La Batalla de Inglaterra 21. Seelöwe

Iniciado por GAE_Ceteu, 30 de Noviembre de 2012, 12:13:57 PM

Tema anterior - Siguiente tema


Preparen el equipo.

Recibimos órdenes de cubrir la invasión. Los ojos del mundo están sobre nosotros. Hoy Inglaterra deja de ser una isla, nuestras tropas ya fueron embarcadas en el mayor secreto y se encuentran en navegación.

Presentarse con el equipo en el salón de briefing. Usaremos todos los recursos del Kommando Balker, por lo que se solicita la presencia de todos los pilotos disponibles.

Briefing: 0.00 Hs.
Despegue: 0.15 Hs.



El OKW ha decidido la invasión, a pesar que no tenemos un claro dominio del aire sobre Inglaterra.

Sin embargo, se ha considerado que postergar el momento no traería ningún beneficio, por el contrario, nuestras pérdidas nos obligarían a postergar la invasión mínimo por un año, lo que al Alto mando resulta inaceptable.

Se realizarán dos intentos en sectores diferentes del Kanal. El que nos corresponde a nosotros es el que se realizará por Deal, a pocos kilómetros al norte de Dover, en AV26, donde terminan los acantilados e inicia una playa apta para el desembarco.

Un convoy de buque reunidos por la Kriegsmarine apresuradamente transportan una división de infantería y un batallón de Panzer, los cuales deberán asegurar una cabeza de playa que permita el posterior desembarco de más divisiones.

El convoy se encuentra en la posición AX26 con rumbo directo a Deal. Sin embargo, el hermetismo que rodeó a la operación nos juega un poco en contra, ya que contamos con poca información, la mayoría son sólo rumores por la falta de reconocimiento previo.

Los objetivos del Kommando Balker:

Primario, el rechazo de todo ataque aéreo y naval sobre el convoy de invasión.

Se estima que los vuelos de ataque al mismo serán a bajo nivel, por lo que el nivel de vuelo no podrá sobrepasar los 3.000 mts. asegurando una cobertura constante a los buques. La pérdida de uno sólo ya representa un traspié importante.

Por parte de la Royal Navy, contamos con un muy posible despliegue de la Home Fleet desde Scapa Flow, lo que incluiría acorazados y cruceros. Deberemos hacer periódicas patrullas para asegurar que los navíos ingleses no nos tomen por sorpresa desde el norte.

Secundario, de ser posible:

Los británicos cuentan con dos cañones navales pesados basados en trenes, los cuales pueden desplazar a placer por la costa. Ignoramos su paradero por el momento, por lo que se solicita un vuelo de reconocimiento para asegurar que su presencia en Deal sea cierta, primero, y luego montar un ataque sobre los mismos destruyendo la amenaza que implican sus disparos a gran distancia para el convoy de invasión.

No contamos con muchos más datos para operar, estén atentos a posibles comunicaciones tanto de la Kriegsmarine como de la Whermacht o el Mando de la Luftflotte.

Tendremos el apoyo de un Staffel al principio, pero es improbable que dicho apoyo se mantenga en el tiempo.



[01.12.2012 3:38:52] Mission: net/dogfight/Battle Of Britian/Battle Of Britian 20 .mis is Playing
[3:38:52] Mission BEGIN
[3:39:32] GAE_Ceteu:Bf-109E-4N(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 235576.94 230828.12
[3:39:32] GAE_Ceteu:Bf-109E-4N loaded weapons 'default' fuel 100%
[3:39:44] GAE_Alma:Bf-109E-4N(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 235630.36 230882.58
[3:39:44] GAE_Alma:Bf-109E-4N loaded weapons 'default' fuel 100%
[3:39:47] GAE_Charrua:Bf-109E-4N(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 235693.03 230994.56
[3:39:47] GAE_Charrua:Bf-109E-4N loaded weapons 'default' fuel 100%
[3:39:53] GAE_Falcon:Bf-109E-4N(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 235801.92 230963.73
[3:39:53] GAE_Falcon:Bf-109E-4N loaded weapons 'default' fuel 100%
[3:40:14] GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 235778.3 231064.42
[3:40:14] GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N loaded weapons 'default' fuel 100%
[3:41:23] GAE_Pato:Bf-109E-4N(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 235801.92 231126.06
[3:41:23] GAE_Pato:Bf-109E-4N loaded weapons 'default' fuel 90%
[3:45:36] GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N in flight at 236341.47 231080.16
[3:45:41] GAE_Charrua:Bf-109E-4N in flight at 236469.38 231107.78
[3:45:43] GAE_Pato:Bf-109E-4N in flight at 236448.44 231215.12
[3:46:26] GAE_Alma:Bf-109E-4N in flight at 236587.03 231224.95
[3:46:32] GAE_Ceteu:Bf-109E-4N in flight at 236481.53 231263.64
[3:46:43] GAE_Falcon:Bf-109E-4N in flight at 236578.61 231195.95
[3:50:21] Bf-109E-3 damaged on the ground at 232334.23 252532.77
[3:50:21] Bf-109E-3(0) was killed by SpitfireMkIIa at 232334.23 252532.77
[3:50:49] Bf-109E-3 damaged on the ground at 232801.94 251869.73
[3:50:54] Bf-109E-3(0) bailed out at 232176.77 251940.8
[3:51:01] Bf-109E-3 shot down by SpitfireMkIIa at 231264.8 251559.98
[3:51:24] Bf-109E-3 shot down by SpitfireMkIIa at 231981.17 252724.84
[3:52:13] Bf-109E-3(0) successfully bailed out at 231448.66 251706.88
[3:52:30] SpitfireMkIIa damaged by GAE_Pato:Bf-109E-4N at 236636.47 252687.14
[3:52:31] SpitfireMkIIa(0) was wounded at 236652.03 252715.86
[3:52:31] SpitfireMkIIa(0) was heavily wounded at 236652.03 252715.86
[3:52:31] SpitfireMkIIa(0) was killed at 236652.03 252715.86
[3:52:31] SpitfireMkIIa shot down by GAE_Pato:Bf-109E-4N at 236652.03 252715.86
[3:52:31] GAE_Pato:Bf-109E-4N(0) was killed at 236650.4 252713.03
[3:52:31] GAE_Pato:Bf-109E-4N shot down by SpitfireMkIIa at 236650.4 252713.03
[3:53:14] GAE_Pato entered refly menu
[3:53:16] GAE_Pato:Bf-109E-4N(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 235801.92 231126.06
[3:53:16] GAE_Pato:Bf-109E-4N loaded weapons 'default' fuel 90%
[3:53:50] SpitfireMkIIa damaged by GAE_Alma:Bf-109E-4N at 234258.5 246527.78
[3:53:54] SpitfireMkIIa(0) bailed out at 234363.62 246611.28
[3:54:00] GAE_Pato:Bf-109E-4N in flight at 236670.42 231000.47
[3:54:08] SpitfireMkIIa shot down by GAE_Alma:Bf-109E-4N at 234728.16 246903.25
[3:54:38] Bf-109E-3 damaged on the ground at 233775.39 242582.98
[3:55:22] SpitfireMkIIa(0) was wounded at 229558.69 255964.5
[3:56:22] Bf-109E-3(0) bailed out at 234121.25 237508.83
[3:56:23] Bf-109E-3(0) successfully bailed out at 234127.67 237512.47
[3:56:33] SpitfireMkIIa(0) was killed by GAE_Ceteu:Bf-109E-4N at 225685.44 256546.9
[3:56:33] SpitfireMkIIa shot down by GAE_Ceteu:Bf-109E-4N at 225685.44 256546.9
[3:56:36] SpitfireMkIIa(0) successfully bailed out at 234956.6 247140.58
[3:56:56] SeaGladiatorMkII damaged by Bf-109E-3 at 222955.73 243892.67
[3:57:02] SeaGladiatorMkII(0) bailed out at 222693.05 243939.9
[3:57:08] Bf-109E-3 shot down by 6_Chief at 234121.22 237508.6
[3:57:20] SeaGladiatorMkII shot down by Bf-109E-3 at 222138.08 243581.39
[3:58:25] Bf-109E-3 damaged on the ground at 226010.05 244452.62
[3:58:25] Bf-109E-3 damaged by SeaGladiatorMkII at 226010.05 244452.62
[3:58:25] SeaGladiatorMkII(0) was killed at 226011.38 244451.03
[3:58:25] SeaGladiatorMkII shot down by Bf-109E-3 at 226011.38 244451.03
[3:58:25] Bf-109E-3(0) was killed at 226010.16 244452.33
[3:58:25] Bf-109E-3 shot down by SeaGladiatorMkII at 226010.16 244452.33
[3:59:51] SeaGladiatorMkII(0) successfully bailed out at 221975.3 244028.9
[4:02:34] Bf-109E-3 removed at 235800.53 230967.36
[4:04:19] BeaufighterMkI(1) was killed by GAE_Alma:Bf-109E-4N at 231365.17 250732.92
[4:05:09] BallisticDamage 2_Chief MastN 0.17935124  damaged by  10_Chief  at 232915.55 250803.73
[4:05:09] BallisticDamage 2_Chief Hull2 0.04412864  damaged by  10_Chief  at 232914.16 250803.86
[4:06:02] BallisticDamage 12_Chief Body 0.99848634  damaged by  6_Chief  at 232663.12 252456.44
[4:06:02] 12_Chief destroyed by 6_Chief at 232663.12 252456.44
[4:06:09] BeaufighterMkI(0) was wounded at 227122.28 258439.92
[4:06:20] BeaufighterMkI damaged by GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N at 228003.06 259159.88
[4:06:22] BeaufighterMkI(0) was killed at 228142.86 259235.66
[4:06:22] BeaufighterMkI shot down by GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N at 228142.86 259235.66
[4:06:29] Bf-109E-3 damaged on the ground at 231589.62 251056.69
[4:06:29] Bf-109E-3(0) was killed by SpitfireMkIIa at 231589.62 251056.69
[4:06:38] BeaufighterMkI damaged by landscape at 228588.56 253515.83
[4:06:38] BeaufighterMkI(0) was wounded at 228588.56 253515.83
[4:06:38] BeaufighterMkI(0) was killed at 228588.56 253515.83
[4:06:38] BeaufighterMkI(1) was wounded at 228588.56 253515.83
[4:06:38] BeaufighterMkI(1) was killed at 228588.56 253515.83
[4:06:38] BeaufighterMkI shot down by GAE_Alma:Bf-109E-4N at 228588.56 253515.83
[4:07:42] SpitfireMkIIa damaged by GAE_Alma:Bf-109E-4N at 233236.03 253226.27
[4:07:43] Bf-109E-3 damaged on the ground at 233785.16 254205.6
[4:07:44] Bf-109E-3 damaged by landscape at 233787.56 254209.2
[4:07:44] Bf-109E-3(0) was killed at 233787.56 254209.2
[4:07:44] Bf-109E-3 shot down by SpitfireMkIIa at 233787.56 254209.2
[4:07:46] SpitfireMkIIa(0) bailed out at 233360.02 253542.0
[4:07:49] SpitfireMkIIa shot down by GAE_Alma:Bf-109E-4N at 233400.86 253783.5
[4:07:50] SpitfireMkIIa(0) was killed at 233418.67 253756.73
[4:08:40] Bf-109E-3 shot down by SpitfireMkIIa at 232066.3 253103.42
[4:08:59] GAE_Charrua:Bf-109E-4N damaged by BeaufighterMkI at 229311.7 258671.5
[4:09:08] GAE_Charrua:Bf-109E-4N(0) bailed out at 229389.9 258316.9
[4:09:08] BeaufighterMkI(0) bailed out at 231678.06 246132.75
[4:09:10] BeaufighterMkI(1) bailed out at 231776.88 246094.48
[4:09:13] BeaufighterMkI shot down by GAE_Ceteu:Bf-109E-4N at 232055.06 246027.36
[4:09:14] BeaufighterMkI(1) was killed at 232053.02 245967.44
[4:09:15] GAE_Charrua:Bf-109E-4N shot down by BeaufighterMkI at 229462.62 258143.27
[4:09:18] BeaufighterMkI(0) was killed at 232041.84 245966.94
[4:09:30] SpitfireMkIIa(0) was killed at 235019.39 252961.9
[4:09:30] SpitfireMkIIa shot down by GAE_Pato:Bf-109E-4N at 235019.39 252961.9
[4:09:35] GAE_Charrua:Bf-109E-4N(0) successfully bailed out at 229540.08 258040.86
[4:09:35] GAE_Charrua:Bf-109E-4N(0) was captured at 229540.08 258040.86
[4:09:35] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[4:09:36] SpitfireMkIIa(0) was killed by 26_Chief at 223219.9 254852.5
[4:09:37] GAE_Charrua:Bf-109E-4N(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 235693.03 230994.56
[4:09:37] GAE_Charrua:Bf-109E-4N loaded weapons 'default' fuel 100%
[4:09:46] Do-17Z-0(2) was killed by HurricaneMkIIa at 214176.86 259973.2
[4:10:17] GAE_Charrua:Bf-109E-4N(0) successfully bailed out at 229623.81 257945.17
[4:10:17] GAE_Charrua:Bf-109E-4N(0) was captured at 229623.81 257945.17
[4:10:22] GAE_Charrua:Bf-109E-4N in flight at 236711.67 230970.03
[4:10:23] HurricaneMkIIa(0) was killed by Do-17Z-0 at 212448.16 256408.66
[4:10:31] SpitfireMkIIa damaged by GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N at 233111.81 250863.77
[4:10:36] SpitfireMkIIa(0) bailed out at 233123.86 250894.14
[4:10:40] SpitfireMkIIa shot down by GAE_Alma:Bf-109E-4N at 222197.88 254444.73
[4:10:47] SpitfireMkIIa shot down by GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N at 233193.36 251022.67
[4:11:05] SwordfishMkI(1) was heavily wounded at 233247.02 251828.11
[4:11:05] SwordfishMkI(2) was killed by 16_Chief at 233247.02 251828.11
[4:11:06] HurricaneMkIIa shot down by Do-17Z-0 at 213052.34 253795.3
[4:11:37] SwordfishMkI(0) was killed by 17_Chief at 233297.06 253354.66
[4:11:42] SwordfishMkI(1) bailed out at 233312.36 253593.98
[4:11:44] SwordfishMkI(1) was killed by GAE_Alma:Bf-109E-4N at 234477.08 251651.73
[4:11:47] SwordfishMkI(1) was killed at 233338.25 253770.17
[4:12:12] SwordfishMkI landed at 233405.05 254226.12
[4:12:12] SwordfishMkI damaged on the ground at 233405.05 254226.12
[4:12:14] SpitfireMkIIa(0) successfully bailed out at 233291.42 251157.45
[4:12:14] SpitfireMkIIa(0) was captured at 233291.42 251157.45
[4:12:16] SwordfishMkI(0) bailed out at 233405.03 254226.12
[4:12:17] SwordfishMkI(0) successfully bailed out at 233404.95 254225.89
[4:12:17] SwordfishMkI(0) was captured at 233404.95 254225.89
[4:12:17] SwordfishMkI(1) bailed out at 233405.03 254226.12
[4:12:18] SwordfishMkI(1) successfully bailed out at 233405.73 254225.17
[4:12:18] SwordfishMkI(1) was captured at 233405.73 254225.17
[4:12:19] SwordfishMkI(2) bailed out at 233405.05 254226.12
[4:12:19] SwordfishMkI(2) successfully bailed out at 233406.28 254224.78
[4:12:21] SwordfishMkI(0) was killed by GAE_Alma:Bf-109E-4N at 232951.08 252247.88
[4:12:21] BallisticDamage 3_Chief Hull2 0.0472162  damaged by  10_Chief  at 231794.3 251512.52
[4:12:28] SwordfishMkI(2) bailed out at 232721.52 252437.44
[4:12:43] Bf-109E-3 removed at 236240.28 231066.22
[4:12:43] SwordfishMkI(2) successfully bailed out at 232489.52 252636.47
[4:12:43] SwordfishMkI(2) was captured at 232489.52 252636.47
[4:12:58] SwordfishMkI shot down by 17_Chief at 233543.03 254075.48
[4:13:11] SwordfishMkI crashed at 233405.03 254226.14
[4:13:27] GAE_Ceteu:Bf-109E-4N landed at 236276.89 231156.5
[4:13:30] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[4:13:31] GAE_Ceteu:Bf-109E-4N(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 235576.94 230828.12
[4:13:31] GAE_Ceteu:Bf-109E-4N loaded weapons 'default' fuel 100%
[4:13:56] SwordfishMkI shot down by GAE_Alma:Bf-109E-4N at 231779.22 252391.06
[4:14:32] SwordfishMkI(1) was killed by GAE_Charrua:Bf-109E-4N at 232337.86 256673.34
[4:14:34] SwordfishMkI damaged by GAE_Charrua:Bf-109E-4N at 232218.33 256736.53
[4:14:34] GAE_Charrua:Bf-109E-4N damaged by SwordfishMkI at 232229.0 256736.05
[4:14:39] SwordfishMkI(0) bailed out at 232075.58 256803.9
[4:14:39] SwordfishMkI(0) was killed at 232061.97 256810.75
[4:14:40] GAE_Charrua:Bf-109E-4N(0) was killed at 231788.23 256987.97
[4:14:40] GAE_Charrua:Bf-109E-4N shot down by SwordfishMkI at 231788.23 256987.97
[4:14:41] SwordfishMkI(2) bailed out at 232059.4 256810.69
[4:14:43] SwordfishMkI(2) was killed at 232057.88 256810.27
[4:14:52] GAE_Ceteu:Bf-109E-4N in flight at 236565.56 231312.17
[4:15:10] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[4:15:12] GAE_Charrua:Bf-109E-4N(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 235693.03 230994.56
[4:15:12] GAE_Charrua:Bf-109E-4N loaded weapons 'default' fuel 100%
[4:15:44] SwordfishMkI shot down by landscape at 232059.17 256809.83
[4:15:57] GAE_Charrua:Bf-109E-4N in flight at 236588.36 230891.86
[4:17:24] GAE_Alma:Bf-109E-4N landed at 236167.98 230996.97
[4:17:27] GAE_Alma entered refly menu
[4:17:28] GAE_Alma:Bf-109E-4N(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 235630.36 230882.58
[4:17:28] GAE_Alma:Bf-109E-4N loaded weapons 'default' fuel 100%
[4:18:22] GAE_Alma:Bf-109E-4N in flight at 236780.97 231309.4
[4:18:30] GAE_Pato:Bf-109E-4N(0) was wounded at 231692.39 248842.66
[4:18:35] GAE_Pato:Bf-109E-4N(0) was killed at 231465.25 249085.25
[4:18:35] GAE_Pato:Bf-109E-4N shot down by BeaufighterMkI at 231465.25 249085.25
[4:19:04] HurricaneMkIIa landed at 210372.3 259277.75
[4:19:05] BallisticDamage 6_Chief Hull1 0.04516243  damaged by  10_Chief  at 231209.0 252085.16
[4:19:06] GAE_Pato entered refly menu
[4:19:08] HurricaneMkIIa removed at 210372.3 259277.75
[4:19:08] GAE_Pato:Bf-109E-4N(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 235801.92 231126.06
[4:19:08] GAE_Pato:Bf-109E-4N loaded weapons 'default' fuel 90%
[4:20:16] GAE_Pato:Bf-109E-4N in flight at 236481.39 234183.14
[4:20:28] GAE_Falcon:Bf-109E-4N(0) was heavily wounded at 233618.69 249725.34
[4:20:28] GAE_Falcon:Bf-109E-4N damaged by BeaufighterMkI at 233638.48 249661.17
[4:20:34] GAE_Falcon:Bf-109E-4N(0) was killed at 233758.92 249229.56
[4:20:35] GAE_Falcon:Bf-109E-4N shot down by BeaufighterMkI at 233783.17 249134.16
[4:20:43] HurricaneMkIIa damaged by 121_Static at 237798.92 233767.81
[4:20:47] GAE_Falcon entered refly menu
[4:20:48] HurricaneMkIIa(0) bailed out at 237684.14 234021.08
[4:20:50] GAE_Falcon:Bf-109E-4N(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 235801.92 230963.73
[4:20:50] GAE_Falcon:Bf-109E-4N loaded weapons 'default' fuel 100%
[4:20:58] HurricaneMkIIa shot down by Do-17Z-0 at 237377.55 234393.31
[4:21:04] HurricaneMkIIa damaged by GAE_Charrua:Bf-109E-4N at 227335.53 257444.53
[4:21:08] HurricaneMkIIa(0) bailed out at 227293.4 257511.73
[4:21:21] HurricaneMkIIa shot down by GAE_Charrua:Bf-109E-4N at 227113.48 257792.5
[4:21:33] BeaufighterMkI(0) was heavily wounded at 230494.34 244918.17
[4:21:39] BeaufighterMkI(0) bailed out at 230970.0 245150.53
[4:21:40] BeaufighterMkI(1) bailed out at 231082.36 245178.52
[4:22:22] BeaufighterMkI shot down by GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N at 235604.94 244421.05
[4:22:52] HurricaneMkIIa(0) successfully bailed out at 237217.25 234653.1
[4:22:52] HurricaneMkIIa(0) was captured at 237217.25 234653.1
[4:22:53] GAE_Falcon:Bf-109E-4N in flight at 236846.9 231413.42
[4:23:03] HurricaneMkIIa(0) successfully bailed out at 226971.92 257911.97
[4:23:37] BeaufighterMkI(1) successfully bailed out at 231854.19 245563.36
[4:23:37] BeaufighterMkI(1) was captured at 231854.19 245563.36
[4:23:38] BallisticDamage 148_Static WireN_x 0.0975475  damaged by  289_Static  at 237594.02 233766.38
[4:23:53] BeaufighterMkI(0) successfully bailed out at 231689.3 245579.86
[4:24:44] BeaufighterMkI(0) was killed by GAE_Alma:Bf-109E-4N at 234114.77 242420.16
[4:24:50] BeaufighterMkI(1) bailed out at 233850.3 242766.98
[4:24:54] BeaufighterMkI shot down by GAE_Alma:Bf-109E-4N at 233565.08 242955.36
[4:25:02] BeaufighterMkI(1) was killed at 233529.61 243061.48
[4:25:10] BeaufighterMkI landed at 192724.95 243830.61
[4:25:10] BeaufighterMkI damaged on the ground at 192724.95 243830.61
[4:25:15] BeaufighterMkI(0) bailed out at 192724.95 243830.61
[4:25:16] BeaufighterMkI(1) bailed out at 192724.95 243830.61
[4:25:22] BeaufighterMkI(1) successfully bailed out at 192749.44 243800.53
[4:25:24] BeaufighterMkI(0) successfully bailed out at 192763.64 243786.39
[4:25:40] BeaufighterMkI removed at 192724.95 243830.61
[4:26:21] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 26_Chief Body 0.07992073  damaged by  203_Static  at 217987.12 253077.92
[4:27:01] Do-17Z-0 landed at 244085.0 234894.14
[4:27:05] Do-17Z-0 removed at 244085.0 234894.14
[4:27:32] GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N landed at 236044.1 231056.33
[4:27:36] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[4:27:38] GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 235778.3 231064.42
[4:27:38] GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N loaded weapons 'default' fuel 100%
[4:27:41] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[4:28:00] GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 235778.3 231064.42
[4:28:00] GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N loaded weapons 'default' fuel 100%
[4:28:11] BeaufighterMkI landed at 209663.94 259775.12
[4:28:15] BeaufighterMkI removed at 209663.94 259775.12
[4:28:21] GAE_Alma:Bf-109E-4N landed at 236299.27 231084.62
[4:28:23] GAE_Alma entered refly menu
[4:28:26] GAE_Alma:Bf-109E-4N(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 235630.36 230882.58
[4:28:26] GAE_Alma:Bf-109E-4N loaded weapons 'default' fuel 100%
[4:28:50] Do-17Z-0 landed at 244295.73 234191.03
[4:28:50] Do-17Z-0 damaged on the ground at 244295.73 234191.03
[4:28:55] Do-17Z-0(0) bailed out at 244295.73 234191.03
[4:28:57] Do-17Z-0(1) bailed out at 244295.73 234191.03
[4:28:59] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 26_Chief Body 0.021911211  damaged by  208_Static  at 217099.97 253135.06
[4:28:59] Do-17Z-0(3) bailed out at 244295.73 234191.03
[4:29:05] Do-17Z-0(1) successfully bailed out at 244344.69 234205.88
[4:29:06] Do-17Z-0(0) successfully bailed out at 244331.97 234139.06
[4:29:07] Do-17Z-0(3) successfully bailed out at 244322.84 234150.47
[4:29:20] Do-17Z-0 removed at 244295.73 234191.03


