Mar de Java 18 28/12/52

Iniciado por GAE_Castor, 28 de Diciembre de 2010, 08:22:36 PM

Tema anterior - Siguiente tema



Sres, la situación social, política y militar en Indonesia está fuera de control. Bandas militares y paramilitares se encuentran en estado de combate permanente.
Toda esta situación nos ha permitido que Quiroga y su gente haya podido capturar el Aeródromo de BK9 y en nuestra última misión, la estación de BM7.
Estas victorias locales, solo tienen valor para la localización de la tripulación aun secuestrada, pero no disponemos de mucho tiempo, la ubicación de la tripulación del Santa Micaela es según información ya disponible con anterioridad la siguiente

Nuestra misión es permitir la entrada de Quiroga al puerto, para lo cual se necesita limpiar de cualquier tipo de actividad enemiga en la zona.
Con respecto a la FT, el V1 y su escolta va a ingresar unos Km en el golfo, para facilitar el trabajo de los HRS3. Pero recién se podrá efectuar cuando Quiroga entre al puerto.

_Defender la flota de tareas es el principal objetivo.
_Obtener superioridad aerea en la zona de operaciones.
_Abrirle paso a Quirogo en su ruta al puerto.
_Limpiar el puerto de actividad enemiga.
_Rescatar a la tripulación secuestrada

Tenemos el aeródromo de BK9 bajo nuestro control, el mismo puede utilizarse para repostar. Las salidas y el cierre de la misión será desde el V1 o V2.
Si por daños de combate, un piloto considera que es imposible retornar la aeronave con éxito. Podrá aterrizar en el aeródromo.
Si la aeronave no tuviera posibilidad de reparación, el avión se perdió, y deberá salir desde la flota.

Eso es todo, a sus aviones.

Orden para comunicaciones


Torre control VICTOR 1-----------(121.600 Mhz/AM)_Operaciones/Canal 1 Ts.

Frecuencia comunicación Alpha-------(121.350 Mhz/AM)_Operaciones/Ataque Ts.

Frecuencia comunicación Charly-------(118.050 Mhz/AM)_Operaciones/Caza Ts.

(No habrá comunicación entre Alpha y Charly, estos deberán dirigirse a la torre de control para solicitar requerimientos y control organizará. Nadie realiza movimientos sin permisos pertinentes.
Recuerden que las aeronaves no son de propiedad, sino de las Fuerzas Armadas.
Se deberá tener cuenta de la ubicación en todo momento, esta puede ser requerida de manera imprevista.)

Grupo de ATAQUE (Alpha) desde el V1 Texan o Corsair (según requerimientos).
Grupo de CAZA (Charly) desde el V2 Corsarios
C.F. Castor


1er Vuelo:

Texan - 2 twingunpod + 4 HVAR

Despego como numeral 2 de la escuadra Alfa liderada por el Te Castor. Ponemos rumbo oeste, y volamos formado hasta que V1 nos autoriza para entrar en el territorio enemigo.
  Al llegar a la zona vemos 2 poblados fuertemente armados que impiden el avance de Quiroga. Lanzo cohetes sobre los mismos logrando una destrucción total.
  Al querer hacer pasadas estrafeando, recibo un impacto certero sobre el ala y me estrello.

AGK:5 AAA Detalles
Piloto: KIA
Avión: Destruido




Salimos con texan hacia el objetivo, me surgieron problemas con la aeronave los cuales no me permitian acercarme a la formacion. Luego cuando seguiamos rumbo a punto situado, pero sucedio que nos encontramos con antiaereas, esto termino en la destruccion de 3 de mi parte pero lamentablemente el avion fue averiado y mi piloto herido, me diriji a laerodromo e informe que venia de emergencia, EDITADO por GAE_Balker.

Aeronave:aterrizadas con averia leves
GU.Sergio Nicolas "Tehuelche" Bechara Baladi Muñiz


1er Vuelo:

F4U5 Corsario - 80% Fuel - Default

Despego como numeral 2 de la escuadra liderada por el Tte. Mano, ponemos rumbo a la zona caliente guiados por el control de vuelos de la FT, llegados a la zona de BL6 nos encontramos con 3 cazas enemigos, nos trenzamos en combate, veo venir uno de frente y lo esquivo por muy poco de un choque de alas, en la maniobra pierdo de vista a Mano, trato de encontrarlos nuevamente diviso a uno y lo sigo, mientras Mano es derribado, derribo a uno, luego acudo en ayuda de Ceteu que es hostigado por los dos restantes a los que luego de un breve combate logro destruir.
Habiendome quedado solo, me dirijo hacia el sur-este a reunirme con el resto de la escuadra, una vez reunidos C3 y C4 son enviados por eontrol en seguimiento de contactos no identificados, mientras C1 y yo nos dirijimos al sur a identificar otro vuelo que se dirige a la FT, llegados sobre ellos, C1 se retira con problemas técnicos, resultan ser 4 bombarderos, me encargo de derribar a 2 de ellos y luego asciendo para quedarme cubriendo mientras llegan al lugar Balker y Ceteu que derriban a los dos restantes.
Retorno al V2 donde aponto sin novedad

AAK: 5 (3 cazas+2 bombers)
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Ok - Apontado

2do Vuelo:

F4U5 Corsario - 80% Fuel - Default

Despego como líder de la escuadra "Charlie" y comienzo a evolucionar sobre la FT junto con Balker, esperamos a que Ceteu aponte para salir los tres hacia la zona de combates.
Pero recibimos una contraorden del control de vuelos quién nos informa que no hay actividad aérea enemiga y por tanto debemos apontar.
Entro en segundo turno apontando sin novedad.

AAK: 0
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Ok - Apontado
CC - Jefe Sección Personal


1º Vuelo

Corsario - 80% Fuel - Default

Salgo del V2 como Charlie 4 de la escuadra liderada por el TN Mano, siendo 2 del TF Pepper y 3 el CC Balker. Sobre BL6 nops encontramos con Zeros tripulados por tipos realmente de cuidado, que nos hacen una pasada frontal muy audaz, rompiendo nuestra formación. Cubriendo a C3, veo como lo forzan a una maniobra de intercepción al límite, entrando en barrena, notando su agresividad por encima del medio disponible, con esa vieja chispa de guerrero tratando de ir mas allá de sus posibilidades. Tomo el relevo y rompo hacia arriba, en persecusión de los culpables, de los cuales derribo a uno, perdiendo al otro de vista en una espiral descendente casi vertical, error fatal porque cuando reaparece, lo hace a mis seis. Me criba de orificios el Corsario, y si bien no me derriba, me quedo sin timón ni control de elevadores, apenas conservando algo de alerones. Por milagro, me hago con el avión a metros del suelo, poniendo rumbo a BK9 y tratando de tomar algo de altura con el poco control de maniobra que aún conservaba. A unos 500 mts. , al atravesar la costa y aún sobre territorio hostil, una posición AA abre fuego en mi contra. A duras penas, viro el avión tratando de alejarme y cuando creo que lo logré, un impacto directo me transforma en una napa de fuego.

AAK: 1
Piloto: KIA
Avión: Destruído

2º Vuelo

Corsario - 80% Fuel - Default

Despego del V2, siempre como C4. Me reúno con C3 y nos dirigimos a asistir al Líder sobreviviente, Pepper, que interceptaba unos bombarderos G4M Hamaki. LLegamos, y procedemos contra los dos sobrevivientes del ataque de C2, derribando Balker a uno y yo al restante. Cubro a C2 y 3 que se vuelven al V2 a repostar, mientras hago PAC sobre la FT. Como la cosa se dilata y mi combustible se contrae, V1 me ordena repostar. Una vez apontado y en proceso de abastecimiento, se suspenden las actividades de la escuadra Charlie por la confirmación de la desaparición de oposición de caza u otros medios aéreos.

