Iniciado por GAE_Balker, 29 de Octubre de 2009, 08:59:29 PM

Tema anterior - Siguiente tema


Preparen el equipo. Haremos algunas salidas para cubrir el desembarco en Su-Ao.


Prestar atención, debemos hacer frente a varias amenazas:

- Principalmente proteger de cualquier ataque aéreo a 4 columnas de aprovisionamiento que se dirigen al frente desde la cabeza de playa.
- Además, destruír 4 tanques y una AAA que según inteligencia esperan a nuestras columnas en el punto marcado en sus mapas.

Hoy va a ser un día largo...


Texan/100% de Jugo

Para cumplir con tareas administrativas y judiciales, se nos ordena al Tte. Mano y a mi, transportar materiales, entre ellos papeles administrativos, algunas cajas con cigarrillos y juanitos caminantes.
Para esto despegamos desde la base de la RAF con rumbo 045 hasta encontrar la costa y montarnos en ella para llegar a la peninsula y apontar en el V1.
El viaje fue largo ya que se nos aconsejo evitar la zona de exclusion por el riesgo que deberiamos enfrentar si algun MiG se llegara a cruzar en nuestro rumbo.
Todo el vuelo sin novedad.

Avion=Tren dañado (apontado)


Corsario - 75% Fuel - 3x500 Lbs. Bombs + 8 HVAR

Despego del V1 junto a Yanito quién pasa a liderar, ponemos rumbo a la zona de desembarco y de allí tomamos la ruta que seguía el convoy de camiones, llegamos a un cruce de la ruta con un camino vecinal donde observo varios blindados y fuego AA, recibo la orden de atacar, hago varias pasadas y logro destruir dos blindados, luego hace lo propio el líder dejando todos los tanques destruidos.
Emprendemos el regreso a la zona del convoy puesto que la escuadra de Panthers pidió apoyo, en un momento dado observo un contacto y lo persigo, parece un IL10 pero el artillero no me dispara, cuando me dispongo a acercarme mas para asegurar la identificación se me oprdena ir de inmediato a la zona del convoy, vuelvo hacia allí y cuando estoy en las cercanías observo un Mig saliendo de la zona lo persigo y le disparo a distancia pero se aleja rápidamente, al parecer huía despavorido de los Panthers o de mi Corsario con las insignias del GAE que los chinos ya saben que significa... un boleto picado al mas allá.
Retorno en rumbo al V1 ya sin enemigos a la vista.

