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Mensajes - GAE_Chape

Aspirantes / Re:Presentación
14 de Agosto de 2020, 04:20:29 PM
Bienvenido Camarada, suba al portaviones. Acomode sus pertrechos por allí.
Fotos, Videos & Screenshots / Re:Fotos impresionantes
19 de Julio de 2020, 01:14:15 AM
Gracias Yano.
Misiones de Campañas - IL2 / Re:Magallanes 1984 (6)
08 de Junio de 2020, 03:24:59 PM
1er vuelo:

A4Q-Skyhawk 1xMk17+2x300GalDropTank' fuel 100

Como unidad de complemento a la operación desplegada desde el portaaviones V2, opero desde Río Grande, comienzo con rumbo 090 un ascenso hasta 3000 pies, la climatología era espantosa, casi en IFR total con 180 me dirijo a Isla de los estados, para luego desplazarme al extremo Este, donde debería localizarse la FT enemiga, percibo explosiones de Flak, intento comenzar un descenso escarpado, pero me impacta un misil lanzado desde un destructor.

Piloto: Kia
Avión: destruído

2do. vuelo:

A4Q-Skyhawk 1xMk17+2x300GalDropTank' fuel 100

En formación con Tacuara recorremos toda la pista de Rio Grande siguiendo mismo rumbo de mi primera salida, con intenciones de poder localizar y hundir el destructor, a medio camino, cruzamos el V2 y se agrega a la formación el Oficial Castor, los tres con rumbo a la FT manteníamos 1000 pies aprox., cuando somos directamente recibidos al este de isla de los estados, por un arsenal de misiles, que me dejan inoperativo.

