Mar de Java 2 10/11/52

Iniciado por GAE_Baco, 09 de Noviembre de 2010, 03:27:10 PM

Tema anterior - Siguiente tema


Orden para comunicaciones


Torre control VICTOR 1-----------(121.600 Mhz/AM)_Operaciones/Canal 1 Ts.

Frecuencia comunicacion Alpha-------(121.350 Mhz/AM)_Operaciones/Ataque Ts.

Frecuencia comunicacion Charly-------(118.050 Mhz/AM)_Operaciones/Caza Ts.

(No habra comunicacion entre Alpha y Charly, estos deberan dirijirse a la torre de control para solicitar requerimientos y control organizara.
Nadie realiza movimientos sin permisos pertinentes.
Recuerden que las aeronaves no son de propiedad, sino de las Fuerzas Armadas.
Se debera tener cuenta de la ubicacion en todo momento, esta puede ser requerida de manera imprevista.)


Preparen el equipo....


F4U5 Corsario - 60% + 2 Tanques suplementarios - Default

Despego del V2 como líder de caza con Alma como numeral. Nos dirigimos al sur, a la zona de BQ32 en donde detectamos un campamento enemigo que nos dispara con artillería liviana, informo al control de vuelos y este nos ordena dirigirnos con rumbo 270º con el objetivo de identificar una escuadra que se dirige a la FT, les entramos y resultan ser 3 cazas, que de inmediato nos atacan, notando que tenían buena capacidad de maniobra, me enriedo con uno el que logra dispararme pero solo me rompe un par de indicadores de la cabina, logro evadirlo con la ayuda de Alma que al acercarse es detectado por el bandido. Cuando me encuentro seguro me ubico y retorno, engancho a uno y logro derribarlo. Mientras Alma persigue a otro soy enganchado por el tercero el cual me impacta varias veces pero sin daños importantes, luego de varias maniobras logro evadir y engacharlo y posteriormente derribarlo.
Alma derriba al suyo y se nos ordena dar cobertura al grupo de ataque en la costa, nos dirigimos hacia el lugar pero los contactos que los estaban hostigando desaparecen.
Seguimos con la cobertura hacia la zona del campamento que habíamos detectado, hacia donde se dirige el grupo de ataque, luego V1 nos ordena regresar.
Apontamos sin novedad y con la satisfacción del deber cumplido.

AAK: 2
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Ok - Apontado
CC - Jefe Sección Personal


