Grupo Aeronaval Embarcado Virtual

Div. Operaciones => Misiones de Campañas - IL2 => Mensaje iniciado por: GAE_Ceteu en 28 de Junio de 2013, 03:03:47 PM

Título: Ifni 13 (28/06/1955)
Publicado por: GAE_Ceteu en 28 de Junio de 2013, 03:03:47 PM
Preparen el equipo.

Ante el fracaso de su movida militar, el General Granados se ha refugiado en el macizo montañoso aleste de Ifni, medio en territorio español, medio territorio francés, área dominada por los insurgentes del Movimiento de Liberación Marroquí, los partidarios la independencia y de un país unido bajo la dirección del Sultán de Marruecos.

Título: Re:Ifni 13 (28/06/1955)
Publicado por: GAE_Ceteu en 28 de Junio de 2013, 08:03:32 PM
Caballeros, el general Granados ha visto desaparecer de un momento a otro el bastión que había armado en Ifni y está tratando de hacer Mutis por el Foro. Lo mismo sus tropas, que en jeep, camiones, camellos e incluso a lomo de borricos escapan al otro lado de la frontera.

Los partidarios de Granados huyen como pueden


A pesar de sus victorias iniciales, los últimos ataques han dejado baldadas sus tropas y disipada su esperanza de sumar a su causa el Marruecos francés.

Los efectivos españoles desembarcados en Ifni han tomado rápidamente el país ante la retirada desordenada de las tropas rebeldes e indígenas. Sólo dos bastiones resisten en Ifni, completamente rodeados por tropas metropolitanas españolas: La Alcazaba de Ifni y la Base Aérea de Sidi Inno.

Esos bastiones deben ser reducidos en la fecha, por lo que proporcionaremos apoyo aéreo y un piloto se encargará de operar un C-47 que lanzará paracaidistas que terminarán el trabajo.

Los paracas españoles abordan el C-47 que los llevarán a su destino


Luego, rastrillaremos el Macizo de Agadir, en el Marruecos francés con el permiso de los locales, ya que hay indicios que Granados se ha refugiado entre los lugareños, opositores al gobierno de París.

Sabemos que Granados se ha reunido en una localidad cuya Gran Mezquita se ha transformado en el HQ de una alianza entre las diversas facciones rebeldes. Esta mezquita tiene cuatro cúpulas y marinetes, lo que lo hace un objetivo fácilmente reconocible, pero ningún oficial francés nos ha sabido describir su ubicación con certeza.

Esta locación se encuentra dentro del macizo, en un círculo que se inicia en Id Aisa, en territorio de Ifni aún, y encierra el Agadir, casi por completo.


1º Escuadrilla de Ataque

La 1º se encargará de borrar del mapa la resistencia en la Alcazaba de Ifni. Para ello contará con seis AU-1 suministrados generosamente por los franceses, que están encantados de como defendimos su territorio.

Se pondrá especial énfasis en la destrucción de las defensas AAA, ya que estan imposibilitarán la operación de lanzamiento de paracaidistas, haciendo que sea un baño de sangre.

Luego, se unirán al rastreo de Granados en el Macizo de Agadir y en el ataque al reducto del mismo junto a la 2º de Caza y Ataque, como siempre poniendo énfasis en la destrucción de la AAA.

2º de Escuadrilla de Caza y Ataque

La 2º tomará venganza sobre las base de los Buchones que tanto nos han dado guerra, en Sidi Inno. El ataque apuntará a la total destrucción del material aéreo y de las defensas AAA, a fin de facilitar el desembarco de paracaidistas que llegarán desde Ifni.

Luego, una vez asegurado Sidi Inno, se impone la exploración del Macizo de Agadir en busca de Granados.

Atención a la oposición de cazas en el aire. Suponemos que no podrán poner en el aire muchos, pero no debemos descartarlos.

Estamos que de haberlos, estos estarán sobre su base y en las inmediaciones del refugio de Granados, dónde sea que este esté.


Un piloto será destacado a Ifni y tripulará el C-47 que transportará a los paracaidistas a medida que las localidades sean despejadas de defensas AAA y a las que tomarán el refugio del general rebelde en Agadir.