[4:30:04] GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N in flight at 236451.89 231145.7
[4:30:09] GAE_Alma:Bf-109E-4N in flight at 236535.53 231252.52
[4:31:19] BeaufighterMkI damaged by BeaufighterMkI at 227873.23 251648.23
[4:31:19] BeaufighterMkI(0) was killed by BeaufighterMkI at 227866.27 251627.69
[4:31:19] BeaufighterMkI(1) was heavily wounded at 227866.27 251627.69
[4:31:19] BeaufighterMkI(0) was wounded at 227871.9 251628.48
[4:31:19] BeaufighterMkI(0) was killed at 227871.9 251628.48
[4:31:19] BeaufighterMkI(1) was killed at 227871.9 251628.48
[4:31:19] BeaufighterMkI shot down by BeaufighterMkI at 227871.9 251628.48
[4:31:19] BeaufighterMkI(1) was killed at 227866.27 251627.69
[4:31:19] BeaufighterMkI shot down by BeaufighterMkI at 227866.27 251627.69
[4:31:20] SpitfireMkIIa(0) was killed at 214178.52 255144.9
[4:31:20] SpitfireMkIIa shot down by GAE_Pato:Bf-109E-4N at 214178.52 255144.9
[4:31:21] GAE_Pato:Bf-109E-4N(0) was killed at 214178.47 255144.73
[4:31:21] GAE_Pato:Bf-109E-4N shot down by SpitfireMkIIa at 214178.47 255144.73
[4:32:04] Do-17Z-0 landed at 244151.48 234060.02
[4:32:04] Do-17Z-0 damaged on the ground at 244151.48 234060.02
[4:32:08] Do-17Z-0(0) bailed out at 244151.5 234060.06
[4:32:09] Do-17Z-0(1) bailed out at 244151.5 234060.06
[4:32:10] Do-17Z-0(2) bailed out at 244151.5 234060.06
[4:32:12] Do-17Z-0(3) bailed out at 244151.5 234060.06
[4:32:17] Do-17Z-0(0) successfully bailed out at 244197.3 234022.39
[4:32:17] Do-17Z-0(2) successfully bailed out at 244176.22 234023.06
[4:32:18] Do-17Z-0 landed at 243968.52 234899.9
[4:32:18] Do-17Z-0(1) successfully bailed out at 244209.8 234045.72
[4:32:21] Do-17Z-0(3) successfully bailed out at 244205.42 234024.86
[4:32:22] Do-17Z-0 removed at 243968.52 234899.9
[4:32:22] GAE_Pato entered refly menu
[4:32:33] Do-17Z-0 removed at 244151.5 234060.06
[4:32:45] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 28_Chief Body 0.011088745  damaged by  205_Static  at 216021.78 253674.16
[4:33:18] 24_Chief destroyed by 212_Static at 215733.56 252429.31
[4:33:18] BallisticDamage 24_Chief Body 25.269802  damaged by  212_Static  at 215733.62 252429.31
[4:33:32] BallisticDamage 0_Chief Boat3 266.0251  damaged by  20_Chief  at 217755.42 255845.89
[4:33:32] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 0_Chief Hull3 0.022420425  damaged by  20_Chief  at 217755.42 255845.89
[4:33:43] GAE_Pato:Bf-110D-3(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 235801.92 231126.06
[4:33:43] GAE_Pato:Bf-110D-3 loaded weapons '2sc500' fuel 90%
[4:34:05] 25_Chief destroyed by 210_Static at 215460.94 252889.92
[4:34:05] BallisticDamage 25_Chief Body 25.340988  damaged by  210_Static  at 215461.08 252889.9
[4:35:23] GAE_Pato:Bf-110D-3 in flight at 237463.44 231712.23
[4:35:27] GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N landed at 225249.22 241917.97
[4:35:27] GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N damaged on the ground at 225249.22 241917.97
[4:35:31] GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N(0) bailed out at 225249.27 241918.0
[4:35:32] GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N(0) successfully bailed out at 225241.88 241919.83
[4:35:32] 27_Chief destroyed by 210_Static at 215261.47 251484.42
[4:35:32] BallisticDamage 27_Chief Body 25.360535  damaged by  210_Static  at 215261.48 251484.42
[4:35:33] GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N shot down by BeaufighterMkI at 225249.27 241917.98
[4:35:33] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[4:35:34] GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 235778.3 231064.42
[4:35:34] GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N loaded weapons 'default' fuel 100%
[4:35:38] BallisticDamage 26_Chief Body 0.04726708  damaged by  165_Static  at 214913.3 253267.48
[4:35:49] BallisticDamage 26_Chief Body 0.04648569  damaged by  165_Static  at 214865.69 253269.66
[4:36:08] 30_Chief destroyed by 203_Static at 214819.47 253538.84
[4:36:08] BallisticDamage 30_Chief Body 25.177986  damaged by  203_Static  at 214819.56 253538.84
[4:36:11] GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N in flight at 236505.84 231068.69
[4:36:18] 26_Chief destroyed by 208_Static at 214743.53 253275.2
[4:36:18] BallisticDamage 26_Chief Body 26.631111  damaged by  208_Static  at 214743.64 253275.2
[4:36:25] 23_Chief destroyed by 210_Static at 214944.81 252287.6
[4:36:25] BallisticDamage 23_Chief Body 25.38963  damaged by  210_Static  at 214944.86 252287.6
[4:36:36] BallisticDamage 28_Chief Body 0.04543808  damaged by  165_Static  at 214753.11 253749.36
[4:36:45] 29_Chief destroyed by 210_Static at 214709.5 252143.36
[4:36:45] BallisticDamage 29_Chief Body 26.276182  damaged by  210_Static  at 214709.55 252143.36
[4:36:46] BallisticDamage 1_Chief SSC 27.343014  damaged by  207_Static  at 215131.36 256105.38
[4:36:48] 28_Chief destroyed by 203_Static at 214695.6 253753.72
[4:36:48] BallisticDamage 28_Chief Body 27.279684  damaged by  203_Static  at 214695.72 253753.7
[4:37:00] BallisticDamage 1_Chief Hull3 0.008673081  damaged by  173_Static  at 215010.88 256130.86
[4:37:16] BallisticDamage 4_Chief Hull2 0.047095682  damaged by  8_Chief  at 227021.4 251579.31
[4:37:17] BallisticDamage 4_Chief Hull2 0.047808744  damaged by  8_Chief  at 227020.1 251579.4
[4:37:19] BeaufighterMkI damaged by landscape at 224593.69 240188.11
[4:37:19] BeaufighterMkI(0) was wounded at 224601.64 240180.38
[4:37:19] BeaufighterMkI(0) was killed at 224601.64 240180.38
[4:37:19] BeaufighterMkI(1) was killed at 224601.64 240180.38
[4:37:19] BeaufighterMkI shot down by GAE_Ceteu:Bf-109E-4N at 224601.64 240180.38
[4:37:34] BeaufighterMkI landed at 210214.36 259927.73
[4:37:39] BallisticDamage 9_Chief Head1 19.044285  damaged by  18_Chief  at 226971.5 252754.7
[4:38:04] BeaufighterMkI removed at 210350.73 260040.36
[4:38:19] SwordfishMkI(0) was killed at 226653.33 246919.05
[4:38:19] SwordfishMkI(1) was killed at 226653.33 246919.05
[4:38:19] SwordfishMkI(2) was killed at 226653.33 246919.05
[4:38:19] SwordfishMkI shot down by GAE_Charrua:Bf-109E-4N at 226653.33 246919.05
[4:38:20] BallisticDamage 1_Chief WireC_x 1.7997186  damaged by  173_Static  at 214486.45 256092.95
[4:38:20] BallisticDamage 1_Chief SST 0.04466961  damaged by  173_Static  at 214484.67 256091.17
[4:38:26] BallisticDamage 1_Chief SST 0.04508157  damaged by  173_Static  at 214463.84 256070.42
[4:38:27] BallisticDamage 1_Chief Boat2 1.7970651  damaged by  173_Static  at 214462.17 256068.77
[4:38:27] BallisticDamage 1_Chief Boat1 1.8376454  damaged by  173_Static  at 214460.5 256067.1
[4:38:30] BeaufighterMkI(0) bailed out at 227361.61 244863.08
[4:38:31] BeaufighterMkI damaged by landscape at 227333.36 244785.19
[4:38:31] BeaufighterMkI(0) was killed at 227337.9 244788.66
[4:38:31] BeaufighterMkI(1) was killed at 227328.2 244773.67
[4:38:31] BeaufighterMkI shot down by GAE_Falcon:Bf-109E-4N at 227328.2 244773.67
[4:38:54] BallisticDamage 1_Chief SST 25.860407  damaged by  207_Static  at 214454.75 255884.53
[4:39:17] SwordfishMkI(1) was wounded at 226062.64 247492.69
[4:39:19] SwordfishMkI damaged by landscape at 226681.34 247158.19
[4:39:23] SwordfishMkI(0) bailed out at 226666.1 247163.05
[4:39:23] SwordfishMkI(0) successfully bailed out at 226665.64 247163.48
[4:39:25] SwordfishMkI(1) bailed out at 226666.08 247163.05
[4:39:25] SwordfishMkI(1) successfully bailed out at 226664.94 247163.83
[4:39:25] SwordfishMkI(1) was captured at 226664.94 247163.83
[4:39:26] SwordfishMkI(2) bailed out at 226666.1 247163.06
[4:39:26] SwordfishMkI(2) successfully bailed out at 226664.14 247163.77
[4:39:26] SwordfishMkI(2) was captured at 226664.14 247163.77
[4:39:39] 1_Chief destroyed by 207_Static at 214537.28 255487.62
[4:39:39] BallisticDamage 1_Chief Hull2 4.9192233  damaged by  207_Static  at 214537.25 255487.75
[4:39:48] SwordfishMkI(1) was killed by GAE_Ceteu:Bf-109E-4N at 227679.84 248072.22
[4:39:54] SwordfishMkI damaged by landscape at 226681.53 248161.25
[4:39:56] SwordfishMkI(2) was heavily wounded at 228045.84 248296.34
[4:39:56] SwordfishMkI(2) was killed by GAE_Ceteu:Bf-109E-4N at 228050.28 248299.11
[4:39:59] SwordfishMkI(0) bailed out at 226701.61 248162.75
[4:39:59] SwordfishMkI(0) successfully bailed out at 226701.27 248162.77
[4:40:00] SwordfishMkI(1) bailed out at 226701.61 248162.75
[4:40:00] SwordfishMkI(1) successfully bailed out at 226700.38 248163.06
[4:40:00] SwordfishMkI(1) was captured at 226700.38 248163.06
[4:40:01] SwordfishMkI(2) bailed out at 226701.61 248162.75
[4:40:01] SwordfishMkI(2) successfully bailed out at 226699.39 248162.45
[4:40:01] SwordfishMkI(2) was captured at 226699.39 248162.45
[4:40:16] BallisticDamage 0_Chief SSC 0.04614498  damaged by  173_Static  at 214267.06 256472.81
[4:40:23] SwordfishMkI shot down by GAE_Pato:Bf-110D-3 at 226666.1 247163.1
[4:40:42] BallisticDamage 0_Chief SSC 0.04388081  damaged by  165_Static  at 214173.72 256382.08
[4:40:44] GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N damaged by landscape at 229955.5 249566.12
[4:40:44] SwordfishMkI(0) was killed at 229988.7 249579.81
[4:40:44] SwordfishMkI shot down by GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N at 229988.7 249579.81
[4:40:44] GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N(0) was killed at 229955.5 249566.12
[4:40:44] GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N shot down by GAE_Falcon:Bf-109E-4N at 229955.5 249566.12
[4:40:53] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[4:40:56] GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 235778.3 231064.42
[4:40:56] GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N loaded weapons 'default' fuel 100%
[4:40:58] SwordfishMkI shot down by GAE_Falcon:Bf-109E-4N at 226701.61 248162.73
[4:41:13] BallisticDamage 0_Chief Boat1 1.8235523  damaged by  165_Static  at 214191.86 256135.28
[4:41:34] GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N in flight at 236483.52 231006.42
[4:42:00] SpitfireMkIIa landed at 187092.53 259909.72
[4:42:00] SpitfireMkIIa damaged on the ground at 187092.53 259909.72
[4:42:02] BallisticDamage 0_Chief SSC 0.044756677  damaged by  173_Static  at 214269.88 255693.23
[4:42:04] SpitfireMkIIa(0) bailed out at 187092.53 259909.75
[4:42:04] SpitfireMkIIa(0) successfully bailed out at 187093.73 259910.55
[4:42:11] BallisticDamage 0_Chief Head10 0.3055407  damaged by  173_Static  at 214284.28 255611.58
[4:42:16] 0_Chief destroyed by 207_Static at 214292.17 255566.9
[4:42:16] BallisticDamage 0_Chief Hull2 5.0490313  damaged by  207_Static  at 214292.12 255567.11
[4:42:58] SpitfireMkIIa shot down by Do-17Z-0 at 187092.5 259909.7
[4:45:54] GAE_Ceteu:Bf-109E-4N landed at 236129.88 231086.27
[4:46:03] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[4:46:40] GAE_Alma:Bf-109E-4N landed at 236635.33 231357.33
[4:46:43] GAE_Alma entered refly menu
[4:46:44] GAE_Alma:Bf-109E-4N(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 235630.36 230882.58
[4:46:44] GAE_Alma:Bf-109E-4N loaded weapons 'default' fuel 100%
[4:46:56] GAE_Ceteu:He-111H-6(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 235576.94 230828.12
[4:46:56] GAE_Ceteu:He-111H-6 loaded weapons '2xTorp_spread' fuel 100%
[4:47:12] GAE_Ceteu:He-111H-6 turned landing lights on at 235576.94 230828.12
[4:47:42] GAE_Alma:Bf-109E-4N in flight at 236551.27 231311.39
[4:49:20] GAE_Falcon:Bf-109E-4N damaged by landscape at 235913.89 230826.95
[4:49:23] GAE_Falcon:Bf-109E-4N landed at 235950.89 230843.95
[4:49:23] GAE_Falcon:Bf-109E-4N damaged on the ground at 235950.89 230843.95
[4:49:32] GAE_Falcon entered refly menu
[4:50:19] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 235801.92 230963.73
[4:50:19] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6 loaded weapons '2xTorp_spread' fuel 70%
[4:50:21] GAE_Charrua:Bf-109E-4N landed at 236029.56 231030.14
[4:50:33] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[4:50:41] Do-17Z-0 landed at 260795.23 238866.84
[4:50:41] Do-17Z-0 damaged on the ground at 260795.23 238866.84
[4:50:45] BallisticDamage 17_Chief Body 0.04679848  damaged by  21_Chief  at 226643.67 253804.28
[4:50:46] Do-17Z-0(0) bailed out at 260795.23 238866.84
[4:50:46] GAE_Pato:Bf-110D-3 landed at 235977.31 230999.66
[4:50:46] BallisticDamage 17_Chief Body 0.044507064  damaged by  21_Chief  at 226641.8 253804.44
[4:50:47] Do-17Z-0(1) bailed out at 260795.23 238866.84
[4:50:48] Do-17Z-0(2) bailed out at 260795.23 238866.84
[4:50:50] Do-17Z-0(3) bailed out at 260795.23 238866.84
[4:50:51] GAE_Pato entered refly menu
[4:50:52] Do-17Z-0(0) successfully bailed out at 260796.7 238901.66
[4:50:54] Do-17Z-0(1) successfully bailed out at 260788.6 238906.45
[4:50:57] Do-17Z-0(3) successfully bailed out at 260764.92 238901.4
[4:50:59] Do-17Z-0(2) successfully bailed out at 260758.11 238920.2
[4:51:00] BallisticDamage 17_Chief Body 0.04680668  damaged by  21_Chief  at 226606.81 253807.27
[4:51:01] BallisticDamage 17_Chief Body 0.046652287  damaged by  21_Chief  at 226603.75 253807.52
[4:51:11] Do-17Z-0 removed at 260795.23 238866.84
[4:51:24] GAE_Pato:He-111H-6(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 235801.92 231126.06
[4:51:24] GAE_Pato:He-111H-6 loaded weapons '2xTorp_spread' fuel 70%
[4:51:35] Bf-110C-4(0) was wounded at 217209.33 259735.81
[4:51:43] BallisticDamage 17_Chief Body 0.047771536  damaged by  21_Chief  at 226498.05 253816.08
[4:51:55] SpitfireMkIIa landed at 210236.61 262446.3
[4:51:55] SpitfireMkIIa damaged on the ground at 210236.61 262446.3
[4:52:00] SpitfireMkIIa(0) bailed out at 210236.61 262446.3
[4:52:00] BallisticDamage 22_Chief MastT 0.031116111  damaged by  17_Chief  at 225369.17 255393.94
[4:52:01] BallisticDamage 22_Chief MastT 0.032173917  damaged by  17_Chief  at 225369.16 255392.77
[4:52:09] SpitfireMkIIa(0) successfully bailed out at 210273.77 262398.28
[4:52:09] GAE_Charrua:Bf-110D-3(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 235693.03 230994.56
[4:52:09] GAE_Charrua:Bf-110D-3 loaded weapons '2sc500' fuel 100%
[4:52:11] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Wire_x 0.3164704  damaged by  13_Chief  at 225367.33 255286.62
[4:52:12] BallisticDamage 22_Chief MastT 0.03175457  damaged by  13_Chief  at 225367.28 255284.28
[4:52:12] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head14 0.15475205  damaged by  13_Chief  at 225367.28 255283.7
[4:52:12] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head14 0.1492715  damaged by  13_Chief  at 225367.27 255283.11
[4:52:12] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head12 0.15881361  damaged by  13_Chief  at 225367.2 255279.62
[4:52:13] BallisticDamage 13_Chief Body 0.04802188  damaged by  20_Chief  at 224723.92 253483.4
[4:52:26] BallisticDamage 17_Chief Body 0.045017596  damaged by  21_Chief  at 226390.17 253824.81
[4:52:26] Bf-110C-4(1) was heavily wounded at 216222.98 263693.62
[4:52:26] BallisticDamage 17_Chief Body 0.046492025  damaged by  21_Chief  at 226389.5 253824.86
[4:52:30] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head4 0.034670826  damaged by  8_Chief  at 225364.12 255100.56
[4:52:34] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head10 0.03276163  damaged by  8_Chief  at 225363.42 255060.03
[4:52:35] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head16 0.15659072  damaged by  16_Chief  at 225363.34 255055.06
[4:52:35] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head16 0.1589221  damaged by  16_Chief  at 225363.31 255053.03
[4:52:36] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head16 0.15855347  damaged by  16_Chief  at 225363.08 255040.19
[4:52:38] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head16 0.15291394  damaged by  16_Chief  at 225362.88 255028.23
[4:52:45] SpitfireMkIIa damaged by Bf-110C-4 at 215699.2 264359.88
[4:52:45] Bf-110C-4 damaged by SpitfireMkIIa at 215694.03 264356.28
[4:52:50] Bf-110C-4(0) bailed out at 215494.8 264541.94
[4:52:51] Bf-110C-4(1) bailed out at 215437.58 264586.6
[4:52:54] SpitfireMkIIa shot down by Do-17Z-0 at 210236.61 262446.3
[4:52:55] BallisticDamage 17_Chief Body 0.0451531  damaged by  21_Chief  at 226317.06 253830.72
[4:52:56] BallisticDamage 17_Chief Body 0.04398223  damaged by  21_Chief  at 226314.6 253830.92
[4:52:57] BallisticDamage 13_Chief Body 0.044637445  damaged by  20_Chief  at 224613.95 253495.48
[4:52:57] BallisticDamage 13_Chief Body 0.046196144  damaged by  20_Chief  at 224613.36 253495.55