[10.11.2010 0:43:31] Mission: net/dogfight/GAEV/Palembang test.mis is Playing
[0:43:31] Mission BEGIN
[0:43:47] 37_Static destroyed by 25_Static at 331444.72 322553.4
[0:43:50] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:43:58] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:44:05] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:44:19] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:44:35] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:44:49] 36_Static destroyed by 40_Static at 331499.03 322503.75
[0:45:03] 41_Static destroyed by 24_Static at 331434.56 322541.12
[0:45:05] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:45:05] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:45:08] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:45:21] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:45:24] 42_Static destroyed by 24_Static at 331467.16 322567.88
[0:45:28] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:45:31] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:45:34] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:45:40] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:45:47] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:45:50] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:45:51] 24_Static destroyed by 38_Static at 331499.0 322498.62
[0:46:03] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:46:24] GAE_Chape:HRS3(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 459589.72 341609.22
[0:46:24] GAE_Chape:HRS3 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 50%
[0:46:25] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:46:26] 40_Static destroyed by 34_Static at 331457.03 322564.25
[0:46:44] 38_Static destroyed by 25_Static at 331448.34 322559.2
[0:46:48] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:46:54] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:46:59] 39_Static destroyed by 35_Static at 331438.9 322546.9
[0:47:00] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:47:04] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:47:11] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:47:12] GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 458881.78 341995.03
[0:47:12] GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 60%
[0:47:22] GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario removed at 458712.78 342085.84
[0:47:22] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[0:47:37] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:47:39] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:47:46] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:47:56] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:47:59] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:48:02] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:48:03] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:48:26] GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 457774.88 342589.3
[0:48:26] GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 60%
[0:48:28] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:48:54] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:49:01] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:49:07] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:49:09] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:49:12] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:49:20] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:49:26] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:49:32] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:49:36] GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 456426.62 343280.06
[0:49:45] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:49:48] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:50:17] GAE_Ceteu has disconnected
[0:50:23] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:50:24] GAE_Alma:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 456059.34 343498.84
[0:50:24] GAE_Alma:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 60%
[0:50:33] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 454136.53 343096.8
[0:50:33] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan loaded weapons '02xTwinGunPods+04xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 90%
[0:50:49] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:51:05] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:51:07] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:51:08] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:51:14] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:51:42] GAE_Alma:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 454508.78 344286.2
[0:52:54] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan in flight at 451717.03 344333.34
[0:53:04] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:53:08] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 451842.8 344258.3
[0:53:09] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan loaded weapons 'N_02xTwinGunPods+04xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 90%
[0:53:35] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 451534.56 343201.66
[0:53:36] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 451594.16 343213.44
[0:53:58] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:53:59] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:54:15] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:54:24] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:54:28] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:54:54] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:55:04] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan in flight at 449766.06 345307.22
[0:55:07] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 450032.25 345179.53
[0:55:07] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:55:07] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan loaded weapons 'N_02xTwinGunPods+04xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 90%
[0:55:23] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:55:31] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:55:36] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:55:44] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:56:13] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:56:16] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan in flight at 448792.06 345798.53
[0:56:18] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 451294.28 345676.66
[0:56:24] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 450989.3 345956.53
[0:56:46] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:56:56] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:57:13] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 448158.03 347609.06
[0:57:14] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:57:39] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 446836.78 346731.97
[0:57:41] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:57:46] GAE_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Cuervo at 447691.03 346365.72
[0:57:47] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:57:48] GAE_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan loaded weapons '02xTwinGunPods+04xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 90%
[0:57:57] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:58:22] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:58:28] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:58:35] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:59:05] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:59:13] GAE_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan in flight at 446063.72 347186.88
[0:59:40] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:59:49] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[0:59:53] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:00:17] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 447060.75 341742.06
[1:00:22] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:00:23] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 447033.47 341340.12
[1:00:25] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:00:40] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:01:17] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:01:41] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 446981.2 336423.4
[1:01:45] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 447001.22 336145.06
[1:01:54] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:01:59] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 446979.53 335614.06
[1:02:08] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:02:10] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:02:11] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 447075.8 334901.8
[1:02:23] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 446875.5 334145.97
[1:02:24] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 446865.7 334088.12
[1:02:26] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:02:53] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:02:56] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 447000.6 331656.7
[1:03:02] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:03:18] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:03:20] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 447093.62 330107.1
[1:03:22] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:03:25] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:03:32] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:03:40] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 447283.94 328706.38
[1:03:56] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 447503.94 327657.1
[1:04:00] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 447466.72 327503.03
[1:04:01] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 447481.38 327450.66
[1:04:12] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:04:20] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:04:23] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:04:33] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:05:37] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:05:50] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:05:53] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:06:10] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:06:22] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:06:31] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:06:32] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:06:44] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:07:11] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:07:30] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:07:43] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 447992.5 310962.8
[1:07:45] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 447991.2 310774.88
[1:07:56] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:07:58] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 447997.84 309731.78
[1:08:05] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 448015.53 309101.34
[1:08:18] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:08:21] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:08:24] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:08:51] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:08:56] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:09:03] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:09:07] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 449011.16 304617.88
[1:09:08] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 449071.38 304578.94
[1:09:36] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:10:01] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:10:08] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:10:37] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:11:00] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:12:12] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 451532.5 292133.4
[1:12:13] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 451484.28 292068.3
[1:12:41] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:12:42] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:13:07] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:13:26] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:13:39] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:13:40] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:13:50] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:13:53] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:13:56] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:14:00] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:14:09] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:14:35] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:14:38] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:14:51] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:14:54] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:14:58] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:15:04] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:15:07] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:15:14] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:15:16] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:15:46] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:15:49] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:15:51] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:16:15] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:16:20] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:16:52] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:16:53] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:16:56] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:17:27] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 456803.9 297691.25
[1:17:28] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 456881.56 297720.53
[1:18:17] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:18:20] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:18:27] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:18:43] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:18:50] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:19:20] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:19:37] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:19:48] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:19:59] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 451815.44 294189.78
[1:20:02] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:20:05] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:20:07] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:20:11] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 451113.03 293852.25
[1:20:15] cc0100{cc01000;A5M4;1} damaged by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 407918.28 281013.7
[1:20:19] A5M4(0) was wounded at 407751.66 281340.7
[1:20:19] A5M4(0) bailed out at 407751.66 281340.7
[1:20:26] cc0100{cc01000;A5M4;1} shot down by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 407784.72 281933.47
[1:20:28] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:20:41] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:20:47] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:20:54] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:20:58] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:21:40] 53_Static damaged by 54_Static at 450980.72 294869.12
[1:22:11] ParatrooperLogging 2320049(0) touchdown in X: 407325.30560251354 Y: 281934.68450830557 (ground) drop by
[1:22:11] A5M4(0) successfully bailed out at 407325.3 281934.7
[1:23:09] 54_Static damaged by cc0102{cc01020;A6M2-N;1} at 448846.3 292473.12
[1:23:09] 54_Static damaged by cc0102{cc01020;A6M2-N;1} at 448846.3 292473.12
[1:23:09] 54_Static destroyed by cc0102{cc01020;A6M2-N;1} at 448846.3 292473.12
[1:23:09] 54_Static damaged by cc0102{cc01020;A6M2-N;1} at 448846.3 292473.12


