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Mensajes - GAE_Alma

Misiones de Campañas - IL2 / Re: Canal de Suez 15.1
30 de Diciembre de 2008, 11:09:16 AM
Yo estoy presente hoy.
Avisen por favor los que vuelan. Saludos.-
Misiones de Campañas - IL2 / Re: Canal de Suez 14
28 de Diciembre de 2008, 10:20:37 PM
yanito, tengo una duda: teniendo en cuenta que el ROF es el RATE OF FIRE: ¿No sinifica que cuanto menos ROF tiene, es menor la AAA del buque?
Te pregunto porque ya lo vi varias veces y siempre crei que era al reves. Saludos.-
Misiones de Campañas - IL2 / Re: Canal de Suez 14
28 de Diciembre de 2008, 07:33:05 PM
Es verdad Yano, en mi track se ve que el segundo torpedo de Chacal hace contacto. Cuando pueda entrar en rapidshare lo subo.
28 de Diciembre de 2008, 07:30:58 PM
con eso no se jode!!  >:( >:( >:(
Misiones de Campañas - IL2 / Re: Canal de Suez 15
27 de Diciembre de 2008, 02:25:43 AM
[27.12.2008 1:40:52] Mission: net/coop/GAE-Alma/SUEZ_15.mis is Playing
07:00:00 Mission BEGIN
07:00:00 GAE_Alma is trying to occupy seat gb01112(0)
07:00:00 GAE_Balker is trying to occupy seat gb01110(0)
07:00:00 GAE_Chacal is trying to occupy seat gb01113(0)
07:00:00 GAE_Charrua is trying to occupy seat gb01120(0)
07:00:00 GAE_Tango is trying to occupy seat gb01130(0)
07:00:00 GAE_Tango is trying to occupy seat gb01111(0)
07:00:00 gb01112(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 133702.25 1015.3875
07:00:00 gb01112 loaded weapons '3x500' fuel 75%
07:00:00 gb01110(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 133711.27 1021.3854
07:00:00 gb01110 loaded weapons '3x500' fuel 75%
07:00:00 gb01120(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 154431.12 12001.4375
07:00:00 gb01120 loaded weapons '02xMk34 Torpedo + 16xHVAR Rockets' fuel 50%
07:00:00 gb01113(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chacal at 133693.27 1021.3896
07:00:00 gb01113 loaded weapons '3x500' fuel 75%
07:00:00 gb01111(0) seat occupied by GAE_Tango at 133711.25 1007.3854
07:00:00 gb01111 loaded weapons '3x500' fuel 75%
07:00:49 gb01110 in flight at 135194.03 1008.68854
07:01:08 gb01120 in flight at 153657.38 10606.393
07:01:19 gb01111 in flight at 136877.94 905.0219
07:01:21 gb01112 in flight at 136287.64 1007.94946
07:02:49 gb01113 in flight at 137295.81 967.6535
07:08:39 gb01120(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 177204.94 14356.112
07:08:39 gb01120(1) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 177188.9 14421.79
07:08:40 gb01120(3) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 177168.44 14499.953
07:08:41 gb01120(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 177145.77 14581.248
07:11:07 11_Static destroyed by g01030 at 158449.73 11654.91
07:11:07 Target 3 Complete
[27.12.2008 1:54:10] Mission: BLUE WON
07:11:07 14_Static destroyed by g01030 at 158418.94 11682.99
07:11:59 g01031 damaged by 274_Static at 152372.19 13984.204
07:12:04 g01031(0) bailed out at 151914.1 14057.463
07:12:20 g01031 shot down by 274_Static at 150029.14 14405.097
07:14:05 gb01113(0) was wounded at 171685.77 37331.168
07:14:05 gb01113 damaged by g01010 at 171685.77 37331.168
07:14:05 gb01113(0) was killed at 171685.77 37331.168
07:14:05 gb01113 shot down by g01010 at 171685.77 37331.168
07:15:01 Target 0 Failed
07:15:01 gb01120(1) was killed at 174505.14 30710.76
07:15:05 gb01120(4) was killed at 174184.6 30931.459
07:15:05 gb01120(2) was killed at 174184.6 30931.459
07:15:05 gb01120(0) was killed at 174184.6 30931.459
07:15:36 gb01120 landed at 173879.53 31207.826
07:15:36 gb01120 damaged on the ground at 173879.53 31207.826
07:16:39 26_Chief destroyed by gb01110 at 174212.27 29938.398
07:16:48 g01031(0) successfully bailed out at 150475.03 14646.166
07:19:20 16_Chief7 destroyed by 239_Static at 151300.0 191513.7
07:19:25 16_Chief6 destroyed by 239_Static at 151300.0 191469.11
07:19:55 GAE_Charrua has disconnected
07:21:23 gb01130 removed at 154392.78 11946.957
07:21:41 16_Chief8 destroyed by 16_Chief9 at 151298.31 190828.75
07:21:51 16_Chief4 destroyed by 239_Static at 151297.7 190802.75
07:22:23 16_Chief2 destroyed by 239_Static at 151297.08 190776.77
07:22:26 16_Chief5 destroyed by 16_Chief9 at 151283.03 190786.92
07:23:04 16_Chief3 destroyed by 239_Static at 151290.02 190760.28
07:23:09 239_Static destroyed by 16_Chief9 at 151158.38 189873.44
07:23:41 g01010 damaged by 263_Static at 151454.8 9145.473
07:23:43 154_Static destroyed by 16_Chief9 at 150905.88 189880.5
07:23:47 g01010(0) bailed out at 150959.95 8658.239
07:23:58 186_Static destroyed by 16_Chief9 at 150970.52 189873.55
07:24:25 g01010 shot down by 263_Static at 149437.0 4594.8525
07:25:02 189_Static destroyed by 15_Chief3 at 151059.9 189874.6
07:25:15 GAE_Chacal has disconnected
07:25:52 g01011 damaged by gb01131 at 148898.98 12333.147
07:25:57 g01011(0) bailed out at 148490.6 12795.972
07:27:20 gb01110 landed at 153742.34 10741.916
07:27:20 gb01110 damaged on the ground at 153742.34 10741.916
07:27:24 gb01110(0) bailed out at 153742.36 10741.895
07:27:33 gb01110(0) successfully bailed out at 153791.83 10752.93
07:28:55 g01010(0) successfully bailed out at 149368.7 6780.722
07:28:55 g01010(0) was captured at 149368.7 6780.722
07:31:03 148_Static destroyed by 31_Chief at 153453.19 19372.05
07:31:18 g01011(0) successfully bailed out at 146907.47 14403.019
07:31:29 gb01131 removed at 154392.55 11946.967
07:32:57 gb01112 landed at 147603.56 1001.87286
