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Mensajes - GAE_Alma

Misiones de Campañas - IL2 / Re: Canal de Suez 09
18 de Noviembre de 2008, 12:01:33 AM
Corsario: 8 cohetes AP HVAR + 1 bomba de 2000 Lbs + 50 % combustible

Despego del V1 como numeral del Teniente Balker, en una mision de patrullaje de las zonas aledañas a la base de P2.
Nuestro objetivo es dar caza a cualquier vehiculo enemigo que se este dirigiendo hacia la base.

En camino a P2 detectamos a 2 contactos navales en las islas ubicadas en R3, pero como no abren fuego continuamos hacia la base, aunque su ubicacion era bastante sospechosa.

Una vez sobre P2 comenzamos a recorrer las rutas hacia el noreste de la base buscando constantemente blancos en tierra.

Luego de algunos minutos detectamos varias columnas de blindados, precedidos por un camion y escoltados por 1 vehiculo con antiaerea.

Comenzamos el ataque, lanzando primero las bombas. Yo por mi parte logro destruir 3 blindados en esta primera pasada.

Acto seguido iniciamos sucesivas pasadas con los AP HVAR, con los que consigo destruir a tres blindados mas, en ese momento oigo al teniente por radio informandome que realizara una pasado sobre la antiaerea. Segundos mas tarde veo como el teniente Balker se precipita al ser alcanzado por el fuego antiaereo, perdiendo la vida en el acto.

Con mi ultima salva de cohetes, y decidido a vengar la muerte del teniente, me posiciono para atacar a la AAA. Gano altura e ingreso a mas de 600 kph lanzando los cohetes a mayor distancia de lo normal, para resguardar mi aeronave. Por suerte consigo dar en el blanco destruyendo el vehiculo.

No habia terminado de recuperarme de la ultima pasada, y mientras trataba de ganar algo de altura veo pasar muy cerca y de frente a dos Spitfires egipcios, afortunadamente logro evadir el primer embate y me trenzo en combate con ellos.

Por un momento los pierdo de vista, pero cuando gano visual nuevamente, me posiciono detras del wingman derribandolo en la primera pasada.

El lider comienza a alejarse pero logro alcanzarlo y darle caza durante un ascenso casi vertical.

Una vez libre de las amenazas aereas me dispongo a regresar al V1, pero recuerdo el camion que vimos liderando la formacion, por lo que me dirijo nuevamente a la ruta logrando destruir al vehiculo con los cañones, este resulto ser un camion con una AAA liviana montada en su caja, que abrio fuego pero no logro impactar sobre mi avion.

Agotado y con pocas municiones, emprendo mi regreso al Victor 1. En ese momento logro divisar sobre el estrecho de Tiran una flota con direccion sur aproximadamente en el cuadrante R5 o R6 compuesta por un barco de gran calado y 3 buques escoltas.

Ya cerca del portaaviones decido realizar una inspeccion a los buques cercanos a las islas en R3. Cuando estoy cerca abren fuego por lo que me retiro rapidamente, escapando por poco de la emboscada pero confirmando mis sospechas de que los buques eran enemigos.

Escapo hacia el V1 sobre el que logro apontar sin novedad.

