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Temas - GAE_Yanito

Fotos, Videos & Screenshots / OVNIS
17 de Junio de 2008, 11:30:02 PM
Y esto quien me lo explica?

Fotos, Videos & Screenshots / malvinas 15
24 de Mayo de 2008, 12:50:44 PM
Fotos, Videos & Screenshots / FOTOS
22 de Mayo de 2008, 02:17:17 AM

Fotos, Videos & Screenshots / aeromodelos interesantes
17 de Mayo de 2008, 10:49:02 PM
Shhh, they're R/C but no one has to know except us.

Fotos, Videos & Screenshots / C130 con bombas?
13 de Abril de 2008, 09:50:01 PM
No sabia que esto existia, alguno  estaba enterado??

Cita de: Panzerknacker;104920More info.

C-130 "Long range Bomber":

The AAF also used this venerable transport aircraft to attack the british shipping on route to the Malvinas.

2 aircraft C-130B from the 1th air brigade was modified with a Canberra bombsight and aditional pilons to carry 12 x FAS 250 kg bombs.

The makeshift solution was succesful and the Hercules hit 2 ships, the British  Wye (damaged) and a Liberian  tanker ironically called "hercules" that ship was so badly damaged that eventually sunk.
