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Mensajes - GAE_Popeye

Cartelera / Re:INSTALACION OK!!
29 de Noviembre de 2014, 11:51:21 AM
Disculpas por el OT, pero pregunto: ¿anoche no pudieron entrar? Levanté un host a las 23 hs y vi un mensaje de Charrua descoenctándose y pidiendome subir otra misión.
Fotos, Videos & Screenshots / Re:FOTOS DE MI FLOTA
25 de Noviembre de 2014, 09:52:51 PM
Cuando me den la orden, levanto un host para el aspirante.
En el minuto 4.17, antes de que el chino diga "guachiguau", aparecen F86K Sabre dog, del 56. Y no se si los de doble timón no son B-25.
Misiones de Campañas - IL2 / Re:FINLANDIA 15.-
20 de Noviembre de 2014, 09:33:36 PM
Vuelo 1:
FJ-3M Fury, 2x120gal droptanks + 2xAIM-9B Sidewinder, 80% fuel

   Salida de 4 aviones, numeral 4, en combate con un MiG-17, partió la puntera de ala izquierda y eyecté.

AAK: 0
Piloto: ok, eyectado
Aeronave: perdida

Vuelo 2:
FJ-3M Fury, 2x120gal droptanks + 2xAIM-9B Sidewinder, 80% fuel
  Salida de 2 aviones, numeral de Balker, retorné solo a la FT. Enhanché un cable pero el avión no se detuvo y eyecté al pasar por la borda sin empuje para abortar.

