Crimea 7

Iniciado por GAE_Ceteu, 01 de Noviembre de 2011, 06:52:14 PM

Tema anterior - Siguiente tema


Señores, hemos puesto pie en la Península de Kerch.

El ejército hindú a iniciado un avance hacia Feodosiya y el río Kuvalibrek al oeste de la ciudad portuaria, con el fin de consolidar la conquista y crear un frente sustentable con el río como defensa natural.

Con ese objetivo, columnas blindadas se dirigen hacia Feodosiya, a las cuales Ataque deberá abrir paso. Por otro lado, el 5º Grupo de Bombardeo de la IAF bombardeará el puerto y las instalaciones portuarias de Feodosiya en su camino a sus nuevas bases en Kerch, con el objeto de destruír un convoy arribado por la noche y los suministros que ya hayan sido desembarcados, determinando que los Disidentes no puedan endurecer su resistencia. Caza deberá darles protección en su corredor de bombardeo, el cual será desde el sur.


El primer objetivo será destruír la primera línea de defensa que montaron los Disidentes en el camino a Feodosiya, sector AV10#4, con un pelotón de tanques T-34 y IS-100. Se han detectado por lo menos una unidad de ZSU-37 de defensa AAA.

En segundo lugar, la 77º División de Infantería cuyo paso está bloqueado por el derrumbe de los puentes de AT10 en las anteriores misiones. Dicha División de encuentra a la espera de material para construír un puente de pontones. Aprovecharemos la ocasión para incapacitarlos ahora que están expuestos e inmóviles al este del pueblo de Kirovskoe, entre AT10#7 y los puentes de AT10#6.

Tercer objetivo. Un convoy destacado desde Sebastopol tratará de infiltrarse hasta Feodosiya llevando los elementos de un Regimiento de Infantería Motorizada y combustible para asegurar la movilidad de los tanques en el sector. Para este ataque, tendremos disponibles 6 bombas Bat.


Asegurar el cielo al sur y sobre la ciudad de Feodosiya, cubriendo a los Liberator del 5º Grupo de Bombardeo de la IAF en su entrada y salida sobre el puerto. Los mismos llegarán en oleadas, lanzarán y se retirarán hacia Kerch.

Fuerza de Tareas.

La FT se moverá desde BB8 con rumbo 240º paralela a la costa, manteniendo hearing constante.


1º Vuelo.

F4U5 Corsario - 8xHVAR+02x1000 Lbs. Bombas - Fuel 70%

Salgo como Alpha 4 en la escuadra formada por el líder, A1 Baco, siendo A2 Popeye y A3 Charrúa.

Llegados sobre el blanco , atacamos la 1º línea de defensa de los Disisdentes. Si bien la defensa sólo consistía en dos ZSU-37 y con camión con ametralladoras, los ZSU nos barrieron del cielo. Sólo pude destruír un tanque T-34 antes de ser derribado.

AGK: 1
Piloto: KIA
Avión: Destruído

2º Vuelo.

F9F2_Panther_R - 2x500lbs_Bomb+06xHVAR - Fuel 100%

Despego otra vez como A4, esta vez con Panther y muchas ganas de revancha. Otra vez sobre el blanco, atacamos en turnos, esta vez con un poco más de puntería. Destruyo otros dos tanques, uno de ellos un IS-100. Al ver como cae la mitad de la escuadra otra vez víctima de los dos ZSU, decido que basta por hoy y en tres pasadas, logro destruír ambos con cañones. Sin oposición desde tierra, estrafeo y destruyo dos camiones más.

Retorno con el otro sobreviviente, Charrúa, al V1, donde aponto sin novedad.

AGK: 6
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Ok Apontado

3º Vuelo.

F9F2_Panther_R - 2x500lbs+6x250lbs. Bombas - Fuel 70%

Esta vez como Alpha 1, ante la caída de la escuadra de Ataque lidero un elemento formado por Tucá, A2, y Balker, A3. Salimos en busca de un convoy con destino a Feodosiya, al que interceptamos sin problemas.

Sin embargo, sólo logro dañar el barco al cual le hago dos pasadas, con evidente mala puntería. El skip-bombing en Panther me sigue siendo esquivo.

Retornamos al V1, donde aponto en tercer turno, sin problemas.

ANK: 0
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Ok Apontado


1er. vuelo. F4U Corsario 8 x Hvar 2 x 100 lbs, 70% JUGO-

Decolamso con la mision de atacar la linea defensiva del enemigo qu es eopondria a las fuerzas indias.
Llegando al blanco ataca la primer alinea defensiva de tanque slogrnado destruir uno, pero soy destruido en el aire al egresar...

AGK: 1
Aeronave: Destruida
Piloto KIA

2do. Vuelo.

F9F5 Panther. 6 x Hvar + 2 x 500lbs 100% jugo.

Ataco en varia spasadas sin impactar nada.
Salgo en busca d eun tren divisado con anterioridad, y logro destruirlo, a la vez qu esoy alcanzado pro la AAA del msimo, callendo sin remedio.

AGK: 1 tren
Aeronave: destruida
Piloto KIA.

Noche de terror par ami...


