URUGUAY 2 26/03/52 (precampaña)

Iniciado por GAE_Chape, 24 de Marzo de 2010, 10:15:31 PM

Tema anterior - Siguiente tema



...Hoy no hacia falta pedir silencio, ya todos sabian que no era momento para no prestar atencion.

Entré al hangar, que normalmente usaremos como salón de brief, estando en Uruguay...todos estaban sentados y preparados para escuchar que es lo que hariamos.

El golpe que nos pego Brasil, generaba un clima tenso, donde la relacion con nuestros hermanos Uruguayos no era de la mejor, debido a la perdida de varias aeronaves y el hecho de que no pudimos impedir el avance Brasilero.

Mientras acomodaba el mapa en la pizarra, todos miraban al frente....


Señores, lo hecho, hecho esta...y el frente de batalla, esta hecho un infierno.

Vamos a obligar la retirada de los Brasileros, para ello primero debemos evitar el avance inminente hacia Rocha, pero antes debemos estar seguros de obtener supremacia aerea.

Para lograrlo se movilizo el grande de aeronaves hasta Laguna del Sauce.

Tanto Pando(AU-22), Montevideo(AT-22) como Durazno(AR-30), no posen gran cantidad de aeronaves disponibles, para ser mas preciso solo hay 2 Mustang en cada una de ellas para su cobertura.
Trataremos de no hacerlas despegar dentro de lo posible, espero que asi sea.

Entonces repito que operaremos desde Laguna del Sauce(AX-22).

Familiaricense con la base, ya que sera nutrido el movimiento de la base y no quiero accidentes.

Volveremos a utilizar los 3 grupos ya conocidos, dado que en las maniobras de practica del Martes se obtuvieron resultados aceptables.

Grupo Lima (Caza)

Operara desde Laguna del Sauce (AX-22)
P-51 Mustang
No menos de 3 aeronaves.

Objetivo= Liberar de contactos la zona BB-24 y sus aledaños.

Decolar livianos (deben moverse rapido, prioridad turno 1 para la salida) y con rumbo NE, ganar altura hasta por encma de los 6000 Mts; realizara CAP sobre la coordenadas BB-24

Grupo November (Ataque y Caza)

Operara desde Laguna del Sauce (AX-22)
Grumman F6F5 Hellcat
No menos de 3 aeronaves.

Objetivos= Evitar el avance de blindados a Rocha desde BC-24

Llevar 6x5" HVAR + xxx Bombs

(Blindados enemigo: Posible desplazamiento desde BC-24 hacia BB-24)

Grupo Mike (Ataque)

Operara desde Laguna del Sauce (AX-22)
North American AT-6 Texan
No menos de 3 aeronaves.

Objetivo= Reconocimiento de actividad naval en BC-23, realizar informe de embarcaciones maniobrando en la zona.
De encontrar embarcaciones armadas, Luz verde para enganchar.
De existir embarcaciones de desembarco, priorizar el ataque sobre ellas.  

Luego de informarse el reconocimiento sobre BC-23, y reconocido un potencial desembarco, se autoriza al Grupo N a evitar el avance Naval, priorizando el ataque a buques o lanchas para desembarco.

La FAU a dispuesto un campamento sobre el aerodromo Rocha(BB-24), con la intencion de agilizar, el reabastecimiento de las aeronaves.
Pero la pista, al momento, se encuentra en pesimas condiciones, por lo que esta base se utilizara unicamente para recibir a las aeronaves intensamente dañadas, solo como ultimo recurso.
El aterrizaje en dicha base es dificultoso, a si mismo el decolaje.
Por tal razon, no se arriesgara material en buen estado para dicha maniobra.
Solo se autoriza a ser utilizado por Hellcats y Texan con cabecera operativa 09 y final de aproximacion a 170Km/h.

Demas esta decir.......
Quedan en manos de los Jefes de Vuelo.




    No permitan el acceso sobre Piriapolis de contactos sin identificar...Este Objetivo es prioritario a toda la mision en curso.
    Es de extrema importancia no perder el Radar recien instalado en las inmediaciones de Piriapolis(AX-22).

Atte. Tc. Mariano Chape


Cita de: GAE_Chape en 25 de Marzo de 2010, 12:46:05 AM
La FAU a dispuesto un campamento sobre el aerodromo Rocha(BB-24), con la intencion de agilizar, el reabastecimiento de las aeronaves.
Pero la pista, al momento, se encuentra en pesimas condiciones, por lo que esta base se utilizara unicamente para recibir a las aeronaves intensamente dañadas, solo como ultimo recurso.
El aterrizaje en dicha base es dificultoso, a si mismo el decolaje.
Por tal razon, no se arriesgara material en buen estado para dicha maniobra.
Solo se autoriza a ser utilizado por Hellcats y Texan con cabecera operativa 09 y final de aproximacion a 170Km/h.

Con lo referente a esta parte del Brief, se ah conocido la posibilidad de que se haya trabajado en la pista, para poder ser utilizada.
Por tal motivo queda a caracter y criterio de los o el JDV, su utilizacion.

Sigo remarcando el hecho de perservar el material, aconsejo que algun piloto realice una prueba antes de dar por sentado el estado de la pista.


1er Vuelo:

P51 - 90% Fuel - Default

Despego de Laguna del Sauce como numeral de la sección Lima 2 al mando de Angel, nos dirigimos al objetivo donde enseguida entramos en combate con varios P47, como vengo atrasado pierdo de vista a mi líder no obstante veo a dos enemigos y con su autorización los ataco, logro derribar a ambos pero el segundo me hace una maniobra rara y lo choco con el ala derecha cuando estoy saliendo, entro en tirabuzón siendo imposible saltar.

AAK: 2
Piloto: KIA
Avión: Destruído


P51 - 90% Fuel - Default

Despego nuevamente y comienzo una cap sobre la base, en un momento dado me entra un enemigo salido de la nada disparando, logro evadir y comienzo a girar con él, pero atento a que estoy muy pesado en un giro escarpado entro en barrena, demasiado bajo, me estrello.

AAK: 0
Piloto: KIA
Avión: Destruído

3er Vuelo:

P51 - 90% fuel - Default

Despego de Montevideo con ordenes de dirigirme de inmediato a Laguna, al llegar sigo al Este a identificar unos contactos pero me ordenan regresar a Laguna, allí observo fuego AA y engancho un enemigo al cual derribo, luego sigo maniobrando detrás de Balker, cuando suelta a un enemigo que ya estaba tocado le entro y lo paso por arriba pero al parecer no estaba donde lo veía y exploto junto con él.