Piloto: Kia
Avion: destruido
Misiones de Campañas - IL2 / Re:Magallanes 1984 (3)
16 de Mayo de 2020, 02:33:49 AM
[May 16, 2020 3:39:14 AM] Mission: net/dogfight/1/Magallanes_3.mis is Playing
[3:39:14 AM] Mission BEGIN
[3:39:22 AM] 75_Static destroyed by 88_Static at 322525.28 65555.16
[3:39:26 AM] 26_Chief0 destroyed by 28_Chief0 at 314166.25 64685.727
[3:39:29 AM] 76_Static destroyed by 88_Static at 322657.22 65330.02
[3:39:30 AM] 31_Chief1 destroyed by 13_Chief0 at 315241.9 64795.652
[3:39:33 AM] GAE_Yanito selected army Blue at 359590.0 186390.0
[3:39:39 AM] GAE_Charrua selected army Blue at 322755.0 66208.0
[3:39:42 AM] CDS_Hacha selected army Blue at 359590.0 186390.0
[3:39:43 AM] 30_Chief7 destroyed by 13_Chief0 at 315888.56 64817.965
[3:39:46 AM] 69_Static destroyed by 88_Static at 322956.06 65369.46
[3:39:46 AM] GAE_Castor selected army Blue at 359590.0 186390.0
[3:39:53 AM] 91_Static destroyed by 88_Static at 322599.28 65413.32
[3:39:55 AM] GAE_Pepper selected army Blue at 322755.0 66208.0
[3:39:57 AM] 72_Static destroyed by 88_Static at 322694.72 65666.98
[3:39:59 AM] GAE_Tucan selected army Blue at 359590.0 186390.0
[3:40:03 AM] GAE_Charrua:IA-58A(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 322707.72 66499.51
[3:40:03 AM] GAE_Charrua:IA-58A loaded weapons '16xZuni' fuel 50
[3:40:10 AM] GAE_Pepper:IA-58A(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 322708.94 66527.79
[3:40:10 AM] GAE_Pepper:IA-58A loaded weapons '16xZuni' fuel 50
[3:40:11 AM] Tacuara selected army Blue at 359590.0 186390.0
[3:40:13 AM] 29_Chief0 destroyed by 13_Chief0 at 315696.97 64796.53
[3:40:22 AM] GAE_Castor:A4BQ-Skyhawk(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 359678.2 186268.72
[3:40:22 AM] GAE_Castor:A4BQ-Skyhawk loaded weapons '4xMk82+2x300GalDropTank' fuel 80
[3:40:22 AM] RAPTOR selected army Blue at 264055.0 434343.0
[3:40:23 AM] 71_Static destroyed by 88_Static at 322476.97 65457.5
[3:40:24 AM] 24_Chief0 destroyed by 19_Chief0 at 314546.62 64792.195
[3:40:37 AM] Tacuara:A4BQ-Skyhawk(0) seat occupied by Tacuara at 359718.16 186268.19
[3:40:37 AM] Tacuara:A4BQ-Skyhawk loaded weapons '4xMk82+2x300GalDropTank' fuel 80
[3:40:49 AM] GAE_Chape selected army Blue at 359590.0 186390.0
[3:40:50 AM] GAE_Castor:A4BQ-Skyhawk turned landing lights on at 359678.22 186268.77
[3:41:14 AM] F-5E damaged on the ground at 150679.95 261814.11
[3:41:14 AM] F-5E damaged by landscape at 150676.6 261814.1
[3:41:14 AM] F-5E(0) was wounded at 150676.6 261814.1
[3:41:14 AM] F-5E(0) was killed at 150676.6 261814.1
[3:41:14 AM] F-5E shot down by landscape at 150676.6 261814.1
[3:41:16 AM] 23_Chief1 destroyed by 88_Static at 322572.72 65936.45
[3:41:19 AM] 22_Chief0 destroyed by 88_Static at 322527.9 65725.96
[3:41:19 AM] 22_Chief1 destroyed by 88_Static at 322529.3 65742.32
[3:41:22 AM] GAE_Tucan:A4BQ-Skyhawk(0) seat occupied by GAE_Tucan at 359719.22 186217.88
[3:41:22 AM] GAE_Tucan:A4BQ-Skyhawk loaded weapons '4xMk82+2x300GalDropTank' fuel 80
[3:41:25 AM] 22_Chief3 destroyed by 88_Static at 322530.78 65760.64
[3:41:28 AM] 22_Chief2 destroyed by 88_Static at 322530.8 65752.04
[3:41:29 AM] 23_Chief2 destroyed by 88_Static at 322563.9 65944.35
[3:41:29 AM] GAE_Chape selected army Blue at 264055.0 434343.0
[3:41:30 AM] F-5E damaged on the ground at 150643.27 261814.05
[3:41:30 AM] F-5E damaged by landscape at 150643.27 261814.05
[3:41:30 AM] F-5E(0) was killed at 150643.27 261814.05
[3:41:30 AM] F-5E shot down by landscape at 150643.27 261814.05
[3:41:36 AM] GAE_Yanito:MB-339A-ARA(0) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 359590.0 186219.48
[3:41:36 AM] GAE_Yanito:MB-339A-ARA loaded weapons '2xSNEB+2x30mmGunpods+2xCBU24' fuel 70
[3:41:36 AM] 67_Static destroyed by 88_Static at 322345.44 65787.28
[3:41:36 AM] 20_Chief1 destroyed by 28_Chief0 at 315391.56 64814.875
[3:41:37 AM] A-37B damaged on the ground at 178125.83 207225.48
[3:41:37 AM] A-37B damaged by landscape at 178125.83 207225.48
[3:41:37 AM] A-37B(0) was killed at 178104.23 207243.62
[3:41:37 AM] A-37B shot down by landscape at 178104.23 207243.62
[3:41:38 AM] 30_Chief1 destroyed by 28_Chief0 at 315648.97 64816.035
[3:41:56 AM] 32_Chief1 destroyed by 28_Chief0 at 314762.66 64800.086
[3:41:56 AM] CDS_Hacha:MB-339A-ARA(0) seat occupied by CDS_Hacha at 359638.22 186218.95
[3:41:56 AM] CDS_Hacha:MB-339A-ARA loaded weapons '2xSNEB+2x30mmGunpods+2xCBU24' fuel 70
[3:41:57 AM] 23_Chief0 destroyed by 50_Static at 322595.16 65745.13
[3:41:58 AM] 20_Chief2 destroyed by 28_Chief0 at 315391.78 64800.82
[3:42:02 AM] 25_Chief0 destroyed by 21_Chief0 at 314656.38 64814.31
[3:42:19 AM] 30_Chief2 destroyed by 28_Chief0 at 315641.22 64810.5
[3:42:19 AM] 92_Static destroyed by 88_Static at 322256.25 65891.56
[3:42:22 AM] 68_Static destroyed by 64_Static at 323038.62 65297.79
[3:42:28 AM] 70_Static destroyed by 88_Static at 322911.66 65653.85
[3:42:40 AM] GAE_Pepper:IA-58A in flight at 322696.25 65379.617
[3:42:45 AM] 32_Chief2 destroyed by 21_Chief3 at 314768.97 64796.086
[3:42:45 AM] 93_Static destroyed by 88_Static at 322232.5 65946.79
[3:42:47 AM] 59_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322170.44 64797.16
[3:42:53 AM] 11_Chief0 destroyed by 49_Static at 322201.94 64798.19
[3:42:53 AM] 25_Chief3 destroyed by 21_Chief2 at 314623.22 64835.99
[3:43:02 AM] 23_Chief3 destroyed by 88_Static at 322586.53 65819.67
[3:43:08 AM] 60_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322207.12 64736.94
[3:43:12 AM] 62_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 321957.62 64830.94
[3:43:13 AM] 79_Static destroyed by 88_Static at 322577.28 66494.36
[3:43:19 AM] 83_Static destroyed by 88_Static at 322709.12 66579.52
[3:43:19 AM] 84_Static destroyed by 88_Static at 322707.12 66552.85
[3:43:23 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[3:43:31 AM] GAE_Charrua:IA-58A in flight at 322995.8 64721.566
[3:43:33 AM] 58_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322096.0 64827.24
[3:43:38 AM] RAPTOR:MIRAGE-IIIEA(0) seat occupied by RAPTOR at 264029.75 434621.38
[3:43:38 AM] RAPTOR:MIRAGE-IIIEA loaded weapons 'Fighter02:_2xR550+3x1300LtDroptank' fuel 100
[3:43:45 AM] GAE_Chape:MIRAGE-IIIEA(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 263948.3 434620.56
[3:43:45 AM] GAE_Chape:MIRAGE-IIIEA loaded weapons 'Fighter02:_2xR550+3x1300LtDroptank' fuel 70
[3:43:51 AM] 90_Static destroyed by 88_Static at 322294.72 65836.51
[3:43:55 AM] 57_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322008.78 64829.05
[3:44:16 AM] 56_Static destroyed by 54_Static at 321913.4 64822.86
[3:44:39 AM] 19_Chief0 destroyed by 13_Chief0 at 315374.34 64880.812
[3:44:42 AM] 88_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:IA-58A at 322147.66 64634.69
[3:45:16 AM] 25_Chief2 destroyed by 13_Chief0 at 314639.2 64836.824
[3:45:24 AM] 21_Chief1 destroyed by 28_Chief0 at 315395.75 64827.906
[3:45:27 AM] 30_Chief3 destroyed by 28_Chief0 at 315628.2 64819.703
[3:45:30 AM] CDS_Hacha:MB-339A-ARA damaged on the ground at 359872.53 186418.47
[3:45:31 AM] CDS_Hacha:MB-339A-ARA(0) was killed at 359872.53 186418.47
[3:45:31 AM] CDS_Hacha:MB-339A-ARA(1) was killed at 359872.53 186418.47
[3:45:31 AM] CDS_Hacha:MB-339A-ARA shot down by landscape at 359872.53 186418.47
[3:45:33 AM] 30_Chief6 destroyed by 13_Chief0 at 315645.78 64815.734
[3:45:34 AM] 30_Chief5 destroyed by 13_Chief0 at 315631.8 64813.41
[3:45:40 AM] CDS_Hacha entered refly menu
[3:45:42 AM] 61_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322051.7 64830.94
[3:45:43 AM] GAE_Yanito:MB-339A-ARA in flight at 358219.2 186405.22
[3:45:43 AM] 80_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 321835.0 64734.68
