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Mensajes - GAE_Charrua

Misiones de Campañas - IL2 / Re: MALVINAS 12
14 de Mayo de 2008, 12:39:02 AM

Mision: Malvinas12.mis
Resultado: Desconocido

Nick: GAE_Angel   Avion: f01011  Asiento: (0)
23:07:00 GAE_Baco is trying to occupy seat f01011(0)
23:07:00 GAE_Angel is trying to occupy seat f01011(0)
23:07:00 f01011(0) seat occupied by GAE_Angel at 48601.508 111312.3
23:07:00 f01011 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 75%
23:08:58 f01011 in flight at 49896.758 110053.79
23:46:21 f01011 landed at 174097.94 187021.58

AKills: 0
GKills: 0
Status: Landed
Nick: GAE_Baco   Avion: f01012  Asiento: (0)
23:07:00 GAE_Baco is trying to occupy seat f01012(0)
23:07:00 GAE_Angel is trying to occupy seat f01012(0)
23:07:00 GAE_Baco is trying to occupy seat f01012(0)
23:07:00 f01012(0) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 48580.777 111337.0
23:07:00 f01012 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 75%
23:09:15 f01012 in flight at 49842.11 110234.27
23:48:41 f01012 landed at 174589.88 186906.62

AKills: 0
GKills: 0
Status: Landed
Nick: GAE_Charrua   Avion: f01002  Asiento: (0)
23:07:00 GAE_Condor is trying to occupy seat f01002(0)
23:07:00 GAE_Charrua is trying to occupy seat f01002(0)
23:07:00 f01002(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 21690.12 188631.08
23:07:00 f01002 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 75%
23:11:17 f01002 in flight at 21921.986 187707.36
23:39:05 gb01031 shot down by f01002 at 171054.1 186573.75
23:50:12 f01002 landed at 174652.31 186958.27

AKills: 1....gb01031
GKills: 0
Status: Landed
Nick: GAE_Condor   Avion: f01001  Asiento: (0)
23:07:00 GAE_Charrua is trying to occupy seat f01001(0)
23:07:00 GAE_Condor is trying to occupy seat f01001(0)
23:07:00 f01001(0) seat occupied by GAE_Condor at 21699.049 188597.75
23:07:00 f01001 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 75%
23:11:13 f01001 in flight at 22044.93 187484.39
23:40:19 gb01030(0) was killed by f01001 at 170249.47 195960.52
23:40:33 gb01030 shot down by f01001 at 171023.45 196986.33
23:54:02 f01001 landed at 174731.52 187016.61

