Iniciado por GAE_Popeye, 09 de Agosto de 2011, 11:47:48 PM

Tema anterior - Siguiente tema



El día ha llegado. Esta tarde, vamos a desembarcar en Grytviken y terminar de expulsar a los soviéticos de allí.

Cuiden el material, pero, sobre todo, cuídense ustedes.

Buena suerte

1.- BZ-25-4 infantería y artillería enemigas en la boca Este de la Bahía de Grytviken, que nos cierra el acceso a esa ciudad.

2.- BY-26-3, con dirección Este, avistado submarino de última generación bordeando la costa, esperando a nuestos GT de desembarco. HUNDIRLO, antes de que haga daño.

3.- AAA en base aérea de Grytviken. NO destruir aviones ni buques fondeados allí, abandonados por el enemigo, para ser capturados por nuestras fuerzas.

4.- Hay que transportar un radar desde Stanley hasta la MUY REDUCIDA pista de Grytviken, en Neptune o DC-3.

5.- Desembarcar en S-55 tropas en Grytviken, desde los portahelicópteros.

Un hidroavión Short Sunderland viene desde Port Stanley con destino a Grytviken, para acuatizar ahí con tropas. (IA)

protección en la zona de ataque, despejar de bandidos el área.

2-PH-412, ARA Mendive


1er. Vuelo.

F4U Corsario. 8x HVAR + 2 x 1000lbs.
Decolo como jefe de Ataque. Nuestro objetivo es hundir un sibmarino en la zona y suprimir la defensa de Gritviken.

Llegando al blanco entramos los tres en tandem. Perdemos a Popeye, pero logramos dañar el submarino quein pone rumbo a la costa.

Somos interceptados por Yaks. Entramos en combate y me llevo uno con asistencia de Alma.

Luego realizamos pasadas de Strafe en posicione senemigas.

Regresamos Charrua y yo. Ambos apontados.

AAK: 1
AGK: 0
Avión: Apontado

2do. Vuelo.
F4U Corsario. 8x HVAR + 1 x 2000lbs

Salimos a rematar el Submarino.
Llegando a Georgias, nos interceptan unos Migs que a su vez son interceptados por nuestros Panthers.

Llegamso al Submarino, le sacudo con mi bomba de 2000, pero no ss hunde. Tra smi pasada verifico tropas enemigas en tierra, y continuo mi ataque.

Soy alcanzado por la AAA de un sobmarino y me corta un ala.
Ejecto y me repliego a la montaña...

Avión: Destruido.
Piloto: Ejectado. (BY 24-3)


F9F2 Panther - 70% jugo + Suplementarios - Armamento Default.

Salgo del V1 rumbo a Grytviken para unirme al TF Chape y TC Alma. Llegando veo como un Mig les hace una entrada por las seis. Rompen y empieza un combate contra dos MIGs. En un momento, Chape pica y le pido que mantenga el rumbo para que arrastre a un enemigo. Al hacerlo veo un efecto extraño en el MIG. El principio creo que el ruso está disparando pero luego me doy cuenta que el MIG acababa de romper la barrera del sonido... El TF Chape hace lo mismo pero su avión explota. Uno de los MIG intenta seguirme en un picado y choca contra una de las elevaciones de la isla. A partir de ese momento intenté por varios minutos ponerme en posición de disparo del restante, pero nunca lo logré. Ya con muy poco jugo y habiendo sobrevivido un par de veces gracias al aviso de Alma, decido volver al V1. Al llegar a la FT escucho que Alma vuelve arrastrando al MIG. Me acerco para enganchar al ruso mientras ataca a mi compañero pero Alma lo pierde antes de que yo entre en posición. Ambos apontamos con casi nada de jugo.

