Grupo Aeronaval Embarcado Virtual

Div. Operaciones => Misiones de Campañas - IL2 => Mensaje iniciado por: GAE_Ceteu en 25 de Junio de 2013, 05:07:56 PM

Título: Ifni 12 (25/06/1955)
Publicado por: GAE_Ceteu en 25 de Junio de 2013, 05:07:56 PM
Preparen el equipo. La cosa ha explotado.

Una fuerza expedicionaria española ha arribado a las costas de Ifni y sin dilación, los infantes de marina hispanos encaran el desembarco, apoyados por los ARA Brown y ARA La Argentina.

Granados, ante esto, no ha vacilado. Un batallón de tanques y varias compañías de soldados, apoyados por aviones Texan de ataque al suelo, han pasado por la frontera norte y este al territorio del Marruecos francés, con el objetivo de capturar el importante nudo vial de Tiznit, donde los franceses han decidido resistir a ultranza.

Si cae Tiznit, el camino al norte queda abierto para Granados... Y sabemos a dónde quiere ir.

Al Marruecos español, con el apoyo de los grupos fundamentalistas, y de allí, a España.

Título: Re:Ifni 12 (25/06/1955)
Publicado por: GAE_Ceteu en 25 de Junio de 2013, 10:38:37 PM
Señores, hoy los españoles desembarcan en Ifni, con el fin de aplastar esta revuelta.

No se andan con vueltas, su objetivo es la capital del país, y requieren que demos apoyo aéreo a su toma de tierra, tal como hicimos en las Canarias,

Pero esto no ha pasado desapercibido a Granados, que ha lanzado las tropas ya listas al territorio marroquí francés, en el afán de sacar una victoria de las garras de la derrota.

Dos columnas han partido desde Id Aisa y desde la Alcazaba de Ifni. Los franceses bloquearon exitosamente el camino costero con minas, por lo que sólo pueden tomar los españoles un camino que desemboca en un cruce, al sudoeste de Tiznit, donde concentrarán sus defensas.


1º Escuadrilla de Ataque.

La 1º se dedicará a desarticular el ataque de las columnas que se encuentran en territorio francés. Para ello contarán con la coordinación In Situ de un piloto GAE derribado con anterioridad sobre territorio de Ifni y rescatado por los franceses.

El mismo operará desde la base francesa de Tiznit, la que cuenta con Texan y Corsarios de la versión AU-1.

La 1º está autorizada a aterrizar y repostar combustible y armamento en dicha base, e incluso operar con los AU-1 mientras se realizan esas tareas en los aviones propios.

Pero recordar que los aviones son limitados: 4 texans y 4 AU-1 es todo lo que pueden aportar los amigos de L`Armeé de L`Air.

2ª Escuadrilla de Caza y Ataque.

Su misión primordial es dar cobertura a la flota de desembarco, tanto ante amenaza aérea como de superficie, si es que los barcos en Sidi Ifni deciden dar batalla en mar adentro.

Si no salen de puerto y abren fuego contra los barcos entrantes, deben ser hundidos.

Se estima que la oposición cuenta con tres buques de guerra surtos en dicho puerto, un crucero y dos destructores, amén de algunos mercantes, más algún caza defensivo que opere en apoyo de algún CASA 2111 misilístico.

Sólo con la seguridad que la flota española no es atacada, puede proceder a abandonarla y atacar PAC´s enemigas a fin de lograr superioridad aérea sobre el resto del territorio de Ifni.