AKills: 1....gb01030
GKills: 0
Status: Landed
Fotos, Videos & Screenshots / Re: Videos
13 de Mayo de 2008, 12:05:05 AM
Fotos, Videos & Screenshots / Re: Videos
12 de Mayo de 2008, 11:53:00 PM
Misiones de Campañas - IL2 / Re: MALVINAS 11
12 de Mayo de 2008, 11:35:06 PM
Misiones de Campañas - IL2 / Re: MALVINAS 11
10 de Mayo de 2008, 01:32:53 AM
[10.05.2008 0:06:43] Mission: net/coop/malvinas/Malvinas11.mis is Playing
18:56:00 Mission BEGIN
18:56:00 GAE_Buitre has connected
18:56:00 GAE_Angel has connected
18:56:00 GAE_Charrua is trying to occupy seat f01002(0)
18:56:00 GOA_docfer is trying to occupy seat f01022(0)
18:56:00 GAE_Condor is trying to occupy seat f01003(0)
18:56:00 GAE_Condor is trying to occupy seat f01001(0)
18:56:00 GOA_Raptor is trying to occupy seat f01023(0)
18:56:00 GAE_Balker is trying to occupy seat f01011(0)
18:56:00 GAE_Buitre is trying to occupy seat f01000(0)
18:56:00 GOA_Escorpion is trying to occupy seat f01020(0)
18:56:00 GAE_Angel is trying to occupy seat f01003(0)
18:56:00 GAE_Halcon is trying to occupy seat f01010(0)
18:56:00 GAE_Castor is trying to occupy seat f01012(0)
18:56:00 GAE_Balker is trying to occupy seat f01013(0)
18:56:00 GAE_Halcon is trying to occupy seat f01011(0)
18:56:00 GOA_Peuko is trying to occupy seat f01021(0)
18:56:00 GAE_Castor is trying to occupy seat f01010(0)
18:56:00 GAE_Balker is trying to occupy seat f01012(0)
18:56:00 GAE_Condor is trying to occupy seat f01000(0)
18:56:00 GAE_Condor is trying to occupy seat f01001(0)
18:56:00 f01002(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 21699.049 188597.75
18:56:00 f01002 loaded weapons '2x500' fuel 75%
18:56:00 f01022(0) seat occupied by GOA_docfer at 32805.836 244565.2
18:56:00 f01022 loaded weapons '4x250' fuel 75%
18:56:00 f01001(0) seat occupied by GAE_Condor at 21707.98 188564.42
18:56:00 f01001 loaded weapons '2x500' fuel 75%
18:56:00 f01011(0) seat occupied by GAE_Halcon at 48625.137 111284.13
18:56:00 f01011 loaded weapons '2x500' fuel 75%
18:56:00 f01010(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 48647.316 111257.7
18:56:00 f01010 loaded weapons '2x500' fuel 75%
18:56:00 f01003(0) seat occupied by GAE_Angel at 21690.12 188631.08
18:56:00 f01003 loaded weapons '2x500' fuel 75%
18:56:00 f01000(0) seat occupied by GAE_Buitre at 21716.91 188531.1
18:56:00 f01000 loaded weapons '2x500' fuel 75%
18:56:00 f01012(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 48602.957 111310.57
18:56:00 f01012 loaded weapons '2x500' fuel 75%
18:56:00 f01020(0) seat occupied by GOA_Escorpion at 32854.91 244506.72
18:56:00 f01020 loaded weapons '4x250' fuel 75%
18:56:00 f01023(0) seat occupied by GOA_Raptor at 32781.3 244594.44
18:56:00 f01023 loaded weapons '4x250' fuel 75%
18:56:00 f01021(0) seat occupied by GOA_Peuko at 32830.37 244535.97
18:56:00 f01021 loaded weapons '4x250' fuel 75%
18:56:00 f01020(0) seat occupied by GOA_Escorpion at 32854.91 244506.72
18:56:00 f01020 turned wingtip smokes on at 32854.91 244506.72
18:56:05 f01020(0) seat occupied by GOA_Escorpion at 32854.918 244506.72
18:56:44 f01021(0) seat occupied by GOA_Peuko at 32830.38 244535.97
18:56:44 f01021(0) seat occupied by GOA_Peuko at 32830.38 244535.97
18:56:57 f01022(0) seat occupied by GOA_docfer at 32806.02 244565.14
18:56:59 f01022(0) seat occupied by GOA_docfer at 32806.02 244565.14
18:57:06 f01010 in flight at 49584.375 110239.67
18:57:10 f01020 turned wingtip smokes off at 33082.695 244268.64
18:57:21 f01011 in flight at 49502.58 110376.96
18:57:28 f01000 in flight at 22198.756 186783.7
18:57:36 f01001 in flight at 22114.664 187055.9
18:57:41 f01002 in flight at 22047.873 187255.19
18:57:41 f01020 in flight at 34353.05 243160.58
18:57:42 f01012 in flight at 49494.44 110306.12
18:57:52 f01021 in flight at 34131.86 243103.53
18:57:55 f01003 in flight at 22095.262 187062.53
18:58:02 f01022 in flight at 34191.22 243034.78
18:58:02 f01021(0) seat occupied by GOA_Peuko at 34695.332 242761.28
18:58:03 f01021(0) seat occupied by GOA_Peuko at 34723.664 242747.83
18:58:20 f01023 in flight at 34279.473 242922.89
19:01:02 f01020(0) seat occupied by GOA_Escorpion at 50335.242 239499.8
19:01:05 f01020(0) seat occupied by GOA_Escorpion at 50511.94 239453.48
19:01:05 f01020(0) seat occupied by GOA_Escorpion at 50595.484 239431.75
19:01:32 f01021(0) seat occupied by GOA_Peuko at 51452.305 239144.02
