Crimea 13

Iniciado por GAE_Ceteu, 22 de Noviembre de 2011, 11:15:37 PM

Tema anterior - Siguiente tema


Nuestros vigías en las cumbres de la Cordillera de Crimea nos han avisado que por fin la Flota del Mar Negro ha zarpado en nuestra búsqueda.

Un crucero y varios destructores fueron avistados hacia el fin de nuestra última misón, perdiéndose luego de vista, hasta que en el sur de Feodosiya, fueron avistados por dos destructores argentinos, los cuales inmediatamente pusieron rumbo 180º buscando escapar de los Disidentes, que sin hestiar emprendieron la persecución de nuestros barcos, con la esperanza quizás de encontrar a nuestra FT.

Sin embargo, esta no es toda la fuerza que el enemigo ha puesto en el mar. Los observadores han informado, sin que hubiera otra comprobación visual que luego de la primera Agrupación Naval, dos acorazados y otros tantos cruceros y destructores formando una segunda Fuerza Agrupación Naval, zarpando a continuación de la primera.

Ignoramos la posición de la segunda Escuadra, pero es de vital importancia que sea detectada antes que intercepte a nuesta FT. Para ello, exploraremos un amplio sector del Mar Negro al sur de Crimea.

Cualquier avión de observación soviético será derribado, pero se debe prestar atención que la estar en mar abierto, aviones de otras naciones se acercarán para monitoriar las acciones de nuestra FT, a fin que se respeten las aguas territoriales y recabar inteligencia acerca de nuestras operaciones.

1º Escuadrilla de Ataque.

Como primera medida, atacaremos la Agrupación naval soviética que hostiga a nuestros destructores, buscando destruír o incapacitar sus buques y permitir el escape a la seguridad de nuestros buques.

Una vez detectada la segunda Escuadra enemiga, será el objetivo a batir.

2º Escuadrilla de Caza y Ataque.

Misión primaria de la 2º será la exploración del sector comprendido por el rectángulo comprendido entre AN10/4 y AY10/4, en búsqueda de la Flota restante cuya localización se desconoce.

En el interín, cualquier avión de exploración soviético será derribado para impedir que descubran el paradero de nuestra FT.

Identificar positivamente antes de disparar cualquier contacto aéreo para evitar incidentes internacionales.

Fuerza de Tareas.

Nuestra FT se mantendrá paralela a las acciones a desarrollar, permitiendo un rápido reaprovisionamiento y maximizar así nuestra eficacia. Por ello es vital el avistamiento de la Flota cuyo paradero se desconoce.

El rumbo de la FT será 180º constantes, montada sobre la cuadrícula BA14 y subsiguientes, a velocidad constante 55 km/h.

Contamos con radar, cuyo alcance efectivo es de 70 kms.


Vuelo 1
F4U5, 60% + 2 x 1000 lb  + 4 x 250 lb
Numeral 2 de escuadra de ataque, decolé con rumbo a la FT enemiga. Entré a un crucero averiandolo. Apontando rompí el avión en un rebote.

Piloto: ok
ANK: 1 averiado
Aeronave: destruida

Vuelo 2
F4U5, 60% + 2 x 1000 lb  + 4 x 250 lb
Mismo orden, al entrar a un grupo de barcos, encaré a un DD Tashkent precedido por un Kirov, solté sobre este y mi avion se desintegró.

ANK: 0
Piloto: fallecido
Aeronave: destruida

2-PH-412, ARA Mendive


1er Vuelo:

F4U5 Corsario - 60% Fuel - 2x1000 lbs + 4x250 lbs

Despego del V1 como líder de la escuadra con Popeye, Charrúa y Ceteu. Una vez reunidos y formados pongo rumbo 270º, a mitad camino el grupo de caza nos vectorea hacia la flota enemiga, nos abrimos para atacar, descargo mis bombas en la primera pasada y recibo numerosos impactos de la AAA, no obstante logro averiar al buque, doy la vuelta y hago otra pasada impactándolo nuevamente pero no logro hundirlo. Averiado, pinchado en los tanques pongo rumbo a la FT pero solo llego a las cercanías, sin combustible amerizo cerca de un buque aliado.

AGK: 0
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Destruído

2do. Vuelo:

F4U5 Corsario - 60% Fuel - 2x1000 lbs + 4x250 lbs

Despego nuevamente como líder de la escuadra, nos dirigimos al segundo grupo de tareas enemigo avistado por la gente de la 1era de caza al sur de la primera incursión. LLegamos al lugar y dividimos blancos, hago mi entrada sobre dos buques muy juntos adelante de la formación, lanzo mis cargas a ambos averiándolos, regreso al V1 con Ceteu y Charru, al apontar mi avión se rompe.

AGK: 0
Piloto: Ok
Avión: destruído

CC - Jefe Sección Personal


[Nov 23, 2011 12:35:14 AM] Mission: net/dogfight/Crimea 13/Crimea 13A.mis is Playing
[12:35:14 AM] Mission BEGIN
[12:36:49 AM] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 0.0 0.0
[12:36:49 AM] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[12:36:49 AM] GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R;2} damaged on the ground at 264687.22 133459.66
[12:36:54 AM] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 264687.62 133381.72
[12:36:54 AM] GAE_Alma entered refly menu
[12:36:55 AM] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 0.0 0.0
[12:36:55 AM] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[12:37:45 AM] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 0.0 0.0
[12:37:45 AM] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[12:38:23 AM] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 264683.0 131452.39
[12:38:30 AM] GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 0.0 0.0
[12:38:30 AM] GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '02x1000Lbs_Bomb+04x250Lbs_Bomb' fuel 60%
[12:38:44 AM] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 264697.6 131648.95
[12:38:44 AM] Gae_Cuervo entered refly menu
[12:38:45 AM] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 0.0 0.0
[12:38:45 AM] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[12:39:23 AM] GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Popeye at 0.0 0.0
[12:39:23 AM] GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '02x1000Lbs_Bomb+04x250Lbs_Bomb' fuel 60%
[12:39:23 AM] GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} damaged on the ground at 267223.06 128365.97
[12:39:23 AM] GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 267225.4 127875.77
[12:39:50 AM] GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario(0) bailed out at 266848.3 125230.97
[12:39:52 AM] GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario(0) was killed at 266783.25 125070.62
[12:39:53 AM] GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} shot down by landscape at 266751.62 124979.76
[12:39:55 AM] GAE_Popeye entered refly menu
[12:39:56 AM] GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Popeye at 0.0 0.0
[12:39:56 AM] GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '02x1000Lbs_Bomb+04x250Lbs_Bomb' fuel 60%
[12:40:25 AM] GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 267278.4 126904.9
[12:40:37 AM] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 264711.25 129298.305
[12:40:58 AM] GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 0.0 0.0
[12:40:58 AM] GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '02x1000Lbs_Bomb+04x250Lbs_Bomb' fuel 60%
[12:41:06 AM] GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 267263.28 126374.31
[12:42:03 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 0.0 0.0
[12:42:03 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '02x1000Lbs_Bomb+04x250Lbs_Bomb' fuel 60%
[12:42:32 AM] GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 267286.75 125104.52
[12:43:43 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 267313.84 123935.31
[12:55:23 AM] Tu-4(0) bailed out at 200324.98 91589.72
[12:55:24 AM] Tu-4(1) bailed out at 200461.34 91587.47
[12:55:25 AM] Tu-4(2) bailed out at 200599.17 91585.66
[12:55:27 AM] Tu-4(3) bailed out at 200738.61 91584.04
[12:55:28 AM] Tu-4(4) bailed out at 200879.69 91582.305
[12:55:29 AM] Tu-4(5) bailed out at 201022.44 91580.055
[12:55:42 AM] 26_Chief damaged by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 218572.94 98039.836
[12:55:42 AM] 26_Chief damaged by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 218572.94 98039.836
[12:55:48 AM] 26_Chief damaged by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 218573.11 97977.664
[12:56:15 AM] 4GvIAPKBF01{4GvIAPKBF010;Tu-4;1} shot down by GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 205950.2 93147.45
[12:56:33 AM] 26_Chief damaged by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 218574.47 97470.49
[12:56:33 AM] 26_Chief damaged by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 218574.47 97470.164
[12:56:34 AM] 26_Chief damaged by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 218574.47 97469.164
[12:56:34 AM] 26_Chief damaged by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 218574.47 97468.5
[12:56:34 AM] 19_Chief destroyed by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 218664.69 92186.086
[12:56:34 AM] 19_Chief damaged by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 218664.69 92185.8
[12:56:43 AM] 25_Chief damaged by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 216922.83 95194.97
[12:56:43 AM] 25_Chief damaged by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 216922.83 95194.97
[12:56:43 AM] 25_Chief damaged by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 216922.83 95194.97
[12:56:43 AM] 25_Chief damaged by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 216922.83 95194.97
[12:56:43 AM] 25_Chief destroyed by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 216922.83 95191.2
[12:58:32 AM] GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2} damaged by 26_Chief at 218548.62 96170.7
[12:58:35 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario(0) was wounded at 218946.52 96193.58
[12:58:43 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario(0) was heavily wounded at 219574.73 96342.92
[12:58:49 AM] GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2}(0) was killed at 219951.4 96488.04
[12:58:50 AM] GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2} shot down by 26_Chief at 220069.5 96534.13


