GAE-Vietnam. (17? misi?n)

Iniciado por GAE_Balker, 17 de Febrero de 2006, 10:40:16 AM

Tema anterior - Siguiente tema


1 - Posici?n de la c?rcel de Tuol Sleg, sede de la delegaci?n del VC.
2 - Posici?n del hotel Samaki, sede de la delegaci?n del Pathet Lao.
3 - Posici?n del Teatro de L?Univers, sede de la cumbre y HQ del Partido Revolucionario de Kampuchea.

- En el WP 3 se encontrar?n con los C-47 del CAT.
- Deben reconocer los edificos sin margen de duda. Miren las fotograf?as entregadas por la CIA. (Est?n en
los INFORMES DE INTELIGENCIA en "Estado de Campa?a").
- Sadr?n 6 Corsarios cargados con 2 bombas de 500 Lbs cada uno. Se dividir?n 2 por cada blanco.
- Estar?n atentos a destru?r cualquier columna del enemigo que intente llegar al rescate hasta el hotel de
- Tras asegurarse que nada compromete la seguridad del grupo del TN Beltrapone, regresan al V1. M?s
tarde volver?n armados apropiadamente para proteger su escape.
- Traten de no causar m?s da?os de los necesarios a la ciudad. Laos quiere nuestras cabezas por el ataque
al puerto de Attopeu, tratemos de no hacer enojar demasiado a los Camboyanos.
- Graben el trak para la gente de Inteligencia.







TN Flak ? ? ? ?F4U ? ? ?01 ? ? ?ok (Rescatado)
TC Castor ? ? F4U ? ? ?02 ? ? ?ok
TF Buitre ? ? ?F4U ? ? ?03 ? ? ?ok
TC Balker ? ? ?F4U ? ? ?04 ? ? ok
TC Charrua ? ?F4U ? ? ?05 ? ? ok
GU Chacal ? ? F4U ? ? ?06 ? ? KIA


