Crimea 8

Iniciado por GAE_Ceteu, 04 de Noviembre de 2011, 11:09:49 PM

Tema anterior - Siguiente tema




1º Objetivo

Se deberá destruír la planta de reparación de tanques situada en la ciudad de Dzhankoy ( AN15 ), en la periferia noroeste de la misma, la estación de trenes con su playón de carga y la zona fabril, que contiene talleres de reparación y fábricas de camiones, con el fin de interferir en la logística de los Disidentes.

2º Objetivo.

La Base Aérea de Lenino ( AX10), en la Península de Kerch, que se encuentra aislada y rodeada por las fuerzas hindúes de tierra. El ataque tiene por objetivo dejarla inoperativa y destruír la capacidad de defensa Disidente.

Objetivo alternativo.

Prestar a atención a cualquier intento de los Disidentes de contraataque. Si se detectan fuerzas blindadas Disidentes avanzando hacia Kerch, pasarán a tener prioridad absoluta.


Los disidentes contratacarán buscando evitar que las fuerzas de tierra de los hindúes se hagan fuerte sobre el margen oriental del Kuvalivrek y buscaran recuperar la superioridad aérea perdida sobre la línea del frente.

El objetivo de caza es evitar la llegada de bombarderos y caza-bombarderos sobre la línea del frente y asegurar la supremacía aérea.


Se ha puesto operativo un radar terrestre desde Kerch, abarcando la línea de frente hasta 20/30 km más al oeste, por lo que se contará con una Alerta Temprana.

La IAF ha montado dos ataques por su cuenta.

El primero, una escuadrilla de B-24 bombardeará las instalaciones portuarias de la refinería de petróleo de Sebastopol, luego de dar un rodeo por el sur. Atención al regreso, pues lo harán por un rumbo más directo.

El segundo, un ataque con Tempest caza-bombarderos ala base aérea de AO15#5, con el fin de evitar la reacción de caza enemiga en el sector de Dzhankoy durante el atque a las fábricas.

Fuerza de Tareas.

Esta vez estará en el Mar de Azov, con el fin de acercarnos lo más posible a Dzhankoy. Navegará con rumbo 270º durante una hora, virando a hearing 100º, rumbo a BC13.

Como siempre, prestar atención a los buques adelantados, que virarán 7 y 5 minutos antes.


1er Vuelo:

F9F2 Panther R - 100% Fuel - 2x1000 Lbs

Despego como numeral 4 de la escuadra al mando del Tte. Baco, ponemos rumbo 270º a la cuadrícula AN15 en donde se encuentran fábricas y una estación de trenes, llegamos a la zona y entramos desde el sur, hago mi suelta de bombas impactando un edificio largo gris al costado del que impactó Charrúa. Salgo hacia el norte y luego hacia el Este, nos reunimos en AQ16 y ponemos rumbo a la flota, logro apontar sin novedad.

AGK: un edificio
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Ok - Apontado

2do. Vuelo:

F9F2 Panther R - 100% Fuel - 2x500 Lbs + 6 Hvar

Despego del portaviones alternativo, nos dirigimos a AU11 con el objetivo de atacar una columna rebelde que se dirige hacia el sur-este. LLegados al lugar entramos en perfecto orden formando una calesita, no observo artillería antiaérea, hago mi pasada con las bombas destruyendo un tanque, repito mi pasada posteriormente pero no logro destruir nada con los cohetes, luego hago una pasada cañoneando los tanques pero un error de cálculo choco con uno.

AGK: 1 tanque
Piloto: Kia
Avión: destruído

3er. Vuelo:

F4U5 Corsario - 50% Fuel - 2x1000 Lbs + 8 Hvar

Despego del portaviones aliado con Tucán, nos dirigimos rápidamente a la columna de tanques, una vez allí hago mi suelta de bombas pero la inexperiencia en estos menesteres me cobra nuevamente ambas erradas, repito la pasada con los cohetes logro destruir un tanque, regreso a la flota y al apontar pego contra la popa.

