Mar de Java 9 03/12/52

Iniciado por GAE_Chape, 03 de Diciembre de 2010, 07:40:36 PM

Tema anterior - Siguiente tema


Somos hace ya un par de semanas el grano que esta molestando a los comunistas.

De seguro el camino hasta Palembang no sera el mas comodo, por lo que se debe tener alta preocupacion en el bien estar de la FT.

No podemos permitir que se acerquen a la Flota aeronaves no identificadas.

Por otro lado, Quiroga logro avanzar al sur de su posicion y nos dio la ùbicacion exacta de un aerodromo bien conformado, compartimos esta informacion con los Australianos y se llego a la conclucion de que se debe neutralizar la operatividad del mismo.

Asi que lo primero que desarrollaremos esta mañana sera un avance hacia BK9.

Por los datos aportados de nuestros infantes, sabemos que hay patrullas de cazas que despegan con normalidad y relizan vuelos de rutina sobre la base.

Deberemos tener en cuenta esto para no dejar expuestos a nuestra escuadra de Ataque.

De las fotos que nos compartieron los australianos solo la que ven en la pizarra es la mas legible.

Preparense empezamos a decolar a las 0745.

No perdamos mas tiempo.


señor, en ese sector recibimos AAA pesada el TC Gaucho y yo retornando a V2 en el último vuelo.
dejo una porción de mapa más cercana, para ayudar en la nav.

2-PH-412, ARA Mendive


1º Vuelo-Corsario 80% fuel, 4xhvar+2x1000lbs

Salgo como A.1, me siguen Popeye como A.2 , Cuervo como A.3 y Tehuelche como A.4

Despegamos y nos formamos, nos dirigimos hacia el objetivo con rumbo 280º a 1000 mts
antes de llegar a la costa el V1 nos envía en un reconocimiento al norte, cambiamos a rumbo 0º ascendiendo lentamente , minutos mas tarde nos informan de contactos enemigos y se nos da la orden de interceptarlos, soltamos armamento y trepamos a 2000 metros , cambiamos a rumbo 120º. al poco tiempo  veo un punto a lo lejos, luego 2 , 3 y 4 puntos salen de entre las nubes, a aproximadamente 2500 mts de altura, al acercarme los reconozco como mosquitos, logro ponerme a distancia de tiro y derribo a uno, sigo a otro que empieza a ganar velocidad y no consigo acortar distancias, al segundo escucho uno explosión y el avión empieza a girar y caer sin control, trato de controlarlo pero me doy cuenta que me arrancaron un ala, por fortuna logro saltar de ahí para caer a metros de un buque argentino.

Piloto: ok

2º Vuelo-Corsario 50% fuel,
Salgo a toda velocidad en misión de intercepción, una formación de bombarderos enemigos se estaba acercando peligrosamente a la flota. una ves que estoy en el aire gano altura y pongo rumbo a los bombaderos, veo como empiezan a tirar los cañones antiaéreos de la flota y a lo lejos varias columnas de humo,  logro verlos a lo lejos. Después de acercarme derribo a uno, a medida que cada ves mas bombarderos se acercaban mas crecía el caos sobre la flota con, derribo a 2 bombarderos mas,  veo como uno a lo lejos se plancha y encara  al V1, como estaba mas alto no me costo alcanzarlo y logro derribarlo antes de que llegue al V1, la onda expansiva de la bomba que cargaba al estallar en el agua destruye mi avión.

AAK: 4 Pe-8

tras ser derribado por el mosquito logro abrir mi paracaidas sobre la flota.

Guncam, combate sobre la flota.

Track incompleto:


[04.12.2010 0:07:27] Mission: net/dogfight/GAEV/JAVA 9.mis is Playing
[0:07:27] Mission BEGIN
[0:07:43] GAE_Cuervo has connected
[0:08:36] GAE_Gaucho. has connected
[0:09:35] GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 462198.1 52906.137
[0:09:35] GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons 'default' fuel 80%
[0:09:37] GAE_Chape:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 312239.8 341357.25
[0:09:37] GAE_Chape:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '08xHVAR+02x1000Lbs_Bomb' fuel 40%
[0:10:14] GAE_Ceteu has connected
[0:10:45] GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 462182.78 54391.457
[0:11:15] GAE_Alma:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 462202.3 54518.55
[0:11:15] GAE_Alma:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons 'default' fuel 80%
[0:12:06] GAE_Alma:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 462179.28 55655.887
[0:12:34] GAE_Gaucho.:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho. at 464121.4 57822.188
[0:12:34] GAE_Gaucho.:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '08xHVAR+02x1000Lbs_Bomb' fuel 80%
[0:12:35] GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 462197.56 55825.273
[0:12:35] GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons 'default' fuel 80%
[0:14:12] GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 462134.94 57950.348
[0:14:22] GAE_Gaucho.:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 464033.2 60194.445
[0:14:28] GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Popeye at 464119.84 59740.48
[0:14:29] GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '08xHVAR+02x1000Lbs_Bomb' fuel 80%
[0:14:30] GAE_Pocho:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pocho at 462190.88 57699.18
[0:14:30] GAE_Pocho:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons 'default' fuel 80%
[0:16:18] GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 464065.44 62202.258
[0:16:50] GAE_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Cuervo at 464113.56 61948.51
[0:16:52] GAE_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '08xHVAR+01x2000Lbs_Bomb' fuel 80%
[0:17:25] GAE_Pocho:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 462162.03 60887.254
[0:19:22] GAE_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 464085.3 65205.586
[0:19:24] GAE_Tehuelche:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Tehuelche at 464123.16 64447.645
[0:19:25] GAE_Tehuelche:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '08xHVAR+02x1000Lbs_Bomb' fuel 80%
[0:20:41] GAE_Tehuelche:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 464091.1 66148.19
[0:29:21] cc0100{cc01001;A6M2;1} damaged on the ground at 390798.53 72564.39
[0:29:21] cc0100{cc01001;A6M2;1} damaged by GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 390798.53 72564.39
[0:29:21] cc0100{cc01001;A6M2;1}(0) was killed at 390816.75 72575.99
[0:29:21] cc0100{cc01001;A6M2;1} shot down by GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 390816.75 72575.99
[0:29:56] cc0100{cc01000;A6M2;1} damaged on the ground at 390874.16 73403.38
[0:29:56] cc0100{cc01000;A6M2;1}(0) was killed at 390874.16 73403.38
[0:29:56] cc0100{cc01000;A6M2;1} shot down by GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 390874.16 73403.38
[0:31:51] cc0100{cc01002;A6M2;1} damaged on the ground at 390310.84 69988.09
[0:31:51] cc0100{cc01002;A6M2;1} damaged by GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 390310.84 69988.09
[0:31:55] A6M2(0) bailed out at 389941.78 69671.06
[0:32:14] cc0100{cc01002;A6M2;1} shot down by GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 388026.4 68447.83
[0:32:46] cc0100{cc01003;A6M2;1} damaged on the ground at 390670.72 68990.766
[0:32:46] cc0100{cc01003;A6M2;1} damaged by GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 390670.72 68990.766
[0:32:50] A6M2(0) bailed out at 390711.47 68479.016
[0:33:04] cc0100{cc01003;A6M2;1} shot down by GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 390611.72 66883.95
[0:34:52] ParatrooperLogging 1644352(0) touchdown in X: 390978.8346038245 Y: 67482.52257614807 (ground) drop by
[0:34:52] A6M2(0) successfully bailed out at 390978.84 67482.52
[0:34:55] ParatrooperLogging 1647682(0) touchdown in X: 388778.6457423421 Y: 68583.420961245 (ground) drop by
[0:34:55] A6M2(0) successfully bailed out at 388778.66 68583.42
[0:40:16] cc0112{cc01122;ME-410-B;1} damaged by GAE_Gaucho.{GAE_Gaucho._0;GAE_Gaucho.:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 460415.0 99186.31
[0:40:22] ME-410-B(0) bailed out at 460737.47 98930.76
[0:40:23] ME-410-B(1) bailed out at 460795.3 98878.555
[0:40:55] cc0112{cc01122;ME-410-B;1} shot down by GAE_Gaucho.{GAE_Gaucho._0;GAE_Gaucho.:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 461190.28 98338.04
[0:41:35] GAE_Gaucho.{GAE_Gaucho._0;GAE_Gaucho.:F4U5_Corsario;2} damaged by cc0112{cc01123;ME-410-B;1} at 464474.28 92682.51
[0:41:42] GAE_Gaucho.:F4U5_Corsario(0) bailed out at 464426.94 91760.44
[0:41:57] GAE_Gaucho.{GAE_Gaucho._0;GAE_Gaucho.:F4U5_Corsario;2} shot down by cc0112{cc01123;ME-410-B;1} at 464551.34 90498.01
[0:42:07] cc0112{cc01120;ME-410-B;1}(0) was killed by 10_Chief at 464615.94 86347.19
[0:42:07] cc0112{cc01120;ME-410-B;1} damaged by 10_Chief at 464615.94 86347.19
[0:42:07] cc0112{cc01120;ME-410-B;1}(1) was killed at 464615.94 86347.19
[0:42:07] cc0112{cc01120;ME-410-B;1}(2) was killed at 464615.94 86347.19
[0:42:07] cc0112{cc01120;ME-410-B;1} shot down by 10_Chief at 464615.94 86347.19
[0:42:29] ME-410-B(0) bailed out at 464721.03 82852.555
[0:42:30] ME-410-B(1) bailed out at 464723.1 82664.85
[0:42:33] cc0112{cc01123;ME-410-B;1} damaged by landscape at 464139.03 83299.94
[0:42:33] 7_Chief damaged by cc0112{cc01123;ME-410-B;1} at 464122.94 83389.55
[0:42:33] 7_Chief damaged by cc0112{cc01123;ME-410-B;1} at 464122.94 83389.55
[0:42:33] cc0112{cc01123;ME-410-B;1}(0) was killed at 464139.03 83299.94
[0:42:33] cc0112{cc01123;ME-410-B;1}(1) was killed at 464139.03 83299.94
[0:42:33] cc0112{cc01123;ME-410-B;1}(2) was killed at 464139.03 83299.94
[0:42:33] cc0112{cc01123;ME-410-B;1} shot down by 11_Chief at 464139.03 83299.94
[0:42:33] 7_Chief damaged by cc0112{cc01123;ME-410-B;1} at 464122.94 83389.55
[0:43:13] GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2} landed at 455187.06 83093.23
[0:43:13] GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2} damaged on the ground at 455187.06 83093.23
[0:43:14] GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario(0) bailed out at 455187.1 83093.24
[0:43:15] ParatrooperLogging 2148067(0) touchdown in X: 455183.4463788553 Y: 83099.29662650298 (water) drop by GAE_Ceteu_0
[0:43:15] GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario(0) successfully bailed out at 455183.6 83099.164
[0:43:39] GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario crashed at 455187.84 83093.49
[0:43:44] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[0:44:12] ParatrooperLogging 2205097(0) touchdown in X: 464902.57266136317 Y: 81749.61727531694 (water) drop by cc01121
[0:44:12] ME-410-B(0) successfully bailed out at 464902.56 81749.62
[0:44:12] ME-410-B(0) was captured at 464902.56 81749.62
[0:44:27] GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 462183.34 84931.22
[0:44:27] GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons 'default' fuel 80%
[0:44:28] ParatrooperLogging 2220307(1) touchdown in X: 464678.9310897972 Y: 81601.28786050253 (water) drop by cc01121
[0:44:28] ME-410-B(1) successfully bailed out at 464678.94 81601.29
[0:44:28] ME-410-B(1) was captured at 464678.94 81601.29
[0:44:42] GAE_Gaucho. entered refly menu
[0:45:03] GAE_Gaucho.:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho. at 464108.78 87448.23
[0:45:03] GAE_Gaucho.:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons 'default' fuel 40%
[0:45:19] ParatrooperLogging 2271487(1) touchdown in X: 461816.7688754936 Y: 97878.09607483637 (water) drop by
[0:45:19] ME-410-B(1) successfully bailed out at 461816.78 97878.09
[0:45:19] ME-410-B(1) was captured at 461816.78 97878.09
[0:45:31] ParatrooperLogging 2283727(0) touchdown in X: 464445.48043332924 Y: 90464.8252565876 (water) drop by
[0:45:31] GAE_Gaucho.:F4U5_Corsario(0) successfully bailed out at 464445.47 90464.82
[0:45:43] ParatrooperLogging 2296087(0) touchdown in X: 461826.78817754355 Y: 97927.94368945702 (water) drop by
[0:45:43] ME-410-B(0) successfully bailed out at 461826.78 97927.945
[0:45:43] ME-410-B(0) was captured at 461826.78 97927.945
[0:45:47] GAE_Gaucho.:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 464092.5 88364.42
[0:46:05] GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 462158.22 86776.65
[0:46:37] cc0103{cc01033;Pe-8;1}(7) was killed by GAE_Tehuelche{GAE_Tehuelche_0;GAE_Tehuelche:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 462815.5 93238.66
[0:46:40] Pe-8(6) was wounded at 462736.53 92902.29
[0:46:54] cc0112{cc01121;ME-410-B;1} damaged by landscape at 458383.12 52804.496
[0:46:54] Pe-8(5) was heavily wounded at 463107.4 91676.28
[0:46:54] cc0103{cc01033;Pe-8;1} damaged by GAE_Tehuelche{GAE_Tehuelche_0;GAE_Tehuelche:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 463126.12 91661.63
[0:46:54] cc0112{cc01121;ME-410-B;1} shot down by 10_Chief at 458373.62 52761.73
[0:46:58] Pe-8(0) bailed out at 463382.25 91488.625
[0:46:59] Pe-8(1) bailed out at 463468.0 91439.5
[0:47:01] Pe-8(2) bailed out at 463554.12 91394.46
[0:47:02] Pe-8(3) bailed out at 463640.7 91353.5
[0:47:03] Pe-8(4) bailed out at 463727.8 91316.67
[0:47:04] cc0103{cc01031;Pe-8;1}(6) was killed by 11_Chief at 465903.28 93514.38
[0:47:05] Pe-8(5) bailed out at 463815.6 91284.125
[0:47:06] Pe-8(4) was killed in his chute by Pe-8 at 463886.0 91251.65
[0:47:06] Pe-8(3) was killed in his chute by Pe-8 at 463866.62 91242.5
[0:47:06] Pe-8(6) bailed out at 463904.0 91256.14
[0:47:08] cc0103{cc01033;Pe-8;1}(8) was killed at 464042.34 91215.83
[0:47:08] cc0103{cc01033;Pe-8;1} shot down by GAE_Tehuelche{GAE_Tehuelche_0;GAE_Tehuelche:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 464042.34 91215.83
[0:47:09] Pe-8(6) was killed at 464087.06 91197.9
