Grupo Aeronaval Embarcado Virtual

Div. Operaciones => Misiones de Campañas - IL2 => Mensaje iniciado por: GAE_Chape en 26 de Marzo de 2013, 01:42:15 PM

Título: Rennell Island 7 (26/03/1955)
Publicado por: GAE_Chape en 26 de Marzo de 2013, 01:42:15 PM
A las 2345 en el salon de BRIEFING

Título: Re:Rennell Island 7 (26/03/1955)
Publicado por: GAE_Chape en 26 de Marzo de 2013, 07:48:57 PM
La bahía será borrada

Es de urgencia obtener el control de la bahía, y esto debe ser concreto. Sobre la misma, la RAN desplego y desplegara la mayor cantidad de material aéreo que tenga, ya que sufrio grandes bajas ocacionadas por nuestra FT.

Desde el Norte Inteligencia nos informa que varios B-29 apoyaran nuestro avance llegando sobre Bellona para luego poner rumbo directo a la bahía.

Extraoficialmente estos bombers son de lo EEUU, pero nunca será reconocida esta maniobra.

Nuestro Objetivo es tomar control completo de la Isla para el arribo de una avanzada que en semanas se desplegara sobre la isla para realizar tareas de extracción de Uranio. Ese convoy esta proximo a su llegada y es el tiempo que tenemos para dominar el sector.

Desde nuestra FT continuamos enviando todos los pilotos operativos a bombardear y custodiar el sector, por lo tanto debemos prestar atención antes de abrir Fuego, desde la nuestra (como IA) solo se desplegaran Corsarios y Texan. Todo lo demás debe ser expulsado de la bahía.

La RAN comienza a retirarse del sector, debemos seguir pegando para evitar un intento de reingreso.

Los objetivos de hoy serán custodiar los Bomber y dañar lo mas posible la retirada de la RAN. Estos objetivos no son necesariamente en ese orden y tampoco es obligación realizar los dos. Aconsejo a las escuadras coordinarse para cumplir uno de los Objetivos. Hoy debemos trabajar en equipo y no separarnos en tareas, ya que en ambos sectores hay escoltas, si nos decidimos por los bombers todos deberemos salir a cazar, si decidimos pegarle a la retirada Ataque necesitara escolta.

Buen vuelo y los espero en cubierta!
Título: Re:Rennell Island 7 (26/03/1955)
Publicado por: GAE_Chape en 26 de Marzo de 2013, 08:20:37 PM
( (


Desde el Norte llegan dos oleadas de Bombardeo con una hora de diferencia entre ellas, en primer lugar localizaran Bellona para luego rumbear hasta la Bahía con rumbo directo para el ataque. Ese vuelo llegara a 6000mts sobre el objetivo bien custodiado, allí habrá aeronaves de la RAN y del GAEv por lo que se espera mucha acción.

La primera Oleada llegara sobre Bellona a las 1637 y la segunda a las 1737.

Hagan bien su trabajo, tengan precaucion con el fuego amigo.
Título: Re:Rennell Island 7 (26/03/1955)
Publicado por: GAE_Ceteu en 27 de Marzo de 2013, 01:43:58 AM
1º Vuelo

F9F-2 Panther R - Droptanks 2x154 Gls. - Fuel 80%

Salimos de Caza a fin de limpiar de oposición la corrida de bombardeo de los B-29.

Llegados sobre Rennell, junto a Chape trabamos combate con unos Sea Furys muy agresivos. Luego de muchas subidas y bajadas, logro averiar a uno que se aleja humeando. Cuando lo vay a rematar, entra un Seafire y me toca, provocándome pérdida de fuel e infligiéndome heridas.

Me retiro a la FT, y cuando entro en final me doy cuenta que no tengo alerones. Trato de apontar, pero al tocar cubierta a unos 260 km/h, el avión explota.

AAK: 0
Piloto: KIA
Avión: Destruído

2º Vuelo

F4U-5 Corsario - Droptank 1x154 Gls. - Fuel 50%

Más confiado en el combate contra pistoneros en mi fiel Corsario, solicito permiso y decolamos con Cuervo con Corsarios.

Trepamos hasta 7.000 mts. vamos hasta el norte a recibir a los B-29, a los que les damos escolta hasta que unos Aeromacchi intentan interceptarlos.

Picamos y les cortamos la entrada, haciéndolos desistir de su intento. En combate cerrado logro derribar a dos de ellos, pero desgraciadamente uno de ellos se rehace y me ametralla, matándome en la cabina.

AAK: 2 Aeromacchi
Piloto: KIA
Avión: Destruído
Título: Re:Rennell Island 7 (26/03/1955)
Publicado por: GAE_Pepper en 27 de Marzo de 2013, 01:52:52 AM
1er. Vuelo

F9F2 Panther - 70% Fuel + Tanques - Default

Despego como numeral 4, nos dirigimos a gran altura sobre la bahía dando cobertura a los bombers, derribo un Seafire y regreso a la flota. Aponto sin novedad.

AAK: 1
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Ok - Apontado

2do. Vuelo

F9F2 Panther - 70% Fuel + Tanques - Default

Despego nuevamente y sigo a distancia a Alma y Chape hasta que nos encontramos con la formación de bombers, luego de varias escaramuzas engancho un Seafury que perseguía a un Corsario y logro derribarlo. Continúa la CAP hasta que regreso al V2, aponto pero rompo la cola del avión.

