Grupo Aeronaval Embarcado Virtual

Div. Operaciones => Misiones de Campañas - IL2 => Mensaje iniciado por: GAE_Baco en 12 de Noviembre de 2010, 04:37:03 PM

Título: Mar de Java 3 13/11/52
Publicado por: GAE_Baco en 12 de Noviembre de 2010, 04:37:03 PM
Esta Noche tenemos un par de Inserciones de personal a territorio enemigo.
La Inteligencia sobre el terreno nos es vital.

La hubicación exacta estara en el Briefing de la Mision.

A demas debemos seguir cuidando la integridad de la Flota. EL estrecho que debemos atravesar de noche es un excelente lugar para una trampa de submarinos...

Es probable que esten detenidos o a muy poca velocidad, por lo que el Sonar es de poca ayuda..Deberan buscar y encontrar cualquier amenaza desde el aire.

La escuadra de caza Apoyara las tareas de ataque y solo mantendra una Patruya Aerea de Cobate de dos avioens sobre la zona de operaciones.

Al trabajo!

casi no hay aviones disponibles YA.
Título: Re: Java 3
Publicado por: GAE_Pepper en 13 de Noviembre de 2010, 01:16:46 AM
1er vuelo:

Corsario - 70% fuel + tanque - default

Despego con Alma y nos disponemos a hacer una cap sobre la FT conforme a las órdenes. Detectamos 3 intrusos ingresando en medio de nubes de fuego antiaéreo, engancho uno y lo derribo, mi elemento se encarga de los otros. Me dispongo a apontar pero al parecer no engancho y me deslizo por la borda, alcanzo a saltar para ser rescatado.

AAK: 1
Piloto: Ok
Avión: destruído

2do Vuelo:

Corsario - 40% fuel + tanque - 1 bomba de 1000 Lb

Despego nuevamente con Ala y Popeye, nos dirigimos a la costa, conforme a las ordenes, a atacar buques enemigos que operan en la zona y que habíamos avistado en el vuelo anterior, C2 encuentra uno y lo hunde, no se avistan mas operando, nos disponemos a regresar al V1, lanzo previamente mi bomba al mar, entro medio pasado y mi aeronave explota.

AGK: 0
Piloto: muerto
Avión: destruído
Título: Re: Java 3
Publicado por: GAE_Yanito en 13 de Noviembre de 2010, 12:58:21 PM
1er vuelo:

Texan - 80% fuel + 2TW Pod + 4 HVAR

Despego junto a Ceteu, Gaucho se quedo reparando un problema tecnico. Salimos con rumbo al primer punto donde soltarían a las tropas. Detectamos la señal de humo y la sobrevolamos, veiamos combates en tierra pero nada nos disparaba y no atacamosa nadie. Los chopper llegaron , dejaron al personal y nos fuimos. El Texan 3 ya estaba operativo y le ordeno ir a patrullar las aguas en busqueda de submarinos. Nosotros hacemos lo mismo cuando estamos ahi.
Detecto una estela en el agua a pesar de la oscuridad de la noche y la atacamos con cohetes y metra pero nada. Volvemos al Victor 1 para recargar armas mientras uno se quedaba sobre el submarino para no perderlo. Yo rompo un ala en el apontaje.
AAK: 0
Piloto: Ok
Avión: destruído

2do vuelo:

Texan - 80% fuel + 6 bombas de 100 lb

Salgo nuevamente con carga de bombas, encuentro a Ceteu y bajo el el submarino, lo ataco pero sin exito. Me quedo ahi esperando a otras aeronaves y me vuelvo al porta, este detenido  y abriendo fuego a tropas de la costa. Al apontar entro muy mal y explota el avion.
AAK: 0
Piloto: muerto
Avión: destruído
Título: Re: Java 3
Publicado por: GAE_Ceteu en 13 de Noviembre de 2010, 02:40:13 PM
1º Vuelo

Texan - 80% Fuel - 2 TW Pod - 4 HVAR

Despego como 2º del TF Yanito mientras Gaucho solucionaba sus problemas técnicos. Recorremos la ruta que harán los helicópteros, sobrevolando un aeródromo enemigo del cual salen trazadoras hacia nosotros, las cuales pasan lejos. Llegados al punto de intrusión, detectamos la señal de humo y trazadoras que salían de la posición de nuestras tropas, pero no pudimos distinguir tropas enemigas sobres la cuales actuar.

Una vez cumplida la inserción, nos dirigimos a la posición del Texan 3, Gaucho, que realizaba una busqueda de un submarino detectado en proximidades de la flota.

Al llegar, el TF Yanito detecta la estela de un periscopio. Por turnos, los atacamos, pero el reflejo de la luna sobre el agua dificultaba apreciar la altura y divisar el periscopio con tiempo suficiente, así que no pude apreciar por el splash si los cohetes impactaron en cercanías del objetivo. Luego de ametrallarlo para amedrentarlo y cambiara de curso, Yanito ordena el regreso al V1 para cambiar armamento mientras él queda orbitando. A pesar del fuego artillero reinante, aponto sin problemas.

AAK: 0
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Ok Apontado

2º Vuelo.

Texan - 80% Fuel - 6 Bombas de 100lbs.

Vuelvo a la posición del sub, marcado por la órbita del TF Yanito, lo ataco desde atrás, dando mis bombas ligeramente a la derecha del blanco, pero sin causarles daños aparentes, debido a la poca contundencia de las bombas de 100 lbs, únicas disponibles. Quedo orbitando a mi vez mientras Yanito regresa a recargar.
Una vez que Yanito regresa y realiza su ataque, queda orbitando, mientras me vuelvo a recargar armanento al V1, apontando sin inconvenientes.

Piloto: Ok
Avión: Ok Apontado

3º Vuelo.

Texan - 80% Fuel - 6 Bombas de 100lbs.

Vuelvo a la posición de Yanito, realizando un segundo ataque al sub desde popa, pero debido a un cambio del rumbo del mismo hacia mar abierto, el reflejo de la luna molestaba aún más, cayendo mis 6 bombas largas, sin producir daños. Repetimos la rutima anterior, esperando en órbita sobre el blanco mientras mi 1º vuelve a recargar. Escucho del V1 que el mismo a tenido un accidente al apontar, quedando inutilizado.

Sin embargo, continúo orbitando para guiar a otros dos Texan que se dirigen a mi posición, uno de ellos Charrúa, ya que las condiciones de avistamiento eran realmente difíciles. Al llegar ellos, les marco la posición del submarino volando rasante sobre él para que mi estela marcada en el agua indique posición y rumbo del submarino. Luego de asistir a sus ataques, con la misma falta de resultados que los anteriores aparentemente, confirmo que el submarino, seguramente intimidado por la seguidilla de ataques, toma rumbo contrario a la FT, alejándose.

Regreso al V1, donde aponto sin novedad, a pesar que una grúa estaba atravesada en cubierta, acortando considerablemente la cubierta

AAK: 0
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Ok Apontado

Título: Re: Java 3
Publicado por: GAE_Gaucho en 13 de Noviembre de 2010, 08:31:09 PM
1er vuelo:

Texan - 80% fuel + 6 Bombas de 100lbs.
Salgo como Nº 3 de la formación de Texans liderada por Yanito, en el momento del despegue noto un sonido extraño en el motor por lo que me quedo en cubierta hasta que los mecánicos descubran y solucionen el problema.

una ves solucionado se me ordena patrullar el estrecho por donde iba a pasar la flota.

realizo varias pasadas a diferentes alturas sin suerte, cuando Yano y Ceteu estan cercanos a la flota me asisten en la búsqueda, luego de un tiempo yano informa de una estela, lo habíamos encontrado.