Fuerza de Tareas

Los portaaviones se han separado, ambos con mismo rumbo suroeste-noreste, con el V1 ARA Independencia más adelantado con respecto al V2 ARA 25 de mayo.
Título: Re:Ifni 12 (25/06/1955)
Publicado por: GAE_Ceteu en 26 de Junio de 2013, 01:32:08 AM
[26.06.2013 3:23:48] Mission: net/dogfight/Ifni1955/Ifni12.mis is Playing
[3:23:48] Mission BEGIN
[3:24:21] GAE_Pepper has connected
[3:25:21] GAE_Ceteu:SNJ-3_Texan_Trainer(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 240422.56 129238.27
[3:25:21] GAE_Ceteu:SNJ-3_Texan_Trainer loaded weapons 'HVAR2_Rocket' fuel 60%
[3:26:19] Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 173103.38 120146.34
[3:26:19] Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5 loaded weapons 'Central Tank + 8 x HVAR Rockets' fuel 50%
[3:26:25] GAE_Charrua:F4U-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 173198.34 120235.13
[3:26:25] GAE_Charrua:F4U-5 loaded weapons 'Central Tank + 8 x HVAR Rockets' fuel 50%
[3:27:02] Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 173672.12 120732.25
[3:27:15] Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5 in flight at 173979.81 121088.12
[3:27:24] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 149446.77 93485.73
[3:27:24] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 50%
[3:29:31] 184_Static destroyed by 7_Chief at 195237.34 89008.84
[3:29:42] GAE_Ceteu:SNJ-3_Texan_Trainer in flight at 241528.22 128760.28
[3:30:07] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[3:30:16] GAE_Charrua:F4U-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 175018.05 122114.2
[3:30:16] GAE_Charrua:F4U-5 loaded weapons 'Central Tank + 8 x HVAR Rockets' fuel 50%
[3:31:17] GAE_Charrua:F4U-5 in flight at 175855.25 123031.875
[3:32:47] 145_Static destroyed by 7_Chief at 195221.58 89587.1
[3:32:58] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 152817.52 96842.44
[3:34:50] 175_Static destroyed by 7_Chief at 194800.2 89927.79
[3:37:32] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 3_Static Hull3 0.0156076625  damaged by  8_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[3:40:05] GAE_Charrua:F4U-5(0) was killed at 214154.05 119418.5
[3:40:05] GAE_Charrua:F4U-5 shot down by landscape at 214154.05 119418.5
[3:40:49] 10_Chief1 destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5 at 217485.53 119300.21
[3:40:50] 10_Chief2 destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5 at 217479.05 119300.03
[3:40:50] 10_Chief0 destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5 at 217503.62 119296.164
[3:40:53] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[3:40:59] GAE_Charrua:F4U-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 181934.4 129223.01
[3:40:59] GAE_Charrua:F4U-5 loaded weapons 'Central Tank + 8 x HVAR Rockets' fuel 50%
[3:41:28] 8_Static destroyed by 8_Chief at 195092.94 89874.24
[3:41:28] BallisticDamage 8_Static Hull3 1.0903081  damaged by  8_Chief  at 195092.94 89874.24
[3:41:49] 9_Chief3 destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5 at 214561.05 119500.0
[3:41:49] 9_Chief4 destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5 at 214547.64 119500.0
[3:41:49] 9_Chief5 destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5 at 214532.8 119500.0
[3:41:50] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 170_Static Hull1 0.02678809  damaged by  8_Chief  at 195109.19 88835.67
[3:42:07] GAE_Charrua:F4U-5 in flight at 182883.0 130213.195
[3:42:33] 9_Chief1 destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5 at 214790.33 119590.33
[3:42:49] 12_Chief6 destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5 at 216547.53 119500.0
[3:43:23] 12_Chief4 destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5 at 216764.27 119435.74
[3:44:08] 11_Chief25 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:SNJ-3_Texan_Trainer at 233700.0 100050.67
[3:44:08] 174_Static destroyed by 8_Chief at 194804.05 89953.03
[3:44:09] 11_Chief19 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:SNJ-3_Texan_Trainer at 233700.0 100143.44
[3:44:09] 11_Chief18 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:SNJ-3_Texan_Trainer at 233700.0 100155.93
[3:44:20] 12_Chief5 destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5 at 217058.06 119300.0
[3:44:20] 12_Chief3 destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5 at 217073.95 119300.0
[3:44:20] 12_Chief2 destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5 at 217090.56 119300.0
[3:44:20] 12_Chief1 destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5 at 217107.6 119300.0
[3:45:57] 11_Chief2 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:SNJ-3_Texan_Trainer at 233500.0 100747.23
[3:46:21] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 3_Static Hull3 0.015538446  damaged by  8_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[3:46:42] 9_Chief6 destroyed by GAE_Charrua:F4U-5 at 216010.22 119589.78
[3:46:44] 9_Chief7 destroyed by GAE_Charrua:F4U-5 at 216005.42 119593.61
[3:46:44] 9_Chief8 destroyed by GAE_Charrua:F4U-5 at 216000.36 119599.64
[3:47:34] 32_Static destroyed by T6_Texan at 240337.42 125998.38
[3:47:41] 631_Static destroyed by T6_Texan at 240492.36 126055.68
[3:47:41] 633_Static destroyed by T6_Texan at 240493.88 126035.7
[3:48:00] 85_Static destroyed by 7_Chief at 195044.11 89659.09
[3:48:00] BallisticDamage 85_Static Hull1 1.2004986  damaged by  7_Chief  at 195044.11 89659.09
[3:48:16] 9_Chief9 destroyed by GAE_Charrua:F4U-5 at 216476.58 119500.0
[3:48:16] 9_Chief0 destroyed by GAE_Charrua:F4U-5 at 216507.7 119500.0
[3:48:32] 22_Static destroyed by 7_Chief at 195479.89 89852.96
[3:48:44] 12_Chief8 destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5 at 218490.66 118909.34
[3:48:44] 12_Chief9 destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5 at 218483.73 118916.266
[3:48:46] 12_Chief7 destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5 at 218515.11 118899.99
[3:51:58] T6_Texan damaged by landscape at 240982.05 127009.8
[3:51:58] T6_Texan(0) was killed at 240982.05 127009.8
[3:51:58] T6_Texan(1) was killed at 240982.05 127009.8
[3:51:58] T6_Texan shot down by 31_Static at 240982.05 127009.8
[3:52:12] T6_Texan(0) was wounded at 240872.72 126173.32
[3:52:19] T6_Texan damaged by 111_Static at 240471.75 126299.695
[3:52:24] T6_Texan(0) bailed out at 240188.88 126410.53
[3:52:25] T6_Texan(1) bailed out at 240121.22 126446.15
[3:52:26] T6_Texan(1) was killed in his chute by T6_Texan at 240091.48 126464.07
[3:52:26] T6_Texan shot down by 111_Static at 240090.5 126464.25
[3:52:26] T6_Texan(0) was killed in his chute by T6_Texan at 240091.47 126461.62
[3:53:24] BallisticDamage 3_Chief Hull2 0.0591414  damaged by  es01030  at 175606.12 97569.305
[3:53:24] ExplosiveDamage 3_Chief Hull2 0.85599583  damaged by  es01030  at 175606.12 97569.305
[3:53:26] BallisticDamage 3_Chief Hull2_dmg 0.051960442  damaged by  es01031  at 175620.95 97557.84
[3:53:26] 3_Chief destroyed by He-111H-12 at 175620.95 97557.84
[3:53:26] ExplosiveDamage 3_Chief Hull2 0.45205408  damaged by  es01031  at 175620.9 97557.88
[3:53:51] Ha_1112_M1L(0) was wounded at 175092.7 95173.52
[3:53:51] Ha_1112_M1L(0) bailed out at 175092.7 95173.52
[3:54:44] Ha_1112_M1L shot down by 1_Chief at 175187.0 95706.56
[3:55:07] He-111H-12(2) was wounded at 180952.4 99793.57
[3:55:07] He-111H-12(0) was killed at 180959.61 99789.17
[3:55:07] He-111H-12(1) was killed at 180959.61 99789.17
[3:55:07] He-111H-12(2) was heavily wounded at 180965.02 99785.875
[3:55:07] He-111H-12 damaged by GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R at 180970.4 99782.586
[3:55:14] He-111H-12(2) bailed out at 181400.97 99525.12
[3:55:32] T6_Texan(0) was wounded at 232433.77 124284.6
[3:55:32] T6_Texan landed at 232433.77 124284.6
[3:55:32] T6_Texan damaged on the ground at 232433.77 124284.6
[3:55:37] T6_Texan(0) bailed out at 232433.8 124284.59
[3:55:38] T6_Texan(1) bailed out at 232433.8 124284.59
[3:55:47] T6_Texan(0) successfully bailed out at 232377.61 124303.586
[3:55:47] T6_Texan(0) was captured at 232377.61 124303.586
[3:55:47] T6_Texan(1) successfully bailed out at 232390.9 124248.45
[3:55:47] T6_Texan(1) was captured at 232390.9 124248.45
[3:55:50] He-111H-12(2) was wounded at 184089.22 103212.555
[3:55:50] He-111H-12(2) was killed by GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R at 184089.22 103212.555
[3:55:54] He-111H-12 shot down by GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R at 184013.39 99649.24
[3:56:31] T6_Texan shot down by Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5 at 232433.78 124284.58
[3:56:43] He-111H-12 damaged by 2_Chief at 187102.9 105256.04
[3:56:47] He-111H-12(0) bailed out at 187340.83 105419.71
[3:56:49] He-111H-12(1) bailed out at 187402.61 105467.945
[3:57:06] T6_Texan(0) was heavily wounded at 232317.06 124629.35
[3:57:13] T6_Texan(0) was killed at 232312.52 124628.69
[3:57:14] T6_Texan(1) bailed out at 232312.55 124628.71
[3:57:14] He-111H-12 shot down by GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R at 188166.27 105846.68
[3:57:24] T6_Texan(1) successfully bailed out at 232368.89 124594.35
[3:57:24] T6_Texan(1) was captured at 232368.89 124594.35
[3:57:42] Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5 landed at 240882.03 129238.336
