Crimea 18

Iniciado por GAE_Ceteu, 09 de Diciembre de 2011, 04:08:35 PM

Tema anterior - Siguiente tema


Los últimos zarpazos del Oso Ruso Disidente.

Cartel alentando a los cosacos de Crimea a arrojar los invasores al mar.


Rumbo a la Victoria


Eliminado el avance Disidente en el sur por el vuelo encabezado por el TN Charrúa, sólo el ala norte del ataque Disidente continúa su avance tratando de ocupar la población de Kirovskoe, lo que le posibilitaría aislar Feodosiya del resto de la Península de Kerch y establecer un punto desde donde lanzar una ofensiva que nos arroje al mar.

El ejécito hindú a montado un contraataque en el norte para recuperar esa población, pero sólo con un batallón de tanques, ya que aprovechando la falta de resistencia en el sur, ha lanzado una ofensiva para capturar la costa sur de Crimea y así amenazar su capital, Simferopol.

Por eso el GAE se ocupará de barrer toda resistencia en Kirovskoe y de cualquier fuerza Disidente que se dirija a esa localidad, ya que con la bajas sufridas en el avance, los Disidentes tratarán de reforzar indudablemente.

Los hindúes tratarán de apoyar con elementos aéreos, pero aún no pudieron determinarnos cuales serían.

Por otro lado, nuestra base en AS10 ha sido reducida a su mínima expresión. Sólo pueden operar desde allí Texan y HRS3, por lo que si un piloto debe descender allí, volverá a salir con Texan o en caso de rescate, con HRS. Para recuperar un avión de otro tipo, deberá aterrizar en Lenino, la base operativa más cercana.

1º Escuadrilla de Ataque

La 1º deberá destruír toda presencia de los Disidentes en Kirovskoe o en sus cercanías, por todos los medios posibles. Es primordial restablecer el frente, por lo que las consideraciones a las propiedades civiles han pasado a segundo término. Autorizado el ataque en el interior de la localidad, incluso con armas de gran peso.

De haber terminado con la oposición en tiempo, de deberá proceder contra las posiciones artilleras en AR10#7.

2º Escuadrilla de Caza y Ataque

La 2º mantendrá una PAC sobre la línea del Frente, manteniendo superioridad y rechazando los ataques a bajo y alto nivel de los aviones Disidentes.

Fuerza de Tareas

La FT navegará, ya al alcance del teatro de los combates, con rumbo 065º desde AS5 hasta BB8, virando a 270º hasta llegar a AU8 durante el resto de la misión, manteniendo una constante de 55 km/h.

No contaremos con el Vikrant, que por problemas en las plantas de poder se ha retirado al sur con el fin de juntarse con un buque taller.


1er Vuelo:

F9F2 Panther - 100% Fuel - Default

Despego como numeral 2 con Alma, nos dirigimos a dar cobertura en la zona de operaciones de ataque, nos disponemos a hacer una cap cuando aparecen 2 pistoneros, ataco al ala mientras Alma ataca al líder, bajamos a los dos, luego nos trenzamos con un Mig que cada tanto rompe la barrera del sonido, varios minutos de sube y baja y nada imposible alcanzarlo. Me dirijo al norte donde el radar indica 4 contactos, resultan ser B24 indios, rebreso al V1 donde aponto sin novedad.

AAK: 1
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Ok - Apontado

2do Vuelo:

F9F2 Panther - 100% Fuel - Default

Despegamos y volvemos al teatro de operaciones, el observador nos informa contactos desde el oeste a gran altura, nos dirigimos hacia ellos, resultan ser 12 bombers, nos acercamos para atacarlos pero nos recibe una barrera infranqueable de plomo.

Piloto: Kia
Avión: Destruído

3er Vuelo:

F9F2 Panther - 100% Fuel - 6 Hvar

Despegamos nuevamente y vamos en ascenso rápidamente hacia los bombers, les entramos y otra vez mismo resultado.

