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Mensajes - GAE_Chape

AAAAHH..los GROB 120 ese avión que salió del plano un poco flojo de cálculos y le corrigieron todos los problemas de diseño agregando alitas por todos lados.

Tenes razón creí que los habían cambiado por esos.
No se por qué?......pero estaba convencido que ya estaban todos reemplazados. No entiendo donde se me archivo la idea de que ya no se usaban para entrenamiento.

FJ3M_Fury/2x120dt/Jugo 70%

Después de despegar desde la FT la escuadra se alinea y forma sobre la misma para embestir posibles bandidos sobre Tobruk, antes de llegar al sector ordeno separarnos en estratos diferentes, con el Guardiamarina Zonda nos quedamos a 5000 y los otros elementos descendieron a 3000.
Al localizar al enemigo debemos descender para acompañar a Balker y Hacha. Pepper se aproximaba desde en Norte.
En combate alcanzamos la superioridad. Por mi parte averio un Vampire. Sin contactos retornamos a la Flota de Tareas.

Piloto= OK
Aeronave= OK (Apontado)



FJ3M_Fury/4x500/Jugo 100%

Debemos cortar el avance de lanchas enemigos en aproximación a la FT, en scramble nos desplegamos rápido y comenzamos el rastreo, logramos localizar a las bandidas y evitar el ataque; en mis pasadas no obtengo ningún impacto positivo. Vuelvo a la FT wínchester.

Piloto= OK
Aeronave= OK (Apontado)



FJ3M_Fury/2x120dt/Jugo 60%

Varios contactos de radar se aproximan hacia el portaviones, debemos desplegar un escudo lo mas rápido posible, ponemos en el aire nuestros Fury, con el Capitan Balker entramos en combate. tras algunos minutos de batalla logramos dispersar el peligro y volvemos para el apontaje.

Piloto= OK
Aeronave= OK (Apontado)


FJ3M_Fury/4x500/Jugo 100%

La misión es dar cobertura aérea a la 1º escuadra de ataque que buscara y dará un golpe a varias tropas y vehículos que se aproximan a Tobruk. Para dar complemento cargamos bombas .
Decolamos y hacemos avanzada sobre el territorio y localizamos a la tropa que intentaba avanzar sobre la ciudad, nos quedamos sobre el sector con algo de AAA, para marcar a la 1º los blancos.
Fue en ese momento que una Pac enemiga aparece en el sector, intentamos darle caza pero nos superan en numero, El Capitán Balker, mi wingman, se ejecta y yo plancho con rumbo a la FT, con algo de suerte llego al apontaje.

Piloto= OK
Aeronave= OK (Apontado)



Se realizan maniobras de despliegue sobre Egipto para intentar supremacía aérea. Para eso una escuadra de 3 aeronaves se forman sobre la FT lideradas por mi, en ella se encuentran el Capitán Balker y el Guardiamarina Hacha.
Ponemos rumbo a territorio y allí dentro de la zona caliente somos sorprendidos por Meteors y soy derribado.

Piloto= KIA
Aeronave= Destruida




Salgo de la FT en Scramble para dar soporte al Capitán Balker que retornaba perseguido por 2 Meteors cruzo al Capitán y me dispongo  a entrar en combate, con ventaja por la posesión de AiM9B logro derribar a  ambos bandidos, retorno y aponto sin novedad.

AAK=2 (Meteors)
Piloto= OK
Aeronave= OK (Apontado)



FJ3M_Fury/2x1000/Jugo 100%

El objetivo Puerto Egipcio, decolamos con configuración de bombas y ponemos rumbo, al llegar veo en la boca de la dársena con rumbo al mar un carguero intentando escapar del sector, entre el fuego antiaéreo busco su vertical y mi nariz apunta un poco mas allá de su proa. Doy suelta y ya en escape la onda expansiva se siente en mi cabina. El carguero se va al fondo.
Pac en el sector nos dan caza, intentamos poner rumbo a la FT junto al GU Hacha. No lográbamos alejarnos, por lo que decidimos entran en combate, una mala maniobra me mete en BlackOut y pierdo el control.

ANK=1 (Carguero)
Piloto= KIA
Aeronave= Destruida



Después de despegar desde la FT la escuadra se alinea y forma sobre la misma para embestir a varias PAC sobre el continente.
No lleva mucho tiempo la formación para luego en formación poner rumbo SUR.
Las luces del tablero se apagan y me quedo sin indicadores, por suerte todos los controles respondían y me voy al apontaje de emergencia.

Piloto= OK
Aeronave= OK (Apontado)




Con otro avión despego desde el 25 de Mayo para reunirme con la escuadra que combatia sobre territorio enemigo, al llegar los encuentro en combate cerrado y pido espacio para atacar con SideWinder y doy derribo a un enemigo. Desde las 6 me ataca un avión "DESCONOCIDO"(bebedor de Juanito Caminante) y averia mi ala derecha por lo que me veo obligado a replegarme a la FT.

AAK=1 (Meteor)
Piloto= OK
Aeronave= OK (Apontado)




Tercera salida para seguir intentando la supremacía aérea sobre territorio enemigo, decolo y con rumbo SUR formado a la escuadra que estaba a la espera, nos vamos al continente, y cruzamos sobre el mar al Capitán Balker que regresaba de un excelente desempeño. Sobre sus huellas intentamos rastrear a un bandido que se escapaba adentrándose en territorio, pero al llegar se localiza a la aeronave ya en tierra sin rastros del piloto en las cercanías.
Nuestro siguiente destino es el puerto al Este de nuestra posición y nos dirigimos para entrar al mismo desde el Sur. Localizamos PACs enemigas y sin ser detectados les damos cacería, derribo un MiG, pero un misil queda atascado y logro saltar antes de que su carga detone.

