Rennell Island 14 (23/04/1955)

Iniciado por GAE_Ceteu, 23 de Abril de 2013, 03:50:40 PM

Tema anterior - Siguiente tema


Preparen el equipo.

A pesar de nuestros esfuerzos, los australianos aprovecharon el impasse que les dió una fuerte tormenta, típica del Pacífico, logrando consolidarse en Bellona y poner operativa la antigua base de la 2° Guerrra Mundial.

Desconocemos el número de aviones operativos que poseen y la cantidad de pertrechos desembarcados, pero no deben ser pocos. Procuraremos lograr información al respecto, seguramente de categoría Humint, ya que el recon aéreo con tanta selva es dificultoso.

Por nuestra parte, mientras operábamos contra la FT australiana del malogrado Melbourne, los norteamericanos trasladaron subrepticiamente en un vuelo ferry desde uno de sus portaaviones 8 F9F Panther, con lo que tendríamos disponibles 9 de ellos, más los Texan que sobreviven.

Señores, maximicen la eficiencia, no poseemos recursos que despilfarrar.


Señores, las tareas a realizar:

La 1º Escuadrilla de Ataque deberá neutralizar la base aérea de Bellona, que los australianos están utilizando para reforzar su presencia en la isla.

El segundo objetivo, no menos importante, es el desembarco en la punta norte de la isla, donde las unidades pesadas se han retirado, pero buques de desembarco contunúan acopiando material en las playas que luego toman la ruta al sur.

Como objetivo secundario, la aldea de Peka, el sur de Bellona, y la ruta que discurre norte-sur en la isla será objetivo del ataque de la 1º.

La 2º Escuadrilla de Caza y Ataque deberá mantener los cielos limpios de oposición australiana. Si bien han perdido un portaaviones, sospechamos que mantienen otro en las cercanías, ya que hay presencia de cazas enemigos y en la base terrestre sólo se divisan transportes.

Aprovecharemos esta incursión para reconocer el terreno, posiblemente tengamos que elegir un terreno donde desembarcar a Beltrapone.


Vuelo 1
Panther_R loaded weapons '02x500lbs_Bomb+06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 80%

Salgo retazado de la formación por problemas en mi aeronave, llego solo ataco un esparcimiento impactando, en mi senda tiro con cohetes a unos tanques de combustibles pero erro, a la vuelta ataco el otro esparcimiento y logro impactar.
Regreso al V1 apontando.

239_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua
254_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua
249_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua

Piloto ok
Avion ok Apontado

Vuelo Accidente

Panther_R loaded weapons '02x500lbs_Bomb+06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 70%

Cuando estoy en catapulta desplegando las alas, se dispara y salgo despedido.

Avion kia
Piloto kia

Vuelo 2

Panther_R loaded weapons '02x500lbs_Bomb+06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 70%

Despego y me reúno con Cuervo y Ceteu, llegamos a la cabecera norte de la isla y atacamos, le doy a un buque de desembarco en la playa y lo destruyo, luego entramos a los objetivos de tierra no logro dar, pego la vuelta y mi ultima salva se la tiro al buque que daño Cuervo.

En la salida me dañan los tanques y la cabina, aviso que vuelvo y paso por la parte sur de la isla, viendo concentración de tropas donde ataco y doy en varios objetivos.

Ahora si regreso apontando.

265_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua

326_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua
319_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua
323_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua
320_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua

ANK 1 buque de desembarco
Piloto ok
Avion ok Apontado
C.F. Charrua


[24.04.2013 3:37:03] Mission: net/dogfight/Renell/Rennell14.mis is Playing
[3:37:03] Mission BEGIN
[3:37:10] 0_Static destroyed by 267_Static at 27172.51 89307.98
[3:37:10] 31_Chief3 destroyed by 257_Static at 29026.705 87703.72
[3:37:59] GAE_Charrua has connected
[3:38:39] GAE_Alma has connected
[3:39:54] GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 177647.72 41500.066
[3:39:54] GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x500lbs_Bomb+06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 80%
[3:41:02] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 175674.69 41112.793
[3:41:02] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 70%
[3:41:51] GAE_Maci:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Maci at 174960.97 41589.17
[3:41:51] GAE_Maci:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 70%
[3:42:28] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 175485.94 42913.137
[3:42:28] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x500lbs_Bomb+06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 80%
[3:42:52] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 173474.78 42521.64
[3:42:54] GAE_Falcon:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 174090.73 42145.3
[3:42:54] GAE_Falcon:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 70%
[3:43:14] GAE_Falcon has disconnected
[3:43:21] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 174714.73 43405.242
[3:43:21] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x500lbs_Bomb+06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 80%
[3:43:22] F9F2_Panther_R damaged on the ground at 1.320531E-4 1.5956826E-4
[3:43:37] GAE_Maci:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 172915.33 42888.37
[3:43:42] GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 173935.02 43897.867
[3:44:01] GAE_Falcon has connected
[3:44:40] GAE_Falcon:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 172572.2 43120.61
[3:44:40] GAE_Falcon:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 70%
[3:44:47] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 173420.25 44235.73
[3:45:37] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 172078.5 45149.176
[3:46:07] GAE_Falcon:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 170891.48 44215.44
[3:46:09] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 171955.8 45176.1
[3:48:37] F-80C(0) was killed at 64153.734 64048.062
[3:48:37] F-80C shot down by F4U-5 at 64153.734 64048.062
[3:54:04] GAE_Charrua has disconnected
[3:56:58] GAE_Charrua has connected
[3:58:03] GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 162247.73 51465.965
[3:58:04] GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x500lbs_Bomb+06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 80%
[3:59:14] GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 160699.58 52452.047
[4:02:30] AvengerMkIII(2) was heavily wounded at 47902.34 46351.21
[4:02:30] AvengerMkIII(2) was killed by F4U-5 at 47911.727 46358.082
[4:02:30] AvengerMkIII damaged by F4U-5 at 47930.55 46371.832
[4:02:34] AvengerMkIII(0) bailed out at 48368.363 46674.91
[4:02:35] AvengerMkIII(1) bailed out at 48521.953 46766.336
[4:02:50] AvengerMkIII damaged by F4U-5 at 49608.145 48189.867
[4:02:55] AvengerMkIII(0) was wounded at 50097.348 48545.06
[4:02:55] AvengerMkIII(0) bailed out at 50097.348 48545.06
[4:02:55] AvengerMkIII shot down by F4U-5 at 50742.375 47238.93
[4:02:56] AvengerMkIII(1) bailed out at 50244.64 48626.754
[4:02:58] AvengerMkIII(2) bailed out at 50398.344 48699.457
[4:03:21] AvengerMkIII(0) was wounded at 52708.473 50745.715
[4:03:25] AvengerMkIII(0) bailed out at 53014.406 50909.355
[4:03:26] AvengerMkIII(1) bailed out at 53066.07 50936.844
[4:03:28] AvengerMkIII(2) bailed out at 53106.69 50958.418
[4:03:40] AvengerMkIII shot down by F4U-5 at 51348.86 45944.156
[4:04:07] AvengerMkIII shot down by F4U-5 at 53305.215 51049.516
[4:04:20] AvengerMkIII(0) bailed out at 54850.797 49711.19
[4:04:21] AvengerMkIII(1) bailed out at 54790.53 49585.836
[4:04:22] AvengerMkIII(2) bailed out at 54721.15 49465.973
[4:04:43] AvengerMkIII shot down by F4U-5 at 54274.938 48014.984
[4:05:17] 50_Static destroyed by AvengerMkIII at 60525.82 59513.45
[4:05:22] 44_Static destroyed by AvengerMkIII at 60505.15 59589.5
[4:05:23] F-80C(0) bailed out at 60806.082 71610.48
[4:05:33] 59_Static destroyed by AvengerMkIII at 60703.77 59408.38
[4:05:35] AvengerMkIII(2) was wounded at 60614.035 59575.797
[4:05:35] AvengerMkIII(0) was wounded at 60617.88 59581.297
[4:05:40] AvengerMkIII(0) bailed out at 60817.938 59891.324
[4:05:41] AvengerMkIII(1) bailed out at 60847.56 59944.895
[4:05:42] AvengerMkIII(2) bailed out at 60871.24 59989.82
[4:05:45] AvengerMkIII(2) was killed by F4U-5 at 60427.836 61052.16
[4:05:50] AvengerMkIII(0) bailed out at 60267.883 61574.53
[4:05:51] AvengerMkIII(1) bailed out at 60211.934 61678.496
[4:06:12] AvengerMkIII(0) was killed at 57516.527 59537.4
[4:06:12] AvengerMkIII(1) was killed at 57516.527 59537.4
[4:06:12] AvengerMkIII(2) was killed at 57516.527 59537.4
[4:06:12] AvengerMkIII shot down by F4U-5 at 57516.527 59537.4
[4:06:23] AvengerMkIII shot down by F4U-5 at 60968.586 60201.055
[4:06:37] F-80C(0) was killed at 57429.17 74816.7
[4:06:37] F-80C shot down by GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R at 57429.17 74816.7
[4:06:40] F-80C(0) successfully bailed out at 61169.74 71855.195
[4:06:54] AvengerMkIII(1) successfully bailed out at 50106.38 47979.883
[4:06:58] F4U-5 damaged by F4U-5 at 61562.336 67571.336
[4:06:58] AvengerMkIII(0) successfully bailed out at 49962.207 47958.555
[4:06:58] F4U-5 damaged by F4U-5 at 61567.31 67577.91
[4:06:58] F4U-5(0) was killed at 61568.273 67581.65
[4:06:58] F4U-5 shot down by F4U-5 at 61568.273 67581.65
[4:06:58] F4U-5(0) was killed at 61567.31 67577.91
[4:06:58] F4U-5 crashed at 61567.31 67577.91
[4:06:59] GAE_Balker has connected
[4:07:35] F4U-5(0) was wounded at 65237.277 66292.92
[4:07:47] GAE_Falcon:F9F2_Panther_R(0) was killed at 65489.258 57321.324
[4:07:47] GAE_Falcon:F9F2_Panther_R shot down by F-80C at 65489.258 57321.324
[4:07:51] AvengerMkIII(2) successfully bailed out at 52149.355 49888.797
[4:07:56] AvengerMkIII(1) was killed at 53927.984 51551.742
[4:07:57] AvengerMkIII damaged by F4U-5 at 60012.21 54333.36
[4:07:57] AvengerMkIII(0) was killed at 53991.094 51626.94
[4:08:01] AvengerMkIII(2) was killed at 53860.14 51511.2
[4:08:01] AvengerMkIII(0) was wounded at 59745.957 54189.234
[4:08:01] AvengerMkIII(0) bailed out at 59745.957 54189.234
[4:08:03] AvengerMkIII(1) bailed out at 59660.75 54160.957
[4:08:04] AvengerMkIII(2) bailed out at 59571.95 54140.137
[4:08:15] AvengerMkIII(1) successfully bailed out at 51898.97 49846.29