AAK: 1
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Apontado


[29.12.2010 3:16:24] Mission: net/dogfight/GAEV/JAVA 18.mis is Playing
[3:16:24] Mission BEGIN
[3:17:40] GAE_Chape:HRS3(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 367203.97 82244.84
[3:17:40] GAE_Chape:HRS3 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 50%
[3:17:58] GAE_Gaucho. has disconnected
[3:18:00] GAE_Gaucho. has connected
[3:19:06] GAE_Mano:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Mano at 463593.66 5977.029
[3:19:06] GAE_Mano:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons 'default' fuel 80%
[3:19:17] GAE_Ceteu has connected
[3:19:46] GAE_Mano{GAE_Mano_0;GAE_Mano:F4U5_Corsario;2} damaged on the ground at 462938.44 5976.865
[3:19:48] GAE_Mano:F4U5_Corsario(0) bailed out at 462910.8 5976.8677
[3:19:49] ParatrooperLogging 203795(0) touchdown in X: 462898.13173015375 Y: 5976.495680422356 (water) drop by GAE_Mano_0
[3:19:49] GAE_Mano:F4U5_Corsario(0) successfully bailed out at 462898.12 5976.496
[3:19:52] GAE_Mano:F4U5_Corsario removed at 462851.88 5976.854
[3:19:52] GAE_Mano entered refly menu
[3:20:11] GAE_Mano:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Mano at 458399.2 1875.6449
[3:20:11] GAE_Mano:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons 'default' fuel 80%
[3:20:30] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 460016.7 4044.9268
[3:20:30] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan loaded weapons 'N_02xTwinGunPods+04xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 70%
[3:21:21] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan in flight at 458853.16 3346.7761
[3:21:46] GAE_Mano:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 456593.22 1869.4855
[3:21:56] GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 456699.88 1880.8245
[3:21:56] GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons 'default' fuel 80%
[3:22:24] GAE_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Cuervo at 458161.84 4086.2854
[3:22:26] GAE_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan loaded weapons 'N_02xTwinGunPods+04xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 70%
[3:23:12] GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 455135.97 1852.5653
[3:24:05] GAE_Balker has disconnected
[3:24:11] GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 454496.97 1881.05
[3:24:11] GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons 'default' fuel 80%
[3:24:14] GAE_Balker has connected
[3:24:23] GAE_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan in flight at 455911.84 4135.0474
[3:24:50] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 455690.22 4143.05
[3:24:51] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan loaded weapons 'N_02xTwinGunPods+04xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 70%
[3:25:33] GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 452708.38 1874.8682
[3:25:38] GAE_Balker:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 453103.66 1886.1887
[3:25:38] GAE_Balker:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons 'default' fuel 80%
[3:25:47] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan in flight at 454395.53 4206.121
[3:26:24] GAE_Gaucho.:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho. at 454122.75 4187.2305
[3:26:25] GAE_Gaucho.:SNJ5_Texan loaded weapons 'N_02xTwinGunPods+04xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 70%
[3:27:10] GAE_Balker:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 451365.38 1872.7485
[3:27:21] GAE_Gaucho.:SNJ5_Texan in flight at 452726.25 4192.6304
[3:27:34] ar0101{ar01013;FW-200C-3U4;2} damaged by cc0100{cc01001;A6M2;1} at 395472.1 58757.15
[3:27:39] FW-200C-3U4(0) bailed out at 395182.66 59152.227
[3:27:41] FW-200C-3U4(1) bailed out at 395111.94 59260.035
[3:27:42] FW-200C-3U4(2) bailed out at 395038.0 59373.812
[3:27:43] FW-200C-3U4(3) bailed out at 394958.56 59479.617
[3:27:45] FW-200C-3U4(4) bailed out at 394890.25 59589.152
[3:27:46] FW-200C-3U4(5) bailed out at 394814.22 59699.668
[3:27:47] FW-200C-3U4(6) bailed out at 394747.4 59809.098
[3:27:48] GAE_Tehuelche:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Tehuelche at 452696.97 4222.864
[3:27:48] GAE_Tehuelche:SNJ5_Texan loaded weapons 'N_02xTwinGunPods+04xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 70%
[3:27:49] FW-200C-3U4(7) bailed out at 394675.53 59916.934
[3:28:14] ar0101{ar01013;FW-200C-3U4;2}(8) was killed at 393833.4 61828.74
[3:28:14] ar0101{ar01013;FW-200C-3U4;2} shot down by cc0100{cc01001;A6M2;1} at 393833.4 61828.74
[3:28:27] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 454149.34 17317.492
[3:28:28] ar0101{ar01011;FW-200C-3U4;2} damaged by cc0100{cc01000;A6M2;1} at 398109.25 60214.81
[3:28:32] FW-200C-3U4(0) bailed out at 398294.1 59821.11
[3:28:34] FW-200C-3U4(1) bailed out at 398344.94 59695.746
[3:28:35] GAE_Tehuelche:SNJ5_Texan in flight at 451417.97 4250.7188
[3:28:35] FW-200C-3U4(2) bailed out at 398392.12 59571.133
[3:28:36] FW-200C-3U4(3) bailed out at 398435.2 59447.06
[3:28:38] FW-200C-3U4(4) bailed out at 398475.3 59324.062
[3:28:39] FW-200C-3U4(5) bailed out at 398511.8 59202.805
[3:28:40] FW-200C-3U4(6) bailed out at 398544.84 59082.684
[3:28:42] FW-200C-3U4(7) bailed out at 398575.5 58964.957
[3:28:43] FW-200C-3U4(8) bailed out at 398602.3 58849.582
[3:28:56] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 452779.9 16334.65
[3:29:15] ar0101{ar01011;FW-200C-3U4;2} shot down by cc0100{cc01000;A6M2;1} at 398706.78 57077.805
[3:30:01] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 455193.53 14340.058
[3:30:03] ar0101{ar01012;FW-200C-3U4;2}(5) was killed by cc0100{cc01000;A6M2;1} at 394719.34 60848.35
[3:30:47] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 456047.9 16754.15
[3:31:32] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 454633.34 18063.422
[3:31:34] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 454449.9 18057.303
[3:31:41] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 453899.88 17900.664
[3:31:45] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 453609.2 17739.49
[3:31:53] ar0101{ar01012;FW-200C-3U4;2}(2) was killed by cc0100{cc01000;A6M2;1} at 394270.16 55245.06
[3:31:58] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 453343.16 15928.604
[3:31:59] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 453357.5 15894.468
[3:32:07] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 453639.62 15498.383
[3:32:12] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 453936.34 15298.577
[3:33:12] ar0101{ar01010;FW-200C-3U4;2} damaged by cc0100{cc01001;A6M2;1} at 394109.53 60557.715
[3:33:16] FW-200C-3U4(0) bailed out at 394512.03 60622.062
[3:33:18] FW-200C-3U4(1) bailed out at 394631.22 60648.832
[3:33:19] FW-200C-3U4(2) bailed out at 394748.2 60670.258
[3:33:20] FW-200C-3U4(3) bailed out at 394868.12 60682.715
[3:33:22] FW-200C-3U4(4) bailed out at 394993.6 60698.16
[3:33:23] FW-200C-3U4(5) bailed out at 395113.34 60720.98
[3:33:24] FW-200C-3U4(6) bailed out at 395228.88 60733.316
[3:33:26] FW-200C-3U4(7) bailed out at 395351.16 60747.734
[3:33:27] FW-200C-3U4(8) bailed out at 395463.62 60762.05
[3:33:48] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 452001.25 16708.367
[3:33:49] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 451886.3 16686.492
[3:33:50] ar0101{ar01010;FW-200C-3U4;2} shot down by cc0100{cc01001;A6M2;1} at 397103.53 60749.26
[3:34:36] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 449092.38 17435.523
[3:34:44] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 448563.4 17547.04
[3:34:50] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 448110.94 17626.08
[3:34:56] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 447659.56 17684.236
[3:35:13] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 445580.38 16479.658
[3:35:14] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 445444.2 16476.102
[3:35:28] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 444261.88 16481.652
[3:35:28] ParatrooperLogging 1144180(5) touchdown in X: 392799.28522034985 Y: 62046.195893130774 (ground) drop by
[3:35:28] FW-200C-3U4(5) successfully bailed out at 392799.28 62046.195
[3:35:28] FW-200C-3U4(5) was captured at 392799.28 62046.195
[3:35:30] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 444055.4 16486.332
[3:35:32] ParatrooperLogging 1147720(4) touchdown in X: 392820.7260716506 Y: 62019.05451359183 (ground) drop by
[3:35:32] FW-200C-3U4(4) successfully bailed out at 392820.72 62019.055
[3:35:32] FW-200C-3U4(4) was captured at 392820.72 62019.055
[3:35:42] ParatrooperLogging 1157950(3) touchdown in X: 392848.2736758828 Y: 61929.03224184195 (ground) drop by
[3:35:42] FW-200C-3U4(3) successfully bailed out at 392848.28 61929.03
[3:35:43] ParatrooperLogging 1158460(1) touchdown in X: 392968.5058005892 Y: 61776.65508513833 (ground) drop by
[3:35:43] FW-200C-3U4(1) successfully bailed out at 392968.5 61776.656
[3:35:44] GAE_Gaucho.:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho. at 443885.72 17853.3
[3:35:50] ParatrooperLogging 1165840(6) touchdown in X: 392825.80842046224 Y: 62110.98960817104 (ground) drop by
[3:35:50] FW-200C-3U4(6) successfully bailed out at 392825.8 62110.99
[3:35:50] FW-200C-3U4(6) was captured at 392825.8 62110.99
[3:35:51] GAE_Gaucho.:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho. at 443307.8 17901.285
[3:35:52] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 442157.25 16564.885
[3:35:53] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 442086.56 16566.977
[3:36:04] ParatrooperLogging 1179670(7) touchdown in X: 392894.715313203 Y: 62088.60157930458 (ground) drop by
[3:36:04] FW-200C-3U4(7) successfully bailed out at 392894.72 62088.6
[3:36:07] ParatrooperLogging 1183360(2) touchdown in X: 392882.4045943248 Y: 61861.7814418341 (ground) drop by
[3:36:07] FW-200C-3U4(2) successfully bailed out at 392882.4 61861.78