AAK: 2
Piloto: KIA
Avión: Destruído
CC - Jefe Sección Personal


C.F. Charrua


[27.03.2010 0:41:42] Mission: net/dogfight/GAEv/URU1952_PRE002.mis is Playing
[0:41:42] Mission BEGIN
[0:41:50] GAE_YAnito has connected
[0:42:11] GAE_Gaucho has connected
[0:43:05] GAE_Mano has connected
[0:43:17] GAE_Isaak has connected
[0:43:46] GAE_Alma has connected
[0:43:53] GAE_Pepper:P-51D-5NT(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 236941.62 214599.98
[0:43:53] GAE_Pepper:P-51D-5NT loaded weapons 'default' fuel 90%
[0:44:06] 301_Static destroyed by 279_Static at 277754.75 232085.64
[0:44:06] GAE_Tehuelche has connected
[0:44:08] GAE_Balker:P-51D-5NT(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 237006.39 214624.48
[0:44:08] GAE_Balker:P-51D-5NT loaded weapons '2xTank' fuel 50%
[0:44:09] GAE_Angel:P-51D-5NT(0) seat occupied by GAE_Angel at 236796.19 215135.72
[0:44:09] GAE_Angel:P-51D-5NT loaded weapons 'default' fuel 90%
[0:45:09] GAE_Chape:P-51D-5NT(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 236875.64 215100.95
[0:45:09] GAE_Chape:P-51D-5NT loaded weapons '2x1000' fuel 70%
[0:46:06] GAE_Gaucho:F6F-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho at 237097.05 214569.62
[0:46:06] GAE_Gaucho:F6F-5 loaded weapons '2x5006xhvarap' fuel 70%
[0:46:07] GAE_Alma:P-51D-5NT(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 237023.22 215291.83
[0:46:07] GAE_Alma:P-51D-5NT loaded weapons '2xTank' fuel 50%
[0:46:12] GAE_YAnito:F6F-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_YAnito at 236681.69 215144.6
[0:46:12] GAE_YAnito:F6F-5 loaded weapons '2x5006xhvarap' fuel 50%
[0:46:18] GAE_Isaak:P-51D-5NT(0) seat occupied by GAE_Isaak at 237036.38 214547.8
[0:46:18] GAE_Isaak:P-51D-5NT loaded weapons '2x1000' fuel 70%
[0:46:22] GAE_Baco:P-51D-5NT(0) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 236910.06 214546.48
[0:46:22] GAE_Baco:P-51D-5NT loaded weapons '2x1000' fuel 70%
[0:46:47] GAE_Charrua:F6F-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 236978.9 215199.8
[0:46:47] GAE_Charrua:F6F-5 loaded weapons '2x5006xhvarap' fuel 50%
[0:47:01] GAE_Mano:P-51D-5NT(0) seat occupied by GAE_Mano at 236607.38 215116.3
[0:47:01] GAE_Mano:P-51D-5NT loaded weapons '2x1000' fuel 70%
[0:47:25] GAE_Izzy:F6F-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Izzy at 236970.61 214527.02
[0:47:25] GAE_Izzy:F6F-5 loaded weapons '2x5006xhvarap' fuel 50%
[0:48:12] GAE_Tehuelche:P-51D-5NT(0) seat occupied by GAE_Tehuelche at 236498.97 215002.11
[0:48:12] GAE_Tehuelche:P-51D-5NT loaded weapons '2x1000' fuel 70%
[0:48:37] 305_Static destroyed by 279_Static at 277774.38 232029.14
[0:49:04] 61_Chief0 destroyed by 279_Static at 277776.9 232081.02
[0:49:11] GAE_Balker:P-51D-5NT in flight at 237617.44 215141.31
[0:49:27] GAE_Angel:P-51D-5NT in flight at 237096.58 214996.08
[0:49:47] GAE_Alma:P-51D-5NT in flight at 237451.92 215344.19
[0:50:31] GAE_Pepper:P-51D-5NT in flight at 237455.38 215088.66
[0:53:09] 303_Static destroyed by 279_Static at 277760.3 232057.17
[0:53:42] 48_Chief0 destroyed by 279_Static at 279302.7 224299.39
[0:53:42] 48_Chief1 destroyed by 279_Static at 279295.06 224306.97
[0:55:07] GAE_Baco:P-51D-5NT in flight at 237632.61 215152.22
[0:55:10] GAE_Chape:P-51D-5NT in flight at 238438.03 215402.88
[0:55:28] GAE_Isaak:P-51D-5NT in flight at 237940.44 215190.92
[0:56:23] GAE_Mano has disconnected
[0:59:43] P-47D damaged on the ground at 286732.12 236484.03
[0:59:43] P-47D(0) was killed by GAE_Angel:P-51D-5NT at 286732.12 236484.03
[0:59:55] 283_Static destroyed by P-47D at 275987.28 236230.33
[0:59:55] 292_Static destroyed by P-47D at 275963.3 236251.03
[0:59:55] 293_Static destroyed by P-47D at 275950.16 236239.78
[0:59:55] 281_Static destroyed by P-47D at 275971.47 236234.98
[0:59:55] 295_Static destroyed by P-47D at 275958.2 236205.92
[0:59:56] 296_Static destroyed by P-47D at 275971.3 236201.69
[0:59:58] 289_Static destroyed by P-47D at 275993.78 236174.77
[0:59:58] 282_Static destroyed by P-47D at 276015.03 236186.23
[0:59:58] Target 1 Failed
[0:59:58] 288_Static destroyed by P-47D at 276021.38 236176.73
[1:00:07] GAE_Charrua:F6F-5 in flight at 237289.16 214965.4
[1:00:26] P-47D shot down by GAE_Angel:P-51D-5NT at NaN NaN
[1:00:29] P-47D damaged on the ground at 284199.66 233493.25
[1:00:29] P-47D damaged by landscape at 284200.4 233492.36
[1:00:30] P-47D(0) was killed at 284200.4 233492.36
[1:00:30] P-47D shot down by GAE_Pepper:P-51D-5NT at 284200.4 233492.36
[1:00:31] P-47D damaged by GAE_Pepper:P-51D-5NT at 281626.5 236391.8
[1:00:31] P-47D damaged on the ground at 281626.5 236391.8
[1:00:31] GAE_Pepper:P-51D-5NT damaged by P-47D at 281629.8 236384.36
[1:00:35] P-47D(0) bailed out at 281755.7 236273.44
[1:00:59] GAE_YAnito:F6F-5 in flight at 237688.84 215179.19
[1:01:05] GAE_Gaucho:F6F-5 in flight at 237946.94 215295.2
[1:01:08] P-47D shot down by GAE_Pepper:P-51D-5NT at 282315.25 235246.14
[1:01:09] GAE_Pepper:P-51D-5NT(0) was killed at 283364.9 234609.17
[1:01:09] GAE_Pepper:P-51D-5NT shot down by P-47D at 283364.9 234609.17
[1:01:12] GAE_Izzy:F6F-5 in flight at 237768.14 215217.23
[1:01:46] 300_Static destroyed by 279_Static at 277759.28 232155.66
[1:01:46] Target 0 Failed
[1:01:48] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[1:02:01] GAE_Pepper:P-51D-5NT(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 236941.62 214599.98
[1:02:01] GAE_Pepper:P-51D-5NT loaded weapons 'default' fuel 90%
[1:03:04] GAE_Mano has connected
[1:03:41] GAE_Baco:P-51D-5NT(0) bailed out at 269832.6 232357.39
[1:03:47] 17_Chief3 destroyed by 286_Static at 278212.6 237300.0
[1:03:48] GAE_Baco:P-51D-5NT damaged by landscape at 269934.22 232412.5
[1:03:48] GAE_Baco:P-51D-5NT shot down by P-47D at 269934.22 232412.5
[1:04:03] 297_Static destroyed by 279_Static at 277768.62 232137.44
[1:04:57] GAE_Baco:P-51D-5NT(0) successfully bailed out at 270098.03 232490.22
[1:05:25] GAE_Baco entered refly menu
[1:05:26] GAE_Mano:P-51D-5NT(0) seat occupied by GAE_Mano at 236607.38 215116.3
[1:05:26] GAE_Mano:P-51D-5NT loaded weapons '2x1000' fuel 70%
[1:05:50] GAE_Baco:P-51D-5NT(0) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 236910.06 214546.48
[1:05:50] GAE_Baco:P-51D-5NT loaded weapons '2x1000' fuel 70%
[1:06:41] GAE_Mano has disconnected
[1:06:50] 77_Static destroyed by 62_Chief1 at 277783.2 232156.55
[1:06:54] P-47D damaged on the ground at 268119.66 233104.2