[1:00:29 AM] GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} landed at 235574.53 104070.71
[1:00:29 AM] GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} damaged on the ground at 235574.53 104070.71
[1:00:34 AM] GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario(0) bailed out at 235574.61 104070.734
[1:00:36 AM] ParatrooperLogging 1521205(0) touchdown in X: 235570.26117314232 Y: 104075.80086291689 (water) drop by GAE_Pepper_0
[1:00:36 AM] GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario(0) successfully bailed out at 235570.42 104075.695
[1:00:53 AM] GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} shot down by 26_Chief at 235575.39 104071.1
[1:00:58 AM] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[1:02:51 AM] Tu-4(0) successfully bailed out at 202668.52 91273.69
[1:02:51 AM] ParatrooperLogging 1657202(0) touchdown in X: 202668.51778429822 Y: 91273.6847905227 (water) drop by
[1:02:59 AM] ParatrooperLogging 1664942(2) touchdown in X: 202912.52886096493 Y: 91340.90139493042 (water) drop by
[1:02:59 AM] Tu-4(2) successfully bailed out at 202912.52 91340.91
[1:03:05 AM] ParatrooperLogging 1670252(1) touchdown in X: 202775.8542724689 Y: 91310.71388106396 (water) drop by
[1:03:05 AM] Tu-4(1) successfully bailed out at 202775.86 91310.72
[1:03:15 AM] ParatrooperLogging 1680782(3) touchdown in X: 203029.571590713 Y: 91341.00797346259 (water) drop by
[1:03:15 AM] Tu-4(3) successfully bailed out at 203029.58 91341.01
[1:03:37 AM] ParatrooperLogging 1702292(4) touchdown in X: 203130.4752703861 Y: 91314.52852396568 (water) drop by
[1:03:37 AM] Tu-4(4) successfully bailed out at 203130.48 91314.53
[1:03:50 AM] Tu-4(5) successfully bailed out at 203235.53 91266.51
[1:03:50 AM] ParatrooperLogging 1715555(5) touchdown in X: 203235.51963452046 Y: 91266.49600582528 (water) drop by
[1:05:33 AM] GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 0.0 0.0
[1:05:33 AM] GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '02x1000Lbs_Bomb+04x250Lbs_Bomb' fuel 60%
[1:07:04 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 230962.81 70587.0
[1:07:06 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 230968.34 70603.59
[1:07:07 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 230972.97 70617.43
[1:07:09 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 230980.44 70639.84
[1:07:11 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 230983.39 70648.695
[1:07:12 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 230987.19 70660.04
[1:07:12 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 230988.02 70662.53
[1:07:13 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 230990.23 70669.17
[1:07:14 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 230994.84 70683.0
[1:07:15 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 230998.08 70692.69
[1:07:18 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231006.56 70718.14
[1:07:18 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231006.75 70718.69
[1:07:19 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231008.78 70724.78
[1:07:19 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231011.1 70731.695
[1:07:21 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231016.17 70746.914
[1:07:22 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231017.64 70751.336
[1:07:22 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231018.47 70753.83
[1:07:25 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231027.7 70781.5
[1:07:30 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 230681.1 69750.664
[1:07:32 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231048.75 70844.58
[1:07:32 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231050.23 70849.01
[1:07:34 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231056.23 70866.99
[1:07:34 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231056.42 70867.54
[1:07:34 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231056.97 70869.2
[1:07:35 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231060.02 70878.336
[1:07:36 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231062.69 70886.36
[1:07:38 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231067.22 70899.914
[1:07:39 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231070.45 70909.59
[1:07:42 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231081.53 70942.8
[1:07:43 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231083.1 70947.5
[1:07:44 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231085.4 70954.42
[1:07:47 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 230733.48 69907.21
[1:07:49 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231102.11 71004.49
[1:07:50 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 230744.5 69940.125
[1:07:52 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231111.25 71031.88
[1:08:07 AM] 6_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 229923.34 68957.14
[1:08:10 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 230806.23 70124.61
[1:08:13 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 230815.03 70150.88
[1:08:25 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 230850.28 70256.266
[1:08:56 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231307.5 71620.09
[1:09:04 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231332.98 71696.45
[1:09:04 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231333.72 71698.67
[1:09:05 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231334.47 71700.88
[1:09:05 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231336.77 71707.8
[1:09:05 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231337.52 71710.01
[1:09:06 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231340.19 71718.03
[1:09:07 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231340.92 71720.25
[1:09:16 AM] 6_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 230134.84 69588.234
[1:09:19 AM] GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R;2} landed at 264790.78 103531.59
[1:09:21 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231384.22 71850.01
[1:09:21 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231385.05 71852.5
[1:09:26 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231399.45 71895.664
[1:09:27 AM] 6_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 230169.31 69691.11
[1:09:27 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231403.23 71907.0
[1:09:27 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231404.06 71909.49
[1:09:28 AM] 6_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 230173.86 69704.664
[1:09:29 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231408.6 71923.05
[1:09:29 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231410.16 71927.75
[1:09:31 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231415.97 71945.19
[1:09:33 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231060.22 70883.57
[1:09:33 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231061.61 70887.72
[1:09:33 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231062.34 70889.94
[1:09:33 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231063.08 70892.15
[1:09:36 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231071.4 70917.04
[1:09:43 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231092.23 70979.27
[1:09:44 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231095.94 70990.336
[1:09:46 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231461.48 72081.586
[1:09:47 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231464.72 72091.266
[1:09:49 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231471.45 72111.46
[1:09:51 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231477.0 72128.06
[1:09:52 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231480.12 72137.47
[1:09:55 AM] 6_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 230255.88 69949.41
[1:09:56 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231491.95 72172.88
[1:09:57 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231494.62 72180.91
[1:09:59 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231502.02 72203.04
[1:10:00 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231506.62 72216.875
[1:10:02 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231510.22 72227.664
[1:10:02 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231510.6 72228.77
[1:10:02 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231511.06 72230.16
[1:10:03 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231514.66 72240.945
[1:10:04 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231517.23 72248.695
[1:10:05 AM] 6_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 230287.77 70044.54
[1:10:05 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231520.84 72259.484
[1:10:05 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231521.2 72260.586
[1:10:07 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231526.94 72277.74
[1:10:07 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231527.77 72280.234
[1:10:09 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 8_Chief at 230494.16 72601.19
[1:10:10 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231535.23 72302.64
[1:10:13 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231544.3 72329.76
[1:10:13 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231544.66 72330.87
[1:10:13 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231545.03 72331.97
[1:10:16 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 230600.33 72595.195
[1:10:16 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 230602.16 72595.086
[1:10:16 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 230604.44 72594.96
[1:10:16 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 230606.73 72594.83
[1:10:17 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 230616.8 72594.26
[1:10:17 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 230620.92 72594.03
[1:10:18 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 230636.02 72593.17
[1:10:20 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231565.8 72394.22
[1:10:20 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 230662.11 72591.7
[1:10:20 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 8_Chief at 230663.47 72591.625
[1:10:20 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 230664.39 72591.57
[1:10:20 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231566.53 72396.44
[1:10:20 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 8_Chief at 230674.0 72591.03
[1:10:20 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231568.2 72401.414
[1:10:21 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 8_Chief at 230678.12 72590.8
[1:10:21 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231569.39 72405.016
[1:10:21 AM] GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} damaged by landscape at 264798.88 102609.125
[1:10:22 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 8_Chief at 230687.73 72590.26
[1:10:22 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231210.72 71333.305
[1:10:22 AM] GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} landed at 264799.06 102587.4
[1:10:22 AM] GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} damaged on the ground at 264799.06 102587.4
[1:10:23 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231575.77 72424.1
[1:10:23 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231576.14 72425.21
[1:10:23 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231576.97 72427.7
[1:10:27 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 8_Chief at 230772.84 72585.445
[1:10:29 AM] GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario removed at 264799.47 102489.13
[1:10:30 AM] GAE_Popeye entered refly menu
[1:10:31 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231599.22 72494.38
[1:10:37 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231257.73 71473.81
[1:10:39 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 230952.22 72575.31
[1:10:39 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 230954.05 72575.21
[1:10:39 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 230958.17 72574.98
[1:10:39 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 230960.92 72574.82
[1:10:39 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 230961.83 72574.77
[1:10:39 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 230963.2 72574.695
[1:10:40 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 230965.5 72574.56
[1:10:40 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 230967.33 72574.46
[1:10:40 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 230968.23 72574.41
[1:10:40 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 230971.44 72574.23
[1:10:40 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 230973.27 72574.125
[1:10:40 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 230978.77 72573.81
[1:10:41 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 230982.89 72573.586
[1:10:41 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 230987.45 72573.32
[1:10:41 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 230988.38 72573.27
[1:10:41 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 230990.66 72573.14
[1:10:41 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 230991.58 72573.09
[1:10:42 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 230994.78 72572.914
[1:10:42 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 230998.44 72572.7
[1:10:42 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231634.84 72601.18
[1:10:42 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231004.39 72572.37
[1:10:42 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231005.31 72572.31
[1:10:42 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231635.31 72602.56
[1:10:42 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231006.67 72572.24
[1:10:43 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231014.45 72571.8
[1:10:43 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231024.06 72571.26
[1:10:44 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231028.19 72571.02
[1:10:45 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231048.33 72569.88
[1:10:45 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231643.98 72628.56
[1:10:45 AM] Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R;2} landed at 264799.16 102202.86
[1:10:45 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231050.16 72569.78
[1:10:46 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231646.84 72637.14
[1:10:48 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231291.25 71573.94
[1:10:48 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231652.58 72654.3
[1:10:48 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231653.03 72655.68
[1:10:48 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231653.4 72656.78
[1:10:48 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231653.86 72658.17
[1:10:48 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231654.23 72659.27
[1:10:49 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231655.8 72663.98
[1:10:49 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231656.27 72665.37
[1:10:49 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231656.64 72666.47
[1:10:50 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231298.1 71594.414
[1:10:50 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231298.92 71596.9
[1:10:54 AM] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 264799.6 102077.32
[1:10:55 AM] Gae_Cuervo entered refly menu
[1:10:55 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231314.11 71642.26
[1:10:55 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231314.47 71643.37
[1:10:58 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231684.05 72748.64