[3:45:44 AM] CDS_Hacha:MB-339A-ARA(0) seat occupied by CDS_Hacha at 359679.8 186218.95
[3:45:44 AM] CDS_Hacha:MB-339A-ARA loaded weapons '2xSNEB+2x30mmGunpods+2xCBU24' fuel 70
[3:45:46 AM] 30_Chief17 destroyed by 13_Chief0 at 315774.88 64816.918
[3:45:47 AM] 21_Chief2 destroyed by 28_Chief0 at 315395.66 64842.383
[3:45:47 AM] 30_Chief9 destroyed by 13_Chief0 at 315652.38 64815.793
[3:45:59 AM] 30_Chief12 destroyed by 13_Chief0 at 315680.97 64816.06
[3:46:18 AM] GAE_Castor:A4BQ-Skyhawk turned landing lights off at 360307.62 186311.3
[3:46:31 AM] 30_Chief13 destroyed by 13_Chief0 at 315663.44 64808.465
[3:46:38 AM] 30_Chief14 destroyed by 28_Chief0 at 315662.97 64823.93
[3:46:38 AM] 30_Chief10 destroyed by 13_Chief0 at 315633.2 64800.27
[3:46:39 AM] GAE_Pepper:IA-58A landed at 322725.28 66668.02
[3:46:44 AM] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[3:46:46 AM] 20_Chief3 destroyed by 13_Chief0 at 315380.75 64810.984
[3:46:51 AM] 30_Chief4 destroyed by 13_Chief0 at 315626.3 64796.406
[3:46:57 AM] 85_Static destroyed by 50_Static at 322725.28 66668.02
[3:46:58 AM] GAE_Chape:MIRAGE-IIIEA turned landing lights on at 263947.53 434619.34
[3:47:01 AM] 28_Chief0 destroyed by 20_Chief0 at 314200.44 64797.76
[3:47:16 AM] 25_Chief1 destroyed by 13_Chief0 at 314655.16 64837.66
[3:47:43 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[3:47:48 AM] 30_Chief0 destroyed by 13_Chief0 at 315598.97 64843.39
[3:47:49 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[3:47:53 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[3:47:54 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[3:47:55 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[3:47:56 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[3:47:56 AM] 10_Chief0 destroyed by 48_Static at 322746.8 64794.824
[3:47:57 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[3:47:58 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[3:48:04 AM] GAE_Charrua:IA-58A landed at 322728.1 66499.984
[3:48:06 AM] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[3:48:11 AM] GAE_Pepper:IA-58A(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 322727.56 66500.67
[3:48:11 AM] GAE_Pepper:IA-58A loaded weapons '4xMk82' fuel 50
[3:48:12 AM] 50_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322197.56 64666.6
[3:48:15 AM] GAE_Pepper:IA-58A damaged on the ground at 322727.56 66500.68
[3:48:15 AM] GAE_Pepper:IA-58A(0) was killed at 322727.56 66500.68
[3:48:15 AM] GAE_Pepper:IA-58A(1) was killed at 322727.56 66500.68
[3:48:15 AM] GAE_Pepper:IA-58A shot down by 64_Static at 322727.56 66500.68
[3:48:19 AM] 81_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 321915.62 64658.64
[3:48:21 AM] Tacuara:A4BQ-Skyhawk in flight at 358822.56 186377.61
[3:48:21 AM] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[3:48:23 AM] GAE_Pepper:IA-58A(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 322693.7 66660.54
[3:48:23 AM] GAE_Pepper:IA-58A loaded weapons '4xMk82' fuel 50
[3:48:25 AM] GAE_Tucan:A4BQ-Skyhawk in flight at 358821.72 186382.12
[3:48:30 AM] GAE_Castor:A4BQ-Skyhawk in flight at 358719.62 186355.16
[3:48:54 AM] GAE_Chape:MIRAGE-IIIEA turned landing lights off at 263907.66 434333.1
[3:49:01 AM] CDS_Hacha:MB-339A-ARA in flight at 358166.47 186370.78
[3:49:15 AM] GAE_Charrua:IA-58A(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 322689.28 66694.03
[3:49:15 AM] GAE_Charrua:IA-58A loaded weapons '4xMk81' fuel 50
[3:50:20 AM] GAE_Pepper:IA-58A in flight at 322662.7 65556.59
[3:50:59 AM] 64_Static destroyed by GAE_Pepper:IA-58A at 321110.75 63714.35
[3:50:59 AM] GAE_Pepper:IA-58A(0) was killed at 321068.28 63694.855
[3:50:59 AM] GAE_Pepper:IA-58A(1) was killed at 321068.28 63694.855
[3:50:59 AM] GAE_Pepper:IA-58A crashed at 321068.28 63694.855
[3:51:21 AM] 20_Chief0 destroyed by 13_Chief0 at 315377.97 64807.332
[3:52:16 AM] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[3:52:27 AM] GAE_Pepper:IA-58A(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 322683.0 66419.16
[3:52:27 AM] GAE_Pepper:IA-58A loaded weapons '4xMk82' fuel 50
[3:52:30 AM] 21_Chief0 destroyed by 13_Chief0 at 315382.0 64834.85
[3:52:46 AM] 30_Chief20 destroyed by 13_Chief0 at 315646.9 64795.734
[3:53:16 AM] GAE_Charrua:IA-58A in flight at 322758.72 65637.0
[3:53:27 AM] A-37B damaged on the ground at 175969.97 205231.47
[3:53:27 AM] A-37B(0) was killed at 175969.97 205231.47
[3:53:27 AM] A-37B shot down by A-37B at 175969.97 205231.47
[3:53:27 AM] A-37B damaged on the ground at 176023.9 205704.72
[3:53:27 AM] A-37B(0) was killed at 176023.9 205704.72
[3:53:27 AM] A-37B shot down by A-37B at 176023.9 205704.72
[3:53:28 AM] A-37B damaged on the ground at 176200.69 205764.77
[3:53:28 AM] A-37B damaged by A-37B at 176200.69 205764.77
[3:53:28 AM] GAE_Chape:MIRAGE-IIIEA damaged on the ground at 262973.16 434337.62
[3:53:28 AM] GAE_Chape:MIRAGE-IIIEA(0) was killed at 262973.16 434337.62
[3:53:28 AM] GAE_Chape:MIRAGE-IIIEA crashed at 262973.16 434337.62
[3:53:28 AM] A-37B damaged on the ground at 178001.14 204909.28
[3:53:28 AM] A-37B(0) was killed at 178001.14 204909.28
[3:53:28 AM] A-37B shot down by A-37B at 178001.14 204909.28
[3:53:28 AM] A-37B(0) bailed out at 176292.61 205760.45
[3:53:28 AM] A-37B(1) bailed out at 176292.61 205760.45
[3:53:30 AM] RAPTOR:MIRAGE-IIIEA damaged on the ground at 263020.34 434356.88
[3:53:30 AM] RAPTOR:MIRAGE-IIIEA(0) was killed at 263020.34 434356.88
[3:53:30 AM] RAPTOR:MIRAGE-IIIEA crashed at 263020.34 434356.88
[3:54:01 AM] A-37B shot down by A-37B at 177422.72 205692.11
[3:54:20 AM] Tacuara:A4BQ-Skyhawk(0) was killed at 366664.94 130489.2
[3:54:20 AM] Tacuara:A4BQ-Skyhawk shot down by Tacuara:A4BQ-Skyhawk at 366664.94 130489.2
[3:54:23 AM] Tacuara selected army Blue at 359590.0 186390.0
[3:54:30 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[3:54:38 AM] 63_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322095.72 64757.05
[3:54:42 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[3:54:43 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[3:54:46 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[3:54:48 AM] RAPTOR entered refly menu
[3:54:51 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[3:54:51 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[3:54:52 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[3:54:58 AM] RAPTOR:MIRAGE-IIIEA(0) seat occupied by RAPTOR at 264062.56 434616.16
[3:54:58 AM] RAPTOR:MIRAGE-IIIEA loaded weapons 'Fighter02:_2xR550+3x1300LtDroptank' fuel 100
[3:55:06 AM] 30_Chief8 destroyed by 13_Chief0 at 315613.25 64815.434
[3:55:17 AM] GAE_Pepper:IA-58A in flight at 322720.4 65386.68
[3:55:36 AM] 65_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 320613.7 64244.4
[3:55:46 AM] 21_Chief3 destroyed by 13_Chief0 at 315381.8 64862.05
[3:55:54 AM] 52_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 320855.94 63383.53
[3:55:55 AM] GAE_Chape entered refly menu
[3:56:10 AM] GAE_Castor:A4BQ-Skyhawk(0) bailed out at 375901.28 134387.1
[3:56:17 AM] 30_Chief15 destroyed by 13_Chief0 at 315612.97 64808.76
[3:56:19 AM] GAE_Castor:A4BQ-Skyhawk shot down by landscape at 376810.38 134727.58
[3:56:21 AM] GAE_Chape:MIRAGE-IIIEA(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 264120.6 434617.12
[3:56:21 AM] GAE_Chape:MIRAGE-IIIEA loaded weapons 'Fighter02:_2xR550+3x1300LtDroptank' fuel 100
[3:57:11 AM] GAE_Castor:A4BQ-Skyhawk(0) successfully bailed out at 376225.72 134604.98
[3:57:14 AM] GAE_Castor entered refly menu
[3:57:28 AM] GAE_Tucan:A4BQ-Skyhawk(0) bailed out at 391235.12 126511.86
[3:57:29 AM] GAE_Tucan:A4BQ-Skyhawk(0) successfully bailed out at 391243.78 126516.11