Fuerza de Tareas

La misma navegará con rumbo sur - norte paralela a la costa de Ifni
Título: Re:Ifni 13 (28/06/1955)
Publicado por: GAE_Ceteu en 29 de Junio de 2013, 01:40:34 AM
[29.06.2013 3:43:58] Mission: net/dogfight/Ifni1955/Ifni13.mis is Playing
[3:43:58] Mission BEGIN
[3:44:27] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 195214.12 86470.72
[3:44:27] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B loaded weapons '28xPara' fuel 50%
[3:46:14] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[3:46:14] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 169965.5 81932.03
[3:46:14] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 70%
[3:46:26] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 195214.12 86470.72
[3:46:26] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B loaded weapons '28xPara' fuel 60%
[3:46:57] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 170326.0 82473.19
[3:46:57] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 70%
[3:47:11] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 168914.05 85170.32
[3:47:11] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 loaded weapons '2x1000lbs+6x500lbsBombs' fuel 50%
[3:47:26] GAE_Charrua:AU-1(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 169031.73 85339.875
[3:47:26] GAE_Charrua:AU-1 loaded weapons '2x1000lbs+6x500lbsBombs' fuel 50%
[3:47:55] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 171216.7 83857.875
[3:48:16] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 169509.1 86085.27
[3:48:34] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 in flight at 169808.42 86630.52
[3:48:51] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 171604.72 84458.11
[3:49:21] GAE_Charrua:AU-1 in flight at 170229.56 87357.3
[3:52:00] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B in flight at 195824.81 85883.08
[4:06:56] 704_Static destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 at 212053.6 117216.99
[4:06:56] 763_Static destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 at 212059.05 117203.41
[4:06:56] 769_Static destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 at 212065.8 117203.94
[4:06:57] 696_Static destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 at 212055.73 117250.84
[4:06:57] 699_Static destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 at 212056.62 117240.07
[4:06:57] 700_Static destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 at 212057.31 117231.78
[4:06:57] 703_Static destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 at 212056.06 117225.47
[4:06:57] 885_Static destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 at 212015.2 117244.34
[4:06:57] 707_Static destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 at 212090.55 117223.78
[4:07:20] 840_Static destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 at 212121.88 117118.15
[4:07:20] 895_Static destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 at 212147.4 117073.3
[4:07:20] 857_Static destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 at 212104.95 117097.32
[4:07:20] 891_Static destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 at 212122.77 117084.83
[4:07:20] 894_Static destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 at 212147.75 117085.14
[4:07:20] 896_Static destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 at 212146.73 117057.25
[4:07:52] 821_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212046.12 117088.06
[4:07:52] 822_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212035.1 117088.03
[4:07:52] 823_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212034.1 117104.22
[4:07:52] 824_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212046.88 117103.98
[4:07:52] 830_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212034.58 117119.1
[4:07:52] 890_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 211994.56 117103.13
[4:07:52] 888_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 211993.95 117128.65
[4:07:52] 799_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212097.25 117119.9
[4:07:52] 804_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212084.55 117119.91
[4:07:52] 800_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212097.05 117132.88
[4:07:52] 801_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212096.19 117146.19
[4:07:52] 803_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212084.4 117133.18
[4:07:52] 844_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212109.4 117134.26
[4:07:52] 856_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212088.69 117126.55
[4:08:44] 681_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212080.14 117297.38
[4:08:44] 682_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212067.05 117298.3
[4:08:44] 684_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212067.8 117274.81
[4:08:44] 685_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212052.23 117274.33
[4:08:44] 695_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212053.34 117259.7
[4:08:44] 849_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212072.22 117246.53
[4:08:44] 758_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212046.2 117195.6
[4:08:44] 759_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212046.52 117203.49
[4:08:44] 760_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212051.88 117203.54
[4:08:44] 761_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212052.84 117195.95
[4:08:44] 762_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212058.66 117195.16
[4:08:44] 754_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212046.81 117179.44
[4:08:44] 755_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212052.31 117179.62
[4:08:44] 756_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212052.4 117186.61
[4:08:44] 757_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212045.78 117187.02
[4:08:44] 764_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212059.05 117187.64
[4:08:44] 765_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212058.84 117179.65
[4:08:44] 766_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212065.55 117179.7
[4:08:44] 767_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212065.12 117186.81
[4:09:43] 826_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212071.8 117103.51
[4:09:43] 827_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212072.12 117120.42
[4:09:43] 838_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212070.56 117147.08
[4:09:43] 837_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212071.23 117133.97
[4:10:20] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 landed at 207618.69 105645.24
[4:10:20] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 damaged on the ground at 207618.69 105645.24
[4:10:31] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 212447.7 117593.83
[4:10:31] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 212447.66 117593.89
[4:10:32] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 212431.97 117568.914
[4:10:33] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 212358.4 117440.27
[4:10:33] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 212357.1 117438.305
[4:10:33] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 212358.33 117440.266
[4:10:33] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed in his chute by 848_Static at 212340.14 117400.73
[4:10:33] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed in his chute by 853_Static at 212339.42 117401.95
[4:10:34] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed in his chute by 854_Static at 212306.42 117341.32
[4:10:35] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 212273.53 117289.83
[4:10:35] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 212270.12 117284.125
[4:10:36] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1(0) bailed out at 207618.69 105645.24
[4:10:37] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 212189.16 117136.63
[4:10:37] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 212189.33 117136.68
[4:10:37] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 212175.66 117114.234
[4:10:39] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 212174.33 117186.37
[4:10:39] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 212173.16 117184.36
[4:10:39] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 212176.61 117194.64
[4:10:39] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 212109.1 116986.82
[4:10:39] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 212109.27 116986.78
[4:10:39] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 212096.08 116964.59
[4:10:41] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 212082.1 117028.734
[4:10:41] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 212082.19 117028.82
[4:10:41] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 212081.0 117026.86
[4:10:41] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 212034.58 116840.63
[4:10:41] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 212035.14 116840.65
[4:10:41] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 212033.84 116838.86
[4:10:41] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by 851_Static at 212037.11 116865.72
[4:10:42] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1(0) successfully bailed out at 207656.4 105631.914
[4:10:42] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by 850_Static at 211996.94 116792.69
[4:10:43] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by 848_Static at 211975.16 116730.44
[4:10:43] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211973.34 116691.734
[4:10:43] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211972.69 116689.74
[4:10:43] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211995.62 116869.805
[4:10:43] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed in his chute by 851_Static at 211982.08 116772.79
[4:10:43] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211995.9 116870.82
[4:10:44] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211958.61 116662.46
[4:10:44] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed in his chute by 850_Static at 211945.9 116596.03
[4:10:45] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed in his chute by 848_Static at 211941.69 116528.27
[4:10:45] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211929.2 116535.17
[4:10:45] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211928.83 116535.24
[4:10:45] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211928.39 116533.3
[4:10:45] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211910.19 116709.08
[4:10:46] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211909.42 116707.27
[4:10:46] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211909.66 116711.94
[4:10:46] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by 851_Static at 211912.23 116614.11
[4:10:47] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by 851_Static at 211887.81 116414.555
[4:10:47] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by 851_Static at 211897.97 116369.125
[4:10:47] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed in his chute by 851_Static at 211896.88 116365.37
[4:10:47] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by 851_Static at 211895.23 116359.75
[4:10:48] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211828.42 116548.49
[4:10:48] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211827.75 116546.625
[4:10:48] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211829.14 116551.7
[4:10:49] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211877.28 116227.016
[4:10:49] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211877.36 116227.02
[4:10:49] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 211872.33 116206.26
[4:10:50] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211761.73 116401.06
[4:10:50] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211761.7 116398.21
[4:10:50] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211762.83 116401.3
[4:10:50] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211834.61 116594.09
[4:10:51] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211843.0 116087.45
[4:10:51] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211842.67 116085.43
[4:10:51] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211841.53 116081.71
[4:10:52] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211766.3 116431.445
[4:10:52] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211722.75 116237.875
[4:10:52] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211722.8 116239.914
[4:10:52] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211726.83 116257.26
[4:10:53] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211781.14 115937.03
[4:10:53] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211781.53 115936.85
[4:10:53] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211781.16 115937.055
[4:10:54] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211728.78 116088.414
[4:10:54] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211730.48 116089.46
[4:10:54] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211729.2 116086.35
[4:10:55] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211706.67 115816.11
[4:10:55] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211706.67 115816.12
[4:10:55] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211704.88 115812.62
[4:10:55] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed at 211766.31 116426.9
[4:10:56] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211753.12 115944.09
[4:10:56] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211736.83 116135.664
[4:10:57] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 211615.94 115698.58
[4:10:57] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by _para_68 at 211614.25 115695.03
[4:10:57] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211611.94 115691.93
[4:10:57] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211762.02 115804.26
[4:10:57] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211762.38 115806.16
[4:10:57] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211761.7 115810.195
[4:10:58] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211563.52 115625.06
[4:10:59] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211536.25 115579.69
[4:10:59] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211536.17 115579.56
[4:10:59] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211526.33 115565.62
[4:10:59] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211709.9 115653.79
[4:10:59] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211709.2 115654.06
[4:10:59] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211708.75 115652.1
[4:11:01] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 211465.67 115460.3
[4:11:01] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by _para_78 at 211463.97 115457.83
[4:11:01] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211461.25 115452.836
[4:11:02] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211588.69 115494.33
[4:11:02] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211588.7 115494.35
[4:11:02] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211588.66 115490.97
[4:11:03] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by _para_83 at 211386.55 115317.305
[4:11:03] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211383.64 115312.23
[4:11:05] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 211344.19 115249.23
[4:11:05] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211425.69 115340.15
[4:11:05] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211316.23 115189.35
[4:11:05] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211425.69 115340.16
[4:11:06] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211424.11 115337.305
[4:11:06] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211313.17 115184.24
[4:11:06] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 211312.78 115182.984
[4:11:07] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by _para_93 at 211251.38 115074.04
[4:11:08] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211261.9 115212.39
[4:11:08] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211212.58 115010.3
[4:11:09] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211259.5 115210.305
[4:11:09] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 211209.19 115005.07
[4:11:09] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211258.77 115211.516
[4:11:09] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by _para_98 at 211170.62 114932.55
[4:11:10] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211167.92 114928.23
[4:11:10] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211247.73 115216.305
[4:11:10] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by _para_97 at 211137.3 114876.64
[4:11:10] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211139.61 114882.125
[4:11:10] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 211153.08 114914.805
[4:11:11] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by  at 211163.78 114946.22
[4:11:11] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211165.56 115077.414
[4:11:11] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211165.48 115077.28
[4:11:11] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211099.86 114807.88
[4:11:11] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211099.9 114807.86
[4:11:11] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211163.39 115075.73
[4:11:12] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211094.44 114798.94
[4:11:13] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211038.06 114697.98
[4:11:13] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211036.98 114696.33
[4:11:13] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211037.25 114696.77
[4:11:13] 74_Static destroyed by GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R at 193107.75 54167.58
[4:11:14] 595_Static destroyed by GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R at 193062.38 54181.38
[4:11:14] 82_Static destroyed by GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R at 193080.47 54213.69
[4:11:14] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211100.88 114944.42
[4:11:14] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211098.83 114941.2
[4:11:14] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211101.5 114942.33
[4:11:15] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 210963.5 114567.69
[4:11:15] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 210964.22 114568.83
[4:11:16] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211045.78 114808.56
[4:11:16] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by _para_114 at 210919.94 114494.45
[4:11:16] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211061.19 114845.16
[4:11:16] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211041.5 114804.41
[4:11:17] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by _para_118 at 210887.58 114435.38
[4:11:17] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 210876.83 114417.67
[4:11:17] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 210870.86 114408.06
[4:11:17] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 210998.16 114705.91
[4:11:18] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211007.25 114732.6
[4:11:18] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 210995.66 114706.92
[4:11:18] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 210839.19 114354.51
[4:11:19] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 210933.48 114591.086
[4:11:19] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 210932.61 114589.51
[4:11:19] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 210940.62 114609.305
[4:11:19] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 210798.03 114281.4
[4:11:19] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 210794.73 114275.9
[4:11:19] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 210789.48 114267.56
