Rennell Island 3 (12/03/1955)

Iniciado por GAE_Ceteu, 12 de Marzo de 2013, 06:57:39 PM

Tema anterior - Siguiente tema


Ya es Oficial

No conocemos las razones políticas del conflicto, pero les aseguro que estoy intentando mover todos los piolines que conozco para encontrar la verdadera razón de estos ataques desmesurados a aeronaves navales y aéreas argentinas.

Es de carácter prioritario mantener a resguardo y lo más oculta posible la posición de nuestra FT. Protegeremos el perímetro de nuestros portaviones a toda costa y debemos canalizarnos en lograr mantener nuestro material en óptimas condiciones, estamos lejos de casa y traíamos lo suficiente para hacer notar la presencia en el sector donde se trabajaba reflotando material de la antigua guerra de Rennell. Pero esto paso de castaño obscuro, definitivamente todo escalo a medidas desproporcionadas de combate.

No hace más de 30 minutos recibimos el llamado de un convoy aliado al Oeste de la nuestra, está por ser interceptado por corbetas y destructores Australianos. Estos ya hicieron notar su presencia con una avanzada de bombarderos tipo Fairey Gannet sobre el convoy.

Debemos dar cobertura aérea y apoyo aeronaval. Preparen el equipo decolamos en 50 min.



El radar detecto contactos aproximando desde el NorOeste por encima de los 4000. Ya contamos con 4 Panther haciendo patrullaje al Norte de la FT pero quiero que ustedes den apoyo.

Jefes de escuadra coordinen y tomen las medidas necesarias para con esta inserción en nuestro sector. Queda para segunda tarea el apoyo al convoy.


1er Vuelo:

F9F2 Panther - 80% Fuel - Default

Despego como líder de la escuadra de caza con el objetivo de sobrevolar la flota para repeler contactos hostiles que se acercan a la zona de exclusión. Ordeno dividirnos en dos secciones, una a mi cargo con Chape y Falcon la otra a cargo de Alma con Maci y Ceteu. Posteriormente decolaría Cuervo quién tuvo problemas técnicos. En pocos minutos entramos en combate con enemigos que en mi zona visual resultan ser reactores, logro posicionarme detrás de uno, luego de dispararle con deflexión a larga distancia y logro averiarlo, mermado en su maniobrabilidad lo persigo hasta rematarlo. Prosigo la CAP hasta que termina el ataque y los enemigos son derribados. Regreso al V2 con 2500 libras de combustible. Aponto sin novedad.

AAK: 1 F80C
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Apontado

2do. Vuelo:

F9F2 Panther - 80% Fuel + 2x154 gal tanques - Default

Despego nuevamente como líder, tomamos altura sobre la FT y una vez a 3500 pongo rumbo a la flota aliada, luego de un corto recorrido la escuadra de ataque nos informa que hay enemigos sobre la FT, consignados Alma y Maci para volverse a dar cobertura. A mitad camino observamos dos cazabombarderos en dirección a la FT los identifico y ordeno atacarlos, Falcon derriba a uno, Chape se pasa de largo al segundo encontrándome en posición inmejorable le disparo unas ráfagas que dan en la cabina y en el grupo de cola precipitándose al mar. Orbitamos sobre los buques observando duros combates navales pero sin actividad aérea. Regresamos a los portas, aponto sin novedad.

AAK: 1 Fairey
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Apontado
CC - Jefe Sección Personal