AAK: 1
Piloto: Ok
Avión: destruído
Título: Re:Rennell Island 7 (26/03/1955)
Publicado por: GAE_Chape en 27 de Marzo de 2013, 01:54:46 AM
[27.03.2013 3:45:04] Mission: net/dogfight/1/Rennell8.mis is Playing
[3:45:04] Mission BEGIN
[3:45:39] GAE_Falcon has connected
[3:47:01] Gae_Cuervo has disconnected
[3:47:28] Gae_Cuervo has connected
[3:47:58] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 177198.3 9995.633
[3:47:58] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[3:48:07] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[3:48:16] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 176865.28 9995.503
[3:48:16] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[3:48:18] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 171856.89 10003.801
[3:48:18] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[3:49:01] GAE_Falcon:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 171178.16 10015.437
[3:49:01] GAE_Falcon:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[3:49:37] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 175549.77 10006.933
[3:49:37] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[3:49:38] GAE_Alma entered refly menu
[3:50:05] GAE_Falcon entered refly menu
[3:50:16] GAE_Falcon:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 169884.52 10002.958
[3:50:16] GAE_Falcon:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 70%
[3:50:33] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 174074.1 9987.979
[3:50:38] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 174499.27 10006.379
[3:51:18] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 168859.45 10014.69
[3:51:18] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[3:52:04] GAE_Falcon:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 167641.16 10006.679
[3:52:10] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 172894.77 9993.779
[3:52:45] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 166764.4 9998.131
[3:52:50] GAE_Maci:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Maci at 167341.97 10002.627
[3:52:50] GAE_Maci:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[3:53:04] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 171541.7 9985.076
[3:53:44] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 166439.3 10014.194
[3:53:44] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 70%
[3:54:14] GAE_Maci:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 165251.36 10017.573
[3:54:40] GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 165493.7 10008.169
[3:54:40] GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 70%
[3:54:41] F9F2_Panther_R damaged on the ground at 1.4229135E-4 2.4598701E-5
[3:55:50] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 163643.39 9917.19
[3:56:34] GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 162930.72 9988.42
[3:58:49] SeafireMkI(0) was wounded at 84689.62 42165.895
[3:59:10] SeafireMkI damaged by F4U-5N at 85282.875 39621.035
[3:59:10] SeafireMkI(0) was killed at 85102.125 40933.574
[3:59:10] SeafireMkI shot down by F4U-5N at 85102.125 40933.574
[3:59:14] SeafireMkI(0) bailed out at 85295.984 39345.383
[3:59:40] SeafireMkI damaged by F4U-5N at 82111.69 40185.082
[3:59:40] SeafireMkI(0) was killed at 82114.95 40184.723
[3:59:40] SeafireMkI shot down by F4U-5N at 82114.95 40184.723
[4:00:35] SeafireMkI damaged by F4U-5N at 88050.15 43147.004
[4:00:39] SeafireMkI(0) bailed out at 87645.84 42959.19
[4:00:52] SeafireMkI shot down by F4U-5N at 85244.7 39043.918
[4:01:16] SeafireMkI shot down by F4U-5N at 85937.38 42647.68
[4:02:57] B-29 damaged by SeaFuryMkI at 85926.65 44924.43
[4:03:02] B-29(0) bailed out at 86343.75 44710.92
[4:03:03] B-29(1) bailed out at 86444.15 44642.492
[4:03:04] B-29(2) bailed out at 86540.0 44567.977
[4:03:06] B-29(3) bailed out at 86630.85 44487.984
[4:03:07] B-29(4) bailed out at 86716.016 44403.645
[4:03:08] B-29(5) bailed out at 86794.66 44316.64
[4:03:40] B-29 shot down by SeaFuryMkI at 88450.65 44144.297
[4:03:53] SeafireMkI damaged by landscape at 81105.21 25217.738
[4:03:58] B-29(0) was wounded at 90510.16 45217.246
[4:03:58] B-29(3) was wounded at 90510.16 45217.246
[4:03:58] SeafireMkI(0) bailed out at 81110.96 25230.947
[4:03:58] SeafireMkI(0) successfully bailed out at 81110.41 25229.953
[4:04:00] B-29(0) was killed by SeaFuryMkI at 90725.78 45166.387
[4:04:05] B-29(1) bailed out at 91367.41 45012.535
[4:04:07] B-29(2) bailed out at 91514.055 44989.457
[4:04:08] B-29(3) bailed out at 91662.016 44970.75
[4:04:09] B-29(4) bailed out at 91810.76 44955.387
[4:04:11] B-29(5) bailed out at 91959.66 44942.293
[4:04:28] B-29 damaged by SpitfireMkXVIeCLP25 at 95566.28 38384.87
[4:04:32] B-29(0) bailed out at 96081.04 38113.785
[4:04:34] B-29(1) bailed out at 96210.5 38017.723
[4:04:35] B-29(2) bailed out at 96328.96 37912.54
[4:04:36] B-29(3) bailed out at 96435.61 37800.63
[4:04:38] B-29(4) bailed out at 96530.05 37685.688
[4:04:39] B-29(5) bailed out at 96612.484 37572.504
[4:04:39] B-29 shot down by SeaFuryMkI at 95197.914 44293.887
[4:04:54] SeafireMkI shot down by F4U-5N at 81110.89 25230.72
[4:05:17] B-29 shot down by SpitfireMkXVIeCLP25 at 99339.305 35865.85
[4:05:42] B-29(0) was heavily wounded at 101705.66 34914.895
[4:05:42] B-29(0) was killed by SeaFuryMkI at 101705.66 34914.895
[4:05:47] B-29(1) bailed out at 102389.28 34664.78
[4:05:49] B-29(2) bailed out at 102555.12 34639.816
[4:05:50] B-29(3) bailed out at 102722.875 34632.94
[4:05:51] B-29(4) bailed out at 102890.625 34645.215
[4:05:52] B-29(1) was heavily wounded at 102315.14 35426.465
[4:05:52] B-29(0) was killed by SpitfireMkXVIeCLP25 at 102345.73 35412.023
[4:05:52] B-29(1) was killed by SpitfireMkXVIeCLP25 at 102351.836 35409.137
[4:05:53] B-29(5) bailed out at 103055.586 34676.703
[4:05:58] B-29(0) was wounded at 103491.78 35068.086
[4:05:58] B-29(3) was killed by SeaFuryMkI at 103528.98 35050.51
[4:05:58] B-29(2) was killed by SeaFuryMkI at 103538.24 35046.133
[4:05:58] B-29(0) was heavily wounded at 103538.24 35046.133