[0:47:11] Pe-8(5) was killed at 464096.7 91165.01
[0:47:35] cc0103{cc01030;Pe-8;1}(2) was killed by GAE_Cuervo{GAE_Cuervo_0;GAE_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 459768.06 92470.5
[0:47:50] Pe-8(2) was wounded at 465465.56 92752.09
[0:47:50] Pe-8(5) was heavily wounded at 465459.72 92755.74
[0:48:00] ParatrooperLogging 2432647(2) touchdown in X: 464087.97860316874 Y: 91007.4563808958 (water) drop by
[0:48:00] Pe-8(2) successfully bailed out at 464087.97 91007.45
[0:48:00] Pe-8(2) was captured at 464087.97 91007.45
[0:48:12] ParatrooperLogging 2444677(1) touchdown in X: 464006.32735234103 Y: 91023.42049369685 (water) drop by
[0:48:12] Pe-8(1) successfully bailed out at 464006.3 91023.42
[0:48:12] Pe-8(1) was captured at 464006.3 91023.42
[0:48:18] cc0103{cc01031;Pe-8;1} damaged by GAE_Gaucho.{GAE_Gaucho._0;GAE_Gaucho.:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 463718.47 94032.61
[0:48:23] Pe-8(0) bailed out at 463355.9 94211.625
[0:48:23] ParatrooperLogging 2455687(0) touchdown in X: 463946.905625083 Y: 91034.4469315318 (water) drop by
[0:48:23] Pe-8(0) successfully bailed out at 463946.9 91034.445
[0:48:23] Pe-8(0) was captured at 463946.9 91034.445
[0:48:23] cc0103{cc01030;Pe-8;1} damaged by GAE_Cuervo{GAE_Cuervo_0;GAE_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 460446.2 90774.16
[0:48:24] Pe-8(1) bailed out at 463259.44 94261.35
[0:48:26] Pe-8(2) bailed out at 463162.0 94311.305
[0:48:27] Pe-8(3) bailed out at 463063.12 94360.984
[0:48:27] Pe-8(0) bailed out at 460698.03 90830.17
[0:48:28] Pe-8(4) bailed out at 462962.47 94409.91
[0:48:28] Pe-8(1) bailed out at 460782.4 90844.86
[0:48:30] Pe-8(5) bailed out at 462844.97 94464.86
[0:48:31] Pe-8(3) bailed out at 460958.8 90865.67
[0:48:32] Pe-8(7) bailed out at 462631.1 94555.82
[0:48:32] Pe-8(4) bailed out at 461037.22 90869.375
[0:48:34] Pe-8(8) bailed out at 462521.53 94598.2
[0:48:34] Pe-8(5) bailed out at 461113.0 90868.75
[0:48:34] Pe-8(8) was killed in his chute by Pe-8 at 462489.62 94612.33
[0:48:34] Pe-8(7) was killed in his chute by Pe-8 at 462515.4 94606.734
[0:48:34] cc0103{cc01031;Pe-8;1} shot down by GAE_Gaucho.{GAE_Gaucho._0;GAE_Gaucho.:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 462494.03 94608.99
[0:48:35] Pe-8(6) bailed out at 461185.84 90863.43
[0:48:36] Pe-8(5) was killed in his chute by Pe-8 at 461231.78 90865.08
[0:48:36] Pe-8(5) was killed at 462514.66 94646.2
[0:48:36] Pe-8(7) bailed out at 461255.66 90853.484
[0:48:38] Pe-8(7) was killed in his chute by Pe-8 at 461306.34 90844.39
[0:48:38] Pe-8(6) was killed in his chute by Pe-8 at 461308.28 90851.125
[0:48:38] cc0103{cc01030;Pe-8;1}(8) was killed at 461315.72 90844.07
[0:48:38] cc0103{cc01030;Pe-8;1} shot down by GAE_Cuervo{GAE_Cuervo_0;GAE_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 461315.72 90844.07
[0:48:50] ParatrooperLogging 2483166(4) touchdown in X: 462503.16108477616 Y: 94709.18852234272 (water) drop by
[0:48:50] Pe-8(4) successfully bailed out at 462503.16 94709.19
[0:48:50] Pe-8(4) was captured at 462503.16 94709.19
[0:49:00] ParatrooperLogging 2492916(3) touchdown in X: 462560.6093697247 Y: 94708.39050801905 (water) drop by
[0:49:00] Pe-8(3) successfully bailed out at 462560.6 94708.39
[0:49:00] Pe-8(3) was captured at 462560.6 94708.39
[0:49:10] ParatrooperLogging 2503266(2) touchdown in X: 462632.0939097132 Y: 94688.60276771929 (water) drop by
[0:49:10] Pe-8(2) successfully bailed out at 462632.1 94688.6
[0:49:10] Pe-8(2) was captured at 462632.1 94688.6
[0:49:15] ParatrooperLogging 2507406(4) touchdown in X: 461503.9194460766 Y: 90910.52993604369 (water) drop by
[0:49:15] Pe-8(4) successfully bailed out at 461503.9 90910.53
[0:49:15] Pe-8(4) was captured at 461503.9 90910.53
[0:49:16] Pe-8(6) was wounded at 465570.0 93741.516
[0:49:16] cc0103{cc01032;Pe-8;1}(6) was killed by GAE_Gaucho.{GAE_Gaucho._0;GAE_Gaucho.:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 465570.0 93741.516
[0:49:16] Pe-8(1) was wounded at 465581.7 93742.5
[0:49:20] Pe-8(0) bailed out at 465825.03 93759.04
[0:49:21] Pe-8(1) bailed out at 465881.94 93770.25
[0:49:21] ParatrooperLogging 2513826(1) touchdown in X: 462708.5247712529 Y: 94664.30040153043 (water) drop by
[0:49:21] Pe-8(1) successfully bailed out at 462708.53 94664.3
[0:49:21] Pe-8(1) was captured at 462708.53 94664.3
[0:49:22] Pe-8(2) bailed out at 465913.2 93776.445
[0:49:23] Pe-8(1) was killed in his chute by Pe-8 at 465924.25 93780.2
[0:49:23] Pe-8(0) was killed in his chute by Pe-8 at 465960.06 93815.55
[0:49:23] Pe-8(7) was wounded at 465917.2 93776.94
[0:49:23] Pe-8(2) was killed at 465927.62 93772.46
[0:49:23] cc0103{cc01032;Pe-8;1}(3) was killed at 465931.56 93778.9
[0:49:23] cc0103{cc01032;Pe-8;1}(4) was killed at 465931.56 93778.9
[0:49:23] cc0103{cc01032;Pe-8;1}(5) was killed at 465931.56 93778.9
[0:49:23] cc0103{cc01032;Pe-8;1}(7) was killed at 465931.56 93778.9
[0:49:23] cc0103{cc01032;Pe-8;1}(8) was killed at 465931.56 93778.9
[0:49:23] cc0103{cc01032;Pe-8;1} shot down by GAE_Gaucho.{GAE_Gaucho._0;GAE_Gaucho.:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 465931.56 93778.9
[0:49:31] ParatrooperLogging 2523306(0) touchdown in X: 462781.16443352564 Y: 94630.61228398123 (water) drop by
[0:49:31] Pe-8(0) successfully bailed out at 462781.16 94630.61
[0:49:31] Pe-8(0) was captured at 462781.16 94630.61
[0:49:36] Pe-8(7) was wounded at 463360.5 97779.234
[0:49:38] cc0111{cc01111;Pe-8;1} damaged by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 463305.38 97558.26
[0:49:38] ParatrooperLogging 2530986(3) touchdown in X: 461485.80760106473 Y: 91012.08098372835 (water) drop by
[0:49:38] Pe-8(3) successfully bailed out at 461485.8 91012.08
[0:49:38] Pe-8(3) was captured at 461485.8 91012.08
[0:49:42] Pe-8(0) bailed out at 463238.56 97119.88
[0:49:44] Pe-8(1) bailed out at 463224.62 96995.555
[0:49:45] Pe-8(2) bailed out at 463193.75 96874.78
[0:49:46] Pe-8(3) bailed out at 463162.8 96745.77
[0:49:48] Pe-8(4) bailed out at 463146.84 96621.08
[0:49:49] 11_Chief damaged by cc0111{cc01111;Pe-8;1} at 465234.7 96260.18
[0:49:49] Pe-8(4) was killed in his chute by Pe-8 at 463127.9 96497.336
[0:49:49] Pe-8(3) has chute destroyed by Pe-8 at 463115.1 96492.836
[0:49:49] Pe-8(3) was killed in his chute by Pe-8 at 463115.1 96492.836
[0:49:49] Pe-8(2) was killed in his chute by Pe-8 at 463085.66 96558.27
[0:49:49] Pe-8(1) was killed in his chute by Pe-8 at 463143.88 96648.61
[0:49:49] 11_Chief damaged by cc0111{cc01111;Pe-8;1} at 465234.7 96260.18
[0:49:49] 11_Chief damaged by cc0111{cc01111;Pe-8;1} at 465234.7 96260.18
[0:49:49] Pe-8(2) has chute destroyed by Pe-8 at 463085.66 96558.27
[0:49:49] cc0111{cc01113;Pe-8;1} damaged by cc0111{cc01111;Pe-8;1} at 463224.34 97798.12
[0:49:49] 11_Chief damaged by cc0111{cc01111;Pe-8;1} at 465234.7 96260.18
[0:49:49] Pe-8(2) was wounded at 463316.38 97069.51
[0:49:49] cc0111{cc01111;Pe-8;1}(5) was killed at 463112.12 96494.03
[0:49:49] cc0111{cc01111;Pe-8;1}(6) was killed at 463112.12 96494.03
[0:49:49] cc0111{cc01111;Pe-8;1}(7) was killed at 463112.12 96494.03
[0:49:49] cc0111{cc01111;Pe-8;1}(8) was killed at 463112.12 96494.03
[0:49:49] cc0111{cc01111;Pe-8;1} shot down by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 463112.12 96494.03
[0:49:49] 11_Chief damaged by cc0111{cc01111;Pe-8;1} at 465234.7 96260.18
[0:49:49] 11_Chief damaged by cc0111{cc01111;Pe-8;1} at 465234.7 96260.18
[0:49:49] 11_Chief damaged by cc0111{cc01111;Pe-8;1} at 465234.7 96260.18
[0:49:50] GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2} damaged by cc0111{cc01111;Pe-8;1} at 463214.22 95882.77
[0:49:54] Pe-8(0) bailed out at 463075.1 97329.734
[0:49:55] Pe-8(1) bailed out at 463047.8 97206.375
[0:49:57] Pe-8(2) bailed out at 463018.1 97074.21
[0:49:58] Pe-8(3) bailed out at 462977.72 96952.21
[0:49:59] 11_Chief damaged by cc0111{cc01113;Pe-8;1} at 465234.8 96417.18
[0:49:59] Pe-8(0) was killed in his chute by Pe-8 at 463152.1 96622.03
[0:49:59] Pe-8(3) was killed in his chute by Pe-8 at 462963.56 96905.445
[0:49:59] Pe-8(2) was killed in his chute by Pe-8 at 462962.16 96903.164
[0:49:59] Pe-8(1) has chute destroyed by Pe-8 at 462997.9 96934.43
[0:49:59] Pe-8(1) was killed in his chute by Pe-8 at 462997.9 96934.43
[0:49:59] Pe-8(0) has chute destroyed by Pe-8 at 462960.84 97015.914
[0:49:59] Pe-8(0) was killed in his chute by Pe-8 at 462960.84 97015.914
[0:49:59] 11_Chief damaged by cc0111{cc01113;Pe-8;1} at 465234.8 96417.18
[0:49:59] cc0111{cc01110;Pe-8;1}(6) was killed by cc0111{cc01113;Pe-8;1} at 462973.72 94690.86
[0:49:59] 11_Chief damaged by cc0111{cc01113;Pe-8;1} at 465234.8 96417.18
[0:49:59] 11_Chief damaged by cc0111{cc01113;Pe-8;1} at 465234.8 96417.18
[0:49:59] Pe-8(7) was wounded at 463158.97 96216.27
[0:49:59] 11_Chief damaged by cc0111{cc01113;Pe-8;1} at 465234.8 96417.18
[0:49:59] 11_Chief damaged by cc0111{cc01113;Pe-8;1} at 465234.8 96417.18
[0:49:59] cc0111{cc01113;Pe-8;1}(4) was killed at 462968.4 96909.6
[0:49:59] cc0111{cc01113;Pe-8;1}(5) was killed at 462968.4 96909.6
[0:49:59] cc0111{cc01113;Pe-8;1}(6) was killed at 462968.4 96909.6
[0:49:59] cc0111{cc01113;Pe-8;1}(7) was killed at 462968.4 96909.6
[0:49:59] cc0111{cc01113;Pe-8;1}(8) was killed at 462968.4 96909.6
[0:49:59] Pe-8 crashed at 462968.4 96909.6
[0:49:59] 11_Chief damaged by cc0111{cc01113;Pe-8;1} at 465234.8 96417.18
[0:50:01] GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2}(0) was killed at 463011.06 94367.92
[0:50:02] GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2} shot down by landscape at 463011.06 94367.92
[0:50:05] Pe-8(7) was wounded at 462826.22 94005.56
[0:50:12] cc0111{cc01110;Pe-8;1}(2) was killed by 10_Chief at 462682.12 93332.68
[0:50:13] Pe-8(5) was heavily wounded at 462659.12 93224.53
[0:50:13] cc0111{cc01110;Pe-8;1}(5) was killed by GAE_Gaucho.{GAE_Gaucho._0;GAE_Gaucho.:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 462644.75 93156.76
[0:50:14] cc0111{cc01110;Pe-8;1} damaged by GAE_Gaucho.{GAE_Gaucho._0;GAE_Gaucho.:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 462640.22 93135.38
[0:50:14] GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F4U5_Corsario;2} damaged by landscape at 463542.75 95335.4