[3:57:42] Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5 damaged on the ground at 240882.03 129238.336
[3:57:57] GAE_Ceteu:SNJ-3_Texan_Trainer landed at 240248.0 129173.39
[3:58:09] T6_Texan shot down by 141_Static at 232312.55 124628.71
[3:58:12] Gae_Cuervo entered refly menu
[3:58:32] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[3:59:44] GAE_Ceteu:AU-1(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 240421.56 129238.27
[3:59:44] GAE_Ceteu:AU-1 loaded weapons '2x1000lbs+6x500lbsBombs' fuel 50%
[3:59:53] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 240421.56 129224.27
[3:59:53] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 loaded weapons '2x1000lbs+6x500lbsBombs' fuel 50%
[4:01:00] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R landed at 170771.97 114913.25
[4:01:03] GAE_Charrua:F4U-5 landed at 240659.62 129192.98
[4:01:15] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[4:01:18] Gae_Cuervo entered refly menu
[4:01:21] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[4:01:32] Ha_1112_M1L(0) successfully bailed out at 176384.69 97090.19
[4:01:32] Ha_1112_M1L(0) was captured at 176384.69 97090.19
[4:01:48] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 171259.98 115403.25
[4:01:48] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 70%
[4:01:48] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 240421.56 129210.27
[4:01:48] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 loaded weapons '2x1000lbs+6x500lbsBombs' fuel 50%
[4:02:27] He-111H-12(2) successfully bailed out at 183219.6 98130.516
[4:02:28] He-111H-12(1) successfully bailed out at 188641.72 106575.94
[4:02:28] He-111H-12(1) was captured at 188641.72 106575.94
[4:02:52] GAE_Charrua:AU-1(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 240421.56 129196.27
[4:02:52] GAE_Charrua:AU-1 loaded weapons '2x1000lbs+6x500lbsBombs' fuel 50%
[4:03:07] He-111H-12(0) successfully bailed out at 188592.62 106503.46
[4:03:26] T6_Texan(0) was killed by 140_Static at 230918.55 125386.53
[4:03:26] T6_Texan damaged by 140_Static at 230918.55 125386.53
[4:03:31] T6_Texan(1) bailed out at 231164.36 125452.07
[4:03:46] T6_Texan shot down by 140_Static at 232128.12 126122.55
[4:04:30] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 240649.16 129196.195
[4:04:37] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 174693.28 118387.23
[4:05:19] 170_Static destroyed by 8_Chief at 195109.19 88835.67
[4:05:19] BallisticDamage 170_Static Hull2 3.881131  damaged by  8_Chief  at 195109.19 88835.67
[4:05:20] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 in flight at 242401.45 129287.445
[4:05:21] 29_Static destroyed by T6_Texan at 240380.98 126056.08
[4:05:23] T6_Texan(1) successfully bailed out at 231685.14 125834.27
[4:05:23] T6_Texan(1) was captured at 231685.14 125834.27
[4:05:27] GAE_Charrua:AU-1 in flight at 242251.3 129273.49
[4:05:36] GAE_Ceteu:AU-1 in flight at 242152.28 129197.94
[4:07:19] BallisticDamage 2_Chief Hull2 0.054457508  damaged by  es01110  at 186793.05 100129.57
[4:07:19] ExplosiveDamage 2_Chief Hull2 0.5145252  damaged by  es01110  at 186793.05 100129.57
[4:07:23] BallisticDamage 2_Chief Hull2 0.04734423  damaged by  es01111  at 186813.77 100111.164
[4:07:23] 2_Chief destroyed by He-111H-12 at 186813.77 100111.164
[4:07:23] ExplosiveDamage 2_Chief Hull2 0.84160095  damaged by  es01111  at 186813.64 100111.27
[4:07:34] 167_Static destroyed by 8_Chief at 195123.8 88977.03
[4:07:34] BallisticDamage 167_Static Hull2 3.7243228  damaged by  8_Chief  at 195123.8 88977.03
[4:08:08] 172_Static destroyed by 7_Chief at 195239.73 90033.27
[4:09:07] T6_Texan landed at 239054.44 119631.42
[4:09:07] T6_Texan damaged on the ground at 239054.44 119631.42
[4:09:11] T6_Texan(0) bailed out at 239054.44 119631.42
[4:09:12] T6_Texan(1) bailed out at 239054.44 119631.42
[4:09:19] T6_Texan(0) successfully bailed out at 239103.7 119640.92
[4:09:19] T6_Texan(0) was captured at 239103.7 119640.92
[4:09:21] T6_Texan(1) successfully bailed out at 239110.08 119632.7
[4:09:21] T6_Texan(1) was captured at 239110.08 119632.7
[4:10:06] T6_Texan shot down by 111_Static at 239054.44 119631.42
[4:11:09] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 3_Static Hull3 0.015725745  damaged by  7_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:11:16] 11_Chief4 destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 at 230900.0 105730.51
[4:11:17] 11_Chief9 destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 at 230900.0 105663.484
[4:11:17] 11_Chief11 destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 at 230900.0 105637.4
[4:12:40] 11_Chief15 destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 230900.0 105700.98
[4:12:40] 11_Chief14 destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 230900.06 105711.23
[4:12:40] 11_Chief13 destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 230901.84 105720.3
[4:12:40] 11_Chief12 destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 230902.86 105780.97
[4:12:41] 11_Chief10 destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 230900.0 105863.15
[4:13:58] 11_Chief23 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:AU-1 at 230901.52 105745.414
[4:13:59] 11_Chief24 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:AU-1 at 230897.7 105693.984
[4:13:59] 11_Chief28 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:AU-1 at 230900.0 105624.67
[4:13:59] 11_Chief27 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:AU-1 at 230906.72 105639.42
[4:13:59] 11_Chief26 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:AU-1 at 230904.92 105659.27
[4:13:59] 11_Chief29 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:AU-1 at 230900.0 105611.22
[4:13:59] 11_Chief31 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:AU-1 at 230900.0 105582.03
[4:13:59] 11_Chief30 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:AU-1 at 230900.0 105596.47
[4:13:59] 11_Chief32 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:AU-1 at 230900.0 105569.516
[4:15:24] BallisticDamage 3_Static Stack3 0.18832725  damaged by  7_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:15:31] BallisticDamage 3_Static SSC 0.025679557  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:15:38] BallisticDamage 3_Static Hull3 0.008782097  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:15:39] BallisticDamage 3_Static SST 0.026273318  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:15:41] BallisticDamage 3_Static MastN 0.18459366  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:15:44] BallisticDamage 3_Static Hull3 0.008727599  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:15:52] T6_Texan(0) was heavily wounded at 231538.66 108694.91
[4:15:52] T6_Texan damaged by GAE_Ceteu:AU-1 at 231538.66 108694.91
[4:15:57] T6_Texan(0) bailed out at 231720.47 108600.2
[4:15:58] T6_Texan(1) bailed out at 231743.84 108589.766
Título: Re:Ifni 12 (25/06/1955)
Publicado por: GAE_Ceteu en 26 de Junio de 2013, 01:32:18 AM
[4:16:01] T6_Texan(0) was killed at 231804.33 108568.98
[4:16:01] T6_Texan(1) was killed at 231791.31 108568.71
[4:16:02] T6_Texan shot down by GAE_Ceteu:AU-1 at 231781.72 108572.53
[4:16:10] BallisticDamage 3_Static WireC_x 1.9285432  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:16:10] BallisticDamage 3_Static WireN_x 1.8042926  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:16:12] BallisticDamage 3_Static SST 0.026056921  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:16:34] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 3_Static Hull1 0.015699582  damaged by  7_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:16:39] BallisticDamage 3_Static Stack4 0.17896564  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:16:39] Ha_1112_M1L damaged by GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R at 197182.38 95895.53
[4:16:42] 144_Static destroyed by 0_Chief at 195486.86 90003.5
[4:16:42] BallisticDamage 3_Static SST 0.027135707  damaged by  7_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:16:44] Ha_1112_M1L(0) bailed out at 196710.9 96001.945
[4:16:57] Ha_1112_M1L(0) was wounded at 195474.55 96317.9
[4:16:57] Ha_1112_M1L(0) bailed out at 195474.55 96317.9
[4:17:11] Ha_1112_M1L shot down by GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R at 194213.73 95834.46
[4:17:11] Ha_1112_M1L damaged by landscape at 195219.28 97483.11
[4:17:11] Ha_1112_M1L(0) was killed at 195219.28 97483.11
[4:17:11] Ha_1112_M1L shot down by GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R at 195219.28 97483.11
[4:17:14] Ha_1112_M1L(0) was wounded at 194151.25 94938.805
[4:17:18] Ha_1112_M1L damaged by GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R at 194126.0 94448.875
[4:17:23] Ha_1112_M1L(0) bailed out at 194266.14 93951.09
[4:17:24] BallisticDamage 3_Static SSN 0.027584026  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:17:24] BallisticDamage 3_Static Boat1 1.8509814  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:17:27] BallisticDamage 3_Static Boat3 1.9269649  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:17:34] BallisticDamage 3_Static SST 0.027521621  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:17:44] BallisticDamage 3_Static SSN 0.026961269  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:17:45] Ha_1112_M1L shot down by GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R at 194796.1 92649.57
