Grupo Aeronaval Embarcado Virtual

Div. Operaciones => Misiones de Campañas - IL2 => Mensaje iniciado por: GAE_Chape en 15 de Marzo de 2010, 08:14:18 PM

Título: URUGUAY 1 19/03/52 (precampaña)
Publicado por: GAE_Chape en 15 de Marzo de 2010, 08:14:18 PM
Despues de golpear fuerte la mesa para que todos los que estaban en el salón me prestarán atención, comencé diciendo.


Seguro mientras todos se callaban y miraban el piso, se acordarian de mi familia, ya conozco el temperamento de los pilotos.
Pero hicieron lo que necesitaba, me prestaron atención.

....En minutos voy a empezar a explicar lo que vamos a hacer en tierras Uruguayas y cuales serán nuestras prioridades, los quiero a todos con sus uniformes de pilotos y preparados para despegar en el hangar grande, ahi daré las indicaciones.
Los espero allá....

Así me subí al jeep con mi carpeta, donde tenía los mapas y los datos entregados por la Jefatura de inteligencia de la FAU.
Título: Re: URUGUAY 1 19/03/52 (precampaña)
Publicado por: GAE_Chape en 17 de Marzo de 2010, 02:09:13 PM
Bienvenidos Señores, para los que subieron al C47, que ayer partio de Punta Indio, por el solo hecho de que en la situacion se les daba la posibilidad de volar un avion, les aviso que estan en Uruguay y al momento ustedes no estan aca.
Esta operacion es SECRETA.

Todo lo que pase aca quedara aca.

Dada la situacion inusual para todos nosotros, pero para la cual fuimos bien instruidos, voy a tomarme unas palabras para explicar algunos detalles y puntos importantes de lo que sucedera a continuacion.

Los uruguayos se enfrentan a un momento critico de su historia, todo gracias a un insubordinado al que se lo conoce como Luis Antonio Vadoran.

Este Sr. es o era jefe de la división este y pretende derrocar al Gobierno de Andrés Martínez Trueba.

La FAU cuenta con aeronaves extras y debido a la necesidad de apoyo, nosotros estamos aca.

Que sobren aeronaves no significa que son regaladas. A estas aeronaves se las cuidara como propias.

Pasare a presentarles a quienes estaran a cargo de las futuras misiones.

A mi derecha Tc. Gaucho Segundo al mando Jefatura de operaciones de campaña.

Sentado ahi en la primera fila Cf. Angel sera su Jefe de vuelos de caza.

Y sentado en el fondo Tn. Charrua Jefe de vuelos de ataque.

Ya todos presentados, dejo las formalidades de lado, y vamos a ver la situacion critica de la que les hable hace un momento.

Miren con atencion el MAPA

( (

Señores voy a detallar donde estan los buenos y donde pueden estar los malos.
Presten atencion.

Posibles objetivos del enemigo

( (

Guarniciones aliadas:          BC-31, BE-28 y BE-27
No podemos dejar de lado el radar en Montevideo:           AT-22
Los circulos en Azul, son donde se puede hayar desplazando el enemigo:          BD-32 y BF-28

Operaremos de la siguiente manera:

Seremos 3 Grupos (Lima, Mike y November)

Grupo Lima (Caza)

Operara desde Laguna del Sauce (AX-22)
Grumman F6F5 Hellcat
No menos de 3 aeronaves.

Objetivo= Gobernar el cielo uruguayo

Decolar livianos (deben moverse rapido, prioridad turno 1 para la salida) y con rumbo NE, ganar altura hasta por encma de los 6000 Mts; realizara CAP sobre la coordenadas BD-28.

Grupo Mike (Ataque)

Operara desde Punta del Diablo (BE-26)
North American AT-6 Texan
No menos de 4 aeronaves.

Objetivo= Entregar pepas a convoy enemigos.

A) Convoy enemigo; Posible desplazamiento desde BF-28 hacia BE-27 o hacia BE-28

B) Convoy enemigo; Posible desplazamiento desde BD-32 hacia BC-31

Grupo November (Ataque y Caza)

Operara desde Laguna del Sauce (AX-22)
Grumman F6F5 Hellcat
No menos de 2 aeronaves.

Objetivos= Engordar a los convoy enemigos.

Mientras sean ataque quedan bajo las ordenes de GAE_Charrua

Coordinar con vuelo Mike.

Llevar 6x5" HVAR + xxx Bombs

A) Convoy enemigo; Posible desplazamiento desde BF-28 hacia BE-27 o hacia BE-28

B) Convoy enemigo; Posible desplazamiento desde BD-32 hacia BC-31

Una vez vacios responderan a GAE_Angel

Coordinar con vuelo Lima.

Si todo sale bien se organizara por radio un ataque, a Buques indulgentes, en el cuadrante BI-28, prestar atencion a operador en tierra.

Demas esta decir.......
Quedan en manos de los Jefes de Vuelo.

Título: Re: URUGUAY 1 19/03/52 (precampaña)
Publicado por: GAE_Charrua en 20 de Marzo de 2010, 02:55:13 AM