AGK: 1 tanque
Piloto: Kia
Avión: destruído
CC - Jefe Sección Personal


[Nov 5, 2011 3:21:34 AM] Mission: net/dogfight/Crimea 8/Crimea 8.mis is Playing
[3:21:34 AM] Mission BEGIN
[3:21:40 AM] GAE_Alma has connected
[3:21:55 AM] GAE_Ceteu has connected
[3:22:09 AM] Gae_Cuervo has connected
[3:22:12 AM] GAE_Pato has connected
[3:22:22 AM] GAE_Baco has connected
[3:23:58 AM] ir0100{ir01000;B-24J-100-CF;2} damaged on the ground at 271620.66 109927.47
[3:24:25 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 0.0 0.0
[3:24:25 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[3:24:25 AM] GAE_Balker{GAE_Balker_0;GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R;2} damaged on the ground at 251404.36 154301.25
[3:24:25 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 250809.03 154300.2
[3:24:39 AM] ir0100{ir01000;B-24J-100-CF;2} damaged by NONAME at 273144.62 112103.53
[3:24:39 AM] ir0100{ir01000;B-24J-100-CF;2}(1) was killed at 273164.9 112132.586
[3:24:39 AM] ir0100{ir01000;B-24J-100-CF;2}(0) was killed at 273164.9 112132.586
[3:24:39 AM] ir0100{ir01000;B-24J-100-CF;2}(2) was killed at 273164.9 112132.586
[3:24:39 AM] ir0100{ir01000;B-24J-100-CF;2}(3) was killed at 273164.9 112132.586
[3:24:39 AM] ir0100{ir01000;B-24J-100-CF;2}(4) was killed at 273164.9 112132.586
[3:24:39 AM] ir0100{ir01000;B-24J-100-CF;2}(5) was killed at 273164.9 112132.586
[3:24:39 AM] ir0100{ir01000;B-24J-100-CF;2}(6) was killed at 273164.9 112132.586
[3:24:39 AM] ir0100{ir01000;B-24J-100-CF;2}(7) was killed at 273164.9 112132.586
[3:24:39 AM] B-24J-100-CF crashed at 273164.9 112132.586
[3:25:15 AM] GAE_Balker{GAE_Balker_0;GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R;2} damaged by landscape at 247311.75 154626.33
[3:25:15 AM] GAE_Balker{GAE_Balker_0;GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R;2}(0) was killed at 247311.75 154626.33
[3:25:15 AM] GAE_Balker{GAE_Balker_0;GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R;2} shot down by landscape at 247311.75 154626.33
[3:25:19 AM] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 0.0 0.0
[3:25:19 AM] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[3:25:19 AM] GAE_Balker entered refly menu
[3:25:29 AM] GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther(0) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 0.0 0.0
[3:25:29 AM] GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther loaded weapons '02x1000lbs_Bomb' fuel 100%
[3:25:29 AM] GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther;2} damaged on the ground at 244397.5 148838.5
[3:25:32 AM] GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther;2}(0) was killed at 244397.23 148838.16
[3:25:32 AM] GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther;2} shot down by landscape at 244397.23 148838.16
[3:25:35 AM] GAE_Baco entered refly menu
[3:25:39 AM] GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther(0) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 0.0 0.0
[3:25:39 AM] GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther loaded weapons '02x1000lbs_Bomb' fuel 100%
[3:26:45 AM] GAE_Pato:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 0.0 0.0
[3:26:45 AM] GAE_Pato:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[3:26:53 AM] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 248353.77 154295.47
[3:26:54 AM] GAE_Pato:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 249387.73 154287.78
[3:26:54 AM] GAE_Pato entered refly menu
[3:26:57 AM] GAE_Pato:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 0.0 0.0
[3:26:57 AM] GAE_Pato:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[3:27:05 AM] GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 0.0 0.0
[3:27:05 AM] GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x1000lbs_Bomb' fuel 100%
[3:27:12 AM] GAE_Tucan:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Tucan at 0.0 0.0
[3:27:12 AM] GAE_Tucan:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x1000lbs_Bomb' fuel 100%
[3:27:31 AM] GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther;2}(0) was killed at 242264.94 148829.56
[3:27:31 AM] GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther;2} shot down by landscape at 242264.94 148829.56
[3:27:55 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 0.0 0.0
[3:27:55 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[3:28:13 AM] GAE_Pato:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 247408.28 154286.56
[3:28:29 AM] GAE_Baco entered refly menu
[3:28:32 AM] GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther(0) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 0.0 0.0
[3:28:32 AM] GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther loaded weapons '02x1000lbs_Bomb' fuel 100%
[3:28:39 AM] GAE_Tucan:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 240744.58 148824.72
[3:28:42 AM] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 0.0 0.0
[3:28:42 AM] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[3:28:48 AM] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 0.0 0.0
[3:28:48 AM] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x1000lbs_Bomb' fuel 100%
[3:29:04 AM] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 247151.12 154267.42
[3:29:04 AM] Gae_Cuervo entered refly menu
[3:29:09 AM] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 0.0 0.0
[3:29:09 AM] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[3:29:16 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 246220.81 154254.77
[3:29:25 AM] GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 232745.14 144071.23
[3:30:14 AM] GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther;2} damaged on the ground at 239725.05 148820.36
[3:30:23 AM] GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther;2}(0) was killed at 239710.11 148820.62
[3:30:23 AM] GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther crashed at 239710.11 148820.62
[3:30:28 AM] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 231798.2 144088.19
[3:30:35 AM] GAE_Baco entered refly menu
[3:30:36 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 0.0 0.0
[3:30:36 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x1000lbs_Bomb' fuel 100%
[3:30:37 AM] GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R;2} damaged on the ground at 239652.0 148818.58
[3:30:46 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 239465.62 148818.77
[3:30:47 AM] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[3:30:49 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 0.0 0.0
[3:30:49 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x1000lbs_Bomb' fuel 100%
[3:30:59 AM] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 244893.98 154247.94
[3:31:58 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 237773.52 148822.55
[3:32:02 AM] GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 0.0 0.0
[3:32:02 AM] GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x1000lbs_Bomb' fuel 100%
[3:33:29 AM] GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 236121.19 148792.9
[3:40:46 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R turned wingtip smokes on at 211979.28 97190.92
[3:40:52 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R turned wingtip smokes off at 210933.67 96530.49
[3:41:40 AM] 3GvIAP01{3GvIAP011;MiG-9FS;1} damaged by GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 201656.88 99839.93
[3:41:42 AM] 3GvIAP01{3GvIAP012;MiG-9FS;1}(0) was killed by GAE_Balker{GAE_Balker_0;GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 200291.42 99719.47
[3:41:46 AM] MiG-9FS(0) bailed out at 201064.72 99872.44
[3:42:15 AM] 3GvIAP01{3GvIAP012;MiG-9FS;1} shot down by GAE_Balker{GAE_Balker_0;GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 195868.89 100612.26
[3:42:32 AM] 3GvIAP01{3GvIAP010;MiG-9FS;1} damaged by landscape at 193588.47 102590.97
[3:42:32 AM] MiG-9FS(0) was heavily wounded at 193588.47 102590.97
[3:42:32 AM] 3GvIAP01{3GvIAP010;MiG-9FS;1}(0) was killed at 193588.47 102590.97
[3:42:32 AM] 3GvIAP01{3GvIAP010;MiG-9FS;1} shot down by GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 193588.47 102590.97
[3:42:38 AM] 3GvIAP01{3GvIAP011;MiG-9FS;1} shot down by GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 200367.7 99938.9
[3:43:46 AM] 3GvIAP01{3GvIAP013;MiG-9FS;1} damaged by GAE_Balker{GAE_Balker_0;GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 182135.42 90457.73
[3:43:51 AM] MiG-9FS(0) bailed out at 181598.05 90145.984
[3:43:54 AM] 997_Static destroyed by GAE_Tucan{GAE_Tucan_0;GAE_Tucan:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 133789.48 146612.8
[3:43:54 AM] 998_Static destroyed by GAE_Tucan{GAE_Tucan_0;GAE_Tucan:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 133783.98 146607.3
[3:43:54 AM] 1000_Static destroyed by GAE_Tucan{GAE_Tucan_0;GAE_Tucan:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 133775.06 146597.33
[3:43:54 AM] 1002_Static destroyed by GAE_Tucan{GAE_Tucan_0;GAE_Tucan:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 133765.62 146587.9
[3:43:54 AM] 1003_Static destroyed by GAE_Tucan{GAE_Tucan_0;GAE_Tucan:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 133761.7 146583.19
[3:43:54 AM] 1009_Static destroyed by GAE_Tucan{GAE_Tucan_0;GAE_Tucan:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 133732.11 146553.05
[3:43:54 AM] 1011_Static destroyed by GAE_Tucan{GAE_Tucan_0;GAE_Tucan:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 133725.84 146660.31
[3:43:54 AM] 1013_Static destroyed by GAE_Tucan{GAE_Tucan_0;GAE_Tucan:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 133710.94 146645.14
[3:43:54 AM] 1014_Static destroyed by GAE_Tucan{GAE_Tucan_0;GAE_Tucan:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 133698.64 146637.03
[3:43:54 AM] 1015_Static destroyed by GAE_Tucan{GAE_Tucan_0;GAE_Tucan:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 133690.8 146627.1
[3:43:54 AM] 1016_Static destroyed by GAE_Tucan{GAE_Tucan_0;GAE_Tucan:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 133680.33 146616.62
[3:43:54 AM] 1022_Static destroyed by GAE_Tucan{GAE_Tucan_0;GAE_Tucan:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 133735.52 146633.12
[3:43:54 AM] 1023_Static destroyed by GAE_Tucan{GAE_Tucan_0;GAE_Tucan:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 133751.22 146643.08
[3:43:54 AM] 1024_Static destroyed by GAE_Tucan{GAE_Tucan_0;GAE_Tucan:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 133764.05 146652.23
[3:43:54 AM] 1025_Static destroyed by GAE_Tucan{GAE_Tucan_0;GAE_Tucan:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 133775.12 146633.95
[3:43:54 AM] 1026_Static destroyed by GAE_Tucan{GAE_Tucan_0;GAE_Tucan:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 133754.4 146608.78