Piloto vivo - Avión intacto

Misiones de Campañas - IL2 / Re: Canal de Suez 09
15 de Noviembre de 2008, 01:51:39 AM
[15.11.2008 0:51:51] Mission: net/coop/GAE-Alma/SUEZ_09.mis is Playing
13:00:00 Mission BEGIN
13:00:00 GAE_Alma is trying to occupy seat gb01331(0)
13:00:00 GAE_Angel is trying to occupy seat gb01320(0)
13:00:00 GAE_Angel is trying to occupy seat gb01321(0)
13:00:00 GAE_Angel is trying to occupy seat 30thSqn030(1)
13:00:00 GAE_Angel is trying to occupy seat 30thSqn030(0)
13:00:00 GAE_Charrua is trying to occupy seat 30thSqn031(0)
13:00:00 GAE_Tango is trying to occupy seat gb01010(0)
13:00:00 GAE_Balker is trying to occupy seat gb01330(0)
13:00:00 gb01331(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 186240.62 1926.085
13:00:00 gb01331 loaded weapons '1x20008xhvarap' fuel 50%
13:00:00 gb01330(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 186241.05 1912.0914
13:00:00 gb01330 loaded weapons '1x20008xhvarap' fuel 50%
13:00:00 30thSqn031(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 180142.0 290559.84
13:00:00 30thSqn031 loaded weapons '02xMk34 Torpedo + 16xHVAR Rockets' fuel 25%
13:00:00 gb01010(0) seat occupied by GAE_Tango at 180074.33 290463.2
13:00:00 gb01010 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 75%
13:00:00 30thSqn030(0) seat occupied by GAE_Angel at 180117.42 290524.72
13:00:00 30thSqn030 loaded weapons '02xMk34 Torpedo + 16xHVAR Rockets' fuel 25%
13:00:00 gb01321 damaged on the ground at 154541.88 12159.609
13:00:00 gb01320 damaged on the ground at 154517.3 12124.497
13:00:00 gb01011 damaged on the ground at 180092.83 290489.62
13:00:01 30thSqn030 turned landing lights on at 180117.44 290524.75
13:00:10 gb01321(0) bailed out at 154541.89 12159.618
13:00:11 gb01011(0) bailed out at 180092.83 290489.62
13:00:12 gb01321(1) bailed out at 154541.89 12159.618
13:00:12 gb01320(0) bailed out at 154517.3 12124.511
13:00:13 gb01321(2) bailed out at 154541.89 12159.618
13:00:13 gb01320(1) bailed out at 154517.3 12124.511
13:00:14 gb01320(2) bailed out at 154517.3 12124.51
13:00:16 gb01321(4) bailed out at 154541.89 12159.618
13:00:17 gb01320(4) bailed out at 154517.3 12124.51
13:00:18 gb01321(1) successfully bailed out at 154548.44 12118.25
13:00:18 gb01321(2) successfully bailed out at 154579.08 12162.975
13:00:20 gb01320(0) successfully bailed out at 154561.7 12102.135
13:00:20 gb01011(0) successfully bailed out at 180142.48 290466.97
13:00:21 gb01321(0) successfully bailed out at 154586.25 12112.089
13:00:23 6_Chief2 destroyed by 21_Chief at 155411.2 299231.1
13:00:23 gb01320(4) successfully bailed out at 154553.42 12116.317
13:00:24 gb01320(1) successfully bailed out at 154547.53 12066.66
13:00:24 gb01321(4) successfully bailed out at 154553.06 12109.994
13:00:24 gb01320(2) successfully bailed out at 154577.78 12136.043
13:00:36 gb01321 removed at 154541.89 12159.618
13:00:36 gb01011 removed at 180092.83 290489.62
13:00:38 gb01320 removed at 154517.3 12124.51
13:00:50 30thSqn031 turned landing lights on at 180141.97 290559.8
13:00:55 gb01330 in flight at 184822.83 1922.1008
13:01:08 30thSqn031(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 180141.97 290559.8
13:01:08 gb01331 in flight at 184457.66 1910.2494
13:01:10 30thSqn031(1) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 180141.97 290559.8
13:02:19 30thSqn031(3) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 180141.97 290559.8
13:02:20 30thSqn031(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 180141.97 290559.8
13:02:49 30thSqn030 in flight at 179493.89 289531.0
13:02:54 gb01010 in flight at 179145.03 289183.8
13:03:06 30thSqn031 in flight at 179385.9 289369.44
13:03:07 30thSqn030 turned landing lights off at 178964.11 288523.6
13:03:18 30thSqn031 turned landing lights off at 178918.48 288593.7
13:04:34 8_Chief1 destroyed by 21_Chief at 154921.33 298900.0
13:09:15 30thSqn031(1) was wounded at 146181.31 299404.22
13:09:17 30thSqn031(2) was heavily wounded at 146237.23 299648.22
13:09:17 30thSqn031(4) was killed by 21_Chief at 146237.23 299648.22
13:09:17 30thSqn031(3) was wounded at 146237.23 299648.22
13:12:11 gb01010(0) was heavily wounded at 125610.65 288534.1
13:12:11 gb01010(0) was killed at 125610.65 288534.1
13:12:11 gb01010 shot down by 33_Chief at 125610.65 288534.1
13:12:54 GAE_Tango has disconnected
13:13:30 30thSqn031(1) was killed at 164608.38 301754.88
13:13:30 30thSqn031(0) was wounded at 164608.38 301754.88
13:13:30 30thSqn031(0) was heavily wounded at 164608.38 301754.88
13:13:30 30thSqn031(0) was killed at 164608.38 301754.88
13:13:30 30thSqn031(2) was killed at 164608.38 301754.88
13:13:47 gb01021(0) bailed out at 118177.89 277373.53
13:13:48 gb01021(1) bailed out at 118066.13 277393.6
13:13:51 gb01021 shot down by 53_Static at 117815.766 277450.2
13:13:53 gb01021(1) was killed at 117772.06 277462.84
13:13:56 gb01021(0) was killed at 117787.06 277474.6
13:14:06 30thSqn031 landed at 166290.53 301330.3
13:14:06 30thSqn031 damaged on the ground at 166290.53 301330.3
13:14:23 0_Chief2 destroyed by gb01331 at 168900.0 54815.754
13:14:23 0_Chief1 destroyed by gb01331 at 168900.0 54800.996
13:14:23 0_Chief3 destroyed by gb01331 at 168900.0 54830.46
13:14:59 6_Chief3 destroyed by 21_Chief at 152967.4 297367.4
13:15:14 0_Chief0 destroyed by gb01331 at 168900.0 54587.79
13:15:14 gb01022(1) was killed by 59_Static at 120760.914 282945.12
13:15:14 gb01022(0) was killed at 120760.914 282945.12
13:15:14 gb01022 shot down by 59_Static at 120760.914 282945.12
13:15:21 gb01023 damaged by 54_Static at 121002.42 283324.72
13:15:25 gb01023(0) bailed out at 121137.61 283598.28
13:15:27 gb01023(1) bailed out at 121167.18 283644.25
13:15:29 gb01023(1) has chute destroyed by gb01023 at 121228.42 283736.38
13:15:29 gb01023(1) was killed in his chute by gb01023 at 121228.42 283736.38
13:15:29 gb01023(0) has chute destroyed by gb01023 at 121229.82 283739.9
13:15:29 gb01023(0) was killed in his chute by gb01023 at 121229.82 283739.9
13:15:29 gb01023 shot down by 54_Static at 121219.19 283727.66
13:15:36 gb01020 damaged by 62_Static at 122018.93 284038.4
13:15:36 gb01020(1) was killed at 122018.93 284038.4
13:15:36 gb01020(0) was killed at 122018.93 284038.4
13:15:36 gb01020 shot down by 62_Static at 122018.93 284038.4
13:15:47 1_Chief2 destroyed by gb01330 at 167791.58 52191.582
13:15:47 1_Chief3 destroyed by gb01330 at 167801.94 52201.938
13:15:47 1_Chief1 destroyed by gb01330 at 167781.22 52181.223
13:15:47 Target 3 Complete
13:16:06 30thSqn030 turned landing lights on at 180139.6 294074.62
13:17:16 30thSqn030 turned landing lights off at 179972.11 290231.9
13:17:45 30thSqn030 landed at 179832.42 290094.9
13:18:59 1_Chief0 destroyed by gb01331 at 167243.67 51643.676
13:19:34 2_Chief0 destroyed by 21_Chief at 151048.7 295648.9
13:22:47 8_Chief3 destroyed by 21_Chief at 151782.64 296382.62
13:23:16 8_Chief2 destroyed by 21_Chief at 151693.72 296293.72
13:24:04 g01020 landed at 143736.97 292857.34
13:24:04 g01020 damaged on the ground at 143736.97 292857.34
13:24:05 gb01330 damaged by 71_Chief0 at 169456.02 56064.703
13:24:09 g01020(0) bailed out at 143736.97 292857.34
13:24:11 gb01330(0) was killed at 169750.92 55419.113
13:24:11 gb01330 shot down by 71_Chief0 at 169750.92 55419.113
13:24:13 70_Chief1 destroyed by gb01331 at 169500.0 56527.42
13:24:17 g01020(0) successfully bailed out at 143702.1 292893.44
13:24:53 6_Chief0 destroyed by 21_Chief at 151258.66 295858.66
13:25:01 Target 2 Failed
[15.11.2008 1:18:45] Mission: RED WON
13:25:04 g01020 shot down by 387_Static at 143736.97 292857.34
13:26:11 71_Chief0 destroyed by gb01331 at 169500.0 55842.223
13:27:03 8_Chief0 destroyed by 21_Chief at 151089.42 295689.44
13:28:23 g01000 landed at 119026.555 277309.53
13:28:53 g01000 removed at 119071.56 277373.8
13:29:45 g01011 damaged by landscape at 171010.1 60512.043
13:29:45 g01011(0) was heavily wounded at 171010.1 60512.043
13:29:45 g01011(0) was killed at 171010.1 60512.043
13:29:45 g01011 shot down by gb01331 at 171010.1 60512.043
13:30:01 Target 0 Failed
13:30:25 6_Chief1 destroyed by 21_Chief at 150415.53 295100.0
13:30:29 g01001 landed at 119024.99 277307.3
13:30:59 g01001 removed at 119071.73 277374.06
13:31:54 g01010 damaged by gb01331 at 178062.33 61692.066
13:31:59 g01010(0) bailed out at 178331.86 61511.773
13:32:06 g01010 shot down by gb01331 at 178872.62 61249.336
13:32:55 GAE_Angel has disconnected
13:33:54 g01010(0) successfully bailed out at 178927.61 61025.082
13:37:59 g01030 landed at 118928.805 277169.34
13:38:30 g01030 removed at 118940.76 277186.53
13:39:24 30thSqn031 shot down by 21_Chief at 166290.58 301330.38
13:39:28 GAE_Charrua has disconnected
13:40:21 23_Chief0 destroyed by gb01331 at 167100.0 49230.08
13:41:17 g01031 landed at 118928.34 277168.72
13:41:47 g01031 removed at 118940.86 277186.7
13:44:34 g01032 landed at 118928.42 277168.8
13:45:01 Target 1 Failed
13:45:03 g01032 removed at 118940.766 277186.53
13:47:52 g01033 landed at 118928.23 277168.53
13:48:22 g01033 removed at 118940.75 277186.5
13:50:20 g01021 landed at 119543.414 277859.28
13:50:37 gb01331 landed at 150482.38 1032.8173
13:50:50 g01021 removed at 119528.43 277837.2
13:51:01 Mission END
Name:    GAE_Alma
Score:    595
State:    Landed at Airfield
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    2
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Tank Kill:    8
Enemy Car Kill:    0
Enemy Artillery Kill:    0
Enemy AAA Kill:    0
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    0
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    0
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       515
Hit Bullets:       24
Hit Air Bullets:    8
Fire Roskets:       8
Hit Roskets:       3
Fire Bombs:       1
Hit Bombs:       0
Name:    GAE_Balker
Score:    16
State:    KIA
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Tank Kill:    3
Enemy Car Kill:    0
Enemy Artillery Kill:    0
Enemy AAA Kill:    0
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    0
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    0
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       185
Hit Bullets:       15
Hit Air Bullets:    0
Fire Roskets:       2
Hit Roskets:       0
Fire Bombs:       1
Hit Bombs:       1
Name:    GAE_Tango
Score:    0
State:    Left the Game
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Tank Kill:    0
Enemy Car Kill:    0
Enemy Artillery Kill:    0
Enemy AAA Kill:    0
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    0
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    0
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       0
Hit Bullets:       0
Hit Air Bullets:    0
Fire Roskets:       0
Hit Roskets:       0
Fire Bombs:       0
Hit Bombs:       0
Name:    GAE_Angel
Score:    0
State:    Left the Game
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Tank Kill:    0
Enemy Car Kill:    0
Enemy Artillery Kill:    0
Enemy AAA Kill:    0
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    0
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    0
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       0
Hit Bullets:       0
Hit Air Bullets:    0
Fire Roskets:       16
Hit Roskets:       0
Fire Bombs:       0
Hit Bombs:       0
Name:    GAE_Charrua
Score:    0
State:    Left the Game
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Tank Kill:    0
Enemy Car Kill:    0
Enemy Artillery Kill:    0
Enemy AAA Kill:    0
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    0
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    0
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       0
Hit Bullets:       0
Hit Air Bullets:    0
Fire Roskets:       6
Hit Roskets:       0
Fire Bombs:       0
Hit Bombs:       0
Misiones de Campañas - IL2 / Re: Canal de Suez 08
13 de Noviembre de 2008, 07:20:36 PM
Líder de escuadrilla CHARLY - F4U N5 - Fuel=75% ----> Armamento 8xAP-HVAR