AAK=1 (MiG17)
Piloto= OK (Ejectado)
Aeronave= Destruida

[Jun 11, 2015 2:22:15 AM] Mission: net/dogfight/1/MED9.mis is Playing
[2:22:15 AM] Mission BEGIN
[2:23:21 AM] GAE_Chape selected army Red at 701120.9 154014.12
[2:23:43 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 701373.44 154022.88
[2:23:43 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2x1000' fuel 100%
[2:23:49 AM] GAE_Chape entered refly menu
[2:25:04 AM] GAE_Charrua selected army Red at 702843.75 154014.34
[2:25:11 AM] GAE_hacha selected army Red at 702972.25 154014.36
[2:25:41 AM] GAE_Balker selected army Red at 703461.56 154014.42
[2:25:47 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_hacha at 703463.56 154020.28
[2:25:47 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2xAIM9B+2x120dt' fuel 70%
[2:25:54 AM] GAE_hacha entered refly menu
[2:26:41 AM] GAE_Charrua selected army Red at 704462.94 150011.36
[2:27:08 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 704865.6 154023.33
[2:27:08 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2xAIM9B+2x120dt' fuel 70%
[2:27:23 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 705077.8 150017.0
[2:27:23 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2xAIM9B+2x120dt' fuel 70%
[2:27:53 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury damaged on the ground at 705608.44 150017.2
[2:27:53 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury(0) was killed at 705734.75 150017.19
[2:27:53 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury shot down by landscape at 705734.75 150017.19
[2:28:27 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 706096.7 154020.48
[2:28:27 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2xAIM9B+2x120dt' fuel 70%
[2:29:03 AM] GAE_hacha selected army Red at 706827.75 150010.98
[2:29:22 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 707432.44 154021.69
[2:29:33 AM] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[2:29:50 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_hacha at 707577.1 150016.72
[2:29:50 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2xAIM9B+2x120dt' fuel 70%
[2:30:26 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 708523.06 154020.92
[2:30:39 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 708367.8 150004.47
[2:30:39 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2xAIM9B+2x120dt' fuel 70%
[2:31:12 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 709316.4 150013.5
[2:33:34 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 711611.3 150012.95
[2:35:33 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury damaged by landscape at 713227.9 150012.84
[2:35:35 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury landed at 713308.2 150013.3
[2:35:35 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury damaged on the ground at 713308.2 150013.3
[2:35:37 AM] GAE_Chape entered refly menu
[2:38:27 AM] GAE_Pepper has connected
[2:39:35 AM] GAE_Pepper selected army Red at 717368.9 154016.22
[2:40:13 AM] GAE_Pepper:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 717906.94 154022.34
[2:40:13 AM] GAE_Pepper:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2xAIM9B+2x120dt' fuel 70%
[2:41:54 AM] GAE_Pepper:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 719962.94 154028.6
[2:44:20 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury turned wingtip smokes on at 733293.44 90859.516
[2:44:24 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury turned wingtip smokes off at 734128.2 90547.266
[2:45:47 AM] MiG-15SB(0) was killed at 728882.3 75806.81
[2:45:47 AM] MiG-15SB shot down by GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury at 728882.3 75806.81
[2:48:26 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury(0) bailed out at 738603.75 95657.125
[2:48:29 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury(0) bailed out at 739302.0 95704.516
[2:48:30 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury(0) was killed at 739073.9 95708.95
[2:48:30 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury shot down by landscape at 739416.0 95707.56
[2:49:22 AM] GAE_hacha entered refly menu
[2:49:24 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_hacha at 727131.6 150013.69
[2:49:24 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2xAIM9B+2x120dt' fuel 70%
[2:49:55 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury(0) bailed out at 720095.25 77126.336
[2:49:56 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury(0) successfully bailed out at 720100.5 77126.86
[2:49:56 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury(0) was captured at 720100.5 77126.86
[2:49:57 AM] GAE_Pepper:FJ3M_Fury(0) bailed out at 739554.4 87480.805
[2:50:00 AM] GAE_Pepper:FJ3M_Fury(0) bailed out at 739544.94 87281.516
[2:50:05 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury crashed at 720095.9 77126.234
[2:50:14 AM] GAE_Balker entered refly menu
[2:50:17 AM] GAE_Pepper:FJ3M_Fury shot down by landscape at 739606.44 86732.89
[2:50:20 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 728063.1 154023.47
[2:50:20 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2xAIM9B+2x120dt' fuel 70%
[2:50:36 AM] MiG-15SB(0) was killed by GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury at 732429.75 77340.016
[2:50:44 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 728914.7 150013.92
[2:50:57 AM] GAE_Pepper:FJ3M_Fury(0) successfully bailed out at 739432.94 86959.76
[2:50:57 AM] GAE_Pepper:FJ3M_Fury(0) was captured at 739432.94 86959.76
[2:50:57 AM] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[2:51:07 AM] MiG-15SB shot down by GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury at 731652.8 76117.21
[2:51:27 AM] GAE_Pepper:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 729162.3 154011.48
[2:51:27 AM] GAE_Pepper:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2xAIM9B+2x120dt' fuel 70%
[2:52:00 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 730270.56 154027.34
[2:52:51 AM] GAE_Pepper:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 730939.6 154031.03
[2:53:46 AM] GAE_Pepper:FJ3M_Fury(0) successfully bailed out at 739319.3 86819.23
[2:53:46 AM] GAE_Pepper:FJ3M_Fury(0) was captured at 739319.3 86819.23
[2:54:25 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 732138.4 154027.17
[2:54:25 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2xAIM9B+2x120dt' fuel 70%
[2:55:52 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 733921.6 154015.86
[3:02:24 AM] MeteorF8 damaged on the ground at 760787.25 85057.66
[3:02:24 AM] MeteorF8 damaged by GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury at 760787.25 85057.66
[3:02:24 AM] MeteorF8(0) was killed at 760787.25 85057.66
[3:02:24 AM] MeteorF8 shot down by GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury at 760787.25 85057.66
[3:03:50 AM] MeteorF8 damaged on the ground at 769234.56 85987.9
[3:03:50 AM] MeteorF8(0) bailed out at 769234.06 85999.17
[3:03:53 AM] MeteorF8(0) bailed out at 769200.1 86378.22
[3:04:34 AM] MeteorF8 damaged on the ground at 768419.75 90394.14
[3:04:35 AM] MeteorF8(0) was killed at 768419.75 90394.14
[3:04:35 AM] MeteorF8 shot down by GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury at 768419.75 90394.14
[3:06:00 AM] MeteorF8 shot down by GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury at 769703.8 87490.01
[3:06:22 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury landed at 744157.56 150007.56
[3:06:24 AM] GAE_Pepper:FJ3M_Fury damaged by landscape at 764201.56 90029.78
[3:06:24 AM] GAE_Pepper:FJ3M_Fury(0) was killed at 764201.56 90029.78