[3:43:54 AM] 999_Static destroyed by GAE_Tucan{GAE_Tucan_0;GAE_Tucan:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 133779.8 146602.83
[3:43:54 AM] 1004_Static destroyed by GAE_Tucan{GAE_Tucan_0;GAE_Tucan:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 133756.72 146579.25
[3:43:54 AM] 1008_Static destroyed by GAE_Tucan{GAE_Tucan_0;GAE_Tucan:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 133737.08 146558.55
[3:43:54 AM] 1010_Static destroyed by GAE_Tucan{GAE_Tucan_0;GAE_Tucan:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 133732.38 146667.64
[3:43:54 AM] 1012_Static destroyed by GAE_Tucan{GAE_Tucan_0;GAE_Tucan:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 133719.81 146654.3
[3:43:54 AM] 1019_Static destroyed by GAE_Tucan{GAE_Tucan_0;GAE_Tucan:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 133693.64 146591.25
[3:43:54 AM] 1028_Static destroyed by GAE_Tucan{GAE_Tucan_0;GAE_Tucan:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 133716.4 146578.94
[3:44:01 AM] 981_Static destroyed by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 133906.84 146491.56
[3:44:01 AM] 993_Static destroyed by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 133889.06 146487.25
[3:44:01 AM] 978_Static destroyed by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 133890.58 146475.3
[3:44:01 AM] 980_Static destroyed by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 133900.8 146484.48
[3:44:01 AM] 994_Static destroyed by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 133894.84 146491.19
[3:44:01 AM] 995_Static destroyed by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 133900.61 146496.69
[3:44:01 AM] 996_Static destroyed by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 133905.33 146501.4
[3:44:26 AM] 3GvIAP01{3GvIAP013;MiG-9FS;1} shot down by GAE_Balker{GAE_Balker_0;GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 180716.66 89784.57
[3:45:32 AM] r0101{r01013;Pe-2series359;1}(0) was killed at 187641.92 88416.6
[3:45:32 AM] r0101{r01013;Pe-2series359;1}(1) was killed at 187641.92 88416.6
[3:45:32 AM] r0101{r01013;Pe-2series359;1}(2) was killed at 187641.92 88416.6
[3:45:32 AM] r0101{r01013;Pe-2series359;1} shot down by landscape at 187641.92 88416.6
[3:45:38 AM] r0101{r01012;Pe-2series359;1}(0) was killed at 188836.6 88135.11
[3:45:38 AM] r0101{r01012;Pe-2series359;1}(1) was killed at 188836.6 88135.11
[3:45:38 AM] r0101{r01012;Pe-2series359;1}(2) was killed at 188836.6 88135.11
[3:45:38 AM] r0101{r01012;Pe-2series359;1} shot down by landscape at 188836.6 88135.11
[3:45:49 AM] Ar-234B-2(0) bailed out at 176418.77 110059.93
[3:46:00 AM] 1083_Static destroyed by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 134294.33 148537.05
[3:46:00 AM] 1030_Static destroyed by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 134321.66 148566.6
[3:46:00 AM] 1031_Static destroyed by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 134361.92 148597.45
[3:46:00 AM] 1052_Static destroyed by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 134321.67 148585.4
[3:46:00 AM] 1034_Static destroyed by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 134323.02 148625.69
[3:46:00 AM] 1048_Static destroyed by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 134361.94 148633.72
[3:46:00 AM] 1035_Static destroyed by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 134293.52 148604.22
[3:46:00 AM] 1124_Static destroyed by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 134278.4 148661.4
[3:46:00 AM] 1125_Static destroyed by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 134251.62 148638.67
[3:46:02 AM] 1123_Static destroyed by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 134296.3 148685.8
[3:46:05 AM] r0103{r01031;Ar-234B-2;1} shot down by GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 174682.23 110586.695
[3:46:39 AM] r0103{r01030;Ar-234B-2;1} damaged by landscape at 171123.36 114452.61
[3:46:42 AM] r0103{r01030;Ar-234B-2;1}(0) was killed at 170929.88 114577.33
[3:46:42 AM] r0103{r01030;Ar-234B-2;1} shot down by GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 170929.88 114577.33
[3:47:02 AM] r0103{r01032;Ar-234B-2;1} damaged by GAE_Pato{GAE_Pato_0;GAE_Pato:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 170128.69 116945.84
[3:47:16 AM] r0103{r01032;Ar-234B-2;1}(0) was killed at 168621.05 118401.69
[3:47:16 AM] r0103{r01032;Ar-234B-2;1} shot down by GAE_Pato{GAE_Pato_0;GAE_Pato:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 168621.05 118401.69
[3:48:12 AM] ParatrooperLogging 1597186(0) touchdown in X: 175329.11208373823 Y: 110882.39197763526 (ground) drop by
[3:48:12 AM] Ar-234B-2(0) successfully bailed out at 175329.11 110882.39
[3:48:32 AM] 6GvIAP01{6GvIAP010;Il-10;1} damaged by 39_Static at 196872.45 92977.73
[3:48:36 AM] 6GvIAP01{6GvIAP010;Il-10;1}(0) was killed at 197122.1 93195.5
[3:48:36 AM] 6GvIAP01{6GvIAP010;Il-10;1}(1) was killed at 197122.1 93195.5
[3:48:36 AM] 6GvIAP01{6GvIAP010;Il-10;1} shot down by 39_Static at 197122.1 93195.5
[3:48:44 AM] 1175_Static destroyed by ir0101{ir01010;TempestFBMkII;2} at 142167.52 141136.1
[3:48:44 AM] 1176_Static destroyed by ir0101{ir01010;TempestFBMkII;2} at 142163.3 141146.64
[3:48:44 AM] 1177_Static destroyed by ir0101{ir01010;TempestFBMkII;2} at 142159.6 141160.05
[3:48:44 AM] 1180_Static destroyed by ir0101{ir01010;TempestFBMkII;2} at 142155.38 141170.6
[3:48:44 AM] 1190_Static destroyed by ir0101{ir01010;TempestFBMkII;2} at 142169.3 141122.55
[3:48:44 AM] 1191_Static destroyed by ir0101{ir01010;TempestFBMkII;2} at 142173.08 141108.62
[3:48:47 AM] 1164_Static destroyed by ir0101{ir01011;TempestFBMkII;2} at 142277.94 141087.62
[3:48:47 AM] 1163_Static destroyed by ir0101{ir01011;TempestFBMkII;2} at 142311.66 141097.75
[3:48:47 AM] 1173_Static destroyed by ir0101{ir01011;TempestFBMkII;2} at 142281.31 141097.75
[3:48:47 AM] 1179_Static destroyed by ir0101{ir01011;TempestFBMkII;2} at 142279.72 141074.48
[3:48:47 AM] 1162_Static destroyed by ir0101{ir01011;TempestFBMkII;2} at 142349.17 141107.44
[3:48:47 AM] 1174_Static destroyed by ir0101{ir01011;TempestFBMkII;2} at 142339.06 141103.23
[3:48:51 AM] 1155_Static destroyed by ir0101{ir01012;TempestFBMkII;2} at 142401.86 141011.34
[3:48:51 AM] 1156_Static destroyed by ir0101{ir01012;TempestFBMkII;2} at 142409.88 140992.38
[3:48:51 AM] 1157_Static destroyed by ir0101{ir01012;TempestFBMkII;2} at 142380.36 140978.47
[3:48:51 AM] 1158_Static destroyed by ir0101{ir01012;TempestFBMkII;2} at 142376.56 140991.11
[3:48:51 AM] 1159_Static destroyed by ir0101{ir01012;TempestFBMkII;2} at 142373.2 141005.86
[3:48:51 AM] 1160_Static destroyed by ir0101{ir01012;TempestFBMkII;2} at 142368.14 141025.67
[3:48:51 AM] 1154_Static destroyed by ir0101{ir01012;TempestFBMkII;2} at 142395.95 141031.16
[3:48:55 AM] 1153_Static destroyed by ir0101{ir01013;TempestFBMkII;2} at 142388.38 141048.44
[3:48:55 AM] 1161_Static destroyed by ir0101{ir01013;TempestFBMkII;2} at 142361.81 141040.84
[3:49:02 AM] ParatrooperLogging 1647556(0) touchdown in X: 180099.71954002016 Y: 89085.82678567604 (ground) drop by
[3:49:02 AM] MiG-9FS(0) successfully bailed out at 180099.72 89085.83
[3:49:33 AM] ParatrooperLogging 1678666(0) touchdown in X: 199248.57243909987 Y: 100224.40882525501 (ground) drop by
[3:49:33 AM] MiG-9FS(0) successfully bailed out at 199248.58 100224.41
[3:49:33 AM] MiG-9FS(0) was captured at 199248.58 100224.41
[3:50:30 AM] 100GvIAP02{100GvIAP021;Tu-4;1}(4) was killed by 38_Static at 193977.58 90314.8
[3:51:19 AM] CsabaSP has connected
[3:53:23 AM] Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R;2}(0) was killed by 100GvIAP02{100GvIAP023;Tu-4;1} at 178727.28 84594.336
[3:53:39 AM] Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R;2} shot down by 100GvIAP02{100GvIAP021;Tu-4;1} at 176433.67 83793.805
[3:53:40 AM] CsabaSP has disconnected
[3:53:43 AM] Gae_Cuervo entered refly menu
[3:54:26 AM] r0103{r01033;Ar-234B-2;1} damaged by landscape at 137997.38 138929.83
[3:54:26 AM] r0103{r01033;Ar-234B-2;1}(0) was killed at 137972.25 138932.2
[3:54:26 AM] r0103{r01033;Ar-234B-2;1} shot down by GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 137972.25 138932.2
[3:54:37 AM] GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther_R;2} damaged by 11_Chief at 217494.9 148771.45
[3:54:43 AM] GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther_R(0) bailed out at 217011.14 148793.28
[3:54:43 AM] GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther_R(0) was killed at 217037.12 148774.8
[3:54:45 AM] GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther_R;2} shot down by 11_Chief at 217004.8 148793.84
[3:55:07 AM] 6GvIAP01{6GvIAP011;Il-10;1} landed at 168717.08 106385.54
[3:56:16 AM] GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R;2} landed at 222109.1 154099.0
[3:57:14 AM] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 221221.1 154092.67
[3:57:15 AM] GAE_Alma entered refly menu
[3:58:14 AM] 100GvIAP02{100GvIAP023;Tu-4;1}(4) was killed at 193335.02 90806.516
[3:58:14 AM] 100GvIAP02{100GvIAP023;Tu-4;1}(5) was killed at 193335.02 90806.516
[3:58:14 AM] 100GvIAP02{100GvIAP023;Tu-4;1}(6) was killed at 193335.02 90806.516
[3:58:14 AM] 100GvIAP02{100GvIAP023;Tu-4;1}(7) was killed at 193335.02 90806.516
[3:58:14 AM] 100GvIAP02{100GvIAP023;Tu-4;1}(8) was killed at 193335.02 90806.516
[3:58:14 AM] 100GvIAP02{100GvIAP023;Tu-4;1} damaged by landscape at 193335.02 90806.516
[3:58:14 AM] 100GvIAP02{100GvIAP023;Tu-4;1}(0) was killed at 193335.02 90806.516
[3:58:14 AM] 100GvIAP02{100GvIAP023;Tu-4;1}(1) was killed at 193335.02 90806.516
[3:58:14 AM] 100GvIAP02{100GvIAP023;Tu-4;1}(2) was killed at 193335.02 90806.516
[3:58:14 AM] 100GvIAP02{100GvIAP023;Tu-4;1}(3) was killed at 193335.02 90806.516
[3:58:14 AM] 100GvIAP02{100GvIAP023;Tu-4;1} shot down by 44_Static at 193335.02 90806.516
[3:58:29 AM] GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R;2} landed at 213907.2 148733.36
[3:58:36 AM] GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 213795.16 148733.44
[3:58:36 AM] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[3:58:42 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R(0) bailed out at 219651.12 152986.55
[3:58:44 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R(0) was killed at 219630.38 153004.75
[3:58:48 AM] GAE_Balker{GAE_Balker_0;GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R;2} shot down by r0101{r01010;Pe-2series359;1} at 219793.03 152823.78
[4:00:40 AM] r0101{r01011;Pe-2series359;1} landed at 168569.1 106372.69
[4:02:05 AM] GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R;2} landed at 210637.45 148729.66
[4:02:19 AM] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 210436.4 148724.97
[4:02:20 AM] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[4:02:21 AM] 6GvIAP01{6GvIAP012;Il-10;1} damaged by landscape at 197546.62 93286.39
C.F. Charrua