[4:08:17] AvengerMkIII(0) successfully bailed out at 51722.062 49825.984
[4:08:22] GAE_Falcon entered refly menu
[4:08:34] F-80C shot down by GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R at 65326.723 84626.35
[4:08:43] AvengerMkIII(2) was killed by F4U-5 at 61718.21 60992.31
[4:08:44] AvengerMkIII(0) was wounded at 61668.27 60991.527
[4:08:46] 290_Static destroyed by 266_Static at 26330.24 89610.67
[4:08:47] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 152269.03 56260.594
[4:08:47] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 70%
[4:08:47] 46_Static destroyed by AvengerMkIII at 60407.02 59506.54
[4:08:49] 250_Static destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R at 30024.26 87290.45
[4:08:49] 255_Static destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R at 30009.74 87267.58
[4:08:49] AvengerMkIII(0) bailed out at 61078.633 61056.28
[4:08:51] AvengerMkIII(1) bailed out at 60954.387 61086.527
[4:09:03] F4U-5(0) bailed out at 61582.277 63234.79
[4:09:04] 234_Static destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R at 30359.08 87273.2
[4:09:04] 235_Static destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R at 30374.98 87264.94
[4:09:04] 251_Static destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R at 30361.81 87238.23
[4:09:04] 233_Static destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R at 30348.22 87276.89
[4:09:07] AvengerMkIII damaged by landscape at 61863.97 60625.984
[4:09:07] AvengerMkIII(0) was killed at 61863.78 60631.406
[4:09:07] AvengerMkIII(1) was killed at 61863.78 60631.406
[4:09:07] AvengerMkIII(2) was killed at 61863.78 60631.406
[4:09:07] AvengerMkIII shot down by GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R at 61863.78 60631.406
[4:09:26] F4U-5 shot down by F4U-5 at 63834.75 62053.13
[4:09:27] AvengerMkIII shot down by F4U-5 at 60485.38 56728.176
[4:09:35] AvengerMkIII(1) successfully bailed out at 53513.168 47874.13
[4:09:41] F4U-5(0) was wounded at 29949.18 82385.875
[4:09:42] F4U-5 damaged by SeaFuryMkI at 30072.889 82236.77
[4:09:47] AvengerMkIII(2) successfully bailed out at 53424.047 47850.48
[4:09:49] F4U-5(0) was killed at 30643.518 81465.25
[4:10:01] AvengerMkIII(0) successfully bailed out at 53695.41 47994.23
[4:10:02] AvengerMkIII(1) successfully bailed out at 61491.793 60910.21
[4:10:09] AvengerMkIII shot down by GAE_Maci:F9F2_Panther_R at 57316.992 66161.8
[4:10:09] AvengerMkIII(0) successfully bailed out at 61642.797 60926.996
[4:10:11] F4U-5 shot down by SeaFuryMkI at 31897.361 79907.45
[4:10:12] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 150164.7 57649.492
[4:10:23] AvengerMkIII(2) successfully bailed out at 61519.133 60795.508
[4:10:32] GAE_Falcon:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 150629.92 57321.03
[4:10:32] GAE_Falcon:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 70%
[4:10:43] AvengerMkIII(0) successfully bailed out at 59127.49 63082.684
[4:11:07] AvengerMkIII(2) was wounded at 51483.93 55886.816
[4:11:07] AvengerMkIII damaged by F4U-5 at 51473.88 55881.957
[4:11:08] AvengerMkIII(0) was wounded at 51434.473 55861.375
[4:11:11] AvengerMkIII(0) bailed out at 51178.38 55679.32
[4:11:12] AvengerMkIII(1) bailed out at 51092.4 55600.05
[4:11:13] AvengerMkIII(1) successfully bailed out at 59039.52 63134.234
[4:11:14] AvengerMkIII(2) bailed out at 51011.96 55515.984
[4:11:30] AvengerMkIII shot down by F4U-5 at 50449.812 54283.61
[4:11:35] GAE_Falcon:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 149331.9 58160.406
[4:11:39] F4U-5(0) successfully bailed out at 62628.688 64254.496
[4:11:39] AvengerMkIII(0) successfully bailed out at 59909.0 61542.203
[4:11:51] AvengerMkIII(1) successfully bailed out at 59814.258 61611.402
[4:12:16] F4U-5 landed at 48197.676 44866.992
[4:12:16] F4U-5 damaged on the ground at 48197.676 44866.992
[4:12:21] F4U-5(0) bailed out at 48197.668 44867.008
[4:12:22] F4U-5(0) successfully bailed out at 48200.54 44861.03
[4:12:31] AvengerMkIII(2) successfully bailed out at 58230.535 53588.215
[4:12:46] AvengerMkIII shot down by F4U-5 at 30320.693 83399.8
[4:12:55] AvengerMkIII(1) successfully bailed out at 58484.74 53521.195
[4:13:00] F4U-5 damaged by F-80C at 40241.945 71080.516
[4:13:02] F4U-5 crashed at 48197.477 44866.938
[4:13:05] F4U-5(0) was wounded at 40308.258 70774.72
[4:13:05] F4U-5(0) bailed out at 40308.258 70774.72
[4:13:21] AvengerMkIII(0) successfully bailed out at 58500.91 53430.28
[4:13:24] F4U-5 shot down by F-80C at 41211.496 69956.18
[4:13:26] F4U-5(0) was killed by SeaFuryMkI at 62933.26 58554.457
[4:13:26] F4U-5 shot down by SeaFuryMkI at 62933.26 58554.457
[4:13:40] 39_Static destroyed by AvengerMkIII at 60698.23 59590.92
[4:13:51] AvengerMkIII(1) successfully bailed out at 50251.504 54767.727
[4:13:53] AvengerMkIII(2) successfully bailed out at 50244.977 54710.582
[4:14:06] AvengerMkIII(0) successfully bailed out at 50323.527 54881.676
[4:14:43] AvengerMkIII(0) was killed at 60510.004 64431.004
[4:14:43] AvengerMkIII(1) was killed at 60510.004 64431.004
[4:14:43] AvengerMkIII(2) was killed at 60510.004 64431.004
[4:14:43] AvengerMkIII shot down by F4U-5 at 60510.004 64431.004
[4:15:18] SeaFuryMkI damaged by F4U-5 at 61373.05 66962.54
[4:15:22] SeaFuryMkI(0) bailed out at 61389.16 67349.1
[4:15:26] SeaFuryMkI shot down by F4U-5 at 61410.008 67692.305
[4:15:26] SeaFuryMkI(0) was killed at 61409.293 67661.08
[4:15:38] F4U-5(0) was wounded at 61361.16 68292.48
[4:15:48] F4U-5(0) was heavily wounded at 61375.3 69101.04
[4:15:54] F4U-5(0) bailed out at 61763.11 69351.34
[4:16:03] F4U-5 shot down by SeaFuryMkI at 62188.312 70016.195
[4:16:05] 239_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R at 31066.55 86713.58
[4:16:10] F4U-5(0) was killed by SeaFuryMkI at 61252.57 58171.43
[4:16:28] F4U-5 shot down by SeaFuryMkI at 59874.0 57007.055
[4:16:36] F4U-5(0) successfully bailed out at 62268.613 69781.01
[4:16:44] 254_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R at 30630.43 86941.93
[4:16:44] 249_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R at 30642.79 86950.94
[4:17:12] F4U-5(0) successfully bailed out at 40870.13 69685.91
[4:17:13] F4U-5 damaged by F-80C at 30076.848 82284.555
[4:17:16] F4U-5(0) was wounded at 30265.855 82147.6
[4:17:17] F4U-5(0) bailed out at 30340.627 82095.125
[4:18:08] F4U-5 shot down by F-80C at 33258.547 80465.055
[4:18:26] F4U-5(0) was killed by SeaFuryMkI at 61014.895 62827.24
[4:18:27] F4U-5 damaged by SeaFuryMkI at 60953.25 62857.01
[4:18:35] SeaFuryMkI damaged by F4U-5 at 66226.56 60275.277
[4:18:39] SeaFuryMkI(0) bailed out at 66450.7 60095.258
[4:18:44] F4U-5 shot down by SeaFuryMkI at 60600.84 64469.36
[4:18:57] SeaFuryMkI shot down by F4U-5 at 67885.07 59495.33
[4:19:30] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R landed at 142938.19 62302.84