Salgo del V1 como líder de la escuadrilla con el CC Ángel como numeral. Despegamos sin novedad y nos dirigimos hacia P2 en busca vehículos que pudieran amenazar la recientemente tomada base.

No encontramos contactos terrestres en P2 pero vemos trazadoras que se dirigen hacia el mar, al oeste de la base. Nos dirigimos hacia el noroeste y observamos un contacto naval, el que se hallaba navegando con dirección norte-sur y abriendo fuego hacia la base, y que comenzó a dispararnos con flak pesada.

Contacto naval en las cercanias de P2 disparando hacia la base.

Continuamos hacia el noroeste bordeando la costa y siguiendo la ruta en busca de contactos terrestres. Después de algunos minutos no encotramos contactos en tierra pero recibimos nuevamente fuego de flak pesada, sin poder detectar su origen.

El Capitán es tocado por el flak por lo que me pide confirmación visual de pérdida de fluidos, lo que afortunadamente fue negativo. Al no haber encontrado contactos en tierra decidimos volver sobre P2 para patrullar la ruta sobre la otra costa de la península.

Llegamos a P2, se hallaba todo tranquilo sobre la base y la ciudad por lo que tomamos rumbo noreste a 1500 mts de altura observando constantemente la ruta antes mencionada.

Después de avanzar algunos kilometros observamos varias columnas sobre la ruta que se dirigían con rumbo a P2.

Comenzamos el ataque ordenadamente, primero el Capitán desciende, realiza varias pasadas abatiendo 2 blancos en tierra y una vez sin cohetes comienza a realizar pasadas con cañones.

Entonces desciendo yo, realizando sucesivas pasadas sobre los blindados consiguiendo destruir 4 blancos en tierra.

Realizando pasadas con cañones luego de descargar todos los cohetes.

Una vez sin cohetes y viendo que los cañones no son efectivos contra los blindados comenzamos el regreso al V1, sobre el que apontamos tanto yo como el Capitán Ángel, sin novedad.

Desafortunadamente, una vez sobre el V1 nos informan que el TF Charrua habia sido derribado, consiguiendo saltar del Neptune que pilotaba.