[1:26:33] GAE_Chape:P-51D-5NT loaded weapons '2x250' fuel 90%
[1:26:41] GAE_Flak entered refly menu
[1:26:54] P-51D-20NA landed at 343209.2 314228.88
[1:26:59] GAE_Mano:F6F-5(0) was killed by P-47D at 303875.62 252674.16
[1:27:05] GAE_Flak:P-51D-5NT(0) seat occupied by GAE_Flak at 202513.9 219006.66
[1:27:05] GAE_Flak:P-51D-5NT loaded weapons '2x500' fuel 70%
[1:27:08] GAE_Mano:F6F-5 shot down by P-47D at 302821.7 252987.66
[1:27:15] GAE_Mano entered refly menu
[1:27:27] GAE_Pika:P-51D-5NT(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pika at 202513.7 219038.5
[1:27:27] GAE_Pika:P-51D-5NT loaded weapons '2x250' fuel 90%
[1:27:39] GAE_Mano:P-51D-5NT(0) seat occupied by GAE_Mano at 202513.98 219070.48
[1:27:39] GAE_Mano:P-51D-5NT loaded weapons '2x1000' fuel 90%
[1:31:38] 229_Static destroyed by B-25J-1NA at 195359.95 212770.17
[1:31:51] 216_Static destroyed by 1_Chief9 at 283896.38 304623.88
[1:32:05] GAE_Tacuara:P-51D-5NT in flight at 203036.58 218240.38
[1:32:05] GAE_Charrua:P-51D-5NT in flight at 203142.4 218175.28
[1:32:11] GAE_Flak:P-51D-5NT in flight at 202985.3 218398.83
[1:32:14] GAE_Gaucho:P-51D-5NT in flight at 203027.19 218302.92
[1:32:31] GAE_Chape:P-51D-5NT in flight at 203128.98 218220.11
[1:32:33] GAE_Pika:P-51D-5NT in flight at 203142.8 218192.16
[1:32:56] GAE_Mano:P-51D-5NT in flight at 203101.69 218322.77
[1:33:10] P-51D-20NA damaged on the ground at 316637.72 241753.36
[1:33:59] 215_Static destroyed by 1_Chief4 at 283791.66 304726.7
[1:34:14] 214_Static destroyed by 1_Chief4 at 283782.47 304771.03
[1:36:31] GAE_Mano:P-51D-5NT(0) was killed at 217996.3 221082.6
[1:36:31] GAE_Mano:P-51D-5NT shot down by P-51D-20NA at 217996.3 221082.6
[1:36:38] GAE_Mano entered refly menu
[1:36:42] GAE_Mano:P-51D-5NT(0) seat occupied by GAE_Mano at 202513.98 219070.48
[1:36:42] GAE_Mano:P-51D-5NT loaded weapons '2x1000' fuel 90%
[1:36:55] L2D removed at 235349.98 241169.1
[1:37:09] 213_Static destroyed by 1_Chief14 at 283781.12 304784.94
[1:37:55] 211_Static destroyed by 1_Chief4 at 283799.97 304799.94
[1:38:00] L2D removed at 179853.55 298155.53
[1:38:09] GAE_Mano:P-51D-5NT damaged on the ground at 202511.19 219405.28
[1:38:19] 1_Chief4 destroyed by 1_Chief9 at 284232.47 305032.34
[1:38:37] 1_Chief5 destroyed by 1_Chief8 at 284212.56 305022.28
[1:38:50] 1_Chief6 destroyed by 1_Chief10 at 284224.1 305036.28
[1:39:01] GAE_Pika:P-51D-5NT damaged by landscape at 221157.86 227625.33
[1:39:01] GAE_Pika:P-51D-5NT(0) was wounded at 221149.47 227629.0
[1:39:01] GAE_Pika:P-51D-5NT(0) was killed at 221149.47 227629.0
[1:39:01] GAE_Pika:P-51D-5NT shot down by P-51D-20NA at 221149.47 227629.0
[1:39:05] 1_Chief0 destroyed by 3_Chief0 at 284198.84 304846.3
[1:39:05] GAE_Pika entered refly menu
[1:39:17] GAE_Pika:P-51D-5NT(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pika at 202513.7 219038.5
[1:39:17] GAE_Pika:P-51D-5NT loaded weapons '2x250' fuel 90%
[1:39:18] GAE_Pika:P-51D-5NT removed at 202513.7 219038.5
[1:39:23] GAE_Chape:P-51D-5NT damaged by landscape at 221998.31 224594.94
[1:39:23] GAE_Chape:P-51D-5NT(0) was heavily wounded at 221998.31 224594.94
[1:39:23] GAE_Chape:P-51D-5NT(0) was killed at 221998.31 224594.94
[1:39:23] GAE_Chape:P-51D-5NT shot down by P-51D-20NA at 221998.31 224594.94
[1:39:24] GAE_Pika entered refly menu
[1:39:31] 4_Chief0 destroyed by 1_Chief3 at 283819.4 304719.38
[1:39:31] P-51D-20NA damaged by GAE_Gaucho:P-51D-5NT at 221895.25 225960.78
[1:39:34] P-51D-20NA(0) was wounded at 221921.61 226041.17
[1:39:34] P-51D-20NA(0) was killed at 221921.61 226041.17
[1:39:34] P-51D-20NA shot down by GAE_Gaucho:P-51D-5NT at 221921.61 226041.17
[1:39:34] GAE_Gaucho:P-51D-5NT damaged by P-51D-20NA at 221925.6 226040.45
[1:39:34] GAE_Gaucho:P-51D-5NT(0) was wounded at 221929.33 226054.39
[1:39:34] GAE_Gaucho:P-51D-5NT(0) was killed at 221929.33 226054.39
[1:39:34] GAE_Gaucho:P-51D-5NT shot down by P-51D-20NA at 221929.33 226054.39
[1:39:45] 1_Chief9 destroyed by 1_Chief14 at 284243.06 305043.03
[1:39:52] GAE_Gaucho entered refly menu
[1:39:52] GAE_Chape entered refly menu
[1:39:55] GAE_Pika:F6F-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pika at 237006.39 214624.48
[1:39:55] GAE_Pika:F6F-5 loaded weapons '6xhvarap' fuel 90%
[1:39:56] GAE_Pika:F6F-5 removed at 237006.39 214624.48
[1:39:59] 3_Chief0 destroyed by 1_Chief8 at 283920.03 304620.16
[1:40:07] GAE_Pika entered refly menu
[1:40:12] GAE_Gaucho:P-51D-5NT(0) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho at 202513.98 218943.38
[1:40:12] GAE_Gaucho:P-51D-5NT loaded weapons 'default' fuel 70%
[1:40:12] GAE_Gaucho:P-51D-5NT removed at 202513.98 218943.38
[1:40:18] 1_Chief14 destroyed by 2_Chief4 at 284273.3 305072.94
[1:40:19] GAE_Gaucho entered refly menu
[1:40:24] GAE_Pika:P-51D-5NT(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pika at 197414.38 214700.83
[1:40:24] GAE_Pika:P-51D-5NT loaded weapons 'default' fuel 90%
[1:40:28] GAE_Gaucho:P-51D-5NT(0) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho at 197477.45 214701.16
[1:40:28] GAE_Gaucho:P-51D-5NT loaded weapons 'default' fuel 70%
[1:40:35] GAE_Mano:P-51D-5NT(0) bailed out at 202516.03 219404.62
[1:40:45] GAE_Mano:P-51D-5NT(0) successfully bailed out at 202508.62 219463.97
[1:40:48] GAE_Mano entered refly menu
[1:40:50] GAE_Mano:P-51D-5NT(0) seat occupied by GAE_Mano at 202513.98 219070.48
[1:40:50] GAE_Mano:P-51D-5NT loaded weapons '2x1000' fuel 90%
[1:40:50] GAE_Mano:P-51D-5NT removed at 202513.98 219070.48
[1:41:01] GAE_Mano entered refly menu
[1:41:04] 2_Chief4 destroyed by 2_Chief9 at 284303.28 305103.16
[1:41:27] GAE_Mano:P-51D-5NT(0) seat occupied by GAE_Mano at 197605.08 214701.27
[1:41:27] GAE_Mano:P-51D-5NT loaded weapons 'default' fuel 90%
[1:42:00] 1_Chief8 destroyed by 1_Chief12 at 284187.03 304811.84
[1:42:35] GAE_Chape:P-51D-5NT(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 197541.62 214701.45
[1:42:35] GAE_Chape:P-51D-5NT loaded weapons 'default' fuel 70%
[1:42:57] 1_Chief11 destroyed by 1_Chief13 at 284211.03 304812.0
[1:43:00] GAE_Gaucho:P-51D-5NT damaged on the ground at 197366.5 214727.56
[1:43:00] 212_Static destroyed by 2_Chief0 at 283810.34 304779.97
[1:43:24] GAE_Gaucho:P-51D-5NT(0) bailed out at 197347.52 214732.12
[1:43:28] GAE_Gaucho:P-51D-5NT(0) successfully bailed out at 197354.39 214713.05
[1:43:28] GAE_Gaucho entered refly menu
[1:43:30] GAE_Gaucho:P-51D-5NT(0) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho at 197477.45 214701.16
[1:43:30] GAE_Gaucho:P-51D-5NT loaded weapons 'default' fuel 70%
[1:43:30] GAE_Gaucho:P-51D-5NT removed at 197477.45 214701.16
[1:43:31] GAE_Gaucho:P-51D-5NT(0) successfully bailed out at 197361.08 214693.75
[1:44:19] GAE_Gaucho entered refly menu
[1:44:28] GAE_Gaucho:P-51D-5NT(0) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho at 202513.98 218943.38
[1:44:28] GAE_Gaucho:P-51D-5NT loaded weapons 'default' fuel 70%
[1:44:28] GAE_Gaucho:P-51D-5NT removed at 202513.98 218943.38
[1:44:32] GAE_Gaucho entered refly menu
[1:44:33] P-51D-20NA(0) bailed out at 332087.3 287714.0
[1:44:42] P-51D-20NA(0) successfully bailed out at 332037.75 287746.7
[1:44:43] GAE_Gaucho:F6F-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho at 237006.39 214624.48
[1:44:44] GAE_Gaucho:F6F-5 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 70%
[1:44:44] GAE_Gaucho:F6F-5 removed at 237006.39 214624.47
[1:44:47] GAE_Gaucho entered refly menu
[1:44:53] GAE_Mano:P-51D-5NT in flight at 197134.6 216097.9
[1:44:59] GAE_Pika:P-51D-5NT in flight at 197038.08 216270.31
[1:45:01] GAE_Chape:P-51D-5NT in flight at 197109.23 216279.08
[1:45:26] GAE_Gaucho:P-51D-5NT(0) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho at 179823.11 298124.03
[1:45:26] GAE_Gaucho:P-51D-5NT loaded weapons 'default' fuel 70%
[1:45:28] P-51D-20NA shot down by 228_Static at 332087.3 287714.0
[1:46:06] P-51D-5NT landed at 202585.92 219229.84
[1:46:30] GAE_Gaucho:P-51D-5NT in flight at 180703.95 298092.03
[1:48:58] P-51D-5NT landed at 202517.89 219197.19
[1:50:41] 8_Chief14 destroyed by GAE_Flak:P-51D-5NT at 308099.78 264056.62
[1:51:02] GAE_Charrua:P-51D-5NT(0) was wounded at 305709.3 264483.06
[1:51:04] GAE_Charrua:P-51D-5NT(0) bailed out at 305592.38 264500.25
[1:51:17] GAE_Charrua:P-51D-5NT shot down by 8_Chief14 at 304320.97 264848.12
[1:53:05] GAE_Charrua:P-51D-5NT(0) successfully bailed out at 304786.9 264815.53
[1:53:05] GAE_Charrua:P-51D-5NT(0) was captured at 304786.9 264815.53
[1:53:23] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[1:53:28] 222_Static destroyed by 8_Chief4 at 307288.53 262172.7
[1:54:18] GAE_Pepper:F6F-5 landed at 237414.97 214023.78
[1:54:18] GAE_Pepper:F6F-5 damaged on the ground at 237414.97 214023.78
[1:54:32] GAE_Charrua:P-51D-5NT(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 202513.7 218879.89
[1:54:32] GAE_Charrua:P-51D-5NT loaded weapons '2x500' fuel 70%
[1:54:33] GAE_Charrua:P-51D-5NT removed at 202513.7 218879.89
[1:54:35] P-47D removed at 343605.3 314122.1
[1:54:40] 227_Static destroyed by P-47D at 301699.97 279729.78
[1:54:40] 224_Static destroyed by P-47D at 301700.0 279699.9
[1:54:40] 225_Static destroyed by P-47D at 301667.03 279723.72
[1:54:40] 226_Static destroyed by P-47D at 301708.12 279720.16
[1:54:50] 11_Chief0 destroyed by P-47D at 301680.3 279707.06
[1:54:51] 223_Static destroyed by 9_Chief14 at 307318.7 262173.72