[4:19:36] GAE_Alma entered refly menu
[4:19:38] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 142917.22 62312.66
[4:19:38] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 70%
[4:20:29] SeaFuryMkI(0) was wounded at 58432.938 58639.562
[4:20:44] SeaFuryMkI damaged by F4U-5 at 58302.99 57157.984
[4:20:44] SeaFuryMkI(0) was killed at 58303.9 57154.402
[4:20:44] SeaFuryMkI shot down by F4U-5 at 58303.9 57154.402
[4:21:12] SeaFuryMkI(0) successfully bailed out at 67296.52 59311.434
[4:21:16] SeaFuryMkI(0) was wounded at 59606.734 59671.742
[4:21:16] SeaFuryMkI(0) was killed at 59606.734 59671.742
[4:21:16] SeaFuryMkI shot down by GAE_Maci:F9F2_Panther_R at 59606.734 59671.742
[4:21:20] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 140345.95 63861.293
[4:21:42] F4U-5(0) successfully bailed out at 31421.387 81201.2
[4:25:03] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R landed at 139266.4 66341.84
[4:25:08] Gae_Cuervo entered refly menu
[4:26:17] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R landed at 138237.56 67006.19
[4:26:58] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[4:32:25] GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R landed at 133067.61 70356.09
[4:32:35] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[4:32:55] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 132680.47 70600.266
[4:32:55] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x500lbs_Bomb+06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 70%
[4:35:08] GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 130814.04 71822.55
[4:35:08] GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x500lbs_Bomb+06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 70%
[4:35:20] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 130563.586 71970.28
[4:35:40] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 130357.31 72111.25
[4:35:40] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x500lbs_Bomb+06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 70%
[4:35:40] F9F2_Panther_R damaged on the ground at 1.5335594E-4 3.6844966E-5
[4:36:18] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 129394.8 72723.195
[4:36:42] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[4:36:43] F-80C damaged by GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R at 47363.805 79967.18
[4:36:47] F-80C(0) bailed out at 47156.465 79478.47
[4:36:54] GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 129318.9 72776.12
[4:36:54] GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x500lbs_Bomb+06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 70%
[4:37:08] F-80C shot down by GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R at 45367.9 76624.805
[4:37:32] F-80C(0) was wounded at 47075.9 80886.2
[4:37:32] F-80C(0) was killed at 47077.49 80858.82
[4:37:32] F-80C shot down by GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R at 47077.49 80858.82
[4:37:32] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 128414.83 73361.305
[4:38:36] GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R(0) was killed at 127795.086 73761.4
[4:38:36] GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R shot down by landscape at 127795.086 73761.4
[4:39:08] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[4:39:10] GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 127380.42 74030.52
[4:39:10] GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x500lbs_Bomb+06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 70%
[4:40:44] GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 125568.63 75200.92
[4:42:12] F-80C(0) successfully bailed out at 46424.016 78417.984
[4:42:46] GAE_Maci:F9F2_Panther_R landed at 123261.89 75043.266
[4:42:54] GAE_Maci entered refly menu
[4:43:02] GAE_Maci:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Maci at 123068.266 75158.43
[4:43:02] GAE_Maci:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 70%
[4:46:46] GAE_Maci:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 120443.36 76856.35
[4:46:58] 68_Static destroyed by AvengerMkIII at 73812.02 58531.35
[4:47:02] 66_Static destroyed by AvengerMkIII at 73648.83 58548.64
[4:47:02] 67_Static destroyed by AvengerMkIII at 73710.06 58544.85
[4:47:03] 64_Static destroyed by AvengerMkIII at 73516.04 58552.47
[4:47:07] 166_Static destroyed by AvengerMkIII at 73444.5 58397.9
[4:47:11] 164_Static destroyed by AvengerMkIII at 73397.5 58366.99
[4:47:15] 125_Static destroyed by AvengerMkIII at 73529.29 58406.46
[4:47:15] 168_Static destroyed by AvengerMkIII at 73530.29 58407.46
[4:47:25] 65_Static destroyed by AvengerMkIII at 73570.6 58549.46
[4:47:48] SpitfireMkXVIeCLP25 damaged by 75_Static at 73824.125 59932.895
[4:47:48] SpitfireMkXVIeCLP25(0) was killed by 75_Static at 73824.125 59932.895
[4:48:04] AvengerMkIII(0) was wounded at 72051.8 59646.605
[4:48:04] SpitfireMkXVIeCLP25 damaged by GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R at 73847.85 61355.61
[4:48:08] SpitfireMkXVIeCLP25(0) bailed out at 73848.25 61716.34
[4:48:08] SpitfireMkXVIeCLP25(0) was killed in his chute by SpitfireMkXVIeCLP25 at 73847.48 61717.242
[4:48:08] SpitfireMkXVIeCLP25 shot down by GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R at 73848.11 61718.684
[4:48:15] SpitfireMkXVIeCLP25 shot down by 75_Static at 74200.19 62187.12
[4:49:03] AvengerMkIII(2) was wounded at 70637.234 63365.83
[4:49:08] AvengerMkIII damaged by 74_Static at 71979.086 57196.293
[4:49:13] AvengerMkIII(0) bailed out at 72118.14 57698.473
[4:49:14] AvengerMkIII(1) bailed out at 72136.79 57843.28
[4:49:15] AvengerMkIII(2) bailed out at 72146.4 57991.637
[4:49:35] AvengerMkIII shot down by 75_Static at 71026.17 60264.89
[4:50:38] AvengerMkIII(2) was killed by 71_Static at 74166.19 59269.406
[4:50:41] 129_Static destroyed by AvengerMkIII at 73561.06 58482.56
[4:50:42] AvengerMkIII(0) was wounded at 73502.33 58869.793
[4:50:42] AvengerMkIII(0) was wounded at 72570.67 59995.73
[4:50:42] AvengerMkIII(0) was killed by 75_Static at 72570.67 59995.73
[4:50:43] AvengerMkIII damaged by 72_Static at 73511.27 58806.99
[4:50:43] 126_Static destroyed by AvengerMkIII at 73565.69 58428.3
[4:50:45] AvengerMkIII(0) was killed at 73535.54 58621.51
[4:50:45] AvengerMkIII(1) was killed at 73535.54 58621.51
[4:50:45] AvengerMkIII(2) was killed at 73535.54 58621.51
[4:50:45] AvengerMkIII shot down by 109_Static at 73535.54 58621.51
[4:50:48] AvengerMkIII(1) bailed out at 72775.89 59599.902
[4:50:49] AvengerMkIII(2) bailed out at 72831.87 59513.973
[4:50:54] AvengerMkIII damaged by landscape at 71660.4 63599.977
[4:50:54] AvengerMkIII(0) was killed at 71653.336 63588.03
[4:50:54] AvengerMkIII(1) was killed at 71653.336 63588.03
[4:50:54] AvengerMkIII(2) was killed at 71653.336 63588.03
[4:50:54] AvengerMkIII shot down by 72_Static at 71653.336 63588.03