[1:23:09] cc0102{cc01020;A6M2-N;1}(0) was killed at 448856.4 292463.78
[1:23:09] cc0102{cc01020;A6M2-N;1} shot down by 54_Static at 448856.4 292463.78
[1:23:14] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 444054.94 293147.66
[1:23:15] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 444120.47 293128.12
[1:24:06] cc0100{cc01001;A5M4;1}(0) was killed by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 407528.9 283313.6
[1:24:10] cc0100{cc01001;A5M4;1} damaged by landscape at 407890.56 283269.03
[1:24:10] cc0100{cc01001;A5M4;1} shot down by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 407901.94 283265.38
[1:24:15] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 447308.03 290524.1
[1:24:21] A5M4(0) was wounded at 416741.28 276207.22
[1:24:24] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 447117.3 289762.0
[1:24:31] cc0100{cc01002;A5M4;1} damaged by GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 416051.53 275261.97
[1:24:31] cc0100{cc01002;A5M4;1}(0) was killed at 416051.53 275261.97
[1:24:31] cc0100{cc01002;A5M4;1} shot down by GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 416051.53 275261.97
[1:24:52] cc0102{cc01021;A6M2-N;1}(0) was killed at 445053.2 289193.4
[1:24:52] cc0102{cc01021;A6M2-N;1} shot down by 54_Static at 445053.2 289193.4
[1:25:04] cc0102{cc01022;A6M2-N;1} landed at 447044.47 287911.9
[1:25:04] cc0102{cc01022;A6M2-N;1} damaged on the ground at 447044.47 287911.9
[1:25:17] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 447578.72 287772.97
[1:25:29] 35_Static destroyed by 3_Chief0 at 331496.0 322501.66
[1:25:30] cc0102{cc01023;A6M2-N;1} landed at 446404.25 287251.9
[1:25:30] cc0102{cc01023;A6M2-N;1} damaged on the ground at 446404.25 287251.9
[1:25:33] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 447645.47 288311.9
[1:26:04] 3_Chief1 destroyed by 25_Static at 331445.47 322559.8
[1:26:18] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 448311.7 288777.4
[1:26:19] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 448272.75 288819.56
[1:26:21] 34_Static destroyed by 3_Chief2 at 331505.06 322497.4
[1:26:32] 26_Static destroyed by 3_Chief3 at 331502.03 322495.62
[1:28:39] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 449206.75 292139.12
[1:28:54] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 449623.56 293127.2
[1:29:58] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 449454.3 292029.78
[1:30:14] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 448466.62 292819.38
[1:31:43] 3_Chief3 destroyed by 25_Static at 331452.97 322552.28
[1:31:53] 25_Static destroyed by 3_Chief2 at 331501.75 322500.44
[1:32:36] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 440445.7 300337.66
[1:32:39] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 440240.62 300462.72
[1:33:41] at0100{at01002;HurricaneMkI;2} damaged by at0100{at01003;HurricaneMkI;2} at 337225.62 339311.7
[1:33:41] at0100{at01003;HurricaneMkI;2} damaged by at0100{at01002;HurricaneMkI;2} at 337224.78 339322.06
[1:33:45] HurricaneMkI(0) bailed out at 336839.8 339336.25
[1:33:45] HurricaneMkI(0) bailed out at 336839.12 339327.66
[1:33:53] at0100{at01003;HurricaneMkI;2} shot down by at0100{at01002;HurricaneMkI;2} at 336267.3 339364.66
[1:33:53] at0100{at01002;HurricaneMkI;2} shot down by landscape at 336254.12 339294.22
[1:34:57] ParatrooperLogging 3085019(0) touchdown in X: 336236.84454778413 Y: 339422.52112534246 (ground) drop by
[1:34:57] HurricaneMkI(0) successfully bailed out at 336236.84 339422.53
[1:34:59] ParatrooperLogging 3087239(0) touchdown in X: 336241.7170681499 Y: 339346.2522946843 (ground) drop by
[1:34:59] HurricaneMkI(0) successfully bailed out at 336241.72 339346.25
[1:34:59] HurricaneMkI(0) was captured at 336241.72 339346.25
[1:41:09] 51_Static damaged by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 428737.47 318260.8
[1:41:09] 50_Static damaged by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 428738.22 318257.75
[1:41:10] 51_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 428737.47 318260.8
[1:41:10] 50_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 428738.22 318257.75
[1:41:25] 45_Static destroyed by GAE_Cuervo{GAE_Cuervo_0;GAE_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 428746.66 318251.7
[1:41:44] GAE_Cuervo{GAE_Cuervo_0;GAE_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan;2} damaged by 48_Static at 429392.5 317188.62
[1:41:59] GAE_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan(0) bailed out at 430407.75 317363.56
[1:42:00] GAE_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan(1) bailed out at 430491.2 317446.84
[1:42:06] GAE_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan(1) was killed at 430737.78 317718.0
[1:42:06] GAE_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan(0) was killed at 430707.22 317637.4
[1:42:32] GAE_Cuervo{GAE_Cuervo_0;GAE_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan;2} shot down by 48_Static at 429233.53 318789.88
[1:42:34] GAE_Cuervo entered refly menu
[1:42:47] 48_Static destroyed by GAE_Castor{GAE_Castor_0;GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 428735.9 318231.12
[1:42:55] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 428519.62 317933.34
