Grupo Aeronaval Embarcado Virtual

Div. Operaciones => Misiones de Campañas - IL2 => Mensaje iniciado por: GAE_Balker en 30 de Enero de 2006, 07:56:42 PM

Título: GAE-Vietnam. (14? misi?n)
Publicado por: GAE_Balker en 30 de Enero de 2006, 07:56:42 PM

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Nguyen Van Bay y sus muchachos no
saben lo que les espera...

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Título: Re: GAE-Vietnam. (14? misi?n)
Publicado por: GAE_Buitre en 31 de Enero de 2006, 02:18:12 PM
que lastima pero el TERROR de los MIGS no estara presente, Y que suerte a la vez para los Americanos, LA PESADILLA de los F8F tampoco estara presente, jejeje. Es una lastima que no pueda estar en esta mision, tanto anele darle casa a los migs que no pueda estar me pone mal, pero bue, no hay mal que por bien no venga y en la proxima ahi estare.
Título: Re: GAE-Vietnam. (14? misi?n)
Publicado por: GAE_Balker en 04 de Febrero de 2006, 01:56:28 AM



GAE_Balker:  F4U  01  Apontado.
GAE_Mano:   F4U  02  KIA.
GAE_Bufalo:  F4U  05  Bail Out. OK.
GAE_Condor: F4U  06 Apontado.


[Feb 4, 2006 12:30:36 AM] Mission: net/coop/Campa?a GAE/GAE-Viet14.mis is Playing
16:17:59 Mission BEGIN
16:17:59 GAE_Balker is trying to occupy seat UN_NN000(0)
16:17:59 GAE_Condor is trying to occupy seat UN_NN011(0)
16:17:59 GAE_Balker is trying to occupy seat i01000(0)
16:17:59 GAE_Balker is trying to occupy seat UN_NN000(0)
16:17:59 GAE_Mano is trying to occupy seat UN_NN001(0)
16:17:59 GAE_ONI is trying to occupy seat UN_NN011(0)
16:17:59 GAE_ONI is trying to occupy seat UN_NN011(0)
16:17:59 GAE_Condor has disconnected
16:17:59 GAE_ONI has disconnected
16:17:59 GAE_Condor has connected
16:17:59 GAE_Condor is trying to occupy seat UN_NN010(0)
16:17:59 GAE_Condor is trying to occupy seat UN_NN011(0)
16:17:59 GAE_Bufalo has connected
16:17:59 GAE_Bufalo is trying to occupy seat UN_NN010(0)
16:17:59 UN_NN001(0) seat occupied by GAE_Mano at 319986.22 250063.36
16:17:59 UN_NN001 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 75%
16:17:59 UN_NN000(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 320000.22 250063.38
16:17:59 UN_NN000 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 75%
16:17:59 UN_NN011(0) seat occupied by GAE_Condor at 320000.22 250081.38
16:17:59 UN_NN011 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 75%
16:17:59 UN_NN010(0) seat occupied by GAE_Bufalo at 319994.22 250072.38
16:17:59 UN_NN010 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 75%
16:18:54 UN_NN000 in flight at 319997.47 248939.6
16:19:08 UN_NN001 in flight at 319959.5 248591.86
16:19:14 UN_NN010 in flight at 319991.38 248683.92
16:19:22 UN_NN011 in flight at 320003.84 248483.8
16:31:35 UN_NN001(0) was killed by i01010 at 281676.88 254371.11
16:31:35 UN_NN001 damaged by i01010 at 281650.34 254384.34
16:31:37 UN_NN001 shot down by i01010 at 281577.03 254420.86
16:31:37 i01020(0) was killed by UN_NN001 at 281555.16 254432.44
16:31:37 i01020 damaged by UN_NN001 at 281555.16 254432.44
16:31:37 i01020 crashed at 281555.16 254432.44
16:35:28 i01000 damaged by UN_NN011 at 267671.94 259490.06
16:35:33 i01000(0) bailed out at 267233.1 259506.31
16:35:33 i01000(0) was killed in his chute by i01000 at 267229.44 259505.39
16:35:33 i01000 shot down by UN_NN011 at 267230.4 259505.95
16:50:14 UN_NN000 landed at 320009.06 227656.42
16:52:59 UN_NN010 damaged by landscape at 320033.0 225943.38
16:53:02 UN_NN010 landed at 320033.28 225936.22
16:53:02 UN_NN010 damaged on the ground at 320033.28 225936.22
16:53:15 UN_NN010(0) bailed out at 320033.44 225936.2
16:53:15 UN_NN010(0) successfully bailed out at 320034.3 225937.03
16:53:29 UN_NN010 shot down by landscape at 320033.88 225936.2
16:53:51 UN_NN011 landed at 320010.22 225651.6
16:54:23 Mission END