[4:51:05] AvengerMkIII damaged by 72_Static at 75902.97 58928.023
[4:51:06] AvengerMkIII shot down by 75_Static at 73942.61 59165.61
[4:51:10] AvengerMkIII(0) bailed out at 75893.18 59219.2
[4:51:10] AvengerMkIII(0) was heavily wounded at 72260.7 58155.65
[4:51:12] AvengerMkIII(1) bailed out at 75895.06 59294.344
[4:51:13] AvengerMkIII(2) bailed out at 75898.39 59369.207
[4:51:16] AvengerMkIII(0) was killed at 71849.336 58349.855
[4:51:17] AvengerMkIII(1) bailed out at 71757.51 58418.543
[4:51:37] AvengerMkIII shot down by 73_Static at 71557.734 59549.51
[4:51:39] AvengerMkIII damaged by 71_Static at 71179.19 59653.938
[4:51:43] AvengerMkIII(0) bailed out at 71517.98 59420.973
[4:51:45] AvengerMkIII(1) bailed out at 71612.78 59356.445
[4:51:45] AvengerMkIII(0) was killed by 79_Static at 73536.04 57850.75
[4:51:46] AvengerMkIII(2) bailed out at 71704.27 59294.152
[4:51:51] AvengerMkIII(1) bailed out at 73663.97 58490.164
[4:51:53] AvengerMkIII(2) bailed out at 73711.84 58613.742
[4:51:54] AvengerMkIII shot down by GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R at 72178.94 58916.855
[4:51:56] AvengerMkIII(0) was wounded at 73342.53 58063.867
[4:51:56] AvengerMkIII damaged by 76_Static at 73342.53 58063.867
[4:52:01] AvengerMkIII(0) bailed out at 73358.57 58375.906
[4:52:01] AvengerMkIII(0) was killed in his chute by AvengerMkIII at 73359.76 58379.266
[4:52:01] AvengerMkIII(2) was killed at 73359.14 58379.242
[4:52:01] 123_Static destroyed by AvengerMkIII at 73374.43 58387.93
[4:52:01] AvengerMkIII(1) was killed at 73359.14 58379.242
[4:52:01] AvengerMkIII shot down by 76_Static at 73359.14 58379.242
[4:52:01] AvengerMkIII(2) successfully bailed out at 73286.125 58980.06
[4:52:02] AvengerMkIII(1) successfully bailed out at 73217.625 59050.99
[4:52:10] AvengerMkIII shot down by 79_Static at 74919.54 58934.15
[4:52:18] AvengerMkIII(1) successfully bailed out at 73965.055 59034.914
[4:52:27] AvengerMkIII(2) successfully bailed out at 74073.445 59162.67
[4:52:29] AvengerMkIII(0) successfully bailed out at 72680.73 59106.22
[4:52:30] AvengerMkIII(1) successfully bailed out at 72568.02 59210.688
[4:52:41] AvengerMkIII landed at 69279.13 77764.31
[4:52:41] AvengerMkIII damaged on the ground at 69279.13 77764.31
[4:52:43] AvengerMkIII(2) successfully bailed out at 72397.82 59243.14
[4:52:45] AvengerMkIII(0) bailed out at 69279.14 77764.31
[4:52:45] AvengerMkIII(0) successfully bailed out at 69278.92 77764.37
[4:52:47] AvengerMkIII(1) bailed out at 69279.14 77764.31
[4:52:47] AvengerMkIII(1) successfully bailed out at 69279.06 77760.32
[4:52:48] AvengerMkIII(2) bailed out at 69279.14 77764.31
[4:52:48] AvengerMkIII(2) successfully bailed out at 69279.63 77760.16
[4:53:08] AvengerMkIII(2) successfully bailed out at 72266.61 58815.215
[4:53:11] AvengerMkIII(1) successfully bailed out at 72190.64 58866.06
[4:53:14] AvengerMkIII(0) successfully bailed out at 72113.77 58915.42
[4:53:35] AvengerMkIII(2) successfully bailed out at 76085.7 60226.848
[4:53:37] AvengerMkIII(0) successfully bailed out at 75970.54 60063.254
[4:53:40] AvengerMkIII shot down by 70_Static at 69279.22 77764.16
[4:53:45] AvengerMkIII(1) successfully bailed out at 76050.83 60115.773
[4:54:29] AvengerMkIII shot down by GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R at 79438.81 72407.38
[4:54:41] SpitfireMkXVIeCLP25 damaged by GAE_Maci:F9F2_Panther_R at 65137.87 57923.65
[4:54:41] SpitfireMkXVIeCLP25(0) was wounded at 65099.08 57926.367
[4:54:41] SpitfireMkXVIeCLP25(0) was killed at 65099.08 57926.367
[4:54:41] SpitfireMkXVIeCLP25 shot down by GAE_Maci:F9F2_Panther_R at 65099.08 57926.367
[4:54:46] SpitfireMkXVIeCLP25 damaged by GAE_Falcon:F9F2_Panther_R at 69007.91 56875.863
[4:54:51] SpitfireMkXVIeCLP25(0) bailed out at 69427.43 56659.23
[4:55:14] SpitfireMkXVIeCLP25 shot down by GAE_Falcon:F9F2_Panther_R at 71824.2 56277.44
[4:55:44] AvengerMkIII(1) successfully bailed out at 70527.09 59528.523
[4:56:21] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R landed at 112779.06 81823.02
[4:56:43] 303_Static destroyed by 269_Static at 26142.71 89879.5
[4:56:43] 270_Static destroyed by 269_Static at 26135.91 89891.45
[4:56:43] 303_Static destroyed by 269_Static at 26142.71 89879.5
[4:56:50] ExplosiveDamage 262_Static Hull2 0.5986377  damaged by  GAE_Ceteu_0  at 25159.88 90051.68
[4:56:50] 262_Static destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R at 25159.88 90051.68
[4:56:50] ExplosiveDamage 262_Static Hull2 0.60589236  damaged by  GAE_Ceteu_0  at 25159.88 90051.68
[4:56:50] ExplosiveDamage 265_Static Hull2 1.0089357  damaged by  GAE_Charrua_0  at 26015.69 89930.98
[4:56:50] 265_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R at 26015.69 89930.98
[4:56:50] ExplosiveDamage 265_Static Hull2 2.3462074  damaged by  GAE_Charrua_0  at 26015.69 89930.98
[4:57:50] 284_Static destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R at 26292.56 89750.27
[4:57:50] 285_Static destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R at 26292.56 89741.3
[4:57:50] 286_Static destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R at 26292.36 89732.43
[4:57:55] 281_Static destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R at 26165.83 89484.74
[4:58:17] BallisticDamage 269_Static Hull3 0.12839061  damaged by  GAE_Charrua_0  at 26059.89 89424.9
[4:58:17] ExplosiveDamage 269_Static Hull3 0.08859967  damaged by  GAE_Charrua_0  at 26059.89 89424.9
[4:58:17] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 269_Static Hull1 0.05046086  damaged by  GAE_Charrua_0  at 26059.89 89424.9
[4:58:17] BallisticDamage 266_Static Hull1 0.11658294  damaged by  GAE_Charrua_0  at 26023.6 89804.33
[4:58:17] ExplosiveDamage 266_Static Hull1 0.055321317  damaged by  GAE_Charrua_0  at 26023.6 89804.33
[4:58:18] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 266_Static Hull3 0.053576265  damaged by  GAE_Charrua_0  at 26023.6 89804.33
[4:59:04] GAE_Balker entered refly menu