[1:11:00 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231327.8 71683.195
[1:11:00 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231328.17 71684.305
[1:11:00 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231273.45 72557.17
[1:11:00 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231689.12 72763.86
[1:11:00 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231276.2 72557.016
[1:11:00 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231277.12 72556.96
[1:11:00 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231278.03 72556.914
[1:11:00 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231279.4 72556.836
[1:11:00 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231279.86 72556.805
[1:11:00 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231282.16 72556.68
[1:11:00 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231283.06 72556.625
[1:11:01 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231287.19 72556.39
[1:11:01 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231289.94 72556.24
[1:11:01 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231290.84 72556.19
[1:11:01 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231694.02 72778.52
[1:11:02 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231335.95 71707.53
[1:11:02 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231696.05 72784.61
[1:11:02 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231308.7 72555.18
[1:11:02 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231310.53 72555.08
[1:11:02 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231312.36 72554.97
[1:11:03 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231316.02 72554.766
[1:11:03 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231699.92 72796.23
[1:11:03 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231700.3 72797.336
[1:11:04 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231333.4 72553.78
[1:11:04 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231340.73 72553.37
[1:11:05 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231345.77 72553.086
[1:11:05 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231705.47 72812.83
[1:11:06 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231361.78 72552.18
[1:11:12 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231726.8 72876.74
[1:11:12 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231727.62 72879.234
[1:11:12 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231728.08 72880.61
[1:11:13 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231728.45 72881.72
[1:11:13 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231730.48 72887.805
[1:11:15 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231735.19 72901.914
[1:11:15 AM] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 264782.9 101739.96
[1:11:15 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231736.02 72904.41
[1:11:15 AM] GAE_Alma entered refly menu
[1:11:15 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231737.22 72908.0
[1:11:15 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231377.33 71831.17
[1:11:16 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231737.69 72909.39
[1:11:17 AM] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 0.0 0.0
[1:11:17 AM] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[1:11:21 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231755.03 72961.41
[1:11:21 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231755.22 72961.95
[1:11:22 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231756.52 72965.83
[1:11:22 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231757.62 72969.15
[1:11:22 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231758.0 72970.26
[1:11:23 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231759.1 72973.58
[1:11:23 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231759.84 72975.79
[1:11:23 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231760.3 72977.17
[1:11:23 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231760.67 72978.28
[1:11:23 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231761.12 72979.664
[1:11:23 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231761.5 72980.766
[1:11:23 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231762.05 72982.43
[1:11:24 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231762.52 72983.81
[1:11:24 AM] 6_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 230531.4 70771.59
[1:11:25 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231649.61 72535.92
[1:11:25 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231665.17 72535.04
[1:11:26 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231672.95 72534.6
[1:11:26 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231675.23 72534.48
[1:11:27 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231695.38 72533.336
[1:11:28 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231697.66 72533.21
[1:11:28 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231699.48 72533.1
[1:11:28 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231701.78 72532.98
[1:11:28 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231705.44 72532.766
[1:11:28 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231709.1 72532.56
[1:11:31 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231753.03 72530.08
[1:11:32 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231789.47 73064.6
[1:11:34 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231435.36 72004.59
[1:11:34 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231802.45 72527.29
[1:11:35 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231803.83 72527.21
[1:11:35 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231804.73 72527.16
[1:11:35 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231436.94 72009.3
[1:11:35 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231810.69 72526.82
[1:11:35 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231437.67 72011.51
[1:11:35 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231811.61 72526.77
[1:11:35 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231817.55 72526.44
[1:11:35 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231439.25 72016.21
[1:11:36 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231820.75 72526.26
[1:11:36 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231821.67 72526.2
[1:11:36 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231822.12 72526.18
[1:11:36 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231822.6 72526.15
[1:11:36 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231440.36 72019.53
[1:11:36 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231826.25 72525.945
[1:11:36 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231828.08 72525.84
[1:11:36 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231828.53 72525.81
[1:11:36 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231829.9 72525.734
[1:11:36 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231832.19 72525.61
[1:11:36 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231832.19 72525.61
[1:11:37 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231834.03 72525.51
[1:11:37 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231836.31 72525.375
[1:11:37 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231443.14 72027.83
[1:11:37 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231838.14 72525.27
[1:11:37 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231840.44 72525.14
[1:11:37 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231443.97 72030.31
[1:11:38 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231447.02 72039.445
[1:11:38 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231807.56 73118.83
[1:11:39 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231808.77 73122.42
[1:11:39 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 8_Chief at 231867.89 72523.59
[1:11:39 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231809.23 73123.81
[1:11:39 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231809.6 73124.914
[1:11:39 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231871.55 72523.38
[1:11:39 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231810.06 73126.3
[1:11:39 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 8_Chief at 231874.3 72523.23
[1:11:39 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231450.72 72050.51
[1:11:39 AM] 6_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 230579.14 70914.016
[1:11:39 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231451.38 72052.445
[1:11:39 AM] 6_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 230579.97 70916.51
[1:11:40 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 8_Chief at 231886.66 72522.53
[1:11:40 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231453.03 72057.42
[1:11:40 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231453.78 72059.63
[1:11:41 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 8_Chief at 231892.6 72522.195
[1:11:41 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 8_Chief at 231899.0 72521.836
[1:11:41 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231456.28 72067.1
[1:11:41 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 8_Chief at 231904.95 72521.5
[1:11:42 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 8_Chief at 231911.36 72521.13
[1:11:42 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231459.61 72077.055
[1:11:43 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 8_Chief at 231923.72 72520.44
[1:11:43 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 8_Chief at 231929.66 72520.1
[1:11:44 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231825.28 73171.95
[1:11:44 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231826.03 73174.164
[1:11:46 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231831.47 73190.484
[1:11:46 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231831.56 73190.766
[1:11:46 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231832.3 73192.98
[1:11:47 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231833.88 73197.68
[1:11:47 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 231996.94 72516.305
[1:11:48 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 232015.69 72515.24
[1:11:48 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 232017.98 72515.12
[1:11:50 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231841.81 73221.48
[1:11:50 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 232041.33 72513.8
[1:11:50 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 232043.61 72513.664
[1:11:50 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 232044.06 72513.64
[1:11:50 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 232045.44 72513.56
[1:11:50 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 232045.89 72513.54
[1:11:50 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 232045.89 72513.54
[1:11:51 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 232048.19 72513.41
[1:11:51 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 232049.56 72513.33
[1:11:51 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 232049.56 72513.33
[1:11:51 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 232050.02 72513.305
[1:11:51 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 232051.84 72513.2
[1:11:51 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 232053.67 72513.09
[1:11:51 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 232056.42 72512.945
[1:11:52 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231848.55 73241.67
[1:11:52 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 232066.03 72512.4
[1:11:52 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 232068.31 72512.27
[1:11:53 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 232083.42 72511.414
[1:11:53 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 232085.7 72511.29
[1:11:54 AM] GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;2} landed at 267354.5 98436.09
[1:11:54 AM] GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;2} damaged on the ground at 267354.5 98436.09
[1:11:57 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 232153.44 72507.46
[1:11:58 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 232164.88 72506.82
[1:11:58 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 232166.7 72506.71
[1:11:59 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 232167.16 72506.69
[1:11:59 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 232168.98 72506.586
[1:11:59 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 232173.56 72506.33
[1:11:59 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 232177.69 72506.09
[1:11:59 AM] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 0.0 0.0
[1:11:59 AM] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[1:11:59 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 232181.34 72505.88
[1:11:59 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 232183.64 72505.76