[Feb 22, 2006 12:19:14 AM] Mission: net/coop/Vietnam/GAE-Viet17.mis is Playing
12:00:00 Mission BEGIN
12:00:00 GAE_Castor is trying to occupy seat UN_NN101(0)
12:00:00 GAE_Charrua is trying to occupy seat UN_NN111(0)
12:00:00 GAE_Buitre is trying to occupy seat UN_NN102(0)
12:00:00 GAE_Balker is trying to occupy seat UN_NN103(0)
12:00:00 GAE_Chacal has connected
12:00:00 GAE_Chacal is trying to occupy seat UN_NN110(0)
12:00:00 UN_NN100(0) seat occupied by GAE_Flak at 67927.87 171312.08
12:00:00 UN_NN100 loaded weapons '2x500' fuel 75%
12:00:00 UN_NN103(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 67913.66 171323.12
12:00:00 UN_NN103 loaded weapons '2x500' fuel 75%
12:00:00 UN_NN102(0) seat occupied by GAE_Buitre at 67917.08 171312.86
12:00:00 UN_NN102 loaded weapons '2x500' fuel 75%
12:00:00 UN_NN101(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 67919.27 171301.02
12:00:00 UN_NN101 loaded weapons '2x500' fuel 75%
12:00:00 UN_NN111(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 67902.87 171323.9
12:00:00 UN_NN111 loaded weapons '2x500' fuel 75%
12:00:00 UN_NN110(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chacal at 67905.06 171312.06
12:00:00 UN_NN110 loaded weapons '2x500' fuel 75%
12:00:59 UN_NN100 in flight at 68982.06 170438.97
12:01:10 UN_NN101 in flight at 69165.63 170393.03
12:01:17 UN_NN102 in flight at 69220.68 170323.2
12:01:37 UN_NN103 in flight at 69419.16 170197.95
12:01:53 UN_NN110 in flight at 69747.93 169796.17
12:02:05 UN_NN111 in flight at 69748.59 169845.86
12:17:57 UN_NN000 landed at 108917.0 210278.25
12:18:17 82_Static destroyed by UN_NN100 at 109818.96 216705.03
12:18:17 131_Static destroyed by UN_NN100 at 109814.73 216691.44
12:18:17 128_Static destroyed by UN_NN100 at 109833.28 216691.44
12:18:17 61_Static destroyed by UN_NN100 at 109813.55 216675.45
12:18:17 132_Static destroyed by UN_NN100 at 109794.45 216718.92
12:18:17 75_Static destroyed by UN_NN100 at 109839.1 216717.28
12:18:18 19_Static destroyed by UN_NN111 at 113225.95 212187.31
12:18:18 20_Static destroyed by UN_NN111 at 113238.23 212198.66
12:18:18 14_Static destroyed by UN_NN111 at 113224.99 212207.98
12:18:18 13_Static destroyed by UN_NN111 at 113220.59 212194.95
12:18:18 11_Static destroyed by UN_NN111 at 113206.84 212175.05
12:18:18 18_Static destroyed by UN_NN111 at 113249.58 212186.19
12:18:18 17_Static destroyed by UN_NN111 at 113259.43 212197.17
12:18:18 16_Static destroyed by UN_NN111 at 113249.98 212209.45
12:18:18 15_Static destroyed by UN_NN111 at 113235.93 212219.94
12:18:32 45_Static destroyed by UN_NN102 at 110778.83 212945.92
12:18:32 44_Static destroyed by UN_NN102 at 110777.38 212936.75
12:18:32 39_Static destroyed by UN_NN102 at 110750.44 212917.86
12:18:32 38_Static destroyed by UN_NN102 at 110743.36 212915.73
12:18:32 42_Static destroyed by UN_NN102 at 110763.27 212934.55
12:18:32 41_Static destroyed by UN_NN102 at 110756.72 212918.44
12:18:32 35_Static destroyed by UN_NN102 at 110759.56 212904.6
12:19:34 83_Static destroyed by UN_NN103 at 110804.18 212890.03
12:19:34 28_Static destroyed by UN_NN103 at 110814.4 212866.6
12:19:34 27_Static destroyed by UN_NN103 at 110818.56 212872.34
12:19:34 26_Static destroyed by UN_NN103 at 110825.31 212872.86
12:19:34 25_Static destroyed by UN_NN103 at 110829.72 212875.47
12:19:34 33_Static destroyed by UN_NN103 at 110777.52 212881.45
12:19:34 29_Static destroyed by UN_NN103 at 110780.15 212878.05
12:19:34 24_Static destroyed by UN_NN103 at 110834.39 212883.8
12:19:34 23_Static destroyed by UN_NN103 at 110839.3 212883.8
12:19:34 79_Static destroyed by UN_NN103 at 110855.57 212871.64
12:20:08 94_Static destroyed by UN_NN110 at 113144.09 212239.5
12:20:27 3_Static destroyed by UN_NN101 at 109713.36 214183.84
12:22:55 UN_NN001 landed at 109730.31 209812.16
12:23:01 0_Chief5 destroyed by UN_NN102 at 111296.51 214703.48
12:23:02 0_Chief2 destroyed by UN_NN101 at 111331.37 214668.62
12:23:02 0_Chief4 destroyed by UN_NN102 at 111310.77 214689.22
12:23:02 0_Chief1 destroyed by UN_NN101 at 111343.89 214656.11
12:23:39 0_Chief3 destroyed by UN_NN102 at 111491.516 214508.48
12:23:46 0_Chief6 destroyed by UN_NN101 at 111459.44 214540.56
12:24:20 0_Chief0 destroyed by UN_NN102 at 111696.36 214303.64
12:24:55 0_Chief7 destroyed by UN_NN101 at 111690.18 214307.94
12:25:17 UN_NN100 landed at 84899.62 196509.52
12:25:17 UN_NN100 damaged on the ground at 84899.62 196509.52
12:36:45 UN_NN103 landed at 84998.4 196498.86
12:37:31 UN_NN100(0) bailed out at 84903.46 196510.2
12:37:40 UN_NN100(0) successfully bailed out at 84889.92 196457.94
12:39:51 UN_NN103 in flight at 85610.69 196513.19
12:43:59 UN_NN110 damaged by 1_Chief at 97765.52 148062.2
12:44:00 UN_NN110(0) was killed at 97773.13 148054.81
12:44:00 UN_NN110 shot down by 1_Chief at 97773.13 148054.81
12:47:36 UN_NN101 landed at 99543.23 146690.69
12:48:26 UN_NN111 damaged by 1_Chief at 99935.77 146372.95
12:48:34 UN_NN111 landed at 100045.67 146251.12
12:48:34 UN_NN111 damaged on the ground at 100045.67 146251.12
12:48:37 UN_NN111(0) bailed out at 100045.66 146251.14
12:48:37 UN_NN111(0) successfully bailed out at 100046.14 146252.86
12:48:59 UN_NN111 shot down by 1_Chief at 100045.72 146251.34
12:51:15 UN_NN103 damaged by landscape at 101249.945 145357.3
12:51:17 UN_NN103 landed at 101254.65 145355.53
12:51:17 UN_NN103 damaged on the ground at 101254.65 145355.53
12:51:18 UN_NN103(0) bailed out at 101254.68 145355.53
12:51:18 UN_NN103(0) successfully bailed out at 101256.67 145356.38
12:51:23 UN_NN103 shot down by 1_Chief at 101254.64 145355.47
12:51:28 UN_NN103(0) successfully bailed out at 101258.4 145357.28
12:51:51 UN_NN102 landed at 101341.77 145281.88
12:52:21 Mission END