[3:06:24 AM] GAE_Pepper:FJ3M_Fury shot down by landscape at 764201.56 90029.78
[3:06:34 AM] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[3:06:46 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 744493.06 150011.1
[3:06:46 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2xAIM9B+2x120dt' fuel 70%
[3:09:13 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 747364.06 150010.42
[3:09:44 AM] MeteorF8(0) successfully bailed out at 768906.6 87512.445
[3:14:37 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury landed at 752387.94 154020.64
[3:14:42 AM] MiG-15SB(0) bailed out at 805871.06 60694.27
[3:15:06 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury damaged by landscape at 807616.44 59583.812
[3:15:07 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury(0) was killed at 807616.44 59583.812
[3:15:07 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury shot down by landscape at 807616.44 59583.812
[3:15:21 AM] MiG-15SB shot down by GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury at 806595.9 65527.918
[3:19:01 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury damaged by landscape at 799587.94 75432.69
[3:19:01 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury(0) was killed at 799587.94 75432.69
[3:19:01 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury shot down by landscape at 799587.94 75432.69
[3:20:09 AM] MiG-15SB(0) successfully bailed out at 806224.75 61867.074
[3:20:55 AM] GAE_Chape entered refly menu
[3:20:56 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 758664.94 154030.61
[3:20:56 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2xAIM9B+2x120dt' fuel 70%
[3:21:33 AM] GAE_hacha entered refly menu
[3:22:00 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_hacha at 759735.1 150008.61
[3:22:00 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2xAIM9B+2x120dt' fuel 70%
[3:22:07 AM] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[3:22:14 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 760365.25 154030.67
[3:22:15 AM] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[3:22:18 AM] GAE_Pepper:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 760025.75 154027.52
[3:22:18 AM] GAE_Pepper:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2xAIM9B+2x120dt' fuel 70%
[3:22:46 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 760480.56 149996.75
[3:22:46 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2xAIM9B+2x120dt' fuel 70%
[3:23:21 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 761579.2 150019.4
[3:23:24 AM] GAE_Pepper:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 761489.3 154040.69
[3:25:02 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 763347.56 150005.64
[3:30:39 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury landed at 768419.44 154032.45
[3:31:09 AM] GAE_Balker entered refly menu
[3:31:17 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 769009.0 154033.78
[3:31:17 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2xAIM9B+2x120dt' fuel 70%
[3:32:21 AM] GAE_Balker entered refly menu
[3:32:42 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 770412.44 154034.94
[3:32:42 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2xAIM9B+2x120dt' fuel 70%
[3:35:14 AM] MiG-15SB landed at 771707.56 40929.99
[3:35:14 AM] MiG-15SB damaged on the ground at 771707.56 40929.99
[3:35:16 AM] MiG-15SB(0) bailed out at 771707.56 40929.99
[3:35:25 AM] MiG-15SB(0) successfully bailed out at 771669.9 40968.707
[3:36:14 AM] MiG-15SB crashed at 771707.56 40929.99
[3:37:58 AM] GAE_Balker has disconnected
[3:38:47 AM] GAE_Balker has connected
[3:39:48 AM] GAE_Balker selected army Red at 777573.9 154033.88
[3:39:53 AM] GAE_Balker selected army Red at 777654.75 150010.55
[3:39:57 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 777618.75 150016.56
[3:39:57 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2xAIM9B+2x120dt' fuel 70%
[3:44:42 AM] MiG-17F damaged on the ground at 820958.94 76693.62
[3:44:42 AM] MiG-17F(0) was killed at 820958.94 76693.62
[3:44:42 AM] MiG-17F shot down by GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury at 820958.94 76693.62
[3:45:08 AM] GAE_Balker has disconnected
[3:45:14 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury(0) bailed out at 819154.1 80586.77
[3:45:17 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury(0) bailed out at 819089.94 80826.01
[3:45:43 AM] GAE_Balker has connected
[3:45:51 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury shot down by landscape at 818734.7 81443.55
[3:45:52 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury damaged by MiG-17F at 822512.6 72138.28
[3:45:52 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury(0) was killed at 822512.6 72138.28
[3:45:52 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury shot down by MiG-17F at 822512.6 72138.28
[3:46:33 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury damaged by MiG-17F at 821235.75 85411.15
[3:46:37 AM] GAE_Balker selected army Red at 784390.4 154038.62
[3:46:42 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury(0) bailed out at 821111.44 84392.07
[3:46:45 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury(0) bailed out at 821123.4 84128.34
[3:46:48 AM] GAE_Balker selected army Red at 784573.75 150013.67
[3:46:51 AM] GAE_Balker selected army Red at 784628.4 154038.78
[3:46:54 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury shot down by MiG-17F at 821263.1 83734.08
[3:46:58 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 784631.9 154044.75
[3:46:58 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2xAIM9B+2x120dt' fuel 70%
[3:47:43 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury(0) successfully bailed out at 821052.44 83866.5
[3:47:43 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury(0) was captured at 821052.44 83866.5
[3:48:53 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 787072.3 154031.2
[3:51:03 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury(0) successfully bailed out at 818635.75 81742.05
[3:51:03 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury(0) was captured at 818635.75 81742.05
[3:57:58 AM] MiG-17F(0) was wounded at 832753.7 98865.83
[3:58:19 AM] MiG-17F damaged on the ground at 830617.1 98065.43
[3:58:22 AM] MiG-17F(0) bailed out at 830451.06 98175.33
[3:58:24 AM] MiG-17F(0) was killed at 830457.06 98210.22
[3:58:24 AM] MiG-17F shot down by GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury at 830355.5 98236.67
[4:03:19 AM] MiG-17F(0) was heavily wounded at 818506.7 84752.26
[4:03:20 AM] MiG-17F damaged on the ground at 818494.44 84693.33
[4:03:23 AM] MiG-17F(0) bailed out at 818395.3 84134.16
[4:03:47 AM] MiG-17F shot down by GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury at 819117.75 81151.46
[4:08:53 AM] MiG-17F(0) successfully bailed out at 817799.7 82938.15
[4:10:14 AM] GAE_Pepper:FJ3M_Fury landed at 807995.4 154057.69
[4:10:24 AM] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[4:10:40 AM] GAE_Pepper has disconnected
[4:11:55 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury landed at 809685.44 154062.56
[4:12:33 AM] GAE_Balker entered refly menu
[4:12:50 AM] GAE_Balker has disconnected
[4:12:55 AM] GAE_hacha has disconnected
[4:13:54 AM] GAE_Charrua has disconnected
[4:14:15 AM] Mission END
Hangar DCS World -PUBLICO- / Re:Novedades en DCS
09 de Junio de 2015, 03:11:40 PM
Cita de: GAE_Charrua en 08 de Junio de 2015, 09:58:56 AM
Cita de: GAE_Chape en 08 de Junio de 2015, 12:53:06 AM
Consulta....DCS tiene propaganda en su web?  :o Es tristisimo