[4:05:58] B-29(0) was killed by SeaFuryMkI at 103544.42 35043.215
[4:05:59] B-29(1) was heavily wounded at 103572.16 35030.11
[4:06:00] B-29(2) bailed out at 103106.234 34981.406
[4:06:01] B-29(3) bailed out at 103228.266 34889.33
[4:06:03] B-29(4) bailed out at 103346.44 34794.137
[4:06:04] B-29(1) bailed out at 104090.77 34793.637
[4:06:04] B-29(5) bailed out at 103460.43 34698.047
[4:06:08] B-29(4) bailed out at 104502.93 34636.18
[4:06:09] B-29(5) bailed out at 104645.22 34591.613
[4:06:32] B-29 shot down by SpitfireMkXVIeCLP25 at 106137.83 33252.086
[4:06:34] B-29 shot down by SeaFuryMkI at 105579.336 33511.723
[4:06:44] B-29(0) was wounded at 108178.46 31906.041
[4:06:44] B-29(1) was wounded at 108200.22 31896.248
[4:06:44] B-29(1) was heavily wounded at 108240.125 31878.283
[4:06:44] B-29(0) was killed by SpitfireMkXVIeCLP25 at 108240.125 31878.283
[4:06:44] B-29(1) was killed by SpitfireMkXVIeCLP25 at 108247.38 31875.016
[4:06:45] B-29(3) was wounded at 108269.17 31865.213
[4:06:47] B-29(3) was wounded at 108289.87 32045.756
[4:06:47] B-29(0) was killed by SeaFuryMkI at 108300.42 32040.986
[4:06:47] B-29(3) was heavily wounded at 108307.46 32037.805
[4:06:47] B-29(3) was killed by SeaFuryMkI at 108325.055 32029.852
[4:06:47] B-29(2) was heavily wounded at 108332.1 32026.67
[4:06:52] B-29(2) bailed out at 109206.65 31513.01
[4:06:53] B-29(1) bailed out at 109034.61 31643.436
[4:06:53] B-29(3) bailed out at 109384.4 31473.328
[4:06:55] B-29(2) bailed out at 109163.27 31538.049
[4:06:55] B-29(4) bailed out at 109564.98 31443.426
[4:06:56] B-29(5) bailed out at 109747.24 31423.787
[4:06:57] B-29(4) bailed out at 109386.06 31292.5
[4:06:58] B-29(5) bailed out at 109476.555 31152.717
[4:07:07] SeafireMkI(0) successfully bailed out at 85311.6 37543.19
[4:07:11] B-29 shot down by SeaFuryMkI at 104837.336 34250.74
[4:07:16] SeaFuryMkI(0) was wounded at 114916.9 29596.375
[4:07:24] B-29 shot down by SpitfireMkXVIeCLP25 at 112419.02 31419.018
[4:07:48] B-29 shot down by SeaFuryMkI at 110741.6 30405.549
[4:08:23] B-29(1) was wounded at 114075.51 30959.594
[4:08:23] B-29(1) was killed by SeaFuryMkI at 114080.914 30964.756
[4:08:38] B-29(0) bailed out at 115039.69 32117.756
[4:08:40] B-29(2) bailed out at 115194.61 32305.777
[4:08:41] SeafireMkI(0) successfully bailed out at 85449.65 41456.43
[4:08:42] B-29(3) bailed out at 115273.375 32398.6
[4:08:43] B-29(4) bailed out at 115352.445 32490.549
[4:08:44] B-29(5) bailed out at 115431.7 32581.389
[4:09:12] B-29(4) was heavily wounded at 118792.25 29590.293
[4:09:12] F4U-5N damaged by SeafireMkI at 85433.33 42328.883
[4:09:12] B-29(0) was wounded at 118846.8 29632.922
[4:09:12] B-29(1) was killed by SeaFuryMkI at 118860.95 29644.287
[4:09:13] B-29(3) was heavily wounded at 118894.64 29671.766
[4:09:13] B-29(3) was killed by SeaFuryMkI at 118903.0 29678.676
[4:09:17] F4U-5N(0) bailed out at 85490.516 42265.7
[4:09:22] B-29 shot down by SeaFuryMkI at 117559.52 33980.82
[4:09:40] B-29(4) was killed at 121601.55 29835.725
[4:09:45] B-29 damaged by SeaFuryMkI at 122064.64 29635.393
[4:09:48] F4U-5N shot down by SeafireMkI at 85883.81 41997.6
[4:09:49] B-29(0) bailed out at 122430.81 29467.564
[4:09:51] B-29(2) bailed out at 122650.66 29359.574
[4:09:55] B-29(5) bailed out at 122969.8 29181.129
[4:10:15] SpitfireMkXVIeCLP25 damaged by F4U-5N at 83247.13 41139.69
[4:10:19] SpitfireMkXVIeCLP25(0) bailed out at 83443.6 40810.062
[4:10:22] B-29(5) successfully bailed out at 88722.03 42326.04
[4:10:28] B-29 damaged by SeaFuryMkI at 130860.73 40827.957
[4:10:33] B-29(0) bailed out at 131114.56 41291.04
[4:10:34] B-29(1) bailed out at 131191.6 41409.934
[4:10:35] B-29(2) bailed out at 131274.0 41525.1
[4:10:37] B-29(3) bailed out at 131361.72 41635.53
[4:10:38] B-29(4) bailed out at 131454.19 41740.168
[4:10:39] B-29(5) bailed out at 131550.33 41837.9
[4:10:41] B-29(0) successfully bailed out at 88575.66 42806.13
[4:10:43] B-29(3) successfully bailed out at 88745.27 42477.36
[4:10:52] B-29(1) successfully bailed out at 88559.016 42756.35
[4:10:53] B-29(4) successfully bailed out at 88726.47 42428.07
[4:10:54] SpitfireMkXVIeCLP25 shot down by F4U-5N at 85674.36 39899.676
[4:11:02] B-29 shot down by SeaFuryMkI at 120841.38 26921.29
[4:11:12] B-29 shot down by SeaFuryMkI at 132835.12 43567.453
[4:11:17] B-29(2) successfully bailed out at 88598.66 42665.324
[4:11:41] B-29(1) successfully bailed out at 93737.28 43881.016
[4:11:50] SeaFuryMkI damaged by GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R at 143579.78 18120.287
[4:11:52] B-29(3) successfully bailed out at 94015.98 44148.9
[4:11:55] B-29(4) successfully bailed out at 94205.83 44221.223
[4:11:55] SeaFuryMkI(0) bailed out at 144145.78 17911.465
[4:12:09] B-29(4) successfully bailed out at 98734.336 35314.867
[4:12:14] B-29(5) successfully bailed out at 98685.55 35255.723
[4:12:17] B-29(2) successfully bailed out at 93817.266 44050.242
[4:12:22] B-29(1) successfully bailed out at 98677.586 35721.38
[4:12:23] B-29(5) successfully bailed out at 94221.64 44275.13
[4:12:28] SeaFuryMkI shot down by GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R at 147081.17 17891.545
[4:13:09] B-29(2) successfully bailed out at 98678.164 35623.312
[4:13:09] B-29(0) successfully bailed out at 98599.4 35872.164
[4:13:20] B-29(3) successfully bailed out at 98678.15 35497.445
[4:13:50] B-29(3) successfully bailed out at 105509.44 34965.918
[4:13:53] B-29(2) successfully bailed out at 105528.266 32834.64
[4:13:54] 1_Static destroyed by F4U-5N at 84249.15 44261.14
[4:13:54] ExplosiveDamage 1_Static Hull2 2.2033927  damaged by  es01000  at 84249.15 44261.14
[4:14:00] B-29(3) successfully bailed out at 105602.97 32726.176
[4:14:02] B-29(4) successfully bailed out at 107120.71 32933.816
[4:14:04] B-29(4) successfully bailed out at 105662.914 32640.207
[4:14:08] B-29(2) successfully bailed out at 105328.33 33625.164
[4:14:11] B-29(5) successfully bailed out at 105766.08 36241.973
[4:14:19] B-29(1) successfully bailed out at 105143.65 33206.02