[Nov 2, 2011 4:00:54 AM] Mission: net/dogfight/Crimea 7/Crimea 7.mis is Playing
[4:00:54 AM] Mission BEGIN
[4:00:55 AM] GAE_Popeye has connected
[4:01:09 AM] GAE_Baco has connected
[4:02:04 AM] GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 0.0 0.0
[4:02:04 AM] GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '08xHVAR+02x1000Lbs_Bomb' fuel 70%
[4:02:36 AM] GAE_Tucan has connected
[4:02:43 AM] GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 0.0 0.0
[4:02:43 AM] GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '08xHVAR+02x1000Lbs_Bomb' fuel 70%
[4:02:48 AM] GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Popeye at 0.0 0.0
[4:02:48 AM] GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '08xHVAR+02x1000Lbs_Bomb' fuel 70%
[4:03:16 AM] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 0.0 0.0
[4:03:16 AM] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[4:03:21 AM] GAE_Balker has connected
[4:03:25 AM] GAE_Castor has disconnected
[4:03:27 AM] GAE_Castor has connected
[4:03:34 AM] GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 276668.56 70333.55
[4:03:39 AM] GAE_Ceteu has connected
[4:04:07 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 0.0 0.0
[4:04:07 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[4:04:10 AM] GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 276294.34 70158.88
[4:04:24 AM] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 275007.06 71550.984
[4:04:39 AM] GAE_Tucan:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Tucan at 0.0 0.0
[4:04:39 AM] GAE_Tucan:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[4:05:02 AM] GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 276513.62 68314.84
[4:05:03 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 0.0 0.0
[4:05:03 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons '08xHVAR+02x1000Lbs_Bomb' fuel 70%
[4:05:36 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 273905.62 70986.84
[4:05:54 AM] GAE_Castor has disconnected
[4:06:07 AM] GAE_Tucan:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 273417.78 70808.91
[4:06:32 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 275228.53 67683.08
[4:08:08 AM] GAE_Castor has connected
[4:11:07 AM] GAE_Castor has disconnected
[4:18:25 AM] 27_Static destroyed by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 210814.39 94157.81
[4:18:32 AM] GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario;2}(0) was killed at 210301.67 94084.47
[4:18:32 AM] GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F4U5_Corsario;2} shot down by landscape at 210301.67 94084.47
[4:18:41 AM] GAE_Castor has connected
[4:19:49 AM] 120_Static destroyed by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 210820.38 94124.54
[4:20:03 AM] 46_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 210600.25 94229.35
[4:20:03 AM] 29_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 210633.52 94201.48
[4:20:05 AM] GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;2} damaged by landscape at 210607.66 94130.945
[4:20:05 AM] GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;2}(0) was killed at 210607.61 94124.32
[4:20:05 AM] GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F4U5_Corsario;2} shot down by landscape at 210607.61 94124.32
[4:20:36 AM] GAE_Baco entered refly menu
[4:20:40 AM] GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2} damaged by 111_Static at 210633.19 94581.28
[4:20:42 AM] GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2}(0) was killed at 210710.05 94349.49
[4:20:43 AM] GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2} shot down by 111_Static at 210710.05 94349.49
[4:20:52 AM] GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2}(0) was killed by 110_Static at 210882.98 94412.83
[4:20:55 AM] GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F4U5_Corsario;2} shot down by 110_Static at 210621.22 94405.21
[4:21:03 AM] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[4:21:18 AM] GAE_Popeye entered refly menu
[4:21:34 AM] GAE_Castor has disconnected
[4:21:35 AM] GAE_Castor has connected
[4:21:53 AM] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[4:22:38 AM] GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 0.0 0.0
[4:22:38 AM] GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x500lbs_Bomb+06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 100%
[4:22:43 AM] GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Baco at 0.0 0.0
[4:22:43 AM] GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x500lbs_Bomb+06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 100%
[4:22:59 AM] GAE_Popeye:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Popeye at 0.0 0.0
[4:22:59 AM] GAE_Popeye:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x500lbs_Bomb+06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 100%
[4:23:05 AM] GAE_Popeye:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 261222.05 62616.406
[4:23:06 AM] GAE_Popeye entered refly menu
[4:23:25 AM] GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R;2} damaged by landscape at 207451.94 68567.83
[4:23:28 AM] GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R;2}(0) was killed at 207451.94 68567.83
[4:23:28 AM] GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R;2} shot down by landscape at 207451.94 68567.83
[4:23:39 AM] GAE_Popeye:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Popeye at 0.0 0.0
[4:23:39 AM] GAE_Popeye:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x500lbs_Bomb+06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 100%
[4:24:05 AM] GAE_Alma entered refly menu
[4:24:06 AM] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 0.0 0.0
[4:24:06 AM] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[4:24:23 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 0.0 0.0
[4:24:23 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x500lbs_Bomb+06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 100%
[4:24:24 AM] GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 259334.9 61689.797
[4:24:29 AM] GAE_Castor has disconnected
[4:24:47 AM] GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 260114.31 60226.285
[4:25:00 AM] 4GvIAPKBF00{4GvIAPKBF003;Yak-15;1}(0) was killed by GAE_Tucan{GAE_Tucan_0;GAE_Tucan:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 220493.53 70337.34
[4:25:05 AM] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 258027.81 63044.395
[4:25:21 AM] 4GvIAPKBF00{4GvIAPKBF002;Yak-15;1} damaged by GAE_Balker{GAE_Balker_0;GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 229719.34 68710.016
[4:25:22 AM] GAE_Popeye:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 258867.34 61413.957
[4:25:28 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 259689.62 59947.28
[4:25:30 AM] 4GvIAPKBF00{4GvIAPKBF003;Yak-15;1} shot down by GAE_Tucan{GAE_Tucan_0;GAE_Tucan:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 225625.89 69136.45
[4:25:46 AM] 4GvIAPKBF00{4GvIAPKBF002;Yak-15;1}(0) was killed at 233263.36 66829.766
[4:25:46 AM] 4GvIAPKBF00{4GvIAPKBF002;Yak-15;1} shot down by GAE_Balker{GAE_Balker_0;GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 233263.36 66829.766
[4:29:29 AM] 694_Static destroyed by ir0103{ir01032;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 204581.8 78224.02
[4:29:30 AM] 818_Static destroyed by ir0103{ir01032;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 204495.55 78014.16
[4:29:30 AM] 649_Static damaged by ir0103{ir01031;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 204323.3 78424.42
[4:29:30 AM] 649_Static damaged by ir0103{ir01031;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 204323.3 78424.42
[4:29:30 AM] 649_Static damaged by ir0103{ir01031;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 204323.3 78424.42
[4:29:30 AM] 649_Static damaged by ir0103{ir01031;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 204323.3 78424.42
[4:29:30 AM] 649_Static damaged by ir0103{ir01031;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 204323.3 78424.42
[4:29:30 AM] 821_Static destroyed by ir0103{ir01030;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 204230.69 78274.98
[4:29:30 AM] 648_Static damaged by ir0103{ir01030;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 204183.77 78561.46
[4:29:30 AM] 649_Static damaged by ir0103{ir01030;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 204323.3 78424.42
[4:29:30 AM] 649_Static damaged by ir0103{ir01031;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 204323.3 78424.42
[4:29:30 AM] 648_Static damaged by ir0103{ir01030;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 204183.77 78561.46
[4:29:30 AM] 649_Static damaged by ir0103{ir01030;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 204323.3 78424.42
[4:29:30 AM] 639_Static damaged by ir0103{ir01030;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 204529.3 78730.93
[4:29:30 AM] 648_Static damaged by ir0103{ir01030;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 204183.77 78561.46
[4:29:30 AM] 649_Static damaged by ir0103{ir01030;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 204323.3 78424.42
[4:29:30 AM] 648_Static damaged by ir0103{ir01030;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 204183.77 78561.46
[4:29:30 AM] 649_Static damaged by ir0103{ir01030;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 204323.3 78424.42
[4:29:30 AM] 639_Static damaged by ir0103{ir01030;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 204529.3 78730.93
[4:29:30 AM] 648_Static damaged by ir0103{ir01030;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 204183.77 78561.46
[4:29:30 AM] 649_Static damaged by ir0103{ir01030;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 204323.3 78424.42
[4:29:30 AM] 639_Static damaged by ir0103{ir01030;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 204529.3 78730.93
[4:29:30 AM] 648_Static damaged by ir0103{ir01030;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 204183.77 78561.46
[4:29:30 AM] 649_Static damaged by ir0103{ir01030;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 204323.3 78424.42
[4:29:30 AM] 639_Static damaged by ir0103{ir01030;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 204529.3 78730.93
[4:29:58 AM] 778_Static destroyed by ir0101{ir01010;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 203754.81 78085.72
[4:29:58 AM] 779_Static destroyed by ir0101{ir01010;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 203724.66 78103.17
[4:29:59 AM] 815_Static destroyed by ir0101{ir01012;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 203954.33 77853.99
[4:29:59 AM] 780_Static destroyed by ir0101{ir01010;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 203702.12 78142.78
[4:29:59 AM] 781_Static destroyed by ir0101{ir01010;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 203742.1 78150.05
[4:29:59 AM] 640_Static destroyed by ir0101{ir01010;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 203756.3 78127.13
[4:29:59 AM] 641_Static destroyed by ir0101{ir01010;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 203770.19 78126.06
[4:29:59 AM] 816_Static destroyed by ir0101{ir01012;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 203915.92 77871.18
[4:29:59 AM] 773_Static destroyed by ir0101{ir01011;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 203871.1 78086.09
[4:29:59 AM] 775_Static destroyed by ir0101{ir01011;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 203845.66 78047.56
[4:29:59 AM] 774_Static destroyed by ir0101{ir01011;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 203878.39 78051.18
[4:29:59 AM] 664_Static destroyed by ir0101{ir01010;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 203791.55 78119.65
[4:29:59 AM] 777_Static destroyed by ir0101{ir01010;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 203779.89 78068.64
[4:29:59 AM] 665_Static destroyed by ir0101{ir01010;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 203818.25 78120.72
[4:29:59 AM] 776_Static destroyed by ir0101{ir01011;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 203812.95 78054.11
[4:30:00 AM] 802_Static destroyed by ir0101{ir01010;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 203682.02 78261.38
[4:31:44 AM] 784_Static destroyed by ir0102{ir01020;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 204056.44 78194.75
[4:31:44 AM] 785_Static destroyed by ir0102{ir01020;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 204058.62 78167.85
[4:31:44 AM] 787_Static destroyed by ir0102{ir01020;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 204088.8 78183.12
[4:31:44 AM] 783_Static destroyed by ir0102{ir01020;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 204023.02 78165.31
[4:31:46 AM] 819_Static destroyed by ir0102{ir01022;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 204267.06 78200.17
[4:31:46 AM] 771_Static damaged by ir0102{ir01020;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 203955.55 78506.45
[4:36:03 AM] 4GvIAPKBF00{4GvIAPKBF001;Yak-15;1}(0) was killed by GAE_Tucan{GAE_Tucan_0;GAE_Tucan:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 208906.69 94949.73
[4:36:17 AM] 4GvIAPKBF00{4GvIAPKBF001;Yak-15;1} shot down by GAE_Tucan{GAE_Tucan_0;GAE_Tucan:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 207173.94 94845.88
[4:37:05 AM] GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F9F2_Panther_R;2}(0) was killed at 210757.39 94315.59
[4:37:05 AM] GAE_Popeye{GAE_Popeye_0;GAE_Popeye:F9F2_Panther_R;2} shot down by 110_Static at 210757.39 94315.59
[4:37:17 AM] 4GvIAPKBF00{4GvIAPKBF000;Yak-15;1} damaged by GAE_Balker{GAE_Balker_0;GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 205204.89 96620.016
[4:37:21 AM] Yak-15(0) bailed out at 204694.89 96483.37
[4:37:41 AM] 4GvIAPKBF00{4GvIAPKBF000;Yak-15;1} shot down by
C.F. Charrua


