Iniciado por GAE_Balker, 05 de Octubre de 2009, 06:04:52 PM

Tema anterior - Siguiente tema


El Black Bat necesita pilotos del GAE para una misión nocturna en la profunda retaguardia enemiga. Preparen el equipo y no cenen mucho.


Apaguen los cigarrillos, tomen asiento y escuchen:

Llegaron las órdenes para esta noche. Inteligencia informa de un intenso tráfico naval en el Estrecho de Taiwan con destino al puerto de Lu-Kang. El alto mando necesita que patrullemos la zona y mandemos a pique todo lo que flote entre China y Taiwán. El área a rastrillar está comprendida por AA/AG 20 y AA/AG 16.
Tampoco descartan tráfico aéreo con rumbo a la base de Nan-Tcu.
Contamos con dos Neptunes PGA y varios P2V y A-26.

Quedan en manos del Jefe de Operaciones, que les explicará el plan para esta noche y la cantidad de unidades a usar.

Suerte y traten de no hacer ruido al volver.


El Briefing sera oral cuando nos encontremos en el salon de Briefings, 11.45 hs.

Normas Generales: Se veula en escuadrilla. No queiro aviones sueltos.

Los PGA solo seran autorizados para pilotos con Certificacion de Neptune. Son armas tacticas demasiado importantes para perderlas por accidentes operacionales.


El foro no me deja subir la misión y en este momento no hay nadie online para dársela. Antes de irme a trabajar (tipo 22:00 / 22:30) se la paso al primer oficial superior que aparezca.

Saludos ;)



Estado Mayor de Desarrollo e Inteligencia.

    Llegadas las 2047....el equipo de infiltracion y espionaje bajo las ordenes de Inteligencia, ah tenido exito, luego de un meticuloso y complicado trabajo, cruzar las lineas del frente y apoderarse de un equipo de encriptacion avanzada que nos podra resultar de vital ayuda para las tareas a venir.
     Tenemos al personal cualificado trabajando de manera ardua para lograr obtener resultados positivos en el analisis de este equipo, en cuanto obtengamos respuestas comenzaremos a analizar toda la informacion que fue interceptada para poder aprovechar al maximo esta ventaja.
     Esten atentos a futuros avisos.

Atte. Gu. Chape (Oficial inteligencia)


Neptune - 50% Fuel - 10x500 Lbs bombs

Despego como numeral 2 de la escuadra al mando del Tte.Baco, volamos hasta la isla de Penghu y de allí hacia el Norte a la zona de intercepción de los buques enemigos.
LLegamos a la zona caliente y descubrimos varios contactos, la noche era cerrada y oscura apenas se divisaba el brillo de los cascos iluminados por las estrellas, el líder me ordena entrar a un petrolero grande pero no acierto; luego de maniobrar ataco a otro buque que resulta ser un carguero, destruído. El líder entra sobre otro buque pero se accidenta sobre el mismo, tomo el mando como Gu mas antiguo y ordeno continuar los ataques; en otra pasada logro destruir un buque artillado, en el fragor de los ataques perdemos al GU Chape accidentado tambien. Prosigo con el GU Gaucho atacando al petrolero el cual queda parcialmente averiado con grandes agujeros en las bandas de babor y estribor pero sigue navegando.
Ya sin bombas emprendemos el regreso a la base, estando a unos 20 kilometros de la misma el Gu Gaucho tuvo problemas técnicos y cayó al mar, continúo y me dispongo a aterrizar, una vez que toco pista la aeronave me da un rebote altisimo y al retomar tierra quiebra tren y ala de un lado a la vez que se incendia el motor, ordeno a la tripulación abandonar la nave y luego de estar todos a salvo el avión lamentablemente explota antes que lleguen los bomberos.

