Iniciado por GAE_Flak, 13 de Abril de 2006, 01:19:02 AM

Tema anterior - Siguiente tema



Las Naciones Unidas, presionadas por las URSS y China han dispuesto que los Gobiernos de Argentina y Australia retiren sus tropas de Magareva. El plazo dado para la retirada de tropas es de tres d?as, y al retirarse ser?n reemplazadas por una comisi?n especial de la ONU que evaluar? si son necesarias medidas de apoyo internacional a ese pais.

Caballeros, ante el posible repliegue,? la RAN ha montado un ataque a?reo al aer?dromo de Naha. Para ello ha dispuesto 8 AVRO Shackleton y 4 HAWKER Sea Fury. Nos han pedido como colaboraci?n que previo a su bombardero limpiemos el lugar de toda AAA pesada con un ataque a baja cota.

13:00 horas.

Patrulla de Trueno:
Corsarios 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07 y 08.
Altura de crucero: 750 FT
Carga: 8 Cohetes + 1 bomba de 500 kg + 2 bombas de 250 kg + 150 US Gal de combustible ? 8 Cohetes + 1 bomba de 1000 kg + 150 US Gal de combustible
Como misi?n primaria deberemos destruir toda la artiller?a antiaerea pesada del aer?dromo de Naha. Finalizado esto descargaremos el armamento restante en las instalaciones cuidandonos de no ser alcanzador por el bombardeo de la RAN.

Seahawk 01 y Texan 09:
Con configuraci?n SAR, mantenerse en apresto en la zona de operaciones para rescates terrestres o marinos.

1) Precauci?n, los corsarios est?n con un peso cercano al m?ximo de despegue en portaaviones.
2) Volar a baja cota para evitar la detecci?n y la acci?n de la AAA.
3) Si hay mas pilotos que corsarios, se pueden utilizar los Sea Fury de la RAN y la misi?n de estos es defender a los bombarderos.




[Apr 14, 2006 11:30:25 PM] Mission: net/coop/Magareva/MAGAREVA_18.mis is Playing

13:00:00 UN_NN110(0) seat occupied by GAE_Flak at 114943.664 -5062.6606
13:00:00 UN_NN110 loaded weapons '1x20008xhvarap' fuel 60%
13:00:00 UN_NN101(0) seat occupied by GAE_Condor at 114956.39 -5049.933
13:00:00 UN_NN101 loaded weapons '2x5008xhvarap' fuel 60%
13:00:00 UN_NN100(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 114946.49 -5040.033
13:00:00 UN_NN100 loaded weapons '2x5008xhvarap' fuel 60%
13:00:00 UN_NN112(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 114921.04 -5065.4893
13:00:00 UN_NN112 loaded weapons '1x20008xhvarap' fuel 60%
13:00:00 UN_NN111(0) seat occupied by GAE_Mano at 114931.64 -5063.368
13:00:00 UN_NN111 loaded weapons '1x20008xhvarap' fuel 60%
13:00:00 UN_NN102(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chacal at 114944.37 -5050.64
13:00:00 UN_NN102 loaded weapons '2x5008xhvarap' fuel 60%