[4:14:27] B-29(1) successfully bailed out at 106656.625 32946.766
[4:14:29] B-29(4) successfully bailed out at 105621.945 35795.895
[4:14:35] B-29(5) successfully bailed out at 105672.96 32617.584
[4:14:38] B-29(2) successfully bailed out at 112005.664 29869.748
[4:14:40] SeaFuryMkI damaged by GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R at 157045.44 15694.778
[4:14:45] SeaFuryMkI(0) bailed out at 157614.23 15848.837
[4:14:49] B-29(5) successfully bailed out at 107234.3 33004.008
[4:14:55] SeaFuryMkI(0) was wounded at 168709.73 7280.919
[4:15:07] B-29(2) successfully bailed out at 111685.91 29111.045
[4:15:08] B-29(1) successfully bailed out at 111625.76 29309.307
[4:15:10] B-29(5) successfully bailed out at 112500.32 30523.89
[4:15:18] SeaFuryMkI shot down by GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R at 161608.33 17011.25
[4:15:20] B-29(4) successfully bailed out at 112324.945 30239.635
[4:15:21] B-29(3) successfully bailed out at 112145.68 30039.908
[4:15:35] B-29(5) successfully bailed out at 111612.125 28533.79
[4:15:40] B-29(4) successfully bailed out at 111671.58 28736.125
[4:15:41] SeaFuryMkI(0) was killed by GAE_Maci:F9F2_Panther_R at 170882.3 11968.236
[4:15:48] SeaFuryMkI damaged by GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R at 111653.41 35103.895
[4:15:52] SeaFuryMkI(0) bailed out at 111110.33 34991.324
[4:16:21] SeaFuryMkI shot down by GAE_Maci:F9F2_Panther_R at 172627.84 17124.234
[4:16:31] B-29(3) successfully bailed out at 117296.33 34550.44
[4:16:32] SeaFuryMkI shot down by GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R at 108052.13 35550.3
[4:16:37] B-29(0) successfully bailed out at 117062.2 34319.59
[4:16:42] B-29(4) successfully bailed out at 117352.41 34610.816
[4:16:51] B-29(5) successfully bailed out at 117410.73 34668.312
[4:16:59] B-29(2) successfully bailed out at 117199.5 34449.805
[4:17:28] F4U-5N damaged on the ground at 81518.984 41377.21
[4:17:28] F4U-5N damaged by 7_Static at 81518.984 41377.21
[4:17:32] SpitfireMkXVIeCLP25 damaged by GAE_Falcon:F9F2_Panther_R at 140439.28 14404.256
[4:17:33] F4U-5N(0) bailed out at 81057.266 41413.555
[4:17:35] F4U-5N(0) successfully bailed out at 86543.97 41182.965
[4:17:37] SpitfireMkXVIeCLP25(0) bailed out at 139903.84 14633.155
[4:17:42] F4U-5N shot down by 7_Static at 80206.56 41610.508
[4:17:42] B-29(5) successfully bailed out at 125203.62 27342.738
[4:18:07] B-29(2) successfully bailed out at 124884.47 27608.752
[4:18:09] B-29(0) successfully bailed out at 124724.22 27721.488
[4:18:12] SpitfireMkXVIeCLP25 shot down by GAE_Falcon:F9F2_Panther_R at 136775.17 17015.184
[4:18:22] B-29(0) successfully bailed out at 133165.28 43751.77
[4:18:32] B-29(2) successfully bailed out at 133404.6 43897.76
[4:18:48] B-29(5) successfully bailed out at 133714.84 43973.246
[4:18:56] SpitfireMkXVIeCLP25(0) successfully bailed out at 85346.055 38627.145
[4:18:58] B-29(4) successfully bailed out at 133613.56 43960.04
[4:19:00] B-29(1) successfully bailed out at 133255.56 43800.977
[4:19:07] B-29(3) successfully bailed out at 133495.64 43920.19
[4:19:28] F4U-5N(0) successfully bailed out at 80311.61 41734.535
[4:19:43] SeaFuryMkI(0) successfully bailed out at 146547.8 16446.451
[4:21:19] SpitfireMkXVIeCLP25 damaged by F4U-5N at 120764.65 22375.764
[4:21:24] SpitfireMkXVIeCLP25(0) bailed out at 120388.664 22505.207
[4:22:13] SeaFuryMkI(0) successfully bailed out at 160256.14 17441.113
[4:22:28] SpitfireMkXVIeCLP25 shot down by F4U-5N at 112884.32 21870.25
[4:22:29] SeafireMkI damaged by GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R at 101825.555 44520.305
[4:22:29] SeafireMkI(0) was killed at 101824.266 44520.355
[4:22:29] SeafireMkI shot down by GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R at 101824.266 44520.355
[4:22:44] SpitfireMkXVIeCLP25(0) was killed at 98674.305 34410.543
[4:22:44] SpitfireMkXVIeCLP25 crashed at 98674.305 34410.543
[4:24:02] SeaFuryMkI(0) successfully bailed out at 108420.266 33754.836
[4:26:22] SpitfireMkXVIeCLP25(0) successfully bailed out at 137326.0 16546.658
[4:26:40] F9F2_Panther_R removed at 135806.02 14002.19
[4:27:41] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R damaged by landscape at 117844.24 30050.436
[4:27:50] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R landed at 117653.79 30030.895
[4:27:50] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R damaged on the ground at 117653.79 30030.895
[4:28:00] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R(0) bailed out at 117653.79 30030.893
[4:28:10] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R(0) successfully bailed out at 117704.99 30001.256
[4:28:21] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R shot down by SeafireMkI at 117653.79 30030.893
[4:28:21] Gae_Cuervo entered refly menu
[4:28:31] GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R landed at 89614.93 45062.402
[4:28:31] GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R damaged on the ground at 89614.93 45062.402
[4:28:36] SeafireMkI(0) was heavily wounded at 88645.29 43648.91
[4:28:38] SeafireMkI(0) was killed by GAE_Maci:F9F2_Panther_R at 88544.086 43527.13
[4:28:38] SeafireMkI shot down by GAE_Maci:F9F2_Panther_R at 88544.086 43527.13
[4:29:08] SpitfireMkXVIeCLP25(0) successfully bailed out at 118427.53 23519.299
[4:29:31] F9F2_Panther_R removed at 132934.5 13991.279
[4:29:33] GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R shot down by landscape at 89614.93 45062.426
[4:29:33] GAE_Chape entered refly menu
[4:29:37] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 135513.75 9978.228
[4:29:37] Gae_Cuervo:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[4:29:46] GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 132755.61 13999.391
[4:29:46] GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 70%
[4:29:47] F9F2_Panther_R damaged on the ground at 1.5046744E-4 4.6610377E-5
[4:30:03] GAE_Chape entered refly menu
[4:30:16] GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 132259.58 13999.863