[1:42:56] 52_Static destroyed by GAE_Yanito{GAE_Yanito_0;GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 428738.62 318191.3
[1:42:56] 46_Static destroyed by GAE_Yanito{GAE_Yanito_0;GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 428747.9 318200.12
[1:43:38] at0100{at01001;HurricaneMkI;2} landed at 312465.72 341945.66
[1:43:42] HurricaneMkI removed at 312465.72 341945.66
[1:44:19] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 427994.88 317898.5
[1:44:45] 49_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 428739.0 318254.4
[1:46:10] at0100{at01000;HurricaneMkI;2} landed at 312460.25 342007.88
[1:46:14] HurricaneMkI removed at 312460.25 342007.88
[1:46:45] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 430977.28 318223.12
[1:46:48] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 430970.7 318378.75
[1:46:49] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 430967.34 318444.1
[1:46:59] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 430921.47 319124.97
[1:48:12] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 430637.03 324140.72
[1:48:14] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 430619.47 324245.72
[1:49:00] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 430567.38 327946.16
[1:49:11] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 430563.0 328891.25
[1:49:25] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 430610.25 329852.0
[1:49:30] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 430622.88 330256.12
[1:51:10] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 430586.8 338788.06
[1:51:11] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 430586.8 338888.88
[1:51:52] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 430092.2 342296.0
[1:51:56] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 429993.34 342589.44
[1:53:58] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 427309.4 352392.88
[1:54:05] GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F4U5_Corsario;2} landed at 424742.44 397174.84
[1:54:15] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 426966.75 353764.62
[1:54:15] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 426957.28 353803.62
[1:54:28] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 426720.4 354820.6
[1:54:37] GAE_Alma:F4U5_Corsario removed at 424523.4 397657.78
[1:54:37] GAE_Alma entered refly menu
[1:55:12] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 426606.3 358505.78
[1:55:14] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 426648.75 358665.75
[1:56:34] GAE_Alma:HRS3(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 325211.0 331681.5
[1:56:34] GAE_Alma:HRS3 loaded weapons '08xMarines' fuel 60%
[1:57:19] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 424942.1 368925.3
[1:57:20] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 424914.6 369061.44
[1:57:42] GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} landed at 423254.2 400445.1
[1:58:05] GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario removed at 423095.8 400793.6
[1:58:05] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[1:59:15] GAE_Alma:HRS3 removed at 325211.0 331681.5
[1:59:20] GAE_Alma has disconnected
[2:00:10] GAE_Pepper has disconnected
[2:01:36] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 420148.38 390181.28
[2:01:37] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 420135.8 390292.34
[2:04:57] 3_Chief2 destroyed by 4_Chief0 at 331447.3 322546.62
[2:05:55] 4_Chief0 destroyed by 3_Chief0 at 331500.2 322500.22
[2:06:01] 3_Chief0 destroyed by 4_Chief3 at 331455.8 322543.78
[2:07:58] GAE_Castor{GAE_Castor_0;GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan;2} landed at 413469.9 404567.8
[2:08:12] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan removed at 413254.25 404613.4
[2:08:12] GAE_Castor entered refly menu
[2:08:52] GAE_Castor:HRS3(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 415382.8 406229.47
[2:08:52] GAE_Castor:HRS3 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 90%
[2:09:14] GAE_Yanito{GAE_Yanito_0;GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan;2} landed at 412254.97 404822.28
[2:09:27] GAE_Yanito{GAE_Yanito_0;GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan;2} damaged on the ground at 412053.72 404864.56
[2:09:28] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan(0) bailed out at 412032.6 404868.75
[2:09:29] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan(0) successfully bailed out at 412018.47 404871.4
[2:09:30] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan(1) bailed out at 412012.44 404872.72
[2:09:31] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan(1) successfully bailed out at 412000.28 404874.78
[2:09:33] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan removed at 411964.7 404882.47
[2:09:33] GAE_Yanito entered refly menu
[2:11:14] GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan;2} landed at 410469.34 405193.78
[2:11:48] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan removed at 409958.47 405301.12
[2:11:48] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[2:12:04] GAE_Charrua has disconnected
[2:12:56] GAE_Castor:HRS3 removed at 411599.06 407001.1
[2:13:00] GAE_Castor has disconnected
[2:13:04] GAE_Chape:HRS3 removed at 411380.56 407051.47
[2:13:04] Mission END