AGK: 2  buques
Piloto: Ok
Avión: destruido en pista
CC - Jefe Sección Personal


[07.10.2009 3:00:00] Mission: net/coop/46/TAIWAN 3.mis is Playing
23:59:00 Mission BEGIN
23:59:00 GAE_Baco is trying to occupy seat UN_NN130(0)
23:59:00 GAE_Gaucho is trying to occupy seat UN_NN132(0)
23:59:00 GAE_Pepper is trying to occupy seat UN_NN131(0)
23:59:00 GAE_Chape is trying to occupy seat UN_NN133(0)
23:59:00 UN_NN130(0) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 109078.734 91803.64
23:59:00 UN_NN130 loaded weapons '10x500lb' fuel 50%
23:59:00 UN_NN133(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 108987.805 91894.57
23:59:00 UN_NN133 loaded weapons '10x500lb' fuel 50%
23:59:00 UN_NN131(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 109048.42 91833.95
23:59:00 UN_NN131 loaded weapons '10x500lb' fuel 50%
23:59:00 UN_NN132(0) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho at 109018.11 91864.266
23:59:00 UN_NN132 loaded weapons '10x500lb' fuel 50%
23:59:00 UN_NN120 damaged on the ground at 109139.35 91743.02
23:59:00 UN_NN103 damaged on the ground at 108875.04 92007.336
23:59:00 UN_NN102 damaged on the ground at 108903.23 91979.15
23:59:00 UN_NN101 damaged on the ground at 108931.42 91950.95
23:59:00 UN_NN121 damaged on the ground at 109109.04 91773.33
23:59:00 UN_NN100 damaged on the ground at 108959.61 91922.766
23:59:11 UN_NN103(0) bailed out at 108875.04 92007.336
23:59:12 UN_NN103(1) bailed out at 108875.04 92007.336
23:59:12 UN_NN121(0) bailed out at 109109.03 91773.336
23:59:14 UN_NN103(2) bailed out at 108875.04 92007.336
23:59:14 UN_NN100(0) bailed out at 108959.61 91922.766
23:59:14 UN_NN121(1) bailed out at 109109.03 91773.336
23:59:15 UN_NN100(1) bailed out at 108959.61 91922.766
23:59:15 UN_NN121(2) bailed out at 109109.03 91773.336
23:59:15 UN_NN100(2) bailed out at 108959.61 91922.766
23:59:17 UN_NN121(3) bailed out at 109109.03 91773.336
23:59:17 UN_NN120(0) bailed out at 109139.336 91743.03
23:59:18 UN_NN102(0) bailed out at 108903.23 91979.15
23:59:18 UN_NN121(4) bailed out at 109109.03 91773.336
23:59:18 UN_NN120(1) bailed out at 109139.336 91743.03
23:59:19 UN_NN102(1) bailed out at 108903.23 91979.15
23:59:19 UN_NN120(2) bailed out at 109139.336 91743.03
23:59:20 UN_NN103(0) successfully bailed out at 108906.19 92052.52
23:59:20 UN_NN102(2) bailed out at 108903.23 91979.15
23:59:21 UN_NN120(3) bailed out at 109139.336 91743.03
23:59:21 UN_NN100(1) successfully bailed out at 108931.04 91901.016
23:59:21 UN_NN103(1) successfully bailed out at 108830.49 91974.57
23:59:22 UN_NN120(4) bailed out at 109139.336 91743.03
23:59:22 UN_NN121(2) successfully bailed out at 109140.19 91798.45
23:59:22 UN_NN100(2) successfully bailed out at 108942.21 91958.93
23:59:22 UN_NN121(1) successfully bailed out at 109159.65 91780.01
23:59:23 UN_NN121(0) successfully bailed out at 109137.73 91830.38
23:59:23 UN_NN120(0) successfully bailed out at 109150.9 91780.92
23:59:23 UN_NN103(2) successfully bailed out at 108830.13 92060.14
23:59:23 UN_NN100(0) successfully bailed out at 109024.85 91931.75
23:59:26 UN_NN121(3) successfully bailed out at 109157.67 91798.58
23:59:26 UN_NN120(1) successfully bailed out at 109164.55 91779.91
23:59:26 UN_NN102(0) successfully bailed out at 108953.016 92004.35
23:59:28 UN_NN102(1) successfully bailed out at 108848.18 91964.29
23:59:28 UN_NN120(3) successfully bailed out at 109152.62 91784.984
23:59:28 UN_NN121(4) successfully bailed out at 109146.89 91825.35
23:59:28 UN_NN120(2) successfully bailed out at 109190.5 91758.41
23:59:30 UN_NN102(2) successfully bailed out at 108916.195 92039.805
23:59:31 UN_NN133 turned landing lights on at 108987.78 91894.6
23:59:31 UN_NN120(4) successfully bailed out at 109144.58 91797.36
23:59:31 UN_NN101(0) bailed out at 108931.42 91950.95
23:59:33 UN_NN101(1) bailed out at 108931.42 91950.95
23:59:34 UN_NN101(2) bailed out at 108931.42 91950.95
23:59:36 UN_NN103 removed at 108875.04 92007.336
23:59:38 UN_NN121 removed at 109109.03 91773.336
23:59:38 UN_NN132 turned landing lights on at 109018.164 91864.19
23:59:39 UN_NN101(1) successfully bailed out at 108892.586 91951.586
23:59:39 UN_NN101(0) successfully bailed out at 108974.445 91977.6
23:59:40 UN_NN100 removed at 108959.61 91922.766
23:59:40 UN_NN101(2) successfully bailed out at 108903.87 91979.73
23:59:42 UN_NN120 removed at 109139.336 91743.03
23:59:43 UN_NN102 removed at 108903.23 91979.15
23:59:56 UN_NN101 removed at 108931.42 91950.95
00:00:20 UN_NN130 turned landing lights on at 109078.7 91803.67
00:00:35 UN_NN130 turned landing lights off at 109217.38 91675.195
00:00:36 UN_NN131(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 109048.445 91833.92
00:00:58 UN_NN130 in flight at 110092.805 90803.3
00:01:32 UN_NN131 in flight at 110282.55 90626.74
00:01:46 UN_NN132 in flight at 110238.57 90768.17
00:02:11 UN_NN133 in flight at 110482.37 90504.02
00:02:22 UN_NN132 turned landing lights off at 112197.47 88424.0
00:02:37 UN_NN133 turned landing lights off at 111988.99 88924.24
00:02:59 UN_NN132(0) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho at 112202.03 85312.1
00:03:00 UN_NN132(1) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho at 112137.23 85172.71
00:03:00 UN_NN132(3) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho at 112109.51 85119.29