[4:30:16] GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 70%
[4:30:17] F9F2_Panther_R damaged on the ground at 1.4301765E-4 2.381754E-5
[4:30:47] Gae_Cuervo entered refly menu
[4:31:40] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R damaged by landscape at 133498.58 9985.547
[4:31:40] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 0_Chief Hull3 0.026615942  damaged by  GAE_Ceteu_0  at 133413.31 9983.206
[4:31:40] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R(0) was killed at 133496.12 9985.503
[4:31:40] GAE_Ceteu:F9F2_Panther_R shot down by SeafireMkI at 133496.12 9985.503
[4:31:40] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 0_Chief Hull3 0.013026853  damaged by  GAE_Ceteu_0  at 133413.31 9983.206
[4:32:24] SeafireMkI damaged by landscape at 72281.14 32307.64
[4:32:24] SeafireMkI(0) was killed at 72281.14 32307.64
[4:32:24] SeafireMkI shot down by F4U-5N at 72281.14 32307.64
[4:36:22] GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 126164.62 14001.168
[4:37:05] 62_Static destroyed by SNJ-3_Texan_Trainer at 88254.96 42401.89
[4:37:05] 62_Static destroyed by SNJ-3_Texan_Trainer at 88254.96 42401.89
[4:38:27] 62_Static destroyed by SNJ-3_Texan_Trainer at 88254.96 42401.89
Título: Re:Rennell Island 7 (26/03/1955)
Publicado por: GAE_Chape en 27 de Marzo de 2013, 01:54:55 AM
[4:39:53] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[4:40:33] GAE_Ceteu:F4U-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 124612.93 9974.648
[4:40:33] GAE_Ceteu:F4U-5 loaded weapons '1 x 154 gal Central Tank' fuel 50%
[4:40:56] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R landed at 119158.24 9999.178
[4:41:17] GAE_Alma entered refly menu
[4:41:17] Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 123856.73 9980.13
[4:41:17] Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5 loaded weapons '1 x 154 gal Central Tank' fuel 50%
[4:41:37] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 118546.33 9990.205
[4:41:37] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[4:41:49] SNJ-3_Texan_Trainer damaged by 78_Static at 85323.73 43286.87
[4:41:49] SNJ-3_Texan_Trainer(0) was wounded at 85323.73 43286.87
[4:41:49] SNJ-3_Texan_Trainer(0) was killed at 85323.73 43286.87
[4:41:49] SNJ-3_Texan_Trainer(1) was killed at 85323.73 43286.87
[4:41:49] SNJ-3_Texan_Trainer shot down by 78_Static at 85323.73 43286.87
[4:42:02] GAE_Ceteu:F4U-5 in flight at 122780.75 9969.14
[4:42:50] Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 122229.73 9972.825
[4:43:09] GAE_Alma entered refly menu
[4:43:16] Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 121794.734 9972.601
[4:43:19] F4U-5N removed at 119228.45 14020.477
[4:43:26] Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5 in flight at 121472.46 9961.62
[4:44:30] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 118023.234 14003.605
[4:44:30] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[4:44:40] GAE_Alma entered refly menu
[4:45:17] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Alma at 114871.35 9989.2705
[4:45:17] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[4:46:09] F4U-5N removed at 116392.94 14021.914
[4:46:24] GAE_Chape entered refly menu
[4:46:26] GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 113715.76 10000.6455
[4:46:26] GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 70%
[4:46:27] F9F2_Panther_R damaged on the ground at 1.4511049E-4 1.35641E-4
[4:47:16] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 112156.7 9989.853
[4:47:45] GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 111793.02 10030.961
[4:48:15] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R landed at 116801.555 9968.258
[4:48:21] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[4:48:49] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 111348.99 9988.38
[4:48:49] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 60%
[4:48:54] F4U-5N removed at 113633.93 14021.815
[4:50:30] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 108828.805 10008.141
[4:50:41] GAE_Falcon:F9F2_Panther_R landed at 114364.52 9970.328
[4:50:41] GAE_Falcon:F9F2_Panther_R damaged on the ground at 114364.52 9970.328
[4:50:53] GAE_Falcon entered refly menu
[4:52:03] GAE_Maci:F9F2_Panther_R landed at 113002.195 9972.556
[4:52:13] GAE_Maci entered refly menu
[4:52:22] GAE_Falcon:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Falcon at 107785.07 9987.181
[4:52:22] GAE_Falcon:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[4:52:44] GAE_Maci:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Maci at 107429.57 9999.3545
[4:52:44] GAE_Maci:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[4:53:47] GAE_Falcon:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 105883.52 9978.892
[4:54:23] GAE_Maci:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 105148.445 9986.565
[4:56:46] SNJ-3_Texan_Trainer damaged by landscape at 105699.16 13889.338
[4:56:48] SNJ-3_Texan_Trainer(0) bailed out at 105694.17 13883.664
[4:56:49] SNJ-3_Texan_Trainer(1) bailed out at 105694.17 13883.661
[4:56:49] SNJ-3_Texan_Trainer(0) successfully bailed out at 105699.9 13879.245
[4:56:50] SNJ-3_Texan_Trainer(1) successfully bailed out at 105701.38 13880.867
[4:57:18] SNJ-3_Texan_Trainer removed at 105694.17 13883.665
[4:59:36] ExplosiveDamage 2_Chief Hull3 0.1265244  damaged by  es01022  at 102880.19 14013.451
[4:59:36] SNJ-3_Texan_Trainer(0) was killed at 102994.82 14016.477
[4:59:36] SNJ-3_Texan_Trainer(1) was killed at 102994.82 14016.477
[4:59:36] SNJ-3_Texan_Trainer shot down by 2_Chief at 102994.82 14016.477
[4:59:36] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 2_Chief Hull3 0.014404289  damaged by  es01022  at 102880.19 14013.451
[5:01:10] F-80C(0) was wounded at 69566.24 44810.492
[5:01:10] F-80C damaged by GAE_Ceteu:F4U-5 at 69565.805 44788.43
[5:01:13] F-80C(0) bailed out at 69559.38 44624.17
[5:01:51] F-80C(0) was wounded at 71947.59 46112.49
[5:01:51] F-80C(0) was killed at 71947.59 46112.49
[5:01:51] F-80C shot down by GAE_Ceteu:F4U-5 at 71947.59 46112.49
