23] 94_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;1} at 338337.6 80504.7
[3:43:24] GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;1} damaged by landscape at 338350.66 80479.055
[3:43:24] GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;1}(0) was killed at 338352.7 80473.18
[3:43:24] GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;1} shot down by landscape at 338352.7 80473.18
[3:43:25] ParatrooperLogging 1671384(2) touchdown in X: 349518.1101514847 Y: 134236.1346193643 (water) drop by
[3:43:25] Tu-4(2) successfully bailed out at 349518.12 134236.14
[3:43:25] Tu-4(2) was captured at 349518.12 134236.14
[3:43:34] GAE_Mano entered refly menu
[3:43:37] GAE_Mano:F9F2_Panther(0) seat occupied by GAE_Mano at 0.0 0.0
[3:43:37] GAE_Mano:F9F2_Panther loaded weapons '02x500lbs_Bomb+06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 100%
[3:43:54] 127_Static destroyed by Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R;1} at 339253.25 81572.37
[3:43:56] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[3:44:07] 64_Static destroyed by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario;1} at 340970.6 81465.13
[3:44:31] ParatrooperLogging 1737294(3) touchdown in X: 360771.5667452233 Y: 135136.7178565979 (water) drop by
[3:44:31] Tu-4(3) successfully bailed out at 360771.56 135136.72
[3:44:31] Tu-4(3) was captured at 360771.56 135136.72
[3:44:39] rb0100{rb01002;Tu-4;2} damaged by landscape at 371078.66 130377.31
[3:44:39] rb0100{rb01002;Tu-4;2}(4) was killed at 371098.3 130449.67
[3:44:39] rb0100{rb01002;Tu-4;2}(5) was killed at 371098.3 130449.67
[3:44:39] rb0100{rb01002;Tu-4;2}(6) was killed at 371098.3 130449.67
[3:44:39] rb0100{rb01002;Tu-4;2}(7) was killed at 371098.3 130449.67
[3:44:39] rb0100{rb01002;Tu-4;2}(8) was killed at 371098.3 130449.67
[3:44:39] rb0100{rb01002;Tu-4;2}(0) was killed at 371098.3 130449.67
[3:44:39] rb0100{rb01002;Tu-4;2}(1) was killed at 371098.3 130449.67
[3:44:39] rb0100{rb01002;Tu-4;2}(2) was killed at 371098.3 130449.67
[3:44:39] rb0100{rb01002;Tu-4;2}(3) was killed at 371098.3 130449.67
[3:44:39] rb0100{rb01002;Tu-4;2} shot down by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R;1} at 371098.3 130449.67
[3:44:43] ParatrooperLogging 1749894(0) touchdown in X: 360556.7978473594 Y: 134963.8305219688 (water) drop by
[3:44:43] Tu-4(0) successfully bailed out at 360556.8 134963.83
[3:44:43] Tu-4(0) was captured at 360556.8 134963.83
[3:44:45] GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 0.0 0.0
[3:44:45] GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x500lbs_Bomb+06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 100%
[3:45:00] ParatrooperLogging 1766928(4) touchdown in X: 360761.9596657767 Y: 135311.3463021112 (water) drop by
[3:45:00] Tu-4(4) successfully bailed out at 360761.97 135311.34
[3:45:00] Tu-4(4) was captured at 360761.97 135311.34
[3:45:09] ParatrooperLogging 1775808(1) touchdown in X: 360589.3839113301 Y: 134628.0048084583 (water) drop by
[3:45:09] Tu-4(1) successfully bailed out at 360589.38 134628.0
[3:45:09] Tu-4(1) was captured at 360589.38 134628.0
[3:45:10] ParatrooperLogging 1776648(2) touchdown in X: 360658.1156485602 Y: 134920.03444232288 (water) drop by
[3:45:10] Tu-4(2) successfully bailed out at 360658.12 134920.03
[3:45:10] Tu-4(2) was captured at 360658.12 134920.03