[4:11:20] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by  at 210775.62 114255.914
[4:11:21] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed at 211008.08 114751.555
[4:11:21] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 210856.86 114459.07
[4:11:21] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 210729.11 114161.305
[4:11:21] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 210856.64 114458.69
[4:11:21] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 210727.25 114158.414
[4:11:21] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 210862.72 114474.96
[4:11:22] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 210705.06 114122.63
[4:11:22] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 210863.17 114491.586
[4:11:22] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 210673.33 114070.766
[4:11:23] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed at 210931.83 114629.125
[4:11:23] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 210779.75 114325.99
[4:11:23] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 210778.92 114324.97
[4:11:23] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 210643.7 114015.21
[4:11:23] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 210779.6 114331.12
[4:11:23] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 210643.73 114015.14
[4:11:24] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 210619.8 113977.086
[4:11:24] 596_Static destroyed by GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R at 193031.83 54208.11
[4:11:25] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 210700.66 114190.5
[4:11:25] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 210700.39 114190.055
[4:11:25] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 210699.45 114188.4
[4:11:25] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by _para_139 at 210553.83 113862.35
[4:11:26] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 210526.9 113820.15
[4:11:26] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 210524.61 113816.625
[4:11:26] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by _para_138 at 210516.36 113801.3
Título: Re:Ifni 13 (28/06/1955)
Publicado por: GAE_Ceteu en 29 de Junio de 2013, 01:40:42 AM
[4:11:27] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 210619.52 114052.1
[4:11:27] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 210619.83 114052.64
[4:11:28] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 210612.83 114054.21
[4:11:28] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by  at 210496.95 113796.19
[4:11:29] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 210536.61 113911.57
[4:11:29] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 210534.72 113908.48
[4:11:29] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 210539.78 113922.07
[4:11:30] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 210526.88 113906.125
[4:11:31] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 210452.16 113769.33
[4:11:31] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 210451.84 113768.81
[4:11:31] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 210453.08 113772.39
[4:11:32] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed at 210542.27 113959.29
[4:11:33] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 210371.4 113632.516
[4:11:33] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 210371.34 113632.195
[4:11:33] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 210370.1 113630.19
[4:11:34] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 shot down by 856_Static at 207618.69 105645.24
[4:11:34] Gae_Cuervo entered refly menu
[4:11:34] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 210381.72 113675.164
[4:11:35] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 210288.69 113493.21
[4:11:35] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 210288.34 113492.555
[4:11:35] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 210287.31 113490.766
[4:11:37] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 210204.17 113352.0
[4:11:37] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 210203.97 113353.33
[4:11:37] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 210215.52 113378.91
[4:11:38] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 210209.6 113379.26
[4:11:39] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 212081.92 117157.805
[4:11:39] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 212081.92 117157.805
[4:11:39] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) successfully bailed out at 212154.9 117281.45
[4:11:39] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was captured at 212154.9 117281.45
[4:11:41] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed at 210323.7 113593.66
[4:11:47] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) successfully bailed out at 212073.77 117144.92
[4:11:47] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was captured at 212073.77 117144.92
[4:11:48] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 212014.52 117041.95
[4:11:48] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 212014.52 117041.95
[4:11:56] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) successfully bailed out at 211901.05 116836.46
[4:11:56] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was captured at 211901.05 116836.46
[4:11:59] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 211846.44 116737.26
[4:11:59] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 211846.44 116737.26
[4:12:01] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) successfully bailed out at 211814.36 116677.79
[4:12:01] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was captured at 211814.36 116677.79
[4:12:07] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) successfully bailed out at 211638.47 115908.56
[4:12:07] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 211627.84 115822.6
[4:12:07] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 211627.84 115822.6
[4:12:09] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) successfully bailed out at 211608.55 115764.86
[4:12:09] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was captured at 211608.55 115764.86
[4:12:10] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 211644.31 116271.15
[4:12:10] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 211644.31 116271.15
[4:12:11] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 211641.52 115988.8
[4:12:11] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) successfully bailed out at 211638.62 116075.64
[4:12:15] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 211568.19 115691.23
[4:12:15] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 211568.19 115691.23
[4:12:20] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) successfully bailed out at 211530.6 115639.33
[4:12:20] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was captured at 211530.6 115639.33
[4:12:22] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 211457.2 115523.42
[4:12:22] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 211457.2 115523.42
[4:12:30] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) successfully bailed out at 211421.0 115492.94
[4:12:30] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was captured at 211421.0 115492.94
[4:12:35] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 211345.52 115399.9
[4:12:35] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 211345.52 115399.9
[4:12:42] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) successfully bailed out at 211306.52 115366.36
[4:12:42] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was captured at 211306.52 115366.36
[4:12:44] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) successfully bailed out at 210972.11 114796.94
[4:12:55] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) successfully bailed out at 211210.33 115250.78
[4:12:58] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) successfully bailed out at 210786.77 114475.87
[4:12:58] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 211163.58 115164.35
[4:12:58] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 211163.58 115164.35
[4:13:02] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 211083.44 115023.555
[4:13:02] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) successfully bailed out at 211140.86 115124.95
[4:13:02] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 210893.72 114666.72
[4:13:04] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) successfully bailed out at 211059.52 114975.32
[4:13:04] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 210742.9 114403.414
[4:13:05] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 210959.42 114784.914
[4:13:06] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) successfully bailed out at 210715.45 114356.06
[4:13:07] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) successfully bailed out at 210634.8 114216.19
[4:13:09] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 210673.2 114282.91
[4:13:10] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 211031.16 114915.25
[4:13:11] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) successfully bailed out at 210562.67 114092.05
[4:13:12] 309_Static destroyed by GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R at 194823.05 54195.47
[4:13:12] 75_Static destroyed by GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R at 194794.84 54199.7
[4:13:13] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 210427.4 113859.69
[4:13:15] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) successfully bailed out at 210397.33 113809.24
[4:13:15] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) successfully bailed out at 210314.6 113667.59
[4:13:16] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 210566.92 114105.39
[4:13:21] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 210279.28 113607.62
[4:14:17] 76_Static destroyed by GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R at 194557.02 54123.19
[4:14:17] 291_Static destroyed by GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R at 194560.45 54121.15
[4:14:31] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 182744.12 106380.65
[4:14:31] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 loaded weapons '2x1000lbs+6x500lbsBombs' fuel 50%
[4:15:27] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 183257.31 107169.45
[4:15:39] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 in flight at 183487.86 107680.734
[4:17:52] Ha_1112_M1L(0) was killed by GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R at 187990.66 81357.73
[4:18:24] Ha_1112_M1L shot down by GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R at 190030.4 82306.15
[4:18:30] GAE_Charrua:AU-1 landed at 195515.44 86485.73
[4:19:02] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[4:19:20] GAE_Charrua:AU-1(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 185180.95 110117.664
[4:19:20] GAE_Charrua:AU-1 loaded weapons '2x1000lbs+6x500lbsBombs' fuel 50%
[4:19:25] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[4:19:28] GAE_Charrua:AU-1(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 195217.12 86478.72
[4:19:28] GAE_Charrua:AU-1 loaded weapons '2x1000lbs+6x500lbsBombs' fuel 50%
[4:19:34] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B landed at 195401.94 86587.55
[4:20:17] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[4:20:19] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 195214.12 86470.72
[4:20:19] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B loaded weapons '28xPara' fuel 60%
[4:20:19] GAE_Charrua:AU-1 damaged on the ground at 195217.16 86478.734
[4:20:19] GAE_Charrua:AU-1(0) was killed at 195217.16 86478.734
[4:20:19] GAE_Charrua:AU-1 crashed at 195217.16 86478.734
[4:20:27] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[4:20:28] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[4:20:30] GAE_Charrua:AU-1(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 195217.12 86448.72
[4:20:30] GAE_Charrua:AU-1 loaded weapons '2x1000lbs+6x500lbsBombs' fuel 50%
[4:20:58] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 195214.12 86470.72
[4:20:58] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B loaded weapons '28xPara' fuel 60%
[4:22:31] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R landed at 188146.92 110315.16
[4:22:36] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[4:22:47] GAE_Charrua:AU-1 in flight at 195457.61 87648.805
[4:23:19] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B in flight at 195469.58 87757.56
[4:23:49] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R landed at 188819.1 111367.414
[4:23:54] GAE_Balker entered refly menu
[4:24:14] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 188956.73 111590.3
[4:24:14] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 80%
[4:24:20] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 189021.39 111669.55
[4:24:20] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 80%
[4:25:27] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 189890.5 113049.625
[4:26:24] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 190529.16 113909.98
[4:27:12] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R damaged by landscape at 193083.5 113773.17
[4:27:19] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R(0) bailed out at 193096.03 113741.914
[4:27:19] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R(0) successfully bailed out at 193095.64 113740.72
[4:27:21] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R shot down by landscape at 193096.1 113741.89
[4:27:21] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[4:27:30] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 190589.92 114140.75
[4:27:30] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 70%
[4:29:02] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R in flight at 191715.77 115811.414
[4:29:38] 675_Static destroyed by 15_Chief at 212107.17 117299.04
[4:29:38] 716_Static destroyed by 15_Chief at 212092.88 117321.41
[4:29:38] 717_Static destroyed by 15_Chief at 212112.86 117320.95
[4:29:41] 847_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212142.02 117217.14
[4:29:41] 768_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212064.95 117195.22
[4:29:41] 732_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212075.7 117164.23
[4:29:41] 733_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212092.88 117165.08
[4:29:41] 771_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212071.66 117195.68
[4:29:41] 772_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212071.81 117186.56
[4:29:41] 773_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212071.9 117179.63
[4:29:41] 774_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212079.4 117179.35
[4:29:41] 775_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212080.02 117186.85
[4:29:41] 776_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212079.62 117195.29
[4:29:41] 777_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212079.88 117203.88
[4:29:41] 778_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212087.4 117203.26
[4:29:41] 779_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212087.72 117194.71
[4:29:41] 780_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212087.8 117186.66
[4:29:41] 781_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212087.38 117179.65
[4:29:41] 782_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212095.66 117180.0
[4:29:41] 783_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212096.25 117186.28
[4:29:41] 784_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212096.14 117195.87
[4:29:41] 788_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212102.84 117187.33
[4:29:41] 789_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212103.92 117179.16
[4:30:14] 852_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 211963.69 117178.49
[4:30:14] 889_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 211993.98 117116.26
[4:30:14] 832_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212035.31 117147.99
[4:30:14] 853_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212051.44 117098.04
[4:30:14] 833_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212048.4 117147.72
[4:30:14] 834_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212046.92 117134.32
[4:30:14] 835_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212059.27 117147.65
[4:30:15] 734_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212108.77 117165.2
[4:30:15] 729_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212156.66 117184.97
[4:30:15] 725_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212164.9 117188.33
[4:30:15] 727_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212160.4 117170.79
[4:30:15] 728_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 212156.23 117172.89
[4:30:33] 706_Static destroyed by 15_Chief at 212092.14 117216.3
[4:30:33] 679_Static destroyed by 15_Chief at 212079.36 117273.41
[4:30:33] 709_Static destroyed by 15_Chief at 212090.7 117239.53
[4:30:33] 710_Static destroyed by 15_Chief at 212091.23 117250.46
[4:30:51] 694_Static destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 at 212034.55 117259.09
[4:30:51] 697_Static destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 at 212031.6 117250.7
[4:30:51] 886_Static destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 at 212015.75 117251.73
[4:30:51] 887_Static destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 at 212015.3 117259.25
[4:30:51] 850_Static destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 at 211992.12 117233.47
[4:30:51] 698_Static destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 at 212035.48 117240.11
[4:30:51] 701_Static destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 at 212034.98 117232.78
[4:30:51] 708_Static destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 at 212091.11 117232.25
[4:30:51] 848_Static destroyed by Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 at 212142.1 117276.31
Título: Re:Ifni 13 (28/06/1955)
Publicado por: GAE_Ceteu en 29 de Junio de 2013, 01:41:46 AM
[4:32:07] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 212358.52 118589.82
[4:32:07] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 212357.66 118585.74
[4:32:07] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 212356.95 118583.36
[4:32:07] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 212352.0 118554.56
[4:32:07] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 212351.89 118554.03
[4:32:08] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 212327.7 118438.14
[4:32:09] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 212326.75 118434.09
[4:32:09] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 212325.12 118427.91
[4:32:09] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 212315.38 118379.71
[4:32:09] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 212315.25 118379.17
[4:32:10] 785_Static destroyed by 15_Chief at 212096.08 117203.85
[4:32:10] 786_Static destroyed by 15_Chief at 212103.97 117203.37
[4:32:10] 787_Static destroyed by 15_Chief at 212102.84 117195.64
[4:32:10] 793_Static destroyed by 15_Chief at 212111.94 117203.65
[4:32:11] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by  at 212289.33 118257.75
[4:32:11] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 212289.7 118258.055
[4:32:11] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 212289.45 118257.65
[4:32:11] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 212278.52 118206.22
[4:32:11] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 212278.42 118205.65
[4:32:12] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 212253.11 118087.4
[4:32:13] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 212252.33 118083.836
[4:32:13] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 212244.78 118054.13
[4:32:13] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 212241.88 118034.14
[4:32:13] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 212241.25 118031.53