Piloto: Kia
Avión: Destruído
CC - Jefe Sección Personal


[Dec 10, 2011 12:27:13 AM] Mission: net/dogfight/Crimea 18/Crimea 18.mis is Playing
[12:27:13 AM] Mission BEGIN
[12:27:41 AM] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 0.0 0.0
[12:27:41 AM] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons 'default' fuel 100%
[12:27:54 AM] GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Popeye at 0.0 0.0
[12:27:54 AM] GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '08xHVAR+02x1000Lbs_Bomb' fuel 70%
[12:27:56 AM] Gae_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 0.0 0.0
[12:27:56 AM] Gae_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '08xHVAR+02x1000Lbs_Bomb' fuel 70%
[12:28:09 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 0.0 0.0
[12:28:09 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '08xHVAR+02x1000Lbs_Bomb' fuel 70%
[12:28:40 AM] GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 0.0 0.0
[12:28:40 AM] GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '08xHVAR+01x2000Lbs_Bomb' fuel 70%
[12:29:15 AM] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 0.0 0.0
[12:29:15 AM] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons 'default' fuel 100%
[12:29:30 AM] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 173103.25 30851.592
[12:30:18 AM] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 173825.77 31113.766
[12:33:01 AM] GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 232653.94 103181.07
[12:33:10 AM] Gae_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 232475.16 103144.97
[12:33:13 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 232784.42 103195.91
[12:33:15 AM] GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 232505.53 103192.01
[12:38:49 AM] 5GvIAP00{5GvIAP001;Yak-9UVK-107;1}(0) was killed by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 193179.98 105603.55
[12:39:11 AM] 5GvIAP00{5GvIAP001;Yak-9UVK-107;1} shot down by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 191486.27 104544.76
[12:40:40 AM] 1_Chief4 destroyed by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 188747.77 98900.0
[12:40:40 AM] 1_Chief3 destroyed by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 188763.53 98900.0
[12:40:40 AM] 1_Chief5 destroyed by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 188731.98 98900.0
[12:40:40 AM] 1_Chief0 destroyed by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 188808.84 98900.0
[12:40:40 AM] 1_Chief2 destroyed by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 188779.3 98899.79
[12:40:40 AM] 1_Chief1 destroyed by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 188795.12 98900.0
[12:41:16 AM] Yak-9UVK-107(0) was heavily wounded at 186506.44 103470.57
[12:41:25 AM] Yak-9UVK-107(0) bailed out at 186370.3 102403.26
[12:41:58 AM] 5GvIAP00{5GvIAP000;Yak-9UVK-107;1} shot down by GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 185767.69 102919.36
[12:42:42 AM] 3_Chief12 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 183243.28 106956.71
[12:42:42 AM] 3_Chief19 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 183165.61 107034.4
[12:42:42 AM] 3_Chief16 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 183198.5 107001.51
[12:42:42 AM] 3_Chief17 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 183187.52 107012.484
[12:42:42 AM] 3_Chief15 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 183209.48 106990.51
[12:42:42 AM] 3_Chief10 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 183264.69 106935.305
[12:42:42 AM] 3_Chief13 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 183231.67 106968.32
[12:42:42 AM] 3_Chief18 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 183176.56 107023.445
[12:42:42 AM] 3_Chief14 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 183220.52 106979.484
[12:42:42 AM] GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;2} damaged by 4_Chief1 at 187144.3 99052.96
[12:42:43 AM] GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;2}(0) was killed at 187304.89 98992.17
[12:42:43 AM] GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;2} shot down by 4_Chief1 at 187304.89 98992.17
[12:43:41 AM] Yak-9UVK-107(0) successfully bailed out at 185805.1 101218.03
[12:43:41 AM] ParatrooperLogging 987702(0) touchdown in X: 185805.09865447023 Y: 101218.00222758795 (ground) drop by
[12:44:12 AM] 3_Chief1 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 183946.22 106900.0
[12:44:12 AM] 3_Chief3 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 183914.73 106900.0
[12:44:12 AM] 3_Chief0 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 183961.97 106900.0
[12:44:12 AM] 3_Chief2 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 183930.48 106900.0
[12:44:12 AM] 3_Chief4 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 183899.0 106900.0
[12:44:13 AM] 3_Chief7 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 183859.06 106900.125
[12:44:13 AM] 3_Chief8 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 183843.56 106900.0
[12:44:13 AM] 3_Chief5 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 183890.6 106900.0
[12:44:32 AM] Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario;2}(0) was killed at 187738.45 98921.44
[12:44:32 AM] Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario;2} shot down by landscape at 187738.45 98921.44
[12:44:50 AM] 3_Chief24 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 183484.25 106900.0
[12:45:44 AM] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[12:45:48 AM] Gae_Cuervo entered refly menu
[12:45:58 AM] Gae_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 0.0 0.0
[12:45:58 AM] Gae_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '08xHVAR+02x1000Lbs_Bomb' fuel 70%
[12:46:01 AM] GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 0.0 0.0
[12:46:01 AM] GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '08xHVAR+02x1000Lbs_Bomb' fuel 70%
[12:47:04 AM] GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;2} damaged on the ground at 234176.05 103281.18
[12:47:04 AM] GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2} damaged by 6_Chief0 at 187288.7 98879.92
[12:47:05 AM] GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2}(0) was killed at 187432.22 98891.82
[12:47:05 AM] GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2} shot down by 6_Chief0 at 187432.22 98891.82
[12:47:15 AM] 3_Chief31 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 183786.75 106900.0
[12:47:20 AM] GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario removed at 234198.02 103288.89
[12:47:20 AM] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[12:47:36 AM] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[12:48:11 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 0.0 0.0
[12:48:11 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '08xHVAR+02x1000Lbs_Bomb' fuel 70%
[12:49:01 AM] GAE_Charrua:HRS3(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 0.0 0.0
[12:49:01 AM] GAE_Charrua:HRS3 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 70%
[12:50:50 AM] Gae_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 232537.36 103170.12
[12:50:51 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 232518.56 103186.04
[12:53:18 AM] cb0100{cb01000;MiG-17F;1} damaged by landscape at 202323.23 105093.31
[12:53:18 AM] cb0100{cb01000;MiG-17F;1}(0) was killed at 202323.23 105093.31
[12:53:18 AM] cb0100{cb01000;MiG-17F;1} shot down by landscape at 202323.23 105093.31
[12:55:12 AM] cb0100{cb01001;MiG-17F;1} damaged by landscape at 191861.42 122895.02
[12:55:12 AM] cb0100{cb01001;MiG-17F;1}(0) was killed at 191861.42 122895.02
[12:55:12 AM] cb0100{cb01001;MiG-17F;1} shot down by landscape at 191861.42 122895.02
[12:58:58 AM] 69_Static destroyed by ir0100{ir01000;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 189752.33 96838.49
[12:58:59 AM] 70_Static destroyed by ir0100{ir01001;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 189811.19 96856.1
[12:58:59 AM] 67_Static destroyed by ir0100{ir01002;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 189581.31 96908.02
[12:59:18 AM] ir0101{ir01010;B-24J-100-CF;2} damaged on the ground at 267754.84 104406.7
[1:00:28 AM] GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} landed at 233847.19 103141.82
[1:00:28 AM] GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} damaged on the ground at 233847.19 103141.82
[1:01:04 AM] 2_Chief3 destroyed by Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 189790.69 96799.516
[1:01:04 AM] 2_Chief7 destroyed by Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 189842.16 96786.07
[1:01:04 AM] 2_Chief8 destroyed by Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 189855.08 96782.695
[1:01:04 AM] 2_Chief9 destroyed by Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 189870.16 96778.76
[1:01:05 AM] 2_Chief6 destroyed by Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 189829.23 96789.445
[1:01:34 AM] 5_Chief0 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 190500.0 100237.21
[1:01:50 AM] 5GvIAP03{5GvIAP030;Il-10;1} landed at 117504.31 66145.49
[1:01:54 AM] Il-10 removed at 117504.31 66145.49
[1:03:59 AM] GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R;2} landed at 201498.86 43602.383
[1:04:19 AM] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 201769.1 43724.453
[1:04:19 AM] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[1:04:36 AM] 5GvIAP03{5GvIAP031;Il-10;1} landed at 117567.29 66180.97
[1:04:39 AM] GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario removed at 233847.19 103141.83
[1:04:39 AM] GAE_Popeye entered refly menu
[1:04:40 AM] Il-10 removed at 117567.29 66180.97
[1:05:54 AM] GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2} landed at 189628.53 90471.83
[1:06:08 AM] GAE_Popeye:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Popeye at 0.0 0.0
[1:06:08 AM] GAE_Popeye:SNJ5_Texan loaded weapons '06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 60%
[1:06:09 AM] GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R;2} landed at 203360.22 44432.457
[1:06:22 AM] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 203524.14 44509.94
[1:06:22 AM] GAE_Alma entered refly menu
[1:06:26 AM] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 0.0 0.0
[1:06:26 AM] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons 'default' fuel 100%
[1:06:30 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario removed at 189629.1 90475.875
[1:06:30 AM] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[1:06:44 AM] Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario;2} landed at 189518.19 90549.27
[1:06:50 AM] Gae_Cuervo:F4U5_Corsario removed at 189518.23 90549.31
[1:06:50 AM] Gae_Cuervo entered refly menu
[1:07:09 AM] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 0.0 0.0
[1:07:09 AM] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons 'default' fuel 100%
[1:07:21 AM] GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 0.0 0.0
[1:07:21 AM] GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan loaded weapons 'N_06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 70%
[1:07:30 AM] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 204867.89 45135.98
[1:08:01 AM] Gae_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 0.0 0.0
[1:08:01 AM] Gae_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan loaded weapons '06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 60%
[1:08:06 AM] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 205363.52 45364.08
[1:10:07 AM] GAE_Popeye:SNJ5_Texan in flight at 189562.23 90423.91
[1:10:24 AM] GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan in flight at 188980.45 90810.68
[1:10:27 AM] Gae_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan in flight at 188706.05 90971.805
[1:13:17 AM] 0_Chief9 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 190500.0 97209.24
[1:13:17 AM] 0_Chief12 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 190500.0 97248.24
[1:13:18 AM] 0_Chief8 destroyed by landscape at 190500.0 97196.24
[1:13:18 AM] 0_Chief10 destroyed by landscape at 190500.0 97217.805
[1:13:18 AM] 0_Chief7 destroyed by landscape at 190499.73 97182.24
[1:13:18 AM] 0_Chief11 destroyed by landscape at 190500.0 97231.78
[1:13:44 AM] 6_Chief0 destroyed by Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 189699.9 97238.97
[1:14:29 AM] 0_Chief13 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 190494.92 97169.375
[1:14:29 AM] 0_Chief15 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 190494.97 97190.39
[1:14:55 AM] 0_Chief6 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 190500.0 97086.54
[1:15:09 AM] 0_Chief1 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 190499.56 96606.54
[1:15:29 AM] 0_Chief3 destroyed by Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 190500.0 96702.53
[1:18:07 AM] B-24J-100-CF removed at 270484.12 108120.17
[1:18:13 AM] GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:SNJ5_Texan;2} landed at 189266.0 90621.12
[1:19:17 AM] GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan;2} landed at 188904.8 90812.47
[1:19:36 AM] GAE_Popeye:SNJ5_Texan removed at 189294.81 90572.195
[1:19:37 AM] GAE_Popeye entered refly menu
[1:19:39 AM] GAE_Popeye:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Popeye at 0.0 0.0
[1:19:39 AM] GAE_Popeye:SNJ5_Texan loaded weapons '06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 60%
[1:19:40 AM] Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan;2} landed at 189225.25 90684.016
[1:19:42 AM] Gae_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan removed at 189225.55 90683.84
[1:19:42 AM] Gae_Cuervo entered refly menu
[1:19:46 AM] GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan removed at 188904.83 90812.26
[1:19:46 AM] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[1:19:50 AM] Gae_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 0.0 0.0
[1:19:50 AM] Gae_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan loaded weapons '06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 60%
[1:19:50 AM] GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 0.0 0.0
[1:19:50 AM] GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan loaded weapons 'N_06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 70%
[1:21:10 AM] B-24J-100-CF removed at 270456.94 108089.82
[1:22:03 AM] Gae_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan in flight at 188811.83 90909.76
[1:22:06 AM] GAE_Popeye:SNJ5_Texan in flight at 188946.67 90810.9
[1:22:11 AM] GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan in flight at 189108.11 90731.63
[1:24:09 AM] B-24J-100-CF removed at 270500.47 108152.09
[1:24:49 AM] 3_Chief32 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 190568.84 97368.85
[1:24:49 AM] 3_Chief28 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 190535.88 97335.875
[1:24:50 AM] 3_Chief26 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 190507.58 97307.586
[1:24:50 AM] 3_Chief27 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 190518.62 97318.63
[1:24:51 AM] 3_Chief23 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 190486.17 97284.3
[1:24:51 AM] 3_Chief25 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 190496.48 97296.016
[1:24:52 AM] 3_Chief21 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 190461.33 97256.08
[1:24:52 AM] 3_Chief20 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 190450.9 97244.24
[1:25:43 AM] 0_Chief4 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 190499.95 96688.37
[1:26:16 AM] 0_Chief14 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 190500.0 96775.445
[1:28:01 AM] B-24J-100-CF removed at 269933.44 107895.13
[1:28:07 AM] 3_Chief30 destroyed by Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 190217.11 96978.68
[1:28:07 AM] 3_Chief33 destroyed by Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 190225.7 96988.48
[1:29:00 AM] 3_Chief22 destroyed by Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 190200.1 96959.4
[1:29:00 AM] 3_Chief29 destroyed by Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 190208.69 96969.16
[1:29:00 AM] 3_Chief11 destroyed by Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 190191.5 96949.65
[1:29:00 AM] 3_Chief9 destroyed by Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 190182.9 96939.89
[1:29:00 AM] 3_Chief6 destroyed by Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 190174.33 96930.13