[3:45:26] ParatrooperLogging 1792158(5) touchdown in X: 360738.252076687 Y: 135389.55386477636 (water) drop by
[3:45:26] Tu-4(5) successfully bailed out at 360738.25 135389.55
[3:45:26] Tu-4(5) was captured at 360738.25 135389.55
[3:45:46] GAE_Mano:F9F2_Panther in flight at 326139.34 135004.81
[3:45:48] GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 331108.4 136961.28
[3:45:55] 56_Static destroyed by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario;1} at 340789.2 80247.38
[3:46:30] GAE_Castor{GAE_Castor_0;GAE_Castor:F9F2_Panther_R;1} landed at 331001.75 133026.23
[3:46:38] GAE_Castor:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 331100.56 133026.16
[3:46:39] GAE_Castor entered refly menu
[3:47:01] 71_Static destroyed by Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R;1} at 344888.06 77283.96
[3:47:31] ParatrooperLogging 1917828(4) touchdown in X: 381032.6884111228 Y: 135529.19281727556 (water) drop by
[3:47:31] Tu-4(4) successfully bailed out at 381032.7 135529.19
[3:47:31] Tu-4(4) was captured at 381032.7 135529.19
[3:47:38] ParatrooperLogging 1924998(5) touchdown in X: 381010.83550934104 Y: 135520.92495061774 (water) drop by
[3:47:38] Tu-4(5) successfully bailed out at 381010.84 135520.92
[3:47:38] Tu-4(5) was captured at 381010.84 135520.92
[3:48:02] ParatrooperLogging 1948578(3) touchdown in X: 380946.8406933243 Y: 135503.0125843085 (water) drop by
[3:48:02] Tu-4(3) successfully bailed out at 380946.84 135503.02
[3:48:02] Tu-4(3) was captured at 380946.84 135503.02
[3:48:12] 63_Static destroyed by Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R;1} at 342959.0 80644.89
[3:48:26] 60_Static destroyed by Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R;1} at 341358.22 81184.88
[3:48:31] GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R;1} landed at 332630.47 133033.98
[3:48:46] ParatrooperLogging 1992498(1) touchdown in X: 380745.17728291656 Y: 135394.13385610175 (water) drop by
[3:48:46] Tu-4(1) successfully bailed out at 380745.2 135394.14
[3:48:46] Tu-4(1) was captured at 380745.2 135394.14
[3:48:49] GAE_Castor:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 0.0 0.0
[3:48:49] GAE_Castor:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[3:48:56] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 332946.4 133034.03
[3:48:56] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[3:48:59] ParatrooperLogging 2005638(0) touchdown in X: 380642.105518404 Y: 135269.05508453958 (water) drop by
[3:48:59] Tu-4(0) successfully bailed out at 380642.1 135269.06
[3:48:59] Tu-4(0) was captured at 380642.1 135269.06
[3:48:59] ParatrooperLogging 2005818(2) touchdown in X: 380787.4079583932 Y: 135436.84984407667 (water) drop by
[3:48:59] Tu-4(2) successfully bailed out at 380787.4 135436.84
[3:48:59] Tu-4(2) was captured at 380787.4 135436.84
[3:49:13] GAE_Castor:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 333098.97 136996.38
[3:49:13] GAE_Castor entered refly menu
[3:49:17] GAE_Castor:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 0.0 0.0
[3:49:17] GAE_Castor:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[3:50:21] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 0.0 0.0
[3:50:21] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[3:50:22] GAE_Castor:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 334940.88 133028.16
[3:50:45] GAE_Chape entered refly menu

