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Temas - GAE_Balker

Cartelera / Asado.
30 de Enero de 2015, 09:44:47 AM
Cuándo vamos a Parque Sarmiento.

Propongo la semana que viene. Elijan día y hora. Numerarse! jajaja
Cartelera / Ultimos Ascensos y Condecoraciones (2014).-
28 de Diciembre de 2014, 01:46:22 AM


ORDEN DEL DÍA (EM) 03/56 - Sobre Ascensos, Condecoraciones y Promociones

De acuerdo a lo dispuesto por el Estado Mayor del Escuadrón, el Jefe del Grupo Aeronaval Embarcado Virtual ordena:

1 - Ascender al siguiente personal:

Ascenso a Capitán de Corbeta:

- Sr. Mariano "Chape" Chiappe.

Ascenso a Teniente de Navío:

-Sr. Mauro "Alma" Arguelles.

Ascenso a Teniente de Fragata:

-Sr. Erik "Popeye" Wallisch

2 - Entregar Condecoraciones al siguiente personal:


- Al Sr. Daniel "Balker" Balmaceda por haber obtenido el primer puesto como Mejor Cazador y Ataquista en la campaña "Golfo de Finlandia".


- Al Sr. Mariano "Chape" Chiappe por las tareas desempeñadas en el armado de las instalaciones del simulador.


- Al Sr. Milton "Tacuara" Gallinger por las tareas desempeñadas en la puesta a punto de la WEB del Escuadrón.

- Al Sr. Erik "Popeye" Wallisch por el armado de la presentación del Escuadrón en el Museo de la Aviación Naval.

3 - Asignar funciones al siguiente personal:

- El Sr. Milton "Tacuara" Gallinger pasa a ocupar el puesto de Jefe de Infraestructura.

4 - Disponer los permisos de acceso necesarios según la nueva jerarquía si así correspondiere.

5 - Todo lo dispuesto entra en vigencia al momento de publicarse la presente Orden.

6 - Publíquese, archivese y cúmplase.

           Daniel "Balker" Balmaceda
Jefe del Grupo Aeronaval Embarcado Virtual
Cartelera / Felices Fiestas!
24 de Diciembre de 2014, 03:28:06 PM

El 2015 está a punto de empezar. Como todos los años, es un desafío que estamos dispuestos a afrontar. Abróchense los cinturones y a disfrutar.

Felicidades a todos con sus respectivas familias!
Fotos, Videos & Screenshots / Auto perseguido por misiles!
04 de Diciembre de 2014, 04:17:41 PM

No me digan que estos globos no están terribles! jajaja
Misiones de Campañas - IL2 / FINLANDIA 15.-
01 de Octubre de 2014, 02:24:03 PM
El objetivo de esta última misión es el puerto de Kronstadt, en la retaguardia soviética. Para alcanzarlo habrá que eliminar las PACs enemigas. ¡A golpear fuerte para que los rojos tengan para recordarnos por un buen tiempo!

Cartelera / ¡El primer Doble Centurión del GAEv!
28 de Septiembre de 2014, 11:26:13 AM

Un centenar de enganches perfectos en vuelos oficiales de campañas no se logran todos los días. ¡Mucho menos 200!
Misiones de Campañas - IL2 / FINLANDIA 14.-
23 de Septiembre de 2014, 12:23:29 AM
Empiecen a leer el manual operativo de los nuevos misiles aire-aire.

Cartelera / Consulta Fairchild Hiller 227.-
19 de Septiembre de 2014, 02:13:21 PM
A ver quién me puede dar una mano, por favor.
Necesitaría un croquis interno de un Fairchild Hiller 227. Un plano con la distribución general de las butacas en el interior del avión.
Misiones de Campañas - IL2 / FINLANDIA 13.-
18 de Septiembre de 2014, 11:59:02 PM
Preparen el equipo. El enemigo fue desalojado de la isla de Gogland...pero no va a dejar las cosas así.
Fotos, Videos & Screenshots / Pedazo de monitores...
17 de Septiembre de 2014, 10:09:47 PM
Se fue un poquito al

Misiones de Campañas - IL2 / FINLANDIA 12.-
17 de Septiembre de 2014, 12:19:30 PM
Llegó la hora de expulsar a los soviéticos de la isla de Gogland.

Misiones de Campañas - IL2 / FINLANDIA 11.-
12 de Septiembre de 2014, 09:01:22 AM
Tras el desembarco, el enemigo trata de reaprovisionar a sus tropas. Esta vez lo intentará en una operación nocturna por mar y aire. Debemos impedirlo.

