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Mensajes - GAE_Baco

Fotos, Videos & Screenshots / mi "cockpit"
08 de Agosto de 2008, 04:03:54 PM
despues de tres años me junte este cockpit:

Fotos, Videos & Screenshots / Re: Videos
08 de Agosto de 2008, 06:38:48 AM
Ya lo habia visto, pero que pedazo de viideo He?
Y que musica he?

Aguante Lalo!
Cartelera / Re: Track Ir y Joy
31 de Julio de 2008, 06:59:31 PM
Che me estan dando ganas de compra run Pro.... pasa qu eya tengo 3 Joy en casa. no me d ala cara par agastar guita ne eso.. otra vez....
Tengo un Cyborg (lo compr eni bien llegue para poder volar algo), despue sme compre el x52, no habia salido el Por, y despue sme encamote con el AV8R, porque me parece lindo..

Hoy volvi al 52 porque es mucho mas preciso qu ele AV8R, que es mucho mas "fachero" en un cockpit de aviones a piston, o Jets de primera o segunda generación.

Si el X 52 pro es mas "robusto".. lo estoy pensando seriamente ya que aca el costo no es tan descabellado. Y hace ratazo le tengo ganas a los Pedales de Saitek, ya que tengo los CH pro y estos estan demasiado pegados (juntos), para ser comodos, me tiran eror de timon constantemente y debo trimar, y cuando seteo el freno a la puntera, muchas vecs me clava el avión de trompa por que queda con un pico de señal....

Yo desde que retome lod simuladores que tengo pedales, antes tenia unos CH a secas, que me dieron excelente resultado y los compre "regalados" en CD markets, despues de pasar por tres meses reguntando si me los dejaban a 80 pesos, hasta que al final como no se los pudieron vender a nadie, me los dejaron a ese precio (que hera le precio sin Iva de 1991).

jamás me pude acostumbrar al sistema de satek, o a la palanca con un eje mas..., piso el pedal de forma ingstintiva, es muy gracioso verme volar con el cyborg por eso, porque cuando quiero virar, piso el pedal que no esta jejejeje.

Lo mísmo que ya acostumbrado al track Ir, busco los blancos con la cabeza y cuando no anda, por algún motivo, me da una sensación extrañisima el mover la cabeza y que no se mueva mi punto de vista en el monitor...
Cartelera / Nueva guerra virtual.
24 de Julio de 2008, 08:41:52 PM

pinta interesante, pero habria que ver si vale la pena anotarse o no
Cartelera / Re: Invitacion a Campaña GOAFENIX
24 de Julio de 2008, 08:40:48 PM
Gracias por la invitación Peuko!
Con gusto participaré cuando los vea on line!

Muy interesante la propuesta de campaña de Escorp!
Cartelera / Re: Comparador de aviones militares
23 de Julio de 2008, 05:17:18 PM
Sep, en realidad la denominación Dager es solo para los aviones que compró Argentina, que son Nesher modificados (si no me equivoco) especialmente para la Argentina.
Cartelera / Re: Comparador de aviones militares
23 de Julio de 2008, 04:17:16 PM
Ya vamos de culo, el autor metio el F 106 Delta Dagger.. calculo que se los confunde con el IAI-Dagger (alias M5 israelí)....  ::)  ::)  ::)
Cartelera / Re: Top Gun II ???
22 de Julio de 2008, 08:45:19 PM
Lastima que todo va a tener que ser CGA y efectos visuales ya que pro la paranoia del gobierno de Bush, no hay mas Tomcats en condiciones de vuelo... a menos que usen los "bichos" en la peli...
Cartelera / Re: [Consulta] Skin F4U-1C (Matricula)
10 de Julio de 2008, 01:55:19 PM
Sin Duda.
Yo tengo a "la lora" en el uniforme GAE.

Los Corsarios fueron el primer "garrote" de la Lora.