GAE_Balker{GAE_Balker_0;GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 202405.25 96352.02
[4:38:06 AM] 2_Static destroyed by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 210822.02 94364.68
[4:38:44 AM] 2_Chief3 destroyed by 2_Chief2 at 202799.28 91199.28
[4:38:45 AM] 2_Chief5 destroyed by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 202812.94 91212.94
[4:38:46 AM] 2_Chief1 destroyed by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 202770.5 91170.5
[4:38:46 AM] 2_Chief2 crashed at 202776.97 91176.97
[4:38:46 AM] 2_Chief4 destroyed by 2_Chief2 at 202795.69 91195.695
[4:38:48 AM] 2_Chief6 destroyed by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 202809.67 91209.68
[4:38:50 AM] 2_Chief7 destroyed by GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 202818.62 91218.62
[4:38:52 AM] 2_Chief8 destroyed by landscape at 202827.58 91227.57
[4:38:52 AM] GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther_R;2}(0) was killed at 202594.17 90921.85
[4:38:53 AM] GAE_Baco{GAE_Baco_0;GAE_Baco:F9F2_Panther_R;2} shot down by 2_Chief2 at 202594.17 90921.85
[4:38:54 AM] 2_Chief9 destroyed by landscape at 202836.53 91236.52
[4:38:54 AM] 2_Chief10 destroyed by landscape at 202845.48 91245.48
[4:38:56 AM] 2_Chief11 destroyed by landscape at 202854.42 91254.43
[4:38:58 AM] 2_Chief12 destroyed by landscape at 202863.38 91263.38
[4:38:58 AM] 2_Chief13 destroyed by landscape at 202872.33 91272.336
[4:39:00 AM] 2_Chief14 destroyed by landscape at 202881.28 91281.29
[4:39:00 AM] 119_Static destroyed by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 210820.31 94074.56
[4:39:00 AM] 2_Chief15 destroyed by landscape at 202890.23 91290.24
[4:39:02 AM] 2_Chief16 destroyed by landscape at 202899.19 91299.195
[4:40:16 AM] 110_Static destroyed by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 210705.2 94412.58
[4:41:05 AM] 111_Static destroyed by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 210724.02 93813.68
[4:42:05 AM] 30_Static destroyed by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 210601.9 94204.34
[4:42:14 AM] GAE_Baco has disconnected
[4:42:15 AM] ParatrooperLogging 2481540(0) touchdown in X: 203186.33200240036 Y: 95690.18109726244 (ground) drop by
[4:42:15 AM] Yak-15(0) successfully bailed out at 203186.33 95690.18
[4:42:48 AM] GAE_Popeye has disconnected
[4:44:01 AM] 45_Static destroyed by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 210600.22 94178.8
[4:45:58 AM] ir0101{ir01010;B-24J-100-CF;2} landed at 270484.2 108120.13
[4:46:39 AM] MiG-9FS(0) bailed out at 188447.33 63140.0
[4:47:02 AM] 4GvIAPKBF01{4GvIAPKBF012;MiG-9FS;1} shot down by GAE_Balker{GAE_Balker_0;GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 185074.77 64268.46
[4:48:49 AM] ir0102{ir01020;B-24J-100-CF;2} landed at 269933.44 107895.14
[4:49:45 AM] ir0101{ir01013;B-24J-100-CF;2} landed at 270481.56 108056.02
[4:50:52 AM] GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R;2} damaged by landscape at 237413.52 52694.812
[4:50:52 AM] ir0103{ir01030;B-24J-100-CF;2} landed at 260224.36 117052.48
[4:50:55 AM] GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R;2} landed at 237278.1 52629.777
[4:50:55 AM] GAE_Alma{GAE_Alma_0;GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R;2} damaged on the ground at 237278.1 52629.777
[4:50:55 AM] ParatrooperLogging 3001230(0) touchdown in X: 186708.14402186757 Y: 63904.51588526799 (ground) drop by
[4:50:55 AM] MiG-9FS(0) successfully bailed out at 186708.14 63904.516
[4:52:00 AM] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 236403.62 52190.645
[4:52:01 AM] GAE_Alma entered refly menu
[4:52:06 AM] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 0.0 0.0
[4:52:06 AM] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[4:52:07 AM] ir0102{ir01023;B-24J-100-CF;2} landed at 269979.66 107961.35
[4:53:03 AM] ir0103{ir01031;B-24J-100-CF;2} landed at 260029.05 116059.93
[4:53:12 AM] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 236569.1 50192.15
[4:53:12 AM] GAE_Alma entered refly menu
[4:53:30 AM] GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R;2} landed at 236271.89 50035.87
[4:53:38 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 236170.89 49984.754
[4:53:39 AM] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[4:53:40 AM] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 0.0 0.0
[4:53:40 AM] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[4:54:28 AM] ir0103{ir01030;B-24J-100-CF;2} damaged on the ground at 260224.36 117052.48
[4:54:28 AM] ir0103{ir01030;B-24J-100-CF;2}(0) was killed at 260224.36 117052.48
[4:54:28 AM] ir0103{ir01030;B-24J-100-CF;2}(1) was killed at 260224.36 117052.48
[4:54:28 AM] ir0103{ir01030;B-24J-100-CF;2}(2) was killed at 260224.36 117052.48
[4:54:28 AM] ir0103{ir01030;B-24J-100-CF;2}(3) was killed at 260224.36 117052.48
[4:54:28 AM] ir0103{ir01030;B-24J-100-CF;2}(4) was killed at 260224.36 117052.48
[4:54:28 AM] ir0103{ir01030;B-24J-100-CF;2}(5) was killed at 260224.36 117052.48
[4:54:28 AM] ir0103{ir01030;B-24J-100-CF;2}(6) was killed at 260224.36 117052.48
[4:54:28 AM] ir0103{ir01030;B-24J-100-CF;2}(7) was killed at 260224.36 117052.48
[4:54:28 AM] B-24J-100-CF crashed at 260224.36 117052.48
[4:54:29 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 0.0 0.0
[4:54:29 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x500lbs_Bomb+06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 100%
[4:54:31 AM] GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R;2} damaged on the ground at 260220.4 117052.62
[4:54:31 AM] GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R;2}(0) was killed at 260220.4 117052.62
[4:54:32 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R crashed at 260220.4 117052.62
[4:55:13 AM] 4GvIAPKBF01{4GvIAPKBF011;MiG-9FS;1} damaged by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 229830.33 55622.72
[4:55:18 AM] MiG-9FS(0) bailed out at 229516.56 55726.812
[4:55:23 AM] ir0102{ir01022;B-24J-100-CF;2} landed at 269887.16 107829.11
[4:55:31 AM] 4GvIAPKBF01{4GvIAPKBF011;MiG-9FS;1} shot down by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 229173.72 55837.01
[4:56:03 AM] ir0103{ir01032;B-24J-100-CF;2} landed at 259796.25 116157.43
[4:56:07 AM] 823_Static destroyed by ir0111{ir01113;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 203950.34 77337.51
[4:57:15 AM] ParatrooperLogging 3381300(0) touchdown in X: 228978.87006625967 Y: 56070.77319598701 (water) drop by
[4:57:15 AM] MiG-9FS(0) successfully bailed out at 228978.88 56070.773
[4:57:15 AM] MiG-9FS(0) was captured at 228978.88 56070.773
[4:57:36 AM] 4GvIAPKBF01{4GvIAPKBF013;MiG-9FS;1} damaged by landscape at 231042.2 42162.39
[4:57:36 AM] 4GvIAPKBF01{4GvIAPKBF013;MiG-9FS;1}(0) was killed at 231042.2 42162.39
[4:57:36 AM] 4GvIAPKBF01{4GvIAPKBF013;MiG-9FS;1} shot down by GAE_Balker{GAE_Balker_0;GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 231042.2 42162.39
[4:57:56 AM] ir0102{ir01021;B-24J-100-CF;2} landed at 270547.06 108010.25
[4:58:01 AM] MiG-9FS(0) was wounded at 235100.19 46952.902
[4:58:01 AM] MiG-9FS(0) was heavily wounded at 235100.19 46952.902
[4:58:07 AM] MiG-9FS(0) bailed out at 234869.12 47668.105
[4:58:20 AM] 4GvIAPKBF01{4GvIAPKBF010;MiG-9FS;1} shot down by 5_Chief at 234322.89 49178.965
[4:58:30 AM] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 232234.61 48008.77
[4:58:33 AM] GAE_Alma has disconnected
[4:58:36 AM] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[4:59:53 AM] ir0103{ir01033;B-24J-100-CF;2} landed at 260241.27 117088.625
[5:00:25 AM] ParatrooperLogging 3570660(0) touchdown in X: 234166.5412281709 Y: 48779.209437206606 (water) drop by
[5:00:25 AM] MiG-9FS(0) successfully bailed out at 234166.55 48779.21
[5:00:25 AM] MiG-9FS(0) was captured at 234166.55 48779.21