[1:06:54] P-47D damaged by landscape at 268120.72 233110.22
[1:06:54] P-47D(0) was killed at 268120.72 233110.22
[1:06:54] P-47D shot down by GAE_Angel:P-51D-5NT at 268120.72 233110.22
[1:06:59] 299_Static destroyed by 62_Chief11 at 277776.94 232138.8
[1:07:07] GAE_Chape:P-51D-5NT damaged by P-47D at 267025.5 232667.7
[1:07:16] GAE_Chape:P-51D-5NT(0) was wounded at 267454.1 232143.78
[27.03.2010 1:07:16] GAE_Chape has died for 1 times. Refly penalty is 1.0s.
[1:07:16] GAE_Chape:P-51D-5NT(0) was killed at 267454.84 232141.27
[1:07:16] GAE_Chape:P-51D-5NT shot down by P-47D at 267454.84 232141.27
[1:07:16] 18_Chief4 destroyed by 302_Static at 278311.9 232100.05
[1:07:30] GAE_Chape entered refly menu
[1:07:37] 17_Chief6 destroyed by 280_Static at 277347.2 237300.0
[1:08:05] GAE_Chape:SBD-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 236875.64 215100.95
[1:08:05] GAE_Chape:SBD-5 loaded weapons '3x250' fuel 70%
[1:08:06] P-47D damaged on the ground at 261039.66 248866.38
[1:08:09] P-47D(0) successfully bailed out at 283213.16 234804.94
[1:08:16] P-47D(0) bailed out at 260969.6 248973.8
[1:08:18] 298_Static destroyed by 62_Chief2 at 277784.72 232185.19
[1:08:21] 304_Static destroyed by 18_Chief1 at 277790.38 232030.12
[1:08:26] P-47D(0) successfully bailed out at 260934.47 248920.52
[1:08:26] P-47D(0) was captured at 260934.47 248920.52
[1:08:29] 17_Chief0 destroyed by 284_Static at 277085.78 237285.77
[1:08:34] 302_Static destroyed by 18_Chief1 at 277779.78 232056.44
[1:08:39] C-47(0) was killed at 237128.16 216260.45
[1:08:39] C-47(1) was killed at 237128.16 216260.45
[1:08:39] C-47 shot down by landscape at 237128.16 216260.45
[1:09:11] P-47D shot down by GAE_Angel:P-51D-5NT at 260969.6 248973.8
[1:10:40] P-47D damaged on the ground at 278564.2 243970.25
[1:10:44] 284_Static destroyed by P-47D at 276069.9 235978.69
[1:10:44] 285_Static destroyed by P-47D at 276052.6 235980.16
[1:10:45] 290_Static destroyed by P-47D at 276041.2 236004.02
[1:10:46] 280_Static destroyed by P-47D at 276054.22 236003.34
[1:11:12] GAE_Isaak:P-51D-5NT landed at 253282.52 218034.94
[1:11:12] GAE_Isaak:P-51D-5NT damaged on the ground at 253282.52 218034.94
[1:11:26] P-47D(0) bailed out at 279647.88 245562.48
[1:11:35] GAE_Baco:P-51D-5NT in flight at 237868.22 215219.28
[1:11:35] P-47D(0) successfully bailed out at 279632.75 245510.52
[1:11:37] GAE_Isaak:P-51D-5NT(0) bailed out at 253282.5 218034.92
[1:11:40] GAE_Tehuelche:P-51D-5NT in flight at 238045.02 215326.78
[1:11:46] GAE_Isaak:P-51D-5NT(0) successfully bailed out at 253256.83 217981.27
[1:11:51] GAE_Isaak:P-51D-5NT shot down by P-47D at 253282.5 218034.92
[1:11:51] GAE_Isaak entered refly menu
[1:11:54] GAE_Pepper:P-51D-5NT in flight at 237575.03 215124.25
[1:12:22] P-47D shot down by GAE_Angel:P-51D-5NT at 279647.88 245562.48
[1:12:45] 78_Static destroyed by 18_Chief9 at 275737.03 232087.34
[1:13:22] 17_Chief13 destroyed by GAE_Charrua:F6F-5 at 276418.03 236618.02
[1:13:29] 322_Static destroyed by 18_Chief14 at 275705.1 232089.7
[1:13:34] 17_Chief4 destroyed by 286_Static at 276313.6 236513.94
[1:14:00] 286_Static destroyed by 17_Chief5 at 275997.56 236014.55
[1:14:12] 291_Static destroyed by 17_Chief7 at 275985.12 235997.22
[1:14:13] GAE_Chape:SBD-5 damaged on the ground at 236875.64 215100.95
[1:14:18] GAE_Chape:SBD-5(0) bailed out at 236875.64 215100.95
[1:14:19] GAE_Chape:SBD-5(1) bailed out at 236875.64 215100.95
[1:14:19] 325_Static destroyed by 18_Chief9 at 275729.66 232115.94
[1:14:20] 287_Static destroyed by 17_Chief8 at 276000.03 236000.06
[1:14:22] GAE_Chape:SBD-5(0) successfully bailed out at 236900.06 215094.9
[1:14:22] GAE_Chape entered refly menu
[1:14:25] GAE_Chape:SBD-5(0) successfully bailed out at 236915.05 215090.9
[1:14:29] GAE_Chape:SBD-5(1) successfully bailed out at 236938.4 215084.25
[1:14:49] GAE_Isaak:F6F-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Isaak at 237036.38 214547.8
[1:14:49] GAE_Isaak:F6F-5 loaded weapons '2x5006xhvarap' fuel 70%
[1:14:57] GAE_Chape:F6F-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 236875.64 215100.95
[1:14:57] GAE_Chape:F6F-5 loaded weapons '2x5006xhvarap' fuel 70%
[1:18:26] GAE_Angel:P-51D-5NT landed at 237304.39 215325.4
[1:18:36] GAE_Chape:F6F-5 in flight at 237646.83 215192.28
[1:18:45] GAE_Isaak:F6F-5 in flight at 237687.45 215164.2
[1:19:47]  Bridge152 destroyed by GAE_Baco:P-51D-5NT at 271703.4 229703.42
[1:19:47]  Bridge276 destroyed by GAE_Baco:P-51D-5NT at 271693.56 229493.56
[1:19:48]  Bridge152 destroyed by GAE_Baco:P-51D-5NT at 271703.4 229703.42
[1:19:48]  Bridge276 destroyed by GAE_Baco:P-51D-5NT at 271693.56 229493.56
[1:19:48]  Bridge152 destroyed by GAE_Baco:P-51D-5NT at 271703.4 229703.42
[1:19:48]  Bridge276 destroyed by GAE_Baco:P-51D-5NT at 271693.56 229493.56
[1:19:48]  Bridge152 destroyed by GAE_Baco:P-51D-5NT at 271703.4 229703.42
[1:19:48]  Bridge276 destroyed by GAE_Baco:P-51D-5NT at 271693.56 229493.56
[1:19:48]  Bridge152 destroyed by GAE_Baco:P-51D-5NT at 271703.4 229703.42
[1:19:48]  Bridge276 destroyed by GAE_Baco:P-51D-5NT at 271693.56 229493.56
[1:19:48]  Bridge152 destroyed by GAE_Baco:P-51D-5NT at 271703.4 229703.42
[1:19:48]  Bridge276 destroyed by GAE_Baco:P-51D-5NT at 271693.56 229493.56
[1:19:48]  Bridge152 destroyed by GAE_Baco:P-51D-5NT at 271703.4 229703.42
[1:19:48]  Bridge276 destroyed by GAE_Baco:P-51D-5NT at 271693.56 229493.56
[1:19:48]  Bridge152 destroyed by GAE_Baco:P-51D-5NT at 271703.4 229703.42
[1:19:48]  Bridge276 destroyed by GAE_Baco:P-51D-5NT at 271693.56 229493.56
[1:19:48]  Bridge152 destroyed by GAE_Baco:P-51D-5NT at 271703.4 229703.42
[1:19:48]  Bridge276 destroyed by GAE_Baco:P-51D-5NT at 271693.56 229493.56
[1:19:48]  Bridge152 destroyed by GAE_Baco:P-51D-5NT at 271703.4 229703.42
[1:19:48]  Bridge276 destroyed by GAE_Baco:P-51D-5NT at 271693.56 229493.56
[1:19:48]  Bridge152 destroyed by GAE_Baco:P-51D-5NT at 271703.4 229703.42
[1:19:48]  Bridge276 destroyed by GAE_Baco:P-51D-5NT at 271693.56 229493.56
[1:19:48]  Bridge152 destroyed by GAE_Baco:P-51D-5NT at 271703.4 229703.42
[1:19:48]  Bridge276 destroyed by GAE_Baco:P-51D-5NT at 271693.56 229493.56
[1:20:14] GAE_Angel:P-51D-5NT in flight at 237391.36 214404.38
[1:20:25] GAE_Alma:P-51D-5NT landed at 275086.25 231425.5
[1:20:39] 16_Chief6 destroyed by P-47D at 273947.7 231252.06
[1:20:39] 16_Chief4 destroyed by P-47D at 273965.3 231234.3