AAK: 0
Piloto: ok, eyectado
Aeronave: perdida
Misiones de Campañas - IL2 / Re:FINLANDIA 15.-
20 de Noviembre de 2014, 09:28:57 PM
[Nov 19, 2014 11:35:04 PM] Mission: net/dogfight/GAEV/FINLANDIA15.mis is Playing
[11:35:04 PM] Mission BEGIN
[11:35:33 PM] GAE_Popeye selected army Blue at 179227.78 92204.44
[11:36:10 PM] GAE_Charrua has connected
[11:37:58 PM] GAE_Balker selected army Blue at 180331.05 93386.78
[11:38:54 PM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 180695.1 93791.15
[11:38:54 PM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2xAIM9B+2x120dt' fuel 80%
[11:39:21 PM] GAE_Chape selected army Blue at 180961.5 94062.42
[11:40:00 PM] GAE_Charrua selected army Blue at 179278.7 96373.625
[11:40:17 PM] GAE_Charrua selected army Blue at 181285.94 94410.11
[11:40:22 PM] GAE_Charrua selected army Blue at 179441.5 96547.43
[11:41:28 PM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 179925.75 97078.62
[11:41:28 PM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2xAIM9B+2x120dt' fuel 80%
[11:41:50 PM] GAE_Popeye:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Popeye at 182074.53 95256.266
[11:41:50 PM] GAE_Popeye:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2xAIM9B+2x120dt' fuel 80%
[11:42:32 PM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 182638.6 95864.445
[11:43:11 PM] GAE_Popeye:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 182932.4 96186.516
[11:43:25 PM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 181056.66 98283.35
[11:44:36 PM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 183341.98 96627.75
[11:44:36 PM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2xAIM9B+2x120dt' fuel 80%
[11:46:01 PM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 184234.61 97582.94
[11:47:31 PM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury turned landing lights on at 184953.67 95111.984
[11:48:48 PM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury turned landing lights off at 187703.9 102605.15
[11:59:27 PM] MiG-17F damaged by GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury at 241547.98 117733.555
[11:59:30 PM] MiG-17F(0) bailed out at 241503.33 118128.46
[11:59:59 PM] MiG-17F shot down by GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury at 240557.66 121123.85
[12:03:38 AM] GAE_Popeye:FJ3M_Fury damaged by MiG-17F at 260123.1 120390.12
[12:03:45 AM] GAE_Popeye:FJ3M_Fury(0) bailed out at 258944.95 119539.32
[12:03:48 AM] GAE_Popeye:FJ3M_Fury(0) bailed out at 258441.42 119177.02
[12:04:09 AM] GAE_Popeye:FJ3M_Fury shot down by MiG-17F at 255215.55 116807.33
[12:06:22 AM] MiG-17F(0) successfully bailed out at 241250.55 119302.55
[12:09:17 AM] GAE_Popeye:FJ3M_Fury(0) successfully bailed out at 256924.84 117916.37
[12:09:17 AM] GAE_Popeye:FJ3M_Fury(0) was captured at 256924.84 117916.37
[12:09:17 AM] GAE_Popeye entered refly menu
[12:10:32 AM] MiG-17F damaged by landscape at 233082.66 127338.95
[12:10:32 AM] MiG-17F(0) was killed at 233082.66 127338.95
[12:10:32 AM] MiG-17F shot down by GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury at 233082.66 127338.95
[12:11:40 AM] GAE_Popeye selected army Blue at 193710.84 111781.34
[12:11:46 AM] GAE_Popeye:FJ3M_Fury(0) successfully bailed out at 256883.56 117875.22
[12:11:46 AM] GAE_Popeye:FJ3M_Fury(0) was captured at 256883.56 117875.22
[12:11:47 AM] GAE_Popeye:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Popeye at 193762.2 111854.78
[12:11:47 AM] GAE_Popeye:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2xAIM9B+2x120dt' fuel 80%
[12:12:11 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury damaged by landscape at 196048.19 110249.87
[12:12:13 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury landed at 196064.66 110268.98
[12:12:13 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury damaged on the ground at 196064.66 110268.98
[12:12:15 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury(0) bailed out at 196064.73 110269.05
[12:12:16 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury(0) successfully bailed out at 196069.44 110271.6
[12:12:25 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury shot down by landscape at 196065.58 110269.63
[12:12:30 AM] GAE_Balker entered refly menu
[12:12:32 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury(0) successfully bailed out at 196069.44 110271.6
[12:12:39 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 196110.0 110310.88
[12:12:39 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2xAIM9B+2x120dt' fuel 80%
[12:14:30 AM] GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 197229.86 111506.89
[12:14:33 AM] GAE_Popeye:FJ3M_Fury in flight at 195209.34 113392.64
[12:17:43 AM] 197_Static destroyed by 8_Chief at 208108.03 103776.18
[12:19:03 AM] MiG-17F damaged by landscape at 238003.22 116412.77
[12:19:03 AM] MiG-17F(0) was killed at 238003.22 116412.77
[12:19:03 AM] MiG-17F shot down by GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury at 238003.22 116412.77
[12:21:45 AM] MiG-17F damaged by GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury at 240022.73 91032.266
[12:21:48 AM] MiG-17F(0) bailed out at 240100.3 90718.305
[12:22:38 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury turned landing lights on at 198344.72 117932.96
[12:22:46 AM] MiG-17F shot down by GAE_Balker:FJ3M_Fury at 240139.44 90314.67
[12:25:16 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury landed at 199906.95 118409.164
[12:25:22 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury turned landing lights on at 197702.9 115941.875
[12:27:24 AM] MiG-17F(0) successfully bailed out at 240750.53 89590.086
[12:28:17 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury landed at 201291.98 119880.93
[12:28:42 AM] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[12:29:15 AM] GAE_Chape entered refly menu
[12:30:25 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 204190.33 118970.35
[12:30:25 AM] GAE_Chape:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2xAIM9B+2x120dt' fuel 80%
[12:35:08 AM] GAE_Balker has disconnected
[12:35:21 AM] GAE_Chape has disconnected
[12:43:43 AM] GAE_Charrua selected army Blue at 205689.58 120727.17
[12:43:47 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 205654.14 120678.0
[12:43:47 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2xAIM9B+2x120dt' fuel 80%
[12:44:06 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury turned landing lights on at 205510.28 120534.16
[12:45:44 AM] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[12:46:31 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 204430.83 119454.8
[12:46:31 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury loaded weapons '2xAIM9B+2x120dt' fuel 80%
[12:49:41 AM] GAE_Popeye:FJ3M_Fury turned landing lights on at 185493.86 117709.34
[12:49:42 AM] GAE_Charrua:FJ3M_Fury turned landing lights on at 203037.14 118061.24
[12:49:43 AM] GAE_Popeye:FJ3M_Fury turned landing lights off at 185736.19 117741.0
[12:51:54 AM] GAE_Charrua has disconnected
[12:52:50 AM] GAE_Popeye:FJ3M_Fury damaged by 5_Chief at 199772.58 118655.33
[12:52:52 AM] GAE_Popeye:FJ3M_Fury(0) bailed out at 199680.94 118547.414
[12:52:54 AM] GAE_Popeye:FJ3M_Fury(0) successfully bailed out at 199681.5 118541.63
[12:52:54 AM] GAE_Popeye:FJ3M_Fury landed at 199679.81 118547.08
[12:52:54 AM] GAE_Popeye:FJ3M_Fury damaged on the ground at 199679.81 118547.08
[12:53:04 AM] GAE_Popeye:FJ3M_Fury shot down by 5_Chief at 199680.05 118547.09
[12:53:11 AM] Mission END
Fotos, Videos & Screenshots / Re:FOTOS DE MI FLOTA
13 de Noviembre de 2014, 10:26:20 PM
Cita de: GAE_Charrua en 13 de Noviembre de 2014, 09:15:39 AM
Pope busca ahí si vos viste  la fuente y dejala  acá, el no tiene acceso a ese lugar.