[1:12:00 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 232194.16 72505.164
[1:12:00 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231515.61 72244.4
[1:12:00 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 232198.28 72504.93
[1:12:00 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231516.34 72246.61
[1:12:00 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231876.06 73324.12
[1:12:00 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 232200.56 72504.8
[1:12:01 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231517.1 72248.82
[1:12:01 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 232204.23 72504.59
[1:12:01 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231517.36 72249.65
[1:12:01 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231517.83 72251.04
[1:12:01 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231517.92 72251.31
[1:12:01 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 232208.34 72504.36
[1:12:04 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231526.62 72277.31
[1:12:05 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 232266.0 72501.1
[1:12:05 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 232267.83 72501.0
[1:12:08 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231539.77 72316.586
[1:12:10 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 232347.0 72496.53
[1:12:11 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 232364.84 72495.52
[1:12:12 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 232367.14 72495.39
[1:12:14 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 232398.25 72493.63
[1:12:14 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 232400.08 72493.53
[1:12:14 AM] 6_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 230685.72 71232.05
[1:12:14 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 232406.48 72493.17
[1:12:14 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 232408.31 72493.06
[1:12:14 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 232410.61 72492.94
[1:12:14 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 232412.89 72492.805
[1:12:15 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 232414.72 72492.7
[1:12:15 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 232418.84 72492.47
[1:12:16 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 232432.11 72491.72
[1:12:16 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231923.69 73466.88
[1:12:16 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231924.53 73469.375
[1:12:17 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231925.27 73471.586
[1:12:17 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231926.1 73474.08
[1:12:18 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231928.4 73480.99
[1:12:18 AM] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 264796.3 100406.12
[1:12:18 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231929.97 73485.695
[1:12:20 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231934.4 73498.98
[1:12:20 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231934.6 73499.53
[1:12:20 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 232491.61 72488.36
[1:12:20 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231935.33 73501.74
[1:12:20 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 232495.72 72488.125
[1:12:20 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231936.16 73504.234
[1:12:20 AM] GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario(0) bailed out at 267355.7 98037.57
[1:12:21 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231938.56 73511.43
[1:12:21 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 232515.86 72486.99
[1:12:22 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 232519.06 72486.81
[1:12:22 AM] GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario(0) successfully bailed out at 267355.9 98022.164
[1:12:22 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 232527.3 72486.34
[1:12:22 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231942.44 73523.05
[1:12:22 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 232531.4 72486.11
[1:12:22 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 232531.4 72486.11
[1:12:23 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231944.0 73527.75
[1:12:23 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231945.48 73532.18
[1:12:26 AM] GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario removed at 267356.25 97962.01
[1:12:26 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231953.78 73557.08
[1:12:28 AM] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[1:12:28 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231960.25 73576.445
[1:12:32 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231971.88 73611.305
[1:12:32 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231972.72 73613.8
[1:12:32 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231973.55 73616.29
[1:12:32 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231973.73 73616.84
[1:12:32 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231974.28 73618.5
[1:12:33 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231974.47 73619.055
[1:12:34 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231980.19 73636.21
[1:12:35 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231981.77 73640.914
[1:12:36 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 232734.6 72474.63
[1:12:41 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 232000.6 73697.35
[1:12:44 AM] GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario removed at 261017.47 94468.55
[1:12:45 AM] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[1:12:48 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 232021.83 73760.984
[1:12:49 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 232024.12 73767.91
[1:12:49 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 232024.95 73770.39
[1:12:50 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 232027.27 73777.31
[1:12:50 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 232027.83 73778.97
[1:12:50 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 232029.39 73783.67
[1:12:51 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 232029.86 73785.055
[1:12:59 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 232054.6 73859.2
[1:13:01 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 9_Chief at 233117.14 72453.02
[1:13:01 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 232062.9 73884.11
[1:13:09 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 233237.95 72446.2
[1:13:09 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 233240.25 72446.07
[1:13:09 AM] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 264798.53 99471.14
[1:13:09 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231729.14 72882.49
[1:13:14 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231741.27 72918.72
[1:13:14 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231742.11 72921.21
[1:13:18 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231756.81 72965.19
[1:13:19 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231758.39 72969.89
[1:13:20 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231763.02 72983.72
[1:13:22 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231768.11 72998.94
[1:13:23 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231770.06 73004.74
[1:13:24 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231774.78 73018.85
[1:13:26 AM] 6_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 230908.89 71897.984
[1:13:27 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 233512.06 72430.72
[1:13:27 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 233513.89 72430.62
[1:13:27 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 233516.17 72430.484
[1:13:32 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231797.64 73087.164
[1:13:32 AM] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[1:13:33 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 233606.78 72425.37
[1:13:36 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 232169.06 74202.28
[1:13:41 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 8_Chief at 233723.92 72418.75
[1:13:41 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231826.98 73174.84
[1:13:44 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231835.86 73201.4
[1:13:45 AM] GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 0.0 0.0
[1:13:45 AM] GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '02x1000Lbs_Bomb+04x250Lbs_Bomb' fuel 60%
[1:13:47 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 232204.14 74307.414
[1:13:54 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231865.48 73289.91
[1:13:59 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 232241.62 74419.74
[1:14:08 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 5_Chief at 234149.05 72394.74
[1:14:09 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 234163.69 72393.914
[1:14:09 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231913.8 73434.28
[1:14:09 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231914.55 73436.5
[1:14:10 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231915.38 73438.99
[1:14:14 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231926.94 73473.56
[1:14:16 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 232294.05 74576.9
[1:14:17 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 232297.1 74586.02
[1:14:20 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 234330.72 72384.48
[1:14:31 AM] GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Popeye at 0.0 0.0
[1:14:31 AM] GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '02x1000Lbs_Bomb+04x250Lbs_Bomb' fuel 60%
[1:14:35 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 234544.4 72372.41
[1:14:37 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231998.03 73685.984
[1:14:37 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231999.61 73690.69
[1:14:37 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 232000.44 73693.17
[1:14:38 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 232003.48 73702.305
[1:14:55 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 232411.38 74928.55
[1:14:58 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 234910.95 72351.7
[1:14:58 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 234913.23 72351.57
[1:14:59 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 3_Chief at 234918.73 72351.266
[1:14:59 AM] 9_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231883.19 71268.84
[1:15:00 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 234927.89 72350.74
[1:15:01 AM] 9_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231888.5 71285.21
[1:15:04 AM] 9_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 231896.97 71311.29
[1:15:04 AM] GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 261004.16 91911.94
[1:15:05 AM] 16_Chief damaged by 3_Chief at 225959.38 69324.09
[1:15:13 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 232108.36 74015.68
[1:15:13 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 232109.19 74018.164
[1:15:13 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 232110.03 74020.66
[1:15:14 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 232113.92 74032.27
[1:15:16 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 232118.9 74047.21
[1:15:16 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 232120.48 74051.914
[1:15:17 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 232122.06 74056.62
[1:15:21 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 235264.69 72331.72
[1:15:23 AM] 17_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 235283.9 72330.63
[1:15:25 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 232503.78 75205.5
[1:15:43 AM] GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 0.0 0.0
[1:15:43 AM] GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '02x1000Lbs_Bomb+04x250Lbs_Bomb' fuel 60%
[1:15:45 AM] GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 267398.2 94644.38
[1:15:45 AM] 3_Chief damaged by 16_Chief at 231171.06 69008.87
[1:15:46 AM] GAE_Balker has connected
[1:15:48 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 232216.66 74339.29
[1:15:53 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 232234.16 74391.56