[0:50:15] GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F4U5_Corsario;2}(0) was killed at 463542.75 95335.4
[0:50:15] GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F4U5_Corsario;2} shot down by GAE_Pocho{GAE_Pocho_0;GAE_Pocho:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 463542.75 95335.4
[0:50:16] cc0110{cc01101;Pe-8;1} damaged by 10_Chief at 464827.84 90088.22
[0:50:17] ParatrooperLogging 2569566(1) touchdown in X: 461369.47830553824 Y: 91116.33728914245 (water) drop by
[0:50:17] Pe-8(1) successfully bailed out at 461369.47 91116.336
[0:50:17] Pe-8(1) was captured at 461369.47 91116.336
[0:50:18] Pe-8(0) bailed out at 462557.4 92692.82
[0:50:19] Pe-8(1) bailed out at 462537.8 92566.945
[0:50:20] Pe-8(0) bailed out at 465011.8 90391.91
[0:50:21] Pe-8(1) bailed out at 465072.84 90497.984
[0:50:22] Pe-8(3) bailed out at 462504.28 92317.85
[0:50:23] Pe-8(2) bailed out at 465130.47 90607.66
[0:50:23] Pe-8(4) bailed out at 462490.72 92194.086
[0:50:24] 6_Chief damaged by cc0111{cc01110;Pe-8;1} at 462180.8 89946.06
[0:50:24] 10_Chief damaged by cc0111{cc01110;Pe-8;1} at 464106.28 91977.5
[0:50:24] Pe-8(3) was killed in his chute by Pe-8 at 462482.94 92165.5
[0:50:24] Pe-8(4) was killed in his chute by Pe-8 at 462487.5 92160.58
[0:50:24] Pe-8(1) was killed in his chute by Pe-8 at 462474.88 92245.48
[0:50:24] Pe-8(0) was killed in his chute by Pe-8 at 462473.44 92327.58
[0:50:24] 6_Chief damaged by cc0111{cc01110;Pe-8;1} at 462180.8 89946.06
[0:50:24] 10_Chief damaged by cc0111{cc01110;Pe-8;1} at 464106.28 91977.5
[0:50:24] 6_Chief damaged by cc0111{cc01110;Pe-8;1} at 462180.8 89946.06
[0:50:24] 10_Chief damaged by cc0111{cc01110;Pe-8;1} at 464106.28 91977.5
[0:50:24] Pe-8(1) has chute destroyed by Pe-8 at 462474.88 92245.48
[0:50:24] 6_Chief damaged by cc0111{cc01110;Pe-8;1} at 462180.8 89946.06
[0:50:24] 10_Chief damaged by cc0111{cc01110;Pe-8;1} at 464106.28 91977.5
[0:50:24] 6_Chief damaged by cc0111{cc01110;Pe-8;1} at 462180.8 89946.06
[0:50:24] 10_Chief damaged by cc0111{cc01110;Pe-8;1} at 464106.28 91977.5
[0:50:24] 6_Chief damaged by cc0111{cc01110;Pe-8;1} at 462180.8 89946.06
[0:50:24] 10_Chief damaged by cc0111{cc01110;Pe-8;1} at 464106.28 91977.5
[0:50:24] cc0111{cc01110;Pe-8;1}(7) was killed at 462487.3 92160.305
[0:50:24] cc0111{cc01110;Pe-8;1}(8) was killed at 462487.3 92160.305
[0:50:24] cc0111{cc01110;Pe-8;1} shot down by GAE_Gaucho.{GAE_Gaucho._0;GAE_Gaucho.:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 462487.3 92160.305
[0:50:24] Pe-8(3) bailed out at 465184.1 90720.2
[0:50:25] Pe-8(4) bailed out at 465233.1 90834.6
[0:50:27] Pe-8(5) bailed out at 465276.94 90949.37
[0:50:27] ParatrooperLogging 2579826(0) touchdown in X: 461295.54688754457 Y: 91134.59116630614 (water) drop by
[0:50:27] Pe-8(0) successfully bailed out at 461295.56 91134.59
[0:50:28] Pe-8(6) bailed out at 465315.47 91062.086
[0:50:29] Pe-8(7) bailed out at 465350.3 91169.07
[0:50:30] Pe-8(8) bailed out at 465387.03 91266.445
[0:50:38] cc0110{cc01101;Pe-8;1} shot down by 10_Chief at 465645.6 91825.61
[0:50:45] Pe-8(1) was heavily wounded at 462465.12 92703.61
[0:50:57] cc0111{cc01112;Pe-8;1} damaged by GAE_Gaucho.{GAE_Gaucho._0;GAE_Gaucho.:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 462311.2 91868.58
[0:50:57] cc0111{cc01112;Pe-8;1}(1) was killed by GAE_Gaucho.{GAE_Gaucho._0;GAE_Gaucho.:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 462308.72 91854.836
[0:50:57] Pe-8(0) was wounded at 462308.72 91854.836
[0:50:58] cc0111{cc01112;Pe-8;1}(5) was killed by GAE_Gaucho.{GAE_Gaucho._0;GAE_Gaucho.:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 462300.2 91807.41
[0:50:58] GAE_Alma entered refly menu
[0:50:59] GAE_Alma:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 462185.97 90381.99
[0:50:59] GAE_Alma:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons 'default' fuel 80%
[0:51:01] cc0111{cc01112;Pe-8;1}(0) was killed at 462264.84 91577.34
[0:51:01] cc0111{cc01112;Pe-8;1}(2) was killed at 462264.84 91577.34
[0:51:01] cc0111{cc01112;Pe-8;1}(3) was killed at 462264.84 91577.34
[0:51:01] cc0111{cc01112;Pe-8;1}(4) was killed at 462264.84 91577.34
[0:51:01] cc0111{cc01112;Pe-8;1}(6) was killed at 462264.84 91577.34
[0:51:01] cc0111{cc01112;Pe-8;1}(7) was killed at 462264.84 91577.34
[0:51:01] cc0111{cc01112;Pe-8;1}(8) was killed at 462264.84 91577.34
[0:51:01] cc0111{cc01112;Pe-8;1} shot down by GAE_Gaucho.{GAE_Gaucho._0;GAE_Gaucho.:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 462264.84 91577.34
[0:51:01] 6_Chief damaged by landscape at 462180.56 90459.72
[0:51:01] 7_Chief damaged by landscape at 464116.84 90469.98
[0:51:01] 10_Chief damaged by landscape at 464106.06 92491.16
[0:51:01] 6_Chief damaged by landscape at 462180.56 90459.72
[0:51:01] 7_Chief damaged by landscape at 464116.84 90469.98
[0:51:01] 10_Chief damaged by landscape at 464106.06 92491.16
[0:51:01] 6_Chief damaged by landscape at 462180.56 90459.72
[0:51:01] 7_Chief damaged by landscape at 464116.84 90469.98
[0:51:01] 10_Chief damaged by landscape at 464106.06 92491.16
[0:51:01] 6_Chief damaged by landscape at 462180.56 90459.72
[0:51:01] 7_Chief damaged by landscape at 464116.84 90469.98
[0:51:01] 10_Chief damaged by landscape at 464106.06 92491.16
[0:51:02] 6_Chief damaged by landscape at 462180.56 90469.54
[0:51:02] 7_Chief damaged by landscape at 464116.84 90479.8
[0:51:02] 10_Chief damaged by landscape at 464106.06 92500.98
[0:51:02] 6_Chief damaged by landscape at 462180.56 90469.54
[0:51:02] 7_Chief damaged by landscape at 464116.84 90479.8
[0:51:02] 10_Chief damaged by landscape at 464106.06 92500.98
[0:51:02] GAE_Gaucho.:F4U5_Corsario(0) was heavily wounded at 462359.03 91460.875
[0:51:02] GAE_Gaucho.{GAE_Gaucho._0;GAE_Gaucho.:F4U5_Corsario;2}(0) was killed at 462359.03 91460.875
[0:51:02] GAE_Gaucho.{GAE_Gaucho._0;GAE_Gaucho.:F4U5_Corsario;2} shot down by landscape at 462359.03 91460.875
[0:51:02] 6_Chief damaged by landscape at 462180.56 90469.54
[0:51:02] 7_Chief damaged by landscape at 464116.84 90479.8
[0:51:02] 10_Chief damaged by landscape at 464106.06 92500.98
[0:51:02] 6_Chief damaged by landscape at 462180.56 90469.54
[0:51:02] 7_Chief damaged by landscape at 464116.84 90479.8
[0:51:02] 10_Chief damaged by landscape at 464106.06 92500.98
[0:51:14] GAE_Alma:F4U5_Corsario removed at 462186.2 90583.96
[0:51:14] GAE_Alma entered refly menu
[0:51:15] GAE_Alma:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 462185.8 90598.016
[0:51:15] GAE_Alma:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons 'default' fuel 80%
[0:51:44] GAE_Alma:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 462212.4 91382.336
[0:51:48] ParatrooperLogging 2661276(8) touchdown in X: 465804.55212986906 Y: 91881.5281872547 (water) drop by
[0:51:48] Pe-8(8) successfully bailed out at 465804.56 91881.53
[0:52:20] cc0110{cc01103;Pe-8;1}(6) was killed by 6_Chief at 464195.7 91942.03
[0:52:36] Pe-8(5) was wounded at 463726.38 89767.76