[1:20:39] Target 0 Failed
[1:20:40] 320_Static destroyed by P-47D at 273960.5 231314.8
[1:20:40] 16_Chief9 destroyed by P-47D at 273921.72 231278.0
[1:20:40] 16_Chief7 destroyed by P-47D at 273939.72 231260.05
[1:20:40] 16_Chief8 destroyed by P-47D at 273931.1 231268.64
[1:20:40] 16_Chief14 destroyed by P-47D at 273869.03 231299.81
[1:20:50] 16_Chief13 destroyed by P-47D at 273916.47 231286.95
[1:20:50] 16_Chief12 destroyed by P-47D at 273919.97 231271.83
[1:21:00] P-47D damaged on the ground at 272414.78 231374.9
[1:21:00] P-47D(0) was killed at 272401.75 231369.58
[1:21:00] P-47D shot down by GAE_Baco:P-51D-5NT at 272401.75 231369.58
[1:21:00] GAE_Baco:P-51D-5NT(0) was killed at 272433.9 231380.5
[1:21:00] GAE_Baco:P-51D-5NT shot down by P-47D at 272433.9 231380.5
[27.03.2010 1:21:29] Bornplace7 overrun by army 1 at 275000.0 231400.0
[1:21:50] 16_Chief3 destroyed by P-47D at 273987.2 231187.25
[1:21:51] 16_Chief10 destroyed by P-47D at 273987.16 231204.23
[1:22:14] 16_Chief11 destroyed by P-47D at 273987.12 231221.2
[1:22:16] 16_Chief5 destroyed by P-47D at 273991.4 231208.47
[1:22:18] P-47D damaged on the ground at 273759.25 233368.03
[1:22:18] P-47D(0) was killed at 273759.25 233368.03
[1:22:18] P-47D shot down by GAE_Balker:P-51D-5NT at 273759.25 233368.03
[1:22:51] GAE_Alma:P-51D-5NT in flight at 274129.28 231114.64
[1:23:19] P-47D damaged on the ground at 275350.1 227430.61
[1:23:19] P-47D damaged by landscape at 275357.38 227429.34
[1:23:19] P-47D(0) was killed at 275357.38 227429.34
[1:23:19] P-47D shot down by GAE_Balker:P-51D-5NT at 275357.38 227429.34
[1:23:28] P-47D damaged on the ground at 273893.38 228725.28
[1:23:28] P-47D damaged by GAE_Gaucho:F6F-5 at 273893.38 228725.28
[1:23:33] P-47D(0) bailed out at 274251.28 228579.75
[1:23:40] P-47D shot down by GAE_Gaucho:F6F-5 at 274783.22 228265.4
[1:24:54] P-47D(0) successfully bailed out at 274842.47 228154.19
[1:25:36] GAE_Izzy:F6F-5 landed at 237215.36 214840.5
[1:26:17]  Bridge342 destroyed by GAE_Chape:F6F-5 at 275604.38 230100.0
[1:26:17]  Bridge342 destroyed by GAE_Chape:F6F-5 at 275604.38 230100.0
[1:26:17]  Bridge342 destroyed by GAE_Chape:F6F-5 at 275604.38 230100.0
[1:26:17]  Bridge342 destroyed by GAE_Chape:F6F-5 at 275604.38 230100.0
[1:26:17]  Bridge342 destroyed by GAE_Chape:F6F-5 at 275604.38 230100.0
[1:26:17]  Bridge342 destroyed by GAE_Chape:F6F-5 at 275604.38 230100.0
[1:26:17]  Bridge342 destroyed by GAE_Chape:F6F-5 at 275604.38 230100.0
[1:26:17]  Bridge342 destroyed by GAE_Chape:F6F-5 at 275604.38 230100.0
[1:26:17]  Bridge342 destroyed by GAE_Chape:F6F-5 at 275604.38 230100.0
[1:26:17]  Bridge342 destroyed by GAE_Chape:F6F-5 at 275604.38 230100.0
[1:26:17]  Bridge342 destroyed by GAE_Chape:F6F-5 at 275604.38 230100.0
[1:26:17]  Bridge342 destroyed by GAE_Chape:F6F-5 at 275604.38 230100.0
[1:27:21] GAE_Baco has disconnected
[1:27:36] 16_Chief1 destroyed by 62_Chief7 at 274004.12 231204.25
[1:28:17] 16_Chief2 destroyed by 62_Chief11 at 273995.66 231195.75
[1:28:25] 323_Static destroyed by GAE_Tehuelche:P-51D-5NT at 275739.78 232073.05
[1:28:43] 16_Chief0 destroyed by 62_Chief0 at 273999.9 231200.0
[1:29:02] P-51D-5NT landed at 202740.95 219491.61
[1:29:27] GAE_Izzy:F6F-5 in flight at 235918.33 214452.77
[1:29:32] P-51D-5NT removed at 202504.19 219393.58
[1:29:59] GAE_Chape:F6F-5(0) was wounded at 274239.4 233624.16
[1:30:04] 17_Chief11 destroyed by GAE_Chape:F6F-5 at 273698.25 233898.25
[1:31:27] GAE_Charrua:F6F-5 landed at 274949.06 231394.61
[1:31:27] GAE_Charrua:F6F-5 damaged on the ground at 274949.06 231394.61
[1:31:50] GAE_Charrua:F6F-5 damaged by 62_Chief8 at 274949.03 231394.61
[1:31:54] P-51D-5NT landed at 202741.72 219491.6
[1:32:03] GAE_Charrua:F6F-5(0) bailed out at 274949.03 231394.61
[1:32:13] GAE_Charrua:F6F-5(0) successfully bailed out at 274913.0 231437.19
[1:32:13] GAE_Charrua:F6F-5(0) was captured at 274913.0 231437.19
[1:32:24] P-51D-5NT removed at 202504.11 219394.64
[1:32:38] GAE_Chape:F6F-5 landed at 275433.38 231425.75
[1:32:51] GAE_Isaak:F6F-5 damaged by landscape at 275252.6 231348.39
[1:32:53] GAE_Isaak:F6F-5(0) was wounded at 275315.06 231338.28
[1:32:53] GAE_Isaak:F6F-5(0) was killed at 275315.06 231338.28
[1:32:53] GAE_Isaak:F6F-5 shot down by landscape at 275315.06 231338.28
[1:32:58] GAE_Isaak entered refly menu
[1:33:06] GAE_Isaak:F6F-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Isaak at 237036.38 214547.8
[1:33:06] GAE_Isaak:F6F-5 loaded weapons '2x5006xhvarap' fuel 70%
[1:33:12] GAE_Tehuelche:P-51D-5NT(0) was killed at 273492.88 233532.48
[1:33:12] GAE_Tehuelche:P-51D-5NT shot down by 17_Chief14 at 273492.88 233532.48
[1:33:38] GAE_Tehuelche entered refly menu
[1:33:50] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[1:34:59] GAE_Charrua:F6F-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 236978.9 215199.8
[1:34:59] GAE_Charrua:F6F-5 loaded weapons '2x5006xhvarap' fuel 50%
[1:35:17] GAE_Chape:F6F-5 damaged on the ground at 275433.53 231425.75
[1:35:19] GAE_Chape:F6F-5(0) bailed out at 275433.53 231425.75
[1:35:23] GAE_Tehuelche:F6F-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Tehuelche at 236498.97 215002.11
[1:35:23] GAE_Tehuelche:F6F-5 loaded weapons '2x5006xhvarap' fuel 70%
[1:35:26] GAE_Chape:F6F-5(0) successfully bailed out at 275433.47 231465.39
[1:35:26] GAE_Chape entered refly menu
[1:35:27] GAE_Chape:F6F-5(0) successfully bailed out at 275433.9 231476.19
[1:35:29] GAE_Chape:F6F-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 236875.64 215100.95
[1:35:29] GAE_Chape:F6F-5 loaded weapons '2x5006xhvarap' fuel 70%
[1:36:01] 303_Static destroyed by 279_Static at 277760.3 232057.17
[1:37:05] GAE_Angel:P-51D-5NT landed at 266423.56 228393.22
[1:37:05] GAE_Angel:P-51D-5NT damaged on the ground at 266423.56 228393.22
[1:37:10] GAE_Gaucho:F6F-5 landed at 237369.5 214022.19
[1:37:32] GAE_Angel:P-51D-5NT(0) bailed out at 266423.56 228393.22
[1:37:42] GAE_Angel:P-51D-5NT(0) successfully bailed out at 266473.1 228435.14
[1:37:46] GAE_Angel:P-51D-5NT shot down by P-51D-20NA at 266423.56 228393.22
[1:37:46] GAE_Angel entered refly menu
[1:38:26] GAE_Angel:F6F-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Angel at 236796.19 215135.72
[1:38:26] GAE_Angel:F6F-5 loaded weapons '2x5006xhvarap' fuel 70%
[1:39:27] GAE_YAnito:F6F-5 landed at 237503.75 215126.64
[1:39:32] GAE_Balker:P-51D-5NT landed at 237017.55 215175.9