19:01:35 f01021(0) seat occupied by GOA_Peuko at 51596.71 239109.77
19:01:35 f01021(0) seat occupied by GOA_Peuko at 51694.105 239086.92
19:01:37 f01023(0) seat occupied by GOA_Raptor at 50872.523 239586.25
19:01:38 f01023(0) seat occupied by GOA_Raptor at 51004.77 239564.39
19:01:39 f01023(0) seat occupied by GOA_Raptor at 51072.94 239553.25
19:01:40 f01020(0) seat occupied by GOA_Escorpion at 54669.91 238494.34
19:01:40 f01021(0) seat occupied by GOA_Peuko at 52258.715 238956.97
19:01:43 f01023(0) seat occupied by GOA_Raptor at 51514.6 239483.34
19:01:43 f01021(0) seat occupied by GOA_Peuko at 52637.688 238871.25
19:01:56 f01021(0) seat occupied by GOA_Peuko at 54133.598 238541.55
19:04:00 103_Static destroyed by 5_Chief at 174375.05 186772.67
19:04:25 f01022(0) seat occupied by GOA_docfer at 71406.11 235565.53
19:04:32 f01022(0) seat occupied by GOA_docfer at 72121.72 235287.89
19:05:25 f01021(0) seat occupied by GOA_Peuko at 76676.44 231137.73
19:05:28 f01021(0) seat occupied by GOA_Peuko at 76919.45 231028.16
19:09:17 f01023 damaged by gb01000 at 101647.586 219750.05
19:09:32 f01023(0) was heavily wounded at 103316.81 219093.27
19:09:32 f01023(1) was wounded at 103316.81 219093.27
19:09:32 f01023(0) was killed at 103316.81 219093.27
19:09:32 f01023(1) was killed at 103316.81 219093.27
19:09:32 f01023 shot down by gb01000 at 103316.81 219093.27
19:11:57 GOA_Raptor has disconnected
19:14:59 gb01000(0) was killed at 106771.69 209478.92
19:14:59 gb01000 shot down by f01013 at 106771.69 209478.92
19:15:42 f01020(0) was killed by 3_Chief at 143266.25 190658.78
19:15:56 f01021 damaged by 2_Chief at 143951.14 191068.67
19:16:02 2_Chief destroyed by f01021 at 143980.56 190969.28
19:16:06 f01021(0) was killed at 145240.22 191040.55
19:16:06 f01021(1) was killed at 145240.22 191040.55
19:16:06 f01021 shot down by 2_Chief at 145240.22 191040.55
19:18:22 38_Static destroyed by 88_Static at 174549.89 187114.17
19:19:16 3_Chief destroyed by f01010 at 142665.17 186640.0
19:19:49 4_Chief destroyed by f01003 at 182556.06 183993.28
19:19:51 5_Chief destroyed by f01002 at 183635.34 184716.6
19:21:14 f01020 damaged by landscape at 148585.98 190001.64
19:21:15 f01020(1) was killed at 148613.47 190024.95
19:21:15 f01020 shot down by 3_Chief at 148613.47 190024.95
19:31:51 f01001 damaged by landscape at 88462.98 169850.1
19:31:54 f01001 landed at 88411.63 169909.22
19:31:54 f01001 damaged on the ground at 88411.63 169909.22
19:31:58 f01001(0) was killed at 88411.67 169909.2
19:31:58 f01001 shot down by gb01010 at 88411.67 169909.2
19:33:36 GAE_Condor has disconnected
19:42:46 gb01010 damaged by landscape at 106039.24 154027.38
19:42:46 gb01010(0) was wounded at 106039.24 154027.38
19:42:46 gb01010(0) was killed at 106039.24 154027.38
19:42:46 gb01010 shot down by f01011 at 106039.24 154027.38
19:45:24 f01022 damaged by landscape at 32712.736 244701.42
19:45:29 f01022 landed at 32787.62 244634.11
19:45:29 f01022 damaged on the ground at 32787.62 244634.11
19:46:20 f01000 landed at 21805.768 188258.95
19:47:21 GOA_docfer has disconnected
19:48:11 f01010(0) bailed out at 126155.33 178372.1
19:48:27 f01010 damaged by landscape at 127059.83 178842.9
19:48:27 f01010 shot down by landscape at 127059.83 178842.9
19:49:39 GOA_Escorpion has disconnected
19:49:58 f01013 damaged on the ground at 49246.094 110792.37
19:49:58 f01013 damaged by landscape at 49247.63 110786.914
19:49:58 f01013(0) was killed at 49247.63 110786.914
19:49:58 f01013 shot down by landscape at 49247.63 110786.914
19:50:03 GOA_Peuko has disconnected
19:50:13 f01012 landed at 49625.867 110060.164
19:50:22 f01010(0) successfully bailed out at 126813.48 178931.22
19:50:28 GAE_Buitre has disconnected
19:52:12 GAE_Castor has disconnected
19:57:06 f01002 landed at 21793.936 188279.56
19:58:20 f01003 landed at 21659.428 188221.52
19:58:33 f01011 landed at 175249.64 187024.5
20:00:42 Mission END
Name:    GAE_Charrua
Score:    100
State:    Landed at Airfield
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Tank Kill:    0
Enemy Car Kill:    0
Enemy Artillery Kill:    0
Enemy AAA Kill:    0
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    1
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    0
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       0