[13.03.2013 3:42:57] Mission: net/dogfight/1/Rennell4.mis is Playing
[3:42:57] Mission BEGIN
[3:44:34] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at -289094.44 -686913.5
[3:44:34] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons 'default' fuel 80%
[3:45:01] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at -291419.4 -688589.0
[3:45:01] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons 'default' fuel 80%
[3:45:21] GAE_Ceteu has connected
[3:45:33] GAE_Falcon:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at -289780.5 -686210.44
[3:45:33] GAE_Falcon:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons 'default' fuel 80%
[3:45:40] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at -290257.28 -685741.8
[3:46:09] GAE_Maci:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Maci at -290201.12 -685798.3
[3:46:09] GAE_Maci:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons 'default' fuel 80%
[3:46:42] GAE_Falcon:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at -290940.72 -685069.8
[3:46:57] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at -292771.3 -687220.1
[3:46:57] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons 'default' fuel 80%
[3:47:14] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at -290976.06 -685031.9
[3:47:14] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons 'default' fuel 80%
[3:47:26] GAE_Maci:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at -291514.5 -684491.56
[3:48:09] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at -293980.94 -686026.0
[3:48:37] F9F2_Panther_R removed at -290004.28 -687996.0
[3:48:44] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at -292477.4 -683536.9
[3:50:10] Gae_Cuervo has disconnected
[3:50:13] GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at -293108.94 -682899.0
[3:50:13] GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons 'default' fuel 80%
[3:50:14] F9F2_Panther_R damaged on the ground at 6.530501E-5 3.2084794E-5
[3:50:41] F9F2_Panther_R removed at -291485.0 -686523.1
[3:51:13] GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at -294192.5 -681841.6
[3:52:43] F9F2_Panther_R removed at -292918.9 -685087.44
[3:54:00] F9F2_Panther_R damaged by landscape at -293754.84 -684244.4
[3:54:01] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 2_Chief Hull1 0.025467984  damaged by  es01003  at -293831.16 -684168.2
[3:54:01] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 2_Chief Hull2 0.02613011  damaged by  es01003  at -293831.16 -684168.2
[3:54:02] F9F2_Panther_R(0) was killed at -293875.75 -684137.8
[3:54:02] F9F2_Panther_R shot down by 2_Chief at -293875.75 -684137.8
[3:54:02] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 2_Chief Hull1 0.013422232  damaged by  es01003  at -293831.16 -684168.2
[3:54:02] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 2_Chief Hull2 0.013130013  damaged by  es01003  at -293831.16 -684168.2
[4:01:07] Gae_Cuervo has connected
[4:01:44] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at -303239.25 -676769.0
[4:01:44] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons 'default' fuel 80%
[4:02:57] FulmarMkI(0) was killed by F4U-5 at -305075.78 -674342.9
[4:03:04] FulmarMkI(1) bailed out at -305229.84 -674891.9
[4:03:09] F-80C damaged by GAE_Falcon:F9F2_Panther_R at -310656.25 -682208.1
[4:03:13] F-80C(0) bailed out at -311000.97 -682523.4
[4:03:25] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at -304492.25 -675516.0
[4:03:33] FulmarMkI shot down by F4U-5 at -305235.66 -673566.9
[4:03:42] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at -304965.88 -675043.1
[4:03:47] F-80C shot down by GAE_Falcon:F9F2_Panther_R at -311529.22 -682908.8
[4:04:27] F-80C damaged by GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R at -318343.56 -689298.44
[4:04:27] F-80C(0) was killed at -318343.56 -689298.44
[4:04:27] F-80C shot down by GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R at -318343.56 -689298.44
[4:04:28] F4U-5 damaged by landscape at -311711.7 -682599.5
[4:04:28] F4U-5(0) was killed at -311711.7 -682599.5
[4:04:28] F4U-5 shot down by GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R at -311711.7 -682599.5
[4:05:13] GAE_Falcon:F9F2_Panther_R(0) bailed out at -313417.3 -678736.1
[4:05:13] GAE_Falcon:F9F2_Panther_R(0) was killed at -313417.3 -678736.1
[4:05:19] GAE_Falcon:F9F2_Panther_R shot down by F-80C at -313478.53 -679086.44
[4:05:19] GAE_Falcon:F9F2_Panther_R(0) was killed at -313449.66 -678769.3
[4:05:40] GAE_Falcon entered refly menu
[4:05:47] GAE_Falcon:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at -304113.53 -671894.44
[4:05:47] GAE_Falcon:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons 'default' fuel 80%
[4:05:48] SBD-5 removed at -302097.34 -675887.94
[4:06:17] F-80C damaged by GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R at -309921.2 -678926.56
[4:06:20] F-80C(0) bailed out at -310148.44 -678669.56
[4:06:34] GAE_Falcon:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at -304941.34 -671068.6
[4:06:41] F-80C shot down by GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R at -311778.97 -677471.0
[4:06:55] GAE_Maci:F9F2_Panther_R damaged by landscape at -313955.0 -676854.6
[4:07:02] GAE_Maci:F9F2_Panther_R(0) bailed out at -313988.1 -676852.25
[4:07:02] GAE_Maci:F9F2_Panther_R(0) successfully bailed out at -313986.9 -676852.75
[4:07:09] GAE_Maci:F9F2_Panther_R shot down by landscape at -313988.16 -676852.4
[4:07:09] GAE_Maci entered refly menu
[4:07:18] GAE_Maci:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Maci at -305177.16 -670830.8
[4:07:18] GAE_Maci:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons 'default' fuel 80%
[4:07:25] F-80C(0) successfully bailed out at -312016.6 -683531.9
[4:07:34] FulmarMkI(1) successfully bailed out at -306031.3 -676052.0
[4:08:32] GAE_Maci:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at -306463.38 -669543.9
[4:08:46] F-80C damaged by landscape at -307113.47 -680737.0
[4:08:46] F-80C(0) was killed at -307113.47 -680737.0
[4:08:46] F-80C shot down by GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R at -307113.47 -680737.0
[4:09:16] SBD-5 removed at -304549.38 -673435.94
[4:09:54] F-80C(0) successfully bailed out at -310744.7 -677969.8
[4:11:47] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R landed at -310393.53 -669607.2
[4:11:54] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[4:12:05] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at -310567.0 -669441.2
[4:12:05] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons 'default' fuel 80%
[4:12:45] SBD-5 removed at -307023.47 -670962.3
[4:13:07] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at -311553.94 -668454.9
[4:14:07] F-80C damaged by 6_Chief at -308738.62 -667366.9
[4:14:10] F-80C(0) bailed out at -308477.6 -666957.75
[4:14:32] F-80C shot down by 6_Chief at -306202.53 -664287.5
[4:16:12] SBD-5 removed at -309453.5 -668532.4
[4:18:54] F-80C(0) successfully bailed out at -307659.78 -665931.75
[4:19:11] F-80C damaged by GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R at -303430.34 -675259.7
[4:19:14] F-80C(0) was killed at -303222.72 -675715.5
[4:19:14] F-80C shot down by GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R at -303222.72 -675715.5
[4:22:53] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 19_Chief Hull2 0.027577851  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393879.4 -686118.94
[4:23:09] GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R landed at -316417.4 -659591.56
[4:23:25] GAE_Chape entered refly menu
[4:23:30] GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at -314644.94 -663362.75
[4:23:30] GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons 'default' fuel 80%
[4:23:31] F9F2_Panther_R damaged on the ground at 5.7415156E-5 3.30744E-5
[4:24:18] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R landed at -317233.72 -658766.7
[4:24:23] GAE_Alma entered refly menu
[4:25:58] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R landed at -318421.78 -657574.25
[4:26:08] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[4:28:31] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R landed at -322238.66 -657769.44
[4:28:34] Gae_Cuervo entered refly menu
[4:29:10] GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R removed at -318645.34 -659362.25
[4:29:35] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R landed at -322995.88 -657004.9
[4:29:39] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[4:30:16] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at -323424.16 -656583.9
[4:30:16] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '04x500lbs_Bomb' fuel 80%
[4:31:15] GAE_Maci:F9F2_Panther_R landed at -322190.8 -653818.06
[4:31:26] GAE_Maci entered refly menu
[4:31:39] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at -324394.94 -655596.1
[4:31:39] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '04x500lbs_Bomb' fuel 80%
[4:32:42] GAE_Falcon:F9F2_Panther_R landed at -323207.97 -652798.6
[4:32:48] GAE_Falcon entered refly menu
[4:32:53] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at -325281.88 -654717.8
[4:33:04] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at -323402.4 -652605.7
[4:33:04] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[4:33:26] GAE_Chape entered refly menu
[4:34:04] GAE_Falcon:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at -324099.47 -651891.6
[4:34:04] GAE_Falcon:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[4:34:34] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at -325009.9 -651024.4
[4:34:47] GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at -322622.1 -655385.56
[4:34:47] GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons 'default' fuel 80%
[4:34:48] F9F2_Panther_R damaged on the ground at 7.356368E-5 3.0841275E-5
[4:35:11] 0_Static destroyed by 22_Chief at -395002.28 -687999.4
[4:35:11] BallisticDamage 0_Static Hull3 3.4315345  damaged by  22_Chief  at -395002.28 -687999.4
[4:35:28] GAE_Falcon:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at -325511.4 -650494.94
[4:35:30] GAE_Ceteu has disconnected
[4:36:08] GAE_Ceteu has connected
[4:36:29] GAE_Chape entered refly menu
[4:37:00] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at -326184.12 -649823.94
[4:37:00] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[4:37:34] Gae_Cuervo has disconnected
[4:38:01] Gae_Cuervo has connected
[4:38:15] GAE_Maci:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Maci at -327063.1 -648945.0
[4:38:15] GAE_Maci:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[4:38:26] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at -329193.28 -650814.7
[4:38:26] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '04x500lbs_Bomb' fuel 80%
[4:38:29] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at -328067.84 -647760.75
[4:38:52] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head2 4.8589864  damaged by  23_Chief  at -407593.72 -672895.2
[4:39:10] GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at -327705.1 -648286.0
[4:39:10] GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[4:39:10] F9F2_Panther_R damaged on the ground at 5.9188482E-5 3.2352607E-5
[4:39:26] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at -329889.3 -650101.7
[4:39:26] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '04x500lbs_Bomb' fuel 80%
[4:39:35] GAE_Maci:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at -328498.97 -647507.7
[4:40:16] GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at -328975.38 -647044.25
[4:42:20] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at -332303.78 -647710.7