¡Al trabajo!
Misiones de Campañas - IL2 / FINLANDIA 10.-
05 de Septiembre de 2014, 02:14:34 AM
A pesar de las pérdidas sufridas, los soviéticos lograron establecer una cabeza de playa en la Isla de Gogland. En las próximas horas buscarán consolidar la posición. Nuestra misión será impedirlo. ¡Al trabajo!

Fotos, Videos & Screenshots / Nuevas monturas del GAEv.-
05 de Septiembre de 2014, 01:16:12 AM
¡Los yanquis ya nos entregaron un buen lote de Cougars!

Y se comenta que también vienen Furys...
Misiones de Campañas - IL2 / FINLANDIA 9.-
31 de Agosto de 2014, 11:34:51 AM
Preparen el equipo. ¡Tenemos que rechazar el desembarco soviético!
Cartelera / ¡El nuevo Centurión del GAEv!
24 de Agosto de 2014, 08:43:55 PM

Un centenar de enganches perfectos en vuelos oficiales de campañas no se logran todos los días.

Ya puede usar el parche que lo distingue como miembro de este exclusivo club de caballeros.
Misiones de Campañas - IL2 / FINLANDIA 8.-
24 de Agosto de 2014, 05:17:08 PM
A pesar del clima, vamos a salir a destruir el sistema ferroviario enemigo en la Estonia soviética. Preparen el equipo y tomen dramamine...ésto se va a mover un poco.