Piloto vivo - Avión intacto.
Misiones de Campañas - IL2 / Re: Canal de Suez 08
13 de Noviembre de 2008, 01:26:21 AM
[13.11.2008 0:08:39] Mission: net/coop/GAE-Alma/SUEZ_08.mis is Playing
07:00:00 Mission BEGIN
07:00:00 GAE_Charrua has connected
07:00:00 GAE_Alma is trying to occupy seat gb01001(0)
07:00:00 GAE_Alma is trying to occupy seat gb01001(0)
07:00:00 GAE_Alma is trying to occupy seat g01021(0)
07:00:00 GAE_Alma is trying to occupy seat g01021(0)
07:00:00 GAE_Yanito is trying to occupy seat g01020(0)
07:00:00 GAE_Angel is trying to occupy seat gb01331(0)
07:00:00 GAE_Angel is trying to occupy seat gb01330(0)
07:00:00 GAE_Angel is trying to occupy seat gb01331(0)
07:00:00 GAE_Alma is trying to occupy seat gb01330(0)
07:00:00 GAE_Charrua is trying to occupy seat gb01010(0)
07:00:00 GAE_Charrua is trying to occupy seat gb01000(0)
07:00:00 GAE_Charrua is trying to occupy seat gb01010(0)
07:00:00 gb01330(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 186240.73 1909.7217
07:00:00 gb01330 loaded weapons '8xhvarap' fuel 75%
07:00:00 g01020(0) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 119273.305 277467.12
07:00:00 g01020 loaded weapons '500lb250lb' fuel 100%
07:00:00 gb01010(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 180068.25 290454.5
07:00:00 gb01010 loaded weapons '04x1000lb' fuel 25%
07:00:00 gb01331(0) seat occupied by GAE_Angel at 186240.81 1923.7214
07:00:00 gb01331 loaded weapons '8xhvarap' fuel 75%
07:00:00 gb01013 damaged on the ground at 180142.0 290559.84
07:00:00 gb01012 damaged on the ground at 180117.42 290524.72
07:00:00 gb01011 damaged on the ground at 180092.83 290489.62
07:00:00 gb01001 damaged on the ground at 180043.66 290419.38
07:00:00 gb01000 damaged on the ground at 180025.16 290392.97
07:00:09 gb01000(0) bailed out at 180025.16 290392.97
07:00:11 gb01001(0) bailed out at 180043.66 290419.38
07:00:12 gb01013(0) bailed out at 180142.02 290559.84
07:00:12 gb01013(1) bailed out at 180142.02 290559.84
07:00:14 gb01013(2) bailed out at 180142.0 290559.84
07:00:17 gb01013(4) bailed out at 180142.0 290559.84
07:00:18 gb01013(0) successfully bailed out at 180150.08 290523.66
07:00:18 gb01011(0) bailed out at 180092.83 290489.62
07:00:19 gb01000(0) successfully bailed out at 180044.72 290336.1
07:00:19 gb01013(1) successfully bailed out at 180149.55 290524.97
07:00:20 gb01012(0) bailed out at 180117.42 290524.75
07:00:20 gb01011(1) bailed out at 180092.83 290489.62
07:00:20 gb01001(0) successfully bailed out at 180102.4 290414.78
07:00:21 gb01012(1) bailed out at 180117.42 290524.75
07:00:21 gb01011(2) bailed out at 180092.83 290489.62
07:00:22 gb01012(2) bailed out at 180117.42 290524.75
07:00:23 gb01013(2) successfully bailed out at 180193.0 290569.47
07:00:23 gb01011(4) bailed out at 180092.83 290489.62
07:00:25 gb01012(1) was killed at 180127.78 290508.1
07:00:25 gb01012(4) bailed out at 180117.42 290524.75
07:00:25 gb01012(1) successfully bailed out at 180132.12 290502.5
07:00:25 gb01013(4) successfully bailed out at 180162.52 290508.8
07:00:25 gb01012(0) successfully bailed out at 180123.06 290488.03
07:00:27 gb01011(0) successfully bailed out at 180141.1 290495.25
07:00:28 gb01011(1) successfully bailed out at 180141.38 290489.78
07:00:29 gb01012(2) successfully bailed out at 180157.39 290514.3
07:00:30 gb01011(2) successfully bailed out at 180131.89 290451.94
07:00:32 gb01012(4) successfully bailed out at 180144.4 290494.53
07:00:34 gb01011(4) successfully bailed out at 180156.23 290479.16
07:00:35 gb01000 removed at 180025.16 290392.97
07:00:36 gb01001 removed at 180043.66 290419.4
07:00:38 gb01013 removed at 180142.0 290559.84
07:00:44 gb01011 removed at 180092.83 290489.62
07:00:46 gb01012 removed at 180117.42 290524.75
07:00:46 gb01010(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 180068.27 290454.53
07:01:03 gb01010(1) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 180068.2 290454.44
07:01:04 gb01010(3) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 180068.2 290454.44
07:01:11 gb01010(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 180068.2 290454.44
07:01:13 g01020 in flight at 119639.57 278235.94
07:01:15 gb01330 in flight at 184371.52 1962.4165
07:01:17 gb01010(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 180068.2 290454.44
07:01:30 gb01331 in flight at 184232.22 1870.6796
07:01:52 gb01010(1) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 180068.2 290454.44
07:01:53 gb01010(3) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 180068.2 290454.44
07:01:53 gb01010(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 180068.2 290454.44
07:01:56 gb01010(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 180068.2 290454.44
07:01:56 gb01010(1) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 180068.2 290454.44
07:01:57 gb01010(3) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 180068.2 290454.44
07:01:59 gb01010(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 180068.2 290454.44
07:01:59 gb01010(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 180068.2 290454.44
07:01:59 gb01010(1) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 180068.2 290454.44
07:01:59 gb01010(3) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 180068.2 290454.44
07:02:01 gb01010(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 180068.2 290454.44
07:02:40 gb01010 in flight at 179361.6 289336.4
07:10:08 288_Static destroyed by gb01020 at 119273.88 278047.03
07:10:10 gb01020 damaged by landscape at 119241.09 278024.78
07:10:10 gb01020(0) was killed at 119241.09 278024.78
07:10:10 gb01020 shot down by landscape at 119241.09 278024.78
07:10:17 205_Static destroyed by gb01021 at 118758.95 277750.66
07:10:20 gb01022 damaged by landscape at 119306.98 277278.06
07:10:20 gb01022(0) was wounded at 119264.43 277273.66
07:10:20 gb01022(0) was killed at 119264.43 277273.66
07:10:20 gb01022 shot down by 53_Static at 119264.43 277273.66
07:10:28 gb01023 damaged by NONAME at 118752.59 277351.53
07:10:33 gb01023(0) was killed at 118242.58 277258.03
07:10:33 gb01023 crashed at 118242.58 277258.03
07:10:46 gb01010(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 129298.914 282923.88
07:10:48 gb01021 damaged by g01000 at 115775.27 277413.4
07:10:52 gb01021(0) bailed out at 115384.664 277327.5
07:11:00 gb01021 shot down by g01000 at 115110.57 277260.1
07:11:29 gb01021(0) successfully bailed out at 114934.266 277172.56
07:11:32 238_Static destroyed by g01020 at 179894.5 290542.28
07:11:37 gb01010(1) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 124388.055 280478.84
07:11:39 138_Static destroyed by g01021 at 179831.12 290421.22
07:11:42 gb01010(3) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 123836.18 280194.47
07:11:43 gb01010(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 123745.62 280147.3
07:12:15 g01021 damaged on the ground at 182023.2 292787.9
07:12:15 g01021 damaged by landscape at 182024.62 292791.03
07:12:15 g01021(0) was killed at 182024.62 292791.03
07:12:15 g01021 shot down by 284_Static at 182024.62 292791.03
07:12:15 141_Static destroyed by g01020 at 179845.55 290442.34
07:12:20 305_Static destroyed by gb01010 at 119715.47 277904.3
07:12:41 381_Static destroyed by g01020 at 178361.9 287415.38
07:13:16 247_Static destroyed by g01020 at 178390.08 287447.16
07:15:12 gb01010 damaged by g01000 at 127783.09 270837.8
07:15:24 gb01010(0) bailed out at 128462.55 269900.0
07:15:25 gb01010(1) bailed out at 128487.75 269858.38
07:15:27 gb01010(2) bailed out at 128504.66 269822.1
07:15:28 gb01010(4) bailed out at 128513.91 269791.06
07:15:30 gb01010(4) was killed in his chute by gb01010 at 128530.766 269739.78
07:15:30 gb01010(2) has chute destroyed by gb01010 at 128543.82 269740.75
07:15:30 gb01010 shot down by g01000 at 128530.99 269749.6
07:15:31 gb01010(2) was killed at 128552.04 269723.72
07:15:36 gb01010(1) was killed at 128602.37 269661.7
07:16:00 gb01010(0) successfully bailed out at 128747.0 269609.2
07:19:28 125_Static destroyed by 2_Chief0 at 149493.9 294411.2
07:20:01 Target 2 Failed
07:22:01 2_Chief0 destroyed by 124_Static at 150467.36 295099.78
07:22:28 6_Chief1 destroyed by 123_Static at 151722.16 296322.16
07:25:01 Target 3 Failed
[13.11.2008 0:44:08] Mission: RED WON
07:27:25 gb01310 damaged on the ground at 118157.18 272874.97
07:27:25 gb01310 damaged by g01000 at 118157.18 272874.97
07:27:30 gb01310(0) bailed out at 118352.625 272602.97
07:27:56 gb01310 shot down by g01000 at 120082.33 271409.44
07:28:37 6_Chief2 destroyed by 123_Static at 150721.5 295321.5
07:30:01 Target 0 Failed
07:30:11 gb01311 damaged on the ground at 138368.34 262069.16
07:30:11 gb01311 damaged by g01000 at 138368.34 262069.16
07:30:11 gb01311(0) was wounded at 138472.3 262111.94
07:30:11 gb01311(0) was killed at 138472.3 262111.94
07:30:11 gb01311 shot down by g01000 at 138472.3 262111.94
07:30:17 71_Chief0 destroyed by gb01331 at 169500.0 56683.89
07:31:24 8_Chief2 destroyed by 124_Static at 150540.81 295140.8
07:31:26 6_Chief3 destroyed by 123_Static at 150213.28 295100.0
07:33:45 gb01310(0) successfully bailed out at 119590.72 271187.78
07:33:48 123_Static destroyed by 6_Chief0 at 149453.81 294440.47
07:35:28 0_Chief2 destroyed by gb01330 at 168760.33 53960.336
07:35:29 0_Chief3 destroyed by gb01330 at 168765.22 53965.215
07:35:40 6_Chief0 destroyed by 124_Static at 149566.31 294566.3
07:36:12 g01000 landed at 118971.766 277231.34
07:36:32 8_Chief0 destroyed by 124_Static at 149691.67 294691.66
07:36:40 8_Chief1 destroyed by 124_Static at 149700.89 294694.3
07:36:42 g01000 removed at 119009.56 277285.34
07:37:09 8_Chief3 destroyed by 124_Static at 149662.17 294662.16
07:37:11 1_Chief1 destroyed by gb01330 at 167842.77 52242.77
07:37:42 g01001 landed at 118998.74 277269.84
07:37:49 70_Chief2 destroyed by 70_Chief1 at 169500.0 56250.53
07:37:54 1_Chief3 destroyed by gb01330 at 167776.55 52176.55
07:38:12 g01001 removed at 119009.78 277285.6
07:41:16 g01020 landed at 119582.836 277975.2
07:45:01 Target 1 Failed
07:52:22 gb01300 removed at 179870.48 290172.25
07:54:23 gb01301 removed at 179870.5 290172.2
07:55:39 gb01330 landed at 169423.6 1982.2704
07:56:55 gb01331 landed at 169297.61 1974.088
07:57:48 Mission END
Name:    GAE_Alma
Score:    220
State:    Landed at Airfield
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Tank Kill:    4
Enemy Car Kill:    0
Enemy Artillery Kill:    0
Enemy AAA Kill:    0
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    0
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    0
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       368
Hit Bullets:       106
Hit Air Bullets:    0
Fire Roskets:       8
Hit Roskets:       1
Fire Bombs:       0
Hit Bombs:       0
Name:    GAE_Yanito
Score:    200
State:    Landed at Airfield
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Tank Kill:    2
Enemy Car Kill:    0
Enemy Artillery Kill:    0
Enemy AAA Kill:    2
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    0
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    0
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       306
Hit Bullets:       128
Hit Air Bullets:    0
Fire Roskets:       0
Hit Roskets:       0
Fire Bombs:       3
Hit Bombs:       1
Name:    GAE_Charrua
Score:    10
State:    Hit the Silk
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    1
Enemy Tank Kill:    0
Enemy Car Kill:    0
Enemy Artillery Kill:    0
Enemy AAA Kill:    0
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    0
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    0
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       90
Hit Bullets:       0
Hit Air Bullets:    0
Fire Roskets:       0
Hit Roskets:       0
Fire Bombs:       4
Hit Bombs:       2
Misiones de Campañas - IL2 / Re: Canal de Suez 07
08 de Noviembre de 2008, 12:44:32 PM
Líder de escuadrilla ZEUS - F4U N5 - Fuel=75% ----> Armamento Default