07:35:59 gb01121 removed at 154531.05 12143.589
07:37:16 gb01111 landed at 148172.06 1009.5233
07:37:44 Mission END
Name:    GAE_Alma
Score:    0
State:    Landed at Airfield
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Tank Kill:    0
Enemy Car Kill:    0
Enemy Artillery Kill:    0
Enemy AAA Kill:    0
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    0
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    0
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       0
Hit Bullets:       0
Hit Air Bullets:    0
Fire Roskets:       0
Hit Roskets:       0
Fire Bombs:       3
Hit Bombs:       0
Name:    GAE_Balker
Score:    150
State:    Landed at Airfield
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Tank Kill:    0
Enemy Car Kill:    0
Enemy Artillery Kill:    0
Enemy AAA Kill:    0
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    1
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    0
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       63
Hit Bullets:       0
Hit Air Bullets:    0
Fire Roskets:       0
Hit Roskets:       0
Fire Bombs:       3
Hit Bombs:       2
Name:    GAE_Tango
Score:    0
State:    Landed at Airfield
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Tank Kill:    0
Enemy Car Kill:    0
Enemy Artillery Kill:    0
Enemy AAA Kill:    0
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    0
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    0
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       0
Hit Bullets:       0
Hit Air Bullets:    0
Fire Roskets:       0
Hit Roskets:       0
Fire Bombs:       3
Hit Bombs:       1
Name:    GAE_Charrua
Score:    0
State:    Left the Game
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Tank Kill:    0
Enemy Car Kill:    0
Enemy Artillery Kill:    0
Enemy AAA Kill:    0
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    0
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    0
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       0
Hit Bullets:       0
Hit Air Bullets:    0
Fire Roskets:       0
Hit Roskets:       0
Fire Bombs:       0
Hit Bombs:       0
Name:    GAE_Chacal
Score:    0
State:    Left the Game
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Tank Kill:    0
Enemy Car Kill:    0
Enemy Artillery Kill:    0
Enemy AAA Kill:    0
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    0
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    0
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       0
Hit Bullets:       0
Hit Air Bullets:    0
Fire Roskets:       0
Hit Roskets:       0
Fire Bombs:       0
Hit Bombs:       0
Misiones de Campañas - IL2 / Re: Canal de Suez 14
27 de Diciembre de 2008, 02:23:58 AM
[27.12.2008 0:31:02] Mission: net/coop/GAE-Alma/SUEZ_14.mis is Playing
17:30:00 Mission BEGIN
17:30:00 GAE_Balker is trying to occupy seat gb01010(0)
17:30:00 GAE_Alma is trying to occupy seat gb01012(0)
17:30:00 GAE_Chacal is trying to occupy seat gb01013(0)
17:30:00 GAE_Chacal is trying to occupy seat gb01011(0)
17:30:00 GAE_Charrua is trying to occupy seat gb01001(0)
17:30:00 GAE_Buitre is trying to occupy seat gb01013(0)
17:30:00 GAE_Charrua is trying to occupy seat gb01000(0)
17:30:00 GAE_Chacal is trying to occupy seat gb01001(0)
17:30:00 GAE_Buitre is trying to occupy seat gb01011(0)
17:30:00 GAE_Alma is trying to occupy seat gb01013(0)
17:30:00 GAE_Alma is trying to occupy seat gb01012(0)
17:30:00 gb01012(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 180073.19 290266.47
17:30:00 gb01012 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 100%
17:30:00 gb01010(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 180110.19 290319.3
17:30:00 gb01010 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 100%
17:30:00 gb01001(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chacal at 180177.86 290415.97
17:30:00 gb01001 loaded weapons '02xMk34 Torpedo + 16xHVAR Rockets' fuel 50%
17:30:00 gb01000(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 180202.44 290451.06
17:30:00 gb01000 loaded weapons '02xMk34 Torpedo + 16xHVAR Rockets' fuel 50%
17:30:00 gb01011(0) seat occupied by GAE_Buitre at 180091.69 290292.9
17:30:00 gb01011 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 100%
17:30:39 gb01000(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 180202.48 290451.12
17:31:02 gb01000(1) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 180202.48 290451.12
17:31:04 gb01000(3) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 180202.48 290451.12
17:31:29 gb01000(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 180202.48 290451.12
17:31:45 gb01000(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 180202.48 290451.12
17:32:09 gb01000(1) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 180267.14 290542.44
17:32:09 gb01000(3) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 180272.81 290550.38
17:32:10 gb01000(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 180279.58 290560.1
17:32:37 gb01000 in flight at 181096.08 291801.12
17:32:41 gb01001 in flight at 180873.52 291731.28
17:33:22 gb01010 in flight at 180913.36 291501.75
17:34:25 gb01011 in flight at 180943.97 291577.3
17:34:36 gb01012 in flight at 180888.0 291476.84
17:38:06 gb01000(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 165653.75 310846.66
17:38:45 gb01000(1) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 161150.22 310955.88