[Aug 27, 2014 11:29:38 PM] Mission: net/dogfight/1/FINLANDIA8.mis is Playing
[11:29:38 PM] Mission BEGIN
[11:29:53 PM] GAE_Popeye has connected
[11:30:42 PM] GAE_Balker selected army Blue at 189548.12 110128.48
[11:30:48 PM] GAE_Charrua selected army Blue at 189502.25 110046.14
[11:32:40 PM] GAE_Charrua:F9F8_Cougar(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 188660.02 108512.2
[11:32:40 PM] GAE_Charrua:F9F8_Cougar loaded weapons '04xMk82_Bomb' fuel 80%
[11:33:06 PM] GAE_Popeye selected army Blue at 188427.67 108117.086
[11:34:06 PM] GAE_Balker:F9F8_Cougar(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 187979.22 107310.68
[11:34:06 PM] GAE_Balker:F9F8_Cougar loaded weapons '04xMk82_Bomb' fuel 80%
[11:34:09 PM] GAE_Charrua:F9F8_Cougar damaged on the ground at 187911.66 107176.92
[11:34:14 PM] GAE_Charrua:F9F8_Cougar in flight at 187648.97 106698.664
[11:34:26 PM] GAE_Balker entered refly menu
[11:34:32 PM] GAE_Charrua:F9F8_Cougar(0) bailed out at 187820.9 105343.09
[11:34:35 PM] GAE_Charrua:F9F8_Cougar(0) bailed out at 187987.9 105201.07
[11:34:38 PM] GAE_Charrua:F9F8_Cougar(0) was killed at 187982.16 105202.84
[11:34:41 PM] GAE_Charrua:F9F8_Cougar shot down by landscape at 188370.89 104963.61
[11:34:41 PM] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[11:34:44 PM] GAE_Charrua:F9F8_Cougar(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 187673.3 106741.695
[11:34:44 PM] GAE_Charrua:F9F8_Cougar loaded weapons '04xMk82_Bomb' fuel 80%
[11:35:43 PM] GAE_Charrua:F9F8_Cougar in flight at 187056.73 105637.67
[11:35:54 PM] GAE_Popeye:F9F8_Cougar(0) seat occupied by GAE_Popeye at 187268.66 106035.33
[11:35:54 PM] GAE_Popeye:F9F8_Cougar loaded weapons '04xMk82_Bomb' fuel 80%
[11:37:03 PM] GAE_Balker:F9F8_Cougar(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 186593.3 104801.61
[11:37:03 PM] GAE_Balker:F9F8_Cougar loaded weapons '04xMk82_Bomb' fuel 80%
[11:37:59 PM] GAE_Popeye:F9F8_Cougar in flight at 186000.12 103651.86
[11:38:31 PM] GAE_Balker:F9F8_Cougar in flight at 185731.12 103255.26
[11:43:47 PM] GAE_Popeye:F9F8_Cougar(0) was killed at 176637.62 40529.137
[11:43:47 PM] GAE_Popeye:F9F8_Cougar shot down by 71_Static at 176637.62 40529.137
[11:44:24 PM] 223_Static destroyed by GAE_Balker:F9F8_Cougar at 178333.64 33710.49
[11:44:24 PM] 224_Static destroyed by GAE_Balker:F9F8_Cougar at 178321.1 33710.31
[11:44:24 PM] 181_Static destroyed by GAE_Balker:F9F8_Cougar at 178308.84 33710.23
[11:44:24 PM] 182_Static destroyed by GAE_Balker:F9F8_Cougar at 178297.05 33710.31
[11:44:24 PM] 221_Static destroyed by GAE_Balker:F9F8_Cougar at 178358.1 33710.15
[11:44:24 PM] 222_Static destroyed by GAE_Balker:F9F8_Cougar at 178345.84 33710.37
[11:44:25 PM] 220_Static destroyed by GAE_Balker:F9F8_Cougar at 178370.38 33709.98
[11:44:25 PM] 219_Static destroyed by GAE_Balker:F9F8_Cougar at 178382.64 33709.88
[11:44:25 PM] 218_Static destroyed by GAE_Balker:F9F8_Cougar at 178394.78 33709.86
[11:44:25 PM] 287_Static destroyed by GAE_Balker:F9F8_Cougar at 178413.9 33766.08
[11:44:51 PM] GAE_Charrua:F9F8_Cougar(0) was killed at 177793.77 33592.44
[11:44:51 PM] GAE_Charrua:F9F8_Cougar shot down by 191_Static at 177793.77 33592.44
[11:45:00 PM] GAE_Popeye entered refly menu
[11:45:05 PM] GAE_Popeye:F9F8_Cougar(0) seat occupied by GAE_Popeye at 182857.44 98095.15
[11:45:05 PM] GAE_Popeye:F9F8_Cougar loaded weapons '04xMk82_Bomb' fuel 80%
[11:46:14 PM] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[11:47:38 PM] GAE_Popeye:F9F8_Cougar in flight at 181387.73 95450.914
[11:48:22 PM] GAE_Charrua:F9F8_Cougar(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 181327.4 95348.65
[11:48:22 PM] GAE_Charrua:F9F8_Cougar loaded weapons '04xMk82_Bomb' fuel 80%
[11:49:05 PM] GAE_Charrua:F9F8_Cougar damaged on the ground at 180984.61 94735.17
[11:49:16 PM] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[11:49:34 PM] GAE_Charrua selected army Blue at 179739.2 95325.41
[11:49:37 PM] GAE_Charrua:F9F8_Cougar(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 179716.19 95261.38
[11:49:37 PM] GAE_Charrua:F9F8_Cougar loaded weapons '04xMk82_Bomb' fuel 80%
[11:49:46 PM] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[11:49:47 PM] GAE_Charrua selected army Blue at 180657.78 94168.8
[11:49:51 PM] GAE_Charrua:F9F8_Cougar(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 180633.67 94102.63
[11:49:51 PM] GAE_Charrua:F9F8_Cougar loaded weapons '04xMk82_Bomb' fuel 80%
[11:50:25 PM] GAE_Balker:F9F8_Cougar landed at 179343.69 94591.95
[11:50:30 PM] GAE_Charrua:F9F8_Cougar damaged on the ground at 180313.2 93546.56