Salgo del V1 como líder de la escuadrilla ZEUS con el GU Tango como numeral. Despegamos sin novedad y nos dirigimos hacia la zona que teníamos designada para patrullar: una franja de tierra al norte de la zona de desembarco.

Nos aproximamos a la zona mencionada en formación y trepando hasta los 3000 metros. Una vez en destino estabilizamos el vuelo, apagamos luces y comenzamos el patrullaje.

Durante el vuelo escuchamos por radio las comunicaciones de los demás vuelos que tenían como objetivo atacar P2 y zonas aledañas para ayudar al desembarco.

Unos minutos después de comenzado el patrullaje nos encontramos con dos reactores egipcios y entablamos combate con ellos, escucho al GU Tango pedir ayuda por radio, intento acudir en su ayuda pero la baja visibilidad me dificulta la tarea y me doy cuenta de que uno de los cazas me engancha a mi por lo que debo entrar también en maniobras evasivas.

El GU Tango es derribado y entonces me encuentro combatiendo no con uno, sino con dos reactores enemigos. Consciente de que mi misión es patrullar la mencionada zona e impedir que las aeronaves enemigas se dirijan más hacia el sur, me mantengo durante varios minutos en combate con los cazas, tratando no de derribarlos, lo que seria prácticamente imposible, sino de evadir sus constantes embates con la esperanza de darle un poco más de tiempo a los camaradas sobre P2.

Mientras tanto escucho por radio que las cosas no van tan bien en P2 por lo que decido "arrastrar" a los cazas hacia la flota. Pico y me dirijo hacia el V1 a muy pocos metros del suelo, siempre escuchando el rugido de los motores a reacción a mis espaldas.

Una vez cerca de la flota la antiaérea comienza a disparar y justo en el momento en que estoy chequeando mis seis para ver la posición del enemigo veo a uno de los Migs explotar víctima de un impacto de la antiaérea. El otro contacto se retira afortunadamente y puedo apontar sin novedad.

Unos minutos después escuchamos por radio que la flota de desembarco había cumplido su objetivo.