[1:54:52] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[1:55:03] GAE_Pepper:F6F-5(0) bailed out at 237414.97 214023.78
[1:55:11] GAE_Pepper:F6F-5(0) successfully bailed out at 237437.2 214067.88
[1:55:16] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[1:55:41] GAE_Pepper:F6F-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 236875.64 215100.95
[1:55:41] GAE_Pepper:F6F-5 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 70%
[1:55:41] GAE_Pepper:F6F-5 removed at 236875.64 215100.95
[1:56:01] GAE_Charrua:F6F-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 237006.39 214624.48
[1:56:01] GAE_Charrua:F6F-5 loaded weapons '2x2506xhvargp' fuel 70%
[1:56:01] GAE_Charrua:F6F-5 removed at 237006.39 214624.48
[1:56:09] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[1:56:09] P-47D removed at 343645.34 314122.06
[1:56:54] GAE_Charrua:P-51D-5NT(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 197477.45 214701.16
[1:56:54] GAE_Charrua:P-51D-5NT loaded weapons 'default' fuel 80%
[1:56:54] GAE_Charrua:P-51D-5NT removed at 197477.45 214701.16
[1:57:48] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[1:58:55] GAE_Tuca:F6F-5 damaged by landscape at 237657.34 215169.3
[1:58:57] GAE_Pepper:P-51D-5NT(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 197409.53 214638.4
[1:58:57] GAE_Pepper:P-51D-5NT loaded weapons 'default' fuel 70%
[1:58:57] GAE_Pepper:P-51D-5NT removed at 197409.53 214638.4
[1:58:59] GAE_Tuca:F6F-5 landed at 237669.34 215184.17
[1:58:59] GAE_Tuca:F6F-5 damaged on the ground at 237669.34 215184.17
[1:59:03] GAE_Tuca:F6F-5(0) bailed out at 237669.34 215184.17
[1:59:10] GAE_Tuca:F6F-5(0) successfully bailed out at 237709.88 215159.0
[1:59:11] GAE_Tuca entered refly menu
[1:59:12] GAE_Tuca:F6F-5(0) successfully bailed out at 237716.8 215154.52
[1:59:12] GAE_Tuca:F6F-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Tuca at 236796.19 215135.72
[1:59:12] GAE_Tuca:F6F-5 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 70%
[1:59:13] GAE_Tuca:F6F-5 removed at 236796.19 215135.72
[1:59:17] GAE_Tuca entered refly menu
[1:59:35] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[1:59:55] GAE_Pepper:SBD-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 202513.7 218879.89
[1:59:55] GAE_Pepper:SBD-5 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 70%
[2:00:11] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[2:00:34] GAE_Tuca:P-51D-5NT(0) seat occupied by GAE_Tuca at 197477.45 214701.16
[2:00:34] GAE_Tuca:P-51D-5NT loaded weapons 'default' fuel 70%
[2:00:36] GAE_Tuca:P-51D-5NT removed at 197477.45 214701.16
[2:00:37] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 202513.98 218943.38
[2:00:37] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5 loaded weapons '3x250' fuel 80%
[2:00:39] GAE_Tuca entered refly menu
[2:00:52] GAE_Tuca:SBD-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Tuca at 202514.12 218974.45
[2:00:52] GAE_Tuca:SBD-5 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 70%
[2:00:54] P-51D-20NA removed at 342953.3 314139.5
[2:00:56] GAE_Flak:P-51D-5NT turned wingtip smokes on at 261301.6 218081.11
[2:01:04] GAE_Flak:P-51D-5NT turned wingtip smokes off at 260330.89 217503.44
[2:01:34] GAE_Pepper:SBD-5 damaged on the ground at 202513.7 218879.89
[2:01:39] GAE_Pepper:SBD-5(0) bailed out at 202513.7 218879.89
[2:01:40] GAE_Pepper:SBD-5(1) bailed out at 202513.7 218879.89
[2:01:43] GAE_Pepper:SBD-5(0) successfully bailed out at 202525.31 218898.42
[2:01:43] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[2:01:45] P-51D-20NA removed at 343329.56 314228.66
[2:01:47] GAE_Pepper:SBD-5(1) successfully bailed out at 202478.5 218903.3
[2:01:48] GAE_Pepper:SBD-5(0) successfully bailed out at 202543.34 218925.81
[2:01:54] GAE_Pepper:SBD-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 202513.7 218879.89
[2:01:54] GAE_Pepper:SBD-5 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 70%
[2:03:09] 216_Static destroyed by 1_Chief10 at 283896.38 304623.88
[2:03:26] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5(1) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 202636.4 219084.86
[2:03:38] P-51D-20NA removed at 343747.16 314122.06
[2:04:37] GAE_Flak:P-51D-5NT turned landing lights on at 236444.89 214622.98
[2:04:43] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 202636.4 219084.86
[2:05:38] GAE_Tacuara:P-51D-5NT landed at 247500.2 212929.27
[2:06:20] GAE_Flak:P-51D-5NT landed at 237281.73 215411.31
[2:06:54] P-51D-20NA removed at 343209.2 314228.88
[2:09:35] GAE_Gaucho:P-51D-5NT landed at 247541.53 211665.86
[2:09:35] GAE_Gaucho:P-51D-5NT damaged on the ground at 247541.53 211665.86
[2:09:54] 215_Static destroyed by 5_Chief11 at 283791.66 304726.7
[2:10:27] GAE_Tuca:SBD-5(1) seat occupied by GAE_Tuca at 202533.53 218950.23
[2:11:20] GAE_Tuca:SBD-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Tuca at 202533.53 218950.23
[2:11:21] GAE_Tuca:SBD-5(1) seat occupied by GAE_Tuca at 202533.53 218950.23
[2:11:55] GAE_Mano:P-51D-5NT turned landing lights on at 197153.4 213878.69
[2:12:00] GAE_Chape:P-51D-5NT turned landing lights on at 197223.7 214002.62
[2:12:00] B-25J-1NA landed at 343699.34 313876.34
[2:12:05] 211_Static destroyed by 5_Chief1 at 283799.97 304799.94
[2:13:31] GAE_Mano:P-51D-5NT landed at 197252.69 215707.2
[2:13:31] GAE_Pika:P-51D-5NT landed at 197193.78 214754.61
[2:13:31] GAE_Pika:P-51D-5NT damaged on the ground at 197193.78 214754.61
[2:13:43] GAE_Pika:P-51D-5NT(0) bailed out at 197193.78 214754.61
[2:13:50] GAE_Pika:P-51D-5NT(0) successfully bailed out at 197161.77 214729.08
[2:14:38] GAE_Pika entered refly menu
[2:14:39] GAE_Pika:P-51D-5NT(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pika at 197414.38 214700.83
[2:14:39] GAE_Pika:P-51D-5NT loaded weapons 'default' fuel 90%
[2:14:40] GAE_Pika:P-51D-5NT removed at 197414.38 214700.83
[2:15:13] B-25J-1NA landed at 343599.06 313773.97
[2:15:39] BallisticDamage 16_Chief SSN 0.21787508  damaged by 228_Static at (0) successfully bailed out at 322672.97 243674.03
[2:16:04] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Head2 1.0  damaged by 228_Static at (0) successfully bailed out at 322621.84 243622.92
[2:16:13] GAE_Chape:P-51D-5NT landed at 197887.44 214892.38
[2:16:45] 228_Static destroyed by 18_Chief at 319999.94 239999.86
[2:17:23] GAE_Flak:P-51D-5NT damaged on the ground at 237273.22 215418.7
[2:17:26] GAE_Flak:P-51D-5NT turned landing lights on at 237273.22 215418.7
[2:17:28] GAE_Flak:P-51D-5NT(0) bailed out at 237273.22 215418.7
[2:17:34] GAE_Flak:P-51D-5NT(0) successfully bailed out at 237262.97 215386.17
[2:17:34] GAE_Flak entered refly menu
[2:17:37] GAE_Flak:P-51D-5NT(0) successfully bailed out at 237256.22 215366.69
[2:17:51] B-25J-1NA landed at 344062.88 314228.38
[2:18:14] 1_Chief10 destroyed by 1_Chief12 at 284176.53 304811.28
[2:18:16] GAE_Flak:P-51D-5NT(0) seat occupied by GAE_Flak at 197477.45 214701.16
[2:18:16] GAE_Flak:P-51D-5NT loaded weapons 'default' fuel 70%
[2:18:16] GAE_Flak:P-51D-5NT removed at 197477.45 214701.16
[2:18:20] GAE_Chape:P-51D-5NT turned landing lights off at 197646.58 214675.8
[2:18:27] GAE_Flak entered refly menu
[2:18:29] GAE_Flak:P-51D-5NT(0) seat occupied by GAE_Flak at 179800.45 298146.8
[2:18:29] GAE_Flak:P-51D-5NT loaded weapons 'default' fuel 70%
[2:18:43] GAE_Mano has disconnected
[2:18:45] GAE_Flak:P-51D-5NT turned landing lights on at 179800.45 298146.8
[2:18:45] GAE_Flak:P-51D-5NT turned landing lights off at 179800.45 298146.8
[2:18:45] GAE_Flak:P-51D-5NT turned landing lights on at 179800.45 298146.8
[2:18:45] GAE_Flak:P-51D-5NT turned landing lights off at 179800.45 298146.8
[2:18:45] GAE_Flak:P-51D-5NT turned landing lights on at 179800.45 298146.8
[2:18:46] GAE_Flak:P-51D-5NT turned landing lights off at 179800.45 298146.8
[2:18:46] GAE_Flak:P-51D-5NT turned landing lights on at 179800.45 298146.8
[2:18:46] GAE_Flak:P-51D-5NT turned landing lights off at 179800.45 298146.8
[2:18:46] GAE_Flak:P-51D-5NT turned landing lights on at 179800.45 298146.8
[2:18:46] GAE_Flak:P-51D-5NT turned landing lights off at 179800.45 298146.8
[2:18:52] GAE_Tacuara has disconnected
[2:18:56] GAE_Flak has disconnected
[2:19:06] GAE_Pepper has disconnected
[2:19:09] GAE_Pika has disconnected
[2:19:19] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5 damaged on the ground at 202528.56 219002.17
[2:19:23] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5(0) bailed out at 202528.56 219002.17
[2:19:24] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5(1) bailed out at 202528.56 219002.17
[2:19:29] GAE_Tuca:SBD-5 damaged on the ground at 202533.53 218950.23
[2:19:31] GAE_Tuca:SBD-5(0) bailed out at 202533.53 218950.23
[2:19:31] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5(1) successfully bailed out at 202527.55 219042.98
[2:19:31] GAE_Gaucho has disconnected
[2:19:31] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5(0) successfully bailed out at 202558.88 219041.33
[2:19:31] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[2:19:32] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5(0) successfully bailed out at 202562.05 219045.34
[2:19:32] GAE_Tuca:SBD-5(1) bailed out at 202533.53 218950.23
[2:19:38] GAE_Tuca:SBD-5(0) successfully bailed out at 202542.92 218989.64
[2:19:39] GAE_Tuca:SBD-5(1) successfully bailed out at 202513.89 218987.16