[4:43:06] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Hull1 0.16304024  damaged by  23_Chief  at -405894.62 -674593.5
[4:43:06] ExplosiveDamage 22_Chief Hull1 0.0030907816  damaged by  23_Chief  at -405894.62 -674593.5
[4:43:13] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at -332636.12 -647371.8
[4:43:42] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at -333321.97 -646692.7
[4:47:17] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 21_Chief Hull1 0.014943135  damaged by  23_Chief  at -404283.25 -675205.06
[4:47:17] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 21_Chief Hull2 0.015471376  damaged by  23_Chief  at -404283.25 -675205.06
[4:47:17] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 21_Chief Hull3 0.014829184  damaged by  23_Chief  at -404283.25 -675205.06
[4:50:22] SeafireMkIII damaged by 3_Chief at -334616.56 -639632.8
[4:50:27] SeafireMkIII(0) bailed out at -334449.6 -639223.7
[4:50:29] SeafireMkIII(0) was killed in his chute by SeafireMkIII at -334399.7 -638985.8
[4:50:29] SeafireMkIII shot down by 3_Chief at -334433.16 -638948.3
[4:51:07] 11_Chief destroyed by 22_Chief at -394213.97 -685784.44
[4:51:07] BallisticDamage 11_Chief Hull1 3.6235225  damaged by  22_Chief  at -394213.94 -685784.44
[4:52:05] SeafireMkIII damaged by GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R at -341228.8 -640228.94
[4:52:10] SeafireMkIII(0) bailed out at -341129.84 -640662.7
[4:52:37] SeafireMkIII shot down by GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R at -341150.56 -643018.7
[4:54:30] FaireyBattle(0) was killed by GAE_Falcon:F9F2_Panther_R at -374697.25 -679364.8
[4:54:30] FaireyBattle(1) was killed at -374697.25 -679364.8
[4:54:30] FaireyBattle shot down by GAE_Falcon:F9F2_Panther_R at -374697.25 -679364.8
[4:54:50] BallisticDamage 18_Chief MastN 0.18973345  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393389.4 -684611.2
[4:54:50] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull1 0.02660925  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393389.6 -684611.0
[4:55:05] 19_Chief destroyed by 22_Chief at -395397.25 -684601.44
[4:55:05] BallisticDamage 19_Chief Hull1 3.783379  damaged by  22_Chief  at -395397.22 -684601.5
[4:55:09] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R landed at -341079.0 -638931.44
[4:55:13] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull3 0.026814507  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393407.22 -684593.4
[4:55:17] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull3 0.026697958  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393410.6 -684590.0
[4:55:29] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull3 0.02690762  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393419.8 -684580.8
[4:55:33] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull1 0.02612738  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393423.5 -684577.1
[4:55:42] FaireyBattle(2) was killed by GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R at -378613.25 -675022.5
[4:55:42] FaireyBattle(1) was killed by GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R at -378613.25 -675022.5
[4:55:42] FaireyBattle(0) was wounded at -378613.25 -675022.5
[4:55:50] FaireyBattle(0) bailed out at -379228.56 -675075.56
[4:56:13] BallisticDamage 15_Chief Hull1 0.027234957  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393455.4 -685543.75
[4:56:13] BallisticDamage 15_Chief Hull2 0.026435684  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393455.84 -685543.3
[4:56:16] BallisticDamage 15_Chief Hull1 0.027198056  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393458.16 -685541.0
[4:56:18] BallisticDamage 15_Chief Hull2 0.026188843  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393459.9 -685539.25
[4:56:24] SeafireMkIII damaged by GAE_Maci:F9F2_Panther_R at -336714.97 -641616.06
[4:56:28] BallisticDamage 15_Chief Hull2 0.02776938  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393467.66 -685531.5
[4:56:28] SeafireMkIII(0) bailed out at -336435.16 -641332.06
[4:56:35] BallisticDamage 15_Chief Hull1 0.026093615  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393473.0 -685526.2
[4:56:36] BallisticDamage 15_Chief Hull1 0.026528971  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393473.8 -685525.4
[4:56:37] FaireyBattle shot down by GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R at -380238.78 -677060.94
[4:56:52] BallisticDamage 15_Chief Boat1 1.8061912  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393486.4 -685512.75
[4:56:55] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 21_Chief Hull1 0.016075138  damaged by  23_Chief  at -400428.7 -679069.06
[4:56:55] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 21_Chief Hull3 0.01606953  damaged by  23_Chief  at -400428.7 -679069.06
[4:56:55] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull1 0.027293086  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393487.72 -684512.9
[4:56:55] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull2 0.026557133  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393487.94 -684512.7
[4:56:56] SeafireMkIII shot down by GAE_Maci:F9F2_Panther_R at -334803.9 -639584.9
[4:56:57] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull1 0.027421985  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393489.7 -684510.94
[4:56:58] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull2 0.026371328  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393490.1 -684510.5
[4:56:58] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull1 0.025581425  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393490.28 -684510.3
[4:57:00] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 21_Chief Hull1 0.016162429  damaged by  23_Chief  at -400393.88 -679103.94
[4:57:00] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 21_Chief Hull3 0.015794883  damaged by  23_Chief  at -400393.88 -679103.94
[4:57:01] 15_Chief destroyed by 22_Chief at -393493.44 -685505.75
[4:57:01] BallisticDamage 15_Chief Hull2 3.9578824  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393493.44 -685505.75
[4:57:12] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull1 0.02728171  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393501.0 -684499.6
[4:57:22] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull2 0.025587711  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393508.9 -684491.7
[4:57:23] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull3 0.027414592  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393509.94 -684490.6
[4:57:24] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull3 0.02748737  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393510.16 -684490.44
[4:57:25] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull3 0.027777255  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393511.66 -684488.94
[4:57:29] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[4:57:31] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull2 0.026506403  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393516.0 -684484.6
[4:57:31] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull3 0.027398026  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393516.4 -684484.2
[4:57:45] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at -338859.9 -639147.75
[4:57:45] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '04x500lbs_Bomb' fuel 80%
[4:57:48] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull2 0.027510252  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393529.7 -684470.94
[4:57:49] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull2 0.02745637  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393529.88 -684470.75
[4:57:49] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull3 0.02533313  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393530.1 -684470.5
[4:57:49] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull1 0.027630137  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393530.22 -684470.4
[4:57:49] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull3 0.026270472  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393530.5 -684470.06
[4:57:52] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull3 0.02691122  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393532.2 -684468.4
[4:57:52] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull2 0.026735878  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393532.34 -684468.25
[4:57:54] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull3 0.02558802  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393534.3 -684466.25
[4:57:58] BallisticDamage 18_Chief MastN 0.18781976  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393537.3 -684463.25
[4:57:59] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull2 0.026146462  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393538.12 -684462.5
[4:58:01] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull2 0.026320575  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393539.88 -684460.7
[4:58:03] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull3 0.025843795  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393541.38 -684459.25
[4:58:04] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull2 0.026820771  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393542.28 -684458.3
[4:58:05] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull3 0.026052862  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393542.56 -684458.06
[4:58:10] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull2 0.027754366  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393546.38 -684454.2
[4:58:17] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull1 0.027238047  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393552.12 -684448.5
[4:58:19] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R landed at -343286.3 -636705.4
[4:58:20] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull1 0.026522832  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393554.75 -684445.8
[4:58:24] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull1 0.027771417  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393557.34 -684443.25
[4:58:25] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[4:58:28] Gae_Cuervo entered refly menu
[4:58:31] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull1 0.026397325  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393562.97 -684437.6
[4:58:31] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull3 0.026703002  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393563.22 -684437.4
[4:58:31] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at -343400.28 -636607.56
[4:58:31] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '04x500lbs_Bomb' fuel 80%
[4:58:37] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull3 0.027245028  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393568.03 -684432.56
[4:58:41] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull2 0.02759335  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393570.66 -684429.94
[4:58:41] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull3 0.0277728  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393570.9 -684429.7
[4:58:41] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull3 0.027730882  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393571.1 -684429.5
[4:58:42] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull1 0.026717402  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393572.16 -684428.44
[4:58:43] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull1 0.026240887  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393572.34 -684428.2