[4:17:46] BallisticDamage 3_Static SSC 0.02623023  damaged by  7_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:17:48] BallisticDamage 3_Static MastC 0.18173382  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:17:49] BallisticDamage 3_Static Stack4 0.18593791  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:17:53] BallisticDamage 3_Static MastC 0.1810286  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:17:56] Ha_1112_M1L shot down by GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R at 194836.22 96389.85
[4:18:01] BallisticDamage 3_Static Stack1 0.18313758  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:18:44] BallisticDamage 3_Static SSN 0.46201313  damaged by  6_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:19:07] BallisticDamage 3_Static SSC 0.025961377  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:19:07] 185_Static destroyed by 7_Chief at 195240.8 89022.2
[4:19:27] BallisticDamage 3_Static Stack4 0.19463024  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:19:30] BallisticDamage 3_Static Stack4 0.18067475  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:19:40] BallisticDamage 3_Static SSN 0.02578103  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:19:40] BallisticDamage 3_Static MastC 0.19346268  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:19:46] BallisticDamage 3_Static Hull3 0.008759788  damaged by  7_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:20:06] BallisticDamage 3_Static Head3 0.32148743  damaged by  7_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:20:11] BallisticDamage 3_Static MastN 0.18912598  damaged by  7_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:20:30] BallisticDamage 3_Static Hull3 0.008758697  damaged by  7_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:20:38] BallisticDamage 3_Static Head9 0.3195678  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:20:40] BallisticDamage 3_Static Head9 0.31198558  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:20:40] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 landed at 240571.53 129262.26
[4:20:44] Gae_Cuervo entered refly menu
[4:20:46] BallisticDamage 3_Static SSN 0.5197977  damaged by  4_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:20:51] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 240421.56 129238.27
[4:20:51] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 loaded weapons '2x1000lbs+6x500lbsBombs' fuel 50%
[4:21:10] BallisticDamage 3_Static SST 0.026882783  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:21:13] BallisticDamage 3_Static MastT 0.18363416  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:21:14] BallisticDamage 3_Static Hull1 0.008538498  damaged by  8_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:21:20] 26_Static destroyed by 1_Chief at 195368.83 86894.31
[4:21:24] BallisticDamage 3_Static DeckTW 0.1870173  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:21:32] 183_Static destroyed by 6_Chief at 195200.64 89026.21
[4:21:48] 7_Static destroyed by 1_Chief at 195422.38 87483.78
[4:21:53] BallisticDamage 3_Static SST 0.02749385  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:21:57] BallisticDamage 3_Static MastN 0.18816179  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:22:08] GAE_Balker has connected
[4:22:10] GAE_Ceteu:AU-1 landed at 240914.23 129317.664
[4:22:12] BallisticDamage 3_Static Stack1 0.18758368  damaged by  8_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:22:15] BallisticDamage 3_Static MastN 0.18588802  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:22:15] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[4:22:21] GAE_Ceteu:AU-1(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 240421.56 129238.27
[4:22:21] GAE_Ceteu:AU-1 loaded weapons '2x1000lbs+6x500lbsBombs' fuel 50%
[4:22:21] BallisticDamage 3_Static Hull1 0.00858907  damaged by  8_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:22:21] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 damaged on the ground at 240421.6 129238.266
[4:22:21] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1(0) was killed at 240421.6 129238.266
[4:22:21] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 crashed at 240421.6 129238.266
[4:22:28] Gae_Cuervo entered refly menu
[4:22:28] GAE_Charrua:AU-1 landed at 241014.16 129225.16
[4:22:30] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[4:22:30] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 240421.56 129224.27
[4:22:30] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 loaded weapons '2x1000lbs+6x500lbsBombs' fuel 50%
[4:22:35] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[4:22:40] BallisticDamage 3_Static DeckTW 0.18071274  damaged by  8_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:22:42] BallisticDamage 3_Static Stack4 0.17938954  damaged by  7_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:22:56] GAE_Ceteu:AU-1(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 240421.56 129238.27
[4:22:56] GAE_Ceteu:AU-1 loaded weapons '2x1000lbs+6x500lbsBombs' fuel 50%
[4:22:57] BallisticDamage 3_Static SST 0.02552615  damaged by  7_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:23:00] 6_Static destroyed by 1_Chief at 194987.73 87583.28
[4:23:05] 4_Static destroyed by 8_Chief at 195009.84 87477.04
[4:23:10] 182_Static destroyed by 7_Chief at 195163.58 88761.87
[4:23:18] 10_Chief3 destroyed by 142_Static at 229498.45 125299.97
[4:23:26] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R landed at 185408.94 129625.0
[4:23:27] 5_Static destroyed by 8_Chief at 194899.38 87548.6
[4:23:27] BallisticDamage 3_Static DeckTW 0.19469106  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:23:32] BallisticDamage 3_Static Head10 0.32373667  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:23:34] GAE_Charrua:AU-1(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 240421.56 129224.27
[4:23:34] GAE_Charrua:AU-1 loaded weapons '2x1000lbs+6x500lbsBombs' fuel 50%
[4:23:35] 27_Static destroyed by 5_Chief at 195364.77 86785.87
[4:23:41] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[4:23:43] 21_Static destroyed by 0_Chief at 195504.64 87705.09
[4:23:45] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 185595.94 129807.57
[4:23:45] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 70%
[4:23:48] BallisticDamage 3_Static SST 0.025081342  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:23:49] BallisticDamage 3_Static Stack4 0.19058344  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:23:51] 16_Static destroyed by 0_Chief at 195528.78 87547.64
[4:23:53] BallisticDamage 3_Static Head9 0.31899408  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:24:07] BallisticDamage 3_Static SSC 0.027470412  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:24:08] BallisticDamage 3_Static MastC 0.19338542  damaged by  1_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:24:09] BallisticDamage 3_Static Hull1 0.008587291  damaged by  1_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:24:09] 107_Static destroyed by 7_Chief at 195404.12 87486.61
[4:24:10] BallisticDamage 3_Static Stack3 0.1805228  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:24:11] BallisticDamage 3_Static Hull3 0.0086860405  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:24:19] GAE_Balker has disconnected
[4:24:22] BallisticDamage 3_Static MastN 0.18211094  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:24:22] BallisticDamage 3_Static Hull1 0.008594587  damaged by  1_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:24:25] BallisticDamage 3_Static DeckTW 0.18209895  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:24:25] 176_Static destroyed by 7_Chief at 195439.77 88375.8
[4:24:28] Ha_1112_M1L(0) successfully bailed out at 195295.7 92228.28
[4:24:32] Ha_1112_M1L(0) successfully bailed out at 193965.97 96917.63
[4:24:33] BallisticDamage 3_Static Hull2 0.008785443  damaged by  8_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:24:33] Ha_1112_M1L(0) successfully bailed out at 194779.89 96916.51
[4:24:49] 334_Static destroyed by 7_Chief at 195398.45 87531.77
[4:24:58] BallisticDamage 3_Static Hull2 0.008785432  damaged by  8_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
Título: Re:Ifni 12 (25/06/1955)
Publicado por: GAE_Ceteu en 26 de Junio de 2013, 01:32:51 AM
[4:25:02] BallisticDamage 3_Static MastT 0.18466315  damaged by  8_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:25:08] BallisticDamage 3_Static Head10 0.3145414  damaged by  8_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:25:18] BallisticDamage 3_Static MastT 0.1903711  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:25:25] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 240674.72 129196.52
[4:25:25] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 3_Static Hull2 0.014924415  damaged by  8_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:25:27] GAE_Balker has connected
[4:25:29] 245_Static destroyed by 6_Chief at 195359.02 86802.24
[4:25:29] 246_Static destroyed by 6_Chief at 195357.03 86820.69