17:38:46 gb01000(3) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 160973.98 310952.56
17:39:01 gb01001(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chacal at 159959.4 311247.22
17:39:02 gb01001(1) seat occupied by GAE_Chacal at 159835.75 311237.2
17:39:02 gb01000(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 158984.77 310876.72
17:39:02 gb01001(3) seat occupied by GAE_Chacal at 159711.89 311226.8
17:39:08 gb01001(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chacal at 159094.23 311170.78
17:40:01 gb01000(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 151892.67 310035.84
17:40:16 gb01000(1) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 149982.5 309655.16
17:40:16 gb01000(3) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 149920.72 309641.72
17:40:19 gb01000(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 149709.98 309595.38
17:42:00 18_Chief destroyed by 60_Chief at 132120.31 6782.299
17:42:58 gb01000(4) was heavily wounded at 144597.23 299742.94
17:42:58 gb01000(4) was killed at 144597.23 299742.94
17:42:58 gb01000(0) was wounded at 144597.23 299742.94
17:42:58 gb01000(0) was heavily wounded at 144597.23 299742.94
17:42:58 gb01000(1) was heavily wounded at 144597.23 299742.94
17:42:58 gb01000(1) was killed at 144597.23 299742.94
17:42:58 gb01000(0) was killed at 144597.23 299742.94
17:42:58 gb01000(2) was killed at 144597.23 299742.94
17:43:25 gb01000 landed at 144872.23 298851.16
17:43:25 gb01000 damaged on the ground at 144872.23 298851.16
17:45:01 Target 0 Failed
17:47:40 GAE_Charrua has disconnected
17:48:40 i01030 damaged by gb01010 at 133812.92 282306.5
17:48:44 i01030(0) bailed out at 133425.05 282216.03
17:49:08 i01030 shot down by gb01011 at 131965.03 282331.8
17:49:14 gb01001(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chacal at 153610.33 297475.44
17:49:41 283_Static destroyed by landscape at 180272.23 290292.25
17:49:41 284_Static destroyed by landscape at 180665.1 290929.1
17:49:41 282_Static destroyed by landscape at 179947.02 289837.88
17:49:50 gb01001(1) seat occupied by GAE_Chacal at 150771.8 295182.3
17:49:52 gb01001(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chacal at 150583.88 295044.44
17:49:58 gb01002 damaged on the ground at 154091.28 299534.97
17:49:58 gb01002(1) was wounded at 154093.14 299530.72
17:49:58 gb01002(1) was killed at 154093.14 299530.72
17:49:58 gb01002(0) was wounded at 154093.14 299530.72
17:49:58 gb01002(0) was heavily wounded at 154093.14 299530.72
17:49:58 gb01002(0) was killed at 154093.14 299530.72
17:49:58 gb01002(2) was killed at 154093.14 299530.72
17:50:06 gb01002(4) bailed out at 154268.88 299045.3
17:50:08 gb01002(4) was killed at 154277.78 299018.56
17:51:25 16_Chief8 destroyed by 239_Static at 151299.22 190867.1
17:51:28 g01001 damaged by gb01012 at 128158.23 290867.12
17:51:31 g01001(0) bailed out at 128691.72 291127.3
17:51:42 gb01001(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chacal at 155019.03 295488.8
17:51:48 16_Chief7 destroyed by 16_Chief9 at 151298.6 190840.88
17:52:01 g01010 removed at 119009.43 277285.34
17:52:09 g01001 shot down by gb01012 at 131798.97 293022.06
17:52:12 16_Chief5 destroyed by 239_Static at 151297.98 190814.88
17:52:17 16_Chief4 destroyed by 239_Static at 151297.67 190801.88
17:53:04 189_Static destroyed by 16_Chief9 at 151059.9 189874.6
17:53:48 16_Chief6 destroyed by 239_Static at 151293.14 190801.67
17:53:57 i01030(0) successfully bailed out at 131845.61 281443.94
17:53:59 16_Chief0 destroyed by 239_Static at 151296.45 190749.89
17:54:02 g01000(0) was wounded at 119504.73 281400.22
17:54:13 16_Chief2 destroyed by 16_Chief9 at 151296.78 190763.66
17:54:13 16_Chief3 destroyed by 16_Chief9 at 151297.05 190775.31
17:54:26 15_Chief4 destroyed by 239_Static at 151300.0 190908.02
17:54:35 gb01001(1) seat occupied by GAE_Chacal at 171949.88 294007.47
17:54:37 gb01001(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chacal at 171964.44 293972.34
17:54:43 186_Static destroyed by 16_Chief9 at 150970.52 189873.55
17:55:05 154_Static destroyed by 16_Chief9 at 150905.88 189880.5
17:55:21 15_Chief3 destroyed by 239_Static at 151167.44 190695.45
17:55:54 239_Static destroyed by 15_Chief0 at 151158.38 189873.44
17:55:57 338_Static destroyed by landscape at 181981.84 290315.03
17:59:14 g01001(0) successfully bailed out at 131470.39 292855.6
17:59:48 gb01003 damaged on the ground at 180851.62 290777.12
17:59:48 gb01003(4) was killed at 180850.62 290776.03
17:59:48 gb01003(1) was killed at 180850.62 290776.03
17:59:48 gb01003(0) was killed at 180850.62 290776.03
17:59:48 gb01003(2) was killed at 180850.62 290776.03
17:59:52 gb01001 landed at 179882.12 290044.44
17:59:52 gb01001 damaged on the ground at 179882.12 290044.44
17:59:56 gb01001(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chacal at 179882.12 290044.44
17:59:56 gb01001(1) seat occupied by GAE_Chacal at 179882.12 290044.44
17:59:56 g01000(0) was killed at 114352.97 279484.6
17:59:56 g01000 shot down by gb01013 at 114352.97 279484.6
17:59:56 gb01001(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chacal at 179882.12 290044.44
17:59:59 gb01001(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chacal at 179882.12 290044.44
18:00:00 gb01001(1) seat occupied by GAE_Chacal at 179882.12 290044.44
18:00:01 gb01001(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chacal at 179882.12 290044.44