[3:36:17] ParatrooperLogging 1192690(0) touchdown in X: 393050.36059358186 Y: 61619.865132526786 (ground) drop by
[3:36:17] FW-200C-3U4(0) successfully bailed out at 393050.38 61619.863
[3:36:39] ParatrooperLogging 1215160(2) touchdown in X: 400190.9907178773 Y: 56904.52221731346 (ground) drop by
[3:36:39] FW-200C-3U4(2) successfully bailed out at 400191.0 56904.523
[3:36:39] FW-200C-3U4(2) was captured at 400191.0 56904.523
[3:36:54] ParatrooperLogging 1230070(6) touchdown in X: 399912.02692264644 Y: 56668.80102219985 (ground) drop by
[3:36:54] FW-200C-3U4(6) successfully bailed out at 399912.03 56668.8
[3:36:54] FW-200C-3U4(6) was captured at 399912.03 56668.8
[3:36:55] ParatrooperLogging 1230490(0) touchdown in X: 400223.2807918389 Y: 57195.786510465354 (ground) drop by
[3:36:55] FW-200C-3U4(0) successfully bailed out at 400223.28 57195.785
[3:36:58] ParatrooperLogging 1234300(3) touchdown in X: 400100.5654940796 Y: 56902.83561735358 (ground) drop by
[3:36:58] FW-200C-3U4(3) successfully bailed out at 400100.56 56902.836
[3:36:58] FW-200C-3U4(3) was captured at 400100.56 56902.836
[3:37:16] ParatrooperLogging 1251820(5) touchdown in X: 400012.02144750144 Y: 56729.70002449 (ground) drop by
[3:37:16] FW-200C-3U4(5) successfully bailed out at 400012.03 56729.7
[3:37:16] FW-200C-3U4(5) was captured at 400012.03 56729.7
[3:37:17] ParatrooperLogging 1253350(8) touchdown in X: 399782.3939922824 Y: 56566.089725113736 (ground) drop by
[3:37:17] FW-200C-3U4(8) successfully bailed out at 399782.4 56566.09
[3:37:17] FW-200C-3U4(8) was captured at 399782.4 56566.09
[3:37:24] ParatrooperLogging 1259470(7) touchdown in X: 399831.10927185346 Y: 56596.05845881954 (ground) drop by
[3:37:24] FW-200C-3U4(7) successfully bailed out at 399831.1 56596.06
[3:37:24] ParatrooperLogging 1260220(4) touchdown in X: 400016.07930010615 Y: 56790.85809029068 (ground) drop by
[3:37:24] FW-200C-3U4(4) successfully bailed out at 400016.1 56790.86
[3:37:24] FW-200C-3U4(4) was captured at 400016.1 56790.86
[3:37:29] ParatrooperLogging 1264870(1) touchdown in X: 400126.38426676247 Y: 57105.61055053613 (ground) drop by
[3:37:29] FW-200C-3U4(1) successfully bailed out at 400126.38 57105.61
[3:37:29] FW-200C-3U4(1) was captured at 400126.38 57105.61
[3:38:29] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 430462.38 16866.732
[3:38:36] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 428601.9 16313.896
[3:38:37] GAE_Gaucho.:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho. at 429862.66 16922.672
[3:38:38] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 429750.97 16795.646
[3:38:39] GAE_Gaucho.:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho. at 429715.56 16905.19
[3:38:41] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 428159.4 16295.834
[3:40:13] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 422133.2 17259.57
[3:40:20] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 421524.53 17255.564
[3:40:27] ar0101{ar01012;FW-200C-3U4;2}(6) was killed at 399718.47 60541.54
[3:40:27] FW-200C-3U4(3) was wounded at 399718.47 60541.54
[3:40:27] ar0101{ar01012;FW-200C-3U4;2}(1) was killed at 399718.47 60541.54
[3:40:27] FW-200C-3U4(3) was heavily wounded at 399718.47 60541.54
[3:40:27] ar0101{ar01012;FW-200C-3U4;2}(3) was killed at 399718.47 60541.54
[3:40:27] ar0101{ar01012;FW-200C-3U4;2}(0) was killed at 399718.47 60541.54
[3:40:27] ar0101{ar01012;FW-200C-3U4;2}(4) was killed at 399718.47 60541.54
[3:40:27] ar0101{ar01012;FW-200C-3U4;2}(7) was killed at 399718.47 60541.54
[3:40:27] ar0101{ar01012;FW-200C-3U4;2}(8) was killed at 399718.47 60541.54
[3:40:27] ar0101{ar01012;FW-200C-3U4;2} shot down by cc0100{cc01000;A6M2;1} at 399718.47 60541.54
[3:40:42] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 418067.9 17218.674
[3:40:45] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 417817.78 17233.451
[3:40:56] ParatrooperLogging 1471540(6) touchdown in X: 397417.5851131897 Y: 61340.2765863375 (ground) drop by
[3:40:56] FW-200C-3U4(6) successfully bailed out at 397417.6 61340.277
[3:40:56] FW-200C-3U4(6) was captured at 397417.6 61340.277
[3:41:03] ParatrooperLogging 1479160(3) touchdown in X: 397250.60542843107 Y: 61470.261700400995 (ground) drop by
[3:41:03] FW-200C-3U4(3) successfully bailed out at 397250.6 61470.26
[3:41:03] FW-200C-3U4(3) was captured at 397250.6 61470.26
[3:41:05] ParatrooperLogging 1480510(8) touchdown in X: 397452.4788548365 Y: 61236.055601675296 (ground) drop by
[3:41:05] FW-200C-3U4(8) successfully bailed out at 397452.47 61236.055
[3:41:05] FW-200C-3U4(8) was captured at 397452.47 61236.055
[3:41:05] GAE_Gaucho.:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho. at 417809.5 17710.701
[3:41:06] GAE_Gaucho.:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho. at 417724.0 17717.992
[3:41:09] ParatrooperLogging 1484950(7) touchdown in X: 397482.4991532335 Y: 61623.70756311105 (ground) drop by
[3:41:09] FW-200C-3U4(7) successfully bailed out at 397482.5 61623.707
[3:41:19] GAE_Tehuelche:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Tehuelche at 418286.4 17551.39
[3:41:21] GAE_Tehuelche:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Tehuelche at 418144.22 17563.184
[3:41:27] ParatrooperLogging 1502590(2) touchdown in X: 397117.6535489147 Y: 61653.26317988982 (ground) drop by
[3:41:27] FW-200C-3U4(2) successfully bailed out at 397117.66 61653.26
[3:41:27] FW-200C-3U4(2) was captured at 397117.66 61653.26
[3:41:27] ParatrooperLogging 1503370(5) touchdown in X: 397333.5050701833 Y: 61647.19829054985 (ground) drop by
[3:41:27] FW-200C-3U4(5) successfully bailed out at 397333.5 61647.2
[3:41:27] FW-200C-3U4(5) was captured at 397333.5 61647.2
[3:41:32] ParatrooperLogging 1507540(0) touchdown in X: 396903.96183817496 Y: 61827.22645516954 (ground) drop by
[3:41:32] FW-200C-3U4(0) successfully bailed out at 396903.97 61827.227
[3:41:42] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 414442.38 17513.06
[3:41:45] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 414119.72 17476.584
[3:41:46] ParatrooperLogging 1521430(1) touchdown in X: 397007.62364981143 Y: 61789.55285792673 (ground) drop by
[3:41:46] FW-200C-3U4(1) successfully bailed out at 397007.62 61789.555
[3:42:03] ParatrooperLogging 1538440(4) touchdown in X: 397266.4370291326 Y: 61655.37932498448 (ground) drop by
[3:42:03] FW-200C-3U4(4) successfully bailed out at 397266.44 61655.38
[3:42:03] FW-200C-3U4(4) was captured at 397266.44 61655.38
[3:42:29] GAE_Gaucho.:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho. at 410394.7 17197.225
[3:42:29] GAE_Gaucho.:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho. at 410342.94 17194.135
[3:42:31] GAE_Gaucho.:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho. at 410231.62 17188.775
[3:42:34] GAE_Gaucho.:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho. at 409935.16 17182.78
[3:42:34] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 408453.16 17023.242
[3:42:40] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 407947.47 16992.092
[3:42:42] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 407799.1 16974.99
[3:42:44] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 409040.25 17220.256
[3:42:47] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 407357.25 16901.986
[3:43:00] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 407792.38 17068.248
[3:43:44] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 403079.28 17841.633
[3:43:46] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 402996.22 17919.79
[3:43:54] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 402496.03 18339.271
[3:44:00] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 402083.84 18674.275
[3:44:01] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 402038.53 18711.783
[3:44:10] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 401497.16 19187.492
[3:44:15] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 402163.2 19159.068
[3:44:20] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 401847.56 19413.312
[3:44:35] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 399957.72 20551.537
[3:44:36] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 399881.2 20611.502
[3:44:56] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 398568.94 21562.46
[3:44:56] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 398518.22 21598.27
[3:45:58] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 395469.44 24474.791
[3:46:08] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 394738.34 24957.537
[3:46:15] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 393286.03 25535.713
[3:46:17] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 393120.97 25652.416
[3:46:18] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 393069.84 25688.459
[3:46:20] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 392919.97 25793.863
[3:46:21] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 392849.9 25843.066
[3:46:45] cc0100{cc01002;A6M2;1} damaged by GAE_Mano{GAE_Mano_0;GAE_Mano:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 386504.84 48239.133
[3:46:45] GAE_Mano{GAE_Mano_0;GAE_Mano:F4U5_Corsario;2} damaged by cc0100{cc01002;A6M2;1} at 386510.8 48236.76
[3:46:49] A6M2(0) bailed out at 386547.5 47888.52
[3:47:04] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 390016.4 28108.64
[3:47:05] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 390891.4 27866.408
[3:47:06] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 390791.8 27954.04
[3:47:07] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 389840.72 28299.143
[3:47:08] GAE_Mano:F4U5_Corsario(0) bailed out at 386531.94 47043.168
[3:47:10] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 389691.1 28465.668
[3:47:18] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 389266.97 28935.434
[3:47:20] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 389141.88 29068.123
[3:47:25] cc0100{cc01002;A6M2;1} shot down by GAE_Mano{GAE_Mano_0;GAE_Mano:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 386247.8 45417.277