[5:01:59] ExplosiveDamage 2_Chief Hull3 0.10911827  damaged by  es01023  at 100499.69 14012.653
[5:01:59] SNJ-3_Texan_Trainer(0) was wounded at 100614.19 14015.747
[5:01:59] SNJ-3_Texan_Trainer(0) was killed at 100614.19 14015.747
[5:01:59] SNJ-3_Texan_Trainer(1) was killed at 100614.19 14015.747
[5:01:59] SNJ-3_Texan_Trainer shot down by 2_Chief at 100614.19 14015.747
[5:01:59] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 2_Chief Hull3 0.014183199  damaged by  es01023  at 100499.69 14012.653
[5:01:59] Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5(0) was killed at 71814.1 46044.727
[5:01:59] Gae_Cuervo:F4U-5 shot down by landscape at 71814.1 46044.727
[5:02:18] F-80C shot down by GAE_Ceteu:F4U-5 at 69921.1 44056.355
[5:02:28] GAE_Ceteu:F4U-5(0) was killed by F-80C at 71878.26 44622.773
[5:02:37] Gae_Cuervo has disconnected
[5:02:52] GAE_Ceteu:F4U-5 shot down by F-80C at 72276.016 46955.59
[5:03:33] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[5:03:52] GAE_Ceteu:F4U-5(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 98667.86 14006.957
[5:03:52] GAE_Ceteu:F4U-5 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 50%
[5:05:28] GAE_Ceteu:F4U-5 damaged on the ground at 96971.195 14023.029
[5:07:03] SeaFuryMkI damaged by F4U-5N at 83230.734 30048.506
[5:07:08] SeaFuryMkI(0) bailed out at 83281.02 30374.203
[5:07:21] F4U-5N landed at 103473.414 6431.4634
[5:07:21] F4U-5N damaged on the ground at 103473.414 6431.4634
[5:07:26] F4U-5N(0) bailed out at 103473.42 6431.473
[5:07:27] F4U-5N(0) successfully bailed out at 103471.63 6425.312
[5:07:33] SeaFuryMkI shot down by F4U-5N at 83704.25 31727.893
[5:07:47] SeaFuryMkI damaged by F4U-5N at 85184.06 31528.162
[5:07:47] SeaFuryMkI(0) was killed by F4U-5N at 85184.06 31528.162
[5:07:47] SeaFuryMkI shot down by F4U-5N at 85186.87 31528.902
[5:07:59] F-80C(0) bailed out at 104749.94 9287.366
[5:08:09] F4U-5N shot down by F-80C at 103473.266 6431.4634
[5:08:14] B-29(1) was killed by B-29 at 106725.46 7177.0884
[5:08:14] B-29(1) was heavily wounded at 106733.72 7184.8013
[5:08:14] B-29(1) was killed at 106733.72 7184.8013
[5:08:14] B-29(3) was heavily wounded at 106733.72 7184.8013
[5:08:14] B-29(3) was killed at 106733.72 7184.8013
[5:08:14] B-29(0) was killed at 106733.72 7184.8013
[5:08:14] B-29(2) was killed at 106733.72 7184.8013
[5:08:14] B-29(4) was killed at 106733.72 7184.8013
[5:08:14] B-29(5) was killed at 106733.72 7184.8013
[5:08:14] B-29 shot down by B-29 at 106733.72 7184.8013
[5:08:14] B-29(4) was killed at 106725.46 7177.0884
[5:08:14] B-29(5) was killed at 106725.46 7177.0884
[5:08:14] B-29(0) was killed at 106725.46 7177.0884
[5:08:14] B-29(2) was killed at 106725.46 7177.0884
[5:08:14] B-29(3) was killed at 106725.46 7177.0884
[5:08:14] B-29 shot down by B-29 at 106725.46 7177.0884
[5:08:59] SeaFuryMkI damaged by GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R at 90224.47 40517.18
[5:09:03] F-80C(0) successfully bailed out at 69980.695 43415.926
[5:09:04] SeaFuryMkI(0) bailed out at 90101.19 40306.656
[5:09:12] GAE_Ceteu has disconnected
[5:09:24] F-80C shot down by B-29 at 107094.87 16101.094
[5:09:43] SeaFuryMkI shot down by GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R at 88791.72 37949.062
[5:10:56] SeaFuryMkI(0) was heavily wounded at 80922.12 42885.25
[5:10:56] SeaFuryMkI damaged by GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R at 80911.12 42878.695
[5:11:01] SeaFuryMkI(0) bailed out at 80592.28 42690.004
[5:11:32] SeaFuryMkI shot down by GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R at 78885.75 41973.742
[5:12:46] B-29 damaged by landscape at 192450.6 164145.55
[5:12:48] B-29(1) was wounded at 192586.25 164089.84
[5:12:48] B-29(1) was killed at 192586.25 164089.84
[5:12:48] B-29(0) was killed at 192586.25 164089.84
[5:12:48] B-29(2) was killed at 192586.25 164089.84
[5:12:48] B-29(3) was killed at 192586.25 164089.84
[5:12:48] B-29(4) was killed at 192586.25 164089.84
[5:12:48] B-29(5) was killed at 192586.25 164089.84
[5:12:48] B-29 shot down by landscape at 192586.25 164089.84
[5:13:33] F-80C(0) was wounded at 127273.5 45210.04
[5:13:59] F-80C damaged by GAE_Maci:F9F2_Panther_R at 87181.26 39289.49
[5:14:03] F-80C(0) bailed out at 86947.516 39567.56
[5:14:34] F-80C shot down by GAE_Maci:F9F2_Panther_R at 85383.516 42788.43
[5:15:39] SeaFuryMkI(0) successfully bailed out at 84199.336 32418.322
[5:16:35] F-80C(0) successfully bailed out at 106188.734 10965.733
[5:16:42] B-29 damaged by landscape at 192569.47 162973.83
[5:16:44] B-29(0) was wounded at 192674.98 163153.19
[5:16:44] B-29(0) was killed at 192674.98 163153.19
[5:16:44] B-29(1) was wounded at 192674.98 163153.19
[5:16:44] B-29(1) was killed at 192674.98 163153.19
[5:16:44] B-29(2) was killed at 192674.98 163153.19
[5:16:44] B-29(3) was killed at 192674.98 163153.19
[5:16:44] B-29(4) was killed at 192674.98 163153.19
[5:16:44] B-29(5) was killed at 192674.98 163153.19
[5:16:44] B-29 shot down by landscape at 192674.98 163153.19
[5:17:29] SeaFuryMkI(0) successfully bailed out at 78894.375 41367.543
[5:17:41] SeaFuryMkI(0) successfully bailed out at 88475.87 38221.88
[5:19:26] B-29 damaged by landscape at 125561.77 59359.93
[5:19:27] B-29(3) was killed at 125603.96 59319.844
[5:19:27] B-29(0) was killed at 125603.96 59319.844
[5:19:27] B-29(1) was killed at 125603.96 59319.844
[5:19:27] B-29(2) was killed at 125603.96 59319.844
[5:19:27] B-29(4) was killed at 125603.96 59319.844
[5:19:27] B-29(5) was killed at 125603.96 59319.844
[5:19:27] B-29 shot down by F-80C at 125603.96 59319.844
[5:20:30] BallisticDamage 8_Static LCVP4 125.39921  damaged by  4_Chief  at 82971.77 43763.22
[5:21:19] SpitfireMkXVIeCLP25(0) was killed by F4U-5N at 81270.164 44676.492
[5:21:40] B-29 damaged by landscape at 191464.19 162078.88
[5:21:41] B-29(0) was killed at 191257.2 162136.47
[5:21:41] B-29(1) was killed at 191257.2 162136.47
[5:21:41] B-29(2) was killed at 191257.2 162136.47
[5:21:41] B-29(3) was killed at 191257.2 162136.47