AGK: 2
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Ok

Nota: desconexión al regreso al V1.
CC - Jefe Sección Personal


[31.10.2009 3:43:06] Mission: net/dogfight/TAIWAN/TAIWAN 12.mis is Playing
[3:43:06] Mission BEGIN
[3:43:39] GAE_Chape:SBD-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 180998.92 85622.71
[3:43:39] GAE_Chape:SBD-5 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 100%
[3:43:50] GAE_Mano:SBD-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Mano at 180912.14 85632.4
[3:43:50] GAE_Mano:SBD-5 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 100%
[3:44:10] GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther(0) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 281018.9 294380.6
[3:44:10] GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther loaded weapons 'default' fuel 100%
[3:44:17] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 280818.2 294416.97
[3:44:17] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther loaded weapons 'default' fuel 100%
[3:44:22] GAE_Pepper:F4U-1C(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 281284.97 295088.03
[3:44:22] GAE_Pepper:F4U-1C loaded weapons '3x5008xhvargp' fuel 75%
[3:44:35] GAE_Charrua:F4U-1C(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 281025.8 295137.47
[3:44:35] GAE_Charrua:F4U-1C loaded weapons '3x5008xhvarap' fuel 75%
[3:44:37] GAE_Yanito:F4U-1C(0) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 281040.16 295129.34
[3:44:37] GAE_Yanito:F4U-1C loaded weapons '3x5008xhvarap' fuel 75%
[3:45:13] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[3:45:51] GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 279374.22 294710.25
[3:45:51] GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther loaded weapons 'default' fuel 100%
[3:46:05] GAE_Pepper:F4U-1C in flight at 279109.94 295478.4
[3:46:19] GAE_Yanito:F4U-1C in flight at 278939.12 295567.7
[3:46:48] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther in flight at 277988.88 295012.28
[3:46:48] GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther in flight at 277901.2 294988.28
[3:47:22] GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther in flight at 277357.75 295094.1
[3:49:10] GAE_Mano:SBD-5 in flight at 181809.89 85287.23
[3:49:56] GAE_Mano:SBD-5(1) seat occupied by GAE_Mano at 184560.73 86172.12
[3:50:00] GAE_Chape:SBD-5 in flight at 182785.23 84757.664
[3:50:01] GAE_Mano:SBD-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Mano at 184810.86 86384.125
[3:51:00] GAE_Mano:SBD-5(1) seat occupied by GAE_Mano at 187569.1 89447.484
[3:51:08] GAE_Mano:SBD-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Mano at 187957.64 89808.88
[3:52:07] GAE_Mano:SBD-5(1) seat occupied by GAE_Mano at 190900.52 92754.414
[3:52:19] GAE_Mano:SBD-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Mano at 191740.67 93294.305
[3:54:32] GAE_Mano:SBD-5(1) seat occupied by GAE_Mano at 200625.27 100818.43
[3:54:37] GAE_Mano:SBD-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Mano at 200952.81 101123.305
[4:04:54] 42_Static destroyed by GAE_Pepper:F4U-1C at 194112.69 255712.42
[4:06:04] F84G2_ThunderJet damaged on the ground at 73907.68 216118.98
[4:06:05] F84G2_ThunderJet(0) was killed at 73907.68 216118.98
[4:06:05] F84G2_ThunderJet shot down by MiG-15 at 73907.68 216118.98
[4:06:20] 40_Static destroyed by GAE_Pepper:F4U-1C at 194023.5 255723.84
[4:06:23] Il-10 damaged on the ground at 234049.9 263612.38
[4:06:23] Il-10 damaged by GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther at 234049.9 263612.38
[4:06:23] Il-10(1) was killed by GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther at 234048.88 263598.06
[4:06:28] Il-10(0) bailed out at 234020.44 263231.4
[4:06:43] Il-10 shot down by GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther at 233966.53 262399.47
[4:07:07] Il-10(1) was killed by GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther at 233690.42 259871.67
[4:07:07] Il-10(0) was wounded at 233689.84 259865.98
[4:07:07] Il-10 damaged on the ground at 233688.95 259857.44
[4:07:07] Il-10 damaged by GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther at 233688.95 259857.44
[4:07:08] Il-10(0) was killed at 233684.27 259811.95