[2:19:40] GAE_Tuca:SBD-5(1) successfully bailed out at 202511.72 218991.55
[2:19:48] Mission END
Título: Re: URUGUAY 1 19/03/52 (precampaña)
Publicado por: GAE_Charrua en 20 de Marzo de 2010, 02:55:36 AM
[20.03.2010 0:40:32] Mission: net/dogfight/GAEv/URU1952_PRE001.mis is Playing
[0:40:32] Mission BEGIN
[0:41:32] GAE_Pepper:F6F-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 236875.64 215100.95
[0:41:32] GAE_Pepper:F6F-5 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 70%
[0:41:45] GAE_Tuca:F6F-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Tuca at 236796.19 215135.72
[0:41:45] GAE_Tuca:F6F-5 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 70%
[0:41:50] GAE_Flak:SBD-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Flak at 304680.03 255230.0
[0:41:50] GAE_Flak:SBD-5 loaded weapons '3x250' fuel 70%
[0:42:05] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 304586.94 255149.94
[0:42:05] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5 loaded weapons '3x250' fuel 70%
[0:42:57] GAE_Tacuara:SBD-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Tacuara at 304586.6 255110.0
[0:42:57] GAE_Tacuara:SBD-5 loaded weapons '3x250' fuel 70%
[0:47:06] GAE_Mano:F6F-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Mano at 236978.9 215199.8
[0:47:06] GAE_Mano:F6F-5 loaded weapons '2x5006xhvargp' fuel 90%
[0:47:31] GAE_Pika:F6F-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pika at 236910.06 214546.48
[0:47:31] GAE_Pika:F6F-5 loaded weapons '6xhvarap' fuel 90%
[0:47:32] GAE_Chape:F6F-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 237006.39 214624.48
[0:47:32] GAE_Chape:F6F-5 loaded weapons '2x5006xhvargp' fuel 90%
[0:47:48] GAE_Gaucho:SBD-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho at 304759.94 255324.75
[0:47:48] GAE_Gaucho:SBD-5 loaded weapons '3x250' fuel 70%
[0:48:13] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5(1) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 305069.5 255480.92
[0:48:15] GAE_Gaucho:SBD-5 damaged on the ground at 304759.94 255324.75
[0:48:16] GAE_Gaucho:SBD-5(1) was killed at 304759.94 255324.75
[0:48:16] GAE_Gaucho:SBD-5(0) was killed at 304759.94 255324.75
[0:48:16] GAE_Gaucho:SBD-5 crashed at 304759.94 255324.75
[0:48:32] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 305069.5 255480.92
[0:48:33] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5(1) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 305069.5 255480.92
[0:48:35] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 305069.5 255480.92
[0:48:35] GAE_Pepper:F6F-5 in flight at 236525.8 214751.0
[0:48:36] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5(1) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 305069.5 255480.92
[0:48:37] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 305069.5 255480.92
[0:48:37] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5(1) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 305069.5 255480.92
[0:48:39] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 305069.5 255480.92
[0:48:40] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5(1) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 305069.5 255480.92
[0:48:44] P-47D damaged by P-47D at 307213.47 257059.27
[0:48:44] P-47D(0) was killed at 307214.3 257063.44
[0:48:44] P-47D shot down by P-47D at 307214.3 257063.44
[0:48:44] P-47D(0) was killed at 307213.47 257059.27
[0:48:44] P-47D shot down by P-47D at 307213.47 257059.27
[0:49:02] GAE_Gaucho entered refly menu
[0:49:03] GAE_Gaucho:SBD-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho at 304759.94 255324.75
[0:49:03] GAE_Gaucho:SBD-5 loaded weapons '3x250' fuel 70%
[0:49:12] GAE_Tacuara:SBD-5(1) seat occupied by GAE_Tacuara at 305103.5 255481.58
[0:49:14] GAE_Tuca:F6F-5 damaged by landscape at 236276.75 214664.31
[0:49:16] GAE_Tuca:F6F-5(0) was wounded at 236235.4 214668.78
[0:49:16] GAE_Tuca:F6F-5(0) was killed at 236235.4 214668.78
[0:49:16] GAE_Tuca:F6F-5:9762:2 shot down by landscape:-919445:0 at 236235.4 214668.78
[0:49:16] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 305069.5 255480.92
[0:49:19] GAE_Tacuara:SBD-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Tacuara at 305103.5 255481.58
[0:49:20] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5(1) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 305069.5 255480.92
[0:49:28] GAE_Tuca entered refly menu
[0:49:29] GAE_Tuca:F6F-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Tuca at 236796.19 215135.72
[0:49:29] GAE_Tuca:F6F-5 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 70%
[0:49:44] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 305069.5 255480.92
[0:50:26] GAE_Flak:SBD-5(1) seat occupied by GAE_Flak at 304998.4 255518.88
[0:50:35] GAE_Flak:SBD-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Flak at 304998.4 255518.88
[0:50:36] GAE_Mano:F6F-5 in flight at 236095.72 214568.5
[0:50:51] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5(1) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 304977.94 255479.89
[0:51:14] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 304977.94 255479.89
[0:51:31] GAE_Gaucho:SBD-5(1) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho at 304981.44 255433.27
[0:51:32] GAE_Gaucho:SBD-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho at 304981.44 255433.27
[0:52:04] GAE_Chape:F6F-5 in flight at 236142.9 214587.36
[0:52:05] GAE_Flak:SBD-5 damaged on the ground at 304993.94 255519.8
[0:52:10] GAE_Pika:F6F-5 in flight at 236132.33 214646.22
[0:52:13] GAE_Tuca:F6F-5 in flight at 236581.53 214642.55
[0:52:18] GAE_Flak:SBD-5(0) bailed out at 304994.2 255522.12
[0:52:20] GAE_Flak:SBD-5(1) bailed out at 304994.2 255522.12
[0:52:22] GAE_Flak:SBD-5(0) successfully bailed out at 304973.6 255531.02
[0:52:22] GAE_Flak entered refly menu
[0:52:24] GAE_Flak:SBD-5(0) successfully bailed out at 304961.44 255536.05
[0:52:27] GAE_Flak:SBD-5(1) successfully bailed out at 304956.72 255538.56
[0:52:35] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5(1) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 304977.94 255479.89
[0:52:46] GAE_Tacuara:SBD-5(1) seat occupied by GAE_Tacuara at 305007.8 255494.77
[0:53:29] GAE_Flak has disconnected
[0:53:45] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 304977.94 255479.89
[0:53:50] GAE_Tacuara:SBD-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Tacuara at 305007.8 255494.77
[0:54:23] GAE_Flak has connected
[0:55:24] GAE_Tacuara:SBD-5 damaged on the ground at 305004.12 255495.92
[0:55:24] GAE_Tacuara:SBD-5 damaged by 218_Static at 305004.12 255495.92
[0:55:36] GAE_Tacuara:SBD-5(0) bailed out at 305004.53 255496.28
[0:55:37] GAE_Tacuara:SBD-5(1) bailed out at 305004.53 255496.28
[0:55:44] GAE_Tacuara:SBD-5(0) successfully bailed out at 304957.62 255493.72
[0:55:44] GAE_Tacuara entered refly menu
[0:55:45] GAE_Tacuara:SBD-5(0) successfully bailed out at 304949.78 255493.36
[0:55:46] GAE_Tacuara:SBD-5(1) successfully bailed out at 304958.44 255465.27
[0:57:13] GAE_Tuca:F6F-5 damaged by P-51D-20NA at 237341.31 211884.9
[0:57:23] GAE_Tuca:F6F-5(0) was killed at 238051.11 212946.75
[0:57:23] GAE_Tuca:F6F-5:9953:2 shot down by P-51D-20NA:7932:1 at 238051.11 212946.75
[0:57:47] GAE_Flak:F6F-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Flak at 237036.38 214547.8
[0:57:47] GAE_Flak:F6F-5 loaded weapons '2x5006xhvarap' fuel 90%
[0:57:54] GAE_Tuca entered refly menu
[0:57:58] GAE_Tuca:F6F-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Tuca at 236796.19 215135.72
[0:57:58] GAE_Tuca:F6F-5 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 70%
[0:57:59] L2D landed at 179853.55 298155.53
[0:58:10] GAE_Tacuara:F6F-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Tacuara at 236941.62 214599.98
[0:58:10] GAE_Tacuara:F6F-5 loaded weapons '2x5006xhvarap' fuel 90%
[0:58:28] GAE_Tuca:F6F-5 turned wingtip smokes on at 236791.64 215109.53
[0:58:34] GAE_Tuca:F6F-5 turned wingtip smokes off at 236805.38 215083.9
[0:58:39] GAE_Pepper:F6F-5(0) was wounded at 235957.72 217549.89
[0:59:26] P-51D-20NA(0) was killed at 236184.95 214751.61
[0:59:26] P-51D-20NA shot down by GAE_Pepper:F6F-5 at 236184.95 214751.61
[0:59:26] GAE_Pepper:F6F-5 damaged by P-51D-20NA at 236199.45 214756.1
[0:59:26] GAE_Pepper:F6F-5(0) was killed at 236202.73 214756.97
[0:59:26] GAE_Pepper:F6F-5 shot down by P-51D-20NA at 236215.78 214760.53
[0:59:39] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[0:59:41] GAE_Pepper:F6F-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 236875.64 215100.95
[0:59:41] GAE_Pepper:F6F-5 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 70%
[1:00:19] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5 in flight at 304232.84 254597.53
[1:00:26] GAE_Gaucho:SBD-5 in flight at 304098.4 254498.61
[1:01:40] GAE_Tuca:F6F-5 in flight at 236468.3 214575.45
[1:02:04] GAE_Pepper:F6F-5 in flight at 236438.86 214665.84
[1:02:36] GAE_Flak:F6F-5 in flight at 236392.4 214700.33
[1:02:54] GAE_Tacuara:F6F-5 in flight at 236262.14 214678.47
[1:06:11] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5(1) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 308268.0 260085.73
[1:06:21] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 308609.03 260881.39
[1:06:31] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5(1) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 308814.9 261579.55