[4:32:14] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 212215.97 117914.34
[4:32:14] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 212216.2 117914.39
[4:32:15] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 212215.08 117910.3
[4:32:15] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 212197.27 117832.49
[4:32:15] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 212197.14 117831.914
[4:32:16] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 212178.48 117743.59
[4:32:17] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 212177.17 117737.74
[4:32:17] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed at 212182.33 118055.17
[4:32:17] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 212172.86 117720.57
[4:32:17] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 212182.5 118053.62
[4:32:17] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 212182.27 118058.74
[4:32:17] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 212167.05 117691.83
[4:32:17] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 212166.47 117689.234
[4:32:18] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 212169.48 117992.08
[4:32:18] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 212169.38 117991.54
[4:32:18] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 212140.44 117575.12
[4:32:18] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 212139.58 117570.94
[4:32:18] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 212140.06 117573.11
[4:32:19] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed in his chute by 855_Static at 212129.38 117526.06
[4:32:19] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 212127.2 117517.766
[4:32:19] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed at 212145.67 117863.59
[4:32:19] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 212127.12 117517.38
[4:32:19] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 212144.31 117859.664
[4:32:19] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 212144.47 117859.49
[4:32:20] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 212133.55 117801.65
[4:32:20] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 212133.66 117802.19
[4:32:20] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by _para_179 at 212102.56 117410.836
[4:32:21] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 212101.6 117406.08
[4:32:21] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed at 212113.16 117692.164
[4:32:21] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 212112.56 117687.81
[4:32:21] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 212088.22 117349.94
[4:32:21] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 212087.58 117347.43
[4:32:21] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 212109.34 117680.06
[4:32:21] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 212085.1 117345.06
[4:32:22] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 212100.75 117633.805
[4:32:22] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 212100.66 117633.18
[4:32:23] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 212059.36 117227.836
[4:32:23] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 212057.97 117222.086
[4:32:23] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 212050.03 117185.555
[4:32:23] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed at 212076.36 117516.57
[4:32:23] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 212050.47 117187.234
[4:32:23] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 212075.53 117512.97
[4:32:24] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 212040.39 117159.05
[4:32:24] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 212064.1 117458.664
[4:32:24] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 212063.98 117458.195
[4:32:24] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 212025.77 117080.27
[4:32:24] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 212026.3 117081.62
[4:32:24] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 212025.89 117080.234
[4:32:25] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 212054.22 117470.68
[4:32:25] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 212014.75 117031.484
[4:32:25] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by _para_191 at 212013.86 117028.25
[4:32:25] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed at 212040.33 117346.65
[4:32:25] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 212040.31 117344.94
[4:32:26] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 212034.27 117327.805
[4:32:26] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 212020.78 117273.016
[4:32:26] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 212020.45 117272.59
[4:32:27] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by _para_193 at 211982.77 116897.26
[4:32:27] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211973.6 116857.76
[4:32:27] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211973.61 116857.29
[4:32:27] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed at 212001.14 117176.41
[4:32:27] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 212001.78 117175.414
[4:32:27] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 211972.86 116860.21
[4:32:27] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 211970.22 116850.89
[4:32:28] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211982.52 117105.88
[4:32:28] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211982.02 117105.43
[4:32:29] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211981.34 117123.375
[4:32:29] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by _para_198 at 211937.75 116738.21
[4:32:29] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed at 211958.45 117004.164
[4:32:29] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211959.03 117003.4
[4:32:29] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by _para_201 at 211918.92 116680.36
[4:32:30] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211957.17 116998.95
[4:32:30] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 211914.92 116665.0
[4:32:30] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 211911.61 116653.86
[4:32:30] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211900.55 116625.164
[4:32:31] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211938.4 116932.63
[4:32:31] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by _para_204 at 211885.4 116584.16
[4:32:31] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211867.6 116529.734
[4:32:31] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211868.19 116531.01
[4:32:32] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed at 211914.06 116830.734
[4:32:32] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 211855.75 116500.7
[4:32:32] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211909.6 116828.336
[4:32:32] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 211853.23 116493.664
[4:32:32] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 211844.06 116450.05
[4:32:32] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211843.67 116448.49
[4:32:33] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211901.64 116797.3
[4:32:33] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211896.16 116764.664
[4:32:33] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211895.61 116763.06
[4:32:33] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211831.81 116414.92
[4:32:33] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211831.11 116404.85
[4:32:33] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211830.33 116402.55
[4:32:34] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed at 211867.78 116650.42
[4:32:34] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211867.03 116646.664
[4:32:34] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by  at 211799.11 116292.695
[4:32:34] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211798.78 116291.39
[4:32:34] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211798.62 116291.17
[4:32:35] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211867.17 116680.07
[4:32:35] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211854.4 116594.44
[4:32:35] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211854.5 116594.67
[4:32:35] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211777.48 116219.33
[4:32:36] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211777.4 116218.945
[4:32:36] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed at 211835.16 116500.83
[4:32:36] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211835.12 116498.98
[4:32:36] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211828.64 116482.65
[4:32:37] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211821.84 116444.08
[4:32:37] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by _para_219 at 211751.33 116120.805
[4:32:37] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 211750.05 116116.95
[4:32:37] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211821.56 116442.48
[4:32:37] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211750.23 116117.25
[4:32:37] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by _para_221 at 211739.4 116075.555
[4:32:38] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed at 211802.05 116348.89
[4:32:38] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211797.19 116346.26
[4:32:38] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211797.42 116346.27
[4:32:38] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 211718.23 115989.92
[4:32:38] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211717.25 115986.48
[4:32:39] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211784.98 116288.17
[4:32:39] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211784.66 116288.75
[4:32:39] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211709.2 115983.94
[4:32:39] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211705.06 115939.12
[4:32:39] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211705.55 115940.59
[4:32:40] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211690.6 115902.57
[4:32:40] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed at 211735.92 116188.05
[4:32:40] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211729.73 116181.12
[4:32:40] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211728.62 116181.93
[4:32:40] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211677.27 115831.336
[4:32:40] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211676.73 115829.6
[4:32:41] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211706.28 116132.62
[4:32:41] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 211666.25 115795.56
[4:32:41] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211707.11 116155.33
[4:32:41] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by _para_231 at 211659.39 115764.91
[4:32:42] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211650.5 115735.84
[4:32:42] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed at 211653.27 116023.92
[4:32:43] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211654.94 116048.305
[4:32:43] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211624.95 115629.22
[4:32:43] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211634.94 115974.36
[4:32:43] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211625.58 115631.41
[4:32:43] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211634.81 115975.375
[4:32:43] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 211624.08 115634.67
[4:32:43] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211622.5 115628.14
[4:32:43] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by  at 211619.69 115619.336
[4:32:44] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211642.31 116029.82
[4:32:44] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed at 211608.62 115882.766
[4:32:44] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211607.55 115879.27
[4:32:44] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 211599.39 115531.34
[4:32:44] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211610.6 115907.65
[4:32:44] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211598.52 115527.9
[4:32:44] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211596.28 115520.414
[4:32:45] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211597.75 115835.58
[4:32:45] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211597.64 115835.2
[4:32:46] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed at 211574.6 115730.95
[4:32:46] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211573.06 115727.49
[4:32:46] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211573.53 115727.71
[4:32:47] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211564.33 115692.02
[4:32:47] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211563.31 115690.28
[4:32:47] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by _para_246 at 211536.55 115299.734
at 212090.88 117259.26
Título: Re:Ifni 13 (28/06/1955)
Publicado por: GAE_Ceteu en 29 de Junio de 2013, 01:41:55 AM
[4:32:48] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 211529.6 115277.15
[4:32:48] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 211530.2 115304.875
[4:32:48] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211528.23 115298.85
[4:32:48] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed at 211539.23 115574.555
[4:32:48] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 196769.48 118210.52
[4:32:48] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by _para_244 at 211522.38 115262.57
[4:32:48] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211537.53 115570.03
[4:32:49] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by _para_248 at 211512.36 115209.38
[4:32:49] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211528.53 115550.2
[4:32:49] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211524.94 115518.52
[4:32:49] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211529.12 115544.89
[4:32:49] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 211500.08 115197.35
[4:32:50] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 211487.55 115158.28
[4:32:50] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 211479.84 115106.85
[4:32:51] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by _para_251 at 211467.47 115065.55
[4:32:51] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed at 211494.97 115395.51
[4:32:51] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211467.81 115070.914
[4:32:51] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211493.39 115391.05
[4:32:51] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211495.48 115413.9
[4:32:51] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by _para_256 at 211454.28 115012.13
[4:32:52] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211477.94 115331.734
[4:32:52] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by _para_253 at 211440.66 114973.56
[4:32:52] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211478.05 115332.17
[4:32:53] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by _para_259 at 211416.75 114901.4
[4:32:53] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 211414.22 114895.516
[4:32:53] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211433.52 114971.766
[4:32:53] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 211402.61 114863.53
[4:32:54] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 211409.3 114883.945
[4:32:54] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed at 211445.53 115207.625
[4:32:54] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211444.61 115204.34
[4:32:54] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211444.56 115204.17
[4:32:54] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 211397.78 114850.26
[4:32:54] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by _para_261 at 211372.64 114785.21
[4:32:55] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211432.56 115154.83
[4:32:55] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211431.22 115157.32
[4:32:55] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by _para_263 at 211338.58 114706.2
[4:32:56] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed at 211406.6 115051.555
[4:32:56] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 211320.95 114663.445
[4:32:56] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211403.16 115042.35
[4:32:57] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 211312.31 114643.42
[4:32:57] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211410.95 115121.055
[4:32:57] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211393.67 115001.14
[4:32:57] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211393.16 114999.84
[4:32:57] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 211323.22 114668.42
[4:32:57] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by _para_268 at 211266.6 114556.266
[4:32:58] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 211246.97 114514.56
[4:32:59] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed at 211357.08 114878.66
[4:32:59] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211356.33 114875.336
[4:32:59] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211356.3 114875.234
[4:32:59] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 211218.81 114462.86
[4:32:59] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211214.55 114453.44
[4:32:59] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 211221.88 114462.31
[4:33:00] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211341.33 114831.336
[4:33:00] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by _para_276 at 211180.1 114395.914
[4:33:00] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211339.05 114818.72
[4:33:00] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by _para_274 at 211177.92 114391.89
[4:33:00] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 211168.56 114373.586
[4:33:01] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed at 211318.92 114787.59
[4:33:01] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211305.56 114706.375
[4:33:02] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211302.81 114702.766
[4:33:02] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 211117.45 114282.586
[4:33:02] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211294.67 114675.32
[4:33:02] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 195197.28 118760.43
[4:33:02] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211298.27 114692.41
[4:33:02] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by _para_279 at 211090.7 114232.19
[4:33:02] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 211091.58 114233.805
[4:33:03] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed at 211268.56 114570.4
[4:33:03] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by _para_279 at 211064.75 114185.84
[4:33:03] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 211059.6 114178.516
[4:33:03] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211266.38 114584.13
[4:33:03] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211263.72 114566.83
[4:33:04] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211262.02 114611.9
[4:33:04] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211273.05 114654.68
[4:33:05] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed at 211217.81 114436.43
[4:33:05] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211221.42 114468.61
[4:33:06] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211194.9 114370.43
[4:33:06] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211204.47 114424.06
[4:33:06] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 210985.56 114057.305
[4:33:07] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211258.31 114587.05
[4:33:07] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed at 211145.36 114272.78
[4:33:07] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211145.33 114268.234
[4:33:08] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211130.9 114255.234