18:00:45 GAE_Chacal has disconnected
18:05:09 i01010 landed at 63538.152 228235.92
18:05:39 i01010 removed at 63509.21 228204.23
18:06:53 gb01011 landed at 180079.14 290417.8
18:07:48 311_Static destroyed by landscape at 180765.55 290758.4
18:07:52 i01011 landed at 63539.16 228237.4
18:08:21 i01011 removed at 63509.266 228204.34
18:09:16 gb01012 landed at 180263.58 290779.4
18:10:33 i01012 landed at 63540.113 228238.77
18:11:03 i01012 removed at 63509.25 228204.38
18:11:19 gb01010 landed at 180433.58 290982.38
18:11:46 GAE_Buitre has disconnected
18:13:01 Mission END
Name:    GAE_Alma
Score:    200
State:    Landed at Airfield
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    1
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Tank Kill:    0
Enemy Car Kill:    0
Enemy Artillery Kill:    0
Enemy AAA Kill:    0
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    0
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    0
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       909
Hit Bullets:       20
Hit Air Bullets:    20
Fire Roskets:       0
Hit Roskets:       0
Fire Bombs:       0
Hit Bombs:       0
Name:    GAE_Charrua
Score:    0
State:    Left the Game
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Tank Kill:    0
Enemy Car Kill:    0
Enemy Artillery Kill:    0
Enemy AAA Kill:    0
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    0
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    0
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       0
Hit Bullets:       0
Hit Air Bullets:    0
Fire Roskets:       0
Hit Roskets:       0
Fire Bombs:       0
Hit Bombs:       0
Name:    GAE_Chacal
Score:    0
State:    Left the Game
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Tank Kill:    0
Enemy Car Kill:    0
Enemy Artillery Kill:    0
Enemy AAA Kill:    0
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    0
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    0
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       0
Hit Bullets:       0
Hit Air Bullets:    0
Fire Roskets:       16
Hit Roskets:       0
Fire Bombs:       0
Hit Bombs:       0
Name:    GAE_Buitre
Score:    0
State:    Left the Game
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    1
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Tank Kill:    0
Enemy Car Kill:    0
Enemy Artillery Kill:    0
Enemy AAA Kill:    0
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    0
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    0
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       236
Hit Bullets:       6
Hit Air Bullets:    6
Fire Roskets:       0
Hit Roskets:       0
Fire Bombs:       0
Hit Bombs:       0
Misiones de Campañas - IL2 / Re: Canal de Suez 12.1
05 de Diciembre de 2008, 06:01:51 PM
Recon en Tirán y Mediterraneo.

F9F - Default - 100%

Salimos con el Tte  Balker en un vuelo de reconocimiento de posiciones enemigas cerca de la frontera. Despegamos de Bersheeba y seguimos el plan de vuelo sin poder detectar objetivos en tierra. El fuego antiaereo era bastante denso y solo detectamos 4 contactos navales.

Aterrizamos en Bersheeba sin novedad.

Piloto: Vivo
Avion: Aterrizado
Misiones de Campañas - IL2 / Re: Canal de Suez 12
05 de Diciembre de 2008, 05:55:51 PM
F9F Panther - Default - 100 %

Salimos con el Tte Balker en mision de patrulla sobre P2 y para dar cobertura a los Neptunes.
Yo me quedo orbitando P2 y el Tte escolta a los Neptunes, nos mantenemos alerta durante todo el transcurso de la mision pero no se presentan amenazas aereas por lo que aterrizamos en P2 sin novedad.

Piloto: Vivo  Avión: Aterrizado.
Misiones de Campañas - IL2 / Re: Canal de Suez 11
05 de Diciembre de 2008, 05:52:08 PM
Corsario - 50 % combustible - 8xAPHVAR + 2 x 500lbs.

Salgo del V1 en busca de objetivos terrestres en las cercanias de P2. Una vez sobre la base observo trazadoras desde nuestra base y que impactan en las colinas situadas al norte, por lo que me dirijo hacia esa zona. Observo varios objetivos en tierra, realizo una primer pasada donde libero las bombas y luego algunas pasadas mas con rockets y cañones logrando destruir 5 blindados. En una de las ultimas pasadas me impacta fuego antiaereo y comienzo a perder combustible, por lo que decido volver al V1, pero no alcanzo a llegar y quedo sin combustible en pleno vuelo. Con el motor apagado planeo hasta la base en P2 donde logro aterrizar sin novedad.

AGK: 5
Piloto vivo - Avión aterrizado y con daños leves (tanque pinchado).
muy buenas aladino. saludos!
Misiones de Campañas - IL2 / Re: Canal de Suez 10.
22 de Noviembre de 2008, 03:24:18 PM
IL28 - 1x1000 Lbs y 2x 250 Lbs. - Combustible: 100%.

Salgo en un vuelo de 3 IL28 para ataque a objetivos navales en el estrecho de Tirán liderado por el Tte. Balker. Poco tiempo después detectamos un Acorazado con rumbo sur.

Tratamos de coordinar las pasadas de manera sucesiva pero la AAA del buque derriba al Tte. Balker y al Tte. Charrua. Yo por mi parte logro soltar bombas pero al momento de escapar colisiono contra un mastil del barco perdiendo el avion y la vida.

Piloto muerto - Avión destruido.
Misiones de Campañas - IL2 / Re: CANAL DE SUEZ 9.02 (Traslado)
22 de Noviembre de 2008, 03:19:02 PM
Vuelo Base Israeli  Panthers -------> Fuel 100% Traslado

Salgo de Ferry de los Panthers para la base del norte en el mediterraneo.
Subo a 2000m y hago una navegacion  tranquila, llego sin problemas.