[3:57:34 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[3:57:42 AM] GAE_Castor:A4BQ-Skyhawk(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 359761.6 186215.75
[3:57:43 AM] GAE_Castor:A4BQ-Skyhawk loaded weapons '4xMk82+2x300GalDropTank' fuel 80
[3:57:48 AM] GAE_Tucan:A4BQ-Skyhawk shot down by landscape at 391245.47 126516.805
[3:57:53 AM] GAE_Tucan entered refly menu
[3:57:55 AM] GAE_Tucan:A4BQ-Skyhawk(0) seat occupied by GAE_Tucan at 359800.5 186215.75
[3:57:56 AM] GAE_Tucan:A4BQ-Skyhawk loaded weapons '4xMk82+2x300GalDropTank' fuel 80
[3:58:15 AM] A-37B(1) successfully bailed out at 178188.03 205504.86
[3:58:40 AM] A-37B(0) successfully bailed out at 178066.83 205519.05
[3:58:42 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[3:58:42 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[3:58:43 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[3:58:45 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[3:58:45 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[3:58:45 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[3:58:49 AM] GAE_Charrua:IA-58A landed at 322677.8 66300.81
[3:58:58 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[3:59:03 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[3:59:03 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[3:59:04 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[3:59:20 AM] GAE_Pepper:IA-58A(0) was killed at 322701.94 66557.125
[3:59:20 AM] GAE_Pepper:IA-58A(1) was killed at 322701.94 66557.125
[3:59:20 AM] GAE_Pepper:IA-58A shot down by 83_Static at 322701.94 66557.125
[3:59:28 AM] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[3:59:28 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[3:59:32 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[3:59:41 AM] Tacuara has disconnected
[3:59:42 AM] Tacuara has connected
[4:00:06 AM] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[4:00:08 AM] GAE_Pepper:IA-58A(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 322683.0 66419.16
[4:00:08 AM] GAE_Pepper:IA-58A loaded weapons '4xMk82' fuel 50
[4:00:29 AM] Tacuara selected army Blue at 359590.0 186390.0
[4:00:32 AM] GAE_Charrua:IA-58A(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 322689.53 66372.695
[4:00:32 AM] GAE_Charrua:IA-58A loaded weapons '4xMk81' fuel 50
[4:00:40 AM] Tacuara:A4BQ-Skyhawk(0) seat occupied by Tacuara at 359699.5 186217.17
[4:00:40 AM] Tacuara:A4BQ-Skyhawk loaded weapons '4xMk82+2x300GalDropTank' fuel 80
[4:00:42 AM] 55_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 321042.4 64261.31
[4:01:10 AM] RAPTOR:MIRAGE-IIIEA(0) was killed at 264660.44 434343.4
[4:01:10 AM] RAPTOR:MIRAGE-IIIEA shot down by landscape at 264660.44 434343.4
[4:01:31 AM] RAPTOR entered refly menu
[4:01:32 AM] RAPTOR:MIRAGE-IIIEA(0) seat occupied by RAPTOR at 264062.56 434616.16
[4:01:32 AM] RAPTOR:MIRAGE-IIIEA loaded weapons 'Fighter02:_2xR550+3x1300LtDroptank' fuel 100
[4:01:32 AM] GAE_Chape:MIRAGE-IIIEA in flight at 266020.8 434363.2
[4:03:11 AM] GAE_Charrua:IA-58A in flight at 322829.56 65662.84
[4:03:13 AM] 30_Chief16 destroyed by 13_Chief0 at 315599.25 64815.31
[4:03:18 AM] 30_Chief19 destroyed by 13_Chief0 at 315620.28 64803.52
[4:03:50 AM] GAE_Pepper:IA-58A in flight at 322945.03 65434.56
[4:03:57 AM] RAPTOR:MIRAGE-IIIEA in flight at 266704.9 434053.94
[4:04:39 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:04:43 AM] 87_Static destroyed by 54_Static at 323922.22 43446.746
[4:04:46 AM] Tacuara:A4BQ-Skyhawk in flight at 358750.16 186396.0
[4:04:49 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:04:50 AM] GAE_Tucan:A4BQ-Skyhawk(0) was killed at 359099.4 186369.72
[4:04:50 AM] GAE_Tucan:A4BQ-Skyhawk shot down by landscape at 359099.4 186369.72
[4:04:52 AM] GAE_Castor:A4BQ-Skyhawk in flight at 358819.53 186376.06
[4:05:05 AM] GAE_Tucan entered refly menu
[4:05:10 AM] GAE_Tucan:A4BQ-Skyhawk(0) seat occupied by GAE_Tucan at 359473.28 186222.08
[4:05:11 AM] GAE_Tucan:A4BQ-Skyhawk loaded weapons '4xMk82+2x300GalDropTank' fuel 80
[4:05:56 AM] 30_Chief18 destroyed by 13_Chief0 at 315600.03 64809.05
[4:06:29 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:06:30 AM] GAE_Tucan has disconnected
[4:08:10 AM] 78_Static destroyed by A-37B at 322616.3 66632.47
[4:09:02 AM] GAE_Charrua:IA-58A landed at 322727.97 66241.97
[4:09:06 AM] 62_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 321957.62 64830.94
[4:09:22 AM] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[4:09:46 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:10:39 AM] GAE_Charrua:IA-58A(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 322689.53 66372.695
[4:10:39 AM] GAE_Charrua:IA-58A loaded weapons '4xMk82' fuel 50
[4:10:48 AM] 40_Static destroyed by 7_Chief at 386063.3 79327.0
[4:11:06 AM] CDS_Hacha:MB-339A-ARA(0) was killed at 314464.4 64778.895
[4:11:06 AM] CDS_Hacha:MB-339A-ARA(1) was killed at 314464.4 64778.895
[4:11:06 AM] CDS_Hacha:MB-339A-ARA crashed at 314464.4 64778.895
[4:11:06 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:11:12 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:11:43 AM] GAE_Pepper:IA-58A landed at 322702.28 66446.38
[4:11:51 AM] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[4:11:53 AM] GAE_Pepper:IA-58A(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 322683.0 66419.16
[4:11:53 AM] GAE_Pepper:IA-58A loaded weapons '4xMk82' fuel 50
[4:12:01 AM] 30_Chief11 destroyed by 13_Chief0 at 315600.1 64807.5
[4:12:14 AM] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[4:12:17 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:12:49 AM] GAE_Pepper:IA-58A(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 322683.0 66419.16
[4:12:49 AM] GAE_Pepper:IA-58A loaded weapons '1xdpt_2xMk81_8xZuni' fuel 50
[4:13:00 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:14:05 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:14:09 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:14:09 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:14:14 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:14:21 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:14:22 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:14:22 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:14:22 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:14:28 AM] Tacuara has disconnected
[4:14:28 AM] GAE_Charrua:IA-58A in flight at 322051.88 67113.65
[4:14:57 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:15:13 AM] 60_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322207.12 64736.94
[4:15:22 AM] 71_Static destroyed by 89_Static at 322476.97 65457.5
[4:15:37 AM] GAE_Pepper:IA-58A in flight at 322833.78 65674.18
[4:16:12 AM] 91_Static destroyed by 54_Static at 322599.28 65413.32
[4:16:49 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:16:58 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:16:58 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:17:01 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:17:01 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:17:03 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:17:04 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:17:04 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:17:05 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:17:11 AM] 58_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322096.0 64827.24
[4:17:25 AM] 59_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322170.44 64797.16
[4:17:40 AM] 56_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 321913.4 64822.86
[4:18:02 AM] 61_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322051.7 64830.94