Abria que ver a que aeronave le asignamos el pajarraco delso "tábanos"
Cartelera / Re: [Consulta] Skin F4U-1C (Matricula)
09 de Julio de 2008, 11:52:28 PM
En la Armada no se usan distinciones mas alla de las reglamentarias (jefe seccion, jefe escuadrilla, etc..).
Asique no busqen por el lado realista porque van muertos jajajaja.
Misiones de Campañas - IL2 / Re: MALVINAS 22
08 de Julio de 2008, 08:27:29 PM
Parti como el numeral del Capitan Angel. Decolamso del V1 y en seguid apusimos rumbo al objetivo material
Una vez arrivasdos, se dsitribulleron blancos, y se procedio a atacar en secuencia con un ojo en los blancos, por demás esquivos, ya que entre el fuego cruzado que s eproducia en tierra y al baja luminosidad se complicaba identificar al enemigo.

Guiandome pro la direccion de las tarzadoras, procedi a atacar diverso blancos en mi zona establecida. Pero ocurrio l atrajedia, al soltar mis coehetes, escuche a un pobre soldado frenetico solicitar el alto al fuego.. habia cometido fracticidio. habia atacado fuerzas amigas.. no tuve tiempo de reonerme del shock, ya que de inmediato alertaron sobre aeronaves enemigas en la zona.

Procedi a enganchar, pero no me fue posible alcanzar a lso maniobrables jets britanicos.
Con severos daños en el plano derecho, me retire apuerto argentino, dodne aterrice con exito, pero impacte un hangar y destrui mi avion.

* nota, no fui abatido esta vez por el enemigo, sino mi porpia inoperancia, y tozudez...

Misiones de Campañas - IL2 / Re: MALVINAS 22
05 de Julio de 2008, 02:15:44 AM
Tacuara. Si a veces ocurre. Puede ser LAG.
Los datos se corroboran con el Track, y los logs.