C.F. Charrua


[3:51:15] GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 0.0 0.0
[3:51:15] GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[3:51:47] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 335984.12 132931.14
[3:53:16] GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 337048.12 132958.94
[3:53:33] 70_Static destroyed by GAE_Mano{GAE_Mano_0;GAE_Mano:F9F2_Panther;1} at 339931.66 80436.8
[3:55:12] GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R;1} damaged by 1_Chief at 337706.47 133025.22
[3:55:14] 1_Chief damaged by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R;1} at 337837.88 133031.25
[3:55:15] 1_Chief damaged by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R;1} at 337837.88 133031.25
[3:55:15] 1_Chief damaged by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R;1} at 337837.88 133031.25
[3:55:18] GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R;1}(0) was killed at 337781.78 133026.97
[3:55:18] GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R;1} shot down by 1_Chief at 337781.78 133026.97
[3:55:18] 1_Chief damaged by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R;1} at 337837.88 133031.25
[3:55:30] 1_Static damaged by GAE_Mano{GAE_Mano_0;GAE_Mano:F9F2_Panther;1} at 341405.88 80543.35
[3:55:30] 0_Static damaged by GAE_Mano{GAE_Mano_0;GAE_Mano:F9F2_Panther;1} at 341480.88 80568.68
[3:55:30] 61_Static destroyed by GAE_Mano{GAE_Mano_0;GAE_Mano:F9F2_Panther;1} at 341891.06 80880.96
[3:55:30] 3_Static damaged by GAE_Mano{GAE_Mano_0;GAE_Mano:F9F2_Panther;1} at 341912.16 80311.54
[3:55:30] 1_Static damaged by GAE_Mano{GAE_Mano_0;GAE_Mano:F9F2_Panther;1} at 341405.88 80543.35
[3:55:31] 0_Static damaged by GAE_Mano{GAE_Mano_0;GAE_Mano:F9F2_Panther;1} at 341480.88 80568.68
[3:55:31] 3_Static damaged by GAE_Mano{GAE_Mano_0;GAE_Mano:F9F2_Panther;1} at 341912.16 80311.54
[3:55:31] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[3:56:02] 1_Static damaged by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R;1} at 341405.88 80543.35
[3:56:02] 2_Static damaged by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R;1} at 340969.34 80511.15
[3:56:02] 0_Static damaged by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R;1} at 341480.88 80568.68
[3:56:02] 3_Static damaged by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R;1} at 341912.16 80311.54
[3:56:02] 76_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R;1} at 341666.4 80505.91
[3:56:02] 1_Static damaged by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R;1} at 341405.88 80543.35
[3:56:02] 2_Static damaged by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R;1} at 340969.34 80511.15
[3:56:02] 0_Static damaged by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R;1} at 341480.88 80568.68
[3:56:02] 3_Static damaged by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R;1} at 341912.16 80311.54
[3:57:02] 1_Chief damaged by GAE_Chape{GAE_Chape_0;GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R;1} at 339220.53 133031.25
[3:57:02] 1_Chief damaged by GAE_Chape{GAE_Chape_0;GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R;1} at 339220.53 133031.25
[3:57:03] GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R(0) was wounded at 339104.25 133026.53
[3:57:03] GAE_Chape{GAE_Chape_0;GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R;1}(0) was killed at 339104.25 133026.53
[3:57:03] GAE_Chape{GAE_Chape_0;GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R;1} shot down by 1_Chief at 339104.25 133026.53
[3:57:04] 1_Chief damaged by GAE_Chape{GAE_Chape_0;GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R;1} at 339220.53 133031.25
[3:57:30] GAE_Chape has disconnected
[3:58:03] GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R;1} damaged by landscape at 338315.3 80511.2