[0:52:39] Pe-8(7) was wounded at 463648.25 89418.38
[0:52:58] cc0110{cc01102;Pe-8;1} damaged by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 463860.0 92404.88
[0:52:58] ParatrooperLogging 2730666(7) touchdown in X: 465829.49676509894 Y: 91965.05644907123 (water) drop by
[0:52:58] Pe-8(7) successfully bailed out at 465829.5 91965.055
[0:52:58] Pe-8(7) was captured at 465829.5 91965.055
[0:53:02] Pe-8(0) bailed out at 463822.75 92272.77
[0:53:03] Pe-8(1) bailed out at 463811.53 92224.63
[0:53:05] Pe-8(2) bailed out at 463801.6 92174.2
[0:53:06] Pe-8(3) bailed out at 463793.78 92121.984
[0:53:07] Pe-8(4) bailed out at 463789.16 92068.44
[0:53:09] Pe-8(5) bailed out at 463788.84 92014.42
[0:53:10] Pe-8(6) bailed out at 463793.94 91961.52
[0:53:11] Pe-8(7) bailed out at 463804.7 91912.62
[0:53:13] Pe-8(8) bailed out at 463817.6 91871.945
[0:53:19] GAE_Tehuelche{GAE_Tehuelche_0;GAE_Tehuelche:F4U5_Corsario;2} damaged by 10_Chief at 464109.28 94422.26
[0:53:19] 10_Chief damaged by GAE_Tehuelche{GAE_Tehuelche_0;GAE_Tehuelche:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 464105.25 94430.4
[0:53:20] 10_Chief damaged by GAE_Tehuelche{GAE_Tehuelche_0;GAE_Tehuelche:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 464105.25 94430.4
[0:53:20] GAE_Tehuelche{GAE_Tehuelche_0;GAE_Tehuelche:F4U5_Corsario;2}(0) was killed at 464109.0 94456.93
[0:53:20] GAE_Tehuelche{GAE_Tehuelche_0;GAE_Tehuelche:F4U5_Corsario;2} shot down by 10_Chief at 464109.0 94456.93
[0:53:20] 10_Chief damaged by GAE_Tehuelche{GAE_Tehuelche_0;GAE_Tehuelche:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 464105.25 94430.4
[0:53:20] cc0110{cc01102;Pe-8;1} shot down by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 463848.44 91661.984
[0:53:27] ParatrooperLogging 2760036(6) touchdown in X: 465887.7074096696 Y: 92033.26619952824 (water) drop by
[0:53:27] Pe-8(6) successfully bailed out at 465887.72 92033.266
[0:53:27] Pe-8(6) was captured at 465887.72 92033.266
[0:53:51] ParatrooperLogging 2784126(2) touchdown in X: 466039.8396122547 Y: 91886.9335448869 (water) drop by
[0:53:51] Pe-8(2) successfully bailed out at 466039.84 91886.93
[0:53:51] Pe-8(2) was captured at 466039.84 91886.93
[0:53:56] ParatrooperLogging 2789136(5) touchdown in X: 465924.9869524977 Y: 91979.97592165894 (water) drop by
[0:53:56] Pe-8(5) successfully bailed out at 465925.0 91979.98
[0:53:56] Pe-8(5) was captured at 465925.0 91979.98
[0:53:58] ParatrooperLogging 2791116(1) touchdown in X: 466023.87761590607 Y: 91779.00288156199 (water) drop by
[0:53:58] Pe-8(1) successfully bailed out at 466023.88 91779.0
[0:53:58] Pe-8(1) was captured at 466023.88 91779.0
[0:54:06] ParatrooperLogging 2798316(3) touchdown in X: 466005.02524101775 Y: 91927.28476216359 (water) drop by
[0:54:06] Pe-8(3) successfully bailed out at 466005.03 91927.28
[0:54:06] Pe-8(3) was captured at 466005.03 91927.28
[0:54:07] ParatrooperLogging 2800026(4) touchdown in X: 465960.35866021784 Y: 91946.71746351836 (water) drop by
[0:54:07] Pe-8(4) successfully bailed out at 465960.34 91946.72
[0:54:10] cc0110{cc01103;Pe-8;1}(7) was killed by GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 465564.5 87694.79
[0:54:16] Pe-8(0) bailed out at 465154.75 87569.414
[0:54:17] Pe-8(1) bailed out at 465109.25 87548.055
[0:54:19] Pe-8(2) bailed out at 465082.06 87529.19
[0:54:19] ParatrooperLogging 2811306(8) touchdown in X: 464014.821434399 Y: 91502.63001985023 (water) drop by
[0:54:19] Pe-8(8) successfully bailed out at 464014.8 91502.63
[0:54:19] Pe-8(8) was captured at 464014.8 91502.63
[0:54:20] Pe-8(3) bailed out at 465061.6 87510.18
[0:54:21] Pe-8(4) bailed out at 465048.12 87494.6
[0:54:22] Pe-8(5) bailed out at 465037.5 87482.3
[0:54:26] Pe-8(8) bailed out at 465038.0 87441.73
[0:54:32] ParatrooperLogging 2824536(0) touchdown in X: 465939.41808537504 Y: 91594.44466053278 (water) drop by
[0:54:32] Pe-8(0) successfully bailed out at 465939.4 91594.445
[0:54:32] Pe-8(0) was captured at 465939.4 91594.445
[0:54:46] cc0110{cc01103;Pe-8;1} damaged by landscape at 465039.4 87420.99
[0:54:46] cc0110{cc01103;Pe-8;1} shot down by GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 465039.34 87420.95
[0:55:25] ParatrooperLogging 2877865(7) touchdown in X: 464111.5062859398 Y: 91400.91029915812 (water) drop by
[0:55:25] Pe-8(7) successfully bailed out at 464111.5 91400.914
[0:55:25] Pe-8(7) was captured at 464111.5 91400.914
[0:55:34] GAE_Tehuelche entered refly menu
[0:56:14] ParatrooperLogging 2926585(6) touchdown in X: 464071.56575133506 Y: 91321.2884774318 (water) drop by
[0:56:14] Pe-8(6) successfully bailed out at 464071.56 91321.29
[0:56:14] Pe-8(6) was captured at 464071.56 91321.29
[0:56:28] ParatrooperLogging 2940385(5) touchdown in X: 463938.26504617924 Y: 91283.8271859483 (water) drop by
[0:56:28] Pe-8(5) successfully bailed out at 463938.25 91283.83
[0:56:30] ParatrooperLogging 2942365(8) touchdown in X: 464988.03611903306 Y: 87114.46787510545 (water) drop by
[0:56:30] Pe-8(8) successfully bailed out at 464988.03 87114.47
[0:56:30] Pe-8(8) was captured at 464988.03 87114.47
[0:56:36] ParatrooperLogging 2949265(4) touchdown in X: 463600.8543652225 Y: 91257.346451848 (water) drop by
[0:56:36] Pe-8(4) successfully bailed out at 463600.84 91257.34
[0:56:36] Pe-8(4) was captured at 463600.84 91257.34
[0:56:39] ParatrooperLogging 2951305(3) touchdown in X: 463488.01920539496 Y: 91234.45773104315 (water) drop by
[0:56:39] Pe-8(3) successfully bailed out at 463488.03 91234.46
[0:56:39] Pe-8(3) was captured at 463488.03 91234.46
[0:56:45] ParatrooperLogging 2957365(4) touchdown in X: 464730.2543640293 Y: 87138.46579588369 (water) drop by
[0:56:45] Pe-8(4) successfully bailed out at 464730.25 87138.47
[0:56:45] Pe-8(4) was captured at 464730.25 87138.47
[0:56:51] ParatrooperLogging 2963635(5) touchdown in X: 464795.451231105 Y: 87160.49402325861 (water) drop by
[0:56:51] Pe-8(5) successfully bailed out at 464795.44 87160.49
[0:56:51] Pe-8(5) was captured at 464795.44 87160.49
[0:56:55] ParatrooperLogging 2967325(2) touchdown in X: 464636.266390896 Y: 87090.73484536482 (water) drop by
[0:56:55] Pe-8(2) successfully bailed out at 464636.28 87090.734
[0:56:56] ParatrooperLogging 2968285(3) touchdown in X: 464688.7009144717 Y: 87126.58828369048 (water) drop by
[0:56:56] Pe-8(3) successfully bailed out at 464688.7 87126.586
[0:56:56] Pe-8(3) was captured at 464688.7 87126.586
[0:57:06] ParatrooperLogging 2978665(1) touchdown in X: 464540.2233846832 Y: 87114.6496841692 (water) drop by
[0:57:06] Pe-8(1) successfully bailed out at 464540.22 87114.65
[0:57:06] Pe-8(1) was captured at 464540.22 87114.65
[0:57:12] ParatrooperLogging 2984575(0) touchdown in X: 464423.72270283126 Y: 87072.4706353645 (water) drop by
[0:57:12] Pe-8(0) successfully bailed out at 464423.72 87072.47
[0:57:12] Pe-8(0) was captured at 464423.72 87072.47
[0:57:20] ParatrooperLogging 2992375(2) touchdown in X: 463434.03505824815 Y: 91339.56492231277 (water) drop by