Yanito y Ceteu disparan sus cohetes y cañones contra el submarino pero sin éxito, intento posicionarme pero se me complica por la casi nula visibilidad.  en uno de los intentos se traban lo mandos y me estrello contra el mar  (falta de percepción de altura)

Avión: Destruido

Título: Re: Java 3
Publicado por: GAE_Castor en 14 de Noviembre de 2010, 12:32:32 PM
1er vuelo:

H19D - 60% fuel - 2 x Cal 50 MG + 24 x 2.75 Rockets

Se nos ordena infiltrar al Capitán Quiroga y su grupo, por lo tanto dividimos el grupo para ser transportados en helicópteros.
Lidero el grupo formado por el Teniente Charrua (H19D), Teniente Baco (H19D) llevando a Quiroga abordo, cerrando el vuelo el Guardiamarina Popeye (HSR3) trasladando el resto de los efectivos.

Despegamos y ponemos rumbo norte. Más adelante nos abre camino la dupla Yanito - Gaucho, en Texan para darnos condiciones de ruta y cualquier eventualidad que pudiera presentarnos.

El vuelo se hace bastante largo, las condiciones climáticas y visuales hacen bastante exigentes tanto en los pilotos como el material. Al punto que a media ruta, Popeye sufre un percance en su Helicóptero y se estrella en la jungla perdiendo toda la carga abordo. Se decide proseguir a pedido de Quiroga y llegamos al punto de inserción, se observa actividad terrestre, pero nunca pudimos observar en la densidad de la jungla los contactos enemigos. Baco deja al capitán y su grupo en tierra, y empezamos el regreso.

Durante el mismo, evitamos sobrevolar ciudades y en el horizonte vemos una actividad muy violenta de artillería en nuestra flota. Llego a la costa y ya se me enciende la luz de bajo nivel de combustible. Nos acercamos a nuestro barco, Baco aterriza primero, no sin dificultad, le sigo yo, el cual intento incansablemente en numerosos intentos, pero el cansancio y la impaciencia iban aumentando el estrés, había turbulencia y vientos a poca altura. Charrua me demuestra con impecable desempeño como aterrizar a la primera, intento 2 veces más, y en la última lo hago.............pelota contra la cubierta!!!  :'( :'(  angry angry

Helicóptero: Destruido
Piloto:        Muerto

2do vuelo:

Texan - 60% Fuel - 2 Twin Pod - 4 x HVAR

Ante el terrible fuego naval que se producía contra la costa, se me ordena un reconocimiento visual de los objetivos.
Despego y sigo el cañoneo, el cual no logro distinguir, ya que la densa selva tapaba cualquier actividad enemiga, regreso a la flota y el gran movimiento de aeronaves buscando un submarino enemigo era incesante, me sumo a la búsqueda, luego de muchas indicaciones, observo la estela del periscopio y lanzo en una pasada los cohetes pero sin resultado efectivo. Abandono la zona y aterrizo ya con muchas muestras de cansancio acumulado.

AGK: 0
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Ok
Título: Re: Java 3
Publicado por: GAE_Popeye en 14 de Noviembre de 2010, 08:24:04 PM
Vuelo 1
HSR3 60% combustible.
Decolé del V1 con rumbo 000 en una formación de 4 helicópteros, transportando personal de apoyo. Debdo al avistamiento de fuego antiaéreo liviano, tuvimos que hacer correciones al plan de vuelo, para lograr insertar al personal en BC 7.2. El vuelo nocturno y ciertas ondulaciones del terreno obligaron a a corregir y vigilar altitud ya sobre la densa selva cerrada. En determinado momento, registré un aumento de velocidad por encima de los 140 kmh y perdí el control de la aeronave. Por la baja altitud no pude recuperarlo a tiempo y terminé estrellando la aeronave.
Piloto: muerto
Aeronave: destruida

Vuelo 2
PAC de F4U5 con 40% de combustible, tanque suplementario y bomba de 2000 libras. Decolé en formación de 3 aparatos liderada por TC Pepper del V1 para patrullar la costa en busca de un posible contacto de submarino. Retornamos al V1 sin avistar ningún blanco. Debido a la poca visibilidad, tras varios intentos de apontaje abortados, rodé sobre la cubierta y eyecté sobre el mar.
Piloto: ok, rescatado
Aeronave: destruida
Título: Re: Java 3
Publicado por: GAE_Charrua en 14 de Noviembre de 2010, 10:21:22 PM
Vuelo 1

H19D - 60% fuel - 2 x Cal 50 MG + 24 x 2.75 Rockets

La orden era cubrir la inserción de los marines, en un vuelo tranquilo, los texan nos limpiaban la zona, y nosotros avanzavamos.

Llegamos al punto de dejar a los marines, Baco bajo al grupo y hicimos un poco de ruido en la zona.

Retornamos a los portas con el jugo medio justo, pero pude apontar sin problemas.

Helicóptero ok Apontado
Piloto ok

Vuelo 2

HSR3 60% combustible.

Esta ves llevo marines a otro punto de inserción , con Baco nos dirigimos a la costa, los portas cañonean continuamente la costa, con esa distracción nosotros nos movilizamos al punto indicado.

Llegamos a la costa indicada y poso el helicóptero , los marines salen rápidamente y se reúnen en la selva junto a los que deja Baco.

Estoy llegando al portaaviones y empiezo el circuito para apontar, cuando estoy cruzando por el medio de dos portas, un tiro de la flak del porta me pega de lleno , destruyéndome en mil pedazos.

Inserción  de Marines OK
Helicóptero destruido
Piloto muerto .

Vuelo 3

Texan seis bombas de 100 libras 70 % de fuel

La orden es intentar destruir un submarino que amenaza la flota.

Yanito y Ceteu se encuentran en la zona, llegamos y nos cuesta ubicar el submarino que navega solamente con periscopio afuera del agua.

Logro enfilar y posicionarme le tiro todas las cargas y van largas, vuelo al porta y aponto sin problemas.