[4:25:35] BallisticDamage 3_Static MastC 0.18732816  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:25:38] BallisticDamage 3_Static Hull3 0.008800975  damaged by  7_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:25:39] BallisticDamage 3_Static MastC 0.19427307  damaged by  7_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:25:44] BallisticDamage 3_Static Stack3 0.17807691  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:25:51] 186_Static destroyed by 8_Chief at 194799.02 87050.44
[4:25:53] BallisticDamage 3_Static SST 0.02662163  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:25:54] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1(0) was killed at 241164.33 129235.27
[4:25:54] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 shot down by landscape at 241164.33 129235.27
[4:25:55] BallisticDamage 3_Static Head9 0.31364593  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:25:56] GAE_Charrua:AU-1 damaged on the ground at 240757.61 129241.414
[4:25:56] BallisticDamage 3_Static Hull3 0.0085186735  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:25:56] BallisticDamage 3_Static Hull3 0.008846661  damaged by  7_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:25:58] GAE_Charrua:AU-1(0) was wounded at 240796.39 129226.305
[4:25:58] GAE_Charrua:AU-1(0) was killed at 240796.39 129226.305
[4:25:58] GAE_Charrua:AU-1 shot down by 628_Static at 240796.39 129226.305
[4:26:02] He-111H-12 landed at 195138.84 54006.996
[4:26:04] BallisticDamage 3_Static Stack2 0.18301071  damaged by  7_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:26:20] BallisticDamage 3_Static Head8 0.32281107  damaged by  1_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:26:25] BallisticDamage 3_Static SST 0.027202548  damaged by  7_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:26:30] 14_Static destroyed by 8_Chief at 195920.48 87413.23
[4:26:32] He-111H-12 removed at 194779.11 54000.24
[4:26:39] 348_Static destroyed by 0_Chief at 195444.81 87538.55
[4:26:42] BallisticDamage 3_Static Hull1 0.16575128  damaged by  8_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:26:49] Gae_Cuervo entered refly menu
[4:26:51] BallisticDamage 3_Static SSC 0.025709763  damaged by  7_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:26:51] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 240421.56 129210.27
[4:26:51] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 loaded weapons '2x1000lbs+6x500lbsBombs' fuel 50%
[4:26:52] BallisticDamage 3_Static Boat2 1.9002936  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:26:56] 349_Static destroyed by 7_Chief at 195438.89 87518.86
[4:27:00] BallisticDamage 3_Static Hull2 0.008618563  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:27:08] BallisticDamage 3_Static SSC 0.02596774  damaged by  7_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:27:16] BallisticDamage 3_Static SST 0.025726749  damaged by  7_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:27:20] BallisticDamage 3_Static Hull1 0.16530518  damaged by  8_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:27:33] BallisticDamage 3_Static SST 0.025238065  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:27:38] 333_Static destroyed by 8_Chief at 195420.98 87546.54
[4:27:38] GAE_Balker has disconnected
[4:27:48] BallisticDamage 3_Static MastN 0.18500446  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:27:50] BallisticDamage 3_Static Hull3 0.008488846  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:27:51] BallisticDamage 3_Static Gun2 0.307557  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:27:52] BallisticDamage 3_Static Hull1 0.008568434  damaged by  1_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:27:53] BallisticDamage 3_Static Hull1 0.008777439  damaged by  1_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:28:01] BallisticDamage 3_Static SSC 0.026039492  damaged by  1_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:28:01] BallisticDamage 3_Static Hull1 0.00861585  damaged by  1_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:28:02] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 240618.98 129198.17
[4:28:03] BallisticDamage 3_Static Stack3 0.17794573  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:28:08] BallisticDamage 3_Static Head3 0.31883377  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:28:11] BallisticDamage 3_Static Hull2 0.008743758  damaged by  1_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:28:15] BallisticDamage 3_Static Hull3 0.008662712  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:28:16] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 189925.6 133889.75
[4:28:19] BallisticDamage 3_Static Stack3 0.17980333  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:28:22] BallisticDamage 3_Static SSC 0.026379405  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:28:23] BallisticDamage 3_Static SSC 0.027297627  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:28:31] BallisticDamage 3_Static Hull1 0.008855967  damaged by  8_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:28:36] BallisticDamage 3_Static SSC 0.027265508  damaged by  0_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:28:44] 3_Static destroyed by 7_Chief at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:28:44] BallisticDamage 3_Static Hull2 1.174388  damaged by  7_Chief  at 194649.48 88968.21
[4:28:50] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 in flight at 242334.23 129315.586
[4:28:52] GAE_Ceteu:AU-1 removed at 241673.81 129181.86
[4:28:57] 335_Static destroyed by 7_Chief at 195375.19 87538.03
[4:28:57] 43_Static destroyed by 7_Chief at 195383.02 87559.29
[4:29:07] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[4:29:08] GAE_Ceteu:AU-1(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 240421.56 129238.27
[4:29:08] GAE_Ceteu:AU-1 loaded weapons '2x1000lbs+6x500lbsBombs' fuel 50%
[4:29:09] He-111H-12 landed at 195139.66 54006.664
[4:29:12] 24_Static destroyed by 8_Chief at 195373.62 87061.78
[4:29:12] 373_Static destroyed by 8_Chief at 195353.48 87279.89
[4:29:14] 331_Static destroyed by 7_Chief at 195406.22 87506.24
[4:29:14] 332_Static destroyed by 7_Chief at 195420.23 87519.26
[4:29:14] 336_Static destroyed by 7_Chief at 195385.19 87520.01
[4:29:22] GAE_Balker has connected
[4:29:28] 188_Static destroyed by 1_Chief at 194794.52 86986.03
[4:29:31] 17_Static destroyed by 0_Chief at 195523.3 87500.46
[4:29:38] He-111H-12 removed at 194779.6 54000.21
[4:29:42] 18_Static destroyed by 0_Chief at 195708.73 87587.14
[4:29:51] 20_Static destroyed by 0_Chief at 195838.2 87713.87
[4:29:59] GAE_Ceteu:AU-1 in flight at 241748.22 129208.97
[4:30:01] 371_Static destroyed by 1_Chief at 195392.48 87351.83
[4:30:07] 374_Static destroyed by 8_Chief at 195339.52 87239.04
[4:30:22] 372_Static destroyed by 0_Chief at 195369.3 87312.3
[4:30:35] 196_Static destroyed by 8_Chief at 195363.39 86991.32
[4:30:45] 19_Static destroyed by 7_Chief at 195706.53 87566.29
[4:30:58] 12_Static destroyed by 0_Chief at 195850.81 87622.25
[4:31:23] 375_Static destroyed by 8_Chief at 195335.31 87193.45
[4:31:31] T6_Texan landed at 195143.14 54001.07
[4:31:37] 25_Static destroyed by 8_Chief at 195370.3 86981.74
[4:31:46] 173_Static destroyed by 0_Chief at 195840.08 87512.73
[4:31:52] 28_Static destroyed by 1_Chief at 195365.14 86621.72
[4:32:01] T6_Texan removed at 194786.25 53999.797
[4:32:07] 244_Static destroyed by 8_Chief at 195358.9 86639.98
[4:32:11] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 191076.6 135314.6
[4:32:11] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons 'default' fuel 80%
[4:32:26] 195_Static destroyed by 8_Chief at 195363.14 87070.6
[4:32:36] 11_Static destroyed by 7_Chief at 195845.33 87497.17
[4:33:04] 13_Static destroyed by 7_Chief at 195847.52 87569.03
[4:33:12] 12_Chief0 destroyed by 142_Static at 229631.5 125300.0
[4:33:12] 15_Static destroyed by 0_Chief at 195776.75 87383.05
[4:33:27] 0_Static destroyed by 7_Chief at 196038.72 87631.78
[4:33:54] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 192701.47 136942.45
[4:35:04] 1_Static destroyed by 7_Chief at 196068.44 87534.07
[4:35:42] 2_Static destroyed by 1_Chief at 196079.72 87520.33
[4:36:52] 11_Chief21 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:AU-1 at 230500.0 111366.84
[4:36:52] 11_Chief20 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:AU-1 at 230500.0 111381.37
[4:36:52] 11_Chief17 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:AU-1 at 230500.0 111395.66
[4:36:53] 11_Chief8 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:AU-1 at 230500.0 111424.41
[4:36:53] 11_Chief7 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:AU-1 at 230500.0 111438.28
[4:36:53] 11_Chief0 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:AU-1 at 230500.0 111508.93
[4:38:21] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[4:38:37] GAE_Charrua:SNJ-3_Texan_Trainer(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 240422.56 129238.27
[4:38:37] GAE_Charrua:SNJ-3_Texan_Trainer loaded weapons 'GunPods+3WP&3HVAR2+Bombs+Droptank' fuel 50%
[4:38:49] GAE_Charrua:SNJ-3_Texan_Trainer damaged on the ground at 240422.62 129238.266
[4:38:54] GAE_Charrua:SNJ-3_Texan_Trainer(0) bailed out at 240422.62 129238.266
[4:38:55] GAE_Charrua:SNJ-3_Texan_Trainer(1) bailed out at 240422.62 129238.266
[4:39:00] GAE_Charrua:SNJ-3_Texan_Trainer(0) successfully bailed out at 240397.98 129264.49
[4:39:02] GAE_Charrua:SNJ-3_Texan_Trainer(1) successfully bailed out at 240426.48 129278.555