[4:58:43] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull3 0.025899865  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393572.62 -684428.0
[4:58:43] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull2 0.026896713  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393572.97 -684427.6
[4:58:44] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull1 0.027344126  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393573.3 -684427.3
[4:58:44] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull2 0.025633153  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393573.53 -684427.06
[4:58:47] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull1 0.026299907  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393575.5 -684425.1
[4:58:47] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull3 0.026432604  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393575.78 -684424.8
[4:58:52] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull1 0.027521336  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393579.66 -684420.94
[4:58:53] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull1 0.027390381  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393580.25 -684420.3
[4:58:53] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull2 0.02771396  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393580.5 -684420.1
[4:58:53] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull3 0.025925782  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393580.72 -684419.9
[4:58:57] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at -343690.53 -636300.3
[4:58:57] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '04x500lbs_Bomb' fuel 80%
[4:58:57] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull3 0.026566036  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393583.72 -684416.9
[4:58:57] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull2 0.026124572  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393583.88 -684416.7
[4:58:58] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull3 0.025904614  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393584.12 -684416.44
[4:58:58] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull1 0.025450103  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393584.44 -684416.2
[4:58:58] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull3 0.026260119  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393584.72 -684415.9
[4:59:01] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull2 0.026500808  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393586.44 -684414.2
[4:59:01] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull3 0.027222743  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393586.66 -684413.94
[4:59:03] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull3 0.025507381  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393588.3 -684412.25
[4:59:04] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull1 0.026946472  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393589.0 -684411.56
[4:59:04] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull2 0.026644442  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393589.25 -684411.4
[4:59:04] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull1 0.025953459  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393589.4 -684411.2
[4:59:05] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull2 0.025651498  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393589.66 -684410.94
[4:59:05] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull3_dmg 0.027075553  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393590.25 -684410.3
[4:59:06] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull3_dmg 0.025495846  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393590.44 -684410.1
[4:59:11] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull3_dmg 0.026568407  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393594.97 -684405.6
[4:59:12] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull2 0.026458869  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393595.5 -684405.06
[4:59:19] BallisticDamage 14_Chief Hull2 0.5486545  damaged by  9_Chief  at -394605.7 -686398.6
[4:59:50] SeafireMkIII(0) successfully bailed out at -340264.16 -642593.7
[5:00:14] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at -344988.97 -635032.06
[5:00:34] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull3_dmg 0.025430793  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393659.66 -684340.94
[5:00:34] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull3_dmg 0.02669744  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393659.84 -684340.75
[5:00:34] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull1 0.027746892  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393660.12 -684340.44
[5:00:36] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull3_dmg 0.026395405  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393661.0 -684339.56
[5:00:38] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull3_dmg 0.025333755  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393662.78 -684337.8
[5:00:45] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull3_dmg 0.026880665  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393668.66 -684331.94
[5:00:47] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull2 0.026184406  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393670.0 -684330.56
[5:00:48] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull3_dmg 0.025383692  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393670.66 -684329.94
[5:01:09] F9F2_Panther_R(0) was killed at -341255.53 -636811.0
[5:01:09] F9F2_Panther_R shot down by landscape at -341255.53 -636811.0
[5:01:10] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull2 0.02640168  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393688.22 -684312.4
[5:01:16] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at -345392.2 -634615.6
[5:01:32] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull2 0.026043203  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393705.12 -684295.44
[5:01:33] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull3_dmg 0.02553361  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393706.28 -684294.3
[5:01:33] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull2 0.027489513  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393706.44 -684294.1
[5:01:34] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull1 0.025349732  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393706.97 -684293.6
[5:01:34] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull2 0.026713653  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393707.22 -684293.4
[5:01:35] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull3_dmg 0.02558303  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393707.4 -684293.2
[5:01:41] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull3_dmg 0.026618479  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393712.06 -684288.5
[5:01:41] 18_Chief destroyed by 22_Chief at -393712.47 -684288.1
[5:01:41] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull3_dmg 0.027549988  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393712.47 -684288.1
[5:01:45] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at -346134.47 -633875.4
[5:01:55] BallisticDamage 10_Chief Hull2 0.027649956  damaged by  22_Chief  at -394724.2 -687275.94
[5:02:00] BallisticDamage 10_Chief Hull2 0.025871648  damaged by  22_Chief  at -394727.84 -687272.3
[5:02:00] BallisticDamage 10_Chief Hull2 0.026374247  damaged by  22_Chief  at -394728.03 -687272.1
[5:02:01] BallisticDamage 10_Chief Hull2 0.026380803  damaged by  22_Chief  at -394728.8 -687271.3
[5:02:09] BallisticDamage 10_Chief Hull2 0.027093692  damaged by  22_Chief  at -394734.53 -687265.6
[5:02:11] BallisticDamage 10_Chief Hull2 0.025979687  damaged by  22_Chief  at -394736.53 -687263.6
[5:02:14] BallisticDamage 10_Chief Hull1 0.026901677  damaged by  22_Chief  at -394738.5 -687261.6
[5:02:16] BallisticDamage 10_Chief Hull1 0.027763674  damaged by  22_Chief  at -394740.44 -687259.7
[5:02:20] BallisticDamage 10_Chief Hull2 0.026555998  damaged by  22_Chief  at -394743.38 -687256.75
[5:02:40] BallisticDamage 10_Chief Hull1 0.025778297  damaged by  22_Chief  at -394758.8 -687241.3
[5:02:43] BallisticDamage 10_Chief Hull2 0.026312806  damaged by  22_Chief  at -394761.94 -687238.2
[5:02:48] BallisticDamage 10_Chief Hull2 0.027451875  damaged by  22_Chief  at -394765.25 -687234.9
[5:02:49] BallisticDamage 10_Chief Hull2 0.026451152  damaged by  22_Chief  at -394766.03 -687234.1
[5:02:50] BallisticDamage 10_Chief Hull2 0.025493395  damaged by  22_Chief  at -394767.47 -687232.7
[5:02:52] BallisticDamage 10_Chief Hull2 0.026250266  damaged by  22_Chief  at -394768.62 -687231.5
[5:03:00] BallisticDamage 10_Chief Hull2 0.026424235  damaged by  22_Chief  at -394774.62 -687225.5
[5:03:03] F9F2_Panther_R(0) was killed at -342570.88 -635490.44
[5:03:03] F9F2_Panther_R crashed at -342570.88 -635490.44
[5:03:05] 10_Chief destroyed by 22_Chief at -394779.03 -687221.1
[5:03:05] BallisticDamage 10_Chief Hull3 72.49679  damaged by  22_Chief  at -394779.03 -687221.1
[5:03:08] FaireyBattle(0) successfully bailed out at -380979.5 -675962.8
[5:03:20] SeafireMkIII(0) successfully bailed out at -334648.78 -639583.6
[5:03:53] 2_Static destroyed by 22_Chief at -395036.3 -687965.25
[5:03:56] 14_Chief destroyed by 22_Chief at -394822.78 -686181.44
[5:03:56] BallisticDamage 14_Chief Hull3 9.275346  damaged by  22_Chief  at -394822.75 -686181.44
[5:04:07] BallisticDamage 13_Chief Hull3 0.02559104  damaged by  22_Chief  at -392826.38 -686173.9
[5:04:09] BallisticDamage 13_Chief Hull2 0.026165826  damaged by  22_Chief  at -392827.56 -686172.6
[5:04:09] BallisticDamage 13_Chief Hull2 0.027658314  damaged by  22_Chief  at -392827.75 -686172.44
[5:04:10] BallisticDamage 13_Chief Hull2 0.026588846  damaged by  22_Chief  at -392828.34 -686171.9
[5:04:10] BallisticDamage 13_Chief Hull1 0.027557027  damaged by  22_Chief  at -392828.5 -686171.7
[5:04:12] BallisticDamage 13_Chief Hull2 0.0258233  damaged by  22_Chief  at -392830.44 -686169.75
[5:04:13] BallisticDamage 13_Chief Hull2 0.025721872  damaged by  22_Chief  at -392830.8 -686169.4
[5:04:13] BallisticDamage 13_Chief Hull2 0.026209552  damaged by  22_Chief  at -392831.03 -686169.2
[5:04:13] BallisticDamage 13_Chief Hull2 0.027401622  damaged by  22_Chief  at -392831.22 -686169.0
[5:04:15] BallisticDamage 13_Chief Hull2 0.02640163  damaged by  22_Chief  at -392832.34 -686167.9
[5:04:22] BallisticDamage 13_Chief Hull2 0.026611164  damaged by  22_Chief  at -392837.78 -686162.44
[5:04:22] 13_Chief destroyed by 22_Chief at -392838.16 -686162.06
[5:04:22] BallisticDamage 13_Chief Hull1 3.916889  damaged by  22_Chief  at -392838.16 -686162.06
[5:04:28] 9_Chief destroyed by 23_Chief at -397357.16 -681117.9
[5:04:28] BallisticDamage 9_Chief Body 3.7606378  damaged by  23_Chief  at -397357.2 -681117.8
[5:04:37] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 21_Chief Hull1 0.01610582  damaged by  23_Chief  at -397344.94 -682160.4
[5:04:37] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 21_Chief Hull2 0.01527454  damaged by  23_Chief  at -397344.94 -682160.4
[5:04:37] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 21_Chief Hull3 0.015361017  damaged by  23_Chief  at -397344.94 -682160.4
[5:04:57] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Boat3 0.24379514  damaged by  23_Chief  at -397141.53 -683342.7
[5:05:00] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head20 0.038125165  damaged by  23_Chief  at -397121.88 -683362.3
[5:05:00] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Gun9 0.040390037  damaged by  23_Chief  at -397115.88 -683368.3
[5:05:01] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head22 0.039205965  damaged by  23_Chief  at -397114.7 -683369.56
[5:05:01] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Boat3 0.2274688  damaged by  23_Chief  at -397112.06 -683372.1
[5:05:03] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head13_x 0.10776716  damaged by  23_Chief  at -397098.84 -683385.4
[5:05:08] BallisticDamage 23_Chief Head29 0.023719117  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393881.84 -686127.25
[5:05:10] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Boat4 0.24403824  damaged by  23_Chief  at -397048.94 -683435.25
[5:05:11] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head20 0.13186222  damaged by  23_Chief  at -397042.75 -683441.44
[5:05:13] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head19 0.037450895  damaged by  23_Chief  at -397033.3 -683450.9
[5:05:13] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Boat4 0.22343674  damaged by  23_Chief  at -397028.9 -683455.25
[5:05:14] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Crane1 0.023169236  damaged by  23_Chief  at -397026.9 -683457.25
[5:05:14] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Crane2 0.022492737  damaged by  23_Chief  at -397025.7 -683458.44
[5:05:16] BallisticDamage 22_Chief wire_x 0.23268218  damaged by  23_Chief  at -397010.06 -683474.06
[5:05:17] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head7 0.13015649  damaged by  23_Chief  at -397008.47 -683475.7
[5:05:18] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head19 0.040808592  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396998.84 -683485.3
[5:05:19] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Gun10 0.03835747  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396990.44 -683493.75
[5:05:20] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Boat4 0.22195907  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396988.22 -683495.94
[5:05:20] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Crane1 0.024216095  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396984.03 -683500.1
[5:05:20] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head10 0.040680315  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396982.4 -683501.75
[5:05:22] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head19 0.13151468  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396972.2 -683511.94
[5:05:22] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head11_x 0.03928045  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396971.8 -683512.4
[5:05:22] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Boat3 0.22272682  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396970.6 -683513.56
[5:05:22] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Boat3 0.22982779  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396968.6 -683515.56
[5:05:23] BallisticDamage 22_Chief wire_x 0.22919561  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396967.78 -683516.4
[5:05:23] BallisticDamage 22_Chief wire_x 0.2283886  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396964.38 -683519.75
[5:05:24] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head5 0.039482307  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396960.2 -683523.94
[5:05:24] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head11_x 0.040338326  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396959.38 -683524.75
[5:05:25] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Crane1 0.022577966  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396954.16 -683530.0
[5:05:25] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Crane2 0.07739979  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396950.97 -683533.2
[5:05:25] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head19 0.040589616  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396950.34 -683533.75
[5:05:25] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head11_x 0.040199686  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396949.34 -683534.8
[5:05:26] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Crane1 0.024209628  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396948.34 -683535.8
[5:05:26] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head11_x 0.03866378  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396947.75 -683536.4
[5:05:26] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Boat3 0.23834637  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396947.16 -683537.0
[5:05:26] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Crane1 0.022934752  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396946.56 -683537.56
[5:05:26] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head11_x 0.039659087  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396944.94 -683539.2
[5:05:28] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head22 0.039018616  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396929.3 -683554.8
[5:05:28] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Boat1 0.23820382  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396928.72 -683555.44
[5:05:29] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Boat4 0.74028534  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396928.3 -683555.8
[5:05:29] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Boat6 0.74152803  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396927.12 -683557.0
[5:05:29] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head5 0.039561585  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396924.3 -683559.8
[5:05:29] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head21 0.12503079  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396923.9 -683560.25
[5:05:30] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head21 0.12357627  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396915.7 -683568.44
[5:05:31] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head21 0.1267951  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396912.47 -683571.6
[5:05:32] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head12_x 0.12189309  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396904.66 -683579.44
[5:05:32] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head19 0.03995049  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396904.25 -683579.9
[5:05:32] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Crane1 0.072173655  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396902.47 -683581.6
[5:05:33] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Crane1 0.07673767  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396900.47 -683583.7
[5:05:33] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head11_x 0.12609272  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396899.47 -683584.7
[5:05:34] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head5 0.038297065  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396888.62 -683595.5
[5:05:35] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head20 0.03905073  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396886.22 -683597.9
[5:05:37] BallisticDamage 22_Chief wire_x 0.22619376  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396872.6 -683611.5
[5:05:38] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head5 0.04053406  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396867.2 -683616.94
[5:05:38] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Gun9 0.03773823  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396866.6 -683617.5
[5:05:38] BallisticDamage 23_Chief Head15 0.11925203  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393905.16 -686103.9
[5:05:38] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Gun9 0.03923743  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396863.0 -683621.1
[5:05:40] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head5 0.03847222  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396849.56 -683634.56
[5:05:42] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Gun10 0.040485952  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396838.53 -683645.56
[5:05:42] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Gun10 0.039170645  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396837.75 -683646.4
[5:05:42] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head10 0.037834175  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396836.72 -683647.4
[5:05:42] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head19 0.121839635  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396835.12 -683648.94
[5:05:43] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Crane1 0.024199648  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396833.12 -683650.94
[5:05:43] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head11_x 0.040250152  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396831.53 -683652.56
[5:05:44] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head22 0.12765206  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396828.12 -683655.94
[5:05:45] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head19 0.04040194  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396820.3 -683663.75
[5:05:48] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Gun1 0.013436608  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396801.25 -683682.8