Piloto vivo - Avión intacto.
Misiones de Campañas - IL2 / Re: Canal de Suez 07
08 de Noviembre de 2008, 02:06:04 AM
[08.11.2008 0:41:20] Mission: net/coop/GAE-Alma/SUEZ_07.mis is Playing
00:00:00 Mission BEGIN
00:00:00 GAE_Alma is trying to occupy seat 113Squadron000(0)
00:00:00 GAE_Yanito is trying to occupy seat g01030(0)
00:00:00 GAE_Tacuara is trying to occupy seat 146Squadron110(0)
00:00:00 GAE_Chacal is trying to occupy seat 131Squadron011(0)
00:00:00 GAE_Charrua is trying to occupy seat 146Squadron111(0)
00:00:00 GAE_Tango is trying to occupy seat 113Squadron001(0)
00:00:00 GAE_Buitre is trying to occupy seat 131Squadron010(0)
00:00:00 113Squadron000(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 216885.75 22675.17
00:00:00 113Squadron000 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 75%
00:00:00 g01030(0) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 149933.44 50106.9
00:00:00 g01030 loaded weapons '500lb' fuel 100%
00:00:00 113Squadron001(0) seat occupied by GAE_Tango at 216885.7 22689.17
00:00:00 113Squadron001 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 75%
00:00:00 146Squadron111(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 216939.84 21022.326
00:00:00 146Squadron111 loaded weapons '2x5008xhvarap' fuel 75%
00:00:00 131Squadron011(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chacal at 216903.75 22675.238
00:00:00 131Squadron011 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 75%
00:00:00 146Squadron110(0) seat occupied by GAE_Tacuara at 216939.95 21008.326
00:00:00 146Squadron110 loaded weapons '2x5008xhvarap' fuel 75%
00:00:00 131Squadron010(0) seat occupied by GAE_Buitre at 216894.72 22681.205
00:00:00 131Squadron010 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 75%
00:00:00 gb01301 damaged on the ground at 180054.69 290240.06
00:00:00 gb01321 damaged on the ground at 203243.12 32107.498
00:00:00 gb01300 damaged on the ground at 180073.19 290266.47
00:00:00 gb01320 damaged on the ground at 203262.0 32114.11
00:00:00 g01030 in flight at 149934.52 50046.547
00:00:11 gb01300(0) bailed out at 180073.19 290266.47
00:00:12 gb01321(0) bailed out at 203243.12 32107.498
00:00:14 gb01321(1) bailed out at 203243.12 32107.498
00:00:18 gb01301(0) bailed out at 180054.69 290240.06
00:00:20 gb01300(0) successfully bailed out at 180031.02 290292.97
00:00:22 gb01320(0) bailed out at 203262.0 32114.11
00:00:23 gb01321(1) successfully bailed out at 203213.05 32059.768
00:00:23 gb01321(0) successfully bailed out at 203182.89 32076.883
00:00:23 gb01320(1) bailed out at 203262.0 32114.11
00:00:25 gb01301(0) successfully bailed out at 180034.78 290275.8
00:00:30 gb01320(1) successfully bailed out at 203233.22 32082.67
00:00:30 gb01320(0) successfully bailed out at 203231.94 32071.957
00:00:36 gb01300 removed at 180073.19 290266.47
00:00:37 gb01321 removed at 203243.12 32107.498
00:00:43 gb01301 removed at 180054.69 290240.06
00:00:47 gb01320 removed at 203262.0 32114.11
00:01:22 146Squadron110 in flight at 214970.19 20944.125
00:01:23 113Squadron000 in flight at 215036.44 22698.525
00:01:29 113Squadron001 in flight at 214956.11 22688.967
00:01:38 131Squadron010 in flight at 214771.12 22673.107
00:01:42 146Squadron111 in flight at 214715.48 20986.34
00:02:01 Target 2 Failed
00:03:02 131Squadron011 in flight at 213367.73 22672.76
00:14:30 368_Static destroyed by 146Squadron110 at 154537.14 11014.21
00:14:54 370_Static destroyed by 146Squadron110 at 155723.34 12520.91
00:15:22 146Squadron110 damaged by landscape at 157342.42 12455.532
00:15:22 146Squadron110(0) was killed at 157347.17 12455.211
00:15:22 146Squadron110 shot down by landscape at 157347.17 12455.211
00:15:49 GAE_Tacuara has disconnected
00:15:50 146Squadron111(0) was killed by g01030 at 156776.48 13333.033
00:15:50 131Squadron010(0) was wounded at 156896.83 13927.946
00:15:52 131Squadron010(0) was killed at 156908.66 13574.373
00:15:52 131Squadron010 shot down by g01031 at 156908.66 13574.373
00:15:58 146Squadron111 shot down by g01030 at 156003.88 12575.192
00:16:22 113Squadron001 damaged by g01100 at 137368.66 19251.121
00:16:35 113Squadron001(0) was killed at 136651.56 17957.604
00:16:35 113Squadron001 shot down by g01100 at 136651.56 17957.604
00:18:05 GAE_Tango has disconnected
00:21:07 365_Static destroyed by 131Squadron011 at 158326.1 11729.0
00:22:02 131Squadron011 damaged by landscape at 159400.92 10483.38
00:22:02 131Squadron011(0) was killed at 159413.23 10466.947
00:22:02 131Squadron011 shot down by g01030 at 159413.23 10466.947
00:23:08 GAE_Chacal has disconnected
00:23:14 19_Static destroyed by 268_Static at 157437.88 12448.9
00:25:18 385_Static destroyed by landscape at 179489.78 293375.06
00:25:18 393_Static destroyed by landscape at 179522.31 293451.3
00:25:18 384_Static destroyed by landscape at 179628.23 293451.1
00:25:18 383_Static destroyed by landscape at 179481.16 293523.47
00:30:01 Target 1 Failed
[08.11.2008 1:13:29] Mission: BLUE WON
00:31:45 GAE_Buitre has disconnected
00:31:55 g01011 landed at 118935.12 277178.25
00:32:25 g01011 removed at 118941.04 277186.72
00:35:09 380_Static destroyed by landscape at 178375.39 287492.4
00:35:09 381_Static destroyed by landscape at 178361.9 287415.38
00:35:09 247_Static destroyed by landscape at 178390.08 287447.16
00:35:12 g01012 landed at 118934.59 277177.6
00:35:42 g01012 removed at 118940.97 277186.7
00:36:51 g01101(0) was heavily wounded at 190224.5 20668.133
00:36:51 g01101(0) was killed at 190224.5 20668.133
00:36:51 g01101 shot down by 32_Chief at 190224.5 20668.133
00:37:25 g01020 removed at 119528.07 277836.94
00:38:27 g01013 landed at 118934.63 277177.62
00:38:27 113Squadron000 landed at 189561.83 21260.23
00:38:57 g01013 removed at 118941.0 277186.72
00:39:53 g01021 removed at 119527.78 277836.7
00:41:45 g01010 landed at 118934.69 277177.66
00:42:15 g01010 removed at 118940.83 277186.44
00:42:23 g01022 removed at 119528.21 277837.0
00:43:18 g01000 landed at 119020.87 277301.44
00:43:48 g01000 removed at 119071.54 277373.8
00:45:26 313_Static destroyed by landscape at 180547.84 290458.8
00:45:26 284_Static destroyed by landscape at 180665.1 290929.1
00:45:40 g01001 landed at 119015.805 277294.2
00:46:10 g01001 removed at 119071.53 277373.78
00:46:28 281_Static destroyed by landscape at 171018.4 294523.47
00:46:28 252_Static destroyed by landscape at 171187.56 295623.1
00:48:54 gb01311 removed at 180288.92 290770.7
00:51:22 gb01310 removed at 179928.61 290255.34
00:59:33 g01030 landed at 28526.934 193358.61
00:59:33 g01030 damaged on the ground at 28526.934 193358.61
00:59:52 g01030(0) bailed out at 28526.936 193358.6
00:59:59 g01030(0) successfully bailed out at 28546.969 193399.69
01:01:17 Mission END
Name:    GAE_Alma
Score:    0
State:    Landed at Airfield
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Tank Kill:    0
Enemy Car Kill:    0
Enemy Artillery Kill:    0
Enemy AAA Kill:    0
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    0
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    0
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       0
Hit Bullets:       0
Hit Air Bullets:    0
Fire Roskets:       0
Hit Roskets:       0
Fire Bombs:       0
Hit Bombs:       0
Name:    GAE_Yanito
Score:    100
State:    Landed at Airfield
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    2
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Tank Kill:    0
Enemy Car Kill:    0
Enemy Artillery Kill:    0
Enemy AAA Kill:    0
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    0
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    0
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       1177
Hit Bullets:       16
Hit Air Bullets:    15
Fire Roskets:       0
Hit Roskets:       0
Fire Bombs:       1
Hit Bombs:       1
Name:    GAE_Charrua
Score:    0
State:    KIA
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Tank Kill:    0
Enemy Car Kill:    0
Enemy Artillery Kill:    0
Enemy AAA Kill:    0
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    0
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    0
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       0
Hit Bullets:       0
Hit Air Bullets:    0
Fire Roskets:       0
Hit Roskets:       0
Fire Bombs:       0
Hit Bombs:       0
Name:    GAE_Tacuara
Score:    0
State:    Left the Game
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Tank Kill:    0
Enemy Car Kill:    0
Enemy Artillery Kill:    0
Enemy AAA Kill:    2
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    0
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    0
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       207
Hit Bullets:       8
Hit Air Bullets:    0
Fire Roskets:       6
Hit Roskets:       0
Fire Bombs:       0
Hit Bombs:       0
Name:    GAE_Tango
Score:    0
State:    Left the Game
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Tank Kill:    0
Enemy Car Kill:    0
Enemy Artillery Kill:    0
Enemy AAA Kill:    0
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    0
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    0
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       0
Hit Bullets:       0
Hit Air Bullets:    0
Fire Roskets:       0
Hit Roskets:       0
Fire Bombs:       0
Hit Bombs:       0
Name:    GAE_Chacal
Score:    0
State:    Left the Game
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Tank Kill:    0
Enemy Car Kill:    0
Enemy Artillery Kill:    0
Enemy AAA Kill:    0
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    0
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    0
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       0
Hit Bullets:       0
Hit Air Bullets:    0
Fire Roskets:       0
Hit Roskets:       0
Fire Bombs:       0
Hit Bombs:       0
Name:    GAE_Buitre
Score:    0
State:    Left the Game
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Tank Kill:    0
Enemy Car Kill:    0
Enemy Artillery Kill:    0
Enemy AAA Kill:    0
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    0
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    0
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       0
Hit Bullets:       0
Hit Air Bullets:    0
Fire Roskets:       0
Hit Roskets:       0
Fire Bombs:       0
Hit Bombs:       0
Misiones de Campañas - IL2 / Re: Canal de Suez 06
07 de Noviembre de 2008, 10:55:50 PM
#C - F4U N5 - Fuel=75% ----> 8x5" AP HVAR

Despegamos del Victor 1 con rumbo a P2. Una vez sobre el objetivo comenzamos a realizar pasadas sobre las defensas en tierra logrando destruir varios vehiculos y emplazamientos de AAA.