[1:30:01 AM] GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan;2} landed at 189154.39 90769.73
[1:30:06 AM] GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan removed at 189154.42 90769.77
[1:30:06 AM] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[1:30:13 AM] GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 0.0 0.0
[1:30:13 AM] GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan loaded weapons 'N_06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 70%
[1:32:01 AM] GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:SNJ5_Texan;2} landed at 188958.72 90788.94
[1:33:10 AM] Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan;2} landed at 189040.17 90778.36
[1:33:14 AM] Gae_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan removed at 189040.19 90778.34
[1:33:15 AM] Gae_Cuervo entered refly menu
[1:33:22 AM] GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R;2}(0) was killed at 188103.02 105126.88
[1:33:22 AM] GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R;2} shot down by NONAME{4GvIAPKBF103;Tu-4;1} at 188103.02 105126.88
[1:33:26 AM] GAE_Popeye:SNJ5_Texan removed at 188957.25 90787.98
[1:33:26 AM] GAE_Popeye entered refly menu
[1:33:29 AM] GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R;2}(0) was killed at 187792.42 104982.016
[1:33:29 AM] GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R;2} shot down by NONAME{4GvIAPKBF030;Tu-4;1} at 187792.42 104982.016
[1:33:32 AM] GAE_Popeye:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Popeye at 0.0 0.0
[1:33:32 AM] GAE_Popeye:SNJ5_Texan loaded weapons '06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 60%
[1:33:38 AM] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[1:33:40 AM] GAE_Alma entered refly menu
[1:33:42 AM] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 0.0 0.0
[1:33:42 AM] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons 'default' fuel 100%
[1:33:47 AM] Gae_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 0.0 0.0
[1:33:47 AM] Gae_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan loaded weapons '06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 60%
[1:33:51 AM] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 226428.3 54792.06
[1:33:51 AM] GAE_Alma entered refly menu
[1:33:54 AM] Gae_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan removed at 189514.3 90666.13
[1:33:54 AM] Gae_Cuervo entered refly menu
[1:34:09 AM] GAE_Popeye:SNJ5_Texan removed at 270460.28 108087.88
[1:34:09 AM] GAE_Popeye entered refly menu
[1:34:27 AM] GAE_Popeye:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Popeye at 0.0 0.0
[1:34:27 AM] GAE_Popeye:SNJ5_Texan loaded weapons '06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 60%
[1:34:35 AM] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 0.0 0.0
[1:34:35 AM] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 100%
[1:34:46 AM] Gae_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 0.0 0.0
[1:34:46 AM] Gae_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan loaded weapons '06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 60%
[1:35:12 AM] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 0.0 0.0
[1:35:12 AM] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 100%
[1:35:36 AM] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 228342.56 55686.84
[1:36:05 AM] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 228748.86 55824.062
[1:36:37 AM] Gae_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan in flight at 188715.39 90960.39
[1:36:40 AM] GAE_Popeye:SNJ5_Texan in flight at 188758.75 90925.34
[1:36:44 AM] GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan in flight at 188931.97 90840.45
[1:38:49 AM] 8_Chief25 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 188646.31 98900.0
[1:38:49 AM] 8_Chief22 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 188685.31 98900.0
[1:38:49 AM] 8_Chief21 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 188698.31 98900.0
[1:38:49 AM] 8_Chief27 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 188620.28 98900.0
[1:38:51 AM] 8_Chief29 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 188603.5 98900.0
[1:38:51 AM] 8_Chief26 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 188640.4 98899.555
[1:38:51 AM] 8_Chief28 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 188613.8 98900.414
[1:38:51 AM] 8_Chief31 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 188575.75 98900.0
[1:38:51 AM] 8_Chief30 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 188591.72 98899.93
[1:39:09 AM] 8_Chief8 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 189332.84 98467.15
[1:39:09 AM] 62_Static destroyed by 4GvIAPKBF10{4GvIAPKBF103;Tu-4;1} at 233372.06 103021.68
[1:39:11 AM] 60_Static destroyed by 4GvIAPKBF10{4GvIAPKBF100;Tu-4;1} at 234088.1 103501.28
[1:39:11 AM] 41_Static destroyed by 4GvIAPKBF10{4GvIAPKBF103;Tu-4;1} at 233568.39 103041.67
[1:39:14 AM] 63_Static destroyed by 4GvIAPKBF10{4GvIAPKBF103;Tu-4;1} at 233978.3 103057.12
[1:39:31 AM] 8_Chief10 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 188840.27 98904.055
[1:39:31 AM] 8_Chief16 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 188786.17 98900.0
[1:39:31 AM] 8_Chief15 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 188796.95 98895.76
[1:39:31 AM] 8_Chief14 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 188823.12 98899.07
[1:39:31 AM] 8_Chief17 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 188779.3 98900.06
[1:39:40 AM] 8_Chief7 destroyed by Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 189699.75 97913.96
[1:40:18 AM] 4GvIAPKBF03{4GvIAPKBF033;Tu-4;1}(3) was killed by 42_Static at 239535.3 102745.375
[1:40:33 AM] 8_Chief5 destroyed by Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 189700.19 97391.31
[1:40:33 AM] 8_Chief4 destroyed by Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 189700.22 97375.8
[1:40:33 AM] 8_Chief3 destroyed by Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 189700.25 97358.43
[1:42:51 AM] GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan;2} landed at 188891.62 90826.12
[1:43:02 AM] GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan removed at 188891.62 90826.12
[1:43:02 AM] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[1:43:07 AM] GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 0.0 0.0
[1:43:07 AM] GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan loaded weapons 'N_06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 70%
[1:43:35 AM] GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:SNJ5_Texan;2} landed at 189397.14 90481.78
[1:43:35 AM] GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:SNJ5_Texan;2} damaged on the ground at 189397.14 90481.78
[1:44:29 AM] GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R;2} damaged by NONAME{4GvIAPKBF023;Tu-4;1} at 242598.94 111571.28