No entiendo?

Entro a la pagina de DCS y me aparece publicidad en los costados, banners por todos lados. Una de las publicidades es un video y a todo volumen saliendo por los parlantes no entendía de donde venia.
Me parece que es poco serio que usen un server gratuito. Es como que en el foro del GAEV tengamos publicidades y banners saltando por todos lados.
Hangar DCS World -PUBLICO- / Re:Novedades en DCS
08 de Junio de 2015, 12:53:06 AM
Consulta....DCS tiene propaganda en su web?  :o Es tristisimo
[Jun 6, 2015 3:19:37 AM] Mission: net/dogfight/1/MED9.mis is Playing
[3:19:37 AM] Mission BEGIN
[3:19:43 AM] GAE_Chape selected army Red at 700123.7 154014.0
[3:19:50 AM] GAE_hacha selected army Red at 700246.25 154014.02
[3:19:54 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 700255.3 154023.06
[3:19:54 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2xAIM9B+2x120dt' fuel 70%
[3:20:05 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_hacha at 700434.2 154020.12
[3:20:05 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2xAIM9B+2x120dt' fuel 70%
[3:20:05 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury damaged on the ground at 700447.2 154023.12
[3:20:05 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury(0) was killed at 700447.2 154023.12
[3:20:05 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury shot down by GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury at 700447.2 154023.12
[3:20:15 AM] GAE_Chape entered refly menu
[3:20:17 AM] GAE_Balker selected army Red at 700694.6 154014.06
[3:20:19 AM] GAE_hacha entered refly menu
[3:20:22 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 700729.7 154022.81
[3:20:22 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2xAIM9B+2x120dt' fuel 70%
[3:21:57 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 702298.9 154020.36
[3:21:57 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2xAIM9B+2x120dt' fuel 70%
[3:22:24 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 703105.44 154021.81
[3:23:06 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_hacha at 703458.7 154008.25
[3:23:06 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2xAIM9B+2x120dt' fuel 70%
[3:23:29 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 704283.75 154019.94
[3:25:01 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 705775.06 154025.0
[3:40:04 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury(0) was wounded at 775667.94 84098.984
[3:40:04 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury(0) was killed at 775664.8 84091.04
[3:40:04 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury shot down by MeteorF8 at 775664.8 84091.04
[3:41:33 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury(0) was killed at 772685.1 87672.945
[3:41:33 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury shot down by landscape at 772685.1 87672.945
[3:42:00 AM] MeteorF8 damaged on the ground at 766264.2 97607.414
[3:42:00 AM] MeteorF8 damaged by landscape at 766268.7 97609.33
[3:42:00 AM] MeteorF8(0) was killed at 766268.7 97609.33
[3:42:00 AM] MeteorF8 shot down by GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury at 766268.7 97609.33
[3:42:30 AM] GAE_Chape entered refly menu
[3:42:31 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 722879.5 154025.98
[3:42:31 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2xAIM9B+2x120dt' fuel 70%
[3:43:39 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 724394.75 154022.7
[3:47:36 AM] MeteorF8 damaged on the ground at 747352.2 110757.93
[3:47:36 AM] MeteorF8(0) was killed at 747352.2 110757.93
[3:47:36 AM] MeteorF8 shot down by GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury at 747352.2 110757.93
[3:48:21 AM] MeteorF8 damaged on the ground at 750019.75 111304.914
[3:48:21 AM] MeteorF8 damaged by GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury at 750019.75 111304.914
[3:48:21 AM] MeteorF8(0) was killed at 750019.75 111304.914
[3:48:21 AM] MeteorF8 shot down by GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury at 750019.75 111304.914
[3:50:48 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury landed at 731210.94 154024.72
[3:51:38 AM] GAE_Balker entered refly menu
[3:53:26 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury landed at 733804.75 154018.66
[3:53:37 AM] GAE_Chape entered refly menu
[3:53:42 AM] GAE_hacha entered refly menu
[3:55:23 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 735746.8 154027.33
[3:55:23 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2x1000' fuel 100%
[3:55:28 AM] GAE_Balker selected army Red at 735883.2 150006.4
[3:55:37 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 735970.0 150012.25
[3:55:37 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2xAIM9B+2x120dt' fuel 80%
[3:56:38 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_hacha at 736986.2 154024.52
[3:56:38 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2x1000' fuel 100%
[3:56:57 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 737695.9 154027.06
[3:57:07 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 737979.7 150009.53
[3:58:15 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 739055.0 154021.72
[4:09:26 AM] 689_Static destroyed by GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury at 823958.7 68776.67
[4:09:54 AM] 43_Static destroyed by 692_Static at 824665.9 68814.38
[4:09:54 AM] 44_Static destroyed by 692_Static at 824665.9 68764.51
[4:18:40 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury damaged by landscape at 797058.8 61362.215
[4:18:40 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury(0) was killed at 797058.8 61362.215
[4:18:40 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury shot down by landscape at 797058.8 61362.215
[4:18:45 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury damaged by MiG-17F at 795395.2 63112.312
[4:18:56 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury(0) bailed out at 797967.3 63242.562
[4:18:59 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury(0) bailed out at 798645.44 63284.234
[4:19:01 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury shot down by MiG-17F at 798817.56 63301.3
[4:19:01 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury(0) was killed at 798469.56 63282.484
[4:19:49 AM] GAE_hacha entered refly menu
[4:20:05 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_hacha at 760445.1 154027.75
[4:20:05 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2xAIM9B+2x120dt' fuel 70%
[4:22:12 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 763117.44 154023.8
[4:26:39 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury landed at 767022.9 150012.8
[4:28:12 AM] MiG-17F damaged on the ground at 775550.4 134407.28
[4:28:12 AM] MiG-17F damaged by GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury at 775550.4 134407.28
[4:28:12 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury damaged on the ground at 768577.5 150013.89
[4:28:12 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury damaged by landscape at 768631.94 150013.81
[4:28:13 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury(0) was killed at 768639.0 150013.8
[4:28:13 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury shot down by landscape at 768639.0 150013.8
[4:28:15 AM] MiG-17F(0) bailed out at 775784.7 133977.0
[4:28:39 AM] MiG-17F shot down by GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury at 777331.2 131706.48
[4:29:40 AM] GAE_Balker entered refly menu
[4:29:44 AM] GAE_Balker has disconnected
[4:32:00 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury landed at 772404.2 150012.02
[4:33:00 AM] GAE_hacha entered refly menu
[4:33:18 AM] GAE_Chape entered refly menu
[4:33:25 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 773774.4 154039.97
[4:33:25 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2x1000' fuel 100%
[4:33:44 AM] Mission END
[May 21, 2015 2:29:35 AM] Mission: net/dogfight/1/MED8.mis is Playing
[2:29:35 AM] Mission BEGIN
[2:29:40 AM] GAE_Chape selected army Red at 570209.0 288203.0
[2:29:41 AM] GAE_Chape:F4U-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 570071.3 288098.1
[2:29:41 AM] GAE_Chape:F4U-5 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 100%
[2:29:52 AM] GAE_hacha selected army Red at 400229.1 160062.78
[2:29:56 AM] GAE_hacha selected army Red at 400393.22 156009.98
[2:30:22 AM] GAE_Pepper selected army Red at 400717.1 160062.78
[2:30:22 AM] GAE_Zonda selected army Red at 400822.22 156009.98
[2:30:26 AM] GAE_Balker selected army Red at 400790.1 160062.78