[4:18:04 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:18:06 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:18:07 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:18:09 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:18:16 AM] 80_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 321835.0 64734.68
[4:18:30 AM] 33_Chief0 destroyed by 89_Static at 322580.5 65506.77
[4:18:33 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:18:39 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:18:46 AM] GAE_Yanito:MB-339A-ARA damaged by A-37B at 325924.78 70217.734
[4:18:51 AM] GAE_Yanito:MB-339A-ARA(0) bailed out at 326453.62 69770.234
[4:18:54 AM] GAE_Yanito:MB-339A-ARA(0) bailed out at 326590.88 69626.375
[4:18:55 AM] GAE_Yanito:MB-339A-ARA(1) bailed out at 326624.88 69577.53
[4:18:56 AM] GAE_Yanito:MB-339A-ARA(0) was killed at 326657.2 69590.47
[4:19:02 AM] GAE_Yanito:MB-339A-ARA shot down by A-37B at 326736.22 69385.67
[4:19:06 AM] 33_Chief1 destroyed by 54_Static at 322583.8 65513.215
[4:19:18 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:19:18 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:19:24 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:19:25 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:19:25 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:19:26 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:19:26 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:19:26 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:19:41 AM] GAE_Yanito:MB-339A-ARA(1) successfully bailed out at 326892.56 69155.46
[4:19:45 AM] 57_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322008.78 64829.05
[4:20:00 AM] GAE_Charrua:IA-58A landed at 322670.22 66258.44
[4:20:03 AM] 33_Chief2 destroyed by 54_Static at 322575.72 65509.695
[4:20:41 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:20:48 AM] GAE_Pepper:IA-58A landed at 322700.66 66338.21
[4:20:54 AM] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[4:20:57 AM] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[4:21:06 AM] Tacuara has connected
[4:21:18 AM] 33_Chief3 destroyed by 54_Static at 322587.16 65509.562
[4:21:24 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:21:24 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:21:36 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:21:53 AM] GAE_Pepper:IA-58A(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 322683.0 66419.16
[4:21:53 AM] GAE_Pepper:IA-58A loaded weapons '4xMk82' fuel 50
[4:22:06 AM] Tacuara selected army Blue at 359590.0 186390.0
[4:22:15 AM] GAE_Charrua:IA-58A(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 322689.53 66372.695
[4:22:15 AM] GAE_Charrua:IA-58A loaded weapons '16xZuni' fuel 50
[4:22:15 AM] Tacuara:A4BQ-Skyhawk(0) seat occupied by Tacuara at 359473.28 186222.08
[4:22:15 AM] Tacuara:A4BQ-Skyhawk loaded weapons '(central)3xBRParachute250+2x300GalDropTank' fuel 80
[4:22:36 AM] GAE_Yanito entered refly menu
[4:23:16 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:23:17 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:23:33 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:24:28 AM] 81_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 321915.62 64658.64
[4:25:02 AM] GAE_Charrua:IA-58A in flight at 322812.28 64964.047
[4:25:10 AM] GAE_Pepper:IA-58A in flight at 322843.38 65184.094
[4:25:34 AM] loadBullets -1
[4:25:35 AM] GAE_Yanito:MB-339A-ARA(0) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 359570.75 186220.86
[4:25:35 AM] GAE_Yanito:MB-339A-ARA loaded weapons '6xType25C(669)' fuel 70
[4:26:09 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:26:52 AM] 50_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322197.56 64666.6
[4:26:52 AM] 67_Static destroyed by 88_Static at 322345.44 65787.28
[4:26:59 AM] 90_Static destroyed by 88_Static at 322294.72 65836.51
[4:27:06 AM] 69_Static destroyed by 88_Static at 322956.06 65369.46
[4:27:17 AM] GAE_Pepper:IA-58A(0) was killed at 322115.84 64564.676
[4:27:17 AM] GAE_Pepper:IA-58A(1) was killed at 322115.84 64564.676
[4:27:17 AM] GAE_Pepper:IA-58A shot down by 54_Static at 322115.84 64564.676
[4:27:30 AM] 88_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322147.66 64634.69
[4:27:31 AM] 92_Static destroyed by 88_Static at 322256.25 65891.56
[4:28:39 AM] GAE_Yanito:MB-339A-ARA in flight at 358358.0 186400.55
[4:29:36 AM] GAE_Yanito:MB-339A-ARA(0) bailed out at 355365.78 182417.52
[4:29:39 AM] GAE_Yanito:MB-339A-ARA(0) bailed out at 355347.62 182023.06
[4:29:40 AM] GAE_Yanito:MB-339A-ARA(1) bailed out at 355340.12 181857.16
[4:30:13 AM] GAE_Charrua:IA-58A landed at 322706.88 66194.83
[4:30:59 AM] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[4:31:05 AM] GAE_Yanito:MB-339A-ARA(1) successfully bailed out at 355157.75 181050.58
[4:31:13 AM] CDS_Hacha entered refly menu
[4:31:15 AM] CDS_Hacha:MB-339A-ARA(0) seat occupied by CDS_Hacha at 359617.44 186216.77
[4:31:16 AM] CDS_Hacha:MB-339A-ARA loaded weapons '2xSNEB+2x30mmGunpods+2xCBU24' fuel 70
[4:31:45 AM] GAE_Charrua:IA-58A(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 322689.53 66372.695
[4:31:45 AM] GAE_Charrua:IA-58A loaded weapons '4xMk82' fuel 50
[4:31:51 AM] GAE_Yanito:MB-339A-ARA(0) successfully bailed out at 355217.25 181570.05
[4:34:12 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:34:14 AM] 70_Static destroyed by 89_Static at 322911.66 65653.85
[4:34:17 AM] GAE_Charrua:IA-58A in flight at 322744.0 65269.33
[4:34:20 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:34:20 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:34:22 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:34:23 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:34:36 AM] GAE_Castor:A4BQ-Skyhawk landed at 359633.5 186267.98
[4:35:24 AM] 54_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:IA-58A at 319598.9 63045.93
[4:35:41 AM] GAE_Castor:A4BQ-Skyhawk(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 359658.53 186215.97
[4:35:41 AM] GAE_Castor:A4BQ-Skyhawk loaded weapons '4xMk82+2x300GalDropTank' fuel 80
[4:36:17 AM] 77_Static destroyed by 63_Static at 322607.7 66698.09
[4:36:27 AM] 73_Static destroyed by 63_Static at 322642.2 66780.73
[4:37:19 AM] CDS_Hacha has disconnected
[4:37:20 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:38:14 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:38:15 AM] GAE_Charrua:IA-58A landed at 322699.03 66358.66
[4:38:19 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:38:22 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:38:22 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:38:24 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:38:24 AM] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[4:38:26 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:38:27 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:38:28 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:38:28 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:38:30 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:38:30 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:38:31 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:38:31 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:38:34 AM] Tacuara:A4BQ-Skyhawk damaged on the ground at 359415.56 186267.08
[4:38:34 AM] Tacuara:A4BQ-Skyhawk damaged by GAE_Castor:A4BQ-Skyhawk at 359415.56 186267.08
[4:39:36 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:39:37 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:39:43 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:39:59 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:40:28 AM] GAE_Charrua:IA-58A(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 322689.53 66372.695