[1:41:15] GAE_Tehuelche:F6F-5 in flight at 237322.55 215061.38
[1:41:22] GAE_Isaak:F6F-5 in flight at 237407.27 215097.38
[1:41:39] GAE_Chape:F6F-5 in flight at 237303.8 215081.58
[1:41:47] GAE_Charrua:F6F-5 in flight at 237511.38 215152.44
[1:41:56] GAE_Angel:F6F-5 in flight at 237559.66 215196.84
[1:42:22] GAE_Gaucho:F6F-5 in flight at 237225.77 215242.94
[1:42:54] GAE_Alma:P-51D-5NT landed at 248641.89 217819.78
[1:42:54] GAE_Alma:P-51D-5NT damaged on the ground at 248641.89 217819.78
[1:43:12] GAE_Alma:P-51D-5NT(0) bailed out at 248641.94 217819.81
[1:43:19] GAE_Alma:P-51D-5NT(0) successfully bailed out at 248609.92 217794.75
[1:43:30] GAE_Alma:P-51D-5NT shot down by P-51D-20NA at 248641.94 217819.81
[1:43:30] GAE_Alma entered refly menu
[1:43:56] 78_Static destroyed by 17_Chief9 at 275737.03 232087.34
[1:44:15] GAE_Alma:F6F-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 236910.06 214546.48
[1:44:15] GAE_Alma:F6F-5 loaded weapons '2x5006xhvarap' fuel 100%
[1:44:20] GAE_YAnito has disconnected
[1:47:35] GAE_Alma:F6F-5 in flight at 237320.98 215050.58
[1:47:36] GAE_Balker:P-51D-5NT in flight at 237718.88 215165.55
[1:47:49] 17_Chief14 destroyed by GAE_Chape:F6F-5 at 273899.72 231598.23
[1:47:49] 17_Chief9 destroyed by GAE_Chape:F6F-5 at 273899.84 231560.52
[1:47:49] GAE_Isaak:F6F-5 damaged by GAE_Chape:F6F-5 at 273922.3 231558.31
[1:47:52] GAE_Isaak:F6F-5(0) was killed at 274293.12 231682.77
[1:47:52] GAE_Isaak:F6F-5 shot down by GAE_Chape:F6F-5 at 274293.12 231682.77
[1:47:54] 17_Chief8 destroyed by GAE_Charrua:F6F-5 at 273899.97 231547.81
[1:47:58] 17_Chief2 destroyed by GAE_Angel:F6F-5 at 273899.97 231511.81
[1:48:30] GAE_Pepper:P-51D-5NT damaged by landscape at 235988.34 214326.52
[1:48:30] GAE_Pepper:P-51D-5NT(0) was wounded at 235988.34 214326.52
[1:48:30] GAE_Pepper:P-51D-5NT(0) was heavily wounded at 235988.34 214326.52
[1:48:30] GAE_Pepper:P-51D-5NT(0) was killed at 235988.34 214326.52
[1:48:30] GAE_Pepper:P-51D-5NT shot down by landscape at 235988.34 214326.52
[1:48:42] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[1:48:58] GAE_Isaak entered refly menu
[1:49:18] GAE_Pepper:P-51D-5NT(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 202513.7 218879.89
[1:49:18] GAE_Pepper:P-51D-5NT loaded weapons 'default' fuel 90%
[1:49:35] GAE_Isaak:SBD-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Isaak at 237036.38 214547.8
[1:49:35] GAE_Isaak:SBD-5 loaded weapons '3x250' fuel 70%
[1:49:42] F6F-5 damaged on the ground at 237269.83 215728.23
[1:49:52] F6F-5(0) bailed out at 237274.08 215634.39
[1:49:54] GAE_Charrua:F6F-5 damaged by landscape at 273912.1 231476.56
[1:49:54] GAE_Charrua:F6F-5(0) was heavily wounded at 273912.97 231458.64
[1:49:54] GAE_Charrua:F6F-5(0) was killed at 273912.97 231458.64
[1:49:54] GAE_Charrua:F6F-5 shot down by P-51D-20NA at 273912.97 231458.64
[1:50:02] F6F-5(0) successfully bailed out at 237312.81 215582.84
[1:50:06] GAE_Isaak has disconnected
[1:50:18] F6F-5 removed at 237274.08 215634.39
[1:50:30] 62_Chief1 destroyed by GAE_Angel:F6F-5 at 274100.03 231335.81
[1:50:30] 62_Chief5 destroyed by GAE_Angel:F6F-5 at 274100.03 231345.56
[1:50:31] 62_Chief7 destroyed by GAE_Angel:F6F-5 at 274100.03 231369.61
[1:51:18] 62_Chief2 destroyed by GAE_Chape:F6F-5 at 274100.03 231311.81
[1:51:26] 62_Chief10 destroyed by GAE_Gaucho:F6F-5 at 274100.0 231351.06
[1:51:55] 320_Static destroyed by 17_Chief12 at 273960.5 231314.8
[1:52:23] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[1:53:17] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 236978.9 215199.8
[1:53:17] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5 loaded weapons '3x250' fuel 50%
[1:55:39] GAE_Gaucho:F6F-5 damaged by P-51D-20NA at 259363.27 221322.47
[1:55:46] GAE_Gaucho:F6F-5(0) bailed out at 258591.17 221070.98
[1:55:53] GAE_Gaucho:F6F-5 shot down by P-51D-20NA at 257937.6 220841.53
[1:56:11] GAE_Gaucho:F6F-5(0) successfully bailed out at 258024.48 220767.08
[1:56:11] GAE_Gaucho entered refly menu
[1:56:19] GAE_Pepper:P-51D-5NT in flight at 203067.02 220124.61
[1:57:01] GAE_Gaucho:F6F-5(0) successfully bailed out at 257890.95 220719.06
[1:57:32] GAE_Gaucho:SBD-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho at 236941.62 214599.98
[1:57:32] GAE_Gaucho:SBD-5 loaded weapons '3x250' fuel 70%
[1:57:55] Fi-156 landed at 304800.1 255320.56
[1:58:57] GAE_Izzy:F6F-5 landed at 237317.23 215094.86
[2:00:28] GAE_Angel:F6F-5 damaged by landscape at 236948.45 214831.2
[2:00:34] GAE_Angel:F6F-5 landed at 237032.19 214853.4
[2:00:34] GAE_Angel:F6F-5 damaged on the ground at 237032.19 214853.4
[2:00:36] GAE_Angel:F6F-5(0) bailed out at 237032.17 214853.4
[2:00:47] GAE_Angel:F6F-5(0) successfully bailed out at 237032.55 214918.45
[2:00:58] GAE_Angel entered refly menu
[2:01:55] GAE_Angel:SBD-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Angel at 236796.19 215135.72
[2:01:55] GAE_Angel:SBD-5 loaded weapons '3x250' fuel 80%
[2:02:47] P-47D removed at 304590.5 255110.1
[2:04:27] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5 in flight at 237252.12 215029.3