[11:50:30 PM] GAE_Charrua:F9F8_Cougar(0) was killed at 180311.66 93544.76
[11:50:30 PM] GAE_Charrua:F9F8_Cougar shot down by 0_Chief at 180311.66 93544.76
[11:50:37 PM] 5_Chief0 destroyed by 4_Chief9 at 178028.3 33700.0
[11:50:37 PM] 4_Chief9 destroyed by 5_Chief0 at 178017.98 33700.0
[Aug 27, 2014 11:54:01 PM] Mission: net/dogfight/1/FINLANDIA8.mis is Playing
[11:54:01 PM] Mission BEGIN
[11:54:07 PM] GAE_Balker selected army Blue at 190002.67 110944.46
[11:54:29 PM] GAE_Charrua selected army Blue at 189826.89 110628.9
[11:54:32 PM] GAE_Popeye has connected
[11:56:58 PM] GAE_Popeye selected army Blue at 188676.75 108564.2
[11:57:46 PM] GAE_Popeye:F9F8_Cougar(0) seat occupied by GAE_Popeye at 188541.36 108300.05
[11:57:46 PM] GAE_Popeye:F9F8_Cougar loaded weapons '04xMk82_Bomb' fuel 80%
[11:59:15 PM] GAE_Charrua:F9F8_Cougar(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 187627.55 106657.85
[11:59:15 PM] GAE_Charrua:F9F8_Cougar loaded weapons '04xMk82_Bomb' fuel 80%
[11:59:27 PM] GAE_Popeye:F9F8_Cougar damaged on the ground at 187500.42 106437.62
[11:59:28 PM] GAE_Popeye:F9F8_Cougar(0) was killed at 187345.97 106155.984
[11:59:28 PM] GAE_Popeye:F9F8_Cougar shot down by landscape at 187345.97 106155.984
[11:59:48 PM] GAE_Popeye entered refly menu
[12:00:05 AM] GAE_Popeye:F9F8_Cougar(0) seat occupied by GAE_Popeye at 187217.62 105943.23
[12:00:05 AM] GAE_Popeye:F9F8_Cougar loaded weapons '04xMk82_Bomb' fuel 80%
[12:00:12 AM] GAE_Charrua:F9F8_Cougar in flight at 186983.86 105511.4
[12:01:04 AM] GAE_Popeye:F9F8_Cougar in flight at 186525.98 104682.31
[12:01:16 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F8_Cougar(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 186686.89 104969.53
[12:01:16 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F8_Cougar loaded weapons '04xMk82_Bomb' fuel 80%
[12:02:37 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F8_Cougar in flight at 185770.86 103326.05
[12:12:28 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F8_Cougar(0) was killed at 156340.48 33751.36
[12:12:28 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F8_Cougar shot down by 197_Static at 156340.48 33751.36
[12:15:01 AM] 5_Chief0 destroyed by 4_Chief9 at 178028.61 33700.0
[12:15:01 AM] 4_Chief9 destroyed by 5_Chief0 at 178017.98 33700.0
[Aug 28, 2014 12:19:53 AM] Mission: net/dogfight/1/FINLANDIA8.mis is Playing
[12:19:53 AM] Mission BEGIN
[12:20:09 AM] GAE_Balker selected army Blue at 189925.8 110806.47
[12:20:12 AM] GAE_Popeye has connected
[12:21:12 AM] GAE_Charrua selected army Blue at 189431.9 109919.86
[12:22:11 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F8_Cougar(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 188999.31 109121.46
[12:22:11 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F8_Cougar loaded weapons 'default' fuel 80%
[12:22:39 AM] GAE_Balker entered refly menu
[12:22:49 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F8_Cougar(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 188688.89 108563.16
[12:22:49 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F8_Cougar loaded weapons '04xMk82_Bomb' fuel 80%
[12:23:02 AM] GAE_Popeye selected army Blue at 188582.48 108395.0
[12:23:54 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F8_Cougar in flight at 187919.03 107170.87
[12:24:09 AM] GAE_Popeye:F9F8_Cougar(0) seat occupied by GAE_Popeye at 188277.56 107825.59
[12:24:09 AM] GAE_Popeye:F9F8_Cougar loaded weapons '04xMk82_Bomb' fuel 80%
[12:24:54 AM] GAE_Charrua:F9F8_Cougar(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 187723.36 106829.836
[12:24:54 AM] GAE_Charrua:F9F8_Cougar loaded weapons '04xMk82_Bomb' fuel 80%
[12:25:05 AM] GAE_Popeye:F9F8_Cougar in flight at 187383.45 106225.53
[12:25:51 AM] GAE_Charrua:F9F8_Cougar in flight at 187083.9 105680.305
[12:34:39 AM] GAE_Charrua:F9F8_Cougar(0) was killed at 155425.1 33661.977
[12:34:39 AM] GAE_Charrua:F9F8_Cougar crashed at 155425.1 33661.977
[12:44:37 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F8_Cougar landed at 176914.67 93018.27
[12:44:46 AM] GAE_Balker entered refly menu
[12:47:05 AM] GAE_Balker selected army Blue at 173565.77 94007.55
[12:47:07 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F8_Cougar(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 173522.77 93996.54
[12:47:07 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F8_Cougar loaded weapons '04xMk81_Bomb' fuel 80%
[12:48:35 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F8_Cougar in flight at 171623.38 93993.96
[12:52:22 AM] GAE_Popeye:F9F8_Cougar damaged by landscape at 169607.77 93023.98