[5:21:41] B-29(4) was killed at 191257.2 162136.47
[5:21:41] B-29(5) was killed at 191257.2 162136.47
[5:21:41] B-29 shot down by landscape at 191257.2 162136.47
[5:21:52] SpitfireMkXVIeCLP25 shot down by F4U-5N at 79759.914 43472.055
[5:22:35] F-80C(0) successfully bailed out at 85512.914 40940.867
[5:22:39] F4U-5N damaged by landscape at 81120.58 44908.117
[5:22:39] F4U-5N(0) was killed at 81120.58 44908.117
[5:22:39] F4U-5N shot down by SpitfireMkXVIeCLP25 at 81120.58 44908.117
[5:23:19] SpitfireMkXVIeCLP25 damaged by F4U-5N at 80416.94 46645.81
[5:23:23] SpitfireMkXVIeCLP25(0) bailed out at 80723.44 46798.277
[5:23:51] F4U-5N damaged by SpitfireMkXVIeCLP25 at 78589.086 47251.883
[5:23:52] SpitfireMkXVIeCLP25 shot down by F4U-5N at 82773.51 48727.656
[5:23:55] F4U-5N(0) was wounded at 78361.93 47549.227
[5:23:56] F4U-5N(0) bailed out at 78264.98 47653.156
[5:24:19] SpitfireMkXVIeCLP25 damaged by F4U-5N at 74947.64 45794.617
[5:24:19] SpitfireMkXVIeCLP25(0) was wounded at 74948.23 45797.85
[5:24:19] SpitfireMkXVIeCLP25(0) was killed at 74948.23 45797.85
[5:24:19] SpitfireMkXVIeCLP25 shot down by F4U-5N at 74948.23 45797.85
[5:24:25] F4U-5N shot down by SpitfireMkXVIeCLP25 at 76152.734 49327.47
[5:25:31] SpitfireMkXVIeCLP25 damaged by F4U-5N at 73066.3 45161.742
[5:25:49] SpitfireMkXVIeCLP25(0) was killed at 73768.125 45651.258
[5:25:49] SpitfireMkXVIeCLP25 shot down by F4U-5N at 73768.125 45651.258
[5:25:59] B-29 damaged by landscape at 194168.84 162060.64
[5:26:00] B-29(0) was wounded at 194090.52 161868.28
[5:26:00] B-29(0) was killed at 194090.52 161868.28
[5:26:00] B-29(3) was killed at 194090.52 161868.28
[5:26:00] B-29(1) was killed at 194090.52 161868.28
[5:26:00] B-29(2) was killed at 194090.52 161868.28
[5:26:00] B-29(4) was killed at 194090.52 161868.28
[5:26:00] B-29(5) was killed at 194090.52 161868.28
[5:26:00] B-29 shot down by landscape at 194090.52 161868.28
[5:26:53] GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R landed at 73193.99 9991.357
[5:27:02] SpitfireMkXVIeCLP25(0) successfully bailed out at 81910.37 47852.992
[5:27:09] GAE_Chape entered refly menu
[5:27:16] GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 75266.664 13995.354
[5:27:16] GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 70%
[5:27:16] F9F2_Panther_R damaged on the ground at 1.4683454E-4 1.0541666E-4
[5:28:23] F4U-5N(0) successfully bailed out at 76967.23 48903.453
[5:29:12] B-29 damaged by landscape at 193467.34 161788.39
[5:29:14] B-29(0) was wounded at 193267.6 161846.16
[5:29:14] B-29(0) was killed at 193267.6 161846.16
[5:29:14] B-29(1) was killed at 193267.6 161846.16
[5:29:14] B-29(2) was killed at 193267.6 161846.16
[5:29:14] B-29(3) was killed at 193267.6 161846.16
[5:29:14] B-29(4) was killed at 193267.6 161846.16
[5:29:14] B-29(5) was killed at 193267.6 161846.16
[5:29:14] B-29 shot down by landscape at 193267.6 161846.16
[5:29:40] B-29 damaged by B-29 at 191729.0 160135.5
[5:29:40] B-29 damaged by B-29 at 191712.25 160130.6
[5:29:40] B-29(0) was wounded at 191726.66 160132.1
[5:29:40] B-29(2) was killed at 191726.66 160132.1
[5:29:40] B-29(0) was killed at 191726.66 160132.1
[5:29:40] B-29(3) was killed at 191726.66 160132.1
[5:29:40] B-29(1) was killed at 191726.66 160132.1
[5:29:40] B-29(4) was killed at 191726.66 160132.1
[5:29:40] B-29(5) was killed at 191726.66 160132.1
[5:29:40] B-29 shot down by B-29 at 191726.66 160132.1
[5:29:40] B-29(3) was killed by B-29 at 191712.25 160130.6
[5:29:40] B-29(4) was killed by B-29 at 191712.25 160130.6
[5:29:45] B-29(0) bailed out at 191189.86 159774.61
[5:29:46] B-29(1) bailed out at 191074.17 159689.61
[5:29:48] B-29(2) bailed out at 190973.03 159612.05
[5:29:52] B-29(5) bailed out at 190734.02 159409.08
[5:30:46] B-29 shot down by landscape at 190283.69 158799.38
[5:32:48] GAE_Chape:F9F2_Panther_R removed at 69733.15 13992.752
[5:33:40] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R damaged by landscape at 66518.56 9995.41
[5:33:44] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R landed at 66381.61 9996.803
[5:33:44] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R damaged on the ground at 66381.61 9996.803
[5:33:49] B-29 damaged by B-29 at 191964.72 163426.45
[5:33:54] B-29(0) bailed out at 191685.25 164016.58
[5:33:54] B-29(0) bailed out at 192142.5 164033.36
[5:33:55] B-29(1) bailed out at 191618.45 164181.33
[5:33:55] B-29(1) bailed out at 192182.95 164202.64
[5:33:57] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[5:33:57] B-29(2) bailed out at 191560.05 164350.08
[5:33:57] B-29(2) bailed out at 192221.34 164370.8
[5:33:58] B-29(3) bailed out at 191510.8 164521.86
[5:33:58] B-29(3) bailed out at 192259.2 164536.38
[5:33:59] B-29(4) bailed out at 191471.23 164695.25
[5:33:59] B-29(4) bailed out at 192299.05 164697.89
[5:34:01] B-29(5) bailed out at 191441.88 164868.52
[5:34:01] B-29(5) bailed out at 192344.69 164854.72
[5:34:03] GAE_Pepper has disconnected
[5:34:23] B-29 shot down by B-29 at 193251.06 167449.23
[5:34:26] GAE_Alma:F9F2_Panther_R landed at 65681.1 9996.892
[5:34:33] B-29 shot down by landscape at 190658.2 168754.3
[5:35:56] GAE_Maci:F9F2_Panther_R landed at 69101.8 9989.696
[5:36:03] GAE_Maci entered refly menu
[5:36:43] GAE_Maci:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Maci at 65807.44 13991.008
[5:36:43] GAE_Maci:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 80%
[5:37:26] B-29(0) successfully bailed out at 188776.2 157639.83
[5:37:36] B-29(1) successfully bailed out at 188794.12 157650.05
[5:38:08] B-29(2) successfully bailed out at 188865.83 157662.3
[5:38:15] B-29(5) successfully bailed out at 188989.83 157703.98
[5:40:00] GAE_Falcon:F9F2_Panther_R landed at 60086.49 9997.017
[5:40:18] GAE_Falcon entered refly menu
[5:40:29] GAE_Falcon has disconnected
[5:40:54] Mission END
Título: Re:Rennell Island 7 (26/03/1955)
Publicado por: GAE_Ceteu en 27 de Marzo de 2013, 03:03:36 AM
Track Rennell 7 ( Incompleto )
Título: Re:Rennell Island 7 (26/03/1955)
Publicado por: GAE_Falcon en 27 de Marzo de 2013, 10:04:20 AM
1er Vuelo