Avión ok Apontado
Piloto ok

Título: Re: Java 3
Publicado por: GAE_Charrua en 14 de Noviembre de 2010, 10:25:46 PM

[5:30:14] 8_Chief damaged by GAE_Castor{GAE_Castor_0;GAE_Castor:H19D;2} at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:30:14] 8_Chief damaged by GAE_Castor{GAE_Castor_0;GAE_Castor:H19D;2} at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:30:14] GAE_Castor{GAE_Castor_0;GAE_Castor:H19D;2}(0) was killed at 296499.5 3103.1843
[5:30:14] GAE_Castor{GAE_Castor_0;GAE_Castor:H19D;2} shot down by 8_Chief at 296499.5 3103.1843
[5:30:32] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296108.22 2594.6396
[5:30:57] GAE_Castor entered refly menu
[5:31:40] GAE_Baco:HRS3(0) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 296446.97 3125.4973
[5:31:40] GAE_Baco:HRS3 loaded weapons '08xMarines' fuel 50%
[5:31:48] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 296103.2 2589.8948
[5:31:48] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan loaded weapons '06x100Lbs_Bombs' fuel 70%
[5:32:06] GAE_Charrua:HRS3(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 296422.97 3120.594
[5:32:06] GAE_Charrua:HRS3 loaded weapons '08xMarines' fuel 60%
[5:32:19] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296168.56 2586.66
[5:32:22] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 296101.47 2600.623
[5:32:22] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan loaded weapons '02xTwinGunPods+04xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 50%
[5:32:32] GAE_Baco:HRS3 in flight at 296693.75 3113.7378
[5:32:35] 8_Chief damaged by 0_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:32:36] GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:HRS3;2} damaged on the ground at 296422.78 3119.719
[5:32:36] GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:HRS3;2}(0) was killed at 296422.78 3119.719
[5:32:36] GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:HRS3;2} shot down by 0_Chief at 296422.78 3119.719
[5:32:37] 15_Chief damaged by 9_Chief at 297332.06 3189.3599
[5:32:44] 8_Chief damaged by 0_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:32:47] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296181.94 2584.8901
[5:32:51] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296184.16 2584.597
[5:33:12] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[5:33:14] GAE_Charrua:HRS3(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 296422.88 3119.9287
[5:33:14] GAE_Charrua:HRS3 loaded weapons '08xMarines' fuel 60%
[5:33:31] GAE_Charrua:HRS3 in flight at 296428.3 3123.2803
[5:33:44] 8_Chief damaged by 0_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:34:07] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296216.25 2580.3545
[5:34:16] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan in flight at 296824.66 2547.4111
[5:34:20] 9_Chief damaged by 3_Chief at 297354.94 2607.2092
[5:34:21] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296221.28 2579.6882
[5:34:45] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296229.7 2578.5745
[5:34:55] 15_Chief damaged by 3_Chief at 297332.06 3189.3599
[5:35:09] 8_Chief damaged by 0_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:35:14] 9_Chief damaged by 3_Chief at 297371.62 2604.5151
[5:35:18] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan in flight at 296803.34 2608.9265
[5:35:20] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296240.75 2577.1135
[5:35:23] 8_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:35:43] GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:HRS3;2} landed at 300690.22 5308.0786
[5:35:43] GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:HRS3;2} damaged on the ground at 300690.22 5308.0786
[5:35:48] ParatrooperLogging 5930539(255) touchdown in X: 300729.0009685689 Y: 5318.385655865981 (ground) drop by GAE_Baco_0
[5:35:48] GAE_Baco:HRS3(-1) successfully bailed out at 300729.0 5318.385
[5:35:49] ParatrooperLogging 5931469(255) touchdown in X: 300747.12239394983 Y: 5308.534043692473 (ground) drop by GAE_Baco_0
[5:35:49] GAE_Baco:HRS3(-1) successfully bailed out at 300747.12 5308.533
[5:35:49] GAE_Baco:HRS3(-1) was captured at 300747.12 5308.533
[5:35:50] GAE_Baco:HRS3(-1) successfully bailed out at 300724.1 5339.1846
[5:35:50] ParatrooperLogging 5933389(255) touchdown in X: 300724.1081147898 Y: 5339.186127282497 (ground) drop by GAE_Baco_0
[5:35:51] ParatrooperLogging 5933929(255) touchdown in X: 300706.5646677015 Y: 5338.623897472588 (ground) drop by GAE_Baco_0
[5:35:51] GAE_Baco:HRS3(-1) successfully bailed out at 300706.6 5338.623
[5:35:53] ParatrooperLogging 5935999(255) touchdown in X: 300687.2191800911 Y: 5335.976165851507 (ground) drop by GAE_Baco_0
[5:35:53] GAE_Baco:HRS3(-1) successfully bailed out at 300687.22 5335.977
[5:35:55] 8_Chief damaged by 0_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:35:56] ParatrooperLogging 5939389(255) touchdown in X: 300660.9174813917 Y: 5312.036732051351 (ground) drop by GAE_Baco_0
[5:35:56] GAE_Baco:HRS3(-1) successfully bailed out at 300660.9 5312.037
[5:35:56] GAE_Baco:HRS3(-1) was captured at 300660.9 5312.037
[5:35:59] ParatrooperLogging 5941909(255) touchdown in X: 300685.5575625176 Y: 5282.800499245364 (ground) drop by GAE_Baco_0
[5:35:59] GAE_Baco:HRS3(-1) successfully bailed out at 300685.53 5282.8003
[5:36:01] ParatrooperLogging 5943559(255) touchdown in X: 300659.5902177419 Y: 5270.822511265566 (ground) drop by GAE_Baco_0
[5:36:01] GAE_Baco:HRS3(-1) successfully bailed out at 300659.6 5270.823
[5:36:01] GAE_Baco:HRS3(-1) was captured at 300659.6 5270.823
[5:36:10] GAE_Baco:HRS3 in flight at 300687.12 5320.4756
[5:36:22] 8_Chief damaged by 0_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:36:33] 8_Chief damaged by 0_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:36:37] GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:HRS3;2} landed at 300999.56 5398.2915
[5:36:59] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296264.34 2573.994
[5:37:00] ParatrooperLogging 6003109(255) touchdown in X: 301035.5624687231 Y: 5396.699049677878 (ground) drop by
[5:37:00] GAE_Charrua:HRS3(-1) successfully bailed out at 301035.56 5396.699
[5:37:05] 9_Chief damaged by 3_Chief at 297394.97 2600.7449
[5:37:06] 8_Chief damaged by 0_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:37:06] 8_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:37:20] 8_Chief damaged by 0_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:37:36] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 300837.2 11432.811
[5:37:37] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 300839.12 11552.8955
[5:37:49] 8_Chief damaged by 0_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:37:50] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296272.1 2572.9685
[5:37:58] 8_Chief damaged by 0_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:38:02] GAE_Charrua:HRS3 in flight at 300994.03 5393.216
[5:38:27] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296275.78 2572.4805
[5:38:28] 8_Chief damaged by 0_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:38:28] 9_Chief damaged by 20_Chief at 297403.28 2599.4033
[5:38:29] 8_Chief damaged by 0_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:38:30] 8_Chief damaged by 0_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:38:33] 8_Chief damaged by 0_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:38:40] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 301064.88 16200.002
[5:38:40] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 301048.25 16231.421
[5:39:06] 8_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:39:28] 8_Chief damaged by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:HRS3;2} at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:39:28] 8_Chief damaged by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:HRS3;2} at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:39:28] GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:HRS3;2}(0) was killed at 296421.97 3116.8262
[5:39:28] GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:HRS3;2} shot down by 8_Chief at 296421.97 3116.8262
[5:39:28] 8_Chief damaged by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:HRS3;2} at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:39:29] 9_Chief damaged by 3_Chief at 297404.4 2599.219
[5:39:33] 8_Chief damaged by 0_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:39:33] 9_Chief damaged by 20_Chief at 297404.4 2599.219
[5:39:44] 8_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:39:51] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296278.5 2572.1199
[5:39:56] 9_Chief damaged by 20_Chief at 297404.4 2599.219
[5:39:57] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296278.5 2572.1199
[5:40:04] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296278.5 2572.1199
[5:40:07] 8_Chief damaged by 0_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:40:23] 8_Chief damaged by 0_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:40:26] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296278.5 2572.1199
[5:40:29] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296278.5 2572.1199
[5:40:36] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 299228.62 24417.148
[5:40:37] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 299203.53 24473.121
[5:40:38] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 299137.1 24617.953
[5:40:45] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296278.5 2572.1199
[5:40:47] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 304636.16 1439.6862
[5:40:54] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 298499.1 25899.438
[5:40:55] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 298482.44 25931.562
[5:40:55] 9_Chief damaged by 3_Chief at 297404.4 2599.219
[5:40:56] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 298443.28 26007.049
[5:41:01] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 303945.72 1081.9159
[5:41:19] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296278.5 2572.1199
[5:41:42] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296278.5 2572.1199
[5:41:45] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296278.5 2572.1199
[5:41:53] 8_Chief damaged by 0_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:41:55] GAE_Charrua:HRS3(0) was wounded at 296475.38 2970.2698
[5:41:55] GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:HRS3;2}(0) was killed at 296475.38 2970.2698
[5:41:55] GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:HRS3;2} shot down by 19_Chief at 296475.38 2970.2698