00:03:02 UN_NN132(0) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho at 112080.87 85066.79
00:03:03 UN_NN132(0) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho at 112052.555 85017.25
00:03:03 UN_NN132(1) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho at 112033.24 84984.7
00:03:03 UN_NN132(3) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho at 112022.24 84966.555
00:03:04 UN_NN132(0) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho at 111994.945 84922.66
00:03:55 UN_NN131(1) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 106979.91 83572.56
00:04:03 UN_NN131(3) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 106222.195 83870.016
00:04:03 UN_NN131(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 106142.164 83904.79
00:04:05 UN_NN131(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 106090.37 83927.42
00:04:19 UN_NN130(0) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 103699.98 85022.266
00:04:20 UN_NN130(1) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 103613.06 85071.984
00:04:21 UN_NN130(3) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 103548.49 85108.805
00:04:25 UN_NN130(0) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 103232.98 85287.03
00:05:54 UN_NN130(0) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 95360.96 89345.23
00:05:54 UN_NN130(1) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 95290.53 89378.15
00:05:55 UN_NN130(3) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 95206.05 89417.71
00:06:12 UN_NN130(0) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 93673.32 90149.414
00:06:44 UN_NN131(1) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 91739.53 91261.555
00:06:48 UN_NN131(3) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 91393.305 91427.52
00:06:51 UN_NN131(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 91113.125 91554.56
00:06:52 UN_NN131(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 91051.06 91581.73
00:06:53 UN_NN131(1) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 90943.47 91627.95
00:07:18 UN_NN133 turned wingtip smokes on at 91480.21 91431.195
00:07:54 UN_NN133(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 87739.52 93036.85
00:10:51 UN_NN132 turned landing lights on at 69468.15 105044.11
00:10:52 UN_NN132 turned landing lights off at 69372.0 105157.875
00:11:46 UN_NN131(3) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 65921.98 109085.77
00:11:54 UN_NN131(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 65306.363 109706.375
00:11:55 UN_NN131(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 65249.418 109761.52
00:11:55 UN_NN131(1) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 65094.855 109909.3
00:11:57 UN_NN131(3) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 65064.78 109937.766
00:11:59 UN_NN131(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 64913.83 110079.516
00:11:59 UN_NN131(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 64868.39 110121.875
00:11:59 UN_NN132(0) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho at 64337.117 110434.52
00:12:01 UN_NN132(1) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho at 64198.625 110568.57
00:12:02 UN_NN132(3) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho at 64116.242 110649.15
00:12:03 UN_NN132(0) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho at 64045.926 110718.45
00:12:08 UN_NN133 turned wingtip smokes off at 65006.2 108993.83
00:12:28 UN_NN132 turned landing lights on at 62236.477 112533.17
00:12:31 UN_NN132 turned landing lights off at 62141.344 112630.96
00:12:35 UN_NN132 turned wingtip smokes on at 61815.316 112971.71
00:12:58 UN_NN131(1) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 60189.406 115042.31
00:13:50 UN_NN132 turned wingtip smokes off at 57270.15 118163.99
00:13:50 UN_NN130(0) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 55953.906 119676.664
00:13:52 UN_NN130(1) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 55891.19 119752.336
00:13:53 UN_NN130(3) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 55836.84 119818.22
00:13:58 UN_NN130(0) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 55481.06 120259.58
00:14:37 UN_NN130(0) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 52458.816 123407.52
00:15:13 UN_NN130(0) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 49847.69 125675.49
00:15:18 UN_NN132 turned landing lights on at 50475.12 125272.55
00:15:18 UN_NN132 turned landing lights off at 50414.684 125322.11
00:16:06 UN_NN130(0) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 45141.58 128661.125
00:16:07 UN_NN130(1) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 45075.598 128704.65
00:16:08 UN_NN130(3) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 45009.52 128748.02
00:16:13 UN_NN130(0) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 44429.523 129122.266
00:17:35 UN_NN130(0) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 37140.266 133718.8
00:21:01 UN_NN130(1) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 28402.836 152172.98
00:21:06 UN_NN130(3) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 28417.059 152644.28
00:21:07 UN_NN130(0) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 28421.41 152808.47