Misiones de Campañas - IL2 / Re: MALVINAS 22
05 de Julio de 2008, 01:53:47 AM
[04.07.2008 23:50:54] Mission: net/coop/GAE/Malvinas22.mis is Playing
23:07:00 Mission BEGIN
23:07:00 GAE_Baco is trying to occupy seat f01001(0)
23:07:00 GAE_Tacuara is trying to occupy seat f01030(0)
23:07:00 GAE_Angel is trying to occupy seat f01000(0)
23:07:00 GAE_Paz is trying to occupy seat f01021(0)
23:07:00 GAE_Alma is trying to occupy seat f01011(0)
23:07:00 GAE_Castor is trying to occupy seat f01200(0)
23:07:00 GAE_Daron is trying to occupy seat f01031(0)
23:07:00 GAE_Flak is trying to occupy seat f01020(0)
23:07:00 GAE_Charrua is trying to occupy seat f01010(0)
23:07:00 GAE_Buitre is trying to occupy seat f01002(0)
23:07:00 GAE_Criz is trying to occupy seat f01003(0)
23:07:00 GAE_Halcon is trying to occupy seat f01100(0)
23:07:00 f01001(0) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 69992.336 230059.89
23:07:00 f01001 loaded weapons '3x5008xhvarap' fuel 75%
23:07:00 f01011(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 70000.71 230086.78
23:07:00 f01011 loaded weapons '3x5008xhvarap' fuel 75%
23:07:00 f01100(0) seat occupied by GAE_Halcon at 34575.742 72441.555
23:07:00 f01100 loaded weapons 'none' fuel 100%
23:07:00 f01003(0) seat occupied by GAE_Criz at 70006.586 230077.69
23:07:00 f01003 loaded weapons '3x5008xhvarap' fuel 75%
23:07:00 f01020(0) seat occupied by GAE_Flak at 21699.037 188597.67
23:07:00 f01020 loaded weapons '3x500' fuel 75%
23:07:00 f01000(0) seat occupied by GAE_Angel at 70006.336 230059.69
23:07:00 f01000 loaded weapons '3x5008xhvarap' fuel 75%
23:07:00 f01010(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 69992.586 230077.89
23:07:00 f01010 loaded weapons '3x5008xhvarap' fuel 75%
23:07:00 f01200(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 32845.324 244518.14
23:07:00 f01200 loaded weapons '2xSC250' fuel 100%
23:07:00 f01031(0) seat occupied by GAE_Daron at 49577.094 110149.62
23:07:00 f01031 loaded weapons '1x10002x500' fuel 100%
23:07:00 f01021(0) seat occupied by GAE_Paz at 21690.12 188631.08
23:07:00 f01021 loaded weapons '3x500' fuel 75%
23:07:00 f01030(0) seat occupied by GAE_Tacuara at 49551.465 110180.164
23:07:00 f01030 loaded weapons '1x10002x500' fuel 100%
23:07:00 f01002(0) seat occupied by GAE_Buitre at 70000.46 230068.78
23:07:00 f01002 loaded weapons '3x5008xhvarap' fuel 75%
23:07:41 f01000 in flight at 69982.445 228855.03
23:07:45 f01001 in flight at 70033.73 228809.62
23:07:52 f01002 in flight at 70062.32 228622.83
23:07:59 f01030 in flight at 48617.316 111295.03
23:08:01 f01003 in flight at 70033.79 228461.95
23:08:14 f01010 in flight at 70155.67 228268.61
23:08:15 f01020 in flight at 22029.6 187837.4
23:08:16 f01100 in flight at 35361.23 71726.85
23:08:16 f01031 in flight at 48372.027 111573.57
23:08:16 f01200 in flight at 34400.5 242727.78
23:08:20 f01011 in flight at 69965.76 228162.52
23:08:26 f01021 in flight at 22020.24 187563.86
23:11:36 f01100(1) seat occupied by GAE_Halcon at 36799.418 54985.848
23:11:52 f01100(0) seat occupied by GAE_Halcon at 37109.582 53651.984
23:24:04 f01201(0) was wounded at 145885.31 180459.84
23:24:05 f01201 damaged by gb01020 at 145978.52 180380.86
23:24:05 f01201 damaged on the ground at 145978.52 180380.86
23:24:43 f01201(0) was killed at 151125.42 178930.73
23:24:43 f01201 shot down by gb01020 at 151125.42 178930.73
23:25:25 gb01021 damaged by f01200 at 142449.83 184506.66
23:25:26 gb01021(0) was wounded at 142356.69 184533.3
23:25:26 gb01021(0) was heavily wounded at 142356.69 184533.3
23:25:26 gb01021(0) was killed at 142356.69 184533.3
23:25:26 gb01021 shot down by f01200 at 142356.69 184533.3
23:25:26 f01200 damaged by gb01021 at 142341.67 184545.42
23:25:26 f01200(0) was killed at 142341.67 184545.42
23:25:26 f01200 shot down by gb01021 at 142341.67 184545.42
23:26:11 f01100(1) seat occupied by GAE_Halcon at 39838.098 45048.21
23:26:11 f01100(0) seat occupied by GAE_Halcon at 39758.613 45116.188
23:26:26 f01031(1) was wounded at 145187.5 175553.31
23:26:39 f01031(2) was killed at 146789.17 176037.72
23:26:39 f01031(1) was killed at 146789.17 176037.72
23:26:39 f01031 damaged by gb01010 at 146789.17 176037.72
23:26:44 f01031(0) was killed at 147224.52 176093.66
23:26:44 f01031 shot down by gb01010 at 147224.52 176093.66