[0:57:20] Pe-8(2) successfully bailed out at 463434.03 91339.56
[0:57:20] Pe-8(2) was captured at 463434.03 91339.56
[0:57:26] GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} landed at 462180.88 95573.43
[0:57:26] GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} damaged on the ground at 462180.88 95573.43
[0:57:29] ParatrooperLogging 3001645(1) touchdown in X: 463405.89025515836 Y: 91384.88942482173 (water) drop by
[0:57:29] Pe-8(1) successfully bailed out at 463405.88 91384.89
[0:57:29] Pe-8(1) was captured at 463405.88 91384.89
[0:57:39] ParatrooperLogging 3011515(0) touchdown in X: 463397.01192363095 Y: 91444.73461522443 (water) drop by
[0:57:39] Pe-8(0) successfully bailed out at 463397.0 91444.734
[0:57:39] Pe-8(0) was captured at 463397.0 91444.734
[0:57:44] GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario(0) bailed out at 462180.34 95799.445
[0:57:45] GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario(0) successfully bailed out at 462179.75 95809.336
[0:57:46] GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario removed at 462180.84 95827.52
[0:57:46] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[0:58:16] GAE_Pocho{GAE_Pocho_0;GAE_Pocho:F4U5_Corsario;2} damaged by landscape at 462170.84 96168.82
[0:58:16] 6_Chief damaged by GAE_Pocho{GAE_Pocho_0;GAE_Pocho:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 462177.78 96277.88
[0:58:16] GAE_Pocho:F4U5_Corsario(0) was wounded at 462170.9 96173.95
[0:58:16] GAE_Pocho{GAE_Pocho_0;GAE_Pocho:F4U5_Corsario;2}(0) was killed at 462170.9 96173.95
[0:58:16] 6_Chief damaged by GAE_Pocho{GAE_Pocho_0;GAE_Pocho:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 462177.78 96277.88
[0:58:16] GAE_Pocho{GAE_Pocho_0;GAE_Pocho:F4U5_Corsario;2} shot down by 6_Chief at 462170.9 96173.95
[0:58:16] 6_Chief damaged by GAE_Pocho{GAE_Pocho_0;GAE_Pocho:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 462177.78 96277.88
[0:58:52] GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 462177.97 96714.91
[0:58:52] GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons 'default' fuel 80%
[0:59:28] GAE_Cuervo{GAE_Cuervo_0;GAE_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario;2} landed at 464097.88 99277.76
[0:59:28] GAE_Cuervo{GAE_Cuervo_0;GAE_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario;2} damaged on the ground at 464097.88 99277.76
[0:59:45] GAE_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario removed at 464096.75 99501.6
[0:59:45] GAE_Cuervo entered refly menu
[1:00:11] GAE_Pocho has disconnected
[1:00:18] GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} damaged by landscape at 464058.47 100000.88
[1:00:20] GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} landed at 464052.97 100015.76
[1:00:20] GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} damaged on the ground at 464052.97 100015.76
[1:00:25] GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario(0) bailed out at 464052.97 100015.86
[1:00:26] GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario(0) successfully bailed out at 464057.9 100022.99
[1:00:26] ParatrooperLogging 3179035(0) touchdown in X: 464057.9920218259 Y: 100023.17386896745 (water) drop by GAE_Popeye_0
[1:00:32] GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 462154.62 98295.65
[1:00:41] GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} shot down by landscape at 464053.72 100016.03
[1:02:32] GAE_Popeye entered refly menu
[1:02:42] GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Popeye at 464102.2 101730.016
[1:02:42] GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '08xHVAR+02x1000Lbs_Bomb' fuel 80%
[1:04:48] GAE_Tehuelche:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Tehuelche at 464106.34 103367.16
[1:04:48] GAE_Tehuelche:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '08xHVAR+02x1000Lbs_Bomb' fuel 80%
[1:04:57] GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2}(0) was killed at 464073.44 103586.82
[1:04:57] GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} shot down by landscape at 464073.44 103586.82
[1:05:24] GAE_Tehuelche:F4U5_Corsario removed at 464100.72 103871.83
[1:05:24] GAE_Tehuelche entered refly menu
[1:05:31] GAE_Tehuelche:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Tehuelche at 464106.47 103923.73
[1:05:31] GAE_Tehuelche:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '08xHVAR+02x1000Lbs_Bomb' fuel 60%
[1:06:44] Pe-8(7) was wounded at 463493.38 99050.98
[1:06:47] cc0110{cc01100;Pe-8;1}(0) was killed by GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 463309.44 98859.836
[1:06:47] cc0110{cc01100;Pe-8;1}(1) was killed by GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 463307.62 98857.47
[1:06:54] Pe-8(2) bailed out at 462946.28 98180.38
[1:06:56] Pe-8(3) bailed out at 462897.94 98045.945
[1:06:57] Pe-8(4) bailed out at 462853.12 97906.5
[1:06:58] Pe-8(5) bailed out at 462811.34 97761.99
[1:07:00] Pe-8(6) bailed out at 462772.0 97612.4
[1:07:01] Pe-8(7) bailed out at 462734.34 97457.78
[1:07:02] Pe-8(8) bailed out at 462697.6 97298.31
[1:07:15] GAE_Gaucho. has disconnected
[1:07:20] GAE_Tehuelche:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 464133.88 106286.35
[1:07:37] GAE_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Cuervo at 464095.3 105434.89
[1:07:37] GAE_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '08xHVAR+02x1000Lbs_Bomb' fuel 60%
[1:08:20] GAE_Chape:F4U5_Corsario removed at 312239.8 341357.25
[1:08:20] GAE_Chape entered refly menu
[1:08:23] cc0110{cc01100;Pe-8;1} damaged by landscape at 462234.94 96361.2
[1:08:23] cc0110{cc01100;Pe-8;1} shot down by GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 462238.3 96351.48
[1:09:58] GAE_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 464057.6 108031.07
[1:10:36] GAE_Chape:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 312239.8 341357.25
[1:10:36] GAE_Chape:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '08xHVAR+02x1000Lbs_Bomb' fuel 80%
[1:11:33] GAE_Chape:F4U5_Corsario removed at 312239.8 341357.25
[1:11:33] GAE_Chape entered refly menu
[1:12:19] GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F4U5_Corsario;2} landed at 462172.47 106952.0
[1:12:34] GAE_Chape:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 464098.97 109077.57
[1:12:34] GAE_Chape:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '08xHVAR+02x1000Lbs_Bomb' fuel 80%
[1:12:41] GAE_Alma:F4U5_Corsario removed at 462172.7 107222.11
[1:12:41] GAE_Alma entered refly menu
[1:13:05] GAE_Alma:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 462177.34 107454.414
[1:13:05] GAE_Alma:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons 'default' fuel 80%
[1:14:09] GAE_Alma:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 462161.56 108587.586
[1:14:53] GAE_Chape:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 464047.06 111940.02
[1:15:15] ParatrooperLogging 4067690(2) touchdown in X: 460905.68099090917 Y: 95266.91105516626 (water) drop by
[1:15:15] Pe-8(2) successfully bailed out at 460905.7 95266.914
[1:15:15] Pe-8(2) was captured at 460905.7 95266.914
[1:15:17] ParatrooperLogging 4069730(7) touchdown in X: 460963.60585425916 Y: 94440.07322780894 (water) drop by
[1:15:17] Pe-8(7) successfully bailed out at 460963.6 94440.07
[1:15:17] Pe-8(7) was captured at 460963.6 94440.07
[1:15:19] ParatrooperLogging 4072220(3) touchdown in X: 460929.7488397234 Y: 95110.16576622993 (water) drop by
[1:15:19] Pe-8(3) successfully bailed out at 460929.75 95110.164
[1:15:19] Pe-8(3) was captured at 460929.75 95110.164
[1:15:34] ParatrooperLogging 4086410(6) touchdown in X: 460980.15742243547 Y: 94611.85700031568 (water) drop by
[1:15:34] Pe-8(6) successfully bailed out at 460980.16 94611.86
[1:15:47] ParatrooperLogging 4099850(5) touchdown in X: 460986.7279927825 Y: 94796.08773793676 (water) drop by
[1:15:47] Pe-8(5) successfully bailed out at 460986.72 94796.086
[1:15:47] Pe-8(5) was captured at 460986.72 94796.086
[1:16:04] ParatrooperLogging 4116680(8) touchdown in X: 460966.2603088114 Y: 94264.80712150662 (water) drop by
[1:16:04] Pe-8(8) successfully bailed out at 460966.25 94264.805
[1:16:22] ParatrooperLogging 4134800(4) touchdown in X: 460982.05282865494 Y: 94986.38827380855 (water) drop by
[1:16:22] Pe-8(4) successfully bailed out at 460982.06 94986.39
[1:16:22] Pe-8(4) was captured at 460982.06 94986.39
[1:23:01] cc0102{cc01021;U-2VS;1} damaged on the ground at 400542.28 103395.04
[1:23:01] cc0102{cc01021;U-2VS;1}(0) was killed at 400542.28 103395.04
[1:23:01] cc0102{cc01021;U-2VS;1}(1) was killed at 400542.28 103395.04
[1:23:01] cc0102{cc01021;U-2VS;1} shot down by GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 400542.28 103395.04
[1:23:01] GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F4U5_Corsario;2}(0) was killed at 400542.8 103394.67
[1:23:01] GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F4U5_Corsario;2} shot down by cc0102{cc01021;U-2VS;1} at 400542.8 103394.67
[1:23:02] cc0102{cc01020;U-2VS;1}(1) was killed by GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 400622.4 103377.266
[1:23:19] cc0102{cc01023;U-2VS;1} damaged on the ground at 400868.84 102917.28
[1:23:19] cc0102{cc01023;U-2VS;1} damaged by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 400868.84 102917.28
[1:23:24] U-2VS(0) bailed out at 400904.9 102707.98
[1:23:25] U-2VS(1) bailed out at 400913.03 102658.01
[1:23:54] cc0102{cc01023;U-2VS;1} shot down by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 400836.53 102154.31
[1:23:54] cc0102{cc01022;U-2VS;1} damaged on the ground at 400246.84 102920.55
[1:23:54] cc0102{cc01022;U-2VS;1}(0) was killed at 400246.84 102920.55
[1:23:54] cc0102{cc01022;U-2VS;1}(1) was killed at 400246.84 102920.55
[1:23:54] cc0102{cc01022;U-2VS;1} shot down by landscape at 400246.84 102920.55
[1:23:56] cc0102{cc01020;U-2VS;1} damaged on the ground at 399450.47 102932.11
[1:23:56] cc0102{cc01020;U-2VS;1} damaged by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 399450.47 102932.11
[1:24:01] U-2VS(0) bailed out at 399530.03 103140.39
[1:24:23] cc0102{cc01020;U-2VS;1} shot down by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 399725.94 103481.516
[1:28:24] ParatrooperLogging 4856270(0) touchdown in X: 400090.21897151484 Y: 104023.73367408568 (ground) drop by
[1:28:24] U-2VS(0) successfully bailed out at 400090.22 104023.734
[1:28:50] ParatrooperLogging 4883000(0) touchdown in X: 401319.72042182 Y: 101690.65257839879 (ground) drop by
[1:28:50] U-2VS(0) successfully bailed out at 401319.72 101690.66
[1:28:50] ParatrooperLogging 4883150(1) touchdown in X: 401277.21349865076 Y: 101680.6743305004 (ground) drop by
[1:28:50] U-2VS(1) successfully bailed out at 401277.22 101680.67
[1:33:12] A6M2 removed at 367606.47 81859.96
[1:33:37] 108_Static destroyed by GAE_Tehuelche{GAE_Tehuelche_0;GAE_Tehuelche:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 367591.7 82147.04
[1:33:37] 107_Static destroyed by GAE_Tehuelche{GAE_Tehuelche_0;GAE_Tehuelche:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 367627.9 82171.31
[1:33:43] 150_Static destroyed by GAE_Chape{GAE_Chape_0;GAE_Chape:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 367293.84 81584.61
[1:33:43] 153_Static destroyed by GAE_Chape{GAE_Chape_0;GAE_Chape:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 367308.66 81565.6
[1:33:43] 154_Static destroyed by GAE_Chape{GAE_Chape_0;GAE_Chape:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 367315.22 81560.85
[1:33:43] 155_Static destroyed by GAE_Chape{GAE_Chape_0;GAE_Chape:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 367320.4 81556.93
[1:33:43] 157_Static destroyed by GAE_Chape{GAE_Chape_0;GAE_Chape:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 367325.84 81567.14
[1:33:43] 149_Static destroyed by GAE_Chape{GAE_Chape_0;GAE_Chape:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 367296.38 81571.05
[1:33:44] 148_Static destroyed by GAE_Chape{GAE_Chape_0;GAE_Chape:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 367289.9 81575.67
[1:33:50] 133_Static destroyed by GAE_Cuervo{GAE_Cuervo_0;GAE_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 367376.22 82321.26
[1:33:56] 136_Static destroyed by GAE_Cuervo{GAE_Cuervo_0;GAE_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 367362.34 82370.87
[1:34:31] A6M2 removed at 367415.75 81662.62
[1:34:42] cc0101{cc01011;A6M2;1} damaged on the ground at 365367.06 84123.77
[1:34:42] cc0101{cc01011;A6M2;1} damaged by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 365367.06 84123.77
[1:34:43] cc0101{cc01011;A6M2;1}(0) was killed by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 365380.94 84094.88
[1:34:43] cc0101{cc01011;A6M2;1} shot down by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 365380.94 84094.88
[1:35:55] A6M2 removed at 367540.9 81923.195
[1:37:25] GAE_Alma has disconnected
[1:41:42] GAE_Ceteu has disconnected
[1:43:13] GAE_Cuervo{GAE_Cuervo_0;GAE_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario;2} landed at 401917.66 76743.65
[1:43:13] GAE_Cuervo{GAE_Cuervo_0;GAE_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario;2} damaged on the ground at 401917.66 76743.65
[1:43:17] GAE_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario(0) bailed out at 401917.7 76743.58
[1:43:18] GAE_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario(0) successfully bailed out at 401924.94 76746.32
[1:43:18] GAE_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario(0) was captured at 401924.94 76746.32
[1:43:18] ParatrooperLogging 5750630(0) touchdown in X: 401925.09775455197 Y: 76746.44206059392 (water) drop by GAE_Cuervo_0
[1:43:35] GAE_Cuervo{GAE_Cuervo_0;GAE_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario;2} shot down by 134_Static at 401918.25 76742.79
[1:52:42] 6_Chief damaged by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 462160.06 133032.62
[1:52:42] 6_Chief damaged by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 462160.06 133032.62
[1:52:42] GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2}(0) was killed at 462146.56 133114.73
[1:52:42] GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} shot down by 6_Chief at 462146.56 133114.73
[1:52:43] 6_Chief damaged by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 462160.06 133032.62
[1:53:19] GAE_Pepper has disconnected
[1:53:30] GAE_Tehuelche{GAE_Tehuelche_0;GAE_Tehuelche:F4U5_Corsario;2} damaged by landscape at 464079.5 135480.58
[1:53:34] GAE_Tehuelche{GAE_Tehuelche_0;GAE_Tehuelche:F4U5_Corsario;2} landed at 464077.53 135604.16
[1:53:34] GAE_Tehuelche{GAE_Tehuelche_0;GAE_Tehuelche:F4U5_Corsario;2} damaged on the ground at 464077.53 135604.16
[1:54:31] GAE_Tehuelche:F4U5_Corsario removed at 464078.44 136127.36
[1:54:31] GAE_Tehuelche entered refly menu
[1:54:42] GAE_Tehuelche has disconnected
[1:54:51] GAE_Cuervo has disconnected
[1:55:19] GAE_Popeye has disconnected
[1:56:43] GAE_Chape{GAE_Chape_0;GAE_Chape:F4U5_Corsario;2} landed at 462155.6 135309.83
[1:56:43] GAE_Chape{GAE_Chape_0;GAE_Chape:F4U5_Corsario;2} damaged on the ground at 462155.6 135309.83