00:21:19 UN_NN130(0) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 28453.512 154041.88
00:22:04 UN_NN132(0) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho at 28242.406 155953.05
00:23:23 UN_NN132 turned landing lights on at 29163.605 163593.23
00:23:24 UN_NN132 turned landing lights off at 29165.887 163669.5
00:23:43 UN_NN133(1) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 28746.201 165200.48
00:23:43 UN_NN133(3) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 28755.852 165268.08
00:23:45 UN_NN133(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 28769.031 165365.1
00:23:46 UN_NN133(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 28776.344 165420.94
00:23:46 UN_NN132(1) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho at 29362.143 166135.89
00:23:47 UN_NN132(3) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho at 29382.701 166167.3
00:23:48 UN_NN133(1) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 28800.744 165614.73
00:23:48 UN_NN132(0) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho at 29464.074 166265.23
00:24:34 UN_NN133(3) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 28888.86 170124.56
00:24:35 UN_NN133(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 28885.896 170201.3
00:24:35 UN_NN130(1) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 30008.922 177082.05
00:24:35 UN_NN133(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 28884.412 170249.34
00:24:35 UN_NN133(1) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 28883.271 170294.33
00:24:35 UN_NN133(3) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 28882.906 170311.11
00:24:35 UN_NN130(3) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 30066.146 177163.25
00:24:35 UN_NN133(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 28881.86 170369.61
00:24:37 UN_NN130(0) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 30118.604 177229.23
00:24:49 8_Chief destroyed by UN_NN131 at 29871.45 175101.17
00:25:38 UN_NN132 turned landing lights on at 28900.984 167244.89
00:25:55 UN_NN133(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 27891.906 169017.12
00:25:59 UN_NN132(0) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho at 27260.115 166254.58
00:26:00 UN_NN132(1) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho at 27250.637 166168.31
00:26:08 UN_NN132(3) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho at 27424.852 165281.47
00:26:11 UN_NN132(0) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho at 27552.934 164948.02
00:26:14 UN_NN132(0) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho at 27647.717 164756.45
00:26:19 UN_NN132(1) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho at 27982.375 164348.12
00:26:22 UN_NN132(3) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho at 28124.588 164261.86
00:26:22 UN_NN132(0) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho at 28194.514 164231.47
00:26:36 UN_NN130 damaged by 9_Chief at 39572.363 174774.44
00:26:37 9_Chief destroyed by UN_NN130 at 39549.086 174776.67
00:26:40 UN_NN130(4) was killed at 39985.438 175037.42
00:26:40 UN_NN130(1) was wounded at 39985.438 175037.42
00:26:40 UN_NN130(0) was wounded at 39985.438 175037.42
00:26:40 UN_NN130(0) was heavily wounded at 39985.438 175037.42
00:26:40 UN_NN130(0) was killed at 39985.438 175037.42
00:26:40 UN_NN130(1) was killed at 39985.438 175037.42
00:26:40 UN_NN130(2) was killed at 39985.438 175037.42
00:26:40 UN_NN130(3) was killed at 39985.438 175037.42
00:26:40 UN_NN130(5) was killed at 39985.438 175037.42
00:26:40 UN_NN130 shot down by 9_Chief at 39985.438 175037.42
00:28:01 UN_NN132 turned landing lights off at 36269.254 162937.38
00:28:24 UN_NN133(1) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 33510.465 160465.95
00:28:25 UN_NN133(3) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 33379.887 160497.58
00:28:26 UN_NN133(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 33317.73 160516.38
00:28:30 UN_NN132 turned landing lights on at 34023.51 162044.39
00:28:30 UN_NN132 turned landing lights off at 33987.85 162081.39
00:28:34 14_Chief destroyed by UN_NN131 at 46401.137 169515.8
00:29:26 UN_NN132 turned landing lights on at 30238.197 165634.88
00:29:58 UN_NN133 turned landing lights on at 27123.867 166272.25
00:31:15 UN_NN133(1) was heavily wounded at 30636.672 164855.3
00:31:15 UN_NN133(1) was killed at 30636.672 164855.3
00:31:15 UN_NN133(2) was killed at 30636.672 164855.3
00:31:15 UN_NN133(0) was killed at 30636.672 164855.3
00:31:15 UN_NN133(3) was killed at 30636.672 164855.3
00:31:15 UN_NN133(4) was killed at 30636.672 164855.3
00:31:15 UN_NN133(5) was killed at 30636.672 164855.3
00:31:15 UN_NN133 shot down by landscape at 30636.672 164855.3
00:33:18 UN_NN132 turned landing lights off at 30253.773 163315.88
00:33:21 UN_NN131(3) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 30576.588 164040.12
00:33:21 UN_NN132 turned landing lights on at 30611.818 163120.88
00:33:22 UN_NN132 turned landing lights off at 30680.0 163093.31
00:33:22 UN_NN131(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 30478.326 163884.77
00:33:24 UN_NN131(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 30415.156 163783.64
00:33:25 UN_NN131(1) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 30367.705 163707.02