[5:42:10] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[5:42:19] 8_Chief damaged by 0_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:42:23] 8_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:42:29] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296278.5 2572.1199
[5:42:31] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296278.5 2572.1199
[5:42:42] 3_Chief damaged by 20_Chief at 297457.78 1796.19
[5:42:48] 8_Chief damaged by 0_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:43:00] 8_Chief damaged by 0_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:43:11] 8_Chief damaged by 0_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:43:16] 15_Chief damaged by 20_Chief at 297332.06 3189.3599
[5:43:19] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296278.5 2572.1199
[5:43:22] 8_Chief damaged by 0_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:43:37] 8_Chief damaged by 0_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:43:37] 15_Chief damaged by 20_Chief at 297332.06 3189.3599
[5:44:20] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296278.5 2572.1199
[5:44:37] GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan;2} landed at 296249.25 2588.8503
[5:44:48] GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan removed at 296249.84 2588.6936
[5:44:48] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[5:45:05] 8_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:45:15] GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 296241.44 2577.435
[5:45:15] GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan loaded weapons '06x100Lbs_Bombs' fuel 80%
[5:45:24] 355_Static destroyed by 0_Chief at 297905.4 5909.13
[5:45:45] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 295995.8 2121.8562
[5:45:45] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan loaded weapons '06x100Lbs_Bombs' fuel 60%
[5:46:11] 6_Chief0 destroyed by 352_Static at 283214.62 60821.754
[5:46:12] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296278.5 2572.1199
[5:46:20] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296278.5 2572.1199
[5:46:27] 9_Chief damaged by 3_Chief at 297404.4 2599.219
[5:46:54] GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan in flight at 296876.8 2469.131
[5:46:56] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan in flight at 296800.3 2002.9958
[5:47:19] 3_Chief damaged by 20_Chief at 297457.78 1796.19
[5:47:26] 9_Chief damaged by 3_Chief at 297404.4 2599.219
[5:47:26] 3_Chief damaged by 20_Chief at 297457.78 1796.19
[5:47:40] 9_Chief damaged by 3_Chief at 297404.4 2599.219
[5:47:58] 8_Chief damaged by 0_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:48:18] 3_Chief damaged by 20_Chief at 297457.78 1796.19
[5:48:23] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296278.5 2572.1199
[5:48:38] 8_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:48:40] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296278.5 2572.1199
[5:49:33] 8_Chief damaged by 0_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:49:39] 3_Chief damaged by 20_Chief at 297457.78 1796.19
[5:49:48] 8_Chief damaged by 0_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:49:49] 8_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:49:56] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296278.5 2572.1199
[5:50:08] 9_Chief damaged by 3_Chief at 297404.4 2599.219
[5:50:09] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296278.5 2572.1199
[5:50:13] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296278.5 2572.1199
[5:50:20] 8_Chief damaged by 0_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:50:36] 9_Chief damaged by 3_Chief at 297404.4 2599.219
[5:50:37] 15_Chief damaged by 3_Chief at 297332.06 3189.3599
[5:50:57] 8_Chief damaged by 0_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:51:39] 8_Chief damaged by 0_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:51:48] 8_Chief damaged by 0_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:52:03] 9_Chief damaged by 20_Chief at 297404.4 2599.219
[5:52:13] 8_Chief damaged by 0_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:52:13] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296278.5 2572.1199
[5:52:13] GAE_Yanito{GAE_Yanito_0;GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan;2} damaged by landscape at 295964.53 2120.6301
[5:52:14] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296278.5 2572.1199
[5:52:17] GAE_Yanito{GAE_Yanito_0;GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan;2}(0) was killed at 296036.0 2112.0964
[5:52:17] GAE_Yanito{GAE_Yanito_0;GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan;2}(1) was killed at 296036.0 2112.0964
[5:52:17] GAE_Yanito{GAE_Yanito_0;GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan;2} shot down by 19_Chief at 296036.0 2112.0964
[5:52:29] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296278.5 2572.1199
[5:53:06] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296278.5 2572.1199
[5:53:12] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296278.5 2572.1199
[5:53:38] 8_Chief damaged by 0_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:53:39] 8_Chief damaged by 0_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:54:17] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296278.5 2572.1199
[5:54:29] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296278.5 2572.1199
[5:54:30] 3_Chief damaged by 20_Chief at 297457.78 1796.19
[5:54:39] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 303910.25 541.0628
[5:54:45] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 303672.03 179.85826
[5:55:53] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296278.5 2572.1199
[5:55:54] 8_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:56:08] 8_Chief damaged by 0_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:56:29] 8_Chief damaged by 0_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:56:53] 9_Chief damaged by 3_Chief at 297404.4 2599.219
[5:57:14] 3_Chief damaged by 20_Chief at 297457.78 1796.19
[5:57:21] 15_Chief damaged by 20_Chief at 297332.06 3189.3599
[5:57:39] 8_Chief damaged by 0_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:57:52] 8_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:58:00] 8_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:58:03] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296278.5 2572.1199
[5:58:11] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296278.5 2572.1199
[5:58:13] 9_Chief damaged by 3_Chief at 297404.4 2599.219
[5:58:33] 8_Chief damaged by 0_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:58:44] 8_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:58:44] 8_Chief damaged by 0_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:58:57] 8_Chief damaged by 0_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:59:46] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296278.5 2572.1199
[6:00:01] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296278.5 2572.1199
[6:00:12] 8_Chief damaged by 0_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[6:00:12] 8_Chief damaged by 0_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[6:00:23] 9_Chief damaged by 3_Chief at 297404.4 2599.219
[6:00:27] 8_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[6:00:43] 8_Chief damaged by 0_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[6:00:47] 3_Chief damaged by 20_Chief at 297457.78 1796.19
[6:00:58] 8_Chief damaged by 0_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[6:01:04] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296278.5 2572.1199
[6:01:18] 8_Chief damaged by 0_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[6:01:35] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296278.5 2572.1199
[6:02:10] 3_Chief damaged by 20_Chief at 297457.78 1796.19
[6:02:28] 8_Chief damaged by 0_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[6:02:36] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296278.5 2572.1199
[6:03:02] 3_Chief damaged by 20_Chief at 297457.78 1796.19
[6:03:19] 8_Chief damaged by 0_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[6:03:52] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296278.5 2572.1199
[6:03:57] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296278.5 2572.1199
[6:03:58] GAE_Castor{GAE_Castor_0;GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan;2} landed at 296303.62 2588.165
[6:04:03] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296278.5 2572.1199
[6:04:20] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan removed at 296303.7 2588.356
[6:04:24] GAE_Castor has disconnected
[6:04:25] 8_Chief damaged by 0_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[6:04:51] GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan;2} landed at 296249.66 2576.422
[6:04:57] 8_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[6:05:03] 9_Chief damaged by 3_Chief at 297404.4 2599.219
[6:05:16] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296278.5 2572.1199
[6:05:27] GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan removed at 296250.2 2576.2305
[6:05:27] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[6:05:34] GAE_Ceteu has disconnected
[6:05:38] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296278.5 2572.1199
[6:05:51] 9_Chief damaged by 3_Chief at 297404.4 2599.219
[6:06:04] 8_Chief damaged by 0_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[6:06:11] 8_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[6:06:26] 8_Chief damaged by 0_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[6:06:40] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296278.5 2572.1199
[6:07:00] 8_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[6:07:03] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296278.5 2572.1199
[6:07:06] 8_Chief damaged by 0_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[6:07:17] 8_Chief damaged by 0_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[6:07:18] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296278.5 2572.1199
[6:07:19] 3_Chief damaged by 20_Chief at 297457.78 1796.19
[6:07:54] 8_Chief damaged by 0_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[6:08:02] GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan;2} landed at 296036.28 2130.673
[6:08:12] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan removed at 296036.66 2131.0645
[6:08:12] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[6:08:29] GAE_Yanito has disconnected
[6:08:29] GAE_Baco has disconnected
[6:08:29] Mission END
Título: Re: Java 3
Publicado por: GAE_Charrua en 14 de Noviembre de 2010, 10:27:28 PM