[4:40:28 AM] GAE_Charrua:IA-58A loaded weapons '1x20mm_16xZuni' fuel 50
[4:40:33 AM] Tacuara entered refly menu
[4:40:49 AM] Tacuara:A4BQ-Skyhawk(0) seat occupied by Tacuara at 359473.28 186222.08
[4:40:49 AM] Tacuara:A4BQ-Skyhawk loaded weapons '4xMk82+2x300GalDropTank' fuel 80
[4:40:52 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:40:52 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:40:58 AM] GAE_Yanito:MB-339A-ARA crashed at 362153.56 80950.57
[4:41:01 AM] GAE_Yanito has disconnected
[4:41:53 AM] 68_Static destroyed by 63_Static at 323038.62 65297.79
[4:42:11 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:42:26 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:43:00 AM] RAPTOR:MIRAGE-IIIEA damaged by 48_Static at 323642.22 66048.36
[4:43:00 AM] RAPTOR:MIRAGE-IIIEA(0) was killed at 323642.22 66048.36
[4:43:00 AM] RAPTOR:MIRAGE-IIIEA shot down by 48_Static at 323642.22 66048.36
[4:43:34 AM] GAE_Charrua:IA-58A in flight at 323609.4 64139.43
[4:43:44 AM] GAE_Castor:A4BQ-Skyhawk in flight at 360529.66 186440.36
[4:43:51 AM] Tacuara:A4BQ-Skyhawk in flight at 360766.72 186405.56
[4:44:05 AM] 62_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 321957.62 64830.94
[4:45:27 AM] 63_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322095.72 64757.05
[4:46:16 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:47:10 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:47:32 AM] GAE_Charrua:IA-58A(0) was killed at 321782.16 65126.883
[4:47:32 AM] GAE_Charrua:IA-58A(1) was killed at 321782.16 65126.883
[4:47:32 AM] GAE_Charrua:IA-58A shot down by 63_Static at 321782.16 65126.883
[4:47:40 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:47:43 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:47:45 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:47:46 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:47:49 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:47:50 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:47:50 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:47:56 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:47:57 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:47:57 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:48:22 AM] GAE_Pepper has disconnected
[4:48:46 AM] 59_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322170.44 64797.16
[4:49:17 AM] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[4:49:31 AM] GAE_Charrua:IA-58A(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 322689.53 66372.695
[4:49:31 AM] GAE_Charrua:IA-58A loaded weapons '1x20mm_16xZuni' fuel 50
[4:49:48 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:49:52 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:49:59 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:49:59 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:50:00 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:50:00 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:50:02 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:50:06 AM] 56_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 321913.4 64822.86
[4:50:09 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:50:10 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:50:14 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:50:14 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:50:15 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:50:17 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:50:19 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:51:16 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:51:16 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:51:18 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:51:20 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:51:24 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:51:28 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:51:28 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:51:28 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:51:29 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:51:29 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:51:29 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:51:32 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:51:35 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:51:35 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:51:35 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:51:39 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:51:39 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:51:39 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:51:39 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:51:41 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:51:44 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:51:44 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:51:53 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:51:54 AM] 60_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322207.12 64736.94
[4:51:54 AM] 57_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322008.78 64829.05
[4:51:55 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:51:55 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:51:55 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:51:56 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:51:56 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:51:56 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:52:05 AM] GAE_Castor entered refly menu
[4:52:05 AM] GAE_Castor:A4BQ-Skyhawk(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 359658.53 186215.97
[4:52:05 AM] GAE_Castor:A4BQ-Skyhawk loaded weapons '4xMk82+2x300GalDropTank' fuel 80
[4:52:08 AM] 80_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 321835.0 64734.68
[4:52:13 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:52:14 AM] 61_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322051.7 64830.94
[4:52:15 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:52:15 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:52:27 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:52:38 AM] GAE_Castor:A4BQ-Skyhawk(0) was killed at 327450.8 74934.086
[4:52:38 AM] GAE_Castor:A4BQ-Skyhawk shot down by landscape at 327450.8 74934.086
[4:53:34 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:53:38 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:53:52 AM] GAE_Charrua:IA-58A in flight at 322616.53 64289.43
[4:53:59 AM] 71_Static destroyed by 89_Static at 322476.97 65457.5
[4:54:01 AM] 58_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:IA-58A at 322096.0 64827.24
[4:54:53 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:55:11 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:55:43 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:57:14 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:57:43 AM] 27_Chief0 destroyed by GAE_Charrua:IA-58A at 314322.72 64763.438
[4:58:03 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:58:13 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:58:16 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:58:35 AM] 13_Chief0 destroyed by GAE_Charrua:IA-58A at 314427.66 64851.41
[4:58:36 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:58:36 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:58:39 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:58:40 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:58:42 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:58:45 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:58:50 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:58:52 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:59:00 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:59:01 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[4:59:12 AM] 81_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 321915.62 64658.64