00:35:23 g01000 landed at 71088.32 225294.19
00:36:14 UN_NN132 turned landing lights on at 31574.72 164647.61
00:36:17 UN_NN132 turned landing lights off at 31815.303 164409.88
00:38:43 UN_NN132(0) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho at 44370.688 158561.9
00:39:04 g01001 landed at 71071.305 225372.58
00:39:06 UN_NN132(1) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho at 46121.316 157714.1
00:39:06 UN_NN132(3) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho at 46165.17 157693.08
00:39:07 UN_NN132(0) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho at 46225.105 157664.25
00:41:09 UN_NN132 turned landing lights on at 56677.816 151463.56
00:41:10 UN_NN132 turned landing lights off at 56748.598 151420.48
00:43:31 g01030 landed at 70989.78 225870.33
00:43:41 UN_NN132 turned landing lights on at 71667.914 140376.12
00:43:42 UN_NN132 turned landing lights off at 71756.46 140316.12
00:44:07 UN_NN131(3) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 75018.98 138137.45
00:44:08 UN_NN131(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 75101.61 138083.8
00:44:30 UN_NN132(2) was killed at 76472.664 136509.81
00:44:30 UN_NN132(0) was killed at 76472.664 136509.81
00:44:30 UN_NN132(1) was killed at 76472.664 136509.81
00:44:30 UN_NN132(3) was killed at 76472.664 136509.81
00:44:30 UN_NN132(4) was killed at 76472.664 136509.81
00:44:30 UN_NN132(5) was killed at 76472.664 136509.81
00:44:30 UN_NN132 shot down by landscape at 76472.664 136509.81
00:45:06 UN_NN131(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 80623.836 134636.34
00:45:07 UN_NN131(1) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 80805.82 134526.28
00:46:45 UN_NN131(3) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 89975.94 129222.375
00:46:46 UN_NN131(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 90077.02 129155.06
00:46:47 UN_NN131(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 90150.91 129105.89
00:46:49 UN_NN131(1) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 90323.625 128991.0
00:47:16 g01031 landed at 70969.16 225993.55
00:55:18 UN_NN131 landed at 109698.88 91129.37
00:55:18 UN_NN131 damaged on the ground at 109698.88 91129.37
00:55:27 UN_NN131(0) bailed out at 109698.87 91129.34
00:55:27 UN_NN131(1) bailed out at 109698.87 91129.34
00:55:29 UN_NN131(2) bailed out at 109698.87 91129.34
00:55:30 UN_NN131(3) bailed out at 109698.87 91129.34
00:55:32 UN_NN131(4) bailed out at 109698.87 91129.34
00:55:34 UN_NN131(0) successfully bailed out at 109738.805 91120.47
00:55:38 UN_NN131(3) successfully bailed out at 109732.05 91159.98
00:55:38 UN_NN131(2) successfully bailed out at 109746.39 91158.93
00:55:38 UN_NN131(1) successfully bailed out at 109763.04 91126.336
00:55:38 UN_NN131(4) successfully bailed out at 109728.72 91163.234
00:55:45 UN_NN131 shot down by 14_Chief at 109698.87 91129.34
00:56:04 GAE_Chape has disconnected
00:56:24 GAE_Gaucho has disconnected
00:57:06 GAE_Pepper has disconnected
01:15:23 g01000 removed at 71088.32 225294.19
01:19:03 g01001 removed at 71071.29 225372.58
01:23:31 g01030 removed at 70989.78 225870.33
01:27:17 g01031 removed at 70969.16 225993.55
07:03:32 Mission END
Name:    GAE_Baco
Score:    20
State:    KIA
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Tank Kill:    0
Enemy Car Kill:    0
Enemy Artillery Kill:    0
Enemy AAA Kill:    0
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    1
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    0
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       0
Hit Bullets:       0
Hit Air Bullets:    0
Fire Roskets:       0
Hit Roskets:       0
Fire Bombs:       4
Hit Bombs:       2
Name:    GAE_Chape
Score:    0
State:    Left the Game
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Tank Kill:    0
Enemy Car Kill:    0
Enemy Artillery Kill:    0
Enemy AAA Kill:    0
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    0
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    0
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       0
Hit Bullets:       0
Hit Air Bullets:    0
Fire Roskets:       0
Hit Roskets:       0
Fire Bombs:       6
Hit Bombs:       0
Name:    GAE_Gaucho
Score:    0
State:    Left the Game
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Tank Kill:    0
Enemy Car Kill:    0
Enemy Artillery Kill:    0
Enemy AAA Kill:    0
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    0
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    0
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       0
Hit Bullets:       0
Hit Air Bullets:    0
Fire Roskets:       0
Hit Roskets:       0
Fire Bombs:       0
Hit Bombs:       0
Name:    GAE_Pepper
Score:    0
State:    Left the Game
Enemy Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Enemy Tank Kill:    0
Enemy Car Kill:    0
Enemy Artillery Kill:    0
Enemy AAA Kill:    0
Enemy Wagon Kill:    0
Enemy Ship Kill:    2
Friend Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Static Aircraft Kill:    0
Friend Tank Kill:    0
Friend Car Kill:    0
Friend Artillery Kill:    0
Friend AAA Kill:    0
Friend Wagon Kill:    0
Friend Ship Kill:    0
Fire Bullets:       0
Hit Bullets:       0
Hit Air Bullets:    0
Fire Roskets:       0
Hit Roskets:       0
Fire Bombs:       10
Hit Bombs:       6