=== Actions for pilot GAE_Flak: ====

12:00:00 GAE_Flak takes seat: UN_NN100(0) - 67927.87 171312.08
12:00:00 GAE_Flak loads wep: '2x500' ?fuel: 75%
12:18:17 GAE_Flak destroy to 82_Static - 109818.96 216705.03
12:18:17 GAE_Flak destroy to 131_Static - 109814.73 216691.44
12:18:17 GAE_Flak destroy to 128_Static - 109833.28 216691.44
12:18:17 GAE_Flak destroy to 61_Static - 109813.55 216675.45
12:18:17 GAE_Flak destroy to 132_Static - 109794.45 216718.92
12:18:17 GAE_Flak destroy to 75_Static - 109839.1 216717.28
12:25:17 GAE_Flak lands - 84899.62 196509.52
12:25:17 GAE_Flak diches - 84899.62 196509.52
12:31:05 GAE_Flak turns smoke On - 84899.99 196509.55
12:37:31 GAE_Flak bailed - 84903.46 196510.2
12:37:40 GAE_Flak bailed ok ?- 84889.92 196457.94
-------- SUMMARY for GAE_Flak:
Akills: 0 | Gkills: 6 ?| State: Landed (emerg) Bailed ok

==== Actions for pilot GAE_Balker: ====

12:00:00 GAE_Balker takes seat: UN_NN103(0) - 67913.66 171323.12
12:00:00 GAE_Balker loads wep: '2x500' ?fuel: 75%
12:19:34 GAE_Balker destroy to 83_Static - 110804.18 212890.03
12:19:34 GAE_Balker destroy to 28_Static - 110814.4 212866.6
12:19:34 GAE_Balker destroy to 27_Static - 110818.56 212872.34
12:19:34 GAE_Balker destroy to 26_Static - 110825.31 212872.86
12:19:34 GAE_Balker destroy to 25_Static - 110829.72 212875.47
12:19:34 GAE_Balker destroy to 33_Static - 110777.52 212881.45
12:19:34 GAE_Balker destroy to 29_Static - 110780.15 212878.05
12:19:34 GAE_Balker destroy to 24_Static - 110834.39 212883.8
12:19:34 GAE_Balker destroy to 23_Static - 110839.3 212883.8
12:19:34 GAE_Balker destroy to 79_Static - 110855.57 212871.64
12:36:45 GAE_Balker lands - 84998.4 196498.86
12:51:15 GAE_Balker damaged by landscape - 101249.945 145357.3
12:51:17 GAE_Balker lands - 101254.65 145355.53
12:51:17 GAE_Balker diches - 101254.65 145355.53
12:51:18 GAE_Balker bailed - 101254.68 145355.53
12:51:18 GAE_Balker bailed ok ?- 101256.67 145356.38
12:51:23 GAE_Balker was shoot down by 1_Chief - 101254.64 145355.47
12:51:28 GAE_Balker bailed ok ?- 101258.4 145357.28
-------- SUMMARY for GAE_Balker:
Akills: 0 | Gkills: 10 ?| State: Landed Damaged Landed (emerg) Bailed ok ok