Hit Bullets:       0
Hit Air Bullets:    0
Fire Roskets:       0
Hit Roskets:       0
Fire Bombs:       2
Hit Bombs:       2
Name:    GAE_Halcon
Score:    200
State:    Landed at Airfield
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    1
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Tank Kill:    0
Enemy Car Kill:    0
Enemy Artillery Kill:    0
Enemy AAA Kill:    0
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    0
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    0
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       258
Hit Bullets:       6
Hit Air Bullets:    6
Fire Roskets:       0
Hit Roskets:       0
Fire Bombs:       2
Hit Bombs:       0
Name:    GOA_Raptor
Score:    0
State:    Left the Game
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Tank Kill:    0
Enemy Car Kill:    0
Enemy Artillery Kill:    0
Enemy AAA Kill:    0
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    0
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    0
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       0
Hit Bullets:       0
Hit Air Bullets:    0
Fire Roskets:       0
Hit Roskets:       0
Fire Bombs:       0
Hit Bombs:       0
Name:    GAE_Condor
Score:    0
State:    Left the Game
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Tank Kill:    0
Enemy Car Kill:    0
Enemy Artillery Kill:    0
Enemy AAA Kill:    0
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    0
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    0
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       0
Hit Bullets:       0
Hit Air Bullets:    0
Fire Roskets:       0
Hit Roskets:       0
Fire Bombs:       2
Hit Bombs:       0
Name:    GOA_docfer
Score:    0
State:    Left the Game
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Tank Kill:    0
Enemy Car Kill:    0
Enemy Artillery Kill:    0
Enemy AAA Kill:    0
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    0
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    0
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       0
Hit Bullets:       0
Hit Air Bullets:    0
Fire Roskets:       0
Hit Roskets:       0
Fire Bombs:       4
Hit Bombs:       0
Name:    GOA_Escorpion
Score:    0
State:    Left the Game
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Tank Kill:    0
Enemy Car Kill:    0
Enemy Artillery Kill:    0
Enemy AAA Kill:    0
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    0
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    0
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       0
Hit Bullets:       0
Hit Air Bullets:    0
Fire Roskets:       0
Hit Roskets:       0
Fire Bombs:       2
Hit Bombs:       2
Name:    GOA_Peuko
Score:    0
State:    Left the Game
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Tank Kill:    0
Enemy Car Kill:    0
Enemy Artillery Kill:    0
Enemy AAA Kill:    0
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    1
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    0
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       0
Hit Bullets:       0
Hit Air Bullets:    0
Fire Roskets:       0
Hit Roskets:       0
Fire Bombs:       4
Hit Bombs:       4
Name:    GAE_Buitre
Score:    0
State:    Left the Game
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Tank Kill:    0
Enemy Car Kill:    0
Enemy Artillery Kill:    0
Enemy AAA Kill:    0
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    0
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    0
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       0
Hit Bullets:       0
Hit Air Bullets:    0
Fire Roskets:       0
Hit Roskets:       0
Fire Bombs:       2
Hit Bombs:       0
Name:    GAE_Castor
Score:    0
State:    Left the Game
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Tank Kill:    0
Enemy Car Kill:    0
Enemy Artillery Kill:    0
Enemy AAA Kill:    0
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    1
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    0
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       50
Hit Bullets:       0
Hit Air Bullets:    0
Fire Roskets:       0
Hit Roskets:       0
Fire Bombs:       2
Hit Bombs:       2
Cartelera / Re: Hola a todos
08 de Mayo de 2008, 10:42:08 PM
Adler, lamentablemente no vamos a poder participar este año en el torneo.