F9F2 Panther - 80% Fuel - 2 tanques x 154 Gal - Default

Despego en misión de caza para dar cobertura a la primera ola de bombarderos B-29 que atacarán las posiciones enemigas remanentes en la bahia Kangava de la isla Rennell. Nos encontramos con los bombers y tras escoltarlos entramos en combate con cazas enemigos, varios de ellos Spitfires y Seafurys. En una de esas acciones, alcanzo a darle a un Spit que se aleja humeando sin que se pueda confirmar su destino, y a otro al que le parto las alas. Continúo la PAC sobre la isla y regreso a la FT apontando con rotura del tren de aterrizaje izquierdo.

AAK: 1 (Spitfire MkXVI)
Piloto: OK
Avión: OK - APONTADO (tren izquierdo averiado)

2do. Vuelo

F9F2 Panther - 70% Fuel - 2 tanques x 154 Gal - Default

Vuelvo a salir para cubrir la segunda ola de B-29 que van hacia la bahía. Tras efectuar una PAC con el GU Maci sobre la propia FT en prevención de incursiones enemigas, ponemos rumbo a la isla donde se registraban persecuciones y escaramuzas, con gran actuación de los F4U propios. Realizo una PAC sobre diversos puntos de la isla, sin establecer contactos de mi parte y regreso con el grupo a la FT. Aponto en último término sin novedad.

AAK: 0
Piloto: OK
Título: Re:Rennell Island 7 (26/03/1955)
Publicado por: GAE_Cuervo en 27 de Marzo de 2013, 10:38:50 AM
1º Vuelo

F9F-2 Panther R - Droptanks 2x154 Gls. - Fuel 80%

Despego como numeral 2 de la escuadra de ataque. Comienzo con problemas para formarme ya que cada vez que poníamos rumbo al objetivo, el sol no me permitía ver a mi compañero. Llego a Rennel solo y 2 cazas enemigos caen sobre mi.
  Hago maniobras para esquivarlo y hacer tiempo hasta que mis compañeros lleguen, pero mi motor es dañado y pierde potencia.
  Pongo rumbo para volver al portaaviones y al llegar al extremo sur de la isla me doy cuenta que la perdida de potencia no me iba a permitir apontar correctamente, entonces diviso una playa al sur del lago de Rennel y realizo una maniobra arriesgada para poder aterrizar(M3 Numeral 7).
  Por milagro logro hacerlo aunque mi ala izquierda sufre daños. Salgo de la cabina y tomo refugio en la malesa hasta ser rescatado.

AGK: 0
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Aterrizado (ala izquierda rota)

2º Vuelo

F4U-5 Corsario - Droptank 1x154 Gls. - Fuel 50%

Despego nuevamente junto a Ceteu con corsarios y ponemos rumbo a la isla para escortar al segundo grupo de bombarderos.
Mientras realiazmos nuestra tarea, divisamos un grupo de cazas a turbina que se aproximan desde el oeste.
  Entramos en combate y yo caigo a toda velocidad sobre uno de ellos. Cuando estoy a punto de tenerlo a mira mi avión comienza a girar en círculos misteriosamente como si un ala se hubiera roto (no exedi los 600k/hs) y no logro eyectarme... me estrello contra la isla.

AGK: 0
Piloto: KIA
Avión: Destruído
Título: Re:Rennell Island 7 (26/03/1955)
Publicado por: GAE_Chape en 27 de Marzo de 2013, 01:27:56 PM
1º Vuelo

F9F2_Panther_R/'02x154Gal_Tank'/Jugo 70%

Desde la FT para zona de combate, con previo ascenso a 5000 sobre la Flota. Siempre a las 7 del Teniente Alma. Encontramos a los bombers ya saliendo de la Bahía siendo enganchados por varios bandidos, en su mayoría SeaFury & SeaFire.
Entramos en combate y ante un giro mi posición resagada me favorece para el derribo de un SeaFury. Luego cometo el error garrafal de novato perdiendo velocidad para tratar posicionarme tras un Spit, pero el que detrás mio y me averia el reactor.
Me veo Obligado a Descender en una especie de camino en el medio de la jungla, sin mayores daños aparentes. Va a ser complicado sacarlo de donde quedo!



2º Vuelo

F9F2_Panther_R/'02x154Gal_Tank'/Jugo 70%

Tras un rápido regreso a la Fuerza de Tareas, espero la llegada del líder para una segunda salida, nuevamente trepamos sobre el portaviones para luego prestar asistencia a la segunda oleada de bombarderos. Solo me dedique a cuidar las 6 de mi líder e intentar no confundir un Corsario aliado con algún maldito australiano. Regreso a el V2 y aponto sin novedad.

Aeronave=Ok (apont.)
Título: Re:Rennell Island 7 (26/03/1955)
Publicado por: GAE_Alma en 28 de Marzo de 2013, 04:27:06 PM
Citar1º Vuelo

F9F2_Panther_R/'02x154Gal_Tank'/Jugo 80%

Salgo del porta pero me precipito al agua al dejar la plataforma.

Piloto: Eject
Aeronave: Destruida
No cuenta como vuelo


2º Vuelo

F9F2_Panther_R/'02x154Gal_Tank'/Jugo 80%

Salgo delsde el V2 con rumbo a la isla. Trepamos a 6000 mts para dar cobertura a los bombers. A los pocos minutos encontramos resistencia entablando combate con varios grupos de pistoneros. Logro derribar a 2 enemigos que atacaban a los bombers. Luego vamos sobre la bahia donde se desarrolaban mas combates. La escuadra de caza logra despejar la zona con algunas bajas. Luego con poco fuel nos dirigimos a la flota para reaprovisionar antes de la llegada de la segunda oleada de bombers. Aponto sin novedad.

Aeronave=Ok. Apontada


3º Vuelo

F9F2_Panther_R/'02x154Gal_Tank'/Jugo 80%

Salimos nuevamente y trepamos junto a Chape hasta los 6000 mts. Vamos hacia la bahia quedando Falcon y Maci sobre la flota. Pasada la 2da oleada de bombers detectamos contactos y logro derribar a un pistonero. Ceteu y cuervo se encargarian de una pack de reactores. Luego de varias escaramuzas aisladas retornamos a la flota habiendo cumplido la mision. Segun pudimos observar ningun bomber fue derribado. Aponto en el V2 sin novedad.

AAK: 1
Aeronave=Ok. Apontado.
Título: Re:Rennell Island 7 (26/03/1955)
Publicado por: GAE_Maci en 28 de Marzo de 2013, 07:19:03 PM
1º Vuelo

F9F2 Panther R - 02x154Gal Tank - Jugo 80%

Decolo del V2 como numeral de Alma. Trepamos hasta 6000 mts a medida que poníamos rumbo hacia los bombarderos. A los pocos minutos divisamos varias pac de pistoneros. Entablamos combate y logro derribar uno, el cual estaba en picada ya que venia de haber realizado una pasada de metralla sobre un bomber. Limpia la zona y los bombarderos en retirada, emprendemos regreso hacia el V2.

Aeronave= Apontada

2º Vuelo

F9F2 Panther R - 02x154Gal Tank - Jugo 80%

Decolo nuevamente del V2. En pleno ascenso hacia los 6000 mts para escoltar la segunda oleada de bombarderos, Falcon divisa actividad de artillería de nuestra FT. Por orden del líder de caza quedamos patrullando nuestra flota mientras que el resto se dirigía hacia los bombers. Una vez alcanzados los 6000 mts, y con la zona segura, mi líder nos ordena reunirnos con ellos donde estaban en combate. Logro derribar un pistonero y un reactor. Volvemos para el V2 donde aponto sin novedad.
Ningún bombardero fue derribado!

AAK: 2
Aeronave= Apontada