[12:52:23 AM] GAE_Popeye:F9F8_Cougar(0) was killed at 169536.06 93016.734
[12:52:23 AM] GAE_Popeye:F9F8_Cougar shot down by landscape at 169536.06 93016.734
[12:52:34 AM] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[12:52:38 AM] GAE_Popeye entered refly menu
[12:52:49 AM] GAE_Charrua:F9F8_Cougar(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 169096.06 93011.44
[12:52:49 AM] GAE_Charrua:F9F8_Cougar loaded weapons '04xMk81_Bomb' fuel 80%
[12:53:29 AM] GAE_Popeye selected army Blue at 167440.88 94015.125
[12:53:30 AM] GAE_Popeye selected army Blue at 168450.03 93021.164
[12:53:34 AM] GAE_Popeye:F9F8_Cougar(0) seat occupied by GAE_Popeye at 168372.45 93020.75
[12:53:34 AM] GAE_Popeye:F9F8_Cougar loaded weapons '04xMk81_Bomb' fuel 80%
[12:53:41 AM] GAE_Charrua:F9F8_Cougar in flight at 167808.78 93009.25
[12:54:46 AM] GAE_Popeye:F9F8_Cougar in flight at 166682.34 93005.55
[1:06:38 AM] 203_Static destroyed by GAE_Balker:F9F8_Cougar at 119882.52 36266.43
[1:12:55 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F8_Cougar landed at 148838.89 94022.25
[1:14:58 AM] GAE_Balker entered refly menu
[1:15:46 AM] GAE_Balker selected army Blue at 53871.0 142186.0
[1:15:54 AM] GAE_Balker:F-100D(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 53481.5 142569.38
[1:15:54 AM] GAE_Balker:F-100D loaded weapons 'default' fuel 80%
[1:17:12 AM] GAE_Charrua:F9F8_Cougar damaged by 0_Chief at 145884.88 92981.51
[1:17:13 AM] GAE_Charrua:F9F8_Cougar(0) was killed at 145882.92 92981.33
[1:17:13 AM] GAE_Charrua:F9F8_Cougar shot down by 0_Chief at 145882.92 92981.33
[1:17:32 AM] GAE_Popeye:F9F8_Cougar(0) bailed out at 144418.38 94021.12
[1:17:35 AM] GAE_Popeye:F9F8_Cougar(0) bailed out at 144166.81 93983.5
[1:17:35 AM] GAE_Popeye:F9F8_Cougar shot down by landscape at 144135.4 93979.15
[1:17:36 AM] GAE_Popeye:F9F8_Cougar(0) was killed at 144247.94 94020.44
[1:17:59 AM] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[1:19:02 AM] GAE_Charrua has disconnected
[1:19:04 AM] GAE_Popeye has disconnected
[1:21:21 AM] GAE_Balker entered refly menu
[1:21:24 AM] Mission END
Misiones de Campañas - IL2 / FINLANDIA 7.-
23 de Agosto de 2014, 01:48:48 AM
[Aug 23, 2014 12:15:45 AM] Mission: net/dogfight/1/FINLANDIA7.mis is Playing
[12:15:46 AM] Mission BEGIN
[12:15:59 AM] GAE_Balker selected army Blue at 50233.2 111012.625
[12:17:34 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 51654.367 111023.68
[12:17:34 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2x120dt' fuel 80%
[12:18:31 AM] GAE_Popeye selected army Blue at 52599.414 109899.08
[12:18:41 AM] GAE_Popeye selected army Blue at 52789.918 111009.65
[12:20:48 AM] GAE_Chape selected army Blue at 54799.164 111007.305
[12:20:57 AM] GAE_Popeye:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Popeye at 54607.516 111017.234
[12:20:57 AM] GAE_Popeye:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2x120dt' fuel 80%
[12:21:20 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 55640.395 111014.31
[12:22:07 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 56050.547 111015.555
[12:22:07 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2x120dt' fuel 80%
[12:22:42 AM] GAE_Chape entered refly menu
[12:22:46 AM] GAE_Popeye:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 57018.3 111012.72
[12:24:52 AM] GAE_Charrua has connected
[12:26:50 AM] GAE_Charrua selected army Blue at 60530.32 111000.62
[12:27:18 AM] 86_Static destroyed by MiG-19S at 47292.95 132825.95
[12:27:32 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 61182.0 111009.57
[12:27:32 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2x120dt' fuel 80%
[12:28:34 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury damaged by MiG-19S at 44564.555 134762.6
[12:28:39 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury(0) bailed out at 44461.402 135374.42
[12:28:42 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury(0) bailed out at 44434.62 135533.9
[12:29:00 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 62603.457 110995.914
[12:29:00 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2x120dt' fuel 80%
[12:29:17 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury shot down by MiG-19S at 44405.688 135817.97
[12:29:28 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 63370.027 111005.79
[12:30:13 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 64181.574 111005.55
[12:30:47 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury(0) was killed at 61360.383 111252.82
[12:30:47 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury shot down by MiG-19S at 61360.383 111252.82