No podemos garantizar los mínimos para las misiones, el año pasado se nos hizo cuesta arriba pero como habíamos empeñado la palabra participamos igual.

Te pido que se los trasmitas a tus pares ya que nuestro interlocutor capacitado para estos menesteres esta de vacaciones.

Un abrazo y gracias por invitarnos.

Cartelera / Re: @Angel @Charru
05 de Mayo de 2008, 04:19:16 PM
Gracias !!! vamos a ver que hacemos con esto jeje. Me tengo que reencontrar con los papeles del curso que hice y te paso el lugar de la casa que hablamos.
El sábado caí como a las 1530, me perdí los mirage y el A4, llamados a buitre de por medio nos reunimos,
Halcon, Buitre,Condor,Mano, Tigre si el mismo  ;D y yo,  no nos dimos cuenta de sacarnos una fotos juntos , he hicimos sociales interescuadron, con TT, Devastador, Rick , Pitumaya, Easy lobo, Daga y Valkiria.

La verdad que estuvo muy bueno. cuando pueda subo fotos.

A me olvidaba todos se llevaron sus respectivos Parches.
Misiones de Campañas - IL2 / Re: MALVINAS 10
04 de Mayo de 2008, 12:16:45 AM
Misiones de Campañas - IL2 / Re: MALVINAS 10
03 de Mayo de 2008, 01:40:11 AM

Mision: Malvinas10.mis
Resultado: Desconocido

GAE_Balker..........f01000(0)........... Desc.
GAE_Flak............f01013(0)...........Bailed, KIA
Nick: GAE_Angel   Avion: f01001  Asiento: (0)
04:30:00 f01001(0) seat occupied by GAE_Angel at 21930.447 187275.95
04:30:00 f01001 loaded weapons '1x10002x500' fuel 100%
04:31:15 f01001 in flight at 21465.1 189176.66
05:01:06 f01001(1) was wounded at 131596.9 206090.14
05:01:44 f01001 damaged by 0_Chief at 134410.3 206748.14
05:01:44 f01001(0) was killed by 0_Chief at 134410.3 206748.14
05:01:45 f01001(1) was killed at 134385.28 206768.84
05:01:45 f01001(2) was killed at 134385.28 206768.84
05:01:45 f01001 shot down by 0_Chief at 134385.28 206768.84

AKills: 0
GKills: 0
Status: KIA
Vencido por: 0_Chief

Nick: GAE_Baco   Avion: f01010  Asiento: (4)
04:30:00 f01010(0) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 23553.97 190438.69
04:30:00 f01010 loaded weapons '41000' fuel 100%
04:31:33 f01010 in flight at 23846.17 191646.33
04:42:36 f01010(0) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 70458.586 191716.39
04:42:37 f01010(1) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 70522.21 191715.11
04:42:39 f01010(3) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 70654.67 191711.4
04:42:43 f01010(4) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 70935.86 191698.42
04:42:43 f01010(0) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 70977.23 191695.88
05:13:29 f01010(0) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 135393.6 200087.92
05:13:29 f01010(1) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 135429.75 200054.72
05:13:31 f01010(3) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 135477.73 200011.39
05:13:44 f01010(4) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 136149.08 199426.81
05:13:49 f01010(0) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 136417.0 199167.17
05:15:08 f01010(0) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 142030.78 196559.14
05:15:08 f01010(1) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 142081.42 196546.84
05:15:11 f01010(3) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 142326.42 196484.75
05:15:49 f01010(4) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 144928.52 196231.84
05:15:51 f01010(0) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 144998.92 196243.81
05:28:49 f01010 landed at 174234.27 187093.84
05:28:49 f01010 damaged on the ground at 174234.27 187093.84
05:39:42 f01010(0) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 174234.25 187093.81
05:39:42 f01010(1) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 174234.25 187093.81
05:39:44 f01010(3) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 174234.25 187093.81
05:39:48 f01010(4) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 174234.25 187093.81

AKills: 0
GKills: 0
Status: Landed
Nick: GAE_Balker   Avion: f01000  Asiento: (0)
04:30:00 f01000(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 21920.127 187314.47
04:30:00 f01000 loaded weapons '1x10002x500' fuel 100%
04:31:11 f01000 in flight at 21378.875 189427.86

AKills: 0
GKills: 0
Status: Desc.
Nick: GAE_Chacal   Avion: f01002  Asiento: (0)
04:30:00 f01002(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chacal at 21940.766 187237.45
04:30:00 f01002 loaded weapons '1x10002x500' fuel 100%
04:31:22 f01002 in flight at 21505.65 188999.84
04:36:12 f01002(1) seat occupied by GAE_Chacal at 48421.434 195761.17
04:36:12 f01002(2) seat occupied by GAE_Chacal at 48551.562 195773.08
04:36:14 f01002(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chacal at 48613.66 195778.78
04:38:30 f01002(1) seat occupied by GAE_Chacal at 64011.082 196939.25
04:38:32 f01002(2) seat occupied by GAE_Chacal at 64194.16 196951.61
04:38:32 f01002(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chacal at 64280.29 196957.06
04:41:36 f01002(1) seat occupied by GAE_Chacal at 86289.27 198787.4
04:41:37 f01002(2) seat occupied by GAE_Chacal at 86421.055 198776.36
04:41:38 f01002(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chacal at 86518.875 198767.62
04:46:15 f01002(1) seat occupied by GAE_Chacal at 111025.78 211563.22
04:46:15 f01002(2) seat occupied by GAE_Chacal at 111156.65 211565.9
04:46:17 f01002(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chacal at 111246.336 211567.19
04:59:44 f01002(1) seat occupied by GAE_Chacal at 128278.26 215365.6
04:59:49 f01002(2) seat occupied by GAE_Chacal at 127756.61 215259.31
04:59:50 f01002(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chacal at 127652.766 215238.17
05:04:08 f01002(1) seat occupied by GAE_Chacal at 124333.586 207807.39
05:04:10 f01002(2) seat occupied by GAE_Chacal at 124375.49 207735.88
05:04:10 f01002(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chacal at 124410.08 207677.47
05:04:10 f01002(1) seat occupied by GAE_Chacal at 124424.2 207653.75
05:04:10 1_Chief destroyed by f01002 at 124247.91 208002.31
05:04:15 f01002(2) seat occupied by GAE_Chacal at 124572.664 207408.14
05:04:16 f01002(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chacal at 124593.78 207372.86
05:19:04 f01002(1) seat occupied by GAE_Chacal at 78435.43 192450.72
05:19:10 f01002(2) seat occupied by GAE_Chacal at 77618.58 192385.42
05:19:10 f01002(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chacal at 77449.19 192372.34
05:30:06 f01002 landed at 22111.168 187649.66

