Medio Oriente 2 FA Aerodormos!

Iniciado por GAE_Baco, 17 de Agosto de 2007, 09:01:16 PM

Tema anterior - Siguiente tema




Hoy vamos por el aerodromo enemigo!

Mientras se estan preguntando que paso, vamos a ir alla y a darles con todo lo que tenemos disponible!

Los He iran primero a realizar una barrida de las posibles patrullas aereas de combate del enemigo.

Los TA actuaran como aviones de ataque mientras puedan, disparando los cohetes a los aviones aparcados. Los x24 son
asombrosamente efectivos en el rol aire tierra, pese a haber sido concebidos para destruir b-17s.

Finalmente estamos lanzando 4 Ar tambien. Estos atacaran las zonas de hangares, tratando de dejar al descubierto
los aviones de dentro.

Si esto sale bien podremos concentrarnos en atacar al enemigo en sus posiciones defensivas, en vez de cazar sus
aviones de ataque.

Vallan por ellos! no dejen un solo avion entero pero cuidense ya que anticipamos una gran oposicion aerea sin duda.

Una vez recuperados del shock, seguramente pondran todo lo que tengan en el aire.


sali con el arado, vole tres minutos y me bajaron


[Aug 18, 2007 12:38:32 AM] Mission: net/coop/Baco/medio italia2-AF_reducida.mis is Playing
08:30:00 Mission BEGIN
08:30:00 GAE_Balker is trying to occupy seat g01000(0)
08:30:00 GAE_Yanito has connected
08:30:00 GAE_Chacal has disconnected
08:30:00 GAE_Yanito is trying to occupy seat g01020(0)
08:30:00 GAE_Yanito is trying to occupy seat g01020(0)
08:30:00 GAE_Chacal has connected
08:30:00 GAE_Chacal is trying to occupy seat g01002(0)
08:30:00 g01010(0) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 127514.03 78994.49
08:30:00 g01010 loaded weapons '24r4m' fuel 100%
08:30:00 g01000(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 127514.03 78864.81
08:30:00 g01000 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 75%
08:30:00 g01012(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 127514.03 79060.65
08:30:00 g01012 loaded weapons '24r4m' fuel 100%
08:30:00 g01002(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chacal at 127514.03 78929.21
08:30:00 g01002 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 75%
08:30:00 g01020(0) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 127502.125 77251.7
08:30:00 g01020 loaded weapons '1xsc10002xsc250' fuel 75%
08:31:02 g01000 in flight at 127478.71 76973.14
08:31:42 g01002 in flight at 127510.25 77263.87
08:32:56 g01010 in flight at 127589.625 75320.13
08:33:34 g01012 in flight at 127453.84 75872.62
08:36:56 r01000 landed at 110489.43 113270.4
08:39:24 g01020 in flight at 127504.59 79082.016
08:44:11 g01020 damaged by r01100 at 121308.47 108496.67
08:44:23 g01020(0) was killed at 119829.34 109344.91
08:44:23 g01020 shot down by r01100 at 119829.34 109344.91
08:45:59 748_Static destroyed by g01021 at 110904.21 114439.67
08:47:01 r01103 damaged on the ground at 115998.086 110795.25
08:47:01 r01103 damaged by g01000 at 115998.086 110795.25
08:47:04 g01021 damaged on the ground at 108267.83 110204.59
08:47:04 g01021 damaged by r01100 at 108267.83 110204.59
08:47:05 r01103(0) bailed out at 115515.12 110827.93
08:47:07 r01103(1) bailed out at 115368.78 110847.87
08:47:08 g01021(0) bailed out at 108536.88 109817.94
08:47:19 r01103 shot down by g01000 at 114071.3 111220.86
08:47:26 g01021 shot down by r01100 at 109889.98 108493.33
08:48:02 r01031 damaged on the ground at 106175.42 101044.695
08:48:02 r01031 damaged by g01002 at 106175.42 101044.695
08:48:06 r01031(0) bailed out at 106589.49 101251.85
08:48:06 r01030 damaged on the ground at 106712.25 101373.54
08:48:06 r01030 damaged by g01002 at 106712.25 101373.54
08:48:11 r01030(0) bailed out at 107175.01 101672.99
08:48:29 r01031 shot down by g01002 at 108182.64 102267.95
08:48:35 r01030 shot down by g01002 at 108219.375 102970.016
08:48:50 g01030 damaged by r01100 at 119434.95 100346.75
08:48:50 g01030 damaged on the ground at 119434.95 100346.75
08:48:55 g01030(0) bailed out at 119758.77 100027.34
08:49:07 g01030 shot down by r01100 at 120460.94 99519.69