23:26:47 GAE_Castor has disconnected
23:27:28 f01202 damaged by gb01020 at 131841.47 191938.77
23:27:28 f01202 damaged on the ground at 131841.47 191938.77
23:27:30 f01202(0) was killed by gb01020 at 131762.38 191980.55
23:27:30 f01203 damaged on the ground at 132011.22 191849.33
23:27:30 f01203 damaged by gb01020 at 132011.22 191849.33
23:27:34 f01203(0) bailed out at 131570.0 192104.05
23:28:28 15_Chief2 destroyed by f01002 at 157227.28 190401.5
23:28:38 f01203 shot down by gb01020 at 131137.39 192437.25
23:30:04 11_Chief3 destroyed by f01002 at 157712.12 190075.1
23:30:04 11_Chief2 destroyed by f01002 at 157723.19 190063.03
23:30:04 5_Chief3 destroyed by f01001 at 156651.95 183818.61
23:30:06 5_Chief1 destroyed by f01001 at 156664.03 183844.75
23:31:08 2_Chief3 destroyed by f01030 at 156447.11 184115.16
23:31:09 4_Chief2 destroyed by f01000 at 156147.53 184141.89
23:31:09 4_Chief1 destroyed by f01000 at 156156.73 184151.08
23:31:12 f01202 shot down by gb01020 at 128103.88 191343.02
23:31:17 17_Chief2 destroyed by f01002 at 157273.61 189607.94
23:32:05 9_Chief0 destroyed by f01010 at 155251.84 185207.77
23:32:05 9_Chief3 destroyed by f01010 at 155186.5 185207.67
23:32:05 9_Chief2 destroyed by f01010 at 155202.38 185207.61
23:32:12 GAE_Daron has disconnected
23:32:15 19_Chief2 destroyed by f01003 at 157236.38 189403.02
23:32:15 19_Chief4 destroyed by f01003 at 157212.34 189413.12
23:32:24 3_Chief2 destroyed by f01011 at 157032.86 184343.42
23:32:24 14_Chief3 destroyed by f01002 at 157911.66 190027.06
23:32:24 14_Chief2 destroyed by f01002 at 157920.25 190017.7
23:32:43 f01020(1) seat occupied by GAE_Flak at 137175.33 182361.27
23:32:43 f01020(0) seat occupied by GAE_Flak at 137238.66 182349.17
23:32:55 4_Chief4 destroyed by f01030 at 156422.73 184416.73
23:32:55 4_Chief3 destroyed by f01030 at 156433.16 184427.28
23:33:16 f01030 damaged by gb01010 at 159147.66 184540.73
23:33:16 f01030(1) was wounded at 159147.66 184540.73
23:33:16 f01030(1) was killed by gb01010 at 159147.66 184540.73
23:33:16 f01030(0) was wounded at 159177.05 184557.55
23:33:22 f01030(0) bailed out at 159765.3 184902.86
23:33:25 f01030(2) bailed out at 159983.42 185032.23
23:33:25 f01030(0) has chute destroyed by f01030 at 160004.2 185050.3
23:33:25 f01030(2) was killed in his chute by f01030 at 160021.98 185054.73
23:33:25 f01030 shot down by gb01010 at 160024.6 185056.34
23:33:26 f01030(0) was killed at 160055.38 185085.0
23:33:40 f01020(1) was wounded at 141888.6 182522.39
23:33:40 f01020 damaged by gb01031 at 141934.44 182523.38
23:33:45 f01020(0) bailed out at 142220.6 182522.38
23:33:46 f01020(1) bailed out at 142262.98 182514.62
23:33:52 f01003(0) was killed at 157737.45 189273.22
23:33:52 f01003 shot down by landscape at 157737.45 189273.22
23:33:54 f01020 shot down by gb01031 at 142357.97 182493.47
23:34:06 11_Chief4 destroyed by f01002 at 158298.25 189447.38
23:34:17 3_Chief4 destroyed by f01011 at 157032.38 184693.14
23:34:18 f01021(0) was killed at 146061.23 181520.7
23:34:18 f01021(1) was killed at 146061.23 181520.7
23:34:18 f01021 shot down by gb01030 at 146061.23 181520.7
23:34:28 f01020(1) successfully bailed out at 142591.39 182461.6
23:34:28 f01020(1) was captured at 142591.39 182461.6
23:34:39 f01020(0) successfully bailed out at 142529.33 182399.3
23:34:39 f01020(0) was captured at 142529.33 182399.3
23:34:47 17_Chief4 destroyed by f01002 at 157878.6 189287.11
23:35:11 3_Chief1 destroyed by f01001 at 157025.58 184920.3
23:35:17 f01203(0) successfully bailed out at 129851.984 193539.33
23:35:58 2_Chief0 destroyed by f01010 at 157013.72 184997.78
23:36:12 10_Chief4 destroyed by f01001 at 156133.5 185357.47
23:36:12 10_Chief5 destroyed by f01001 at 156123.56 185356.78
23:37:03 1_Static destroyed by f01001 at 156394.92 185357.73
23:37:12 GAE_Flak has disconnected
23:37:28 9_Chief4 destroyed by f01010 at 156481.16 185211.48
23:37:42 6_Chief3 destroyed by f01000 at 156341.98 185392.92
23:37:55 18_Chief3 destroyed by f01002 at 158392.7 189206.62
23:37:55 18_Chief2 destroyed by f01002 at 158403.5 189199.86
23:37:56 18_Chief4 destroyed by f01002 at 158387.19 189209.69
23:37:56 f01002 damaged by 18_Chief4 at 158387.11 189204.03
23:38:05 f01002(0) was killed at 159031.55 188733.06
23:38:05 f01002 shot down by 18_Chief3 at 159031.55 188733.06