[1:16:03 AM] 9_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 232073.2 71854.195
[1:16:49 AM] 9_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 232212.78 72284.195
[1:16:51 AM] 9_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 232219.62 72305.27
[1:16:53 AM] 9_Chief damaged by 17_Chief at 232223.4 72316.93
[1:17:12 AM] GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;2}(0) was killed at 267387.4 93690.01
[1:17:12 AM] GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;2} shot down by landscape at 267387.4 93690.01
[1:17:19 AM] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[1:17:22 AM] GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 0.0 0.0
[1:17:22 AM] GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '02x1000Lbs_Bomb+04x250Lbs_Bomb' fuel 60%
[1:17:28 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 0.0 0.0
[1:17:28 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[1:17:28 AM] GAE_Balker{GAE_Balker_0;GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R;2} damaged on the ground at 264812.84 96171.64
[1:17:44 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 13_Chief at 232933.5 76493.41
[1:17:47 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 264814.12 95874.805
[1:17:48 AM] GAE_Balker entered refly menu
[1:17:48 AM] 4_Chief damaged by 16_Chief at 231138.31 69661.23
[1:17:49 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 0.0 0.0
[1:17:49 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[1:17:51 AM] 3_Chief damaged by 16_Chief at 231549.6 70174.53
[1:17:57 AM] 3_Chief damaged by 16_Chief at 231569.6 70236.12
[1:18:04 AM] 5_Chief damaged by 16_Chief at 232111.17 71205.19
[1:18:20 AM] GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 267442.3 92140.31
[1:18:23 AM] 3_Chief damaged by 16_Chief at 231646.61 70473.3
[1:18:23 AM] 3_Chief damaged by 16_Chief at 231647.33 70475.516
[1:18:24 AM] 3_Chief damaged by 16_Chief at 231648.06 70477.734
[1:18:35 AM] 5_Chief damaged by 16_Chief at 232198.16 71495.17
[1:18:38 AM] 5_Chief damaged by 16_Chief at 232205.61 71520.04
[1:18:40 AM] 5_Chief damaged by 16_Chief at 232211.48 71539.59
[1:18:42 AM] 4_Chief damaged by 16_Chief at 231310.2 70159.14
[1:18:43 AM] 4_Chief damaged by 16_Chief at 231311.83 70163.83
[1:18:43 AM] 3_Chief damaged by 16_Chief at 231704.81 70652.51
[1:18:43 AM] 4_Chief damaged by 16_Chief at 231313.25 70167.96
[1:18:43 AM] 4_Chief damaged by 16_Chief at 231314.97 70172.92
[1:18:48 AM] 4_Chief damaged by 16_Chief at 231327.81 70210.15
[1:18:59 AM] 4_Chief damaged by 16_Chief at 231363.4 70313.26
[1:19:08 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 0.0 0.0
[1:19:08 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '02x1000Lbs_Bomb+04x250Lbs_Bomb' fuel 60%
[1:19:12 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 264827.62 93780.39
[1:19:13 AM] 3_Chief damaged by 16_Chief at 231795.25 70931.016
[1:19:15 AM] 3_Chief damaged by 16_Chief at 231803.9 70957.65
[1:19:18 AM] 4_Chief damaged by 16_Chief at 231425.47 70493.016
[1:19:20 AM] 3_Chief damaged by 16_Chief at 231815.8 70994.27
[1:19:24 AM] 4_Chief damaged by 16_Chief at 231444.4 70547.875
[1:19:25 AM] 4_Chief damaged by 16_Chief at 231445.17 70550.086
[1:19:25 AM] 4_Chief damaged by 16_Chief at 231445.92 70552.29
[1:19:26 AM] 4_Chief damaged by 16_Chief at 231448.4 70559.45
[1:19:26 AM] 4_Chief damaged by 16_Chief at 231448.5 70559.734
[1:19:26 AM] 4_Chief damaged by 16_Chief at 231449.36 70562.21
[1:19:26 AM] 4_Chief damaged by 16_Chief at 231449.92 70563.87
[1:19:26 AM] 4_Chief damaged by 16_Chief at 231450.22 70564.695
[1:19:26 AM] 4_Chief damaged by 16_Chief at 231450.88 70566.625
[1:19:27 AM] 4_Chief damaged by 16_Chief at 231453.55 70574.34
[1:19:27 AM] 4_Chief damaged by 16_Chief at 231454.5 70577.1
[1:19:28 AM] 4_Chief damaged by 16_Chief at 231455.25 70579.305
[1:19:30 AM] 4_Chief damaged by 16_Chief at 231463.44 70603.016
[1:19:35 AM] 4_Chief damaged by 16_Chief at 231479.34 70649.06
[1:19:38 AM] 4_Chief damaged by 16_Chief at 231487.81 70673.59
[1:19:38 AM] 4_Chief damaged by 16_Chief at 231488.66 70676.08
[1:19:41 AM] 4_Chief damaged by 16_Chief at 231496.75 70699.516
[1:19:52 AM] 4_Chief damaged by 16_Chief at 231530.55 70797.38
[1:19:52 AM] 4_Chief damaged by 16_Chief at 231531.3 70799.59
[1:19:59 AM] 3_Chief damaged by 16_Chief at 231933.8 71357.67
[1:20:03 AM] 3_Chief damaged by 16_Chief at 231946.86 71397.9
[1:20:18 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 267418.25 90487.25
[1:20:34 AM] 5_Chief damaged by 16_Chief at 232530.48 72603.16
[1:20:36 AM] 16_Chief damaged by 3_Chief at 230980.28 68867.0
[1:21:35 AM] 3_Chief damaged by 16_Chief at 232223.33 72249.26
[1:21:43 AM] 3_Chief damaged by 16_Chief at 232247.92 72324.984
[1:21:55 AM] 4_Chief damaged by 16_Chief at 231921.34 71929.414
[1:22:32 AM] 16_Chief damaged by 3_Chief at 232751.3 68705.77
[1:22:37 AM] 3_Chief damaged by 16_Chief at 232407.38 72816.0
[1:23:05 AM] 4_Chief damaged by 16_Chief at 232145.78 72579.51
[1:23:47 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 13_Chief at 233945.53 78996.96
[1:25:03 AM] 5_Chief damaged by 13_Chief at 233058.08 73391.05
[1:25:57 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 13_Chief at 233911.7 78445.36
[1:27:17 AM] 6_Chief damaged by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 233474.34 79553.27
[1:27:17 AM] 6_Chief damaged by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 233474.34 79553.27
[1:27:17 AM] 6_Chief damaged by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 233474.53 79553.83
[1:27:17 AM] 6_Chief damaged by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 233474.53 79553.83
[1:27:17 AM] 6_Chief damaged by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 233475.0 79555.21
[1:27:17 AM] 6_Chief damaged by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 233475.0 79555.21
[1:27:17 AM] 6_Chief damaged by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 233475.0 79555.21
[1:27:17 AM] 6_Chief damaged by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 233475.0 79555.21
[1:27:17 AM] 6_Chief damaged by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 233476.84 79560.74
[1:27:17 AM] 6_Chief damaged by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 233476.84 79560.74
[1:27:18 AM] 6_Chief damaged by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 233477.5 79562.67
[1:27:18 AM] 6_Chief damaged by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 233477.5 79562.67
[1:27:18 AM] 6_Chief destroyed by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 233479.12 79567.56
[1:27:37 AM] 9_Chief damaged by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 233364.7 72345.74
[1:27:37 AM] 9_Chief damaged by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 233364.7 72345.74
[1:27:37 AM] GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} damaged by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 233381.45 72312.21
[1:27:37 AM] 9_Chief damaged by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 233364.7 72345.74
[1:27:38 AM] 9_Chief damaged by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 233364.73 72345.164
[1:27:38 AM] 9_Chief damaged by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 233364.73 72345.164
[1:27:38 AM] 9_Chief damaged by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 233364.73 72345.164
[1:27:42 AM] 5_Chief damaged by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 233107.23 71865.766
[1:27:43 AM] 5_Chief damaged by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 233107.23 71865.766
[1:27:43 AM] GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2}(0) was killed at 233129.0 71923.89
[1:27:43 AM] GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} shot down by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 233129.0 71923.89
[1:27:44 AM] 5_Chief damaged by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 233108.22 71835.04
[1:27:44 AM] 5_Chief damaged by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 233108.25 71834.46
[1:27:44 AM] 5_Chief damaged by GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 233107.23 71865.766
[1:27:45 AM] 5_Chief damaged by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 233108.25 71834.164
[1:27:52 AM] 4_Chief damaged by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 233056.25 75216.85
[1:27:52 AM] 4_Chief damaged by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 233056.25 75216.85
[1:27:53 AM] 4_Chief destroyed by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 233056.44 75217.41
[1:27:53 AM] 4_Chief damaged by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 233056.53 75217.65
[1:27:58 AM] GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario(0) was wounded at 233050.48 74566.62
[1:28:19 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 11_Chief at 234021.27 77068.67
[1:28:21 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 13_Chief at 234149.02 76338.91
[1:28:32 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 13_Chief at 234031.62 76938.414
[1:29:02 AM] 9_Chief damaged by 13_Chief at 233404.6 71519.48
[1:29:47 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 13_Chief at 234212.98 75503.39
[1:33:21 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 13_Chief at 234371.44 73433.66
[1:33:56 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 13_Chief at 234398.05 73086.13
[1:34:57 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 10_Chief at 234328.52 73207.55
[1:35:09 AM] 8_Chief destroyed by 13_Chief at 234451.39 72389.336
[1:35:09 AM] 8_Chief damaged by 13_Chief at 234451.4 72389.09
[1:35:10 AM] GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} damaged by landscape at 264870.84 79904.586
[1:35:14 AM] GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} landed at 264865.44 79811.03
[1:35:14 AM] GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} damaged on the ground at 264865.44 79811.03
[1:35:19 AM] GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario removed at 264866.4 79732.68
[1:35:20 AM] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[1:35:55 AM] GAE_Pepper:HRS3(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 0.0 0.0
[1:35:55 AM] GAE_Pepper:HRS3 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 60%
[1:36:41 AM] GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2} landed at 267446.12 75737.0
[1:36:46 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario removed at 267455.62 75653.664
[1:36:46 AM] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[1:37:33 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 0.0 0.0
[1:37:33 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '02x1000Lbs_Bomb+04x250Lbs_Bomb' fuel 60%
[1:38:43 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 13_Chief at 234502.86 71016.48
[1:39:13 AM] GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;2} landed at 267485.97 73462.445
[1:39:13 AM] GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;2} damaged on the ground at 267485.97 73462.445
[1:39:15 AM] GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario(0) bailed out at 267485.97 73462.44
[1:39:16 AM] ParatrooperLogging 3842219(0) touchdown in X: 267483.75661899097 Y: 73455.94600564135 (water) drop by GAE_Charrua_0
[1:39:17 AM] GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario(0) successfully bailed out at 267483.78 73456.14
[1:39:35 AM] GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;2} shot down by 1_Chief at 267485.44 73462.8
[1:40:03 AM] 4GvIAPKBF00{4GvIAPKBF000;Pe-8;1} damaged by GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 284996.03 27227.18
[1:40:08 AM] Pe-8(0) bailed out at 285351.0 27464.262
[1:40:09 AM] Pe-8(1) bailed out at 285457.62 27546.838
[1:40:10 AM] Pe-8(2) bailed out at 285561.7 27627.102
[1:40:12 AM] Pe-8(3) bailed out at 285665.56 27699.838
[1:40:13 AM] Pe-8(4) bailed out at 285776.1 27761.281
[1:40:14 AM] Pe-8(5) bailed out at 285898.25 27821.66
[1:40:16 AM] Pe-8(6) bailed out at 286018.5 27895.582
[1:40:17 AM] Pe-8(7) bailed out at 286125.53 27970.916
[1:40:29 AM] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[1:40:35 AM] 4GvIAPKBF00{4GvIAPKBF000;Pe-8;1}(8) was killed at 287589.94 28651.88
[1:40:36 AM] 4GvIAPKBF00{4GvIAPKBF000;Pe-8;1} shot down by GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 287589.94 28651.88
[1:41:08 AM] GAE_Charrua:HRS3(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 0.0 0.0
[1:41:08 AM] GAE_Charrua:HRS3 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 60%
[1:41:43 AM] 13_Chief damaged by 7_Chief at 241078.52 82989.24
[1:43:28 AM] GAE_Pepper:HRS3 removed at 260940.75 66300.22
[1:43:32 AM] GAE_Pepper has disconnected
[1:44:48 AM] 9_Chief destroyed by 13_Chief at 233848.22 62331.176
[1:44:48 AM] 9_Chief damaged by 13_Chief at 233848.23 62330.99
[1:46:18 AM] GAE_Popeye entered refly menu
[1:46:43 AM] ParatrooperLogging 4289199(7) touchdown in X: 287660.0962277824 Y: 29253.749470292656 (water) drop by
[1:46:44 AM] Pe-8(7) successfully bailed out at 287660.25 29253.928
[1:47:14 AM] Pe-8(5) successfully bailed out at 287766.84 29243.898
[1:47:15 AM] ParatrooperLogging 4320249(5) touchdown in X: 287766.51612750726 Y: 29243.68429909837 (water) drop by
[1:47:16 AM] ParatrooperLogging 4322019(1) touchdown in X: 287428.5714324591 Y: 29314.414147589312 (water) drop by
[1:47:17 AM] Pe-8(1) successfully bailed out at 287428.3 29314.219
[1:47:25 AM] GAE_Popeye:HRS3(0) seat occupied by GAE_Popeye at 0.0 0.0
[1:47:25 AM] GAE_Popeye:HRS3 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 60%
[1:47:27 AM] ParatrooperLogging 4332999(0) touchdown in X: 287351.84693636326 Y: 29242.958486684613 (water) drop by
[1:47:27 AM] Pe-8(0) successfully bailed out at 287351.66 29242.764
[1:47:38 AM] Pe-8(6) successfully bailed out at 287672.66 29289.307
[1:47:38 AM] ParatrooperLogging 4343739(6) touchdown in X: 287672.5650764958 Y: 29289.242456271124 (water) drop by
[1:47:55 AM] ParatrooperLogging 4360779(3) touchdown in X: 287480.4786363341 Y: 29183.501432207995 (water) drop by
[1:47:55 AM] Pe-8(3) successfully bailed out at 287480.28 29183.258
[1:48:10 AM] Pe-8(4) successfully bailed out at 287554.53 29061.623
[1:48:10 AM] ParatrooperLogging 4376109(4) touchdown in X: 287554.40768502135 Y: 29061.532905320208 (water) drop by
[1:48:15 AM] ParatrooperLogging 4380519(2) touchdown in X: 287392.8701281211 Y: 29233.254739681415 (water) drop by
[1:48:15 AM] Pe-8(2) successfully bailed out at 287393.1 29233.457
[1:48:38 AM] GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R;2} landed at 264883.6 67471.67
[1:48:45 AM] GAE_Popeye:HRS3 removed at 260909.89 61458.965
[1:48:48 AM] GAE_Popeye has disconnected
[1:50:02 AM] Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R;2} landed at 264885.8 66207.484
[1:50:07 AM] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 264886.22 66141.55
[1:50:07 AM] Gae_Cuervo entered refly menu
[1:50:49 AM] GAE_Balker{GAE_Balker_0;GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R;2} landed at 264880.56 65460.3
[1:50:55 AM] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 264866.7 65364.387
[1:50:55 AM] GAE_Alma entered refly menu
[1:51:00 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 264880.5 65308.562
[1:51:00 AM] GAE_Balker entered refly menu
[1:51:40 AM] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 0.0 0.0
[1:51:40 AM] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x1000lbs_Bomb' fuel 80%
[1:51:56 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario removed at 260886.16 58541.207
[1:51:56 AM] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[1:52:27 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 0.0 0.0
[1:52:27 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x1000lbs_Bomb' fuel 80%
[1:52:27 AM] GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R;2} damaged on the ground at 267461.34 61346.734
[1:52:27 AM] 1_Chief damaged by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 267461.28 61292.305
[1:52:27 AM] 1_Chief damaged by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 267461.28 61292.305
[1:52:27 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R(0) was wounded at 267461.12 61207.258
[1:52:27 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R(0) was heavily wounded at 267461.12 61207.258
[1:52:27 AM] GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R;2}(0) was killed at 267461.12 61207.258
[1:52:27 AM] GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R;2} shot down by landscape at 267461.12 61207.258
[1:52:27 AM] 1_Chief damaged by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 267461.28 61292.305
[1:52:35 AM] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[1:52:36 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 0.0 0.0
[1:52:36 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x1000lbs_Bomb' fuel 80%
[1:52:45 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 0.0 0.0
[1:52:45 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x1000lbs_Bomb' fuel 80%
[1:53:11 AM] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 264890.1 62684.56
[1:53:25 AM] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 0.0 0.0
[1:53:25 AM] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x1000lbs_Bomb' fuel 80%
[1:53:37 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 267465.78 59698.594
[1:53:55 AM] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 260879.28 56724.617
[1:53:55 AM] Gae_Cuervo entered refly menu
[1:53:56 AM] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 0.0 0.0
[1:53:56 AM] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x1000lbs_Bomb' fuel 80%
[1:53:58 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 264883.66 61956.91
[1:55:05 AM] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 267466.16 58218.38
[1:55:24 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 13_Chief at 235274.36 61321.363
[1:59:35 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 13_Chief at 235468.36 58883.445
[1:59:47 AM] 3_Chief damaged by GAE_Balker{GAE_Balker_0;GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 234166.08 55977.523
[1:59:47 AM] 3_Chief damaged by GAE_Balker{GAE_Balker_0;GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 234166.08 55977.523
[1:59:48 AM] 3_Chief destroyed by GAE_Balker{GAE_Balker_0;GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 234166.38 55971.89
[1:59:48 AM] 3_Chief damaged by GAE_Balker{GAE_Balker_0;GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 234166.12 55976.65
[1:59:48 AM] 3_Chief damaged by GAE_Balker{GAE_Balker_0;GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 234166.12 55976.65