[4:02:21 AM] 6GvIAP01{6GvIAP012;Il-10;1}(0) was killed at 197546.62 93286.39
[4:02:21 AM] 6GvIAP01{6GvIAP012;Il-10;1}(1) was killed at 197546.62 93286.39
[4:02:21 AM] 6GvIAP01{6GvIAP012;Il-10;1} shot down by 41_Static at 197546.62 93286.39
[4:02:21 AM] 49_Static destroyed by 6GvIAP01{6GvIAP012;Il-10;1} at 197531.81 93293.29
[4:02:55 AM] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 0.0 0.0
[4:02:55 AM] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[4:03:13 AM] 6GvIAP01{6GvIAP013;Il-10;1} damaged by landscape at 170033.55 106030.94
[4:03:16 AM] GAE_Tucan{GAE_Tucan_0;GAE_Tucan:F9F2_Panther_R;2} landed at 209578.06 148717.92
[4:03:17 AM] 6GvIAP01{6GvIAP013;Il-10;1}(0) was killed at 169903.05 105941.945
[4:03:17 AM] 6GvIAP01{6GvIAP013;Il-10;1}(1) was killed at 169903.05 105941.945
[4:03:17 AM] 6GvIAP01{6GvIAP013;Il-10;1} shot down by 39_Static at 169903.05 105941.945
[4:03:37 AM] GAE_Tucan:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 209251.16 148716.7
[4:03:38 AM] GAE_Tucan entered refly menu
[4:03:49 AM] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 214788.95 154039.36
[4:03:50 AM] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 0.0 0.0
[4:03:50 AM] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[4:04:41 AM] r0101{r01010;Pe-2series359;1} landed at 168608.8 106376.08
[4:05:02 AM] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 213684.36 154049.97
[4:05:03 AM] GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R;2} landed at 207936.1 148718.33
[4:05:07 AM] GAE_Pato{GAE_Pato_0;GAE_Pato:F9F2_Panther_R;2} landed at 214020.48 154039.89
[4:05:10 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 207834.78 148718.67
[4:05:11 AM] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[4:05:16 AM] GAE_Pato:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 213895.78 154038.64
[4:05:17 AM] GAE_Pato entered refly menu
[4:05:19 AM] GAE_Balker entered refly menu
[4:05:24 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 0.0 0.0
[4:05:24 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[4:05:36 AM] GAE_Baco entered refly menu
[4:06:14 AM] GAE_Pato:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 0.0 0.0
[4:06:14 AM] GAE_Pato:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[4:06:15 AM] GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 0.0 0.0
[4:06:15 AM] GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x500lbs_Bomb+06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 80%
[4:06:21 AM] 750_Static damaged by 755_Static at 79166.46 40755.25
[4:06:33 AM] GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 0.0 0.0
[4:06:33 AM] GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x500lbs_Bomb+06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 80%
[4:06:55 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 211809.7 154023.73
[4:07:32 AM] GAE_Pato:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 211309.19 154061.52
[4:07:54 AM] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 0.0 0.0
[4:07:54 AM] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x500lbs_Bomb+06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 80%
[4:08:26 AM] GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 197041.66 144508.89
[4:08:48 AM] GAE_Tucan:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Tucan at 0.0 0.0
[4:08:48 AM] GAE_Tucan:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x500lbs_Bomb+06x250lbs_Bomb' fuel 80%
[4:08:52 AM] GAE_Baco has disconnected
[4:09:25 AM] 100GvIAP02{100GvIAP020;Tu-4;1} landed at 116617.44 65894.85
[4:09:31 AM] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 196147.61 144535.72
[4:10:04 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 0.0 0.0
[4:10:04 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x500lbs_Bomb+06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 80%
[4:10:33 AM] GAE_Tucan:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 202289.7 148653.02
[4:11:09 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 201957.31 148693.39
[4:12:09 AM] 100GvIAP02{100GvIAP020;Tu-4;1} damaged on the ground at 116617.44 65894.85
[4:12:09 AM] 100GvIAP02{100GvIAP020;Tu-4;1} damaged by 100GvIAP02{100GvIAP021;Tu-4;1} at 116617.44 65894.85
[4:12:09 AM] 100GvIAP02{100GvIAP021;Tu-4;1} damaged by 100GvIAP02{100GvIAP020;Tu-4;1} at 116583.445 65871.05
[4:12:14 AM] Tu-4(0) bailed out at 116564.58 65904.88
[4:12:14 AM] Tu-4(0) bailed out at 116617.44 65894.85
[4:12:15 AM] Tu-4(1) bailed out at 116559.875 65913.305
[4:12:15 AM] Tu-4(1) bailed out at 116617.44 65894.85
[4:12:16 AM] Tu-4(1) was killed at 116564.68 65906.26
[4:12:16 AM] Tu-4(2) bailed out at 116554.08 65923.68
[4:12:16 AM] Tu-4(2) bailed out at 116617.44 65894.85
[4:12:17 AM] Tu-4(2) was killed at 116558.38 65917.51
[4:12:18 AM] Tu-4(3) bailed out at 116547.39 65935.66
[4:12:18 AM] Tu-4(3) bailed out at 116617.44 65894.85
[4:12:18 AM] Tu-4(3) was killed at 116551.31 65930.17
[4:12:19 AM] Tu-4(4) bailed out at 116617.44 65894.85
[4:12:20 AM] ParatrooperLogging 3045166(0) touchdown in X: 116650.25212889099 Y: 65911.02310448034 (ground) drop by 100GvIAP020
[4:12:20 AM] Tu-4(0) successfully bailed out at 116650.25 65911.02
[4:12:20 AM] Tu-4(5) bailed out at 116532.39 65962.55
[4:12:20 AM] Tu-4(5) bailed out at 116617.44 65894.85
[4:12:21 AM] Tu-4(5) was killed at 116536.1 65957.43
[4:12:22 AM] ParatrooperLogging 3047476(0) touchdown in X: 116617.0273212775 Y: 65887.54895765135 (ground) drop by 100GvIAP021
[4:12:22 AM] Tu-4(0) successfully bailed out at 116617.02 65887.55
[4:12:23 AM] 100GvIAP02{100GvIAP021;Tu-4;1} shot down by 100GvIAP02{100GvIAP020;Tu-4;1} at 116514.89 65994.01
[4:12:24 AM] ParatrooperLogging 3049426(1) touchdown in X: 116671.94132338895 Y: 65915.28597280792 (ground) drop by 100GvIAP020
[4:12:24 AM] Tu-4(1) successfully bailed out at 116671.94 65915.29
[4:12:25 AM] ParatrooperLogging 3049996(2) touchdown in X: 116676.53020182526 Y: 65885.73753338431 (ground) drop by 100GvIAP020
[4:12:25 AM] Tu-4(2) successfully bailed out at 116676.53 65885.734
[4:12:28 AM] ParatrooperLogging 3053386(4) touchdown in X: 116671.35919014824 Y: 65914.13311522921 (ground) drop by 100GvIAP020
[4:12:28 AM] Tu-4(4) successfully bailed out at 116671.36 65914.13
[4:12:28 AM] ParatrooperLogging 3053536(3) touchdown in X: 116647.0863901123 Y: 65945.51688702642 (ground) drop by 100GvIAP020
[4:12:28 AM] Tu-4(3) successfully bailed out at 116647.086 65945.516
[4:12:28 AM] ParatrooperLogging 3053956(5) touchdown in X: 116676.42529909503 Y: 65884.52854909985 (ground) drop by 100GvIAP020
[4:12:28 AM] Tu-4(5) successfully bailed out at 116676.42 65884.53
[4:12:40 AM] Tu-4 removed at 116617.44 65894.85
[4:13:59 AM] ir0100{ir01003;B-24J-100-CF;2} damaged on the ground at 132065.02 59040.48
[4:15:53 AM] 100GvIAP02{100GvIAP022;Tu-4;1} landed at 116655.78 65654.84
[4:15:57 AM] 3_Chief5 destroyed by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 197666.73 114133.27
[4:16:09 AM] 2_Chief0 destroyed by GAE_Tucan{GAE_Tucan_0;GAE_Tucan:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 197320.66 114479.74
[4:16:09 AM] 1_Chief7 destroyed by GAE_Tucan{GAE_Tucan_0;GAE_Tucan:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 197328.94 114474.54
[4:17:10 AM] 2_Chief2 destroyed by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 197322.05 114470.87
[4:17:47 AM] r0101{r01011;Pe-2series359;1}(2) was killed at 168569.11 106372.69
[4:17:51 AM] 3GvIAP02{3GvIAP020;MiG-9FS;1} damaged by GAE_Balker{GAE_Balker_0;GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 180431.05 99243.484
[4:17:56 AM] MiG-9FS(0) bailed out at 180880.42 99152.88
[4:18:50 AM] 1_Chief2 destroyed by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 198106.2 113693.8
[4:18:56 AM] 3GvIAP02{3GvIAP020;MiG-9FS;1} shot down by GAE_Balker{GAE_Balker_0;GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 181486.45 99000.68
[4:19:12 AM] 1_Chief1 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 198237.02 113562.99
[4:19:16 AM] 3GvIAP02{3GvIAP022;MiG-9FS;1}(0) was killed by GAE_Balker{GAE_Balker_0;GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 190837.78 98595.14
[4:19:16 AM] 3GvIAP02{3GvIAP022;MiG-9FS;1} damaged by GAE_Balker{GAE_Balker_0;GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 190837.78 98595.14
[4:20:13 AM] GAE_Pato{GAE_Pato_0;GAE_Pato:F9F2_Panther_R;2} damaged by 3GvIAP02{3GvIAP021;MiG-9FS;1} at 192941.77 99769.27
[4:20:13 AM] GAE_Pato:F9F2_Panther_R(0) was wounded at 192941.77 99769.27
[4:20:14 AM] GAE_Pato{GAE_Pato_0;GAE_Pato:F9F2_Panther_R;2}(0) was killed at 192941.77 99769.27
[4:20:14 AM] GAE_Pato{GAE_Pato_0;GAE_Pato:F9F2_Panther_R;2} shot down by 3GvIAP02{3GvIAP021;MiG-9FS;1} at 192941.77 99769.27
[4:20:31 AM] 3GvIAP02{3GvIAP022;MiG-9FS;1} shot down by GAE_Balker{GAE_Balker_0;GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 191379.33 99558.63
[4:20:36 AM] 1_Chief0 destroyed by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 198532.2 113277.46
[4:22:07 AM] GAE_Pato entered refly menu
[4:22:39 AM] GAE_Pato:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 0.0 0.0
[4:22:39 AM] GAE_Pato:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[4:22:43 AM] 1_Chief3 destroyed by GAE_Tucan{GAE_Tucan_0;GAE_Tucan:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 198782.42 113017.57
[4:22:46 AM] GAE_Pato:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 209526.97 152670.8
[4:22:47 AM] GAE_Pato entered refly menu
[4:23:05 AM] GAE_Pato:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 0.0 0.0
[4:23:05 AM] GAE_Pato:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[4:23:40 AM] GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R;2} damaged by landscape at 198576.06 113229.89
[4:23:42 AM] GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R;2}(0) was killed at 198576.06 113229.89
[4:23:42 AM] GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R;2} shot down by landscape at 198576.06 113229.89
[4:23:50 AM] 1_Chief6 destroyed by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 198711.73 113088.27
[4:24:24 AM] GAE_Pato:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 211729.14 152178.53
[4:25:23 AM] ParatrooperLogging 3828706(0) touchdown in X: 182780.94144313224 Y: 98319.87898576175 (ground) drop by
[4:25:23 AM] MiG-9FS(0) successfully bailed out at 182780.94 98319.88
[4:26:07 AM] GAE_Tucan{GAE_Tucan_0;GAE_Tucan:F9F2_Panther_R;2}(0) was killed by 3GvIAP02{3GvIAP021;MiG-9FS;1} at 200068.31 141848.56
[4:26:09 AM] GAE_Tucan{GAE_Tucan_0;GAE_Tucan:F9F2_Panther_R;2} shot down by 3GvIAP02{3GvIAP021;MiG-9FS;1} at 200094.84 141811.14
[4:26:36 AM] GAE_Tucan entered refly menu
[4:27:25 AM] 3GvIAP02{3GvIAP021;MiG-9FS;1} damaged by landscape at 189413.22 139119.55
[4:27:25 AM] 3GvIAP02{3GvIAP021;MiG-9FS;1}(0) was killed at 189413.22 139119.55
[4:27:25 AM] 3GvIAP02{3GvIAP021;MiG-9FS;1} shot down by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 189413.22 139119.55
[4:28:51 AM] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[4:29:55 AM] GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 0.0 0.0
[4:29:55 AM] GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '08xHVAR+02x1000Lbs_Bomb' fuel 50%
[4:31:03 AM] GAE_Tucan:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Tucan at 0.0 0.0
[4:31:03 AM] GAE_Tucan:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '08xHVAR+02x1000Lbs_Bomb' fuel 70%
[4:31:24 AM] GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 202923.0 141795.12
[4:32:09 AM] GAE_Tucan:F4U5_Corsario removed at 211698.19 145578.56
[4:32:09 AM] GAE_Tucan entered refly menu
[4:32:26 AM] GAE_Tucan:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Tucan at 0.0 0.0
[4:32:26 AM] GAE_Tucan:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '08xHVAR+02x1000Lbs_Bomb' fuel 70%
[4:33:34 AM] GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R;2} landed at 212922.84 145300.77
[4:33:40 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 212999.48 145284.52
[4:33:40 AM] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[4:33:43 AM] GAE_Tucan:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 205702.16 141215.11
[4:34:15 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 0.0 0.0
[4:34:15 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x500lbs_Bomb+06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 80%
[4:34:19 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 213516.72 145177.45
[4:34:20 AM] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[4:34:32 AM] GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R;2} landed at 213812.88 145116.9
[4:34:46 AM] GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 214016.16 145067.97
[4:34:46 AM] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[4:35:07 AM] Il-10 removed at 168717.08 106385.54
[4:35:37 AM] GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 0.0 0.0
[4:35:37 AM] GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '08xHVAR+02x1000Lbs_Bomb' fuel 50%
[4:35:41 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 0.0 0.0
[4:35:41 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '08xHVAR+02x1000Lbs_Bomb' fuel 50%
C.F. Charrua