[4:59:15 AM] 50_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322197.56 64666.6
[5:00:31 AM] 91_Static destroyed by 64_Static at 322599.28 65413.32
[5:00:43 AM] A-37B removed at 178017.81 207110.44
[5:00:59 AM] 64_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 321110.75 63714.35
[5:01:10 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:01:12 AM] A-37B removed at 177995.39 207019.1
[5:01:19 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:01:29 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:01:30 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:01:32 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:01:33 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:01:34 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:02:42 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:02:43 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:02:49 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:03:05 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:03:08 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:03:09 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:03:10 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:03:11 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:03:12 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:03:59 AM] A-37B removed at 178220.89 206785.38
[5:04:10 AM] GAE_Charrua:IA-58A landed at 322678.3 66666.59
[5:04:16 AM] 53_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 316398.7 61368.88
[5:04:17 AM] RAPTOR has disconnected
[5:04:39 AM] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[5:05:02 AM] 88_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322147.66 64634.69
[5:07:04 AM] 14_Chief4 destroyed by 49_Static at 314493.72 64855.383
[5:07:40 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:07:44 AM] GAE_Charrua:IA-58A(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 322689.53 66372.695
[5:07:44 AM] GAE_Charrua:IA-58A loaded weapons '4xMk82' fuel 50
[5:08:11 AM] 65_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 320613.7 64244.4
[5:08:52 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:09:05 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:10:03 AM] GAE_Charrua:IA-58A in flight at 322869.03 65231.004
[5:10:22 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:10:58 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:11:00 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:11:00 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:11:01 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:11:16 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:11:16 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:11:22 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:11:25 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:11:26 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:11:28 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:11:28 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:11:33 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:11:33 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:11:33 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:12:34 AM] 16_Chief0 destroyed by 49_Static at 314499.25 64786.176
[5:12:55 AM] Tacuara:A4BQ-Skyhawk landed at 359609.75 186264.11
[5:13:05 AM] 14_Chief3 destroyed by 48_Static at 314502.7 64839.16
[5:13:48 AM] 52_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 320855.94 63383.53
[5:13:59 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:14:06 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:14:07 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:14:08 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:14:11 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:14:12 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:14:14 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:14:14 AM] 15_Chief3 destroyed by 48_Static at 314558.5 64772.285
[5:14:14 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:14:16 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:14:32 AM] GAE_Charrua:IA-58A(0) was killed at 314661.5 64986.125
[5:14:32 AM] GAE_Charrua:IA-58A(1) was killed at 314661.5 64986.125
[5:14:32 AM] GAE_Charrua:IA-58A shot down by landscape at 314661.5 64986.125
[5:15:06 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:15:08 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:15:09 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:15:10 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:15:13 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:15:15 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:15:15 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:15:16 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:15:18 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:15:19 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:15:20 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:15:42 AM] 15_Chief4 destroyed by 48_Static at 314558.72 64800.01
[5:15:42 AM] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[5:16:51 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:17:06 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:17:10 AM] GAE_Castor entered refly menu
[5:17:41 AM] GAE_Castor:A4BQ-Skyhawk(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 359658.53 186215.97
[5:17:41 AM] GAE_Castor:A4BQ-Skyhawk loaded weapons '4xMk82+2x300GalDropTank' fuel 80
[5:17:44 AM] 62_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 321957.62 64830.94
[5:18:04 AM] GAE_Chape:MIRAGE-IIIEA landed at 264098.3 434619.62
[5:18:07 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:18:11 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:18:12 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:18:53 AM] Tacuara has disconnected
[5:20:19 AM] GAE_Castor has disconnected
[5:20:48 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:21:06 AM] GAE_Chape:MIRAGE-IIIEA turned landing lights on at 264108.78 434615.22
[5:21:08 AM] GAE_Chape:MIRAGE-IIIEA turned landing lights off at 264108.78 434615.22
[5:22:17 AM] 56_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 321913.4 64822.86
[5:22:34 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:22:47 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:23:10 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:23:28 AM] 57_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322008.78 64829.05
[5:23:33 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:23:52 AM] 80_Static destroyed by 49_Static at 321835.0 64734.68
[5:25:05 AM] 59_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322170.44 64797.16
[5:25:08 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:25:19 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:25:19 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:25:21 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:25:22 AM] 66_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322093.75 64888.38
[5:25:22 AM] 61_Static destroyed by 48_Static at 322051.7 64830.94
[5:26:36 AM] GAE_Charrua has disconnected
[5:26:36 AM] 67_Static destroyed by 63_Static at 322345.44 65787.28
[5:26:57 AM] Mission END
Fotos, Videos & Screenshots / Re:Fotos impresionantes
13 de Mayo de 2020, 09:48:39 PM
Muy buena, se sabe quien es?
Estoy Subiendo el Parche TOAS.

