Berlin Escorpion/Defensa Berlin (12)

Iniciado por GAE_Castor, 29 de Noviembre de 2007, 04:34:53 PM

Tema anterior - Siguiente tema


Mision: net/coop/Berlin/Defensa Berlin (12).mis
Resultado: BLUE WON

GOA_Escorpion.......Jv44_030............N/A............Landed, Bailed, Bailed ok
GOA_RAPTOR..........Stab_JG54001........N/A............Bailed, Bailed ok
Nick: GOA_Satch Avion: I_JG300_000 Asiento: I_JG300_000(0)
17:00:00 I_JG300_000(0) seat occupied by GOA_Satch at 71999.016 23091.164
17:00:00 I_JG300_000 loaded weapons '1sc500' fuel 100%
17:00:56 I_JG300_000 in flight at 73502.0 22694.525
17:17:05 126_Static destroyed by I_JG300_000 at 158306.81 72477.64
17:17:05 127_Static destroyed by I_JG300_000 at 158337.22 72469.88
17:17:05 128_Static destroyed by I_JG300_000 at 158366.06 72461.51
17:23:47 154_Static destroyed by I_JG300_000 at 158370.84 73091.38
17:25:29 136_Static destroyed by I_JG300_000 at 157779.16 72888.73
17:26:16 137_Static destroyed by I_JG300_000 at 157705.64 72852.75
17:27:05 135_Static destroyed by I_JG300_000 at 157854.53 72925.02
17:27:44 145_Static destroyed by I_JG300_000 at 157852.36 72767.14
17:31:45 6GvIAP301 shot down by I_JG300_000 at 138633.8 69178.32
17:33:00 6GvIAP303 damaged by I_JG300_000 at 137342.11 71581.54
17:33:27 6GvIAP303 shot down by I_JG300_000 at 135491.8 71608.23
17:34:33 6GvIAP300 shot down by I_JG300_000 at 134302.38 71633.41
17:45:20 I_JG300_000 landed at 65383.09 72703.625

Akills: 3.......6GvIAP301 6GvIAP303 6GvIAP300
Gkills: 8.......126_Static 127_Static 128_Static 154_Static 136_Static 137_Static 135_Static 145_Static
Status: Landed
Nick: GOA_Escorpion Avion: Jv44_030 Asiento: Jv44_030(0)
17:00:00 GOA_Escorpion is trying to occupy seat Jv44_030(0)
17:00:00 Jv44_030(0) seat occupied by GOA_Escorpion at 32183.352 40366.004
17:00:00 Jv44_030 loaded weapons '24r4m' fuel 100%
17:01:18 Jv44_030 in flight at 34119.23 40374.52
17:14:58 140_Static destroyed by Jv44_030 at 157773.56 72822.04
17:23:57 139_Static destroyed by Jv44_030 at 157700.69 72777.69
17:24:32 142_Static destroyed by Jv44_030 at 157905.7 72903.93
17:26:14 159_Static destroyed by Jv44_030 at 158282.3 73059.11
17:27:25 151_Static destroyed by Jv44_030 at 158256.2 73121.85
17:35:58 Jv44_030 damaged by 6GvIAP312 at 124480.31 71125.86
17:37:50 6GvIAP311 shot down by Jv44_030 at 126328.28 67312.24
17:45:34 Jv44_030 landed at 66451.58 73068.99
17:45:34 Jv44_030 damaged on the ground at 66451.58 73068.99
17:45:51 Jv44_030(0) bailed out at 66452.1 73069.84
17:46:01 Jv44_030(0) successfully bailed out at 66436.055 73122.0

Akills: 1.......6GvIAP311
Gkills: 5.......140_Static 139_Static 142_Static 159_Static 151_Static
Status: Landed, Bailed, Bailed ok
Nick: GAE_Balker Avion: Stab_JG54002 Asiento: Stab_JG54002(0)
17:00:00 GAE_Balker is trying to occupy seat Stab_JG54002(0)
17:00:00 Stab_JG54002(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 65375.6 72764.695
17:00:00 Stab_JG54002 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 75%
17:01:18 Stab_JG54002 in flight at 66887.07 73103.266