[4:39:07] T6_Texan damaged by landscape at 239080.23 125104.47
[4:39:07] T6_Texan(0) was killed at 239080.23 125104.47
[4:39:07] T6_Texan(1) was killed at 239080.23 125104.47
[4:39:07] T6_Texan shot down by GAE_Ceteu:AU-1 at 239080.23 125104.47
[4:39:44] T6_Texan damaged by landscape at 240974.9 125483.22
[4:39:44] T6_Texan(0) was killed at 240974.9 125483.22
[4:39:44] T6_Texan(1) was killed at 240974.9 125483.22
[4:39:44] T6_Texan shot down by GAE_Ceteu:AU-1 at 240974.9 125483.22
[4:40:52] T6_Texan(0) was killed by Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 at 239820.69 125348.88
[4:40:58] T6_Texan(1) bailed out at 239880.42 125762.53
[4:41:10] T6_Texan shot down by Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 at 239862.52 126342.805
[4:42:12] T6_Texan damaged by Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 at 241910.25 126382.89
[4:42:13] T6_Texan(0) was wounded at 242001.0 126302.31
[4:42:16] T6_Texan(0) bailed out at 242134.39 126164.586
[4:42:17] T6_Texan(1) bailed out at 242192.81 126095.125
[4:42:28] T6_Texan shot down by Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 at 242499.06 125574.17
[4:43:01] T6_Texan(1) successfully bailed out at 240145.16 126437.945
[4:43:01] T6_Texan(1) was captured at 240145.16 126437.945
[4:43:35] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[4:44:21] T6_Texan(0) successfully bailed out at 242829.92 125468.63
[4:44:21] T6_Texan(0) was captured at 242829.92 125468.63
[4:44:48] T6_Texan(1) successfully bailed out at 242684.97 125503.26
[4:44:48] T6_Texan(1) was captured at 242684.97 125503.26
[4:45:13] GAE_Ceteu:AU-1 landed at 240520.16 129104.2
[4:45:21] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 landed at 240748.58 129226.77
[4:45:32] Gae_Cuervo entered refly menu
[4:45:39] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 240421.56 129238.27
[4:45:39] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 loaded weapons '2x1000lbs+6x500lbsBombs' fuel 50%
[4:46:20] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[4:46:28] Ha_1112_M1L damaged by landscape at 204164.75 82003.51
[4:46:28] Ha_1112_M1L(0) was killed at 204164.75 82003.51
[4:46:28] Ha_1112_M1L shot down by 6_Chief at 204164.75 82003.51
[4:46:34] GAE_Ceteu:AU-1(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 240421.56 129238.27
[4:46:34] GAE_Ceteu:AU-1 loaded weapons '2x1000lbs+6x500lbsBombs' fuel 50%
[4:46:35] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 damaged on the ground at 240424.36 129238.21
[4:46:35] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1(0) was killed at 240424.36 129238.21
[4:46:35] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 crashed at 240424.36 129238.21
[4:46:38] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[4:46:39] Gae_Cuervo entered refly menu
[4:46:42] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 240421.56 129238.27
[4:46:42] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 loaded weapons '2x1000lbs+6x500lbsBombs' fuel 50%
[4:47:32] GAE_Ceteu:AU-1(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 240421.56 129238.27
[4:47:32] GAE_Ceteu:AU-1 loaded weapons '2x1000lbs+6x500lbsBombs' fuel 50%
[4:47:41] 9_Chief2 destroyed by 171_Static at 229566.88 125300.0
[4:48:13] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 240635.97 129196.63
[4:48:55] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 in flight at 242212.55 129458.54
[4:48:59] GAE_Ceteu:AU-1 in flight at 242012.69 129331.54
[4:53:27] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R(0) was killed at 216883.73 112460.9
[4:53:27] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R shot down by Ha_1112_M1L at 216883.73 112460.9
[4:53:53] GAE_Balker entered refly menu
[4:54:04] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 195492.97 139732.2
[4:54:04] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons 'default' fuel 80%
[4:54:06] GAE_Ceteu:AU-1(0) was heavily wounded at 229218.36 113982.23
[4:54:06] GAE_Ceteu:AU-1(0) was killed by Ha_1112_M1L at 229218.36 113982.23
[4:54:18] GAE_Ceteu:AU-1 shot down by Ha_1112_M1L at 228337.06 114771.87
[4:54:30] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R(0) was killed by Ha_1112_M1L at 217210.05 110302.56
[4:54:42] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R shot down by Ha_1112_M1L at 215480.61 110212.555
[4:54:44] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[4:54:54] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 194936.16 139189.22
[4:54:54] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 70%
[4:54:59] Ha_1112_M1L damaged by landscape at 229928.25 115477.77
[4:54:59] Ha_1112_M1L(0) was killed at 229928.25 115477.77
[4:54:59] Ha_1112_M1L shot down by landscape at 229928.25 115477.77
[4:55:26] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 194216.27 138451.8
[4:56:32] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 193160.5 137319.4
[4:57:02] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R damaged by landscape at 194035.23 136120.25
[4:57:13] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R(0) bailed out at 194059.69 136121.1
[4:57:13] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R(0) successfully bailed out at 194060.23 136122.23
[4:57:15] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R shot down by landscape at 194059.67 136121.06
[4:57:24] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[4:57:44] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 193094.52 137320.73
[4:57:44] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons 'default' fuel 80%
[4:58:54] Ha_1112_M1L(0) was wounded at 192947.86 136951.53
[4:58:54] Ha_1112_M1L(0) bailed out at 192947.86 136951.53
[4:58:58] Ha_1112_M1L damaged by 14_Chief at 192562.17 136619.3
[4:58:58] Ha_1112_M1L(0) was killed by 14_Chief at 192562.17 136619.3
[4:58:59] Ha_1112_M1L shot down by 14_Chief at 192552.16 136614.53
[4:59:05] Ha_1112_M1L shot down by 14_Chief at 192735.66 136972.62
[4:59:28] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1(0) was killed at 240918.02 129186.45
[4:59:28] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 shot down by Ha_1112_M1L at 240918.02 129186.45
[4:59:35] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[4:59:37] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 191442.97 135687.69
[4:59:51] Gae_Cuervo entered refly menu
[5:00:03] Ha_1112_M1L(0) successfully bailed out at 192477.77 136870.64
[5:00:03] Ha_1112_M1L(0) was captured at 192477.77 136870.64
[5:00:03] GAE_Ceteu:AU-1(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 240421.56 129238.27
[5:00:03] GAE_Ceteu:AU-1 loaded weapons '2x1000lbs+6x500lbsBombs' fuel 50%
[5:00:45] Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 211032.64 159110.52
[5:00:45] Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5 loaded weapons 'Central Tank + 8 x HVAR Rockets' fuel 50%
[5:01:05] GAE_Ceteu:AU-1 in flight at 241868.05 129222.31
[5:05:07] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R(0) bailed out at 186021.86 131755.48
[5:05:07] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R(0) was killed at 186021.86 131755.48
[5:05:09] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R shot down by Ha_1112_M1L at 185926.23 131733.34
[5:06:33] Gae_Cuervo has disconnected
[5:07:15] Ha_1112_M1L(0) bailed out at 185754.27 132503.88
[5:07:16] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R(0) successfully bailed out at 185696.0 131575.22
[5:07:37] Ha_1112_M1L shot down by 14_Chief at 183001.62 133256.6
[5:07:41] GAE_Charrua has disconnected
[5:08:26] Ha_1112_M1L(0) successfully bailed out at 185035.56 133249.95
[5:08:26] Ha_1112_M1L(0) was captured at 185035.56 133249.95
[5:10:06] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R landed at 184963.44 129148.9
[5:10:23] GAE_Balker entered refly menu
[5:10:25] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 184814.77 128995.87
[5:10:25] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons 'default' fuel 80%
[5:11:41] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 183582.34 127764.08
[5:11:55] 11_Chief6 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:AU-1 at 230700.0 119972.83
[5:11:55] 11_Chief22 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:AU-1 at 230700.0 119943.336
[5:11:55] 11_Chief16 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:AU-1 at 230700.0 119959.03
[5:11:55] 11_Chief5 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:AU-1 at 230700.0 119987.086
[5:11:56] 11_Chief1 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:AU-1 at 230700.0 120015.84
[5:19:01] GAE_Ceteu:AU-1 landed at 199222.97 146977.39
[5:21:26] Ha_1112_M1L(0) was wounded at 185908.83 90364.27
[5:21:26] Ha_1112_M1L(0) bailed out at 185908.83 90364.27
[5:22:08] Ha_1112_M1L shot down by GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R at 185614.27 90218.34
[5:23:41] Ha_1112_M1L landed at 195259.89 54006.01
[5:24:10] Ha_1112_M1L removed at 194892.47 54001.582
[5:25:41] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R landed at 174746.75 118875.2
[5:26:04] GAE_Balker entered refly menu
[5:26:17] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[5:26:23] GAE_Pepper has disconnected
[5:26:24] Mission END
Título: Re:Ifni 12 (25/06/1955)
Publicado por: GAE_Cuervo en 26 de Junio de 2013, 01:38:42 AM
1er Vuelo:

F4U5 Corsario - 1 central tank + 8HVAR - 50 % jugo

Despego como lider de ataque y ponemos rumbo 90 para destruir las columnas que se dirigen a la base aliada. Al llegar a la zona cae Charrua al intentar atacar por culpa mia al no indicarle que suelte tanques antes. Yo de varias pasadas logro destruir la mayoria del convoy. Luego pongo rumbo a la base aliada que esta siendo atacada. La defiendo hasta quedar winchester y aterrizo.

AGK: 16 (camiones)
AAK: 1 (Texan)
Piloto: OK
Avion: Ok - Aterrizado

2do Vuelo:

F4U6/AU-1 - 2x1000 lb + 6x500 lb - 50% jugo

Despego como lider de ataque y ponemos rumbo 230 hacia la fila de tanques enemigos que se aproxima. La base se defiende con su AAA, sin embargo como estaba al tanto de que la precencia era de Texan y no presentaba una gran amenaza, decido que sigamos rumbo al objetivo. Suelto bombas y destruyo varios objetivos en una increible explosion segun comentan mis compañeros, y pongo rumbo inmediatamente hacia la base para defenderla.
Una vez alli derribo varios Texan y aterrizo sin novedad.

AGK: 3 (Tanques blindados)
Piloto: OK
Avion: OK - Aterrizado

3er Vuelo:

F4U6/AU-1 - 2x1000 lb + 6x500 lb - 50% jugo

Despego como lider de ataque para bombardear la columna de tanques enemigos. Al decolar pierdo control del avion y me estrello.

Piloto: KIA
Avion: KIA

4to Vuelo:

F4U6/AU-1 - 2x1000 lb + 6x500 lb - 50% jugo

Despego como lider de ataque y pongo rumbo hacia la columna de tanques. Suelto bombas pero no logro acertar. Regreso inmediatamente a la base que esta siendo atacada y elimino la amenaza. Aterrizo sin novedad

AAK: 3 (Texan)
Piloto: OK
Avion: OK - Apontado

5to Vuelo:

F4U6/AU-1 - 2x1000 lb + 6x500 lb - 50% jugo

Despego como lider de ataque para atacar por ultima vez a los tanques blindados. Una vez que estamos por llegar a la zona nos interceptan Buchones y entramos en combate. Ceteu cae primero, uno de los enemigos se estrella y yo dañado vuelvo a la base planchado y intento aterrizar pero no lo logro al estar sin combustible y lastimado.

AGK: 0
Piloto: KIA
Avion: KIA
Título: Re:Ifni 12 (25/06/1955)
Publicado por: GAE_Ceteu en 26 de Junio de 2013, 01:42:20 AM
Track Ifni 12
Título: Re:Ifni 12 (25/06/1955)
Publicado por: GAE_Pepper en 26 de Junio de 2013, 01:49:00 AM
1er. Vuelo:

F9F2 Panther - 70% Fuel + tanques - Default

Despego del V2 y orbito la flota tomando altura, luego a 4000 me dirijo a la zona de Ifni y luego hacia donde opera el grupo de ataque. El radar de la flota me informa de contactos desde el sur-oeste en dirección a ellos asi que vuelvo para interceptar, encuentro a dos contactos que resultan ser bombarderos He-111H, en varias pasadas derribo a ambos. Con poco fuel me dirijo al V2 apontando sin novedad.

AAK: 2
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Ok - Apontado

2do. Vuelo:

F9F2 Panther - 70% Fuel + tanques - Default

Despego del V2 me dirijo a la zona de Ifni, guiado por el radar me acerco a un grupo de contactos que resultan ser buchones, los rodeo desde lejos y me posiciono detrás, nunca me vieron llegar, los sigo tirando frenos y en pocos segundos derribo a tres y otro escapa averiado pero luego cae. Retorno a la flota y aponto sin novedad.

AAK: 4
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Ok - Apontado

3er. Vuelo:

Despego solo pero llegando a Ifni se me une Balker, nos dirigimos hacia un contacto que es atacado por Balker, luego nos dirigimos mas al noreste  donde encontramos dos pacs de buchones, doy prioridad de ataque a Balker pero enseguida es derribado, trato de escapar pero me derriban.

Piloto: Kia
Avión: Destruído

4to. Vuelo:

Despego apuradamente ya que hay contactos merodeando la flota, no logro tomar la altura suficiente y soy averiado por un buchón, sin alerones y con el motor a media potencia tomo la altura mínima y salto, instantes después veo explotar a mi avión.