[4:53:01] SpitfireMkIIa(0) was wounded at 215469.27 264998.3
[4:53:01] SpitfireMkIIa(0) was killed at 215469.27 264998.3
[4:53:01] SpitfireMkIIa shot down by Bf-110C-4 at 215469.27 264998.3
[4:53:06] Bf-110C-4 shot down by SpitfireMkIIa at 214860.42 264908.75
[4:53:11] BallisticDamage 17_Chief Body 0.04592613  damaged by  20_Chief  at 226276.84 253833.98
[4:53:14] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head17 0.16288917  damaged by  17_Chief  at 225356.64 254674.05
[4:53:23] BallisticDamage 17_Chief Body 0.044317827  damaged by  21_Chief  at 226246.78 253836.4
[4:53:24] BallisticDamage 20_Chief Head6 0.05506574  damaged by  17_Chief  at 226801.16 255672.81
[4:53:24] BallisticDamage 20_Chief Boat4 0.3270448  damaged by  17_Chief  at 226801.16 255672.52
[4:53:24] BallisticDamage 20_Chief Crane2 0.0326129  damaged by  17_Chief  at 226801.14 255672.22
[4:53:25] BallisticDamage 20_Chief Head22 0.052356984  damaged by  17_Chief  at 226801.12 255671.36
[4:53:25] BallisticDamage 20_Chief Boat4 0.3188246  damaged by  17_Chief  at 226801.11 255670.77
[4:53:25] BallisticDamage 20_Chief Crane2 0.03290906  damaged by  17_Chief  at 226801.1 255670.47
[4:53:25] BallisticDamage 20_Chief Boat2 0.32403493  damaged by  17_Chief  at 226801.1 255670.19
[4:53:25] BallisticDamage 20_Chief Crane2 0.03252769  damaged by  17_Chief  at 226801.08 255669.61
[4:53:25] BallisticDamage 20_Chief Head7 0.051779896  damaged by  17_Chief  at 226801.06 255669.02
[4:53:25] BallisticDamage 20_Chief Boat3 0.33223608  damaged by  17_Chief  at 226801.06 255669.02
[4:53:25] BallisticDamage 20_Chief Crane2 0.030575145  damaged by  17_Chief  at 226801.05 255668.73
[4:53:25] BallisticDamage 20_Chief Boat4 0.33384067  damaged by  17_Chief  at 226801.0 255666.98
[4:53:25] BallisticDamage 20_Chief Boat4 0.325637  damaged by  17_Chief  at 226800.98 255666.39
[4:53:25] BallisticDamage 17_Chief Body 0.04835833  damaged by  20_Chief  at 226240.52 253836.92
[4:53:26] BallisticDamage 17_Chief Body 0.047282137  damaged by  20_Chief  at 226239.84 253836.97
[4:53:26] BallisticDamage 17_Chief Body 0.04663611  damaged by  20_Chief  at 226239.23 253837.03
[4:53:26] BallisticDamage 17_Chief Body 0.04530385  damaged by  20_Chief  at 226238.05 253837.12
[4:53:28] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head31 0.32701498  damaged by  13_Chief  at 225285.64 254601.4
[4:53:28] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head32 0.31746852  damaged by  13_Chief  at 225284.61 254600.34
[4:53:28] BallisticDamage 22_Chief MastN 0.03151257  damaged by  13_Chief  at 225284.02 254599.73
[4:53:29] BallisticDamage 22_Chief MastN 0.032122005  damaged by  13_Chief  at 225282.83 254598.53
[4:53:29] BallisticDamage 22_Chief MastN 0.032822408  damaged by  13_Chief  at 225281.94 254597.62
[4:53:31] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head19_x 4.951659  damaged by  9_Chief  at 225273.19 254588.67
[4:53:31] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head18_x 5.024679  damaged by  9_Chief  at 225270.81 254586.23
[4:53:38] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Body 0.04722465  damaged by  21_Chief  at 226367.19 253517.22
[4:53:40] BallisticDamage 17_Chief Body 0.04512755  damaged by  20_Chief  at 226204.7 253839.81
[4:53:40] BallisticDamage 17_Chief Body 0.047053006  damaged by  20_Chief  at 226204.11 253839.88
[4:53:40] BallisticDamage 17_Chief Body 0.04447596  damaged by  20_Chief  at 226203.5 253839.92
[4:53:42] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 5_Chief Hull3 0.014288862  damaged by  212_Static  at 224014.58 252395.19
[4:53:45] GAE_Ceteu:He-111H-6 in flight at 236966.12 231557.81
[4:53:45] GAE_Pato:He-111H-6 in flight at 236875.64 231493.5
[4:53:46] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6 in flight at 236525.25 231424.05
[4:53:47] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 5_Chief Hull3 0.06306791  damaged by  181_Static  at 224002.5 252396.25
[4:53:48] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Gun1 0.033516623  damaged by  15_Chief  at 225184.25 254497.67
[4:53:53] BallisticDamage 17_Chief Body 0.04427407  damaged by  20_Chief  at 226170.31 253842.61
[4:53:53] BallisticDamage 17_Chief Body 0.04445593  damaged by  20_Chief  at 226169.72 253842.66
[4:53:54] BallisticDamage 17_Chief Body 0.045295388  damaged by  20_Chief  at 226168.45 253842.75
[4:53:54] 17_Chief destroyed by 20_Chief at 226167.84 253842.8
[4:53:54] BallisticDamage 17_Chief Body 0.0466394  damaged by  20_Chief  at 226167.86 253842.8
[4:54:05] GAE_Charrua:Bf-110D-3 in flight at 236921.72 231464.34
[4:54:07] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Wire_x 1.8499193  damaged by  7_Chief  at 225093.55 254404.86
[4:54:07] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Body 0.04593378  damaged by  21_Chief  at 226294.94 253524.33
[4:54:08] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Body 0.047031403  damaged by  20_Chief  at 226293.44 253524.47
[4:54:08] BallisticDamage 22_Chief MastT 0.19011918  damaged by  7_Chief  at 225085.98 254397.12
[4:54:08] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Body 0.047011685  damaged by  20_Chief  at 226292.25 253524.6
[4:54:08] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Body 0.045648955  damaged by  20_Chief  at 226291.58 253524.66
[4:54:09] BallisticDamage 22_Chief SST 0.008483948  damaged by  7_Chief  at 225083.61 254394.69
[4:54:21] BallisticDamage 13_Chief Body 0.020562299  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224403.12 253518.64
[4:54:21] BallisticDamage 13_Chief Body 0.021803679  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224402.75 253518.67
[4:54:21] BallisticDamage 13_Chief Body 0.020927317  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224401.78 253518.78
[4:54:21] BallisticDamage 13_Chief Body 0.021499347  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224401.33 253518.83
[4:54:21] BallisticDamage 13_Chief Body 0.021718722  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224401.11 253518.86
[4:54:22] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Body 0.047715995  damaged by  21_Chief  at 226258.22 253527.94
[4:54:22] BallisticDamage 13_Chief Body 0.02026222  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224399.69 253519.02
[4:54:22] BallisticDamage 13_Chief Body 0.021081336  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224399.55 253519.03
[4:54:22] BallisticDamage 13_Chief Body 0.020506801  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224399.25 253519.06
[4:54:22] BallisticDamage 13_Chief Body 0.020462941  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224398.42 253519.16
[4:54:23] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Body 0.046808805  damaged by  20_Chief  at 226256.05 253528.16
[4:54:23] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Body 0.046671823  damaged by  20_Chief  at 226255.45 253528.2
[4:54:23] BallisticDamage 13_Chief Body 0.020936036  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224397.16 253519.3
[4:54:23] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Body 0.046947576  damaged by  20_Chief  at 226254.78 253528.28
[4:54:23] BallisticDamage 13_Chief Body 0.020969989  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224395.89 253519.42
[4:54:24] BallisticDamage 13_Chief Body 0.020971784  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224395.44 253519.48
[4:54:24] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Body 0.04813704  damaged by  20_Chief  at 226253.6 253528.39
[4:54:24] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Body 0.045484822  damaged by  20_Chief  at 226252.98 253528.45
[4:54:24] BallisticDamage 13_Chief Body 0.021723298  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224394.33 253519.6
[4:54:24] BallisticDamage 13_Chief Body 0.020051036  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224393.8 253519.66
[4:54:24] BallisticDamage 13_Chief Body 0.02118099  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224393.66 253519.67
[4:54:24] BallisticDamage 13_Chief Body 0.020483889  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224393.5 253519.69
[4:54:24] BallisticDamage 13_Chief Body 0.020011902  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224393.2 253519.72
[4:54:25] BallisticDamage 13_Chief Body 0.021396473  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224392.98 253519.75
[4:54:30] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Boat2 0.097200915  damaged by  13_Chief  at 224978.64 254287.28
[4:54:34] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Body 0.046221  damaged by  21_Chief  at 226226.27 253531.08
[4:54:37] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Body 0.044693336  damaged by  20_Chief  at 226218.95 253531.8
[4:54:38] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Body 0.04548628  damaged by  20_Chief  at 226218.36 253531.86
[4:54:38] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Body 0.04743926  damaged by  20_Chief  at 226217.77 253531.92
[4:54:38] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Body 0.044372424  damaged by  20_Chief  at 226217.17 253531.97
[4:54:39] BallisticDamage 13_Chief Body 0.021842102  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224356.6 253523.73
[4:54:39] BallisticDamage 13_Chief Body 0.021891171  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224355.86 253523.83
[4:54:39] BallisticDamage 13_Chief Body 0.020629827  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224355.48 253523.86
[4:54:40] BallisticDamage 13_Chief Body 0.02039916  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224354.66 253523.95
[4:54:42] BallisticDamage 13_Chief Body 0.020239899  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224350.27 253524.44
[4:54:42] BallisticDamage 13_Chief Body 0.021080993  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224350.11 253524.45
[4:54:42] BallisticDamage 13_Chief Body 0.021103457  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224349.73 253524.5
[4:54:42] BallisticDamage 13_Chief Body 0.020075029  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224349.6 253524.52
[4:54:42] BallisticDamage 22_Chief MastT 0.030528553  damaged by  13_Chief  at 224918.47 254225.72
[4:54:42] BallisticDamage 22_Chief MastT 0.031826887  damaged by  13_Chief  at 224918.03 254225.27
[4:54:42] BallisticDamage 13_Chief Body 0.020488204  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224349.14 253524.56
[4:54:42] BallisticDamage 13_Chief Body 0.021336993  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224349.0 253524.58
[4:54:42] BallisticDamage 13_Chief Body 0.02119184  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224348.33 253524.66
[4:54:43] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Boat5 0.33096266  damaged by  13_Chief  at 224915.4 254222.58
[4:54:43] BallisticDamage 13_Chief Body 0.021709345  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224347.8 253524.7
[4:54:50] BallisticDamage 6_Chief Hull2 0.04644468  damaged by  21_Chief  at 225814.98 252568.83
[4:54:51] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Body 0.04420039  damaged by  20_Chief  at 226184.84 253535.16
[4:54:51] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Body 0.04495936  damaged by  20_Chief  at 226184.25 253535.22
[4:54:52] BallisticDamage 2_Chief Hull2 0.045615774  damaged by  21_Chief  at 225190.2 251398.25
[4:54:52] BallisticDamage 6_Chief Hull1 0.04646162  damaged by  21_Chief  at 225811.84 252569.11
[4:54:52] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Body 0.044167224  damaged by  20_Chief  at 226182.38 253535.39
[4:54:58] BallisticDamage 13_Chief Body 0.021694832  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224309.86 253528.88
[4:54:58] BallisticDamage 13_Chief Body 0.020551167  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224308.89 253528.98
[4:54:58] BallisticDamage 13_Chief Body 0.0211325  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224308.6 253529.02
[4:54:58] BallisticDamage 13_Chief Body 0.021333734  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224308.3 253529.05
[4:54:59] BallisticDamage 13_Chief Body 0.020412916  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224307.1 253529.17
[4:54:59] BallisticDamage 13_Chief Body 0.020744804  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224306.95 253529.19
[4:54:59] BallisticDamage 13_Chief Body 0.020843258  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224306.8 253529.2
[4:54:59] BallisticDamage 13_Chief Body 0.020843985  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224306.5 253529.25
[4:54:59] BallisticDamage 13_Chief Body 0.020430157  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224305.9 253529.31
[4:54:59] BallisticDamage 13_Chief Body 0.020291135  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224305.75 253529.33
[4:54:59] 13_Chief destroyed by 22_Chief at 224305.45 253529.36
[4:54:59] BallisticDamage 13_Chief Body 0.020524418  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224305.47 253529.36
[4:55:06] BallisticDamage 6_Chief Hull1 0.047834244  damaged by  21_Chief  at 225776.66 252572.23
[4:55:09] BallisticDamage 9_Chief MastC 0.023330197  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224330.56 252993.03
[4:55:12] BallisticDamage 9_Chief WireF_x 0.23720989  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224323.55 252993.67
[4:55:13] Bf-110C-4 landed at 231888.45 252780.73
[4:55:13] Bf-110C-4 damaged on the ground at 231888.45 252780.73
[4:55:15] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 236260.83 236912.52
[4:55:16] BallisticDamage 9_Chief SSC 0.01971944  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224311.89 252994.72
[4:55:16] BallisticDamage 9_Chief SSC 0.020070918  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224311.6 252994.75
[4:55:17] BallisticDamage 9_Chief SSC 0.020297574  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224310.1 252994.89
[4:55:17] Bf-110C-4(0) bailed out at 231888.45 252780.73
[4:55:17] BallisticDamage 9_Chief SSC 0.020899482  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224309.2 252994.97
[4:55:18] BallisticDamage 9_Chief Head3 0.13731365  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224308.31 252995.05
[4:55:18] BallisticDamage 9_Chief SSC 0.021427706  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224308.0 252995.08
[4:55:18] BallisticDamage 9_Chief SSC 0.019713543  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224307.86 252995.08
[4:55:18] BallisticDamage 9_Chief SSC 0.0200403  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224307.7 252995.1
[4:55:18] BallisticDamage 9_Chief SSC 0.019904442  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224307.7 252995.1
[4:55:18] BallisticDamage 9_Chief Head3 0.14113824  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224307.48 252995.12
[4:55:18] BallisticDamage 9_Chief Head3 0.14184149  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224307.19 252995.14
[4:55:18] BallisticDamage 9_Chief SSC 0.021140128  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224306.89 252995.17
[4:55:18] Bf-110C-4(0) successfully bailed out at 231892.94 252785.72
[4:55:19] BallisticDamage 9_Chief Head3 0.13951267  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224306.36 252995.22
[4:55:19] BallisticDamage 9_Chief SSC 0.020051759  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224306.14 252995.23
[4:55:19] Bf-110C-4(1) bailed out at 231888.45 252780.73
[4:55:20] BallisticDamage 9_Chief SSC 0.020377424  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224303.6 252995.47
[4:55:20] BallisticDamage 9_Chief SSC 0.019951934  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224303.45 252995.48
[4:55:20] Bf-110C-4(1) successfully bailed out at 231895.05 252780.17
[4:55:21] BallisticDamage 15_Chief Body 0.04730323  damaged by  21_Chief  at 226846.48 252249.1
[4:55:21] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 236104.02 237360.14
[4:55:22] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 236086.33 237415.58
[4:55:30] BallisticDamage 9_Chief Boat6 0.22714032  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224276.48 252997.92
[4:55:34] BallisticDamage 6_Chief Hull1 0.046161417  damaged by  21_Chief  at 225704.56 252578.62
[4:55:36] SpitfireMkIIa damaged by landscape at 212155.64 264557.75
[4:55:36] SpitfireMkIIa(0) was killed at 212155.64 264557.75
[4:55:36] SpitfireMkIIa shot down by GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N at 212155.64 264557.75
[4:55:37] BallisticDamage 9_Chief SSC 0.020901147  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224260.66 252999.34
[4:55:37] BallisticDamage 9_Chief SSC 0.02068849  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224259.83 252999.42
[4:55:37] BallisticDamage 9_Chief Head3 0.13598348  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224259.53 252999.45
[4:55:37] BallisticDamage 9_Chief SSC 0.021560555  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224259.38 252999.45
[4:55:37] BallisticDamage 9_Chief SSC 0.020891324  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224258.86 252999.5
[4:55:38] BallisticDamage 9_Chief SSC 0.020223841  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224258.4 252999.55
[4:55:38] BallisticDamage 9_Chief SSC 0.019944845  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224258.19 252999.56
[4:55:38] GAE_Ceteu:He-111H-6 turned landing lights off at 235075.56 240111.98
[4:55:38] BallisticDamage 9_Chief SSC 0.021146085  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224256.92 252999.69
[4:55:38] BallisticDamage 9_Chief SSC 0.020993754  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224256.31 252999.73
[4:55:39] BallisticDamage 9_Chief SSC 0.019821959  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224255.27 252999.83
[4:55:39] BallisticDamage 9_Chief SSC 0.02147773  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224254.97 252999.86
[4:55:43] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head17 0.9322106  damaged by  9_Chief  at 224475.66 254071.62
[4:55:43] Bf-110C-4 shot down by SpitfireMkIIa at 231888.27 252781.03
[4:55:47] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 235406.16 239576.12
[4:55:49] BallisticDamage 9_Chief MastC 0.022768263  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224230.55 253002.06
[4:55:49] BallisticDamage 9_Chief MastC 0.024258431  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224229.88 253002.12
[4:55:50] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 235336.17 239792.72
[4:55:51] GAE_Pato:He-111H-6 turned landing lights on at 234714.42 240975.03
[4:55:53] GAE_Pato:He-111H-6 turned landing lights off at 234673.89 241083.14
[4:55:54] BallisticDamage 9_Chief SSC 0.019814534  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224217.84 253003.2
[4:55:54] BallisticDamage 9_Chief SSC 0.020918725  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224217.7 253003.22
[4:55:54] BallisticDamage 9_Chief SSC 0.021483261  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224216.88 253003.3
[4:55:54] BallisticDamage 9_Chief SSC 0.020102182  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224216.58 253003.33
[4:55:55] BallisticDamage 9_Chief SSC 0.019875895  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224214.94 253003.47
[4:55:55] BallisticDamage 9_Chief SSC 0.021145802  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224214.78 253003.48
[4:55:55] BallisticDamage 9_Chief SSC 0.02084817  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224214.64 253003.5
[4:55:57] BallisticDamage 9_Chief SSC 0.019688351  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224208.52 253004.05
[4:55:59] GAE_Pato:He-111H-6 turned landing lights on at 234471.72 241649.73
[4:55:59] GAE_Pato:He-111H-6 turned landing lights off at 234460.77 241681.0