[4:59:04] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 263_Static Hull1 0.014826238  damaged by  GAE_Charrua_0  at 25676.04 90767.07
[4:59:04] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 263_Static Hull2 0.014468944  damaged by  GAE_Charrua_0  at 25676.04 90767.07
[4:59:05] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 263_Static Hull3 0.014776804  damaged by  GAE_Charrua_0  at 25676.04 90767.07
[4:59:05] ExplosiveDamage 263_Static Hull2 0.037297636  damaged by  GAE_Charrua_0  at 25676.04 90767.07
[4:59:05] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 263_Static Hull1 0.0145377405  damaged by  GAE_Charrua_0  at 25676.04 90767.07
[4:59:05] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 263_Static Hull3 0.014643891  damaged by  GAE_Charrua_0  at 25676.04 90767.07
[4:59:07] GAE_Balker has disconnected
[4:59:33] 274_Static destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R at 26186.28 89806.19
[4:59:34] 304_Static destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R at 26154.81 89778.35
[4:59:34] 304_Static destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R at 26154.81 89778.35
[4:59:34] 304_Static destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R at 26154.81 89778.35
[4:59:42] 283_Static destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R at 26292.87 89759.7
[4:59:42] 287_Static destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R at 26292.66 89720.85
[4:59:42] 288_Static destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R at 26292.05 89708.9
[4:59:44] 289_Static destroyed by 263_Static at 26206.6 89893.71
[4:59:44] SpitfireMkXVIeCLP25(0) successfully bailed out at 70896.66 55698.332
[5:00:28] 252_Static destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R at 30626.94 87111.09
[5:00:30] 326_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R at 34175.62 85921.81
[5:00:31] 319_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R at 34181.36 85982.6
[5:00:32] 323_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R at 34199.08 85966.44
[5:00:32] 320_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R at 34187.39 85975.78
[5:00:40] 280_Static destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R at 26135.97 89469.29
[5:01:41] 318_Static destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R at 34196.83 85947.08
[5:01:43] 36_Chief1 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R at 34085.117 85697.586
[5:02:40] 325_Static destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R at 34163.36 85922.12
[5:06:52] SeaFuryMkI damaged by Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R at 71903.94 82828.53
[5:07:09] SeaFuryMkI(0) was killed at 68538.734 82510.36
[5:07:09] SeaFuryMkI shot down by Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R at 68538.734 82510.36
[5:10:30] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R landed at 100814.25 89565.555
[5:10:47] GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R landed at 101541.086 90761.07
[5:11:23] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[5:13:18] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R damaged on the ground at 98443.92 91098.99
[5:13:18] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R damaged by landscape at 98443.92 91098.99
[5:13:18] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 23_Chief Hull2 0.025432786  damaged by  GAE_Alma_0  at 98403.03 91127.96
[5:13:18] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 23_Chief Hull3 0.0151892295  damaged by  GAE_Alma_0  at 98403.03 91127.96
[5:13:18] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R(0) was wounded at 98443.92 91098.99
[5:13:18] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R(0) was killed at 98443.92 91098.99
[5:13:18] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R shot down by 69_Static at 98443.92 91098.99
[5:13:18] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 23_Chief Hull2 0.012821285  damaged by  GAE_Alma_0  at 98403.03 91127.96
[5:13:21] GAE_Alma entered refly menu
[5:13:41] GAE_Falcon:F9F2_Panther_R landed at 98099.11 91326.92
[5:14:16] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 98660.42 92616.35
[5:14:16] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 70%
[5:14:18] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R damaged on the ground at 98625.62 92638.9
[5:14:18] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 22_Chief Hull2 0.02675429  damaged by  GAE_Alma_0  at 98584.016 92673.01
[5:14:18] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R(0) was killed at 98609.22 92649.51
[5:14:18] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R crashed at 98609.22 92649.51
[5:14:18] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 22_Chief Hull2 0.0126592675  damaged by  GAE_Alma_0  at 98584.016 92673.01
[5:14:37] GAE_Alma has disconnected
[5:14:38] GAE_Falcon has disconnected
[5:15:17] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R landed at 97726.984 93219.75
[5:15:48] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[5:20:42] GAE_Maci:F9F2_Panther_R landed at 92125.05 95190.52
[5:20:53] GAE_Maci entered refly menu
[5:20:56] GAE_Maci:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Maci at 91975.586 95280.71
[5:20:56] GAE_Maci:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 70%
[5:21:03] SeaFuryMkI landed at 30810.383 86611.42
[5:21:03] SeaFuryMkI damaged on the ground at 30810.383 86611.42
[5:21:07] SeaFuryMkI(0) bailed out at 30810.38 86611.42
[5:21:13] SeaFuryMkI(0) successfully bailed out at 30817.88 86647.07
[5:21:32] SeaFuryMkI removed at 30810.38 86611.42
[5:22:00] GAE_Ceteu:F4U-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 91089.62 95866.94
[5:22:00] GAE_Ceteu:F4U-5 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 70%
[5:22:00] F4U-5 damaged on the ground at 0.0 0.0
[5:23:49] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R landed at 90506.28 97900.29
[5:23:59] Gae_Cuervo entered refly menu
[5:24:17] Gae_Cuervo has disconnected
[5:24:26] GAE_Charrua has disconnected
[5:25:00] Mission END