Piloto: ok
Avión: ok. Apontado


[10.08.2011 3:21:33] Mission: net/dogfight/GAE/AS18.mis is Playing
[3:21:33] Mission BEGIN
[3:21:43] 246_Static destroyed by 18_Static at 507624.38 244061.38
[3:21:58] GAE_Baco has connected
[3:22:15] 247_Static destroyed by 15_Static at 507505.22 244240.06
[3:22:28] 243_Static destroyed by 15_Static at 507854.94 243892.19
[3:22:51] 245_Static destroyed by 15_Static at 507629.84 243932.44
[3:23:31] 248_Static destroyed by 15_Static at 507543.7 244403.77
[3:23:49] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 0.0 0.0
[3:23:49] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 70%
[3:24:46] 249_Static destroyed by 15_Static at 507691.9 244561.88
[3:25:00] GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 0.0 0.0
[3:25:00] GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 70%
[3:25:15] 112_Static destroyed by 14_Static at 508112.88 243528.94
[3:25:31] 242_Static destroyed by 15_Static at 507953.66 243819.62
[3:25:44] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 429032.62 275960.0
[3:26:36] GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 0.0 0.0
[3:26:36] GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '08xHVAR+02x1000Lbs_Bomb' fuel 60%
[3:27:05] GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 429033.25 274617.47
[3:27:45] Gae_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 0.0 0.0
[3:27:45] Gae_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '08xHVAR+02x1000Lbs_Bomb' fuel 60%
[3:28:03] Gae_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario removed at 430631.94 273075.25
[3:28:03] Gae_Cuervo entered refly menu
[3:28:05] Gae_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 0.0 0.0
[3:28:05] Gae_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '08xHVAR+02x1000Lbs_Bomb' fuel 60%
[3:29:36] Gae_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario removed at 430640.22 271632.5
[3:29:39] Gae_Cuervo has disconnected
[3:29:49] GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 0.0 0.0
[3:29:49] GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '08xHVAR+02x1000Lbs_Bomb' fuel 70%
[3:30:02] GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 430736.8 270710.03
[3:30:29] GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Popeye at 0.0 0.0
[3:30:29] GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '08xHVAR+02x1000Lbs_Bomb' fuel 60%
[3:30:29] GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;1} damaged on the ground at 430639.5 270849.5
[3:30:39] GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario removed at 430639.53 270826.88
[3:30:39] GAE_Popeye entered refly menu
[3:30:40] GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Popeye at 0.0 0.0
[3:30:40] GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '08xHVAR+02x1000Lbs_Bomb' fuel 60%
[3:31:01] GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 430736.4 269554.72
[3:31:22] GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;1} damaged by landscape at 434501.97 269432.22
[3:31:23] GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;1}(0) was killed at 434501.97 269432.22
[3:31:23] GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;1} shot down by landscape at 434501.97 269432.22
[3:31:42] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[3:31:56] GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 0.0 0.0
[3:31:56] GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '08xHVAR+02x1000Lbs_Bomb' fuel 60%
[3:32:12] GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 430734.94 268719.72
[3:33:02] GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 430659.8 267801.5
[3:33:19] Gae_Cuervo has connected
[3:33:54] Gae_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 0.0 0.0
[3:33:54] Gae_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '08xHVAR+02x1000Lbs_Bomb' fuel 60%
[3:37:10] Gae_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario removed at 430679.4 264565.47
[3:37:14] Gae_Cuervo has disconnected
[3:40:03] sp0710{sp07102;Yak-3P;2} damaged by GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R;1} at 500731.7 228671.48
[3:40:08] Yak-3P(0) bailed out at 500285.84 229144.27
[3:40:42] sp0710{sp07102;Yak-3P;2} shot down by GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R;1} at 498227.28 230520.16
[3:40:47] Gae_Cuervo has connected
[3:41:51] Gae_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 0.0 0.0
[3:41:51] Gae_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '08xHVAR+02x1000Lbs_Bomb' fuel 60%
[3:41:57] Gae_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario removed at 430704.62 260087.72
[3:41:57] Gae_Cuervo entered refly menu
[3:42:16] Gae_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 0.0 0.0
[3:42:16] Gae_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons 'default' fuel 60%
[3:42:32] Gae_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario removed at 430707.3 259563.4
[3:42:32] Gae_Cuervo entered refly menu
[3:42:35] Gae_Cuervo has disconnected
[3:43:42] Gae_Cuervo has connected