[1:44:29 AM] GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R;2}(0) was killed at 242598.94 111571.28
[1:44:29 AM] GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R;2} shot down by NONAME{4GvIAPKBF023;Tu-4;1} at 242598.94 111571.28
[1:44:35 AM] 4GvIAPKBF02{4GvIAPKBF020;Tu-4;1} damaged by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 241517.61 111595.39
[1:44:36 AM] GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R;2} damaged by NONAME{4GvIAPKBF021;Tu-4;1} at 241797.55 111556.414
[1:44:36 AM] GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R;2}(0) was killed at 241797.55 111556.414
[1:44:36 AM] GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R;2} shot down by NONAME{4GvIAPKBF021;Tu-4;1} at 241797.55 111556.414
[1:44:38 AM] Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan;2} landed at 189115.34 90739.57
[1:44:39 AM] Tu-4(0) bailed out at 241120.9 111657.39
[1:44:40 AM] Tu-4(1) bailed out at 240990.03 111683.5
[1:44:41 AM] Tu-4(2) bailed out at 240860.22 111713.5
[1:44:43 AM] Tu-4(3) bailed out at 240732.05 111747.414
[1:44:44 AM] Tu-4(4) bailed out at 240606.28 111784.83
[1:44:45 AM] Tu-4(5) bailed out at 240483.7 111825.055
[1:44:53 AM] Gae_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan removed at 189115.44 90739.51
[1:44:53 AM] Gae_Cuervo entered refly menu
[1:45:00 AM] GAE_Popeye:SNJ5_Texan removed at 189397.11 90481.93
[1:45:00 AM] GAE_Popeye entered refly menu
[1:45:14 AM] GAE_Popeye:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Popeye at 0.0 0.0
[1:45:14 AM] GAE_Popeye:SNJ5_Texan loaded weapons '06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 60%
[1:45:22 AM] 4GvIAPKBF02{4GvIAPKBF020;Tu-4;1} shot down by 39_Static at 238403.89 112337.91
[1:45:26 AM] GAE_Alma has disconnected
[1:46:04 AM] Gae_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 0.0 0.0
[1:46:04 AM] Gae_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan loaded weapons '06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 60%
[1:47:48 AM] Gae_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan in flight at 188580.17 91023.375
[1:47:50 AM] GAE_Popeye:SNJ5_Texan in flight at 188864.8 90864.88
[1:47:59 AM] GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan in flight at 189082.38 90857.234
[1:49:21 AM] 2_Chief4 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 189780.95 96820.875
[1:49:21 AM] 2_Chief2 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 189778.05 96802.82
[1:49:21 AM] 2_Chief0 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 189752.89 96809.39
[1:49:21 AM] 2_Chief1 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 189765.47 96806.11
[1:49:45 AM] 8_Chief18 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 189709.23 97339.55
[1:49:45 AM] 8_Chief34 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 189700.95 97346.836
[1:49:45 AM] 8_Chief19 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 189696.62 97325.57
[1:49:45 AM] 8_Chief11 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 189707.33 97333.414
[1:49:45 AM] 8_Chief32 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 189723.75 97337.55
[1:49:45 AM] 8_Chief0 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 189700.33 97309.34
[1:49:49 AM] 8_Chief13 destroyed by Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 189709.2 97326.98
[1:49:49 AM] 8_Chief1 destroyed by Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 189694.08 97317.07
[1:49:49 AM] 8_Chief20 destroyed by Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 189713.22 97319.11
[1:49:49 AM] 8_Chief9 destroyed by Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 189724.7 97328.65
[1:49:49 AM] 8_Chief33 destroyed by Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 189676.56 97335.12
[1:49:49 AM] 8_Chief24 destroyed by Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 189679.64 97331.06
[1:49:49 AM] 8_Chief23 destroyed by Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 189700.28 97338.58
[1:49:49 AM] 8_Chief12 destroyed by Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 189683.78 97323.61
[1:49:49 AM] 8_Chief6 destroyed by Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 189689.42 97330.195
[1:50:11 AM] 4_Chief0 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 189612.4 97088.68
[1:51:13 AM] 0_Chief5 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 190494.67 96675.42
[1:52:52 AM] ParatrooperLogging 5139058(0) touchdown in X: 238514.33521516013 Y: 112976.69625853685 (ground) drop by
[1:52:52 AM] Tu-4(0) successfully bailed out at 238514.34 112976.695
[1:52:52 AM] Tu-4(0) was captured at 238514.34 112976.695
[1:53:00 AM] ParatrooperLogging 5147038(5) touchdown in X: 238018.19005789256 Y: 113377.85958693553 (ground) drop by
[1:53:00 AM] Tu-4(5) successfully bailed out at 238016.92 113377.71
[1:53:00 AM] Tu-4(5) was captured at 238016.92 113377.71
[1:53:12 AM] ParatrooperLogging 5159398(2) touchdown in X: 238350.48540261327 Y: 113166.64503583676 (ground) drop by
[1:53:13 AM] Tu-4(2) successfully bailed out at 238350.67 113166.25
[1:53:13 AM] Tu-4(2) was captured at 238350.67 113166.25
[1:53:22 AM] ParatrooperLogging 5168488(4) touchdown in X: 238147.699014255 Y: 113322.60378582988 (ground) drop by
[1:53:22 AM] Tu-4(4) successfully bailed out at 238147.61 113322.59
[1:53:22 AM] Tu-4(4) was captured at 238147.61 113322.59
[1:53:40 AM] ParatrooperLogging 5187058(3) touchdown in X: 238198.11373070593 Y: 113277.97127901895 (ground) drop by
[1:53:40 AM] Tu-4(3) successfully bailed out at 238196.14 113276.83
[1:53:40 AM] Tu-4(3) was captured at 238196.14 113276.83
[1:53:41 AM] ParatrooperLogging 5188108(1) touchdown in X: 238415.21232453288 Y: 113083.64778426489 (ground) drop by
[1:53:41 AM] Tu-4(1) successfully bailed out at 238415.31 113083.52
[1:53:41 AM] Tu-4(1) was captured at 238415.31 113083.52
[1:56:03 AM] cb0102{cb01022;MiG-15(bis)late;1} damaged by landscape at 205378.56 95899.75
[1:56:03 AM] MiG-15(bis)late(0) was heavily wounded at 205378.56 95899.75
[1:56:03 AM] cb0102{cb01022;MiG-15(bis)late;1}(0) was killed at 205378.56 95899.75
[1:56:03 AM] cb0102{cb01022;MiG-15(bis)late;1} shot down by landscape at 205378.56 95899.75
[1:56:20 AM] Gae_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 0.0 0.0
[1:56:24 AM] Gae_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 0.0 0.0
[2:01:34 AM] Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan;2} landed at 233584.86 103193.97
[2:01:43 AM] Gae_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan removed at 233585.25 103193.6
[2:01:43 AM] Gae_Cuervo entered refly menu
[2:01:56 AM] GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:SNJ5_Texan;2} landed at 233789.14 103184.56
[2:02:02 AM] GAE_Popeye:SNJ5_Texan removed at 233789.25 103184.51
[2:02:02 AM] GAE_Popeye entered refly menu
[2:02:50 AM] GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan;2} landed at 233513.77 103340.44