[2:04:50] 70_Static destroyed by P-47D at 237089.73 214799.06
[2:04:50] 71_Static destroyed by P-47D at 237119.47 214809.9
[2:04:53] GAE_Izzy:F6F-5 in flight at 237746.22 215276.55
[2:04:55] GAE_Angel:SBD-5 in flight at 236928.83 215015.25
[2:04:55] GAE_Gaucho:SBD-5 in flight at 237570.06 215237.05
[2:08:56] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5(1) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 240804.03 216714.72
[2:08:59] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 241036.73 216807.86
[2:09:22] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5(1) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 243103.0 217566.92
[2:09:27] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 243552.3 217730.94
[2:10:31] 72_Static destroyed by P-47D at 237150.05 214819.89
[2:10:42] P-47D(0) was wounded at 237733.31 213730.02
[2:11:52] P-47D damaged on the ground at 235777.08 213357.9
[2:11:52] P-47D damaged by landscape at 235775.55 213357.44
[2:11:52] P-47D(0) was killed at 235775.55 213357.44
[2:11:52] P-47D shot down by GAE_Balker:P-51D-5NT at 235775.55 213357.44
[2:12:15] P-47D damaged on the ground at 241694.25 220045.27
[2:12:15] P-47D damaged by GAE_Pepper:P-51D-5NT at 241694.25 220045.27
[2:12:21] P-47D(0) bailed out at 242090.62 220236.28
[2:12:31] P-47D shot down by GAE_Pepper:P-51D-5NT at 242845.62 220458.52
[2:14:47] 177_Static destroyed by P-47D at 237258.25 214723.61
[2:14:49] P-47D(0) successfully bailed out at 242776.05 220754.89
[2:14:49] P-47D(0) was captured at 242776.05 220754.89
[2:15:18] P-47D damaged on the ground at 237947.72 212208.9
[2:15:18] P-47D damaged by GAE_Pepper:P-51D-5NT at 237947.72 212208.9
[2:15:18] P-47D(0) was killed at 237947.72 212208.9
[2:15:18] P-47D shot down by GAE_Pepper:P-51D-5NT at 237947.72 212208.9
[2:15:18] GAE_Pepper:P-51D-5NT(0) was killed at 237942.55 212223.3
[2:15:18] GAE_Pepper:P-51D-5NT shot down by P-47D at 237942.55 212223.3
[2:17:38] GAE_Gaucho:SBD-5(1) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho at 274188.0 229789.19
[2:17:41] GAE_Alma:F6F-5 landed at 237318.36 215091.7
[2:17:45] GAE_Gaucho:SBD-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho at 273746.72 229354.55
[2:18:38] GAE_Angel:SBD-5 landed at 275054.1 231427.55
[2:18:41] 175_Static destroyed by P-47D at 237236.2 214724.52
[2:19:24] GAE_Alma:F6F-5 damaged by landscape at 236877.95 214778.23
[2:19:25] GAE_Alma:F6F-5(0) was killed at 236852.61 214749.36
[2:19:25] GAE_Alma:F6F-5 shot down by landscape at 236852.61 214749.36
[2:19:37] GAE_Alma entered refly menu
[2:19:47] GAE_Angel:SBD-5 in flight at 274646.4 231312.27
[2:20:17] GAE_Alma has disconnected
[2:20:22] P-47D damaged on the ground at 243494.94 212521.55
[2:20:22] P-47D(0) was killed at 243494.94 212521.55
[2:20:22] P-47D shot down by GAE_Balker:P-51D-5NT at 243494.94 212521.55
[2:21:51] 62_Chief0 destroyed by GAE_Izzy:F6F-5 at 274100.03 231299.81
[2:21:51] 62_Chief4 destroyed by GAE_Izzy:F6F-5 at 274104.78 231301.16
[2:21:52] GAE_Izzy:F6F-5 damaged by 62_Chief4 at 274102.53 231302.03
[2:21:56] GAE_Izzy:F6F-5(0) was killed at 273783.94 231143.08
[2:21:56] GAE_Izzy:F6F-5 shot down by com.maddox.il2.objects.buildings.House$Urban_05 at 273780.0 231140.03
[2:22:25] GAE_Izzy entered refly menu
[2:23:04] 303_Static destroyed by 279_Static at 277760.3 232057.17
[2:23:41] GAE_Gaucho:SBD-5(1) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho at 250898.53 213543.72
[2:23:42] GAE_Izzy has disconnected
[2:23:50] GAE_Gaucho:SBD-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho at 250327.3 213225.34
[2:24:40] GAE_Pepper has disconnected
[2:24:45] GAE_Gaucho:SBD-5 damaged by landscape at 247430.9 212056.53
[2:24:50] GAE_Gaucho:SBD-5 landed at 247458.6 212170.86
[2:24:50] GAE_Gaucho:SBD-5 damaged on the ground at 247458.6 212170.86
[2:25:11] 320_Static destroyed by 17_Chief5 at 273960.5 231314.8
[2:26:04] GAE_Gaucho:SBD-5(0) bailed out at 247458.23 212170.5
[2:26:05] GAE_Gaucho:SBD-5(1) bailed out at 247458.23 212170.5
[2:26:11] GAE_Gaucho:SBD-5(1) successfully bailed out at 247468.44 212204.9
[2:26:12] GAE_Gaucho:SBD-5(0) successfully bailed out at 247505.73 212183.05
[2:26:20] GAE_Gaucho entered refly menu
[2:26:36] GAE_Gaucho:P-51D-5NT(0) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho at 202513.7 218879.89
[2:26:36] GAE_Gaucho:P-51D-5NT loaded weapons 'default' fuel 70%
[2:27:10] GAE_Gaucho has disconnected
[2:29:20] F6F-5 removed at 237082.06 214558.81
[2:29:46] GAE_Angel:SBD-5 landed at 237089.84 214600.05
[2:31:45] GAE_Angel has disconnected
[2:31:50] GAE_Balker:P-51D-5NT landed at 235574.23 214374.39
[2:36:42] 304_Static destroyed by 279_Static at 277790.38 232030.12
[2:37:55] Fi-156 removed at 304800.1 255320.56
[2:38:12] GAE_Tehuelche:F6F-5 landed at 237400.17 215056.1
[2:38:28] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5 landed at 237108.34 214651.08
[2:40:29] GAE_Chape:F6F-5 landed at 237565.55 215125.47
[2:45:09] GAE_Balker has disconnected
[2:45:20] GAE_Charrua has disconnected
[2:45:21] GAE_Tehuelche has disconnected
[2:45:25] Mission END