[5:00:29 AM] GAE_Balker{GAE_Balker_0;GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R;2} landed at 229370.22 48662.41
[5:01:24 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 228633.3 48292.78
[5:01:24 AM] GAE_Balker entered refly menu
[5:02:04 AM] GAE_Balker:HRS3AI(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 0.0 0.0
[5:02:04 AM] GAE_Balker:HRS3AI loaded weapons '08xMarines' fuel 80%
[5:02:55 AM] GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R;2} landed at 228534.06 46130.023
[5:02:55 AM] GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R;2} damaged on the ground at 228534.06 46130.023
[5:03:07 AM] ir0101{ir01011;B-24J-100-CF;2} landed at 270025.47 108026.86
[5:03:42 AM] GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 227893.22 45805.3
[5:03:42 AM] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[5:05:51 AM] ir0101{ir01012;B-24J-100-CF;2} landed at 269936.3 108038.83
[5:09:13 AM] GAE_Tucan{GAE_Tucan_0;GAE_Tucan:F9F2_Panther_R;2} landed at 222284.03 45107.688
[5:09:22 AM] GAE_Tucan:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 222169.72 45045.74
[5:09:23 AM] GAE_Tucan entered refly menu
[5:09:27 AM] GAE_Balker:HRS3AI removed at 224237.55 42021.33
[5:09:28 AM] GAE_Balker entered refly menu
[5:10:11 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 0.0 0.0
[5:10:11 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x500lbs_Bomb+06x250lbs_Bomb' fuel 70%
[5:11:46 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 220903.67 42310.863
[5:11:54 AM] GAE_Tucan:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Tucan at 0.0 0.0
[5:11:54 AM] GAE_Tucan:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x500lbs_Bomb+06x250lbs_Bomb' fuel 100%
[5:12:30 AM] ir0111{ir01110;B-24J-100-CF;2} landed at 260275.02 117161.15
[5:13:18 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 0.0 0.0
[5:13:18 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x500lbs_Bomb+06x250lbs_Bomb' fuel 70%
[5:13:41 AM] GAE_Tucan{GAE_Tucan_0;GAE_Tucan:F9F2_Panther_R;2}(0) was killed at 219699.53 41686.938
[5:13:41 AM] GAE_Tucan{GAE_Tucan_0;GAE_Tucan:F9F2_Panther_R;2} shot down by landscape at 219699.53 41686.938
[5:13:48 AM] GAE_Tucan entered refly menu
[5:14:41 AM] GAE_Tucan:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Tucan at 0.0 0.0
[5:14:41 AM] GAE_Tucan:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x500lbs_Bomb+06x250lbs_Bomb' fuel 70%
[5:15:10 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 217974.66 40796.54
[5:16:16 AM] ir0111{ir01113;B-24J-100-CF;2} landed at 259972.27 116009.12
[5:16:28 AM] GAE_Tucan:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 217002.38 40316.742
[5:18:37 AM] ir0110{ir01103;B-24J-100-CF;2}(5) was killed by 4GvIAPKBF02{4GvIAPKBF020;MiG-9FS;1} at 203580.55 85836.17
[5:18:37 AM] ir0110{ir01103;B-24J-100-CF;2}(6) was killed by 4GvIAPKBF02{4GvIAPKBF020;MiG-9FS;1} at 203579.64 85895.39
[5:18:39 AM] ir0110{ir01103;B-24J-100-CF;2} damaged by 4GvIAPKBF02{4GvIAPKBF022;MiG-9FS;1} at 203575.4 86078.74
[5:18:44 AM] B-24J-100-CF(0) bailed out at 203569.19 86576.2
[5:18:45 AM] B-24J-100-CF(1) bailed out at 203562.9 86722.19
[5:18:46 AM] ir0110{ir01102;B-24J-100-CF;2} damaged by 4GvIAPKBF02{4GvIAPKBF021;MiG-9FS;1} at 203526.61 86875.1
[5:18:46 AM] B-24J-100-CF(2) bailed out at 203551.25 86869.35
[5:18:47 AM] B-24J-100-CF(3) bailed out at 203532.56 87017.37
[5:18:49 AM] B-24J-100-CF(4) bailed out at 203505.58 87165.51
[5:18:50 AM] B-24J-100-CF(0) bailed out at 203505.81 87376.29
[5:18:52 AM] B-24J-100-CF(1) bailed out at 203484.16 87512.625
[5:18:53 AM] B-24J-100-CF(7) bailed out at 203370.75 87598.27
[5:18:53 AM] B-24J-100-CF(2) bailed out at 203454.64 87647.836
[5:18:54 AM] B-24J-100-CF(8) bailed out at 203309.9 87733.83
[5:18:54 AM] B-24J-100-CF(3) bailed out at 203416.98 87781.75
[5:18:56 AM] B-24J-100-CF(4) bailed out at 203370.88 87914.08
[5:18:57 AM] B-24J-100-CF(5) bailed out at 203315.98 88044.44
[5:18:58 AM] B-24J-100-CF(6) bailed out at 203251.98 88172.336
[5:19:00 AM] B-24J-100-CF(7) bailed out at 203178.6 88297.15
[5:19:01 AM] B-24J-100-CF(8) bailed out at 203095.62 88418.13
[5:19:21 AM] ir0110{ir01103;B-24J-100-CF;2} shot down by 4GvIAPKBF02{4GvIAPKBF022;MiG-9FS;1} at 202418.39 89906.125
[5:19:22 AM] ir0110{ir01101;B-24J-100-CF;2}(7) was killed by 4GvIAPKBF02{4GvIAPKBF023;MiG-9FS;1} at 203594.98 90811.46
[5:19:22 AM] ir0110{ir01101;B-24J-100-CF;2}(6) was killed by 4GvIAPKBF02{4GvIAPKBF023;MiG-9FS;1} at 203595.4 90817.88
[5:19:22 AM] ir0110{ir01101;B-24J-100-CF;2}(5) was killed by 4GvIAPKBF02{4GvIAPKBF023;MiG-9FS;1} at 203596.28 90830.72
[5:19:23 AM] B-24J-100-CF(8) was wounded at 203601.88 90911.01
[5:19:23 AM] ir0110{ir01101;B-24J-100-CF;2}(8) was killed by 4GvIAPKBF02{4GvIAPKBF023;MiG-9FS;1} at 203603.03 90927.06
[5:19:29 AM] ir0110{ir01100;B-24J-100-CF;2} damaged by 4GvIAPKBF02{4GvIAPKBF020;MiG-9FS;1} at 203618.4 91675.055
[5:19:33 AM] B-24J-100-CF(0) bailed out at 203671.3 92112.08
[5:19:34 AM] B-24J-100-CF(1) bailed out at 203675.28 92247.56
[5:19:36 AM] B-24J-100-CF(2) bailed out at 203669.06 92382.15
[5:19:37 AM] B-24J-100-CF(3) bailed out at 203651.14 92514.98
[5:19:38 AM] B-24J-100-CF(4) bailed out at 203620.58 92644.516
[5:19:40 AM] B-24J-100-CF(5) bailed out at 203577.14 92768.57
[5:19:41 AM] B-24J-100-CF(6) bailed out at 203521.45 92884.28
[5:19:42 AM] B-24J-100-CF(7) bailed out at 203455.28 92988.19
[5:19:44 AM] B-24J-100-CF(8) bailed out at 203381.89 93076.5
[5:19:47 AM] ir0111{ir01111;B-24J-100-CF;2} landed at 260039.78 115974.875
[5:20:12 AM] ir0110{ir01101;B-24J-100-CF;2} damaged by 4GvIAPKBF02{4GvIAPKBF022;MiG-9FS;1} at 206368.83 95778.35
[5:20:16 AM] B-24J-100-CF(0) bailed out at 206826.2 96037.28
[5:20:18 AM] ir0110{ir01100;B-24J-100-CF;2} shot down by 4GvIAPKBF02{4GvIAPKBF020;MiG-9FS;1} at 203576.75 94301.625
[5:20:18 AM] B-24J-100-CF(1) bailed out at 206960.19 96092.43
[5:20:19 AM] B-24J-100-CF(2) bailed out at 207096.19 96137.375
[5:20:20 AM] B-24J-100-CF(3) bailed out at 207233.94 96171.16
[5:20:22 AM] B-24J-100-CF(4) bailed out at 207372.86 96192.82
[5:20:50 AM] ir0110{ir01102;B-24J-100-CF;2} shot down by 4GvIAPKBF02{4GvIAPKBF021;MiG-9FS;1} at 199333.61 87106.73
[5:21:11 AM] ir0110{ir01101;B-24J-100-CF;2} shot down by 4GvIAPKBF02{4GvIAPKBF022;MiG-9FS;1} at 207938.14 97110.766
[5:22:55 AM] ir0111{ir01112;B-24J-100-CF;2} damaged by ir0111{ir01113;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 259980.42 116037.8
[5:22:55 AM] ir0111{ir01113;B-24J-100-CF;2} damaged on the ground at 259972.27 116009.12
[5:22:55 AM] ir0111{ir01113;B-24J-100-CF;2} damaged by ir0111{ir01112;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 259972.27 116009.12
[5:22:59 AM] B-24J-100-CF(0) bailed out at 259972.27 116009.12
[5:22:59 AM] B-24J-100-CF(0) bailed out at 260015.36 116027.93
[5:23:00 AM] B-24J-100-CF(0) was killed at 260024.78 116026.24
[5:23:00 AM] B-24J-100-CF(1) bailed out at 259972.27 116009.12
[5:23:01 AM] B-24J-100-CF(1) bailed out at 260028.11 116024.44
[5:23:01 AM] B-24J-100-CF(1) was killed at 260038.36 116022.336
[5:23:02 AM] B-24J-100-CF(2) bailed out at 259972.27 116009.12
[5:23:02 AM] B-24J-100-CF(2) bailed out at 260043.33 116019.95
[5:23:03 AM] B-24J-100-CF(2) was killed at 260059.45 116014.71
[5:23:03 AM] B-24J-100-CF(3) bailed out at 259972.27 116009.12
[5:23:03 AM] B-24J-100-CF(3) bailed out at 260060.6 116014.484
[5:23:04 AM] B-24J-100-CF(3) was killed at 260068.55 116012.88
[5:23:04 AM] B-24J-100-CF(4) bailed out at 259972.27 116009.12
[5:23:04 AM] B-24J-100-CF(4) bailed out at 260079.36 116008.125
[5:23:05 AM] B-24J-100-CF(4) was killed at 260083.84 116007.305
[5:23:06 AM] B-24J-100-CF(5) bailed out at 259972.27 116009.12
[5:23:06 AM] ParatrooperLogging 4931760(0) touchdown in X: 260005.70590727538 Y: 116036.94479290558 (ground) drop by ir01113
C.F. Charrua