[4:07:08] Il-10 shot down by GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther at 233684.27 259811.95
[4:07:12] 25_Static destroyed by F84G2_ThunderJet at 70920.1 225417.8
[4:07:39] Il-10 damaged on the ground at 235254.55 257969.67
[4:07:39] Il-10 damaged by landscape at 235256.77 257970.25
[4:07:40] Il-10(0) was killed at 235256.77 257970.25
[4:07:40] Il-10(1) was killed at 235256.77 257970.25
[4:07:40] Il-10 shot down by GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther at 235256.77 257970.25
[4:07:59] F84G2_ThunderJet damaged on the ground at 72209.02 231214.22
[4:07:59] F84G2_ThunderJet damaged by landscape at 72212.49 231216.69
[4:07:59] F84G2_ThunderJet(0) was wounded at 72212.49 231216.69
[4:07:59] F84G2_ThunderJet(0) was killed at 72212.49 231216.69
[4:07:59] F84G2_ThunderJet shot down by MiG-15 at 72212.49 231216.69
[4:08:43] Il-10(0) successfully bailed out at 233870.62 262529.56
[4:08:43] Il-10(0) was captured at 233870.62 262529.56
[4:10:02] Il-10 damaged on the ground at 227714.67 255977.34
[4:10:06] Il-10(0) bailed out at 227220.0 256117.92
[4:10:08] Il-10(1) bailed out at 227090.64 256159.64
[4:10:08] F84G2_ThunderJet damaged on the ground at 66479.2 225820.52
[4:10:08] F84G2_ThunderJet damaged by MiG-15 at 66479.2 225820.52
[4:10:08] F84G2_ThunderJet(0) was killed by MiG-15 at 66489.164 225811.61
[4:10:16] Il-10 damaged by landscape at 226400.14 256428.78
[4:10:16] Il-10 shot down by GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther at 226400.14 256428.78
[4:10:32] F84G2_ThunderJet shot down by MiG-15 at 68321.984 223397.8
[4:11:27] GAE_Mano:SBD-5(1) seat occupied by GAE_Mano at 251187.64 180042.77
[4:11:37] GAE_Mano:SBD-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Mano at 251661.84 180891.77
[4:11:52] Il-10(1) successfully bailed out at 226374.38 256518.97
[4:11:52] Il-10(1) was captured at 226374.38 256518.97
[4:11:57] 38_Static destroyed by GAE_Yanito:F4U-1C at 194199.2 255680.89
[4:12:01] MiG-15 damaged on the ground at 78026.42 216941.9
[4:12:01] MiG-15(0) was killed at 78026.42 216941.9
[4:12:01] MiG-15 shot down by F84G2_ThunderJet at 78026.42 216941.9
[4:12:03] Il-10(0) successfully bailed out at 226526.36 256509.11
[4:12:03] Il-10(0) was captured at 226526.36 256509.11
[4:12:43] 39_Static destroyed by GAE_Yanito:F4U-1C at 194062.19 255791.0
[4:12:51] Il-10(1) was killed by GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther at 233663.19 254432.02
[4:12:51] Il-10(0) was wounded at 233663.19 254432.02
[4:12:57] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther(0) was wounded at 233657.55 254513.36
[4:13:43] 4_Chief0 destroyed by Il-10 at 230427.11 251834.53
[4:13:43] 4_Chief2 destroyed by Il-10 at 230449.98 251858.75
[4:14:02] F84G2_ThunderJet damaged by MiG-15 at 77625.85 219445.0
[4:14:02] F84G2_ThunderJet damaged on the ground at 77625.85 219445.0
[4:14:10] F84G2_ThunderJet(0) bailed out at 78318.65 220321.03
[4:14:18] 41_Static destroyed by GAE_Yanito:F4U-1C at 194083.78 255640.95
[4:14:23] F84G2_ThunderJet shot down by MiG-15 at 79068.53 221432.03
[4:15:05] Il-10 damaged on the ground at 226684.31 255311.34
[4:15:05] Il-10 damaged by GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther at 226684.31 255311.34
[4:15:10] Il-10(0) bailed out at 226608.69 255655.53
[4:15:12] Il-10(1) bailed out at 226602.2 255708.84
[4:15:25] Il-10 shot down by GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther at 226620.53 255940.5
[4:16:55] Il-10(1) successfully bailed out at 226402.5 256103.72
[4:16:55] Il-10(1) was captured at 226402.5 256103.72
[4:17:04] Il-10(0) successfully bailed out at 226388.2 256140.9
[4:17:04] Il-10(0) was captured at 226388.2 256140.9
[4:17:08] Il-10 damaged on the ground at 208888.23 245497.86
[4:17:08] Il-10 damaged by landscape at 208891.23 245498.27
[4:17:08] Il-10(0) was killed at 208891.23 245498.27
[4:17:08] Il-10(1) was killed at 208891.23 245498.27
[4:17:08] Il-10 shot down by GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther at 208891.23 245498.27
[4:18:16] F84G2_ThunderJet(0) successfully bailed out at 79028.12 221031.53
[4:18:16] F84G2_ThunderJet(0) was captured at 79028.12 221031.53
[4:21:43] GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther landed at 244762.72 302763.12