Akills: 0
Gkills: 0
Status: Desconocido
Nick: GOA_carancho Avion: I_JG300_010 Asiento: I_JG300_010(0)
17:00:00 GOA_carancho is trying to occupy seat I_JG300_010(0)
17:00:00 I_JG300_010(0) seat occupied by GOA_carancho at 71874.6 23124.498
17:00:00 I_JG300_010 loaded weapons '1sc500' fuel 75%
17:01:42 I_JG300_010 in flight at 73157.41 22633.941
17:21:39 132_Static destroyed by I_JG300_010 at 158361.38 72554.97
17:22:23 156_Static destroyed by I_JG300_010 at 158403.9 73020.63
17:22:26 I_JG300_010 damaged by landscape at 158407.52 73062.54
17:22:26 I_JG300_010(0) was killed at 158411.23 73119.31
17:22:26 I_JG300_010 crashed at 158411.23 73119.31

Akills: 0
Gkills: 2.......132_Static 156_Static
Status: KIA
Nick: GAE_Castor Avion: Stab_JG54000 Asiento: Stab_JG54000(0)
17:00:00 Stab_JG54000(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 65437.81 72781.37
17:00:00 Stab_JG54000 loaded weapons 'R1-SC500' fuel 100%
17:00:50 Stab_JG54000 in flight at 66869.68 73143.91
17:18:11 141_Static destroyed by Stab_JG54000 at 157847.08 72863.92
17:19:25 147_Static destroyed by Stab_JG54000 at 157718.98 72693.01
17:19:30 152_Static destroyed by Stab_JG54000 at 158297.78 73111.01
17:20:50 146_Static destroyed by Stab_JG54000 at 157771.4 72720.92
17:22:11 Stab_JG54000 damaged by NONAME at 158395.22 73126.11
17:22:12 Stab_JG54000(0) was wounded at 158569.92 73215.22
17:22:12 Stab_JG54000(0) was killed at 158569.92 73215.22
17:22:12 Stab_JG54000 crashed at 158569.92 73215.22

Akills: 0
Gkills: 4.......141_Static 147_Static 152_Static 146_Static
Status: KIA
Nick: GOA_Peuko Avion: I_JG300_002 Asiento: I_JG300_002(0)
17:00:00 GOA_Peuko is trying to occupy seat I_JG300_002(0)
17:00:00 I_JG300_002(0) seat occupied by GOA_Peuko at 71936.805 23107.832
17:00:00 I_JG300_002 loaded weapons '1sc500' fuel 100%
17:01:37 I_JG300_002 in flight at 73722.63 22701.797
17:17:40 130_Static destroyed by I_JG300_002 at 158459.73 72477.33
17:17:40 131_Static destroyed by I_JG300_002 at 158452.92 72450.34
17:23:24 133_Static destroyed by I_JG300_002 at 158391.16 72545.36
17:25:57 158_Static destroyed by I_JG300_002 at 158319.2 73048.0
17:27:02 155_Static destroyed by I_JG300_002 at 158418.11 73077.18
17:34:22 6GvIAP302 shot down by I_JG300_002 at 135650.98 68343.016

Akills: 1.......6GvIAP302
Gkills: 5.......130_Static 131_Static 133_Static 158_Static 155_Static
Status: Desconocido
Nick: GOA_RAPTOR Avion: Stab_JG54001 Asiento: Stab_JG54001(0)
17:00:00 GOA_RAPTOR is trying to occupy seat Stab_JG54001(0)
17:00:00 Stab_JG54001(0) seat occupied by GOA_RAPTOR at 65406.707 72773.03
17:00:00 Stab_JG54001 loaded weapons 'R1-SC500' fuel 100%
17:01:10 Stab_JG54001 in flight at 67139.28 73259.914
17:18:04 144_Static destroyed by Stab_JG54001 at 157922.45 72804.05
17:21:03 134_Static destroyed by Stab_JG54001 at 157923.39 72960.39
17:37:44 Stab_JG54001 damaged by 6GvIAP320 at 89002.695 74715.24
17:38:07 Stab_JG54001(0) bailed out at 86851.5 74885.36
17:38:18 Stab_JG54001 shot down by 6GvIAP320 at 86718.11 74877.49
17:40:07 Stab_JG54001(0) successfully bailed out at 86366.29 74741.87

Akills: 0
Gkills: 2.......144_Static 134_Static
Vencido por: 6GvIAP320
Status: Bailed, Bailed ok
C.F. Castor