[4:56:03] BallisticDamage 15_Chief Body 0.046847783  damaged by  21_Chief  at 226740.38 252260.5
[4:56:07] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 5_Chief Hull3 0.028590849  damaged by  181_Static  at 223639.52 252428.1
[4:56:08] BallisticDamage 9_Chief Head3 0.039511103  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224181.84 253006.45
[4:56:12] BallisticDamage 9_Chief SSC 0.020229913  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224171.69 253007.38
[4:56:12] BallisticDamage 9_Chief SSC 0.020218147  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224171.53 253007.39
[4:56:14] BallisticDamage 21_Chief Crane1 0.03189948  damaged by  15_Chief  at 226677.23 254226.22
[4:56:14] BallisticDamage 21_Chief Crane1 0.03339571  damaged by  15_Chief  at 226676.8 254225.77
[4:56:14] BallisticDamage 21_Chief Crane1 0.031835925  damaged by  15_Chief  at 226676.2 254225.19
[4:56:14] BallisticDamage 9_Chief SSC 0.021131879  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224166.23 253007.86
[4:56:14] BallisticDamage 9_Chief SSC 0.01949083  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224166.02 253007.89
[4:56:14] BallisticDamage 9_Chief SSC 0.021373259  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224165.86 253007.9
[4:56:14] BallisticDamage 21_Chief Head8 0.05350643  damaged by  15_Chief  at 226674.28 254223.25
[4:56:15] BallisticDamage 9_Chief SSC 0.021328349  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224165.7 253007.9
[4:56:15] BallisticDamage 21_Chief Gun7 0.05370831  damaged by  15_Chief  at 226673.53 254222.52
[4:56:15] BallisticDamage 9_Chief Head5 0.13671036  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224164.6 253008.02
[4:56:15] BallisticDamage 9_Chief SSC 0.020602683  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224164.44 253008.03
[4:56:15] BallisticDamage 9_Chief Head5 0.13780746  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224164.3 253008.05
[4:56:15] BallisticDamage 9_Chief SSC 0.021157239  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224164.06 253008.06
[4:56:15] BallisticDamage 9_Chief SSC 0.020357005  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224163.77 253008.1
[4:56:15] BallisticDamage 21_Chief Head15_x 0.15199706  damaged by  15_Chief  at 226669.53 254218.53
[4:56:16] BallisticDamage 9_Chief MastC 0.08622407  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224163.25 253008.14
[4:56:16] BallisticDamage 21_Chief Head15_x 0.15319322  damaged by  15_Chief  at 226668.36 254217.34
[4:56:16] BallisticDamage 9_Chief MastC 0.086604245  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224162.8 253008.17
[4:56:16] BallisticDamage 21_Chief Head15_x 0.15069994  damaged by  15_Chief  at 226668.06 254217.05
[4:56:16] BallisticDamage 21_Chief Head15_x 0.15781203  damaged by  15_Chief  at 226667.61 254216.61
[4:56:16] BallisticDamage 9_Chief MastC 0.08150124  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224162.28 253008.22
[4:56:16] BallisticDamage 21_Chief Head15_x 0.15537934  damaged by  15_Chief  at 226667.17 254216.16
[4:56:16] BallisticDamage 9_Chief MastC 0.082353435  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224162.12 253008.23
[4:56:16] BallisticDamage 21_Chief Head16_x 0.15088087  damaged by  15_Chief  at 226666.42 254215.42
[4:56:16] BallisticDamage 21_Chief Head15_x 0.15454638  damaged by  15_Chief  at 226666.42 254215.42
[4:56:17] 15_Chief destroyed by 21_Chief at 226705.92 252264.2
[4:56:17] BallisticDamage 15_Chief Body 6.4731603  damaged by  21_Chief  at 226705.95 252264.2
[4:56:21] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 234528.23 242418.0
[4:56:29] BallisticDamage 9_Chief Head6 0.037482932  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224130.38 253011.1
[4:56:29] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 234254.98 243112.12
[4:56:30] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Body 0.04787105  damaged by  21_Chief  at 225936.38 253559.6
[4:56:30] BallisticDamage 20_Chief Boat1 40.840004  damaged by  6_Chief  at 226186.45 254422.47
[4:56:30] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Body 0.04754694  damaged by  21_Chief  at 225935.77 253559.64
[4:56:31] 16_Chief destroyed by 21_Chief at 225934.5 253559.77
[4:56:31] BallisticDamage 16_Chief Body 0.045577414  damaged by  21_Chief  at 225934.53 253559.77
[4:56:32] Bf-110C-4(0) successfully bailed out at 214556.47 265362.94
[4:56:32] Bf-110C-4(0) was captured at 214556.47 265362.94
[4:56:33] BallisticDamage 6_Chief Hull2 0.047511995  damaged by  20_Chief  at 225557.23 252591.67
[4:56:33] BallisticDamage 9_Chief SSC 0.019957222  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224119.4 253012.1
[4:56:33] BallisticDamage 9_Chief SSC 0.019517425  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224119.25 253012.11
[4:56:33] BallisticDamage 9_Chief SSC 0.02076539  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224119.1 253012.12
[4:56:33] BallisticDamage 6_Chief Hull2 0.045272596  damaged by  20_Chief  at 225556.64 252591.72
[4:56:33] BallisticDamage 9_Chief SSC 0.019870885  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224118.8 253012.14
[4:56:33] BallisticDamage 9_Chief Boat4 0.83069646  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224118.66 253012.16
[4:56:33] BallisticDamage 9_Chief SSC 0.021208117  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224118.28 253012.19
[4:56:33] BallisticDamage 9_Chief Boat2 0.8405628  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224118.12 253012.2
[4:56:34] BallisticDamage 9_Chief Boat4 0.84999996  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224117.98 253012.22
[4:56:34] BallisticDamage 9_Chief MastC 0.08039311  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224117.83 253012.23
[4:56:34] BallisticDamage 9_Chief MastC 0.082014106  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224117.61 253012.25
[4:56:34] BallisticDamage 9_Chief MastC 0.08389598  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224117.45 253012.27
[4:56:34] BallisticDamage 9_Chief MastC 0.08661002  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224117.31 253012.28
[4:56:34] BallisticDamage 9_Chief MastC 0.08546349  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224117.16 253012.3
[4:56:34] BallisticDamage 9_Chief SSC 0.020676266  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224117.02 253012.31
[4:56:43] Bf-110C-4(1) successfully bailed out at 214599.62 265338.25
[4:56:43] Bf-110C-4(1) was captured at 214599.62 265338.25
[4:56:46] BallisticDamage 3_Chief Hull2 0.046882823  damaged by  21_Chief  at 224894.84 252088.56
[4:56:47] BallisticDamage 3_Chief Hull2 0.046091303  damaged by  21_Chief  at 224892.92 252088.72
[4:56:47] BallisticDamage 3_Chief Hull2 0.04412419  damaged by  21_Chief  at 224892.3 252088.77
[4:56:48] BallisticDamage 9_Chief Head3 0.038552623  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224081.3 253015.53
[4:56:48] BallisticDamage 9_Chief Head3 0.03718073  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224080.62 253015.6
[4:56:48] BallisticDamage 9_Chief Boat6 0.225599  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224080.33 253015.62
[4:56:52] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Stack2 0.045264088  damaged by  8_Chief  at 223837.52 254046.02
[4:56:53] BallisticDamage 9_Chief Head5 0.13458958  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224069.88 253016.56
[4:56:53] BallisticDamage 9_Chief Head5 0.14359795  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224069.05 253016.64
[4:56:53] BallisticDamage 9_Chief Boat2 0.84754795  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224068.83 253016.66
[4:56:53] BallisticDamage 9_Chief Head5 0.1416948  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224068.38 253016.7
[4:56:54] BallisticDamage 9_Chief Head5 0.14225566  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224067.27 253016.8
[4:56:54] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Stack2 0.043932866  damaged by  8_Chief  at 223819.86 254045.3
[4:56:58] BallisticDamage 4_Chief Hull2 0.046674963  damaged by  10_Chief  at 223959.53 251815.28
[4:56:59] Do-17Z-0 landed at 260158.23 239335.36
[4:57:02] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Gun1 0.016858011  damaged by  10_Chief  at 223752.08 254042.58
[4:57:02] BallisticDamage 4_Chief Hull2 0.04752109  damaged by  10_Chief  at 223950.69 251815.98
[4:57:03] Do-17Z-0 removed at 260158.23 239335.36
[4:57:04] BallisticDamage 9_Chief Head3 0.040495597  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224041.64 253019.11
[4:57:04] BallisticDamage 9_Chief Head3 0.038060393  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224040.6 253019.2
[4:57:04] BallisticDamage 9_Chief Head3 0.039369676  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224040.3 253019.23
[4:57:08] BallisticDamage 9_Chief Boat6 0.22643836  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224030.95 253020.08
[4:57:10] BallisticDamage 9_Chief Head5 0.14069258  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224027.3 253020.4
[4:57:11] BallisticDamage 22_Chief SST 0.43443438  damaged by  9_Chief  at 223664.7 254039.08
[4:57:15] BallisticDamage 3_Chief Hull2 0.047814593  damaged by  21_Chief  at 224819.55 252094.78
[4:57:28] BallisticDamage 9_Chief Head6 0.037752647  damaged by  22_Chief  at 223981.81 253024.52
[4:57:30] BallisticDamage 3_Chief MastT 0.18632326  damaged by  21_Chief  at 224782.4 252097.86
[4:57:30] BallisticDamage 20_Chief Hull3 0.027355852  damaged by  6_Chief  at 225624.39 254404.9
[4:57:45] BallisticDamage 9_Chief Head2 0.014997695  damaged by  22_Chief  at 223937.6 253028.5
[4:57:47] BallisticDamage 8_Chief MastN 0.022139946  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224363.1 252258.56
[4:57:53] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Stack2 0.045626033  damaged by  9_Chief  at 223296.97 254024.31
[4:57:54] BallisticDamage 22_Chief CraneL 0.04607631  damaged by  9_Chief  at 223292.58 254024.14
[4:57:55] BallisticDamage 22_Chief SST 0.008511193  damaged by  9_Chief  at 223279.9 254023.62
[4:57:56] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 230600.73 249875.95
[4:57:58] BallisticDamage 6_Chief Hull3 0.04621888  damaged by  21_Chief  at 225342.9 252610.67
[4:57:59] BallisticDamage 6_Chief Hull3 0.047589038  damaged by  21_Chief  at 225341.7 252610.77
[4:57:59] 6_Chief destroyed by 21_Chief at 225340.14 252610.9
[4:57:59] BallisticDamage 6_Chief Hull2 6.7082214  damaged by  21_Chief  at 225340.16 252610.9
[4:57:59] BallisticDamage 21_Chief Hull2 0.028815405  damaged by  6_Chief  at 225718.83 254158.19
[4:58:00] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Hull3 0.008497115  damaged by  8_Chief  at 223237.08 254021.9
[4:58:03] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 230101.08 250316.33
[4:58:05] BallisticDamage 8_Chief Boat1 0.2361108  damaged by  22_Chief  at 224317.2 252262.38
[4:58:10] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 8_Chief Hull2 0.022939427  damaged by  20_Chief  at 224304.19 252263.47
[4:58:11] 8_Chief destroyed by 20_Chief at 224303.08 252263.55
[4:58:11] BallisticDamage 8_Chief Hull1 1.1785722  damaged by  20_Chief  at 224303.14 252263.55
[4:58:16] BallisticDamage 5_Chief Hull1 0.04545113  damaged by  20_Chief  at 223307.12 252457.25
[4:58:16] BallisticDamage 5_Chief Hull2 0.04580314  damaged by  20_Chief  at 223305.89 252457.36
[4:58:16] BallisticDamage 5_Chief Hull2 0.047880773  damaged by  20_Chief  at 223305.28 252457.4
[4:58:17] BallisticDamage 5_Chief Hull2 0.04562039  damaged by  20_Chief  at 223304.6 252457.47
[4:58:27] BallisticDamage 5_Chief Hull1 0.045229994  damaged by  7_Chief  at 223278.38 252459.77
[4:58:30] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 5_Chief Hull3 0.046831228  damaged by  204_Static  at 223271.16 252460.4
[4:58:31] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Boat1 1.899676  damaged by  7_Chief  at 222969.75 254011.17
[4:58:32] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Stack2 0.046390537  damaged by  7_Chief  at 222962.67 254010.89
[4:58:32] BallisticDamage 22_Chief MastT 0.18716781  damaged by  7_Chief  at 222961.16 254010.83
[4:58:45] BallisticDamage 9_Chief Boat6 0.2268661  damaged by  22_Chief  at 223788.42 253041.95
[4:58:50] ExplosiveDamage 22_Chief Hull2 0.12746271  damaged by  GAE_Charrua_0  at 222806.25 254004.61
[4:58:50] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 22_Chief Hull3 0.0371075  damaged by  GAE_Charrua_0  at 222806.25 254004.61
[4:58:59] ExplosiveDamage 21_Chief Hull2 0.9647924  damaged by  GAE_Ceteu_0  at 225175.02 254142.38
[4:59:01] 21_Chief destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:He-111H-6 at 225160.14 254141.94
[4:59:01] ExplosiveDamage 21_Chief Hull2 1.5400254  damaged by  GAE_Ceteu_0  at 225160.31 254141.94
[4:59:01] BallisticDamage 9_Chief Head7 2.2646172  damaged by  22_Chief  at 223746.81 253045.72
[4:59:08] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 7_Chief Hull2 0.010824671  damaged by  212_Static  at 223272.39 251716.61
[4:59:08] GAE_Ceteu:He-111H-6(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 225134.3 252584.78
[4:59:09] GAE_Ceteu:He-111H-6(1) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 225169.92 252538.48
[4:59:10] GAE_Ceteu:He-111H-6(2) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 225208.86 252488.08
[4:59:13] GAE_Ceteu:He-111H-6(3) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 225352.53 252303.98
[4:59:13] GAE_Charrua:Bf-110D-3(0) was killed by 22_Chief at 223878.77 254578.08
[4:59:14] SpitfireMkIIa(0) was wounded at 226544.27 252272.11
[4:59:17] BallisticDamage 22_Chief SST 0.008757245  damaged by  10_Chief  at 222586.06 253995.78
[4:59:18] BallisticDamage 22_Chief SST 0.008776551  damaged by  10_Chief  at 222577.69 253995.44
[4:59:19] GAE_Pato:He-111H-6(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 224966.58 252532.31
[4:59:23] GAE_Pato:He-111H-6(1) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 225230.94 252324.27
[4:59:24] GAE_Pato:He-111H-6(2) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 225286.64 252281.55
[4:59:24] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(0) was heavily wounded at 224266.55 254676.92
[4:59:24] GAE_Charrua:Bf-110D-3(1) was killed at 224612.88 253833.27
[4:59:24] GAE_Charrua:Bf-110D-3 shot down by SpitfireMkIIa at 224612.88 253833.27
[4:59:25] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 5_Chief Hull3 0.06630103  damaged by  208_Static  at 223126.78 252473.06
[4:59:27] GAE_Ceteu:He-111H-6(4) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 226164.72 251312.72
[4:59:27] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 224135.6 254826.8
[4:59:28] GAE_Ceteu:He-111H-6(5) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 226236.62 251228.64
[4:59:29] GAE_Ceteu:He-111H-6(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 226271.86 251187.64
[4:59:38] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 5_Chief Hull3 0.06432997  damaged by  208_Static  at 223093.42 252475.98
[4:59:41] Do-17Z-0 landed at 260344.7 239372.0
[4:59:42] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 223588.39 255750.39
[4:59:43] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(1) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 223562.73 255805.27
[4:59:45] Do-17Z-0 removed at 260344.7 239372.0
[4:59:55] GAE_Pato:He-111H-6(3) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 227473.38 250659.55