[4:35:41 AM] GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2} damaged on the ground at 214725.08 144911.34
[4:35:41 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 215092.44 144828.19
[4:36:29 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario(0) bailed out at 218221.14 143855.75
[4:36:41 AM] GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2} shot down by landscape at 218684.58 143469.81
[4:36:44 AM] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[4:36:46 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 0.0 0.0
[4:36:46 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '08xHVAR+02x1000Lbs_Bomb' fuel 50%
[4:37:21 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R(0) was wounded at 187438.17 108392.18
[4:37:21 AM] GAE_Balker{GAE_Balker_0;GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R;2}(0) was killed at 187438.17 108392.18
[4:37:22 AM] GAE_Balker{GAE_Balker_0;GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R;2} shot down by NONAME{bv01000;MiG-15(bis)late;1} at 187438.17 108392.18
[4:37:40 AM] GAE_Balker entered refly menu
[4:37:53 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario(0) successfully bailed out at 218708.02 143414.66
[4:37:53 AM] ParatrooperLogging 4578730(0) touchdown in X: 218708.0149315311 Y: 143414.65560905886 (water) drop by
[4:37:55 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 217215.81 144341.55
[4:38:03 AM] GAE_Balker:HRS3(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 0.0 0.0
[4:38:03 AM] GAE_Balker:HRS3 loaded weapons '08xMarines' fuel 80%
[4:38:16 AM] GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 209274.62 140511.77
[4:40:40 AM] Pe-2series359 removed at 168569.11 106372.69
[4:41:58 AM] 3_Chief7 destroyed by GAE_Tucan{GAE_Tucan_0;GAE_Tucan:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 200935.05 110864.95
[4:42:34 AM] 3_Chief6 destroyed by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 201093.56 110699.695
[4:43:22 AM] B-24J-100-CF(0) bailed out at 270291.28 108003.766
[4:43:23 AM] B-24J-100-CF(1) bailed out at 270291.28 108003.766
[4:43:24 AM] B-24J-100-CF(2) bailed out at 270291.28 108003.766
[4:43:26 AM] B-24J-100-CF(3) bailed out at 270291.28 108003.766
[4:43:27 AM] B-24J-100-CF(4) bailed out at 270291.28 108003.766
[4:43:28 AM] B-24J-100-CF(5) bailed out at 270291.28 108003.766
[4:43:29 AM] ParatrooperLogging 4914580(0) touchdown in X: 270271.8253481876 Y: 108047.29521673408 (ground) drop by ir01003
[4:43:29 AM] B-24J-100-CF(0) successfully bailed out at 270271.8 108047.3
[4:43:30 AM] B-24J-100-CF(6) bailed out at 270291.28 108003.766
[4:43:30 AM] ParatrooperLogging 4915900(1) touchdown in X: 270289.50379885314 Y: 108052.74482150623 (ground) drop by ir01003
[4:43:30 AM] B-24J-100-CF(1) successfully bailed out at 270289.5 108052.74
[4:43:31 AM] B-24J-100-CF(7) bailed out at 270291.28 108003.766
[4:43:31 AM] ParatrooperLogging 4916830(2) touchdown in X: 270277.5895532444 Y: 108044.47987046544 (ground) drop by ir01003
[4:43:31 AM] B-24J-100-CF(2) successfully bailed out at 270277.6 108044.48
[4:43:32 AM] ParatrooperLogging 4917010(3) touchdown in X: 270258.18085872376 Y: 108018.04590979849 (ground) drop by ir01003
[4:43:32 AM] B-24J-100-CF(3) successfully bailed out at 270258.2 108018.05
[4:43:32 AM] B-24J-100-CF(8) bailed out at 270291.28 108003.766
[4:43:33 AM] ParatrooperLogging 4918330(4) touchdown in X: 270256.8602973275 Y: 108017.3610106742 (ground) drop by ir01003
[4:43:33 AM] B-24J-100-CF(4) successfully bailed out at 270256.88 108017.36
[4:43:36 AM] ParatrooperLogging 4921360(6) touchdown in X: 270303.4861519363 Y: 108042.70983212948 (ground) drop by ir01003
[4:43:36 AM] B-24J-100-CF(6) successfully bailed out at 270303.5 108042.71
[4:43:36 AM] ParatrooperLogging 4921840(5) touchdown in X: 270266.742465916 Y: 108045.48214174811 (ground) drop by ir01003
[4:43:36 AM] B-24J-100-CF(5) successfully bailed out at 270266.75 108045.484
[4:43:39 AM] ParatrooperLogging 4924540(7) touchdown in X: 270250.9782899684 Y: 107963.97215236649 (ground) drop by ir01003
[4:43:39 AM] B-24J-100-CF(7) successfully bailed out at 270250.97 107963.97
[4:43:42 AM] ParatrooperLogging 4927270(8) touchdown in X: 270230.4972487217 Y: 107988.6323860658 (ground) drop by ir01003
[4:43:42 AM] B-24J-100-CF(8) successfully bailed out at 270230.5 107988.63
[4:43:47 AM] B-24J-100-CF removed at 270291.28 108003.766
[4:44:41 AM] Pe-2series359 removed at 168608.8 106376.08
[4:45:12 AM] 0_Chief0 destroyed by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 201663.4 110136.59
[4:45:48 AM] GAE_Tucan{GAE_Tucan_0;GAE_Tucan:F4U5_Corsario;2} damaged by landscape at 201616.33 111447.74
[4:45:52 AM] GAE_Tucan{GAE_Tucan_0;GAE_Tucan:F4U5_Corsario;2}(0) was killed at 201616.33 111447.74
[4:45:52 AM] GAE_Tucan{GAE_Tucan_0;GAE_Tucan:F4U5_Corsario;2} shot down by landscape at 201616.33 111447.74
[4:46:28 AM] 2_Chief1 destroyed by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 201608.86 110184.055
[4:46:43 AM] cb0102{cb01021;MiG-15(bis)late;1} damaged by GAE_Pato{GAE_Pato_0;GAE_Pato:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 190984.77 110603.95
[4:46:44 AM] 14_Static destroyed by r0100{r01001;Pe-2series359;1} at 197761.6 94160.01
[4:46:45 AM] GAE_Tucan has disconnected
[4:46:46 AM] MiG-15(bis)late(0) bailed out at 190734.25 110354.08
[4:46:48 AM] r0100{r01001;Pe-2series359;1} damaged by 43_Static at 198247.6 94078.78
[4:46:49 AM] bv0100{bv01000;MiG-15(bis)late;1} damaged by 11_Chief at 223764.34 142410.19
[4:46:50 AM] cb0102{cb01020;MiG-15(bis)late;1} damaged by GAE_Pato{GAE_Pato_0;GAE_Pato:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 190293.38 109846.77
[4:46:52 AM] MiG-15(bis)late(0) bailed out at 224618.88 142447.47
[4:46:53 AM] Pe-2series359(0) bailed out at 198804.28 93953.266
[4:46:53 AM] MiG-15(bis)late(0) bailed out at 190056.78 109597.34
[4:46:54 AM] Pe-2series359(1) bailed out at 198942.17 93913.19
[4:46:56 AM] Pe-2series359(2) bailed out at 199076.12 93869.71
[4:46:56 AM] Pe-2series359(0) has chute destroyed by Pe-2series359 at 199121.83 93854.164
[4:46:56 AM] Pe-2series359(1) was killed in his chute by Pe-2series359 at 199153.73 93844.37
[4:46:56 AM] Pe-2series359(2) was killed in his chute by Pe-2series359 at 199166.06 93837.5
[4:46:56 AM] r0100{r01001;Pe-2series359;1} shot down by 43_Static at 199171.25 93836.766
[4:46:57 AM] Pe-2series359(0) was killed at 199137.66 93847.26
[4:46:57 AM] bv0100{bv01000;MiG-15(bis)late;1} shot down by 11_Chief at 225950.31 142544.73
[4:47:19 AM] r0100{r01000;Pe-2series359;1}(1) was killed by 43_Static at 198871.05 95756.77
[4:47:23 AM] cb0102{cb01021;MiG-15(bis)late;1} shot down by GAE_Pato{GAE_Pato_0;GAE_Pato:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 189139.97 109897.07
[4:47:31 AM] ParatrooperLogging 5156530(0) touchdown in X: 224926.16718794988 Y: 142437.67249480123 (water) drop by
[4:47:31 AM] MiG-15(bis)late(0) successfully bailed out at 224926.17 142437.67
[4:47:31 AM] MiG-15(bis)late(0) was captured at 224926.17 142437.67
[4:47:53 AM] cb0102{cb01020;MiG-15(bis)late;1} shot down by GAE_Pato{GAE_Pato_0;GAE_Pato:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 189314.22 108279.87
[4:48:07 AM] GAE_Balker:HRS3 removed at 232228.4 147447.47
[4:48:08 AM] GAE_Balker entered refly menu
[4:48:21 AM] ir0101{ir01011;TempestFBMkII;2} damaged on the ground at 270456.94 108089.83
[4:48:21 AM] GAE_Balker:HRS3(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 0.0 0.0
[4:48:21 AM] GAE_Balker:HRS3 loaded weapons '08xMarines' fuel 80%
[4:48:22 AM] GAE_Balker{GAE_Balker_0;GAE_Balker:HRS3;2} damaged on the ground at 270460.28 108087.875
[4:48:22 AM] GAE_Balker{GAE_Balker_0;GAE_Balker:HRS3;2}(0) was killed at 270460.28 108087.875
[4:48:22 AM] GAE_Balker:HRS3 crashed at 270460.28 108087.875
[4:48:27 AM] TempestFBMkII(0) bailed out at 270456.94 108089.83
[4:48:37 AM] ParatrooperLogging 5222710(0) touchdown in X: 270481.64972532965 Y: 108145.0519305286 (ground) drop by ir01011
[4:48:37 AM] TempestFBMkII(0) successfully bailed out at 270481.66 108145.055
[4:48:53 AM] TempestFBMkII removed at 270456.94 108089.83
[4:49:38 AM] Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R;2} damaged by landscape at 233536.61 147146.45
[4:49:41 AM] Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R;2} landed at 233685.03 147119.3
[4:49:41 AM] Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R;2} damaged on the ground at 233685.03 147119.3