AKills: 0
GKills: 1....1_Chief
Status: Landed
Nick: GAE_Charrua   Avion: f01012  Asiento: (1)
04:30:00 GAE_Charrua is trying to occupy seat f01012(0)
04:30:00 f01012(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 23594.316 190158.98
04:30:00 f01012 loaded weapons '41000' fuel 100%
04:31:59 f01012 in flight at 24072.436 192185.5
05:29:00 f01012(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 62522.31 184420.92
05:29:00 f01012(1) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 62475.402 184428.36
05:29:24 f01012(3) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 60490.34 184573.2
05:29:28 f01012(4) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 60025.816 184560.64
05:29:36 f01012(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 59400.09 184516.48
05:29:37 f01012(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 59271.32 184503.52
05:29:54 f01012(1) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 57808.957 184261.5
05:29:55 f01012(3) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 57772.74 184253.27
05:29:55 f01012(4) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 57723.625 184241.9
05:29:56 f01012(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 57687.46 184233.4
05:37:43 f01012 turned landing lights on at 17584.598 186837.34
05:39:53 f01012 landed at 19568.793 189309.56
05:39:53 f01012 damaged on the ground at 19568.793 189309.56
05:40:30 f01012(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 19565.023 189297.44
05:40:32 f01012(1) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 19565.018 189297.4

AKills: 0
GKills: 0
Status: Landed
Nick: GAE_Condor   Avion: f01011  Asiento: (0)
04:30:00 f01011(0) seat occupied by GAE_Condor at 23574.145 190298.83
04:30:00 f01011 loaded weapons '41000' fuel 100%
04:31:44 f01011 in flight at 23870.781 191804.03
04:40:05 f01011(0) seat occupied by GAE_Condor at 58768.22 191591.7
04:40:06 f01011(1) seat occupied by GAE_Condor at 58806.992 191566.73
04:40:06 f01011(3) seat occupied by GAE_Condor at 58841.703 191544.44
04:40:06 f01011(4) seat occupied by GAE_Condor at 58874.336 191523.53
04:40:08 f01011(0) seat occupied by GAE_Condor at 58960.14 191468.8
04:40:08 f01011(0) seat occupied by GAE_Condor at 58988.598 191450.75
04:40:11 f01011(1) seat occupied by GAE_Condor at 59130.07 191361.58
04:40:12 f01011(3) seat occupied by GAE_Condor at 59177.0 191332.19
04:40:12 f01011(4) seat occupied by GAE_Condor at 59205.12 191314.61
04:40:13 f01011(0) seat occupied by GAE_Condor at 59251.95 191285.4
04:56:29 f01011(0) seat occupied by GAE_Condor at 108136.01 204998.28
04:56:40 f01011(0) seat occupied by GAE_Condor at 107702.34 204333.84
04:56:42 f01011(1) seat occupied by GAE_Condor at 107606.34 204275.4
04:56:48 f01011(3) seat occupied by GAE_Condor at 107292.67 204065.58
04:56:52 f01011(4) seat occupied by GAE_Condor at 107074.34 203907.88
04:57:03 f01011(0) seat occupied by GAE_Condor at 106404.664 203367.56
04:59:52 f01011(0) seat occupied by GAE_Condor at 102415.63 202727.84
04:59:54 f01011(1) seat occupied by GAE_Condor at 102466.19 202734.92
04:59:56 f01011(3) seat occupied by GAE_Condor at 102600.39 202752.58
04:59:56 f01011(4) seat occupied by GAE_Condor at 102642.234 202757.86
04:59:57 f01011(0) seat occupied by GAE_Condor at 102684.16 202763.06
05:10:34 0_Chief destroyed by f01011 at 133421.72 207428.58
05:37:17 f01011 turned landing lights on at 20462.09 186839.0
05:37:18 f01011 turned landing lights off at 20422.39 186853.31
05:37:18 f01011 turned landing lights on at 20385.025 186866.94
05:37:19 f01011 turned landing lights off at 20361.693 186875.53
05:37:19 f01011 turned landing lights on at 20329.057 186887.6
05:37:20 f01011 turned landing lights off at 20291.79 186901.38