08:49:20 696_Static destroyed by g01013 at 111988.58 112310.24
08:49:23 g01013 damaged on the ground at 111967.74 112342.664
08:49:23 g01013 damaged by NONAME at 111967.74 112342.664
08:49:23 694_Static destroyed by g01013 at 111949.36 112366.14
08:49:23 g01013(0) was killed at 111938.73 112359.04
08:49:23 g01013 crashed at 111938.73 112359.04
08:49:24 g01031 damaged on the ground at 121008.984 97410.41
08:49:24 g01031(0) was killed at 121008.984 97410.41
08:49:24 g01031 shot down by r01100 at 121008.984 97410.41
08:49:55 716_Static destroyed by g01012 at 111074.07 114302.54
08:49:58 739_Static destroyed by g01010 at 111261.12 113500.29
08:50:01 r01103(1) successfully bailed out at 114465.54 111272.836
08:50:02 r01103(0) successfully bailed out at 114516.71 111254.805
08:50:05 r01033(0) was wounded at 119589.31 110800.38
08:50:05 r01033 damaged on the ground at 119621.26 110823.305
08:50:05 r01033 damaged by g01002 at 119621.26 110823.305
08:50:09 r01033(0) bailed out at 120204.79 111224.72
08:50:11 r01032 damaged on the ground at 120414.234 111413.63
08:50:11 r01032(0) was killed by g01002 at 120414.234 111413.63
08:50:33 r01033 shot down by g01002 at 122291.016 112087.414
08:50:37 715_Static destroyed by g01012 at 110974.88 114320.54
08:50:38 712_Static destroyed by g01012 at 111047.99 114319.44
08:50:42 r01032 shot down by g01002 at 122528.64 114160.71
08:50:54 710_Static destroyed by g01010 at 110980.26 114358.35
08:51:16 g01021(0) successfully bailed out at 109686.14 108604.164
08:51:16 g01021(0) was captured at 109686.14 108604.164
08:51:36 g01030(0) successfully bailed out at 120429.61 99358.08
08:51:36 g01030(0) was captured at 120429.61 99358.08
08:52:04 g01011 damaged on the ground at 110372.516 113390.9
08:52:04 g01011 damaged by landscape at 110373.61 113395.62
08:52:04 g01011(0) was wounded at 110373.61 113395.62
08:52:04 g01011(0) was killed at 110373.61 113395.62
08:52:04 g01011 shot down by landscape at 110373.61 113395.62
08:52:10 714_Static destroyed by g01012 at 111012.35 114311.36
08:53:07 g01000 damaged by 683_Static at 108638.33 113760.73
08:53:16 g01000(0) was killed at 108251.88 115229.81
08:53:16 g01000 shot down by 683_Static at 108251.88 115229.81
08:53:21 r01031(0) successfully bailed out at 108241.58 102435.336
08:53:47 r01030(0) successfully bailed out at 108587.17 102972.055
08:54:42 r01112 damaged on the ground at 110500.54 113387.14
08:54:42 r01112(0) was killed at 110500.54 113387.14
08:54:42 r01112 shot down by g01001 at 110500.54 113387.14
08:56:06 r01033(0) successfully bailed out at 121943.57 112672.52
08:56:07 r01113 damaged on the ground at 110577.45 113407.76
08:56:07 r01113 damaged by g01001 at 110577.45 113407.76
08:56:07 r01113(0) was killed at 110577.45 113407.76
08:56:07 r01113 shot down by g01001 at 110577.45 113407.76
08:57:28 g01001 damaged on the ground at 111899.15 113511.445
08:57:28 g01001 damaged by 83_Static at 111899.15 113511.445
08:57:35 g01001(0) bailed out at 111228.25 113444.73
08:57:35 g01001(0) was killed at 111300.484 113449.695
08:57:35 721_Static destroyed by g01001 at 111187.48 113442.1
08:57:35 g01001 shot down by 83_Static at 111203.12 113443.875
08:57:35 720_Static destroyed by g01001 at 111226.16 113453.96
08:58:42 g01010(0) was wounded at 127515.805 78706.56
08:58:42 g01010(0) was killed at 127515.805 78706.56
08:58:42 g01010 shot down by r01102 at 127515.805 78706.56
09:01:10 r01110 damaged on the ground at 110528.8 113280.91
09:01:10 r01110 damaged by g01003 at 110528.8 113280.91
09:01:10 r01110(0) was killed at 110528.8 113280.91
09:01:10 r01110 shot down by g01003 at 110528.8 113280.91
09:01:28 g01012 landed at 127577.54 77736.2
09:02:26 r01111 damaged on the ground at 110538.87 113397.47
09:02:26 r01111(0) was killed by g01003 at 110538.87 113397.47
09:02:27 r01111 damaged by g01003 at 110538.87 113397.47
09:02:27 r01111 shot down by g01003 at 110538.87 113397.47
09:02:29 g01002 landed at 127520.055 77947.15
09:03:30 Mission END