[4:49:58 AM] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 233922.81 147063.77
[4:49:59 AM] Gae_Cuervo entered refly menu
[4:50:07 AM] Gae_Cuervo has disconnected
[4:51:18 AM] GAE_Balker has disconnected
[4:52:55 AM] GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R;2} landed at 236588.34 146447.11
[4:54:35 AM] GAE_Pato{GAE_Pato_0;GAE_Pato:F9F2_Panther_R;2} landed at 238095.03 146103.83
[4:54:35 AM] ParatrooperLogging 5580670(0) touchdown in X: 189200.1436678594 Y: 108805.38926640208 (water) drop by
[4:54:35 AM] MiG-15(bis)late(0) successfully bailed out at 189200.14 108805.39
[4:54:53 AM] ParatrooperLogging 5597980(0) touchdown in X: 188522.11836972096 Y: 108020.64683198553 (ground) drop by
[4:54:53 AM] MiG-15(bis)late(0) successfully bailed out at 188522.12 108020.65
[4:55:15 AM] GAE_Pato:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 238678.94 145969.81
[4:55:15 AM] GAE_Pato entered refly menu
[4:55:20 AM] GAE_Pato has disconnected
[4:55:33 AM] GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;2} damaged by 12_Chief at 224106.34 136989.36
[4:55:35 AM] GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;2} landed at 224136.17 136981.9
[4:55:35 AM] GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;2} damaged on the ground at 224136.17 136981.9
[4:55:53 AM] Tu-4 removed at 116655.78 65654.84
[4:55:55 AM] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 239262.17 145820.75
[4:55:58 AM] GAE_Alma has disconnected
[4:57:31 AM] 11_Chief damaged by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 234354.45 140582.44
[4:57:31 AM] 11_Chief damaged by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 234354.45 140582.44
[4:57:32 AM] 11_Chief damaged by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 234354.45 140582.44
[4:57:33 AM] GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario(0) was heavily wounded at 234239.0 140607.94
[4:57:33 AM] GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2}(0) was killed at 234239.0 140607.94
[4:57:33 AM] GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} shot down by 11_Chief at 234239.0 140607.94
[4:57:33 AM] 11_Chief damaged by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 234354.45 140582.44
[4:58:04 AM] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[4:58:11 AM] GAE_Pepper has disconnected
[4:58:30 AM] r0100{r01000;Pe-2series359;1} landed at 167583.23 106048.2
[4:59:19 AM] 11_Chief damaged by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 235969.38 140226.72
[4:59:19 AM] 11_Chief damaged by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 235969.38 140226.72
[4:59:20 AM] 11_Chief damaged by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 235969.38 140226.72
[4:59:21 AM] GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2}(0) was killed at 235852.98 140253.02
[4:59:21 AM] GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2} shot down by 11_Chief at 235852.98 140253.02
[4:59:22 AM] 11_Chief damaged by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 235969.38 140226.72
[4:59:54 AM] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[5:00:05 AM] GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario removed at 228162.89 136087.31
[5:00:05 AM] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[5:00:25 AM] GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 0.0 0.0
[5:00:25 AM] GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '08xHVAR+02x1000Lbs_Bomb' fuel 50%
[5:00:27 AM] r0100{r01003;Pe-2series359;1} landed at 167541.9 105936.15
[5:01:24 AM] TempestFBMkII removed at 270484.25 108120.08
[5:01:28 AM] GAE_Pato has connected
[5:01:59 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 0.0 0.0
[5:01:59 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '08xHVAR+02x1000Lbs_Bomb' fuel 50%
[5:02:02 AM] GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 230428.02 135763.06
[5:02:59 AM] Pe-2series359(0) bailed out at 117522.12 66167.62
[5:03:01 AM] Pe-2series359(1) bailed out at 117522.12 66167.62
[5:03:02 AM] Pe-2series359(2) bailed out at 117522.12 66167.62
[5:03:06 AM] ParatrooperLogging 6091900(1) touchdown in X: 117536.29244071312 Y: 66134.85368684342 (ground) drop by 4GvIAPKBF013
[5:03:06 AM] Pe-2series359(1) successfully bailed out at 117536.29 66134.85
[5:03:09 AM] ParatrooperLogging 6094390(0) touchdown in X: 117538.09825383741 Y: 66225.6527163757 (ground) drop by 4GvIAPKBF013
[5:03:09 AM] Pe-2series359(0) successfully bailed out at 117538.1 66225.66
[5:03:12 AM] ParatrooperLogging 6097900(2) touchdown in X: 117510.50486589693 Y: 66103.86468263727 (ground) drop by 4GvIAPKBF013
[5:03:12 AM] Pe-2series359(2) successfully bailed out at 117510.51 66103.87
[5:03:22 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 231558.1 135404.73
[5:03:25 AM] Pe-2series359 removed at 117521.74 66167.24
[5:03:27 AM] r0100{r01000;Pe-2series359;1} damaged on the ground at 167583.23 106048.2
[5:03:32 AM] Pe-2series359(0) bailed out at 167583.23 106048.2
[5:03:35 AM] Pe-2series359(2) bailed out at 167583.23 106048.2
[5:03:40 AM] ParatrooperLogging 6125470(0) touchdown in X: 167628.50583516905 Y: 106046.9015831397 (ground) drop by r01000
[5:03:40 AM] Pe-2series359(0) successfully bailed out at 167628.5 106046.9
[5:03:45 AM] ParatrooperLogging 6130660(2) touchdown in X: 167518.86267038388 Y: 106052.82021372269 (ground) drop by r01000
[5:03:45 AM] Pe-2series359(2) successfully bailed out at 167518.86 106052.82
[5:03:57 AM] Pe-2series359 removed at 167583.23 106048.2
[5:04:00 AM] GAE_Pato:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 0.0 0.0
[5:04:00 AM] GAE_Pato:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '08xHVAR+02x1000Lbs_Bomb' fuel 50%
[5:04:01 AM] GAE_Pato{GAE_Pato_0;GAE_Pato:F4U5_Corsario;2} damaged on the ground at 231504.31 135356.84
[5:04:08 AM] GAE_Pato:F4U5_Corsario removed at 231504.98 135356.64
[5:04:08 AM] GAE_Pato entered refly menu
[5:04:11 AM] GAE_Pato:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 0.0 0.0
[5:04:11 AM] GAE_Pato:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '08xHVAR+02x1000Lbs_Bomb' fuel 50%
[5:05:52 AM] GAE_Pato:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 234176.81 134847.66
[5:05:54 AM] r0100{r01002;Pe-2series359;1} landed at 168643.69 106379.055
[5:06:47 AM] TempestFBMkII removed at 270500.47 108152.055
[5:10:20 AM] TempestFBMkII removed at 269933.4 107895.14
[5:14:29 AM] 0_Chief2 destroyed by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 206259.8 105540.2
[5:15:13 AM] 3_Chief9 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 205647.83 106152.18
[5:16:15 AM] 3_Chief1 destroyed by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 206165.48 105634.52
[5:16:17 AM] 3_Chief0 destroyed by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 206238.56 105561.43
[5:16:44 AM] 3_Chief4 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 206026.58 105773.414
[5:19:17 AM] 3_Chief3 destroyed by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 206446.6 105353.4
[5:19:38 AM] 3_Chief2 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 206572.42 105227.58
[5:21:33 AM] GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;2} damaged by landscape at 206737.42 105072.516
[5:21:33 AM] GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;2}(0) was killed at 206737.42 105072.516
[5:21:33 AM] GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;2} shot down by landscape at 206737.42 105072.516
[5:22:28 AM] B-24J-100-CF removed at 270514.3 108033.164
[5:22:30 AM] 1_Chief4 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 208820.48 103979.52
[5:22:31 AM] GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2} damaged by 1_Chief4 at 208823.25 103982.74
[5:22:33 AM] GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2}(0) was killed at 208955.03 103848.32
[5:22:34 AM] GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2} shot down by 1_Chief4 at 208955.03 103848.32
[5:22:36 AM] 1_Chief5 destroyed by GAE_Pato{GAE_Pato_0;GAE_Pato:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 208766.98 104033.02
[5:28:58 AM] B-24J-100-CF removed at 269979.66 107961.35
[5:35:13 AM] GAE_Pato{GAE_Pato_0;GAE_Pato:F4U5_Corsario;2} landed at 268139.1 133140.55
[5:35:21 AM] GAE_Pato:F4U5_Corsario removed at 268256.1 133115.03
[5:35:22 AM] GAE_Pato entered refly menu
[5:35:31 AM] Mission END
C.F. Charrua