13:01:06 UN_NN100 in flight at 115989.54 -4017.3826
13:01:17 UN_NN101 in flight at 116126.305 -3927.6514
13:01:32 UN_NN102 in flight at 116397.234 -3774.4326
13:01:33 UN_NN000 damaged on the ground at 117732.48 -4790.875
13:01:46 UN_NN000 damaged by landscape at 117991.92 -4201.8413
13:01:50 UN_NN000(0) bailed out at 117978.93 -4119.6323
13:01:50 UN_NN000(0) successfully bailed out at 117978.93 -4118.428
13:01:50 UN_NN000(0) was captured at 117978.93 -4118.428
13:01:57 UN_NN110 in flight at 116645.3 -3342.7322
13:02:09 UN_NN111 in flight at 116662.52 -3271.6226
13:02:23 UN_NN112 in flight at 116841.58 -3071.8513
13:06:19 UN_NN113 damaged on the ground at 112956.74 17051.055
13:06:19 UN_NN113 damaged by landscape at 112955.914 17051.713
13:06:19 UN_NN113(0) was killed at 112955.1 17052.36
13:06:19 UN_NN113 shot down by landscape at 112955.1 17052.36
13:08:10 164_Static destroyed by UN_NN110 at 101654.81 25823.99
13:08:10 165_Static destroyed by UN_NN110 at 101697.13 25824.36
13:08:10 79_Static destroyed by UN_NN110 at 101675.76 25824.08
13:08:10 76_Static destroyed by UN_NN110 at 101655.01 25845.29
13:08:10 167_Static destroyed by UN_NN110 at 101654.43 25866.39
13:08:10 78_Static destroyed by UN_NN110 at 101696.95 25845.45
13:08:10 77_Static destroyed by UN_NN110 at 101675.69 25866.75
13:08:10 166_Static destroyed by UN_NN110 at 101696.89 25866.53
13:08:54 28_Static destroyed by UN_NN101 at 101808.05 26644.65
13:08:58 82_Static destroyed by UN_NN101 at 101803.77 26640.36
13:08:58 83_Static destroyed by UN_NN101 at 101807.91 26635.93
13:08:58 84_Static destroyed by UN_NN101 at 101812.41 26640.36
13:09:38 97_Static destroyed by UN_NN100 at 101185.89 25365.98
13:09:38 98_Static destroyed by UN_NN100 at 101181.74 25361.41
13:09:38 99_Static destroyed by UN_NN100 at 101190.18 25361.41
13:09:38 100_Static destroyed by UN_NN100 at 101185.89 25357.05
13:10:07 149_Static destroyed by UN_NN111 at 101253.43 26331.37
13:10:07 150_Static destroyed by UN_NN111 at 101261.59 26331.37
13:10:07 152_Static destroyed by UN_NN111 at 101258.55 26336.13
13:10:07 163_Static destroyed by UN_NN111 at 101256.53 26336.08
13:10:21 103_Static destroyed by UN_NN100 at 102300.07 25100.14
13:10:21 101_Static destroyed by UN_NN100 at 102295.66 25104.21
13:10:21 104_Static destroyed by UN_NN100 at 102300.02 25108.42
13:10:40 148_Static destroyed by UN_NN101 at 101135.72 26004.97
13:11:33 147_Static destroyed by UN_NN111 at 101141.42 26004.84
13:12:04 109_Static destroyed by UN_NN112 at 102304.44 25103.78
13:12:31 112_Static destroyed by UN_NN101 at 102400.62 26000.07
13:12:32 140_Static destroyed by UN_NN101 at 102414.48 26007.67
13:12:50 145_Static destroyed by UN_NN111 at 102414.33 25992.23
13:14:18 21_Static destroyed by UN_NN110 at 101611.17 26258.64
13:14:37 49_Static destroyed by UN_NN110 at 102054.99 25412.48
13:15:03 12_Static destroyed by UN_NN110 at 100976.1 25609.75
13:15:20 457SquadronRAAF111(7) was wounded at 101398.49 50620.754
13:15:34 46_Static destroyed by UN_NN110 at 101960.24 25417.62
13:16:19 47_Static destroyed by UN_NN110 at 101950.58 25521.34
13:16:28 IJN_H_703z001 damaged on the ground at 101045.61 51760.715
13:16:28 IJN_H_703z001 damaged by 36SquadronRAAF112 at 101045.61 51760.715
13:16:31 457SquadronRAAF112 damaged by IJN_H_703z002 at 101252.8 44210.92
13:16:34 IJN_H_703z001(0) bailed out at 101365.79 51937.47
13:16:35 457SquadronRAAF112(0) bailed out at 101237.87 43770.598
13:16:37 457SquadronRAAF112(1) bailed out at 101225.12 43647.703
13:16:39 457SquadronRAAF112(2) bailed out at 101208.73 43525.105