[3:44:05] Gae_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 0.0 0.0
[3:44:05] Gae_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons 'default' fuel 60%
[3:45:53] Gae_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario removed at 430724.9 256445.33
[3:45:53] Gae_Cuervo entered refly menu
[3:46:00] Gae_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 0.0 0.0
[3:46:00] Gae_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons 'default' fuel 60%
[3:46:02] 3_Chief damaged by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario;1} at 507867.56 250321.62
[3:46:26] 3_Chief damaged by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;1} at 507817.53 250354.98
[3:46:26] 3_Chief damaged by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;1} at 507816.97 250355.36
[3:47:05] Gae_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario removed at 333313.4 439096.0
[3:47:08] Gae_Cuervo has disconnected
[3:47:16] 3_Chief damaged by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;1} at 507711.7 250425.55
[3:47:17] 3_Chief damaged by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;1} at 507711.62 250425.58
[3:47:18] GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;1} damaged by 3_Chief at 507698.34 250429.47
[3:47:20] GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;1}(0) was killed at 507534.75 250487.48
[3:47:20] GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;1} shot down by 3_Chief at 507534.75 250487.48
[3:47:56] 3_Chief damaged by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario;1} at 507630.06 250479.95
[3:47:56] 3_Chief damaged by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario;1} at 507629.75 250480.17
[3:47:58] 3_Chief damaged by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario;1} at 507625.53 250482.98
[3:47:58] 3_Chief damaged by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario;1} at 507625.28 250483.16
[3:48:11] ParatrooperLogging 1598389(0) touchdown in X: 498292.0520805206 Y: 231134.98698903408 (water) drop by
[3:48:11] Yak-3P(0) successfully bailed out at 498292.06 231134.98
[3:48:53] 3_Chief damaged by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;1} at 507510.94 250559.38
[3:49:47] 3_Chief damaged by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;1} at 507398.06 250634.62
[3:49:47] 3_Chief damaged by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;1} at 507398.0 250634.66
[3:50:38] Gae_Cuervo has connected
[3:51:00] Gae_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 0.0 0.0
[3:51:00] Gae_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons 'default' fuel 60%
[3:51:11] sp0703{sp07031;Yak-3P;2} damaged by GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R;1} at 510630.1 251389.0
[3:51:14] GAE_Chape{GAE_Chape_0;GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R;1} damaged by sp0710{sp07100;Yak-3P;2} at 509408.03 249860.55
[3:51:16] Yak-3P(0) bailed out at 510988.56 250974.77
[3:51:24] GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R(0) bailed out at 508547.3 250918.61
[3:51:25] GAE_Popeye entered refly menu
[3:51:26] sp0703{sp07031;Yak-3P;2} shot down by GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R;1} at 511628.03 249874.72
[3:51:27] GAE_Chape{GAE_Chape_0;GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R;1} shot down by sp0710{sp07100;Yak-3P;2} at 508328.7 251201.69
[3:51:27] GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R(0) was killed at 508549.1 250908.73
[3:51:45] sp0703{sp07030;Yak-3P;2} damaged by landscape at 507513.5 249197.44
[3:51:45] sp0703{sp07030;Yak-3P;2}(0) was killed at 507513.5 249197.44
[3:51:45] sp0703{sp07030;Yak-3P;2} shot down by GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R;1} at 507513.5 249197.44
[3:52:01] GAE_Popeye:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Popeye at 0.0 0.0
[3:52:01] GAE_Popeye:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '04x500lbs_Bomb' fuel 70%
[3:52:02] GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F9F2_Panther_R;1} damaged on the ground at 430751.47 250722.34
[3:52:02] 6_Chief damaged by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F9F2_Panther_R;1} at 430757.44 250575.31
[3:52:02] 6_Chief damaged by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F9F2_Panther_R;1} at 430757.44 250575.31
[3:52:02] Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario;1} damaged on the ground at 430756.94 250694.16
[3:52:02] 6_Chief damaged by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F9F2_Panther_R;1} at 430757.44 250575.31
[3:52:02] 6_Chief damaged by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F9F2_Panther_R;1} at 430757.44 250575.31
[3:52:02] GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F9F2_Panther_R;1}(0) was killed at 430752.12 250693.44
[3:52:03] Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario;1}(0) was killed at 430757.0 250684.34
[3:52:03] GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F9F2_Panther_R;1} shot down by 6_Chief at 430752.12 250693.44