     Salgo como líder de los 109, en esta oportunidad me veo provisto de la última versión del mismo, un hermoso K-4. Nuestra misión era destruir la mayor cantidad de aeronaves en un aeródromo enemigo. Debido a la situación actual del frente, se juntaron todos los pilotos en un único grupo, viéndose una heterogénea mezcla de 109, 190 y 262´s. Aprovechando la performance de nuestros 262, Scorp, al mando de uno, se adelantó para darnos un panorama de lo que íbamos a encontrar. Mientras tanto, ya ambos escuadrones juntos poníamos proa hacia el objetivo, por suerte el vuelo fue calmo, llegamos sin oposición y pudimos descargar nuestras bombas a la ves de estrafear provocando el mayor daño posible.
    Particularmente destruyo un bombardero con mi bomba, y varios aviones más con cañones, en una pasada, calculo mal la salida de escape, rozando mi ala con un hangar próximo y se cercena limpiamente, con consecuencias sin duda fatales.... :-[ :-[ :-[

C.F. Castor


Mision: net/coop/Berlin/Defensa Berlin (12).mis
Resultado: BLUE WON

GOA_Escorpion.......Jv44_030............N/A............Landed, Bailed, Bailed ok
GOA_RAPTOR..........Stab_JG54001........N/A............Bailed, Bailed ok
Nick: GOA_Satch Avion: I_JG300_000 Asiento: I_JG300_000(0)
17:00:00 I_JG300_000(0) seat occupied by GOA_Satch at 71999.016 23091.164
17:00:00 I_JG300_000 loaded weapons '1sc500' fuel 100%
17:00:56 I_JG300_000 in flight at 73502.0 22694.525
17:17:05 126_Static destroyed by I_JG300_000 at 158306.81 72477.64
17:17:05 127_Static destroyed by I_JG300_000 at 158337.22 72469.88
17:17:05 128_Static destroyed by I_JG300_000 at 158366.06 72461.51
17:23:47 154_Static destroyed by I_JG300_000 at 158370.84 73091.38
17:25:29 136_Static destroyed by I_JG300_000 at 157779.16 72888.73
17:26:16 137_Static destroyed by I_JG300_000 at 157705.64 72852.75
17:27:05 135_Static destroyed by I_JG300_000 at 157854.53 72925.02
17:27:44 145_Static destroyed by I_JG300_000 at 157852.36 72767.14
17:31:45 6GvIAP301 shot down by I_JG300_000 at 138633.8 69178.32
17:33:00 6GvIAP303 damaged by I_JG300_000 at 137342.11 71581.54
17:33:27 6GvIAP303 shot down by I_JG300_000 at 135491.8 71608.23
17:34:33 6GvIAP300 shot down by I_JG300_000 at 134302.38 71633.41
17:45:20 I_JG300_000 landed at 65383.09 72703.625

Akills: 3.......6GvIAP301 6GvIAP303 6GvIAP300
Gkills: 8.......126_Static 127_Static 128_Static 154_Static 136_Static 137_Static 135_Static 145_Static
Status: Landed
Nick: GOA_Escorpion Avion: Jv44_030 Asiento: Jv44_030(0)
17:00:00 GOA_Escorpion is trying to occupy seat Jv44_030(0)
17:00:00 Jv44_030(0) seat occupied by GOA_Escorpion at 32183.352 40366.004
17:00:00 Jv44_030 loaded weapons '24r4m' fuel 100%
17:01:18 Jv44_030 in flight at 34119.23 40374.52
17:14:58 140_Static destroyed by Jv44_030 at 157773.56 72822.04
17:23:57 139_Static destroyed by Jv44_030 at 157700.69 72777.69
17:24:32 142_Static destroyed by Jv44_030 at 157905.7 72903.93
17:26:14 159_Static destroyed by Jv44_030 at 158282.3 73059.11
17:27:25 151_Static destroyed by Jv44_030 at 158256.2 73121.85
17:35:58 Jv44_030 damaged by 6GvIAP312 at 124480.31 71125.86
17:37:50 6GvIAP311 shot down by Jv44_030 at 126328.28 67312.24
17:45:34 Jv44_030 landed at 66451.58 73068.99
17:45:34 Jv44_030 damaged on the ground at 66451.58 73068.99
17:45:51 Jv44_030(0) bailed out at 66452.1 73069.84
17:46:01 Jv44_030(0) successfully bailed out at 66436.055 73122.0

Akills: 1.......6GvIAP311
Gkills: 5.......140_Static 139_Static 142_Static 159_Static 151_Static
Status: Landed, Bailed, Bailed ok
Nick: GAE_Balker Avion: Stab_JG54002 Asiento: Stab_JG54002(0)
17:00:00 GAE_Balker is trying to occupy seat Stab_JG54002(0)
17:00:00 Stab_JG54002(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 65375.6 72764.695
17:00:00 Stab_JG54002 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 75%
17:01:18 Stab_JG54002 in flight at 66887.07 73103.266