[3:58:03] GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R(0) was heavily wounded at 338315.3 80511.2
[3:58:03] GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R;1}(0) was killed at 338315.3 80511.2
[3:58:03] GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R;1} shot down by 55_Static at 338315.3 80511.2
[3:58:03] 93_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R;1} at 338300.03 80496.48
[3:58:03] 98_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R;1} at 338298.84 80525.84
[3:58:24] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 0.0 0.0
[3:58:24] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[3:59:27] Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R;1} landed at 336132.72 134993.69
[3:59:34] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 336200.38 134996.98
[3:59:34] Gae_Cuervo entered refly menu
[4:00:02] 28_Static damaged by 53_Static at 345146.03 79420.83
[4:03:27] GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario;1} landed at 344138.4 137009.89
[4:03:36] GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario removed at 344243.88 137012.55
[4:03:37] GAE_Baco entered refly menu
[4:03:44] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 344833.9 133037.27
[4:06:01] GAE_Mano{GAE_Mano_0;GAE_Mano:F9F2_Panther;1} damaged by landscape at 346006.3 137001.14
[4:06:02] 0_Chief damaged by GAE_Mano{GAE_Mano_0;GAE_Mano:F9F2_Panther;1} at 346045.12 137007.36
[4:06:02] 0_Chief damaged by GAE_Mano{GAE_Mano_0;GAE_Mano:F9F2_Panther;1} at 346045.12 137007.36
[4:06:02] 0_Chief damaged by GAE_Mano{GAE_Mano_0;GAE_Mano:F9F2_Panther;1} at 346045.12 137007.36
[4:06:04] GAE_Mano{GAE_Mano_0;GAE_Mano:F9F2_Panther;1}(0) was killed at 346013.0 137001.03
[4:06:04] GAE_Mano{GAE_Mano_0;GAE_Mano:F9F2_Panther;1} shot down by 0_Chief at 346013.0 137001.03
[4:06:05] 0_Chief damaged by GAE_Mano{GAE_Mano_0;GAE_Mano:F9F2_Panther;1} at 346045.12 137007.36
[4:06:34] GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther(0) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 0.0 0.0
[4:06:34] GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther loaded weapons '02x500lbs_Bomb+06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 70%
[4:06:49] GAE_Mano has disconnected
[4:07:27] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 0.0 0.0
[4:07:28] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x500lbs_Bomb+06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 100%
[4:07:57] GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther removed at 342549.44 134995.48
[4:07:58] GAE_Baco entered refly menu
[4:08:20] GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther(0) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 0.0 0.0
[4:08:20] GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther loaded weapons '02x500lbs_Bomb+06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 70%
[4:09:11] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 343891.56 135022.84
[4:09:44] GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther in flight at 344474.9 135009.14
[4:20:50] 1_Static damaged by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther;1} at 341405.88 80543.35
[4:20:50] 2_Static damaged by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther;1} at 340969.34 80511.15
[4:20:51] 67_Static destroyed by Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R;1} at 338325.66 80530.94
[4:20:51] 75_Static destroyed by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther;1} at 340770.8 80575.04
[4:20:51] 0_Static damaged by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther;1} at 341480.88 80568.68
[4:20:51] 1_Static damaged by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther;1} at 341405.88 80543.35
[4:20:52] 2_Static damaged by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther;1} at 340969.34 80511.15