[2:01:39 AM] 5_Chief damaged by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 233745.86 52051.094
[2:01:39 AM] 5_Chief damaged by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 233745.86 52051.094
[2:01:40 AM] 5_Chief damaged by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 233745.92 52049.227
[2:01:40 AM] 5_Chief damaged by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 233745.92 52049.227
[2:01:46 AM] cb0103{cb01030;MiG-17F;1}(0) was killed at 261957.86 50993.742
[2:01:46 AM] cb0103{cb01030;MiG-17F;1} shot down by landscape at 261957.86 50993.742
[2:02:00 AM] 5_Chief damaged by Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 233752.3 51851.355
[2:02:00 AM] 5_Chief damaged by Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 233752.3 51851.355
[2:02:01 AM] 5_Chief damaged by Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 233752.3 51851.355
[2:02:01 AM] 5_Chief damaged by Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 233752.3 51851.355
[2:02:49 AM] 26_Chief damaged by 13_Chief at 218693.53 53290.3
[2:04:18 AM] GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R;2} damaged by landscape at 264843.6 53212.04
[2:04:23 AM] GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R;2} landed at 264842.2 53045.992
[2:04:23 AM] GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R;2} damaged on the ground at 264842.2 53045.992
[2:04:38 AM] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 264842.38 52820.445
[2:04:39 AM] GAE_Alma entered refly menu
[2:06:23 AM] 26_Chief damaged by 13_Chief at 218699.92 50916.31
[2:06:58 AM] 26_Chief damaged by 13_Chief at 218700.97 50528.64
[2:07:39 AM] GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R;2} landed at 267441.84 47333.688
[2:07:44 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 267441.28 47261.28
[2:07:44 AM] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[2:07:54 AM] GAE_Balker{GAE_Balker_0;GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R;2} landed at 264834.56 49798.043
[2:08:09 AM] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 0.0 0.0
[2:08:09 AM] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x1000lbs_Bomb' fuel 80%
[2:08:14 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 264834.34 49501.133
[2:08:15 AM] GAE_Balker entered refly menu
[2:08:17 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 10_Chief at 235870.9 53824.727
[2:08:28 AM] Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R;2} landed at 267438.3 46564.066
[2:08:33 AM] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 267437.6 46490.27
[2:08:34 AM] Gae_Cuervo entered refly menu
[2:08:43 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 0.0 0.0
[2:08:43 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x1000lbs_Bomb' fuel 80%
[2:08:56 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 0.0 0.0
[2:08:56 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x1000lbs_Bomb' fuel 80%
[2:09:14 AM] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 264838.94 48175.098
[2:09:24 AM] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 0.0 0.0
[2:09:24 AM] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x1000lbs_Bomb' fuel 80%
[2:09:48 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 267466.4 44963.484
[2:09:58 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 264838.25 47245.4
[2:10:34 AM] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 267472.47 44153.44
[2:14:16 AM] 5_Chief damaged by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 233982.9 44696.36
[2:14:16 AM] 5_Chief damaged by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 233982.9 44696.36
[2:14:16 AM] 5_Chief damaged by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 233982.9 44696.062
[2:14:16 AM] 5_Chief damaged by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 233982.9 44696.062
[2:14:17 AM] 5_Chief destroyed by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 233983.11 44689.777
[2:15:38 AM] 7_Chief damaged by GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 236210.38 49558.754
[2:15:38 AM] 7_Chief damaged by GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 236210.39 49558.465
[2:16:07 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 13_Chief at 236233.42 49269.008
[2:16:50 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 13_Chief at 236266.48 48853.527
[2:16:50 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 13_Chief at 236266.48 48853.527
[2:16:59 AM] 7_Chief damaged by Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 236272.97 48772.176
[2:16:59 AM] 7_Chief damaged by Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 236272.97 48772.176
[2:16:59 AM] 7_Chief damaged by Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 236273.03 48771.3
[2:16:59 AM] 7_Chief damaged by Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 236273.03 48771.3
[2:19:38 AM] GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R;2} landed at 264812.94 39056.87
[2:20:25 AM] 7_Chief damaged by 13_Chief at 236431.83 46775.848
[2:22:06 AM] Gae_Cuervo{Gae_Cuervo_0;Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R;2} landed at 267425.7 34110.348
[2:22:10 AM] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 267425.7 34044.38
[2:22:11 AM] Gae_Cuervo entered refly menu
[2:22:37 AM] GAE_Balker{GAE_Balker_0;GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R;2} landed at 264798.72 36294.35
[2:22:59 AM] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 264786.8 36004.766
[2:23:03 AM] GAE_Alma entered refly menu
[2:23:05 AM] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 0.0 0.0
[2:23:05 AM] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x1000lbs_Bomb' fuel 80%
[2:23:08 AM] GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R;2} landed at 267421.72 33180.99
[2:23:15 AM] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 264802.5 35872.742
[2:23:18 AM] GAE_Alma has disconnected
[2:24:08 AM] Gae_Cuervo has disconnected
[2:24:14 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 264794.44 34812.87
[2:24:15 AM] GAE_Balker entered refly menu
[2:24:19 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 267420.62 32098.438
[2:24:23 AM] GAE_Balker has disconnected
[2:24:23 AM] Mission END