[3:47:33] GAE_Mano{GAE_Mano_0;GAE_Mano:F4U5_Corsario;2} shot down by landscape at 386638.8 46640.223
[3:47:51] GAE_Gaucho.:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho. at 388201.56 30588.805
[3:47:55] GAE_Gaucho.:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho. at 387946.7 30824.871
[3:48:06] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 386300.78 31691.2
[3:48:19] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 385443.34 32434.984
[3:48:37] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 385135.7 33124.574
[3:48:43] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 384779.7 33397.484
[3:49:01] cc0103{cc01033;A6M2;1} damaged on the ground at 382626.9 49175.043
[3:49:01] cc0103{cc01033;A6M2;1} damaged by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 382626.9 49175.043
[3:49:06] A6M2(0) bailed out at 383137.8 48963.96
[3:49:19] cc0103{cc01030;A6M2;1} damaged on the ground at 383234.2 51786.492
[3:49:19] cc0103{cc01030;A6M2;1} damaged by GAE_Balker{GAE_Balker_0;GAE_Balker:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 383234.2 51786.492
[3:49:19] cc0103{cc01030;A6M2;1}(0) was killed at 383234.2 51786.492
[3:49:19] cc0103{cc01030;A6M2;1} shot down by GAE_Balker{GAE_Balker_0;GAE_Balker:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 383234.2 51786.492
[3:49:20] GAE_Balker{GAE_Balker_0;GAE_Balker:F4U5_Corsario;2}(0) was killed at 383237.44 51786.28
[3:49:20] GAE_Balker{GAE_Balker_0;GAE_Balker:F4U5_Corsario;2} shot down by cc0103{cc01030;A6M2;1} at 383237.44 51786.28
[3:49:40] cc0103{cc01033;A6M2;1} shot down by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 385335.44 47113.414
[3:49:55] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 378381.16 35384.51
[3:49:55] cc0100{cc01000;A6M2;1} damaged by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 377133.16 50695.117
[3:49:55] A6M2(0) was heavily wounded at 377118.94 50703.38
[3:49:59] GAE_Balker entered refly menu
[3:50:00] A6M2(0) bailed out at 376620.2 50993.87
[3:50:03] GAE_Mano entered refly menu
[3:50:03] GAE_Gaucho.:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho. at 378581.84 35618.004
[3:50:05] GAE_Gaucho.:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho. at 378463.8 35623.68
[3:50:05] GAE_Mano:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Mano at 430583.44 1878.4934
[3:50:05] GAE_Mano:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons 'default' fuel 80%
[3:50:12] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 376909.12 35280.78
[3:50:17] cc0100{cc01000;A6M2;1} shot down by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 374813.44 52067.23
[3:50:51] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 374281.06 35360.613
[3:51:02] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 373249.0 35274.305
[3:51:25] GAE_Mano:F4U5_Corsario removed at 429268.6 1881.741
[3:51:25] GAE_Mano entered refly menu
[3:51:26] GAE_Mano:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Mano at 429415.44 1878.613
[3:51:26] GAE_Mano:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons 'default' fuel 80%
[3:51:54] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 368726.06 34960.32
[3:52:02] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 368055.06 34904.977
[3:52:18] cc0103{cc01031;A6M2;1} damaged on the ground at 382744.28 54623.824
[3:52:18] cc0103{cc01031;A6M2;1} damaged by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 382744.28 54623.824
[3:52:23] A6M2(0) bailed out at 382461.03 54884.81
[3:52:23] A6M2(0) was killed in his chute by A6M2 at 382397.06 54934.87
[3:52:24] cc0103{cc01031;A6M2;1} shot down by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 382394.56 54936.19
[3:52:35] GAE_Balker:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 428421.9 1888.7163
[3:52:35] GAE_Balker:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons 'default' fuel 80%
[3:52:38] GAE_Mano:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 428115.3 1872.0555
[3:53:00] cc0103{cc01032;A6M2;1} damaged on the ground at 379460.94 55523.516
[3:53:00] cc0103{cc01032;A6M2;1} damaged by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 379460.94 55523.516
[3:53:05] A6M2(0) bailed out at 379536.38 56049.21
[3:53:06] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 364627.66 31648.975
[3:53:07] A6M2(0) has chute destroyed by A6M2 at 379614.0 56288.016
[3:53:07] cc0103{cc01032;A6M2;1} shot down by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 379605.2 56312.008
[3:53:08] A6M2(0) was killed at 379624.0 56316.293
[3:53:15] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 364893.2 30961.77
[3:53:39] GAE_Gaucho.:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho. at 365215.1 30039.7
[3:53:42] GAE_Balker:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 427237.72 1875.863
[3:53:46] GAE_Gaucho.:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho. at 365709.97 29699.326
[3:53:46] GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2}(0) was killed at 377134.47 59528.05
[3:53:46] GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2} shot down by 194_Static at 377134.47 59528.05