[4:20:52] 0_Static damaged by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther;1} at 341480.88 80568.68
[4:20:52] 1_Static damaged by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther;1} at 341405.88 80543.35
[4:20:52] 2_Static damaged by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther;1} at 340969.34 80511.15
[4:20:52] Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R;1}(0) was killed at 338262.34 80504.42
[4:20:52] 0_Static damaged by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther;1} at 341480.88 80568.68
[4:20:52] 1_Static damaged by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther;1} at 341405.88 80543.35
[4:20:53] Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R;1} shot down by landscape at 338262.34 80504.42
[4:20:53] 2_Static damaged by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther;1} at 340969.34 80511.15
[4:20:53] 0_Static damaged by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther;1} at 341480.88 80568.68
[4:20:54] 1_Static damaged by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther;1} at 341405.88 80543.35
[4:20:54] 2_Static damaged by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther;1} at 340969.34 80511.15
[4:20:54] 0_Static damaged by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther;1} at 341480.88 80568.68
[4:20:54] 1_Static damaged by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther;1} at 341405.88 80543.35
[4:20:55] 2_Static damaged by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther;1} at 340969.34 80511.15
[4:20:55] 0_Static damaged by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther;1} at 341480.88 80568.68
[4:21:04] 0_Static damaged by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther;1} at 341480.88 80568.68
[4:21:04] 3_Static damaged by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther;1} at 341912.16 80311.54
[4:21:04] 0_Static damaged by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther;1} at 341480.88 80568.68
[4:21:04] 3_Static damaged by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther;1} at 341912.16 80311.54
[4:22:30] GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther;1} damaged by landscape at 348201.25 76932.65
[4:22:46] GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther;1} landed at 348385.66 76806.94
[4:22:46] GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther;1} damaged on the ground at 348385.66 76806.94
[4:23:47] Gae_Cuervo has disconnected
[4:24:16] GAE_Castor{GAE_Castor_0;GAE_Castor:F9F2_Panther_R;1} damaged by landscape at 359001.4 133029.11
[4:24:17] 1_Chief damaged by GAE_Castor{GAE_Castor_0;GAE_Castor:F9F2_Panther_R;1} at 359098.72 133031.25
[4:24:17] 1_Chief damaged by GAE_Castor{GAE_Castor_0;GAE_Castor:F9F2_Panther_R;1} at 359098.72 133031.25
[4:24:17] GAE_Castor:F9F2_Panther_R(0) was heavily wounded at 359001.4 133029.11
[4:24:19] GAE_Castor{GAE_Castor_0;GAE_Castor:F9F2_Panther_R;1}(0) was killed at 359001.4 133029.11
[4:24:19] GAE_Castor{GAE_Castor_0;GAE_Castor:F9F2_Panther_R;1} shot down by landscape at 359001.4 133029.11
[4:24:19] 1_Chief damaged by GAE_Castor{GAE_Castor_0;GAE_Castor:F9F2_Panther_R;1} at 359098.72 133031.25
[4:24:35] GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther removed at 348385.66 76806.94
[4:24:38] GAE_Baco has disconnected
[4:24:49] GAE_Castor has disconnected
[4:30:48] 71_Static destroyed by 54_Static at 344888.06 77283.96
[4:41:38] rb0103{rb01033;Tu-4;2} damaged by rb0103{rb01032;Tu-4;2} at 413466.06 441671.7
[4:41:40] rb0103{rb01032;Tu-4;2}(4) was killed at 413541.22 441442.12
[4:41:40] rb0103{rb01032;Tu-4;2}(5) was killed at 413541.22 441442.12
[4:41:40] rb0103{rb01032;Tu-4;2}(6) was killed at 413541.22 441442.12
[4:41:40] rb0103{rb01032;Tu-4;2}(7) was killed at 413541.22 441442.12
[4:41:40] rb0103{rb01032;Tu-4;2}(8) was killed at 413541.22 441442.12