[2:30:28 AM] GAE_Zonda:A-1H(0) seat occupied by GAE_Zonda at 400876.22 156014.88
[2:30:28 AM] GAE_Zonda:A-1H loaded weapons '12xHVAR 2xMk83 1xDT' fuel 70%
[2:30:31 AM] GAE_Pepper:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 400819.03 160068.69
[2:30:31 AM] GAE_Pepper:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2x120dt' fuel 60%
[2:31:20 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 401629.78 160056.69
[2:31:20 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2x120dt' fuel 60%
[2:31:39 AM] GAE_hacha:A-1H(0) seat occupied by GAE_hacha at 402045.53 156005.84
[2:31:39 AM] GAE_hacha:A-1H loaded weapons '12xHVAR 2xMk83 1xDT' fuel 70%
[2:31:51 AM] GAE_Pepper:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 402577.53 160080.38
[2:32:23 AM] GAE_Zonda:A-1H in flight at 403355.03 156031.77
[2:32:58 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 403606.1 160068.88
[2:32:59 AM] GAE_hacha:A-1H in flight at 403624.03 156017.44
[2:37:26 AM] 590_Static destroyed by 720_Static at 426097.47 114104.12
[2:41:09 AM] GAE_Zonda:A-1H damaged by 710_Static at 395077.44 120003.78
[2:41:10 AM] GAE_Zonda:A-1H(0) was killed at 395138.53 119991.74
[2:41:10 AM] GAE_Zonda:A-1H shot down by 710_Static at 395138.53 119991.74
[2:49:02 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury turned wingtip smokes on at 485702.6 70987.266
[2:49:44 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury turned wingtip smokes off at 481607.7 81322.195
[2:52:23 AM] MiG-17A damaged by GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury at 474092.56 83917.49
[2:52:26 AM] MiG-17A(0) bailed out at 473882.75 83515.414
[2:53:03 AM] MiG-17A shot down by GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury at 472746.16 82471.49
[2:53:48 AM] 551_Static destroyed by 724_Static at 426118.1 114204.65
[2:58:00 AM] MiG-17A(0) was heavily wounded at 485094.75 59345.258
[2:58:00 AM] MiG-17A damaged by GAE_Pepper:FJ3M_Fury at 485124.56 59359.27
[2:58:03 AM] MiG-17A(0) bailed out at 485526.12 59546.035
[2:58:36 AM] MiG-17A shot down by GAE_Pepper:FJ3M_Fury at 487005.5 60512.895
[2:58:37 AM] MiG-17A(0) successfully bailed out at 472957.28 82415.05
[2:59:31 AM] GAE_hacha:A-1H(0) was killed at 429969.28 156013.45
[2:59:31 AM] GAE_hacha:A-1H shot down by 714_Static at 429969.28 156013.45
[2:59:39 AM] GAE_hacha entered refly menu
[2:59:50 AM] GAE_Zonda entered refly menu
[2:59:59 AM] GAE_Zonda:A-1H(0) seat occupied by GAE_Zonda at 430388.72 156014.03
[2:59:59 AM] GAE_Zonda:A-1H loaded weapons '12xHVAR 2xMk83 1xDT' fuel 70%
[3:01:18 AM] GAE_hacha:A-1H(0) seat occupied by GAE_hacha at 431703.12 156005.0
[3:01:18 AM] GAE_hacha:A-1H loaded weapons '12 x Mk.82' fuel 70%
[3:01:54 AM] GAE_Zonda:A-1H in flight at 432605.4 156018.5
[3:02:29 AM] GAE_hacha:A-1H in flight at 433281.06 156026.48
[3:03:11 AM] MiG-17A(0) successfully bailed out at 486660.66 60441.63
[3:07:48 AM] GAE_Pepper:FJ3M_Fury landed at 438154.06 160066.19
[3:07:55 AM] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[3:08:25 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury landed at 438771.16 160066.27
[3:08:38 AM] GAE_Balker entered refly menu
[3:11:46 AM] GAE_Balker:A-1H(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 441995.22 160067.69
[3:11:46 AM] GAE_Balker:A-1H loaded weapons '4 x Zuni 6 x Mk.81 4 x Mk.82' fuel 70%
[3:12:52 AM] GAE_Pepper:A-1H(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 443133.53 160058.69
[3:12:52 AM] GAE_Pepper:A-1H loaded weapons '4 x Zuni 6 x Mk.81 4 x Mk.82' fuel 70%
[3:13:08 AM] GAE_Balker:A-1H in flight at 443807.5 160074.66
[3:14:02 AM] 710_Static destroyed by GAE_Zonda:A-1H at 395071.4 120006.77
[3:14:22 AM] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[3:14:38 AM] GAE_Pepper:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 444927.5 160068.69
[3:14:38 AM] GAE_Pepper:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2x120dt' fuel 60%
[3:15:46 AM] GAE_Pepper:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 446413.22 160072.06
[3:28:31 AM] 589_Static destroyed by 556_Static at 425987.75 114016.22
[3:29:35 AM] 724_Static destroyed by GAE_hacha:A-1H at 427039.78 112612.48
[3:29:35 AM] 564_Static destroyed by GAE_hacha:A-1H at 427035.75 112596.83
[3:30:01 AM] MiG-17F(0) was heavily wounded at 451565.62 101424.414
[3:30:01 AM] MiG-17F damaged on the ground at 451565.62 101424.414
[3:30:01 AM] MiG-17F damaged by GAE_Pepper:FJ3M_Fury at 451565.62 101424.414
[3:30:05 AM] MiG-17F(0) bailed out at 451287.62 101502.51
[3:30:05 AM] MiG-17F(0) was heavily wounded at 451144.4 101541.03
[3:30:05 AM] MiG-17F damaged on the ground at 451130.66 101545.53
[3:30:05 AM] MiG-17F damaged by GAE_Pepper:FJ3M_Fury at 451130.66 101545.53
[3:30:08 AM] MiG-17F(0) bailed out at 450831.34 101641.805
[3:30:36 AM] 556_Static destroyed by GAE_hacha:A-1H at 427110.5 112618.7
[3:30:39 AM] MiG-17F shot down by GAE_Pepper:FJ3M_Fury at 450595.6 101692.29
[3:30:50 AM] MiG-17F shot down by GAE_Pepper:FJ3M_Fury at 449968.62 101900.234
[3:32:02 AM] 563_Static destroyed by GAE_hacha:A-1H at 426964.53 112590.62
[3:32:03 AM] 720_Static destroyed by GAE_hacha:A-1H at 426956.72 112610.06
[3:32:11 AM] GAE_Balker:A-1H damaged by NONAME at 395749.16 119877.68
[3:32:11 AM] GAE_Balker:A-1H(0) was killed at 395746.94 119839.32
[3:32:11 AM] GAE_Balker:A-1H crashed at 395746.94 119839.32
[3:35:30 AM] GAE_Balker entered refly menu
[3:35:54 AM] MiG-17F(0) successfully bailed out at 450159.6 102114.92
[3:36:10 AM] MiG-17F(0) successfully bailed out at 449717.72 102301.29
[3:36:28 AM] GAE_hacha:A-1H landed at 426759.4 116537.836
[3:36:28 AM] GAE_hacha:A-1H damaged on the ground at 426759.4 116537.836
[3:36:29 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 453700.5 158362.81
[3:36:29 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther loaded weapons '02x500lbs_Bomb+06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 70%
[3:36:38 AM] GAE_Balker entered refly menu
[3:36:42 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 453416.6 158298.84
[3:36:43 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther loaded weapons '02x500lbs_Bomb+06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 70%
[3:38:42 AM] GAE_Pepper:FJ3M_Fury landed at 451563.8 153749.64
[3:38:48 AM] GAE_hacha entered refly menu
[3:38:49 AM] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[3:39:51 AM] GAE_Zonda:A-1H landed at 450520.47 153475.39
[3:39:51 AM] GAE_Zonda:A-1H damaged on the ground at 450520.47 153475.39
[3:40:01 AM] GAE_Zonda entered refly menu
[3:40:25 AM] GAE_hacha:A-1H(0) seat occupied by GAE_hacha at 450049.12 153344.97
[3:40:25 AM] GAE_hacha:A-1H loaded weapons '12 x Mk.82' fuel 70%
[3:40:27 AM] GAE_Zonda has disconnected
[3:41:33 AM] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 449143.2 157142.9
[3:41:33 AM] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther loaded weapons '02x500lbs_Bomb+06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 70%
[3:41:53 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther in flight at 448167.7 156879.92
[3:42:19 AM] GAE_hacha:A-1H in flight at 447906.25 152775.3
[3:42:52 AM] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther in flight at 447508.75 156685.6
[3:45:24 AM] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther landed at 445753.0 156219.8
[3:45:36 AM] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[3:45:40 AM] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 445574.47 156176.56
[3:45:40 AM] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther loaded weapons '02x500lbs_Bomb+06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 70%
[3:46:53 AM] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther in flight at 443979.88 155724.47
[3:50:37 AM] 704_Static destroyed by GAE_hacha:A-1H at 427374.25 112544.69
[3:51:56 AM] 711_Static destroyed by GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther at 395684.75 120070.78
[3:52:13 AM] 560_Static destroyed by GAE_hacha:A-1H at 427065.62 112517.8
[3:52:58 AM] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther(0) bailed out at 408756.28 126094.69
[3:53:01 AM] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther(0) bailed out at 408750.62 126672.836
[3:53:05 AM] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther shot down by landscape at 408927.56 127305.62
[3:53:06 AM] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther(0) was killed at 408703.44 126719.34
[3:54:03 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther damaged by 714_Static at 395849.3 119792.09