AKills: 0
GKills: 1....0_Chief
Status: Landed
Nick: GAE_Flak   Avion: f01013  Asiento: (0)
04:30:00 f01013(1) seat occupied by GAE_Isaak at 23614.49 190019.12
04:30:00 f01013(0) seat occupied by GAE_Flak at 23614.49 190019.12
04:30:00 f01013 loaded weapons '41000' fuel 100%
04:30:16 f01013(0) seat occupied by GAE_Flak at 23614.637 190019.33
04:30:20 f01013(3) seat occupied by GAE_Flak at 23615.178 190020.06
04:30:22 f01013(0) seat occupied by GAE_Flak at 23615.625 190020.66
04:30:22 f01013(0) seat occupied by GAE_Flak at 23615.766 190020.86
04:31:50 f01013(0) seat occupied by GAE_Flak at 23583.445 191256.3
04:31:53 f01013 in flight at 23598.78 191408.98
04:31:57 f01013(0) seat occupied by GAE_Flak at 23641.578 191574.86
04:32:06 f01013(3) seat occupied by GAE_Isaak at 23899.836 191920.9
04:32:11 f01013(4) seat occupied by GAE_Isaak at 24112.664 192059.94
04:32:19 f01013(1) seat occupied by GAE_Isaak at 24562.053 192290.23
04:32:27 f01013(3) seat occupied by GAE_Isaak at 25033.945 192503.64
04:34:36 f01013 turned landing lights on at 33718.926 192307.31
04:34:36 f01013 turned landing lights off at 33759.535 192319.02
04:34:38 f01013 turned landing lights on at 33788.508 192327.44
04:34:38 f01013 turned landing lights off at 33819.38 192336.44
05:10:04 f01013(5) was killed at 133474.5 207796.53
05:10:04 f01013(6) was killed at 133474.5 207796.53
05:10:04 f01013 damaged by 0_Chief at 133474.5 207796.53
05:10:12 f01013(0) bailed out at 133765.14 207836.27
05:10:13 f01013(0) was killed at 133775.22 207836.12
05:10:14 f01013(1) bailed out at 133776.12 207830.19
05:10:15 f01013(2) bailed out at 133782.5 207824.27
05:10:16 f01013(3) bailed out at 133790.92 207817.42
05:10:17 f01013(4) bailed out at 133801.5 207809.78
05:10:19 f01013(3) has chute destroyed by f01013 at 133811.53 207802.12
05:10:19 f01013(3) was killed in his chute by f01013 at 133811.53 207802.12
05:10:19 f01013(1) has chute destroyed by f01013 at 133796.88 207809.11
05:10:19 f01013(1) was killed in his chute by f01013 at 133796.88 207809.11
05:10:19 f01013(2) has chute destroyed by f01013 at 133802.05 207808.64
05:10:19 f01013(2) was killed in his chute by f01013 at 133802.05 207808.64
05:10:19 f01013 crashed at 133814.3 207801.3