[12:31:20 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury(0) successfully bailed out at 44491.234 136147.02
[12:31:20 AM] GAE_Balker entered refly menu
[12:31:21 AM] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[12:31:24 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 64880.016 111005.26
[12:31:24 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2x120dt' fuel 80%
[12:31:31 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 65001.86 110996.12
[12:31:31 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons 'default' fuel 80%
[12:32:36 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury(0) successfully bailed out at 44481.24 136220.3
[12:32:43 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 66342.58 111001.51
[12:33:32 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 67241.2 111001.0
[12:41:14 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury(0) bailed out at 40820.953 77225.05
[12:41:17 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury(0) bailed out at 41465.074 76696.266
[12:41:31 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury shot down by landscape at 44076.78 74513.56
[12:41:37 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury(0) successfully bailed out at 42106.688 76149.46
[12:41:37 AM] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[12:41:43 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 74684.01 110993.83
[12:41:43 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2x120dt' fuel 80%
[12:43:16 AM] MiG-19S damaged on the ground at 38724.855 74316.18
[12:43:16 AM] MiG-19S damaged by GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury at 38724.855 74316.18
[12:43:19 AM] MiG-19S(0) bailed out at 38714.9 74342.234
[12:43:36 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 76713.875 110988.81
[12:43:55 AM] MiG-19S shot down by GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury at 38183.957 74829.766
[12:45:22 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury(0) successfully bailed out at 42439.277 75820.61
[12:45:22 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury(0) was captured at 42439.277 75820.61
[12:48:20 AM] MiG-17F damaged on the ground at 55353.85 137657.53
[12:48:20 AM] MiG-17F(0) was killed at 55353.85 137657.53
[12:48:20 AM] MiG-17F shot down by GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury at 55353.85 137657.53
[12:48:45 AM] 104_Static destroyed by MiG-17F at 53509.95 142686.39
[12:48:45 AM] 105_Static destroyed by MiG-17F at 53501.16 142647.47
[12:50:13 AM] MiG-17F(0) was wounded at 49392.156 141116.05
[12:50:13 AM] MiG-17F damaged on the ground at 49392.156 141116.05
[12:50:13 AM] MiG-17F(0) was killed by GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury at 49392.156 141116.05
[12:50:18 AM] 102_Static destroyed by MiG-17F at 53532.5 142764.02
[12:50:35 AM] MiG-17F shot down by GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury at 47408.473 140915.1
[12:50:57 AM] MiG-19S(0) successfully bailed out at 37966.383 75095.62
[12:52:24 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury(0) was killed at 84658.625 109928.39
[12:52:24 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury shot down by landscape at 84658.625 109928.39
[12:52:42 AM] GAE_Balker entered refly menu
[12:52:49 AM] GAE_Balker selected army Blue at 85181.14 109922.27
[12:52:53 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 85249.04 109935.03
[12:52:53 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons 'default' fuel 80%
[12:53:30 AM] GAE_Popeye:FJ3M_Fury landed at 85866.58 110976.76
[12:53:37 AM] GAE_Popeye entered refly menu
[12:53:44 AM] MiG-17F damaged on the ground at 53408.785 140263.0
[12:53:44 AM] MiG-17F damaged by GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury at 53408.785 140263.0
[12:53:47 AM] MiG-17F(0) bailed out at 53535.414 140595.52
[12:53:55 AM] MiG-17F shot down by GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury at 53756.97 141401.89
[12:54:21 AM] GAE_Popeye selected army Blue at 86631.8 109923.31
[12:54:24 AM] GAE_Popeye:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Popeye at 86679.28 109933.055
[12:54:24 AM] GAE_Popeye:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2x120dt' fuel 80%
[12:54:56 AM] MiG-17F(0) successfully bailed out at 53738.727 140946.86
[12:54:56 AM] MiG-17F(0) was captured at 53738.727 140946.86
[12:55:33 AM] MiG-19S damaged on the ground at 37173.78 46449.89
[12:55:33 AM] MiG-19S(0) was killed at 37173.78 46449.89
[12:55:33 AM] MiG-19S shot down by landscape at 37173.78 46449.89