[4:34:36] blue_628Squadronmaritime03{blue_628Squadronmaritime030;P2V5_Neptune;2}(0) was killed at 304124.1 2977.8193
[4:34:36] blue_628Squadronmaritime03{blue_628Squadronmaritime030;P2V5_Neptune;2}(3) was killed at 304124.1 2977.8193
[4:34:36] blue_628Squadronmaritime03{blue_628Squadronmaritime030;P2V5_Neptune;2}(4) was killed at 304124.1 2977.8193
[4:34:36] blue_628Squadronmaritime03{blue_628Squadronmaritime030;P2V5_Neptune;2}(5) was killed at 304124.1 2977.8193
[4:34:36] blue_628Squadronmaritime03{blue_628Squadronmaritime030;P2V5_Neptune;2} shot down by landscape at 304124.1 2977.8193
[4:34:46] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 283299.06 60372.168
[4:34:50] ab0103{ab01031;S-328;1} landed at 366630.0 82442.57
[4:34:52] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 282963.9 60748.176
[4:34:54] S-328 removed at 366630.0 82442.56
[4:34:55] 2_Chief destroyed by GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 296231.72 8932.17
[4:39:18] GAE_Gaucho.:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho. at 288660.25 3584.1167
[4:39:19] GAE_Gaucho.:SNJ5_Texan loaded weapons '06x100Lbs_Bombs' fuel 50%
[4:39:46] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 284418.56 61014.92
[4:39:52] 342_Static destroyed by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:H19D;2} at 283143.62 60706.68
[4:40:00] GAE_Gaucho.:SNJ5_Texan in flight at 289448.72 3519.2314
[4:40:15] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 285630.1 59519.914
[4:40:35] GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:H19D;2} landed at 283253.97 60787.09
[4:40:35] GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:H19D;2} damaged on the ground at 283253.97 60787.09
[4:41:53] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 282839.7 59980.64
[4:41:58] GAE_Baco:H19D in flight at 283242.06 60800.38
[4:42:02] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 283154.56 59382.16
[4:48:33] GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} damaged by landscape at 290797.34 3291.3696
[4:48:38] 0_Chief damaged by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 290877.56 3286.382
[4:48:38] 0_Chief damaged by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 290877.56 3286.382
[4:48:38] GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2}(0) was killed at 290965.12 3260.1772
[4:48:38] GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} shot down by 0_Chief at 290965.12 3260.1772
[4:48:38] 0_Chief damaged by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 290877.56 3286.382
[4:48:49] GAE_Pepper has disconnected
[4:49:04] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 292670.9 43686.37
[4:49:08] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 292787.8 43393.383
[4:51:01] 9_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 292577.2 3378.9736
[4:51:59] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 294855.16 29165.346
[4:52:03] 350_Static destroyed by 5_Chief1 at 283249.06 60837.29
[4:52:16] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 295081.97 27773.492
[4:52:23] GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F4U5_Corsario;2} damaged by landscape at 291727.2 3253.369
[4:52:28] GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F4U5_Corsario;2} landed at 291761.78 3286.2139
[4:52:28] GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F4U5_Corsario;2} damaged on the ground at 291761.78 3286.2139
[4:52:29] GAE_Alma:F4U5_Corsario(0) bailed out at 291761.8 3286.2266
[4:52:30] ParatrooperLogging 3322267(0) touchdown in X: 291756.9045718719 Y: 3281.428708945163 (water) drop by GAE_Alma_0
[4:52:30] GAE_Alma:F4U5_Corsario(0) successfully bailed out at 291757.0 3281.6025
[4:52:52] GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F4U5_Corsario;2} shot down by 0_Chief at 291761.22 3286.8623
[4:53:05] GAE_Alma entered refly menu
[4:53:13] 356_Static destroyed by 15_Chief at 297840.62 5966.64
[4:53:25] GAE_Alma:HRS3(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 291650.66 2158.5159
[4:53:25] GAE_Alma:HRS3 loaded weapons '08xMarines' fuel 40%
[4:54:10] GAE_Alma:HRS3 in flight at 291863.5 2335.2678
[4:55:10] GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:HRS3;2} landed at 291933.0 2241.6145
[4:55:52] 9_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 293499.84 3229.9346
[4:56:03] 9_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 293532.16 3224.713
[4:56:08] GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} damaged by landscape at 292603.78 3077.085
[4:56:11] GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} landed at 292614.4 3079.4841
[4:56:11] GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} damaged on the ground at 292614.4 3079.4841
[4:56:15] GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario(0) bailed out at 292614.4 3079.4673
[4:56:16] ParatrooperLogging 3549406(0) touchdown in X: 292618.7162980657 Y: 3085.557593113811 (water) drop by GAE_Popeye_0
[4:56:16] GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario(0) successfully bailed out at 292618.66 3085.3706
[4:56:19] GAE_Alma:HRS3 in flight at 291932.03 2245.911
[4:56:35] GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} shot down by 0_Chief at 292615.16 3079.1853
[4:57:19] GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:HRS3;2} landed at 292449.28 2054.4714
[4:57:47] GAE_Alma:HRS3 in flight at 292439.28 2059.6812
[4:58:07] GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:HRS3;2} landed at 292542.53 2153.0574
[4:59:06] GAE_Popeye has disconnected
[4:59:30] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 295865.3 6824.3853
[4:59:34] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 295642.03 6615.966
[4:59:45] 9_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 294168.62 3121.9048
[5:00:08] GAE_Alma:HRS3 removed at 292881.84 2150.7969
[5:00:11] GAE_Alma entered refly menu
[5:00:15] GAE_Alma has disconnected
[5:01:22] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 296584.38 1056.1433
[5:01:27] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 296878.75 1086.385
[5:03:02] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 303242.9 2026.1621
[5:03:11] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 303828.53 2185.9814
[5:04:31] 310_Static destroyed by 334_Static at 286459.34 31333.42
[5:12:24] 8_Chief damaged by 3_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:14:10] 9_Chief damaged by 3_Chief at 296101.06 2809.7542
[5:14:52] 8_Chief damaged by 9_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:15:40] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 305237.16 3438.461
[5:15:45] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 304932.3 3323.2942
[5:16:38] GAE_Gaucho.{GAE_Gaucho._0;GAE_Gaucho.:SNJ5_Texan;2} damaged by landscape at 305538.1 3479.1565
[5:16:39] GAE_Gaucho.:SNJ5_Texan(0) was wounded at 305538.1 3479.1565
[5:16:39] GAE_Gaucho.{GAE_Gaucho._0;GAE_Gaucho.:SNJ5_Texan;2}(0) was killed at 305538.1 3479.1565
[5:16:39] GAE_Gaucho.{GAE_Gaucho._0;GAE_Gaucho.:SNJ5_Texan;2}(1) was killed at 305538.1 3479.1565
[5:16:39] GAE_Gaucho.{GAE_Gaucho._0;GAE_Gaucho.:SNJ5_Texan;2} shot down by landscape at 305538.1 3479.1565
[5:16:47] 8_Chief damaged by 9_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:17:47] GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan;2} landed at 295288.78 2714.0625
[5:18:00] GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan removed at 295308.78 2711.262
[5:18:00] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[5:18:12] GAE_Gaucho. has disconnected
[5:18:51] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 295383.16 2690.526
[5:18:57] 8_Chief damaged by 3_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:19:33] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 295443.62 2682.5308
[5:19:34] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 295443.97 2682.4866
[5:19:35] 15_Chief damaged by 20_Chief at 297332.06 3189.3599
[5:19:38] GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 295413.47 2686.9438
[5:19:38] GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan loaded weapons '06x100Lbs_Bombs' fuel 80%
[5:19:51] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 295467.3 2679.397
[5:20:04] GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:H19D;2} damaged by 8_Chief at 296505.47 3104.8662
[5:20:10] GAE_Baco:H19D removed at 296503.12 3106.542