charrua baje la mission y solo tiene un archivo


Salgo de l?der de los He 162 acompa?ado de Chacal, que dirige la segunda secci?n. Nuestra misi?n es ir a la base enemiga blanco de nuestro grupo de ataque y limpiar el cielo de CAPs enemigas. Ya sobre el objetivo, a 4 mil metros, veo a 4 estelas que pretenden acortar distancias desde las 7. Dos a nivel y otros 2 m?s abajo. Rompemos y ordeno a nuestros numerales que entren en combate. Tras unos giros sin poder ponerme en buena posici?n escuchamos que el grupo de ataque es interceptado por cazas enemigos a pist?n baja altura. Decido ir a ayudarlos y veo algunos misiles propios que vuelan muy cerca de la base enemiga. Termino en posici?n a las 6 de 2 IL10 que no me esperaba encontrar y derribo a uno. Despu?s de varios giros sin encontrar a nadie y ante los llamados del grupo de ataque de que hab?a m?s blancos sobre la base, me dirijo al lugar pero al ir relativamente bajo la AAA me hace estallar.

Consejo: Sugiero que de aqu? en m?s los grupos de escolta se dividan para tener un elemento en altura y otro a baja cota en permanente contacto visual del grupo de ataque.


Cita de: GAE_Yanito en 18 de Agosto de 2007, 12:25:43 PM
charrua baje la mission y solo tiene un archivo

No subi? la misi?n. Se trata del "trak" de la misi?n.


Salimos con Balker a limpiar los aires de la base enemiga. Una vez divisados los contactos mando primero a la IA. Luego voy yo tratando de colocarme a las 6 de alguno de los reactores hostiles.
Luego de trepar y trepar y cortarles el radio de giro pude ponerme a tiro, primero con una pasada fallida y luego s? pude acertar y derribar a dos de ellos. Sin m?s enemigos a la vista me dispongo a hacer unas pasadas y tratar de ubicar a nuestros TA-183.
En una de las maniobras diviso m?s abajo a un grupo de dos IL10, corto motor, pico y logro colocarme detras suyo, le disparo a uno, el cual explota y luego al otro logro romperle el tim?n de cola, lo cual hace que se estrelle r?pidamente.
Fue una buena cuota de derribos. Coloco rumbo a casa, y aterrizo sin novedad.

TF Chacal  -   Daniel Di Leo
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