13:16:39 457SquadronRAAF112(3) bailed out at 101189.914 43403.32
13:16:41 457SquadronRAAF112(4) bailed out at 101169.914 43282.715
13:16:42 457SquadronRAAF112(5) bailed out at 101149.59 43163.535
13:16:44 457SquadronRAAF112(6) bailed out at 101129.445 43046.215
13:16:45 457SquadronRAAF112(7) bailed out at 101110.27 42931.52
13:16:46 457SquadronRAAF110(7) was wounded at 101501.21 42617.37
13:16:46 IJN_H_703z001 shot down by 36SquadronRAAF112 at 102165.234 52259.777
13:16:46 457SquadronRAAF112(8) bailed out at 101093.86 42820.145
13:16:50 48_Static destroyed by UN_NN110 at 102050.45 25524.29
13:16:54 457SquadronRAAF112 shot down by IJN_H_703z002 at 101100.67 42158.094
13:16:55 IJN_H_703z002 damaged on the ground at 101208.85 41797.797
13:16:55 IJN_H_703z002 damaged by 36SquadronRAAF110 at 101208.85 41797.797
13:16:59 IJN_H_703z002(0) was wounded at 101168.58 41367.418
13:16:59 IJN_H_703z002(0) bailed out at 101168.58 41367.418
13:17:12 50_Static destroyed by UN_NN110 at 102064.9 25309.93
13:17:20 IJN_H_703z002 shot down by 36SquadronRAAF110 at 100693.78 39412.934
13:17:25 IJN_H_703z000(0) was heavily wounded at 99902.27 52361.824
13:17:25 IJN_H_703z000 damaged by 36SquadronRAAF112 at 99906.28 52357.527
13:17:25 IJN_H_703z000 damaged on the ground at 99906.28 52357.527
13:17:30 IJN_H_703z000(0) bailed out at 100024.82 52224.695
13:17:55 IJN_H_703z000 shot down by 36SquadronRAAF112 at 101574.56 50492.79
13:18:07 457SquadronRAAF112(8) successfully bailed out at 100836.2 42174.67
13:18:07 457SquadronRAAF112(8) was captured at 100836.2 42174.67
13:19:05 457SquadronRAAF112(7) successfully bailed out at 100769.25 42222.793
13:19:05 457SquadronRAAF112(7) was captured at 100769.25 42222.793
13:19:45 457SquadronRAAF112(6) successfully bailed out at 100720.14 42157.332
13:19:45 457SquadronRAAF112(6) was captured at 100720.14 42157.332
13:19:49 457SquadronRAAF112(4) successfully bailed out at 100675.266 42081.934
13:19:49 457SquadronRAAF112(4) was captured at 100675.266 42081.934
13:19:57 457SquadronRAAF112(5) successfully bailed out at 100698.0 42132.652
13:19:57 457SquadronRAAF112(5) was captured at 100698.0 42132.652
13:20:04 IJN_H_703z001(0) successfully bailed out at 102389.82 52665.324
13:20:29 457SquadronRAAF112(3) successfully bailed out at 100705.375 42252.094
13:20:29 457SquadronRAAF112(3) was captured at 100705.375 42252.094
13:20:29 457SquadronRAAF112(1) successfully bailed out at 100773.67 42368.855
13:20:29 457SquadronRAAF112(1) was captured at 100773.67 42368.855
13:20:30 457SquadronRAAF112(0) successfully bailed out at 100843.67 42449.066
13:20:30 457SquadronRAAF112(0) was captured at 100843.67 42449.066
13:20:38 457SquadronRAAF112(2) successfully bailed out at 100732.28 42337.91
13:20:38 457SquadronRAAF112(2) was captured at 100732.28 42337.91
13:21:07 IJN_H_703z002(0) successfully bailed out at 100833.1 39974.07
13:22:02 IJN_H_703z000(0) successfully bailed out at 100854.75 51302.613
13:22:40 IJN_H_703z012 damaged on the ground at 101925.65 30875.877
13:22:40 IJN_H_703z012 damaged by landscape at 101924.34 30877.68
13:22:40 IJN_H_703z012(0) was killed at 101924.34 30877.68
13:22:40 IJN_H_703z012 shot down by 36SquadronRAAF110 at 101924.34 30877.68
13:23:21 IJN_H_703z011(0) was wounded at 100917.68 23958.549
13:23:21 IJN_H_703z011 damaged on the ground at 100936.02 23942.27
13:23:58 IJN_H_703z010 damaged on the ground at 102870.25 24894.715
13:23:58 IJN_H_703z010 damaged by UN_NN102 at 102870.25 24894.715
13:24:04 IJN_H_703z010(0) bailed out at 102897.84 25041.676
13:24:14 IJN_H_703z010 shot down by UN_NN102 at 102984.44 25179.89