[3:52:03] 6_Chief damaged by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F9F2_Panther_R;1} at 430757.44 250575.31
[3:52:03] 6_Chief damaged by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F9F2_Panther_R;1} at 430757.44 250575.31
[3:52:03] Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario;1} shot down by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F9F2_Panther_R;1} at 430757.0 250684.34
[3:52:06] GAE_Popeye entered refly menu
[3:52:06] Gae_Cuervo entered refly menu
[3:52:07] Gae_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 0.0 0.0
[3:52:07] Gae_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons 'default' fuel 60%
[3:52:08] GAE_Popeye:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Popeye at 0.0 0.0
[3:52:08] GAE_Popeye:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '04x500lbs_Bomb' fuel 70%
[3:52:08] GAE_Chape entered refly menu
[3:52:09] Gae_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario removed at 430757.22 250585.16
[3:52:09] Gae_Cuervo entered refly menu
[3:52:10] GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 0.0 0.0
[3:52:10] GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 70%
[3:52:24] Gae_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 0.0 0.0
[3:52:24] Gae_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons 'default' fuel 60%
[3:52:27] Gae_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario removed at 333312.53 439095.44
[3:52:27] Gae_Cuervo entered refly menu
[3:52:36] Gae_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 0.0 0.0
[3:52:36] Gae_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons 'default' fuel 60%
[3:52:40] Gae_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario removed at 333312.53 439095.44
[3:52:40] Gae_Cuervo entered refly menu
[3:52:59] ParatrooperLogging 1885819(0) touchdown in X: 511591.2866163098 Y: 250294.39057290257 (water) drop by
[3:52:59] Yak-3P(0) successfully bailed out at 511591.28 250294.39
[3:53:08] GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 429200.84 250284.83
[3:53:25] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 0.0 0.0
[3:53:25] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons 'default' fuel 60%
[3:53:33] GAE_Popeye:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 430767.06 248822.8
[3:53:36] Yak-3P(0) was heavily wounded at 510138.0 249014.27
[3:53:36] sp0710{sp07101;Yak-3P;2}(0) was killed at 510138.0 249014.27
[3:53:36] sp0710{sp07101;Yak-3P;2} shot down by GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R;1} at 510138.0 249014.27
[3:53:39] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 333312.53 439095.44
[3:53:39] Gae_Cuervo entered refly menu
[3:53:56] Gae_Cuervo has disconnected
[3:55:04] sp0710{sp07100;Yak-3P;2} damaged by landscape at 512886.47 257833.39
[3:55:04] sp0710{sp07100;Yak-3P;2}(0) was killed at 512886.47 257833.39
[3:55:04] sp0710{sp07100;Yak-3P;2} shot down by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario;1} at 512886.47 257833.39
[3:57:49] 250_Static destroyed by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario;1} at 508515.06 245335.88
[4:02:04] 3_Chief damaged by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F9F2_Panther_R;1} at 505710.28 251242.31
[4:02:04] 3_Chief damaged by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F9F2_Panther_R;1} at 505710.28 251242.31
[4:05:36] GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R;1} landed at 429290.47 239240.23
[4:06:06] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 429296.44 238782.44
[4:06:06] GAE_Alma entered refly menu
[4:06:08] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 0.0 0.0
[4:06:08] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 70%
[4:07:52] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 429253.03 236135.94
[4:08:31] GAE_Balker has connected
[4:10:27] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 0.0 0.0
[4:10:27] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 70%
[4:12:36] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 432855.34 234470.5
[4:12:36] 5_Static destroyed by 8_Chief at 511821.3 245930.36
[4:14:13] GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario;1} landed at 436073.12 233091.72
[4:14:13] GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario;1} damaged on the ground at 436073.12 233091.72
[4:14:45] GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario(0) bailed out at 436510.1 232867.0
[4:14:46] GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario(0) successfully bailed out at 436524.34 232859.92
[4:14:50] GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario removed at 436579.25 232831.33
[4:14:52] GAE_Baco entered refly menu
[4:15:44] 9_Static destroyed by 8_Chief at 511833.97 245790.97
[4:15:47] GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;1} landed at 437368.62 232415.16
[4:16:01] GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario removed at 437578.28 232313.16
[4:16:01] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu


[4:16:13] GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 0.0 0.0
[4:16:13] GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '08xHVAR+01x2000Lbs_Bomb' fuel 60%
[4:16:15] 3_Static destroyed by 8_Chief at 511833.97 245838.48
[4:16:43] 16_Static destroyed by 8_Chief at 512008.22 245597.73
[4:17:22] GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 439197.56 231553.52
[4:18:46] GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F9F2_Panther_R;1} landed at 439836.9 231144.7
[4:18:50] 10_Chief damaged by 15_Static at 509973.94 244952.03
[4:18:54] GAE_Popeye:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 439954.28 231084.38
[4:18:54] GAE_Popeye entered refly menu
[4:19:43] GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Popeye at 0.0 0.0
[4:19:43] GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '08xHVAR+01x2000Lbs_Bomb' fuel 60%
[4:19:49] 10_Chief damaged by 18_Static at 509996.6 244849.61
[4:20:07] 10_Chief damaged by 15_Static at 510002.97 244820.66
[4:20:07] 10_Chief damaged by 15_Static at 510003.12 244819.98
[4:20:14] 8_Static destroyed by 8_Chief at 511900.5 245746.62
[4:20:24] GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 0.0 0.0
[4:20:24] GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '08xHVAR+01x2000Lbs_Bomb' fuel 60%
[4:21:03] GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 442048.6 230040.02
[4:21:43] GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 442730.1 229702.52
[4:22:13] 10_Static destroyed by 8_Chief at 512096.9 245531.2
[4:24:45] H8K1(4) was wounded at 508641.56 244064.6
[4:24:45] H8K1(3) was wounded at 508638.56 244064.58
[4:24:45] 30thSqn00{30thSqn000;H8K1;1}(3) was killed by 14_Static at 508635.53 244064.56
[4:24:45] H8K1(4) was heavily wounded at 508632.53 244064.56
[4:24:45] 30thSqn00{30thSqn000;H8K1;1}(4) was killed by 14_Static at 508632.53 244064.56
[4:24:48] GAE_Chape{GAE_Chape_0;GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R;1}(0) was killed at 504763.94 245029.44
[4:24:48] GAE_Chape{GAE_Chape_0;GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R;1} shot down by landscape at 504763.94 245029.44
[4:25:46] H8K1 removed at 507781.2 244072.56
[4:32:08] sp0700{sp07002;MiG-15(bis);2} damaged by landscape at 505313.47 250764.72
[4:32:08] sp0700{sp07002;MiG-15(bis);2}(0) was killed at 505313.47 250764.72
[4:32:08] sp0700{sp07002;MiG-15(bis);2} shot down by landscape at 505313.47 250764.72
[4:32:20] 3_Chief damaged by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario;1} at 506386.47 251162.7
[4:33:18] 3_Chief damaged by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;1} at 506609.72 251087.39
[4:33:56] 3_Chief damaged by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;1} at 506752.56 251028.23
[4:33:56] 3_Chief damaged by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;1} at 506752.56 251028.23
[4:33:56] 3_Chief destroyed by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;1} at 506753.06 251028.03
[4:34:33] 14_Static damaged by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario;1} at 508021.44 243803.86
[4:34:33] 14_Static damaged by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario;1} at 508021.44 243803.86
[4:34:33] 14_Static damaged by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario;1} at 508021.44 243803.86
[4:34:33] 14_Static damaged by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario;1} at 508021.44 243803.86
[4:34:42] GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario;1} damaged by 15_Static at 507351.47 243756.86
[4:34:50] GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario(0) bailed out at 506861.34 243624.23
[4:34:56] GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario;1} shot down by 15_Static at 506646.72 243510.53
[4:35:18] ParatrooperLogging 4425229(0) touchdown in X: 506481.9429084064 Y: 243461.9327308779 (ground) drop by
[4:35:18] GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario(0) successfully bailed out at 506482.34 243462.72
[4:35:32] 14_Static damaged by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;1} at 508021.44 243803.86
[4:35:32] 14_Static damaged by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;1} at 508021.44 243803.86
[4:36:33] sp0700{sp07000;MiG-15(bis);2} damaged by landscape at 501827.47 234769.97
[4:36:33] sp0700{sp07000;MiG-15(bis);2}(0) was killed at 501827.47 234769.97
[4:36:33] sp0700{sp07000;MiG-15(bis);2} shot down by landscape at 501827.47 234769.97
[4:37:48] 14_Static damaged by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;1} at 508021.44 243803.86
[4:37:48] 14_Static damaged by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;1} at 508021.44 243803.86
[4:38:56] 8_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 510069.66 246049.22
[4:38:57] 8_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 510069.97 246047.11