[5:23:06 AM] B-24J-100-CF(0) successfully bailed out at 260005.7 116036.945
[5:23:06 AM] B-24J-100-CF(5) bailed out at 260098.98 116001.02
[5:23:06 AM] B-24J-100-CF(5) was killed at 260103.27 115998.88
[5:23:07 AM] B-24J-100-CF(6) bailed out at 259972.27 116009.12
[5:23:07 AM] B-24J-100-CF(6) bailed out at 260118.97 115993.35
[5:23:08 AM] ParatrooperLogging 4933800(1) touchdown in X: 260017.97911154537 Y: 116027.1701515453 (ground) drop by ir01113
[5:23:08 AM] B-24J-100-CF(1) successfully bailed out at 260017.98 116027.17
[5:23:08 AM] B-24J-100-CF(6) was killed at 260137.27 115985.81
[5:23:08 AM] B-24J-100-CF(7) bailed out at 259972.27 116009.12
[5:23:08 AM] B-24J-100-CF(7) bailed out at 260138.94 115985.25
[5:23:09 AM] B-24J-100-CF(7) was killed at 260140.77 115984.81
[5:23:10 AM] B-24J-100-CF(8) bailed out at 259972.27 116009.12
[5:23:10 AM] B-24J-100-CF(8) bailed out at 260158.61 115976.81
[5:23:10 AM] B-24J-100-CF(8) was killed at 260162.9 115975.87
[5:23:10 AM] ParatrooperLogging 4936380(3) touchdown in X: 259959.37410905448 Y: 116052.60046608548 (ground) drop by ir01113
[5:23:10 AM] B-24J-100-CF(3) successfully bailed out at 259959.38 116052.6
[5:23:12 AM] ParatrooperLogging 4937640(2) touchdown in X: 260037.11196626883 Y: 116011.44371724725 (ground) drop by ir01113
[5:23:12 AM] B-24J-100-CF(2) successfully bailed out at 260037.11 116011.445
[5:23:12 AM] 13_Chief destroyed by GAE_Balker{GAE_Balker_0;GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 176358.89 56241.58
[5:23:12 AM] 13_Chief damaged by GAE_Balker{GAE_Balker_0;GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 176357.94 56241.434
[5:23:12 AM] 13_Chief damaged by GAE_Balker{GAE_Balker_0;GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 176357.94 56241.434
[5:23:12 AM] 13_Chief damaged by GAE_Balker{GAE_Balker_0;GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 176357.94 56241.434
[5:23:12 AM] 13_Chief damaged by GAE_Balker{GAE_Balker_0;GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 176357.94 56241.434
[5:23:13 AM] ParatrooperLogging 4939020(5) touchdown in X: 259953.75389900026 Y: 116051.81372134892 (ground) drop by ir01113
[5:23:13 AM] B-24J-100-CF(5) successfully bailed out at 259953.75 116051.81
[5:23:15 AM] ParatrooperLogging 4940640(4) touchdown in X: 259973.56966423805 Y: 116074.87257270432 (ground) drop by ir01113
[5:23:15 AM] B-24J-100-CF(4) successfully bailed out at 259973.56 116074.875
[5:23:15 AM] ParatrooperLogging 4940730(6) touchdown in X: 260021.30104081912 Y: 116019.13761811936 (ground) drop by ir01113
[5:23:15 AM] B-24J-100-CF(6) successfully bailed out at 260021.3 116019.14
[5:23:15 AM] ParatrooperLogging 4941510(8) touchdown in X: 259946.60471450692 Y: 116038.28661596643 (ground) drop by ir01113
[5:23:15 AM] B-24J-100-CF(8) successfully bailed out at 259946.61 116038.29
[5:23:17 AM] B-24J-100-CF crashed at 260250.89 115930.68
[5:23:18 AM] ParatrooperLogging 4943880(7) touchdown in X: 259912.10057747032 Y: 116037.11250144712 (ground) drop by ir01113
[5:23:18 AM] B-24J-100-CF(7) successfully bailed out at 259912.1 116037.11
[5:23:25 AM] B-24J-100-CF removed at 259972.27 116009.12
[5:24:32 AM] 17_Chief damaged by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 175682.33 54822.754
[5:24:32 AM] 17_Chief damaged by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 175682.61 54822.81
[5:24:32 AM] 17_Chief damaged by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 175682.69 54822.824
[5:24:33 AM] 17_Chief damaged by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 175682.77 54822.836
[5:24:33 AM] 17_Chief damaged by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 175682.84 54822.85
[5:24:33 AM] 17_Chief damaged by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 175683.28 54822.934
[5:25:09 AM] 17_Chief damaged by GAE_Balker{GAE_Balker_0;GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 175774.72 54840.098
[5:25:09 AM] 17_Chief damaged by GAE_Balker{GAE_Balker_0;GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 175774.72 54840.098
[5:25:46 AM] 17_Chief damaged by GAE_Tucan{GAE_Tucan_0;GAE_Tucan:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 175864.61 54856.965
[5:25:46 AM] 17_Chief damaged by GAE_Tucan{GAE_Tucan_0;GAE_Tucan:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 175864.61 54856.965
[5:25:46 AM] 17_Chief damaged by GAE_Tucan{GAE_Tucan_0;GAE_Tucan:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 175864.61 54856.965
[5:25:46 AM] 17_Chief damaged by GAE_Tucan{GAE_Tucan_0;GAE_Tucan:F9F2_Panther_R;2} at 175864.61 54856.965
[5:25:58 AM] B-24J-100-CF removed at 270484.2 108120.13
[5:26:26 AM] ParatrooperLogging 5132130(8) touchdown in X: 201611.36695648642 Y: 89991.6951110487 (ground) drop by
[5:26:26 AM] B-24J-100-CF(8) successfully bailed out at 201611.36 89991.695
[5:26:33 AM] ParatrooperLogging 5139150(5) touchdown in X: 201523.85456470755 Y: 90442.34616626693 (ground) drop by
[5:26:33 AM] B-24J-100-CF(5) successfully bailed out at 201523.86 90442.34
[5:26:33 AM] B-24J-100-CF(5) was captured at 201523.86 90442.34
[5:26:36 AM] ParatrooperLogging 5141970(7) touchdown in X: 201723.73929314248 Y: 89923.39823321285 (ground) drop by
[5:26:36 AM] B-24J-100-CF(7) successfully bailed out at 201723.73 89923.4
[5:26:44 AM] ParatrooperLogging 5149890(3) touchdown in X: 202417.23386602598 Y: 89489.39201589332 (ground) drop by