1er Vuelo:

F9F Phanter - 2x500lb + 6 HVAR - 80% jugo

Despego como numeral 2 de la escuadra de ataque liderada por Charrua. Apenas ponemos rumbo, Charrua tiene problemas con sus controles y debe retirarse. Como líder de caza pongo rumbo a bellona junto con Ceteu. Al llegar allí entramos por el sur para atacar la base aérea enemiga. Primero lanzamos bombas y impactan negativamente. Realizamos un giro y lanzamos todos los cohetes en una sola pasada para minimizar el riesgo de dañar nuestros aviones. Destruimos varios objetivos y volvemos con rumbo directo a la flota para apontar.
Mientras tanto Charrua como elemento separado destruye varios objetivos sobre la base, y regresa para apontar apenas unos minutos después de nosotros.
Aponto sin novedad.

AGK: 4 (234_Static destroyed by Gae_Cuervo
           235_Static destroyed by Gae_Cuervo
           251_Static destroyed by Gae_Cuervo
           233_Static destroyed by Gae_Cuervo)
Piloto: Ok
Avion: Ok - Apontado

2do Vuelo:

F9F Phanter - 2x500lb + 6 HVAR - 70% jugo

Despego como lider de la escuadra de ataque. Ponemos rumbo hacia la playa norte de la isla Bellona. En el camino, aproximadamente sobre la flota de desembarco aliada, 2 aviones enemigos se nos acercan. Comunico a Caza sobre la situación, pero decido que mantengamos rumbo sin lanzar nuestro armamento. Al poco tiempo los cazas enemigos nos pierden y podemos proceder con el ataque.
 Una vez sobre la isla ordeno a Charrua que ataque objetivos de tierra, y Ceteu y Yo lanzamos nuestras bombas sobre los 2 objetivos navales, para luegos unirnos a nuestro compañero en destruir la playa.
 Yo tengo un impacto negativo sobre el barco, sin embargo mi compañero logra hundir el suyo. Vamos hacia la playa y lanzamos cohetes y luego estrafeamos. Destruimos varios objetivos. Charrua se retira hacia la flota porque pincharon su tanque, sin embargo Ceteu y Yo aun en busca de sangre procedemos atacar al pueblo al sur de la isla. Destruimos varios objetivos y decidimos volver a la flota para no arriesgar el equipo sin razón. Cuando estamos sobrevolando nuevamente la flota de desembarco aliada, 2 Seafury nos hacen frente. Apunto al mas cercano antes de que me pase de largo y logro dañarle un ala, a los pocos segundos se estrella contra el mar. Sigo a Ceteu que estaba detrás del segundo avión. Me quedo próximo hasta que me indica que se quedo sin municiones. Realizo varios ataques y logro dañarlo gravemente, sin embargo me quedo sin balas antes de verlo caer por completo. Regreso a la flota donde luego de 2 intentos fallidos logro apontar sin problemas. (Mientras realizaba las maniobras de apontaje me cuenta el segundo Seafury destruido)

AGK: 7 (284_Static destroyed by Gae_Cuervo
           285_Static destroyed by Gae_Cuervo
           286_Static destroyed by Gae_Cuervo
           283_Static destroyed by Gae_Cuervo
           287_Static destroyed by Gae_Cuervo
           288_Static destroyed by Gae_Cuervo
           280_Static destroyed by Gae_Cuervo)

CitarAAK: 2 (SeaFuryMkI shot down by Gae_Cuervo
           SeaFuryMkI damaged on the ground)
Solo 1
Piloto: Ok
Avion: Ok - Apontado



1er Vuelo

F9F2 Panther - 2 Tanques x 154 Gal - 70 % fuel - DEFAULT

Despego del V2 como numeral dos, con Alma de líder y Maci de tres, rumbo a las islas Rennell y Bellona, en patrulla de caza y apoyo a la sección de ataque.
A poco de llegar, tomamos contacto con un grupo de reactores enemigos, uno de ellos, un F-80, me dispara desde mis seis anulando totalmente el control de mis planos.
Con escasa posibilidad de maniobra intento un aterrizaje de emergencia en la isla Rennell sin éxito.

AAK: 0
Piloto: KIA

2do Vuelo

F9F2 Panther - 2 Tanques x 154 Gal - 70 % fuel - DEFAULT

Despego nuevamente desde el V2 hacia Rennell donde el resto de la sección de caza sigue en combate. Allí me uno a Balker y continuamos la patrulla junto a Alma y luego Maci. En un encuentro con algunos pistoneros enemigos sobre la isla derribo un Spit. Tras este encuentro, sigo la PAC sobre la ínsula hasta que la calma llega al lugar, la sección de ataque termina su tarea en Bellona y entonces regreso al portaviones, apontando sin novedad.

AAK: 1 (Spitfire MkXVI)
Piloto: OK


1º Vuelo

F9F-2 Panther R - Bombas 2x500 Lbs. + 6 HVAR - Fuel 80%

Esta vez quien nos lleva al combate es Charrúa. Decolo como tercer elemento del grupo que Ataque pone en el aire para destruir la base aérea que los australianos tienen en Bellona.

A poco de decolar, el Panther de Charrúa muestra problemas que lo obligan a retornar, por que Cuervo es el nuevo líder.

Llegados sobre el objetivo, ordena una primera pasada con bombas, para luego lanzar los HVAR en una segunda. Sólo en la segunda pasada logro destruír un avión y equipamiento de tierra. Bastante pobre el resultado.