AKills: 0
GKills: 0
Status: Bailed, KIA
Nick: GAE_Isaak   Avion: f01013  Asiento: (4)
04:30:00 f01013(1) seat occupied by GAE_Isaak at 23614.49 190019.12
04:30:00 f01013(0) seat occupied by GAE_Flak at 23614.49 190019.12
04:30:00 f01013 loaded weapons '41000' fuel 100%
04:30:16 f01013(0) seat occupied by GAE_Flak at 23614.637 190019.33
04:30:20 f01013(3) seat occupied by GAE_Flak at 23615.178 190020.06
04:30:22 f01013(0) seat occupied by GAE_Flak at 23615.625 190020.66
04:30:22 f01013(0) seat occupied by GAE_Flak at 23615.766 190020.86
04:31:50 f01013(0) seat occupied by GAE_Flak at 23583.445 191256.3
04:31:53 f01013 in flight at 23598.78 191408.98
05:01:28 f01013(3) seat occupied by GAE_Isaak at 110866.68 203524.05
05:01:39 f01013(4) seat occupied by GAE_Isaak at 111997.46 203657.23
05:02:14 f01013(1) seat occupied by GAE_Isaak at 114992.984 204530.33
05:02:16 f01013(3) seat occupied by GAE_Isaak at 115106.05 204577.14
05:02:28 f01013(4) seat occupied by GAE_Isaak at 116079.66 204896.27
05:02:47 f01013(1) seat occupied by GAE_Isaak at 117605.04 205278.77
05:02:47 f01013(3) seat occupied by GAE_Isaak at 117696.79 205307.77
05:03:48 f01013(4) seat occupied by GAE_Isaak at 122540.31 207373.88
05:04:17 f01013(1) seat occupied by GAE_Isaak at 124064.5 207294.67
05:04:17 f01013(3) seat occupied by GAE_Isaak at 124091.05 207246.83
05:05:04 f01013(4) seat occupied by GAE_Isaak at 126031.66 207970.36
05:06:08 f01013(1) seat occupied by GAE_Isaak at 128020.87 206956.9
05:06:10 f01013(3) seat occupied by GAE_Isaak at 127960.836 206834.92
05:07:14 f01013(4) seat occupied by GAE_Isaak at 125019.945 208544.66
05:07:59 f01013(1) seat occupied by GAE_Isaak at 123087.04 210787.75
05:08:16 f01013(3) seat occupied by GAE_Isaak at 123649.29 209264.94
05:08:19 f01013(4) seat occupied by GAE_Isaak at 123781.46 208969.33
05:08:21 f01013(1) seat occupied by GAE_Isaak at 123861.08 208807.36
05:08:23 f01013(3) seat occupied by GAE_Isaak at 123937.41 208670.53
05:08:28 f01013(4) seat occupied by GAE_Isaak at 124237.4 208262.34
05:09:20 f01013(1) seat occupied by GAE_Isaak at 129345.984 208180.48
05:09:24 f01013(3) seat occupied by GAE_Isaak at 129614.234 208172.81
05:09:27 f01013(4) seat occupied by GAE_Isaak at 129973.89 208171.45
05:10:04 f01013(5) was killed at 133474.5 207796.53
05:10:04 f01013(6) was killed at 133474.5 207796.53
05:10:04 f01013 damaged by 0_Chief at 133474.5 207796.53
05:10:12 f01013(0) bailed out at 133765.14 207836.27
05:10:13 f01013(0) was killed at 133775.22 207836.12
05:10:14 f01013(1) bailed out at 133776.12 207830.19
05:10:15 f01013(2) bailed out at 133782.5 207824.27
05:10:16 f01013(3) bailed out at 133790.92 207817.42
05:10:17 f01013(4) bailed out at 133801.5 207809.78
05:10:19 f01013(3) has chute destroyed by f01013 at 133811.53 207802.12
05:10:19 f01013(3) was killed in his chute by f01013 at 133811.53 207802.12
05:10:19 f01013(1) has chute destroyed by f01013 at 133796.88 207809.11
05:10:19 f01013(1) was killed in his chute by f01013 at 133796.88 207809.11
05:10:19 f01013(2) has chute destroyed by f01013 at 133802.05 207808.64
05:10:19 f01013(2) was killed in his chute by f01013 at 133802.05 207808.64
05:10:19 f01013 crashed at 133814.3 207801.3

AKills: 0
GKills: 0
Status: Bailed
Nick: GAE_Yanito   Avion: f01003  Asiento: (0)
04:30:00 GAE_Yanito is trying to occupy seat f01003(0)
04:30:00 f01003(0) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 21951.068 187198.94
04:30:00 f01003 loaded weapons '1x10002x500' fuel 100%
04:31:28 f01003 in flight at 21627.896 188445.08
04:48:39 f01003(1) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 128539.75 212388.11
04:48:40 f01003(2) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 128650.41 212391.95
04:48:41 f01003(0) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 128715.19 212394.14
05:10:56 f01003(1) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 134924.08 201280.11
05:10:57 f01003(2) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 135062.78 201164.4
05:10:59 f01003(0) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 135167.19 201076.22
05:30:41 f01003 landed at 22089.12 187269.25
05:38:59 f01003(1) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 22083.225 187686.88
05:39:24 f01003(2) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 22083.225 187686.88
05:39:25 f01003(0) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 22083.225 187686.88
05:39:26 f01003(1) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 22083.225 187686.88
05:39:26 f01003(2) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 22083.225 187686.88
05:39:31 f01003(0) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 22083.225 187686.88

AKills: 0
GKills: 0
Status: Landed

La verdad Baco que ni idea pregunto y te digo.

La de Fueza Aerea esta en Pando (Dep. de Canelones). Tengo una foto mural aerea de la escuela.

Cuando llegue envio mensaje por Cel , a los que confirmaron que van el Sabado. si esta alguno nos encontramos