Akills: 0
Gkills: 0
Status: Desconocido
Nick: GOA_carancho Avion: I_JG300_010 Asiento: I_JG300_010(0)
17:00:00 GOA_carancho is trying to occupy seat I_JG300_010(0)
17:00:00 I_JG300_010(0) seat occupied by GOA_carancho at 71874.6 23124.498
17:00:00 I_JG300_010 loaded weapons '1sc500' fuel 75%
17:01:42 I_JG300_010 in flight at 73157.41 22633.941
17:21:39 132_Static destroyed by I_JG300_010 at 158361.38 72554.97
17:22:23 156_Static destroyed by I_JG300_010 at 158403.9 73020.63
17:22:26 I_JG300_010 damaged by landscape at 158407.52 73062.54
17:22:26 I_JG300_010(0) was killed at 158411.23 73119.31
17:22:26 I_JG300_010 crashed at 158411.23 73119.31

Akills: 0
Gkills: 2.......132_Static 156_Static
Status: KIA
Nick: GAE_Castor Avion: Stab_JG54000 Asiento: Stab_JG54000(0)
17:00:00 Stab_JG54000(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 65437.81 72781.37
17:00:00 Stab_JG54000 loaded weapons 'R1-SC500' fuel 100%
17:00:50 Stab_JG54000 in flight at 66869.68 73143.91
17:18:11 141_Static destroyed by Stab_JG54000 at 157847.08 72863.92
17:19:25 147_Static destroyed by Stab_JG54000 at 157718.98 72693.01
17:19:30 152_Static destroyed by Stab_JG54000 at 158297.78 73111.01
17:20:50 146_Static destroyed by Stab_JG54000 at 157771.4 72720.92
17:22:11 Stab_JG54000 damaged by NONAME at 158395.22 73126.11
17:22:12 Stab_JG54000(0) was wounded at 158569.92 73215.22
17:22:12 Stab_JG54000(0) was killed at 158569.92 73215.22
17:22:12 Stab_JG54000 crashed at 158569.92 73215.22

Akills: 0
Gkills: 4.......141_Static 147_Static 152_Static 146_Static
Status: KIA
Nick: GOA_Peuko Avion: I_JG300_002 Asiento: I_JG300_002(0)
17:00:00 GOA_Peuko is trying to occupy seat I_JG300_002(0)
17:00:00 I_JG300_002(0) seat occupied by GOA_Peuko at 71936.805 23107.832
17:00:00 I_JG300_002 loaded weapons '1sc500' fuel 100%
17:01:37 I_JG300_002 in flight at 73722.63 22701.797
17:17:40 130_Static destroyed by I_JG300_002 at 158459.73 72477.33
17:17:40 131_Static destroyed by I_JG300_002 at 158452.92 72450.34
17:23:24 133_Static destroyed by I_JG300_002 at 158391.16 72545.36
17:25:57 158_Static destroyed by I_JG300_002 at 158319.2 73048.0
17:27:02 155_Static destroyed by I_JG300_002 at 158418.11 73077.18
17:34:22 6GvIAP302 shot down by I_JG300_002 at 135650.98 68343.016

Akills: 1.......6GvIAP302
Gkills: 5.......130_Static 131_Static 133_Static 158_Static 155_Static
Status: Desconocido
Nick: GOA_RAPTOR Avion: Stab_JG54001 Asiento: Stab_JG54001(0)
17:00:00 GOA_RAPTOR is trying to occupy seat Stab_JG54001(0)
17:00:00 Stab_JG54001(0) seat occupied by GOA_RAPTOR at 65406.707 72773.03
17:00:00 Stab_JG54001 loaded weapons 'R1-SC500' fuel 100%
17:01:10 Stab_JG54001 in flight at 67139.28 73259.914
17:18:04 144_Static destroyed by Stab_JG54001 at 157922.45 72804.05
17:21:03 134_Static destroyed by Stab_JG54001 at 157923.39 72960.39
17:37:44 Stab_JG54001 damaged by 6GvIAP320 at 89002.695 74715.24
17:38:07 Stab_JG54001(0) bailed out at 86851.5 74885.36
17:38:18 Stab_JG54001 shot down by 6GvIAP320 at 86718.11 74877.49
17:40:07 Stab_JG54001(0) successfully bailed out at 86366.29 74741.87

Akills: 0
Gkills: 2.......144_Static 134_Static
Vencido por: 6GvIAP320
Status: Bailed, Bailed ok