==== Actions for pilot GAE_Buitre: ====

12:00:00 GAE_Buitre takes seat: UN_NN102(0) - 67917.08 171312.86
12:00:00 GAE_Buitre loads wep: '2x500' ?fuel: 75%
12:18:32 GAE_Buitre destroy to 45_Static - 110778.83 212945.92
12:18:32 GAE_Buitre destroy to 44_Static - 110777.38 212936.75
12:18:32 GAE_Buitre destroy to 39_Static - 110750.44 212917.86
12:18:32 GAE_Buitre destroy to 38_Static - 110743.36 212915.73
12:18:32 GAE_Buitre destroy to 42_Static - 110763.27 212934.55
12:18:32 GAE_Buitre destroy to 41_Static - 110756.72 212918.44
12:18:32 GAE_Buitre destroy to 35_Static - 110759.56 212904.6
12:23:01 GAE_Buitre destroy to 0_Chief5 - 111296.51 214703.48
12:23:02 GAE_Buitre destroy to 0_Chief4 - 111310.77 214689.22
12:23:39 GAE_Buitre destroy to 0_Chief3 - 111491.516 214508.48
12:24:20 GAE_Buitre destroy to 0_Chief0 - 111696.36 214303.64
12:30:22 GAE_Buitre turns smoke On - 89532.516 196307.36
12:30:23 GAE_Buitre turns smoke Off- 89295.58 196350.31
12:30:51 GAE_Buitre turns smoke On - 85634.07 196801.42
12:31:02 GAE_Buitre turns smoke Off- 84289.19 196391.64
12:51:51 GAE_Buitre lands - 101341.77 145281.88
-------- SUMMARY for GAE_Buitre:
Akills: 0 | Gkills: 11 ?| State: Landed

==== Actions for pilot GAE_Castor: ====

12:00:00 GAE_Castor takes seat: UN_NN101(0) - 67919.27 171301.02
12:00:00 GAE_Castor loads wep: '2x500' ?fuel: 75%
12:20:27 GAE_Castor destroy to 3_Static - 109713.36 214183.84
12:23:02 GAE_Castor destroy to 0_Chief2 - 111331.37 214668.62
12:23:02 GAE_Castor destroy to 0_Chief1 - 111343.89 214656.11
12:23:46 GAE_Castor destroy to 0_Chief6 - 111459.44 214540.56
12:24:55 GAE_Castor destroy to 0_Chief7 - 111690.18 214307.94
12:47:36 GAE_Castor lands - 99543.23 146690.69
-------- SUMMARY for GAE_Castor:
Akills: 0 | Gkills: 5 ?| State: Landed

==== Actions for pilot GAE_Charrua: ====

12:00:00 GAE_Charrua takes seat: UN_NN111(0) - 67902.87 171323.9
12:00:00 GAE_Charrua loads wep: '2x500' ?fuel: 75%
12:18:18 GAE_Charrua destroy to 19_Static - 113225.95 212187.31
12:18:18 GAE_Charrua destroy to 20_Static - 113238.23 212198.66
12:18:18 GAE_Charrua destroy to 14_Static - 113224.99 212207.98
12:18:18 GAE_Charrua destroy to 13_Static - 113220.59 212194.95
12:18:18 GAE_Charrua destroy to 11_Static - 113206.84 212175.05
12:18:18 GAE_Charrua destroy to 18_Static - 113249.58 212186.19
12:18:18 GAE_Charrua destroy to 17_Static - 113259.43 212197.17
12:18:18 GAE_Charrua destroy to 16_Static - 113249.98 212209.45
12:18:18 GAE_Charrua destroy to 15_Static - 113235.93 212219.94
12:48:26 GAE_Charrua damaged by 1_Chief - 99935.77 146372.95
12:48:34 GAE_Charrua lands - 100045.67 146251.12
12:48:34 GAE_Charrua diches - 100045.67 146251.12
12:48:37 GAE_Charrua bailed - 100045.66 146251.14
12:48:37 GAE_Charrua bailed ok ?- 100046.14 146252.86
12:48:59 GAE_Charrua was shoot down by 1_Chief - 100045.72 146251.34
-------- SUMMARY for GAE_Charrua:
Akills: 0 | Gkills: 9 ?| State: Damaged Landed (emerg) Bailed ok

==== Actions for pilot GAE_Chacal: ====

12:00:00 GAE_Chacal takes seat: UN_NN110(0) - 67905.06 171312.06
12:00:00 GAE_Chacal loads wep: '2x500' ?fuel: 75%
12:20:08 GAE_Chacal destroy to 94_Static - 113144.09 212239.5
12:43:59 GAE_Chacal damaged by 1_Chief - 97765.52 148062.2
12:44:00 GAE_Chacal was killed ?- 97773.13 148054.81
12:44:00 GAE_Chacal was shoot down by 1_Chief - 97773.13 148054.81
-------- SUMMARY for GAE_Chacal:
Akills: 0 | Gkills: 1 ?| State: Damaged KIA