[4:39:20] 8_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 510077.2 245998.78
[4:39:28] 8_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 510079.53 245982.89
[4:39:32] 8_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 510080.97 245973.39
[4:39:46] 8_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 510085.3 245944.06
[4:39:47] 8_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 510085.38 245943.69
[4:39:50] 8_Chief damaged by 5_Chief at 510086.28 245937.58
[4:39:54] 8_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 510087.66 245928.47
[4:39:57] 8_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 510088.6 245922.14
[4:40:15] 8_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 510094.1 245885.12
[4:40:16] 8_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 510094.28 245883.92
[4:40:45] 8_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 510102.8 245826.48
[4:41:12] 18_Static damaged by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;1} at 507742.03 244105.56
[4:41:13] 18_Static damaged by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;1} at 507742.03 244105.56
[4:41:13] 18_Static damaged by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;1} at 507742.03 244105.56
[4:41:13] 18_Static damaged by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;1} at 507742.03 244105.56
[4:41:14] 18_Static damaged by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;1} at 507742.03 244105.56
[4:41:14] 18_Static damaged by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;1} at 507742.03 244105.56
[4:41:14] 18_Static damaged by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;1} at 507742.03 244105.56
[4:41:14] 18_Static damaged by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;1} at 507742.03 244105.56
[4:41:15] 18_Static damaged by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;1} at 507742.03 244105.56
[4:42:37] GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;1} damaged by landscape at 508193.88 244438.05
[4:42:38] GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;1}(0) was killed at 508193.88 244438.05
[4:42:38] GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;1} shot down by landscape at 508193.88 244438.05
[4:43:09] 18_Static damaged by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;1} at 507742.03 244105.56
[4:43:10] 18_Static damaged by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;1} at 507742.03 244105.56
[4:43:11] 15_Static damaged by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;1} at 507733.44 244062.2
[4:43:11] 15_Static damaged by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;1} at 507733.44 244062.2
[4:43:11] 15_Static damaged by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;1} at 507733.44 244062.2
[4:43:11] 15_Static damaged by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;1} at 507733.44 244062.2
[4:43:11] 15_Static damaged by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;1} at 507733.44 244062.2
[4:43:11] 15_Static damaged by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;1} at 507733.44 244062.2
[4:43:11] 15_Static damaged by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;1} at 507733.44 244062.2
[4:43:11] 15_Static damaged by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;1} at 507733.44 244062.2
[4:43:11] 15_Static damaged by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;1} at 507733.44 244062.2
[4:43:11] 15_Static damaged by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;1} at 507733.44 244062.2
[4:43:11] 15_Static damaged by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;1} at 507733.44 244062.2
[4:43:11] 15_Static damaged by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;1} at 507733.44 244062.2
[4:43:36] GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;1} damaged by landscape at 507204.72 244325.33
[4:43:36] GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;1}(0) was killed at 507204.72 244325.33
[4:43:36] GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;1} shot down by 15_Static at 507204.72 244325.33
[4:44:05] 8_Chief damaged by 4_Chief at 510157.6 245458.42
[4:44:05] 8_Chief damaged by 4_Chief at 510157.62 245458.27
[4:47:53] GAE_Chape entered refly menu
[4:51:55] 7_Static destroyed by 4_Chief at 511922.7 245651.6
[4:52:08] 105_Static destroyed by 8_Chief at 510419.25 242006.66
[4:52:16] 2_Static destroyed by 5_Chief at 511948.03 245746.62
[4:53:10] 10_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 510098.8 244386.9
[4:53:11] 10_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 510098.8 244386.9
[4:53:11] 10_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 510098.8 244386.9
[4:53:12] 10_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 510098.8 244386.9
[4:53:13] 10_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 510098.8 244386.9