C.F. Charrua


1º Vuelo

F9F + 80% jugo + Suplementarios

Salimos en CAP con Alma, Cuervo y Pato contra los rusos que intenten atacar Kerch. Encaramos la primera patrulla enemiga e identificamos como cazas MIG9. El enemigo gira po rizquierda y nos muestra las 6. En la primera pasada caen tres de los 4. El último lo ultimo en su escape. Encontramos bombers a baja altura. Averío a uno y en la segunda pasada soy averiado. Escapo a la FT y tras alcanzar el porta veo que pierdo potencia rápidamente. Casi a punto del stall decido saltar cuando ya estaba a muy escasa altura, lo que resulta fatal.

Piloto: KIA
Avión: destruido.

2º Vuelo

F9F + 80% jugo + Suplementarios

Salimos otra vez hacia la zona de operaciones. Nos cruzamos con 3 MIG 9. No hacen maniobras evasivas y derribo a dos. Más tarde encuentro otros contactos que terminan siendo los bombers indues que vuelven de una misión. En frontal les hice una pasada que por suerte no impacté. Más tarde encontramos dos contactos altos que terminan siendo MIG15. Sigo a los dos en altura mientras el resto trata de alcanzarnos. Un MIG pica y sigo al restante. Un par de minutos después exploto. El MIG que había picado aprovechó su capacidad de ascenso y me entró por las seis, derribandome.

Piloto: KIA
Avión: destruido


1º Vuelo

F9F + 80% Fuel + Tanques Suplementarios

Salimos del Porta en CAP con Balker, Alma y Cuervo. Al llegar a la zona nos dividimos y me voy con Alma. Atacamos a un grupo de MIG-9 y posteriormente a in grupo de IL-28 a los que derribamos a 3 y uno se escapa. Alma se retira por falta de munición y yo me quedo haciendo una CAP sobre la zona hasta que el combustible me hace volver. Aponto sin novedad.

AAK: 1 (IL-28)
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Apontado

2º Vuelo

F9F + 80% Fuel + Suplementarios

De nuevo en la zona de operaciones, esta vez con Balker interceptamos a un grupo de MIG-9 a los que no puedo derribar a ninguno y soy derribado por uno que agarro por las seis.

Piloto: KIA
Avión: Destruido

3º Vuelo

F9F + 80% Fuel + Suplementarios

Salgo del porta para unirme con Alma y Cuervo. Al unirme comenzamos un combate contra un grupo de MIG-15, Cuervo es tocado y se retira a la flota, Alma persigue a los MIG que seguían a Cuervo. En ese momento Veo que 2 MIG-15 se dirigian a la flota y los persigo, derribo a los dos y vuelvo al porta.

AAK: 2 (Mig-15)
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Apontado

4º Vuelo

F4U5 Corsario - 50% Fuel - 2x1000 Lbs + 8 Hvar

Al quedarme solo con la gente de ataque me uno a ellos. Con Charrua y Ceteu nos dirigimos hacia un Convoy de tanques que avanzaban. En el Ataque logro destruir un tanque. Vuelvo al porta y aponto sin novedad.

AGK: 1 (Tanque)
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Apontado


1º Vuelo

F9F Phanter + 80% jugo + 1x154 Tank

Despegamos del portaaviones como numeral 2 de la escuadra de caza liderada por Balker. Ponemos rumbo para defender la zona de ataque. Una ves alli nos encontramos con migs enemigos. Sigo a mi lider y en la pasada daño severamente a un mig pero no logro destruirlo.
  Continuamos volando pero Balker es dañado. Como solitario encuentro un grupo de bombarderos enemigos. Me dispongo atacarlos por un flanco, pero un  disparo certero impacta en mi pecho y muero al instante.

AAK: 0
Piloto: KIA
Avión: destruido (arrancada la cola)

2º Vuelo

F9F Phanter + 80% jugo + 1x154 Tank

Despego como numeral 2 como punto de Balker. Ponemos rumbo y en la zona vemos unos migs a gran altura. Vemos como Balker es derribado durante la persecucion, luego nosotros la continuamos pero me doy cuenta que es imposible alcanzarlos. Unos de ellos cae en picada y daña mi mira. En ese momento me retiro hacia la flota de tareas. En todo momento 2 migs me persiguen pero no pueden dispararme por mi baja altura.
Una ves en nuestra zona estos son derribados por la antiaerea.
Al aterrizar una de mis alas estaba muy dañada y el timon tendia a irse para la derecha de forma abrupta. Trimeo lo mejor que puedo y aterrizo de la misma manera. Se daña mi avion pero logro salir ileso.