Tte. Gaucho volviendo de un vuelo agitado  ;D

CC - Jefe Sección Personal


1er Vuelo:

P51 - 90% Fuel - Default

Despegamos de Piriapolis como lider de la sección Lima 2, nos dirigimos al objetivo de BB24, dejando una cap sobre Piriapolis, donde enseguida entramos en combate con varios P47, despues de algunos virajes cerrados y acrobacias, logro derribar a cuatro.
Ya sin munición vuelvo a Piriapolis para recargar.
Aterrizo sin novedad y vuelvo a la zona de BB24, vuelvo a entrar en combate con P47s enemigos pero esta vez descuido mi retaguardia y me entran, me plancho, pero logran darme en el motor con lo cual me fuerzan a hacer un aterrizaje de emergencia.

AAK: 4
Piloto: Vivo
Avión: Dañado pero se puede reparar.


F6F5 - 90% Fuel - Bombs y Rockets

Despego y me anuncio que estoy a disposición del grupo de ataque, nos dirijimos hacia la zona de BB24 y Rocha. navegación sin novedades, blancos a la vista. Entramos de a uno descargamos y me vengo a Piriapolis para volver a cargar bombas.
Hago el toque sobre la pista, pero me desvio a mi derecha, creo que llevaba una velocidad de 50km/h cuando comienzo a saltar en terreno no apto y mi avion capotó y comienza a incendiarse...., que manera mas tonta de perder un avion   :(
AAK: 0
AGK: 6
Piloto: vivo
Avión: Destruido

3er Vuelo:

AT6-Texan - 70% fuel - Bombas

Despego de Piriapolis en un vuelo al mando del Tte Chape nuevamente hacia BB24 donde descargamos las bombas y regresamos ya que la misión habia concluido.
AGK: ??
AAK: 0
Piloto: Vivo
Avión: en perfecto estad


1er Vuelo:

F6 Hellcat - 50% Fuel - 6 AP HVAR + 2 x 500 lb

Despegamos de Piriapolis luego de que los 2 grupos de caza despejan la pista. Habia muchisima turbulencia (lag)con dificultad logramos salir y mantener rumbo a BB24 a la espera del primer ataque al puente. Por radio  nos informan que el ataque fue evitado por contactos aereos asi que nos encargamos nosotros de esos puentes.
Ya sobre los mismos vemos AAA y vehiculos que  ya habian pasado al primer puente y se dirigian al segundo. A este mismo le entro con bombas pero parece que no logran romper las estructuras, el resto del escuadron tambien ataca pero no pasa nada. Hago mi ultima pasada con rockets sobre unos vehiculos pero no pude dar bien, y por suerte pude salir de la picada.
Ya sin armas me vuelvo a Rocha, la cual dejo de largo por el alto trafico que habia ahi.
Por radio me piden hacer CAP sobre el radar mientras despegan un par de cazas, y a los pocos minutos pido pista para poder recargar mi combustible.
Ya en tierra con la aeronave en perfectas condiciones prefiero no salir mas para cuidar el material.