[5:05:48] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head1 0.0141853215  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396800.47 -683683.6
[5:05:49] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head20 0.03919207  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396794.25 -683689.8
[5:05:50] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Crane2 0.023530673  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396784.44 -683699.6
[5:05:52] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Gun9 0.04034264  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396768.4 -683715.6
[5:05:53] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head5 0.04006267  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396768.0 -683716.06
[5:05:54] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head20 0.039771166  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396757.2 -683726.9
[5:05:54] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head11_x 0.039984975  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396756.38 -683727.7
[5:05:54] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Hull1 0.16615471  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396755.56 -683728.5
[5:05:54] ExplosiveDamage 22_Chief Hull1 0.018108098  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396755.56 -683728.5
[5:05:54] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Hull2 0.16318782  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396755.38 -683728.7
[5:05:54] ExplosiveDamage 22_Chief Hull2 0.004836504  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396755.38 -683728.7
[5:05:55] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head11_x 0.03806588  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396753.97 -683730.06
[5:05:55] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Boat6 0.23006314  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396753.38 -683730.7
[5:05:56] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head12_x 0.04065913  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396745.94 -683738.06
[5:05:57] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Boat1 0.7255077  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396736.34 -683747.7
[5:05:57] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head13_x 0.11079357  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396735.94 -683748.1
[5:05:58] BallisticDamage 23_Chief MastT 0.022874352  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393920.78 -686088.25
[5:05:58] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head20 0.039146457  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396733.12 -683750.9
[5:05:58] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Gun9 0.03909917  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396728.72 -683755.3
[5:05:59] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head19 0.037410554  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396727.9 -683756.1
[5:05:59] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head11_x 0.037349485  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396725.3 -683758.7
[5:06:00] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head11_x 0.12506178  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396720.9 -683763.1
[5:06:00] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head19 0.039105196  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396720.9 -683763.1
[5:06:00] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head3 0.01344406  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396719.5 -683764.5
[5:06:00] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Boat1 0.7449189  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396718.7 -683765.3
[5:06:00] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Crane2 0.022728281  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396716.5 -683767.5
[5:06:03] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head11_x 0.040662255  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396697.66 -683786.4
[5:06:03] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head11_x 0.040037453  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396696.84 -683787.2
[5:06:03] BallisticDamage 23_Chief Crane 0.02377791  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393925.1 -686083.94
[5:06:03] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head13_x 0.11123281  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396694.66 -683789.4
[5:06:05] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Gun9 0.039417293  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396683.44 -683800.56
[5:06:06] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head19 0.12707223  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396678.8 -683805.2
[5:06:06] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Boat5 0.7255806  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396678.03 -683806.0
[5:06:07] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head13_x 0.112928644  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396669.4 -683814.6
[5:06:08] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head3 0.013229274  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396663.38 -683820.6
[5:06:11] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head7 0.037398055  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396646.34 -683837.6
[5:06:11] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Crane1 0.02305102  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396645.75 -683838.25
[5:06:12] BallisticDamage 23_Chief Gun12 0.1101188  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393931.62 -686077.4
[5:06:13] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head1 0.013371952  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396631.53 -683852.44
[5:06:13] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Boat5 0.23852855  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396630.72 -683853.25
[5:06:13] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Crane1 0.02305998  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396628.12 -683855.9
[5:06:14] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Crane1 0.022777691  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396623.1 -683860.9
[5:06:17] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Boat5 0.22951363  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396605.47 -683878.5
[5:06:17] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head5 0.037830744  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396605.06 -683878.9
[5:06:17] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head11_x 0.13153547  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396604.06 -683879.9
[5:06:17] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head5 0.03744861  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396603.28 -683880.7
[5:06:18] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head11_x 0.13040942  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396599.47 -683884.5
[5:06:18] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head19 0.12918639  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396598.25 -683885.7
[5:06:19] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Gun9 0.121932276  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396592.03 -683891.94
[5:06:19] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head20 0.12167504  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396591.44 -683892.5
[5:06:19] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head20 0.12470251  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396590.25 -683893.7
[5:06:19] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head15_x 0.113355376  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396588.62 -683895.3
[5:06:19] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head5 0.040239632  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396588.03 -683895.94
[5:06:20] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head20 0.13009559  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396586.22 -683897.75
[5:06:20] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head20 0.038278375  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396584.84 -683899.1
[5:06:20] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Gun9 0.13076256  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396584.84 -683899.1
[5:06:20] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head19 0.12973952  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396584.22 -683899.75
[5:06:20] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Gun9 0.1317905  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396583.44 -683900.5
[5:06:21] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head19 0.12784678  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396577.62 -683906.3
[5:06:21] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Gun10 0.12434721  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396576.22 -683907.75
[5:06:21] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head1 0.013341028  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396574.6 -683909.3
[5:06:22] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head21 0.12666799  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396572.4 -683911.56
[5:06:23] BallisticDamage 21_Chief Gun1 0.040558003  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396641.78 -682865.25
[5:06:23] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Gun9 0.037805345  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396567.0 -683916.94
[5:06:23] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Crane1 0.022461237  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396566.0 -683917.94
[5:06:24] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Gun9 0.0407752  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396560.78 -683923.1
[5:06:24] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head11_x 0.122699946  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396560.6 -683923.4
[5:06:25] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head13_x 0.109940656  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396553.38 -683930.56
[5:06:27] BallisticDamage 23_Chief MastT 0.023127189  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393943.5 -686065.5
[5:06:28] BallisticDamage 21_Chief Head10 0.36656678  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396607.56 -682899.56
[5:06:30] BallisticDamage 21_Chief Stack1 0.022300938  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396592.16 -682915.0
[5:06:30] BallisticDamage 21_Chief MastN 0.023480933  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396590.56 -682916.6
[5:06:31] BallisticDamage 21_Chief MastN 0.02372701  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396586.16 -682921.0
[5:06:31] BallisticDamage 21_Chief Boat1 0.23418692  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396585.53 -682921.6
[5:06:31] BallisticDamage 21_Chief Head9 0.11720907  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396585.34 -682921.8
[5:06:31] BallisticDamage 21_Chief Gun3 0.038987223  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396582.94 -682924.2
[5:06:32] BallisticDamage 21_Chief Boat3 0.75615674  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396581.75 -682925.44
[5:06:32] BallisticDamage 21_Chief Head2 0.03780134  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396581.16 -682926.0
[5:06:32] BallisticDamage 21_Chief Head9 0.112942316  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396580.34 -682926.8
[5:06:33] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head3 0.013194858  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396500.88 -683983.06
[5:06:33] BallisticDamage 23_Chief Head1 0.0334751  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393948.34 -686060.6
[5:06:34] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Gun9 0.039879512  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396493.25 -683990.6
[5:06:36] BallisticDamage 23_Chief Head1 0.03434773  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393950.47 -686058.5
[5:06:36] BallisticDamage 21_Chief Head9 0.11319697  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396554.94 -682952.3
[5:06:36] BallisticDamage 21_Chief Boat3 0.22927423  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396553.94 -682953.3
[5:06:36] BallisticDamage 21_Chief Stack1 0.023080306  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396552.12 -682955.1
[5:06:36] BallisticDamage 23_Chief SSC 0.008506739  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393950.9 -686058.06
[5:06:37] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Gun9 0.03734705  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396474.0 -684009.9
[5:06:37] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head1 0.014369035  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396473.8 -684010.06
[5:06:37] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Hull1 0.025702653  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393946.6 -687053.7
[5:06:37] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Hull2 0.026292339  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393947.0 -687053.25
[5:06:37] BallisticDamage 21_Chief Head3 0.037585337  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396544.53 -682962.75
[5:06:38] BallisticDamage 21_Chief Stack1 0.023163233  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396542.3 -682964.94
[5:06:38] BallisticDamage 21_Chief MastN 0.074465394  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396540.12 -682967.1
[5:06:38] BallisticDamage 21_Chief Stack1 0.023661591  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396538.94 -682968.4
[5:06:38] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head21 0.037767723  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396462.78 -684021.1
[5:06:38] BallisticDamage 23_Chief Gun12 0.91617566  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393952.72 -686056.25
[5:06:39] BallisticDamage 21_Chief Stack1 0.023264272  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396531.9 -682975.4
[5:06:41] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head20 0.038961064  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396445.56 -684038.3
[5:06:41] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head7 0.125978  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396445.38 -684038.5
[5:06:41] BallisticDamage 23_Chief CataL 0.026643341  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393954.7 -686054.3
[5:06:41] BallisticDamage 23_Chief SSF 0.02677284  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393954.88 -686054.1
[5:06:42] BallisticDamage 23_Chief MastN 0.02585896  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393955.25 -686053.75
[5:06:42] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head20 0.03978828  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396436.75 -684047.1
[5:06:44] BallisticDamage 23_Chief DeckTW 1.9485962  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393956.78 -686052.2
[5:06:44] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Boat6 0.24211317  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396426.12 -684057.75
[5:06:44] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head21 0.12758523  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396422.72 -684061.2
[5:06:46] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Hull2 0.025481388  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393954.06 -687046.2
[5:06:47] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Gun9 0.0390895  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396407.5 -684076.4
[5:06:47] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Crane1 0.024015445  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396405.47 -684078.4
[5:06:47] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head7 0.03793768  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396404.47 -684079.4
[5:06:47] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head5 0.038624514  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396404.28 -684079.6
[5:06:47] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Crane1 0.0222281  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396403.88 -684080.0
[5:06:48] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head20 0.04007075  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396395.88 -684088.0
[5:06:49] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Gun9 0.038532455  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396389.66 -684094.2
[5:06:50] BallisticDamage 23_Chief SSC 0.008859431  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393962.1 -686046.9
[5:06:51] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head5 0.04067156  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396377.03 -684106.8
[5:06:51] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head15_x 0.36806738  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396376.22 -684107.6
[5:06:52] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Gun9 0.13184676  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396374.03 -684109.8
[5:06:52] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Crane1 0.07900194  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396372.4 -684111.44
[5:06:53] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Crane1 0.023419768  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396364.6 -684119.25
[5:06:54] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Crane1 0.023588777  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396359.8 -684124.06
[5:06:54] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Crane1 0.022293556  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396358.2 -684125.7
[5:06:54] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head3 0.013577715  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396356.6 -684127.25
[5:06:54] BallisticDamage 21_Chief MastN 0.023496917  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396431.28 -683076.25
[5:06:55] BallisticDamage 21_Chief Stack1 0.022767957  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396426.88 -683080.7
[5:06:55] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head20 0.03965548  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396351.6 -684132.25