Una vez que descargamos todo el armamento trepamos nuevamente e intentamos formar cuando el Capitan Angel es alcanzado por fuego antiaereo y comienza a perder fluidos, por lo que comenzamos el regreso al portaaviones.

Ya cercanos al V1 el Capitan es sorprendido por reactores enemigos pero logra evadirlos, yo engancho con uno, seguido por el Teniente Charrua, pero la diferencia de velocidad hace que salga rapidamente de mi rango de disparo, seguimos la persecusion unos segundos mas pero no quiero arriesgar el material adentrandome en territorio enemigo nuevamente y en clara desventaja tecnologica, por lo que retornamos al V1 donde logro apontar sin novedad en la pista oblicua del portaaviones.

Una vez en cubierta saludo al capitan quien ya estaba fuera del avion oservando los daños sufridos en su corsario. La verdad que estos bichos se bancan bastante castigo.

Piloto vivo - Avión intacto.
Misiones de Campañas - IL2 / Re: Canal de Suez 06
06 de Noviembre de 2008, 01:49:20 AM
18:00:00 Mission BEGIN
18:00:00 GAE_Charrua has connected
18:00:00 GAE_Alma is trying to occupy seat gb01301(0)
18:00:00 GAE_Alma is trying to occupy seat gb01110(0)
18:00:00 GAE_Alma is trying to occupy seat gb01112(0)
18:00:00 GAE_Alma is trying to occupy seat gb01111(0)
18:00:00 GAE_Angel is trying to occupy seat gb01000(0)
18:00:00 GAE_Charrua is trying to occupy seat gb01110(0)
18:00:00 GAE_Charrua is trying to occupy seat gb01001(0)
18:00:00 GAE_Alma is trying to occupy seat gb01002(0)
18:00:00 GAE_Yanito is trying to occupy seat g01010(0)
18:00:00 gb01002(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 216894.72 22681.205
18:00:00 gb01002 loaded weapons '8xhvarap' fuel 75%
18:00:00 g01010(0) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 28122.795 192932.7
18:00:00 g01010 loaded weapons '4x4' fuel 75%
18:00:00 gb01001(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 216885.7 22689.17
18:00:00 gb01001 loaded weapons '8xhvarap' fuel 75%
18:00:00 gb01000(0) seat occupied by GAE_Angel at 216885.75 22675.17
18:00:00 gb01000 loaded weapons '8xhvarap' fuel 75%
18:00:00 gb01301 damaged on the ground at 180054.69 290240.06
18:00:00 gb01111 damaged on the ground at 216939.84 21022.326
18:00:00 gb01300 damaged on the ground at 180073.19 290266.47
18:00:00 gb01110 damaged on the ground at 216938.95 21008.314
18:00:00 gb01112 damaged on the ground at 216944.9 21014.338
18:00:07 280_Static destroyed by 266_Static at 157700.78 12595.15
18:00:07 279_Static destroyed by 268_Static at 157733.77 12703.05
18:00:10 gb01300(0) bailed out at 180073.19 290266.47
18:00:15 gb01301(0) bailed out at 180054.69 290240.06
18:00:17 gb01300(0) successfully bailed out at 180029.22 290274.47
18:00:22 gb01301(0) successfully bailed out at 180019.61 290259.97
18:00:23 19_Static destroyed by 266_Static at 157437.88 12448.9
18:00:34 gb01300 removed at 180073.19 290266.47
18:00:37 265_Static destroyed by 311_Static at 158204.27 13008.48
18:00:40 gb01301 removed at 180054.69 290240.06
18:01:16 306_Static destroyed by 278_Static at 158403.92 12807.15
18:01:27 gb01000 in flight at 215077.77 22702.29
18:01:29 276_Static destroyed by 274_Static at 157322.08 12280.24
18:01:40 gb01001 in flight at 214781.34 22730.076
18:01:43 266_Static destroyed by 278_Static at 158312.23 12672.85
18:01:49 gb01002 in flight at 214667.52 22691.379
18:02:01 Target 2 Failed
18:02:32 274_Static destroyed by 277_Static at 158201.75 13016.01
18:02:34 g01010 in flight at 27220.273 189998.3
18:02:38 267_Static destroyed by 311_Static at 158197.12 13030.75
18:02:38 253_Static destroyed by 311_Static at 158201.1 13034.87
18:02:38 308_Static destroyed by 311_Static at 158196.44 13035.85
18:03:36 268_Static destroyed by 311_Static at 158350.98 12888.73
18:05:36 254_Static destroyed by 311_Static at 158254.7 13004.3
18:06:28 281_Static destroyed by landscape at 171018.4 294523.47
18:06:34 307_Static destroyed by 311_Static at 158219.84 13005.7
18:08:43 263_Static destroyed by 278_Static at 158246.1 13006.82
18:10:29 305_Static destroyed by 311_Static at 158244.36 13016.59
18:12:38 21_Static destroyed by g01020 at 180757.52 290763.78
18:12:39 g01020 damaged on the ground at 180649.78 290557.12
18:12:39 g01020(0) was killed at 180650.81 290554.25
18:12:39 g01020 shot down by landscape at 180650.81 290554.25
18:12:42 23_Static destroyed by g01021 at 180837.08 290720.94
18:12:42 g01021 damaged on the ground at 180610.25 290764.75
18:12:42 g01021(0) was killed at 180610.25 290764.75
18:12:42 g01021 crashed at 180610.25 290764.75
18:12:42 11_Static destroyed by g01021 at 180699.38 290806.62
18:12:47 3_Static destroyed by gb01001 at 152954.19 10113.23
18:12:57 33_Static destroyed by gb01002 at 154427.7 11382.74
18:13:12 gb01310(1) was wounded at 123627.516 280212.47
18:13:12 gb01310(1) was heavily wounded at 123627.516 280212.47
18:13:12 gb01310 damaged on the ground at 123617.63 280211.06
18:13:12 gb01310(1) was killed at 123617.63 280211.06
18:13:12 gb01310(0) was killed at 123617.63 280211.06
18:13:12 gb01310 shot down by g01000 at 123617.63 280211.06
18:13:50 gb01322 damaged on the ground at 121982.68 280853.03
18:13:50 gb01322 damaged by g01000 at 121982.68 280853.03
18:13:50 g01000(0) was heavily wounded at 121988.14 280850.22
18:13:50 g01000(0) was killed at 121988.14 280850.22
18:13:50 gb01322(0) was killed by g01000 at 121982.68 280853.03
18:13:50 g01000 shot down by gb01322 at 121988.14 280850.22
18:13:50 gb01322 shot down by g01000 at 121982.68 280853.03
18:14:04 gb01311 damaged on the ground at 119172.73 276930.44
18:14:09 gb01311(0) bailed out at 119498.11 276593.72
18:14:11 gb01311(1) bailed out at 119593.664 276533.5
18:14:19 gb01311 shot down by 203_Static at 120051.9 276430.25
18:14:23 16_Static destroyed by gb01002 at 154961.48 12279.73
18:14:23 38_Static destroyed by gb01002 at 154949.02 12273.52
18:14:23 36_Static destroyed by gb01002 at 154949.48 12267.99
18:14:23 gb01311(1) has chute destroyed by 204_Static at 119982.35 276266.47
18:14:23 gb01311(0) has chute destroyed by 203_Static at 119894.36 276278.75
18:14:25 g01001 damaged by landscape at 118779.69 284089.2
18:14:25 g01001(0) was killed at 118779.69 284089.2
18:14:25 g01001 shot down by gb01323 at 118779.69 284089.2
18:14:31 gb01311(1) was killed at 120048.76 276205.4
18:14:33 gb01311(0) was killed at 119962.484 276213.53
18:14:56 13_Static destroyed by gb01000 at 156821.73 14053.13
18:17:41 304_Static destroyed by 278_Static at 158419.84 12855.48
18:17:56 246_Static destroyed by gb01002 at 154844.7 12207.77
18:18:10 264_Static destroyed by 311_Static at 158199.67 13042.04
18:30:01 Target 1 Failed
18:30:01 Target 3 Failed
18:30:01 Target 4 Failed
[06.11.2008 0:54:22] Mission: BLUE WON
18:35:20 393_Static destroyed by landscape at 179522.31 293451.3
18:35:20 384_Static destroyed by landscape at 179628.23 293451.1
18:35:20 383_Static destroyed by landscape at 179481.16 293523.47
18:35:20 385_Static destroyed by landscape at 179489.78 293375.06
18:36:09 248_Static destroyed by landscape at 170003.03 294503.72
18:36:09 333_Static destroyed by landscape at 169096.16 294853.4
18:36:55 gb01000 landed at 189995.84 22660.318
18:38:18 GAE_Charrua has disconnected
18:40:40 gb01002 landed at 189005.3 22817.623
18:46:29 252_Static destroyed by landscape at 171187.56 295623.1
18:56:18 gb01320 removed at 180332.81 290643.34
18:58:50 gb01321 removed at 180332.83 290643.3
19:00:15 335_Static destroyed by landscape at 178608.55 290898.88
19:01:21 gb01323 removed at 180334.36 290643.9
19:07:18 g01010(0) bailed out at 99912.61 159661.08
19:07:45 g01010 shot down by 32_Chief at 96297.96 159871.8
19:08:18 Mission END
19:08:18 g01010(0) successfully bailed out at 98509.88 159893.11
Name:    GAE_Alma
Score:    160
State:    Landed at Airfield
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Tank Kill:    1
Enemy Car Kill:    0
Enemy Artillery Kill:    2
Enemy AAA Kill:    1
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    0
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    0
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       307
Hit Bullets:       17
Hit Air Bullets:    0
Fire Roskets:       8
Hit Roskets:       2
Fire Bombs:       0
Hit Bombs:       0
Name:    GAE_Yanito
Score:    0
State:    Hit the Silk
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Tank Kill:    0
Enemy Car Kill:    0
Enemy Artillery Kill:    0
Enemy AAA Kill:    0
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    0
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    0
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       480
Hit Bullets:       7
Hit Air Bullets:    7
Fire Roskets:       4
Hit Roskets:       0
Fire Bombs:       0
Hit Bombs:       0
Name:    GAE_Charrua
Score:    0
State:    Left the Game
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Tank Kill:    0
Enemy Car Kill:    0
Enemy Artillery Kill:    0
Enemy AAA Kill:    1
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    0
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    0
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       0
Hit Bullets:       0
Hit Air Bullets:    0
Fire Roskets:       8
Hit Roskets:       1
Fire Bombs:       0
Hit Bombs:       0
Misiones de Campañas - IL2 / Re: Canal de Suez 05
01 de Noviembre de 2008, 09:32:58 PM
F4U N5 - Fuel=75%
2 Bombas de 500 Lbs.