1º Vuelo

F9F2 Panther + 02x154GalTank + 80% jugo.

Salgo como numeral del TC Alma y del GU Cuervo. Estamos en reconocimiento de contactos en las cercanías de la FT. Detectamos un par de Sabres turcos y un B29 propio. Más tarde, el TC Alma derriba un cuatrimotor de reconocimiento. Volvemos al V2, donde aponto sin novedad.

Piloto: ok
Avión: ok. Apontado

2º Vuelo

F9F2 Panther + 02x1000lbs + 80% de jugo

Esta vez salimos con el TC Alma en misión de ataque a buques de superficie enemigos. Cerca de la FT propia encontramos un crucero enemigo. Entro en segundo turno y lo hundo. Regresamos a la FT y aponto sin novedad.

ANK: 1 crucero.
Piloto: ok
Avión: ok. Apontado.

3º Vuelo

F9F2 Panther + 02x1000lbs + 80% de jugo

Salimos con la misma configuración y misión. Esta vez le entramos a un acorazado enemigo. Entro en primer turno, lanzo pero no veo impactos. La AAA daña mi plano de estribor. Vuelvo al V2 con algo de guiñada a esa banda. Logro apontar sin novedad.

Piloto: ok
Avión: ok. Apontado


1º Vuelo

F4U-5 Corsario - 2x1000Lbs + 4x250Lbs Bombas - Fuel 60%

Salgo como Alpha 4, siendo líder Pepper, A2 Popeye y A3 Charrúa. Una vez formados, nos dirigimos hacia la escuadra que hostiga nuestros destructores que escapan.

Llegados sobre el combate naval, nos dividimos blancos. Decido soltar las bombas en dos pasadas. Mala decisión.

En la primera, me cargo un destructor sin problemas, a pesar de daños en los planos, mi avión se mantiene en el aire sin inconvenientes. Pero en la segunda, tratando de acabar con un destructor averiado por Pepper, el avión resulta impactado en el motor, se incendia, y ardo en la cabina como en el Infierno, mientras creo escuchar las carcajadas de Belcebú.