Piloto: Ok - eyectado
Avión: Destruído
Título: Re:Ifni 12 (25/06/1955)
Publicado por: GAE_Balker en 26 de Junio de 2013, 11:17:32 PM
Primer Vuelo

Panther - 80% - Default

Me uno a Pepper al oeste de Ifni. Buscamos contactos. Siendo dos, encaramos a dos PACs del enemigo. Distingo un contacto solitario Y trato de entrarle pero me escapa cerrando giros. Mientras veo a otro que me busca las 6 desde abajo. Invierto y pico pero la primera ràfaga me hace estallar en el acto.

Piloto: KIA
Avión: destruido.

Segundo Vuelo

Panther - 80% - Default

Nueva salida contra un par de Buchones que maniobran cerca de la flota. En un frontal me producen serios daños en el ala derecha. La AAA de la flota derriba a los dos contactos y aponto.

Piloto: ok
Avión: Apontado.

Tercer Vuelo

Panther - 80% - Default

Ultima salida. Encaro sólo hacia Ifni, donde el control radar me sitúa en persecución de un Buchón. Le entro por abajo, primero lo daño y luego lo derribo. Vuelvo a la FT.

AAK: 1 Buchón.
Piloto: ok
Avión: ok. Apontado.
Título: Re:Ifni 12 (25/06/1955)
Publicado por: GAE_Charrua en 27 de Junio de 2013, 11:01:06 PM
1er Vuelo:

F4U5 Corsario - 1 central tank + 8HVAR - 50 % jugo

Despego como numeral de Cuervo, nos dirigimos a la costa para poder interceptar una de las avanzadas enemigas, cuando llegamos a la costa veo el ingreso y aviso a líder, como estoy en mejor posición ataco, al no tirar el tanque ventral , en mi salida despues del ataque una de mis alas no resiste las fuerza g y se rompe estrellandome en las proximidades.

AGK: 0
Piloto: kia
Avion:  kia


F4U6/AU-1 - 2x1000 lb + 6x500 lb - 50% jugo

Despego en solitario desde el porta aviones, con dirección a la costa y dar con la columna que todavia contaba con movilidad hacia la frontera, llego y voy directo al ataque castigo bastante la columna con cañones, dan la alerta en la base francesa que esta siendo atacada, y me dan la orden de ir para ese lugar, todavia con mis cohetes empezamos a dar caza al enemigo, mis compañeros dan caza de los contactos y aterrizamos en la base para repostar.

Aterrizo sin problemas con casi toda mi carga.

9_Chief6 destroyed by GAE_Charrua:F4U-5
9_Chief7 destroyed by GAE_Charrua:F4U-5
9_Chief8 destroyed by GAE_Charrua:F4U-5
9_Chief9 destroyed by GAE_Charrua:F4U-5
9_Chief0 destroyed by GAE_Charrua:F4U-5

Piloto: ok
Avion: ok

3er Vuelo:

F4U6/AU-1 - 2x1000 lb + 6x500 lb - 50% jugo

Salimos con dirección al puesto fronterizo que estaba apunto de ser atacado por la columna de la costa, la AAA del puesto pulverizan la pobre avanzada.

Retomamos rumbo por el camino hacia el este y nos encontramos con la columna de tanque avanzaba a paso ligero , Cuervo entra y sus bombas causan un espectáculo de fuego que nunca había apreciado.
Luego hago mi ataque hago mi descargas y destruyo tanques , espero a Ceteu para su descarga y nos dirigimos hacia la base que se encuentra otra ves bajo ataque , luego de disparar con los cañones sin éxito a los tanques.

Las escaramuzas en la base ya habían cesado asi que nos dirigimos al aterrizaje que logramos con éxito.

11_Chief15 destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1
11_Chief14 destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1
11_Chief13 destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1
11_Chief12 destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1
11_Chief10 destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1

AGK:5 Tanques
Piloto: KIA
Avion: KIA

Situación de  cuarto avion.

F4U6/AU-1 - 2x1000 lb + 6x500 lb - 50% jugo

Cuando empezamos la carrera de despegue me desplazo del eje de la pista y cuando vuelvo el avion hace un fuerte viraje y se descontrola estrellandome en la pista gracias a la la gran carga de explosivos que llevaba.
Título: Re:Ifni 12 (25/06/1955)
Publicado por: GAE_Ceteu en 27 de Junio de 2013, 11:05:16 PM
1º Vuelo

SNJ-3 Texan - 6xHVAR - Fuel 60%

Como estoy en territorio francés, salgo en solitario desde Tiznit a localizar una columna de tanques que procede desde el sur a esa localidad.

La ubico en la ruta, pero Ataque está ocupada con otra. Y como por suerte no hay AAA, ataco con los 6 HVAR que porto, destruyendo un tanque y varios vehículos.

Me vuelvo a Tiznit donde me reúno con el resto de mi Escuadrilla, que vienen a repostar y rearmarse, en medio de un ataque de Texans españoles.

Enciendo luces y aterrizo sin novedad.

AGK: 4
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Ok Aterrizado

2º Vuelo

AU-1 Corsair - Bombas 2x1000 lbs + 6x500 lbs - Fuel 50%

Ya con el resto de la esuadra y luego de unrápido refrigerio en el pobaldo de Tiznit, decolo como tercer elemento detrás de Cuervo, el líder, y de Charrúa.

Vamos directo a la columna que avisté y ataqué previamente, lo que hacemos largando todo el armamento en una sola pasada que resulta bestial.

Todo explota debajo de nuestras bombas, pero al columna, aún bastante numerosa, prosigue tercamente hacia el norte.

Nos volvemos a rearmarnos, cuando nos cruzamos con un Texan español, al que derribo a pesar de ser bastante hábil.

Luego prosigo a Tiznit, donde aterrizo sin novedad.

AAK: 1
AGK: 9
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Ok

3º Vuelo

AU-1 Corsair - Bombas 2x1000 lbs + 6x500 lbs - Fuel 50%

Ya solos con Cuervo, salimos con rumbo a la misma columna, realizando un ataque casi un calco del anterior.

A la vueta a Tiznit, nos encontramos en medio de un ataque de Texan. Derribo dos y Cuervo el otro par.

Aterrizamos sin problemas.

AAK: 2
AGK: 6
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Ok

4º Vuelo

AU-1 Corsair - Bombas 2x1000 lbs + 6x500 lbs - Fuel 50%

Mismo objetivo con Cuervo.

Pero camino al mismo, somos interceptados por un Buchón, al que persigo luego de soltar el armamento de caída.

Cuando casi lo tengo, inicia una trepada, la que sigo como siempre, pero este Corsair es más pesado que el mío y l¡pierde velocidad antes que el Buchón, por lo que las posiciones se invierten y paso de cazador a cazado.

En Buchón me derriba y luego se dedica a Cuervo, que huye a Tiznit.

AGK: 0
Piloto: KIA
Avión: Destruído

5º Vuelo

AU-1 Corsair - Bombas 2x1000 lbs + 6x500 lbs - Fuel 50%

Con Cuervo caído al aterrizar sin fuel, debo salir solo a cazar los restos de la columna que se empecinan en el ataque.

Encuentro sus restos ya bastante cerca de Tiznit y la ataco de tal manera que sólo sobrevive un tanque, el cual es eliminado por las defensas francesas poco más adelante.

Esta vez no regreso a Tiznit, sino que me voy al Independencia, luego de avisar a los franceses que me llevo su avión, dándome su visto bueno.

Diviso al porta sin problemas y aponto sin novedad, a gusto de estar entre mis compañeros a pesar de las aventuras vividas en el Marruecos francés.

AGK: 5
Piloto: OK
Avión: Ok Apontado