Aterrizo sin novedad en Bersheeba junto con los otros 3 Panthers

Piloto Vivo
Avion Intacto
Misiones de Campañas - IL2 / Re: Canal de Suez 11
22 de Noviembre de 2008, 02:29:43 AM
[22.11.2008 1:17:56] Mission: net/coop/GAE-Alma/SUEZ_11.mis is Playing
07:00:00 Mission BEGIN
07:00:00 GAE_Alma is trying to occupy seat gb01020(0)
07:00:00 GAE_Balker is trying to occupy seat gb01010(0)
07:00:00 GAE_Yanito is trying to occupy seat g01010(0)
07:00:00 GAE_Charrua is trying to occupy seat gb01000(0)
07:00:00 GAE_Baco has disconnected
07:00:00 GAE_Baco has connected
07:00:00 GAE_Baco is trying to occupy seat gb01001(0)
07:00:00 gb01020(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 142992.89 991.44476
07:00:00 gb01020 loaded weapons '1x20008xhvarap' fuel 50%
07:00:00 g01010(0) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 28122.725 192932.61
07:00:00 g01010 loaded weapons '24r4m' fuel 100%
07:00:00 gb01000(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 154443.3 12018.827
07:00:00 gb01000 loaded weapons '02xMk34 Torpedo + 16xHVAR Rockets' fuel 25%
07:00:00 gb01010(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 154486.38 12080.356
07:00:00 gb01010 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 100%
07:00:00 gb01001(0) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 154467.89 12053.939
07:00:00 gb01001 loaded weapons '02xMk34 Torpedo + 16xHVAR Rockets' fuel 25%
07:00:00 gb01013 damaged on the ground at 154541.88 12159.609
07:00:00 gb01012 damaged on the ground at 154523.38 12133.192
07:00:01 gb01011 damaged on the ground at 154504.88 12106.774
07:00:01 gb01021 damaged on the ground at 143009.61 977.49146
07:00:11 gb01011(0) bailed out at 154504.88 12106.774
07:00:12 gb01013(0) bailed out at 154541.88 12159.609
07:00:20 gb01012(0) bailed out at 154523.38 12133.192
07:00:21 gb01011(0) successfully bailed out at 154563.36 12112.649
07:00:23 gb01013(0) successfully bailed out at 154577.58 12105.52
07:00:27 gb01012(0) successfully bailed out at 154555.47 12108.508
07:00:36 gb01011 removed at 154504.88 12106.774
07:00:39 gb01013 removed at 154541.88 12159.617
07:00:45 gb01012 removed at 154523.38 12133.192
07:01:17 gb01000 in flight at 153643.73 10706.231
07:01:19 gb01020 in flight at 144948.73 978.02765
07:01:35 gb01001 in flight at 153800.48 11005.729
07:02:22 189_Static destroyed by 245_Static at 150826.9 15203.65
07:02:41 gb01010 in flight at 153310.66 10094.056
07:03:02 g01010 in flight at 26743.002 191254.48
07:03:59 gb01000(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 167583.95 13923.761
07:04:01 gb01000(1) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 167679.19 13963.663
07:04:02 gb01000(3) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 167728.47 13984.432
07:04:08 gb01000(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 168370.03 14262.095
07:06:13 142_Static destroyed by gb01020 at 150643.6 14904.4
07:06:13 148_Static destroyed by gb01020 at 150560.69 15076.79
07:06:47 241_Static destroyed by gb01020 at 150835.3 15218.76
07:08:27 239_Static destroyed by gb01020 at 150603.75 14797.21
07:10:09 242_Static destroyed by gb01020 at 150823.5 15185.36
07:14:48 43_Chief destroyed by gb01001 at 183587.58 67155.984
07:14:50 1_Static destroyed by gb01320 at 119233.68 277982.62
07:14:57 290_Static destroyed by gb01321 at 119071.82 278091.5
07:15:34 gb01020 landed at 155095.75 12860.027
07:15:34 gb01020 damaged on the ground at 155095.75 12860.027
07:15:58 312_Static destroyed by g01030 at 180559.28 290396.72
07:16:02 229_Static destroyed by g01031 at 180425.8 290324.25
07:16:11 gb01001 turned landing lights on at 180110.56 63100.895
07:16:20 gb01000 turned landing lights on at 179301.61 60722.65
07:17:19 gb01320(1) was wounded at 124126.695 277653.97
07:17:19 gb01320(1) was heavily wounded at 124126.695 277653.97
07:17:20 gb01320(0) was wounded at 124165.31 277662.72
07:17:20 gb01320(1) was killed by g01000 at 124165.31 277662.72
07:17:20 gb01320(0) was killed by g01000 at 124165.31 277662.72
07:17:20 gb01320 damaged by g01000 at 124168.06 277663.34
07:17:20 gb01320 shot down by g01000 at 124168.06 277663.34
07:17:36 gb01000 damaged by g01021 at 179295.06 53680.895
07:17:43 gb01000(0) bailed out at 179342.25 53302.75
07:17:44 gb01000(1) bailed out at 179360.12 53204.973
07:17:45 gb01000(2) bailed out at 179380.56 53105.367
07:17:47 gb01000(4) bailed out at 179403.69 53003.402
07:18:00 g01031 damaged by gb01310 at 174177.84 291298.03
07:18:00 g01031 damaged on the ground at 174177.84 291298.03
07:18:01 g01031(0) was wounded at 174140.61 291294.7
07:18:01 g01031(0) was killed at 174140.61 291294.7
07:18:01 g01031 shot down by gb01310 at 174140.61 291294.7
07:18:01 gb01000 shot down by g01021 at 179829.55 51673.16
07:18:41 gb01323 damaged by g01000 at 126894.914 273832.97
07:18:46 gb01323(0) bailed out at 127058.586 274259.88
07:18:46 gb01323(1) bailed out at 127106.1 274388.44
07:18:57 gb01323 shot down by g01000 at 127335.38 275381.4
07:19:14 gb01000(4) successfully bailed out at 179734.06 52394.547
07:19:14 gb01000(4) was captured at 179734.06 52394.547
07:19:23 gb01000(2) successfully bailed out at 179703.67 52495.824
07:19:23 gb01000(2) was captured at 179703.67 52495.824
07:19:29 gb01000(1) successfully bailed out at 179674.23 52588.816
07:19:31 gb01000(0) successfully bailed out at 179642.73 52686.633
07:20:40 6_Chief2 destroyed by 21_Chief at 152016.97 296500.0
07:21:02 gb01323(1) successfully bailed out at 127550.61 275188.5
07:21:02 gb01323(1) was captured at 127550.61 275188.5