[3:54:15] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 369046.6 29842.604
[3:54:17] ParatrooperLogging 2273260(0) touchdown in X: 375025.0396546565 Y: 52229.056798631755 (water) drop by
[3:54:17] A6M2(0) successfully bailed out at 375025.03 52229.06
[3:54:17] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 369190.34 29973.97
[3:54:26] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 369612.56 30569.564
[3:54:28] GAE_Mano:F4U5_Corsario(0) successfully bailed out at 387014.84 46071.387
[3:54:28] ParatrooperLogging 2283820(0) touchdown in X: 387015.1248189651 Y: 46071.304308691484 (water) drop by
[3:54:32] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 369773.44 30973.861
[3:54:35] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[3:54:38] GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 426623.22 1883.9045
[3:54:38] GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons 'default' fuel 80%
[3:54:50] ParatrooperLogging 2305990(0) touchdown in X: 387474.55228569027 Y: 45620.884157692846 (water) drop by
[3:54:50] A6M2(0) successfully bailed out at 387474.56 45620.883
[3:54:50] A6M2(0) was captured at 387474.56 45620.883
[3:55:11] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 370155.4 33250.54
[3:55:16] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 370224.44 34531.133
[3:55:18] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 370223.2 33872.086
[3:55:21] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 370290.56 34915.83
[3:55:21] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 370299.66 34969.68
[3:55:32] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 370433.34 35793.57
[3:55:47] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 370730.56 36426.4
[3:55:56] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 370820.03 37175.527
[3:56:09] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 370792.94 38821.027
[3:56:11] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 370803.97 38965.938
[3:56:18] GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 424721.44 1878.9001
[3:56:54] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 370732.94 42559.895
[3:56:56] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 370737.1 42675.05
[3:56:57] ParatrooperLogging 2432530(0) touchdown in X: 385233.7522004539 Y: 47462.71980687468 (water) drop by
[3:56:57] A6M2(0) successfully bailed out at 385233.75 47462.72
[3:56:57] A6M2(0) was captured at 385233.75 47462.72
[3:57:16] cc0100{cc01003;A6M2;1} landed at 420256.8 43441.293
[3:57:16] cc0100{cc01003;A6M2;1} damaged on the ground at 420256.8 43441.293
[3:57:20] A6M2(0) bailed out at 420256.8 43441.293
[3:57:21] GAE_Gaucho.:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho. at 371027.88 43963.055
[3:57:22] GAE_Gaucho.:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho. at 371033.97 44036.406
[3:57:26] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 371037.06 44788.793
[3:57:27] ParatrooperLogging 2462920(0) touchdown in X: 420240.32311905327 Y: 43478.811776906434 (ground) drop by cc01003
[3:57:27] A6M2(0) successfully bailed out at 420240.3 43478.812
[3:57:28] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 371040.5 44957.816
[3:57:29] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 370924.88 45447.953
[3:57:35] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 370962.1 45942.406
[3:58:00] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 371204.44 48037.145
[3:58:01] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 371212.56 48114.44
[3:58:16] A6M2 crashed at 420256.8 43441.293
[3:58:29] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 371390.12 50511.543
[3:58:30] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 371397.44 50634.582
[3:58:34] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 371417.16 50970.28
[3:58:37] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 371430.38 51209.094
[3:58:39] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 371441.97 51438.047
[3:58:47] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 371474.72 52095.492
[4:00:54] GAE_Tehuelche:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Tehuelche at 374662.9 60307.26
[4:00:59] GAE_Tehuelche:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Tehuelche at 374624.0 59989.36
[4:01:03] 218_Static destroyed by GAE_Gaucho.{GAE_Gaucho._0;GAE_Gaucho.:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 375121.75 59503.65
[4:01:04] 221_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 375416.47 59318.29
[4:01:04] 222_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 375407.2 59332.51
[4:01:06] 216_Static destroyed by GAE_Gaucho.{GAE_Gaucho._0;GAE_Gaucho.:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 375207.62 59465.38
[4:01:14] 226_Static destroyed by GAE_Cuervo{GAE_Cuervo_0;GAE_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 375345.8 60703.88
[4:01:14] 227_Static destroyed by GAE_Cuervo{GAE_Cuervo_0;GAE_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 375256.62 60690.52
[4:01:14] 223_Static destroyed by GAE_Cuervo{GAE_Cuervo_0;GAE_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 375309.7 60743.19
[4:01:14] 224_Static destroyed by GAE_Cuervo{GAE_Cuervo_0;GAE_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 375285.84 60738.03
[4:01:14] 225_Static destroyed by GAE_Cuervo{GAE_Cuervo_0;GAE_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 375300.53 60753.08
[4:01:15] GAE_Tehuelche:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Tehuelche at 374077.38 59252.992
[4:01:16] GAE_Tehuelche:SNJ5_Texan(0) was wounded at 374036.47 59265.082
[4:01:17] GAE_Tehuelche:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Tehuelche at 373956.53 59297.855
[4:01:57] 220_Static destroyed by GAE_Tehuelche{GAE_Tehuelche_0;GAE_Tehuelche:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 375394.06 59322.12
[4:02:05] GAE_Tehuelche:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Tehuelche at 375891.06 58878.19
[4:02:08] GAE_Tehuelche:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Tehuelche at 376144.4 58816.99
[4:02:24] 203_Static destroyed by GAE_Tehuelche{GAE_Tehuelche_0;GAE_Tehuelche:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 376749.5 59921.4
[4:02:28] GAE_Tehuelche:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Tehuelche at 376654.22 60004.56
[4:02:29] GAE_Tehuelche:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Tehuelche at 376627.34 60071.61
[4:02:30] GAE_Tehuelche:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Tehuelche at 376593.1 60162.453
[4:02:30] 197_Static destroyed by GAE_Castor{GAE_Castor_0;GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 376951.16 60112.12
[4:02:31] GAE_Tehuelche:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Tehuelche at 376565.44 60245.03
[4:02:35] GAE_Tehuelche:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Tehuelche at 376493.38 60634.26
[4:02:39] GAE_Tehuelche:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Tehuelche at 376484.12 60927.668
[4:03:22] GAE_Tehuelche:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Tehuelche at 376607.9 64114.32
[4:03:22] GAE_Tehuelche:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Tehuelche at 376592.44 64170.16
[4:03:28] 214_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 375257.12 59689.14
[4:03:31] GAE_Tehuelche:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Tehuelche at 376424.16 64744.31
[4:03:33] GAE_Tehuelche:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Tehuelche at 376372.47 64877.734
[4:03:49] GAE_Tehuelche:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Tehuelche at 375917.28 65953.164
[4:03:53] GAE_Tehuelche:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Tehuelche at 375796.03 66216.266
[4:03:55] GAE_Tehuelche:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Tehuelche at 375731.72 66357.94
[4:03:59] GAE_Tehuelche:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Tehuelche at 375609.2 66635.08
[4:04:08] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 376494.4 64498.258
[4:04:14] GAE_Tehuelche:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Tehuelche at 375128.03 67660.234
[4:04:14] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 376361.8 64870.555
[4:04:16] GAE_Tehuelche:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Tehuelche at 375052.94 67806.27
[4:05:26] cc0102{cc01023;U-2VS;1} damaged by landscape at 379954.44 49660.18
[4:05:28] GAE_Cuervo{GAE_Cuervo_0;GAE_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan;2} damaged by 193_Static at 377216.28 60298.19
[4:05:31] U-2VS(0) bailed out at 379959.88 49647.74
[4:05:31] GAE_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan(1) was wounded at 377075.84 60145.34
[4:05:31] GAE_Cuervo{GAE_Cuervo_0;GAE_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan;2}(0) was killed at 377075.84 60145.34
[4:05:31] GAE_Cuervo{GAE_Cuervo_0;GAE_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan;2}(1) was killed at 377075.84 60145.34
[4:05:31] GAE_Cuervo{GAE_Cuervo_0;GAE_Cuervo:SNJ5_Texan;2} shot down by 194_Static at 377075.84 60145.34
[4:05:32] ParatrooperLogging 2947810(0) touchdown in X: 379965.98766398884 Y: 49651.88866994846 (water) drop by cc01023
[4:05:32] U-2VS(0) successfully bailed out at 379966.0 49651.887
[4:05:32] U-2VS(0) was captured at 379966.0 49651.887
[4:05:32] U-2VS(1) bailed out at 379959.9 49647.734
[4:05:33] ParatrooperLogging 2949130(1) touchdown in X: 379955.4854559572 Y: 49654.39493998428 (water) drop by cc01023
[4:05:33] U-2VS(1) successfully bailed out at 379955.5 49654.395
[4:05:33] U-2VS(1) was captured at 379955.5 49654.395
[4:06:28] cc0102{cc01023;U-2VS;1} shot down by landscape at 379959.8 49647.867
[4:06:28] GAE_Cuervo has disconnected
[4:06:36] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 369781.62 71564.65
[4:06:38] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 369718.47 71670.11
[4:06:39] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 369699.25 71706.305
[4:06:42] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 369600.4 71942.516
[4:06:44] GAE_Tehuelche:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Tehuelche at 367399.84 77212.54
[4:06:55] GAE_Tehuelche:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Tehuelche at 366842.38 78025.32
[4:07:03] GAE_Tehuelche:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Tehuelche at 366512.1 78634.34
[4:07:22] GAE_Tehuelche:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Tehuelche at 365857.2 80244.87
[4:07:51] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 375705.7 62484.758
[4:07:54] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 375630.25 62742.36
[4:10:02] GAE_Castor{GAE_Castor_0;GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan;2} landed at 367153.16 82082.07
[4:12:10] GAE_Tehuelche:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Tehuelche at 366987.6 82278.4
[4:12:10] GAE_Tehuelche{GAE_Tehuelche_0;GAE_Tehuelche:SNJ5_Texan;2} landed at 366987.62 82278.4
[4:12:10] GAE_Tehuelche{GAE_Tehuelche_0;GAE_Tehuelche:SNJ5_Texan;2} damaged on the ground at 366987.62 82278.4
[4:12:11] GAE_Tehuelche:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Tehuelche at 366987.62 82278.4
[4:12:15] GAE_Tehuelche:SNJ5_Texan(0) bailed out at 366987.62 82278.4
[4:12:17] GAE_Tehuelche:SNJ5_Texan(1) bailed out at 366987.62 82278.4
[4:12:18] GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan;2} damaged by landscape at 367068.16 77547.055
[4:12:18] GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan;2}(0) was killed at 367068.16 77547.055
[4:12:18] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan(1) was wounded at 367068.16 77547.055
[4:12:18] GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan;2}(1) was killed at 367068.16 77547.055
[4:12:18] GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan;2} shot down by 194_Static at 367068.16 77547.055
[4:12:23] GAE_Tehuelche:SNJ5_Texan removed at 366987.62 82278.4
[4:12:23] GAE_Tehuelche entered refly menu
[4:12:23] GAE_Tehuelche:SNJ5_Texan(1) successfully bailed out at 366985.38 82241.1
[4:12:23] ParatrooperLogging 3358630(1) touchdown in X: 366985.3870669177 Y: 82241.09980324916 (ground) drop by
[4:12:23] ParatrooperLogging 3358750(0) touchdown in X: 366945.7998472087 Y: 82261.02358495949 (ground) drop by
[4:12:23] GAE_Tehuelche:SNJ5_Texan(0) successfully bailed out at 366945.78 82261.02
[4:12:33] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[4:13:37] GAE_Tehuelche has disconnected
[4:13:59] 230_Static destroyed by 1_Chief0 at 375461.62 60787.98
[4:14:02] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 406468.3 5373.208
[4:14:02] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan loaded weapons '06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 70%
[4:14:41] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan in flight at 405449.25 5404.562
[4:15:23] GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan in flight at 367716.1 81478.87
[4:17:36] GAE_Gaucho.:SNJ5_Texan(1) was wounded at 375610.25 60303.332
[4:17:43] GAE_Gaucho.:SNJ5_Texan(0) was wounded at 375912.97 60274.742
[4:17:43] GAE_Gaucho.:SNJ5_Texan(1) was heavily wounded at 375917.38 60274.21
[4:18:02] GAE_Gaucho.:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho. at 376349.78 61203.863
[4:18:03] GAE_Gaucho.:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho. at 376343.25 61250.03
[4:18:04] GAE_Gaucho.:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho. at 376333.7 61310.312
[4:18:05] GAE_Gaucho.:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho. at 376313.3 61419.24
[4:18:10] GAE_Gaucho.:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho. at 376230.7 61767.46
[4:18:11] GAE_Gaucho.:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho. at 376193.5 61908.613
[4:18:12] GAE_Gaucho.:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho. at 376181.78 61952.348
[4:18:16] GAE_Gaucho.:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Gaucho. at 376116.06 62185.234
[4:18:52] 215_Static destroyed by 1_Chief0 at 375308.25 59741.52
[4:19:28] 2_Chief0 destroyed by 1_Chief0 at 375100.0 61036.324
[4:20:21] 202_Static destroyed by 12_Chief0 at 376667.1 60007.47
[4:20:35] 2_Chief2 destroyed by 1_Chief0 at 375101.88 61000.746
[4:20:37] 2_Chief3 destroyed by 1_Chief0 at 375106.25 61001.742
[4:20:59] 228_Static destroyed by 2_Chief1 at 375287.03 60721.32
[4:21:01] cc0100{cc01001;A6M2;1} damaged by GAE_Balker{GAE_Balker_0;GAE_Balker:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 389026.78 70441.69
[4:21:05] A6M2(0) bailed out at 389360.97 70430.24
[4:21:43] 229_Static destroyed by 2_Chief1 at 375270.06 60636.8
[4:21:49] 201_Static destroyed by 12_Chief2 at 376505.22 60071.2
[4:22:05] GAE_Castor{GAE_Castor_0;GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan;2}(0) was killed at 377410.44 60085.29
[4:22:05] GAE_Castor{GAE_Castor_0;GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan;2}(1) was killed at 377410.44 60085.29
[4:22:05] GAE_Castor{GAE_Castor_0;GAE_Castor:SNJ5_Texan;2} shot down by 193_Static at 377410.44 60085.29