[4:41:40] rb0103{rb01032;Tu-4;2} damaged by rb0103{rb01033;Tu-4;2} at 413541.22 441442.12
[4:41:43] Tu-4(0) bailed out at 413680.56 441025.44
[4:41:45] Tu-4(1) bailed out at 413734.38 440857.03
[4:41:45] Tu-4(0) bailed out at 413660.28 440934.75
[4:41:46] Tu-4(2) bailed out at 413787.75 440687.8
[4:41:46] Tu-4(1) bailed out at 413676.6 440836.38
[4:41:47] Tu-4(3) bailed out at 413840.4 440517.8
[4:41:47] Tu-4(2) bailed out at 413702.28 440745.9
[4:41:49] Tu-4(3) bailed out at 413732.12 440677.88
[4:42:04] rb0103{rb01033;Tu-4;2}(4) was killed at 414470.66 438328.78
[4:42:04] rb0103{rb01033;Tu-4;2}(5) was killed at 414470.66 438328.78
[4:42:04] rb0103{rb01033;Tu-4;2} shot down by rb0103{rb01032;Tu-4;2} at 414470.66 438328.78
[4:42:37] rb0103{rb01032;Tu-4;2} shot down by landscape at 413985.28 441880.12
[4:45:59] GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R;1} landed at 373499.22 133034.11
[4:46:12] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 373631.47 133034.05
[4:46:12] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[4:47:08] ParatrooperLogging 5494425(1) touchdown in X: 414330.8673049756 Y: 439304.80998635566 (water) drop by
[4:47:08] Tu-4(1) successfully bailed out at 414330.88 439304.8
[4:47:14] ParatrooperLogging 5500065(3) touchdown in X: 414898.00074695004 Y: 438697.17006769555 (water) drop by
[4:47:14] Tu-4(3) successfully bailed out at 414898.0 438697.16
[4:47:17] ParatrooperLogging 5503065(0) touchdown in X: 414860.5173604841 Y: 439052.74141387147 (water) drop by
[4:47:17] Tu-4(0) successfully bailed out at 414860.53 439052.75
[4:47:17] ParatrooperLogging 5503605(2) touchdown in X: 414896.1093597714 Y: 438791.1867577718 (water) drop by
[4:47:17] Tu-4(2) successfully bailed out at 414896.1 438791.2
[4:47:35] ParatrooperLogging 5521755(2) touchdown in X: 414541.84414561803 Y: 439432.80966998485 (water) drop by
[4:47:35] Tu-4(2) successfully bailed out at 414541.84 439432.8
[4:47:37] ParatrooperLogging 5523195(3) touchdown in X: 414398.64316018106 Y: 439552.89164285886 (water) drop by
[4:47:37] Tu-4(3) successfully bailed out at 414398.66 439552.9
[4:47:46] ParatrooperLogging 5532615(0) touchdown in X: 414363.3762848554 Y: 439418.3976962788 (water) drop by
[4:47:46] Tu-4(0) successfully bailed out at 414363.38 439418.4
[4:47:47] ParatrooperLogging 5533725(1) touchdown in X: 414844.1658109227 Y: 438996.2398861224 (water) drop by
[4:47:47] Tu-4(1) successfully bailed out at 414844.16 438996.25
[4:49:04] GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R;1} landed at 375414.0 133033.84
[4:50:35] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 376360.94 133036.98
[4:50:40] GAE_Pepper has disconnected
[4:50:50] GAE_Ceteu has disconnected
[5:03:23] rb0103{rb01030;Tu-4;2} damaged by landscape at 411405.78 440876.22
[5:03:25] Tu-4(1) was wounded at 411496.03 441067.16
[5:03:25] rb0103{rb01030;Tu-4;2}(3) was killed at 411496.03 441067.16
[5:03:25] rb0103{rb01030;Tu-4;2}(0) was killed at 411496.03 441067.16
[5:03:25] rb0103{rb01030;Tu-4;2}(1) was killed at 411496.03 441067.16
[5:03:25] rb0103{rb01030;Tu-4;2}(2) was killed at 411496.03 441067.16
[5:03:25] rb0103{rb01030;Tu-4;2}(4) was killed at 411496.03 441067.16
[5:03:25] rb0103{rb01030;Tu-4;2}(5) was killed at 411496.03 441067.16
[5:03:25] rb0103{rb01030;Tu-4;2} shot down by landscape at 411496.03 441067.16
[5:06:23] rb0103{rb01031;Tu-4;2} damaged by landscape at 412373.44 441663.12
[5:06:24] rb0103{rb01031;Tu-4;2}(1) was killed at 412584.66 441658.75
[5:06:24] rb0103{rb01031;Tu-4;2}(0) was killed at 412584.66 441658.75
[5:06:24] rb0103{rb01031;Tu-4;2}(2) was killed at 412584.66 441658.75
[5:06:24] rb0103{rb01031;Tu-4;2}(3) was killed at 412584.66 441658.75
[5:06:24] rb0103{rb01031;Tu-4;2}(4) was killed at 412584.66 441658.75
[5:06:24] rb0103{rb01031;Tu-4;2}(5) was killed at 412584.66 441658.75