[5:26:44 AM] B-24J-100-CF(3) successfully bailed out at 202417.23 89489.39
[5:26:44 AM] B-24J-100-CF(3) was captured at 202417.23 89489.39
[5:26:44 AM] ParatrooperLogging 5150370(2) touchdown in X: 202650.4587007933 Y: 89423.56692903193 (ground) drop by
[5:26:44 AM] B-24J-100-CF(2) successfully bailed out at 202650.45 89423.57
[5:26:44 AM] ParatrooperLogging 5150430(8) touchdown in X: 201077.98621192804 Y: 90660.04987416399 (ground) drop by
[5:26:44 AM] B-24J-100-CF(8) successfully bailed out at 201077.98 90660.05
[5:26:53 AM] ParatrooperLogging 5158800(7) touchdown in X: 201232.7140650269 Y: 90574.26757010531 (ground) drop by
[5:26:53 AM] B-24J-100-CF(7) successfully bailed out at 201232.72 90574.266
[5:26:53 AM] B-24J-100-CF(7) was captured at 201232.72 90574.266
[5:26:54 AM] ParatrooperLogging 5160540(1) touchdown in X: 202273.36857453722 Y: 89998.56386796148 (ground) drop by
[5:26:54 AM] B-24J-100-CF(1) successfully bailed out at 202273.38 89998.56
[5:26:54 AM] B-24J-100-CF(1) was captured at 202273.38 89998.56
[5:26:56 AM] ParatrooperLogging 5161920(0) touchdown in X: 202467.07150483297 Y: 89866.81327864554 (ground) drop by
[5:26:56 AM] B-24J-100-CF(0) successfully bailed out at 202467.08 89866.81
[5:26:56 AM] B-24J-100-CF(0) was captured at 202467.08 89866.81
[5:27:01 AM] ParatrooperLogging 5167620(7) touchdown in X: 201659.2378741433 Y: 95072.01198697583 (ground) drop by
[5:27:01 AM] B-24J-100-CF(7) successfully bailed out at 201659.23 95072.016
[5:27:01 AM] B-24J-100-CF(7) was captured at 201659.23 95072.016
[5:27:06 AM] ParatrooperLogging 5171640(6) touchdown in X: 201399.94789025548 Y: 90538.90050696001 (ground) drop by
[5:27:06 AM] B-24J-100-CF(6) successfully bailed out at 201399.95 90538.9
[5:27:06 AM] B-24J-100-CF(6) was captured at 201399.95 90538.9
[5:27:09 AM] ParatrooperLogging 5175480(2) touchdown in X: 202103.20289530483 Y: 90109.38326499905 (ground) drop by
[5:27:09 AM] B-24J-100-CF(2) successfully bailed out at 202103.2 90109.38
[5:27:09 AM] B-24J-100-CF(2) was captured at 202103.2 90109.38
[5:27:10 AM] B-24J-100-CF(8) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 201550.33 94951.91
[5:27:11 AM] ParatrooperLogging 5177310(1) touchdown in X: 202868.26472609479 Y: 89215.46688470268 (ground) drop by
[5:27:11 AM] B-24J-100-CF(1) successfully bailed out at 202868.27 89215.47
[5:27:11 AM] B-24J-100-CF(1) was captured at 202868.27 89215.47
[5:27:14 AM] ParatrooperLogging 5180190(3) touchdown in X: 202469.57062829792 Y: 94929.57723155303 (ground) drop by
[5:27:14 AM] B-24J-100-CF(3) successfully bailed out at 202469.58 94929.58
[5:27:14 AM] B-24J-100-CF(3) was captured at 202469.58 94929.58
[5:27:14 AM] ParatrooperLogging 5180580(4) touchdown in X: 201748.5595589014 Y: 90236.6290810185 (ground) drop by
[5:27:14 AM] B-24J-100-CF(4) successfully bailed out at 201748.56 90236.63
[5:27:14 AM] B-24J-100-CF(4) was captured at 201748.56 90236.63
[5:27:16 AM] ParatrooperLogging 5181690(0) touchdown in X: 204318.21955775484 Y: 94644.39615554815 (ground) drop by
[5:27:16 AM] B-24J-100-CF(0) successfully bailed out at 204318.22 94644.4
[5:27:16 AM] B-24J-100-CF(0) was captured at 204318.22 94644.4
[5:27:18 AM] ParatrooperLogging 5183640(8) touchdown in X: 201599.17957102644 Y: 94961.56883184398 (ground) drop by
[5:27:18 AM] B-24J-100-CF(8) successfully bailed out at 201599.17 94961.57
[5:27:18 AM] B-24J-100-CF(8) was captured at 201599.17 94961.57
[5:27:18 AM] ParatrooperLogging 5183880(2) touchdown in X: 202847.73129099113 Y: 94842.36960759565 (ground) drop by
[5:27:18 AM] B-24J-100-CF(2) successfully bailed out at 202847.73 94842.37
[5:27:19 AM] ParatrooperLogging 5185590(4) touchdown in X: 202217.78591519405 Y: 89598.31978584544 (ground) drop by
[5:27:19 AM] B-24J-100-CF(4) successfully bailed out at 202217.78 89598.32
[5:27:20 AM] ParatrooperLogging 5186520(3) touchdown in X: 201926.89569585893 Y: 90130.28802518877 (ground) drop by
[5:27:20 AM] B-24J-100-CF(3) successfully bailed out at 201926.89 90130.29
[5:27:23 AM] ParatrooperLogging 5188680(1) touchdown in X: 203511.78777493013 Y: 94770.31732082726 (ground) drop by
[5:27:23 AM] B-24J-100-CF(1) successfully bailed out at 203511.78 94770.32
[5:27:24 AM] ParatrooperLogging 5189820(6) touchdown in X: 201758.36351835422 Y: 95151.2350823361 (ground) drop by
[5:27:24 AM] B-24J-100-CF(6) successfully bailed out at 201758.36 95151.234
[5:27:24 AM] B-24J-100-CF(6) was captured at 201758.36 95151.234
[5:27:27 AM] ParatrooperLogging 5192970(0) touchdown in X: 203077.3320098268 Y: 89083.30362778172 (ground) drop by
[5:27:27 AM] B-24J-100-CF(0) successfully bailed out at 203077.33 89083.305
[5:27:27 AM] B-24J-100-CF(0) was captured at 203077.33 89083.305
[5:27:27 AM] ParatrooperLogging 5193000(5) touchdown in X: 202005.54402423662 Y: 95051.2955723246 (ground) drop by
[5:27:27 AM] B-24J-100-CF(5) successfully bailed out at 202005.55 95051.3
[5:27:27 AM] B-24J-100-CF(5) was captured at 202005.55 95051.3
[5:27:44 AM] ParatrooperLogging 5209650(4) touchdown in X: 202210.97568625995 Y: 95056.4792190198 (ground) drop by
[5:27:44 AM] B-24J-100-CF(4) successfully bailed out at 202210.97 95056.48
[5:27:44 AM] B-24J-100-CF(4) was captured at 202210.97 95056.48
[5:28:12 AM] ParatrooperLogging 5238090(3) touchdown in X: 209506.71234484744 Y: 97314.5299390589 (ground) drop by
C.F. Charrua