[4:22:31] 217_Static destroyed by 1_Chief0 at 375294.56 59538.1
[4:22:51] cc0100{cc01001;A6M2;1} shot down by GAE_Balker{GAE_Balker_0;GAE_Balker:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 389749.5 70524.6
[4:24:01] GAE_Mano{GAE_Mano_0;GAE_Mano:F4U5_Corsario;2}(0) was killed at 380992.34 13730.397
[4:24:01] GAE_Mano{GAE_Mano_0;GAE_Mano:F4U5_Corsario;2} shot down by landscape at 380992.34 13730.397
[4:24:14] GAE_Mano has disconnected
[4:24:32] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 379593.12 51267.105
[4:24:34] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 379551.1 51421.242
[4:24:37] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 379503.12 51663.535
[4:24:39] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 379455.16 51847.746
[4:24:43] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 379287.44 52188.254
[4:24:46] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 379123.8 52356.082
[4:24:49] 236_Static destroyed by 1_Chief0 at 376677.56 59950.77
[4:24:59] 219_Static destroyed by 1_Chief0 at 375219.62 59315.56
[4:25:03] FW-200C-3U4 removed at 367415.78 81662.64
[4:25:18] 194_Static destroyed by 12_Chief2 at 377064.2 60154.53
[4:25:27] GAE_Gaucho.{GAE_Gaucho._0;GAE_Gaucho.:SNJ5_Texan;2} landed at 367437.22 81966.4
[4:25:40] 200_Static destroyed by 1_Chief0 at 376503.1 60281.7
[4:25:52] ar0100{ar01001;FW-200C-3U4;2} damaged on the ground at 366365.9 82879.69
[4:26:05] Ki-21-II(0) was wounded at 379179.2 20142.809
[4:26:05] cc0110{cc01102;Ki-21-II;1} damaged by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 379179.2 20142.809
[4:26:06] Ki-21-II(1) was wounded at 379208.8 20142.77
[4:26:06] Ki-21-II(5) was wounded at 379208.8 20142.77
[4:26:06] cc0110{cc01102;Ki-21-II;1}(5) was killed by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 379208.8 20142.77
[4:26:06] cc0110{cc01102;Ki-21-II;1}(2) was killed by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 379208.8 20142.77
[4:26:10] Ki-21-II(0) bailed out at 379515.7 20153.38
[4:26:11] Ki-21-II(0) was killed in his chute by Ki-21-II at 379586.66 20159.455
[4:26:11] Ki-21-II(1) was heavily wounded at 379587.7 20159.766
[4:26:11] cc0110{cc01102;Ki-21-II;1}(1) was killed at 379587.7 20159.766
[4:26:11] Ki-21-II(3) was wounded at 379587.7 20159.766
[4:26:11] cc0110{cc01102;Ki-21-II;1}(3) was killed at 379587.7 20159.766
[4:26:11] cc0110{cc01102;Ki-21-II;1}(4) was killed at 379587.7 20159.766
[4:26:11] cc0110{cc01102;Ki-21-II;1} shot down by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 379587.7 20159.766
[4:26:22] 231_Static destroyed by 13_Chief3 at 377050.06 60082.56
[4:26:24] 234_Static destroyed by 1_Chief0 at 376768.03 60003.51
[4:26:36] 193_Static destroyed by 13_Chief2 at 377090.66 60153.8
[4:27:02] 196_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 376877.12 60171.6
[4:27:02] 198_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 376843.47 60118.71
[4:27:23] Ki-21-II(0) was wounded at 382896.62 19620.021
[4:27:25] Ki-21-II(4) was wounded at 383086.72 19635.664
[4:27:25] cc0110{cc01103;Ki-21-II;1}(0) was killed by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 383086.72 19635.664
[4:27:26] Ki-21-II(1) was heavily wounded at 387071.7 20274.44
[4:27:26] Ki-21-II(4) was heavily wounded at 387076.72 20274.414
[4:27:26] Ki-21-II(5) was heavily wounded at 387081.72 20274.389
[4:27:27] cc0110{cc01100;Ki-21-II;1}(4) was killed by GAE_Balker{GAE_Balker_0;GAE_Balker:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 387134.4 20274.125
[4:27:32] Ki-21-II(1) bailed out at 383629.4 19705.666
[4:27:33] Ki-21-II(2) bailed out at 383729.75 19734.756
[4:27:34] Ki-21-II(3) bailed out at 383827.34 19771.932
[4:27:34] Ki-21-II(1) was killed at 383823.06 19758.451
[4:27:35] Ki-21-II(2) was killed at 383877.53 19787.098
[4:27:35] cc0110{cc01103;Ki-21-II;1} damaged by landscape at 383894.12 19803.049
[4:27:35] Ki-21-II(3) was killed at 383909.25 19807.113
[4:27:35] cc0110{cc01103;Ki-21-II;1}(5) was killed at 383915.16 19813.8
[4:27:35] cc0110{cc01103;Ki-21-II;1}(4) was killed at 383915.16 19813.8
[4:27:35] cc0110{cc01103;Ki-21-II;1} shot down by GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 383915.16 19813.8
[4:27:39] 233_Static destroyed by 1_Chief0 at 376891.44 60047.83
[4:27:50] cc0110{cc01101;Ki-21-II;1} damaged by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 388384.34 20214.717
[4:27:54] cc0110{cc01101;Ki-21-II;1}(0) was killed at 388697.75 20217.395
[4:27:54] cc0110{cc01101;Ki-21-II;1}(3) was killed at 388697.75 20217.395
[4:27:54] cc0110{cc01101;Ki-21-II;1}(5) was killed at 388700.0 20217.447
[4:27:54] Ki-21-II(4) was wounded at 388700.0 20217.447
[4:27:54] cc0110{cc01101;Ki-21-II;1}(1) was killed at 388700.0 20217.447
[4:27:54] cc0110{cc01101;Ki-21-II;1}(2) was killed at 388700.0 20217.447
[4:27:54] cc0110{cc01101;Ki-21-II;1}(4) was killed at 388700.0 20217.447
[4:27:54] cc0110{cc01101;Ki-21-II;1} shot down by GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 388700.0 20217.447
[4:28:11] 232_Static destroyed by 1_Chief0 at 376896.22 60067.61
[4:28:13] 213_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 378937.16 59888.15
[4:28:14] cc0110{cc01100;Ki-21-II;1} damaged by GAE_Balker{GAE_Balker_0;GAE_Balker:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 391060.6 20365.996
[4:28:14] cc0110{cc01100;Ki-21-II;1}(5) was killed by GAE_Balker{GAE_Balker_0;GAE_Balker:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 391087.8 20369.898
[4:28:15] 235_Static destroyed by 4_Chief0 at 376735.4 59917.43
[4:28:18] cc0110{cc01100;Ki-21-II;1}(0) was killed at 391354.56 20415.19
[4:28:21] cc0110{cc01100;Ki-21-II;1}(1) was killed at 391554.0 20453.049
[4:28:21] cc0110{cc01100;Ki-21-II;1}(2) was killed at 391554.0 20453.049
[4:28:21] cc0110{cc01100;Ki-21-II;1}(3) was killed at 391554.0 20453.049
[4:28:21] cc0110{cc01100;Ki-21-II;1} shot down by GAE_Balker{GAE_Balker_0;GAE_Balker:F4U5_Corsario;2} at 391554.0 20453.049
[4:29:04] ParatrooperLogging 4360150(0) touchdown in X: 391270.2690460507 Y: 71165.3380546358 (ground) drop by
[4:29:04] A6M2(0) successfully bailed out at 391270.28 71165.336
[4:29:21] GAE_Gaucho.:SNJ5_Texan removed at 367437.84 81966.73
[4:29:25] GAE_Gaucho. has disconnected
[4:30:07] 211_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan;2} at 379009.66 59935.4
[4:30:28] 209_Static destroyed by 12_Chief1 at 379034.53 59932.15
[4:31:32] cc0102{cc01022;U-2VS;1}(0) was killed at 369972.38 53272.4
[4:31:32] cc0102{cc01022;U-2VS;1}(1) was killed at 369972.38 53272.4
[4:31:32] cc0102{cc01022;U-2VS;1} shot down by landscape at 369972.38 53272.4
[4:32:44] 208_Static destroyed by 12_Chief3 at 379039.22 59936.12
[4:32:46] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan(1) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 376893.5 72525.945
[4:32:48] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 376795.28 72645.98
[4:33:18] 212_Static destroyed by 2_Chief1 at 379068.1 59848.11
[4:35:48] GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} landed at 394471.7 1881.4414
[4:36:09] GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario removed at 394220.28 1881.4408
[4:36:09] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[4:36:21] GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan;2} landed at 367296.34 82081.516
[4:37:05] GAE_Balker{GAE_Balker_0;GAE_Balker:F4U5_Corsario;2} landed at 393529.22 1884.9464
[4:37:14] cc0102{cc01020;U-2VS;1} damaged by 1_Chief0 at 376265.1 60201.414
[4:37:19] U-2VS(0) bailed out at 376430.03 60188.598
[4:37:20] U-2VS(1) bailed out at 376477.44 60186.734
[4:37:21] U-2VS(0) has chute destroyed by _para_44 at 376517.84 60184.164
[4:37:23] cc0102{cc01020;U-2VS;1} shot down by 1_Chief0 at 376564.38 60179.965
[4:37:23] GAE_Charrua:SNJ5_Texan removed at 367296.72 82081.75
[4:37:23] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[4:37:23] U-2VS(0) was killed at 376583.94 60180.695
[4:37:28] cc0102{cc01021;U-2VS;1} damaged by 1_Chief0 at 376697.28 60122.75
[4:37:32] U-2VS(0) bailed out at 376850.8 60110.746
[4:37:33] U-2VS(1) bailed out at 376897.6 60109.0
[4:37:34] U-2VS(0) has chute destroyed by _para_46 at 376937.53 60107.17
[4:37:36] U-2VS(0) was killed in his chute by U-2VS at 376992.66 60104.598
[4:37:36] cc0102{cc01021;U-2VS;1} shot down by 1_Chief0 at 376990.53 60104.938
[4:37:37] U-2VS(1) was killed at 377030.7 60104.895
[4:37:44] ParatrooperLogging 4879780(1) touchdown in X: 376705.65123091085 Y: 60146.01869511491 (ground) drop by
[4:37:44] U-2VS(1) successfully bailed out at 376705.66 60146.02
[4:37:44] U-2VS(1) was captured at 376705.66 60146.02
[4:40:08] GAE_Charrua:HRS3(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 367030.72 82043.61
[4:40:08] GAE_Charrua:HRS3 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 50%
[4:40:29] GAE_Chape:HRS3 removed at 367203.97 82244.86
[4:40:29] GAE_Chape entered refly menu
[4:40:37] GAE_Chape:HRS3(0) seat occupied by GAE_Chape at 367203.97 82244.84
[4:40:37] GAE_Chape:HRS3 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 50%
[4:41:07] GAE_Balker:F4U5_Corsario removed at 390736.44 1885.2622
[4:41:10] GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 390771.72 1887.5759
[4:41:10] GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons 'default' fuel 80%
[4:41:25] GAE_Balker entered refly menu
[4:42:00] GAE_Chape:HRS3 in flight at 367212.16 82233.0
[4:42:02] GAE_Charrua:HRS3 in flight at 367026.53 82043.11
[4:42:15] GAE_Balker:F4U5_Corsario(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 390068.1 1892.644
[4:42:15] GAE_Balker:F4U5_Corsario loaded weapons 'default' fuel 80%
[4:42:34] GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 389464.03 1847.1871
[4:43:22] 14_Static damaged by 2_Chief1 at 380935.44 57343.83
[4:43:26] GAE_Balker:F4U5_Corsario in flight at 389040.53 1879.2625
[4:43:43] 17_Static damaged by 2_Chief1 at 381143.0 57334.22
[4:45:18] GAE_Castor entered refly menu
[4:45:36] 34_Static destroyed by 2_Chief1 at 381255.8 56936.07
[4:45:39] 17_Static damaged by 13_Chief0 at 381143.0 57334.22
[4:45:39] GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2} landed at 387659.97 1889.0161
[4:45:39] GAE_Ceteu{GAE_Ceteu_0;GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario;2} damaged on the ground at 387659.97 1889.0161
[4:45:41] 14_Static damaged by 13_Chief1 at 380935.44 57343.83
[4:45:46] 36_Static destroyed by 2_Chief1 at 381267.06 56924.93
[4:46:07] GAE_Castor:HRS3(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 367140.6 82306.63
[4:46:07] GAE_Castor:HRS3 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 70%
[4:46:08] 14_Static destroyed by 12_Chief1 at 380935.44 57343.83
[4:46:08] 14_Static damaged by 12_Chief1 at 380935.44 57343.83
[4:46:09] GAE_Ceteu:F4U5_Corsario removed at 387332.84 1888.8337
[4:46:09] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[4:46:22] 17_Static destroyed by 12_Chief3 at 381143.0 57334.22
[4:46:22] 17_Static damaged by 12_Chief3 at 381143.0 57334.22
[4:46:26] GAE_Castor:HRS3 removed at 367140.6 82306.66
[4:46:26] GAE_Castor entered refly menu
[4:46:34] GAE_Castor:HRS3(0) seat occupied by GAE_Castor at 367140.6 82306.63
[4:46:34] GAE_Castor:HRS3 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 50%
[4:46:57] GAE_Ceteu has disconnected
[4:47:03] GAE_Castor:HRS3 in flight at 367138.75 82298.805
[4:47:20] 21_Static damaged by 13_Chief0 at 381125.12 57108.07
[4:47:47] 21_Static damaged by 13_Chief2 at 381125.12 57108.07
[4:47:51] 21_Static damaged by 12_Chief1 at 381125.12 57108.07
[4:48:10] 21_Static damaged by 12_Chief0 at 381125.12 57108.07
[4:48:17] 21_Static damaged by 13_Chief2 at 381125.12 57108.07
[4:48:21] 237_Static destroyed by 2_Chief1 at 381767.03 56256.25
[4:48:45] GAE_Balker{GAE_Balker_0;GAE_Balker:F4U5_Corsario;2} landed at 385598.22 1889.0005
[4:48:45] GAE_Balker{GAE_Balker_0;GAE_Balker:F4U5_Corsario;2} damaged on the ground at 385598.22 1889.0005
[4:49:01] GAE_Balker:F4U5_Corsario removed at 385427.5 1888.6902
[4:49:01] 245_Static destroyed by 2_Chief1 at 381858.66 56324.72
[4:49:05] GAE_Balker has disconnected
[4:49:14] 21_Static damaged by 13_Chief1 at 381125.12 57108.07
[4:50:09] 21_Static damaged by 13_Chief3 at 381125.12 57108.07
[4:50:21] 21_Static damaged by 12_Chief3 at 381125.12 57108.07
[4:50:23] 24_Static destroyed by 13_Chief0 at 381230.78 56974.08
[4:50:41] 26_Static destroyed by 12_Chief0 at 381244.72 56947.06
[4:50:45] GAE_Pepper{GAE_Pepper_0;GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario;2} landed at 384345.28 1880.743
[4:50:48] 25_Static destroyed by 13_Chief2 at 381228.06 56976.02
[4:50:57] 35_Static destroyed by 12_Chief2 at 381225.03 56958.14
[4:51:06] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[4:51:06] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[4:51:16] 21_Static damaged by 12_Chief0 at 381125.12 57108.07
[4:51:17] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[4:51:18] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[4:51:18] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[4:51:37] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[4:51:38] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[4:51:38] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[4:51:38] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[4:51:46] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[4:51:46] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[4:51:46] 15_Static damaged by 12_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[4:51:50] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[4:51:50] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[4:51:58] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[4:52:00] GAE_Pepper:F4U5_Corsario removed at 383546.6 1880.7529
[4:52:00] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[4:52:00] 21_Static damaged by 13_Chief2 at 381125.12 57108.07
[4:52:06] GAE_Pepper has disconnected
[4:52:08] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[4:52:08] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[4:52:08] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[4:52:09] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[4:52:09] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[4:52:09] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[4:52:11] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[4:52:17] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[4:52:19] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[4:52:19] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[4:52:27] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[4:52:27] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[4:52:29] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[4:52:37] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[4:52:39] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[4:52:39] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[4:52:50] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[4:53:00] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[4:53:00] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[4:53:10] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[4:55:40] 21_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 381125.12 57108.07
[4:55:48] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[4:55:56] 15_Static damaged by 11_Chief at 380829.62 57211.81
[4:55:57] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[4:56:19] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[4:56:21] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[4:56:28] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[4:56:41] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[4:56:42] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[4:56:52] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[4:57:02] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[4:58:33] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[4:58:33] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[4:58:36] 21_Static damaged by 11_Chief at 381125.12 57108.07
[4:58:45] GAE_Chape{GAE_Chape_0;GAE_Chape:HRS3;2} landed at 381507.2 56106.434
[4:58:52] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[4:58:52] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[4:58:52] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[5:01:27] GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:HRS3;2} landed at 381810.6 56183.965
[5:01:50] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[5:02:06] 21_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 381125.12 57108.07
[5:02:40] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[5:02:43] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[5:04:21] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[5:04:21] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[5:04:21] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[5:04:24] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[5:05:41] 21_Static damaged by 11_Chief at 381125.12 57108.07
[5:06:09] 15_Static damaged by 11_Chief at 380829.62 57211.81
[5:06:59] 15_Static damaged by 11_Chief at 380829.62 57211.81
[5:07:11] 21_Static damaged by 11_Chief at 381125.12 57108.07
[5:07:11] 15_Static damaged by 11_Chief at 380829.62 57211.81