13:24:39 IJN_H_703z011(0) bailed out at 103587.9 25896.285
13:24:40 UN_NN101 landed at 131007.945 11012.685
13:24:45 IJN_H_703z011(0) successfully bailed out at 103554.3 25908.35
13:25:25 IJN_H_703z010(0) successfully bailed out at 103083.83 25408.072
13:25:34 IJN_H_703z011 shot down by UN_NN102 at 103587.9 25896.285
13:25:45 UN_NN101 damaged on the ground at 131769.83 11766.5625
13:26:01 36SquadronRAAF111 damaged by landscape at 105660.72 45675.99
13:26:06 36SquadronRAAF111(0) bailed out at 105665.03 45699.13
13:26:06 36SquadronRAAF111(0) successfully bailed out at 105665.01 45700.5
13:26:06 36SquadronRAAF111(0) was captured at 105665.01 45700.5
13:26:50 36SquadronRAAF111 shot down by landscape at 105665.055 45699.137
13:29:26 146_Static destroyed by 36SquadronRAAF113 at 102530.02 25998.52
13:29:28 36SquadronRAAF113 damaged by landscape at 102498.13 25990.574
13:29:28 36SquadronRAAF113(0) was killed at 102502.87 25980.924
13:29:28 36SquadronRAAF113 shot down by landscape at 102502.87 25980.924
13:33:02 UN_NN101(0) bailed out at 136444.94 16440.777
13:33:03 UN_NN101(0) was killed in his chute by 0_Chief at 136456.06 16451.797
13:34:45 GAE_Condor has disconnected
13:36:51 UN_NN111 landed at 138741.39 18736.955
13:37:40 GAE_Charrua has disconnected
13:38:29 457SquadronRAAF111 landed at 111868.56 80726.67
13:38:29 457SquadronRAAF111 damaged on the ground at 111868.56 80726.67
13:38:34 457SquadronRAAF111(0) bailed out at 111868.56 80726.67
13:38:35 457SquadronRAAF111(1) bailed out at 111868.56 80726.67
13:38:36 457SquadronRAAF111(2) bailed out at 111868.56 80726.67
13:38:37 457SquadronRAAF111(3) bailed out at 111868.56 80726.67
13:38:39 457SquadronRAAF111(4) bailed out at 111868.56 80726.67
13:38:40 457SquadronRAAF111(5) bailed out at 111868.56 80726.67
13:38:41 457SquadronRAAF111(0) successfully bailed out at 111884.71 80773.82
13:38:41 457SquadronRAAF111(6) bailed out at 111868.56 80726.67
13:38:43 457SquadronRAAF111(7) bailed out at 111868.56 80726.67
13:38:43 457SquadronRAAF111(1) successfully bailed out at 111890.35 80781.984
13:38:43 457SquadronRAAF111(8) bailed out at 111868.56 80726.67
13:38:46 457SquadronRAAF111(3) successfully bailed out at 111844.445 80772.06
13:38:46 457SquadronRAAF111(5) successfully bailed out at 111851.67 80755.6
13:38:47 457SquadronRAAF111(2) successfully bailed out at 111816.96 80766.28
13:38:49 457SquadronRAAF111(4) successfully bailed out at 111810.914 80756.625
13:38:50 457SquadronRAAF111(6) successfully bailed out at 111828.01 80756.53
13:38:52 457SquadronRAAF111(7) successfully bailed out at 111815.53 80743.47
13:38:54 457SquadronRAAF111(8) successfully bailed out at 111810.836 80744.46
13:38:58 457SquadronRAAF111 removed at 111868.56 80726.67
13:40:18 UN_NN110 damaged by 0_Chief at 140706.81 20720.486
13:40:21 UN_NN110(0) was killed at 140805.23 20789.13
13:40:21 UN_NN110 shot down by 0_Chief at 140805.23 20789.13
13:41:33 UN_NN100(0) bailed out at 141528.47 21528.975
13:41:35 UN_NN100(0) successfully bailed out at 141549.22 21547.445
13:41:35 UN_NN100(0) was captured at 141549.22 21547.445
13:41:37 UN_NN100 landed at 141566.23 21564.293
13:41:37 UN_NN100 damaged on the ground at 141566.23 21564.293
13:41:49 457SquadronRAAF110 landed at 112229.13 81135.19
13:42:05 GAE_Balker has disconnected
13:42:37 UN_NN103 damaged on the ground at 140744.56 22621.756
13:43:18 UN_NN103 damaged by landscape at 142302.31 21897.166
13:43:18 UN_NN103(0) was killed at 142303.47 21899.045
13:43:18 UN_NN103 shot down by 104_Static at 142303.47 21899.045
13:43:58 UN_NN102 landed at 142865.83 22871.895
13:44:06 Mission END