Neptune - 50% Fuel - 10x500 Lbs bombs
salgo como # 3 de la formacion liderada por baco, ponemos rumbo norte por unos 15 minutos en la oscuridad de la noche casi sin poder ver al resto de la formacion.
llegado al pundo donde tendriamos que cambiar de rumbo baco encuantra una flota enemiga. compuesta por 2 petroleros y varios buques de escolta, le entramos varias veces a diferentes barcos en las cuales perdemos a chape y a baco . despues de eso le intentamos de entrar a un petrolero con pepper y aunque impactan varias bombas no logramos hundirlo antes de quedarnos sin armamento, en la vuelta a la base ocurre un error tecnico y entre la oscuridad de la noche y la poca distincion entre cielo y mar sumado a ese error voy a parar al mar


Neptune/50%de jugo/10x500Lbs

Decolo como #4, de un ataque a embarcaciones mercantes proteguidas por acorazados, de la Formacion de Neptune´s BlackBat.
Formo en la oscura noche siguiendo el sonido de los pistoneros del Neptune del Tte. Baco, ya que sin luces eramos invisibles, con rumbo directo al objetivo.
Aprovechando la oscuridad, la navegacion de los buques se hace mas segura, por lo cual aprovechando la situacion debiamos cargarnos unos cuantos, para continuar con el proyecto de agotar las proviciones de los comunistas.
Una vez sobre la zona en la absoluta obscuridad divisamos un Buque tanque al cual no dirijimos el Tte. Baco y yo, para acabar con él, pero en una de las pasadas mi descenso fue exagerado y se me hizo imposible elevar el morro del Neptune.