[3:54:57 AM] 709_Static destroyed by GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther at 395594.34 119784.55
[3:55:30 AM] GAE_hacha:A-1H damaged by 557_Static at 427512.1 112565.92
[3:55:34 AM] 705_Static destroyed by GAE_hacha:A-1H at 427556.0 112503.47
[3:55:34 AM] 559_Static destroyed by GAE_hacha:A-1H at 427597.12 112460.96
[3:56:49 AM] GAE_Pepper has disconnected
[4:01:38 AM] GAE_hacha:A-1H landed at 426212.62 116047.53
[4:01:38 AM] GAE_hacha:A-1H damaged on the ground at 426212.62 116047.53
[4:04:15 AM] GAE_hacha entered refly menu
[4:04:22 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther landed at 431140.1 152287.73
[4:04:22 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther damaged on the ground at 431140.1 152287.73
[4:05:32 AM] GAE_Balker has disconnected
[4:05:41 AM] GAE_hacha has disconnected
[5:44:02 AM] Mission END
[May 14, 2015 3:13:08 AM] Mission: net/dogfight/1/MED7.mis is Playing
[3:13:08 AM] Mission BEGIN
[3:13:16 AM] GAE_Chape selected army Red at 570209.0 288203.0
[3:13:33 AM] GAE_Zonda has connected
[3:13:36 AM] GAE_hacha has connected
[3:13:36 AM] GAE_Balker has connected
[3:13:50 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 570071.3 288098.1
[3:13:50 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2x120dt' fuel 60%
[3:14:14 AM] GAE_Charrua has connected
[3:14:58 AM] 722_Static destroyed by 556_Static at 426794.72 109534.77
[3:15:04 AM] GAE_Chape entered refly menu
[3:15:12 AM] 715_Static destroyed by 552_Static at 426695.7 109782.83
[3:15:59 AM] GAE_Chape selected army Red at 402786.62 160062.78
[3:16:38 AM] GAE_Zonda selected army Red at 403428.12 160062.78
[3:16:44 AM] GAE_Balker selected army Red at 403632.75 156009.89
[3:16:46 AM] GAE_Balker selected army Red at 403577.12 160062.78
[3:16:50 AM] GAE_hacha selected army Red at 403743.75 156009.89
[3:18:16 AM] GAE_Charrua selected army Red at 405166.38 156009.86
[3:18:26 AM] GAE_Zonda selected army Red at 405341.38 156009.84
[3:18:35 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 405259.5 160068.8
[3:18:35 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '4x500' fuel 100%
[3:19:06 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 405850.25 160071.66
[3:19:06 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '4x500' fuel 100%
[3:19:07 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury damaged on the ground at 405857.75 160068.69
[3:19:07 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury(0) was killed at 405857.75 160068.69
[3:19:07 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury shot down by GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury at 405857.75 160068.69
[3:19:12 AM] GAE_Chape entered refly menu
[3:19:13 AM] GAE_Balker entered refly menu
[3:19:15 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 405993.3 160071.52
[3:19:15 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '4x500' fuel 100%
[3:20:24 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 407144.16 160068.88
[3:20:24 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '4x500' fuel 100%
[3:20:32 AM] GAE_Charrua:A-1H(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 407273.84 156014.81
[3:20:32 AM] GAE_Charrua:A-1H loaded weapons '12xHVAR 2xMk83 1xDT' fuel 70%
[3:20:51 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 407985.0 160058.14
[3:21:17 AM] GAE_hacha:A-1H(0) seat occupied by GAE_hacha at 408110.06 156014.73
[3:21:17 AM] GAE_hacha:A-1H loaded weapons '12xHVAR 2xMk83 1xDT' fuel 70%
[3:21:17 AM] GAE_hacha:A-1H damaged on the ground at 408111.78 156014.72
[3:21:17 AM] GAE_hacha:A-1H(0) was killed at 408111.78 156014.72
[3:21:17 AM] GAE_hacha:A-1H shot down by GAE_Charrua:A-1H at 408111.78 156014.72
[3:21:27 AM] GAE_hacha entered refly menu
[3:21:51 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 409320.66 160107.4
[3:21:58 AM] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[3:22:02 AM] GAE_Charrua:A-1H(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 408877.34 156014.83
[3:22:02 AM] GAE_Charrua:A-1H loaded weapons '12xHVAR 2xMk83 1xDT' fuel 70%
[3:23:41 AM] GAE_Zonda:A-1H(0) seat occupied by GAE_Zonda at 410490.56 156005.67
[3:23:41 AM] GAE_Zonda:A-1H loaded weapons '12xHVAR 2xMk83 1xDT' fuel 70%
[3:24:15 AM] GAE_Charrua:A-1H in flight at 411410.53 156024.92
[3:25:15 AM] GAE_Charrua:A-1H turned wingtip smokes on at 410681.94 156416.94
[3:25:15 AM] GAE_hacha:A-1H(0) seat occupied by GAE_hacha at 412087.12 156014.4
[3:25:15 AM] GAE_hacha:A-1H loaded weapons '12xHVAR 2xMk83 1xDT' fuel 70%
[3:25:34 AM] GAE_Charrua:A-1H turned wingtip smokes off at 410866.84 155337.02
[3:26:09 AM] GAE_Zonda:A-1H in flight at 413317.28 156019.61
[3:27:36 AM] GAE_hacha:A-1H in flight at 414819.38 156017.88
[3:28:10 AM] 705_Static destroyed by 586_Static at 427672.3 109475.14
[3:35:38 AM] MeteorF4 damaged by GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury at 389832.97 116267.47
[3:35:40 AM] MeteorF4(0) bailed out at 389815.84 116019.53
[3:36:00 AM] MeteorF4 shot down by GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury at 389786.0 115599.92
[3:37:18 AM] GAE_Zonda:A-1H damaged by landscape at 396515.72 119104.195
[3:37:18 AM] GAE_Zonda:A-1H(0) was killed at 396542.62 119104.35
[3:37:18 AM] GAE_Zonda:A-1H shot down by 713_Static at 396542.62 119104.35
[3:37:36 AM] 706_Static destroyed by GAE_hacha:A-1H at 396072.22 119100.1
[3:38:07 AM] MeteorF4(0) successfully bailed out at 389527.6 115348.44
[3:43:51 AM] 717_Static destroyed by 556_Static at 426680.22 109676.91
[3:45:03 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury(0) was wounded at 400927.84 127093.76
[3:45:03 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury(0) was heavily wounded at 400927.84 127093.76
[3:45:19 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury(0) bailed out at 402642.56 126320.25
[3:45:21 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury(0) bailed out at 403066.1 126430.836
[3:46:16 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury shot down by MeteorF4 at 404408.62 126492.97
[3:49:14 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury(0) successfully bailed out at 404018.0 126873.805
[3:49:19 AM] GAE_Balker entered refly menu
[3:49:33 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 436287.12 160068.58
[3:49:33 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons 'default' fuel 80%
[3:50:44 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 438344.1 160039.8
[3:54:31 AM] GAE_Charrua:A-1H(0) was killed at 441292.47 156008.19
[3:54:31 AM] GAE_Charrua:A-1H shot down by 0_Chief at 441292.47 156008.19
[3:55:00 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury landed at 441797.97 160065.39
[3:55:29 AM] GAE_Chape entered refly menu
[3:56:06 AM] GAE_hacha:A-1H landed at 442943.94 156006.55
[3:56:28 AM] GAE_hacha entered refly menu
[3:56:33 AM] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[3:56:42 AM] GAE_Zonda entered refly menu
[3:58:04 AM] GAE_Charrua:A-1H(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 444916.84 156013.78
[3:58:04 AM] GAE_Charrua:A-1H loaded weapons '12 x Mk.82' fuel 70%
[4:00:04 AM] GAE_Charrua:A-1H damaged on the ground at 446913.16 156013.58
[4:00:14 AM] GAE_Zonda:A-1H(0) seat occupied by GAE_Zonda at 447078.66 156004.42
[4:00:14 AM] GAE_Zonda:A-1H loaded weapons '12 x Mk.82' fuel 70%
[4:01:05 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury landed at 447879.97 160067.3
[4:01:26 AM] GAE_hacha:A-1H(0) seat occupied by GAE_hacha at 448266.12 156013.34
[4:01:26 AM] GAE_hacha:A-1H loaded weapons '12 x Mk.82' fuel 70%
[4:02:07 AM] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[4:02:48 AM] GAE_Charrua:A-1H(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 449619.28 156004.67
[4:02:48 AM] GAE_Charrua:A-1H loaded weapons '12 x Mk.82' fuel 70%
[4:02:52 AM] GAE_Balker entered refly menu
[4:02:54 AM] GAE_Balker selected army Red at 426879.0 116579.0
[4:03:01 AM] GAE_Zonda:A-1H in flight at 450231.56 156022.66
[4:03:20 AM] GAE_Balker has disconnected
[4:03:45 AM] GAE_hacha:A-1H in flight at 451088.94 156017.22
[4:05:18 AM] GAE_Charrua:A-1H in flight at 452415.72 156017.69
[4:11:15 AM] 586_Static destroyed by 556_Static at 427870.12 108808.43
[4:13:03 AM] MeteorF4 landed at 450648.22 105676.11
[4:13:07 AM] MeteorF4 removed at 450649.06 105673.0
[4:15:30 AM] MeteorF4 landed at 450582.94 105675.83
[4:15:34 AM] MeteorF4 removed at 450583.94 105672.72
[4:18:15 AM] MeteorF4 landed at 450527.62 105680.6
[4:18:19 AM] MeteorF4 removed at 450528.6 105677.49
[4:19:35 AM] 711_Static destroyed by GAE_Zonda:A-1H at 395999.7 119099.33