[5:20:10] GAE_Baco entered refly menu
[5:20:11] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 295495.53 2675.6638
[5:20:46] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 295541.25 2669.621
[5:21:09] GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan in flight at 295989.38 2606.7573
[5:21:15] 9_Chief damaged by 3_Chief at 296734.34 2707.4568
[5:21:24] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 295590.66 2663.0854
[5:21:29] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 295596.38 2662.3296
[5:22:07] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 295643.8 2656.0566
[5:22:10] blue_259Squadronmaritime01{blue_259Squadronmaritime010;FW-200C-3U4;2} damaged by landscape at 262592.1 25899.582
[5:22:11] FW-200C-3U4(3) was wounded at 262584.47 25739.535
[5:22:11] FW-200C-3U4(3) was heavily wounded at 262584.47 25739.535
[5:22:11] FW-200C-3U4(2) was wounded at 262584.47 25739.535
[5:22:11] FW-200C-3U4(2) was heavily wounded at 262584.47 25739.535
[5:22:11] blue_259Squadronmaritime01{blue_259Squadronmaritime010;FW-200C-3U4;2}(2) was killed at 262584.47 25739.535
[5:22:11] blue_259Squadronmaritime01{blue_259Squadronmaritime010;FW-200C-3U4;2}(0) was killed at 262584.47 25739.535
[5:22:12] blue_259Squadronmaritime01{blue_259Squadronmaritime010;FW-200C-3U4;2}(1) was killed at 262584.47 25739.535
[5:22:12] blue_259Squadronmaritime01{blue_259Squadronmaritime010;FW-200C-3U4;2}(3) was killed at 262584.47 25739.535
[5:22:12] blue_259Squadronmaritime01{blue_259Squadronmaritime010;FW-200C-3U4;2}(4) was killed at 262584.47 25739.535
[5:22:12] blue_259Squadronmaritime01{blue_259Squadronmaritime010;FW-200C-3U4;2}(5) was killed at 262584.47 25739.535
[5:22:12] blue_259Squadronmaritime01{blue_259Squadronmaritime010;FW-200C-3U4;2}(6) was killed at 262584.47 25739.535
[5:22:12] blue_259Squadronmaritime01{blue_259Squadronmaritime010;FW-200C-3U4;2}(7) was killed at 262584.47 25739.535
[5:22:12] blue_259Squadronmaritime01{blue_259Squadronmaritime010;FW-200C-3U4;2}(8) was killed at 262584.47 25739.535
[5:22:12] blue_259Squadronmaritime01{blue_259Squadronmaritime010;FW-200C-3U4;2} shot down by landscape at 262584.47 25739.535
[5:22:23] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 295663.12 2653.5017
[5:23:31] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 295741.47 2643.1418
[5:24:01] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 295773.78 2638.8665
[5:24:05] 3_Chief damaged by 20_Chief at 296770.5 1800.7638
[5:24:05] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 295778.5 2638.2456
[5:24:08] 9_Chief damaged by 3_Chief at 296932.34 2675.4722
[5:24:29] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 295804.22 2634.841
[5:24:43] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 295818.88 2632.9036
[5:24:53] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 295829.06 2631.559
[5:25:11] 3_Chief damaged by 20_Chief at 296851.06 1800.2277
[5:25:15] GAE_Baco:H19D(0) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 295610.1 2124.98
[5:25:15] GAE_Baco:H19D loaded weapons '02x.50cal.MG+24x2.75.Rocket' fuel 50%
[5:25:30] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 295865.9 2626.685
[5:25:45] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 295879.88 2624.8372
[5:26:08] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 295902.22 2621.8833
[5:26:43] 9_Chief damaged by 3_Chief at 297079.97 2651.628
[5:26:45] 8_Chief damaged by 0_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:26:51] 8_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296456.72 3123.6296
[5:27:28] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 295973.12 2612.5032
[5:27:29] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 295973.38 2612.4734
[5:27:33] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 295977.16 2611.9707
[5:27:51] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 295991.62 2610.058
[5:28:20] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296015.12 2606.949
[5:28:30] GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:H19D;2} landed at 296401.28 3130.5244
[5:28:30] 9_Chief damaged by 20_Chief at 297166.47 2637.6533
[5:28:35] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296026.84 2605.4001
[5:28:38] GAE_Charrua:H19D removed at 296402.1 3131.0105
[5:28:38] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[5:28:48] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296036.6 2604.111
[5:28:51] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296038.3 2603.884
[5:28:59] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296044.72 2603.0386
[5:29:21] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296060.66 2600.9294
[5:29:29] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296066.06 2600.2134
[5:29:46] GAE_Yanito{GAE_Yanito_0;GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan;2} damaged by landscape at 296117.9 2605.026
[5:29:47] GAE_Yanito{GAE_Yanito_0;GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan;2} landed at 296120.38 2604.3796
[5:29:47] GAE_Yanito{GAE_Yanito_0;GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan;2} damaged on the ground at 296120.38 2604.3796
[5:29:51] 0_Chief damaged by 19_Chief at 296081.38 2598.191
[5:29:58] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan(0) bailed out at 296127.38 2603.422
[5:29:58] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan(0) successfully bailed out at 296127.62 2602.689
[5:29:59] GAE_Baco:H19D removed at 295833.22 2123.1902
[5:29:59] GAE_Baco entered refly menu
[5:29:59] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan(1) bailed out at 296128.22 2603.2012
[5:30:00] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan(1) successfully bailed out at 296127.0 2602.6824
[5:30:03] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan removed at 296130.66 2603.536
[5:30:03] GAE_Yanito entered refly menu
[5:30:11] GAE_Castor{GAE_Castor_0;GAE_Castor:H19D;2} damaged by 8_Chief at 296505.56 3107.4128
Título: Re: Java 3
Publicado por: GAE_Charrua en 14 de Noviembre de 2010, 10:27:38 PM
[13.11.2010 3:57:21] Mission: net/dogfight/0_GAE/JAV21.mis is Playing
[3:57:21] Mission BEGIN
[3:57:49] 16_Chief0 destroyed by 347_Static at 285159.88 60485.355
[3:58:05] GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 274800.0 5413.124
[3:58:06] GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan loaded weapons 'N_02xTwinGunPods+04xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 80%
[3:58:19] GAE_Gaucho. has connected
[3:59:43] GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan in flight at 275988.44 5268.005
[4:00:17] GAE_Popeye:HRS3(0) seat occupied by GAE_Popeye at 281092.6 10754.335
[4:00:17] GAE_Popeye:HRS3 loaded weapons '08xMarines' fuel 60%
[4:01:13] GAE_Popeye:HRS3 in flight at 281561.12 10828.967
[4:01:16] GAE_Gaucho. has disconnected
[4:01:32] GAE_Charrua:H19D(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 281728.3 10823.962
[4:01:32] GAE_Charrua:H19D loaded weapons '02x.50cal.MG+24x2.75.Rocket' fuel 60%
[4:01:50] 14_Chief1 destroyed by 347_Static at 284775.22 60182.297
[4:02:06] GAE_Charrua:H19D in flight at 282029.0 10838.367
[4:02:11] GAE_Baco:H19D(0) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 282007.66 10845.947
[4:02:11] GAE_Baco:H19D loaded weapons '02x.50cal.MG+24x2.75.Rocket' fuel 60%
[4:02:15] 13_Chief0 destroyed by 347_Static at 284629.22 60154.375
[4:03:35] GAE_Baco:H19D in flight at 282847.75 10631.626
[4:03:36] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 278821.94 12042.163
[4:03:36] 5_Chief0 destroyed by 347_Static at 284542.5 59382.51
[4:03:38] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 279011.84 12019.524
[4:04:27] GAE_Gaucho. has connected
[4:07:23] GAE_Gaucho. has disconnected
[4:07:32] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 283184.53 19803.154
[4:07:37] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 283184.4 20231.2
[4:09:18] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 283623.38 28494.082
[4:09:19] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 283618.22 28653.527
[4:11:03] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 283672.22 37220.516
[4:11:05] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 283670.22 37361.273
[4:11:30] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 283593.8 39384.664
[4:11:37] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 283572.06 40035.707