[4:53:13] 10_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 510098.8 244386.9
[4:53:13] 10_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 510098.8 244386.9
[4:53:54] GAE_Baco entered refly menu
[4:54:11] GAE_Baco:Bell47(0) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 0.0 0.0
[4:54:11] GAE_Baco:Bell47 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 60%
[4:58:55] 4_Chief destroyed by 14_Static at 508413.0 243511.95
[4:59:24] sp0700{sp07001;MiG-15(bis);2} damaged by landscape at 480101.6 251878.52
[4:59:24] sp0700{sp07001;MiG-15(bis);2}(0) was killed at 480101.6 251878.52
[4:59:24] sp0700{sp07001;MiG-15(bis);2} shot down by landscape at 480101.6 251878.52
[5:00:09] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[5:00:20] GAE_Charrua has disconnected
[5:00:32] GAE_Baco:Bell47 removed at 291545.56 430692.44
[5:00:37] GAE_Baco has disconnected
[5:03:04] 5_Chief destroyed by 15_Static at 508444.34 243449.14
[5:04:20] 7_Chief destroyed by 15_Static at 508482.62 243394.61
[5:07:17] GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R;1} landed at 480106.3 210440.67
[5:08:51] GAE_Balker{GAE_Balker_0;GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R;1} landed at 479067.22 210424.83
[5:09:26] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 479562.44 210168.42
[5:09:30] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 481982.78 209458.67
[5:09:30] GAE_Balker has disconnected
[5:09:35] GAE_Alma has disconnected
[5:11:27] GAE_Popeye has disconnected
[5:16:03] sp0703{sp07032;Yak-3P;2} damaged by landscape at 522881.1 241667.08
[5:16:03] sp0703{sp07032;Yak-3P;2}(0) was killed at 522881.1 241667.08
[5:16:03] sp0703{sp07032;Yak-3P;2} shot down by landscape at 522881.1 241667.08
[5:48:14] 30thSqn03{30thSqn030;H8K1;1} damaged by landscape at 335304.6 441179.25
[5:48:16] 30thSqn03{30thSqn030;H8K1;1}(2) was killed at 335143.2 441110.56
[5:48:16] 30thSqn03{30thSqn030;H8K1;1}(0) was killed at 335143.2 441110.56
[5:48:16] 30thSqn03{30thSqn030;H8K1;1}(1) was killed at 335143.2 441110.56
[5:48:16] 30thSqn03{30thSqn030;H8K1;1}(3) was killed at 335143.2 441110.56
[5:48:16] 30thSqn03{30thSqn030;H8K1;1}(4) was killed at 335143.2 441110.56
[5:48:16] 30thSqn03{30thSqn030;H8K1;1}(5) was killed at 335143.2 441110.56
[5:48:16] 30thSqn03{30thSqn030;H8K1;1}(6) was killed at 335143.2 441110.56
[5:48:16] 30thSqn03{30thSqn030;H8K1;1}(7) was killed at 335143.2 441110.56
[5:48:16] 30thSqn03{30thSqn030;H8K1;1} shot down by landscape at 335143.2 441110.56
[6:12:04] 248_Static destroyed by 15_Static at 507543.7 244403.77
[6:19:21] 30thSqn03{30thSqn031;H8K1;1} damaged by landscape at 334740.03 440212.72
[6:19:23] 30thSqn03{30thSqn031;H8K1;1}(2) was killed at 334838.7 440060.34
[6:19:23] 30thSqn03{30thSqn031;H8K1;1}(0) was killed at 334838.7 440060.34
[6:19:23] 30thSqn03{30thSqn031;H8K1;1}(1) was killed at 334838.7 440060.34
[6:19:23] 30thSqn03{30thSqn031;H8K1;1}(3) was killed at 334838.7 440060.34
[6:19:23] 30thSqn03{30thSqn031;H8K1;1}(4) was killed at 334838.7 440060.34
[6:19:23] 30thSqn03{30thSqn031;H8K1;1}(5) was killed at 334838.7 440060.34
[6:19:23] 30thSqn03{30thSqn031;H8K1;1}(6) was killed at 334838.7 440060.34
[6:19:23] 30thSqn03{30thSqn031;H8K1;1}(7) was killed at 334838.7 440060.34
[6:19:23] 30thSqn03{30thSqn031;H8K1;1} shot down by landscape at 334838.7 440060.34
[6:23:13] 112_Static destroyed by 14_Static at 508112.88 243528.94
[6:26:47] 245_Static destroyed by 15_Static at 507629.84 243932.44
[6:28:55] 249_Static destroyed by 15_Static at 507691.9 244561.88
[6:30:41] 10_Chief damaged by 14_Static at 510098.8 244386.9
[6:33:20] 247_Static destroyed by 15_Static at 507505.22 244240.06
[6:34:13] 243_Static destroyed by 14_Static at 507854.94 243892.19
[6:34:33] 242_Static destroyed by 18_Static at 507953.66 243819.62
[6:40:19] 246_Static destroyed by 18_Static at 507624.38 244061.38
[8:41:50] sp0701{sp07010;Pe-2series359;2} damaged by landscape at 521946.66 210771.48
[8:41:50] Pe-2series359(1) was wounded at 521950.88 210778.16
[8:41:50] sp0701{sp07010;Pe-2series359;2}(1) was killed at 521950.88 210778.16
[8:41:50] sp0701{sp07010;Pe-2series359;2}(0) was killed at 521950.88 210778.16
[8:41:50] sp0701{sp07010;Pe-2series359;2}(2) was killed at 521950.88 210778.16
[8:41:50] sp0701{sp07010;Pe-2series359;2} shot down by landscape at 521950.88 210778.16
[8:41:55] sp0701{sp07011;Pe-2series359;2} damaged by landscape at 521935.5 210768.16
[8:41:55] Pe-2series359(1) was wounded at 521939.72 210774.64
[8:41:55] Pe-2series359(1) was heavily wounded at 521939.72 210774.64
[8:41:55] sp0701{sp07011;Pe-2series359;2}(1) was killed at 521939.72 210774.64
[8:41:55] sp0701{sp07011;Pe-2series359;2}(0) was killed at 521939.72 210774.64
[8:41:55] sp0701{sp07011;Pe-2series359;2}(2) was killed at 521939.72 210774.64
[8:41:55] sp0701{sp07011;Pe-2series359;2} shot down by landscape at 521939.72 210774.64
[9:03:05] Mission END