[5:06:55] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Hull2 0.026007662  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393961.12 -687039.1
[5:06:55] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Hull2 0.02599411  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393961.3 -687038.94
[5:06:55] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head12_x 0.13274276  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396348.38 -684135.5
[5:06:56] BallisticDamage 22_Chief wire_x 0.7543315  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396344.16 -684139.7
[5:06:56] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Gun9 0.12422852  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396342.38 -684141.5
[5:06:57] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Crane1 0.07461742  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396339.56 -684144.3
[5:06:57] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head20 0.13231099  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396337.16 -684146.7
[5:06:58] BallisticDamage 21_Chief Head9 0.11212512  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396408.88 -683098.75
[5:06:58] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Crane1 0.02378232  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396332.75 -684151.1
[5:06:58] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Crane1 0.023880156  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396330.16 -684153.7
[5:06:58] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Crane1 0.022392642  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396328.53 -684155.3
[5:06:58] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Crane1 0.023986625  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396327.53 -684156.3
[5:07:00] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Crane1 0.07756073  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396319.12 -684164.75
[5:07:00] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head14_x 0.35606837  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396316.3 -684167.56
[5:07:00] F9F2_Panther_R removed at -345461.44 -632561.25
[5:07:00] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head5 0.040734455  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396314.72 -684169.1
[5:07:02] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Hull2 0.026311211  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393966.34 -687033.94
[5:07:02] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Hull2 0.027044667  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393966.72 -687033.56
[5:07:02] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Hull2 0.16682318  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396301.88 -684181.94
[5:07:02] ExplosiveDamage 22_Chief Hull2 0.015083877  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396301.88 -684181.94
[5:07:03] 21_Chief destroyed by 23_Chief at -396373.03 -683134.6
[5:07:03] BallisticDamage 21_Chief Hull1 1.1922667  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396373.12 -683134.56
[5:07:04] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head5 0.13083924  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396288.66 -684195.2
[5:07:07] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head8 0.12957744  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396270.03 -684213.8
[5:07:07] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head5 0.039309327  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396269.44 -684214.44
[5:07:09] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head5 0.12185224  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396257.8 -684226.0
[5:07:09] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Crane1 0.07818851  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396256.4 -684227.44
[5:07:10] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Crane1 0.07476823  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396253.78 -684230.0
[5:07:10] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head22 0.12716651  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396252.2 -684231.6
[5:07:12] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head7 0.03872146  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396239.78 -684244.06
[5:07:12] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Hull2 0.1744518  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396239.38 -684244.44
[5:07:12] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Gun5 0.038947124  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396237.38 -684246.44
[5:07:12] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head5 0.12475083  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396234.75 -684249.06
[5:07:13] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head5 0.123529725  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396230.94 -684252.9
[5:07:14] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head7 0.038317483  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396222.12 -684261.7
[5:07:14] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head13_x 0.115354866  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396220.72 -684263.06
[5:07:15] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head12_x 0.040433113  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396219.94 -684263.9
[5:07:16] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Crane1 0.022840729  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396208.5 -684275.3
[5:07:18] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head7 0.13058873  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396198.7 -684285.1
[5:07:20] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Hull2 0.025469575  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393980.5 -687019.75
[5:07:20] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Hull3 0.0277825  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393980.9 -687019.4
[5:07:22] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head15_x 0.110294305  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396170.84 -684312.94
[5:07:23] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head13_x 0.11180969  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396162.22 -684321.56
[5:07:26] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head12_x 0.039557982  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396141.38 -684342.4
[5:07:28] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Hull2 0.027628362  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393986.6 -687013.7
[5:07:28] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Hull2 0.025366273  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393987.2 -687013.06
[5:07:29] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head22 0.1273068  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396121.53 -684362.25
[5:07:29] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head7 0.12251034  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396121.12 -684362.6
[5:07:32] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head13_x 0.3652174  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396106.72 -684377.06
[5:07:32] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head7 0.038752284  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396101.7 -684382.06
[5:07:32] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Hull1 0.02606265  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393990.4 -687009.9
[5:07:33] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Hull1 0.02721342  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393990.6 -687009.7
[5:07:33] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head7 0.12373113  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396098.5 -684385.25
[5:07:33] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head15_x 0.110415936  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396097.7 -684386.06
[5:07:33] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head15_x 0.10983031  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396094.7 -684389.06
[5:07:34] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head15_x 0.11451396  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396092.88 -684390.9
[5:07:34] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head7 0.037717354  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396091.06 -684392.7
[5:07:35] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head8 0.038635455  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396086.06 -684397.7
[5:07:35] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Hull2 0.17622674  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396082.25 -684401.5
[5:07:35] ExplosiveDamage 22_Chief Hull2 0.028567849  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396082.25 -684401.5
[5:07:37] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Hull2 0.027626667  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393994.2 -687006.06
[5:07:37] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head7 0.12786074  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396068.03 -684415.7
[5:07:38] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Hull2 0.026947277  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393994.56 -687005.7
[5:07:38] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Hull1 0.027479932  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393994.94 -687005.3
[5:07:38] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Hull2 0.026028687  damaged by  22_Chief  at -393995.16 -687005.1
[5:07:39] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head15_x 0.3625804  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396056.22 -684427.5
[5:07:39] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head10 0.03909149  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396055.8 -684427.94
[5:07:39] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Gun10 0.037660375  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396055.0 -684428.75
[5:07:40] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head7 0.039615277  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396047.6 -684436.1
[5:07:41] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head22 0.03727732  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396046.6 -684437.1
[5:07:42] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head21 0.12110975  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396038.78 -684444.94
[5:07:43] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head8 0.037760742  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396031.56 -684452.2
[5:07:44] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head8 0.038634162  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396025.53 -684458.2
[5:07:45] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Hull2 0.025425674  damaged by  22_Chief  at -394000.44 -686999.8
[5:07:45] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head8 0.037905704  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396014.94 -684468.8
[5:07:46] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Hull2 0.026717667  damaged by  22_Chief  at -394000.8 -686999.44
[5:07:46] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head1 0.013877035  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396008.3 -684475.4