07:21:17 gb01323(0) successfully bailed out at 127615.336 275090.06
07:21:17 gb01323(0) was captured at 127615.336 275090.06
07:22:33 g01032 damaged by gb01310 at 181911.62 284696.34
07:22:33 g01032 damaged on the ground at 181911.62 284696.34
07:22:37 g01032(0) bailed out at 181674.81 284239.25
07:22:47 g01032 shot down by gb01310 at 181126.8 283431.12
07:23:36 6_Chief3 destroyed by 21_Chief at 151503.4 296103.4
07:23:39 g01030 damaged on the ground at 178316.25 283630.84
07:23:39 g01030 damaged by gb01310 at 178316.25 283630.84
07:23:43 g01030(0) bailed out at 178444.61 284092.25
07:23:51 g01030 shot down by gb01310 at 178669.72 284723.6
07:24:28 g01032(0) successfully bailed out at 181174.97 283557.97
07:24:28 g01032(0) was captured at 181174.97 283557.97
07:25:01 Target 2 Failed
07:25:01 Target 3 Failed
07:25:01 Target 4 Failed
07:25:01 Target 5 Failed
07:25:11 g01030(0) successfully bailed out at 178765.45 284763.4
07:25:11 g01030(0) was captured at 178765.45 284763.4
07:25:23 125_Static destroyed by 2_Chief0 at 149369.23 294525.3
07:25:24 2_Chief0 destroyed by 117_Static at 149699.88 294560.44
07:25:59 8_Chief1 destroyed by 21_Chief at 151274.02 295874.0
07:26:05 gb01001 turned landing lights off at 173325.66 13376.233
07:26:54 8_Chief3 destroyed by 21_Chief at 151131.25 295731.25
07:28:26 gb01321 landed at 179886.84 290187.44
07:28:26 g01021 damaged by gb01010 at 183210.73 47995.35
07:28:31 g01021(0) bailed out at 183237.38 48428.0
07:28:51 g01021 shot down by gb01010 at 182852.62 50293.453
07:28:56 gb01321 removed at 179928.88 290255.28
07:29:16 gb01001(0) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 155064.88 15648.85
07:29:41 gb01001(1) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 152524.66 15260.14
07:30:01 Target 0 Failed
07:30:10 g01020 damaged by gb01010 at 184728.39 58477.793
07:30:15 g01020(0) bailed out at 184812.28 58936.996
07:30:36 g01020 shot down by gb01010 at 185470.69 60468.56
07:31:07 14_Static destroyed by g01010 at 156827.89 14024.14
07:32:25 g01000 landed at 118989.79 277257.06
07:32:49 gb01001(3) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 153127.5 14677.776
07:32:50 gb01001(0) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 153254.89 14714.6455
07:32:55 g01000 removed at 119009.44 277285.12
07:33:11 117_Static destroyed by 6_Chief0 at 149361.22 294479.22
07:33:33 124_Static destroyed by 6_Chief0 at 149427.8 294427.1
07:33:42 gb01322 landed at 179871.8 290166.34
07:33:49 g01011 damaged by 57_Chief at 155537.16 3018.968
07:33:49 g01011 damaged on the ground at 155537.16 3018.968
07:33:53 g01011(0) bailed out at 156058.2 2661.7188
07:34:06 g01021(0) successfully bailed out at 183283.69 50088.168
07:34:06 g01021(0) was captured at 183283.69 50088.168
07:34:07 g01011 shot down by 57_Chief at 157131.62 1100.6744
07:34:10 g01011(0) has chute destroyed by 52_Chief at 156680.7 2137.2842
07:34:12 gb01322 removed at 179928.72 290255.28
07:34:26 g01011(0) was killed at 156780.3 2039.4122
07:34:36 g01001 landed at 119013.5 277290.9
07:35:06 g01001 removed at 119071.68 277374.0
07:35:16 6_Chief1 destroyed by 33_Chief at 149700.0 294468.78
07:35:33 g01020(0) successfully bailed out at 185543.89 60515.977
07:35:47 gb01001 landed at 154319.23 11742.432
07:35:47 gb01001 damaged on the ground at 154319.23 11742.432
07:35:50 gb01001(0) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 154319.23 11742.432
07:35:50 gb01310 removed at 179870.6 290172.38
07:35:51 gb01001(1) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 154319.23 11742.432
07:35:52 gb01001(3) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 154319.23 11742.432
07:35:52 gb01001(0) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 154319.23 11742.432
07:35:55 gb01001(0) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 154319.23 11742.432
07:35:57 gb01001(1) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 154319.23 11742.432
07:35:58 gb01001(3) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 154319.23 11742.432
07:36:04 8_Chief2 destroyed by 403_Static at 149700.0 294507.03
07:36:46 gb01001(0) bailed out at 154319.19 11742.368
07:36:47 g01010 damaged by gb01010 at 152950.3 9814.791
07:36:47 gb01001(1) bailed out at 154319.19 11742.368
07:36:48 gb01001(2) bailed out at 154319.19 11742.368
07:36:50 gb01001(4) bailed out at 154319.19 11742.368
07:36:53 gb01001(0) successfully bailed out at 154354.9 11724.014
07:36:54 gb01001(1) successfully bailed out at 154350.78 11717.31
07:36:56 gb01001(2) successfully bailed out at 154364.48 11732.911
07:36:56 gb01001(4) successfully bailed out at 154359.38 11744.461
07:37:07 gb01001 damaged by g01010 at 154319.19 11742.368
07:37:07 gb01001 shot down by g01010 at 154319.19 11742.368
07:37:47 8_Chief0 destroyed by 408_Static at 149700.0 294126.62
07:38:19 gb01311 removed at 179870.53 290172.25
07:39:32 g01010(0) bailed out at 141648.97 19671.188
07:39:37 g01010 shot down by gb01010 at 141237.58 19802.443
07:40:04 g01010(0) successfully bailed out at 141132.9 19990.045
07:43:06 g01100 landed at 27872.031 192574.56
07:43:36 g01100 removed at 27951.549 192688.14
07:43:38 gb01010 landed at 154939.75 12558.616
07:45:01 Target 1 Failed
[22.11.2008 2:06:56] Mission: BLUE WON
07:45:40 g01101 landed at 27868.582 192569.62
07:46:10 g01101 removed at 27870.188 192571.92
07:48:19 g01102 landed at 27865.172 192564.78
07:48:49 g01102 removed at 27869.96 192571.62
07:50:45 Mission END
Name:    GAE_Alma
Score:    220
State:    Landed at Airfield
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Tank Kill:    4