[12:55:43 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury landed at 56859.207 147022.16
[12:55:57 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury damaged by landscape at 57123.32 143286.98
[12:56:05 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury landed at 56998.97 143426.92
[12:56:05 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury damaged on the ground at 56998.97 143426.92
[12:56:15 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury(0) bailed out at 56998.97 143426.92
[12:56:24 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury(0) successfully bailed out at 57007.51 143484.27
[12:57:49 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 56973.555 145716.2
[12:58:12 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury shot down by landscape at 56998.97 143426.92
[12:58:12 AM] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[12:58:23 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 90465.875 110975.43
[12:58:23 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2x120dt' fuel 80%
[12:59:39 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 92101.85 109927.8
[12:59:47 AM] GAE_Popeye:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 92092.945 109912.79
[1:00:23 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 92697.28 110970.11
[1:04:35 AM] GAE_Popeye:FJ3M_Fury(0) bailed out at 111996.63 128525.48
[1:04:38 AM] GAE_Popeye:FJ3M_Fury(0) bailed out at 111234.56 128489.03
[1:04:50 AM] GAE_Popeye:FJ3M_Fury shot down by landscape at 108632.305 128363.086
[1:06:19 AM] GAE_Popeye:FJ3M_Fury(0) successfully bailed out at 110572.82 128221.805
[1:06:19 AM] GAE_Popeye entered refly menu
[1:06:26 AM] GAE_Popeye:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Popeye at 98100.18 109941.19
[1:06:26 AM] GAE_Popeye:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2x120dt' fuel 80%
[1:06:57 AM] MiG-15SB damaged on the ground at 98250.68 145940.45
[1:06:57 AM] MiG-15SB damaged by GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury at 98250.68 145940.45
[1:06:57 AM] MiG-15SB(0) was wounded at 98246.24 145949.44
[1:07:00 AM] MiG-15SB(0) bailed out at 98112.43 146205.06
[1:07:24 AM] MiG-15SB shot down by GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury at 97811.42 146780.39
[1:07:26 AM] GAE_Popeye:FJ3M_Fury(0) successfully bailed out at 110512.75 128173.31
[1:07:35 AM] MiG-15SB(0) was heavily wounded at 95778.51 150828.14
[1:07:35 AM] MiG-15SB damaged on the ground at 95778.51 150828.14
[1:07:35 AM] MiG-15SB damaged by GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury at 95778.51 150828.14
[1:07:35 AM] MiG-15SB(0) was killed by GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury at 95778.51 150828.14
[1:07:43 AM] GAE_Popeye:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 99682.51 109934.49
[1:07:56 AM] MiG-15SB(0) was heavily wounded at 92888.38 152974.14
[1:07:57 AM] MiG-15SB damaged on the ground at 92853.33 152972.6
[1:08:00 AM] MiG-15SB(0) bailed out at 92430.21 152924.02
[1:08:25 AM] MiG-15SB shot down by GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury at 89531.63 151895.95
[1:08:32 AM] MiG-15SB damaged on the ground at 99307.43 151840.67
[1:08:35 AM] MiG-15SB(0) bailed out at 99519.12 151562.78
[1:08:35 AM] MiG-15SB shot down by GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury at 95367.14 152010.78
[1:08:47 AM] MiG-15SB shot down by GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury at 100252.12 150471.72
[1:13:29 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury landed at 104848.5 110963.34
[1:13:52 AM] GAE_Balker entered refly menu
[1:14:00 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 105316.36 109949.32
[1:14:00 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons 'default' fuel 80%
[1:14:04 AM] GAE_Balker entered refly menu
[1:14:06 AM] GAE_Balker selected army Blue at 105442.27 110948.26
[1:14:08 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 105485.98 110960.914
[1:14:08 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons 'default' fuel 80%
[1:14:45 AM] MiG-17F(0) was wounded at 92236.25 97043.48
[1:14:45 AM] MiG-17F damaged on the ground at 92241.93 97032.55
[1:14:45 AM] MiG-17F(0) was killed by GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury at 92241.93 97032.55
[1:15:07 AM] MiG-15SB(0) successfully bailed out at 97228.85 147468.9
[1:15:07 AM] MiG-15SB(0) was captured at 97228.85 147468.9
[1:15:21 AM] MiG-17F shot down by GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury at 95618.93 93925.34
[1:15:34 AM] MiG-15SB(0) successfully bailed out at 91114.91 152492.86