Inteligente, Cuervo decide que nos volvamos a la FT antes de recibir algún daño innecesario.

Apontamos sin novedad, salvo el cambio de número en la cartelera. 99

AGK: 2
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Ok Apontado

2º Vuelo

F9F-2 Panther R - Bombas 2x500 Lbs. + 6 HVAR - Fuel 70%

Bajamos un poco el fuel y siguiendo Cuervo de líder, volvemos para Bellona, esta vez a atender el desembarco de pertrechos en la playa norte. Si bien la mayoría de los barcos australianos prudentemente se retiraron, aún persisten en la zona algún que otro LST aproado en la playa, con un par de buques de desembarco pesados dando apoyo.

Cuervo ordena ir por estos últimos, entro planchado para el skip-bombing y listo, otro barco australiano al fondo como una masa de chatarra ardiente.

Luego atiendo la cabeza de playa con los HVAR, destruyendo camiones y masacrando alguna tropa en dos pasadas.

En uno de los giros quedo cerca de la base aérea, donde diviso un C-47 intacto. No dudo y entro contra él, destruyéndolo junto a un par de camiones mientras el personal australiano corre desesperado por la pista de dispersión.

Luego, un poco aburridos ya con Cuervo mientras Charrúa se retira por una posible pérdida de fuel, atacamos la aldea al sur de Bellona, Peka, donde damos cuenta de alguna tropa más.

Sin embargo, queda el suficiente remanente de personal australiano en la aldea como para ameritar otra incursión, quizás con los Texans, más apropiados para el tipo de operación a realizar.

Luego de doggiar con un Sea Fury de una patrulla que nos cruzamos con Cuervo, persigo uno hasta que luego de tocarlo en un ala, debo abandonar `por falta de munición. Cuervo, que ya diligentemente se había cargado al primero, termina de despachar a este con los últimos cartuchos de 20 mm.

Apontamos sin novedad, a pesar que mi avión, tocado en algún momento sobre Bellona, tiene una molestia tendencia a entrar en tirabuzón.

Apenas apoyo los pies en cubierta, me abrazo con los compañeros que me esperan y junto con los mecánicos que sostienen el cartel que marcan los 100 apontajes y nos vamos directo a la cantina.  

Que debrief ni debrief...!!! Me voy a gastar el sueldo en rondas para los amigos....!!!

ANK: 1
AGK: 8
Piloto: OK
Avión: Ok Apontado


F9F Panther + Tanques suplementarios + 70% de jugo.

Salgo a las apuradas y pongo rumbo a Rennell, donde me indican que hay actividad del enemigo. Cuando llego lo hago a 4 mil metros para ganar ventaja y veo un combate a baja altura sobre la base propia. Sin embargo no llego a intervenir. Se me unen Alma, Maci y Falcon. Sobre Bellona detecto un par de reactores. Divido blancos con Alma. Mi primera pasada no logra nada pero en la segunda, en un giro cerrado por derecha, logro derribar al restante. Retomamos la patrulla sobre Rennell. Unos minutos más tarde detectamos una ola de bombarderos que se dirigen hacia buques de superficie propios. Veo que están escoltados por 4 cazas a pistón. Tomo posición pero no llego para evitar el ataque de los bombarderos enemigos, que se lanzan en picada. Si engancho al último de los cazas, que identifico como un Seafire. Lo derribo. En ese momento, la AAA propia me impacta y me destruye la mira. Busco a los bombarderos y cuando detecto a uno le entro desde arriba. Antes de empezar a disparar veo que se me acercan dos cazas enemigos. Sin mira, con el bombardero que empezaba a abrir fuego defensivo y los cazas detrás que acortaban distancia, decido continuar mi picada y escapar ganando velocidad. Tras una breve persecución, los cazas enemigos me dejan y llego a la flota propia. Aponto sin novedad.

AAK: 2 (1 reactor y un Seafire).
Piloto: ok
Avión: ok. Apontado. 


1º Vuelo

F9F2 Panther R - 02x154Gal Tank - Jugo 70%

Decolo del V2 como numero tres de Alma. Camino hacia Bellona nos cruzamos con reactores enemigos que estaban escoltando a un grupo de bombarderos que estaban atacando nuestra base. Logro derribar un AvengerMkIII y un SeaFuryMkI.
Ya con poco jugo retorno hacia la flota apontando sin novedad.

Aeronave= Apontada

2º Vuelo

F9F2 Panther R - 02x154Gal Tank - Jugo 70%

Decolo nuevamente del V2 y me dirijo hacia el Bellona para darle cobertura al grupo de ataque. Nuevamente diviso artillería propia y voy en búsqueda del enemigo para liberar los cielos de nuestra base. Localizo una sección de 2 SpitfireMkXVIeCLP25. Logro derribar al líder y dejo dañado a su numeral. Me quedo orbitando nuestra base mientras ataque retorna hacia la flota luego de divertirse un rato en Bellona.
Retorno hacia el V2 donde aponto sin novedad.

AAK: 1
Aeronave= Apontada


1º Vuelo

F9F2 Panther R - 02x154Gal Tank - Jugo 70%

Salgo como lider de la escuadra de caza junto a Maci y Falcon. Despegamos de V2 y nos reagrupamos sobre la flota para luego poner rumbo al objetivo. Llegamos sobre Rennell y encontramos a 2 grupos de corsarios orbitando la base. Vamos hacia el norte sobre Bellona y nos topamos con reactores enemigos. Logro derribar a 2 de ellos. Luego volvemos sobre rennell donde bombarderos atacan la base y la flota aliada. Logro derrivar a 1 avenger. Quedo winchester por lo que me retiro a la flota donde aponto sin novedad.

AAK=3 (2 f80 y 1 Avenger)
Aeronave= Apontada

2º Vuelo

F9F2 Panther R - 02x154Gal Tank - Jugo 70%

Salgo nuevamente. Se nos una el Capitán Balker. Nos reagrupamos sobre Rennell donde logro derribar a 2 avenger mas. Luego nos destacamos hacia el norte donde nos topamos con los f80 restantes, logrando derribar a 1 de ellos. Ataque nos informa que se retiran a la flota por lo que damos por terminada la misión del día. En uno de los combates con un avenger resulta averiado el sistema hidráulico por lo que pierdo el tren de aterrizaje. Aponto suavemente de panza sobre el V2, rayando solo un poco la pintura (y la cubierta).

AAK: 3 (1F80 y 2Avenger)
Aeronave= Apontada