[5:00:05] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Gun3 0.015847223  damaged by  9_Chief  at 222193.12 253980.0
[5:00:05] GAE_Pato:He-111H-6(4) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 228248.3 250100.7
[5:00:06] GAE_Pato:He-111H-6(5) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 228300.95 250062.9
[5:00:06] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Stack2 0.044243976  damaged by  9_Chief  at 222181.4 253979.53
[5:00:07] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Stack2 0.047109675  damaged by  9_Chief  at 222173.53 253979.22
[5:00:11] GAE_Pato:He-111H-6(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 228682.56 249789.72
[5:00:17] SpitfireMkIIa(0) bailed out at 224924.08 249962.38
[5:00:21] SpitfireMkIIa shot down by GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N at 224589.2 250226.61
[5:00:22] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(0) bailed out at 225296.72 257858.58
[5:00:23] SpitfireMkIIa(0) was killed at 224558.6 250220.16
[5:00:23] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(1) bailed out at 225417.98 257807.84
[5:00:25] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(2) bailed out at 225537.05 257749.89
[5:00:25] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(0) was killed at 225520.7 257766.45
[5:00:25] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(1) was killed at 225581.69 257730.4
[5:00:26] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(2) was killed at 225625.25 257703.72
[5:00:26] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(3) was killed at 225640.6 257692.44
[5:00:26] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(4) was killed at 225640.6 257692.44
[5:00:26] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(5) was killed at 225640.6 257692.44
[5:00:26] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6 shot down by 19_Chief at 225640.6 257692.44
[5:00:32] GAE_Falcon entered refly menu
[5:00:39] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 235801.92 230963.73
[5:00:39] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6 loaded weapons '2xTorp_spread' fuel 70%
[5:00:43] BallisticDamage 22_Chief MastT 0.18287976  damaged by  7_Chief  at 221887.36 253967.72
[5:00:45] BallisticDamage 22_Chief MastN 0.18553142  damaged by  7_Chief  at 221877.33 253967.33
[5:00:49] BallisticDamage 9_Chief Boat1 0.24105065  damaged by  20_Chief  at 223476.27 253070.12
[5:00:50] BallisticDamage 9_Chief Head6 0.03964562  damaged by  20_Chief  at 223473.64 253070.36
[5:00:50] BallisticDamage 9_Chief Head6 0.038666684  damaged by  20_Chief  at 223473.34 253070.39
[5:01:11] BallisticDamage 9_Chief Boat6 0.24262491  damaged by  20_Chief  at 223420.47 253075.17
[5:01:19] BallisticDamage 9_Chief Head2 0.03388973  damaged by  20_Chief  at 223400.52 253076.97
[5:01:19] BallisticDamage 9_Chief Head6 0.3073795  damaged by  20_Chief  at 223399.25 253077.08
[5:01:40] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head11 0.62963617  damaged by  10_Chief  at 221447.92 253950.08
[5:01:48] BallisticDamage 9_Chief Head6 0.038208373  damaged by  20_Chief  at 223326.8 253083.62
[5:01:48] BallisticDamage 9_Chief Head6 0.31773764  damaged by  20_Chief  at 223326.27 253083.67
[5:01:49] BallisticDamage 9_Chief Head6 0.040597584  damaged by  20_Chief  at 223325.75 253083.72
[5:01:49] BallisticDamage 9_Chief Head6 0.037323784  damaged by  20_Chief  at 223325.38 253083.75
[5:01:49] BallisticDamage 9_Chief Head2 0.034571063  damaged by  20_Chief  at 223324.4 253083.83
[5:01:51] 4_Chief destroyed by 20_Chief at 223200.88 251875.98
[5:01:51] BallisticDamage 4_Chief Hull3 9.405385  damaged by  20_Chief  at 223200.92 251875.97
[5:02:02] BallisticDamage 9_Chief Hull1 0.03947573  damaged by  22_Chief  at 223291.98 253086.77
[5:02:05] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[5:02:07] BallisticDamage 10_Chief Hull1 0.008624465  damaged by  20_Chief  at 223341.95 251138.88
[5:02:07] BallisticDamage 9_Chief Head6 0.038479432  damaged by  20_Chief  at 223278.55 253087.97
[5:02:09] BallisticDamage 9_Chief Head6 0.03855845  damaged by  20_Chief  at 223275.25 253088.27
[5:02:13] Do-17Z-0 landed at 260065.58 239340.45
[5:02:17] Do-17Z-0 removed at 260065.58 239340.45
[5:02:20] BallisticDamage 22_Chief CraneL 0.04595001  damaged by  9_Chief  at 221150.56 253938.16
[5:02:53] GAE_Charrua:He-111H-6(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 235693.03 230994.56
[5:02:53] GAE_Charrua:He-111H-6 loaded weapons '2xTorp_LTW_spread' fuel 100%
[5:02:56] BallisticDamage 22_Chief MastT 0.1846727  damaged by  7_Chief  at 220889.06 253927.66
[5:02:57] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head3 0.016331894  damaged by  7_Chief  at 220882.02 253927.38
[5:03:01] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 5_Chief Hull3 0.037579216  damaged by  204_Static  at 222567.94 252521.3
[5:03:16] GAE_Ceteu:He-111H-6 turned landing lights on at 232298.34 232700.94
[5:05:07] GAE_Ceteu:He-111H-6 landed at 236205.7 231100.48
[5:05:10] BallisticDamage 22_Chief SST 0.008560906  damaged by  7_Chief  at 219969.5 253890.73
[5:05:10] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 5_Chief Hull3 0.024036234  damaged by  205_Static  at 222233.89 252549.16
[5:05:16] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[5:05:25] GAE_Ceteu:He-111H-6(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 235576.94 230828.12
[5:05:25] GAE_Ceteu:He-111H-6 loaded weapons '2xTorp_spread' fuel 60%
[5:05:38] GAE_Pato:He-111H-6 landed at 236461.0 231258.48
[5:05:41] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[5:05:44] GAE_Ceteu:He-111H-6(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 235576.94 230828.12
[5:05:44] GAE_Ceteu:He-111H-6 loaded weapons '2xTorp_spread' fuel 60%
[5:05:48] SpitfireMkIIa(0) was wounded at 223146.19 251960.31
[5:05:49] Bf-110C-4(0) bailed out at 222796.25 253050.06
[5:05:51] Bf-110C-4(1) bailed out at 222735.27 252957.22
[5:05:55] Bf-110C-4 shot down by 19_Chief at 222564.88 252662.33
[5:06:02] GAE_Pato entered refly menu
[5:06:09] Bf-110C-4(1) successfully bailed out at 222410.33 252551.23
[5:06:09] Bf-110C-4(1) was captured at 222410.33 252551.23
[5:06:10] BallisticDamage 9_Chief Head6 0.29173347  damaged by  20_Chief  at 222669.02 253142.98
[5:06:21] GAE_Ceteu:He-111H-6 turned landing lights on at 235578.28 230827.78
[5:06:24] BallisticDamage 5_Chief Hull1 0.043488506  damaged by  20_Chief  at 222042.52 252564.47
[5:06:41] BallisticDamage 7_Chief SSC 0.043976277  damaged by  20_Chief  at 222251.4 251783.28
[5:06:44] Bf-110C-4(0) successfully bailed out at 222342.89 252522.86
[5:06:44] Bf-110C-4(0) was captured at 222342.89 252522.86
[5:07:16] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4_Torp(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 235801.92 231126.06
[5:07:16] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4_Torp loaded weapons '2xLTF5Bh_Torp_spread' fuel 70%
[5:07:22] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6 in flight at 237008.0 231557.16
[5:07:25] GAE_Charrua:He-111H-6 in flight at 236955.62 231565.61
[5:07:35] SpitfireMkIIa damaged by GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N at 220262.97 248185.42
[5:07:40] SpitfireMkIIa(0) bailed out at 220310.44 247930.62
[5:07:43] GAE_Ceteu:He-111H-6 in flight at 236808.53 231475.27
[5:07:46] GAE_Ceteu:He-111H-6 turned landing lights off at 236954.31 231612.16
[5:07:53] SpitfireMkIIa shot down by GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N at 220906.73 247309.4
[5:08:01] SpitfireMkIIa damaged by Bf-110C-4 at 202543.0 252075.17
[5:08:06] SpitfireMkIIa(0) bailed out at 202480.69 251822.83
[5:08:15] SpitfireMkIIa shot down by Bf-110C-4 at 202333.88 251408.11
[5:08:27] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 238009.77 234440.5
[5:08:39] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 237632.58 235231.02
[5:08:54] BallisticDamage 19_Chief Hull2 0.0090424735  damaged by  10_Chief  at 223486.73 254272.88
[5:08:55] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Head6 0.03437158  damaged by  9_Chief  at 218623.3 253836.7
[5:08:57] HurricaneMkIIa damaged by Bf-110C-4 at 201842.23 252835.45
[5:08:58] BallisticDamage 20_Chief Crane2 0.18983951  damaged by  9_Chief  at 220291.73 254238.25
[5:09:02] HurricaneMkIIa(0) bailed out at 201713.31 252856.31
[5:09:06] BallisticDamage 5_Chief Hull2 0.04367176  damaged by  20_Chief  at 221623.78 252597.97
[5:09:14] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4_Torp in flight at 236781.7 231811.72
[5:09:20] 5_Chief destroyed by 20_Chief at 221588.47 252600.8
[5:09:20] BallisticDamage 5_Chief Hull3 75.8838  damaged by  20_Chief  at 221588.48 252600.8
[5:09:21] HurricaneMkIIa shot down by Bf-110C-4 at 201109.23 252898.97
[5:09:25] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 235777.34 238535.72
[5:09:29] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 235637.61 238797.88
[5:09:33] BallisticDamage 22_Chief SST 0.008645671  damaged by  7_Chief  at 218421.38 253828.6
[5:09:34] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 235428.84 239195.17
[5:09:46] SpitfireMkIIa(0) successfully bailed out at 220686.66 247343.62
[5:09:51] SpitfireMkIIa damaged by Bf-110C-4 at 208683.9 252929.89
[5:09:56] SpitfireMkIIa(0) successfully bailed out at 202128.36 251292.16
[5:09:56] SpitfireMkIIa(0) bailed out at 208679.94 252703.25
[5:09:57] SpitfireMkIIa(0) was killed in his chute by SpitfireMkIIa at 208680.73 252648.4
[5:09:57] SpitfireMkIIa shot down by Bf-110C-4 at 208680.1 252646.06
[5:10:06] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 234055.56 241806.75
[5:10:27] GAE_Alma:Bf-109E-4N landed at 236143.14 230968.66
[5:10:28] BallisticDamage 19_Chief Hull2 0.008923541  damaged by  10_Chief  at 223250.22 254269.8
[5:10:33] BallisticDamage 7_Chief Stack1 26.931953  damaged by  20_Chief  at 221754.25 251815.75
[5:10:33] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 7_Chief Hull1 0.023761371  damaged by  20_Chief  at 221754.25 251815.75
[5:10:33] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 7_Chief Hull2 0.023881963  damaged by  20_Chief  at 221754.25 251815.75
[5:10:34] GAE_Alma entered refly menu
[5:10:35] GAE_Alma:Bf-109E-4N(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 235630.36 230882.58
[5:10:35] GAE_Alma:Bf-109E-4N loaded weapons 'default' fuel 100%
[5:11:09] BallisticDamage 22_Chief MastT 0.18105198  damaged by  9_Chief  at 217944.53 253809.45
[5:11:25] GAE_Alma:Bf-109E-4N in flight at 237200.33 231604.72
[5:11:31] HurricaneMkIIa(0) bailed out at 191284.97 247473.92
[5:11:39] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 228743.61 247160.25
[5:11:40] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 228641.39 247241.11
[5:11:46] HurricaneMkIIa shot down by Bf-110C-4 at 191506.75 247267.88
[5:11:48] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Stack1 0.046872105  damaged by  7_Chief  at 217763.11 253802.17
[5:12:32] BallisticDamage 19_Chief SST 0.14936441  damaged by  10_Chief  at 222935.3 254270.47
[5:13:13] HurricaneMkIIa(0) successfully bailed out at 191136.3 246701.08
[5:13:13] HurricaneMkIIa(0) successfully bailed out at 200891.19 253177.1
[5:13:22] BallisticDamage 20_Chief Head4 0.034385696  damaged by  9_Chief  at 218801.95 254191.7
[5:13:28] GAE_Charrua:He-111H-6(0) was wounded at 223067.2 254019.31
[5:13:35] GAE_Charrua:He-111H-6(4) was killed by 19_Chief at 223142.38 254547.4
[5:13:35] BallisticDamage 19_Chief Hull3 0.008880724  damaged by  10_Chief  at 222776.55 254272.83
[5:13:41] GAE_Ceteu:He-111H-6 damaged by 19_Chief at 222706.47 254101.7
[5:13:41] GAE_Ceteu:He-111H-6(2) was killed by 19_Chief at 222703.38 254116.05
[5:13:42] GAE_Ceteu:He-111H-6(3) was wounded at 222697.6 254139.77
[5:13:42] GAE_Ceteu:He-111H-6(3) was killed by 19_Chief at 222696.36 254144.48
[5:13:44] ExplosiveDamage 19_Chief Hull1 0.4431048  damaged by  GAE_Ceteu_0  at 222754.27 254273.16
[5:13:45] ExplosiveDamage 19_Chief Hull1 0.42850712  damaged by  GAE_Ceteu_0  at 222751.72 254273.19
[5:13:46] GAE_Ceteu:He-111H-6(0) was killed at 222602.95 254445.23
[5:13:46] GAE_Ceteu:He-111H-6(1) was killed at 222602.95 254445.23
[5:13:46] GAE_Ceteu:He-111H-6(4) was killed at 222602.23 254447.52
[5:13:46] GAE_Ceteu:He-111H-6(5) was killed at 222602.23 254447.52
[5:13:46] GAE_Ceteu:He-111H-6 shot down by 19_Chief at 222602.23 254447.52
[5:13:46] GAE_Charrua:He-111H-6(0) was killed at 223553.9 255333.11
[5:13:46] GAE_Charrua:He-111H-6(1) was wounded at 223553.9 255333.11
[5:13:47] GAE_Charrua:He-111H-6(1) was killed at 223553.9 255333.11
[5:13:47] GAE_Charrua:He-111H-6(2) was killed at 223553.9 255333.11
[5:13:47] GAE_Charrua:He-111H-6(3) was killed at 223553.9 255333.11
[5:13:47] GAE_Charrua:He-111H-6(5) was killed at 223553.9 255333.11
[5:13:47] GAE_Charrua:He-111H-6 shot down by 19_Chief at 223553.9 255333.11
[5:13:47] ExplosiveDamage 19_Chief Hull2 0.54108465  damaged by  GAE_Charrua_0  at 222748.14 254273.25
[5:13:48] ExplosiveDamage 19_Chief Hull2 0.4426293  damaged by  GAE_Charrua_0  at 222745.03 254273.28
[5:13:56] SpitfireMkIIa damaged by GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N at 198873.44 249839.42
[5:14:00] SpitfireMkIIa(0) bailed out at 199079.11 249833.28
[5:14:09] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4_Torp(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 221653.72 253681.3
[5:14:11] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4_Torp(1) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 221739.97 253837.48
[5:14:12] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4_Torp(2) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 221769.08 253890.06
[5:14:12] BallisticDamage 20_Chief Hull1 0.023061257  damaged by  10_Chief  at 218555.58 254184.0
[5:14:15] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4_Torp damaged by 19_Chief at 221880.6 254091.08
[5:14:20] SpitfireMkIIa shot down by GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N at 199304.17 249848.5
[5:14:20] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4_Torp(3) was killed at 222097.52 254483.94
[5:14:20] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4_Torp(1) was heavily wounded at 222097.52 254483.94
[5:14:20] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4_Torp(1) was killed at 222097.52 254483.94
[5:14:20] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4_Torp(0) was killed at 222097.52 254483.94
[5:14:20] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4_Torp(2) was killed at 222097.52 254483.94
[5:14:20] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4_Torp shot down by 19_Chief at 222097.52 254483.94
[5:14:30] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu


5:15:02] GAE_Ceteu:Ju-88A-4_Torp(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 235576.94 230828.12
[5:15:02] GAE_Ceteu:Ju-88A-4_Torp loaded weapons '2xLTF5Bh_Torp_spread' fuel 60%
[5:15:08] GAE_Pato entered refly menu
[5:15:10] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4_Torp(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 235801.92 231126.06
[5:15:10] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4_Torp loaded weapons '2xLTF5Bh_Torp_spread' fuel 70%
[5:15:24] ExplosiveDamage 19_Chief Hull2 0.45397413  damaged by  GAE_Falcon_0  at 222502.88 254276.88
[5:15:42] BallisticDamage 19_Chief Stack2 0.047409564  damaged by  9_Chief  at 222455.61 254277.56
[5:16:06] SpitfireMkIIa(0) successfully bailed out at 199593.05 249745.6
[5:16:16] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[5:16:29] 3_Chief destroyed by 10_Chief at 221830.83 252326.81
[5:16:29] BallisticDamage 3_Chief Hull2 0.8516156  damaged by  10_Chief  at 221830.83 252326.81
[5:16:47] GAE_Charrua:Ju-88A-4_Torp(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 235693.03 230994.56
[5:16:48] GAE_Charrua:Ju-88A-4_Torp loaded weapons '2xLTF5Bh_Torp_spread' fuel 60%
[5:16:53] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 221803.36 248816.06
[5:16:54] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(1) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 221817.5 248779.86
[5:16:56] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(2) was killed by SpitfireMkIIa at 221871.27 248638.53
[5:16:56] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(3) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 221871.27 248638.53
[5:16:57] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(4) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 221889.5 248588.62
[5:16:57] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(5) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 221910.02 248530.78
[5:17:00] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 221965.12 248342.61
[5:17:52] BallisticDamage 19_Chief Head39 1.8751122  damaged by  9_Chief  at 222128.05 254282.42
[5:17:57] BallisticDamage 22_Chief Gun3 0.015702667  damaged by  9_Chief  at 216510.98 253939.77
[5:18:04] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 223402.27 244336.81
[5:18:04] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(1) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 223428.69 244295.72
[5:18:06] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(3) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 223501.03 244185.81
[5:18:12] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(4) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 223708.92 243877.84
[5:18:14] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(5) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 223787.58 243758.58
[5:18:15] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 223832.44 243688.28
[5:18:28] Bf-110C-4 damaged by landscape at 213379.0 247532.98
[5:18:28] Bf-110C-4(0) was heavily wounded at 213379.0 247532.98
[5:18:28] Bf-110C-4(0) was killed at 213379.0 247532.98
[5:18:28] Bf-110C-4(1) was heavily wounded at 213379.0 247532.98
[5:18:28] Bf-110C-4(1) was killed at 213379.0 247532.98
[5:18:28] Bf-110C-4 shot down by SpitfireMkIIa at 213379.0 247532.98
[5:18:46] GAE_Ceteu:Ju-88A-4_Torp in flight at 237056.0 231673.84
[5:18:46] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 225040.66 241912.45
[5:18:47] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(1) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 225057.64 241888.56
[5:18:48] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(3) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 225108.0 241819.0
[5:18:49] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6 damaged by SpitfireMkIIa at 225153.1 241755.9
[5:18:56] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 225391.5 241315.14
[5:18:59] GAE_Charrua:Ju-88A-4_Torp in flight at 236751.66 231415.33
[5:19:01] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4_Torp in flight at 236995.95 231822.6
[5:19:02] SpitfireMkIIa damaged by GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N at 213098.0 246773.39
[5:19:07] SpitfireMkIIa(0) bailed out at 213021.05 246854.83
[5:19:11] BallisticDamage 7_Chief SSN 6.113791  damaged by  20_Chief  at 220718.64 251883.36
[5:19:11] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 7_Chief Hull1 0.02345949  damaged by  20_Chief  at 220718.64 251883.36
[5:19:11] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 7_Chief Hull2 0.023117216  damaged by  20_Chief  at 220718.64 251883.36
[5:19:11] SpitfireMkIIa shot down by GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N at 212984.48 246953.84
[5:19:14] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 225911.86 239872.72
[5:19:14] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(1) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 225925.69 239844.36
[5:19:15] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(3) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 225943.69 239807.42
[5:19:16] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(4) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 225979.3 239733.94
[5:19:16] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(5) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 225998.9 239693.08
[5:19:17] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 226028.31 239630.9
[5:19:17] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 7_Chief Hull1 0.023207499  damaged by  20_Chief  at 220706.11 251884.19
[5:19:17] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 7_Chief Hull2 0.022354607  damaged by  20_Chief  at 220706.11 251884.19
[5:19:19] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 226096.48 239481.52
[5:19:20] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(1) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 226110.86 239449.75
[5:19:20] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(3) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 226131.02 239405.52
[5:19:22] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(4) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 226182.36 239298.19
[5:19:22] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(5) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 226200.34 239261.38
[5:19:28] SpitfireMkIIa(0) successfully bailed out at 212881.34 246957.27
[5:19:28] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(0) bailed out at 226319.9 238929.72
[5:19:30] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(0) was killed at 226325.27 238887.3
[5:19:30] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(1) bailed out at 226322.86 238891.38
[5:19:30] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(1) was killed in his chute by GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6 at 226320.78 238887.1
[5:19:30] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(3) was wounded at 226322.88 238889.0
[5:19:30] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(3) was killed at 226322.88 238889.0
[5:19:30] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(4) was killed at 226322.88 238889.0
[5:19:30] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6(5) was killed at 226322.88 238889.0
[5:19:30] GAE_Falcon:He-111H-6 shot down by SpitfireMkIIa at 226322.88 238889.0
[5:19:41] GAE_Falcon entered refly menu
[5:20:03] BallisticDamage 20_Chief Hull1 0.023055775  damaged by  10_Chief  at 217138.25 254139.7
[5:20:05] BallisticDamage 19_Chief Stack1 0.04591465  damaged by  9_Chief  at 221792.23 254287.38
[5:20:08] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4_Torp(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 235801.92 230963.73
[5:20:08] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4_Torp loaded weapons 'default' fuel 70%
[5:20:09] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4_Torp(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 234431.55 236574.98
[5:20:11] BallisticDamage 2_Chief Hull2 0.8702515  damaged by  10_Chief  at 221249.23 251611.69
[5:20:17] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4_Torp(1) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 233964.36 237191.08
[5:20:20] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4_Torp(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 235801.9 230963.77
[5:20:21] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4_Torp(1) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 235801.9 230963.77
[5:20:26] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4_Torp(2) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 233414.8 237923.6
[5:20:32] GAE_Charrua:Ju-88A-4_Torp(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 233897.39 237258.61
[5:20:33] GAE_Charrua:Ju-88A-4_Torp(1) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 233832.7 237344.23
[5:20:33] GAE_Charrua:Ju-88A-4_Torp(2) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 233788.95 237402.2
[5:20:35] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4_Torp(3) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 232931.9 238574.39
[5:20:36] GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N landed at 216260.56 242234.47
[5:20:36] GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N damaged on the ground at 216260.56 242234.47
[5:20:36] BallisticDamage 9_Chief Hull2 0.6849592  damaged by  19_Chief  at 220579.19 253294.6
[5:20:36] ExplosiveDamage 9_Chief Hull2 0.23791082  damaged by  19_Chief  at 220579.19 253294.6
[5:20:39] GAE_Charrua:Ju-88A-4_Torp(3) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 233485.62 237805.77
[5:20:40] GAE_Charrua:Ju-88A-4_Torp(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 233404.83 237913.75
[5:20:42] GAE_Charrua:Ju-88A-4_Torp(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 233297.62 238057.33
[5:20:42] GAE_Charrua:Ju-88A-4_Torp(1) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 233262.45 238104.52
[5:20:43] GAE_Charrua:Ju-88A-4_Torp(2) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 233234.31 238142.28
[5:20:43] GAE_Charrua:Ju-88A-4_Torp(3) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 233207.92 238177.73
[5:20:44] GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N(0) bailed out at 216260.55 242234.53
[5:20:44] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4_Torp(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 232404.08 239293.78
[5:20:44] GAE_Charrua:Ju-88A-4_Torp(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 233172.75 238225.03
[5:20:44] Bf-110C-4(0) bailed out at 213495.81 245409.78
[5:20:45] GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N(0) successfully bailed out at 216265.33 242240.03
[5:20:45] GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N(0) was captured at 216265.33 242240.03
[5:20:45] Bf-110C-4(1) bailed out at 213498.22 245248.88
[5:20:46] GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N crashed at 216260.55 242234.52
[5:20:47] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[5:20:47] BallisticDamage 19_Chief Stack1 0.045193557  damaged by  7_Chief  at 221686.19 254288.95
[5:20:48] GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 235778.3 231064.42
[5:20:48] GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N loaded weapons 'default' fuel 100%
[5:20:49] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 7_Chief Hull1 0.023437582  damaged by  205_Static  at 220532.72 251895.5
[5:20:52] BallisticDamage 9_Chief Head4 0.29526538  damaged by  20_Chief  at 220544.17 253296.86
[5:20:57] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4_Torp(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 235715.89 230918.31
[5:21:09] Bf-110C-4 shot down by SpitfireMkIIa at 212304.62 243733.55
[5:21:28] GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N in flight at 236505.92 231078.4
[5:22:05] BallisticDamage 7_Chief SSC 0.046243634  damaged by  20_Chief  at 220391.12 251904.75
[5:22:10] SpitfireMkIIa damaged by GAE_Alma:Bf-109E-4N at 217858.12 244120.25
[5:22:15] SpitfireMkIIa(0) bailed out at 217560.31 244210.6
[5:22:17] BallisticDamage 19_Chief Boat4 1.887566  damaged by  9_Chief  at 221458.14 254292.33
[5:22:19] BallisticDamage 19_Chief Head25_x 5.1319737  damaged by  9_Chief  at 221454.47 254292.38
[5:22:20] BallisticDamage 19_Chief Stack1 0.046469152  damaged by  9_Chief  at 221451.92 254292.42
[5:22:23] SpitfireMkIIa shot down by GAE_Alma:Bf-109E-4N at 217072.22 244491.69
[5:22:45] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4_Torp in flight at 237018.52 231952.23
[5:22:58] BallisticDamage 19_Chief Boat1 1.7734829  damaged by  7_Chief  at 221355.11 254293.84
[5:22:59] BallisticDamage 19_Chief Head36 0.04404102  damaged by  7_Chief  at 221354.66 254293.86
[5:23:00] BallisticDamage 19_Chief Stack2 0.045216773  damaged by  7_Chief  at 221350.08 254293.92
[5:23:01] BallisticDamage 19_Chief Stack1 0.046297632  damaged by  7_Chief  at 221348.88 254293.94
[5:23:30] SpitfireMkIIa(0) successfully bailed out at 217031.86 244571.2
[5:23:47] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4_Torp(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 235308.83 237086.77
[5:23:51] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4_Torp(1) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 235152.77 237566.48
[5:23:53] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4_Torp(2) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 235096.6 237749.56
[5:23:54] Bf-110C-4(0) was killed by SpitfireMkIIa at 221983.55 250035.58
[5:23:55] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4_Torp(3) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 235048.2 237908.5
[5:23:56] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4_Torp(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 235021.08 237998.36
[5:24:00] Bf-110C-4(1) bailed out at 222154.36 250469.81
[5:24:01] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4_Torp(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 234866.52 238533.19
[5:24:02] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4_Torp(1) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 234847.83 238600.44
[5:24:02] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4_Torp(2) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 234842.17 238620.83
[5:24:02] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4_Torp(3) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 234837.36 238638.25
[5:24:03] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4_Torp(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 234826.95 238675.9
[5:24:04] 19_Chief destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:Ju-88A-4_Torp at 221189.0 254296.31
[5:24:04] ExplosiveDamage 19_Chief Hull2 0.5000803  damaged by  GAE_Ceteu_0  at 221189.06 254296.31
[5:24:17] Bf-110C-4 shot down by SpitfireMkIIa at 222689.97 250255.1
[5:24:20] Bf-110C-4(1) successfully bailed out at 213368.58 243707.4
[5:24:20] Bf-110C-4(1) was captured at 213368.58 243707.4
[5:24:25] BallisticDamage 7_Chief SSC 0.045031898  damaged by  20_Chief  at 220135.9 251921.42
[5:24:26] BallisticDamage 7_Chief SSC 0.045568764  damaged by  20_Chief  at 220134.14 251921.53
[5:24:28] Bf-110C-4(0) successfully bailed out at 213803.22 243874.7
[5:24:28] Bf-110C-4(0) was captured at 213803.22 243874.7
[5:24:28] GAE_Ceteu:Ju-88A-4_Torp(2) was heavily wounded at 219686.72 253046.44
[5:24:28] GAE_Ceteu:Ju-88A-4_Torp(3) was killed at 219686.72 253046.44
[5:24:28] GAE_Ceteu:Ju-88A-4_Torp(2) was killed at 219686.72 253046.44
[5:24:28] GAE_Ceteu:Ju-88A-4_Torp(0) was wounded at 219686.72 253046.44
[5:24:28] GAE_Ceteu:Ju-88A-4_Torp(0) was killed at 219686.72 253046.44
[5:24:28] GAE_Ceteu:Ju-88A-4_Torp(1) was killed at 219686.72 253046.44
[5:24:28] GAE_Ceteu:Ju-88A-4_Torp shot down by 19_Chief at 219686.72 253046.44
[5:24:41] BallisticDamage 7_Chief MastN 0.18459006  damaged by  20_Chief  at 220108.22 251923.22
[5:24:48] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4_Torp(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 215961.88 255762.34
[5:24:49] ExplosiveDamage 20_Chief Hull3 0.6975589  damaged by  GAE_Charrua_0  at 216789.78 254456.88
[5:24:49] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4_Torp(1) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 215935.36 255786.14
[5:24:49] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4_Torp(2) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 215895.72 255823.77
[5:24:50] ExplosiveDamage 20_Chief Hull3 1.5392402  damaged by  GAE_Charrua_0  at 216788.47 254458.61
[5:24:50] 20_Chief destroyed by GAE_Charrua:Ju-88A-4_Torp at 216788.36 254458.77
[5:24:53] GAE_Charrua:Ju-88A-4_Torp(1) was killed at 217282.4 254974.8
[5:24:54] GAE_Charrua:Ju-88A-4_Torp(3) was killed at 217282.4 254974.8
[5:24:54] GAE_Charrua:Ju-88A-4_Torp(0) was killed at 217282.4 254974.8
[5:24:54] GAE_Charrua:Ju-88A-4_Torp(2) was killed at 217282.4 254974.8
[5:24:54] GAE_Charrua:Ju-88A-4_Torp shot down by landscape at 217282.4 254974.8
[5:24:54] 9_Chief destroyed by 210_Static at 220024.34 253330.42
[5:24:58] ExplosiveDamage 22_Chief Hull2 0.7184536  damaged by  GAE_Pato_0  at 215897.62 255732.25
[5:24:59] ExplosiveDamage 22_Chief Hull2 0.4544315  damaged by  GAE_Pato_0  at 215900.9 255744.8
[5:24:59] 22_Chief destroyed by GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4_Torp at 215900.58 255743.56
[5:25:07] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4_Torp(3) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 214964.88 257141.02
[5:25:08] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4_Torp(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 214941.19 257178.48
[5:25:37] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[5:25:47] GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N damaged by landscape at 222220.92 247486.28
[5:25:47] GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N(0) was killed at 222220.66 247485.39
[5:25:47] GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N shot down by landscape at 222220.66 247485.39
[5:25:52] Bf-110C-4(1) successfully bailed out at 222789.11 251191.73
[5:25:52] Bf-110C-4(1) was captured at 222789.11 251191.73
[5:26:27] GAE_Ceteu:Ju-88A-4(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 235576.94 230828.12
[5:26:27] GAE_Ceteu:Ju-88A-4 loaded weapons '28xSC50_2xSC250' fuel 60%
[5:26:31] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[5:26:50] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[5:26:51] GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 235778.3 231064.42
[5:26:51] GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N loaded weapons 'default' fuel 100%
[5:26:52] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4_Torp(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 228596.84 242584.58
[5:26:53] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4_Torp(1) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 228640.31 242508.9
[5:26:57] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4_Torp(2) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 228753.78 242294.22
[5:27:01] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4_Torp(3) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 228866.23 242036.0
[5:27:05] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4_Torp(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 228938.19 241814.06
[5:27:06] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4_Torp(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 228950.83 241764.9
[5:27:08] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4_Torp(1) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 228973.38 241661.7
[5:27:10] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4_Torp(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 228998.06 241496.53
[5:27:14] GAE_Ceteu:Ju-88A-4 turned landing lights on at 235576.98 230828.11
[5:27:14] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4_Torp(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 221098.61 250833.19
[5:27:15] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4_Torp(1) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 221233.44 250748.89
[5:27:17] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4_Torp(2) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 221308.62 250701.78
[5:27:17] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4_Torp(3) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 221407.17 250639.94
[5:27:25] GAE_Charrua:Ju-88A-4(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 235693.03 230994.56
[5:27:25] GAE_Charrua:Ju-88A-4 loaded weapons '28xSC50_2xSC250i' fuel 60%
[5:27:30] GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N in flight at 236488.38 231008.78
[5:28:01] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4_Torp(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 225204.88 248163.89
[5:28:29] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4_Torp(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 232007.86 236528.78
[5:28:30] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4_Torp(1) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 232028.1 236482.1
[5:28:35] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4_Torp(2) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 232195.47 236083.38
[5:28:38] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4_Torp(3) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 232284.5 235854.83
[5:28:40] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4_Torp(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 232323.2 235749.45
[5:29:00] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 2_Chief Hull1 0.010363292  damaged by  203_Static  at 219984.69 251702.08
[5:29:18] GAE_Ceteu:Ju-88A-4 in flight at 237118.95 231723.34
[5:29:23] GAE_Charrua:Ju-88A-4 in flight at 237204.27 231791.95