[1:06:32] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 308826.75 261643.05
[1:07:16] L2D removed at 235352.34 241169.34
[1:08:01] P-51D-20NA damaged by GAE_Tuca:F6F-5 at 227778.45 213685.95
[1:08:05] P-51D-20NA(0) bailed out at 228153.11 214089.58
[1:08:22] P-51D-20NA shot down by GAE_Tuca:F6F-5 at 229332.27 215876.11
[1:08:47] 9_Chief9 destroyed by GAE_Charrua:SBD-5 at 310899.9 271889.97
[1:08:54] 8_Chief7 destroyed by GAE_Gaucho:SBD-5 at 311054.9 272054.9
[1:08:54] 8_Chief9 destroyed by GAE_Gaucho:SBD-5 at 311072.47 272072.56
[1:09:41] GAE_Tuca:F6F-5 landed at 233301.81 215181.39
[1:09:41] GAE_Tuca:F6F-5 damaged on the ground at 233301.81 215181.39
[1:09:55] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5 damaged by landscape at 309000.28 271505.75
[1:09:57] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5 landed at 308994.22 271477.28
[1:09:57] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5 damaged on the ground at 308994.22 271477.28
[1:10:14] GAE_Tuca:F6F-5(0) bailed out at 233301.81 215181.39
[1:10:21] GAE_Tuca:F6F-5(0) successfully bailed out at 233329.14 215216.64
[1:10:21] GAE_Tuca:F6F-5 crashed at 233301.81 215181.39
[1:10:21] GAE_Tuca entered refly menu
[1:10:22] GAE_Tuca:F6F-5(0) successfully bailed out at 233332.4 215220.56
[1:10:23] GAE_Tuca:F6F-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Tuca at 236796.19 215135.72
[1:10:23] GAE_Tuca:F6F-5 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 70%
[1:10:32] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5(1) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 308994.2 271477.34
[1:10:43] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5(0) was heavily wounded at 308994.2 271477.34
[1:11:10] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5(0) bailed out at 308994.12 271477.28
[1:11:11] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5(1) bailed out at 308994.12 271477.28
[1:11:20] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5(1) successfully bailed out at 309047.4 271496.0
[1:11:20] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5(1) was captured at 309047.4 271496.0
[1:11:20] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5(0) successfully bailed out at 309036.4 271428.53
[1:11:20] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5(0) was captured at 309036.4 271428.53
[1:11:48] GAE_Tuca:F6F-5 turned wingtip smokes on at 237446.17 215053.72
[1:11:51] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5 shot down by 8_Chief4 at 308994.12 271477.28
[1:11:51] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[1:11:52] GAE_Tuca:F6F-5 turned wingtip smokes off at 237421.27 215039.69
[1:12:25] GAE_Tuca:F6F-5 in flight at 236077.6 214486.39
[1:12:37] P-51D-20NA(0) successfully bailed out at 229586.47 215619.9
[1:12:37] P-51D-20NA(0) was captured at 229586.47 215619.9
[1:13:32] GAE_Pika:F6F-5 turned wingtip smokes on at 315234.34 266133.0
[1:14:17] GAE_Pika:F6F-5 turned wingtip smokes off at 312303.97 262641.8
[1:14:24] P-47D damaged by P-47D at 290021.78 311363.84
[1:14:24] P-47D damaged by P-47D at 290023.25 311398.12
[1:14:25] P-47D(0) was killed at 290024.12 311368.06
[1:14:25] P-47D shot down by P-47D at 290024.12 311368.06
[1:14:25] P-47D(0) was killed at 290021.78 311363.84
[1:14:25] P-47D shot down by P-47D at 290021.78 311363.84
[1:14:29] P-47D(0) bailed out at 289980.38 310956.28
[1:14:35] P-47D landed at 343605.3 314122.1
[1:14:40] GAE_Gaucho:SBD-5 landed at 304559.06 254970.23
[1:14:58] P-47D shot down by landscape at 289798.56 310405.44
[1:15:14] 223_Static destroyed by P-47D at 307318.7 262173.72
[1:15:14] 222_Static destroyed by P-47D at 307288.53 262172.7
[1:15:49] P-47D damaged on the ground at 306577.62 264716.44
[1:15:49] P-47D damaged by landscape at 306577.5 264718.75
[1:15:49] P-47D(0) was killed at 306577.5 264718.75
[1:15:49] P-47D shot down by GAE_Mano:F6F-5 at 306577.5 264718.75
[1:16:09] P-47D landed at 343645.34 314122.06
[1:16:37] 6_Chief0 destroyed by P-47D at 307298.94 262200.0
[1:17:21] P-47D damaged on the ground at 305161.4 260326.25
[1:17:21] P-47D damaged by landscape at 305159.3 260326.08
[1:17:21] P-47D(0) was killed at 305159.3 260326.08
[1:17:21] P-47D shot down by GAE_Mano:F6F-5 at 305159.3 260326.08
[1:17:21] GAE_Gaucho:SBD-5 in flight at 305377.22 255871.84
[1:18:04] P-47D(0) successfully bailed out at 289394.12 309816.22
[1:18:54] P-47D damaged on the ground at 316327.88 263761.7
[1:18:54] P-47D damaged by landscape at 316326.97 263761.72
[1:18:54] P-47D(0) was killed at 316326.97 263761.72
[1:18:55] P-47D shot down by GAE_Chape:F6F-5 at 316326.97 263761.72
[1:19:22] 9_Chief4 destroyed by GAE_Tacuara:F6F-5 at 310900.16 269949.97
[1:19:22] 9_Chief5 destroyed by GAE_Tacuara:F6F-5 at 310900.0 269962.97
[1:19:23] GAE_Tacuara:F6F-5 damaged by 9_Chief4 at 310906.28 269952.6
[1:19:23] GAE_Tacuara:F6F-5(0) was killed at 310898.28 269960.56
[1:19:23] GAE_Tacuara:F6F-5 shot down by 9_Chief4 at 310898.28 269960.56
[1:20:28] GAE_Tacuara entered refly menu
[1:20:39] GAE_Gaucho:SBD-5 landed at 304887.34 255289.56
[1:20:39] GAE_Gaucho:SBD-5 damaged on the ground at 304887.34 255289.56
[1:20:49] 7_Chief0 destroyed by P-47D at 307336.72 262156.47
[1:20:54] P-51D-20NA landed at 342953.3 314139.5
[1:21:04] GAE_Tacuara:F6F-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Tacuara at 236941.62 214599.98
[1:21:04] GAE_Tacuara:F6F-5 loaded weapons '2x5006xhvarap' fuel 90%
[1:21:14] GAE_Gaucho:SBD-5(0) bailed out at 304887.3 255289.6
[1:21:15] GAE_Gaucho:SBD-5(1) bailed out at 304887.3 255289.6
[1:21:21] GAE_Gaucho:SBD-5(0) successfully bailed out at 304916.03 255254.64
[1:21:21] GAE_Gaucho:SBD-5(0) was captured at 304916.03 255254.64
[1:21:22] GAE_Gaucho:SBD-5(1) successfully bailed out at 304919.22 255264.3
[1:21:22] GAE_Gaucho:SBD-5(1) was captured at 304919.22 255264.3
[1:21:25] GAE_Gaucho entered refly menu
[1:21:40] GAE_Mano:F6F-5(0) was wounded at 311537.22 268427.8
[1:21:45] P-51D-20NA landed at 343329.56 314228.66
[1:22:36] GAE_Chape:F6F-5 damaged by P-47D at 308617.53 264599.34
[1:22:42] GAE_Pika:F6F-5 landed at 305475.4 255873.02
[1:22:42] GAE_Pika:F6F-5 damaged on the ground at 305475.4 255873.02
[1:22:44] GAE_Charrua:F6F-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 237097.05 214569.62
[1:22:44] GAE_Charrua:F6F-5 loaded weapons '2x2506xhvargp' fuel 70%
[1:22:44] GAE_Charrua:F6F-5 removed at 237097.05 214569.62
[1:22:51] GAE_Chape:F6F-5(0) bailed out at 308091.47 263244.44
[1:22:52] GAE_Chape:F6F-5(0) was killed in his chute by GAE_Chape:F6F-5 at 308046.75 263154.1
[1:22:52] GAE_Chape:F6F-5 shot down by P-47D at 308042.66 263148.78
[1:23:02] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[1:23:15] GAE_Charrua:F6F-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 237097.05 214569.62
[1:23:15] GAE_Charrua:F6F-5 loaded weapons '2x2506xhvargp' fuel 70%
[1:23:16] GAE_Charrua:F6F-5 removed at 237097.05 214569.62
[1:23:38] P-51D-20NA landed at 343747.16 314122.06
[1:24:07] GAE_Pika:F6F-5 damaged by P-47D at 305475.1 255873.19
[1:24:07] GAE_Pika:F6F-5(0) was killed at 305475.1 255873.19
[1:24:07] GAE_Pika:F6F-5 shot down by P-47D at 305475.1 255873.19
[1:24:13] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[1:24:14] GAE_Tacuara:F6F-5 damaged on the ground at 236941.75 214599.95
[1:24:15] GAE_Tacuara:F6F-5(0) bailed out at 236941.75 214599.95
[1:24:21] GAE_Tacuara:F6F-5(0) successfully bailed out at 236964.34 214629.56
[1:24:21] GAE_Tacuara entered refly menu
[1:24:26] GAE_Tacuara:F6F-5(0) successfully bailed out at 236979.16 214647.89
[1:24:51] GAE_Tacuara:P-51D-5NT(0) seat occupied by GAE_Tacuara at 202513.62 218910.75
[1:24:51] GAE_Tacuara:P-51D-5NT loaded weapons '2x250' fuel 90%
[1:24:57] GAE_Charrua:P-51D-5NT(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 202513.7 218879.89
[1:24:57] GAE_Charrua:P-51D-5NT loaded weapons '2x500' fuel 70%
[1:25:21] GAE_Gaucho:P-51D-5NT(0) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho at 202513.98 218943.38
[1:25:21] GAE_Gaucho:P-51D-5NT loaded weapons 'default' fuel 70%
[1:25:39] GAE_Chape entered refly menu
[1:25:41] GAE_Flak:F6F-5 landed at 304376.28 254819.83
[1:26:15] GAE_Pika entered refly menu
[1:26:23] GAE_Flak:F6F-5 damaged on the ground at 304375.75 254819.89
[1:26:23] GAE_Flak:F6F-5 damaged by P-47D at 304375.75 254819.89
[1:26:24] GAE_Flak:F6F-5(0) was wounded at 304375.72 254820.23
[1:26:24] GAE_Flak:F6F-5(0) was heavily wounded at 304375.97 254821.0
[1:26:25] GAE_Flak:F6F-5(0) was killed by P-47D at 304376.03 254821.3
[1:26:33] GAE_Chape:P-51D-5NT(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 202514.12 218974.45
Título: Re: URUGUAY 1 19/03/52 (precampaña)
Publicado por: GAE_Mano en 20 de Marzo de 2010, 10:24:30 AM
1º Vuelo:
Hellcat - 90% jugo - 2x500lb + cohetes
Decolo como lider de la escuadra november junto a Pika y Chape, con rumbo directo hacia la posicion del Tn Charrua que aguardaba nuestra llegada para iniciar su ataque.
Al llegar al lago (punto de reunion) partimos hacia objetivo manteniendo 3000m, rapidamene somos interceptados por un grupo de P-47 en configuracion de bombarderos, ordeno soltar armas, asegurar la procedencia de los contactos y atacar.
En la evolucion de lcombate logro derribar 2 P47, pero termino derribado por el mismo P-51 que derribara al Tn Chane segundos antes.
Aeronave= destruida