==== Actions for pilot GAE_Mano: ====

16:17:59 GAE_Mano takes seat: UN_NN001(0) - 319986.22 250063.36
16:17:59 GAE_Mano loads wep: 'default'  fuel: 75%
16:31:35 GAE_Mano killed by  i01010  - 281676.88 254371.11
16:31:37 GAE_Mano was shoot down by i01010 - 281577.03 254420.86
16:31:37 GAE_Mano Kill to i01020(0) - 281555.16 254432.44
16:31:37 GAE_Mano damages to i01020 - 281555.16 254432.44
-------- SUMMARY for GAE_Mano:
Akills: 0 | Gkills: 0  | State: KIA

==== Actions for pilot GAE_Balker: ====

16:17:59 GAE_Balker takes seat: UN_NN000(0) - 320000.22 250063.38
16:17:59 GAE_Balker loads wep: 'default'  fuel: 75%
16:50:14 GAE_Balker lands - 320009.06 227656.42
-------- SUMMARY for GAE_Balker:
Akills: 0 | Gkills: 0  | State: Landed

==== Actions for pilot GAE_Condor: ====

16:17:59 GAE_Condor has disconected
16:17:59 GAE_Condor takes seat: UN_NN011(0) - 320000.22 250081.38
16:17:59 GAE_Condor loads wep: 'default'  fuel: 75%
16:35:28 GAE_Condor damages to i01000 - 267671.94 259490.06
16:35:33 GAE_Condor downs to i01000 - 267230.4 259505.95
16:53:51 GAE_Condor lands - 320010.22 225651.6
-------- SUMMARY for GAE_Condor:
Akills: 1 | Gkills: 0  | State: Disco Landed

==== Actions for pilot GAE_Bufalo: ====

16:17:59 GAE_Bufalo takes seat: UN_NN010(0) - 319994.22 250072.38
16:17:59 GAE_Bufalo loads wep: 'default'  fuel: 75%
16:52:59 GAE_Bufalo damaged by landscape - 320033.0 225943.38
16:53:02 GAE_Bufalo lands - 320033.28 225936.22
16:53:02 GAE_Bufalo diches - 320033.28 225936.22
16:53:15 GAE_Bufalo bailed - 320033.44 225936.2
16:53:15 GAE_Bufalo bailed ok  - 320034.3 225937.03
16:53:29 GAE_Bufalo was shoot down by landscape - 320033.88 225936.2
-------- SUMMARY for GAE_Bufalo:
Akills: 0 | Gkills: 0  | State: Damaged Landed (emerg) Bailed ok


Despegamos 4 Corsarios para patrulla frontera con Vietnam del Norte. Primera pierna del sector a cubrir sin novedad. Invertimos rumbo a 085. Se detectan 2 contactos en rumbo inverso a m?s de 2000 metros de altura. Ordeno al GAE_Mano que me siga e invierto el rumbo una vez pasan por mi vertical. Cuando los estoy buscando, a m?xima potencia, el guardiamarina Mano informa que recibe impactos desde sus 6 y estalla. No los vi venir. Al parecer el MIG que dispar? al GU Mano se lo llev? por delante, explotando juntos.
El GU_Condor inicia persecuci?n de uno de los MIGs que se aleja. Lo derriba. El otro MIG logr? escapar.
Ponemos rumbo al V1. El CF Bufalo tuvo problemas con su gancho y cay? al agua. Abandon? su aparato y fue rescatado sano y salvo.

Aviones del GAE perdidos: 2
Aviones enemigos perdidos: 2

Título: Re: GAE-Vietnam. (14? misi?n)
Publicado por: GAE_Balker en 04 de Febrero de 2006, 02:21:27 AM
Nos quedan 21 Corsarios y 4 T6.