[5:06:24] rb0103{rb01031;Tu-4;2} shot down by landscape at 412584.66 441658.75
[5:08:41] rb0101{rb01010;MiG-15(bis);2} damaged by landscape at 599745.75 3613.7712
[5:08:43] MiG-15(bis)(0) bailed out at 599778.44 3614.1733
[5:08:43] MiG-15(bis)(0) was killed at 599815.25 3614.631
[5:09:01] rb0101{rb01011;MiG-15(bis);2} damaged by landscape at 600741.1 1805.4901
[5:09:02] MiG-15(bis)(0) bailed out at 600753.5 1775.6625
[5:09:02] MiG-15(bis)(0) was killed at 600767.94 1740.8452
[5:09:08] rb0101{rb01010;MiG-15(bis);2} shot down by landscape at 599778.44 3614.173
[5:09:29] rb0101{rb01011;MiG-15(bis);2} shot down by landscape at 600753.5 1775.7185
[5:17:14] 32_Static damaged by 71_Static at 348205.4 76699.63
[5:23:20] 26_Static damaged by 71_Static at 348185.62 76742.94
[5:24:22] 32_Static damaged by 71_Static at 348205.4 76699.63
[5:31:44] 71_Static destroyed by 52_Static at 344888.06 77283.96
[5:37:27] rb0102{rb01021;Yak-3;2} landed at 434414.1 426819.94
[5:37:27] rb0102{rb01021;Yak-3;2} damaged on the ground at 434414.1 426819.94
[5:37:29] rb0102{rb01020;Yak-3;2} landed at 435649.72 426361.53
[5:37:29] rb0102{rb01020;Yak-3;2} damaged on the ground at 435649.72 426361.53
[5:37:33] Yak-3(0) bailed out at 434414.1 426819.97
[5:37:34] ParatrooperLogging 8520315(0) touchdown in X: 434407.6215263947 Y: 426817.4159970421 (water) drop by rb01021
[5:37:34] Yak-3(0) successfully bailed out at 434407.62 426817.4
[5:37:34] Yak-3(0) bailed out at 435649.72 426361.53
[5:37:35] ParatrooperLogging 8521665(0) touchdown in X: 435642.84933474014 Y: 426363.4634226523 (water) drop by rb01020
[5:37:35] Yak-3(0) successfully bailed out at 435642.84 426363.47
[5:37:52] rb0102{rb01022;Yak-3;2} landed at 432292.84 427176.72
[5:37:52] rb0102{rb01022;Yak-3;2} damaged on the ground at 432292.84 427176.72
[5:37:56] Yak-3(0) bailed out at 432292.84 427176.72
[5:37:58] ParatrooperLogging 8544045(0) touchdown in X: 432293.3471514681 Y: 427169.43332025514 (water) drop by rb01022
[5:37:58] Yak-3(0) successfully bailed out at 432293.34 427169.44
[5:38:27] Yak-3 crashed at 434414.22 426820.16
[5:38:29] Yak-3 crashed at 435650.03 426361.53
[5:38:52] Yak-3 crashed at 432292.84 427176.97
[5:53:52] 32_Chief destroyed by 57_Static at 342338.8 83284.15
[5:56:54] 62_Static destroyed by 33_Chief at 342551.47 80892.53
[5:57:00] 61_Static destroyed by 12_Chief at 341891.06 80880.96
[5:58:17] 33_Chief destroyed by 55_Static at 342598.6 83000.39
[5:59:34] 12_Chief destroyed by 55_Static at 342291.12 82999.41
[6:04:00] 71_Static destroyed by 54_Static at 344888.06 77283.96
[6:05:56] 11_Chief destroyed by 58_Static at 342396.94 83005.56
[6:08:20] 31_Chief destroyed by 58_Static at 341995.72 83009.42
[6:27:38] 34_Chief destroyed by 58_Static at 342202.78 82998.625
[6:29:48] 30_Chief destroyed by 58_Static at 342496.3 83002.44
[7:02:02] 32_Static damaged by 71_Static at 348205.4 76699.63
[7:02:33] 32_Static destroyed by 71_Static at 348205.4 76699.63
[7:02:33] 32_Static damaged by 71_Static at 348205.4 76699.63
[7:03:33] 26_Static destroyed by 71_Static at 348185.62 76742.94
[7:03:33] 26_Static damaged by 71_Static at 348185.62 76742.94
[7:12:52] 71_Static destroyed by 54_Static at 344888.06 77283.96
[7:47:23] 71_Static destroyed by 52_Static at 344888.06 77283.96
[9:01:00] 71_Static destroyed by 54_Static at 344888.06 77283.96
[9:45:06] 71_Static destroyed by 54_Static at 344888.06 77283.96
[10:26:41] 71_Static destroyed by 52_Static at 344888.06 77283.96
[11:07:10] 71_Static destroyed by 54_Static at 344888.06 77283.96
[12:32:35] 71_Static destroyed by 52_Static at 344888.06 77283.96
[13:04:35] 26_Static damaged by 71_Static at 348185.62 76742.94
[13:12:11] 71_Static destroyed by 52_Static at 344888.06 77283.96
[13:45:24] 71_Static destroyed by 54_Static at 344888.06 77283.96
[14:10:39] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[14:10:43] Mission END
C.F. Charrua