[4:12:32] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 283563.0 44622.223
[4:12:34] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 283561.94 44741.69
[4:13:31] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 283363.34 49434.504
[4:13:34] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 283348.8 49640.758
[4:13:49] 17_Chief2 destroyed by 345_Static at 283165.88 60586.6
[4:14:21] 17_Chief1 destroyed by 352_Static at 283181.22 60752.67
[4:15:38] ab0100{ab01002;U-2VS;1} damaged by GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 296008.22 3852.432
[4:15:42] U-2VS(0) bailed out at 296154.28 3947.6306
[4:15:44] U-2VS(1) bailed out at 296189.94 3979.4448
[4:15:46] ab0100{ab01000;U-2VS;1} damaged by 4_Chief at 296311.84 4188.8535
[4:15:46] ab0100{ab01000;U-2VS;1}(1) was killed by 4_Chief at 296311.84 4188.8535
[4:15:50] ab0100{ab01002;U-2VS;1} shot down by GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 296303.56 4117.0996
[4:15:50] U-2VS(0) bailed out at 296447.0 4299.1494
[4:15:58] ab0100{ab01000;U-2VS;1} shot down by 4_Chief at 296625.9 4594.5645
[4:16:04] 357_Static destroyed by 4_Chief at 297966.4 5977.11
[4:16:06] 17_Chief0 destroyed by 352_Static at 283220.88 60814.742
[4:16:22] ParatrooperLogging 1145099(1) touchdown in X: 296488.97679275926 Y: 4262.739263993697 (water) drop by
[4:16:22] U-2VS(1) successfully bailed out at 296489.06 4262.768
[4:16:22] U-2VS(1) was captured at 296489.06 4262.768
[4:16:40] ParatrooperLogging 1163260(0) touchdown in X: 296490.56636737305 Y: 4278.336887366729 (water) drop by
[4:16:40] U-2VS(0) successfully bailed out at 296490.47 4278.2896
[4:16:40] U-2VS(0) was captured at 296490.47 4278.2896
[4:16:40] U-2VS(0) successfully bailed out at 296780.7 4653.1416
[4:16:40] U-2VS(0) was captured at 296780.7 4653.1416
[4:16:40] ParatrooperLogging 1163560(0) touchdown in X: 296780.71956705727 Y: 4653.16909177534 (water) drop by
[4:16:42] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 285417.72 60873.855
[4:16:48] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 285832.7 60517.668
[4:17:10] ab0100{ab01001;U-2VS;1} damaged by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 298817.2 6135.697
[4:17:10] ab0100{ab01001;U-2VS;1}(0) was killed at 298838.6 6151.074
[4:17:10] ab0100{ab01001;U-2VS;1}(1) was killed at 298838.6 6151.074
[4:17:10] ab0100{ab01001;U-2VS;1} shot down by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 298838.6 6151.074
[4:17:41] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 285691.72 56385.375
[4:17:45] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 285448.78 56211.008
[4:17:59] 4_Chief damaged by 18_Chief at 297736.56 2622.2256
[4:20:03] 4_Chief damaged by 18_Chief at 298454.6 2602.9458
[4:20:48] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 285978.5 57390.637
[4:20:51] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 286010.56 57188.64
[4:22:37] GAE_Popeye:HRS3(0) was heavily wounded at 280710.3 38178.96
[4:22:37] GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:HRS3;2}(0) was killed at 280710.3 38178.96
[4:22:37] 15_Chief damaged by 8_Chief at 290586.03 5982.3643
[4:22:37] GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:HRS3;2} shot down by landscape at 280710.3 38178.96
[4:22:37] 15_Chief damaged by 8_Chief at 290588.7 5980.5723
[4:22:57] GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} damaged by landscape at 284206.94 4192.7607
[4:22:59] 15_Chief damaged by 8_Chief at 290708.16 5899.655
[4:23:00] GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} landed at 284242.12 4186.263
[4:23:00] GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} damaged on the ground at 284242.12 4186.263
[4:23:02] GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario(0) bailed out at 284242.16 4186.264
[4:23:03] GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario(0) successfully bailed out at 284245.12 4180.5234
[4:23:03] ParatrooperLogging 1548003(0) touchdown in X: 284245.2805455681 Y: 4180.386808933184 (water) drop by GAE_Pepper_0
[4:23:04] GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario removed at 284242.16 4186.26
[4:23:04] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[4:23:28] 15_Chief damaged by 8_Chief at 290864.84 5793.5107
[4:23:31] 15_Chief damaged by 8_Chief at 290880.94 5782.593
[4:23:37] 15_Chief damaged by 8_Chief at 290918.5 5757.1533
[4:23:38] 15_Chief damaged by 8_Chief at 290921.25 5755.283
[4:23:40] 4_Chief damaged by 18_Chief at 299660.9 2570.557
[4:23:44] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 286698.9 58346.535
[4:23:45] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 286788.53 58370.28
[4:23:49] 15_Chief damaged by 8_Chief at 290983.2 5713.3345
[4:23:52] 15_Chief damaged by 8_Chief at 290999.03 5702.596
[4:24:14] 15_Chief damaged by 8_Chief at 291117.34 5622.459
[4:24:16] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 288456.56 60023.395
[4:24:17] GAE_Yanito:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 288489.16 60106.797
[4:24:22] 15_Chief damaged by 8_Chief at 291158.6 5594.524
[4:24:22] 15_Chief damaged by 8_Chief at 291161.3 5592.678
[4:24:23] 15_Chief damaged by 8_Chief at 291163.88 5590.9424
[4:24:24] 15_Chief damaged by 8_Chief at 291171.25 5585.9497
[4:24:33] 15_Chief damaged by 8_Chief at 291220.2 5552.7944
[4:24:34] 15_Chief damaged by 8_Chief at 291222.9 5550.9556
[4:24:34] 15_Chief damaged by 8_Chief at 291225.78 5549.008
[4:24:36] 15_Chief damaged by 8_Chief at 291233.28 5543.9253
[4:24:43] 15_Chief damaged by 8_Chief at 291269.62 5519.299
[4:24:49] 15_Chief damaged by 8_Chief at 291305.6 5494.938
[4:25:04] 15_Chief damaged by 8_Chief at 291384.1 5441.7534
[4:25:14] 15_Chief damaged by 8_Chief at 291435.47 5406.9624
[4:25:14] 15_Chief damaged by 8_Chief at 291438.16 5405.1465
[4:25:20] GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F4U5_Corsario;2} landed at 284865.12 4076.6853
[4:25:24] 15_Chief damaged by 8_Chief at 291486.84 5372.168
[4:25:27] GAE_Alma:F4U5_Corsario removed at 284899.78 4071.7935
[4:25:27] GAE_Alma entered refly menu
[4:25:35] 15_Chief damaged by 8_Chief at 291547.9 5330.784
[4:25:48] GAE_Gaucho. has connected
[4:25:51] 15_Chief damaged by 8_Chief at 291630.2 5275.0586
[4:25:54] 15_Chief damaged by 8_Chief at 291646.88 5263.756
[4:26:02] GAE_Popeye entered refly menu
[4:26:03] 15_Chief damaged by 8_Chief at 291692.3 5232.966
[4:26:26] 15_Chief damaged by 8_Chief at 291811.6 5152.17
[4:26:43] 15_Chief damaged by 8_Chief at 291901.03 5091.5864
[4:26:46] 15_Chief damaged by 8_Chief at 291913.94 5082.8535
[4:26:48] GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 285022.38 2217.613
[4:26:48] GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '01x2000Lbs_Bomb' fuel 50%
[4:27:26] 15_Chief damaged by 8_Chief at 292119.4 4943.6567
[4:28:20] GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario removed at 285577.44 2214.056
[4:28:20] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[4:29:23] 18_Chief destroyed by 4_Chief at 299707.56 4094.19
[4:29:51] GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 285933.66 2210.321
[4:29:51] GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '01x1000Lbs_Bomb+01x154Gal_Tank' fuel 40%
[4:31:08] GAE_Alma:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 286338.7 2201.2253
[4:31:08] GAE_Alma:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '01x1000Lbs_Bomb+01x154Gal_Tank' fuel 40%
[4:31:18] GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 286778.25 2225.7017
[4:32:04] GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Popeye at 286576.47 2195.257
[4:32:04] GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '01x1000Lbs_Bomb+01x154Gal_Tank' fuel 40%
[4:32:24] GAE_Alma:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 287095.9 2218.7861
[4:32:47] ab0103{ab01030;S-328;1} landed at 366820.2 82626.31
[4:32:51] S-328 removed at 366820.2 82626.31
[4:34:15] GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 287749.06 2220.354
[4:34:36] P2V5_Neptune(2) was wounded at 304124.1 2977.8193
[4:34:36] blue_628Squadronmaritime03{blue_628Squadronmaritime030;P2V5_Neptune;2}(2) was killed at 304124.1 2977.8193
[4:34:36] blue_628Squadronmaritime03{blue_628Squadronmaritime030;P2V5_Neptune;2}(1) was killed at 304124.1 2977.8193
Título: Re: Java 3
Publicado por: GAE_Alma en 14 de Noviembre de 2010, 11:05:21 PM
1er vuelo:

Corsario - 70% fuel + tanque - default

Despegamos del V1 con Pepper como lider y nos dirigimos a la costa donde detectamos contactos navales a los que les dispara la FT. Informamos a el grupo de ataque y minutos despues detectamos 3 contactos aereos enemigos a los que derribamos con Pepper rapidamente. Luego al no encontrar mas aeronaves enemigas retoramos al V1 para repostar y cargar bombas. Aponto sin Novedad.

AAK: 2
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Ok. Apontado.

2do Vuelo:

Corsario - 40% fuel + tanque - 1 bomba de 1000 Lb

Despegamos nuevamente y nos dirigimos a la costa en busca de los contactos navales. Logro detectar un buque que parecia un torpedero y libero la bomba de 1000lbs dande de lleno en el buque y hundiendolo. Nos retiramos al V1 pero al venir este con muy poca velocidad (10km/h) no logro apontar y mi aeronave se precipita al agua. Por suerte logro salir y espero en el mar a escasos metros del V1 Para ser rescatado.

AGK: 1 Barco
Piloto: Ok. Eyectado y posteriormente rescatado.
Avión: destruido.

3er Vuelo

Hrs3 50% Fuel.

Despego con un helicoptero desde el V1 para realizar un rescate a pocos metros del V1 (mi propio piloto del vuelo anterior) amerizo luego de inflar los flotadores y procedo al rescate exitosamente. Despego y cuando estoy por retornar al V1 Popeye que retornaba al V1 debe saltar al mar por lo que acudo rapidamente a su rescate logrando tambien rescatarlo. Con los dos pilotos tiritando a bordo del helicoptero me dirijo al V1 donde aponto sin Novedad.

Piloto: OK
Aeronave: OK. Apontada.
Rescates: 2 pilotos.