Salgo con el grupo de corsarios. Despegamos sin novedad y formo con el teniente Balker que lideraba el grupo. Realizamos un viraje hacia el norte y avistamos a los c47 por  lo que el teniente comienza un viraje hacia  la izquierda para dirigirnos inmediatamente a P2 cuando veo al Teniente buitre aparecer en enfrente y a mi izquierda, no tengo tiempo a maniobrar y nos estrellamos penosamente. Desde la cabina no logro darme cuenta quien comete el error. Tendre que mirar el Track.

0  AGK
Piloto muerto - Avión destruído.

Lo unico bueno fue que casi no hubo lag en la mision.
Misiones de Campañas - IL2 / Re: Canal de Suez 02
24 de Octubre de 2008, 08:10:12 PM
#13 - F4U N5 - Fuel=75% - 3 Bombs --> 500lbs

Salgo como nro 4 de la primer escuadrilla de corsarios junto a Charrua y Angel.
Ya de entrada tuve problemas de lag, a tal punto que me dificultaban seguir la formacion.
Recorrimos unos pocos quilometros cuando el capitan detecta la presencia de contactos navales y se dispone a descender para identificarlos.
Al confirmar que se trata de blancos hostiles se comienza el ataque por turnos, pero rapidamente entran en escena un grupo de spits egipcios que comienzan a atacarnos. Yo aun no habia atacado a los buques y tuve que liberar mi carga para poder entrar en combate. Pero los spits tenian ya alguna ventaja de energia y posicionamiento, me trenzo en lucha con uno, siempre chequeando mis seis, cuando de pronto pierdo un ala y me precipito al mar perdiendo la vida.

Piloto Muerto - Avión Destruido.

Misiones de Campañas - IL2 / Re: CANAL DE SUEZ 01
17 de Octubre de 2008, 09:59:05 PM
Cartelera / Re: Feliz cumple ALMA
07 de Octubre de 2008, 12:30:11 AM
Gracias a todos gente!  y feliz cumple para todo el GAEV!!  ;D ;D

Fotos, Videos & Screenshots / Re: Screenshots IL2
17 de Agosto de 2008, 08:14:06 PM
jaja, si charru es el microshit fsx, se ve lindo pero no se compara con el il2. el neptune es un addon de alphasim, muy lindo pero vuela como un ladrillo con alas... y como bien dijo flak no tiene armas...

lo unico posta es el escenario fotorrealista de comodoro q lo hice yo, con fotos de 60cm de resolucion, si alguien usa el fsx y lo quiere me avisa.

Pd: era un chiste !!! .... no se enoje jefe, presteme la bici... ;D ;D ;D ;D
Fotos, Videos & Screenshots / Re: Screenshots IL2
17 de Agosto de 2008, 06:47:32 PM
La verdad q ese neptune es una porqueria, ni se compara con mi nuevo mod del neptune, aca les mando unas fotos...  ;) ;)

Despegando de SAVC (Mi nuevo MapMod de Comodoro Rivadavia)

Sobrevolando Comodoro (el centro de la ciudad a los pies del cerro Chenque)

Operando con el nuevo pack de buques que incluye al Victor 3

Fuera de joda... excelente laburo Flak... es impresionante lo que estan haciendo con el simulador, venia siguiendo los foros del AAA pero hacia rato q no tenian updates sobre el tema, me alegra q todavia se este laburando en esto. Saludos!!
Fotos, Videos & Screenshots / Re: mi "cockpit"
08 de Agosto de 2008, 07:39:43 PM
buenisimo baco, increible la densidad de aparatos y cablerio en 1 metro cuadrado!!!. la zapatilla esa no da mas. :o :o :o

te queria hacer una pregunta. porque veo que tenes el cuadrante de saitek. hay alguna manera de configurar varios motores para usar con el cuadrante en el il2??  yo tenia pensado en comprarmelo porque igual le daria uso con el fsx, pero queria saber si funciona en el il2. Saludos!

PD: Recien me doy cuenta de que tenes unos sables de star wars en la pred!!!!!  Todavia tengo muy buenos recuerdos del x-wing vs tie fighter!!!!!!