[5:28:12 AM] B-24J-100-CF(3) successfully bailed out at 209506.72 97314.53
[5:28:12 AM] B-24J-100-CF(3) was captured at 209506.72 97314.53
[5:28:13 AM] ParatrooperLogging 5238960(2) touchdown in X: 209338.7487442291 Y: 97497.89557877614 (ground) drop by
[5:28:13 AM] B-24J-100-CF(2) successfully bailed out at 209338.75 97497.9
[5:28:13 AM] B-24J-100-CF(2) was captured at 209338.75 97497.9
[5:28:14 AM] ParatrooperLogging 5239770(1) touchdown in X: 209235.44591497927 Y: 97614.34196571186 (ground) drop by
[5:28:14 AM] B-24J-100-CF(1) successfully bailed out at 209235.45 97614.34
[5:28:14 AM] B-24J-100-CF(1) was captured at 209235.45 97614.34
[5:28:15 AM] ParatrooperLogging 5241360(4) touchdown in X: 209585.52156210912 Y: 97022.1360842897 (ground) drop by
[5:28:15 AM] B-24J-100-CF(4) successfully bailed out at 209585.52 97022.13
[5:28:15 AM] B-24J-100-CF(4) was captured at 209585.52 97022.13
[5:28:38 AM] ParatrooperLogging 5263620(0) touchdown in X: 209087.09145904594 Y: 97640.02413617082 (ground) drop by
[5:28:38 AM] B-24J-100-CF(0) successfully bailed out at 209087.1 97640.02
[5:28:49 AM] B-24J-100-CF removed at 269933.44 107895.14
[5:29:45 AM] B-24J-100-CF removed at 270481.56 108056.02
[5:31:30 AM] MiG-9FS(0) was wounded at 204371.89 76151.75
[5:31:30 AM] MiG-9FS(0) was heavily wounded at 204371.89 76151.75
[5:31:30 AM] 4GvIAPKBF02{4GvIAPKBF021;MiG-9FS;1}(0) was killed at 204371.89 76151.75
[5:31:30 AM] 4GvIAPKBF02{4GvIAPKBF021;MiG-9FS;1} shot down by landscape at 204371.89 76151.75
[5:31:46 AM] 4GvIAPKBF02{4GvIAPKBF023;MiG-9FS;1}(0) was killed at 204549.55 77048.19
[5:31:46 AM] 4GvIAPKBF02{4GvIAPKBF023;MiG-9FS;1} shot down by landscape at 204549.55 77048.19
[5:32:07 AM] B-24J-100-CF removed at 269979.66 107961.36
[5:33:03 AM] B-24J-100-CF removed at 260029.05 116059.93
[5:34:38 AM] GAE_Tucan{GAE_Tucan_0;GAE_Tucan:F9F2_Panther_R;2} landed at 201477.28 34661.16
[5:34:43 AM] GAE_Tucan:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 201420.36 34632.844
[5:34:43 AM] GAE_Tucan entered refly menu
[5:35:23 AM] B-24J-100-CF removed at 269887.16 107829.11
[5:35:28 AM] 4GvIAPKBF02{4GvIAPKBF020;MiG-9FS;1} landed at 192123.5 89775.48
[5:35:28 AM] 4GvIAPKBF02{4GvIAPKBF020;MiG-9FS;1} damaged on the ground at 192123.5 89775.48
[5:35:33 AM] MiG-9FS(0) bailed out at 192123.48 89775.484
[5:35:36 AM] GAE_Balker{GAE_Balker_0;GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R;2} landed at 201745.53 32644.932
[5:35:43 AM] ParatrooperLogging 5688780(0) touchdown in X: 192181.18360822255 Y: 89789.04460918834 (ground) drop by 4GvIAPKBF020
[5:35:43 AM] MiG-9FS(0) successfully bailed out at 192181.19 89789.05
[5:35:43 AM] MiG-9FS(0) was captured at 192181.19 89789.05
[5:36:03 AM] B-24J-100-CF removed at 259796.25 116157.43
[5:36:14 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 201235.44 32387.861
[5:36:14 AM] GAE_Balker entered refly menu
[5:36:21 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 0.0 0.0
[5:36:21 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x500lbs_Bomb+06x250lbs_Bomb' fuel 70%
[5:36:28 AM] 4GvIAPKBF02{4GvIAPKBF020;MiG-9FS;1} shot down by ir0112{ir01122;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 192123.48 89775.484
[5:37:29 AM] GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R;2} landed at 200260.11 31886.662
[5:37:35 AM] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 200189.39 31853.871
[5:37:35 AM] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[5:37:43 AM] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 201111.61 30331.781
[5:37:46 AM] GAE_Balker has disconnected
[5:37:56 AM] B-24J-100-CF removed at 270547.06 108010.25
[5:38:39 AM] 678_Static destroyed by ir0100{ir01000;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 202356.95 77834.16
[5:38:39 AM] 679_Static destroyed by ir0100{ir01000;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 202368.42 77872.23
[5:38:40 AM] 688_Static destroyed by ir0100{ir01000;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 202405.2 77929.56
[5:38:40 AM] 689_Static destroyed by ir0100{ir01000;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 202431.66 77921.13
[5:38:40 AM] 687_Static destroyed by ir0100{ir01000;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 202414.69 77956.18
[5:38:40 AM] 685_Static destroyed by ir0100{ir01000;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 202465.56 77944.74
[5:38:40 AM] 683_Static destroyed by ir0100{ir01000;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 202459.23 77892.42
[5:38:40 AM] 686_Static destroyed by ir0100{ir01000;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 202441.14 77952.08
[5:38:41 AM] 680_Static destroyed by ir0100{ir01000;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 202461.34 77920.16
[5:38:41 AM] 681_Static destroyed by ir0100{ir01000;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 202485.84 77912.75
[5:38:41 AM] 682_Static destroyed by ir0100{ir01000;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 202481.58 77891.38
[5:38:41 AM] 684_Static destroyed by ir0100{ir01000;B-24J-100-CF;2} at 202486.9 77941.64
[5:39:11 AM] GAE_Ceteu has disconnected
[5:39:18 AM] B-24J-100-CF(7) was heavily wounded at 202323.78 81134.195
[5:39:18 AM] ir0100{ir01001;B-24J-100-CF;2}(7) was killed by 642_Static at 202323.78 81134.195
[5:39:53 AM] B-24J-100-CF removed at 260241.27 117088.625
[5:40:07 AM] GAE_Tucan has disconnected
[5:43:07 AM] B-24J-100-CF removed at 270025.47 108026.86
[5:44:49 AM] 4GvIAPKBF02{4GvIAPKBF022;MiG-9FS;1} landed at 189478.31 90682.53
[5:45:51 AM] B-24J-100-CF removed at 269936.3 108038.83
[5:48:34 AM] ir0112{ir01120;B-24J-100-CF;2} landed at 270456.84 108089.9
[5:51:51 AM] ir0112{ir01121;B-24J-100-CF;2} landed at 270500.5 108152.02
[5:52:30 AM] B-24J-100-CF removed at 260275.02 117161.15
[5:56:02 AM] ir0112{ir01122;B-24J-100-CF;2} landed at 269956.72 107928.695
[5:56:11 AM] ir0100{ir01000;B-24J-100-CF;2} landed at 260258.2 117124.87
[5:59:47 AM] B-24J-100-CF removed at 260039.78 115974.875
[5:59:54 AM] ir0112{ir01123;B-24J-100-CF;2} landed at 269909.84 107861.74
[6:00:48 AM] ir0100{ir01001;B-24J-100-CF;2} landed at 260103.4 115948.83
[6:03:48 AM] ir0100{ir01002;B-24J-100-CF;2} landed at 260006.38 115989.48
[6:07:23 AM] ir0100{ir01003;B-24J-100-CF;2} landed at 260160.72 115917.62
[6:24:50 AM] MiG-9FS removed at 189478.31 90682.53
[6:28:34 AM] B-24J-100-CF removed at 270456.84 108089.9
[6:30:46 AM] 14_Chief crashed at 185385.4 56436.19
[6:30:46 AM] 10_Chief crashed at 185356.17 56393.41
[6:31:51 AM] B-24J-100-CF removed at 270500.5 108152.02
[6:32:12 AM] blue_USA_BG_313_BS_009z13{blue_USA_BG_313_BS_009z130;B-29-SP;2} damaged by landscape at 227334.14 1769.0858
[6:32:13 AM] B-29-SP(1) was wounded at 227139.67 1668.3064
[6:32:14 AM] blue_USA_BG_313_BS_009z13{blue_USA_BG_313_BS_009z130;B-29-SP;2}(0) was killed at 227139.67 1668.3064
[6:32:14 AM] blue_USA_BG_313_BS_009z13{blue_USA_BG_313_BS_009z130;B-29-SP;2}(1) was killed at 227139.67 1668.3064
[6:32:14 AM] blue_USA_BG_313_BS_009z13{blue_USA_BG_313_BS_009z130;B-29-SP;2}(2) was killed at 227139.67 1668.3064
[6:32:14 AM] blue_USA_BG_313_BS_009z13{blue_USA_BG_313_BS_009z130;B-29-SP;2}(3) was killed at 227139.67 1668.3064
[6:32:14 AM] blue_USA_BG_313_BS_009z13{blue_USA_BG_313_BS_009z130;B-29-SP;2}(4) was killed at 227139.67 1668.3064
[6:32:14 AM] blue_USA_BG_313_BS_009z13{blue_USA_BG_313_BS_009z130;B-29-SP;2}(5) was killed at 227139.67 1668.3064
[6:32:14 AM] blue_USA_BG_313_BS_009z13{blue_USA_BG_313_BS_009z130;B-29-SP;2} shot down by landscape at 227139.67 1668.3064
[6:36:02 AM] B-24J-100-CF removed at 269956.72 107928.7
[6:36:11 AM] B-24J-100-CF removed at 260258.2 117124.87
[6:39:54 AM] B-24J-100-CF removed at 269909.84 107861.74
[6:40:49 AM] B-24J-100-CF removed at 260103.4 115948.83
[6:43:48 AM] B-24J-100-CF removed at 260006.38 115989.48
[6:47:23 AM] B-24J-100-CF removed at 260160.72 115917.62
[8:30:08 AM] 18_Chief0 destroyed by 7_Static at 211083.69 94100.0
[8:31:27 AM] 18_Chief1 destroyed by 7_Static at 211064.17 94100.0
[8:33:19 AM] 18_Chief2 destroyed by 26_Static at 211009.4 94100.0
[8:33:30 AM] 18_Chief3 destroyed by 26_Static at 211088.64 94099.875
[8:33:57 AM] 18_Chief4 destroyed by 26_Static at 211131.25 94100.0
[8:36:03 AM] 18_Chief5 destroyed by 26_Static at 211069.17 94097.62
[8:37:09 AM] 18_Chief7 destroyed by 26_Static at 211180.22 94100.0
[8:38:28 AM] 18_Chief6 destroyed by 7_Static at 211015.11 94098.27
[8:38:49 AM] 18_Chief8 destroyed by 7_Static at 211109.69 94100.0
[8:40:46 AM] 18_Chief9 destroyed by 26_Static at 211036.2 94092.27
[8:42:23 AM] 18_Chief10 destroyed by 26_Static at 211043.47 94092.27
[8:44:40 AM] 18_Chief11 destroyed by 26_Static at 210994.4 94100.0
[8:45:12 AM] 3_Chief0 destroyed by 26_Static at 211037.0 94097.516
[8:46:35 AM] 3_Chief1 destroyed by 26_Static at 211034.56 94100.0
[8:47:49 AM] 3_Chief2 destroyed by 26_Static at 211050.19 94100.0
[8:49:29 AM] 4_Chief0 destroyed by 26_Static at 211118.42 94101.33
[8:50:43 AM] 3_Chief3 destroyed by 26_Static at 211009.27 94103.16
[8:52:39 AM] 4_Chief1 destroyed by 7_Static at 211059.19 94101.664
[8:53:45 AM] 512_Static destroyed by 496_Static at 232812.2 103256.15
[8:55:13 AM] 4_Chief2 destroyed by 26_Static at 211063.27 94101.43
[8:56:23 AM] 4_Chief3 destroyed by 7_Static at 211103.17 94093.81
[9:00:49 AM] 498_Static destroyed by 497_Static at 232635.81 103486.89
[9:03:58 AM] 496_Static destroyed by 499_Static at 233630.77 103023.68
[9:07:10 AM] 514_Static destroyed by 497_Static at 232822.45 103285.71
[9:13:57 AM] 495_Static destroyed by 499_Static at 232669.1 102958.11
[9:20:19 AM] 500_Static destroyed by 499_Static at 233196.14 103026.92
[9:21:56 AM] 509_Static destroyed by 497_Static at 233477.7 103364.13
[9:28:29 AM] 513_Static destroyed by 658_Static at 232816.7 103224.54
[9:28:59 AM] 501_Static destroyed by 658_Static at 232975.66 103021.93
[9:45:41 AM] Mission END
C.F. Charrua