[5:30:06] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4_Torp turned landing lights on at 233486.6 238931.1
[5:30:07] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4_Torp turned landing lights off at 233521.48 238869.84
[5:30:07] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4_Torp turned landing lights on at 233557.89 238805.89
[5:30:08] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4_Torp turned landing lights off at 233592.75 238744.55
[5:30:09] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4_Torp turned landing lights on at 233633.66 238672.52
[5:30:10] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4_Torp turned landing lights off at 233668.47 238611.1
[5:30:10] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4_Torp turned landing lights on at 233707.81 238541.64
[5:30:13] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4_Torp(3) was killed at 234971.55 230565.14
[5:30:13] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4_Torp(0) was killed at 234971.55 230565.14
[5:30:13] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4_Torp(1) was wounded at 234971.55 230565.14
[5:30:13] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4_Torp(1) was heavily wounded at 234971.55 230565.14
[5:30:13] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4_Torp(1) was killed at 234971.55 230565.14
[5:30:13] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4_Torp(2) was wounded at 234971.55 230565.14
[5:30:13] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4_Torp(2) was killed at 234971.55 230565.14
[5:30:13] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4_Torp shot down by landscape at 234971.55 230565.14
[5:30:16] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4_Torp turned landing lights off at 233989.89 238040.75
[5:30:20] GAE_Alma:Bf-109E-4N landed at 236016.16 230930.84
[5:30:21] GAE_Alma entered refly menu
[5:30:22] GAE_Alma:Bf-109E-4N(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 235630.36 230882.58
[5:30:22] GAE_Alma:Bf-109E-4N loaded weapons 'default' fuel 100%
[5:30:29] GAE_Falcon entered refly menu
[5:30:33] BallisticDamage 2_Chief MastT 111.53747  damaged by  204_Static  at 219779.56 251716.89
[5:30:53] GAE_Ceteu:Ju-88A-4 turned landing lights off at 236832.22 238017.61
[5:30:59] GAE_Alma:Bf-109E-4N in flight at 236379.72 231073.1
[5:31:05] SpitfireMkIIa damaged by GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N at 220746.72 234825.14
[5:31:10] SpitfireMkIIa(0) bailed out at 220708.8 234857.44
[5:31:12] SpitfireMkIIa(0) has chute destroyed by SpitfireMkIIa at 220698.89 234868.73
[5:31:12] SpitfireMkIIa(0) was killed in his chute by SpitfireMkIIa at 220698.66 234868.98
[5:31:12] SpitfireMkIIa shot down by GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N at 220698.83 234867.89
[5:31:33] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 235801.92 230963.73
[5:31:33] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4 loaded weapons '28xSC50_2xSC250' fuel 70%
[5:32:21] SpitfireMkIIa landed at 208448.88 248975.73
[5:32:21] SpitfireMkIIa damaged on the ground at 208448.88 248975.73
[5:32:25] SpitfireMkIIa(0) bailed out at 208448.9 248975.75
[5:32:34] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4_Torp landed at 236216.86 231046.62
[5:32:34] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4_Torp damaged on the ground at 236216.86 231046.62
[5:32:34] SpitfireMkIIa(0) successfully bailed out at 208486.0 248935.06
[5:32:35] GAE_Pato entered refly menu
[5:32:50] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 235801.92 231126.06
[5:32:50] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4 loaded weapons '28xSC50_4xSC250' fuel 70%
[5:33:05] 2_Chief destroyed by 208_Static at 219457.44 251740.16
[5:33:05] BallisticDamage 2_Chief Hull1 26.544596  damaged by  208_Static  at 219457.47 251740.16
[5:33:20] SpitfireMkIIa shot down by landscape at 208448.9 248975.75
[5:33:46] GAE_Pato entered refly menu
[5:33:51] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 235801.92 231126.06
[5:33:51] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4 loaded weapons '28xSC50_4xSC250' fuel 70%
[5:34:06] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Hull2 0.008815953  damaged by  10_Chief  at 223004.53 254984.11
[5:34:06] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4 in flight at 237088.9 232735.45
[5:34:28] SpitfireMkIIa damaged by landscape at 223658.05 241532.92
[5:34:28] SpitfireMkIIa(0) was killed at 223658.05 241532.92
[5:34:28] SpitfireMkIIa shot down by Bf-110C-4 at 223658.05 241532.92
[5:34:51] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 235111.19 234611.55
[5:34:57] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 234823.98 234838.48
[5:35:01] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4 in flight at 237499.53 231184.64
[5:35:39] BallisticDamage 18_Chief Stack2 0.863657  damaged by  10_Chief  at 222873.14 254855.17
[5:35:58] 10_Chief destroyed by 205_Static at 219526.44 251395.95
[5:35:58] BallisticDamage 10_Chief Hull3 4.975331  damaged by  205_Static  at 219526.47 251395.95
[5:37:10] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 229329.77 239633.34
[5:37:11] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4(1) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 229292.16 239666.72
[5:37:12] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4(2) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 229222.44 239725.27
[5:37:13] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4(3) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 229190.55 239750.39
[5:37:14] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 229169.02 239766.83
[5:37:42] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 229229.06 239711.11
[5:38:06] SpitfireMkIIa damaged by GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N at 220317.48 250654.69
[5:38:06] GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N damaged by SpitfireMkIIa at 220319.97 250649.78
[5:38:07] SpitfireMkIIa(0) was killed at 220319.98 250656.5
[5:38:07] SpitfireMkIIa shot down by GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N at 220319.98 250656.5
[5:38:07] GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N(0) was killed at 220321.78 250650.94
[5:38:07] GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N shot down by SpitfireMkIIa at 220321.78 250650.94
[5:38:34] SpitfireMkIIa(0) was wounded at 216275.67 244516.56
[5:38:36] SpitfireMkIIa(0) was killed by GAE_Alma:Bf-109E-4N at 216274.97 244471.86
[5:38:50] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4(1) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 224667.38 244079.2
[5:38:52] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4(2) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 224549.31 244196.11
[5:38:52] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4(3) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 224481.0 244263.84
[5:38:58] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 224048.98 244693.84
[5:39:04] SpitfireMkIIa shot down by GAE_Alma:Bf-109E-4N at 216742.1 244120.89
[5:39:05] 263_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:Ju-88A-4 at 212222.48 253411.38
[5:39:06] GAE_Charrua:Ju-88A-4 damaged by NONAME at 212229.55 253415.33
[5:39:07] 218_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:Ju-88A-4 at 212366.1 253233.22
[5:39:07] 219_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:Ju-88A-4 at 212355.81 253243.55
[5:39:07] 220_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:Ju-88A-4 at 212345.22 253254.12
[5:39:07] GAE_Charrua:Ju-88A-4(3) was killed at 212381.53 253231.27
[5:39:09] 214_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:Ju-88A-4 at 212400.48 253199.3
[5:39:09] 215_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:Ju-88A-4 at 212392.03 253208.1
[5:39:09] 216_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:Ju-88A-4 at 212384.62 253215.61
[5:39:10] GAE_Charrua:Ju-88A-4(1) was killed at 212619.06 252932.78
[5:39:10] GAE_Charrua:Ju-88A-4(0) was wounded at 212619.06 252932.78
[5:39:10] GAE_Charrua:Ju-88A-4(2) was wounded at 212619.06 252932.78
[5:39:10] GAE_Charrua:Ju-88A-4(0) was killed at 212619.06 252932.78
[5:39:10] GAE_Charrua:Ju-88A-4(2) was killed at 212619.06 252932.78
[5:39:10] GAE_Charrua:Ju-88A-4 shot down by 275_Static at 212619.06 252932.78
[5:39:10] 217_Static crashed at 212375.6 253224.48
[5:39:26] 11_Chief destroyed by 207_Static at 219218.75 251610.22
[5:39:26] BallisticDamage 11_Chief Body 25.18966  damaged by  207_Static  at 219218.8 251610.22
[5:40:00] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 7_Chief Hull2 0.019145202  damaged by  210_Static  at 218610.05 252021.05
[5:40:00] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 7_Chief Hull3 0.016342241  damaged by  210_Static  at 218610.05 252021.05
[5:40:13] 224_Static destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:Ju-88A-4 at 212285.95 253332.16
[5:40:13] 225_Static destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:Ju-88A-4 at 212276.62 253332.19
[5:40:13] 227_Static destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:Ju-88A-4 at 212250.84 253326.56
[5:40:13] 280_Static destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:Ju-88A-4 at 212313.77 253266.61
[5:40:13] 226_Static destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:Ju-88A-4 at 212254.8 253334.27
[5:40:14] 221_Static destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:Ju-88A-4 at 212299.22 253344.98
[5:40:14] 279_Static destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:Ju-88A-4 at 212284.08 253352.42
[5:40:32] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 218262.73 248711.67
[5:40:58] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4(1) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 215810.92 248870.02
[5:40:59] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4(2) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 215753.9 248879.08
[5:40:59] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4(3) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 215733.97 248882.38
[5:40:59] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 215711.22 248886.23
[5:42:00] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 212436.88 253775.47
[5:42:00] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4(1) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 212411.66 253823.81
[5:42:01] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4(2) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 212388.39 253868.92
[5:42:03] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4(3) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 212264.66 254120.69
[5:42:07] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 212095.14 254517.56
[5:42:14] Bf-110C-4(0) was killed by 177_Static at 217537.7 249036.5
[5:42:17] 14_Chief destroyed by 207_Static at 219993.6 251060.05
[5:42:17] BallisticDamage 14_Chief Body 25.419409  damaged by  207_Static  at 219993.6 251060.05
[5:42:19] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 212393.12 252450.92
[5:42:19] 261_Static destroyed by GAE_Alma:Bf-109E-4N at 212538.3 252985.52
[5:42:20] Bf-110C-4(1) bailed out at 217019.38 249195.45
[5:42:36] 269_Static destroyed by GAE_Alma:Bf-109E-4N at 213258.56 251953.5
[5:42:47] 213_Static destroyed by GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4 at 212302.34 253298.31
[5:42:49] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 212706.53 252941.89
[5:42:50] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4(1) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 212744.38 252905.69
[5:42:50] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4(2) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 212777.73 252873.45
[5:43:00] Bf-110C-4 shot down by 177_Static at 214861.03 249626.22
[5:43:04] 264_Static destroyed by GAE_Alma:Bf-109E-4N at 212291.55 253194.81
[5:43:08] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4(3) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 214001.94 251824.27
[5:43:09] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 214086.75 251756.73
[5:43:22] 267_Static destroyed by GAE_Alma:Bf-109E-4N at 212858.69 252276.05
[5:43:29] 268_Static destroyed by GAE_Alma:Bf-109E-4N at 212705.44 251798.7
[5:43:53] 239_Static destroyed by GAE_Alma:Bf-109E-4N at 212399.45 252820.95
[5:45:25] 271_Static destroyed by GAE_Alma:Bf-109E-4N at 212360.89 252038.86
[5:45:28] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 219237.4 247443.44
[5:45:29] 272_Static destroyed by GAE_Alma:Bf-109E-4N at 212012.05 251563.23
[5:45:34] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4(1) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 219668.06 247160.94
[5:45:35] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4(2) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 219826.45 247056.47
[5:45:37] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4(3) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 219987.38 246950.02
[5:45:39] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pato at 220141.05 246848.06
[5:45:48] 262_Static destroyed by 277_Static at 212525.33 252786.48
[5:46:08] 238_Static destroyed by GAE_Alma:Bf-109E-4N at 212384.38 252970.34
[5:46:45] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[5:46:55] 265_Static destroyed by GAE_Alma:Bf-109E-4N at 212356.16 253401.84
[5:46:59] 266_Static destroyed by GAE_Alma:Bf-109E-4N at 212867.36 253510.27
[5:47:02] BallisticDamage 7_Chief Boat1 1026.3556  damaged by  204_Static  at 218117.89 252053.19
[5:47:16] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 215073.77 251620.19
[5:47:30] GAE_Pepper:He-111H-6(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 235778.3 231064.42
[5:47:30] GAE_Pepper:He-111H-6 loaded weapons '2SC2000' fuel 100%
[5:48:01] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 216779.88 248123.52
[5:48:02] Bf-110C-4(1) successfully bailed out at 215459.19 250251.47
[5:48:02] Bf-110C-4(1) was captured at 215459.19 250251.47
[5:48:03] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4(1) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 216813.73 248017.3
[5:48:07] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4(2) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 216909.25 247710.36
[5:48:10] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4(3) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 216973.33 247456.89
[5:48:12] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 217003.6 247282.81
[5:48:13] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 217017.17 247150.39
[5:48:14] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4(1) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 217020.86 247083.31
[5:48:14] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4(2) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 217022.48 247052.33
[5:48:15] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4(3) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 217024.28 247026.6
[5:48:15] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 217027.45 246993.3
[5:48:20] GAE_Ceteu:Ju-88A-4 landed at 236322.39 231262.77
[5:48:27] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[5:48:31] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[5:48:36] GAE_Pepper:He-111H-6 in flight at 237289.34 231219.12
[5:48:52] GAE_Ceteu:Ju-88A-4(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 235576.94 230828.12
[5:48:52] GAE_Ceteu:Ju-88A-4 loaded weapons '2xSC1000' fuel 60%
[5:49:00] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 219303.6 243935.0
[5:49:01] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4(1) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 219360.9 243864.25
[5:49:01] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[5:49:05] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4(2) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 219605.27 243561.7
[5:49:09] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4(3) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 219813.55 243302.48
[5:49:14] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 220102.92 242940.25
[5:49:20] GAE_Ceteu:Ju-87B-2(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 235576.94 230828.12
[5:49:20] GAE_Ceteu:Ju-87B-2 loaded weapons '1SC1000' fuel 50%
[5:49:21] GAE_Charrua:Ju-87B-2(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 235693.03 230994.56
[5:49:21] GAE_Charrua:Ju-87B-2 loaded weapons '1SC1000' fuel 50%
[5:49:28] GAE_Pepper:He-111H-6(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 236579.81 233285.8
[5:49:31] GAE_Pepper:He-111H-6(1) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 236451.19 233433.08
[5:49:32] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 221075.73 241703.67
[5:49:33] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4(1) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 221161.36 241593.38
[5:49:37] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4(2) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 221374.72 241317.52
[5:49:40] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4(3) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 221519.22 241129.84
[5:49:48] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 222006.2 240492.17
[5:50:42] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4 landed at 236341.58 231127.2
[5:50:42] GAE_Pato:Ju-88A-4 damaged on the ground at 236341.58 231127.2
[5:50:43] GAE_Pepper:He-111H-6(2) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 232487.81 237953.34
[5:50:44] GAE_Pepper:He-111H-6(3) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 232411.19 238042.52
[5:50:45] GAE_Pepper:He-111H-6(4) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 232369.42 238091.17
[5:50:46] GAE_Pepper:He-111H-6(5) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 232324.2 238143.95
[5:50:46] GAE_Pepper:He-111H-6(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 232289.42 238184.6
[5:50:51] GAE_Pepper:He-111H-6(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 232035.97 238482.77
[5:50:52] GAE_Pepper:He-111H-6(1) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 231969.22 238561.84
[5:51:06] GAE_Pato entered refly menu
[5:51:24] GAE_Ceteu:Ju-87B-2 in flight at 236771.08 231410.6
[5:51:32] GAE_Charrua:Ju-87B-2 in flight at 236843.11 231503.4
[5:52:04] GAE_Pato has disconnected
[5:52:19] BallisticDamage 7_Chief Hull2 0.26612523  damaged by  18_Chief  at 217710.34 252079.8
[5:53:24] GAE_Alma:Bf-109E-4N landed at 236270.2 231303.16
[5:53:26] Bf-110C-4(1) was heavily wounded at 214032.0 255365.64
[5:53:31] GAE_Alma entered refly menu
[5:53:32] GAE_Alma:Bf-109E-4N(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 235630.36 230882.58
[5:53:32] GAE_Alma:Bf-109E-4N loaded weapons 'default' fuel 100%
[5:53:58] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4 landed at 236127.98 230980.2
[5:53:58] GAE_Falcon:Ju-88A-4 damaged on the ground at 236127.98 230980.2
[5:54:05] Bf-110C-4(1) was killed at 216645.0 254773.66
[5:54:33] 18_Chief destroyed by GAE_Pepper:He-111H-6 at 220089.69 254699.44
[5:54:33] GAE_Pepper:He-111H-6(2) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 220030.7 254837.73
[5:54:33] ExplosiveDamage 18_Chief Hull2 1.2071792  damaged by  GAE_Pepper_0  at 220090.03 254699.44
[5:54:44] GAE_Falcon has disconnected
[5:55:24] 7_Chief destroyed by 203_Static at 217489.17 252094.23
[5:55:24] BallisticDamage 7_Chief Hull1 4.9927387  damaged by  203_Static  at 217489.19 252094.23
[5:56:28] Bf-110C-4 damaged by 168_Static at 213273.56 253191.36
[5:56:32] Bf-110C-4(0) bailed out at 213269.1 253580.58
[5:56:53] Bf-110C-4 shot down by 168_Static at 213763.7 255424.11
[5:57:01] GAE_Pepper:He-111H-6(3) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 219960.78 255675.12
[5:57:02] GAE_Pepper:He-111H-6(4) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 219900.47 255670.14
[5:57:02] GAE_Pepper:He-111H-6(5) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 219846.33 255663.53
[5:57:03] GAE_Pepper:He-111H-6(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 219789.03 255654.38
[5:57:04] GAE_Pepper:He-111H-6(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 219696.72 255635.06
[5:57:05] GAE_Pepper:He-111H-6(1) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 219642.45 255620.8
[5:58:28] GAE_Pepper:He-111H-6(0) was killed at 212403.69 252179.8
[5:58:28] GAE_Pepper:He-111H-6(1) was killed at 212403.69 252179.8
[5:58:28] GAE_Pepper:He-111H-6(3) was wounded at 212403.69 252179.8
[5:58:28] GAE_Pepper:He-111H-6(2) was killed at 212403.69 252179.8
[5:58:28] GAE_Pepper:He-111H-6(3) was killed at 212403.69 252179.8
[5:58:28] GAE_Pepper:He-111H-6(4) was killed at 212403.69 252179.8
[5:58:28] GAE_Pepper:He-111H-6(5) was killed at 212403.69 252179.8
[5:58:28] GAE_Pepper:He-111H-6 shot down by 180_Static at 212403.69 252179.8
[5:59:31] GAE_Pepper has disconnected
[5:59:43] GAE_Alma has disconnected
[6:01:33] 229_Static destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:Ju-87B-2 at 212464.38 252926.19
[6:01:33] 231_Static destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:Ju-87B-2 at 212453.38 252898.52
[6:01:33] 233_Static destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:Ju-87B-2 at 212467.31 252953.03
[6:01:33] 234_Static destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:Ju-87B-2 at 212474.7 252949.95
[6:01:33] 277_Static destroyed by GAE_Ceteu:Ju-87B-2 at 212494.17 252932.53
[6:01:57] Bf-110C-4(0) successfully bailed out at 213552.12 255162.53
[6:01:57] Bf-110C-4(0) was captured at 213552.12 255162.53
[6:02:24] 278_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:Ju-87B-2 at 212516.55 252816.38
[6:02:24] 232_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:Ju-87B-2 at 212466.27 252898.69
[6:03:08] GAE_Charrua:Ju-87B-2(0) was killed at 212494.4 252896.53
[6:03:08] GAE_Charrua:Ju-87B-2(1) was killed at 212494.4 252896.53
[6:03:08] GAE_Charrua:Ju-87B-2 shot down by 181_Static at 212494.4 252896.53
[6:03:08] 235_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:Ju-87B-2 at 212476.61 252872.08
[6:05:26] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[6:05:40] GAE_Charrua:Fi-156(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 235693.03 230994.56
[6:05:40] GAE_Charrua:Fi-156 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 50%
[6:06:55] GAE_Charrua has disconnected
[6:07:10] GAE_Ceteu:Ju-87B-2(1) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 231727.42 234438.62
[6:07:11] GAE_Ceteu:Ju-87B-2(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 231766.45 234329.08
[6:07:12] GAE_Ceteu:Ju-87B-2(1) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 231783.84 234280.55
[6:07:12] GAE_Ceteu:Ju-87B-2(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 231801.28 234232.11
[6:09:20] GAE_Ceteu:Ju-87B-2 landed at 236151.52 230993.16
[6:09:50] Mission END