2º vuelo
P-51 - 70% jugo - 2x500lb bombs
Decolo como ultimo elemento de la formacion de ataque liderada por el Tn Charrua en rumbo directo hacia objetivo.
A poco de decolar soy alcanzado por una rafaga de un P51brasilero que produce mi deseso.

3º vuelo
P-51 - 70% jugo - default
Decolo como lider de caza junto a Pika y Chape con intenciones de liberar el espacio aereo de la zona a atacar, pero frente a la incapacidad de salir el grupo de ataque desde una base cercana, deciden salir en Texan desde Durano pero como estabamos cerca del limite de tiempo de la mision retornamos a montevideo y aterrizamos sin novedades.
Título: Re: URUGUAY 1 19/03/52 (precampaña)
Publicado por: GAE_Tacuara en 20 de Marzo de 2010, 12:06:38 PM
1er vuelo:
            Me asignan como Nro 3 de la escuadrilla Mike, equipando los AT-6 con 3 x 250lbs y cohetes.
            A poco de decolar se notan aviones enemigos sobre la base y nos arrimamos a un camion con AAA, para estar un poco mas protegidos. En la maniobra le pego al camion y rompo un ala. El AT-6 queda para reparar.
Subo a otro avion y salgo junto al CF Flak y el TN Charrua. Logramos encontrar la formacion de tanques enemigos, los cuales estan cubiertos por una fuerte AAA. En la corrida de tiro quedo cegado por la explosiones y termino impactando contra 2 tanques, en el mismo momento que explotan mis cohetes. Queda mi cadaver junto a 2 tanques completamente destruidos.