AGK: 0 (bombas pegaron en puente pero no paso nada)
Piloto: Vivo
Avión: Impecable


1º Vuelo

Mustang - 50% jugo - Tanques suplementarios.

Salgo de líder de Lima 1 con Alma como numeral. Nos quedamos orbitando la base y el RADAR de Piriápolis. Chequeamos varios contactos que resultan ser aviones uruguayos.
Somos llamados por el CF Angel a colaborar sobre BB24. Allí entramos en combate y logro derribar a 2 P47 brasileños. Alma es averiado, aterriza en Rocha para reparaciones y se une al CF Angel como numeral mientras yo regreso a Laguna del Sauce con daños a bordo por la AAA.

AAK: 2
Piloto: ok
Avión: daños menores reparados en pista.

2º Vuelo

Mustang - 50% jugo - Tanques Suplementarios.

Vuelva a salir de Laguna del Sauce con el mismo Mustang tras ser reparado y repostado. Me mantengo en CAP sobre la base. Tras un largo período de inactividad voy a colaborar con informes de contactos a medio camino del frente. Cuando estoy llegando recibo informes de ataque de cazas enemigos en Laguna del Sauce. Vuelvo y tras algunos combates logro derribar a otros 2 P-47. Sigo la patrulla hasta que recibo la orden de aterrizar. ¡El RADAR en Piriápolis no sufrió daños en toda la misión!

AAK: 2
Piloto: ok
Avión: ok


1er Vuelo:
F6 Hellcat - 50% Fuel - 6 AP HVAR + 2 x 500 lb

Despego de Laguna del Sauce liderando el grupo de Ataque compusto por Gagucho, Izzy y Yanito.

Ponemos rumbo directo al targent (destruidr los puentes) llegamos y nos concentramos en uno de los puentes, entro y le tiro todos los Cohetes pero no se inmuta, luego tiro la descarga de bombas y nada, me quedo patrullando la zona, y veo el avance, mis numerales no logran detruirolo, tiro mi ultima bomba ya con los contactos sobre el puente y me cargo un tanque.

Trato de dirigir el fuego de los p51 con bombas pero no logran ver el puente a destruir y destrullen otro.

Con varios impactos me dirijo al aerodromo de rocha para reavastecer, pero el tren me falla y quedo en la pista, recibo un impacto que me arranca la cola , logro saltar y ponerme a salvo.

AGK: 1
Piloto: Vivo
Avión: Destruído

F6 Hellcat - 50% Fuel - 6 AP HVAR + 2 x 500 lb

Vuelvo a salir con un Hellcat ya las escuadrillas no se respetan , algunos combaten otros regresan , nos agrupamos varios pilotos y volvemos al frente.
Cuando llegamos vemos que los tanques se han agrupado en una de las cabeseras del aerodromo de Rocha.
Entramos directo y tiro los cohetes doy impacto en tanques, vulvo a evolucionar y vuelvo a entrar , es un hervidero de aviones, cuando hago mi pasda , no logro recuperar me estrellos sobre ellos.......

AGK: 1
Piloto: KIA
Avión: Destruído

3er Vuelo:
SBD-5 '3x250' fuel 50%

Salimos un grupo vastante desparejo, algunos con p51, otros con hellcat y otros con Texan, el objetivo es uno detener al enemigo y recuperar el avance.
Llegamos y hay vandidos por todos lados, mi artillero en un momento se vulve loco, y tira como un demoniado, yo intento tirar mis bombas que fallan en los dos intentos.
Cuando ya nada hay que hacer nos ordenan volver, me doy una recorrida por la costa para ver que es lo que se esta desarrollando pero no logro encontrar ningun contacto navan en las proximidades de la costa.

Piloto: Vivo
Avión: Sin Daños

Mi log.

[0:46:42] GAE_Charrua:F6F-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 236978.9 215199.8
[0:46:42] GAE_Charrua:F6F-5 loaded weapons '2x5006xhvarap' fuel 50%
[1:00:02] GAE_Charrua:F6F-5 in flight at 237289.16 214965.4
[1:13:18] 17_Chief13 destroyed by GAE_Charrua:F6F-5 at 276418.0336618.02
[1:31:22] GAE_Charrua:F6F-5 landed at 274949.06 231394.61
[1:31:22] GAE_Charrua:F6F-5 damaged on the ground at 274949.06 231394.61
[1:31:45] GAE_Charrua:F6F-5 damaged by 62_Chief8 at 274949.03 231394.61
[1:31:58] GAE_Charrua:F6F-5(0) bailed out at 274949.03 231394.61
[1:32:08] GAE_Charrua:F6F-5(0) successfully bailed out at 274913.0 231437.19
[1:32:08] GAE_Charrua:F6F-5(0) was captured at 274913.0 231437.19
[1:33:45] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[1:34:54] GAE_Charrua:F6F-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 236978.9 215199.8
[1:34:54] GAE_Charrua:F6F-5 loaded weapons '2x5006xhvarap' fuel 50%
1:41:41] GAE_Charrua:F6F-5 in flight at 237511.38 215152.44
[1:47:50] 17_Chief8 destroyed by GAE_Charrua:F6F-5 at 273899.97 231547.8
[1:49:48] GAE_Charrua:F6F-5 damaged by landscape at 273912.1 231476.56
[1:49:49] GAE_Charrua:F6F-5(0) was heavily wounded at 273912.97 231458.64
[27.03.2010 1:49:49] GAE_Charrua has died for 1 times. Refly penalty is 1.0s.
[1:49:49] GAE_Charrua:F6F-5(0) was killed at 273912.97 231458.64
[1:49:49] GAE_Charrua:F6F-5 shot down by P-51D-20NA at 273912.97 231458.64
[1:52:17] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[1:53:12] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 236978.9 215199.8
[1:53:12] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5 loaded weapons '3x250' fuel 50%
[2:04:22] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5 in flight at 237252.12 215029.3
[2:08:51] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5(1) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 240804.03 216714.72
[2:08:54] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 241036.73 216807.86
[2:09:16] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5(1) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 243103.0 217566.92
[2:09:22] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 243552.3 217730.94
[2:38:23] GAE_Charrua:SBD-5 landed at 237108.34 214651.08

C.F. Charrua