[2:03:03 AM] GAE_Ceteu:SNJ5_Texan removed at 233513.88 103340.56
[2:03:03 AM] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[2:03:41 AM] GAE_Pepper has disconnected
[2:03:50 AM] GAE_Popeye:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Popeye at 0.0 0.0
[2:03:50 AM] GAE_Popeye:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x500lbs_Bomb+06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 70%
[2:04:10 AM] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 0.0 0.0
[2:04:10 AM] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x500lbs_Bomb+06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 80%
[2:04:12 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 0.0 0.0
[2:04:12 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x500lbs_Bomb+06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 80%
[2:07:39 AM] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 234434.84 103236.45
[2:07:40 AM] GAE_Popeye:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 234441.17 103236.875
[2:07:45 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 234155.67 103281.76
[2:13:49 AM] 12_Chief crashed at 259925.14 69882.516
[2:13:49 AM] 9_Chief crashed at 259886.7 69822.76
[2:15:40 AM] 4GvIAPKBF10{4GvIAPKBF101;Tu-4;1} damaged by landscape at 66813.9 99390.76
[2:15:41 AM] Tu-4(3) was wounded at 66939.07 99464.19
[2:15:41 AM] Tu-4(1) was wounded at 66939.07 99464.19
[2:15:41 AM] 4GvIAPKBF10{4GvIAPKBF101;Tu-4;1}(3) was killed at 66939.07 99464.19
[2:15:41 AM] 4GvIAPKBF10{4GvIAPKBF101;Tu-4;1}(0) was killed at 66939.07 99464.19
[2:15:41 AM] 4GvIAPKBF10{4GvIAPKBF101;Tu-4;1}(1) was killed at 66939.07 99464.19
[2:15:41 AM] 4GvIAPKBF10{4GvIAPKBF101;Tu-4;1}(2) was killed at 66939.07 99464.19
[2:15:41 AM] 4GvIAPKBF10{4GvIAPKBF101;Tu-4;1}(4) was killed at 66939.07 99464.19
[2:15:41 AM] 4GvIAPKBF10{4GvIAPKBF101;Tu-4;1}(5) was killed at 66939.07 99464.19
[2:15:42 AM] 4GvIAPKBF10{4GvIAPKBF101;Tu-4;1} shot down by 39_Static at 66939.07 99464.19
[2:15:53 AM] Tu-4(0) bailed out at 66704.99 102070.58
[2:15:54 AM] Tu-4(1) bailed out at 66663.86 102163.12
[2:15:55 AM] Tu-4(2) bailed out at 66628.29 102252.83
[2:15:57 AM] Tu-4(3) bailed out at 66593.83 102340.63
[2:15:58 AM] Tu-4(4) bailed out at 66564.76 102426.02
[2:15:59 AM] Tu-4(4) was killed in his chute by Tu-4 at 66545.06 102478.28
[2:15:59 AM] 4GvIAPKBF10{4GvIAPKBF102;Tu-4;1}(5) was killed at 66545.06 102485.12
[2:15:59 AM] 4GvIAPKBF10{4GvIAPKBF102;Tu-4;1} shot down by 40_Static at 66545.06 102485.12
[2:16:00 AM] Tu-4(3) was killed at 66519.02 102521.945
[2:16:09 AM] Tu-4(2) was killed at 66433.64 102624.5
[2:16:14 AM] 4GvIAPKBF10{4GvIAPKBF103;Tu-4;1} landed at 63562.43 97187.586
[2:16:14 AM] 4GvIAPKBF10{4GvIAPKBF103;Tu-4;1} damaged on the ground at 63562.43 97187.586
[2:16:18 AM] Tu-4(0) bailed out at 63562.43 97187.586
[2:16:19 AM] Tu-4(1) bailed out at 63562.43 97187.586
[2:16:20 AM] 2_Chief5 destroyed by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 189756.77 96821.42
[2:16:20 AM] Tu-4(2) bailed out at 63562.43 97187.586
[2:16:22 AM] Tu-4(3) bailed out at 63562.43 97187.586
[2:16:23 AM] Tu-4(4) bailed out at 63562.43 97187.586
[2:16:24 AM] ParatrooperLogging 6550818(0) touchdown in X: 63524.47951501914 Y: 97189.23272404629 (ground) drop by 4GvIAPKBF103
[2:16:24 AM] Tu-4(0) successfully bailed out at 63524.48 97189.234
[2:16:24 AM] Tu-4(5) bailed out at 63562.43 97187.586
[2:16:29 AM] ParatrooperLogging 6555588(2) touchdown in X: 63510.19854636452 Y: 97214.3710891129 (ground) drop by 4GvIAPKBF103
[2:16:29 AM] Tu-4(2) successfully bailed out at 63510.2 97214.375
[2:16:29 AM] ParatrooperLogging 6555768(1) touchdown in X: 63519.136788080126 Y: 97155.70256138867 (ground) drop by 4GvIAPKBF103
[2:16:29 AM] Tu-4(1) successfully bailed out at 63519.137 97155.7
[2:16:30 AM] Tu-4(3) successfully bailed out at 63508.297 97202.266
[2:16:30 AM] ParatrooperLogging 6556968(3) touchdown in X: 63508.29487070081 Y: 97202.26062556087 (ground) drop by 4GvIAPKBF103
[2:16:31 AM] ParatrooperLogging 6557538(4) touchdown in X: 63513.10096762167 Y: 97197.33868331615 (ground) drop by 4GvIAPKBF103
[2:16:31 AM] Tu-4(4) successfully bailed out at 63513.1 97197.34
[2:16:34 AM] ParatrooperLogging 6561048(5) touchdown in X: 63511.2888831235 Y: 97163.96096660466 (ground) drop by 4GvIAPKBF103
[2:16:34 AM] Tu-4(5) successfully bailed out at 63511.29 97163.97
[2:16:36 AM] ParatrooperLogging 6562488(1) touchdown in X: 66308.81574829423 Y: 102627.72579967667 (ground) drop by
[2:16:36 AM] Tu-4(1) successfully bailed out at 66308.78 102628.41
[2:16:44 AM] Tu-4 removed at 63562.43 97187.586
[2:16:52 AM] ParatrooperLogging 6579228(0) touchdown in X: 66368.34836217178 Y: 102533.22311428483 (ground) drop by
[2:16:52 AM] Tu-4(0) successfully bailed out at 66365.51 102532.54
[2:19:44 AM] 7_Chief0 destroyed by 0_Chief2 at 190848.42 96151.58
[2:20:03 AM] 4GvIAPKBF10{4GvIAPKBF100;Tu-4;1} landed at 63745.004 97227.18
[2:20:07 AM] Tu-4 removed at 63745.004 97227.18
[2:22:16 AM] 0_Chief2 destroyed by 7_Chief1 at 190511.02 96592.31
[2:22:19 AM] Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R;2}(0) was killed at 187206.56 86905.625
[2:22:19 AM] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R crashed at 187206.56 86905.625
[2:22:38 AM] 0_Chief0 destroyed by 7_Chief1 at 190499.11 96510.55
[2:23:13 AM] Gae_Cuervo has disconnected
[2:23:20 AM] 4GvIAPKBF02{4GvIAPKBF021;Tu-4;1} landed at 63733.805 97266.04
[2:23:24 AM] Tu-4 removed at 63733.805 97266.04
[2:27:01 AM] 4GvIAPKBF02{4GvIAPKBF022;Tu-4;1} landed at 63292.363 97769.15
[2:27:06 AM] Tu-4 removed at 63292.363 97769.15
[2:29:00 AM] cb0101{cb01010;Tu-2S;1} landed at 116824.02 66014.15
[2:29:04 AM] Tu-2S removed at 116824.02 66014.15
[2:29:32 AM] 4GvIAPKBF02{4GvIAPKBF023;Tu-4;1} landed at 63306.85 97163.85
[2:29:36 AM] Tu-4 removed at 63306.85 97163.85
[2:31:20 AM] GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R;2} landed at 245414.78 69338.02
[2:31:31 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 245260.38 69336.59
[2:31:31 AM] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[2:31:46 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 0.0 0.0
[2:31:46 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x500lbs_Bomb+06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 80%
[2:31:47 AM] GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F9F2_Panther_R;2} landed at 244948.75 69329.48
[2:31:57 AM] 68_Static destroyed by 7_Chief1 at 189934.72 97159.22
[2:31:58 AM] cb0101{cb01011;Tu-2S;1} landed at 116789.6 65994.11
[2:32:02 AM] Tu-2S removed at 116789.6 65994.11
[2:32:06 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 233520.73 103328.01
[2:32:06 AM] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[2:32:09 AM] GAE_Popeye:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 244607.8 69325.79
[2:32:13 AM] GAE_Popeye has disconnected
[2:32:14 AM] GAE_Charrua has disconnected
[2:32:14 AM] Mission END