2do vuelo:
              Salgo como punto del CF Flak montados en sendos P-51 con 3x250lbs. Logramos encontrar nuevamente la formacion. Arrojo mis bombas in lograr impactar ningun vehiculo y retorno a Maldonado sin novedades.


1 AT-6 destruido - Piloto fallecido - 2 tanques enemigos destruidos.
1 P-51 sin novedades. Piloto OK. No se cobraron blancos.
Título: Re: URUGUAY 1 19/03/52 (precampaña)
Publicado por: GAE_Pepper en 20 de Marzo de 2010, 01:23:09 PM
1er vuelo:

Grumman F6F5 Hellcat - 70% Fuel - Default

Despego de la base de AX22 como líder de la escuadrilla indicativo Lima con el GU Tuca como ala, ni bien despegamos el radar nos vectorea dos contactos no idetificados rumbo a la base desde el norte, mi apoyo esta retrasado por problemas en el despegue, entro en combate con dos P51 que enseguida me evaden aprovechando sus mayores prestaciones, luego de varias evoluciones tratando de enganchar al lider y haciendo disparos desde lejos para tratar de averiarlo soy atacado por el punto que me deja averiado, luego en su veloz entrada para rematarme me lleva puesto explotando ambos aviones.

AAK: 0
Piloto: KIA
Avión: destruído

2do Vuelo:

Grumman F6F5 Hellcat - 70% Fuel - Default

Despego de la base con mi numeral y ponemos rumbo a la cuadrícula BD29 al norte, llegados al waypoint mencionado observamos actividad al norte tras las líneas ordeno dirigirnos a la zona a identificar, al llegar nos quedamos sin radar por lo que visualmente tratamos de encontrar aviones enemigos con resultado negativo, atento a la cantidad de combustible que nos quedaba retornamos rumbo a la base, en el camino soy atacado y averiado, casi sin elevadores (75% destruídos) pico y planchado al ras del piso me dirijo a la base, logrando evadir los ataques, me  reuno en el camino con mi numeral, logro a duras penas poner la máquina en la pista secundaria pero me quedo largo y capoto sin mayores daños y a poca velocidad fuera de la cabecera.