C.F. Castor


Hacía rato que la malaria contraída en Korea me mantenía en cama, ya solo restan unos días y me dan el alta. Desde que terminó la campaña que no salgo de mi camarote, deseando poder salir aunque sea a la cubierta a tomar algo de fresco.
En uno de esos tantos días de navegación, percibo un cambio inusual en las actividades, otra ves gente corriendo para todos lados, actividad de vuelo a full y así un sin fin de cosas.
Con algo de esfuerzo, me comunico con el Teniente Charrua, quién justo pasaba.
-Qué pasa ahora?, pregunto inocente.
-Cambio de planes y de rumbo. Se sorteó otra maldita crisis, y nosotros teníamos todos los números..... me contesta sin vueltas.

-Y todo ese movimiento en cubierta?
-"Te la hago corta, aunque no lo creas, los piratas siguen existiendo, y se metieron con un barco nuestro, así que como estábamos cerca, vamos a echar un vistazo.
-"Cerca?, qué tanto? pregunto desconfiado.
-"Tanto como Java", me dice Charrua
- Ajá, bien gracias... y eso donde queda.
-"Eso no te preocupes, ahorra energías que te necesitamos urgente, pero lo que si te digo, que ese movimiento es la salida de la primer misión"
-Ehhhhhh? ya?? y yo acá enfermo..... Éxito muchachos".

Pasaron unos días, y el médico me permitió reincorporarme a la línea de vuelo, en el preciso momento que se organiza la segunda misión.
Me presento ante Baco y le comunico mi novedad.
-Excelente, lo necesitamos" me expresa el Teniente, "necesito alguien que organice unos vuelos de reconocimiento armado, le interesa?
-Por supuesto!!, contesto sin vacilar.
-Bien, preséntese en la cubierta de vuelo que el Teniente Chape lo informará.
Si Señor, contesto y me retiro a cubierta.

Mi Texan estaba ya con el motor encendido, con todas las listas de chequeo cumplidas, agradezco a mi mecánico por su labor, y pego una última ojeada.
Veo el T-6, N° 322, 4 cohetes, gondola con twinguns, 90% de combustible.....OK.
Intrumentos de motor, todo arco verde, flap....set, trim....take off, y la lista sigue...
Le doy el ok al personal de la catapulta, luz verde y al aire.