Vuelo 1
F4U5, 70% + 2x1000lb + 8xHVAR
Decolé como nº 3 de la Esc. 1º y pusimos rumbo al pueblo de Kirovskoe. Ya en el lugar, hicimos pasadas sobre columnas de tanques y camiones avistadas. Retorné, y en el momento en que volví a pasar sobre el pueblo para corregir rumbo, me tocó una AAA los alerones dañándolos totalmente. Conseguí compensar y regresar a la base de Lenino, en donde aterricé sin sacar el tren, dañando la hélice, sano y salvo.

AGK: 19
Piloto: ok
Aeronave: aterrizado, hélice dañada.

[12:42:42 AM] 3_Chief12 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 183243.28 106956.71
[12:42:42 AM] 3_Chief19 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 183165.61 107034.4
[12:42:42 AM] 3_Chief16 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 183198.5 107001.51
[12:42:42 AM] 3_Chief17 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 183187.52 107012.484
[12:42:42 AM] 3_Chief15 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 183209.48 106990.51
[12:42:42 AM] 3_Chief10 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 183264.69 106935.305
[12:42:42 AM] 3_Chief13 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 183231.67 106968.32
[12:42:42 AM] 3_Chief18 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 183176.56 107023.445
[12:42:42 AM] 3_Chief14 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 183220.52 106979.484
[12:44:12 AM] 3_Chief1 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 183946.22 106900.0
[12:44:12 AM] 3_Chief3 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 183914.73 106900.0
[12:44:12 AM] 3_Chief0 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 183961.97 106900.0
[12:44:12 AM] 3_Chief2 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 183930.48 106900.0
[12:44:12 AM] 3_Chief4 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 183899.0 106900.0
[12:44:13 AM] 3_Chief7 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 183859.06 106900.125
[12:44:13 AM] 3_Chief8 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 183843.56 106900.0
[12:44:13 AM] 3_Chief5 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 183890.6 106900.0
[12:44:50 AM] 3_Chief24 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 183484.25 106900.0
[12:47:15 AM] 3_Chief31 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 183786.75 106900.0