Despegue de V1 S/N. Encuentro con los 2 C-47 en WP3. Seguimos hacia la ciudad de Phnom Phen como escoltas. Una vez tenemos confirmaci?n del primer aterrizaje de los transportes de Beltrapone, nos dirigimos a los blancos. El TN Flak y el TC Castor a la c?rcel, El TF Buitre y yo al Hotel y el TC Charr?a y el GU Chacal al teatro, sede de la cumbre de los rojos.
Los blancos son alcanzados lo mismo que una columna de veh?culos que iban al rescate de los reunidos en el teatro. Por fuego de AAA ligera el TN Flak debe realizar un aterrizaje forzoso en territorio propio. Me destaco al rescate S/N. En las maniobras de apontaje muere el GU Chacal. Los TC Charr?a y Balker (con el TN Flak a bordo) caen al agua y son posteriormente rescatados.

(Aclaraci?n: Los "ships hundidos" representan los guerrilleros muertos por las bombas en cada ataque. A los fines del computo de kills se toman como 1 ground kill (uno s?lo). Para la historia de la campa?a son personas muertas).


Quedan 15 Corsarios y 4 T6.

El F4U del TN Flak fue transportado a bordo del V1 gracias a un helic?ptero de la US ARMY.


Ataque al teatro de L?Univers: (1) Las bombas del TC Charrua
explotan en el objetivo. (2) Las del GU Chacal quedan largas y destruyen
un edificio de departamentos frente al teatro.

Ataque a la c?rcel Tuol Sleg: (1) El TN Flak es alcanzado
en plena picada. (2) Las paredes internas de la c?rcel se iluminan
por la explosi?n.

Ataque al Hotel Samaki: (1) El TF Buitre demuele dos cuerpos del
edificio. Sus bombas dan en la base de la cara norte. (2) El TC Balker
impacta en el patio interno y la explosi?n termina haciendo colapsar el
sector sur del edificio.

"La secuencia del horror": (1) El TC Castor, un reemplazo reci?n llegado de Argentina, dispara sin
ning?n motivo aparente a un pesquero civil. (2) No satisfecho a?n, las bombas que deb?an ser lanzadas
a la c?rcel de Tuol Sleg van a parar a la bodega de pescado. (3) La explosi?n mata a todos a bordo. El
avi?n se salva por poco. (4) Con un grupo de civiles inocentes en su conciencia, el TC Castor deja atr?s
su legado de muerte y destrucci?n.

(1) La columna de ayuda de los rojos es divisada mientras
cruza el puente principal. (2) Varios pilotos se acreditan su destrucci?n.

"El rescate": El TN Flak corre
hacia la m?quina del TC Balker.

Los blancos: (1) El Teatro fue alcanzado. A la izquierda los
edificios demolidos por el GU Chacal. (2) El Hotel Samaki destru?do
en un 90%. No se incluyen fotograf?as de la C?rcel de Tuol Sleg
porque a pesar de haber sido impactado por las bombas del TN Flak,
no se aprecian da?os visibles.

"Regreso accidentado": (1) El TC "recluta" Balker pretende
apontar sin bajar el gancho: al agua con el TN Flak. (2) El GU Chacal
logr? enganchar el cable, pero al entrar desplazado choc? contra las
bater?as de AAA.


Cita de: GAE_Balker en 22 de Febrero de 2006, 06:58:05 AM
"La secuencia del horror": (1) El TC Castor, un reemplazo reci?n llegado de Argentina, dispara sin
ning?n motivo aparente a un pesquero civil. (2) No satisfecho a?n, las bombas que deb?an ser lanzadas
a la c?rcel de Tuol Sleg van a parar a la bodega de pescado. (3) La explosi?n mata a todos a bordo. El
avi?n se salva por poco. (4) Con un grupo de civiles inocentes en su conciencia, el TC Castor deja atr?s
su legado de muerte y destrucci?n

Al dar por destruida la carcel, el que suscribe (ya en retirada humeante) orden? al TC Castor atacar blancos de oportunidad, mencionando entre ellos el barco que estaba en la ciudad. Obediencia Debida.  :P