AAK: 0
Piloto: Ok
Avión: destruido


1er Vuelo:

F9F2 Panther R - 100% Fuel - 2x1000 Lbs

Despego como #3 , nos dirigimos a la zona de una ciudad donde se encuentran las consentraciones de fabricas, llegamos y nos dividimos los blancos, en mi pasada destruyo un gran galpon , nos reunimos y volvemos a los portas donde apontamos sin problemas.

AGK: un edificio
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Ok - Apontado

2do. Vuelo:

F9F2 Panther R - 100% Fuel - 2x500 Lbs + 6 Hvar

Esta ves me quedo como lider ya que Baco cae, divido las escuadrillas en elementos independientes ya que este ataque deberia ser mas cercano a la flota.
La informacion que nos llega es que tanques se dirigen hacia el frente tomado, por una especie de pasaje que tiene el terreno.

Lle gamos a la zona y empezamos el ataque en forma de calecita todos viran por izq. y esperan el turno, el ataque es incansable.

En mis pasadas logro destruir algunos tanques. Regresamos a al portaviones para recargar.

2_Chief2 destroyed by GAE_Charrua
1_Chief2 destroyed by GAE_Charrua
1_Chief0 destroyed by GAE_Charrua
1_Chief6 destroyed by GAE_Charrua

AGK: 4 tanque
Piloto: ok
Avión: Apontado

3er. Vuelo:

F4U5 Corsario - 50% Fuel - 2x1000 Lbs + 8 Hvar

Volvemos a salir esta ves con corsarios , misma modalidad , algunos elementos llegan antes , la idea es que se dobleguen a avanzar.
Empezamos los ataques logrando nuevamente varios impactos
Regresamos y en el apontaje , el avion pega con el ala derecha en el puente y le borro la mitada del ala , quedando el resto intacto.

0_Chief0 destroyed by GAE_Charrua
2_Chief1 destroyed by GAE_Charrua

AGK: 2 tanque
Piloto: ok
Avión: Apontado (daños en el ala derecha)

4er. Vuelo:

F4U5 Corsario - 50% Fuel - 2x1000 Lbs + 8 Hvar

Esta ves somos solo 3 corsarios que se dirigen a la zona de los tanques.

Llegamos y empezamos los ataques, consiguiendo nuevamente varios impactos, cuando me dispongo a estrafear un elemento no puedo recuperar y me doy contra el piso..
0_Chief2 destroyed by GAE_Charrua
3_Chief1 destroyed by GAE_Charrua
3_Chief0 destroyed by GAE_Charrua
3_Chief3 destroyed by GAE_Charrua

AGK 4 Tanques
Avion destruido
Piloto kia
C.F. Charrua


1er Vuelo.
F9F-5 Panther 2 x 1000lbs 100% Jugo.

Decolo como lider de un vuelo de ataque hacia instalaciones rebeldes en la retaguardia.

llegando s ehace dificil distinguir lso blancos segun las fotografias pero divido el vuelo y ordeno ataar dos de los tres blancos. la fabrica de taqnues y el plallon.

En mi primer pasada no logor divisar blancos viablespro lo qu eaborto el ataque y ordeno al resto de la escuadrilla que entren a discrecion.

COn armamento lanzado ordeno al vuelo regresar al carrier, y ponemso rumbo a un punto de reunion.

De regreso, tras una error de calcul, intento abortar peor impacto contra la santenas dle V1 y mi avion peirde el control.

AGK. plallon de tanques
Aeronave destruido.
piloto muerto.

Luego sufri una poantalla azul demi PC....


1º Vuelo.

F9F2 Panther_R - 2x1000 lbs. Bombas - Fuel 100%

-Si quieren que hagamos bombardeo estratégico, sería mejor que nos den un par de Lancasters de la FAA y unas Tallboys y nos dejamos de pamplinas- Refunfuñeaba el TN Baco, al subir a su Panther para liderar la escuadra de Ataque en su raid a Dzhankoy en AN15. Expeditivo el Jefe.

Meto violín en bolsa y me subo al mío, ya que soy Alpha 5, después de Tucán, Pepper y Charrúa.

Sigo a la escuadra hasta el objetivo. Elijo seguir a Tucán, quién lanza sobre la estación de trenes. Yo apunto al playón un poco corto así las explosiones de mis bombas no se superponen con las de Tucán. Un poco cortas, destruyo unos vehículos.

Retorno al V1, donde aponto sin novedad.

AGK: 7
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Ok Apontado

2º Vuelo

F9F2 Panther_R - 2x500lbs Bombas + 6xHVAR - Fuel 80%


Se detecta un ataque terrestre Disidente compuesto por una brigada de tanques que aprovecha un camino sobre una lengua de tierra tratando de sorprender.

Llegados sobre la misma, atacamos por turnos, logrando destruír un tanque con cohetes. El resto de la puntería, un asco.

Volviendo a recargar, somos interceptados por un caza Mig, que se carga al Panther de Tucán, que explota en el aire. Indignado, recuerdo que provengo de Caza, asi que lo persigo, lo intercepto, lo cañoneo y lo mando al Infierno Comunista.

Me vuelvo al V1, apontando sin novedad.

AAK: 1 Mig-9
AGK: 1
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Ok Apontado

3º Vuelo

F4U5 Corsario - 8xHVAR+02x1000 Lbs_Bombas - Fuel 50%

Otra vez el mismo objetivo, esta vez en Corsario, a ver si afinamos la puntería. Llegados sobre la brigada Disidente, seguimos el mismo patrón de ataque. Peor punería que antes, no le doy a nada. El polígono me espera para practicar.

Vuelvo con los supervivientes al V1, donde al apontar, corto la potencia un poco antes de lo recomendable, con lo que el Corsario cae como un piano y me como la popa del V1, estallando en mil pedazos.

AGK: 0
Piloto: KIA
Avión. Destruído

4º Vuelo.

F4U5 Corsario - 8xHVAR+02x1000 Lbs_Bombas - Fuel 50%

De la escuadra original de Ataque, sólo quedamos Charrúa y yo. Debido esto, se ofrece el Gu Pato para volar con nosotros a exterminar lo que queda de la brigada, ya disminuída.

LLegados sobre la misma, atacamos en turnos. Con lñas bombas, sigo dejando que desear, pero me cargo 4 tanques con los cohetes. Planchado, trato de estrafear un quinto, el cual alegremente me pone un tiro en el ala que me hace alabear, con lo que toco el piso y me mato.

AGK: 4
Piloto: KIA
Avión: Destruído


1º Vuelo

F9F + 80% Fuel + Tanques Suplementarios

Salimos del porta conformando la escuadra de caza liderada por el Capitan Balker. Quedo como numeral 3 con Pato a mi cargo. Nos dirigimos a la zona de la cap, y rapidamente detectamos contactos. Se trata de cuatro reactores, nos dividimos los blancos y logro derribar 2 mig9. Sin tiempo a tomar un respiro aparecen 4 bombarderos en retirada a los que interceptamos con pato. Logro derribar a 3 de ellos antes de quedar sin municiones por lo que me retiro a la flota donde aponto sin novedad.

AAK: 5 (2 mig 9 + 3 IL-28)
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Apontado

2º Vuelo

F9F + 80% Fuel + Suplementarios

Salgo y me agrupo con Cuervo. Nos dirigimos hacia el sur a identificar unos contactos de radar que resultan ser aliados. Volvemos a la zona de cap y nos topamos con 3 o 4 migs volando muy alto. Nos trenzamos en combate y Balker es derribado no logro ponerme en posicion y logran averiar a cuervo que se retira. Los perseguimos hasta las inmediaciones de la flota donde finalmente son derribados por Pato y la AAA de los buques. Aponto sin novedad.

AAK: 0
Piloto: OK
Avion: OK. Apontado.


vuelo 1

Panther R 100% jugo 2x1000lb

Salgo como segundo elemento de la escuadrilla detrás de Baco quien lidera, navegamos sin novedad hasta el objetivo, entramos por turnos, le pego de lleno a la fabrica de camiones destruyendo el edificio y múltiples vehículos, regresamos sin novedad, luego de un par de intentos logro apontar.

AGK: 23

Piloto ok

Aeronave ok (apontada)

Vuelo 2

Panther R 80%jugo 2x500lb + 6 HVAR

Salimos en búsqueda de la unidad blindada que se desplazaba hacia el frente, sobre la bautizada isla lengüeta, una vez encontrados los tanques entramos por turnos hasta vaciar las armas, logro destruir 3 tanques antes de emprender el regreso rumbo november.
Ya con los portas a la vista detecto estelas encima nuestro y el vikran empieza a tirar, ya venia en velocidad reducida hago un viraje amplio por izquierda acelerando a fondo, muy certero el disidente en su puntería mi avión explota al sur oeste del vikran.

AGK 3 (tanques)

Piloto KIA

Aeronave destruida

Vuelo 3

Corsario 60%jugo 2x500 + 8 HVAR

Salimos liderados por charrua, armados hasta los dientes para acabar con el resto de los blindados.
Llegamos por parejas, yo con pepper entramos primeros y se inicia la calesita de la muerte. Logro destruir un tanque.
en una los virajes maniobrando para entrar pierdo el control del corsario y caigo al mar.

AGK 1 tanque

Piloto KIA

Aeronave perdida.

Jefe EVB "Gaston-Buitre-Lacencion"