C.F. Charrua


1er Vuelo:

F9F2 Panther - 80% Fuel + Tanques - Default

Despego del V1 como numeral 2 de la escuadra con Castor como líder y Chape como numeral 3. Tomamos altura en espiral sobre la flota de tareas hasta unos 5000 metros. Nos encontrábamos patrrullando la zona cuando divisamos 4 contactos entrando desde el oeste con rumbo 90º aproximado, comenzamos la persecución, luego de dos entradas derribo un Tu4 mientras Chape y Castor, alguno de los dos derriba otro, luego siguen atacando y dejan averiados a los dos Tu4 que quedaban pero Chape es impactado de lleno por un cañonazo siendo derribado y mientras Castor resulta muy averiado por lo que se vuelve al portaviones. Continúo mi ataque cuidando la munición y tratando de dar en los motores, luego de un par de pasadas derribo otro y ataco con lo que me quedaba al cuarto pero el mismo logra retirarse perdiéndolo de vista, no obstante en mi retorno se me informa de otro derribo, con lo que doy aviso a Ceteu que había salido hacía unos minutos que regrese ya que no quedaban amenazas. Posteriormente y no sin complicaciones llego a la flota y aponto sin novedad.

AAK: 3
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Ok - Apontado

[3:37:50] rb0100{rb01000;Tu-4;2} shot down by GAE_Pepper
[3:41:20] rb0100{rb01001;Tu-4;2} shot down by GAE_Pepper
[3:44:39] rb0100{rb01002;Tu-4;2} shot down by GAE_Pepper

2do Vuelo:

F9F2 Panther - 80% Fuel + Tanques - Default

Despego nuevamente tras haber repostado y me uno a Castor, posteriormente se une Ceteu, patrullamos una zona amplia cercana a la flota de tareas, mientras los últimos elementos de ataque terminan su trabajo en la zona de Orcadas. Luego de una patrulla tranquila y sin sobresaltos nos volvemos al V1 donde logro apontar sin novedad.

Piloto: Ok
Avión: Ok - Apontado
CC - Jefe Sección Personal


1er. Vuelo. F4U Corsario 8x HVAR + 2 x 1000lbs + 50% jugo

Salgo como lider de la escuadra de pistoneros, habiendo ordenado 3 Panthers, para poder defendernos en caso de que aparecieran Migs.

Llegando al blanco sacudimos la leve oposición que encontramos. Lanchas de desembarco, infantería y algunos cañones de 37 y 25 mm.

Tras agotar mi munición regreso al Porta sin novedad.

AGK: 2 lanchas + 3 AAA
Aeronave: Apontada
Piloto: OK

2do. Vuelo. F9F Panther, 6 x HVAR + 2 x 500lbs

Regresando por lo que quedase, en el blanco, vimos que el enemigo había activado muchísismas AAA nuevas ??? ???? ????
Procedo a atacar, peor soy impactado, y mi motor se muere.
Planeo aposiciones Arentinas en la cercanía y aterrizo exitosa mente.

AGK: 3 posiciones ne tierra
Aeronave:severamente dañada.
Piloto: OK


1er Vuelo:

F9F2 Panther - 6HVAR + 2x500lb - 100% jugo

Despego como numeral 2 de la escuadrilla de ataque liderada por Mano. Con alguna dificultad en encontrarnos, ponemos rumbo a la isla. Al llegar una leve antiaerea dispara contra nosotros. Entro en 3 ocasiones utilizando mis cohetes y bombas, pero no logro destruir nada. Luego Mano se estrella contra el suelo intentando hacer un ultimo ataque.
  Sin lider, me reuno con Baco que volaba en Corsario y empezamos a buscar objetivos terrestres. Entro en repetidas ocasiones estrafeando, y logro destruir multiples AAA.
  Ya con poca municion, volvemos al portaviones donde aponto sin novedad.

Piloto: Ok
Avión: Ok - Apontado

2do Vuelo:

F9F2 Panther - 6HVAR + 2x500lb - 100% jugo

Despego como numeral 2 de la escuadra de ataque liderada por Baco. Ponemos rumbo a objetivo y soy derribado luego de destruir una AAA.

Piloto: KIA
Avión: KIA