[5:07:47] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head21 0.12521528  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396002.7 -684481.0
[5:07:47] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head8 0.037786253  damaged by  23_Chief  at -396000.28 -684483.44
[5:07:48] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Hull2 0.026996927  damaged by  22_Chief  at -394002.5 -686997.8
[5:07:48] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head22 0.037254967  damaged by  23_Chief  at -395993.47 -684490.2
[5:07:50] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head1 0.013660596  damaged by  23_Chief  at -395983.06 -684500.6
[5:07:51] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head21 0.12875888  damaged by  23_Chief  at -395978.84 -684504.8
[5:07:52] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head12_x 0.121171825  damaged by  23_Chief  at -395967.22 -684516.44
[5:07:53] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Gun10 0.122475065  damaged by  23_Chief  at -395965.8 -684517.9
[5:07:54] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Hull1 0.026724325  damaged by  22_Chief  at -394007.12 -686993.1
[5:07:54] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Hull1 0.026477532  damaged by  22_Chief  at -394007.5 -686992.75
[5:07:56] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Hull1 0.02577798  damaged by  22_Chief  at -394009.1 -686991.2
[5:07:57] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head12_x 0.1319894  damaged by  23_Chief  at -395933.56 -684550.1
[5:07:59] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Hull3 0.025633901  damaged by  22_Chief  at -394011.53 -686988.75
[5:07:59] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Hull2 0.025584338  damaged by  22_Chief  at -394011.72 -686988.56
[5:08:00] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head10 0.1303029  damaged by  23_Chief  at -395919.75 -684563.94
[5:08:00] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head12_x 0.13051057  damaged by  23_Chief  at -395918.53 -684565.1
[5:08:00] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head10 0.13072418  damaged by  23_Chief  at -395917.12 -684566.56
[5:08:00] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head12_x 0.12713508  damaged by  23_Chief  at -395916.53 -684567.1
[5:08:00] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Hull2 0.026500396  damaged by  22_Chief  at -394012.28 -686988.0
[5:08:00] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Hull2 0.026096782  damaged by  22_Chief  at -394012.5 -686987.75
[5:08:02] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head12_x 0.12915131  damaged by  23_Chief  at -395904.5 -684579.2
[5:08:02] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head8 0.039948463  damaged by  23_Chief  at -395903.72 -684579.94
[5:08:02] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head1 0.014029897  damaged by  23_Chief  at -395902.1 -684581.56
[5:08:02] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Crane2 0.022580126  damaged by  23_Chief  at -395901.9 -684581.75
[5:08:02] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Hull1 0.027681932  damaged by  22_Chief  at -394014.0 -686986.25
[5:08:03] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head1 0.013924698  damaged by  23_Chief  at -395898.1 -684585.56
[5:08:03] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head8 0.0408811  damaged by  23_Chief  at -395894.88 -684588.75
[5:08:05] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Hull2 0.026495855  damaged by  22_Chief  at -394016.3 -686983.94
[5:08:05] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head8 0.03884812  damaged by  23_Chief  at -395880.06 -684603.6
[5:08:09] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Crane2 0.022660516  damaged by  23_Chief  at -395854.22 -684629.44
[5:08:09] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Crane2 0.0227179  damaged by  23_Chief  at -395853.8 -684629.8
[5:08:10] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head1 0.01378517  damaged by  23_Chief  at -395850.6 -684633.06
[5:08:10] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Gun1 0.013704995  damaged by  23_Chief  at -395848.0 -684635.6
[5:08:11] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head6 0.13085811  damaged by  23_Chief  at -395844.0 -684639.6
[5:08:11] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Hull1 0.027585017  damaged by  22_Chief  at -394020.72 -686979.56
[5:08:11] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Hull2 0.026433568  damaged by  22_Chief  at -394021.1 -686979.2
[5:08:12] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head8 45.28623  damaged by  23_Chief  at -395836.2 -684647.44
[5:08:12] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Crane2 0.07198314  damaged by  23_Chief  at -395834.97 -684648.7
[5:08:12] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head1 0.013333966  damaged by  23_Chief  at -395834.78 -684648.9
[5:08:12] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head1 0.013626638  damaged by  23_Chief  at -395833.38 -684650.25
[5:08:13] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Crane2 0.07493391  damaged by  23_Chief  at -395832.16 -684651.5
[5:08:13] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head1 0.013850711  damaged by  23_Chief  at -395832.16 -684651.5
[5:08:13] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Hull2 0.026613357  damaged by  22_Chief  at -394022.3 -686977.94
[5:08:13] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Hull2 0.025394818  damaged by  22_Chief  at -394022.5 -686977.75
[5:08:15] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Hull2 0.027775798  damaged by  22_Chief  at -394023.94 -686976.3
[5:08:15] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Hull2 0.02646718  damaged by  22_Chief  at -394024.16 -686976.1
[5:08:22] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Crane2 0.024041938  damaged by  23_Chief  at -395770.66 -684712.94
[5:08:27] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Crane2 0.023873204  damaged by  23_Chief  at -395738.38 -684745.2
[5:08:27] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Crane2 0.023845892  damaged by  23_Chief  at -395736.6 -684747.0
[5:08:27] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Crane2 0.023498325  damaged by  23_Chief  at -395733.2 -684750.44
[5:08:30] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Crane2 0.023555497  damaged by  23_Chief  at -395718.56 -684765.06
[5:08:30] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head22 0.039536834  damaged by  23_Chief  at -395713.94 -684769.6
[5:08:31] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Crane2 0.02350633  damaged by  23_Chief  at -395710.53 -684773.06
[5:08:33] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Hull1 0.025783429  damaged by  22_Chief  at -394037.7 -686962.6
[5:08:33] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Hull1 0.026802901  damaged by  22_Chief  at -394038.25 -686962.0
[5:08:33] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Hull1 0.026445067  damaged by  22_Chief  at -394038.44 -686961.8
[5:08:34] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Crane2 0.07827805  damaged by  23_Chief  at -395692.7 -684790.9
[5:08:34] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Crane2 0.07350167  damaged by  23_Chief  at -395690.1 -684793.5
[5:08:34] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Hull2_dmg 0.17095605  damaged by  23_Chief  at -395686.5 -684797.06
[5:08:34] ExplosiveDamage 22_Chief Hull2 0.011245185  damaged by  23_Chief  at -395686.5 -684797.06
[5:08:35] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Crane2 0.022479685  damaged by  23_Chief  at -395683.88 -684799.7
[5:08:35] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Crane2 0.02296554  damaged by  23_Chief  at -395682.88 -684800.7
[5:08:35] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Hull3 0.026421653  damaged by  22_Chief  at -394039.8 -686960.5
[5:08:37] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Crane2 0.022281747  damaged by  23_Chief  at -395671.25 -684812.3
[5:08:37] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Crane2 0.022651423  damaged by  23_Chief  at -395670.47 -684813.1
[5:08:38] 22_Chief destroyed by 23_Chief at -395662.84 -684820.75
[5:08:38] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Hull2_dmg 0.16412018  damaged by  23_Chief  at -395663.0 -684820.56
[5:10:59] F9F2_Panther_R removed at -348262.7 -629747.75
[5:20:17] GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R landed at -356818.7 -619181.94
[5:20:42] GAE_Chape entered refly menu
[5:20:47] GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at -355149.38 -622858.2
[5:20:47] GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[5:20:48] F9F2_Panther_R damaged on the ground at 5.7723624E-5 3.2987173E-5
[5:26:41] GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R removed at -359313.84 -618693.75
[5:27:04] GAE_Maci:F9F2_Panther_R landed at -361628.72 -614371.44
[5:27:11] GAE_Maci entered refly menu
[5:28:21] GAE_Maci:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Maci at -360486.62 -617520.94
[5:28:21] GAE_Maci:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[5:28:57] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R(0) was killed at -364867.44 -615134.9
[5:28:57] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R shot down by 0_Chief at -364867.44 -615134.9
[5:29:25] Gae_Cuervo has disconnected
[5:29:36] GAE_Falcon:F9F2_Panther_R landed at -363461.75 -612537.3
[5:29:50] GAE_Falcon has disconnected
[5:29:56] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R landed at -363636.53 -612372.0
[5:30:05] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R damaged on the ground at -363745.72 -612262.75
[5:30:19] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R landed at -365962.28 -614036.9
[5:30:41] GAE_Alma entered refly menu
[5:30:50] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at -362242.6 -615748.0
[5:30:50] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[5:31:55] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R damaged on the ground at -363004.9 -614985.75
[5:31:55] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 2_Chief Hull1 0.027340537  damaged by  GAE_Alma_0  at -363050.9 -614948.4
[5:31:55] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 2_Chief Hull2 0.026410097  damaged by  GAE_Alma_0  at -363050.9 -614948.4
[5:31:55] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R(0) was heavily wounded at -363080.97 -614909.75
[5:31:55] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R(0) was killed at -363080.97 -614909.75
[5:31:55] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R shot down by landscape at -363080.97 -614909.75
[5:31:55] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 2_Chief Hull1 0.012668448  damaged by  GAE_Alma_0  at -363050.9 -614948.4
[5:31:55] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 2_Chief Hull2 0.012669635  damaged by  GAE_Alma_0  at -363050.9 -614948.4
[5:32:12] GAE_Alma entered refly menu
[5:32:14] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at -363226.53 -614764.1
[5:32:14] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[5:33:40] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R landed at -366313.1 -609683.8
[5:33:52] GAE_Maci has disconnected
[5:34:59] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[5:35:46] Mission END