Vuelo 2
SNJ5, 60% + 6xHVAR
Nos trasladamos a AS10, en donde tomamos uns Texan y emprendimos sucesivas salidas con Cuervo como lider.

AGK: 3
Piloto: ok
Aeronave: ok, aterrizada

[1:14:29 AM] 0_Chief13 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 190494.92 97169.375
[1:14:29 AM] 0_Chief15 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 190494.97 97190.39
[1:15:09 AM] 0_Chief1 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 190499.56 96606.54

Vuelo 3
SNJ5, 60% + 6xHVAR
Desde AS10, hasta AS10.

AGK: 2
Piloto: ok
Aeronave: aterrizada.

[1:25:43 AM] 0_Chief4 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 190499.95 96688.37
[1:26:16 AM] 0_Chief14 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 190500.0 96775.445

Vuelo 4
SNJ5, 60% + 6xHVAR
Desde AS10, hasta AS10

AGK: 6
Piloto: ok
Aeronave: ok, aterrizada, hélice dañada.

[1:39:09 AM] 8_Chief8 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 189332.84 98467.15
[1:39:31 AM] 8_Chief10 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 188840.27 98904.055
[1:39:31 AM] 8_Chief16 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 188786.17 98900.0
[1:39:31 AM] 8_Chief15 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 188796.95 98895.76
[1:39:31 AM] 8_Chief14 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 188823.12 98899.07
[1:39:31 AM] 8_Chief17 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 188779.3 98900.06

Vuelo 5
SNJ5, 60% + 6xHVAR
Esta vez, salimos desde AS10 y regresamos a Lenino, para tomar unos Panther.

AGK: 6
Piloto: ok
Aeronave: ok, aterrizada

[1:49:45 AM] 8_Chief18 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 189709.23 97339.55
[1:49:45 AM] 8_Chief34 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 189700.95 97346.836
[1:49:45 AM] 8_Chief19 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 189696.62 97325.57
[1:49:45 AM] 8_Chief11 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 189707.33 97333.414
[1:49:45 AM] 8_Chief32 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 189723.75 97337.55
[1:49:45 AM] 8_Chief0 destroyed by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 189700.33 97309.34

Vuelo 6

F9F2, 70% + 2x500ln + 6xHVAR
La última salida la hicimos desde Lenino, luego de bajar de los Texan y nos adentramos sin escolta de caza sobre el objetivo, careciendo completamente del factor sorpresa y con MiGs revoloteando sobre nuestra derrota y el objetivo, planchados nos posicionamos y fuimos entrando. Retorné con rumbo 140 hasta la costa en que con 090 encontramos con Ceteu a la FT y aponté, sin novedad, detrás de él. Tan pronto como me desataron, empapado en sudor, salté a cubierta y corrí a la isla, rumbo al comedor, en busca de una taza de té de arándano y frambuesa, para saber si estaba vivo o era sólo un sueño.

AGK: 1
Piloto: ok
Aeronave: ok, apontada.

[2:31:47 AM] GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F9F2_Panther_R;2} landed at 244948.75 69329.48

2-PH-412, ARA Mendive


1º Vuelo

F4U-5 Corsario - 8xHVAR + 2x1000Lbs Bombas - Fuel 70%

Salgo de Lenino como Alpha 4, lideran do el TN Charrúa, Cuervo como A2, Popeye A3. Llegados sobre Kirovskoe, encontramos el pueblo rebosante de Disidentes, además de columnas que por los caminos afluían en cantidad a reforzar a los ya presentes.

Por orden de Charrúa, me mantengo orbitando, reservando mis bombas por si eran necesarias en algún objetivo especial. Mientras, sobre nuestras cabezas Caza barría el cielo de oponentes, unos pobres Yak desmoralizados que simplemente, se suicidaron contra los Panthers.

Autorizado, entro y lanzo mis bombas sobre uno de los mortales ZSU-37, errando. Porfío, una vez más, y le entro con cañones, pero antes de hacer un gesto, el muy bárbaro me parte el avión a la mitad. Demasiado bajo para saltar, contemplo como la tierra se erige como un muro y luego, la nada.

AGK: 0
Piloto: KIA
Avión: Destruído

2º Vuelo

F4U-5 Corsario - 8xHVAR + 2x1000Lbs Bombas - Fuel 70%

Nuevamente rumbo a Kirovskoe, ya con Cuervo como líder por la caída de Charrúa, descargo mis bombas contra otro vehículo AAA, destruyéndolo. Pero otro me acierta en el motor, dejándome casi sin potencia y el Pratt&Whitney rateando ostensiblemente. Largo todo y sin vacilar, me dirijo a AS10, la base devastada, logrando aterrizar con el último vestigio de poder en el motor, tan así que una vez aterrizado, no tuve modo de mover el avión a la pista de dispersión, teniendo que ser empujado por los mecánicos.

AGK: 1
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Ok

3º Vuelo.