Uno de los MIGs rompe la barrera del sonido mientras persigue al TF Chape.


Vuelo 1

F4U5, 60% combustible + 2x1000lb bombas + 8xHVAR

   Decolé en formación de 3 aparatos, ya que Cuervo, or problemas mecánicos, no pudo sumarse.

   Pusimos rumbo a Grytviken, desde el V1 y bordeando la costa, el líder avistó el Submarino y le entramos. En mi pasada, fui abatido por el submarino o bien fui alcanzado por mis propias bombas, lo ignoro, caí al mar. Pero impacté al submarino, averiándolo.

ANK:  1 submarino (blanco primario) averiado.
Piloto: fallecido
Aeronave: destruida

Vuelo 2

F9F2R, 70% combustible + 4x500lb bombas

   En respuesta a un pedido de apoyo del líder de vuelo, TN Baco, decolé en solitario, poniendo rumbo idéntico al anterior y ataqué al sub., mientras él y Charrua apoyaban el desembarco en pleno desarrollo. Impacté al submarino. Luego entré a la infantería y blancos en el puerto de Grytviken, sin resultados comprobables. Aponté sin novedad.

ANK: submarino (blanco primario) averiado por segunda vez.
Piloto: ok
Aeronave: ok, apontada

Vuelo 3

F4U5, 60% combustible + 1x2000 lb bombas

   Decolé en formación de 3 aparatos para tercer salida y en suelta de bombas, averié nuevamente al submarino soviético. Luego ataqué a la infantería y submarinos amarrados en Grytviken, que ?contrariamente a lo esperado-, no estaban abandonados. En una pasada de cañones lo impacté averiandolo, lo cual comprobé por la columna de humo. Luego inicié una segunda y tuve 5 seg. De freezada y al recuperar la visión, estaba a metros del agua, en picada irrecuperable.

ANK: 2 submarinos averiados (1 -el blanco principal-, por tercera vez;  el otro, amarrado en Grytviken).
Piloto: fallecido
Aeronave: destruida

2-PH-412, ARA Mendive


1º Vuelo

F9F2_Panther_R/'02x154Gal_Tank'/Jugo 70%

Decolo tras GAE_Alma para hacer CAP sobre las Georgias, volando lado a lado detecto bandidos sobre Gryvniken, pistoneros, tras alertar a mi lider yo los arrastro y el se coloca a las 6 del Yak-3, logrando derribarlo.

Los elementos que quedaban interceptan a la 1º escuadra de Ataque, a la que asistimos rapidamente.

No tuve mucha chance al ser sorprendido por la pidaca de un Ruso.



2º Vuelo

F9F2_Panther_R/'02x154Gal_Tank'/Jugo 70%

Decolo rapido para acercarme a la zona donde se desenvolvia el combate, al Este de la base comunista sobre Georgias, cuando llego la accion habia terminado y con suficiente jugo me quedo a esperar al Tc. Alma al que se le sumaria el Cf. Balker.
El primero en llegar a la zona es el Tc, al que le formo y minutos mas tarde con la aparicion del capitan en el escenario, llegan tambien los MiG-15, el Jefe me marca que me entraban por lo que me descuelgo a fullthrottle, llegando a match, sin percibirlo la velocidad exesiva destroza mi fuselaje.



1er Vuelo
F4U Corsario. 8x HVAR + 2 x 1000lbs.

Despego pongo rumbo mientra se acercan Baco y Popeye, venia muy reducido, giro para que me alcancen y se me enrosca el avión cayendo al mar.

Avion destruido
Piloto kia

2do. Vuelo.

F4U Corsario. 8x HVAR + 2 x 1000lbs.
Despegamos rumbo al puerto para despejar la zona asi nuestras lanchas intentan un desembarco.

Le tiramos todo lo que tenemos al submarino no lo podemos hundir, a pesar que lo impactamos varias veces, atacamos una de las cabeceras a un lancho pero no logro hundirlo.
Regreso al portaaviones sin mas novedades.

Avión: Apontado

3er. Vuelo.
F4U Corsario. 8x HVAR + 1 x 2000lbs

Volvemos a salir en busca del submarino , cuando lo detectamos nuevamente lo atacamos primero Baco , despues Popeye y yo lo remato mandándolo al fondo.
Ahora nos concentramos en una de las cabeceras pero no impacto nada, ataco dos veces a la lancha mando al fondo.

ANK 3 (dos lanchas y un Submarino)
Avión: Destruido.
C.F. Charrua


1º Vuelo

F9F2_Panther_R/'02x154Gal_Tank'/Jugo 70%

Decolamos del V1. SAlgo como lider quedando CHape como mi numeral. Nos dirigimos hacia las gerogias y comenzamos la cap sobre las islas. Luego de unos minutos detectamos un grupo de 3 yaks. Logro derribar a 2 de ellos y el 3ro se pierde de vista. Luego retomamos la cap sobre el grupo de ataque cuando se detectan mas contactos enemigos. Pierdo a mi numeral por lo que quedo solo, logrando derribar a 2 yaks mas y asisto a baco en el derribo de un tercero. Ya casi sin municiones me retiro al v1 donde aponto sin novedad.

AAK= 4 yaks
Avion=OK. Apontado


2º Vuelo

F9F2_Panther_R/'02x154Gal_Tank'/Jugo 70%

Salgo nuevamente, me formo con chape y comenzamos a patrullar. Luego se incorpora Balker, justo al momento en que se una a nosotros nos atacan una pareja de migs, por lo que nos da aviso justo antes de que nos derriben. Logramos evadir y chape se desintegra por exceso de velocidad. Yo me trenzo con un mig que venia enganchado con balker, le indico que rompa varias veces pero no logro acercarme a distancia de tiro. En una de las evoluciones el mig no logra levantar el picado estrellandose contra tierra. Nos prendemos al otro mig, pero cominenza el mismo juego. Sin poder entrar en ventaja y escasos de combustible nos retiramos a la flota. El mig me sigue unos kilomtros pero despues me abandona. Aponto sin novedad.

Avion=OK. Apontado