[1:15:34 AM] MiG-15SB(0) was captured at 91114.91 152492.86
[1:16:20 AM] MiG-15SB(0) successfully bailed out at 100521.17 150425.6
[1:16:20 AM] MiG-15SB(0) was captured at 100521.17 150425.6
[1:18:01 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury turned landing lights on at 112028.0 111496.15
[1:23:18 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury damaged by 9_Chief at 105986.54 111005.71
[1:23:18 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury(0) was killed at 105985.23 111005.586
[1:23:18 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury shot down by 9_Chief at 105985.23 111005.586
[1:23:53 AM] GAE_Chape has disconnected
[1:24:05 AM] MiG-19S damaged on the ground at 36941.02 32532.174
[1:25:11 AM] MiG-19S(0) bailed out at 41386.453 34183.87
[1:25:19 AM] MiG-19S(0) successfully bailed out at 41424.6 34157.465
[1:26:08 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury landed at 103290.65 111054.56
[1:26:08 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury damaged on the ground at 103290.65 111054.56
[1:26:09 AM] MiG-19S crashed at 41386.453 34183.87
[1:26:21 AM] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[1:26:45 AM] GAE_Charrua selected army Blue at 102871.42 110071.56
[1:26:57 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 102690.89 110065.17
[1:26:57 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2x120dt' fuel 80%
[1:27:09 AM] MiG-19S damaged on the ground at 39697.383 44916.18
[1:27:46 AM] MiG-19S(0) was killed at 38147.785 47719.55
[1:27:46 AM] MiG-19S shot down by landscape at 38147.785 47719.55
[1:28:52 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 100442.36 111099.37
[1:28:52 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 100711.1 110107.234
[1:31:03 AM] Il-10 damaged on the ground at 99078.24 110821.06
[1:31:03 AM] Il-10 damaged by 1_Chief at 99078.24 110821.06
[1:31:05 AM] Il-10(0) bailed out at 99078.95 111033.73
[1:31:06 AM] Il-10(1) bailed out at 99082.58 111182.12
[1:31:16 AM] Il-10 shot down by 1_Chief at 99235.484 112259.86
[1:31:58 AM] Il-10 damaged on the ground at 96322.85 109854.734
[1:32:00 AM] Il-10(0) bailed out at 96331.695 109753.67
[1:32:01 AM] Il-10(1) bailed out at 96343.09 109656.69
[1:32:38 AM] Il-10 shot down by 9_Chief at 95734.01 107855.44
[1:32:41 AM] Il-10(1) successfully bailed out at 99219.01 111901.48
[1:32:41 AM] Il-10(1) was captured at 99219.01 111901.48
[1:33:00 AM] Il-10(0) successfully bailed out at 99186.59 111768.414
[1:34:04 AM] Il-10(0) successfully bailed out at 96629.54 108842.22
[1:34:04 AM] Il-10(0) was captured at 96629.54 108842.22
[1:34:16 AM] Il-10(1) successfully bailed out at 96674.98 108772.9
[1:34:16 AM] Il-10(1) was captured at 96674.98 108772.9
[1:36:38 AM] Il-10 damaged on the ground at 95624.82 89999.516
[1:36:40 AM] Il-10(0) bailed out at 95621.21 89779.234
[1:36:41 AM] Il-10(1) bailed out at 95606.82 89629.18
[1:39:03 AM] Il-10(1) successfully bailed out at 95142.445 88392.98
[1:39:21 AM] Il-10(0) successfully bailed out at 95362.33 88657.49
[1:43:07 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury landed at 89167.57 111295.08
[1:43:07 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury damaged on the ground at 89167.57 111295.08
[1:43:32 AM] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[1:44:34 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury damaged by landscape at 88045.9 111310.97
[1:44:37 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury landed at 87991.484 111311.336
[1:44:37 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury damaged on the ground at 87991.484 111311.336
[1:45:03 AM] GAE_Balker entered refly menu
[1:46:54 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 86305.04 111339.62
[1:46:54 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons 'default' fuel 80%
[1:47:00 AM] GAE_Balker entered refly menu
[1:47:07 AM] GAE_Balker selected army Blue at 86279.734 110376.67
[1:47:16 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 86146.71 110366.41
[1:47:16 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons 'default' fuel 80%
[1:48:15 AM] GAE_Charrua has disconnected
[1:49:36 AM] Il-10 removed at 120267.28 10176.529
[1:50:21 AM] GAE_Popeye:FJ3M_Fury damaged by landscape at 83796.66 111387.94
[1:50:23 AM] GAE_Popeye:FJ3M_Fury landed at 83767.99 111386.484
[1:50:23 AM] GAE_Popeye:FJ3M_Fury damaged on the ground at 83767.99 111386.484
[1:50:38 AM] GAE_Balker entered refly menu
[1:50:45 AM] Mission END
Misiones de Campañas - IL2 / FINLANDIA 6.-
15 de Agosto de 2014, 06:49:11 PM
Preparen el equipo.