[4:33:08] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211127.03 114279.36
[4:33:08] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211151.48 114368.41
[4:33:09] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed at 211057.03 114127.555
[4:33:09] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211055.19 114133.77
[4:33:09] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 211054.6 114128.8
[4:33:11] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed at 210952.88 113981.73
[4:33:11] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 210957.97 114009.734
[4:33:12] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 210944.61 113969.56
[4:33:12] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 210917.83 113933.33
[4:33:12] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 210946.97 114023.53
[4:33:13] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 210841.6 113833.96
[4:33:13] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed at 210864.86 113899.93
[4:33:14] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 210808.86 113787.586
[4:33:14] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 210830.08 113841.664
[4:33:15] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed at 210746.1 113689.93
[4:33:15] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 210772.94 113755.414
[4:33:17] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 210742.4 113713.12
[4:33:17] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 210768.36 113767.11
[4:33:17] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 210797.1 113812.305
[4:34:10] GAE_Charrua:AU-1 landed at 208699.52 106737.89
[4:34:10] GAE_Charrua:AU-1 damaged on the ground at 208699.52 106737.89
[4:34:13] 705_Static destroyed by 15_Chief at 212033.73 117216.71
[4:34:13] 770_Static destroyed by 15_Chief at 212071.92 117203.93
[4:34:13] 692_Static destroyed by 15_Chief at 212028.16 117273.46
[4:34:13] 702_Static destroyed by 15_Chief at 212032.3 117224.73
[4:34:15] GAE_Charrua:AU-1(0) bailed out at 208699.48 106737.92
[4:34:21] GAE_Charrua:AU-1(0) successfully bailed out at 208702.72 106775.055
[4:34:51] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 210974.1 114227.37
[4:35:14] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 210986.66 114281.66
[4:35:22] 802_Static destroyed by 15_Chief at 212084.25 117146.51
[4:35:22] 843_Static destroyed by 15_Chief at 212110.2 117147.02
[4:35:22] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 210851.64 114050.25
[4:35:22] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 landed at 193319.06 122586.91
[4:35:30] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B landed at 208571.14 106807.63
[4:35:30] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B damaged on the ground at 208571.14 106807.63
[4:35:31] Gae_Cuervo entered refly menu
[4:36:02] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 193623.67 123065.664
[4:36:02] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 60%
[4:36:02] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B shot down by landscape at 208571.25 106807.84
[4:36:02] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[4:36:15] 751_Static destroyed by 15_Chief at 211986.34 117312.46
[4:36:15] 752_Static destroyed by 15_Chief at 211985.73 117323.75
[4:36:15] 753_Static destroyed by 15_Chief at 211999.66 117323.56
[4:36:34] GAE_Charrua:AU-1 shot down by 848_Static at 208699.48 106737.92
[4:36:34] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[4:37:05] Gae_Cuervo entered refly menu
[4:37:33] GAE_Charrua:AU-1(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 195217.12 86478.72
[4:37:33] GAE_Charrua:AU-1 loaded weapons '2x1000lbs+6x500lbsBombs' fuel 50%
[4:37:38] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[4:37:40] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 195217.12 86464.72
[4:37:40] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 loaded weapons '2x1000lbs+6x500lbsBombs' fuel 70%
[4:37:56] 589_Static destroyed by GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R at 194117.98 54295.68
[4:38:28] GAE_Charrua:AU-1(0) seat occupied by GAE_Charrua at 195217.12 86478.72
[4:38:28] GAE_Charrua:AU-1 loaded weapons '2x1000lbs+6x500lbsBombs' fuel 70%
[4:39:25] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 195214.12 86470.72
[4:39:25] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B loaded weapons '28xPara' fuel 60%
[4:39:27] 46_Static destroyed by 15_Chief at 212120.45 117274.9
[4:39:27] 711_Static destroyed by 15_Chief
Título: Re:Ifni 13 (28/06/1955)
Publicado por: GAE_Ceteu en 29 de Junio de 2013, 01:43:12 AM
[4:40:40] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B in flight at 195930.8 87774.8
[4:40:48] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 195542.95 86165.484
[4:41:32] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 in flight at 195175.6 87731.88
[4:41:40] GAE_Charrua:AU-1 in flight at 195422.38 87732.16
[4:42:29] 724_Static destroyed by 16_Chief at 212164.81 117218.79
[4:42:29] 723_Static destroyed by 16_Chief at 212164.8 117237.74
[4:47:33] 683_Static destroyed by 15_Chief at 212066.81 117285.0
[4:51:00] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B landed at 195019.53 53966.82
[4:51:00] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B damaged on the ground at 195019.53 53966.82
[4:51:07] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195029.08 53964.89
[4:51:07] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195029.08 53964.89
[4:51:07] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195029.23 53964.71
[4:51:07] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195029.23 53964.71
[4:51:07] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195029.31 53964.97
[4:51:07] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195029.31 53964.97
[4:51:09] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195028.42 53965.277
[4:51:09] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195028.42 53965.277
[4:51:09] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195028.84 53965.7
[4:51:09] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195028.84 53965.7
[4:51:09] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195027.97 53965.266
[4:51:09] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195027.97 53965.266
[4:51:09] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) successfully bailed out at 195058.39 53962.473
[4:51:09] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was captured at 195058.39 53962.473
[4:51:11] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195029.2 53964.84
[4:51:11] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195029.2 53964.84
[4:51:12] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195060.94 53961.69
[4:51:12] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195060.94 53961.69
[4:51:12] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195030.38 53964.695
[4:51:12] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195030.38 53964.695
[4:51:12] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195031.22 53964.19
[4:51:12] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195031.22 53964.19
[4:51:12] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) successfully bailed out at 195060.95 53963.027
[4:51:12] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was captured at 195060.95 53963.027
[4:51:13] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195058.39 53962.473
[4:51:13] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195058.39 53962.473
[4:51:13] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195029.1 53964.906
[4:51:13] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195029.1 53964.906
[4:51:13] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195028.72 53964.5
[4:51:13] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195028.72 53964.5
[4:51:13] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195027.9 53964.71
[4:51:13] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195027.9 53964.71
[4:51:14] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195048.86 53962.656
[4:51:14] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195048.86 53962.656
[4:51:15] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) successfully bailed out at 195066.66 53961.57
[4:51:15] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was captured at 195066.66 53961.57
[4:51:15] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) successfully bailed out at 195054.9 53962.45
[4:51:15] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was captured at 195054.9 53962.45
[4:51:15] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195026.97 53964.87
[4:51:15] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195026.97 53964.87
[4:51:15] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195027.81 53965.395
[4:51:15] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195027.81 53965.395
[4:51:16] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195049.77 53962.645
[4:51:16] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195049.77 53962.645
[4:51:16] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195032.58 53964.703
[4:51:16] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195032.58 53964.703
[4:51:16] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) successfully bailed out at 195050.06 53963.2
[4:51:16] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was captured at 195050.06 53963.2
[4:51:17] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195028.2 53964.766
[4:51:17] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195028.2 53964.766
[4:51:17] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195027.83 53964.55
[4:51:17] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195027.83 53964.55
[4:51:18] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195048.12 53962.97
[4:51:18] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195048.12 53962.97
[4:51:18] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195035.48 53965.043
[4:51:18] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195035.48 53965.043
[4:51:18] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) successfully bailed out at 195049.78 53963.727
[4:51:18] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was captured at 195049.78 53963.727
[4:51:19] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195026.34 53965.316
[4:51:19] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195026.34 53965.316
[4:51:19] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195026.69 53965.348
[4:51:19] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195026.69 53965.348
[4:51:20] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195047.5 53963.906
[4:51:20] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195047.5 53963.906
[4:51:20] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195032.16 53964.7
[4:51:20] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195032.16 53964.7
[4:51:20] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) successfully bailed out at 195050.98 53961.926
[4:51:20] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was captured at 195050.98 53961.926
[4:51:21] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195029.05 53964.79
[4:51:21] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195029.05 53964.79
[4:51:21] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195026.44 53965.39
[4:51:21] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195026.44 53965.39
[4:51:21] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195027.61 53964.527
[4:51:21] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195027.61 53964.527
[4:51:22] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195049.38 53963.816
[4:51:22] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195049.38 53963.816
[4:51:23] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) successfully bailed out at 195050.58 53963.12
[4:51:23] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was captured at 195050.58 53963.12
[4:51:23] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195027.34 53964.48
[4:51:23] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195027.34 53964.48
[4:51:24] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195046.34 53963.285
[4:51:24] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195046.34 53963.285
[4:51:24] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195031.11 53965.266
[4:51:24] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195031.11 53965.266
[4:51:24] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195029.56 53965.004
[4:51:24] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195029.56 53965.004
[4:51:24] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) successfully bailed out at 195047.77 53962.9
[4:51:24] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was captured at 195047.77 53962.9
[4:51:25] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195027.89 53964.68
[4:51:25] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195027.89 53964.68
[4:51:25] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195028.45 53965.375
[4:51:25] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195028.45 53965.375
[4:51:26] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195028.42 53964.9
[4:51:26] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195028.42 53964.9
[4:51:26] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195048.02 53963.402
[4:51:26] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195048.02 53963.402
[4:51:26] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) successfully bailed out at 195049.69 53963.492
[4:51:26] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was captured at 195049.69 53963.492
[4:51:27] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195027.34 53965.39
[4:51:27] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195027.34 53965.39
[4:51:27] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195027.69 53965.168
[4:51:27] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195027.69 53965.168
[4:51:27] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195027.83 53964.74
[4:51:27] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195027.83 53964.74
[4:51:28] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195049.03 53962.42
[4:51:28] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195049.03 53962.42
[4:51:28] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) successfully bailed out at 195048.0 53963.312
[4:51:28] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was captured at 195048.0 53963.312
[4:51:29] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195027.4 53965.793
[4:51:29] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195027.4 53965.793
[4:51:29] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195028.48 53964.246
[4:51:29] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195028.48 53964.246
[4:51:29] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195029.02 53964.4
[4:51:29] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195029.02 53964.4
[4:51:30] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195048.02 53963.1
[4:51:30] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195048.02 53963.1
[4:51:30] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) successfully bailed out at 195048.27 53963.473
[4:51:30] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was captured at 195048.27 53963.473
[4:51:31] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195044.08 53963.05
[4:51:31] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195044.08 53963.05
[4:51:31] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195027.33 53964.945
[4:51:31] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195027.33 53964.945
[4:51:31] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195028.06 53964.92
[4:51:31] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195028.06 53964.92
[4:51:31] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195027.38 53964.746
[4:51:31] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195027.38 53964.746
[4:51:32] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) successfully bailed out at 195046.23 53963.44
[4:51:32] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was captured at 195046.23 53963.44
[4:51:33] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195042.22 53963.08
[4:51:33] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195042.22 53963.08
[4:51:33] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195026.3 53965.45
[4:51:33] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195026.3 53965.45
[4:51:33] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195025.84 53965.793
[4:51:33] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195025.84 53965.793
[4:51:33] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195026.12 53964.97
[4:51:33] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195026.12 53964.97
[4:51:34] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) successfully bailed out at 195045.61 53963.58
[4:51:34] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was captured at 195045.61 53963.58
[4:51:35] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195042.66 53963.406
[4:51:35] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195042.66 53963.406
[4:51:35] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195027.17 53964.61
[4:51:35] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195027.17 53964.61
[4:51:35] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195027.5 53964.414
[4:51:35] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195027.5 53964.414
[4:51:35] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195026.5 53965.54
[4:51:35] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195026.5 53965.54
[4:51:36] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) successfully bailed out at 195046.69 53963.195
[4:51:36] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was captured at 195046.69 53963.195
[4:51:37] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195043.69 53963.523
[4:51:37] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195043.69 53963.523
[4:51:37] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195026.64 53965.06
[4:51:37] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195026.64 53965.06
[4:51:37] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195026.97 53964.6
[4:51:37] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195026.97 53964.6
[4:51:37] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195026.38 53964.57
[4:51:37] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195026.38 53964.57
[4:51:37] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) successfully bailed out at 195043.02 53962.883
[4:51:37] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was captured at 195043.02 53962.883
[4:51:39] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195026.84 53964.508
[4:51:39] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195026.84 53964.508
[4:51:39] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195025.2 53965.676
[4:51:39] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195025.2 53965.676
[4:51:39] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195028.0 53965.383
[4:51:39] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195028.0 53965.383
[4:51:39] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195045.03 53963.21
[4:51:39] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195045.03 53963.21
[4:51:39] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) successfully bailed out at 195042.44 53963.92
[4:51:39] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was captured at 195042.44 53963.92
[4:51:41] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195026.05 53964.492
[4:51:41] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195026.05 53964.492
[4:51:41] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195028.94 53964.5
[4:51:41] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195028.94 53964.5
[4:51:41] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) successfully bailed out at 195041.27 53963.8