[5:07:13] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[5:07:13] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[5:07:15] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[5:07:57] 21_Static damaged by 11_Chief at 381125.12 57108.07
[5:08:34] GAE_Castor{GAE_Castor_0;GAE_Castor:HRS3;2} damaged by 11_Chief at 381564.78 56041.38
[5:08:34] GAE_Castor{GAE_Castor_0;GAE_Castor:HRS3;2}(0) was killed at 381564.78 56041.38
[5:08:34] GAE_Castor{GAE_Castor_0;GAE_Castor:HRS3;2} shot down by 11_Chief at 381564.78 56041.38
[5:09:12] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[5:09:13] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[5:09:14] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[5:09:14] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[5:09:17] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[5:10:03] GAE_Chape:HRS3 in flight at 381512.44 56101.824
[5:10:25] GAE_Charrua:HRS3 in flight at 381805.8 56174.305
[5:12:12] 21_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 381125.12 57108.07
[5:12:12] 21_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 381125.12 57108.07
[5:12:12] 21_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 381125.12 57108.07
[5:12:13] 21_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 381125.12 57108.07
[5:12:14] 21_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 381125.12 57108.07
[5:12:14] 21_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 381125.12 57108.07
[5:12:14] 21_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 381125.12 57108.07
[5:12:14] 21_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 381125.12 57108.07
[5:12:14] 21_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 381125.12 57108.07
[5:12:14] 21_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 381125.12 57108.07
[5:12:15] 21_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 381125.12 57108.07
[5:12:15] 21_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 381125.12 57108.07
[5:12:15] 21_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 381125.12 57108.07
[5:12:15] 21_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 381125.12 57108.07
[5:12:16] 21_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 381125.12 57108.07
[5:12:16] 21_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 381125.12 57108.07
[5:12:19] 21_Static damaged by 11_Chief at 381125.12 57108.07
[5:12:22] 21_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 381125.12 57108.07
[5:12:22] 21_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 381125.12 57108.07
[5:12:22] 21_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 381125.12 57108.07
[5:12:22] 21_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 381125.12 57108.07
[5:12:23] 21_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 381125.12 57108.07
[5:12:24] 21_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 381125.12 57108.07
[5:12:24] 21_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 381125.12 57108.07
[5:12:24] 21_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 381125.12 57108.07
[5:12:24] 21_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 381125.12 57108.07
[5:12:24] 21_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 381125.12 57108.07
[5:12:24] 21_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 381125.12 57108.07
[5:12:24] 21_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 381125.12 57108.07
[5:12:24] 21_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 381125.12 57108.07
[5:12:25] 21_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 381125.12 57108.07
[5:15:17] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[5:15:17] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[5:15:27] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[5:15:27] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[5:17:11] 15_Static damaged by 11_Chief at 380829.62 57211.81
[5:17:45] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[5:17:45] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[5:17:46] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[5:18:11] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[5:18:13] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[5:18:14] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[5:18:23] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[5:19:18] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[5:19:25] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[5:19:34] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[5:19:38] 15_Static damaged by 11_Chief at 380829.62 57211.81
[5:20:26] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[5:20:35] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[5:20:50] 15_Static damaged by 1_Chief0 at 380829.62 57211.81
[5:24:48] 21_Static damaged by 11_Chief at 381125.12 57108.07
[5:24:48] 15_Static damaged by 11_Chief at 380829.62 57211.81
[5:25:19] GAE_Chape{GAE_Chape_0;GAE_Chape:HRS3;2} landed at 387062.78 29981.234
[5:25:50] 15_Static damaged by 11_Chief at 380829.62 57211.81
[5:29:46] GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:HRS3;2} landed at 387054.56 29939.775
[5:30:02] GAE_Charrua:HRS3 removed at 387053.84 29947.426
[5:30:02] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[5:30:05] GAE_Chape:HRS3 removed at 387067.75 30010.164
[5:30:05] GAE_Chape entered refly menu
[5:30:08] GAE_Charrua has disconnected
[5:31:09] 15_Static damaged by 11_Chief at 380829.62 57211.81
[5:31:09] 21_Static damaged by 11_Chief at 381125.12 57108.07
[5:32:50] 21_Static damaged by 11_Chief at 381125.12 57108.07
[5:32:50] 15_Static damaged by 11_Chief at 380829.62 57211.81
[5:35:51] 21_Static damaged by 11_Chief at 381125.12 57108.07
[5:36:41] 21_Static damaged by 11_Chief at 381125.12 57108.07
[5:38:56] GAE_Castor has disconnected
[5:40:12] 21_Static damaged by 11_Chief at 381125.12 57108.07
[5:42:33] 15_Static damaged by 11_Chief at 380829.62 57211.81
[5:43:08] 15_Static damaged by 11_Chief at 380829.62 57211.81
[5:44:14] 15_Static damaged by 11_Chief at 380829.62 57211.81
[5:44:39] 15_Static damaged by 11_Chief at 380829.62 57211.81
[5:45:53] 21_Static damaged by 11_Chief at 381125.12 57108.07
[5:45:53] 15_Static damaged by 11_Chief at 380829.62 57211.81
[5:46:49] 15_Static damaged by 11_Chief at 380829.62 57211.81
[5:47:39] 21_Static damaged by 11_Chief at 381125.12 57108.07
[5:49:00] 21_Static damaged by 11_Chief at 381125.12 57108.07
[5:49:00] 15_Static damaged by 11_Chief at 380829.62 57211.81
[5:50:30] cc0101{cc01010;U-2TM;1} damaged on the ground at 280367.7 182339.19
[5:50:30] cc0101{cc01010;U-2TM;1}(0) was killed at 280367.7 182339.19
[5:50:30] cc0101{cc01010;U-2TM;1}(1) was killed at 280367.7 182339.19
[5:50:30] cc0101{cc01010;U-2TM;1} shot down by landscape at 280367.7 182339.19
[5:55:18] 21_Static damaged by 11_Chief at 381125.12 57108.07
[5:55:18] 15_Static damaged by 11_Chief at 380829.62 57211.81
[5:58:02] 15_Static damaged by 11_Chief at 380829.62 57211.81
[5:58:13] 21_Static damaged by 11_Chief at 381125.12 57108.07
[6:01:08] 21_Static damaged by 11_Chief at 381125.12 57108.07
[6:01:36] 15_Static damaged by 11_Chief at 380829.62 57211.81
[6:01:48] 21_Static damaged by 11_Chief at 381125.12 57108.07
[6:44:54] 11_Chief damaged by 11_Chief at 388061.25 30955.326
[7:15:22] 21_Static damaged by 11_Chief at 381125.12 57108.07
[7:16:31] 11_Chief damaged by 11_Chief at 388061.25 30955.326
[8:03:59] 3_Chief1 destroyed by 1_Chief0 at 381578.06 56329.02
[8:14:43] 21_Static damaged by 11_Chief at 381125.12 57108.07
[8:14:43] 15_Static damaged by 11_Chief at 380829.62 57211.81
[10:59:57] 11_Chief damaged by 11_Chief at 388061.25 30955.326
[11:09:38] Mission END