[4:22:16] GAE_Baco entered refly menu
[4:22:19] GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther(0) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 247437.48 301319.78
[4:22:19] GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther loaded weapons 'default' fuel 100%
[4:22:32] GAE_Baco entered refly menu
[4:23:38] GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther(0) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 246417.78 301530.5
[4:23:38] GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther loaded weapons 'default' fuel 100%
[4:24:43] GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther landed at 241874.36 303371.84
[4:25:07] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[4:25:08] GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther in flight at 244801.88 301836.1
[4:25:09] GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 245245.88 301762.44
[4:25:09] GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther loaded weapons 'default' fuel 100%
[4:26:24] GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther in flight at 243684.36 301994.44
[4:26:56] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther landed at 236204.1 251065.4
[4:26:57] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther damaged on the ground at 236204.1 251065.4
[4:27:02] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther(0) bailed out at 236204.1 251065.4
[4:27:08] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther(0) successfully bailed out at 236211.25 251025.98
[4:31:15] GAE_Mano:SBD-5(1) seat occupied by GAE_Mano at 247952.6 281783.2
[4:31:20] GAE_Mano:SBD-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Mano at 247689.45 282202.44
[4:35:06] GAE_Pepper has disconnected
[4:37:20] GAE_Mano:SBD-5 landed at 236242.45 303622.53
[4:37:28] Il-10 damaged on the ground at 115836.5 287639.06
[4:37:28] Il-10 damaged by landscape at 115836.5 287639.06
[4:37:29] Il-10(0) was killed at 115806.23 287668.22
[4:37:29] Il-10 shot down by landscape at 115806.23 287668.22
[4:38:03] GAE_Yanito:F4U-1C landed at 230269.62 305829.84
[4:39:22] GAE_Chape:SBD-5 landed at 234777.4 303932.38
[4:39:22] GAE_Chape:SBD-5 damaged on the ground at 234777.4 303932.38
[4:40:03] GAE_Chape:SBD-5(0) bailed out at 234302.31 304030.56
[4:40:04] GAE_Chape:SBD-5(0) successfully bailed out at 234292.56 304032.44
[4:40:04] GAE_Chape:SBD-5(1) bailed out at 234287.03 304033.72
[4:40:05] GAE_Chape:SBD-5(1) successfully bailed out at 234278.81 304035.16
[4:40:09] GAE_Chape entered refly menu
[4:41:20] GAE_Chape:SBD-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 180998.92 85622.71
[4:41:20] GAE_Chape:SBD-5 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 100%
[4:41:47] GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther damaged by landscape at 233060.5 304344.88
[4:41:50] GAE_Chape entered refly menu
[4:41:59] GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther(0) was killed at 233053.23 304356.0
[4:41:59] GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther shot down by 0_Chief at 233053.23 304356.0
[4:42:12] GAE_Chape:SBD-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 180998.92 85622.71
[4:42:12] GAE_Chape:SBD-5 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 100%
[4:42:35] GAE_Chape entered refly menu
[4:44:16] GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther landed at 231276.23 304645.8
[4:44:29] GAE_Chape:SBD-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 180998.92 85622.71
[4:44:29] GAE_Chape:SBD-5 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 100%
[4:44:36] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[4:44:48] GAE_Mano entered refly menu
[4:44:53] GAE_Baco entered refly menu
[4:44:54] GAE_Yanito entered refly menu
[4:44:56] GAE_Yanito:F4U-1C(0) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 224861.98 306974.53
[4:44:56] GAE_Yanito:F4U-1C loaded weapons '3x5008xhvarap' fuel 75%
[4:45:17] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther crashed at 236204.1 251065.4
[4:45:19] GAE_Yanito has disconnected
[4:45:19] GAE_Baco has disconnected
[4:45:19] GAE_Mano has disconnected
[4:45:19] GAE_Chape has disconnected
[4:45:19] GAE_Charrua has disconnected
[4:45:19] Mission END