[4:20:24 AM] 714_Static destroyed by GAE_Zonda:A-1H at 395890.72 118996.41
[4:22:07 AM] 713_Static destroyed by GAE_Zonda:A-1H at 396298.78 119192.39
[4:22:31 AM] 708_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:A-1H at 396227.97 119099.66
[4:24:58 AM] 710_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:A-1H at 395927.62 119099.48
[4:25:27 AM] 712_Static destroyed by GAE_Zonda:A-1H at 396102.25 118992.62
[4:25:55 AM] GAE_Charrua:A-1H damaged by 708_Static at 396228.78 119102.07
[4:25:55 AM] GAE_Charrua:A-1H(0) was killed at 396276.66 119099.984
[4:25:55 AM] GAE_Charrua:A-1H shot down by 708_Static at 396276.66 119099.984
[4:29:26 AM] 716_Static destroyed by 552_Static at 426718.4 109723.51
[4:32:14 AM] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[4:32:15 AM] GAE_Charrua selected army Red at 443006.4 155491.75
[4:32:47 AM] GAE_Charrua selected army Red at 442525.78 151344.95
[4:32:57 AM] GAE_Charrua selected army Red at 442438.9 155339.06
[4:33:00 AM] GAE_Charrua:A-1H(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 442446.6 155335.9
[4:33:00 AM] GAE_Charrua:A-1H loaded weapons '12 x Mk.82' fuel 70%
[4:38:40 AM] GAE_Charrua has disconnected
[4:39:52 AM] GAE_Zonda:A-1H landed at 436983.06 149859.33
[4:39:59 AM] GAE_Zonda entered refly menu
[4:40:44 AM] GAE_Zonda has disconnected
[4:46:34 AM] GAE_hacha:A-1H(0) was killed at 432117.06 148572.39
[4:46:34 AM] GAE_hacha:A-1H shot down by 0_Chief at 432117.06 148572.39
[4:47:12 AM] GAE_hacha has disconnected
[4:51:28 AM] 719_Static destroyed by 552_Static at 426696.5 109541.57
[6:11:21 AM] 704_Static destroyed by 552_Static at 427949.5 109584.89
[6:53:33 AM] 718_Static destroyed by 556_Static at 426705.66 109611.72
[6:59:17 AM] 588_Static destroyed by 556_Static at 428968.94 109130.83
[7:08:16 AM] 703_Static destroyed by 556_Static at 428585.7 108474.05
[7:42:02 AM] 702_Static destroyed by 552_Static at 428398.72 108910.24
[May 7, 2015 3:15:42 AM] Mission: net/dogfight/1/MED6.mis is Playing
[3:15:42 AM] Mission BEGIN
[3:15:50 AM] GAE_Chape selected army Red at 400062.6 160062.78
[3:16:52 AM] GAE_Balker selected army Red at 401099.38 160062.78
[3:17:27 AM] GAE_Zonda selected army Red at 426879.0 116579.0
[3:17:38 AM] GAE_Zonda selected army Red at 401861.88 160062.78
[3:18:17 AM] GAE_hacha selected army Red at 402526.38 160062.78
[3:18:18 AM] GAE_Zonda:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Zonda at 402440.12 160068.8
[3:18:18 AM] GAE_Zonda:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons 'default' fuel 80%
[3:18:19 AM] GAE_hacha selected army Red at 402646.5 156009.92
[3:18:42 AM] GAE_Zonda entered refly menu
[3:19:08 AM] GAE_Zonda selected army Red at 403479.0 156009.9
[3:19:17 AM] GAE_Zonda:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Zonda at 403564.84 156015.94
[3:19:17 AM] GAE_Zonda:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2x120dt' fuel 70%
[3:20:07 AM] GAE_Pepper selected army Red at 404352.88 160062.78
[3:20:31 AM] 705_Static destroyed by 552_Static at 427672.3 109475.14
[3:20:33 AM] GAE_Chape selected army Red at 404889.5 156009.86
[3:20:54 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 404996.5 160068.52
[3:20:54 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2x120dt' fuel 70%
[3:20:57 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 405219.03 156006.86
[3:20:57 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2x120dt' fuel 70%
[3:21:12 AM] GAE_Pepper:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 405343.62 160068.67
[3:21:12 AM] GAE_Pepper:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2x120dt' fuel 60%
[3:21:12 AM] GAE_Pepper:FJ3M_Fury damaged on the ground at 405345.5 160068.67
[3:21:12 AM] GAE_Pepper:FJ3M_Fury(0) was killed at 405345.5 160068.67
[3:21:12 AM] GAE_Pepper:FJ3M_Fury shot down by GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury at 405345.5 160068.67
[3:21:56 AM] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[3:21:58 AM] GAE_Pepper:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 406151.72 160068.75
[3:21:58 AM] GAE_Pepper:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2x120dt' fuel 60%
[3:22:08 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_hacha at 406373.03 156015.8
[3:22:08 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2x120dt' fuel 70%
[3:22:46 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 407602.5 160072.28
[3:23:08 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 407802.03 156013.08
[3:23:45 AM] GAE_Pepper:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 408249.28 160068.5
[3:24:05 AM] GAE_Zonda:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 408742.72 156016.61
[3:25:03 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 409749.6 156015.7
[3:28:49 AM] GAE_Pepper:FJ3M_Fury damaged by landscape at 396306.16 150936.78
[3:28:50 AM] GAE_Pepper:FJ3M_Fury(0) was killed at 396309.25 150931.2
[3:28:50 AM] GAE_Pepper:FJ3M_Fury shot down by landscape at 396309.25 150931.2
[3:30:49 AM] 557_Static destroyed by MeteorF4 at 426714.78 116105.75
[3:30:49 AM] 566_Static destroyed by MeteorF4 at 426725.88 116106.68
[3:30:49 AM] 567_Static destroyed by MeteorF4 at 426726.84 116118.42
[3:30:49 AM] 559_Static destroyed by MeteorF4 at 426698.9 116105.63
[3:30:54 AM] 562_Static destroyed by MeteorF4 at 426646.3 116108.13
[3:30:54 AM] 563_Static destroyed by MeteorF4 at 426629.53 116107.73
[3:31:33 AM] GAE_Pepper has disconnected
[3:34:12 AM] GAE_Pepper has connected
[3:35:46 AM] GAE_Pepper selected army Red at 420000.66 160062.78
[3:35:50 AM] MeteorF4 damaged by landscape at 425100.78 114902.66
[3:35:50 AM] MeteorF4(0) was killed at 425100.78 114902.66
[3:35:50 AM] MeteorF4 shot down by landscape at 425100.78 114902.66
[3:36:25 AM] GAE_Pepper:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 420550.88 160068.78
[3:36:25 AM] GAE_Pepper:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2x120dt' fuel 60%
[3:37:46 AM] GAE_Pepper:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 422244.03 160070.58
[3:39:05 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury damaged by 588_Static at 427393.4 109412.04
[3:39:17 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury(0) was killed at 428082.0 107934.61
[3:39:17 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury shot down by 588_Static at 428082.0 107934.61
[3:39:34 AM] MeteorF4 damaged by GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury at 429137.5 109525.14
[3:39:36 AM] MeteorF4(0) bailed out at 429146.78 109747.68
[3:39:46 AM] MeteorF4 shot down by GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury at 429032.9 111052.73
[3:40:06 AM] MeteorF4 damaged by GAE_Zonda:FJ3M_Fury at 427303.8 114747.04
[3:40:08 AM] MeteorF4(0) bailed out at 427419.97 114567.64
[3:40:24 AM] MeteorF4 shot down by GAE_Zonda:FJ3M_Fury at 427663.97 112738.484
[3:41:04 AM] GAE_hacha entered refly menu
[3:41:07 AM] Vampire-FB5 damaged by GAE_Zonda:FJ3M_Fury at 428987.34 114051.484
[3:41:08 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_hacha at 425418.6 156015.08
[3:41:08 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2x120dt' fuel 70%
[3:41:09 AM] Vampire-FB5(0) bailed out at 428738.22 114144.375
[3:41:11 AM] Vampire-FB5(0) was killed at 428531.72 114220.77
[3:41:11 AM] Vampire-FB5 shot down by GAE_Zonda:FJ3M_Fury at 428501.62 114219.98
[3:41:13 AM] 551_Static destroyed by Vampire-FB5 at 427670.66 114552.7
[3:41:17 AM] Vampire-FB5 damaged by GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury at 429171.38 113982.516
[3:41:17 AM] Vampire-FB5(0) was killed at 429126.0 114000.68
[3:41:17 AM] Vampire-FB5 shot down by GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury at 429126.0 114000.68
[3:41:35 AM] MeteorF4(0) successfully bailed out at 429203.28 110517.72
[3:41:35 AM] MeteorF4(0) was captured at 429203.28 110517.72
[3:41:44 AM] MeteorF4(0) successfully bailed out at 427986.28 113892.37
[3:41:44 AM] MeteorF4(0) was captured at 427986.28 113892.37
[3:42:51 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 427580.9 156012.73
[3:42:57 AM] Vampire-FB5 damaged by GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury at 422846.2 113220.33
[3:42:58 AM] Vampire-FB5(0) bailed out at 422789.94 113138.65
[3:43:10 AM] Vampire-FB5 shot down by GAE_Zonda:FJ3M_Fury at 422255.28 112341.26
[3:44:10 AM] Vampire-FB5(0) bailed out at 438197.56 114543.695
[3:44:14 AM] Vampire-FB5 shot down by GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury at 438427.8 114347.77