1º Vuelo:
Corsario- 2x1000-8xHVAR
Decolamos y en mi caso como numeral de cuervo, nos dirijimos hacia el punto en el cua lse encontraba el objetivo. Luego el V1 informa de una grupo numeroso de bombarderos los cuales pude identificar como moskito y como Pe-8, uno cazabombardero pesado y el otro un Bombardero pesado.
Tras retirar las armas exteriores procedimos a el enganche de estos y en el trayecto gaucho es derribado, pero en mi caso los segui hasta el V1 y derribe uno destrozandole un ala. Al final luego de derribar a este bombardero pesado, tome rombo al V1 en emergencia ya que los Instrumentos estaban completamente destruidos, En el apontaje se podia sentir una turbulencia la cua lno ayudaba, y directamente engancho y me estampo contra la grua amarilla.

PD: Se exigen urgentes investigaciones gracias al testigo cuervo que los bombaderos Petlankov-8 estaban armados con ojivas nucleares.

AAK:1 ( porfin bajo un avion!!!)


Sali como Jefe de escuadra con cuervo y chape, nos dirigimos hacia la base la cual fue atacada co nexito a diferencia que mi numeral cuervo recivio mucho fuego antiaereo y no pudo lograr llegar a territorio aliado ( Espero que los Chinos no le hagan cosas raras)
Chape y yo llegamo a diferencia que mi aeronave con instrumentales destruidos y con el timon de cola  inutilizado no logro apontar perdiendo por conpleto las alas y el tren.
Piloto termino co ngrandes heridas

Aeronave: Destruida
GU.Sergio Nicolas "Tehuelche" Bechara Baladi Muñiz


1er Vuelo:

F4U5 Corsario - 80% Fuel - Default

Despego del V2 como líder de la escuadra "charlie" con Ceteu, Alma y Pocho. Nos dirigimos a la zona de la base BK9 a fin de "limpiar" el cielo para que opere el grupo de ataque "Alpha". LLegamos al lugar y detectamos 4 contactos que se abalanzan sobre nosotros, como siempre hago de señuelo a fin de que mis elementos hagan el trabajo, y lo hacen perfectamente, derribados los contactos desde la FT se nos pide retornar ya que hay muchos ecos de radar acercándose a la misma, volvemos rápidamente y sobre la vertical encontramos varios bombarderos operando, ordeno salir de formación y elegir blancos, logro enganchar un bombardero y derribarlo no sin antes recebir numerosos impactos que me hacen perder combustible, por lo que decido apontar a reparar y repostar, estando en final se me avisa que no me baja el tren, intento en forma manual pero no hay caso por lo que se me ordena apontar de panza, así lo hago y solo habrá que reparar la hélice.

AAK: 1
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Ok - Apontado sin tren (hélice averiada en el apontaje)

2do Vuelo:

F4U5 Corsario - 80% Fuel - Default

Despego y tomo altura sobre la vertical de la FT mientras Alma da cuenta del último bombardero a mas de 8000 metros, baja a repostar y nos dirigimos nuevamente a la zona de BK9 donde volverá a atacar el grupo Alpha, encontramos contactos que resultan ser biplanos de fabricación rusa que nos disparan, C2 se lleva puesto al primero y doy cuenta de los otros 2 sin recibir daños. Continúo hasta proximidades de la base donde hay nutrido fuego antiaéreo, detecto un contacto (zero) entrando en final y lo derribo, doy algunas vueltas esperando a los de ataque y luego retornamos a la FT. Entro bastante despacio no obstante al parecer no engancho puesto que debo aplicar frenos para no caer por la proa pero mi avión capota y explota.

AAK: 3
Piloto: Kia
Avión: Destruído
CC - Jefe Sección Personal


1º Vuelo

F4U5_Corsario/'08xHVAR+02x1000Lbs_Bomb'/Jugo 80%

Decolo como 3º elemento de la escuadra de Ataque (Alpha 3), liderada por el Oficial Tehuelche.
Debiamos atacar el aerodromo cito en BK9, llegariamos desde el Este y soltariamos para luego dar soporte a la escuadra de Caza (Charly).
A 10 Km del objetivo formamos para entrar en conjunto a la base, yo elijo objetivos al Sur de la misma, en mi ataque logro descargar sobre varias posiciones de antiaereas.
Pero en la salida quedo sin alerones por lo que debo correjir todo con rudder.
Lamentablemente no puedo dar apoyo a Charlie y debo volver averiado.
Retorno con rumbo 030 hacia la Flota de Tareas y solicitando emergencia me autorizan a utilizar el V2.
En final directa debo abortar, dado a la incapacidad de correjir con alerones y voy para un segundo intento.
Me alejo para una final larga que me proporcione mas posibilidades de correjir y llego para enganchar en los cables, por lo problemas de controles no puedo bajar la entrada de los 210 Km/h lo que genera que lastime las palas del propulsor.
Sin mayores daños , mas que los causados por la AAA entrego mi aeronave en cubierta.