[4:51:41] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was captured at 195041.27 53963.8
[4:51:41] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195026.98 53964.977
[4:51:41] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195026.98 53964.977
[4:51:41] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195048.1 53963.234
[4:51:41] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195048.1 53963.234
[4:51:43] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195043.75 53963.45
[4:51:43] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195043.75 53963.45
[4:51:43] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195026.12 53965.375
[4:51:43] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195026.12 53965.375
[4:51:43] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195026.23 53965.445
[4:51:43] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195026.23 53965.445
[4:51:43] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) successfully bailed out at 195041.42 53963.594
Título: Re:Ifni 13 (28/06/1955)
Publicado por: GAE_Ceteu en 29 de Junio de 2013, 01:43:20 AM
[4:51:43] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was captured at 195041.42 53963.594
[4:51:43] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195026.47 53965.27
[4:51:43] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195026.47 53965.27
[4:51:45] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195025.9 53965.062
[4:51:45] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195025.9 53965.062
[4:51:45] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) successfully bailed out at 195038.45 53964.03
[4:51:45] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was captured at 195038.45 53964.03
[4:51:45] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195028.98 53964.22
[4:51:45] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195028.98 53964.22
[4:51:45] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195026.88 53965.32
[4:51:45] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195026.88 53965.32
[4:51:45] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195045.42 53963.52
[4:51:45] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195045.42 53963.52
[4:51:47] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) successfully bailed out at 195038.94 53963.55
[4:51:47] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was captured at 195038.94 53963.55
[4:51:47] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195027.66 53964.39
[4:51:47] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195027.66 53964.39
[4:51:47] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195025.27 53965.785
[4:51:47] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195025.27 53965.785
[4:51:47] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195026.5 53965.965
[4:51:47] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195026.5 53965.965
[4:51:47] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195045.8 53963.426
[4:51:47] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195045.8 53963.426
[4:51:48] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195043.05 53963.914
[4:51:48] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195043.05 53963.914
[4:51:49] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195024.97 53965.996
[4:51:49] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195024.97 53965.996
[4:51:49] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195027.2 53964.742
[4:51:49] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195027.2 53964.742
[4:51:49] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195027.61 53964.69
[4:51:49] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195027.61 53964.69
[4:51:49] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) successfully bailed out at 195040.84 53964.01
[4:51:49] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was captured at 195040.84 53964.01
[4:51:50] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195041.22 53963.543
[4:51:50] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195041.22 53963.543
[4:51:51] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195025.95 53965.203
[4:51:51] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195025.95 53965.203
[4:51:51] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195028.03 53965.18
[4:51:51] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195028.03 53965.18
[4:51:51] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) successfully bailed out at 195040.92 53963.293
[4:51:51] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was captured at 195040.92 53963.293
[4:51:51] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195028.84 53964.434
[4:51:51] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195028.84 53964.434
[4:51:53] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195042.34 53965.04
[4:51:53] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195042.34 53965.04
[4:51:53] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195027.19 53964.453
[4:51:53] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195027.19 53964.453
[4:51:53] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195025.77 53965.69
[4:51:53] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195025.77 53965.69
[4:51:53] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) successfully bailed out at 195042.73 53963.305
[4:51:53] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was captured at 195042.73 53963.305
[4:51:53] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195029.08 53964.945
[4:51:53] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195029.08 53964.945
[4:51:55] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195044.36 53964.094
[4:51:55] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195044.36 53964.094
[4:51:55] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195027.52 53964.543
[4:51:55] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195027.52 53964.543
[4:51:55] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) successfully bailed out at 195042.11 53963.727
[4:51:55] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was captured at 195042.11 53963.727
[4:51:55] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195029.11 53965.363
[4:51:55] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195029.11 53965.363
[4:51:56] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195029.98 53964.17
[4:51:56] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195029.98 53964.17
[4:51:56] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) successfully bailed out at 195038.22 53963.594
[4:51:56] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was captured at 195038.22 53963.594
[4:51:57] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195027.78 53965.805
[4:51:57] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195027.78 53965.805
[4:51:57] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195045.69 53964.004
[4:51:57] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195045.69 53964.004
[4:51:57] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195028.89 53965.305
[4:51:57] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195028.89 53965.305
[4:51:58] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195031.73 53964.695
[4:51:58] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195031.73 53964.695
[4:51:58] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) successfully bailed out at 195038.16 53964.113
[4:51:58] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was captured at 195038.16 53964.113
[4:51:59] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195043.73 53963.363
[4:51:59] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195043.73 53963.363
[4:51:59] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195026.8 53964.86
[4:51:59] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195026.8 53964.86
[4:51:59] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195027.58 53966.0
[4:51:59] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195027.58 53966.0
[4:52:00] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195037.4 53964.8
[4:52:00] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195037.4 53964.8
[4:52:01] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195027.81 53964.44
[4:52:01] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195027.81 53964.44
[4:52:01] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195041.84 53964.77
[4:52:01] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195041.84 53964.77
[4:52:01] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) successfully bailed out at 195038.89 53963.527
[4:52:01] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was captured at 195038.89 53963.527
[4:52:01] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195027.86 53964.266
[4:52:01] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195027.86 53964.266
[4:52:02] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195032.22 53963.805
[4:52:02] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195032.22 53963.805
[4:52:02] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 195037.66 53963.98
[4:52:02] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 195037.66 53963.98
[4:54:13] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[4:54:18] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 195214.12 86470.72
[4:54:18] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B loaded weapons '28xPara' fuel 60%
[4:55:31] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B in flight at 195445.1 87693.19
[5:01:35] 86_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 267722.1 84375.98
[5:01:35] 89_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 267719.6 84350.86
[5:01:35] 91_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 267730.34 84361.28
[5:01:35] 92_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 267735.47 84368.36
[5:01:35] 93_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 267717.2 84368.65
[5:01:35] 94_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 267720.16 84358.94
[5:01:35] 95_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 267733.47 84376.48
[5:01:35] 96_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 267729.78 84350.97
[5:01:35] 145_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 267722.9 84355.92
[5:01:35] 146_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 267728.62 84381.19
[5:01:35] 147_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 267741.44 84376.87
[5:01:35] 148_Static destroyed by GAE_Charrua:AU-1 at 267736.12 84357.82
[5:07:40] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R landed at 205943.67 138101.11
[5:07:50] GAE_Pepper entered refly menu
[5:09:51] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R landed at 204827.66 136360.77
Título: Re:Ifni 13 (28/06/1955)
Publicado por: GAE_Ceteu en 29 de Junio de 2013, 01:44:30 AM
[5:10:01] GAE_Balker entered refly menu
[5:12:29] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by _para_426 at 266752.66 83144.92
[5:12:30] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 266756.2 83147.77
[5:12:30] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 266758.44 83149.7
[5:12:30] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 266759.06 83149.75
[5:12:30] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 266781.94 83166.8
[5:12:31] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 266881.3 83240.445
[5:12:31] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 266881.03 83240.195
[5:12:31] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 266879.2 83238.72
[5:12:32] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 266881.6 83240.6
[5:12:32] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 266903.5 83257.03
[5:12:34] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 267006.7 83334.16
[5:12:34] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 267008.03 83335.234
[5:12:34] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 267009.06 83335.914
[5:12:34] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 267022.2 83346.13
[5:12:34] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 267025.5 83347.875
[5:12:35] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 267130.94 83420.016
[5:12:36] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 267132.22 83421.02
[5:12:36] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 267132.75 83421.4
[5:12:36] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 267138.38 83425.52
[5:12:37] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 267255.44 83503.414
[5:12:37] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 267256.94 83504.63
[5:12:37] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 267255.66 83503.586
[5:12:38] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 267261.8 83508.086
[5:12:38] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 267279.16 83520.305
[5:12:39] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed at 267180.9 83486.77
[5:12:39] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 267182.38 83488.2
[5:12:39] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 267374.28 83593.21
[5:12:39] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 267375.12 83593.79
[5:12:39] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 267376.9 83595.19
[5:12:40] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 267192.4 83496.055
[5:12:40] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 267190.2 83494.85
[5:12:40] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 267203.06 83503.52
[5:12:40] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 267394.78 83609.68
[5:12:41] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 267450.97 83652.195
[5:12:41] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 267488.8 83694.63
[5:12:42] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 267492.2 83697.2
[5:12:42] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 267339.3 83608.76
[5:12:42] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 267340.7 83609.73
[5:12:42] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed at 267339.7 83610.414
[5:12:42] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 267339.88 83609.164
[5:12:43] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 267358.44 83623.37
[5:12:43] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by _para_455 at 267550.3 83749.95
[5:12:43] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 267557.28 83752.56
[5:12:43] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 267569.22 83762.734
[5:12:43] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 267593.16 83802.34
[5:12:43] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 267595.56 83804.44
[5:12:43] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 267594.44 83803.336
[5:12:43] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 267594.88 83803.766
[5:12:45] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed at 267471.8 83710.375
[5:12:45] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 267475.44 83713.13
[5:12:45] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 267479.72 83716.914
[5:12:45] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 267479.94 83717.12
[5:12:45] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 267496.56 83728.375
[5:12:45] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 267696.03 83910.836
[5:12:45] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 267697.47 83912.28
[5:12:46] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by 3_Static at 267702.44 83917.266
[5:12:46] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 267715.44 83930.35
[5:12:46] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 267716.8 83931.89
[5:12:46] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed in his chute by 9_Static at 267754.62 83967.08
[5:12:47] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 267626.4 83808.164
[5:12:47] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 267625.6 83807.6
[5:12:47] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed at 267626.22 83807.82
[5:12:47] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 267625.06 83807.22
[5:12:48] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 267821.16 84030.41
[5:12:48] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 267826.9 84034.305
[5:12:48] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 267838.62 84047.37
[5:12:49] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed in his chute by 8_Static at 267870.97 84076.68
[5:12:49] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed at 267758.0 83889.95
[5:12:49] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 267759.6 83890.05
[5:12:50] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by _para_474 at 267933.38 84121.56
[5:12:50] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed in his chute by 10_Static at 267949.56 84132.9
[5:12:50] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 267779.12 83904.98
[5:12:50] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 267942.34 84128.09
[5:12:50] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 267755.78 83887.836
[5:12:50] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by _para_475 at 267915.94 84106.09
[5:12:50] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 267783.38 83909.43
[5:12:51] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 267977.1 84160.67
[5:12:51] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed in his chute by 10_Static at 268000.84 84178.266
[5:12:51] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed in his chute by 10_Static at 268011.6 84193.55
[5:12:52] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 268018.97 84198.58
[5:12:52] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 267885.4 84003.16
[5:12:52] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed at 267885.1 84004.76
[5:12:52] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 267889.56 84006.9
[5:12:52] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 267890.3 84006.984
[5:12:52] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 267901.84 84020.48
[5:12:54] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 268139.56 84301.875
[5:12:54] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed at 267977.47 84122.39
[5:12:54] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 268144.44 84306.125
[5:12:54] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 267979.6 84123.31
[5:12:55] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 267981.88 84126.6
[5:12:55] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 267928.1 84093.555
[5:12:56] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by _para_489 at 268227.7 84443.54
[5:12:56] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 268032.16 84170.99
[5:12:56] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 268072.34 84263.07
[5:12:56] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 268073.2 84263.87
[5:12:56] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed at 268072.88 84265.22
[5:12:56] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by _para_485 at 268254.66 84437.734
[5:12:56] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 268073.88 84264.54
[5:12:57] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by _para_491 at 268262.62 84484.73
[5:12:57] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 268270.4 84451.766
[5:12:57] 813_Static destroyed by 15_Chief at 212035.34 117073.14
[5:12:57] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 268277.66 84501.24
[5:12:57] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 268284.9 84467.48
[5:12:57] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 268294.8 84563.586
[5:12:57] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by _para_493 at 268294.72 84562.27
[5:12:58] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 268320.53 84554.82
[5:12:58] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 268323.38 84561.92