1er Vuelo:

Texan - 2 twingunpod + 4 HVAR 70% fuel

Salgo como A.4 en la escuadra de ataque con Castor como A.1, Cuervo A.2 , Charrua A.3 y Tehuelche A.5
una ves en el aire nos formamos en las cercanías al portaaviones y ponemos rumbo al objetivo, V1 nos informa de contactos por lo que esperamos a que Charly despeje la zona.
Después de unos 5 minutos volvemos a poner rumbo, llegamos cerca del pueblo que teníamos que despejar y nos empiezan a tirar la AA.  nos dividimos y atacamos con cohetes. logro hacer blanco en dos antiaéreas livianas.   intentamos atacar con los gunpods pero no son tan efectivos por lo que volvemos sobre los blindados aliados.

En las pasadas la antiaérea toca a casi toda la formación por lo que quedo sobrevolando en solitario los blindados por varios minutos. veo como los blindados avanzan y capturan los pueblos. a lo lejos veo 3 puntos negros, me acerco para reconocerlos y resultan ser biplanos cargados con bombas, los empiezo a seguir y con mi artillero les tiramos con todo l oque tenemos. logro dejar humeando a uno y con impactos a otros 2 cuando varios tiros de antiaérea me dejan gravemente herido, intento estabilizar el avión y logro un aterrizaje en la pista de emergencia.


Guncam del ataque


1º Vuelo

Corsario - Default - 80% jugo

Salgo de C3. Durante el primer combate colisiono de frente con un caza enemigo.

Avión: destruído
Piloto: KIA

2º Vuelo

Corsario - Default - 80% jugo

Nueva salida como numeral del TN Mano. Tras reunirnos con el resto del vuelo, el V1 nos manda al GU Ceteu y a mi a chequear un contacto en el norte. Encontramos y derribo un caza enemigo. Consecutivo somos vectoreados para proteger a la FT. Interceptamos 2 bombarderos que vuelan a pocos metros de la superficie. Ceteu y yo los derribamos. Con daños en ala derecha, pido autorización para regresar al V2. Aponto sin novedad.

AAK: 2 (1 caza y 1 bomber)
Avión: ok. Apontado.
Piloto: ok

3º Vuelo

Corsario - Default - 80% jugo

Salimos para escoltar a los Helos hasta el punto de rescate. Pocos minutos después nuestra participación se cancela ante la falta de amenazas. Apontamos.

Avión: Apontado (hélice rota).
Piloto: ok.


Vuelo 1
N_02xTwinGunPods+04xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 70%

Salgo a cargo de la segunda seccion, A3 Charrua -A4 Gaucho-A5 Tehuelche. La primera seccion A1 Castor-A2 Cuervo

Ponemos rumbo norte al punto de reunión, una ves en grupo , el V1 nos da rumbo y ahi vamos.

Llegados al Golfo , el V1 informa contactos en la zona de ataque,  nos quedamos haciendo trafico en la proximidades, cuando se limpia la zona, nos dirigimos al target.

En la zona de ataque, localizamos las columnas de Quiroga que viene avanzando con lo que encontró en el camino, en unos poblados cercanos, al puerto donde están retenidos los tripulantes, hay mucha oposición enemiga, es ahí donde nos concentramos para el ataque.

Nos dividimos la zona con A1 y procedemos al ataque, en mi primer pasada pego y evoluciono, para buscar otro contacto, asi van entrando los demás, A5 informa de daños varios, y le indico que se comunique con V1 y valla a la base que tomo Quiroga.

Otra pasada y pego de nuevo, la AAA esta muy fuerte, la 1ª sección  esta desmantelada, con A4 intentamos el ataque con cañones pero son inútiles, en una de las pasadas , quedo perdiendo fuel y sin un alerón de profundidad.

Con este panorama me dirijo a la Base, llegando ala zona me quedo sin fuell y no puedo hacer un aterrizaje de emergencia destruyendo la aeronave y yo dentro de ella.

Avión Destruido
Piloto Kia
AGK:  221_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua
          222_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua
           214_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua

Vuelo 2

SNJ5_Texan loaded weapons '06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 70%

Salgo solo del V1 rumbo a la zona de despliegue, Castor carga combustible, Gaucho que  regresa , A3 y A5 son historia.

En el camino me cruzo con 3 biplanos,  y le aviso al artillero que se prepare, como veo que vienen heridos, paso por debajo y mi artillero se encarga de meterles bala, los paso y sigo al target.

Llego a la zona y me encuentro solo, localizo a Quiroga, y procedo a atacar, hago 3 pasadas con los cohetes y siempre pego.

Sin municiones retorno a la base para recargar.

Avion ok
Piloto ok
AGK: 196_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua
         198_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua
          213_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua
          211_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua

Vuelo 3
GAE_Charrua:HRS3 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 50%

Me están cargando el Texan en la base, y se acerca un mecánico, apresurado me indica que me llaman de la torre.

Salgo del avión y corro al puesto de control, ahí me indican que hay cambios de planes, vamos a hacer la inserción con los helicópteros y necesitan pilotos, como he tomado instrucción en esos bichos, me asignan uno y salgo con TF Chape para la zona de extracción.

Hacemos un vuelo bajo hasta la zona, y procedemos al aterrizaje, todo esto con un cañoneo constante a la resistencia que se encuentra en la zona de parte de nuestra flota.

Con muchos nervios ya que tenia poca experiencia en estos bichos logro posarlo y empiezan a subir algunos tripulantes del SM y personal de Quiroga.

En el helicóptero no cabe una alfiler,  despegamos y nos dirigimos al porta.

Llegamos al portaaviones, y TF Chape lo pone como con la mano, a mi me cuesta bastante, luego de varios abortos logro encarar bien el porta y apontarlo.

Cuando abrimos las puertas, la alegría de la tripulación del SM es inmensurables, otra ves en casa........

Helicóptero ok y apontado GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:HRS3;2} landed
Piloto ok
Personal:  rescatado. GAE_Charrua{GAE_Charrua_0;GAE_Charrua:HRS3;2} landed
C.F. Charrua


Corsario - 80% jugo - default
Decolo como lider de charly junto a Pepper, Balker y Ceteu.
En zona de CAP detectamos multiples contactos que resultaron cazas enemigos a los que damos combate, lamentablemente quedan a mis 6 dos cazas y sin mi wingman que me perdio inmediatamente empesado el combate soy derribado.

2° Vuelo
Decolo junto con C3 y C4 para reagruparnos junto a C2.
Una vez formados C y C4 se dirigen hacia contacto solitario y Pepper y yo hacia formacion con rumbo a la FT.
En la zona que V1 nos vectorio para interceptar a los contactos nuevamente mi wingman me pierde de vista y ontinuamos con la busqueda, V1 informa que estan a 1000m y en mi picado tengo un problema tecnico por lo que pierdo el control de la aeronave.
Jefe de Div. Infraestructura


Resumen (ando sin tiempo)

Vuelo 1 - Texan 2 x Twin Gun Pods + 4 x HVAR + 70% Fuel (y bengalas)

AGK:  1
Piloto: KIA
Aeronave: Destruida

Vuelo 2

HRS3 fuel 50%
Piloto: KIA
Aeronave: Destruida

Si tengo tiempo agrego el debrief y un video.
C.F. Castor