SNJ5 Texan - 6xHVAR_Rocket - Fuel 70%

Con AS10 casi desvastada, los únicos aviones con capacidad de operar desde un campo tan rústico son los Texan, los que cargamos con 6 HVAR. Siempre como A3 de Cuervo y Popeye, otra vez a Kirovskoe, a destruír todo los posible a fin de facilitar el contraataque de los hindúes. Destruyo dos tanques y un Katyushka, regresando a AS10 sin novedad.

AGK: 3
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Ok

4º Vuelo.

SNJ5 Texan - 6xHVAR_Rocket - Fuel 70%

Nueva salida a Kirovskoe. Esta vez, Cuervo me ordena destruír una AAA que le dispara en una pasada. Como esta se encuentra en una columna, lanzo mis 6 HVAR volatilizando todo lo que había en la mira. Winchester, regreso a AS10 sin novedad.

AGK: 8
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Ok

5º Vuelo.

SNJ5 Texan - 6xHVAR_Rocket - Fuel 70%

Ya me siento un vecino más de Kirovskoe, cuando llego sobre su vertical, una vez más. Distingo otra columna, y descargo un par de HVAR, destruyendo varios vehículos. Luego, me dedico a la caza de tanques, destruyendo un par, para retornar a AS10 indemnes.

AGK: 9
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Ok

6º Vuelo.

SNJ5 Texan - 6xHVAR_Rocket - Fuel 70%

Creyendo ya conocer todos los nombres de mis vecinos de Kirovskoe, llego nuevamente a su vertical, atacando los cada vez más escasos elementos de los Disidentes. Dos tanques y cuatro vehículos son mis víctimas. Decidimos volver esta vez a Lenino, la base original, con el fin de conseguir aviones de mayor performance, debido a la desaparición de Caza en su empeño de derribar entre dos todo un Regimiento de Tu-4.

Interceptados por Mig-15, ante el aviso de los radaristas de Lenino nos planchamos, tratando en mi caso de mantener un curso irregular. Extasiado ante mi táctica, un Mig que trata de seguirme compra un lote de la mejor tierra de Crimea, transformándola en su tumba. Percibo el resplandor de su muerte a mis seis. Los demás, abrumados, abandonan la persecusión. Aterrizo sin novedad.

AGK: 6
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Ok

7º Vuelo

F9F-2 Panther_R - 2x500 lbs. Bombas + 6xHVAR - Fuel 80%

La cosa estaba fea ya antes de despegar, sin cazas de escolta y con contacto en las vecindades. Decolamos y sin mucha altura pero a gran velocidad, vamos por los últimos blancos presentes en la ya, por mí, archiconocida Kirovskoe.

Los Mig-15 nos zumbaban en sus ataques BZ, mientras que nos encontrábamos bajos y veloces. No tengo suerte y sólo un T-34/85 es mi víctima. Acosado por los Mig, regresamos a los portaaviones, ya que Lenino, atacada por el Regimiento de Tu-4, fué arrasada y no contaba con AAA que nos protegiera en el aterrizaje.

Cuervo se estrella contra un bosque, quedando sólo Popeye y yo. los Mig nos hostigan, pero terminan por abandonarnos, con lo que llegamos sobre el único portaaviones que la FT mantenía en el lugar, debido a una colisión entre los escoltas y el V1, que se retiró a reparar averías.

Apontamos sin novedad.

AGK: 1
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Ok Apontado


La 1º Escuadrilla de Ataque enciende motores. En primer plano, GAE_Ceteu, segundo GAE_Charrúa. Atrás, los Corsarios de GAE_Cuervo y GAE_Popeye.

Aterrizando con el motor casi muerto. Se ve el impacto en el carenado del motor, casi borrando el "16"

SNJ-5 Texan versión Hunter Killer Dissident Truck


1º Vuelo

F4U-5 Corsario - 8xHVAR + 2x1000Lbs Bombas - Fuel 70%

Salgo de Lenino como Alpha 2, lideran do el TN Charrúa,. Nos encontramos con gran oposicion de AAA y columnas de tanques ingresando al pueblo.
Por orden de Charrúa, comienzo mi ataque. Luego lanzar bombas, me accidento al disparar cohetes a baja altura.

AGK: 0
Piloto: KIA
Avión: KIA

2º Vuelo

F4U-5 Corsario - 8xHVAR + 2x1000Lbs Bombas - Fuel 70%

A causa de la caida de Charrua, lidero la escuadra de ataque. Ponemos rumbo a Kirovskoe. Destruimos multiples blancos y aterrizamos en la base mas cercana en AS10.

AGK: 5
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Ok

3º Vuelo

SNJ5 Texan - 6xHVAR_Rocket - Fuel 70%

Con AS10 casi desvastada, los únicos aviones con capacidad de operar desde un campo tan rústico son los Texan, los que cargamos con 6 HVAR. Lidero nuevamente el vuelo hasta llegar a la zona. Destruimos varios objetivos y volvemos a aterrizar para repostar.

AGK: 2
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Ok

4º Vuelo.

SNJ5 Texan - 6xHVAR_Rocket - Fuel 70%

Lidero nuevamente el vuelo hasta llegar a la zona. Destruimos varios objetivos y volvemos a aterrizar para repostar..

AGK: 7
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Ok

5º Vuelo.

SNJ5 Texan - 6xHVAR_Rocket - Fuel 70%

Lidero nuevamente el vuelo hasta llegar a la zona. Destruimos varios objetivos y volvemos a aterrizar para repostar..

AGK: 4
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Ok

6º Vuelo.

SNJ5 Texan - 6xHVAR_Rocket - Fuel 70%

Lidero nuevamente el vuelo hasta llegar a la zona. Destruimos varios objetivos y volvemos hacia Lenino para hacer una ultima salida con Phanter. En el camino de regreso varios migs tratan de interceptarnos, pero por nuestra baja altura no lo logran. Aterrizo sin novedad.

AGK: 9
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Ok

7º Vuelo

F9F-2 Panther_R - 2x500 lbs. Bombas + 6xHVAR - Fuel 80%

Despegamos con Phanter y nuevamente lidero la escuadra de ataque. Ordeno volar a baja altura formados ya que los migs acechaban a rápida velocidad y no quería que lanzaran bombas y cohetes ya que nuestro objetivo era primordial.
  Al llegar a la zona mis compañeros realizan sus pasadas destruyendo blancos mientras los migs intentan acertarnos. Yo no tengo suerte en esta ocasion con la punteria y no logro destruir nada.
  Una vez sin municiones ponemos rumbo sur a baja altura para apontar con la flota, sin embargo por un error de distraccion mio el motor del phanter sobrecaliente y explota, dejando a Popeye como lider en el ultimo tramo del vuelo.

AGK: 0
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Ok Apontado