[5:12:58] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 268328.56 84616.75
[5:12:59] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 268343.38 84630.96
[5:12:59] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed at 268187.4 84404.375
[5:12:59] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 268187.28 84404.3
[5:12:59] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 268190.16 84407.18
[5:12:59] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 268200.7 84418.164
[5:13:00] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 268214.34 84431.29
[5:13:00] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 268376.7 84739.97
[5:13:00] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 268377.75 84739.69
[5:13:00] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed at 268283.97 84482.74
Título: Re:Ifni 13 (28/06/1955)
Publicado por: GAE_Ceteu en 29 de Junio de 2013, 01:44:38 AM
[5:13:01] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 268090.5 84295.14
[5:13:01] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 268300.03 84498.6
[5:13:01] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed in his chute by 7_Static at 268411.25 84797.75
[5:13:01] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed in his chute by 10_Static at 268382.62 84854.46
[5:13:02] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 268438.16 84842.33
[5:13:02] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed at 268407.38 84554.7
[5:13:03] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 268415.7 84562.86
[5:13:03] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 268406.78 84555.43
[5:13:03] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 268431.12 84571.55
[5:13:03] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 268431.4 84922.03
[5:13:03] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 268430.9 84925.266
[5:13:03] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 268446.06 84954.56
[5:13:04] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by _para_511 at 268427.12 85024.586
[5:13:04] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 268457.2 84603.02
[5:13:04] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 268518.5 84647.96
[5:13:04] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by  at 268466.47 85000.266
[5:13:05] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by _para_511 at 268438.5 85071.96
[5:13:05] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 268483.7 84620.79
[5:13:05] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 268447.38 85093.62
[5:13:06] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 268461.6 85146.164
[5:13:06] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed at 268591.12 84775.32
[5:13:06] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 268585.53 84766.43
[5:13:07] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 268604.78 84787.46
[5:13:07] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 268425.5 85234.49
[5:13:07] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 268427.66 85235.13
[5:13:07] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 268426.53 85243.28
[5:13:07] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by 7_Static at 268424.56 85226.695
[5:13:08] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by _para_520 at 268385.78 85310.234
[5:13:08] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 268382.12 85328.59
[5:13:08] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed at 268648.03 84924.414
[5:13:08] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 268649.4 84926.18
[5:13:08] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 195216.12 86479.72
[5:13:08] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 80%
[5:13:08] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 268649.38 84930.29
[5:13:08] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 268379.88 85364.52
[5:13:09] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 268649.8 84922.58
[5:13:09] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 268595.16 84866.15
[5:13:09] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 268379.16 85398.64
[5:13:09] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 268331.3 85436.72
[5:13:09] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 268330.97 85438.39
[5:13:09] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 268333.16 85436.46
[5:13:09] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 268328.78 85443.086
[5:13:10] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed at 268688.62 85084.625
[5:13:10] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 268690.53 85091.26
[5:13:11] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 268695.34 85093.06
[5:13:11] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 268553.38 84888.086
[5:13:11] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 268669.1 85061.12
[5:13:12] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by _para_531 at 268237.97 85603.77
[5:13:12] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 268694.16 85244.31
[5:13:12] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 268694.2 85236.7
[5:13:12] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 268696.4 85241.836
[5:13:13] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 268207.47 85667.28
[5:13:13] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 203828.31 134798.25
[5:13:13] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '02x154Gal_Tank' fuel 70%
[5:13:14] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 268190.72 85701.29
[5:13:14] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by _para_536 at 268138.12 85719.21
[5:13:14] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 268188.16 85707.78
[5:13:14] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 268129.84 85732.664
[5:13:15] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed at 268682.8 85420.34
[5:13:15] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 268684.97 85421.9
[5:13:15] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 268683.5 85430.07
[5:13:15] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 268097.97 85780.54
[5:13:15] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 268687.03 85421.89
[5:13:15] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 268084.22 85798.06
[5:13:16] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by _para_540 at 268019.97 85820.24
[5:13:16] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 267998.62 85840.15
[5:13:17] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed at 268615.9 85581.414
[5:13:17] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 268616.66 85560.27
[5:13:17] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 267932.7 85912.16
[5:13:18] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 268614.12 85551.05
[5:13:18] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 267932.22 85916.03
[5:13:18] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by _para_546 at 267876.34 85907.1
[5:13:18] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 267877.06 85907.086
[5:13:18] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 268504.66 85736.16
[5:13:18] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed at 268497.7 85736.52
[5:13:18] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 268497.5 85690.914
[5:13:19] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 268633.94 85582.805
[5:13:19] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by _para_551 at 267754.9 85951.16
[5:13:19] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 267744.84 85956.06
[5:13:20] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 267773.28 85990.8
[5:13:20] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 267759.16 86004.54
[5:13:20] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 268497.62 85601.664
[5:13:20] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by _para_550 at 267702.03 85983.65
[5:13:21] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed at 268318.34 85900.39
[5:13:21] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 268323.62 85904.67
[5:13:21] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 268324.4 85882.09
[5:13:21] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 267673.7 85999.95
[5:13:21] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 268312.28 85883.92
[5:13:22] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by _para_555 at 267542.1 86017.28
[5:13:22] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by _para_554 at 267537.75 86018.37
[5:13:22] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 267532.03 86020.87
[5:13:23] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed at 268123.3 86038.78
[5:13:23] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 268129.38 86038.695
[5:13:23] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 268122.94 86041.25
[5:13:23] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 268116.94 86046.41
[5:13:23] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 267488.0 86039.67
[5:13:23] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 267441.7 86005.37
[5:13:24] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 267439.97 86005.69
[5:13:25] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed at 267931.66 86159.914
[5:13:25] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 267931.38 86161.62
[5:13:25] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 267923.94 86167.93
[5:13:25] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 267356.8 86023.234
[5:13:25] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by  at 267352.1 86023.26
[5:13:25] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 267931.97 86159.41
[5:13:25] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 267347.22 86028.02
[5:13:27] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed at 267738.03 86255.38
[5:13:27] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 267735.0 86264.72
[5:13:27] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 267742.0 86259.48
[5:13:27] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 267730.97 86270.625
[5:13:28] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed at 267555.6 86310.14
[5:13:28] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 267558.97 86313.87
[5:13:28] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 267558.3 86312.18
[5:13:29] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 267572.88 86285.62
[5:13:30] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed at 267383.03 86323.7
[5:13:30] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 267371.5 86332.266
[5:13:30] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 267368.1 86338.95
[5:13:31] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 267415.34 86299.51
[5:13:32] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed at 267196.66 86318.01
[5:13:32] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 267194.38 86320.22
[5:13:32] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 267185.03 86322.766
[5:13:32] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 267191.75 86322.9
[5:13:34] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed at 267026.84 86269.22
[5:13:34] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 267024.44 86269.82
[5:13:34] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 267014.9 86276.02
[5:13:35] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 267072.12 86264.914
[5:13:36] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(255) was killed at 266868.4 86167.36
[5:13:36] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 266866.9 86167.36
[5:13:36] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 266865.94 86163.34
[5:13:36] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 266881.28 86167.42
[5:13:36] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was killed at 266855.38 86165.89
[5:14:15] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 268517.16 84669.21
[5:14:15] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 268517.16 84669.21
[5:14:23] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 268581.2 84768.56
[5:14:23] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 268581.2 84768.56
[5:14:24] 730_Static destroyed by 16_Chief at 212033.22 117164.37
[5:14:28] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 267519.8 83782.25
[5:14:28] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 267519.8 83782.25
[5:14:32] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 268732.62 85177.6
[5:14:32] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 268732.62 85177.6
[5:14:35] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) has chute destroyed by NONAME at 268023.66 84229.13
[5:14:42] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 268000.78 84200.3
[5:14:42] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 268000.78 84200.3
[5:14:56] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 268003.5 85929.84
[5:14:56] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 268003.5 85929.84
[5:14:56] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 267583.38 86254.375
[5:14:56] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 267583.38 86254.375
[5:15:01] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 268604.88 85611.09
[5:15:01] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 268604.88 85611.09
[5:15:05] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 267878.1 86037.484
[5:15:05] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 267878.1 86037.484
[5:15:06] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 268726.5 85252.18
[5:15:06] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 268726.5 85252.18
[5:15:10] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 268159.1 85738.37
[5:15:10] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 268159.1 85738.37
[5:15:12] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 267453.56 86296.74
[5:15:12] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 267453.56 86296.74
[5:15:13] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 267145.34 86330.72
[5:15:21] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 267760.06 86117.984
[5:15:23] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) successfully bailed out at 267333.03 86313.93
[5:15:23] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B(-1) was captured at 267333.03 86313.93
[5:15:43] 749_Static destroyed by 15_Chief at 211986.06 117285.14
[5:15:43] 750_Static destroyed by 15_Chief at 211986.19 117293.09
[5:16:20] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 damaged by landscape at 236031.47 82339.76
[5:16:24] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 landed at 235970.66 82335.38
[5:16:24] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 damaged on the ground at 235970.66 82335.38
[5:16:27] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1(0) bailed out at 235971.06 82335.125
[5:16:31] 693_Static destroyed by 15_Chief at 212039.95 117274.86
[5:16:34] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1(0) successfully bailed out at 236014.16 82350.28
[5:16:34] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1(0) was captured at 236014.16 82350.28
[5:16:50] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 shot down by 4_Static at 235971.11 82335.086
[5:16:50] Gae_Cuervo entered refly menu
[5:16:53] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R damaged on the ground at 195216.14 86479.73
[5:16:53] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R(0) was killed at 195216.14 86479.73
[5:16:53] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R crashed at 195216.14 86479.73
[5:16:53] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 195217.12 86478.72
[5:16:53] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 loaded weapons '2x1000lbs+6x500lbsBombs' fuel 70%
[5:16:53] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 damaged on the ground at 195217.12 86478.72
[5:16:54] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1(0) was killed at 195217.12 86478.72
[5:16:54] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 crashed at 195217.12 86478.72
[5:16:56] Gae_Cuervo entered refly menu
[5:16:57] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 195217.12 86464.72
[5:16:57] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1 loaded weapons '2x1000lbs+6x500lbsBombs' fuel 70%
[5:17:26] GAE_Balker entered refly menu
[5:17:30] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Balker at 201673.55 131457.7
[5:17:30] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons '06xHVAR_Rockets' fuel 80%
[5:17:45] 739_Static destroyed by 15_Chief at 211987.4 117189.36
[5:18:42] GAE_Pepper has disconnected
[5:19:30] 811_Static destroyed by 16_Chief at 212047.81 117057.35
[5:19:30] 812_Static destroyed by 16_Chief at 212035.11 117057.03
[5:19:41] GAE_Pepper has connected
[5:20:59] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R damaged on the ground at 199938.83 128750.49
[5:20:59] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 14_Chief Hull2 0.027291149  damaged by  GAE_Balker_0  at 199912.03 128697.68
[5:20:59] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R(0) was killed at 199913.5 128710.96
[5:20:59] GAE_Balker:F9F2_Panther_R shot down by landscape at 199913.5 128710.96
[5:20:59] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 14_Chief Hull2 0.01264234  damaged by  GAE_Balker_0  at 199912.03 128697.68
[5:20:59] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R(0) seat occupied by GAE_Pepper at 199956.14 128766.484
[5:20:59] GAE_Pepper:F9F2_Panther_R loaded weapons 'default' fuel 70%
[5:23:12] 851_Static destroyed by 16_Chief at 211962.73 117214.53
[5:23:12] 738_Static destroyed by 16_Chief at 211978.95 117208.68
[5:23:12] 747_Static destroyed by 16_Chief at 211986.44 117258.78
[5:24:00] 810_Static destroyed by 15_Chief at 212060.23 117057.45
[5:24:00] 794_Static destroyed by 15_Chief at 212097.75 117056.17
[5:24:00] 806_Static destroyed by 15_Chief at 212085.4 117088.63
[5:24:00] 809_Static destroyed by 15_Chief at 212072.3 117057.41
[5:24:31] 820_Static destroyed by 15_Chief at 212058.61 117087.34
[5:24:31] 828_Static destroyed by 15_Chief at 212058.2 117120.45
[5:24:31] 798_Static destroyed by 15_Chief at 212096.42 117103.76
[5:24:31] 805_Static destroyed by 15_Chief at 212084.75 117103.27
[5:24:47] GAE_Charrua:AU-1 damaged by landscape at 194890.81 125022.1
[5:24:48] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 13_Chief Hull2 0.01252096  damaged by  GAE_Charrua_0  at 194870.52 124968.53
[5:24:48] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 13_Chief Hull3 0.0127706705  damaged by  GAE_Charrua_0  at 194870.52 124968.53
[5:24:48] GAE_Charrua:AU-1(0) was killed at 194890.4 125021.5
[5:24:48] GAE_Charrua:AU-1 shot down by 13_Chief at 194890.4 125021.5
[5:24:48] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 13_Chief Hull2 0.021801103  damaged by  GAE_Charrua_0  at 194870.52 124968.53
[5:24:48] ExplosiveDamage:NearMiss 13_Chief Hull3 0.021935938  damaged by  GAE_Charrua_0  at 194870.52 124968.53
[5:24:56] 831_Static destroyed by 15_Chief at 212033.33 117134.37
[5:24:56] 736_Static destroyed by 15_Chief at 212024.75 117206.51
[5:25:08] 893_Static destroyed by 15_Chief at 212121.86 117057.9
[5:26:50] GAE_Pepper has disconnected
[5:28:28] GAE_Ceteu:C-47B landed at 195583.0 87162.57
[5:28:45] GAE_Ceteu entered refly menu
[5:28:56] GAE_Charrua entered refly menu
[5:28:58] GAE_Ceteu:AU-1(0) seat occupied by GAE_Ceteu at 195217.12 86478.72
[5:28:58] GAE_Ceteu:AU-1 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 60%
[5:28:59] 737_Static destroyed by 15_Chief at 212026.69 117181.86
[5:28:59] 740_Static destroyed by 15_Chief at 211988.5 117171.71
[5:30:04] GAE_Ceteu:AU-1 in flight at 195436.19 88345.05
[5:35:10] GAE_Ceteu:AU-1 landed at 189628.3 116930.05
[5:35:28] Gae_Cuervo:AU-1(0) seat occupied by Gae_Cuervo at 195217.14 86464.72
[5:35:32] Gae_Cuervo entered refly menu
[5:35:38] Mission END
Título: Re:Ifni 13 (28/06/1955)
Publicado por: GAE_Pepper en 29 de Junio de 2013, 01:52:32 AM
1er. Vuelo:

F9F2 Panther - 70% Fuel - 6 x Hvar

Despego como punto de Balker, tomamos algo de altura y nos dirigimos a la base aérea de Sidi Inno con el objetivo de eliminar la artillería antiaérea. Llegamos al lugar y hacemos pasadas alternadas a fin de detectar las posiciones de la AAA, a mi turno descargo los cohetes y logro destruir tres objetivos, corto de fuel me retiro hacia el V2, me vuelvo para ayudar a Balker que es seguido por dos buchones pero lo sueltan así que me dirijo a apontar con el combustible justo. Aponto sin novedad.

AGK: 3
Piloto: Ok
Avión: Ok - Apontado

2do. Vuelo:

F9F2 Panther - 70% Fuel - 6 x Hvar

Despego como punto de Balker, nos dirigimos nuevamente a la base aérea, hago una pasada a baja altura para que Balker detecte la posición de una AAA que quedaba, la destruye e informamos al C47 para que lance los paracaidistas. Luego nos dirigimos mas al este buscando la mesquita donde se encuentra Granados, no logro encontrarla y me vuelvo con el combustible justo. Aponto sin novedad.

Piloto: Ok
Avión: Ok - Apontado
Título: Re:Ifni 13 (28/06/1955)
Publicado por: GAE_Cuervo en 29 de Junio de 2013, 02:02:45 AM
1er Vuelo:

AU1 - 2x100 lb + 6x500 lb - 50% jugo

Despego como lider de ataque junto a Charrua y ponemos rumbo contra el ultimo asentamiento enemigo en la costa. Al llegar a la zona soltamos bombas y eliminamos varios objetivos y AAA, pero soy dañado y perdiendo combustible tengo que aterrizar cerca de la costa.

AGK: 15
Piloto: OK
Avión: KIA - Aterrizado

2do Vuelo:

AU1 - 2x100 lb + 6x500 lb - 70% jugo

Despego como líder de Ataque de la flota y pongo rumbo a la base aérea aliada de Sid Ifni para encontrarme con el resto de mis compañeros. Una vez reunidos ponemos nuevamente rumbo al mismo objetivo y destruimos varios objetivos. Una vez sin armamento vuelvo al portaaviones donde aponto sin novedad.

AGK: 9
Piloto: OK
Avión: OK - Apontado

3er Vuelo:

AU1 - 2x100 lb + 6x500 lb - 70% jugo

Despego como líder de ataque desde la base aérea de Sid Ifni y ponemos rumbo 90° para encontrar la mezquita donde se oculta el comandante enemigo. Luego de  recorrer todas las ciudades, Charrua la encuentra primero y elimina la ciudad, yo con mi armamento me aseguro de que no puedan recuperar ni los trozos del general de debajo de los escombros. El tanque de combustible de mi avión es nuevamente pinchado y tengo que aterrizar de emergencia en territorio enemigo y soy capturado.

AGK: 0
Piloto: OK
Avión: KIA
Título: Re:Ifni 13 (28/06/1955)
Publicado por: GAE_Balker en 29 de Junio de 2013, 02:06:03 AM
Primer vuelo:

Panther - 70% de jugo - Cohetes.

Salgo con Pepper para limpiar de AAA una de las bases enemigas. Destruimos varias y ponemos rumbo a la FT. En el camino detecto que a Pepper lo siguen dos contactos. Los arrastra y poco después consigo derribar al numeral. Pongo rumbo a la FT y aponto.

AAK 1 buchón
Piloto: ok
Avión: ok. Apontado.

Segundo Vuelo:

Panther - 80% de jugo - Cohetes.

Salimos a terminar el trabajo en la base enemiga del sur. Lo logramos con Pepper y vamos a buscar la guarida del líder enemigo. Antes de localizarla encuentro contactos. averío a uno pero sin colimador por el fuego de AAA enemigo, decido volver a la FT. Aponto sin novedad.

AGK: 1
Piloto: ok
Avión: ok. Apontado.
Título: Re:Ifni 13 (28/06/1955)
Publicado por: GAE_Ceteu en 29 de Junio de 2013, 12:08:15 PM
Realizados cuatro vuelos de transporte de paracaidistas a la zona de combate de Alcazaba de Ifni, Sidi Inno y el Macizo de Agadir.

Los paracaidistas fueron lanzados sobre los objetivos, pero sólo bajo la pena de fuertes pérdidas han logrado su objetivo.
Título: Re:Ifni 13 (28/06/1955)
Publicado por: GAE_Charrua en 30 de Junio de 2013, 09:33:14 PM
1er Vuelo:

AU1 - 2x100 lb + 6x500 lb - 50% jugo

Salimos rumbo a la costa norte para atacar una ciudad sombre la costa, que luego debe ser tomada por los paracaidistas.

Empezamos hacer nuestro ataque dando duro a toda la posición , luego aparece el C47 con los paracaidistas y empieza a lanzar en la cercanía de la ciudad para luego volver a soltar mas, vuelvo escoltando al transporte y aterrizamos para recargar y volver al ataque.

Piloto: OK
Avión: ok

2do Vuelo:

AU1 - 2x100 lb + 6x500 lb - 70% jugo

Salgo desde Ifni y reúno con Cuervo para dar cobertura a C47 , empezamos a castigar la zona antes atacada y le damos duro, en una de las pasadas me dañan el avión y tengo que aterrizar de emergencia ya que se agota el combustible.

AGK: 32
Piloto: ok
Avión: kia aterrizaje de emergencia

3er Vuelo:
AU1 - 2x100 lb + 6x500 lb - 70% jugo

Despegamos de Ifni con la intención de encontrar el lugar donde habían escapado los insurgentes, lo encontramos muy adentro de la costa donde procedemos al ataque, hago varias pasadas bombardeando el templo fortificado, en las ultimas pasadas soy dañado y me dispongo al escape, llego al porta aviones, en una final de manual, me avisan que tengo la cabina cerrada y que si me estrellaba no lograrían sacarme , cuando voy a tocar la popa del porta aviones, mis ruedan dan sobre el comienzo de la popa haciendo que el avión se eleve de de lleno sobre la cubierta produciendo una gran explosion donde mis trozos se elevan en el encendidos provocando un gran fuego de artificio...............

AGK: 12
Piloto: kia
Avión: kia