Enemy Car Kill:    0
Enemy Artillery Kill:    0
Enemy AAA Kill:    1
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    0
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    0
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       622
Hit Bullets:       109
Hit Air Bullets:    0
Fire Roskets:       8
Hit Roskets:       1
Fire Bombs:       1
Hit Bombs:       0
Name:    GAE_Yanito
Score:    30
State:    Hit the Silk
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Tank Kill:    0
Enemy Car Kill:    0
Enemy Artillery Kill:    0
Enemy AAA Kill:    1
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    0
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    0
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       118
Hit Bullets:       5
Hit Air Bullets:    4
Fire Roskets:       24
Hit Roskets:       11
Fire Bombs:       0
Hit Bombs:       0
Name:    GAE_Charrua
Score:    0
State:    Hit the Silk
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Tank Kill:    0
Enemy Car Kill:    0
Enemy Artillery Kill:    0
Enemy AAA Kill:    0
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    0
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    0
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       597
Hit Bullets:       0
Hit Air Bullets:    0
Fire Roskets:       16
Hit Roskets:       0
Fire Bombs:       0
Hit Bombs:       0
Name:    GAE_Baco
Score:    10
State:    KIA
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Tank Kill:    0
Enemy Car Kill:    0
Enemy Artillery Kill:    0
Enemy AAA Kill:    0
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    1
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    0
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       900
Hit Bullets:       2
Hit Air Bullets:    2
Fire Roskets:       16
Hit Roskets:       0
Fire Bombs:       0
Hit Bombs:       0
Misiones de Campañas - IL2 / Re: Canal de Suez 10.
22 de Noviembre de 2008, 02:28:38 AM
[22.11.2008 0:07:37] Mission: net/coop/GAE-Alma/SUEZ_10.mis is Playing
18:00:00 Mission BEGIN
18:00:00 GAE_Alma is trying to occupy seat g01030(0)
18:00:00 GAE_Alma is trying to occupy seat gb01011(0)
18:00:00 GAE_Yanito is trying to occupy seat g01030(0)
18:00:00 GAE_Alma is trying to occupy seat gb01010(0)
18:00:00 GAE_Alma is trying to occupy seat gb01001(0)
18:00:00 GAE_Alma is trying to occupy seat gb01003(0)
18:00:00 GAE_Alma is trying to occupy seat gb01011(0)
18:00:00 GAE_Alma is trying to occupy seat gb01010(0)
18:00:00 GAE_Alma is trying to occupy seat gb01001(0)
18:00:00 GAE_Alma is trying to occupy seat g01032(0)
18:00:00 GAE_Alma is trying to occupy seat gb01331(1)
18:00:00 GAE_Alma is trying to occupy seat gb01331(3)
18:00:00 GAE_Charrua has connected
18:00:00 GAE_Alma is trying to occupy seat gb01010(0)
18:00:00 GAE_Alma is trying to occupy seat gb01000(0)
18:00:00 GAE_Alma is trying to occupy seat gb01002(0)
18:00:00 GAE_Alma is trying to occupy seat gb01003(0)
18:00:00 GAE_Alma is trying to occupy seat gb01010(0)
18:00:00 GAE_Charrua is trying to occupy seat gb01002(0)
18:00:00 GAE_Balker has connected
18:00:00 GAE_Balker is trying to occupy seat gb01000(0)
18:00:00 GAE_Alma is trying to occupy seat gb01001(0)
18:00:00 gb01001(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 154464.19 12048.661
18:00:00 gb01001 loaded weapons '1xsc10002xsc250' fuel 100%
18:00:00 gb01000(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 154443.84 12019.604
18:00:00 gb01000 loaded weapons '1xsc10002xsc250' fuel 100%
18:00:00 gb01002(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 154484.53 12077.718
18:00:00 gb01002 loaded weapons '1xsc10002xsc250' fuel 100%
18:00:00 g01030(0) seat occupied by GAE_Yanito at 119304.25 277705.97
18:00:00 g01030 loaded weapons '500lb250lb' fuel 100%
18:00:00 gb01003 damaged on the ground at 154504.88 12106.774
18:00:00 gb01011 damaged on the ground at 154541.88 12159.609
18:00:00 gb01331 damaged on the ground at 180142.0 290559.84
18:00:00 gb01010 damaged on the ground at 154523.38 12133.192
18:00:00 gb01330 damaged on the ground at 180117.42 290524.72
18:00:12 gb01330(0) bailed out at 180117.42 290524.75
18:00:12 gb01330(0) was killed at 180116.34 290522.88
18:00:14 gb01011(0) bailed out at 154541.88 12159.609
18:00:14 gb01330(1) bailed out at 180117.42 290524.75
18:00:15 gb01330(2) bailed out at 180117.42 290524.75
18:00:17 gb01331(0) bailed out at 180142.0 290559.84
18:00:18 gb01331(1) bailed out at 180142.0 290559.84
18:00:18 gb01330(4) bailed out at 180117.42 290524.75
18:00:18 gb01010(0) bailed out at 154523.38 12133.192
18:00:18 gb01331(2) bailed out at 180142.0 290559.84
18:00:20 gb01011(0) successfully bailed out at 154572.98 12142.714
18:00:22 gb01003(0) bailed out at 154504.89 12106.772
18:00:22 gb01331(4) bailed out at 180142.0 290559.84
18:00:23 gb01330(1) successfully bailed out at 180165.48 290529.88
18:00:23 gb01330(2) successfully bailed out at 180160.0 290498.66
18:00:23 gb01330(4) successfully bailed out at 180133.33 290492.78
18:00:23 gb01331(0) successfully bailed out at 180167.94 290524.75
18:00:26 gb01331(1) successfully bailed out at 180154.33 290510.16
18:00:26 gb01331(2) successfully bailed out at 180173.8 290528.53
18:00:29 gb01010(0) successfully bailed out at 154582.23 12131.244
18:00:29 gb01003(0) successfully bailed out at 154516.11 12055.845
18:00:32 gb01331(4) successfully bailed out at 180189.88 290516.62
18:00:37 gb01330 removed at 180117.42 290524.75
18:00:39 gb01011 removed at 154541.88 12159.609
18:00:42 gb01331 removed at 180142.0 290559.84