C.F. Charrua


Vuelo 1

Panther R 70%Jugo mas tanques sub alares.

Salgo como segundo elemento de la escuadrilla de ataque liderada por el CC Balker, nervioso con mi primer misión como caza, me pego al ala del jefe. navegamos sin novedad, llegamos a la zona de CAP, empezamos la búsqueda de los B24 Indios, y posibles contactos hostiles.
Enganchamos con 4 contactos entrando de frente, el jefe maniobra yo a sus seis como una sombra, ascendemos e invertimos el rumbo, el jefe entra y yo tras el, luego de algunas maniobras logro derribar dos contactos.
Escoltamos a los bomber en su misión y una vez fuera del territorio hostil volvemos sobre fedosilia, somos superados en numero y planchamos hacia la flota, una vez en el lugar la AAA hizo su trabajo, todos los contactos enemigos en la zona fueron derribados o se baten en retirada.
Aponto sin novedad

AAK: 2 Yak 15

Piloto ok

Aeronave ok (apontada)

Salida fallida:

Phanther R 100% Jugo 2x500lb+6x250lb

Decolo del V2, la aeronave pesada, me cuesta levantarlo, toco agua y y la nariz se hunde, puedo salir y ser recuperado.

Piloto: ok

Aeronave: Perdida

Vuelo 2

Phanther R 70% Jugo 2x500lb+6x250lb

Salimos liderados por el GU Ceteu en búsqueda del convoy que se dirige a Fedosilia, navegamos sin novedad, dan la voz de ver la flota nos posicionamos y entramos por turnos, logro dañar un gra petrolero en la primer pasada, también en la segunda.
regresamos, me doy cuenta en el camino que aun tengo 4x250 en los planos, pido permiso y descarto el material en el mar. Apontamos sin novedad.

Piloto ok

Aeronave ok (apontada)
Jefe EVB "Gaston-Buitre-Lacencion"


Vuelo 1
F4U5 70% combustible + 2x1000lb + 8xHVAR
Decolé del V1 ARA Independencia como numeral de Baco y pusimos rumbo todos los de la 1º de Aatque rumbo al área del blano principal, bajo un manto de bruma que dificultaba mantener en visual a los aviones. En la zona divisamos una AAA y entramos varias veces sin éxito. Fui abatido en la carlinga del avión.

AGK: 0
Piloto: fallecido:
Aeronave: destruida

Vuelo 2
F9F2 100% combustible + 2x500kb + 6xHVAR
Segunda salida con idéntico blanco y en una pasada fui alcanzado, estallando en vuelo.

AGK: 0
Piloto: fallecido
Aeronave: destruida

2-PH-412, ARA Mendive


1º Vuelo.

F9F2 + 80% jugo + Suplementarios

Salgo de lider con el TC Alma y el GU Tucán. Hacemos CAP para esperar a los B24 indios. Somos interceptados por Yak15. Derribo a dos y seguimos la escolta de los bombers. Nueva presencia de cazas enemigos y logro derribar a dos MIG9. Ante supremacia enemiga, extiendo y supero los 930 Km/h. Nos siguen hasta la flota y la AAA los derriba. Aponto sin novedad.

AAK: 2 Yak15, 2 MIG9
Piloto: ok.
Avión: Ok. Apontado.

2º Vuelo.

F9F2 + 70% jugo + 2x500Lbs y 6x250Lb.

Salimos con el TC Ceteu como líder. Vamos a destruir un convoy de aprovisionamento naval. Nos dividimos los blancos y en la primera pasada hundo a buque que puede llegar a ser un escolta. Nunca disparó con AAA. Giro y lanzo las de 250Lbs. Las dos primeras dan en el blanco pero el buque no se da por enterado. Quizás con otras de 500Lbs o de 1000 podría haberlo hundido. Regresamos al V2 y aponto sin novedad.

Piloto: ok
ANK: 1 (corbeta de escolta?)
Avión: ok. Apontado.


Vuelo 1
F4U5 70% combustible + 2x1000lb + 8xHVAR
Salimos liderados por Baco, ponemos rumbo a la zona de ataque, cuando llegamos nos ponemos en fila india y entramos , mis bombas salen pero no explotan , no se logran armar , entro nuevamente a unos camiones y logro ver explotar a dos, los contactos estaban bien dispersos, mi puntería fue pésima
, es asi que en una nueva pasada para asegurar blanco me como el piso...

46_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua
29_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua
AGK: 2
Piloto: Kia
Aeronave: Destruida

Vuelo 2
F9F2 100% combustible + 2x500kb + 6xHVAR

Esta ves con Panther llegamos a la zona rápidamente otra ves entro una y mil veces pero sin  lograr blanco, en algunas pasada logro pegarle al maldito carro de AAA pero no explota, ya sin carga y con dos baja doy la orden de volver.

Ceteu posa su aeronave  sin problemas , cuando estoy en final, la AAA se pone como loca, y veo muchas estelas revoloteando entre medio de la AAA , me comunico con caza y me confirman que están en combate, apontar no puedo asi que me dedico a ver el combate y tratar de cazar algo a baja altura, si me meto en el combate puedo entorpecer la tarea.

En uno de mis giros veo un contacto que se marcha solo , voy tras el estaba a media altura y aviso a caza que me dirijo en persecución de un contacto solitario dando mi rumbo, me dicen que ellos nos, asi que me pongo detrás y en una ráfaga queda humeando en la segunda lo parto al medio.

Me vuelvo a la zona de los portas y veo que sigue el combate aéreo, cuando de pronto todo  se acalla, limpia la zona me dirijo  a apontar, hago una pasada y fallo, en mi segundo intento engancho el avión se eleva y golpea fuertemente contra la cubierta dañando el tren trasero.

4GvIAPKBF01{4GvIAPKBF011;MiG-9FS;1} damaged by GAE_Charrua
4GvIAPKBF01{4GvIAPKBF011;MiG-9FS;1} shot down by GAE_Charrua

AAK: 1
Aeronave: Apontada (Dañado el tren trasero)

GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R;2} landed
GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:F9F2_Panther_R;2} damaged on the ground

C.F. Charrua


1º Vuelo.

F9F2 + 80% jugo + Suplementarios

Salimos del V2 junto a BAlker y Tucan. Navegamos hacia el oeste en busca de los bombarderos y rapidamente encontramos resistencia de cazas enemigos. Entro en combate con un Yak, pero por un error mio, entro en black out a baja altura estrellandome contra el agua.

AAK: 0
Piloto: KIA
Avión: Destruido

2º Vuelo.

F9F2 + 80% jugo + Suplementarios.

Salgo nuevamente para apoyar a los restantes elementos de caza y me encuentro con 2 cazas a reaccion sobre el puerto. Entro en combate pero mi motor falla dejandome con muy poca potencia. En ese momento llegan Balker y tucan por lo que consigo retirarme hacia la flota, pero parto el avion a la mitad al momento del apontaje. Por suerte no resulto herido y logro salir del avion con la ayuda del personal de cubierta.

Piloto: ok.
AAK: 0
Avión: Destruido en el apontaje.