Texan - 100% de jugo - armamento de default
Cumplimentando vuelo de sancion, despego junto al GU Chape, con rumbo al V1.
Rapidamente ponemos rumbo 45º, para remontarnos sobre la costa y cubrir nuestros dos WP - Hua Lien y Su Ao.
Finalizado el trajecto aponto sin novedades, entregando encomienda.
Avion=ok (apontado)
Jefe de Div. Infraestructura


Corsario - 75% Fuel - 3x500 Lbs. Bombs + 8 AP HVAR

Despego del V1 junto a pepper, ponemos rumbo a la zona de desembarco y de allí tomamos la ruta que seguía el convoy de camiones, llegamos a un cruce de la ruta con un camino e tierra donde se observa varios blindados y fuego AA que me dispara, doy la orden de atacar a pepper mientras  yo orbito en lo alto, Pepper termina de soltar toda su carga y pasa a cubrirme. Yo suelto mis bombas sin dar en el blanco y continuo con rockets, y liquido los 3 tanques que quedaban.
Emprendemos el regreso a la zona del convoy puesto que la escuadra de Panthers pidió apoyo, pero no pudimos hacer mucho, llegamos cuando a Balker ya lo habian tocado y se encontraba en tierra. Ya sin peligro volvemos al V1 donde aponto sin problemas, a Pepper lo vi pasar  pero no se que le paso (perdio conexion)

AGK: 3 Tanques
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Ok



1) y 2) Los F9F rumbo al combate. 3) IL10 interceptados. 4) De panza en las playas de Su-Ao, herido y sin potencia en la turbina.


F9F - 100% jugo - Default.

Salgo de lider de la escuadrilla de Panthers. Ponemos rumbo a las columnas que hay que cubrir. Tras unos instantes, control aéreo nos pasa la situación de los contactos enemigos. Con Baco y Charrúa nos vamos dividiendo y derribamos 6 IL10.
En uno de los ataques soy herido y la turbina resulta tocada. No vuelvo rápido al porta para poder dar la ubicación de las columnas a los Corsarios, que volvían a cubrir el puesto de los Panther. pasado un tiempo y ya sin poder hacer mucho decido volvar. Poco después de abandonar la costa veo ráfagas que me pasan por el costado derecho de la cabina. Rompo y veo pasar un MIG. Llamo urgente por ayuda y casi sin potencia pongo proa a tierra. Tras evitar otro ataque y sin tener esperanzas de volver al V2 decido plancharlo cerca de la playa de Su_Ao.
El Panther se desliza como una seda por el pasto y cuando se detiene abandono el aparato.
Voy hasta la playa, me quito las botas, el equipo de supervivencia y me quedo esperando a que me pasen a buscar refrescándome las patas.

AAK: 2 (IL10)
Piloto: ok
Avión: recuperable.


F9F - 100% jugo - Default.

Salimos con Balker de lider y Baco de numeral como yo, la mision dar cobertura a una avance ingles, las oleadas de Il10 llegan seguidas, entre los tres no damos a vasto ,la repelemos como podemos, se me terminan las munisiones y nos bamos con Baco a cargar nuestro Phanter, apontamos y salimos de vuela para eso Balker luchaba con su Phanter par amantenerlo en el aire, y es persegido por contactos, logra hacer un aterizage de emergencia, cuando llegamos a la zona , ya quedaba un solo contacto en pantalla del radar y se estaba alejando.

Volvemos aponto y me voy dar mi informe de lo sucedido.

AAK: 1 confirmado , 1 Sin posibilidades de confirmar.
Piloto: ok
Avión: 2 despegues y dos apontajes.

PD se me habia pasado este debrifin 2embarrased
C.F. Charrua