Ancla y escudo en buena calidad, subidos por Balker:

Cita de: GAE_Balker en 17 de Enero de 2013, 12:48:34 AM
Acá encontré los números correctos,r:46,s:200,i:142

El problema es encontrar qué font es...

Cita de: GAE_Ceteu en 17 de Enero de 2013, 01:09:59 AM

Esta es de Corsario

Me parece que se ajustan un poco más al imitar las argentinas.

Cita de: GAE_Ceteu en 17 de Enero de 2013, 02:11:36 PM
Acá están mejor, hay que ampliar la imagen:

Cita de: GAE_Chape en 20 de Marzo de 2013, 09:13:39 PM
Hi! GAE_Chape

Here are my fonts which served as the basis for some lettering...

Have fun....
Fotos, Videos & Screenshots / Re:FOTOS DE MI FLOTA
13 de Noviembre de 2014, 01:38:18 AM
Cita de: GAE_Pepper en 12 de Noviembre de 2014, 10:42:24 AM
En algún post de este foro creo que alguien puso que fuentes se usan en nuestras skins, yo particularmente las del Corsario desconozco, solo tomo los números de las skins ya hechas desde antes que me dieran esa tarea, o sea si necesito un "5" abro una skin que tenga un 5 y lo copio

Parte del tema se trató acá, cuando Chape experimentó con el Corsario blanco:
muy buenos!
Exceleente trabajo Espora. ¿Esos aviones tienen cockpit propio o usan el del F-16?
Fotos, Videos & Screenshots / Re:FOTOS DE MI FLOTA
06 de Noviembre de 2014, 11:53:54 PM
Muy buena iniciativa Espora! Muy lindo el Cougar 8T y el A-4.
Cartelera / A-4M
21 de Octubre de 2014, 11:15:30 PM
Bueno, bueno, larguen un poco el DCS y miren lo que salió....

Il2 is not dead  >:D

Le hicieron hasta los slats! Debe ser pesadito como era el F-8 cuando salió, se me ocurre.
Hangar DCS World -PUBLICO- / Re:Novedades en DCS
10 de Octubre de 2014, 09:45:23 PM
Listo, cuando se puedan agregar mapas y salga el Panther cambio la PC  2ok
Cartelera / Re:FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS GAEv 2004-2014
07 de Octubre de 2014, 07:44:38 AM
Feliz Cumpleaños al Grupo! DIEZ años diez...
. volando sin parar
. con un juego de rol continuo
. aeronavales embarcados
. con desarrollo de mods propio
. con una dinámica histórica
. con un grupo humano que creó lazos de amistad
somos únicos.
Cartelera / Re:¡El primer Doble Centurión del GAEv!
28 de Septiembre de 2014, 12:15:35 PM
Felicitaciones Balker, por el logro y por ser el primero!  2ok
Fotos, Videos & Screenshots / Re:Pedazo de monitores...
18 de Septiembre de 2014, 01:17:50 PM
Yo tengo conectado el TV que es de 32, aunque desperdicio resolución a lo burro, veo más grande, me imagino que 3 debe ser alucinante.