1er Vuelo

Bf-109E-4N ? Armamento default - Fuel 100%

Despego en misión de cobertura a nuestra flota de invasión a Inglaterra en el Canal. Tras una breve patrulla en el área entramos en contacto con unidades enemigas de caza y bombardeo. Al entrar en combate con un Beaufighter soy alcanzado y derribado.

Piloto: KIA
Avión: Destruido

2do Vuelo

Bf-109E-4N ? Armamento default - Fuel 100%

Vuelvo a salir con rumbo a la zona de batalla donde nuestra flota recibía intenso fuego enemigo desde tierra y aire. Persigo hasta casi agotar mis municiones a un Beaufighter y lo derribo. Hago lo propio con un Swordfish. Sin municiones regreso a la base y aterrizo averiando tren y hélice.

AAK: 2 ( 1 BeaufighterMkI , 1 SwordfishMkI)
Piloto : OK
Avión: Averiado

OBS: El LOG reporta: [4:40:44] GAE_Pepper:Bf-109E-4N shot down by GAE_Falcon:Bf-109E-4N at 229955.5 249566.1, esto ocurrió entre mis derribos del Beaufighter y del Swordfish, pero honestamente no tengo registro consciente del hecho en sí, si fue así le pido mil disculpas al teniente.

3er Vuelo

He-111H-6 ? Armamento 2xTorp_spread - Fuel 70%

Avistada la Home Fleet al norte de nuestras unidades navales de invasión despego de la base en misión de ataque con torpedos. Intercepto unidades de superficie enemigas y suelto mi carga. Al escapar soy alcanzado por el fuego antiaéreo y derribado.

Piloto: KIA
Avión: Destruido

4to Vuelo

He-111H-6 ? Armamento 2xTorp_spread - Fuel 70%

Vuelvo al combate en busca de la flota enemiga. Suelto mi carga sobre una de las unidades de superficie pero soy alcanzado por el fuego de un Spit que me derriba.

Piloto: KIA
Avión: Destruido

5to Vuelo

Ju-88A-4 ? Armamento Torpedos - Fuel 70%
Salgo esta vez en un Ju-88 torpedero al encuentro de la flota inglesa. Tras soltar mi carga, soy alcanzado por el fuego enemigo y derribado.

Piloto: KIA
Avión: Destruido

6to Vuelo

Ju-88A-4 ?28xSC50_2xSC250 - Fuel 70%

Salgo en misión de ataque a los cañones de gran calibre de la defensa costera inglesa. La fuerte resistencia AAA y la excesiva altura con la que llego a la zona de lanzamiento me dificultan encontrar el blanco, ayudado por Pepper suelto bombas a ciegas y vuelvo a la base, aterrizando dificultosamente.

Piloto: OK
Avión: Averiado