18:00:45 gb01010 removed at 154523.38 12133.192
18:00:47 gb01003 removed at 154504.89 12106.772
18:01:40 g01030 in flight at 118468.484 275946.97
18:01:48 gb01000 in flight at 153370.27 10498.189
18:02:13 gb01001 in flight at 153578.75 10786.192
18:02:31 gb01001(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 152600.7 9800.851
18:02:34 gb01001(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 152458.16 9693.449
18:02:35 gb01001(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 152390.39 9643.633
18:02:37 gb01001(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 152267.3 9555.365
18:02:51 gb01002 in flight at 153660.88 10899.189
18:08:35 gb01001(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 167568.3 24113.822
18:08:37 gb01001(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 167657.77 24333.285
18:09:35 6_Chief2 destroyed by 21_Chief at 153891.64 298291.66
18:10:38 gb01001(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 170183.75 37480.027
18:10:41 gb01001(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 170239.36 37845.023
18:11:33 gb01001(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 172608.23 43464.68
18:11:36 gb01001(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 172743.84 43621.16
18:12:03 gb01322(0) was killed at 133742.75 268212.03
18:12:03 gb01322 shot down by g01000 at 133742.75 268212.03
18:12:13 gb01321 damaged by g01000 at 132288.06 269257.7
18:12:17 gb01321(0) bailed out at 131793.39 269569.94
18:12:22 gb01320 damaged by g01000 at 130885.47 270243.03
18:12:22 gb01320(0) was wounded at 130769.04 270326.22
18:12:27 gb01320(0) bailed out at 130404.484 270603.9
18:12:31 gb01321 shot down by g01000 at 130372.46 270135.94
18:12:42 gb01320 shot down by g01000 at 129468.86 271436.56
18:12:55 337_Static destroyed by g01032 at 180511.44 292196.28
18:13:58 gb01323(0) was killed by g01000 at 122987.445 275660.9
18:14:26 gb01000(0) was killed by 24_Chief at 170105.4 49043.74
18:14:26 gb01000 shot down by 24_Chief at 170105.4 49043.74
18:14:28 gb01001(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 172200.56 48701.52
18:14:42 gb01001 damaged by 24_Chief at 170318.39 49142.953
18:14:42 gb01323 damaged by landscape at 120359.06 278143.56
18:14:42 gb01323 shot down by g01000 at 120359.06 278143.56
18:14:44 gb01001(0) was killed at 169923.88 49258.91
18:14:44 gb01001 shot down by 24_Chief at 169923.88 49258.91
18:15:06 gb01321(0) successfully bailed out at 130594.19 270454.12
18:15:06 gb01321(0) was captured at 130594.19 270454.12
18:15:40 gb01320(0) successfully bailed out at 129399.445 271425.94
18:15:40 gb01320(0) was captured at 129399.445 271425.94
18:16:07 gb01002 damaged by 24_Chief at 169265.48 48826.836
18:16:10 gb01002(0) was wounded at 169821.25 48722.66
18:16:10 gb01002(0) was killed at 169821.25 48722.66
18:16:10 gb01002 shot down by 24_Chief at 169821.25 48722.66
18:16:28 380_Static destroyed by g01030 at 178375.39 287492.4
18:19:47 GAE_Balker has disconnected
18:23:21 8_Chief3 destroyed by 365_Static at 151692.97 296292.97
18:24:24 125_Static destroyed by 2_Chief0 at 149369.23 294525.3
18:25:01 Target 0 Failed
18:25:01 Target 2 Complete
18:25:01 Target 3 Failed
18:25:01 Target 4 Failed
18:25:01 Target 5 Failed
18:25:01 Target 6 Failed
[22.11.2008 0:51:42] Mission: RED WON
18:25:19 117_Static destroyed by 2_Chief0 at 149361.22 294479.22
18:25:46 124_Static destroyed by 2_Chief0 at 149427.8 294427.1
18:26:06 g01030(0) was killed at 133893.95 283069.56
18:26:06 g01030 shot down by gb01300 at 133893.95 283069.56
18:26:41 Mission END
Name:    GAE_Alma
Score:    0
State:    KIA
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Tank Kill:    0
Enemy Car Kill:    0
Enemy Artillery Kill:    0
Enemy AAA Kill:    0
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    0
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    0
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       0
Hit Bullets:       0
Hit Air Bullets:    0
Fire Roskets:       0
Hit Roskets:       0
Fire Bombs:       5
Hit Bombs:       0
Name:    GAE_Yanito
Score:    6
State:    KIA
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Tank Kill:    0
Enemy Car Kill:    0
Enemy Artillery Kill:    0
Enemy AAA Kill:    1
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    0
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    0
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       317
Hit Bullets:       210
Hit Air Bullets:    0
Fire Roskets:       0
Hit Roskets:       0
Fire Bombs:       2
Hit Bombs:       0
Name:    GAE_Charrua
Score:    0
State:    KIA
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Tank Kill:    0
Enemy Car Kill:    0
Enemy Artillery Kill:    0
Enemy AAA Kill:    0
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    0
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    0
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       0
Hit Bullets:       0
Hit Air Bullets:    0
Fire Roskets:       0
Hit Roskets:       0
Fire Bombs:       4
Hit Bombs:       0
Name:    GAE_Balker
Score:    0
State:    Left the Game
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Tank Kill:    0
Enemy Car Kill:    0
Enemy Artillery Kill:    0
Enemy AAA Kill:    0
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    0
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    0
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       0
Hit Bullets:       0
Hit Air Bullets:    0
Fire Roskets:       0
Hit Roskets:       0
Fire Bombs:       4
Hit Bombs:       0