1º Vuelo

F9F2_Panther_R - Default - Fuel 80%

Salimos como un elemento más de Caza ante la alarma que indica la llegada de aviones agresores a la FT.

Entramos en combate con varios Aeromacchi, pero se me nota el óxido en el combate avión contra avión: Luego de varias evoluciones en medio del caos general del combate, logro abrir fuego y tocar a uno de los enemigos, pero jammeo los flaps.

Me retiro y aponto sin novedad una vez que los combates ceden.

AAK: 0
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Ok Apontado

2º Vuelo

F9F2_Panther_R - Default - Fuel 80%

Decolo otra vez en funciones de Caza, debido a la alarma que emite Chape sobre nuevos contactos sobre la zona, los cuales son derribados rápidamente.

Me quedo haciendo escolta sobre la FT mientras los aviones de Caza apontan y reabastecen, luego hago lo propio para reabastecerme y cargar bombas, a fin de actuar contra la fuerza de superficie que amenaza el convoy aliado en el oeste.

AAK: 0
Piloto: Ok
Avión: OK Apontado

3º Vuelo

F9F2_Panther_R - Bombas 4x500 lbs. - Fuel 80%

Con Cuervo cargamos bombas y decolamos, mientras Caza se dirige hacia el oeste en avanzada.

Mientras estamos tomando altura, Control nos informa de nuevos agresores que entran altos.

Ordeno soltar la carga y trepar, antes de ser atrapados bajos. Los detecto rápidamente, mucho más altos que yo e inicio la persecusión, tratando de estar siempre a sus seis.

Alcanzo prácticamente su altura, pero eso me ha costado la turbina, por lo que el vuelo levemente en trepada del enemigo me mantiene a baja velocidad, no pudiendo cerrar la distancia lo suficiente.

En eso, la AAA borra de este Mundo al líder, por lo que los wingmans viran por izquierda, lo que aprovecho para acotar distancia.

No muy cerca, y ante la posibilidad, que escapen, me decido a disparar a gran distancia, con la esperanza de lograr algún impacto. Alguno acierto, lo que los hace virar otra vez, con lo que aprovecho nuevamente para acortar el giro.

Bastante más cerca, destrozo al último, y cuando estoy a punto de despachar al restante, me quedo sin munición.

Me mantengo a sus seis a fin de no permitirle actuar en mi contra, por lo menos hasta la llegada de elementos propios que lo liquiden y permitan mi retirada.

Llega el Gu Maci y se lo carga en un santiamén, con lo que me retiro al Independencia, anuncio mi llegada en emergencia con la turbina sin potencia, aprovecho de cambiar altura por velocidad y logro apontar al primer intento sin novedad.

AAK: 1
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Ok Apontado

4º Vuelo

F9F2_Panther_R - Bombas 4x500 lbs. - Fuel 80%

Repetida escena de los Panthers de Ataque siendo catapultados y con Cuervo nos dirigimos al convoy aliado.

Llegados sobre la zona, el combate aparentemente fué terrible, con algunos mercantes sobrevivientes y el crucero norteamericano de escolta que averiado, a logrado sin embargo cargarse a los tres buques agresores.

Ordeno a Cuervo lanzar las bombas en una corrida de práctica de skip bombing sobre uno de los cascos en proceso de irse al fondo y nos volvemos.

En rumbo a la FT, Cuervo me anuncia que la temperatura se ha cargado su turbina también. Llegados sobre la FT, le doy el primer turno de apontaje en el V1, pero ya casi sobre cubierta la turbina lo traiciona del todo, pierde altura y se estrella contra la popa del Independencia.

Consternado ante la pérdida, aponto sin otras novedades.

ANK: 0
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Ok Apontado


1er Vuelo

F9F2 Panther ? 80 % fuel ? DEFAULT

Despego del V2 como elemento de la primera sección de caza liderada por Pepper y secundada por Chape. A poco de decolar entramos en combate con unidades hostiles a reacción en cercanías de nuestra FT, a resultas de estas acciones derribo a un F80 Shooting Star. Casi inmediatamente recibo fuego enemigo de otro F80 que daña severamente mi avión y me obliga a eyectarme. Desgraciadamente la expulsión se produce a muy baja altura con las desgraciadas consecuencias previsibles.

AAK: 1 (F-80C Shooting Star)
Piloto: KIA

2do Vuelo

F9F2 Panther ? 80 % fuel ? DEFAULT

Vuelvo a salir para sumarme al combate pero ya no queda actividad enemiga. Tras sobrevolar la FT se decide poner rumbo a la flota aliada cuya defensa es nuestro segundo objetivo. Debido a la distancia que nos separa de dicha escuadra, debo regresar al portaviones para volver a salir con tanques suplementarios.

AAK: 0
Piloto: OK

3er Vuelo

F9F2 Panther ? 80 % fuel + 2 tanques 154 gal ? DEFAULT

Despego junto al líder con rumbo al convoy amigo. En el camino nos cruzamos con un par de Fairey Battles enemigos a los que perseguimos. El líder me ordena que ataque y derribo a uno. A partir de ahí nos quedamos patrullando la zona mientras somos testigos de una feroz batalla naval bajos nuestros pies. Sin actividad aérea enemiga regresamos a casa.

AAK: 1 (Fairey Battle)
Piloto: OK


1er Vuelo:

F9F2 Panther - 80% Fuel - Default

Despego como numeral 2 de la escuadra de ataque. En este momento volamos en conjunto con caza para eliminar la presencia enemiga que amenaza a la flota.
   Por problemas técnicos despego un poco mas tarde que los demás, y la primera flota enemiga es destruida. Aponto sin novedad

AAK: 0
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Apontado

2do Vuelo:

F9F2 Panther - 80% Fuel + 4 x 500 bomb -

Despego como numeral 2 de la escuadra de ataque. Salimos con intencion de derribar el barco enemigo, sin embargo una vez en el aire la flak aliada comienza a disparar. Soltamos bomba y encaramos al objetivo. Ceteu destruye 1 de los 3 objetivos, mientras que los otros 2 son derribados por Alma. Aponto sin novedad.

AAK: 0
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Apontado

3er Vuelo:

F9F2 Panther - 80% Fuel + 4 x 500 bomb -

Despego como numeral 2 de la escuadra de ataque. Ponemos rumbo hacia el objetivo, una ves allí observamos que los barcos aliados ya destruyeron el mismo, haciendo nulo nuestro vieja. Descargamos nuestro armamento de todas formas sobre el objetivo a medio hundir.
Exigo mucho mi motor y al salir me doy cuenta que no tengo potencia. Pongo rumbo al portaaviones para apontar. Una vez en final, realizo el procedimiento normal, pero el motor un al máximo de potencia no logra elevar mi avión y esto causa que me estrelle al intentar enganchar.

AGK: 0
Piloto: KIA
Avión: KIA


1º Vuelo

F9F2_Panther_R - Default - Fuel 80% + Tanques

Salimos como 2da seccion del grupo de caza liderado por Pepper. Con Maci como nuemeral. Ganamos altura y nos dirigimos hacie el objetivo. Pronto detectamos contactos acercandose a la flota por lo que entablamos combate. Veo reactores y pistoneros enemigos, luego de las primeras maniobras me pongo detras de un pistonero el que resulta ser un corsario, disparo rafagas cortas y lo toco antes de darme cuenta que es amigo, por lo que desisto del ataque, luego me enteraria que no logro llegar a base. Shockeado por el incidente y maldiciendo por no haber recibido novedades de corsarios aliados operando en la zona, continuo con el combate logrando destruir a 3 reactores aermacchi. Con poco combustible y municiones aponto en el V2 sin novedad.

AAK: 3 Reactores
Friendly Kill: 1 F4U
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Ok Apontado

2º Vuelo

F9F2_Panther_R - Default - Fuel 80% + Tanques

Decolo nuevamente y retomamos rumbo al objetivo. Pero a pocos minutos nos avisa ceteu e contactos sobre la flota, por lo que nos desprendemos de la formacion con el GU Maci y volvemos sobre nuestros pasos. Llegamos y relevamos a ceteu del combate, logrando Maci derribar al agresor. Luego vamos sobre la flota enemiga que se trenza en combate con los aliados, y cuando todo se calma retoranmos al V2 donde aponto sin novedad.

AAK: 0
Piloto: Ok
Avión: OK Apontado


1º Vuelo

F9F2 Panther R - Default - Fuel 80% + Tanques

Decolo del V2 como numeral del Teniente Alma quien lideraba la segunda sección de caza. Ganamos altura y formamos junto a la primera sección. De repente mi líder informa sobre contactos enemigos. Mi líder va hacia ellos, y yo lo sigo cuidándole las 6. Logra ganarle las 6 a un enemigo? yo sigo cerca de el?. De repente una ráfaga de metralla atraviesa mi cabina? con mi avión averiado y mi pierna sangrando realizo maniobras evasivas. Logro desprenderme del enemigo, ya sin fuerzas y la vista adormecida logro amarizar.

AAK: 0
Piloto: Herido
Avión: Destruido

2º Vuelo

F9F2 Panther R - Default - Fuel 80% + Tanques

Una vez curado por el medico del V2, decolo nuevamente. Para estos momentos el enemigo había sido derribado del cielo. Gano altura y me formo. Minutos después de tener el control aéreo sobre nuestra flota, comenzamos a descender para cargar con jugo los Panthers e iniciar el recorrido de cobertura para ataque.

AAK: 0
Piloto: Ok
Avión: OK Apontado

3º Vuelo

F9F2 Panther R - Default - Fuel 80% + Tanques

Decolo como numeral del Teniente Alma. Una vez formada toda la escuadra de caza, ponemos rumbo hacia el objetivo. Iniciabamos un vuelo silencioso, la radio estaba muda. Estabamos tranquilos de haber salvado nuestra flota. De repente todo ese silencio se transforma en la voz del Teniente Ceteu, líder de la escuadra de ataque. El mensaje era claro? teníamos contactos nuevamente en casa. Como segunda sección de caza, mi líder y yo nos desprendimos y pusimos rumbo hacia la flota para ayudar a nuestros aviones. Una vez en zona, entablamos combate. El Teniente Alma me ordena entrarle a un contacto mientras el se despachaba al líder.
Ganamos altura y retornamos hacia donde se encontraba la primera sección de casa para luego volver a casa. 

AAK: 1
Piloto: Ok
Avión: OK Apontado