Avion=Ok (apontado, helice averiada y daños por AAA, reparados por R/R/R)

Mi Corsario sin respuesta de alerones apontado en cubierta


1º Vuelo

Corsario 80% fuel, 4xhvar+1x2000lbs

Despego del V1 como segundo lider de la escuadra de Ataque. A mis ordenes queda el Gu Tehuelche, mientras Popeye queda a las ordenes del Te Gaucho. Ponemos rumbo hacia la base enemiga, pero al llegar a la costa control nos informa de presencia enemiga al norte. Ponemos rumbo para interceptarlos, pero recien llegamos a ellos cuando ya casi estan sobre la flota.
  Logro derribar a un bombardero despues de 2 pasadas, y luego rastreo la zona encontrando objetivos pero sin poder darle alcanze antes de que sean destruidos por nuestra flota.
Una bomba de los enemigos logra explotar sobre la superficie del mar con gran impacto pero por suerte no llega a dañar a la flota de tareas. Lamentablemente el Gu Gaucho cae por la onda expansiva de la misma.
Se me ordena volver al V1 para recargar armamento y combustible. Desde que sali tuve serios problemas con el manejo de la aeronave, habia algun desperfecto del control que me causaba mucha turbulencia. Pude apontar pero con muchas dificultades, y por esta razon destrui la helice y el tren de aterrizaje

AAK:1 (bombardero)
Piloto: ok
Avion:Apontado (Helice y Tren roto)

2º Vuelo

Corsario 60% fuel + 4xhvar+2x1000lbs

Gaucho ya no hiva a poder ser nuestro lider porque habia caido en accion. En esta ocasion decidimos que el Gu Tehuelche hiva a liderar la unidad. Pusimos rumbo hacia la base enemiga, y a mitad camino nos dio alcanze el Te Chape para darnos apoyo.
  Al llegar a al objetivo, visualizamos los objetivos y nos dividimos. Logro destruir completamente el mio, sin embargo la antiaerea es muy fuerte y me pincha el tanque. Hago algunas vueltas por la zona para ver si mis servicios eran solicitados.
   Al ver como mi tanque disminuia de manera alarmante, pongo rumbo al V1. Masomenos a mitad camino me quedo sin combustible, y comienzo a planear hasta encontrar una zona llana. Aterrizo lentamente, y me eyecto del avion.
  Fue solo cuestion de minutos para que el enemigo me encontrara y me llevara como prisionero para interrogar.

AGK: Suministros + 1 AAA
Avion:Aterrizado en territorio enemigo
Piloto:ok - Capturado


1º Vuelo.

Corsario - 80% Fuel - Default

Salgo del V2 con la escuadra Charlie, con el TC Pepper como C1, yo mismo como C2, Alma como C3 y Pocho como C4. Nos dirgimos a la cuadrícula BK9 para cubrir a la escuadra Alpha que atacaría el aeródromo que era nuestro objetivo. Sobre la vertical del mismo nos encontramos con Zeros que atacan en candela ascendenté. El líder de los mismos me dispara una ráfaga que me alcanza dañando mis alerones y provocando pérdidas de combustible. Logro evadir a dos que se negaban a soltarme, aviso al TC Pepper y al V1 y me dirijo a la FT. Antes de llegar a la costa se me acaba el fuel, planeo y amerizo sin inconvenientes a 5 km aprox de la FT, luego de radiar mi posición al V1 para un eventual rescate.

AAK: 0
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Destruído

2º Vuelo

Corsario - 80% Fuel - Default

Parto del V2 en solitario con órdenes de reunirme al norte de la FT con el resto de mi escuadra. Estoy ascendiendo cuando de las nubes surjen 4 bombarderos Peltyakov Pe-8 con rumbo a la FT. Comunico la novedad al V1 y autorizado, ataco. Derribo al primero que encaro, pero recibo impactos en el motor que me dejan sin potencia como para ascender rápidamente, con lo que dejaría expuesto la panza del avión al fuego defensivo al perder velocidad. Continúo entonces con la línea de vuelo, llegando a las 6 del bombardero líder, pero cuando le estoy sacudiendo con los cañones, la explosión de las pesadas bombas de mi derribo anterior me arrancan un ala, con lo que caigo al mar, sin tiempo a ejectarme ni comprobar si el líder cae.

AAK: 1
Piloto: KIA
Avión: Destruído


1er Vuelo:

F4U5 Corsario - 80% Fuel - Default

Decolo como numeral 4 de la Esc. de Caza, siendo 2 de Alma. Desde control nos ordenan registrar una zona, nos diijimos y entablamos combate con varios ceros. Intentando en todo momento seguir a mi lider, logramos derrotarlos parcialmente ya que se nos solicita en las FT debido a un inminente bombardeo comunista. Nos dan luz verde para atacar, persigo a un objetivo, destrozandole los timones, el mismo es rematado por mis camaradas. Con el segundo objetivo no obtengo los mismos resultados, quedandome sin municion regreso al porta para apontar, por algunas fallas en el timon exploto en cubierta.

AAK: 0
Piloto: Muerto
Avión: Destruido

"Si avanzo sígueme, si me detengo empújame, si ret


Vuelo 1
80% combustible + 8 GVAR + 2x1000lb bombas
Decolé de V1 con turno 2 en escuadrilla liderada por TC Gaucho, con el objetivo de atacar el aeródromo de BK9.
Pusimos rumbo 280/290 y ya sobre la costa recibimos ordenes de Control V1 de desprendernos de la carga  y regresar a la FT para interceptar bandidos en aproximación a la Fuerza. Intentamos tomar altura rápido, ya que el líder los ubicó por estelas de condensación a los 7000 metros aprox. Las aeronaves eran bimotores similares al Mosquito. Luego apareció por el N. una segunda oleada, que según el Gu Tehuelche era Pe-8, misma altura. No conseguí ascender a más de 3000 metros antes de que la amenaza fuese eliminada.
Al retornar al V1, aponté y rodé por cubierta hacia babor, ya enganchado.
AGK: 0
Aeronave: destruida
Piloto: ok, eyectado.

Vuelo 2
80% combustible + 8 GVAR + 2x1000lb bombas
Decolé del V1 con el mismo objetivo, en escuadrilla liderada por Cuervo, esta vez y debido al peso y turbulencia, perdí sustentación y caí a los 200 de haber decolado.
Aeronave: destruia
Piloto: eyectado

2-PH-412, ARA Mendive


1er Vuelo:

F4U5 Corsario - 80% Fuel - Default

Despegamos del V2 en la escuadra de caza con el teniente Pepper como líder. Nos dirigimos hacia el cuadrante BK9 y próximos a el no encontramos con un grupo de cazas que resultan ser zeros, rápidamente lo enganchan a Pepper y nos da luz verde para disparar, le ordeno a mi numeral, el GU Pocho, que se mantenga pegado a mis 6 mientras me abalanzo sobre un objetivo logrando derribarlo. Luego del 1er derribo quedo bien posicionado sobre otro zero que perseguía al teniente Pepper y caigo a sus 6 logrando derribarlo. Trato de ganar altitud y me comunico con pocho quien me pierde en las maniobras anteriores por lo que comienzo a buscarlo, en ese momento me encuentro con un 3er zero al que doy caza rápidamente y caigo en el error de pensar que solo eran tres enemigos, por lo que me relajo y me dispongo a reagruparme con el resto de la escuadra.
En ese momento veo al teniente Pepper ser sorprendido por un cuarto zero, le indico que rompa por izquierda, y quedo en buena posición para el disparo, hago una ráfaga corta y el zero se precipita a tierra, quedado fuera de peligro el líder de vuelo. Nos reagrupamos y Control nos indica que retornemos a la flota ya que se aproximan contactos.
Trepamos en el camino de regreso y ya sobre la flota vemos las nubes de la aaa pesada de los barcos que nos marcan los objetivos. Atacamos logrando derribar mis compañeros a varios bombarderos cuatrimotor, pero en mi caso realizo una pasada y los artilleros me rompen los controles precipitándome al mar sin posibilidad de eyectarme.

AAK: 4 zeros
Piloto: KIA
Avión: Destruido

2do Vuelo:

F4U5 Corsario - 80% Fuel - Default

Despego y se me ordena limpiar el cielo en cercanías de la flota por lo que gano altura rápidamente y comienzo a buscar objetivos. Veo como varios bombarderos son derribados por mis compañeros y logro divisar a uno mas alejado al que doy caza resultando ileso en la maniobra. Quedan las cercanías de la flota libres de contactos por lo que varios de mis camaradas comienzan a apontar para repostar. En ese momento observo un contacto a gran altura estelando sobre la flota por lo que pido autorización y voy tras el. Gano altura lo mas rápidamente posible, paso a 3ra etapa de supercargador a los 5000 metros y consigo ponerme a nivel a unos 8500 metros donde el aire es tan liviano que me cuesta mucho mantener el control del corsario. Realizo una pasada y descargo mis cañones logrando impactar varias veces y me quedo sin municiones. Afortunadamente veo como comienzan a saltar los tripulantes del cuatrimotor mientras este se voltea lentamente cayendo finalmente al mar.

Sin municiones y con algunos impactos menores, pico y me dirijo al V2 donde aponto sin novedad.

AAK: 2
Piloto: OK
Avión: OK - Apontado

3er Vuelo:

F4U5 Corsario - 80% Fuel - Default

Salimos junto a Pepper nuevamente hacia BK9. En el camino nos encontramos con un grupo de PE2 al que nos disponemos a dar caza, realizo una pasada pero debido a la lentitud de los biplanos y a un viraje de ultimo momento, no logro esquivarlo y me lo llevo puesto tristemente...

AAK: 0
Piloto: KIA
Avion: Destruido