23:38:29 7_Chief3 destroyed by f01010 at 156439.08 185320.86
23:38:43 f01010(0) was killed at 157461.12 185149.05
23:38:43 f01010 shot down by gb01010 at 157461.12 185149.05
23:40:16 GAE_Tacuara has disconnected
23:42:21 12_Chief2 destroyed by f01001 at 158793.75 189320.7
23:47:37 GAE_Buitre has disconnected
23:50:47 f01001 landed at 174842.55 187025.75
23:53:36 f01011 turned wingtip smokes on at 145928.9 174324.27
23:53:38 f01011 turned wingtip smokes off at 145813.9 174408.55
23:54:02 f01001 damaged on the ground at 174734.4 186815.0
23:54:02 f01001 damaged by NONAME at 174733.94 186815.16
23:54:02 f01001(0) was killed at 174732.89 186815.38
23:54:02 f01001 shot down by gb01030 at 174732.89 186815.38
23:54:02 f01011(0) was killed at 145798.1 174402.53
23:54:02 f01011 shot down by gb01030 at 145798.1 174402.53
23:54:50 f01100 landed at 22154.064 187684.34
23:55:49 gb01020 damaged by landscape at 98002.195 186205.42
23:55:49 gb01020(0) was killed at 97999.85 186210.78
23:55:49 gb01020 shot down by landscape at 97999.85 186210.78
23:57:21 2_Chief4 destroyed by 3_Chief0 at 157000.75 184977.58
23:59:10 GAE_Halcon has disconnected
23:59:40 2_Chief5 destroyed by 3_Chief0 at 157012.55 184981.05
00:01:34 f01000 landed at 69393.305 186067.98
00:02:45 Mission END
Name:    GAE_Baco
Score:    -79
State:    KIA
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Tank Kill:    4
Enemy Car Kill:    2
Enemy Artillery Kill:    0
Enemy AAA Kill:    0
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    0
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    1
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       896
Hit Bullets:       30
Hit Air Bullets:    0
Fire Roskets:       8
Hit Roskets:       0
Fire Bombs:       3
Hit Bombs:       0
Name:    GAE_Alma
Score:    5
State:    KIA
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Tank Kill:    0
Enemy Car Kill:    2
Enemy Artillery Kill:    0
Enemy AAA Kill:    0
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    0
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    0
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       690
Hit Bullets:       6
Hit Air Bullets:    0
Fire Roskets:       8
Hit Roskets:       0
Fire Bombs:       3
Hit Bombs:       0
Name:    GAE_Paz
Score:    0
State:    KIA
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Tank Kill:    0
Enemy Car Kill:    0
Enemy Artillery Kill:    0
Enemy AAA Kill:    0
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    0
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    0
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       440
Hit Bullets:       0
Hit Air Bullets:    0
Fire Roskets:       0
Hit Roskets:       0
Fire Bombs:       0
Hit Bombs:       0
Name:    GAE_Criz
Score:    5
State:    KIA
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Tank Kill:    0
Enemy Car Kill:    2
Enemy Artillery Kill:    0
Enemy AAA Kill:    0
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    0
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    0
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       0
Hit Bullets:       0
Hit Air Bullets:    0
Fire Roskets:       2
Hit Roskets:       0
Fire Bombs:       3
Hit Bombs:       0
Name:    GAE_Angel
Score:    105
State:    Landed at Airfield
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Tank Kill:    2
Enemy Car Kill:    1
Enemy Artillery Kill:    0
Enemy AAA Kill:    0
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    0
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    0
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       813
Hit Bullets:       17
Hit Air Bullets:    0
Fire Roskets:       8
Hit Roskets:       0
Fire Bombs:       3
Hit Bombs:       0
Name:    GAE_Charrua
Score:    21
State:    KIA
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Tank Kill:    4
Enemy Car Kill:    2
Enemy Artillery Kill:    0
Enemy AAA Kill:    0
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    0
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    0
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       268
Hit Bullets:       18
Hit Air Bullets:    0
Fire Roskets:       8
Hit Roskets:       0
Fire Bombs:       2
Hit Bombs:       0
Name:    GAE_Castor
Score:    0