La escuadra está compuesta por Castor como líder, Yanito como mi punto.
Charrua con el 323, líder de la 2da sección con Cuervo con el 324 cerrando la formación. Esperando que nos reagrupemos, el V-1 nos informa nuestro plan de vuelo:
Rumbo Sur (180) a la cuadricula BT30.

Escuadra formada

Arribado a la zona de inspección, doy orden de dividir en secciones ya que a pedido del V1, se agregó inspeccionar el cuadrante BS30. Con Yanito observamos en la desembocadura del río, los restos de un barco hundido recientemente.

Castor y Yanito (en primer plano) observan los restos del barco hundido en BT30

Segundo después Charrua informa de un segundo barco más al oeste, el mismo efectuaba disparos, pero no quedó claro el destino de los mismos.

Cuervo pasa sobre el segundo barco reportado

Una ves finalizado el reconocimiento, se nos informa de actividad enemiga en el cuadrante BQ32, lo que requiere confirmación visual. Ordeno el reagrupe de la escuadrilla y al poner rumbo hacia el sector pedido, me informa Cuervo de varios contactos provenientes del sur. Comunico a control V1 de la novedad, teniendo como respuesta que de ser enemigos evaluar situación, pero no atacar si no somos provocados. No pasaron 15 segundos que me llueve por la radio mensajes que los contactos eran agresivos e iniciaron un ataque contra el grupo. Ordeno pasar a la ofensiva.
Me acerco a los contactos que estaban siendo dominados, veo que eran Rufe (Zero con flotador). Uno perdía combustible y colisiona con arboles de la densa selva, los otros 2 reciben daños y amerizan. (Los 2 Rufe que acuatizaron se deben computar como derribos, no se a quién, hay que analizar el track, pero durante el combate perdieron los flotadores y por algún tipo de Bug no dió el kill a su verdugo).
Cuando el trabajo estuvo terminado, el V1 informa que envía cazas a la zona (;D)
Ponemos rumbo nuevamente para BQ32, acercándonos reconocíamos el terreno, Cuervo informa algún tipo de fogata hacia el este de nuestra posición, divido la formación nuevamente y me acerco a reconocer el contacto.
Durante la aproximación, soy víctima de ataque con armas de bajo calibre, puedo ver que se trata de un campamento, con algunas tropas y unos botes pequeños acompañados de 2 embarcaciones más grandes.
Consulto por instrucciones y se nos ordena atacar, y derivo la orden a la segunda sección, mientras Yanito y yo tratábamos de dispersar el fuego enemigo.
Pasado el primer ataque, Cuervo durante la salida, es alcanzado en los comandos y sin control salta en paracaídas. Hacemos nuestro ataque, particularmente destruyo una de las embarcaciones.
Se hace una pasada más de ataque, y el campamento queda destruido.

Charrua atacando el campamento

Sin otra novedad, regresamos al portaaviones donde aterrizamos sin novedad.

Regreso a casa...

AGK: 1
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Ok - Apontado
C.F. Castor


Texan - 90% + 4 HVAR + 2 T. Pod
Despego del V1 como #2 de Castor. Nos informan por radio el rumbo para avistar actividad en la costa. Cuando estamos en las coordenadas vemos a 2 buques que son cañoneados desde alguna parte, hacemos una búsqueda pero no logramos detectar de donde los atacaban. Al mismo tiempo nos sorprenden unos aviones enemigos, los cuales son repelidos por nuestros artilleros, yo veo a uno caer al agua y a otro escapar con humo.
Seguimos con nuestra búsqueda y nos envian a otro sector. Sobre el mismo detecto un campamento con lanchas y AAA que nos dan la bienvenida con trazadoras. Esto era en BQ32/#3. Los atacamos y destruimos por completo, lamentablemente a Cuervo le dan y cae en la malesa.
Ya sin nada mas que hacer , retornamos al portaaviones sin problemas.
AGK: 2
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Ok - Apontado