Name: GAE_Flak
State: KIA
Enemy Static Aircraft Kill: 7
Enemy AAA Kill: 8
Name: GAE_Chacal
State: Landed at Airfield
Enemy Aircraft Kill: 2
Name: GAE_Mano
State: Landed at Airfield
Enemy AAA Kill: 6
Name: GAE_Condor
State: Landed at V1
Enemy Car Kill: 1
Enemy AAA Kill: 6
Name: GAE_Charrua
State: Left the Game
Enemy AAA Kill: 1
Name: GAE_Balker
State: Landed at V1
Enemy Car Kill: 2
Enemy AAA Kill: 5


Jefe de Div. Infraestructura


Sal? como numero 05 o 3er lider de la formaci?n. Al llegar al objetivo ataco con la bomba de 1000 kg y me pongo a orbitar para atraer a la AAA. Cuando todos descargaron su armamento y con la AAA destruidas hago un par de pasadas de ataque dando cuenta unos cuantos aviones. El resto habia ascendido para divisar a los bombers, cuando asciendo para unirme un La11 me cocina el ala izquierda. Maniobro un poco para ponerme a sus 6, pero no lo puedo alcanzar ni mantener un vuelo normal por los da?os en el ala. Informo que regreso al V1, y al llegar hago dos aproximaciones frustradas. Dicen que la tercera es la vencida, y en mi caso lo fu?, porque en la tercer aproximaci?n toco con las ruedas el extremo de la popa, reboto y me engancho en una de las antenas de estribor, reventando el corsario y yo que ven?a dentro.


Sal? de l?der de la primera escuadrilla con el GU Condor de N? 2 y el GU Chacal de N? 3. Nevagaci?n hasta el objetivo sin novedad. Casi sobre el mismo ordeno al GU Condor que me siga sin lanzar para atraer la AAA y al resto les digo que ataque. Hecho esto ascendemos por derecha e iniciamos corridas de tiro. Terminado mi armamento lanzable, y escuchando que la formaci?n de australianos estaba en contacto ordeno ascender por sobre la capa de nubes a la espera del enemigo. Tenemos contacto visual de los bombers ausies al tiempo que escuchamos al TN Flak que informa que combate a cazas enemigos sobre el objetivo. Se generaliza el combate. El GU Chacal derriba a 2 enemigos. Una vez terminado el encuentro volvemos a ascender sobre las nubes para reagruparnos y volvemos al V1.

Muy bueno tu vuelo Chacal. En general fue un ataque bien organizado y efectivo. Cumplimos con lo nuestro.
El bombardeo de los australianos di? lastima, todas cortas.