State:    Left the Game
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Tank Kill:    0
Enemy Car Kill:    0
Enemy Artillery Kill:    0
Enemy AAA Kill:    0
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    0
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    0
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       26
Hit Bullets:       12
Hit Air Bullets:    12
Fire Roskets:       0
Hit Roskets:       0
Fire Bombs:       0
Hit Bombs:       0
Name:    GAE_Daron
Score:    0
State:    Left the Game
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Tank Kill:    0
Enemy Car Kill:    0
Enemy Artillery Kill:    0
Enemy AAA Kill:    0
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    0
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    0
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       362
Hit Bullets:       1
Hit Air Bullets:    1
Fire Roskets:       0
Hit Roskets:       0
Fire Bombs:       0
Hit Bombs:       0
Name:    GAE_Flak
Score:    0
State:    Left the Game
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Tank Kill:    0
Enemy Car Kill:    0
Enemy Artillery Kill:    0
Enemy AAA Kill:    0
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    0
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    0
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       1000
Hit Bullets:       0
Hit Air Bullets:    0
Fire Roskets:       0
Hit Roskets:       0
Fire Bombs:       0
Hit Bombs:       0
Name:    GAE_Tacuara
Score:    0
State:    Left the Game
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Tank Kill:    0
Enemy Car Kill:    0
Enemy Artillery Kill:    0
Enemy AAA Kill:    0
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    0
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    0
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       0
Hit Bullets:       0
Hit Air Bullets:    0
Fire Roskets:       0
Hit Roskets:       0
Fire Bombs:       0
Hit Bombs:       0
Name:    GAE_Buitre
Score:    0
State:    Left the Game
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Tank Kill:    3
Enemy Car Kill:    8
Enemy Artillery Kill:    0
Enemy AAA Kill:    0
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    0
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    0
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       587
Hit Bullets:       58
Hit Air Bullets:    0
Fire Roskets:       8
Hit Roskets:       0
Fire Bombs:       3
Hit Bombs:       0
Name:    GAE_Halcon
Score:    0
State:    Left the Game
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Tank Kill:    0
Enemy Car Kill:    0
Enemy Artillery Kill:    0
Enemy AAA Kill:    0
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    0
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    0
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       0
Hit Bullets:       0
Hit Air Bullets:    0
Fire Roskets:       0
Hit Roskets:       0
Fire Bombs:       0
Hit Bombs:       0
Aspirantes / Aspirante Charoga.
02 de Julio de 2008, 02:54:12 PM
En la noche del 2 de Julio, durante una sesión de instrucción general, el Sr. Teniente de Fragata GAE_Buitre me comisionó para impartir instrucción básica al Aspirante Charoga.

Se procedio a informar sobre Hypper Lobby, descripción de caracteristicas generales del portal y metodos de conexión tanto en "slots" como "por atrás", lo grandose unir con al version 4.08 al servidor dle Gu. Yanito.

Siendo su tercer dia de vuelo en el Simulador, se procedio a realizar despegues, circuitos y aterrizajes en BACE (Base Aeronaval Comandante Espora), logrando el aspirante su primer aterizaje exitoso on line.

Se recomienda trabajar sobre los mismos hasta que se puedan realizar naturalmente, y continuar con acrobacia basica y control de la aeronave en diferentes condiciones de configuracion.

- Aeronave utilizada: T6 Texan.
- Se obtuvo brebet de piloto aeronaval.
- Se recomienda continuar con entrenameinto básico inicial.

Teniente de Fragata GAE_Baco. - Instructor Add Interim.

Fotos, Videos & Screenshots / Re: Adivina adivinador
01 de Julio de 2008, 08:16:54 PM
Si Halcon, y en la deriba esta la cruz blanca usada por la Reggia.
De todas formas invesigando descubri que hay ochocientas versiones del Fiat CR, jajaja, y a lo mejor hasta es alguna otra cosa...