Avistamiento de buque 1

Avistamiento de buque 2

Ataque a campamento

Ataque a campamento


Texan - 90% + 4 HVAR + 2 T. Pod

Despego del V1 como #4 de Charrua. Nos informan por radio el rumbo para avistar actividad en la costa. Cuando estamos en las coordenadas vemos a 2 buques que son cañoneados desde alguna parte, hacemos una búsqueda pero no logramos detectar de donde los atacaban. Al mismo tiempo nos sorprenden unos aviones enemigos. Sigo a uno tienendolo a distancia para disparar, esperando las ordenes de la torre para que podamos responder fuego. Una vez que nos autorizan, perdi de vista al objetivo, y comenze a dar vueltas buscando uno nuevo. Lamentablemente nuestros artilleros eliminaron toda la amenaza antes de que pudieramos encargarnos nosotros.
Continuamos con nuestra búsqueda y nos ordenan recorrer 2 rios que alli se encontraban. Cuando llegamos al final de los mismos, detectamos un campamento con lanchas y AAA que nos dan la bienvenida con trazadoras. Esto era en BQ32/#3.
Desciendo para destruirlos despues de Charrua. Caigo en picada y disparo mis cohetes contra un barco enemigo. Logro destruirlo completamente, y cuando me estoy alejando, recibo un impacto certero que destruye por completo mis controles. Sin poder hacer nada, reacciono rapido y aviso que tengo q eyectarme... lamentablemente esto no es suficiente y muero en la caida.

AGK: 1 (Barco)
Piloto: KIA (En territorio enemigo)
Avión: Destruido


Vuelo 1

Texan  323 4 cohetes, twinguns, 90% de Fuel

La escuadrilla compuesta por Castor-Yanito y Charrua-Cuervo.

Engancho en catapulta y soy lanzado como un bolido, en el aire me siento pajaro es como estar en mi habitad, acorto los giro, casi estoy formado cuando  el V1 nos da la orden de poner rumbo 180º , sale Cuervo dandonos alcance ya en ruta.

Formados llegamos a la costa divisando fuego AAA sobre la entrada de unos de los rios.
La orden es rastrillar un cuadrante de la costa. Empezamos la busqueda de cualquier amenaza , verificamos el fuego AAA y vemos que le estan tirando a un buque en la entrada de uno de los rios, para nuestra sorpresa cuando llegamos estaba practicamente hundido.

Damos aviso al V1 y seguimos, de pronto Cuervo da la alarma de aviones, nos dicen que verifiquemos y si son ostiles ataquemos .
Son hidroaviones de caza , nuestros artilleros estan como locos tiran y tiran, corro a uno que vuela bajo con perdida de combustible lo ataco pero no logro derribarlo , no siendo una amenaza , lo dejo.

Vemos que otros amerizan , estan listos para que los mandemos al fondo pero nuestro lider nos dice que ya no son amenaza y que los dejemos.

Retomamos la busqueda, nos separamos en dos secciones, con cuervo remontamos un rio en la zona asignada y encontramos un buque , que esta colocado en la boca del rio para darle uso de cañoneo a tierra o mar.

Los rio no demuestran tener actividad, despues de eso el V1 nos desigan otra zona y ahi en el nacimienot del rio encontramos un campamento, cuando la seccion del lider va a verificar recibimos nutrido fuego AAA, solicitamos permiso y nos lo conceden, atacamos por secciones, entro primero y me cargo un lanchon , en la salida le dan Cuervo que pierde los controles del avion y no puede saltar.

Despues que entra la seccion de lider,  entro de nuevo y cobro venganza , destruyendo lo ultimo que quedaba en el campamento otro lanchon.

Regrsamos al porta posando nuestros pajaron en perfectas condiciones.

AGK 2 (bacos de pequeño porte)
Avion ok
Piloto ok

C.F. Charrua


F4U5 Corsario - 60% + 2 Tanques suplementarios - Default

Salgo del V1 como numeral del grupo de cazas, con Pepper como líder. Nos dirigimos hacia el sudoeste hasta que control nos redirige a BQ32 donde se observan contactos de radar. Una vez sobre el objetivo detectamos a un grupo de tres aviones enemigos con los que entablamos combate. Debido a su gran maniobrabilidad logran ponerse a las 6 de Pepper por lo que voy en su ayuda logrando espantarle a un contacto al que luego el teniente logra derribar. Yo comienzo una persecución con otro contacto al que logro derribar mientras escucho por radio que el teniente pepper derriba su segundo enemigo del dia.
Luego control nos redirige sobre la costa donde se encontraban operando los texan, quienes se encuentran con contactos enemigos, pero cuando llegamos a la zona ya habian desaparecido.
Nos dirigimos luego escoltando al grupo de ataque hacia el noroeste, y ya una vez sobre el objetivo se nos ordena retornar al V1 donde apontamos sin novedad.

AAK: 1
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Ok - Apontado