ANK: 1 destroyer
Piloto: KIA
Avión: Destruído

Primero hundo

Luego ardo

2º Vuelo

F4U-5 Corsario - 2x1000Lbs + 4x250Lbs Bombas - Fuel 60%

Misma formación, salimos en busca de la escuadra, que al llegar descubrimos que se unía a otra que contaba con más cruceros y dos acorazados.

No pierdo tiempo ni trato de inventar nada, ataco con mi escuadra y lanzo todo en una pasada a un viejo crucero al que hago volar en pedazos que caen en todo el Mar Negro.

Retorno sin novedad, pero soy el único sobrevivente de mi escuadra.

ANK: 1 crucero Chervona Ukraina
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Ok Apontado

Skip sobre el Chervona Ukraina

Fin del crucero

3º Vuelo

F9F-2 Panther_R - 2x1000 Lbs. Bombas - Fuel 80%

Salgo con la gente de Caza que amablemente me devuelven a Cuervo, que volaba prestado para que Alma no saliera en solitario. Junto a Balker y Alma, que salen también configurados como Ataque, nos dirigimos a la escuadra rusa.

Ataco un crucero tipo Kirov, al que daño, lo mismo que Cuervo, quién trata de rematarlo pero el soviético es duro.

Retornamos sin novedad al V1

ANK: 0
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Ok Apontado

4º Vuelo

F9F-2 Panther_R - 2x1000 Lbs. Bombas - Fuel 80%

Nuevamente con Cuervo, voy a rematar al testarudo crucero Disidente. lanzo y esta vez el barco estalla y se hunde. Acompaño a Cuervo a atacar el único barco a flote, el acorazado Novorossiysk.

Distraigo a la AAA mientras Cuervo realiza su corrida de bombardeo, que resulta en averías de consideración al acorazado, saliendo los dos indemnes por suerte.

Retornamos sin novedad al V1

ANK: 1 crucero tipo Kirov
Piloto: OK
Avión: Ok Apontado

Alineando al crucero

Soltando bombas



1º Vuelo

F4U-5 Corsario - 2x1000Lbs + 4x250Lbs Bombas - Fuel 60%
Salimos liderados por Pepper , voy de A3 , ponemos rumbo al a la zona de deteccion  de los buques, con algunos minutos en vuelo los Charly nos avisan y dan coordenadas de los Barcos.

Cuando tenemos los barcos a la vista nos lanzamos al ataque todos rasantes pongo a mi victima delante y rozando las olas, momentos antes elevo largo y salto el barco, confirmando el impacto y unidmiento del buque.

Retorno al porta con algunos daños y aponto , rompiendo hélice.
19_Chief destroyed by GAE_Charrua
19_Chief damaged by GAE_Charrua
Piloto ok
Avoin Apontado, (helice rota)

2º Vuelo

F4U-5 Corsario - 2x1000Lbs + 4x250Lbs Bombas - Fuel 60%

Muevo el avion hacia la catapulta, creo no estar enganchado , y de pronto se libera el avion , no llego a poder dar potencia , cayendo al mar.

Piloto kia
Avion Destruido.

3º Vuelo

F4U-5 Corsario - 2x1000Lbs + 4x250Lbs Bombas - Fuel 60%

Salimos nuevamente , esta ves rumbo a la flota mayor disidente , que la habia encontrado la escuadrilla Charly , en el trayecto encontramos varios contactos navales, nos avisan que tambien hay barcos de los nuestros , que prestemos atención, cuando nos dividimos los contactos, encaro uno, hay confusión porque el barco no tira, no lograba ver la bandera, ya cuando no podia tirar mis bombas por no poder confirmar si es enemigo o no, se descargan con todo lo que tiene a mi pequeña aeronave en comparación con semejante estructura, lo salto por la proa, y hago un giro a la izquierda,  logro ver como mis compañeros entran a un grupo mas alejados, digo eso son también, si daba la vuelta era puré, asi que con el avión dañado , encaro un de los contactos, el agua parece danzar y yo un bailarín corriendo descalzo en un camino de cardos, al quedar prácticamente en medio de la flota me llueve de todo, tengo mi blanco en la mira , con algunas heridas, lanzo todo el armamento y el resplandor de las explosiones ilumina todo mi avión quedando la cabina blanca.
Hago el escape a muy baja velocidad con el avión echo jirones, llego a la flota, mi aproximación es buena, pero al momento de tocar y enganchar el avion se desliza para una de las bandas y caigo todavía con el avion enganchado de los cables, por suerte se desprende al tocar el agua y logro salir, soy recogido de las aguas y llevado con urgencia a la enfermería.

4_Chief damaged by GAE_Charrua
4_Chief damaged by GAE_Charrua
4_Chief destroyed by GAE_Charrua
4_Chief damaged by GAE_Charrua

Avion destruido
Piloto ok
C.F. Charrua


1er vuelo:

F9F Phanter - 2x154 tank - 80% jugo

Despego del V2 como numeral 2 de la escuadra liderada por Alma. Divisamos las flotas enemigas y reportamos a ataque. Luego interceptamos un bombardero enemigo que es destruido por mi lider.
Volvemos al portaaviones y aponto sin novedad.

Piloto: OK
Avión: OK - Apontado

2do vuelo:

F9F Phanter - 2x154 tank - 80% jugo

Despego nuevamente para cubrir la zona, seguimos contacto de radares y divisamos un bombardero aliado y luego uno enemigo que es derribado nuevamente por Alma. En el transcurso de la mision se nos une Balker como numeral 3.
Volvemos al portaaviones y aponto sin novedad.

Piloto: OK
Avión: OK - Apontado

3ro vuelo:

F9F Phanter - 2x1000 lb - 80% jugo

Despego del V1 como numeral de Ceteu de la escuadra de ataque. Ponemos rumbo a la flota enemigo. Largo bombas pero calculo mal la distancia y las mias pasan de largo.
  Volvemos al portaaviones y aponto sin novedad. 

AGK: 0
Piloto: OK
Avión: OK - Apontado

4to vuelo:

F9F Phanter - 2x1000 lb - 80% jugo

Despego del V1 como numeral de Ceteu de la escuadra de ataque. Ponemos rumbo a la flota enemigo. En esta ocasion impacto a un destructor enemigo de frente pero no logro destruirlo, solo dañarlo gravemente

AGK: 0 (Daños a destructor)
Piloto: OK
Avión: OK - Apontado


1er vuelo:

F9F Phanter - 2x154 tank - 80% jugo

Despego del V2 como lider de la escuadra de caza con cuervo como mi numeral. Nos dirigimos al oeste a tratar de ubicar la flota enemiga. Lo logramos rapidamente y radiamos la informacion a la escuadra de ataque. Luego vamos a identificar un contacto que resulta ser un catrimotor. Realizo la primer pasada, luego entra cuervo y termino derribandolo yo en la tercer entrada. Luego nos retiramos al porta donde aponto sin novedad.

AAK: 1 TU-4
Piloto: OK
Avión: OK - Apontado

2do vuelo:

F9F Phanter - 2x154 tank - 80% jugo

Salimos nuevamente con Cuervo, Vamos al sur y luego al noreste a identificar contactos, que resultan ser un par de sabres Turcos. LUego se incorpora el capitan Balker y continuamos la patrulla. Luego de unos minutos vamos a identificar un contacto de radar. Hago una pasada para identificar al contacto que resulta ser enemigo. Me pongo en posicion y lo derribo con una corta rafaga. Volvemos al porta donde aponto sin novedad.

AAK: 1 Pe-8
Piloto: OK
Avión: OK - Apontado

3ro vuelo:

F9F Phanter - 2x1000 lb - 80% jugo

Salimos esta vez con bombas para asistir a la escuadra de ataque en el bombardeo a la flota enemiga. Llegamos rapidamente sobre el objetivo y descargo mis bombas. No logro ver si impactan o no. Durante el vuelo recibo bastante daño debido a la AAA enemiga por lo que llego sobre el porta con cierta dificultad. Al momento del aterrizaje mi maltrecho avion se parte en dos pero resulto ileso en la maniobra.

AGK: 0
Piloto: OK
Avión: Destruido durante el apontaje.

4to vuelo:

F9F Phanter - 2x1000 lb - 80% jugo

Salimos nuevamente, otra vez sobre la flota enemiga. Esta vez logro impactar sobre el objetivo averiando a un buque enemigo.

AGK: 0 (Daños a Acorazado)
Piloto: OK
Avión: OK - Apontado