AAK: 0
Piloto: Ok
Avión : averiado
Título: Re: URUGUAY 1 19/03/52 (precampaña)
Publicado por: GAE_Gaucho en 20 de Marzo de 2010, 04:39:05 PM
 1er vuelo sbd texan. 3x 500 lbs. 70% jugo.
salgo como numeral de charrua , llegados al objetivo lo bajan por lo que aterriza de emergencia, suelto bombas contra el convoy y vuelvo a base.
agk: 2
avion: ok
piloto: ok

2do vuelo. p-51. default- 80% jugo.
salgo como parte de la escuadra de pika y charrua, salimos hacia la zona, despues de dar unas vueltas logro pegarle a uno que lo dejo humeando pero me derriban
piloto: muerto

pd: hice un par de vuelos mas pero no logre nada mas que dar unas vueltas y aterrizar.
Título: Re: URUGUAY 1 19/03/52 (precampaña)
Publicado por: GAE_Tuca en 20 de Marzo de 2010, 09:27:43 PM
1er vuelo:

Grumman F6F5 Hellcat - 70% Fuel - Default

Estoy como punto de la escuadra liderada por Pepper. Al momento de ocupar cabezera operativa en la pista, luego que pepper despega, el distinge fuego enemigo sobrevolando nuestra base, por lo cual en el apuro de asistir a mi lider, despego sin la suficiente potencia, esto lleva a entrar en perdida y estrellarme

AAK: 0
Piloto: KIA
Avión: destruído

2 do Vuelo:

Grumman F6F5 Hellcat - 70% Fuel - Default

Sigo como punto de la escuadra liderada por pepper, y sigen los enemigos sobrevolando nuestra base. Al momento de ingresar a cabezera para poder despegar, veo que a pepper lo estan siguiendo muy de pegado y diviso como un elemento enemigo se lo lleva puesto a pepper, explotando los dos casi en ese momento
Luego despego en busca del otro elemento que quedaba en la zona... volamos con pepper para darle caza, cosa que realmente nos costo, dado que trepaba muy rapido  tenia mas agilidad.. hasta que en un momento logro ponerme de frente, al estar cerca mio disparo una rafaga y logro destruirlo, pero logra destruirme las paletas, por lo cual deja inutilizado mi motor, pero logro llegar a tierra y aterrizar.

AAK: 1
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Averiado

3er vuelo:

Grumman F6F5 Hellcat - 70% Fuel - Default

Despego de base y sigo como punto de pepper, y nos dirijimos al waypoint asignado en la mision, al llegar se divisa a lo lejos un avion no identificado, pero cuando lo estamos por alcanzar quedan inutilizados nuestros radares, por lo cual nos quedamos en la zona para ver si lo divisabamos, al ser esto negativo emprendemos el regreso a la base, dado que estabamos con poco combustible, en ese momento, pepper me indica que lo estan siguiendo y me comenta que su avion es baleado, intento de buscar en la zona al avion enemigo pero no logro localizaro. Entonces continuamos el regreso a la base sin mayores problemas.
Al aterrizar ya sin combustible, el avion entra de trompa y rompo las paletas

AAK: 0
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Averiado
Título: Re: URUGUAY 1 19/03/52 (precampaña)
Publicado por: GAE_Charrua en 21 de Marzo de 2010, 11:22:45 AM

Título: Re: URUGUAY 1 19/03/52 (precampaña)
Publicado por: GAE_Charrua en 21 de Marzo de 2010, 05:21:09 PM

Vuelo 1

Texan 3 x 250 70 fuel.

Nos reunimos en plataforma y empezamos a rodar por taxi hasta mitad de pista, (desido eso por la premura de acontecimientos), en pista Falk, Tacuara y yo (Gaucho con problemas) , esperamos a Gaucho, de pronto el artillero me informa de actividad aérea, cuando miro veo un gran explosion como un choque.
Desido quedar a la espera y empiezo a relatar al grupo de Caza bombarderos que vienen para esta zona lo que pasaba.

Nos arrimamos a un camión con AAA para proteger el material y también ayudar con nuestras propias armas.

En el taxiado siguiente a pista perdemos a Flak y Tacuara, (los cuales no pueden reingresar y se va a pistas del oeste) quedamos con Gaucho nos posicionamos y despegamos , hacemos círculos sobre la pista hasta que llegan el grupo de C/A . cuando están en nuestra posición avanzamos hacia el objetivo.

Cuando encontramos el objetivo somo recibidos por abundante fuego AAA, me lanzo al ataque , tiro mis bombas y destruyo un Tanque, me pegan en el motor , tanques, y varios impactos en el fuselaje, ya sin fuerza en el motor y con una caída de revoluciones en el mismo pego un giro y trato de llegar zona segura, aterrizo de panza, aviso por radio a Gaucho que tire sus pepas y se vuelva a base de inmediato.

Desde el avión le tiramos con lo que tenemos pero no logramos pegar, pero distraíamos el fuego mientras atacaba Gaucho.

Salto del avión ya que no dejaba de recibir impactos en el avión y ponemos rumbo a la base.........
Avión Destruido
Piloto Vivo
Objetivos Destruido : 1 Tanque.

Vuelo 2
P 51 '2x500' fuel 70%

Al quedar imposibilitadas las pista de laguna del Sauce , nos movilizamos hacia el oeste.
allí nos esperaban con los P51 , se decide salir todos con bombas con la posibilidad de largar bombas y comenzar el combate.

Comando el vuelo y nos dirigimos al Este para intentar para el avance hacia laguna del sauce , a mitad de camino somos interceptados por bandidos, doy la orden de que los últimos 3 suelten sus armas y entren en combate, los demás seguimos.

Llegamos unos pocos al avance del enemigo , cuando los encontramos , me lanzo tiro las bombas pero no logro dar, ya que antes me habían dado en el motor y tiraba aceite por todos lados, intento retornar a base pero se prende fuego y tengo que saltar , siendo capturado posteriormente por el enemigo.

Soy interrogado de inmediato y lo único que logran sacar es mi lugar de nacimiento Montevideo............

Avión Destruido
Piloto Vivo/Capturado
Objetivos Destruido : Ninguno

Vuelo 3
Texan 3 x 250 70 fuel.

Nos trasladan a la Base de Carrasco ahí nos asignan texan pero cancelan nuestro vuelo.

Título: Re: URUGUAY 1 19/03/52 (precampaña)
Publicado por: GAE_Chape en 21 de Marzo de 2010, 05:38:08 PM
1º Vuelo

F6F-5/90% de jugo/2x500+6x5"hvar

Decolo como numeral 2 del Grupo November liderada por Mano, con ordenes de defender Guarniciones Uruguayas.
En el aire y formado obtengo pocision de vuelo LADO a LADO con Mano quien tenia a Pika de Wingman.
Charrua quien al momento era nuestro JDV, nos designa corroborar las intenciones de un punto en el radar.
Al llegar reconocemos 4 P-47 bajos, pero los cuales no tenian intenciones de enfrentarnos, no por eso lo dejamos de marcar de cerca.
Fue hasta los vimos tirar bombas que nos digos cuenta de las intanciones hostiles sobre nuestras guarniciones.
Les damos caza, en la maniobra le provoco averias a Pika, pero no de mayor magnitud.
Tras un trabajo de hormiga entrado en el mar logro derribar a uno de ellos.
Al retornar a la zona soy cazado por un de los que conformaba la escuadra.
Salto, pero la posicion era critica.

Piloto= Fallecido
Avion= Destruido

2º Vuelo

P-51D-5NT/90% de jugo/2x250

Necesitabamos entrar en combate agrupados, ya que nos superaban en numero ampliamente.
Para eso todos los pilotos disponibles subimos a los Mustang y cargamos bombas para detener el avance enemigo.
Charrua era lider del grupo y siguiendo la costa nos dirijiamos a la zona caliente.
en el viaje nos interceptan 4 P-51, me ordenan por ser uno de los ultimos tres en la formacion engancharlos.
Para eso suelto la carga y me enrredo en combate, para ese momento ya habian derribado a varios de mi formacion, por lo que intento retirarme de la zona pero me es imposible.



3º Vuelo

P-51D-5NT/70% de jugo

Despegamos rapido para darle cobertura al grupo de P-51 que nos antecedian pero como nuestro radar habia sido destruido, se nos hizo imposible encontrar al enemig, por que retornamos y aterrizamos.



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Título: Re: URUGUAY 1 19/03/52 (precampaña)
Publicado por: GAE_Charrua en 22 de Marzo de 2010, 01:52:17 AM
Título: Re: URUGUAY 1 19/03/52 (precampaña)
Publicado por: GAE_Balker en 22 de Marzo de 2010, 04:01:20 PM
Excelentes imágenes Charru  2ok