[3:44:27 AM] MeteorF4 damaged by GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury at 434144.44 113086.234
[3:44:29 AM] MeteorF4(0) bailed out at 434286.6 112979.26
[3:44:43 AM] MeteorF4 shot down by GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury at 435222.8 111854.86
[3:44:56 AM] Vampire-FB5(0) successfully bailed out at 422236.06 112395.33
[3:46:37 AM] Vampire-FB5(0) successfully bailed out at 439011.72 113782.91
[3:46:37 AM] Vampire-FB5(0) was captured at 439011.72 113782.91
[3:47:10 AM] MeteorF4(0) successfully bailed out at 435221.8 112171.586
[3:47:10 AM] MeteorF4(0) was captured at 435221.8 112171.586
[3:51:16 AM] GAE_Zonda:FJ3M_Fury landed at 435602.06 156011.62
[3:51:29 AM] GAE_Pepper:FJ3M_Fury(0) was killed at 427237.16 122158.086
[3:51:29 AM] GAE_Pepper:FJ3M_Fury crashed at 427237.16 122158.086
[3:51:38 AM] GAE_Zonda entered refly menu
[3:55:40 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury landed at 440015.2 156011.44
[3:56:02 AM] GAE_Chape entered refly menu
[3:57:18 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury landed at 441522.22 160066.0
[3:57:25 AM] GAE_Balker entered refly menu
[3:58:07 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury landed at 442439.84 156009.75
[3:58:20 AM] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[3:58:26 AM] GAE_hacha entered refly menu
[4:00:23 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 444565.6 160068.83
[4:00:23 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '4x500' fuel 100%
[4:00:29 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 444763.5 156017.52
[4:00:29 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '4x500' fuel 100%
[4:01:03 AM] GAE_Pepper:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 445229.12 160056.83
[4:01:03 AM] GAE_Pepper:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '4x500' fuel 100%
[4:01:26 AM] GAE_Zonda:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Zonda at 445716.1 156014.78
[4:01:26 AM] GAE_Zonda:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '4x500' fuel 100%
[4:01:45 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 446492.25 156024.86
[4:02:00 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_hacha at 446285.97 156002.58
[4:02:00 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '4x500' fuel 100%
[4:02:00 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 446938.62 160078.73
[4:02:06 AM] 703_Static destroyed by 556_Static at 428585.7 108474.05
[4:02:38 AM] GAE_Pepper:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 447230.7 160080.02
[4:03:09 AM] GAE_Zonda:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 447826.88 156015.28
[4:04:20 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 449127.56 156022.67
[4:08:48 AM] 586_Static destroyed by 556_Static at 427870.12 108808.43
[4:11:21 AM] 5_Chief destroyed by GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury at 460911.03 152393.25
[4:11:45 AM] 7_Chief destroyed by 1_Chief at 459559.6 151631.7
[4:13:35 AM] 6_Chief destroyed by 4_Chief at 459157.7 152866.73
[4:17:49 AM] GAE_Pepper:FJ3M_Fury landed at 458054.9 159536.9
[4:17:54 AM] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[4:19:10 AM] GAE_Zonda:FJ3M_Fury landed at 456721.5 155129.44
[4:19:15 AM] GAE_Zonda entered refly menu
[4:19:31 AM] GAE_Zonda has disconnected
[4:19:50 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury damaged by landscape at 455923.44 158961.66
[4:19:52 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury landed at 455888.94 158953.88
[4:19:52 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury damaged on the ground at 455888.94 158953.88
[4:19:54 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury(0) bailed out at 455888.9 158953.84
[4:19:55 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury(0) successfully bailed out at 455883.47 158954.06
[4:20:00 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury(0) successfully bailed out at 455883.47 158954.06
[4:20:04 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury shot down by landscape at 455888.66 158953.83
[4:20:06 AM] GAE_Balker entered refly menu
[4:20:59 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury landed at 454994.7 154664.6
[4:21:02 AM] GAE_Chape entered refly menu
[4:22:50 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury landed at 453298.7 154215.42
[4:23:06 AM] GAE_hacha entered refly menu
[4:25:44 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 450755.25 153528.89
[4:25:44 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2x120dt' fuel 60%
[4:25:45 AM] GAE_Pepper:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 450790.16 157579.72
[4:25:45 AM] GAE_Pepper:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2x120dt' fuel 60%
[4:27:06 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 449599.6 157271.95
[4:27:06 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2x120dt' fuel 60%
[4:27:31 AM] GAE_Pepper:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 448858.1 157055.7
[4:27:42 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_hacha at 449030.78 153072.64
[4:27:42 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2x120dt' fuel 60%
[4:27:58 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 448460.28 152920.47
[4:28:05 AM] 588_Static destroyed by 552_Static at 428968.94 109130.83
[4:28:51 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 447580.28 152685.47
[4:29:04 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 447474.25 156686.34
[4:56:41 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury landed at 426962.44 147189.64
[4:56:41 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury damaged on the ground at 426962.44 147189.64
[4:56:46 AM] GAE_Chape entered refly menu
[4:57:00 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 426812.0 147147.62
[4:57:00 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2x120dt' fuel 60%
[4:57:08 AM] GAE_Chape entered refly menu
[5:05:33 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury damaged by MeteorF4 at 416332.88 142847.12
[5:05:40 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury(0) bailed out at 416924.75 143155.4
[5:05:43 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury(0) bailed out at 417015.62 143213.81
[5:06:11 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury shot down by MeteorF4 at 417277.97 143329.2
[5:09:35 AM] MeteorF4 damaged by GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury at 419669.2 148876.25
[5:09:36 AM] MeteorF4(0) bailed out at 419618.8 148813.4
[5:09:45 AM] GAE_hacha:FJ3M_Fury(0) successfully bailed out at 417519.3 143552.66
[5:10:22 AM] MeteorF4 shot down by GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury at 422242.88 150171.86
[5:11:12 AM] GAE_hacha has disconnected
[5:13:37 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury landed at 417119.06 144569.81
[5:13:41 AM] MeteorF4(0) successfully bailed out at 418775.34 147611.86
[5:13:41 AM] MeteorF4(0) was captured at 418775.34 147611.86
[5:13:49 AM] GAE_Pepper:FJ3M_Fury landed at 417045.3 148506.53
[5:14:07 AM] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[5:14:13 AM] GAE_Pepper has disconnected
[5:14:16 AM] GAE_Balker has disconnected
[5:18:52 AM] MeteorF4(0) was killed at 409337.72 132723.61
[5:18:52 AM] MeteorF4 crashed at 409337.72 132723.61
[5:18:59 AM] 702_Static destroyed by 556_Static at 428398.72 108910.24
[5:19:26 AM] MeteorF4(0) bailed out at 413722.4 123044.17
[5:19:27 AM] MeteorF4(0) successfully bailed out at 413716.62 123041.58
[5:19:39 AM] MeteorF4 shot down by landscape at 413722.28 123046.63
[5:21:00 AM] MeteorF4 damaged by landscape at 408724.66 121273.62
[5:21:01 AM] MeteorF4(0) bailed out at 408647.53 121270.81
[5:21:02 AM] MeteorF4(0) was killed at 408630.66 121270.27
[5:22:04 AM] MeteorF4 shot down by landscape at 408634.6 121270.73
[5:58:11 AM] 704_Static destroyed by 556_Static at 427949.5 109584.89
[8:45:11 AM] 587_Static destroyed by 552_Static at 427584.03 108564.9
[12:25:46 PM] Mission END
Fotos, Videos & Screenshots / Re:KB29 y Meteor F8
06 de Mayo de 2015, 11:26:07 PM
Cita de: GAE_Balker en 06 de Mayo de 2015, 12:12:28 PM crean en Panther argentinos con pintura azul, yo sé por qué les digo  ;D

Sobre esta foto. Las posiciones de los tres Meteor son diferentes, con perspectivas diferentes. Para mi no son truchados. Si adelante de ellos había otra cosa y le agregaron el B29...eso no lo sé.

Lo único que necesitas es una formación de Meteors los cortas y lo pones por todos lados, me llama poderosamente la atención la distancia tan perfecta entre las naves y las mangueras.