Estoy armando el POST, creo que hoy ya subo el parche!

Estoy armando imagenes para hacer una guia mas entendible


Personal del GAEv con la instalacion ya realizada del BAT aplicar desde el Paso 6
Nota: la instalacion de este parche llevara la instalacion a BAT 3.8.3, indistintamente este o no activado el TOAS MOD en el JSGME

    Paso 1

    CitarTener instalado IL2 1946 Sturmovik v 4.12.2
    Paso 2
    Sobre la instalacion del Paso1 realizar una instalacion del BAT


    BAT v1.0 Setup.exe


    RUN THE B.A.T. INSTALLER:  BAT v1.0 Setup.exe

    This is the base install.  The B.A.T. Expansion Packs very simply apply over the top of your B.A.T. install.  If you change your Mod folders you cannot apply the Expansion Packs until you revert them to their original state.

    Thanks to our good friend for this Mirror of all B.A.T. content.
    Paso 3
    Llevar al BAT a su version 3.8.2

    CitarBAT installation Order
    March 2020

    - BAT 3.0 Checkpoint Charlie
    - BAT 3.1 Sealion
    - BAT 3.2 Angels High
    - BAT 3.3 Pathfinder
    - BAT 3.4 Linebacker
    - BAT 3.5 Musketeer
    - BAT 3.6 The Blitz
    - BAT 3.7 Le Grand Cirque
    - BAT 3.8 Pegasus
    - BAT Patches 3.8.1  + 3.8.2

    always use the installer.exe.
    Paso 4
    Controlar que todo funciona

    • Confirme los valores del archivo conf.ini
    Copying over your old one should do the trick.  Likewise your User folder for your previous keymapping.  CONF.ini needs to be right with B.A.T.  Here is an example with Sound setup properly and Graphics maxxed out.  If need be you can de-tune the graphics a bit, add texcompress etc, to speed it up.

    Here is a good thread explaining those settings;

    This part requires your own personal screen settings:

    width=1440 - Whatever yours is
    height=900 - Whatever yours is

    • Revise true color (AVIONES ROSA)

    Described on Page-6 of the B.A.T. Manual - make sure you satisfy these conditions before proceeding.

    We have experienced different results with regard to the High-Res True Colour mod Dll's, necessary for many of the newer mod features.

    The first set BATDLLS-01 is installed by default. The second set BATDLLS-02 will resolve issues for systems that do not get on with the first set: Simply UnZIP to your main Il2 Install and over-write.



    Make sure you have the right DLLs for the HD TRUE COLOUR MODS used in some areas.  There is no 'right' answer - Its BATDLLS-01 for some people and BATDLLS-02 for others.  Even within the Hangar-19 Test Crew we use different setups.

    The easiest way to check immediately: Launch The Jet Age and go look at the Hind helicopter in the QMB Preview Window.  If it looks normal you are good to go.  If its a hideous naked mole rat pink you need the other DLLs - Go Install BATDLLS-02.

    • Cargue la JetEra en el il2 Selector
    click sobre la imagen para ver mas grande
    click sobre la imagen para ver mas grande

    Paso 5
    Descargar y colocar el TOAS MOD en la carpeta BATMODS que se encuentra en la raiz del juego

    CitarWell, here we go ... Once you have B.A.T. v3.7.2 or 3.8.1 installed and functioning properly, we can proceed to the installation of TOAS MOD ...



    After downloading, unzip with 7z into the BATMODS folder of your BAT installation. It will result in 17 folders (mods). Next we will give an example of how they can be activated:


    Paso 6
    Confirmar que el JSGME este sin Mods cargados

    click sobre la imagen para ver mas grande
    Paso 7
    Descargar Parche NUEVO


    Paso 8
    Confirme que dentro de la carpeta #JTWE ubicada en la Raíz se vea como la siguiente imagen. Eliminé las carpetas que sobran.

    click sobre la imagen para ver mas grande

    Descomprimir el parche nuevo y poner todas las carpetas en la raiz del juego, sobrescribir todo
    click sobre la imagen para ver mas grande

    Paso 9
    Cargar el TOAS mod en el JSGME Aconsejo usar el Perfil provisto aqui abajo

    CitarWe leave here the .mep file that you can use with JSGME to load these mods automatically. Simply download this file and place it in the BATMODS folder (or the one you prefer). Finally, click on the "Load Mod Profile" tab of the JSGME, find the .mep file and load it. The process will take a few minutes depending on the speed of your computer.

    Pasos para activarlo (según donde hayas descargado el archivo perfil)
    click sobre la imagen para ver mas grande
    click sobre la imagen para ver mas grande
    click sobre la imagen para ver mas grande

    Seguramente aparezca el mensaje que el JSGME no responda....DEJELO TRABAJAR TRANQUILO, esta moviendo toneladas de informacion.
    Cuando termine se vera de la siguiente forma!

    Fotos, Videos & Screenshots / Re:Videos
    28 de Abril de 2020, 08:42:57 PM


    La LUGER, el foro activo, y el GAEv volando!!!
    Había un terraplén y algunos arbustos, se quedo largo para el lugar que eligió.

    Tomo altura para zafar y se quedo sin velocidad por ascender así, y chauuuu

    Aparte ese giro por izquierda lo hace perder energía, apenas se le planta el motor.

    Con el diario del Lunes, soy un groso!!!!


    Que situación fea LPM, Buitre, que hizo mal el piloto?
    En medio de una exhibición aérea, el piloto de una aeronave de guerra perdió el control del aparato y se estrelló contra una vía en la localidad de Shoreham en el sur de Reino Unido. El hecho dejó siete personas muertas.
    Cartelera / Re:El Vuelo
    05 de Agosto de 2015, 02:43:34 PM
    Muy Bueno!! Linda cantidad de informancion
    Cartelera / Re:Que pasa con esto!!! quiero definición!!
    01 de Agosto de 2015, 11:40:14 AM
    Cartelera / Re:Basta de falopa en las campañas!!!
    01 de Agosto de 2015, 11:38:23 AM
    No me parece raro y creo que se tienen que dejar de romper las bolas con los doping de todo tipo....pasta libre para todos los deportes!!!!